Examguide PDF
Examguide PDF
Examguide PDF
Many credit unions will look to their examiners to educate and inform
them about how to improve their risk management and to convey
specifics about NCUA’s risk-focused program. This Examiner’s Guide
provides information about the risk-focused approach in many areas of
the credit union’s operation, and discusses the risks inherent in
services and products that the credit unions may be considering.
This Guide also addresses the changes in funding requirements for the
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) account, mandated by
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This change is
independent of the risk-focused program, but took place at the same
or final approach in every situation. Examiner judgment and flexibility
remain crucial to a successful risk-focused program.
J. eo ard Skiles
aecutive Director
Examiner's Guide
Supervision Evaluate management’s due diligence processes over the credit
Objectives union’s activities
0 Stay abreast of local and national economic conditions that may
affect the financial performance and health of credit unions
0 Evaluate the credit union’s current and potential risk
0 Evaluate management’s ability to identify, measure, monitor, and
control (i.e., manage) risk
0 Evaluate the adequacy and accuracy of management’s risk
reporting and monitoring mechanisms
0 Assess the credit union’s ability to withstand any negative effects
of risks taken in relation to its financial condition and net worth
Identify changes in the credit union’s risk profile and adjust
supervision plans accordingly
Identify and address emerging risk issues before they become
serious problems
Work with management to resolve problems identified during
onsite and offsite contacts
Work with management to reach agreeable solutions to reduce
levels of unwarranted risk
Direct resources more efficiently by compiling and assimilating
relevant risk information that helps prioritize examination
schedules and determine need for subject matter examiners (SMEs)
and specialists
Develop a factual, documented administrative record of the credit
union’s problems and the attempts to resolve them
Page 1-1
Due Diligence Credit unions should have in place a risk management program that
includes a strategic plan with implementing policies, procedures, and
internal controls necessary to manage the risks inherent in their
operations. Successful risk management programs rely on credit union
management to employ sufficient staff and have available necessary
resources to identifl, measure, monitor, and control existing and
potential risks.
Page 1-2
Page 1-3
risks present and anticipated in the operation of the credit union and
whether management has instituted sound internal controls to identify,
manage, and mitigate undue risk.
Generally, credit unions that have more complex operations carry more
risk than do credit unions offering fewer products and services. Greater
risk requires the credit union to employ able, experienced management
and more sophisticated systems of control. The risk-focused
supervision system largely depends upon sound controls. These
controls include the following:
Informed officials;
Well-trained management and staff;
0 Sound policies and procedures;
Adequate due diligence by management prior to engaging in an
activity, and ongoing for existing products and services;
Sound system of internal controls;
0 Prudent risk limits; and
0 Identifying, measuring, controlling, monitoring and reporting of
risk exposures.
Page 1-4
Although the actual evaluation of the minimum review areas may take
place during supervision contacts, the examiner should document the
review of these areas and any material concerns in the examination
report. Examiners must also assign the CAMEL rating during the
Risk Risk is the potential that events, expected or unanticipated, may have
Categories an adverse effect on the credit union’s net worth and earnings. The
seven categories of risk for credit union supervision purposes are
Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Transaction, Compliance, Strategic,
and Reputation. Any product or service may expose the credit union to
multiple risks; these categories are not mutually exclusive.
Page 1-5
Credit Risk Credit Risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or capital
arising from an obligor’sfailure to meet terms of any contract with the
credit union or otherwise fail to perform as agreed. Credit risk exists in
all activities where the credit union invests or loans funds with the
expectation of repayment.
Interest Rate Interest Rate Risk is the risk that changes in market rates will
Risk adversely affect a credit union’s capital and earnings. Interest rate risk
arises from (1) differences between the timing of rate changes and the
timing of cash flows (repricing risk); (2) changing rate relationships
among different yield curves affecting credit union activities (basis
risk); (3) changing rate relationships across the spectrum of maturities
(yield curve risk); and (4) interest-related options embedded in credit
union products (options risk). Not only can a move in interest rates
affect the price of investments, it also has an effect on the value of the
loan portfolio and on fee income, which is sensitive to changes in
interest rates.
