Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making: June 2006
Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making: June 2006
Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making: June 2006
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Public Participation in Environmental
85. On definition of the ‘public’, see DN Zillman, ‘Introduction to Public Participation in the 21st
Century’ in D. Zillman et al, Human Rights in Natural Resource Development: Public Participation in
the Sustainable Development of Mining and Energy Resources (Oxford UP, 2002).
4 E Petkova, C Maurer, N Henninger and F Irwin, Closing the Gap: Information, Participation, and
Justice in Decision-making for the Environment (World Resources Institute, 2002) 66–67.
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5 M Lee and C Abbot, ‘The Usual Suspects? Public Participation under the Aarhus Convention’
Structuring New Spheres of Public Influence’ (1999) 26 Boston College Envtl Affairs L Rev 263, 269–70;
see also J Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society (Beacon Press, 1991).
7 DA Wirth, ‘Public Participation in International Processes: Environmental Case Studies at the
National and International Levels’ (1996) 7 Colorado Journal of International Law & Policy 1.
8 L Tribe, ‘Technology Assessment and the Fourth Discontinuity: The Limits of Instrumental
Approach’ (2001) 21 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 426. B Doherty and M de Geus, Democracy and
Green Political Though: Sustainability, Rights and Citizenship (Routledge, 1996).
12 B Barton, ‘Underlying Concepts and Theoretical Issues in Public Participation in Resource
Environmental Pollution (1969) and the Department of the Environment (1970) is the governmental
response to these public pressures: see generally J McCormick, The Global Environment Movement
(Wiley, 1995). In the USA, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 provided for participation
by the general public: see S Kuhn, ‘Expanding Public Participation is Essential to Environmental Justice
and the Democratic Decision Making Process’ (1999) 25(4) Ecology Law Quarterly 647.
24 Barton, above n 12, 81.
25 Spyke, above n 6, 269;
26 EF Schumacher, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered (Harper and Row, 1973).
27 M Aycrigg, Participation and the World Bank: Successes, Constraints and Responses (World Bank,
28 A McClintock, Imperial Leather (Routledge, 1995) 12–13.
29 A Memmi, The Colonizer and the Colonized (Beacon Press, 1991); G Rajan and R Mohanram
(eds), Postcolonial Discourse and Changing Cultural Contexts (Greenwood Press, 1995).
30 BJ Richardson, ‘Environmental Law in Postcolonial Societies: Straddling the Local—Global
Institutional Spectrum’ (2000) 11(1) Colorado Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 1, 45–7.
31 J Agyeman and B Evans, ‘Sustainability and Democracy: Community Participation in Local
countries where it has typically been confined to policy mechanisms.32 Some eco-
activists saw the best prospects for change in parliamentary electoral contests
through the formation of green political parties. Although green parties have sur-
vived in several Western polities, notably Germany and Australia, they have yet
seriously to challenge the electoral dominance of the mainstream parties.33 Most
public participation has thus occurred not through legislative fora but in the pro-
liferation of administrative-based consultation, information and review mecha-
nisms established pursuant to environmental and planning laws.34
Numerous societal conflicts over development choices in the 1970s and 1980s
fuelled popular demands for more participation in decision-making. For example,
in Australia, a series of protracted and often violent conflicts over logging in World
Heritage forests caused governments to look for more peaceful means by which cit-
izens could be involved in resource management policy.35 In the urban areas of
many countries, community groups mobilised for more say in decisions about
brownfield redevelopment and urban amenity planning.36 Public participation
reforms in Canada, New Zealand, the US and other countries with indigenous
minorities were also influenced by the Aboriginal self-determination movement.37
The emergence of Aboriginal land claims and demands for self-governance provid-
ed another lever for legal reforms to enhance community involvement in environ-
ment and development decision-making.
Internationally, the rhetoric of good governance has received considerable atten-
tion. Empowerment of civil societies has been identified as one of the best means to
promote good environmental governance.38 Major international environmental
policy statements in the 1980s and 1990s routinely called for increased community
involvement in environmental decision-making.39 International financial institutions,
32 O Renn, T Webler and P Wiedemann (eds), Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation:
History 719; E Bomberg, Green Parties and Politics in the European Union (Routledge, 1998).
