Boche?ski1993 Article OnLogicalRelativism1937
Boche?ski1993 Article OnLogicalRelativism1937
Boche?ski1993 Article OnLogicalRelativism1937
J6zej: M. Bochetiski
Objections raised against modern formal logic in the tars of the persons
who took part in the discussion cover almost all which is usually considered to
be a critique of that science m and for this we are grateful to all the participants
for giving us the occasion for an universal presentation of our point of view2.
The objections can be divided into three groups:
In this answer we will limit ourselves to the first group. People who raise objec-
tions belonging to this group share with us the same intellectual and absolutistic
point of view - - the ground then is the same for both of us.
If we have understood well, the following objections appear:
A further objection has been expressed, more or less as follows: given (A) and
(B), the watchword of modern formal logic for the unity of sciences is only a
pretence, because modern formal logic itself recognizes deep differences
between the scientific conceptions of reality. I do not understand this last
objection and, for this reason, I will not answer to it. Perhaps it concerns the so-
called neopositivistic 'Einheitswissenschaft' w but if this is true, we have here
I "Tradycja mygli katolickiej a .~cislo.~", in IC Michalski, My~l katolicka wobec logiki wsp61czesnej
[Catholic mind in relation to modem logic], Poznatt. [This paper was written more than half a century ago.
Several statements it contains are no longer upheld by the author. J.M.B.].
2 [Bochefiski is answering some objections raised in the meeting held in 1936 at the Cracow Catholic
Scientific Institute. Transl. note: TN].
a question that has no connections with modem formal logic. I will answer
these objections in turn.
We have to begin with the clear difference between what results from the
principles of modem formal logic and what results from the beliefs held by logi-
cians. It is obvious that someone who practises modem formal logic may have,
beyond the logical, many different philosophical opinions not connected with
modem formal logic - - he can be e.g. a conventionalist or a pragmatist, etc.
What will concern us, obviously, are not the views held by any logicians, but
the consequences beared by the very same modem formal logic3. Speaking in
the language of schoolmen, we discuss here the views of logicians as logicians,
not as philosophers: formaliter ut logistici sunt. But it will soon appear, as we
will see, that this distinction is valid also in relation to the objections of group
(a) First objection: the point of view which admits various logical axiomati-
zations is conventionalistic; modem formal logic admits various logical axioma-
tizations; modem formal logic is conventionalistic. We understand by the word
'conventionalistic' (in accordance with the intention of the persons who
advanced that objection) a viewpoint according to which the truth or falsity of
statements depends on conventions, not on material criteria.
The sense of this objection seems to be as follows: while the old logic esta-
blished a system approved by everyone and based on obvious axioms, modem
formal logic contains many entirely different systems based on different, arbi-
trarily chosen, axioms. Strictly speaking, the first part of this sentence is not
true, because even in 'classical' logic, at least in ancient logic, there were
different systems based on different principles. A very interesting example of
this multiplicity of systems and principles is the ancient (and, as I think, the
medieval) logic of modality: Theophrastus built a system of modal logic in
which at least one third of the theses is different from Aristotle's analogous
theses'*; certainly there were many systems in stoic logic too, because different
stoic thinkers accepted different definitions of implication5. If 'classic' logic in
general contains just one system, this is due to the limitation to a small part of
3 On account of some deeper objections not mentioned here but possible, we should distinguish modem
formal logic as a method from the scientific directives of the modern formal system of some particular
logician. E.g. between the 'ontology' of Le~niewski and the system of Principia there are very important and,
for philosophy of logic, significant differences.
4 See C. Prantl, Geschichte der Losik im Abedlande, Leipzig 1927, bd. I, 370 if; A. Becker, Die
Aristotelische Theorie der MOgfichkeitsschl~sse, Begin 1933, 66 ft. The undersigned has written an essay on
that question and is going to publish it soon [Z historii logiki zdmi modalnych [On the history of modal logic],
Lvov 1938. TH].
s See J. t~ukasiewicz, "Zur Geschichte der Aussagenlogik", Erkenntnis, 5 (1935), 116 ft.
conventionalism of modem formal logic: these systems contain only part of the
field of logical theses, but by no means does it follow that they deny the truth of
other theses. E.g. tertium non darer is not denied in a three-valued logic, and
disjunctive theses are not denied in an implication-negative logic. The logicians
who construct these systems are interested only in some parts of our field m
and they can, as we believe, do it as much as a scientist can work only on a part
of his science and not on the whole of it, or as Aristotle could construct a
system of assertoric syllogistic from which it is impossible to obtain the modal
I believe that the heart of the objection discussed above lies in the lack of
distinction between logical systems as a tool for our human knowledge and the
way in which they exist in God's mind. We can come up to them in various
ways, we can not recognize them at all m the method of coming up and
recognizing has to be conventional by nature. But the use of such conventional
methods of modem formal logic by no means entails that only the theses in
agreement with our conventions are true. There are logicians asserting this
thesis, but the method itself of modem formal logic is not in charge of this.
