Heliyon: Ahmed Hossain, Bhupendra Niroula, Sangita Duwal, Shakil Ahmed, Md. Golam Kibria

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Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

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Research article

Maternal profiles and social determinants of severe acute malnutrition

among children under-five years of age: A case-control study in Nepal
Ahmed Hossain a, c, *, Bhupendra Niroula a, b, Sangita Duwal a, b, Shakil Ahmed a,
Md. Golam Kibria a, c
Department of Public Health, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kathmandu 45200, Nepal
Centre for Development Action, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh


Keywords: Background: Addressing the determinants of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) among children remains a challenge
Health sciences in Nepal. This study investigated the effect of maternal and social determinants of SAM among under-five children
Public health of Nepal.
Methods: We conducted a hospital-based unmatched case-control study with 256 under-five children (128 cases
and 128 controls). The children aged 6–59 months were taken, and the cases and controls were defined based on
Social organisation
Severe acute malnutrition mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC).
Under-five children Results: Backward Stepwise logistic regression analysis of 6–59 months children showed that the odds of SAM
Case-control study were lower among male children (AOR ¼ 0.50, 95% CI ¼ 0.27–0.92), mothers from high socioeconomic status
Social determinants (AOR ¼ 0.469, 95% CI ¼ 0.26–0.83), breastfeeding 6–12 months (AOR ¼ 0.21, 95% CI ¼ 0.05–0.68), breast-
Nepal feeding 13 months (AOR ¼ 0.18, 95% CI ¼ 0.05–0.54) and optimal complementary feeding (AOR ¼ 0.40, 95%
CI ¼ 0.22–0.70). SAM was significantly higher among children of the age group 6–24 months (AOR ¼ 2.57, 95%
CI ¼ 1.30–5.22) and children with a history of diarrhea (AOR ¼ 1.75, 95% CI ¼ 0.92–3.39).
Conclusions: In order to reduce the children's SAM, it is necessary to scale up services to improve the socioeco-
nomic status which includes the education, occupation, and monthly income of the mother. Girls of age group
6–24 months were more likely to develop SAM. Two contributing factors to decrease SAM are the importance of
exclusive breastfeeding practices and the availability and usage of soap in hand washing, which are ideal for low
cost interventions. To reduce SAM in Nepal, a focus on enhancing complementary feeding through increased
affordability of nutritious foods is also needed.

1. Introduction financial growth of individuals and the community [3, 4]. Children with
SAM have nine times more risk of death compared to healthy children
Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is a life-threatening situation-char- [5]. The UNICEF, WHO, World Bank global and child malnutrition
acterized by severe wasting (low weight-for-height) or the presence of indicate insufficient progress to reduce malnutrition in reaching the
nutritional edema and occurs due to insufficient consumption of nutri- Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030 [4]. In 2016, 17 million
ents [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of under-five children suffered from SAM globally, and it is estimated that
MUAC and examination for bilateral pitting edema in children 6–59 the majority (70–80%) of malnourished children live in lower and
months of age by trained community health workers and community middle-income countries, including Nepal [4, 5, 6].
members for early identification and referral of children with severe Malnutrition remains a serious obstacle to child survival, growth, and
acute malnutrition (SAM) [2]. development in Nepal. In Nepal, approximately 50% of cases of under-
The burdens of childhood malnutrition include hampering the phys- five childhood mortality (39 per 1000 live births) is because of malnu-
ical and cognitive development of children and the impact on the trition [7]. According to the 2016 National Demographic and Health

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ahmed.hossain@utoronto.ca (A. Hossain).