34 Stewart, above n 1.
35 BJ Richardson, ‘A Study of Australian Practice Pursuant to the World Heritage Convention’ (1990)
in S Thoyer and B Martimort-Asso (eds), Participation for Sustainability in Trade (Ashgate, 2005).
39 See eg World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future (Oxford UP,
1987); World Conservation Union, Caring for the Earth (IUCN, 1990). This realisation is also evident
in a growing body of international legal instruments: eg Stockholm Declaration (1972) 11 ILM 1416,
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) 31 ILM 874, Declaration of the World
Summit for Sustainable Development (2002), and UNECE Convention on Access to Information,
Public Participation in Decision Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus
Convention) (1999) 38 ILM 517, discussed below.
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There has been a plethora of academic writings on the virtues of public participa-
tion in policy-making, especially in relation to environmental policy.42 Not all
environmentalists however have always championed democracy: for example,
during the 1970s, several commentators such as Ophuls and Hardin believed that
the intensification of societal conflict over an ever-decreasing pool of natural
resources could be dampened only through the enlightened despotism of an
authoritarian state.43 Today, the complex and multi-faceted nature of sustainabil-
ity, involving various social objectives flanking and supporting environmental
protection, suggests that no single institution can be expected to hold all of the
expertise and knowledge needed for good decision-making.44 Popular involve-
ment in environmental decision-making has been rationalised from two main
perspectives, a process perspective and a substantive perspective. The latter is based
on arguments that public participation improves the substantive outcomes of
decision-making processes; the former that it bolsters the democratic legitimacy
of those decisions. Across these two perspectives, several schools of thought on the
rationale and role of public participation have arisen.
First, there is the ‘rational elitism’ school, which treats environmental policy as
complex and technical, requiring primarily technical and administrative expert-
ise. This doctrine emphasises decision-making by experts, and concedes limited
participation to the general public when they hold information that may assist
experts.45 Technical environmental risk assessments and economic cost-benefit
analyses of development proposals are situations in which governments often
Freeman, 1973); G Hardin, Exploring New Ethics for Survival (Viking Press, 1972).
44 See generally K Ginther et al (eds), Sustainable Development and Good Governance (Nijhoff, 1995).
45 Barton, above n 12, 86–7.
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favour ‘expert’ participation.46 But this approach, which pretends that science is
‘objective’ and ‘apolitical’, obfuscates the fundamental way in which social values
influence decision-making. For example, even if the scientific information about
a hazard and its likelihood is relatively clear, the acceptable level of environmen-
tal risk is arguably a political question.47 Another strand of the rational elitism
model is known as ‘corporatism’. Corporatist modes of interest group intermedia-
tion, for instance, have been widely used in round-table negotiations of economic
policy-making in Scandinavia and Germany.48 Corporatist styles of participation
have also been used in the environmental policy round-tables adopted in Australia
and Canada.49 However, corporatism offers only a ‘functional representation’ to
representatives of large strategic groups such as trade unions, industry and busi-
ness councils, and sometimes renowned environmental NGOs.50
A second approach to participation is the ‘liberal democratic’ one, which stresses
procedural rights for individuals and NGOs to be consulted and heard in decision-
making. When electoral legitimacy is weak, procedural legitimacy assumes greater
salience. The traditional polyarchal mechanisms (eg, elections and political parties)
of liberal-democratic systems have been criticised as unable to manage the demands
of competing interest groups in modern societies. To Offe, the ‘conflict-generating
potential of the institutions of the democratic polity by far outweighs their conflict-
resolving capacity’.51 Consequently, most liberal-democratic states have sought to
create supplementary public consultation and information processes in administra-
tive and legislative decision-making.52 Thus, the propensity of modern environ-
mental legislation is to identify the factors relevant to agency decision-making, one
of which is the input made by the public consulted. Through procedural reforms,
concerned persons have rights of access to relevant information, to make submis-
sions on environmental decisions, and to use courts to enforce environmental laws.