We answer this objection in a scholastic form: the view which admits
various logical axiomatics is conventionalistic - - I distinguish the following:
the statement that there are axiomatics in contradiction one to the other, but
equally true; the statement that, on methodological accounts, there are various
axiomatics which do not deny the unity of the field of logical theses. Modem
formal logic admits various logical axiomatic.s, but while I deny the first
meaning, I admit the second.
(b) Second objection: The view according to which logic does not concern
truth but only the connection between theses is conventionalistic; modem
formal logic is the view according to which logic doesn't concern truth but only
the connection between theses; modem formal logic is conventionalistic.
If we rightly understand, according to that objection logicians should be
indifferent to the truth of conclusions: their only interest is in the conclusions
deduced from the given assumptions. That problem is quite complex and we can
distinguish three questions:
(i) Is modem formal logic interested in the truth of the extralogical conclusions
obtained by means of its formulas?
(ii) Is modem formal logic interested in the truth of the conclusions deduced
from its own thesis?
(iii) Is modem formal logic interested in the truth of the sentences by means of
which the conclusions are deduced, i.e. in the truth of the laws?
It seems that the objection admits that we should give a positive answer to
question (iii), because otherwise we cannot explain to ourselves what the above
(c) Third objection: The view which approves of many-valued logics is con-
ventionalistic; modem formal logic is the view which approves many-valued
logics; modem formal logic is conventionalistic.
In the presence of many misunderstandings concerning the meaning of the
term 'many-valued', we should shortly mention here what is understood by that
term in contemporary logic 16. In stoic logic and in the logic of Frege (the
versions of which are all 'classic' systems, among the others the system of
,3 See the excellent article EJ. Nelson, "Deductive systems and the absolumessof logic", Mind, 92
(1933), 30-42. The author discusses with the conventionalist C.J. Lewis proving that his 'various' logics are
different ways of writing the same true logic. CJ. Lewis is, moreover, an 'outsider' of classic logic also on
other points.
14 In classic treatises of modem formal logic it is difficult to find a clear declaration of this point - - facts
seem clearly obvious to the authors. It is enough to read e.g. the preface to Principia or the articles of b
ukasiewicz, "O znaczeniu i potrzebach logiki matematycznej" [On the meaning and needs of mathematical
logic], Naulm Polslm, 10 (1929), 604-20 and "Logistyka a fdozofia" lLogistic and philosophy], Przeglqd
Filozoflc2ny, 39 (1936), 115-31 in order to convince oneself of bow these two prominent modem logicians
see our problem. G.H. Luquet (Logique [ormelle, Paris 1925, V) says clearly: "La logiqne a pour r61e de
d~terminet les moyens d'atteiodre la v~rit6".
15 For this question, see A. Tarski, "O logice matematyc2nei i metodzie dedukcyjnej" [On mathematical
logic and deductive methodl, Warszawa (bez daty) [Warsaw, no date], 88 ff. The author - - not suspicious of
absolutism - - warns us of regarding modern formal logic as a game.
• 16 See 7.. Zawirski, 0ber das Veth~ltnis der mehrwertigen Logik zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung',
Studio Philosophica, 1 (1935), 40742.
17 [The Author is referring here to the ideas of C.I. Lewis. See note 13. TN].
18 H. Reichenbach. "Die Iogischen Grundlagen des Wahrscheinliehkeitsbegriffs", Erkemunis. 3 (1933).
401 ft.
1 - obviously true;
¾ - probably true;
½ - unknown: or true or false;
¼ - probably false;
0 - obviously false.
