TAFJ Standalone

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description

1 1st April 2011 TAFJ team Initial version

2 7st February 2012 H. Aubert R12GA review

3 16st January 2013 H. Aubert R13GA review

19th February
4 R. Vincent R14GA review

20th February
5 JN.Charpin Reject parameter – tafj-maven-plugin compilation

6 15th April 2014 H.AUBERT R14GA review

7 6th May 2014 JN. Charpin Logger context

8 10th March 2015 H. Aubert R15 AMR review

9 19th March 2015 JN. Charpin New compiler property

10 31th March 2015 JN. Charpin Log context setup

11 15th March 2016 M.Kumar R16 AMR review

12 13th May 2016 JN Charpin SLF4J binding

13 17th June 2016 JN Charpin Log4j2 binding

14 13th March 2016 R. Vincent Redirecting reports with plugins

Update table name from LOCK_RECORDS to

15 7th April 2017 R. Vincent

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4th September
16 JN. Charpin Use a logger for COMOs

17 13th April 2018 Shunmugave Log redirect to Splunk

18 24th August 2018 Update TAFJ Compiler section

4th September
19 Shunmugave JQL Unsupported

15th October
20 Riswana tCrypt for DLM

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Copyri g h t
Copyright (c) 2014 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV
All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

Fax: +41 (0) 22 708 1160

Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. TAFJdev@temenos.com

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Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 4
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 4
What is TAFJ.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 9
Overview............................................................................................................................... 9
Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................... 10
Java JDK............................................................................................................................. 10
Multiple configuration............................................................................................................................ 11
Example........................................................................................................................... 12
Simple Program:.................................................................................................................. 12
Default project..................................................................................................................... 13
Logger.................................................................................................................................................. 14
Log api customization.......................................................................................................... 14
Default configuration........................................................................................................ 14
Switching log API............................................................................................................. 16
Backward compatibility, keep using log4j 1.2 natively..................................................... 17
Log folders customization.................................................................................................... 18
Logging COMO................................................................................................................... 19
Routing and file appender................................................................................................ 19
Socket appender and routing and file appender.............................................................. 20
Logger context and multi-tenant.......................................................................................... 22
Log redirect for Splunk........................................................................................................ 23
TAFJ on Multiple Servers..................................................................................................................... 24
TAFJ-Compiler..................................................................................................................................... 25
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 25
tCompile.............................................................................................................................. 25
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 25
Examples......................................................................................................................... 26
Excluding files from compilation...................................................................................... 27
Examples......................................................................................................................... 27
Sample basic file compilation:......................................................................................... 28
Multiple basic file compilation:......................................................................................... 29

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Understanding the compilation............................................................................................ 30

The compilation workflow................................................................................................ 30
The different grammars................................................................................................... 30
jBC source name............................................................................................................. 32
Java source name........................................................................................................... 32
Generation of files............................................................................................................ 33
Dependencies.................................................................................................................. 34
Precompiled Basic Files.................................................................................................. 35
Grammar Level................................................................................................................ 35
Compile for debugging..................................................................................................... 35
Warnings and errors........................................................................................................ 35
Example:.......................................................................................................................... 36
$INSERT Statement........................................................................................................ 36
Basic file and Class file compliance................................................................................. 36
JAVAC Options................................................................................................................ 37
Other Compiler Properties............................................................................................... 38
TAFJ maven plugin.......................................................................................................... 40
T24 compilation............................................................................................................... 41
Common project setup..................................................................................................... 41
Classic compilation.......................................................................................................... 42
Mixed compilation............................................................................................................ 43
TAFJ-Runner........................................................................................................................................ 47
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 47
tRun..................................................................................................................................... 47
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 47
TAFJ Classpath............................................................................................................... 47
TAFJ Runtime Directories................................................................................................ 48
TAFJ Timezone and Local............................................................................................... 49
TAFJ Thread or Process.................................................................................................. 50
TAFJ Precision and Rounding......................................................................................... 51
TAFJ Runtime Mode........................................................................................................ 51
TAFJ Performance........................................................................................................... 52
TEC and logger API......................................................................................................... 52
TAFJ JIMI (Independent Metrics Integration).................................................................. 53

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TAFJ Monitor................................................................................................................... 54
TAFJ Printer..................................................................................................................... 54
TAFJ DataBase............................................................................................................... 57
TAFJ LockManager............................................................................................................. 58
TAFJ Locking mechanism............................................................................................... 59
TAFJ Tools........................................................................................................................................... 60
tDiag.................................................................................................................................... 60
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 60
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 60
Example........................................................................................................................... 60
tShow.................................................................................................................................. 62
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 62
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 62
Example........................................................................................................................... 62
tShowCheck........................................................................................................................ 63
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 63
Syntax:............................................................................................................................. 64
Example........................................................................................................................... 64
tCrypt................................................................................................................................... 66
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 66
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 66
Example........................................................................................................................... 66
tFindDevice......................................................................................................................... 68
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 68
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 68
Example........................................................................................................................... 68
tCreateBasicReplacement.................................................................................................................... 69
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 69
Writing your java class........................................................................................................ 69
Syntax................................................................................................................................. 69
Example........................................................................................................................... 69
The method invoke.......................................................................................................... 70
Compiling the class............................................................................................................. 71
Registering a BASIC replacement....................................................................................... 71

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JQL Unsupported................................................................................................................................. 73

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What is TAFJ

Intr o d u c t i o n

TAFJ (Temenos Application Framework Java) is a Pick BASIC runtime and compiler, written
in 100% java. It allows compiling and running Pick BASIC programs. TAFJ has been written
specifically for T24 needs, and all tests and proof of concepts have been done using T24.
TAFJ also manage the connectivity on JDBC compliant databases like jBASE, Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, derby, derby (Embedded). It comes with an embedded
exporting tool for migrate your Pick data to Oracle.

Overvi e w

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Prer e q u i s i t e s
Java JDK

To install TAFJ, the only prerequisite is having a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8.x
installed. To check what version of java you have, type in a console:

>java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121- b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed

If the version reported is not 1.8.x, you should install it. Java JDK can be downloaded here:


NOTE: If you have installed java 1.8 but the command java -version doesn't report the
correct version, this is certainly because your PATH environment variable points to another
version. This is a bad practice to have your java virtual machine (VM) in the PATH. We highly
recommend removing it. The best practice is to set-up an environment variable called
JAVA_HOME pointing to the root directory of your Java Development Kit (JDK) installation.
Then, you could reference JAVA_HOME/bin in your PATH environment variable.

The different scripts in <TAFJ_HOME>/bin will REQUIRE the environment variable


On Unix/Linux/:

export JAVA_HOME=<path_to_your_jdk>

Or update your file: .profile

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Mult i p l e con f i g u r a t i o n

You can have multiple configuration file with one single setup of TAFJ. All these configuration
files will have the extension “.properties”. The default configuration is hidden in the file
“.default” which resides in the conf directory. The Eclipse Builder plug-in will generate new
configuration files using the Eclipse project name when you toggle a java project to a TAFJ
project. You can also define new configurations manually. The default property file template is
called “.properties”.

The file .default in the <TAFJ_HOME>/conf directory can be used to set a default
configuration. By default the value in the text file: .default is set to tafj.properties. If no -cf
argument is passed to tCompile, it will use the value in the file: .default (if the value in this
file is a valid properties file).

So for our examples, we will imagine that we installed one TAFJ, but we have 2 releases of
T24 : R17_3 and R17_5. For setting everything up from eclipse, please see the eclipse
documentation. Here, we will do everything manually.

First, copy .properties in a file called R17_3.properties and a second time in a file called

In your conf directory, you should have:


Then edit R17_3 and R17_5.properties.

By conventions, the java and class path for TAFJ of a project have to be set under:
<TAFJ_HOME>/data/<ProjectName>/java and classes
for R17_3.properties :

# Specify where the java files will be generated

# by the compiler
temn.tafj.directory.java = <tafj.home>\data/R17_3/java

# Specify where the classes files will be generated

# by the compiler
temn.tafj.directory.classes = <tafj.home>\data/myProject/classes

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Once you are done with the modifications, you can go for a full compilation. See the
compiler documentation for more information on compiling.

Exa m p l e

Si m pl e Pr o gra m :

CRT "Sample program for TAFJCore"
CRT "Please input your Name : " :

Save this program as HELLO.b

Compile this program using tCompile

> tCompile –cf R17_3 HELLO.b

In order to run “HELLO” for R14_3, you will just type:

tRun -cf R17_3 HELLO

The Output will be:

After Name Entered:

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To Compile the T24.BP for each R10 and R11 separately (T24.BP below is a directory of
basic files).

> tCompile -cf R10.properties c:\product\T24\R10\T24.BP

> tCompile -cf R11.properties c:\product\T24\R11\T24.BP

In order to run a close of business for R17, one might start it with “START.TSM -DEBUG”,
you will just type:

tRun -cf R17.properties START.TSM -DEBUG

If you want to do the same for 201705, it will be:

tRun -cf 201705.properties START.TSM


Defa u l t proje c t
As previously mentioned, you can specify a default project in the file .default. For example,
with a fresh installation, the default configuration is tafj.properties, and thus the default file
contains “tafj.properties”.

So in our previous example, if you write “R17_3” or “R17_3.properties” in the .default file, you
won't need to specify the project when using tRun on the R17 configuration. You will then just
have to type:


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Log g e r
T24 execution and TAFJ internal behavior could be monitored with logs.

