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GIS Strategic Plan Summary: Stages I and II

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GIS Strategic Plan Summary

Stages I and II
February 7, 2011

Appendix 3
Scope of Work and GIS Survey Information

3a GIS Strategic Plan Update—Phase II

3b GIS Survey, Summary of Key Points

3c GIS Survey, Questions and Results

M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009

GIS Strategic Plan Update—Phase II

Statement of Understanding
The M-NCPPC has completed Phase I of a GIS Strategic Planning effort that investigated how to leverage GIS
investments made by the ITPCC agencies to date and expand and enhance GIS resources and availability to better
support the needs of agency staff as well as the public. The Phase I methodology included conducting an online
survey of GIS users throughout M-NCPPC, the Montgomery County Government (MCG), and the Agencies
participating in the MC:MAPS and ITPCC. Worksessions were also held with GIS users of all of these Agencies.
The Phase I work resulted in two reports:

Business Processes—Interagency Coordination Strategy Report

Data Maintenance Strategy Report

Worksessions were held with MC:MAPS and ITPCC to review the reports and recommendations. The following
recommendations were the result of the Phase I work:

Improve Data Maintenance Workflows, Data Model, Data Standards

Implement GIS Data Portal, Consolidated Enhanced Web Presence
Develop specs and budget for Planimetric/Ortho Update Plan
Investigate development of centralized GIS budget items to support improved visibility, funding, and cost
Develop cost sharing plan and MOU’s with Agencies
Establish GIS governance model

It was agreed to move ahead with Phase II of the project that would begin to implement some of the
recommendations. KCI Technologies, Inc. was asked to continue to support the project by supporting the ongoing
activities of the ITPCC and GIS work groups and by performing the following specific tasks:

1. Design and help implement improved workflows that eliminate duplicate efforts and ensure
communications and essential feedback loops are complete
2. Compare and conflate multiple versions of address, building, and streets data that have evolved
3. Design and implement an enhanced, centralized data model building on the Master Address Repository
4. Develop specifications and a detailed budget for the planimetric/orthophoto update program
5. Support ongoing activities of project team in developing governance model, MOU’s, and GIS budget

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the work that is proposed for Phase II.

Methodology for Phase II

With the completion of Phase I, the KCI team has gained extensive knowledge of the current GIS status and the
agencies primary concerns and priorities. We have identified many opportunities for improving communications,
data sharing, data publishing, and for improving workflows to eliminate redundant data entry, duplicate data
maintenance, multiple data versions, and inadequate data control and documentation. In Phase II we will work
closely with Agency staff to document existing workflows and procedures and to define new and improved
workflows that accomplish the stated objectives. We will facilitate communications and build consensus among the
agencies to ensure that the new workflows are acceptable to staff and will receive their full commitment for
successful implementation. We will ensure that current GIS capabilities to centralize, publish, and control data
resources while providing ready access to all users with web browser technology will be fully leveraged to support
the Agencies as they move toward the new, unified data model and environment.

The Phase II tasks will be completed somewhat in parallel. Although they each have disparate results and
deliverables, the data collection, analysis, and review requirements of each task are very interrelated. While they are
described separately for purposes of clearly stating work accomplishments and deliverables, each task is dependent
on outcomes of the other tasks.

M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009

Proposed Scope of Work

Task 1 Data Maintenance Workflows
The first task will be to review current workflows and work closely with Agency staff to define improved workflows
that eliminate duplicate efforts, improve communications, and clearly establish roles and responsibilities. Complete
communications lines will be defined that ensure that corrections, reviews, and QA/QC results are correctly
incorporated into all data resources.

1.1 Review and Document Existing Workflows

KCI will first review all documentation of existing workflows and procedures that will be provided by staff
currently editing, reviewing, or performing QA/QC on address, streets, and building data. Some of this
documentation has already been provided as part of the Phase I work. KCI will contact individual staff to clarify
materials as needed. KCI will develop an initial depiction of current assignments, responsibilities, activities, and
communications links in place. This will include identification of potential problems areas and issues to be
resolved. A document will be prepared reflecting KCI’s understanding of current workflows and related issues.

1.2 Workflow Review Worksession #1

A joint worksession with all Agency participants will be held to review the Existing Workflows Document.
Potential enhancements to the workflow will be identified including methods to facilitate communications, online
tools that would benefit transfer of information, tracking of data maintenance activities, and streamlining

1.3 Develop New Workflows

Based on the worksession results and contributions, KCI will document a proposed new workflow that includes task
descriptions, identifies roles, and illustrates data flows between participants. Requirements for changes in the data
maintenance environment, data structure, and tools available will be identified. Requirements for interagency
agreements or SLA’s if needed will be identified.

1.4 Workflow Review Worksession #2

A worksession will be held to review and refine the new workflow.

Task 1 Deliverables
 Two Worksessions on Existing and Proposed Workflows
 Draft and Final Existing Workflows Document
 Draft and Final Revised Workflows Document

Task 2 Database Enhancements

During the Phase I work, multiple instances of data were identified that have been developed to meet immediate
needs as data maintenance activities have evolved. There currently exists multiple address data, multiple buildings,
and streets data. Datasets have different format and content that were developed to meet specific purposes. The
intention of this task is to develop a new and unified data model that represents address, building, and street data that
meets all needs and maintains necessary relationships. Much of the needed entities exist in the current Master
Address Repository (MAR) data model, but may not be completely populated or all relationships established.

