Unit Number and Title Unit - 11-Research Project: Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business Assignment Brief
Unit Number and Title Unit - 11-Research Project: Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business Assignment Brief
Unit Number and Title Unit - 11-Research Project: Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business Assignment Brief
Assignment Brief
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 14. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word limit is 9,500–10,000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding
the total word limit. Additional information, concepts, approaches, research, articles, interviews, evidence
etc. can be attached as appendices.
HNC/D in Business 1
Business Research Project Brief-
• Define your research problem or question. This can be stated as a research question,
objectives or hypothesis.
• Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualization of your proposed
area of study. This would provide existing knowledge and benchmarks by which your data
can be judged.
• Consider and define your research methodology and research process. Demonstrate
understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the methods chosen and ethical issues
that might arise.
• Draw points (1–3, above) together into a research proposal for agreement with your tutor.
• Conduct your research as outlined in your proposal. Keep track of your findings as you work.
• Carry out your research and analyze your findings in relation to your original research
question. Draw conclusions.
• Communicate the outcomes of your research project to the identified audience.
• Reflect on the success of your research project and your performance at the end of the
project with the inclusion of a project evaluation and recommendations.
HNC/D in Business 2
Research Proposal Form
Student Name and Student number...........................................
Centre Name ......................................................................................... ...........................................
Tutor ......................................................................................... Date
Unit .........................................................................................
HNC/D in Business
Milestone one: .........................................................................................
Target date (set by tutor): .........................................................................................
Milestone two: .........................................................................................
Target date (set by tutor): .........................................................................................
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification
and is appropriate.
Agreed: ....................................................................................
(name) .................................................................................... date) ......................................................
Comments and agreement from project proposal checker (if applicable)
Comments (optional):
Project title:
HNC/D in Business
2016 13
Section 3: Participants
Yes No
: :
Section 4: Data Storage and Security
Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection
Act (1998) Yes: No:
Who will have access to the data and personal information?
During the research:
Where will the data be stored?
Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops
be used? Yes: No:
If yes, please provide further details:
After the research:
Where will the data be stored?
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what
format? Will data be kept for use by other researchers?
Yes: No:
If yes, please provide further details:
Section 5: Ethical Issues
Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please
outline how you will deal with these:
It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise as a result of
your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include, but
are not limited to the following:
• Informed consent.
• Potentially vulnerable participants.
• Sensitive topics.
• Risks to participants and/or researchers.
• Confidentiality/anonymity.
• Disclosures/limits to confidentiality.
• Data storage and security, both during and after the research
(including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection).
• Reporting.
• Dissemination and use of your findings.
HNC/D in Business
2016 15
Section 6: Declaration
I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy: Yes:No:
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor: Yes:No:
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:
The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that may arise in the
course of my research.
Name: .....................................................................................................................................................................
Date: ...................................................................................
Please submit your completed form to ......................................................................................................................................................................
Assessment Criteria
Executive summary:-
The author of this assignment has defined the research problems/questions including
research questions, objectives or hypothesis. The author has provided literature reviews,
research methodology, research proposal for agreement and recommendation. The author has
conducted the research for this assignment on the basis of equality and diversity followed at
workplace of Thakur college of science and commerce(T.C.S.C) Which is the selected
organization for this research project.
Introduction to the organization:-
Thakur Junior College was established in 1992, by the founding members, with the notion of
providing an avenue of learning within easy reach to the growing young population of
Kandivali and its vicinity. It was a natural augmentation by the Thakur Educational Trust,
for the S.S.C. Pass-out students of the various schools as well as Thakur Vidya Mandir.
Thakur College had a humble beginning with only 57 students in FYJC first batch of
Commerce stream. Its success led to the commencement of the Junior Science stream and the
Degree College in 1997 followed by the Post Graduate section in 2002.
