SQL Queries For Practice - Advanced SQL Queries PDF

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10/20/2020 sql queries for practice | advanced sql queries

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SQL Queries for Practice with Answer

Written By:- Isha Malhotra

SQL Interview Question Tech Altum

SQL Queries with Answer

In this tutorial I am representing some sql queries with answer. It will help all to improve your sql skills. These SQL Q
part. In first part i have discussed basic sql queries with answers. in Second part i have discussed nested queries.

For this tutorial i am using following tables:-

Table Name:- Employee

Empid EmpName Department ContactNo EmailId EmpHeadId

101 Isha E-101 1234567890 isha@gmail.com 105

102 Priya E-104 1234567890 priya@yahoo.com 103

103 Neha E-101 1234567890 neha@gmail.com 101

104 Rahul E-102 1234567890 rahul@yahoo.com 105

105 Abhishek E-101 1234567890 abhishek@gmail.com 102 

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create table employee(empid int primary key,empname varchar(100), department varchar(50),contactno
varchar(100), empheadid int)

Table :- EmpDept

DeptId DeptName Dept_off DeptHead

E-101 HR Monday 105

E-102 Development Tuesday 101

E-103 Hous Keeping Saturday 103

E-104 Sales Sunday 104

E-105 Purchage Tuesday 104

create table empdept(deptid varchar(50) primary key,deptname varchar(100), dept_off varchar(100), d
references employee(empid))

Table :- EmpSalary

EmpId Salary IsPermanent

101 2000 Yes

102 10000 Yes

103 5000 No

104 1900 Yes

105 2300 Yes

create table empsalary(empid int foreign key references employee(empid), salary bigint, ispermanent

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Table :- Project

ProjectId Duration

p-1 23

p-2 15

p-3 45

p-4 2

p-5 30

create table project(projectid varchar(50) primary key, duration int)

Table :- Country

cid cname

c-1 India

c-2 USA

c-3 China

c-4 Pakistan

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c-5 Russia
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create table country(cid varchar(50) primary key, cname varchar(100))

Table :- ClientTable

ClientId ClientName cid

cl-1 ABC Group c-1

cl-2 PQR c-1

cl-3 XYZ c-2

cl-4 tech altum c-3

cl-5 mnp c-5

create table clienttable(clientid varchar(50) primary key, clientname varchar(100), cid varchar(50)

Table :- EmpProject

EmpId ProjectId ClientID StartYear EndYear

101 p-1 Cl-1 2010 2010
102 p-2 Cl-2 2010 2012
103 p-1 Cl-3 2013
104 p-4 Cl-1 2014 2015
105 p-4 Cl-5 2015

create table empproject(empid int foreign key references employee(empid), projectid varchar(50) for
project(projectid), clientid varchar(50) foreign key references clienttable(clientid),startyear int

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Simple Queries
1. Select the detail of the employee whose name start with P.

select * from employee where empname like 'p%'


2. How many permanent candidate take salary more than 5000.

select count(salary) as count from empsalary where ispermanent='yes' and salary>5000


3. Select the detail of employee whose emailId is in gmail. 

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select * from employee where emaildid like '%@gmail.com'

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4. Select the details of the employee who work either for departm

select * from employee where department='E-102' or department='E-104'


select * from employee where department in ('E-102','E-104')


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 5. Tech
What is the department name for DeptID E-102?
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select deptname from empdept where deptid ='E-102'


6. What is total salarythat is paid to permanent employees?

select sum(salary) as salary from empsalary where ispermanent='yes'


7. List name of all employees whose name ends with a.

select * from employee where empname like '%a'


8. List the number of department of employees in each project.

select count(empid) as employee, projectid from empproject group by projectid


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9. How many project started in year 2010.

select count(projectid) as project from empproject where startyear=2010


10. How many project started and finished in the same year.

select count(projectid) as project from empproject where startyear=endyear


11. select the name of the employee whose name's 3rd charactor

select * from employee where empname like '__h%'


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Nested Queries
1. Select the department name of the company which is assigned
whose employee id is grater 103.

select deptname from empdept where deptid in (select department from employee where empid>103)

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2. Select the name of the employee who is working under Abhish

select empname from employee where empheadid =(select empid from employee where empname='abhishek')

3. Select the name of the employee who is department head of H

select empname from employee where empid =(select depthead from empdept where deptname='hr')

4. Select the name of the employee head who is permanent.

select empname from employee where empid in(select empheadid from employee) and empid in(select emp

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5. Select the name and email of the Dept Head who is not Perma

select empname, emaildid from employee where empid in(select depthead from empdept ) and empid in(s
empsalary where ispermanent='no')

6. Select the employee whose department off is monday

select * from employee where department in(select deptid from empdept where dept_off='monday')

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7. select the indian clinets details.

select * from clienttable where cid in(select cid from country where cname='india')

8. select the details of all employee working in development depa

select * from employee where department in(select deptid from empdept where deptname='development')

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TechTutorial for Basic SQL Queries
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SQL Queries for Practice - Part 1 - basic sql query

SQL Queries based on Aggregate Function

SQL Queries for Practice - Part 2 - SQL Queries based on A…


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8. Video Tutorial

Tutorial.techaltum.com is run and maintained by Tech Altum, IT Training Institute in Noida (An IIT
Alumni Institute).
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