Chapter 5 V1
Chapter 5 V1
Chapter 5 V1
1. Course outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Stiffness influence coefficient
4. Flexibility influence coefficient
5. Review on matrix
6. Dunkerley’s method
7. Rayleigh’s method
The stiffness influence coefficients kij means, the force at point i due to a
unit displacement at point j when the other unit are fixed
Thus the force at point i is obtained by finding the equilibrium of forces at
that point.
ܨ ൌ σୀଵ ݇ ݔ ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ ǥ ݊
MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 4
2.0 Stiffness Influence Coefficient
Finally, the stiffness matrix is given by
݇ଵଵ ݇ଵଶ ݇ ڮଵ
݇ ݇ଶ ݇ ڮଶ
݇ ൌ ଶଵ
ڭ ڭ ڰ ڭ
݇ଵ ݇ଶ ݇
Steps in establishing the stiffness matrix using stiffness influence
coefficient method
¾ Draw FBD for individual mass
¾ Introduce the stiffness coefficient (kij) for individual mass. kij is a force and
mark its direction along the selected displacement of the mass
¾ Apply a unit displacement for mass 1 (x1 = 1), while the rest of the masses
remain at rest (x1 = x2 = xn =… xn = 0)
¾ Establish the equations from the resultant of forces (equilibrium of forces)
¾ Solve for the stiffness coefficient, kij
¾ Repeat step 3 – 5, but apply a unit displacement for the subsequent mass
¾ Write down kij into matrix form
ݔሺݐሻ ߠ ܫሺݐሻ
݇ଵ ݇ଶ
Substitute values
െ݇ଵ െ݇ଵ ݇ଵଵ ൌ Ͳ
݇ଵଵ ൌ ݇ଵ ݇ଶ
Take σ ܯൌ Ͳ
݇ଶ ݔଶ െ ݔଵ െ ݇ଶଵ ൌ Ͳ
Substitute values,
݇ଶଵ ൌ െ݇ଶ ݎ
ݔଵ ൌ Ͳ
σ ܨ௫ ൌ Ͳ
݇ଵଶ ߠൌͳ
െ݇ଵ ݔଵ െ ݇ଶ ݔଵ െ ݔଶ ݇ଵଶ ൌ Ͳ ݇ଵ ݔଵ ݇ଶ ሺݔଶ െ ݔଵ ሻ
Substitute values ݉ ݇ଶଶ
݇ଶ ሺݔଵ െ ݔଶ ሻ ݎ
݇ଶ ሺݎሻ ݇ଵଶ ൌ Ͳ
݇ଵଶ ൌ െ݇ଶ ݎ
Take σ ܯൌ Ͳ
݇ଶ ݔଶ െ ݔଵ െ ݇ଶଶ ൌ Ͳ
Substitute values,
݇ଶଶ ൌ ݇ଶ ݎଶ
Let the system be acted by force Fj and let the displacement at point i be