Received 31 December 2019; Received in revised form 9 February 2020; Accepted 21 April 2020
2405-8440/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
A. Hossain et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

Survey of Nepal, more than one-third (36%) of under-five children are 2.2. Sampling technique & sample size
suffering chronic under-nutrition, and more than 10% are acutely
under-nourished [7]. The prevalence of SAM among under-five children Convenience sampling technique was used to collect the mothers and
escalated to 2.6% (2006) from from 1.1% (2001) and remained consis- targeted children in each group following STROBE guideline (http
tent from 2006 to 2011 [7]. Moreover, a study from 2017 reported the s://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id¼available-checklists).
prevalence of SAM among under-five children in Nepal was 4.14% [8]. Sample size of the study was calculated using the following formula
The prevalence of SAM among under-five children in some areas of Nepal assuming 5% significance level (i.e., Zα2 ¼ 1.96), 80% power (i.e., Zβ ¼

remains higher than the national average [9, 10]. Due to high prevalence 0.84) of the study, and a case-control ratio of 1:1 (r ¼ 1).
of SAM in Nepal, the case fatality rate (numbers of death per 100
child-months) of children is around 5% each year [9].
  pð1  pÞ Zβ þ Zα2 =
UNICEF suggests that multiple direct and indirect causes are rþ1

responsible for childhood malnutrition [11]. The most important causes r ðp1  p2 Þ2
of malnutrition are diseases and insufficient intake of nutrients in Nepal.
Furthermore, feeding and care practices of infants and young children, The percentage of control exposed for age group 6–24 months was
especially breastfeeding, complementary feeding, provision of foods for assumed at 60% (i.e., p2 ¼ 0.60) with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.20 based on
pregnant and lactating women, sanitation and hygiene practices are a case-control study done in Nepal [8]. Thus, we estimated a minimum of
inadequate in the greater part of Nepal [10, 11]. a sample size of 126 cases and an equal number of controls to obtain 80%
Globally, many studies conducted to identify factors affecting SAM power at the 5% significance level.
among under-five children [12, 13, 14, 15]. In 2014, a study in Nepal
found that low socioeconomic status, mother's age at birth >35, birth 2.3. Variables of the study
interval months <24 months, illiterate father, bottle feeding and not
initiating complementary feeding at the age of 6 months were signifi- Data regarding socio-demographic characteristics like age and gender
cantly associated with SAM [8]. of the child, urban living in last 2 years of the mother and child, parents’
Despite the increasing prevalence of SAM among children in Nepal, education and occupation and environmental variables like source of
limited studies have been undertaken to understand the determinants of water, hand washing habit for mother, availability of food for last 2 weeks
SAM. Moreover, data mainly in the context of the mother-child pair is and 3 times/day were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire
scarce on the determinants of SAM in children. The current study, from the mothers. Socioeconomic status (SES) for the mother was calcu-
therefore, investigated the maternal profiles and social determinants of lated based on a composite score considering the education and occupa-
SAM in Nepal. The findings of the study give us the understanding to tion of the mother, along with the monthly income of the family [16]. The
focus on the areas to sustain the reduction of SAM and improve the Kuppuswamy scale classifies the study populations into high, middle, and
ongoing intervention programs in Nepal. poor SES. We took proximal factors like complementary or dietary feeding
per day, duration of breastfeeding, and household care practice. We also
2. Material and methods included data of acute diarrhea history for a child in the last one month and
use of health services after the current sickness of a child. We define the
2.1. Study site & study population employed parents who get a monthly salary from their occupation.
Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was measured by MUAC tape
This study was carried out from June 2018 to October 2018 in Kanti at the mid-point between the tip of the shoulder and the tip of the elbow.
Children's Hospital and Siddhi Memorial Hospital & Public Health Centre The readings were recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm. The measuring tape
of Nepal. The Kanti Children's Hospital is a specialized hospital of Nepal fitted firmly but did not create any pit in the upper arm. The lengths for
for the treatment of sick children and located in the capital city- Kath- children aged 6–24 months were measured in lying on a bed, and heights
mandu and run by the Government of Nepal. As of 2018, the hospital has for children 25–59 months were recorded by standing in centimeter.
a bed capacity of 320 (http://kantichildrenhospital.gov.np/director Weight was measured in kilogram by the help of weighing machine. For
-message/). Again, the Siddhi Memorial Hospital & Public Health measuring weight, the respondents were dressed lightly with barefoot.
Centre is a specialized hospital for the treatment of sick children, women,
and older adults, which is run by a non-government organization (NGO). 2.4. Statistical analysis
It is located in Bhaktapur District of Nepal. As of 2016, it has a bed ca-
pacity of 50, and at present on average, 50 children come for consulta- We analyzed the data using software R. We presented the categorical
tions at the pediatric out-patient department every day. variables as frequencies and percentages in the case and control groups.
The study was a hospital-based unmatched case-control study. The We investigated the association between SAM and exposure variables by
children were screened for their nutritional status by using mid-upper using multivariable logistic regression analysis with a backward selection
arm circumference (MUAC) measurement. Cases were children aged procedure. We carried out a calculation of adjusted OR (AOR) for each
6–59 months admitted in these two hospitals who were severely factor. A value of p < 0.05 was considered to be significant where the
malnourished with MUAC <115 mm or bilateral pitting edema. The confidence interval for OR was set at 95% (95% CI).
mothers of these malnourished children were questioned if they met the
inclusion criteria and gave consent. The controls were labeled as well- 3. Results
nourished with a MUAC 125mm without bilateral pitting edema.
Children with a chronic illness like HIV, Tuberculosis, and other In this study, 256 children (128 were cases and 128 controls) were
congenital abnormalities that can hamper the feeding pattern of the child chosen to determine the maternal profiles and socio-demographic factors
were excluded from the study. We carried out the study in accordance of the under-five children. The mean  SD weight for height z-score
with the guidelines set out in the Helsinki Declaration, and all procedures (WHZ) of cases and controls was 2.584  1.198 versus 0.287  1.206
involving human subjects were approved by the North South University (p < 0.001), respectively (Table 1). Defining the cases and controls based
Institutional Review Board (NSU-IRB 3532), the Kanti Children's Hos- on MUAC produces 72% similarity with the definition of WHZ < 3. A
pital Review Committee (reference number 191, date: 5 March 2018) and meta-analysis suggests that MUAC should be the primary indicator used
the Siddhi Memorial Hospital & Public Health Centre's review commit- in defining SAM in health facilities [17]. We define cases and controls
tee. Prior to data collection, a written, informed consent was taken by the based on MUAC. Table 1 indicates the difference of MUAC (or WHZ)
mother of the children. between case and control is significant at 5% significance level.