Our college has accomplished a spectacular growth over the last two decades of its journey
towards excellence in Education and emerged as a leading Higher Educational Institution in
Mumbai. The present total strength of our Degree College [Science & Commerce] is 7587
and the Junior Section is of 5867 students. The College has consistently attained outstanding
results in academics at both Degree & Junior levels.
Definition of research: Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and
control the observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.
Meaning of research: It is based on reasons that are logical and includes both deductive and
inductive methods. It also makes ways for generating new different questions and the data
which is existing gives more opportunity for research. It is supposed to be very systematic,
as it uses all the data which is available so that there is no ambivalence in inference.
Research topic: It gives all the working people equal opportunities without involving their
character or gender and giving them task according to their skills and possibilities. Variety
and impartiality encourages opportunity for all the working people at the work place equally
by considering their complete details and exchanging the values of negatives with the
Working title: this research project has the working title which examines Thakur College of
Science and Commerce’s enrichment, workplace discrimination and its work life balance.
1. To recognize if the working staff such as teachers and peons of T.C.S.C. are given equal
2. To recognize T.C.S.C’s enhancement and work life balance.
3. To recognize the prejudice at Thakur College(T.C.S.C.).
The author of this research project will work on the variety and equality T.C.S.C. by
advancing the Pearson set topics.
Research process: This involves locating, identifying, analysing and assessing the details that
supports the questions of research and develops the ideas. The research project can be more
comprehensible when broken down into few simple steps.
1. Topic research: This step is one the most important step of research process as it controls
the topic of the research. The researcher of the project is given a topic on which they have
to perform the research process or on the basis of their personal skills, they can choose
their topic and do the research as per their interest. Topic assigned by the author of this
research from the Pearson set is ‘equality and diversity at the workplace.
2. Refinement and preparation of proposal: This is the step of research process which has to
prepare a proposal of research including resources and structure of the work, also the
aims and objectives. This research process step is accepted by the instructor of the
research and so this step is important. In this research project, the author focused main on
the aims, objectives and the methods while conducting this research and was accepted by
Miss Arshi Zaveri, the research tutor.
3. Conducting literature review: This is one of the longest step in research process. The
main procedure of literature review is conducted after the formulation of objectives and
aims of research. The author of this research used sources of secondary data such as
newspaper, online articles, magazines, etc.
4. Data collection: The actual research begins with the collection of data. It the information
needed to answer the questions of research process. It can be in words or also in form of a
survey such as quantitative and qualitative method. The author this research process has
applied qualitative method including interviews, surveys and questionnaires for collection
of data from T.C.S.C..
5. Data analysis: The reliability and quality of the data is very important before using it for
the research. Through various ways and techniques, the consistency of data collected can
be ensured. For this research process, the author summarized the accuracy and loyalty of
the data collected from T.C.S.C to make sure our research is reliable.
This is the final step of research process, which concludes the achievement level of the
objectives and aims. In this research, the author justified the reason behind achievement of
the research aims and objectives which also includes the limitations of the research and
suggestions for future researches.
Research proposal: Template research proposal form.
Section 1:
Working title: A working title describes the content or the purpose of the project in few
words. Equality and diversity at workplace is the theme of this project research, therefore the
working title chosen by the author for this project is workplace discrimination, enrichment
and the work life balance. Equality and diversity at Thakur College of Science and
Commerce will be specifically focused by the author of this research project.
Objectives: The research objectives the achievement specifically achieved by the researcher
of the project and helps the researcher to focus more on the study. The author of this project
have to research whether Thakur College is giving equal opportunities to their teachers and
Peons at work and maintaining the equity. The author of this project would also examine in
the department prejudice at Thakur College.
The author found this project worthy for the research work as the author checked the
background in depth and sufficient resources that were available for research. The content of
the research was understandable and easy to follow with the flow by the author of this
project. The author also went as per his personal and management skills based on his
research project topic and content. One of the most important reason for choosing this
project was the skills of checking validity of the details gathered by the author as the details
are the main requirement of the research project and project will fail if the data is not valid or
Conclusion: this project helped the author to learn in depth about research and helped
making his research knowledge and skills stronger for his future projects.