Standard logging APIs (SLF4J, Log4J 1.2, Log4J 2.x) are used and a default logger
configuration, writing to files is provided within:


This configuration could be either a Log4J 1.2 or Log4J2 configuration, depending either on
your TAFJ version or on the runtime configuration.

This file is generated automatically in the appropriate Log4j 1.2 or Log4j 2 format if it’s not
already existing.

The configuration allows:

- Changing the default log level for all loggers.

- Defining new loggers and appenders.

For more information please refer to the appropriate logging API documentation, links are
provided in the related section.

By default, several different loggers are defined, providing information related to a specific
topic: T24, Database, Runtime, MDB, EJB, etc…

Log api cu s t o m i z a t i o n

Defa u l t con fi g u r a t i o n
The default runtime configuration is making use natively either of Log4j 1.2 or Log4j 2.

Since PB201607 (June 2016 release), historical Log4j 1.2 configuration is switched to Log4j

When upgrading from an existing installation to PB201607 and higher, any older existing
TAFJTrace.properties will be overridden to fit Log4j 2 format.

For backward compatibility this is still possible to use Log4j 1.2, but not recommended as
further logging enhancements are not going to be supported with this log4j version.

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Log 4 j co nfi g u r a t i o n
File TAFJTrace.properties for more information see

log4j.logger.T24=INFO, t24
log4j.logger.BASIC=ERROR, basic
log4j.logger.PRINTER=ERROR, printer
log4j.logger.DATABASE=ERROR, database
log4j.logger.JQL=ERROR, jql
log4j.logger.LOCKING=INFO, locking
log4j.logger.COMPILER=WARN, compiler
log4j.logger.DEPENDENCY=INFO, dependency
log4j.logger.RUNTIME=ERROR, runtime
log4j.logger.DBIMPORT=ERROR, dbimport
log4j.logger.SQLTRACE=ERROR, sqltrace
log4j.logger.ITYPE=ERROR, itype
log4j.logger.EXECUTE=ERROR, execute
log4j.logger.IOSERVER=INFO, ioserver
log4j.logger.MDB=ERROR, mdb
log4j.logger.EJB=ERROR, ejb
log4j.logger.MONITOR=ERROR, monitor
log4j.logger.API=INFO, api

Log 4 j 2 conf i g u r a t i o n
File TAFJTrace.properties for more information see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/

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loggers =

logger.API.name = API
logger.API.level = ERROR
logger.API.additivity = false
logger.API.appenderRefs = api
logger.API.appenderRef.api.ref = api

logger.BASIC.name = BASIC
logger.BASIC.level = ERROR
logger.BASIC.additivity = false
logger.BASIC.appenderRefs = basic
logger.BASIC.appenderRef.basic.ref = basic

logger.CACHE.name = CACHE
logger.CACHE.level = ERROR
logger.CACHE.additivity = false
logger.CACHE.appenderRefs = cache
logger.CACHE.appenderRef.cache.ref = cache

Swit c h i n g log API

Since PB201607 TAFJ runtime gives the ability to use SLF4J as a façade:

SLF4J allows choosing at deployment time the logging backend framework.

As stated above TAFJ is currently supporting Log4j and Log4j2, hence switching to SLF4J
would make sense in case of wanting to use Log4j as a backend API to continue using any
pre-PB201607 configuration.

Cla s s p a t h se t u p
To be able to use SLF4J and Log4j 1.2, some classpath modification needs to be done.

1- Remove log4j-api.jar and log4j-core.jar from <TAFJ_HOME>\lib

2- Add under <TAFJ_HOME>\lib

o <TAFJ_HOME>\3rdParty\logging\slf4j\slf4j-api.jar

o <TAFJ_HOME>\3rdParty\logging\slf4j\slf4j.log4j12.jar

o <TAFJ_HOME>\3rdParty\logging\log4j12\log4j.jar

Ru n t i m e se t u p
To switch from native Log4j2 API to SLF4J, simply set the following system property.

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Set up through JVM argument (appserver mode):


Or set up through environment variables (standalone mode tafj shell):

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_api =SLF4J

- Windows

o set temenos.log.api=SLF4J

To switch the backend API (behind SLF4J), to be Log4j 1.2 simply set the following system

Set up through JVM argument (appserver mode):


Or Set up through environment variables (standalone mode tafj shell):

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_backend =LOG4J

- Windows

o set temenos.log.backend=LOG4J

The default value of this property is LOG4J2.

It has to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through environment variables or
JVM arguments

Ba c k w a r d co m p a t i b i l i t y , ke e p usi n g log 4j 1.2 nativ e l y

Cla s s p a t h se t u p
To be able to use Log4j 1.2, some classpath modification needs to be done.

3- Remove log4j-api.jar and log4j-core.jar from <TAFJ_HOME>\lib

4- Add under <TAFJ_HOME>\lib

o <TAFJ_HOME>\3rdParty\logging\log4j12\log4j.jar

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Ru n t i m e se t u p
To switch from native Log4j2 API to Log4j 1.2, simply set the following system property.

Set up through JVM argument (appserver mode):


Or set up through environment variables (standalone mode tafj shell):

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_api =LOG4J

- Windows

o set temenos.log.api= LOG4J

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Log fold e r s cu s t o m i z a t i o n

By default you will find above mentioned logs under following folders:

- <TAFJ_HOME>/log : for TAFJ logs

- <TAFJ_HOME>/log_T24 : for T24 logs

This default behavior could be overridden by using following properties:

- temenos.log.directory=<PATH_TO_YOUR_TAFJ_LOG_FOLDER>

- temenos.log.directory.t24=<PATH_TO_YOUR_T24_LOG_FOLDER>

It has to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through environment variables or
JVM arguments.

You cannot use the tafj.properties file for that purpose as loggers get initialized before tafj
properties get loaded.

Set up through JVM argument (appserver mode):


Set up through environment variables (standalone mode tafj shell):

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_directory=’path/to/your/custom/log/directory’

- Windows

o set temenos.log.directory=path\to\your\custom\log\directory

To revert this setting in tafj shell, simply set the property to an empty value.

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_directory=

- Windows

o set temenos.log.directory=

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Log g i n g COMO
When using LOG4J2 as the logging API, it is possible to redirect COMOs to a standard

Rou ti n g an d file app e n d e r

By default a routing appender will be defined to have each agent logging to its own como file
(standard file appender). The routing being defined by a thread context property matching
the como name.

Simply set the following property as system property or JVM property at application start up.

- temenos.log.como=true

It will generate the “como” logger and appender configuration within TAFJTrace

When using an existing deployment, make sure to delete current TAFJTrace configuration

The como appender and logger will be defined in the newly generated configuration file.

i.e. when using properties configuration format.

appender.como.type = Routing
appender.como.name = como
appender.como.routes.type = Routes
appender.como.routes.pattern = $${ctx:COMO-NAME}
appender.como.routes.route1.type = Route
appender.como.routes.route1.file.type = File
appender.como.routes.route1.file.name = como-${ctx:COMO-NAME}
appender.como.routes.route1.file.fileName = ${sys:temenos.log.directory.como}/$
appender.como.routes.route1.file.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.como.routes.route1.file.layout.pattern = %m%n

By default COMOs log files are going to be generated under


This default behavior could be overridden by using following property:

- temenos.log.directory.como=<PATH_TO_YOUR_COMO_LOG_FOLDER>

Above properties have to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through
environment variables or JVM arguments.

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So c k e t app e n d e r and rou ti n g and file app e n d e r

The above mentioned routing appender could be used in conjunction with a socket appender
to have COMOs files generated on a remote logging server.

In this scenario, TAFJ application will become a client of the logging server.

The appender to use on TAFJTrace configuration side will be the following, i.e. when using
properties configuration format.
#Socket client appender to be used to redirect como files to above remote routing
#Setup appropriate hostname and port to match the remote logging server
appender.como.type = Socket
appender.como.name = como
appender.como.host =
appender.como.port = 1212
appender.como.layout.type = SerializedLayout
appender.como.connectTimeoutMillis = 2000
appender.como.reconnectionDelayMillis = 10000
appender.como.protocol = TCP

On the server side, the same routing appender than defined above will be used to receive
the log events from the socket and route them to the appropriate file.

1- Deploy on the logging server (LOG4J_HOME below) the following libraries which can
be found in the TAFJ release under 3rdParty\logging\log4j2:

o log4j-core.jar

o log4j-api.jar

o jcommander-1.48.jar

2- Copy on the server the TAFJTrace configuration defining the como routing appender

3- Start the TCP socket server with appropriate classpath and parameters, i.e.
set LOG4J_HOME=C:\lo4j-socket-server-conf
set JAVA_OPTS=-Dtemenos.log.directory=%LOG4J_HOME%\log
-Dtemenos.log.directory.t24=%LOG4J_HOME%\t24-log -Dtemenos.log.directory.como=


org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.server.TcpSocketServer -c %LOG4J_HOME
%\TAFJTrace.xml -p 1212 --classes java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap --classes

The TCP socket server will be started on the specified option -p port 1212 and defining the
logger configuration coming from option -c TAFJTrace.xml.

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Communication could optionally be secured by using SSL. Please refer to log4j2


In this case the client appender configuration has to be refined to define SSL parameters.

appender.como.ssl.type = SSL
appender.como.ssl.protocol = SSL

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Log g e r co n t e x t and mul t i- te n a n t .

In a multi-tenant environment you may want to define a specific logger context to differentiate
the logs from the different tenants. It could also be useful for debugging purpose where a
user can define its own context.