The flexibility influence coefficient aij means the deflection of point i due
to a unit load at point j
We can write down the above equation into matrix form as:
ݔൌ ܽܨ
where x and F are the displacement and force vectors, and the flexibility
matrix [a] is given by:
ܽଵଵ ܽଵଶ ܽ ڮଵ
ܽଶଵ ܽଶଶ ܽ ڮଶ
ܽ ൌ ڭ ڭ ڰ ڭ
ܽଵ ܽଶ ܽ
From ݔൌ ܽ ܨൌ ܽ ݇ ݔand ܽ ݇ ൌ ܫ
Thus: ݇ ൌ ሾܽሿିଵ and ܽ ൌ ሾ݇ሿିଵ
MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 14
3.0 Flexibility Influence Coefficient
Find the flexibility influence coefficients of the system shown in the figure
݉ଵ ݉ଶ
݈ ݈ ݈
͵ ͵ ͵
మ భ భ మ మ మ
ሺଵሻ య య
మ ି య ି య ସ య ଵ ఋభభ ସ య
ߜଵଵ ൌ ாூ
ൌ ଶସଷாூ ; ܽଵଵ ൌ ൌ
ൌ ଶସଷாூ
భ ܨଵ ൌ ͳ ܨଶ ൌ Ͳ
ଶ ଶ
ܲ ൌ ͳǡ ݔൌ ǡܽ ൌ ǡܾ ൌ
ଷ ଷ ଷ
ܽଵଵ ܽଶଵ
మ మ మ మ మ
ሺଵሻ ି ଶǤǤ ି ି య య
య య య య య
ߜଶଵ ൌ ாூ
ൌ ଼ଵாூ ; ܽଵଶ ൌ ସ଼ாூ
ܾܲ ݔଶ
݈ െ ݔଶ െ ܾଶ Ǣ Ͳ ݔ ܽ
ݔ ݕൌ ݈ܫܧ
భ భ భ మ భ మ ܲܽ ݈ െ ݔ
ሺଵሻ య య
మ ି య ି య య ଵ ఋభభ ሺʹ݈ ݔെ ݔଶ െ ܽଶ ሻǢ ܽ ݔ ݈
ߜଵଶ ൌ ாூ
ൌ ସ଼ாூ ; ܽଵଵ ൌ ൌ ൌ
భ ସ଼ாூ
ଶ ଶ
ܲ ൌ ͳǡ ݔൌ ǡܽ ൌ ǡܾ ൌ
ଷ ଷ ଷ ܨଵ ൌ0 ܨଶ ൌ ͳ
మ మ మ మ మ మ మ
ሺଵሻ ି ଶǤǤ ି ି ସ య ସ య
య య య య య
ߜଶଶ ൌ ൌ ଶସଷாூ ; ܽଵଶ ൌ ଶସଷாூ ܽଵଶ ܽଶଶ
ଵ ଶସଷ ସ଼
Thus, ܽ ൌ
ாூ ସ
ସ଼ ଶସଷ
ሾ݇ሿିଵ ൌ
݇ ݇
If ሾ݇ሿ ൌ ݇ଵଵ ݇ଵଶ ;
ଶଵ ଶଶ
ߚଵଵ ߚଵଶ ߚଵଵ ߚଶଵ
݇ ݆݀ܣൌ ൌ
ߚଶଵ ߚଶଶ ߚଵଶ ߚଶଶ
That is, ߚ ൌ ሺെͳሻା ܯ ;
example ߚଵଶ ൌ ሺെͳሻଵାଶ ܯଵଶ ൌ െ݇ଶଵ
and, ݇ ൌ ݇ଵଵ ሺ݇ଶଶ ሻ െ ሺ݇ଶଵ ሻሺ݇ଵଶ ሻ
ߚଵଵ ൌ ሺെͳሻଵାଵ ܯଵଵ ൌ ʹǢ ߚଵଶ ൌ ሺെͳሻଵାଶ ܯଵଶ ൌ െ͵
ߚଶଵ ൌ ሺെͳሻଶାଵ ܯଶଵ ൌ െʹǢ ߚଶଶ ൌ െͳ ଶାଶ ܯ
ଶଶ ൌ ͳ
ʹ െ͵ ʹ െʹ
Thus ݇ ݆݀ܣൌ ൌ
െʹ ͳ െ͵ ͳ
ͳ ʹ
And ൌ ൌ ͳ ʹ െ ͵ ʹ ൌ െͶ
͵ ʹ
ௗሾሿ ଵ ʹ െʹ െͲǤͷ ͲǤͷ
Finally ሾ݇ሿିଵ ൌ ൌ െସ ൌ
ȁȁ െ͵ ͳ ͲǤͷ െͲǤʹͷ
ʹ ʹ ͵
Obtain the flexibility coefficient for ሾ݇ሿ ൌ Ͷ ͷ
ͺ ͻ
݇ ൌ െ͵Ǣ
െ͵ െ͵
݇ ݆݀ܣൌ െ͵ Ͳ
െ͵ െʹ ʹ
ͳ െʹ ͳ
Answer, ሾ݇ሿିଵ ൌ െʹ ͳଶ Ͳ
ͳ െ
ଷ ଷ
MEC 521 – VIBRATIONS : Dr. Azmi M.Yusof 24
Class exercise
Obtain the flexibility influence coefficient for the vibrating system shown
below. Use x1 and x2 as generalized coordinates.