The assessment of interest rate risk should consider risk from both an
accounting perspective (i.e., the effect on the credit union’s accrual
earnings, including held-to-maturity and available-for-sale accounts)
and the economic perspective (i.e., the effect on the market value of
the credit union’s loans and investments.) In some credit unions, the
broader category of market risk captures interest rate risk.
Liquidity Risk Liquidity Risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or capital
arising from a credit union’s inability to meet its obligations when they
come due, without incurring material costs or unacceptable losses.
Liquidity risk includes the inability to manage funding sources,
including unplanned decreases or changes. Liquidity risk also arises
from the credit union’s failure to recognize or address changes in
market conditions that affect the ability to liquidate assets quickly and
with minimal loss in value.
Transaction Risk Transaction Risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from fraud or
error that results in an inability to deliver products or services,
maintain a competitive position, and manage information. This risk
Page 1-6
Compliance Risk Compliance Risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from violations of, or nonconformance with, laws, rules,
regulations, prescribed practices, internal policies and procedures, or
ethical standards. Compliance risk may also arise in situations where
ambiguous or untested laws or rules govern certain credit union
products or activities of the members. Compliance risk exposes the
credit union to fines, civil money penalties, payment of damages, and
the voiding of contracts. Compliance risk can lead to a diminished
reputation, limited opportunities, reduced field of membership
expansion potential, and lack of contract enforceability.
Strategic Risk Strategic Risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or capital
arising from adverse business decisions, improper implementation of
decisions, or lack of responsiveness to industry changes. This risk is a
function of the compatibility of a credit union’s strategic goals, the
business strategies developed to achieve those goals, the resources
deployed to accomplish these goals, and the quality of implementation.
The tangible and intangible resources needed to carry out business
strategies include communication channels, operating systems,
delivery networks, monitoring systems, and managerial capacities and
Repubtion Risk Reputation Risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from negative public opinion or perception. Reputation
risk affects the credit union’s ability to establish new relationships or
Page 1-7
Risk Each credit union should develop its own risk management program
Management tailored to its needs and circumstances. Differences in market
Program conditions, fields of membership, and credit union structures preclude
any single risk management program working for all credit unions. The
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Page 1-10
Risk assessment will occur in all credit unions; however, small credit
unions may often require more transaction examining because limited
staff can impede internal control systems. Assessing risk enables the
examiner to provide a common supervisory philosophy while
recognizing the differing levels and complexities of risk present in
each credit union.
Examiners should assess the amount and direction of risk exposure for
the seven types of risk using a supervisory process that assesses the
Page 1-11
SupetViSOty Generally, the seven areas of risk fall within two major categories:
Risk Areas
0 Market risks, which are usually more objective, and lend
themselves to measurement include:
Page 1-12
- Credit risk
- Interest rate risk
- Liquidity risk
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Page 1-14
Page 1-15
5300 Call Report During each examination, examiners must verify the accuracy of the
Review 5300 Call Report. The risk-focused program places heavy reliance on
the accuracy of the data in the call report. Inaccuracies in the call
report may result in misleading evaluation data. Examiners should
stress to the credit unions the importance of reporting accurate
information on the call report.
Page 1-16
Examiners should focus their review on the internal controls over the
call report and the credit union’s process for ensuring its accuracy, by
taking the following steps:
Page 1-17
Offsite reviews of quarterly call reports will not allow the examiner the
level of detail described above. Examiners should use other tools such
as the 5300 Cycle-to-Cycle Comparison Report or the Consolidated
Balance Sheet report trends to identify any fluctuations or adverse
trends, making and uploading corrections as necessary. Examiners
should report inaccuracies in the examination report at the next
Page 1-18
Page 1-19
0 Reviewing the annual audit workpapers and the audit plan (see the
Supervisory Committee chapter), communicating audit work
performed in pre-determined, high risk areas to the appropriate
team members;
Page 1-20
5300 Risk Examiners can use the 5300 Risk Parameters tool (Tab D in the Scope
Parameters Workbook) to assist in the offsite monitoring. Use of this tool aids the
examiner in the evaluation process; however, examiners must use their
judgment. The 5300 Risk parameters is only an indicator of risk; it
does not supercede the examiner’s judgment.