By using property

- temenos.log.context=<YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME>

you will find your logs under :


- <TAFJ_HOME>/log_T24/<YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME> : for T24 logs

Same feature apply to overridden log directory as mentioned above.

When using a context you will also generate a dedicated file to configure your
appenders: TAFJTrace.<YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME>.properties file.

Like log directories properties it has to be set at TAFJ start up, and should be done through
environment variables or JVM arguments, refer to log folder customization sample above.

Set up through JVM argument (appserver mode):


Set up through environment variables (standalone mode tafj shell):

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_context=customLogContext

- Windows

o set temenos.log.context=customLogContext

To revert this setting in tafj shell, simply set the property to an empty value.

- Linux :

o export temenos_log_context=

- Windows

o set temenos.log.context=

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Log redir e c t for Spl u n k

To redirect logs into Splunk instance, we need to modify the following property in
tafj.properties file

o temn.tafj.runtime.redirection.logger=

By default, if the above mentioned property is empty, logs will be generated in filexplorer.

If the splunk component is provided as the value for the above mentioned property, logs will
get forwarded to splunk.

ie) temn.tafj.runtime.redirection.logger=splunk

Specify the splunk URL and token using the below mentioned two properties,

o temn.tafj.runtime.redirection.splunk.url=

o temn.tafj.runtime.redirection.splunk.token=

By default, if the above mentioned properties are not provided, the default URL and token

ie) URL = http://localhost:8088

Token = 0fbb0a31-4548-4468-a49b-64c361be3376


Once the above properties are defined in tafj.properties file, user has to execute
tCreateTraceWriter file which is located inside %TAFJ_HOME%\bin directory in order to
generate the new TAFJTrace.properties file which is compatible for Splunk component.

The appenders will modified from Rolling file to HTTP.

ex) appender.T24.type = http

appender.T24.name = T24

appender.T24.url = ${defaultUrl}

appender.T24.token = ${defaultToken}

appender.T24.layout.type = PatternLayout

appender.T24.layout.pattern = ${defaultPattern}

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TAFJ on Multi p l e Serv e r s

If you install TAFJ on multiple servers, you need then to setup the port range for each sever
and be sure no port id will be duplicate on others server.

On each server in the properties file, set the key : temn.tafj.runtime.port.range

# set the port range of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.port.range = 10-45,76,89,2,130-150
temn.tafj.runtime.port.range =

Alternatively, you can set the following property to retrieve a unique port number from the
database. This queries a sequence named SEQ_UNIQUE_ID from the database. It should
be mentioned that this uniqueID is valid only until Java’s Max Value of Integer
(2,147,483,647), at which point the sequence will be dropped and recreated again.

temn.tafj.runtime.port.database = true

Scenario 1

All the servers have a NFS/MAP to a share HDD where TAFJ is installed.

No Need to setup any port range. All servers will share the uid (unique ID file).

Server 1 Server 2 Server 3



Scenario 2

Each servers have HDD file system where TAFJ is installed.

You need to setup for each TAFJ a port range. Each servers will have his own uid (unique
ID file).

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Server 1 Server 2 Server 3



\Temenos\TAFJ \Temenos\TAFJ \Temenos\TAFJ
Port 0-99 Port 100-199 Port 200-299

TAFJ- Com p i l e r
Intr o d u c t i o n
tCompile is the main entry point for compiling a program. This is a script in the /bin directory.
It is used to execute the Compiled Basic Files

tCo m p i l e

The compilation of a basic program is done using tCompile (in the <TAFJ_HOME>/bin
directory). As there is not a VOC as such, you must give the full path to the program you
want to compile.

Syn t a x

The tCompile syntax is the following :

tCompile [-cf <confFile>] [-I <insertDir>] <program_path_and_name>

If the Directory is missing, TAFJ will try to find the file in the current directory.

If the Directory is wrong, TAFJ will report an error.

Wild chars ('*'. '?') can’t be used in the File name.

However, if wild chars are used, only the current directory will be used.

If the -I option is passed, it will override the value of the “temn.tafj.directory.insert” property.

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Exa m p l e s

tCompile F.WRITE

Look for F.WRITE in the current directory

tCompile /home/user/T24.BP/F.WRITE

Look for /home/user/GLOBUS.BP/F.WRITE and compile it.

tCompile /home/user/T24.BP

Compile the contents of the whole directory T24.BP.

tCompile /home/user/T24.BP/F.*

Compile only the file starting with “F.”

tCompile ../T24.BP

Compile the entire relative directory.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Excl u d i n g file s fro m co m p i l a t i o n

When compiling a directory you could also exclude some files from the compilation by using
the reject option.

tCompile [-cf <confFile>] [-reject rejectPattern] <program_path_and_name>

Exa m p l e s

tCompile -reject */EB.* /home/user/T24.BP

Compile the content of the whole directory T24.BP but not the files starting with EB.

tCompile -reject */SUB/* /home/user/T24.BP

Compile the content of the whole directory T24.BP but not the subfolders called

tCompile -reject */SUB/EB.* /home/user/T24.BP

Compile the contents of the whole directory T24.BP but not the files starting with
EB contained in subfolder SUB.

tCompile -reject “*/SUB/*|*/SUB2/*” /home/user/T24.BP

Compile the contents of the whole directory T24.BP but exclude subfolder SUB and

You need to specify your reject pattern between double quotes when using multi-criteria

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Sa m p l e basi c file co m p i l a t i o n :

Temenos TAFJ Compiler/Runner
TAFJCompiler.jar version "DEV_201705.0"
Copyright (c) 2009-2015 TEMENOS. All rights reserved
Java Version = 1.8.0_121- b13
Java File Encoding = UTF-8
Java Home = C:\Temenos\Development\3rdParty\jdk\jdk1.8.0_121\jre
Java Classpath = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
User Name = manojkumar
Current Dir = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin
OS Type = Windows 7
TAFJ_HOME = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin\..
Basic Source Dir. =
Insert Source Dir. =
Precompile Dir. = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\T24\lib\Precompiled
Java Destination Dir. =
Classes Destination Dir.= C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\data/TEST/classes
Report Destination Dir. = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin\..\report
Max. Grammar Level = 3
Min. Grammar Level = 0
Java Package = com.temenos.t24
Reporting = false
Arguments :C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\samples\basic\HELLO

Compilation completed for 1 file(s).

Files With Error :
Total Time : 0 [h] 0 [min] 3 [sec] 189 [ms]

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Multi p l e basi c file co m p i l a t i o n :

tCompile FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ...Up to...FILEN

Temenos TAFJ Compiler/Runner
TAFJCompiler.jar version "DEV_201705.0"
Copyright (c) 2009-2015 TEMENOS. All rights reserved
Java Version = 1.8.0_121- b13
Java File Encoding = UTF-8
Java Home = C:\Temenos\Development\3rdParty\jdk\jdk1.8.0_121\jre
Java Classpath = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
User Name = manojkumar
Current Dir = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin
OS Type = Windows 7
TAFJ_HOME = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin\..
Basic Source Dir. =
Insert Source Dir. =
Precompile Dir. = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\T24\lib\Precompiled
Java Destination Dir. =
Classes Destination Dir.= C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\data/TEST/classes
Report Destination Dir. = C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin\..\report
Max. Grammar Level = 3
Min. Grammar Level = 0
Java Package = com.temenos.t24
Reporting = false
Arguments :C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\samples\basic\HELLO
[ERROR] (line 3) HELLO.FAILURE, $INSERT DUMMY.h => DUMMY.h (The system cannot read
the file 'C:\Temenos\Development\DEV\TAFJ\bin\..\ext\DUMMY.h')

Compilation completed for 3 file(s). 1 error

Files With Error :
Total Time : 0 [h] 0 [min] 2 [sec] 502 [ms]

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Und e r s t a n d i n g th e co m p i l a t i o n

The co m p i l a t i o n workfl o w

When a tCompile command is executed, first the BASIC file will be analyzed, so the
grammar level can be defined. Then, the Java file will be generated in memory.

If the option 'temn.tafj.compiler.generate.class' is set to true (default), the in-memory java

file will be compiled and put in the directory specified by temn.tafj.directory.classes’”

If the option 'temn.tafj.compiler.generate.java' is set to true (default is 'false') , then the in-
memory java file will be flushed on disk at the location specified by 'temn.tafj.directory.java'

The generated java classes are all extending the main class jRuntime. This class (part of
TAFJcore, contains the definitions of all the BASIC KEYWORDS (OPEN, OCONV, …)

Basic Code tCompile Java Code



The differ e n t gra m m a r s

During the compilation, you’ll discover that there are different levels of so called grammars,
depending on the BASIC file you are compiling.

These “grammars” are different ways of translating the BASIC to JAVA, depending on the
quality of the BASIC CODE. Today, we have 2 main grammars levels: 2/3 and 0

The grammar 2/3 implies that there are no GOTO, no ON … GOTO, no RETURN TO, and
NO label in a “branch statement.” A branch statement is the block of code you will find
between :



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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

The Grammar 2/3 is the most optimized, and the generated Java is well formed and more
maintainable by a java developer.

The grammar 0 is due to the presence of a label in a branch statement.

For example, this will generate java in grammar 0 (Sample from BATCH.JOB.CONTROL):

This label is in a branch

LOOP statement (LOOP … UNTIL)
. . .
of the control list
END ELSE ;* In case we are restarting - wait for lock!!!
UNTIL CONTROL.LIST = PROCESSED ;* Until everything has been done ; *
BG_100003752 S/E
. . .

