Daft Quiz
Daft Quiz
Daft Quiz
13 In which country are there six villages called Silly, 12 called Billy, and two called
Pratt? France
14 Native to the Caribbean, what sort of animal is the mountain chicken? Frog
15 The UK's Dyslexia Research Trust is based in which British city? Reading
16 What nickname was given to Rembrandt's The Night Watch after being over-
restored in the 1940s? The Day Watch
21 The leader of which country has his face on all the joghurt pots, has named the
month January after himself and banned ballet. Turkmenistan
22 What is Scooby Doo’s full name? Scoobert Doo
23 What is the collective noun for a group of unicorns? A blessing
24 Where was the fortune cookie invented? San Francisco
25 What is the cross between a donkey and a zebra known as? Zeedonk