Apart from bolstering the legitimacy and public acceptability of policy deci-
sions, the procedural reforms of liberal-democratic systems may also shape sub-
stantive policy outcomes. For example, simple obligations of openness may
illuminate the uncertainties and value judgements inherent in experts’ advice,
allowing political decision-makers to reach conclusions on the basis of a wider
array of evidence. Public involvement can also facilitate community co-operation
46 See S Jasanoff, The Fifth Branch: Science Advisors as Policymakers (Harvard UP, 1990); S Breyer
and V Heyvaert, ‘Institutions for Regulating Risk’ in RL Revesz, R Sands and RB Stewart (eds),
Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development (Cambridge UP, 2000).
47 P Slovic, The Perception of Risk (Earthscan, 2000); M Douglas and A Wildavsky, Risk and Culture
(U California P, 1983).
48 PC Schmitter and G Lehmbruch (eds), Trends Toward Corporatist Intermediation (Sage, 1979).
49 M Howlett, ‘The Round Table Experience: Representation and Legitimacy in Canadian
53 I Ayres and J Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation (Oxford UP, 1992); N Gunningham and P
57 See B Doherty and M de Geus (eds), Democracy and Green Political Thought—Sustainability,
Rights and Citizenship (Routledge, 1996); G Smith, Deliberative Democracy and the Environment
(Routledge, 2003).
58 M Bookchin, The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy (Cheshire
Books, 1982).
59 B Boer, ‘Social Ecology and Environmental Law’ (1984) 1(3) Envtl & Planning LJ 233.
60 J Elster (ed), Deliberative Democracy (Cambridge UP, 1998); B Barber, Strong Democracy:
Participatory Politics for a New Age (U California P, 1984); J Dryzek, Deliberative Democracy and
Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations (Oxford UP, 2000).
61 A Touraine, The Voice and the Eye: An Analysis of Social Movements (Cambridge UP, 1982).
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62 J Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society
(Beacon Press, 1984); see also K Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies (Routledge, 1986).
63 JS Dryzek, Rational Ecology, Environment and Political Economy (Basil Blackwell, 1987).
64 See LM Lake (ed), Environmental Mediation: The Search for Consensus (Westview Press, 1980); D
Craig, ‘Social Impact Assessment: Politically Oriented Approaches and Applications’ (1999) 10 Envtl
Impact Assessment Review 37; see also Bosselmann, this vol, on the philosophical dimensions of this
65 R Engel ‘The Faith of Democratic Ecological Citizenship,’ (Nov 1998) Nature, Polis, Ethics S31.
66 KS Shrader-Frechette, Environmental Justice: Creating Equality, Reclaiming Democracy (Oxford
UP, 2002); E Gauna, ‘The Environmental Justice Misfit: Public Participation and the Paradigm
Paradox’ (1998) 17 Stanford Envtl L J 3.
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67 R Sparkes, The Ethical Investor (HarperCollins, 1995); R Sparkes, Socially Responsible Investment.
Press, 1995); D Campbell, “Towards a Less Irrelevant Socialism: Stakeholding as a ‘Reform’ of the
Capitalist Economy” (1997) 24 Journal of Law & Society 65.
69 D Charny, ‘The German Corporate Governance System’ [1998] Columbia Business L Rev 145.
70 Mandatory environmental reporting has been introduced in Australia, Britain, France and the US,
among many countries: see KMPG Environmental Consulting, International Survey of Environmental
Reporting (KPMG, 1999).
71 (1999) 38 ILM 515.
72 Eg Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (1991) 30 ILM
800, Art 16; North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (1993) 32 ILM 1480, Arts
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plans relating to the environment.73 The procedural rights are to be applied with-
out discrimination as to citizenship, nationality or domicile.74
The first pillar of the Convention is participation in administrative decision-
making. Article 6 requires public notice of environmental decision-making to be
given when ‘all options are open’, to allow public comment and input into the
process.75 Public authorities76 must also take public feedback into account in their
final decisions.