A. Hossain et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation (SD) of WAZ, WHZ and MUAC among 6–59 months children.

Parameters Case Control p-value

Weight for age z-score (WAZ) -3.097 (1.072) -0.712 (1.084) <0.001
Weight for height z-score (WHZ) -2.584 (1.198) -0.287 (1.206) <0.001
MUAC (cm) 11.062 (0.413) 13.638 (0.822) <0.001

3.1. Effect of socio-demographic factors on SAM

The descriptive statistics, along with the unadjusted odds ratios for
the socio-demographic factors, are given in Table 2. Among the 256
children in the study, 75% were in the age group of 6–24 months, and
25% of them were in the age group of 25–59 months. Among them,
54.69% were boys, and 45.71% were girls. The majority (57.03%) of

Percentage of cases
these children lived in urban areas, whereas 42.97% lived in rural areas.
Figure 1 shows the relationship between mothers’ socioeconomic status Gender_of_children
(SES) and gender of children among the cases. It appears that improving
40 Male
SES can reduce the the gap between proportions of SAM for male and
female children. The figure shows that female children are more prone to
become cases from the poor and middle socioeconomic groups. The re-
sults of the unadjusted odds ratio from Table 2 indicates that there was a
significant difference among cases and controls associated with family
monthly income (OR ¼ 0.29, 95% CI ¼ 0.16–0.49). Among the 256
children, the majority of the fathers (64.56%) and mothers (58.98%) had
more than eight years of schooling. The odds ratio for the socioeconomic
status (SES) of the mother (OR ¼ 0.07, 95% CI ¼ 0.02–0.20, reference: Poor Middle High
poor) indicates that improving the mothers' education, occupation, and Socioeconomic status

family monthly income can reduce the severe acute malnutrition to the
Figure 1. Mothers Socioeconomic status (SES) and gender of children among
children. The odds ratio shows the children of the mothers who belong to
the 128 cases attending two hospitals of Nepal.