This five-valued logic could not obviously include the law of the excluded
middle, but it also obviously could not deny that law: according to it we could
affirm that not every sentence is obviously true or obviously false, but that there
are other possibilities - - and I doubt that anyone can contradict us about it. It is
worth adding that that interpretation seems extremely useful because in
scientific practice (except in mathematics and metaphysics) we have nearly
always to use sentences on account of their certainty m and it is very desirable
to have a tool to operate with them. E.g. not so many people can offhand give
an answer to the question about the value of the conclusion of some syllogism
in Camestres whose major premise is probably true and the minor probably
(3) Finally, there is also another interpretation, the objective one, of some
many-valued logics. We ground it on some text of John of Saint Thomas, one of
the most famous scholasticians, who ascribes to the Divine Doctor (giving an
inaccurate footnote on the source) the thesis: the false has degrees 2°. That point
of view authorises the use of an objectively interpreted many-valued logic in
which '1' amounts to the truth and all fractions together with '0' to various de-
grees of falsity. In such a conception the assertion 'every European is a Mus-
sulman' is falser than the assertion 'every African is a Mussulman' (on account
of quantity) - - and the assertion 'a tree is a stone' is less false than the assertion
19 See C.I. Lewis, C.H. Langford, SymbolicLogic, New York - London 1932, 229 ft.
20 See Joannis a S. Thoma, Ars Logica, ed. B. Reiser, Taurini 1930, 777a.
'a soul is a stone' (on account of quality). And this interpretation does not bear
any conventionalism; rejecting the law of the excluded middle we have in our
mind only the assertion that between the true and the 'border' false do not exist
(infmite) mediate degrees; what matters here is that between undifferentiated
truths and undifferentiated falsities there is no middle point.
As it has been seen, we have at our disposal interpretations of many-valued
logics quite well founded in the tradition of 'classic' logic, and also very useful.
It is true that there is also an interpretation of three-valued logics which bears,
indeed, consequences which cannot be accepted from our philosophical stand-
point. This is the objective interpretation done by the constructor of that system
gukasiewicz. According to this excellent Polish logician, there are really
sentences which are neither true nor false but indeterminate [nijakie] - - what in
his thought is connected with the indeterministic theory of nature 21. But no one,
even Lukasiewicz himself, says that such interpretation is necessarily connected
with the system discovered by him, a system that can be interpreted as anyone
wants. People who burden many-valued logics with responsibility for the
philosophical theses of logicians make always the same error of confusing
science with its representatives.
At the end of the discussion of this objection, we want to pay attention to the
circumstance that many-valued logics can be I as it seems to us ~ very useful
for the axiomatisation of theology, and this is what we should do. In theology
we make continual use of sentences qualified otherwise than true or false: we
talk of sentences 'de fide', 'fidei proximae' etc. Here it can be said that these
qualifications can be regarded as a private problem of theologicians, and
theological sentences can be treated as usual true assertions. Unfortunately that
method is entirely disappointing where we have to establish scientifically, i.e.
on the ground of some logic, which qualification will be right for our
conclusions. Theologicians know the heroic fights that thomists had more than a
dozen years ago concerning these qualifications. Perhaps many-valued logics
could render to that question a large service 22. The problem should be regarded
more closely, but after the rejection of the fear of conventionalism it should be
not too difficult to do it.
After the explanation of the objection, we answer in a scholastic form. The
view which approves many-valued logics is conventionalistic; I admit many-
valued logics as systems that bear conventionalism; I deny them as systems that
make abstraction from conventionalism and for which there are non-conventio-
nalistic interpretations. Modern formal logic is the view that approves many-
valued systems D but: I deny those of the first kind; I admit those of the second
kind. The conclusion is based on a paralogism.
21 A similar logical apprehension of indeterminism can be found in Aristotle (De lnterpretatione, 9) and,
under Aristotle's influence, it has been discussed also by Middle-age philosophers (ed. note).
For instance, the Marin-Soli theory, which distinguishes two kinds of 'conjuctinn' [l~jcanik]between
subject and predicate, cannot be sensibly expressed without the help of many-valued logic.
23 hukasiewicz perfectly explained this point it in his article "Logistyka a filozofia" [Logistic and philo-
sophy] (see note 14). Also H. Scholz, one of the most famous German logicians, forms an entirely clear opi-
nion in that question, it is worth citing some sentences from his work: "In keinen Falle steht es so, das ein
itherzeugter Logistiker nicht zugieich Metaphysiker sein kann in dem streng determinierten Leibnizischen
Sinne eines denkenden Menschen, fOr welchen sogar die Gottesfrage als ein dutch keinen noch so
charaktervollen Positivismus totzumachendes philosophisches Problem mit dem ganzen Gewicht eines
solchen existiert. Man hfite sich also die yon uns mit Leibniz bahauptete zentralphilosophische
Leistungsf~ihigkeit der Logistik dadurch zu weleher die nene Logik allerdings in einiger ihrer stitrksten
Vertreter mit einem extremen Posifivismus gegenwartig exisfiert" (Geschichteder Logik, Berlin 1931, 65).
is generally known, we talk here about two methods of modern formal logic, at
least in propositional logic: the matrix method and the axiomatic one. Since the
matrix method can be correctly founded only on some axiomatic system, which
has been highly clarified, we will be interested only in the axiomatic method,
which moreover is the more popular.