Secondly, governments must make relevant information available to the public
when requested, and the Convention stipulates time-frames for responding to
these requests.77 Article 4 creates a presumption in favour of information disclo-
sure and public authorities may deny a request for information only on the basis
of the list of specific grounds for refusal.78 Further, public authorities may refuse
to disclose information that would impair the ability of a person to receive a fair
trial, or would adversely affect national defence or public security.79
The third pillar of the Convention is ‘access to justice’. These provisions are close-
ly tied to the other two pillars of the treaty. Article 9(1) provides for review of a
refusal or failure to respond to a request for access to information. Article 9(2) pro-
vides for the challenge of substantive or procedural legality of decisions subject to
Article 6 (above) and also ‘where so provided for under national law’. Finally, Article
9(3) mandates access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge acts and
omissions by private and public bodies that contravene national law relating to the
environment. The Convention also requires proceedings to be ‘fair’, ‘equitable’ and
‘not prohibitively expensive’, and that there be ‘adequate and effective remedies’.80
Overall, the Aarhus Convention provides a useful framework for public partic-
ipation along the lines of the liberal-democratic model. Its participatory rights are
linked to various legislative, administrative and judicial decision-making points.
Implementation of these provisions however depends on strong political support
by state parties.
forming public administrative functions, and may include privatised companies providing public
services: Stec and Casey-Lefkowitz, above n 3, 44.
77 Arts 4 and 5.
78 Art 4(3).
79 Art 4(4).
80 Art 9(4).
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private projects (EIA Directive [1985] OJ L/175/40); and Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning inte-
grated pollution prevention and control (IPPC Directive) [1996] OJ L/257/26.
86 Directive 2003/35/EC providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain
plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation
and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC [2003] OJ L/156/17.
87 See Arts 12 (Request for Action) and 13 (Review Procedures) of Directive 2004/35/EC on envi-
ronmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage [2004] OJ
88 Commission proposal for a Directive on access to justice (COM(2003)624); see further J
Razzaque, ‘Access to Justice in Environmental Matters at EU Member State Level’ (2005) 5 Yearbook of
European Environmental Law, 63.
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Environmental Law: Giving Force to Fundamental Principles in Africa’ (2001) 26 Columbia J Envtl L
131; EF Brown, ‘In Defense of Environmental Rights in East European Constitutions’ (1993) University
of Chicago Law School Roundtable 191.
92 J Razzaque, Public Interest Environmental Litigation in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (Kluwer,
2004) ch 2.
93 Eg the role of Canadian courts in developing Aboriginal rights, which are merely ‘recognised and
94 B Ajibola, ‘Individual Human Rights in African Context’ in A Anghie and G Sturgess (eds), Legal
Visions of the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Kluwer, 1998); L Beer
(ed), Constitutionalism in Asia (U California P, 1979).
95 Constitution of the Republic of Korea, Art 35, available at:
96 Eg Dae-bup-won [DBW] [Supreme Court] 94 ma 2218 (23 May 1995) (S Korea).
97 DP Kommers, JE Finn and GJ Jacobson, American Constitutional Law (2nd edn, Rowman, 2004)
425, 432–5.
98 (1950) ETS 5/213, UNTS 222.
99 DK Slone, ‘The Michigan Environmental Protection Act: Bringing Citizen-initiated
Environmental Suits into the 1980’s’ [1985] Ecology Law Quarterly 271; P Muldoon ‘Ontario
Environmental Bill of Rights’ (1992) 3(1) Earthkeeper 44; C Miller, Environmental Rights: Critical
Perspectives (Routledge, 1998).
100 MA Schofield and DS Thompson, ‘Access to Justice and the Right to a Healthful Environment in
Canada: Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making’ (1994) 3/4 RECIEL 232.
101 DP Emond, ‘An Environmental Bill of Rights—Ontario Style’ (1994) 1 Government Information
Condolences?’, Environmental Commissioner’s EBR Law Reform Workshop (16 June 2004).
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Glasson, R Therivel and A Chadwick, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (UCL Press, 1999).
108 Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, SC 1992, c 37, as amended SC 2003, c 9.
109 Wood, above n 107, chs 2, 3 and 5.
110 WA Tilleman, ‘Public Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process: A
Comparative Study of Impact Assessment in Canada, the United States and the European Community’
(1995) 33 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 337.
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111 G Hart, ‘The Value of Inquiries System’ (1997) 25 Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 8.
112 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s 78.
113 Ibid, s 77.
114 K Thorpe, ‘The Heathrow Terminal 5 Inquiry: An Inquiry Secretary’s Perspective’ (1999) 15
(Earthscan, 1996).