Table 2. Effect of socio-demographic factors on SAM among 6–59 months children.

Factors Categories Case (%) Control (%) Unadjusted OR (CI) p-value

Child age (Months) 6–24 105 (82.0) 87 (67.9) Ref
25 & above 23 (17.9) 41 (32.0) 0.46 (0.26–0.83) 0.010
Child gender Male 58 (45.3) 81 (63.3) 0.48 (0.29–0.79) 0.004
Female 70 (54.7) 47 (36.7) Ref
Primary residence in the last 2 years of mother Urban 70 (54.7) 76 (59.4) 0.83 (0.50–1.35) 0.448
Rural 58 (45.3) 52 (40.6) Ref
Monthly income (NPR) Below 25000 NPR 102 (79.7) 68 (53.1) Ref
25000 & above NPR 26 (20.3) 60 (46.9) 0.29 (0.16–0.49) <0.001
Fathers' education Illiterate 34 (26.8) 12 (9.4) Ref
<8 years schooling 23 (18.1) 21 (16.5) 0.39 (0.16–0.92) 0.035
>8 years schooling 70 (55.1) 94 (74.0) 0.26 (0.12–0.53) <0.001
Mothers' education Illiterate 48 (37.5) 20 (15.6) Ref
<8 years schooling 14 (10.9) 23 (17.9) 0.25 (0.10–0.58) 0.001
>8 years schooling 66 (51.6) 85 (66.4) 0.32 (0.17–0.59) <0.001
Fathers' occupation Unemployed 8 (6.3) 4 (3.2) Ref
Daily Laborer 64 (50.4) 38 (29.9) 0.84 (0.21–2.86) 0.790
Employed 55 (43.3) 85 (66.9) 0.32 (0.08–1.07) 0.761
Mothers' occupation Housewife 90 (70.3) 83 (64.8) Ref
Daily Laborer 28 (21.9) 12 (9.38) 2.15 (1.04–4.65) 0.042
Employed 10 (7.81) 33 (25.8) 0.28 (0.12–0.58) 0.001
Family Types Joint 48 (37.5) 47 (36.7) Ref
Nuclear 80 (62.5) 81 (63.3) 0.97 (0.58–1.61) 0.897
Number of Children 1 40 (31.3) 50 (39.1) Ref
2 68 (53.1) 54 (42.2) 1.57 (0.91–2.73) 0.104
3 20 (15.6) 24 (18.8) 1.04 (0.50–2.15) 0.912
Mother's Socio-economic status Poor 43 (33.6) 17 (13.3) Ref
Middle 81 (63.3) 87 (68.0) 0.37 (0.19–0.69) 0.002
High 4 (3.1) 24 (18.7) 0.07 (0.02–0.20) <0.001

Bold values represent significant at 5% significance level.

A. Hossain et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

Table 3. Effect of Environment factor on SAM among 6–59 months children.

Factors Categories Case (%) Control (%) Unadjusted OR (CI) p-value

Source of Water Filter/tap 62 (48.4) 85 (66.4) Ref
Pond/River 66 (51.6) 43 (33.6) 2.10 (1.27–3.50) 0.003
Hand washing habit for mother Regularly 98 (76.6) 106 (82.8) 0.677 (0.36–1.25) 0.215
Occasionally 30 (23.4) 22 (17.2) Ref
Hand Washing Materials for mother Ash/Soil/None 30 (23.4) 10 (7.8) Ref
Soap 98 (76.6) 118 (92.2) 0.27 (0.12–0.58) <0.001
Acute diarrhea history for child/last 1 month Yes 45 (35.2) 30 (23.4) 1.77 (1.03–3.08) 0.040
No 83 (64.8) 98 (76.6) Ref

Bold values represent significant at 5% significance level.