The Label ‘LOCK.CONTROL.LIST ‘ is in a branch statement. Thus this program will compile
in grammar 0 only. To correct it, a solution would be to modify it like this:

. . .
hold of the control list
END ELSE ;* In case we are restarting - wait for lock!!!
. . .
UNTIL CONTROL.LIST = PROCESSED ;* Until everything has been done ; *
BG_100003752 S/E
. . .

The solution shown is not absolute. There are many ways to remove labels from a branch

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jBC so u r c e na m e
In general, only A..Z, a..z , 0..9 and '.' are accepted in PROGRAM / SUBROUTINE names.
Few exceptions :

'$', '%' and '!' are also accepted, but there are exceptions and if possible, should not be

Note that the '-' is forbidden !

Java so ur c e na m e

The name of the java class is defined by the Basic code (SUBROUTINE, PROGRAM and
FUNCTION), or if it doesn’t exist, it is named by the name of the Basic file. Java doesn’t
support all the characters BASIC allows. The conversion rules for the names (Program,
Subroutine, Function, VAR, Label, equate and insert are:

The ‘.’ are replace by the ’_’

The ‘%’ are replace by the ’_p_’

The ‘$’ are replace by the ’_d_’

The ‘ ’ (space) are replace by the ’_s_’

The ‘(’ are replace by the ’_l_’

The ‘)’ are replace by the ’_r_’

The ‘!’ are ignored.

For example, file SLEEP.JBASE (SUBROUTINE !SLEEP$) is converted in

SLEEP_d_.java (SLEEP_d_.class)


V$FUNCTION is replace by V_d_FUNCTION

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Gen e r a t i o n of file s
As discussed, the compiler will generate two types of files. The java files containing the java
source code and the class files containing the bytecode that can be executed.

You have to specify where the compiler has to generate these files.

With the key: “temn.tafj.directory.java”, you specify where the java source files will be
generate. This key is mandatory. And you can set only one path.

With the key: ”temn.tafj.directory.classes”, you specify where the classes files will be
generate. This key is mandatory. And you can set only one path.

You have a special key: “temn.tafj.directory.insert”. This key specifies where INSERT file
is. The Insert file can be in the basic source folder or in the inserts paths.

Usually a java code is part of a package. The compiler creates a same package for all the
code compiles. To set the package, use the key: “temn.tafj.package”.

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Dep e n d e n c i e s
There is no need to have all the SUBROUTINE to be able to compile the source required.

Example :




You can tCompile A without having B. However, at runtime, if the class corresponding to “B”
is not found, a runtime error will be raised.

Also, the tShow tool will report any missing dependency.

$ . ./tShow A

Home : '/home/user/tafj_dev/bin/..'

- Project : 'tafj' [ FOUND ]

BASIC source : '/home/user/tafj_dev/bin/./A.b'
BASIC package : ''
BASIC Import(s) : 'com.temenos.t24'
Compiled the : 18 Apr 2017 12:35:45
on : LJRQKR32
Compiled with TAFJ : DEV_201705.0
Timestamp : 1492511745525
Grammar : 3
Include Basic Replacement : false

Checking dependencies ...

Missing dependency : 'B' (com.temenos.t24.B_cl.class)
Check completed

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Pre c o m p i l e d Ba s i c File s

With the option “temn.tafj.directory.precompile”, you specify where the precompiled class
files are.

You can specify multiple paths separate with the separator path. “:” or “;”. These paths are
overloaded by ”temn.tafj.directory.classes” paths. If you have a class TEST.SUB in this
path and compile a TEST.PRG call TEST.SUB. The TEST.PRG will call it. Now if you
generate a new TEST.SUB in the ”temn.tafj.directory.classes”. The TEST.PRG will not call
anymore the TEST.SUB in the “temn.tafj.directory.precompile” but call the TEST.SUB in
the “temn.tafj.directory.classes”. This path could be a folder or JAR file. This does not
apply when running in an application server. In this case, the new class would have to be
added to a jar within the application server’s path.

Gram m a r Level
Already explained in the chapter “The different grammars” the level of the grammar is
automatically defined by the compiler. You can force the maximum level and the minimum
level of the grammar with the keys: “temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.maxlevel” and

With the key “temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.minlevel” you can fix the minimum level of the
grammar. If the compiler has to use a level smaller than the level you fix, then an error will be

With the key “temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.maxlevel” you can fix the maximum level of the
grammar. It has to be bigger or equal of the minimum level grammar.

Com p i l e for deb u g g i n g

If you want to debug the basic process you have to compile with the option:
“temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.line.number” = true

This option will generate the java source code with lines numbers.

Warni n g s and error s

Each error is automatically shown in the console (depends the setting of the logger

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

The compiler can log why a grammar level is downgraded with the key
“temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.depreciation” and if an equate is overridden with
the key temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.equate.

During the compilation of a Basic file, if a compilation error occurred, a java file, containing
information to be printed on the screen when a call is executed, will be created.

In this case the compiler generate a Fake because error subroutine.

Exa m p l e :
A program A


A subroutime B


Error : unexpected token: 1

When you run A the output will be:

> Error on the file B

Line :3 -> unexpected token: 1

$IN S E R T Stat e m e n t
By a T24 standard, a Basic Insert file should start with I_% like I_COMMON. With the key:
“temn.tafj.compiler.insert.name.any” set to true, the TAFJ compiler will accept any name
as $INSERT file.

Ba s i c file an d Clas s file co m p l i a n c e

By default the basic source file encoding should be ISO-8859-1, but you may have to specify
another file encoding when running on specific platform, i.e. ibm zOs.

”temn.tafj.compiler.basic.encoding” = IBM-1047

A next section presents the way you could provide options to the java compiler.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

A property allows you to define the java version compliance you want to use. i.e when setting
1.8 you will be able to execute the generated code on targeted version and later.

This property set both -source and -target javac arguments.

“temn.tafj.compiler.javac.compliance” = 1.8

JAVAC Opti o n s

The TAFJ Compiler uses javac to compile and generate class files. With the key:
“temn.tafj.compiler.javac.options” you can specify the standard javac options.

Examples on win32
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible options include:
-g Generate all debugging info
-g:none Generate no debugging info
-g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info
-nowarn Generate no warnings
-verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing
-deprecation Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
-classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
-cp <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
-sourcepath <path> Specify where to find input source files
-bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class files
-extdirs <dirs> Override location of installed extensions
-endorseddirs <dirs> Override location of endorsed standards path
-proc:{none,only} Control whether annotation processing and/or compilation is done.
-processor <class1>[,<class2>,<class3>...] Names of the annotation processors to run; bypasses default
discovery process
-processorpath <path> Specify where to find annotation processors
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated class files
-s <directory> Specify where to place generated source files
-implicit:{none,class} Specify whether or not to generate class files for implicitly referenced
-encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by source files
-source <release> Provide source compatibility with specified release
-target <release> Generate class files for specific VM version
-version Version information
-help Print a synopsis of standard options
-Akey[=value] Options to pass to annotation processors
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Oth er Com p i l e r Prop e r t i e s

# Flag to indicate if development is internal or not.
# This will spawn additional development rules validation
# if turned on.
temn.tafj.compiler.internal.development= true
# Maximum grammar level when compiling. The highest is 3.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.maxlevel= 3
# Minimum grammar level. For example, if a program cannot be compiled in
# grammar 3, it will tried to be compiled in grammar 2, then 1 ...
# Setting this value higher than 0 will make the program to fail compiling
# if it fails at the level specified.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.minlevel= 0
# Specify if the source must be generated with the BASIC line numbers.
# If set to false, no Debugger would be available.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.line.number= true
# set encoding of the BASIC Source
# ex for zOS : temn.tafj.compiler.basic.encoding = IBM-1047
# default is ISO-8859-1
#temn.tafj.compiler.basic.encoding = IBM-1047
# Generate traces (logger COMPILER) if a Program cannot be compiled with the
# highest grammar level.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.depreciation= false
# Generate traces (logger COMPILER) if duplicates are found in EQUATE.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.equate= false
# Accept any name for $INSERT file
temn.tafj.compiler.insert.name.any= true
# Java package to be used when compiling a program.
temn.tafj.package= com.temenos.t24

# Options for the java compiler. These options

# have to be the same than the javac command of the JDK
# This property is not used by the Eclipse plug-in builder
temn.tafj.compiler.javac.options = -g:none -nowarn

# Options for java compiler. Generate class files that target a specified version
of the VM.
# Class files will run on the specified target and on later versions, but not on
earlier versions of the VM.
# Valid targets are 1.8.
# This property set the compliance option of java compiler
temn.tafj.compiler.javac.compliance = 1.8

# When compiling a JBC file, specify if we want to generate

# the java file or not. Note that we can generate the class
# without generating the java.
temn.tafj.compiler.generate.java= true

# When asking for compilation, do we want to do the java compilation ?

# The obvious would be 'true', but in some cases, we could only want
# the java generation or nothing (just parsing)

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

temn.tafj.compiler.generate.class= true

# When compiling, do we want to also put the classes in a jar file.

# This will obviously only work if we are generating the classes (see above)
# The jar name will be the name of the package with _ instead of .
# The jar location will be defined by the property
# temn.tafj.compiler.generated.jar.dir
temn.tafj.compiler.generate.jar= true

# Where should the jar be generated during compilation.

# default value is same as temn.tafj.directory.classes directory but in
# "jars" instead of "classes"
temn.tafj.compiler.generated.jar.dir =
# When set to true enable compilation of new resources in eclipse
temn.tafj.compiler.eclipse.new.basic= false
# Extensions the compiler will consider. If null, all types
# or file will be accepted
temn.tafj.compiler.extensions= .b;.component;.tut
# When set to true stop the compilation if an error append
# This property is not used by the Eclipse plug-in builder
temn.tafj.compiler.exit.if.error = false

# Eclipse basic editor When set to true file parsing won't be processed on each
# To be used to speed up edition.
#Live code colorizer will be executed on save only.
temn.tafj.compiler.disable.cr.refresh= true
# Generate an error if variable is not properly initialised.
temn.tafj.compiler.force.variable.initialisation= true

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TAFJ mav e n plu g i n

TAFJ Basic compiler could be used through a maven build, which could be helpful if you
want to integrate within a build or regression process a T24 compilation.

