SQL Queries For Practice - Advanced SQL Queries PDF
SQL Queries For Practice - Advanced SQL Queries PDF
SQL Queries For Practice - Advanced SQL Queries PDF
chaltum.com (Avinash Malhotra, IIT Alumni, 8+ Exp). Both Online and Classroom Tr
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10/20/2020 sql queries for practice | advanced sql queries
Table :- EmpDept
create table empdept(deptid varchar(50) primary key,deptname varchar(100), dept_off varchar(100), d
references employee(empid))
Table :- EmpSalary
103 5000 No
create table empsalary(empid int foreign key references employee(empid), salary bigint, ispermanent
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Table :- Project
ProjectId Duration
p-1 23
p-2 15
p-3 45
p-4 2
p-5 30
create table project(projectid varchar(50) primary key, duration int)
Table :- Country
cid cname
c-1 India
c-2 USA
c-3 China
c-4 Pakistan
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c-5 Russia
Tech Altum Tutorial
create table country(cid varchar(50) primary key, cname varchar(100))
Table :- ClientTable
create table clienttable(clientid varchar(50) primary key, clientname varchar(100), cid varchar(50)
Table :- EmpProject
create table empproject(empid int foreign key references employee(empid), projectid varchar(50) for
project(projectid), clientid varchar(50) foreign key references clienttable(clientid),startyear int
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2D Cartoons
Use motion capture to interact
with audience and scene
elements during live show.
Cartoon Animator
Simple Queries
1. Select the detail of the employee whose name start with P.
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4. Select the details of the employee who work either for departm
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5. Tech
What is the department name for DeptID E-102?
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10. How many project started and finished in the same year.
11. select the name of the employee whose name's 3rd charactor
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Nested Queries
1. Select the department name of the company which is assigned
whose employee id is grater 103.
select deptname from empdept where deptid in (select department from employee where empid>103)
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select empname from employee where empheadid =(select empid from employee where empname='abhishek')
select empname from employee where empid =(select depthead from empdept where deptname='hr')
select empname from employee where empid in(select empheadid from employee) and empid in(select emp
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10/20/2020 sql queries for practice | advanced sql queries
5. Select the name and email of the Dept Head who is not Perma
select empname, emaildid from employee where empid in(select depthead from empdept ) and empid in(s
empsalary where ispermanent='no')
select * from employee where department in(select deptid from empdept where dept_off='monday')
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select * from clienttable where cid in(select cid from country where cname='india')
select * from employee where department in(select deptid from empdept where deptname='development')
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TechTutorial for Basic SQL Queries
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