Section 3:
literature review: refer page number..... 8, 9 & 10
• Inductive approach: The researcher of this project followed inductive approach, starting
with the topic of research and develops observed generalization and recognize relationship
that are preliminary as the author of this project moved forward through his research. The
researcher used observations to create an abstraction on the basis of Thakur College which is
being researched. After gathering valid data, the author of this project uses inductive
approach which is specific to general theory. The researcher gathered data from students,
teachers and other staff of Thakur College through interviews and special questionnaires for
students and used inductive approach for this research project.
• Deductive approach: This approach means particular to general reason. The author of this
project used deductive approach by developing hypothesis based on Thakur College and
deducted conclusions from propositions. The author used the pattern of testing against the
research observations. The author had common hypothesis and had collected information
before. This is the reason why the researcher of this project applied deductive approach.
Research design and methodology: this process is used to analyse the information about a
topic of a research. It helps the research reader to evaluate critically the reliability and
validity of overall research study. Research design answers the question of the research and
have two types:
2. Quantitative research: this approach helps in gathering details from potential and
existing customers using methods of sampling and online questionnaires and surveys. The
author conducted survey to understand the calculation of time the researcher took to
incline with the participants of the project. The survey templates were used to ask
questions to the student, teachers and other working staff of Thakur College. The author
of the project focused responses that she gathered through the quantitative research.
Conclusion:- As the target of this project is to research on equality and diversity at Thakur
College so as per the author of this project, the quantitative approach was an excellent way
of gathering valid data from teachers, students and other working staff instead of qualitative
approach as the survey templates were very helpful for asking questions.
Research criteria: the author of this research defined the procedure well along with sufficient
details for future advancements of research. The research used his experiences and skills and
checked reliability and validity of the data.
Research cost:-
Section 4:
Milestone one: Getting research title and objectives approved by the supervisor. Target date
(set by tutor): 7th November, 2019 by tutor – Ms. Arshi Zaveri.
Milestone two: Getting the proposal approved by the supervisor. Target date (set by tutor):
16th December, 2019 by tutor – Ms. Arshi. Similarly others are as follows –
Research ethics approval form: Section 1: basic
Project title: Analysis of work life balance and enrichment experience of Thakur College.
Use of Personal Records: yes
Data Analysis:yes
Action Research: no
Focus Groups:yes
Other: no
Section 3: Participants.
Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary. Will your
research involve human participants: YES
Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:
Ages 12-15: No Young people age 17-23? No Adults in their 30’s and above: Yes
Describe the process you will use to inform participants about what you are doing?
The author of this research will personally call the participants and explain the aim of this
How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written?
The author of this research will give the Authority Letter of Rims which the head will
approve and assure the participants that the data collected from them is not used publicly.
How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate
at any time?
The author of this research will not accept written words and not pressurize the participants.
Studies involving observations: confirm whether the participants will be asked for their
informed consent to be observed. YES
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief
explanation of the study)? YES
Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be
a brief summary of your findings in general). NO
Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data
Protection Act (1998): YES
Who will have access to the data and personal information? The supervisor and The Author.
During the research:
Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used? Yes, the author of this
research will use laptop for making the project and USB storage to the store the data of the
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format? Will data be kept for use
by other researchers? The author of this research will keep the records and the data save for
his own use in future as a reference in hard disk.
Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If
so, please outline how you will deal with these:
It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise as a
result of your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns
may include, but are not limited to the following:
The measures undertaken by the author of this project while conducting the research to avoid
ethical issues are:
1. informed consent: this is a voluntary agreement for the participation the research project.
It is a procedure in which the project research has an understanding of the risk and research.
It is important before registering a participant for the research project.
The author of this project took agreement of the participants participation in the research
after informing them about the safety and privacy of their data and also they can provide data
as per their choice. The participants were not pressurized and forced by the author of this
research and have the authority to discontinue their participation anytime if required.
