Indonesia Oil, Gas, and Mining News - Petromindo
Indonesia Oil, Gas, and Mining News - Petromindo
Indonesia Oil, Gas, and Mining News - Petromindo
Upstream authority SKK Migas has approved 18 plans of development (POD) proposed by oil and gas contractors during the period of January 1-September 2 of this year.
SKK Migas Public Relations Head, Elan Biantoro said in a statement Sunday that total investment for the development of the oil and gas fields is estimated at around US$3.65 billion. “State
revenue is projected to reach $10.55 billion, or about Rp 148 trillion,” he said.
Among of the approved plans of development include the put on production of Gulamo North-01 well in Rokan block, operated by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, with investment of $1.2 million,
which will increase production by 150 bpd in 2015; first POD of Parik Minyak field in Kisaran block, operated by Pacific Oil & Gas, with investment of $53.5 million, which is expected to produce
1,300 bopd in 2016; plan of further development (PoFD) of Foxtrot field in ONWJ block, operated by PHE ONWJ, with investment of $425.5 million, with production projected at 11,000 bopd and
12 mmsfd of gas in 2019; and the revised POD of Tiung Biru-Jambaran field in Cepu block, operated by PT Pertamina EP Cepu, with investment of $2.96 billion, which will produce 315 mmscfd
of gas and 1,300 bopd in 2020.
Elsewhere, Elan said that SKK Migas has also revied proposed revision of POD for Abadi field in Masela block from INPEX on September 2, under which the company proposed floating LNG
facility with processing capacity of 7.5 million tons per year.
4 POFD Mengatal & Juata field PT. Pertamina EP Indonesia 05-May-15 Oil
5 POFD Duri Area 1-10 field PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Rokan 05-May-15 Oil
6 POFD Duri Steamflood Area 10NE Phase-1 field PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Rokan 05-May-15 Oil
7 POFD Oseil-2 field Citic Seram Energy Ltd. Seram Non Bula 05-May-15 Oil
8 POD I Parit Minyak field Pasific Oil & Gas Kisaran 28-May-15 Oil
9 POP Pematang Lantih-3 well MonD'Or Oil Tungkal Tungkal 23-Jun-15 Oil
10 POD I Tutung field Salamander Energy (Bontang) Pty. Ltd Bontang 13-Jul-15 Condensate & Gas
11 POFD Tanjung Miring Barat field PT. Pertamina EP Indonesia 13-Jul-15 Oil
12 POFD Bajubang field PT. Pertamina EP Indonesia 13-Jul-15 Oil
13 POP NASD-1 well JOB Pertamina – Talisman Ogan Komering Ogan Komering 15-Jul-15 Oil
14 POFD Kambitin field PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Rokan 22-Jul-15 Oil
15 POFD Foxtrot field PHE ONWJ ONWJ 23-Jul-15 Oil & Gas
16 POD I Akatara field PT. Hexindo Gemilang Jaya Lemang 4-Aug-15 Oil, Condensate & Gas
17 POD Revisi Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Field PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Cepu 17-Aug-15 Condensate & Gas
18 POD Revisi Wasambo field Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Sengkang 2-Sep-15 Gas