118 Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the
2. Access to Information
Liberal access to environmental information has many advantages. It makes it eas-
ier for the public to participate in administrative and judicial processes; it helps
promote more rational, informed decision-making; and it fosters transparent and
accountable decision-making.119 Apart from ensuring access to a broad range of
information, effective access to information laws should include obligations on
agencies to collect and maintain relevant information, to meet information
requests in a timely manner, and to keep information application fees low and
within the means of all people.120
So far, most environmental information reforms have targeted the public sec-
tor, and few address disclosure of information by the private sector. The relevant
Aarhus Convention provisions deal only with government information.
Nonetheless, the right of citizens to access information is becoming widespread
and even recognised in constitutional law. For example, the constitutions of
Uganda, South Africa and Thailand guarantee the right of the public to informa-
tion.121 In addition, as of 2004 over 50 countries worldwide passed access to infor-
mation legislation, of which most included provisions related to environmental
information.122 In some countries (eg, South Africa, Thailand) environmental
protection laws provide specific provisions for environmental information123
complementing access to information laws. There are also examples of countries
having specific legislation on access to environmental information.124 In addition,
some countries have constitutional provisions, specific freedom of information
legislation and environmental protection laws with specific provisions on infor-
Omnibus access to information legislation is often complemented by sector-
specific information regulations and business self-regulation initiatives. The cor-
porate social responsibility movement has fuelled increased public disclosure of
119 JR Robinson, et al, ‘Public Access to Environmental Information: A Means to What End?’ (1996)
2. Access to Justice
(a) Judicial review
A traditional means by which environmentally concerned persons can participate
is through court action to challenge the legality of administrative decisions made
pursuant to legislation. Judicial review is a procedure by which decisions of pub-
lic bodies exercising environmental responsibilities can be challenged in court and
a means by which the courts can supervise public bodies’ exercise of their statu-
tory authority. Judicial review is usually concerned with the decision-making
process rather than the decision itself.132 The basic principle is that it is not for the
judges to interfere in the decision as this is within the remit of the decision-maker,
unless the decision is ‘manifestly unreasonable’ or the way in which the decision
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act’ (1996) 11 Journal of Land Use & Envtl Law
129 Environmental auditing describes a technique for allowing a company or a regulator to assess the
impact of its activities on the environment, which includes procedures beyond the scope of a tradi-
tional financial audit: see N Gunningham and J Prest, ‘Environmental Audit as a Regulatory Strategy:
Prospects and Reform’ (1993) 15 Sydney L Rev 492.
130 In the EU, companies are using product labelling to make environmental claims. Eco-labels are
used to communicate that the environmental impacts are reduced over the entire life-cycle of a prod-
uct without specifying the production practices. See FIELD, ‘Legal and Policy Issues in the Market
Access Implications of Labelling for Environmental Purposes’, Briefing paper (FIELD, 2003).
131 Pub L 99–499, Title III, 17 Oct 1986, 100 Stat. 1729, codified at 42 USC §§ 11001–11050.
132 Lord Woolf, J Jowell and AP Le Sueur, De Smith, Woolf and Jowell’s Principles of Judicial Review
was arrived at is flawed.133 But the success of a judicial review application may not
secure the desired outcome. A court may find the agency’s decision to be unlaw-
ful and, while reconsidering the matter, the public body may come to the same
conclusion in a lawful way.134 In judicial review proceedings in common law sys-
tems, such as in the UK, courts do not directly consider the merits of any public
decision, act or omission.135 However, in some cases they will indirectly consider
the merits through the doctrine of ‘manifest unreasonableness’.136 Judicial review
proceedings do not therefore usually examine whether the decision taken was
good or bad from a broad policy or ethical perspective, but merely check to see
whether the public body has acted within its statutory powers.