If we construct a system of modern formal logic by means of that method we
move as follows24:
1. We choose some signs (words, letters etc.), which are not defined in any
given system, but we assume that these signs have got some clear sense for
everyone. In the system of Lukasiewicz we have the following words of that
kind: (a) The letters 'p', 'q', 'r'... called 'propositional variables' i.e. letters
standing for any sentence; (b) The inscription 'Cpq', that should be read: 'if p,
then q'; the inscription 'Np', that is read: 'not true that p', or 'not-p'. As we can
see this concerns signs whose meaning is quite simple.
2. By means of these signs, some others can be defined. E.g. in the
mentioned system the sign 'Apq' is defined by means of the expression 'CNpq',
writing: "Apq = CNpq'. The sense of 'Apq' is univocally [jednoznacznie]
established by the definition - - and it is easy to assert that 'Apq' means
precisely the same as 'p, or q, or both'.
3. We choose some axioms, which are not proved; as we said, the point here
concerns entirely simple and obvious axioms and always true theses. In e. g.
Hilbert's axioms they are some expressions which can be translated into every-
day language as follows: (a) if p or p, then p; (b) if p, then p or q; (c) if p or q,
then q or p; (d) if (if p then q), then if r or p, then r or q.
4. We choose some regulas, called the rules. A rule of this kind is, e.g., the
'rule of detachment' [regu|a odrywania], which permits the following
operation: If we have in the system a thesis of the following shape, 'if p, then
q', and if we approve a thesis of the shape p, then it is allowable to approve a
thesis of the shape q. As we can see, the point here is a very simple principle,
which can be expressed also (though not precisely) by the words: if A implies
B, and A is approved, then also B should be approved. All the rules used in
practice have got the same features: simplicity and obviousness.
5. When the list of the 'elementary' [pierwotnych] elements, mentioned in
the points 1-4, has been established we can start with deduction: we apply the
rules to the axioms and gain from them new theses, and theses from the latter by
means of the same rules, etc.
This is the fundamental method of modern formal logic. It is amazing how it
could be possible to see in such a method a relativistic concept of truth, positi-
vism, pragmatism and other philosophical errors, with whom it has nothing in
common. It only shows us how we should proceed starting from some given
assumptions; if we consider some logical assumptions we are interested always
in true and obvious theses - - up to now we have not heard anything important
about any relativistic logic: as far as we know a system of that kind does not
exist. Here also we cannot talk about any form of positivism. In the present-day
phase of the progress of modern formal logic, when systems are exactly forma-
lised, we can abstract them from any philosophical assumptions. And e.g. we
have the thesis of modern formal logic which often appears as the axiom 'if p,
then (if p then c0, then q' and whatever we wish to put under 'p' and 'q' in that
thesis m they can be sentences empirically examined by the criterion of
usefulness, dogmas of faith, metaphysical assertions - - modern formal logic,
absolutely, is not and will not be interested in it. It teaches us, we repeat, how
we deduce from some sentences some other sentences, it does not teach us how
to examine them extra-logically. At last, to accuse modern formal logic of some
'specific pragmatism' seems to us a major misunderstanding: modern formal
logic stresses very much the point that theses should be rationally proved by
means of the most exact methods, and it is rather questionable that a real
pragmatist could approve modern formal logic as the most prolific scientific
method at all. At least in the International Philosophical Congress in Prague a
leader of pragmatists, F.C.S. Schiller, expressed himself against modern formal
logic and in favour of Aristotle's logic because, in his opinion, both the first and
the second form of logic are just not necessary tools, but Aristotle's logic can be
(though with difficulty) understood by students, while modern formal logic
cannot 25.