Page 1-21
0 Assess risk - financial stability does not mean the credit union has
no exposure to current or future risk;
Page 1-22
Documenting Examiners should document supervision plans for the credit union in
Supervision the Scope Workbook and follow regional procedures for consulting
Plans with their supervisory examiners. They should update the Scope
Workbook after supervision contacts, if necessary. Examples of
documentation for supervision plans include:
The extent of the supervision plans depends largely on the severity and
direction of the risks in the credit union’s operation and on
management’s ability to manage those risks. The examiner’s
Page 1-23
0 Review of 5300s;
0 Communication with credit union staff; and
0 Knowledge of current events affecting the credit union (e.g., new
regulations, investment broker concerns, etc.).
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Page 1-27
Chapter 2
Page 2-1
Prior Reviewing the prior examination report and recent Scope Workbook
Examination (or history of Scope Workbooks, if significant developing trends exist)
and assists the examiner in preparing for the current examination. The
examiner should pay close attention to the risk assessment and
ations recommendations for areas of review.
Pre1imi nary After evaluating the recent Scope Workbooks, examiners will make a
Risk preliminary assessment of the risk they expect to find while
Assessment performing the examination. This assessment includes the following:
The examiner will assign a preliminary risk assessment for each of the
seven risk categories: Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Transaction,
Compliance, Reputation, and Strategic. (The Risk-Focused Program
chapter provides more information for identifying the seven risks.)
Quantitative data and any information the examiner has prior to
conducting planning and scoping activities serve as determinants for
this assessment. Information obtained through discussions with
management and findings identified during the field work may change
these preliminary assessments.
Page 2-2
Internal and If applicable, examiners should consider the following factors, using
External the information obtained to mitigate or amplify the initial risk
Factors assessment:
Page 2-3
Page 2-4
Page 2-5
- Liquidity position;
- Operations, including information systems;
- Policies and procedures;
- Formal committee structures; and
- Risk areas posing the highest risk to the operation currently and
in the fbture.
Page 2-6
For larger and more sophisticated credit unions, early review will
allow examiners-in-charge greater flexibility in determining necessary
resources, including the number, experience, and qualifications of
team members.
Page 2-7
Page 2-8
Page 2-9
Adj usti ng the The final scope determination relies on examiner judgment. Examiners
Scope should adjust the scope of the examination as appropriate. This will
require the examiners to use sound professional judgment and analysis,
and to maintain open lines of communication with management. A
successful examination requires discussing relevant concerns as they
Page 2-10
Minimum Examiners will evaluate the credit union’s overall risk profile to
Procedures determine most of the procedures they plan to perform during an
examination. However, the examiners must complete the following
three procedures during each examination, regardless of risk:
0 Verify compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). The Federal
Credit Union Act requires NCUA to determine compliance with
this law during each examination. Part 748 of NCUA’s Rules and
Regulations specifies some of the requirements of this law. The
Compliance chapter of this Guide provides further information on
the BSA.
Page 2-1 1
evaluate and document compliance with Part 723 of the Rules and
0 Reasons and factors considered in determining areas and extent of
0 Analysis and assessment of risk areas;
0 Conclusions reached and recommendations made; and
0 Adequate support for conclusions and recommendations.
Final Risk The examiner will evaluate all information gathered to assign a final
Assessment assessment of risk for each of the seven risk categories. Information
obtained during the examination may result in changes to the
preliminary risk assessment.
Attachment 2.1 contains a list of risk indicators for each risk category.
Examiners should use this attachment only as guidance in the
assignment of risk level.