2. Data storage: the data of the research is stored by the researcher safely in computer or
other devices to make sure that the data collected by the researcher for the research project is
not publicly leaked and should only be with the researcher and the supervisor of the research
The author of this project used hard disk and laptop for the data storage while conducting the
research and only shared it with the supervisor of the research project for the approval.
Section 6: Declaration:
I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and ethic policy: YES
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my unit tutor: YES
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge: The above information is correct and that this is
the full description of the ethics issues that may arise in the course of my research.
Answer: there are 43 male employees including teachers and puns. There are 65 female
employees including teachers and other staff.
2. Are there any complaints regarding the safety and security in the organization?
Answer: NO, there are no complaints regarding the safety and security in the organization.
3. How Happy or committed is the workforce? Does the company provide any special
Answer: The workforce at Thakur College are happy and comfortable working there as they
are provided benefits of bonuses, health insurance and social security.
Answer: NO.
Literature Review 1:
As per the article equality is about treating individuals equally and fairly, without bothering
about their gender, age, religion, etc. The author of this article Louise Petty, says that
diversity and equality in education is important for both student and teacher. The author
targets the environment of the classroom where students stay together and characteristic of
every individual makes them unique and not negatively different. In 2010, the equality act
was introduced to offer legal protection to those with more than one protected characteristic
such as disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, race, age, pregnancy, religion and
sexual orientation. This article focuses on equality and diversity in educational departments
which includes giving attention to student needs from various groups having an equality
analysis making sure they get consideration to accessibility and inclusivity. The article
explained in depth the activities in classrooms and ideas that can be used to promote
multiculturalism in universities and schools. Activities and ideas include theme weeks such
as African week, Islam week or Hindu week etc and try different foods, music, and games
and make it more interesting for everyone. The another way is to diverse images in resources
by having discussion about student on this topic and know their views. Similarly the article
gives more ideas such as quizzes, sample foods, listing things coming from abroad, learning
languages, sight/hearing/physical impairment games, storytelling, occasions celebration and
so on. The article also mentioned about the offer of high speed training which is an online
course on equality and diversity which promotes a fairer, diverse and more tolerable working
environment. Basically, the author of this article Louise Petty focuses on equality and
diversity in educational environment and give simple ideas and techniques to overcome this
issue in a more interesting way and will be beneficial for both teachers and students both.
The article is very much positive and helpful for those who require it as it has given specific
ideas and useful information for clear understanding without creating any complicated
Literature Review 2:
The author of this research couldn’t found relevant article on Thakur College of Science and
Commerce, therefore he analysed the article published on gender discrimination in education
sector of India.
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/without-outsider-mix-culture-curry-to- be-
This article was published in 2017 in Times Of India which talks about mixed cultures in
Delhi University. The author of this article Satabhisa Bhaumik talks about Delhi university
being famous a cultural diversity in which the students from diverse states and culture
backgrounds collect together under in same shelter for education purpose. As per the article,
the teachers of Delhi University give the students from diverse culture, equal opportunities
and offer diversity to the students that study there as Delhi University is a central university
with an all India character. The author of this article also mentioned that students from
diverse countries covet seat in Delhi university as it has a good placements, infrastructure
and exposure to exchange programs. The commerce aspirant Angali Jaiswal was
disappointed with private universities as they provide education to only high class family
children and not to middles class or even lower. The CH of Kerala, Meghna secured 100
percent class XII and chose Delhi University in place of other colleges, as it puts 85 percent
of proportion which includes large number of students, from different states, cultures and
class. The author of this research agrees with the article and the support of Delhi university
to different culture, state and class students and providing them opportunity to get good
education when they have difficulty in admissions in other collages because the author feels
that all human beings have the right to be treated equally no matter which gender they
belong to.