We do not deny, considering the progress of modern formal logic due to no-
minalists, that here and there in their systems arises some assumptions which
we cannot agree with. And e.g. in Russell's system necessarily arises the dogma
that the construction of all logic is based on some individual assertion - - a
dogma today rejected even by R. Carnap 26. But, once again, the point here is
not about the individual views of logicians, but about the method of modern
formal logic. While Russell constructed his logic on a nominalistic basis, G.H.
Luquet constructed a radically idealistic system, in which an individuum is
defined by means of some universal 27. That all by no means burdens in any way
the method itself; in our opinion that method should take into its hands rather
than reject people interested in the correct philosophical foundation, or rather in
the correct philosophical interpretation, of contemporary logic.
We answer that objection in a scholastic form: The followers of modern for-
mal logic should, consequently, approve relativistic-positivistic-pragmatistic
25 AS tO the pragmatistic views of formal logic see A. Reymond, Les principes de la Iogique et la critique
contemporaine, Paris 1932, 49 ft. We should beware that authors like L. Rougier (La structure des theories
d~ductives, Paris 1921) do not know sufficiently well the thomism against which they oppose modem formal
logic. They should be warned of the acceptance of their conclusion concerning the contradiction between
these two doctrines. In fact no contradiction on account of the, here mentioned, facts arises - - moreover w e
could easily show that a thomistic philosophy of logic can serve to a philosophical establishment of modern
formal logic easier than to a logic called 'classic' (the point concerns especially the analysis of the sentence of
the form: for every x: if x is A, then x is 13).
26 See R. Carnap,AbrissderLogistik, Wien 1929, 107, n. 47, 3 A.
27 G.H. Luquet, Logique formelle, Paris 1925.
204 J6zEFeOCHm~S~
theses. By contrast I admit it for the followers of 'modem formal logic' i.e. the
followers of the views of the Vienna Circle and of similar groups, but I deny it
for the followers of modem formal logic, i.e. of pure logic in the contemporary
fashion. We are followers of modem formal logic m I distinguish: I deny it in
the first meaning; I admit it in the second one. The paralogism is simply
One of the most popular objections against modem formal logic is the asser-
tion that modem formal logic introduces a 'mathematization of philosophy' and
that its method cannot be used beyond the range of physical-mathematical
sciences. This objection seems right for the two following circumstances: from
one side the books of modem formal logic are full of signs similar to the mathe-
matical ones and there is used such an exact deductive method known to laymen
only from mathematics; from the second one - - modern formal logic is often
directly called 'mathematical logic' and to some extent it was constructed for
the foundation of mathematics. Here we can also add a third objection based on
some assertions of Aristotle and S. Thomas: not in all sciences is an identical,
mathematical exactness possible m and the fact that modem formal logic wants
to be the logic of all sciences forces upon sciences an equal degree of exactness.
We will answer in succession these three objections.
First objection: a discipline that uses the methods of mathematics is not a
logic useful for other sciences; modem formal logic is a discipline that uses ma-
thematical methods; modem formal logic is not a logic useful for other sciences.
It could be undoubtedly true that in the first phase of its existence modem
formal logic was extremely similar to mathematics; and e.g. Boole, who con-
structed 'logical equations" [r6wnania logiczne], used mathematical signs,
talked about multiplication and addition etc28. But Boole lived in the mid 19th
century, and since then modem formal logic has entirely changed in this
respect. Today no one seriously asserts that it is possible to transfer the methods
of mathematics to modem formal logic - - except for notation and ways of
deduction. But these two features can be called 'mathematical' only with some
very important restrictions.
If we first regard the use of notation (which, moreover, in modem formal
logic is entirely different from that in mathematics) we should say here that its
inventor is neither Leibniz, nor Boole, nor Frege, nor any other logician, but
Aristotle, in whose name modem formal logic is very often deprecated. In the
first works of that great thinker, 'mathematical' symbols, i.e. variables, do not
appear at all. But in some moment, which is not clearly known to us, Aristotle
2S See J. hukasiewicz, Elementy logiki matematycznej [Elements of mathematical logic], War~awa 1929,
discovered variables 29. Since then we can talk of the existence of formal logic,
which is not thinkable without variables. The invention of variables (mainly
individual variables 'A', 'B', 'C'..., sometimes appears also propositional
variables) 30 seems so important to Aristotle that in his later works he misused
them: e.g. in Analytica posteriora these symbols appear almost in every page
both where they are needed and where they are not needed. Scholasticians in
this respect have been faithful to Aristotle - - it is enough e.g. to take into our
hands the works of Saint Albertus or the commentaries of S. Thomas Aquinas
in order to convince us that they also use everywhere the letters 'A', 'B', 'C'
and similar ones.