2.1 Review Current Data

KCI will identify all current sources of address, street, and building data that are maintained by DTS-GIS, DPS, and
M-NCPPC GIS and other agencies if any. The agencies will provide copies of data in either geodatabase, shapefile,
RDBMS, or Access data formats as convenient. KCI will review data, examining data structure, content, and
performing some initial comparisons of data.

M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009

2.2 Data Review Worksession

KCI will meet with the maintainers and custodians of data and discuss data currency, quality, and accuracy. All
known data problems will be reviewed. Requirements for enhancing and improving data will be identified.
Requirements that aren’t currently met will be defined as well, such as routing, proximity analysis, event
management, and layer relationships. Any needed clarifications from staff regarding data content will be obtained.

2.3 Public Safety Data Requirements

KCI will meet with DTS-GIS staff and Public Safety staff to review the requirements for Public Safety data
provisioning and to review in detail the current data maintenance procedures. KCI will use this information to
ensure that any revisions to the key data sources and new data model will still support the provisioning

2.4 Data Development Plan

KCI will develop a detailed plan that describes all data requirements and sets forth a data cleanup and normalization
process that compares, merges, and conflates data sources into the combined target data structure. The plan will
identify the methodology to perform the data conflation, the level of effort of the tasks, and the responsibility for
each task. It may be possible that a combined effort by KCI and other participants will be the most efficient. There
will also be review and QA/QC tasks that could beneficially be performed by Agency staff.

2.5 Perform Data Conflation

Following Agency review and acceptance of the Data Development Plan, KCI will conduct the tasks identified to
produce the unified, enhanced database. The data model that is developed as part of Task 3 will be used for the final
data structure. Agency staff will participate in the data cleanup and review process as defined in the final, accepted
Plan. A cost estimate for Task 2A is included that reflects our current understanding of the cleanup effort involved.
This will be verified during Task 1 and 2 work.

Task 2 Deliverables
 Data Review Worksession (may be combined with one of the workflow worksessions)
 Draft and Final Data Development Plan
 Datasets ready for loading to new Data Model

Task 3 Design and Implement New Data Model

In parallel with Tasks 1 and 2, KCI will develop a detailed database design for the new geodatabase that reflects the
requirements identified in Task 2 and supports the workflows defined in Task 1. The existing MAR will be the
initial starting point for the data model, and will be expanded as needed to meet all addressing requirements
identified. The proposed data model will be reviewed in detail with Agency staff.

3.1 Determine all Data Model Requirements

Based on the review of existing data sources, including the MAR, and on the worksessions with Agency staff, all
requirements for enhancing and expanding the unified data model will be summarized. These will include:
Verification of data to be included
Changes to existing data content, attributes, topology
Annotation and labeling requirements
Plotting or production requirements
Alias names
Common search attributes
Attribute datatypes
Indexing requirements
Valid domains
Default Values
Normalization requirements

M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009

3.2 Define Metadata

A design for the metadata to be prepared and maintained will be performed. This will include dataset level metadata
that will draw from the Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial
Metadata. Feature level metadata, such as record creation dates, update dates, user identifies, feature status, spatial
accuracy, and original feature sources will be included as needed.

3.3 Develop Physical Geodatabase Design

A physical design for the new Data Model will be prepared in the format of an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram
using Microsoft’s Visio and ESRI’s ArcCatalog tool. The initial model will be reverse engineered from the existing
MAR. The ER diagram will illustrate the structure and integration of the new model and will be reviewed with the
Agency staff. Once the Geodatabase Design is accepted by the Agency staff, the existing model will be modified

3.4 Data Migration of Prepared Datasets

The datasets developed as part of the data cleanup and conflation in Task 2 will be migrated into the new
Geodatabase schema.

3.5 Update of Data Maintenance Tools

A set of tools is in place to maintain the existing MAR data model. This suite will be reviewed and their use
reviewed with staff to determine any changes or enhancements necessary to the tools. A cost estimate has been
provided as Task 3A reflecting modifications to the current tools. This is based on an assumed level of effort which
may not be accurate. This will be verified as Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are conducted.

Task 3 Deliverables:

 Draft and Final Physical Geodatabase Design

 Modification of MAR Data Model
 Modification of Data Maintenance toolsets

Task 4 Specification and Budget for Planimetric/Orthophoto Data Update

KCI will develop detailed specifications for each of the components of the data maintenance strategy identified in
Phase I, Task 3. The budget and update cycle that was proposed in Phase I, Task 3 will be reviewed in detail with
Agency staff and will be refined to reflect current budget requirements and justification.

Task 4 Deliverables:

 Specifications and Budget for Data Update Program

Task 5 Technical Assistance

KCI will provide technical assistance and will help facilitate the development of a Montgomery County GIS
Governance Model, Communications Plan, Agency MOU’s, and overall GIS Budget. KCI’s assistance will be
advisory only for this task. Examples of other known successful models will be provided to aid the County in
achieving the goals for GIS management.

Task 5 Deliverables:

Five days of consulting support are included in the budget to support this work area.

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