Management Training and Development
Management Training and Development
Management Training and Development
business function
Used when the training function is organized so that training subunits are responsible for one division or function of
the firm.
Advantages of this model include:
Overcoming the major problem of the faculty model by being more in line with needs of each unit or function
of the firm.
Trainers can more easily keep on top of business needs and update courses and offerings accordingly.
External consultants can provide expertise as needed.
Training material is more likely to be meaningful and useful to trainees.
Disadvantages of this model include:
Trainers have to spend considerable time learning the particular business function with which they work before
they can be effective.
There may be redundancy in program topics across units.
Programs may vary widely in effectiveness, because it may be difficult for the training director to ensure
consistency across business functions.
Trainers are likely to be employees from the functional area who have the necessary subject matter expertise
but lack learning facilitation skills. Thus, course content may be meaningful, but the course may be weak from
an instructional perspective (unless trainers are trained to facilitate).
The Matrix Model
Trainers report to both a training department manager and a functional area manager.
Advantages of this model include:
It helps to ensure that training is linked to business needs.
Trainers gain expertise in a specific business function.
Created by cipin & faisal rahman
Because trainers are also responsible to a training manager or director, they will likely stay on the cutting edge of
Disadvantages of this model include:
Trainers will likely have more time demands and role conflict because they report to two managers, a functional-
area manager and a training manager.
The Corporate University Model
It Involves: employees, managers, suppliers, and external customers.
Advantages of this model include:
A wider range of programs and courses tend to be offered under this model.
Important culture features and values tend to be more emphasized in the training curriculum under this model.
Training is centralized such that the “best training practices” used in one unit are disseminated across the
Training practices and policies are consistent, better allowing the company to control costs.
• Human and Social Knowledge: • Explicit Knowledge:
– What individuals or teams – Knowledge that can be
of employees know or know how to do formalized, codified, and communicated
• Structured Knowledge: • Tacit Knowledge:
– Company rules, processes, tools, – Personal knowledge based on
and routines individual experience Difficult to explain to others
Bloom's Taxonomy
Is a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired
by Benjamin Bloom. Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational
learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in
cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of most
traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and
activities. As with most theoretical models, they are controversial even while commonly used.
Knowledge : The recall of specific information
Comprehension: Understanding of what was read
Application: Converting abstract content to concrete situations
Analysis: Comparison and contrast of the content to personal experiences
Synthesis: Organization of thoughts, ideas, and information from the content
Evaluation: Judgment and evaluation of characters, actions, outcomes, etc., for personal reflection
and understanding
Andragogy and Pedagogy
Andragogy (meaning "adults teaching other adults") posits a different role for the instructor. The teacher
serves as a facilitator or catalyst for the learners' activities. An advantage of andragogy is that learners'
motivation is enhanced through greater responsibility for and involvement in learning. But andragogy methods
are often situation dependent and cannot be applied to codify or standardize information for mass use.
Pedagogy is the most standard classroom model: an instructor, who is an expert in the subject under study
lectures, gives assignments, tests student achievement, and so forth. In brief, the teacher teaches and the learners
passively absorb whatever they can. A key advantage of pedagogy is that it permits codified knowledge to be
presented in an orderly manner. Its chief disadvantage, however, is that the students are often passive and
Pedagogy Andragogy
The learner Dependent. Teacher directs what, when, Moves towards independence. Self-directing.
how a subject is learned and Teacher encourages and
tests that it has been learned nurtures this movement
The learner's experience Of little worth. Hence teaching A rich resource for learning. Hence
methods are educational teaching methods include discussion,
problem-solving etc.
Readiness to learn People learn what society expects People learn what they need to know,
them to. So that the curriculum isso that learning programmers
standardized. Organized around life application.
Orientation to learning Acquisition of subject matter. Learning experiences should be
Curriculum organized by subjects. based around experiences, since people
are performance centered in their learning