high SES had 93% less odds to have SAM compared to the children of the 3.4. Stepwise regression
mothers who belonged to poor SES.
We used two stepwise logistic regression models with backward se-
lection to identify maternal and social determinants that had significant
3.2. Effect of environmental factors on SAM
associations with SAM among children of age 6–59 months and 6–24
months, respectively (Table 5). We consider the full model with the
About half of the families of the cases (51.56%) used pond or river as
variables that were found with p-values <0.50 in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
a source of their water while 33.59% of the families from control group
used pond or river as their source of water (Table 3). The results from
3.4.1. Children aged 6–24 months
Table 3 shows that the children who used water from river/pond were
The results from multivariable analysis indicate that children from
2.10 times more odds to become cases compared to the children who
the mothers of high socioeconomic status had lower odds of SAM
used filter/tap water (OR ¼ 2.10, 95% CI ¼ 1.27–3.50). Approximately
compared to the children from the mothers of poor socioeconomic status
75% of the mothers from case group and 92.19% of the mothers from
(adjusted odds ratio, AOR ¼ 0.352, 95% CI ¼ 0.129–0.898). It also ap-
control group used soap as their hand washing materials, and it had a
pears from the analysis that the boys had less odds to become SAM
significant effect on becoming cases (OR ¼ 0.27, 95% CI ¼ 0.12–0.58).
compared to the girls (AOR ¼ 0.237, 95% CI ¼ 0.10–0.529). In the
We found a positive history of acute diarrhea during the last one month
analysis, breastfeeding practices for more than 6 months and comple-
has a significant effect of becoming SAM (OR ¼ 1.77, 95% CI ¼
mentary or dietary feeding of more than 3 times a day in a child were
1.03–3.08, reference: No acute diarrhea).
associated with lower odds of SAM (AOR ¼ 0.166, 95% CI ¼
0.034–0.608, reference: <6 months breastfeeding; AOR ¼ 0.543, CI ¼
3.3. Effect of proximal factors on SAM 0.266–1.100, reference: 3 times complementary/dietary feeding,
respectively). Mothers' handwashing habit using soap before feeding
In regards to daily complimentary or dietary food intake, 65.62% of their child can reduce 70% of the odds of malnutrition to the children
the cases had less than three complementary or dietary feedings/day, compared to the mothers who do not wash hands or use ash/soil for
while only 38.28% of the control groups had less than three dietary washing hands (AOR ¼ 0.30, 95% CI ¼ 0.08–0.95).
feedings/day. It appears from Table 4 that dietary feeding/day has a
significant effect on SAM (OR ¼ 0.32, 95% CI ¼ 0.19–0.54). The majority 3.4.2. Children aged 6–59 months
of the mothers from cases (65.62%) and controls (85.94%) reported they The following maternal and child factors were significanlty associated
had food available at home for the last two weeks. The results of odds with an increased likelihood of having SAM of the children in 6–59
ratio indicate the availability of food at home can reduce 69% of the odds months: age (6–24 months) (AOR ¼ 2.57, 95% CI ¼ 1.299–5.220,
of being SAM (OR ¼ 0.31, 95% CI ¼ 0.17–0.57). The Table indicates that reference: 24 þ months), girls (AOR ¼ 2.13, reference: boys), poor socio-
the breastfeeding practice is excellent among the participants. The table economic status of the mother (AOR ¼ 8.06, reference ¼ high), breast-
shows 80.46% of the mothers from cases, and 95.31% of the mothers feeding more than 6 months (AOR ¼ 3.27, reference: <6 months) and
from controls practiced breastfeeding for more than six months. Besides, complementary/dietary feeding more than 3 times a day (AOR ¼ 2.53,
48.44% of the mothers from cases and 71.88% of the mothers from reference: 3 times/day). Besides, children whose mothers had a habit of
controls practiced breastfeeding more than one year to their children. washing hands by soap were 56% less odds to experience SAM than the
The results of odds ratios indicate that breastfeeding practice for more children whose mothers wash hands by ash/soil or did not have a habit of
than six months can reduce the odds of SAM.