It will also speed up your compilation process depending on the compilation strategy you

If you are not familiar with the TAFJ maven plugin, first refer to the documentation “TAFJ
MAVEN PLUGIN”. It will help you to get started with a simple demo.

This section assumes you are familiar with maven (commands, profile and lifecycle), the tafj
maven project creation and the basic plugin usage.

It covers the various plugin options.

What we call the tafj maven project is the pom.xml which contains your build parameters.

You need to be connected to the Temenos maven repository to use TAFJ maven

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T24 co m p i l a t i o n

Com m o n proje c t set u p

First create a pom.xml representing your tafj maven project, let’s say BUILD_T24.

<project xmlns ="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

xmlns:xsi ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- instance"
xsi:schemaLocation ="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven- 4.0.0.xsd" >

<modelVersion >4.0.0 </modelVersion >

<parent >
<groupId >com.temenos.tafj </groupId >
<artifactId >tafj -maven -parent </artifactId >
<version >0.1.0 </version >
</parent >

<groupId >com.temenos.t24 </groupId >

<name >BUILD_T24 </name>
<description ></description >
<artifactId >BUILD_T24 </artifactId >
<version >0.0.1-SNAPSHOT </version >

As explained in “TAFJ MAVEN PLUGIN” documentation, your project must inherit from latest
tafj-maven-parent available.

We assume that you have a valid TAFJ installation under some path; a good practice is to
define this path in the properties section of your project to be able to reuse it at multiple

<properties >
<tafjHome >${basedir}/tafjHome </tafjHome >
<lib.dir >${basedir}/lib </lib.dir >
<project.build.sourceEncoding >cp1252 </project.build.sourceEncoding >
</properties >

If the basic code you want to compile has some dependencies, for example T24 enterprise or
components jar files, you should define the path to these jars in a property we call ${lib.dir} in
same properties section.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Clas s i c co m p i l a t i o n
What we call the “classic compilation” is a compilation where tCompile is going to:

- Translate the basic files to java files

- Compile the java files to class files

The classic compilation is suitable for small projects, as it’s compiling file by file.

To illustrate this compilation, we define it within a profile called tcompile.

<profile >
<id>tcompile </id>
<build >
<plugins >
<plugin >
<groupId >com.temenos.tafj </groupId >
<artifactId >tafj-maven-plugin </artifactId >
<executions >
<execution >
<phase >generate- sources </phase >
<goals >
<goal>compile </goal>
</goals >
<configuration >
<tafjHome >${tafjHome} </tafjHome >
<tafjProperties >tafj</tafjProperties >
<basicDir >${basedir}/src/basic/BP </basicDir >
<insertDir >${basedir}/src/basic/BP </insertDir >
<javaDir >${basedir}/src/java </javaDir >
<classesDir >${basedir}/target/classes </classesDir >
<javaPackage >com.temenos.t24 </javaPackage >
<properties >
<temn.tafj.compiler.generate.java >true </temn.tafj.compiler.generate.java >
<temn.tafj.directory.precompile >${lib.dir </temn.tafj.directory.precompile >
</properties >
</configuration >
</execution >
</executions >
</plugin >
</plugins >
</build >
</profile >

You can see that we refer to the plugin: tafj-maven-plugin and its goal compile.

By default, the goal compile is bound to the maven phase “generate-sources”, you could
change this phase to fit your build requirement.

You need to configure the configuration section with your compilation parameters:

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

- The tafj home

- The properties file (tafj project) to use during compilation

- The basic folder to compile

- The insert directory, optional, could be read from the tafj properties file

- The java directory, optional, could be read from the tafj properties file

- The classes directory, optional, could be read from the tafj properties file

- The java package, optional, could be read from the tafj properties file

- Some additional specific tafj properties could be defined under a section <properties>

You have to define in this section: <temn.tafj.directory.precompile>$

To resolve the dependencies you may have.

If you don’t change de default phase binding you simply have to run from the root folder of
your project command:

mvn clean generate-sources -P tcompile

You will have your basic files compiled to the classes directory you specified.

If you change the phase binding, run the maven build till your targeted phase.

If you use the option keep java, do not setup your tCompile java directory to your maven
project java directory: project/src/main/java or maven compiler will also compile your java
files when reaching the phase compile.

If you run the build till the package or install phase, you will have your classes packaged into
a jar file named with the name of your project, i.e BUILD_T24.jar, if the classes folder is
matching your project/target/classes directory.

Mixe d co m p i l a t i o n
What we call the “mixed compilation” is a compilation where tCompile is going to generate
the java files only and maven compiler will compile them.

This compilation is faster than the classic compilation as there will be only one javac
compilation invoked for all java files.

For medium size projects maven compiler should be able to compile all java files in a row,
but for high size project, like full T24 compilation, we will need to use specific compiler to do
incremental compilation.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

The following “translate.only” profile does this mixed compilation.

<!-- Don't change javaDir, has to be
src/main/java to have maven compiler finding
source code -->

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

<!-- compile java -->

We have same kind of configuration as in the classic compilation except the following points:

The java dir much match the maven project source directory to have maven compiler

<!-- Don't change javaDir, has to be src/main/java to have maven compiler finding source
code -->


You have to set property «translate only » and «keep java » to true and reference the jars
you may have dependencies on with the precompile property.



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To have maven compiler resolving the dependencies, we use the plugin


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It will add to the maven classpath all jars contained in


As mentioned above we also need to tune the maven compiler, to be able to compile high
size project, to use “eclipse plexus compiler”.



You won’t have to tune maven compiler for medium size project and you could remove the
maven compiler plugin section.

Simply launch command

mvn clean compile -P translate.only

tafj-maven-plugin will generate the java files and maven compiler compile them.

If you run the build till the package or install phase, you will have your classes packaged into
a jar file named with the name of your project, i.e BUILD_T24.jar, if the classes folder is
matching your project/target/classes directory.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ- Run n e r
Intr o d u c t i o n
tRun is the main entry point for running a program. This is a script in the /bin directory. It is
used to execute the Compiled Basic Files

tRu n

Syn t a x
The tRun syntax is the following:

tRun [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] <BASIC program>


TAFJ Clas s p a t h

TAFJ is managing the classpath base on the properties file of the project. There are no need
to setup the CLASSPATH variable environment.

The order of the TAFJ Classpath is :

1. All classes specify with the key: <temn.tafj.directory.classes>

2. All jars and folder specify with the key: <temn.tafj.runtime.classpath>
3. All jars and folder and subfolder in <TAFJ_HOME>/ext
4. All jars and folder specify with the key: <temn.tafj.runtime.extended.classpath>
5. All T24 jars and folder specify with the key <temn.tafj.directory.precompile>

You can specify multiple paths separate with the separator path. “:” or “;”. Except for the key
<temn.tafj.directory.classes> only 1 folder can be specify.



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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Each entry has a clear state and the defined order cannot be change.

Specify where the classes’ files will be generated by the compiler.

Specify where all internal jars and classpath before ext folder (3rd party jars and jdbc
drivers) will be loaded.

Specify where all 3rd party jars, jdbc drivers and subfolder classpath will be loaded.

Specify where all internal jars and classpath after ext folder (3rd party jars and jdbc
drivers) will be loaded.

Specify where all T24, components and modules jars and classpath will be loaded.

TAFJ Run t i m e Dire c t o r i e s

TAFJ support UD tables. The root of the current directory where all UD tables is specify with
the key : “temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current”.

In the properties file the default is :

# Specify what will be considered as the "current" directory (eg in an OPEN "." ...)
temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current = <tafj.home>/UD

The default file encoding is UTF-8. You can spefify the file encoding of the UD Table with the
key : “temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding”.

In the properties file the default is:

# By default all UD Tables is no UTF-8 encoding.
# you have to specify the codepage of UD tables
# Latin character ISO-8859-1, cp1252 or UTF-8
temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding = UTF-8

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ treat differently the directory &COMO&. You can specify where is the &COMO& folder
outside the current directory of the UD Tables with the key :
# Specify what is the COMO directory.
temn.tafj.runtime.directory.como =

The default file encoding (empty key) is the platform specific. You can specify the file
encoding of the UD Table with the key : “temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding”.
# set the file encoding of the output file COMO
# ex for zOS : temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding= IBM-1047
# default is ISO-8859-1
#temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding = IBM-1047

TAFJ treat differently the directory &HOLD&. You can specify where is the &HOLD& folder
outside the current directory of the UD Tables with the key :
#Specify where is the &HOLD& directory when SETPTR is used with the HOLD option
temn.tafj.printer.directory.hold =

TAFJ Tim e z o n e an d Local

TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings. You can set
the Timezone with the key: “temn.tafj.runtime.timezone”.