Apart from the narrow focus of judicial review on procedural and jurisdic-
tional issues, the judicial forum is not conducive to the deliberative model of
democratic decision-making. The rigidly structured format for the presentation
of evidence and cross-examination of participants is far removed from the com-
municative discourse championed by theorists.137 Argument transpires through
the language of ‘rights’, ‘duties’ and ‘procedures’, which tends to squeeze out less
precise, ethical and policy considerations to the dispute.138 The wider policy sig-
nificance of a case can be lost, as judges tend to decide cases on as narrow
grounds as possible.
dial flexibility; ongoing judicial participation and supervision; and creative and active interpretation
of legal and fundamental rights: J Cassels, ‘Judicial Activism and Public Interest Litigation: Attempting
the impossible?’ (1989) 37 American Journal of Comparative Law 498.
140 S.J Sorabjee, ‘Introduction to Judicial Review in India’ [1999] Judicial Review 128.
141 J Sax, Defending the Environment: A Handbook for Citizen Action (Vintage Books, 1970).
142 CD Cunningham, ‘Public Interest Litigation in Indian Supreme Court: A Study in the Light of
143 S Ahuja, Public Interest Litigation in India: A Socio-legal Study (PhD thesis, University of London,
1996) 115.
144 R Dhavan, ‘Whose Law? Whose Interest?’ in J Cooper and R Dhavan (eds), Public Interest Law
142) and the High Court (Art 226) to take account of letter and petition from individuals or groups
and move the matter as PIL.
146 Razzaque, above n 92, ch 5.
147 A Rosencranz and S Divan, Environmental Law and Policy in India (Oxford UP, 2001).
148 Razzaque, above n 92, ch 1.
149 Eg, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 23 (US); Federal Court of Australia Act 1976, Part IVA,
enacted by Federal Court of Australia Amendment Act of 1991; Class Proceedings Act 1992 (Ontario).
For a useful discussion of class actions, see C Loveday, ‘Multi-Party Rules: US, Canada, Australia and
the UK’, International Business Lawyer, (Feb 1998) 77.
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(c) Standing
Public interest litigation, along with other types of litigation, is possible only if the
court gives the applicant standing to argue its case. The traditional rule of stand-
ing suggests that judicial redress is available only to persons who have suffered a
direct injury by reason of a violation or threatened violation of his or her right
or interest.152 For instance, in the Australian case of Australian Conservation
Foundation v Commonwealth, the NGO applicant was expected to demonstrate a
‘special interest’ in the proceedings, rather than a mere ‘intellectual’ or ‘emotion-
al’ concern.153 Often rights to seek judicial review or other appeal mechanisms are
limited to parties directly involved in the initial administrative decision and do
not extend to so-called ‘third parties’. Thus, in the UK, for instance, there are no
third party rights of appeal against some decisions made under planning legisla-
tion.154 It is frustrating for affected communities as they, unlike the developers,
cannot appeal against the planning decision. Though the Royal Commission on
Environmental Pollution has recommended expanding third party rights of
appeal,155 the UK government has rejected its proposals.156
In recent years, courts in many jurisdictions have become willing to hear argu-
ments from environmental groups and concerned individuals who have no direct
economic or other concrete interests at stake.157 Often, the increased flexibility is
150 AH Barnett and TD Terrell, ‘Economic Observations on Citizen Suits Provisions of Envi-
class actions out of state courts (where awards tend to be higher and defendants are often faced with mul-
tiple court actions) and to limit what its proponents see as exorbitant settlements and attorneys’ fees.
152 P Cane, ‘The Function of Standing Rules in Administrative Law’ [1980] Public Law 303; C Hilson
and I Cram, ‘Judicial Review and Environmental Law: Is there a Coherent View of Standing?’ (1996)
16 Legal Studies 1.
153 (1980) 54 ALJR 176.
154 In a planning decision, local communities are the third party; the first party is the developer and
the second party is the Local Authority. Report by the Environmental Justice Project (WWF, Leigh Day
and Co and the Environmental Law Foundation, 2004) 33; Green Balance et al, Third Party Rights of
Appeal in Planning (Friends of the Earth, 2002).
155 Royal Commission on Environmental Protection (RCEP), 23rd Report on Environmental Planning
Report Environmental Planning (England) (Cm 5888, TSO, July 2003). The UK government argued that
the public has the opportunity to participate in the land-use plan-making process. Secondly, the
majority of the decisions are made by elected local authority members who are directly accountable to
the local electorate: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR), Planning:
Delivering a Fundamental Change (DTLR, 2001) paras 6:21 and 6:22. At present, Scotland is consider-
ing whether to widen third party right of appeal in planning applications.