Class exercise
This is a 2 DOF systems. We need to consider 2 cases with the flexibility
coefficient of a11, a21, a12 and a22.
Case 1. Draw FBD, introduce F1 = 1 (and F2 =0) acting on roller disc and
substitute x1= a11 and x2 = a21.
Apply equilibrium of moment for both rigid bodies and solve for a11, a21
Class exercise
Apply equilibrium of moment for both rigid bodies and solve for a12, a22.
ଵ ଵ
Since ఠ మ
ఠభ మ
݂ ݅ ݎൌ ʹǡ͵ǡ ǥ ǡ ݊ then the approximate solution is
؆ ࢇ ࢇ ڮ ࢇ
݉ଵ ݉ଶ
݈ ݈ ݈
͵ ͵ ͵
ଵ ଶସଷ ସ଼ ଵ
The flexibility matrix, ܽ ൌ , from ؆ ܽଵଵ ݉ଵ ܽଶଶ ݉ଶ
ாூ ସ ఠభ మ
ସ଼ ଶସଷ
ଵ ସ
؆ ʹͲ Ͳ ൌ ͳǤʹ ൈ ͳͲିଷ
ఠభ మ ଶସଷ ଶൈଵల ହൈଵషల
߱ଵ ൌ ʹͺǤͲ͵ ݀ܽݎȀݏ
Given that ܺ ൌ ʹ Æ ܺ ் ൌ ሾͳ ʹ ͵ሿ,
The Rayleigh’s quotient,
ଶ ିଵ ଵ
ሾଵ ଶ ଷሿ ିଵ ଶ ିଵ ଶ
ܴ ܺ ൌ ߱ଶ ൌ ൌ ିଵ ଵ ଷ
ଵ ଵ ൌ ͲǤʹͳͶ
ሾଵ ଶ ଷሿ ଵ ଶ
ଵ ଷ
ሾሺଶିଶାሻ ሺିଵାସିଷሻ ሺିଶାଷሻሿ ଶ
ൌ ଵ
ሾଵ ଶ ଷሿ ଶ
ൌ ͲǤʹͳͶ
Class exercise
A shaft of 15 mm diameter is carrying two rotating disks of masses m1 =
10 kg and m2 = 15 kg as shown in figure below. Take E = 209 G Pa.
¾ Obtain the flexibility coefficient of the system
¾ Determine the natural frequency of the system using Dunkerley’s method
¾ Determine the static deflection due to the loads
¾ Use Rayleigh’s method to determine the natural frequency of the system.
ͳͲ݇݃ P
ܣ ܤ a b
x ℓ=a+b
Deflection of beam
ܾܲݔሺ݈ ଶ െ ݔଶ െ ܾ ଶ ሻ
͵ͷͲ݉݉ ͳͷͲ݉݉ Ͳݔܽ
ݔ ݕൌ ݈ܫܧ
ͲͲ݉݉ ܲܽሺͳ െ ݔሻሺʹ݈ ݔെ ݔଶ െ ܽଶ ሻ
Class exercise
Case 2. Draw FBD, introduce F2 = 1 (and F1 =0) and substitute x1= a12
and x2 = a22.
Class exercise
Apply Dunkerley’s formula and calculate the natural frequency.
؆ ܽଵଵ ݉ଵ ܽଶଶ ݉ଶ ൌ
ఠభ మ
Apply bending equations and deflection of beam due to mass 1, that will
give y11, y21
Class exercise
Calculate the natural frequency using Rayleigh’s formula
σ ெ ௬
߱ଵ ൌ σ ெ ௬ మ