In the properties file the default is:

# set the timezone of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.timezone = Europe/London
temn.tafj.runtime.timezone =

A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. An operation

that requires a Locale to perform its task is called locale-sensitive and uses the Locale to
tailor information for the user. You can set the Local with the key: “temn.tafj.runtime.local”.

In the properties file the default is:

# set the locale language and country


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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

temn.tafj.runtime.local = en_US

TAFJ Thre a d or Pro c e s s

By convention a JBC command : EXECUTE PHANTOM will forks a new OS Process with a
new instance of a JVM (Java Virtual Machine). For performance raison you can define with
the key “temn.tafj.runtime.phantom.as.process” to execute the new process as a thread
in the current JVM.

In the properties file the default is:

# Specify whether a "EXECUTE PHANTOM ..." will be a new process or
# a new Thread. In multiple CPU machines, a new process (true) could
# be more efficient.
temn.tafj.runtime.phantom.as.process = true

When the new process forks a new JVM, you have to specify the environment of the JVM
with options. Use the key: “temn.tafj.runtime.new.process.params”
The option can be any java options:
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
where options include:
-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available
-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available
-server to select the "server" VM
-hotspot is a synonym for the "server" VM [deprecated]
The default VM is server.
-D<name>=<value> set a system property
-verbose: [class|gc|jni] enable verbose output
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image

Se e h tt p: // ww w .o r ac l e. c om / te c hn e tw o rk / ja v a/ j av a se / do c um e nt a ti o n/ i nd e x. h tm l fo r m or e de ta il s.

In the properties file the default is:

#If the phantoms are executed as process, what JVM options to

#use to launch them.
temn.tafj.runtime.new.process.params = -Xmx1024M

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ Pre c i s i o n and Rou n d i n g

By properties, you can specify the default precision for the runtime with the key:

In the properties file the default is:

# Default precision when not specified.
temn.tafj.runtime.default.precision = 13

By properties, you can specify the rounding of a operation with the key:
“temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode” and the rounding of the result after operation with the
key : “temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode.result”.

In the properties file the default is:

# Rounding Mode for operands : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)
temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode = HALF_UP

# Rounding Mode result : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)
temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode.result = DOWN

TAFJ Run t i m e Mod e

If TAFJ is install on a Mainframe (zOS), you need to specify to true the key:
“temn.tafj.runtime.zos.mode”. It will avoid the INPUT statement with timer. (not allow on
zOS). Set the correct encoding for logger in TAFJTrace.properties and COMO encoding.

In the properties file the default is:

# set to true if the runner is on a zOS LPar machine
# and it have to work in legacy mode
temn.tafj.runtime.zos.mode = false

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Here is some other specific mode.

# Define if, in case of exception, we are stopping the execution or

# just throwing the exception (in case of TAFJ is used like an API)
temn.tafj.runtime.exception.mode = false

# When set to true a terminating session will be cleaned up.

# All locks released and the database connection closed.
temn.tafj.runtime.clean.on.shutdown = true

# If set to false, data records changed in eclipse will not be loaded.

# into the database. by default the property is false .
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.data.records.load = false

TAFJ Perfor m a n c e

For Performance raison, and if you are not in development environment you have to active
some cache and stop TAFJ to have the capability to debug code.

In the properties file the default is:

# If set to false, any 'DEBUG' statement will be ignored.

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.debug = true

# Performance :cache OPF

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf = false

# Performance : internal java TAFJ System_getCache

temn.tafj.runtime.use.cache.get = false

TEC and log g e r API

TAFJ has the capability to redirect API message to the logger API (T24) to the JMS Topic
Queue with the key : “temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api.jms”

In the properties file the default is:

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items recording using JMS (used by T24Monitor)
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api.jms = false

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ has the capability to disable any T24 Logger API or TEC. With the key:
“temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api“ and the key: “temn.tafj.runtime.disable.tec“

In the properties file the default is:

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items (used by T24Monitor)
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api = true

# Enable TEC Items recording

temn.tafj.runtime.disable.tec = false

TAFJ JIMI ( Ind e p e n d e n t Metri c s Int e g r a t i o n )

Check the below properties for JIMI.

In the properties file the default is:


# Specify if jimi is on, off or can be switched

# 1 : On, can be changed programatically
# 0 : Off, can be changed programatically
#-1 : Off CANNOT be changed programatically.
temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.on = 0

# Specify what directory will contains the jimi reports

temn.tafj.runtime.directory.jimi = <temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current>

# Specify whether we want to append on existing trace files or create

# a new file every times we start jimi.
temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.append = false

# The first index when using the FILEIO option

temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.image.index = 1

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ Mon i t o r

To use TAFJ Monitor, TAFJSessionMonitor have to be up and running on the network. TAFJ
with the following properties will send all the information to the TAFJSessionMonitor. Read
the section TAFJSessionMonitor to know how setup and start the monitor.

# TAFJ Monitor
# Enable the TAFJMonitorSession
temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.enable = true

# Host name or IP of where is the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.host = localhost

# TCP port of the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.port = 8377

TAFJ Prin t e r

TAFJ use the JPS (Java Print Service.

On Windows, JPS use the Printer Manager. You can connect any printer installed on
Windows. The Printer has to be online.

On UNIX/LINUX, JPS use CUPS (Common Unix Printing System). CUPS is not install by
default. You have to install it. Please refer to your OS documentation for the installation.

In the properties file, category printer, the setup of TAFJ automatically adds your printers
online with default driver name PRN #. You can affect the channel to any drivers’ name.

You can affect minimum of 3 channels to different printer with the key:
“temn.tafj.channel.name.#”. # is the number of the channel.

The default number of printer channels can be increased on demand by the below property
in properties file.

temn.tafj.printer.num.channels =

The name you affect to the key have to match the name of the driver.


temn.tafj.channel.name.0 = PRN2

The channel 0 is link to the driver PRN2

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

To install a driver, you need to specify:

1) A name to be linked with the channel.

2) A device base on the printer manager of windows or CUPS printer name.

3) A class driver (by default : com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver)

To find the devices online on your OS, use the command tFindDevice.


Device(s) on your system


Default printer : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 0 : >Send To OneNote 2010<
Printer 1 : >Microsoft XPS Document Writer<
Printer 2 : >HP0CE4D2 (HP Officejet Pro 8600)<
Printer 3 : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<
Printer 4 : >Fax - HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<
Printer 5 : >Fax<


Chose the device you want and add to the properties file:
temn.tafj.driver.name.# = <The name of a key to link with the channel>
temn.tafj.driver.device.# = <The name of device>
temn.tafj.driver.class.# = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

# is the next available number of the device.


temn.tafj.channel.name.0 = PRN0
temn.tafj.channel.name.1 = PR23
temn.tafj.channel.name.2 = PRN1

temn.tafj.driver.name.0 = PRN0
temn.tafj.driver.device.0 = HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)
temn.tafj.driver.class.0 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

temn.tafj.driver.name.1 = PRN1
temn.tafj.driver.device.1 = Send To OneNote 2010
temn.tafj.driver.class.1 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

temn.tafj.driver.name.2 = PRN2
temn.tafj.driver.device.2 = Microsoft XPS Document Writer
temn.tafj.driver.class.2 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Re d i r e c t i n g you r Re p o r t s .
It is possible in TAFJ to redirect data destined for the T24 &HOLD& UD directory to another
machine or report repository. An example follows:






temn.tafj.channel.name.0 = DEFAULT

temn.tafj.driver.name.0 = HP8000

temn.tafj.driver.device.0 = Epson Stylus Photo R200 (M)

temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.0 = FILEHANDLER_SFTP

With the FILEHANDLER_SFTP IO handler above, the output is being redirected via SFTP to
the server on port 22 to the directory /home/t24user/tmp. Jsch-<version>.jar
must be included in the classpath. The jar can be found in $TAFJ_HOME/3rdParty/reporting.

Likewise, TAFJ supports Apache Jackrabbit content repository, ie

temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.0 = FILEHANDLER_JACKRABBIT

Specify temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.host, temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.port,

temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.user, and temn.tafj.spooler.iohandler.password specific to where
the JACKRABBIT server is running. This uses the remote RMI interface of JACKRABBIT.
The JACKRABBIT server must be started with a command similar to:

java -Xmx256m -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.14.0.jar

--host --port 8081

For the client, include jackrabbit-core-<version>.jar and jackrabbit-jcr-rmi-<version>.jar. The

jars can be found in $TAFJ_HOME/3rdParty/reporting.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Finally, a JCA connector has been written for these plugins when in an application server
context. Please refer to the TAFJ-AS TAFJ document for how to deploy and manage this.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ Data B a s e
TAFJ use JDBC to connect and use a database. Short for Java Database Connectivity, a
Java API that enables Java programs to execute SQL statements. This allows Java
programs to interact with any SQL-compliant database. Since nearly all relational database
management systems (DBMSs) support SQL, and because Java itself runs on most
platforms, JDBC makes it possible to write a single database application that can run on
different platforms and interact with different DBMSs. JDBC is similar to ODBC, but is
designed specifically for Java programs, whereas ODBC is language-independent.