Table 4. Effect of Proximal factor on SAM among 6–59 months children.

Factors Categories Case (%) Control (%) Unadjusted OR (95% CI) p-value
Complementary or diatary feeding/day 3 times 84 (65.62) 49 (38.28) Ref
>3 times 44 (34.38) 79 (61.72) 0.32 (0.19–0.54) <0.001
Breastfeeding <6 months 25 (19.53) 6 (4.69) Ref
6–12 months 41 (32.03) 30 (23.43) 0.32 (0.11–0.86) 0.030
>12 months 62 (48.44) 92 (71.88) 0.16 (0.06–0.39) <0.001
Availability of food for the last 2 weeks No 44 (34.38) 18 (14.06) Ref
Yes 84 (65.62) 110 (85.94) 0.31 (0.17–0.57) <0.001
Use of Health Services after the current sickness of child After 24 hours 42 (32.81) 35 (27.34) Ref
Within 24 hours 86 (67.19) 93 (72.66) 0.77 (0.45–1.31) 0.34

Bold values represent significant at 5% significance level.

A. Hossain et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

Table 5. Backward step-wise logistic regression provides the likelihood of the severe acute malnutrition among children of Nepal.

Factors Reference Children 6–59 months Children 6–24 months

AOR (95% CI), p-value AOR (95% CI), p-value

Child age (6–24 months) 24 þ months 2.57 (1.30–5.22), 0.008 -
Gender of the child (Boy) Girls 0.47 (0.26–0.84), 0.010 0.27 (0.13–0.54), <0.001
Mother's socioeconomic status (High) Poor 0.15 (0.03–0.43), 0.002 0.032 (0.01–0.16), <0.001
Mother socioeconomic status (Middle) Poor 0.63 (0.29–1.33), 0.225 0.35 (0.13–0.90), 0.033
Acute diarrhea history for child in last 1 month (Yes) No 1.75 (0.92–3.39), 0.091 -
Hand washing material for mother (Soap) Ash/Soil/None 0.44 (0.17–1.07), 0.078 0.30 (0.08–0.96), 0.051
Complemetary or diatery feeding/day (>3 times) 3 times 0.40 (0.22–0.70), 0.002 0.54 (0.27–1.10), 0.091
Breastfeeding (6–12 months) <6 months 0.31 (0.09–0.88), 0.036 0.17 (0.03–0.61), 0.027
Breastfeeding (>12 motnhs) <6 months 0.22 (0.07–0.60), 0.005 0.20 (0.04–0.74), 0.027