157 Eg, R v Inspectorate of Pollution and Another, ex parte Greenpeace (No 2) [1994] 4 All ER 329; R v
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs [1995] 1All ER 611; Algonquin Wildlands League v Ontario (Min.
of Natural Resources [1996] 21 Canadian Environmental Law Reports (New Series) 102 (Ontario
Divisional Ct); Sierra Club of Canada v Canada (Min. of Finance) [1999] 2 FC 211 (Fed Ct Trial Div).
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158 S 123.
159 S 86, 311, 316.
160 For a discussion on the reform: R Gordon, Judicial Review and Crown Office Practice (Sweet and
Maxwell, 1999) Part 3. For changes in 2000, see the Crown Office Digest (2000) 382.
161 For a discussion on cases where the standing issue has been examined: S Grosz, ‘Access to
Environmental Justice in Environmental Law’ in D Robinson and J Dunkley (eds), Public Interest
Perspectives in Environmental Law (Wiley Chancery, 1995) 194; C Harlow, ‘Public Interest Litigation in
England: The State of the Art’ in J Cooper and R Dhavan (eds), Public Interest Law (Basil Blackwell,
1986) 107.
162 Sufficiency of interest is described as ‘a mixed question of fact and law; a question of fact and
degree and the relationship between the applicant and the matter to which the application relates, hav-
ing regard to all the circumstances of the case’: Supreme Court Practice 1993, vol 1, para 53/1–14/11.
163 Lujan v Defenders of Wildlife, 504 US 555, 112 S Ct 2130 (1992).
164 Sierra Club v Morton, 405 US 727, 2 ELR 20192 (1972).
165 For a discussion on standing in the USA, see DH Robbins, ‘Public Interest Environmental
168 See: Friends of the Earth Incorporated v Laidlaw Environmental Services, 528 US 167, 120 S Ct 693
(2000). Here, the aesthetic and recreational interests of members of the plaintiff organisation were
injured by the defendant’s discharge of mercury into the North Tyger River in North Carolina in vio-
lation of a permit issued under the Clean Water Act. The Supreme Court held that the plaintiff had
standing under the Clean Water Act’s citizen suit provisions to seek the assessment of civil penalties
for the violations.
169 GR Nicol, ‘Rethinking Standing’ (1984) 72 California L Rev 68.
170 B Hough, “‘Standing’ for Pressure Groups and the Representative Plaintiff ” [1991] Denning LJ 77.
171 R Carnwarth, ‘Environmental Enforcement: The Need for a Specialist Court’ [1992] Journal of
ing safeguards provided for the protection of the environment. According to him, ‘It would be a “one
stop shop” which should lead to faster, cheaper and more effective resolution of dispute in the envi-
ronmental area’: ‘Are the Judiciary Environmentally Myopic?’ (1991) 4(1) Journal of Environmental
Law 1.
173 Eg, in the UK, the debate has continued on for more than 15 years: Lord Justice Carnwarth,
‘Judicial Protection of the Environment: At Home and Abroad’ (2004) 16 Journal of Environmental
Law 315.
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174 Eg, the Land and Environmental Court of New South Wales, the Planning and Environment
Court in Queensland, and the Environment Court in New Zealand. Malcolm Grant, in his report,
commented that ‘the performance of Australasian model is impressive in terms of assembling and
deploying appropriate expertise, operating advanced case management techniques with rapid turn-
around of business, incorporating systems of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and in providing
and effective mechanism for enforcement’: M Grant, Environment Court Project: Final Report (DETR,
2000) 4–11.
175 HT Edwards, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution: Panacea or Anathema?’ (1986) 99 Harvard L Rev
176 See further J Harrison, ‘Environmental Mediation: The Ethical and Constitutional Dimension’
discussing examples of environmental mediation, including two from the USA (cleaning up of
Hanford Nuclear Military base and Cape Cod endangered species conservation) and the UK (Brent
spar floating oil storage buoy and dead fish River Eden), and Canada (Winnipeg Bridges Dispute). In
all these examples, many public interest groups, tribal groups, or low-income communities were
involved in the mediation.