You need to setup 4 keys to connect to the database:

URL that describes database connection
Class that describes the specific Driver for a database
The username to connect
The password


# Database setup

# URL that describes database connection,

# ex. oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_or_ip>:1521:<db_name>
# ex. db2: jdbc:db2://<host_or_ip>:50000/<db_name>
# ex. ms-sql: jdbc:sqlserver://<host_or_ip>:1433;databaseName=<db_name>;integratedSecurity=true
# ex. H2: jdbc:h2:tcp://<host_or_ip>/<db_name>
# ex. H2(Embedded): jdbc:h2:<path_to_my_db>
temn.tafj.jdbc.url = jdbc:db2://

# Class that describes the specific Driver for a database,

# ex. oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
# ex. db2: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
# ex. ms-sql: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
# ex. H2: org.h2.Driver
temn.tafj.jdbc.driver = com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = tafjdb
temn.tafj.jdbc.password = secret

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e


You need the specific database drivers you are targeting to go in <TAFJ_HOME>/ext.
Please find these drivers in <TAFJ_HOME>/dbdrivers and copy them to

i.e for oracle 11g database

│ ├───db2_v10.1
│ ├───db2_v10_zOS
│ ├───h2_1.3.161
│ ├───h2_1.3.172
│ ├───oracle-11g
│ ├───oracle-12c
│ └───sqljdbc_1.2

TAFJ Lock M a n a g e r

To configure the client system to use the Distributed Lock Service, each client user must be
configured with the TAFJ Locking mechanism.

To be properly effective ALL users of the same database must be configured with exactly the
Distributed Lock Service parameters, otherwise locks will NOT be correctly respected and
data inconsistencies may occur.

You need to setup the following keys :

TAFJ Distributed Lock mechanism mode.
Hostname or the IP address of the system where the Distributed Lock Service is
The socket port number on which TAFJ Distributed Lock service is listening.
Bring the current call stack over to the LockManager?

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

override the URL as unique key for the DBInstance

TAFJ Lock i n g m e c h a n i s m .

1. MEM :
The LockManager is part of the same JVM than the process running.
 High Performance.
 The runtime have to be in thread mode.
 The locks cannot be share between multiple JVM

2. JDBC : use the same URL than the database

The LockManager is a table in the database. The name of the table use for the
lock is TAFJ_LOCKS
 Best situation for development purpose.
 Poor performance.

The LockManager is an external process on a server in the network.
The key “temn.tafj.locking.hostname” and “temn.tafj.locking.port” have to be
The PROCHASH is the same mechanism as PROC but the lock is a hash. It
cannot be monitor.
 Good Performance.
 Solution for DB2 database
 tLockManager have to be started

The LockManager use the lock engine of the database via an API.
 Good Performance.
 Solution only for Oracle and MS-SQL Server
 This is not the native locks of the database.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

TAFJ Tool s

tDia g

Intr o d u c t i o n

tDiag is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to easily get information about your environment like
the java version, the TAFJ version,… The tDiag utility is used to display information about
your TAFJ installation and projects setup. It is useful in pin-pointing problem areas of the

Syn t a x
The tDiag syntax is the following:

tDiag [-cf <configuration>[.properties]]

Exa m p l e
To get information about all projects you have configured


Page 64
TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

The resulting output looks like this:

H om e : ' C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ b in \ .. '
C on f di re ct or y : ' C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ b in \ .. / co n f'
L og di re ct or y : ' C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ b in \ .. \ lo g '
L og di re ct or y T2 4 : ' C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ b in \ .. \ lo g _T 2 4'
L og gi ng im pl em en ta t io n : L OG 4J 2
V er si on : D EV _2 01 70 5
_ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

j av a. ho me : C :\ Te me no s \D e ve l op m en t \3 r dP a rt y \j d k\ j dk 1 .8 . 0_ 1 21 \ jr e
j av a. ve nd o r : O ra cl e Co rp or at i on
j av a. ve rs i on : 1 .8 .0 _1 21
o s. ar ch : a md 64
o s. na me : W in do ws 7
H os tN am e : L JR QK R3 2
I P A dd re ss : 1 0. 30 .2 01 . 10
R un ti me : D ou bl e By te S ys Se pa ra t or
_ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

D ef au lt Pr oj ec t : ' TE ST '
_ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
C om mo n va li da ti o n:
C om mo n va li da ti o n c om pl et ed - A ll fi ne
_ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
- Pr oj ec t : ' TE ST '
Ja va sr c di r : C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ d at a \T E ST \ ja v a
Ja va cl as se s d ir : C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ d at a \T E ST \ cl a ss e s
Pr ec om pi le : C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ T2 4 \l i b\ P re c om p il e d
Up da te d ir : C: \T em en o s\ D ev e lo p me n t\ D EV \ TA F J\ b in \ .. / up d at e s
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Ja va de fa ul t p ac ka ge : co m. te me n os . t2 4
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Da ta Ba se UR L : jd bc :h 2: t cp : // l oc a lh o st / DE V
Da ta Ba se us er : t2 4
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Lo ck in g mo de : JD BC
Lo ck in g na me :
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Cu rr en t di r :
C :\ Te me no s \D e ve l op m en t \D E V\ T AF J \b i n\ . ./ . ./ T 24 / da t a/ T 24 U D
Co mo di r :
C :\ Te me no s \D e ve l op m en t \D E V\ T AF J \b i n\ . ./ . ./ T 24 / da t a/ T 24 U D/ & CO M O&
Ho ld di r :
C :\ Te me no s \D e ve l op m en t \D E V\ T AF J \b i n\ . ./ . ./ T 24 / da t a/ T 24 U D/ & HO L D&
UD en co di ng : UT F- 8
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Ti me zo ne :
Lo ca l : en _U S
De bu g en ab le d : tr ue
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
JM S l og ge r en ab le d : fa ls e
Lo gg er A PI en ab le d : tr ue
TE C d is ab le d : fa ls e
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Se ss io n mo ni to r e na bl ed : tr ue
Se ss io n mo ni to r h os t : lo ca lh os t
Se ss io n mo ni to r p or t : 83 77
__ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _
Pr oj ec t va li da ti o n:
TA FJ J av a F un ct io ns V er si on i n D B : 1 8. 0. 0
TA FJ Ja va F un ct io ns Ve rs io n i n F il e : 18 .0 .0
No du pl ic at ed c la ss es f ou nd .

Page 65
TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

tSh o w

Intr o d u c t i o n

tShow is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows finding easily where your BASIC source has been
compiled, when and on what machine it has been compiled. It can search for the resource on
one single project and multiple ones.It can also produce a report of all the duplicate classes
when run with –d argument.

Syn t a x
The tShow syntax is the following:

tShow [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] <SUBROUTINE.NAME>

tShow [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] -d

Exa m p l e
To view where CACHE.READ is, just type


It will, for all projects in your distribution, try to load the java class for CACHE.READ
(CACHE_READ_cl.class), and get information like:

- Where is the original BASIC source

- When it has been compiled
- On what machine is has been compiled
- What grammar applied to this file
- Whether it is having Basic Replacement

Here is the result:

Page 66
TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Home : ' D:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ'

- Project : 'TAFJ201305' [ FOUND ]

BASIC source : 'C:\Product\Version\201305\T24_BP\CACHE.READ'
BASIC package : ''
BASIC Import(s) : ''
JAVA class : 'file:/
Compiled the : 12 Jul 2013 07:48:27
on : GVAL1201010
Compiled with TAFJ : < R13GA
Timestamp : 1342072107042
Grammar : 1
Include Basic Replacement : false

- Project : 'REGRESSION' [ MISSING ]

No such routine : 'CACHE.READ' (com.temenos.t24.CACHE_READ_cl.class)

To view the Duplicate classes Report,

tShow -d

Here is the result:

tSh o w C h e c k

Intr o d u c t i o n
tShowCheck is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to find out easily whether all the BASIC
source files have been compiled successfully. It reports the error and warning messages to a
flat file if a class is found missing in the precompiled or in the classes folder.

It takes three command line parameters,


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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e


Syn t a x:
The tShowCheck syntax is the following:

tShowCheck [-cf <configuration>[.properties]] –s [Path_of_source_folder] –p

[<path_of_precompiled> or <path_of_classes_folder>] –r [path_of_report_folder]

Exa m p l e

tShowCheck -s D:\T24_BP –p D:\T24_Precompiled\R10GA.jar –r d:\Report

It will generate new report file with name of tShowReport.txt

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

No such routine : 'SYSTEM.SANITY.CHECK'