washing hands before feeding their children (AOR ¼ 0.44, 95% CI ¼ This study reveals that children whose frequency of food intake was
0.174–1.069). It also appears that recent episodes of diarrhea may cause >3 times/day were 55% less likely to be severely malnourished. The
SAM among the children (AOR ¼ 1.75, 95% CI ¼ 0.919–3.389). knowledge and attitude of the parents, especially mothers concerning
child feeding, might play a vital role in a child's eating frequency and
4. Discussion behavior. Studies from Bangladesh and India indicate similar findings
[23, 30]. Dietary intake >3 times is associated with SAM, and these
Our study investigated the social determinants of severe acute findings suggest that the best feeding practices of under-five children are
malnutrition among children aged between 6 months and 59 months in essential for their growth and immunity. Good feeding practice among
two hospitals from Kathmandu and Bhaktapur district of Nepal. The re- under-five children helps to prevent acute malnutrition and growth
sults of this study showed that the age, gender of the child, monthly retardation [31].
family income, mother's education, mother's occupation and frequency of In this study, the duration of the breastfeeding was found to be
complementary/dietary intake per day were significantly associated with significantly associated with severe acute malnutrition. Longer-duration
SAM among under-five children. breastfeeding is associated with protection against childhood infections,
SAM is more prevalent among girls than boys in Nepal. This could be increases in intelligence, and can reduce the occurannce of SAM among
assigned to the fact that girls are at more risk of health disparities under-five children. Similar findings were reported in India, and
compared to boys in the same age group, and more care and attention are Madagascar [32, 33].
provided to boys by their caregivers. Similar findings were found pre- The conclusion drawn from this study about washing hands with soap
viously in India, Kenya, and Pakistan [17, 18, 19]. However, Solomon before feeding the children is compatible with findings from Bangladesh
Demissie et al. found that boys were more at risk of SAM because of and Kenya [34, 35]. Washing hands with soap before feeding the children
health inequalities compared to girls in Ethiopia [20]. can prevent diarrheal disease, maintain food hygiene, and help children
In the present study, it was observed that age had a significant effect to reduce the occurance of SAM.
on the nutritional status of the children. The higher odds of SAM was From observations in these two hospitals of Nepal, we noticed some
found in 6–24 months age group compared to the 25–59 months age women were working away from their homes for extended periods, and
group children. Younger children (6–24 months) have a smaller stomach their children were frequently left in the care of an elder sibling. Limitations
compared to the older children (25–59 months). Moreover, the younger include of not stratifying these working mothers in our study. Moreover,
children are in transition from milk based-diet to complementary maternal age and birth spacing could be essential factors for SAM, but these
feeding. Therefore, the frequency of feeding (both breastfeeding and variables were not included in the study. Recruiting cases at the hospital
complementary) practices for younger children should be more may have introduced a self-selection bias, as cases were selected based on
compared to the older children. But the practice of an optimal number of MUAC only. Nevertheless, the study highlights at lower levels of socio-
feeding could be less for the younger children in Nepal, and that's why economic status. The study hypotheses were suitably tested to confirm that
these group of children are more likely to SAM compared to older chil- mothers' education, mothers' occupation, and monthly income are associ-
dren. The results of this study are found consistent with other countries ated with child nutritional status in that portion of the population.
like Ethiopia and South India [20, 21].
5. Conclusion
It is observed that socio-economic status has a significant effect on
the nutritional status of the children. Mothers with higher education
The study explains the importance of improving the socioeconomic
might have a better understanding of balanced dietary intake for the
status that has a positive effect of reducing the malnutrition of under-five
family members, thus enhances the nutritional status of their children
children in Nepal. The maternal socioeconomic status depends on the
[22]. Many studies found that maternal education had a positive and
schooling, jobs, and monthly income of the mothers. Mother's academic
statistically significant effect on the nutritional status of the children
training should be enhanced in Nepal; otherwise they would be stuck in
[23, 24, 25, 26]. Moreover, illiterate mothers are trapped in unem-
unemployment or low-skilled, poorly paying, and precarious jobs that may
ployment or in low-skilled, poorly paid, and insecure employment
lead their children to live in a poor socio-economic community. Addition-
who cannot contribute to the family monthly income significantly.
ally, girls in the 6–24 month age group are more likely to experience SAM
Family monthly income plays a vital role to reduce the occurannce of
than boys in a similar age range. An urgent need to encourage the value of
SAM among under-five children [20, 27]. Unemployed mothers
breastfeeding and dietary consumption to ensure appropriate health
observed more malnourished children compared to employed mothers
treatment for their children is warned by evidence of harmful effects of
who get a monthly salary from their employment. Employed mothers
stopping breastfeeding before six months and not offering the children
can contribute to the family income and children from working
nutritious food more than three times a day in this population. The value of
mothers are less likely to live in poverty. Few studies conducted with
breastfeeding practices and the availability and use of soap are two factors
under-five children in Egypt and Guatemala and found maternal
that lead to the reduction of SAM and are ideal for low cost interventions.
employment had a positive and significant effect on nutritional status
[28, 29].

A. Hossain et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03849

The factors identified in the paper can help to explain the gaps of ongoing [10] UNICEF. NEPAL, Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) Guideline,
Published Online First, 2016, http://www.chd.gov.np/downloads/1Nepal
interventions to reduce SAM among under-five children in Nepal.
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