Macmillan English 6 - Course Planner - 160 Sessions (45 Minutes Each)
Macmillan English 6 - Course Planner - 160 Sessions (45 Minutes Each)
Macmillan English 6 - Course Planner - 160 Sessions (45 Minutes Each)
Unit Reading Comprehension Language building Grammar Fluency Spelling and Class writing
and vocabulary reading for
(1 session) (1 session) (1 session) (1 session) enrichment (1 session)
(1 session)
(1 session)
Unit Decision time (story Comprehension: first, second and Present Simple and Back to school! Spelling: doubling choosing a way to
1 with a moral literal third person Continuous; Past final consonant complete a story as
dilemma) comprehension pronouns Simple and before suffixing e.g. a class and on own
7 Continuous stop-stopped
sessions Vocabulary:
synonyms and Reading for
antonyms enrichment: Bird
and Boy (poem)
Test Unit 1 (1 session)
Unit The Panama Canal Comprehension: brackets for adding expressing future Through the canal Spelling: magic e explaining how
2 (information / literal additional time dropped before something works,
explanatory text comprehension information suffixing e.g with diagrams
7 with diagrams) operate-operating
sessions Vocabulary:
dictionary Reading for
definitions enrichment: The
crow and the water
jug (fable)
Test Unit 2 (1 session)
Unit Journey to the Comprehension: adjectival phrases first conditional Volcanoes! Spelling: suffixing continuing a story;
3 centre of the Earth literal verbs ending composing diary
(narrative in diary comprehension consonant+y e.g. entry for next day
7 form) try-tried
sessions Vocabulary: use of
©Macmillan Education 2017
exciting adjectives Reading for
Journey to the South
Pole (biography)
Test Unit 3 (1 session)
Unit Tourism (discussion Comprehension: adverbial phrases Present Perfect and In the Himalayas Spelling: suffix discussion text
4 text) literal Past Simple ment
7 Reading for
sessions Vocabulary: small enrichment:
words in long words Loggerhead turtles
Revision units 1-4 (2 sessions)
Test Units 1-4 (1 session)
Project work (2 sessions)
Unit Escape from the Comprehension: compound sentences Past Perfect Animax studios Spelling: sion and story planning /
5 Castle of Doom literal (revisions) ssion at end of writing next two
(adventure story) comprehension words chapters
sessions Vocabulary: Reading for
categorising words enrichment:
Finding Magic
Test Unit 5 (1 session)
Unit Writing letters Comprehension: reflexive pronouns passive – present Meet the author! Spelling: suffix ery different kinds of
6 (different types of literal and past letters
letters) comprehension Reading for
7 enrichment: Roald
sessions Vocabulary: Dahl (biography)
prefixes un and dis