(com.temenos.t24.SYSTEM_SANITY_CHECK_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
Class found but failed to get informations for 'T.TRACE'
(com.temenos.t24.T_TRACE_cl.class) : [ WARNING ]
No such routine : 'TEMPLATE' (com.temenos.t24.TEMPLATE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TSDK.CALLJ.PROG.JBASE'
(com.temenos.t24.TSDK_CALLJ_PROG_JBASE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
(com.temenos.t24.TV_GET_AA_CHILD_TRANSACTION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_AA_GET_PROPERTY_TEMPLATES_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'Tws.isTws' (com.temenos.t24.Tws_isTws_6_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA' (com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.APPLICATION'
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_APPLICATION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.ENQUIRY'
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_ENQUIRY_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.GENERATE'
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_GENERATE_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.PROCESS'
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_PROCESS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'TWS.SCHEMA.VERSION'
(com.temenos.t24.TWS_SCHEMA_VERSION_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'UPDATE.MVS.SVS.IN.FVS'
(com.temenos.t24.UPDATE_MVS_SVS_IN_FVS_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'User.getCompanyList'
(com.temenos.t24.User_getCompanyList_15_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'User.validateCompanySwitch'
(com.temenos.t24.User_validateCompanySwitch_22_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'Util' (com.temenos.t24.Util_3_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'V.AA.ARR.DEFAULT.CUSTOMER'
(com.temenos.t24.V_AA_ARR_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'V.AM.COMPARE.VER.AUTHRTN'
(com.temenos.t24.V_AM_COMPARE_VER_AUTHRTN_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'V.MB.CHILD.ACCOUNT.RULES'
(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_CHILD_ACCOUNT_RULES_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'V.MB.COMI.PROCESS' (com.temenos.t24.V_MB_COMI_PROCESS_cl.class)
No such routine : 'V.MB.CUST.PROCESS' (com.temenos.t24.V_MB_CUST_PROCESS_cl.class)
No such routine : 'V.MB.STO.CREATE.BAL'
(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_STO_CREATE_BAL_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
No such routine : 'V.MB.STO.CREATE.FIX'
(com.temenos.t24.V_MB_STO_CREATE_FIX_cl.class) : [ MISSING ]
Total Number of Routines Requested : 17929
Total Number of Routines Found : 17419
Total Number of Routines Failed : 505
Total Number of Routines with BasicReplacements : 5
Total Time taken : 0 Hrs 2 Mins 54 Secs

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e


Intr o d u c t i o n
tCrypt is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows encrypting the password specified in
temn.tafj.jdbc.password. This will encrypt the password with DES3 Algorithm. The key used
to encrypt is auto generated and stored in a file called .key in the conf directory of your TAFJ

Syn t a x
The tCrypt syntax is the following:

tCrypt [-cf <configuration>[.properties]]

Exa m p l e
To get encrypt the password for the database mentioned in configuration file

tCrypt -cf tafj

The resulting output looks like this:

Configuration: 'C:\TAFJ\bin\..\conf\tafj.properties'
Configuration file changed with encrypted password.

tafj.properties will then have the password looking like that :

Before tCrypt, password will look like this:

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = t24
temn.tafj.jdbc.password = secret

After tCrypt, password changes will look like this:

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = t24
temn.tafj.jdbc.password = ::P6PeGkfV134=

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Read Only Database resources can be configured with multiple databases

separated by comma. Before tCrypt, password will look like this:

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 ,t 2 4u s er 2
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = se cr et 1, se c re t 2

After tCrypt, each password separated by comma is encrypt and will look like

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 , t2 4 us e r2
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = :: 23 hK Ms I lA 2 UF 5 h1 U nP i /0 Q == , :: XK 7a yg pD a Rk =

A new password for another database can be added and encrypted using tCrypt:

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 , t2 4 us e r2 , t2 4 us e r3
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = :: 23 hK Ms I lA 2 UF 5 h1 U nP i /0 Q == , :: XK 7a yg pD a Rk = ,

After tCrypt, encrypted password will look like this:

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 , t2 4 us e r2 , t2 4 us e r3
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = :: 23 hK Ms I lA 2 UF 5 h1 U nP i /0 Q == , :: XK 7a yg pD a Rk = ,
: :w hH Sw mv j tr 0 =

Also existing password can be changed and encrypted using tCrypt:

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 , t2 4 us e r2 , t2 4 us e r3
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = :: 23 hK Ms I lA 2 UF 5 h1 U nP i /0 Q == , ne ws ec re t2 ,
: :w hH Sw mv j tr 0 =

After tCrypt, encrypted password will look like this:

t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. u se r na m e = t2 4u se r1 , t2 4 us e r2 , t2 4 us e r3
t em n. ta fj . jd b c. r o. p as s wo r d = :: 23 hK Ms I lA 2 UF 5 h1 U nP i /0 Q == ,
: :r tn 2R Qv h Vf K 56 e Rb P tC q Eg = = , : :w hH Sw mv jt r 0=

Page 71
TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

tFin d D e v i c e

Intr o d u c t i o n
tFindDevice is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows to easily getting information about your
Default Printer on your System and a list of printers which are available on your system.

Syn t a x
The tFindDevice syntax is the following:


Exa m p l e
To Find the Default printer on your system


The resulting output looks like this


Device(s) on your system


Default printer : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<

Printer 0 : >Send To OneNote 2010<
Printer 1 : >Microsoft XPS Document Writer<
Printer 2 : >HP0CE4D2 (HP Officejet Pro 8600)<
Printer 3 : >HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<
Printer 4 : >Fax - HP Officejet Pro 8600 (Network)<
Printer 5 : >Fax<


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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

tCre a t e B a s i c R e p l a c e m e n t
Intr o d u c t i o n

This chapter will cover how you can easily and safely write java code and invoke it directly
from BASIC. You can write your own java class, and setup the TAFJ runtime to use it instead
of a BASIC subroutine. You also can simply invoke your java class without having a
corresponding BASIC subroutine. Of course, the whole environment (like COMMONs) is
available in your java class.

Writi n g your java cla s s

The class you will invoke from basic (via a standard CALL(...)) must extends

This class must also implement a static method “INSTANCE” and a public method stack.

In order to make your live easier, and to avoid the copy/paste paradigm, there is a tool
available in the <TAFJ_HOME>/bin directory : tCreateBasicReplacement (.bat)

Syn t a x
The tCreateBasicReplacement syntax is the following:

tCreateBasicReplacment <full package_name_class>

Exa m p l e
To create a java MailSender

tCreateBasicReplacement com.temenos.t24.MailSender

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

The above command will create, in the ext directory, the correct file structure and the class
template you specified :

|_ com/
|_ temenos/
|_ t24/
|_ MailSender.java

The class MailSender contains all the necessary information for being invoked from BASIC.
You will need to add your custom code in the method invoke(Object... args).

The m e t h o d invo k e

public jVar invoke(Object... args) {

//TODO : Add your code here.
String sMessage = args[0].toString();
((jVar)args[1]).set("Response 3 : " + sMessage);
return null;

The argument of this method is an array of objects. These objects are in fact jVar (a
variable), and you can cast them to get the correct reference.

Despite the fact that the TAFJ jVar object is not part of any API, here are few useful methods

 to know how many parameters are passed : args.length

 to convert the var in String : toString()

 to set a value to a var (eg. for returning a value in BASIC) : set(String)

 to get a specific FieldMark, ValueMark, SubvalueMark : get(<fm>, <vm>, <sm>)

There are MANY methods available, but this is not the purpose of this document to list them

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

Com p i l i n g th e cla s s

You can compile this class as any other java class. The only dependency is on the
TAFJCore.jar library.

So for example, you can type, from the <TAFJ_HOME>/ext directory:

javac -cp ../lib/* com.temenos.t24.MailSender.java

This will create a MailSender.class next to the java file.

Re g i s t e r i n g a BASIC repl a c e m e n t

Once the class has been implemented (and compiled!) you will need to let the runtime know
about it. To do that, edit the property file of your project (default is tafj.properties) and find the
basic replacement section. This section looks like this by default :

# Basic Replacement
# These properties are shortcuting the CALL statement to invoke
# Directly a javaClass.
# The Parameters are all jVar and the count must match the
# Basic equivalent.
# The count must not be discountinuous. This means that if
# there is ...1, ...2, ...4 without ...3, ...4 will not be read and thus ignored.
temn.tafj.directory.ext = <tafj.home>/ext

temn.tafj.migration.basic.1 = CHECK.ROUTINE.EXIST
temn.tafj.migration.java.1 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.CheckRoutineExist

temn.tafj.migration.basic.2 = EB.CREATE.VIEW
temn.tafj.migration.java.2 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbCreateView

temn.tafj.migration.basic.3 = EB.TRACE.CALL
temn.tafj.migration.java.3 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbTraceCall

temn.tafj.migration.basic.4 = EBS.CREATE.FILE
temn.tafj.migration.java.4 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbsCreateFile

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

As you can see, there is already few basic replacements defined by default. The only thing
you need to do is to add yours at the end of the list like this :

# Basic Replacement
# These properties are shortcuting the CALL statement to invoke
# Directly a javaClass.
# The Parameters are all jVar and the count must match the
# Basic equivalent.
# The count must not be discountinuous. This means that if
# there is ...1, ...2, ...4 without ...3, ...4 will not be read and thus ignored.
temn.tafj.directory.ext = <tafj.home>/ext

temn.tafj.migration.basic.1 = CHECK.ROUTINE.EXIST
temn.tafj.migration.java.1 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.CheckRoutineExist

temn.tafj.migration.basic.2 = EB.CREATE.VIEW
temn.tafj.migration.java.2 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbCreateView

temn.tafj.migration.basic.3 = EB.TRACE.CALL
temn.tafj.migration.java.3 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbTraceCall

temn.tafj.migration.basic.4 = EBS.CREATE.FILE
temn.tafj.migration.java.4 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbsCreateFile

temn.tafj.migration.basic.5 = SEND.MAIL
temn.tafj.migration.java.5 = com.temenos.t24.MailSender

The next time you will compile SEND.MAIL, instead to compile SEND.MAIL, TAFJ Compiler
will create a wrapper to call your Basic Replacement.

When TAFJ will execute a CALL SEND.MAIL(...), it will invoke the method invoke(Object...
args) of your class com.temenos.t24.MailSender.

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TAFJ-S t a n d a l o n e

JQL Un s u p p o r t e d

The following sort of statements are unsupported in TAFJ:



Don’t be lazy. Do it right:




Page 77

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