Budget and After conducting the examination, the examiner begins the planning
Plans cycle again by suggesting future review areas and estimating resource
needs for the next examination and interim supervision. The Budget
and Plans section of the Scope Workbook documents these
Page 2-12
When the examiner uploads the scope workbook, the Budget and Plans
section records the hours anticipated for the next examination and
interim supervision. The supervisory examiner will have the
opportunity to review this document as part of the completed
Liquidity Risk idicators
Factor Low Moderate High
Board and Fully understands all aspects Reasonably understands key Does not understand, or
Operational of liquidity risk. aspects of liquidity risk. chooses to ignore key
Management aspects of liquidity risk.
Management Anticipates and responds Adequately responds to Does not anticipate or take
Responsiveness well to changes in market market condition changes. timely or appropriate actions
conditions. in response to changes.
Liquidity Favorable position with Not excessively vulnerable to Access to funds is impacted
Position and negligible exposure to funding difficulties should an by poor market perception or
Risk Exposure earnings and capital. adverse change in market market resistance, resulting in
perception occur. Earnings substantial exposure to loss
or capital exposure is of earnings or capital.
Funding Ample funding sources exist. Sufficient funding sources Funding sources and portfolio
Sources Funding sources provide the exist to provide cost-effective structures suggest current or
credit union with a liquidity. potential difficulty in
competitive cost advantage. sustaining long-term and
cost-effective liquidity.
Borrowing Widely diversified, with little Diversified with few providers Concentrated in a few
Sources or no reliance on wholesale or groups sharing common providers, or providers with
or other credit-sensitive investment objectives and common investment
funds providers. economic influences. objectives or economic
Future Liquidity Market alternatives exceed Liquidity position is not Liquidity needs may be
Position demand for liquidity with no expected to deteriorate in the increasing with declining
adverse changes expected. near term. medium- and long-term
funding alternatives.
Risk Processes reflect a sound Processes are adequate. Processes are deficient.
Management culture that has proven
Process effective over time.
MIS Reporting Timely, complete, reliable, For the most part, timely, Do not provide useful
and reviewed by complete, reliable, and information for managing
management. reviewed by management. liquidity risk.
Balance Sheet Appropriate attention is given Attention to balance sheet Attention to balance sheet
Management to balance sheet management is appropriate. management is inappropriate.
management and the cost Access to funding markets is Management has not
effectiveness of liquidity properly assessed and realistically assessed the
alternatives. diversified based upon size credit union’s access to funds
and complexity. and has not paid sufficient
attention to diversification.
Contingency Well-developed and Effective and the cost of Nonexistent or incomplete.
Plans effective. liquidity alternatives is Cost of alternatives has not
adequately considered. been adequately considered.
High probability exists that
contingency funding sources
are needed. Improvement is
not expected in the near
Cash Flow Effective, reliable and timely Adequate analysis conducted Analysis not done or is
Analysis analyses are conducted. based upon size and inadequate.
Attachment 2.1
d - /7
Transaction R ;k Indicators
Factor Low Moderate High
Board and Fully understands all aspects
Operational of transaction risk. aspects of transaction risk. chooses to ignore key
Management aspects of transaction risk.
Responsiveness Anticipates and responds Adequately responds to Does not anticipate or take
to Market and well to changes. changes. timely or appropriate actions
Technological in response to changes.
Risk Exposure Only a slight probability of Possible loss to reputation, Weak internal controls
damage to reputation, earnings or capital exists but expose the credit union to
capital, or earnings. is mitigated by adequate significant damage to
internal controls. reputation, or loss of earnings
or capital.
Transaction History of sound operations. History of adequate History of transaction
Processing Likelihood of transaction operations. Likelihood of processing failures.
Controls processing failures is transaction processing Likelihood of future failures is
minimal due to strong failures is minimized by high due to absence of
internal controls. generally effective internal effective internal controls.
controls. I
Systems and Strong control culture that Adequate operating and Serious weaknesses exist in
Controls results in systems, internal information processing operating and information
controls, audit, and systems, internal controls, systems, internal controls,
contingency and business audit coverage, and audit coverage, or
recovery plans that are contingency and business contingency and business
sound. recovery plans are evident. I recovery plans.