Literature Review 3:
Thakur College of Science and Commerce is committed to equality and valuing diversity and
supports actively promoting genuine equality opportunity for all working staffs, teachers and
students. The author of this research found out that Thakur College of Science and
Commerce people get job and treated based on their potential irrespective to their age,
disability, race, belief, religion, sexual orientation and sex. Thakur college of Science and
Commerce does not condone any act of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination,
victimization and harassment. The designated senior member of staff with overall
responsibility for all equality and diversity matters at Thakur College of Science and
Commerce is the head professor.
The picture below is from Thakur College of Science and Commerce’s Official Website
where they are celebrating an event with their students and teachers, providing them equal
opportunity to participate without mentioning the gender, religion or their state.
The author of this research found through the pictures posted on the official website of
Thakur College of Science and Commerce is that the students and teachers are equally
treated with dignity and respect and would avoid behaving in any manner that would
give rise to claims of discrimination, victimization and harassment. Thakur College of
Science and Commerce would make sure to create such an environment in their events
and classrooms where they are expected to equally treat each other with mutual
respect and tolerance.
Exploratory research: This research is a preparatory research process that clears the exact
problem which has to be solved. It is done to make sure that consideration of additional
research has taken place while doing the research process. this includes determining the
priorities of the research and data collection. the techniques in this includes: secondary
research (reviewing the available data), informal qualitative approach (employees,
consumers, management or competitors), formal qualitative research (interviews in dept and
case studies)
Historical research method: This research method relies on a many sources, which include
secondary & primary as well as unpublished material. Primary Sources can be written
testimony or oral, events account that are eye witnessed, meetings, recordings, journals,
drawings, etc, located in libraries, university archives or local historical society.
Secondary Sources can be second-hand event accounts, can be found through journal,
textbooks, websites, newspapers, biographies, tape recordings or firms.
Diagnostic research: This research method focuses on specificity and sensitivity estimations
of diagnostic tests of every individual, their values prediction, and other of interest
parameters (such as ratios of likelihood, test reliability and ROC curve). the measurement of
accuracy is used to cause post-test probabilities. This covers basic principles in the research
method of diagnostic, its study designs, bias sources, and analysis and interpretation of data
accuracy of diagnostic.
Experimental research: This process of research starts with clear identifying of the problem
the researcher wants to study and knowing the possible methods that will impact a solution
to the problem. after this a method is chosen by the researcher, and hypothesis is created for
outcome prediction of the test. this research method determines a relationship between the
dependent and the independent variable.
he author of this research had well knowledge about all the methodologies but did not use
them as they were not as per the authors research project theme. The author could have also
used survey but it wasn’t possible due to the Covid 19 pandemic causing lockdown. This is
why the author couldn’t personally meet the participants and couldn’t use the method of
survey to interview but she used the WhatsApp calling system for the interviews.
In the future research projects, the author would use survey methodology system to conduct
his research project as this time due to the pandemic of Covid 19 it was not possible for him
to conduct his research as per this methodology .
As per the research, the author has found that Thakur College of Science and Commerce
have many males and females in their workforce and so the author of this research project
recommends Thakur College of Science and Commerce to set more clear and specific rules
on how every individual in the workforce should be treated especially avoiding the negative
attitudes. As there are many big events conducted in this university/ college so it is important
for them to treat all their staffs equally and fairly such as in sports day, the males are
provided with more opportunity of participation due to their physical strength. The author of
this project also recommends the university to provide equal opportunity to the females as
well and set a target to create an environment in the university where all the students and the
workforce can bloom together and understand the characteristic of individual that make them
unique and not different from each other in any hostile manner. At Thakur College of
Science and Commerce, the author found that even though the head assures to maintain
equality and diversity amongst the workforce and the student through rules and regulations,
still the students in every classroom personally group up and differentiate amongst each
other as per religion, gender and the country they belong. This can lead to reduction in
participation, inadequacy feeling, and other kinds distractions in students and Professors/
teachers might start making false assumptions of the students capabilities due to their poor
The author of this research project, recommends Thakur College of Science and Commerce
to provide training programs which includes events, activities and games through which they
train their students the way to maintain equality amongst each other and equally and positive
see every individual.