In this aspect, then, modem formal logic introduces nothing essentially new.
All the differences between it and the old logic depend on this, that scholastic
and 'classic' logicians used artificial symbols in a limited range (individual
variables), whereas modem logicians extend their use to all the elements of the
thesis: the point here is a purely quantitative difference. The result of this is the
appearance of our treatises in modem formal logic, which contain very few
words and are similar to the mathematical works. We can then, if we want, call
this symbolism a 'mathematical' one. But we have to remember two things: 1)
the constructor of logic is Aristotle, 2) symbolism of this kind has been
transplanted from logic to mathematics and not from mathematics to logic. Here
we should talk of the use in mathematics of the logical method rather than of the
Here we should also add that while the mathematical symbols mean mathe-
matical objects, the logical ones are signs of objects not connected in any
special way with mathematics. And e.g. when we write the modus ponendo
ponens in the symbolism of Lukasiewicz, CpCCpqq, the letter 'C' means
implication (if then), and the letters 'p' and 'q' any sentence. As has been seen
29 On the evolution of Aristotle's logic, see F. Solmsen, Die Entwicklung tier Aristotelischen Logik und
Rhetorik, Bedin 1929. This work, excellent for many reasons, is a proof of the necessity of some education in
modern formal logic for historians of philosophy: the author does not possess it and in consequence he simply
does not see many significant things.
30 E.g. Analytica priora A 15, 34a, 27-33.
206 J6zcF ~,oc~Et~sva
can refer only to quantities, and they cannot understand that similar (but not the
same) signs can be used also to refer to any other object.
We answer this objection in a scholastic form: mathematical logic is not a
general logic useful for other sciences n I distinguish here: I admit logic which
uses only quantities; I deny logic which gives the most general directions of
reasoning. Modern formal logic is mathematical logic n I distinguish here: I
deny mathematical logic in the first sense; I admit mathematical logic 'n~e',
which gives general directions of reasoning. Again, here we have to do with a
Third objection: the view which demands the use of the same mathematical
exactness in all fields of science is false and contradicts the tradition; modem
formal logic is the view which demands the use of the same mathematical
exactness in all the fields of science; modem formal logic is false and
contradicts the tradition.
Aristotle in his Metaphysics expressed the opinion that the same
mathematical exactness cannot be reached in all the fields ~ for example it
cannot be reached where we have to do with material objects 33. St. Thomas
Aquinas' comment approves the view of Aristotle 34 even if he asserts that there
are places, e.g. ethics, where we cannot apply the same rigour as that required
for metaphysics and mathematics. That view is then traditional; it seems also
true, e.g. it is difficult to imagine history of art with the same degree of
exactness as mathematics or logic. Modern formal logic, undoubtedly, requires
in all the sciences methods that are as much exact as possible. It could seem that
modern formal logic requires something impossible and stands in contradiction
with thomism.
But, once again, we have here a misunderstanding. Modern formal logic is a
theory of deduction and for deduction the exactness of which we are here
talking about is required; modern formal logic does not have do with other
scientific methods - - e.g. with those that establish experimental theses in
physics or in history of art. With regard to this, modern formal logic itself has
nothing to say. It is true that the followers of modern formal logic claim,
together with Aristotle, that the ideal of science is an axiomatic system, in
which from some clearly precise assumptions other assertions are deduced; but
neither Aristotle, nor any logician claims that the use of that ideal could be
contemporarily possible in all the sciences as they stand. Here only one logical
postulate remains: all the sciences, without any concern of their matter, when
33Met. II, 3, 995a 14-17. "t$n d'akribologhian t$n mathematik~n ouk en hdpasin apaitet~on, all'en tot s
m~ ~chousin h~len. Di6per ou physikDs ho tr6pos hdpasa gdr Sos he ph~sis ~chei h~len" (Mathematical accu-
racy is not to be demanded in everything, but only in things which do not contain matter. Hence this method
is not that of natural science, because presumably all nature is concerned with matter. - Translation of H.
34 S. Thomae Aquinatis, In Metaphysicam Aristotelis commentaria, ed. M.R. Cathnla, Taurini 1926, lib.
II, lect. V, N. 336. It is worthwhile to be aware that SL Thomas does not speak o f exactness (exact/tudo), but
of certainty (certituto, certa ratio).