MIS Satisfactory Minor deficiencies may exist I Significant weaknesses in
that relate to transaction and transaction and information
information processing processing activities.
New Products Favorable performance in Planning and due diligence Inadequate. CU is exposed
or Services expansions and introductions prior to introduction of new to risk from the introduction or
of new products and services are performed expansion of new products
services. although minor weaknesses and services.
Conversion Conversion plans are clear, Conversion plans are evident, CU may be exposed to
Management comprehensive, and although not always processing risks due to poor
followed. comprehensive. conversion management,
either from the integration of
new acquisitions with existing
systems, or from converting
one system to another.
Attachment 2.1
Strateaic Risk Indicators
Factor Low Moderate High
Risk Management Practices are an integral Quality is consistent with the Practices are inconsistent
Practices part of strategic planning. strategic issues confronting with strategic initiatives. A
the credit union. lack of strategic direction is
Strategic Strategic goals, objectives, Demonstrated the ability to Operating policies and
Planning culture, and behavior are implement goals and programs inadequately
effectively communicated objectives and successful support strategic initiatives.
and consistently applied implementation of strategic The structure and talent of
throughout the institution. initiatives is likely. the organization do not
The depth of management support long-term strategies.
talent enhances strategic
direction and organizational
corporate efficiency.
ManagemenVStaff Changes in key Key management or staff Key management or staff
Turnover management or staff are changes recently occurred. turnover is high and poorly
well managed and minimal. Succession plans are managed. Succession plans
Succession plans are adequate. are non-existent, inadequate,
documented and effective. or ignored.
Track Record Management has been Management has a Deficiencies in management
successful in reasonable record in decision-making and risk
accomplishing past goals decision-making and controls. recognition do not allow the
and is appropriately institution to effectively
disciplined. evaluate new products,
services, or FOM expansions.
MIS Management information Management information Management information
systems effectively support systems reasonably support systems supporting strategic
strategic direction and the credit union’s short-term initiatives are seriouslv flawed
initiatives. direction and initiatives. or do not exist.
Risk Exposure Exposure reflects strategic Exposure reflects strategic Strategic goals emphasize
goals that are not overly goals that are aggressive but significant growth or
aggressive and are compatible with business expansion that is likely to
compatible with developed strategies. result in earnings volatility or
business strategies. capital pressures.
Impact and Risk Initiatives will have a Actual practices have only The impact of strategic
of Initiatives negligible impact on minor inconsistencies with decisions is expected to
capital, systems, or planned initiatives. Initiatives significantly affect net worth.
management resources. are reasonable considering Strategic initiatives may be
The initiatives are well the capital, systems, and aggressive or incompatible
supported by capital for the management. Decisions are with developed business
foreseeable future and not likely to have a significant strategies. Decisions are
pose only nominal possible adverse impact on earnings either difficult or costly to
effects on earnings or capital and can be reverse.
volatility. reversed without significant
cost or difficulty.
Appropriateness New products/services are New products/services will Strategic goals are unclear or
of New Products supported by sound due not materially alter business inconsistent, and have led to
& Services diligence and strong risk direction, can be an imbalance between the
management. The implemented efficiently and credit union’s tolerance for
decisions can be reversed cost effectively, and are risk and willingness to supply
with little difficulty and within management‘s abilities. supporting resources for new
manageable costs. productlservice offerings.
Attachment 2.1
-Reputation Ri!
I Factor
Response to
and Overall
Controls and
[ Indicators
Anticipates and responds
well to changes of a market
or regulatory nature that
impact its reputation in the
Management fosters a sound
culture that is well supported
throughout the organization
and has proven very
effective over time.
Fully effective.
Adequately responds to
changes of a market or
regulatory nature that impact
the institution’s reputation in
the marketplace.
Administrative procedures
and processes are
satisfactory. Management
has a good record of
correcting problems.
Generally effective.