179 Dryzek, above n 63, 212–4.
ch-06.qxd 12/9/2005 8:38 PM Page 189
180 J Harrison, ‘Environmental Mediation: The Ethical and Constitutional Dimension’ (1997) 9(1)
Alliance, 2000).
182 Ibid.
183 For the history of legal aid in India, see S Singh, Legal Aid: Human Rights to Equality (Deep and
Deep, 1996); SL Whitson, “Neither Fish, Nor Flesh, Nor Good Red Herring” Lok Adalats: An
Experiment in Informal Dispute Resolution in India’ (1992) 15 Hastings International and
Comparative Law Rev 391.
184 The Act establishes a National Legal Aid Fund (ss 15–17), and specifically targets legal aid to
scheduled castes and tribes and persons of particular social placement (s 12).
185 Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 (NSW) s 47l; see B Boer, ‘Legal Aid in Environmental Disputes’
provides legal aid that can also extend to environmental cases.186 In both jurisdic-
tions, if the case is lost, legal aid offers some measures of protection against
adverse costs awards.
As a system, legal aid can be criticised for its bias towards expensive, court-
based solutions. Under most legal aid schemes, where claims vastly exceed avail-
able funds, it is difficult to target resources to the priority areas.187 Often, legal aid
does not cover the whole cost of the litigation and fails to attract experienced
lawyers to take on environmental cases.188 Moreover, almost all legal aid schemes
have some form of means testing, which may arbitrarily exclude certain deserving
sections of the community. Most fundamentally, legal aid is not particularly effec-
tive as an instrument for systemic social change: it does challenge the basic cost
and accessibility of the judicial system.
Intervenor or participant funding also aims to increase public participation in
judicial and administrative processes, such as EIA procedures. It provides funds
to people who otherwise could not afford the necessary legal or expert consult-
ant fees and who have no alternative funding sources. Canada has pioneered the
intervenor funding model,189 at both a provincial level with Ontario’s Intervenor
Funding Project Act 1988 and federally through the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Act 1992. These schemes channel public funds to individuals, NGOs
or Aboriginal organisations seeking to contribute to environmental assess-
ments.190 However, their budget is limited and those eligible for participant
funding are parties with a direct local interest, community knowledge or
Aboriginal traditional knowledge, or expert information relevant to the likely
environmental effects of the project. 191 The Canadian Environmental
Assessment Act (CEEA) has designated eight distinct areas to which participant
funding may apply, including professional fees and the purchase of information
materials.192 The CEEA gives higher priority to measures increasing local partic-
ipation and the dissemination of third-party expertise.193 In some jurisdictions
including Canada, intervenor funding and concomitant environmental legal aid
186 J Dunkley, ‘Legal Aid Rules for Environmental Cases’, ELFline, 10 Jan 2004, available at
187 For criticisms RK Gordon and JM Lindsay, ‘Law and the Poor in Rural India: The Prospects for
Legal Aid’ (1990) 5 American University Journal of International Law and Policy 658.
188 MI Jeffrey, ‘Intervenor Funding as Key to Effective Citizen Participation in Environmental
Participant Funding Program (CEAA, Apr 2004); Jeffrey, above n 188, 674–5.
192 Guide on Participant Funding Program (Apr 2004) 11, available at
193 Ibid.
ch-06.qxd 12/9/2005 8:38 PM Page 191
201 K Graham, The Battle for Democracy (Wheatsheaf Books, 1986) 150.
202 S Benhabib (ed), Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political (Princeton
UP, 1996).
203 GC Spivak, ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ in P Williams and L Chrisman (eds), Colonial Discourse and; and New Zealand a Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment,
211 BJ Richardson, D Craig and BW Boer, Regional Agreements for Indigenous Lands and Cultures in
213 M
Sagoff, ‘Economic Theory and Environmental Law’ (1991) 79 Michigan L Rev 1393.
214 J
Baudrillard, ‘The Hyper-realism of Simulation’ in C Harrison and P Wood (eds), Art in Theory
1900–1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas (Blackwell, 1993) 1043.