GIS Strategic Plan Summary: Stages I and II
GIS Strategic Plan Summary: Stages I and II
GIS Strategic Plan Summary: Stages I and II
Stages I and II
February 7, 2011
Appendix 3
Scope of Work and GIS Survey Information
Worksessions were held with MC:MAPS and ITPCC to review the reports and recommendations. The following
recommendations were the result of the Phase I work:
It was agreed to move ahead with Phase II of the project that would begin to implement some of the
recommendations. KCI Technologies, Inc. was asked to continue to support the project by supporting the ongoing
activities of the ITPCC and GIS work groups and by performing the following specific tasks:
1. Design and help implement improved workflows that eliminate duplicate efforts and ensure
communications and essential feedback loops are complete
2. Compare and conflate multiple versions of address, building, and streets data that have evolved
3. Design and implement an enhanced, centralized data model building on the Master Address Repository
4. Develop specifications and a detailed budget for the planimetric/orthophoto update program
5. Support ongoing activities of project team in developing governance model, MOU’s, and GIS budget
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the work that is proposed for Phase II.
With the completion of Phase I, the KCI team has gained extensive knowledge of the current GIS status and the
agencies primary concerns and priorities. We have identified many opportunities for improving communications,
data sharing, data publishing, and for improving workflows to eliminate redundant data entry, duplicate data
maintenance, multiple data versions, and inadequate data control and documentation. In Phase II we will work
closely with Agency staff to document existing workflows and procedures and to define new and improved
workflows that accomplish the stated objectives. We will facilitate communications and build consensus among the
agencies to ensure that the new workflows are acceptable to staff and will receive their full commitment for
successful implementation. We will ensure that current GIS capabilities to centralize, publish, and control data
resources while providing ready access to all users with web browser technology will be fully leveraged to support
the Agencies as they move toward the new, unified data model and environment.
The Phase II tasks will be completed somewhat in parallel. Although they each have disparate results and
deliverables, the data collection, analysis, and review requirements of each task are very interrelated. While they are
described separately for purposes of clearly stating work accomplishments and deliverables, each task is dependent
on outcomes of the other tasks.
M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009
Task 1 Deliverables
Two Worksessions on Existing and Proposed Workflows
Draft and Final Existing Workflows Document
Draft and Final Revised Workflows Document
M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009
Task 2 Deliverables
Data Review Worksession (may be combined with one of the workflow worksessions)
Draft and Final Data Development Plan
Datasets ready for loading to new Data Model
M-NCPPC: Geographic Information Services
February 2, 2009
Task 3 Deliverables:
Task 4 Deliverables:
Task 5 Deliverables:
Five days of consulting support are included in the budget to support this work area.