Does not anticipate or take
timely or appropriate actions
in response to changes of a
market or regulatory nature.
union does not regularly volume of business
experience litigation or conducted.
member complaints.
Disaster Documented, tested, and Adequate plans are in place. Inadequate or non-existent
Recove Plans effective plans are in place. plans.
Promotional and Effective promotional and Adequate promotional and Inadequate or non-existent
Educational educational efforts are made educational efforts are promotional and educational
Efforts to reach existing and undertaken. efforts.
potential members.
Attachment 2. I
Comdiance Risk Indicators
Factor Low Moderate High
Board and Fully understands all aspects Reasonably understands the Does not understand, or has
Operational of compliance risk and key aspects of compliance chosen to ignore, key aspects
Management exhibits a clear commitment risk. Commitment to of compliance risk. The
Understanding to compliance. Commitment compliance is reasonable and importance of compliance is
is communicated throughout satisfactorily communicated. not emphasized or
the institution. communicated throughout the
Authority and Authority and accountability Authority and accountability Management has not
Accountability for compliance are clearly are defined, although some established or enforced
defined and enforced. refinements may be needed. accountability for compliance
Response to Anticipates and responds Adequately responds to Does not anticipate or take
Changes well to market or regulatory market or regulatory changes. timely or appropriate actions
changes. in response to market or
regulatory changes.
Product and Compliance considerations While compliance may not be Compliance considerations
Systems are incorporated into product formally considered when are not incorporated in
Development or systems development. developing product or product or systems
systems, issues are typically development.
addressed before they are
fully implemented.
Violations & Violations, noncompliance, The frequency or severity of Violations, noncompliance, or
Risk Exposure or litigation are insignificant, violations, noncompliance, or litigation expose the credit
as measured by their litigation is reasonable. union to significant
number or seriousness. impairment of reputation,
value, earnings, or business
Error Detection When deficiencies are Problems can be corrected in Errors are often not detected
and Corrective identified, management the normal course of internally, corrective action is
Action promptly implements business without a significant often ineffective, or
meaningful corrective action. investment of money or management is
management attention. unresponsive.
Management is responsive
when deficiencies are
Risk Good record of compliance. Compliance management Compliance management
Management The CU has a strong control systems are adequate to systems are deficient,
culture that has proven avoid significant or frequent reflecting an inadequate
effective. Compliance violations or noncompliance. commitment to risk
management systems are management.
sound and minimize the
likelihood of excessive or
serious future violations.
Controls and Appropriate controls and No shortcomings of The likelihood of continued
Systems systems are implemented to significance are evident in violations or noncompliance
identify compliance problems controls or systems. The is high because a corrective
and assess performance. probability of serious future action program does not
violations or noncompliance exist, or extended time is
is within acceptable needed to implement such a
tolerance. program.
Training and Training programs are Management provides Management has not
Resources effective and the necessary adequate resources and provided adequate resources
resources have been training given the complexity or training.
provided to ensure of products and operations.
Attachment 2.1
Chapter 3
0 Collecting data;
0 Reviewing data;
0 Interpreting data;
0 Reaching conclusions;
Page 3-1
Collecting The examiner collects statistical data during the planning phase of the
Data examination. Some financial data appears on the 5300 Risk Parameters
tab of the Scope Workbook, with more detail on the various AIRES
work papers including the Financial History and Key Ratio forms.
Examiners obtain qualitative data by observation (e.g., reading the
minutes, policies, recent correspondence, prior examination reports,
watching as staff performs their duties) and by discussion with
officials and employees. Several examination work papers (e.g., Loan
Exceptions, Examiner Findings, Informal Discussion Items) document
qualitative and quantitative data. The Examination Overview
summarizes the data in a narrative form.
The Financial History, a key form for performing the total analysis
process, compiles examination data for computing ratios on the Key
Ratio Analysis form. For periods other than those on the Key Ratios
form, examiners may collect and analyze date using optional AIRES
work papers or alternative analysis tools like the Consolidated Balance
Sheet or Cycle-to-Cycle programs.
In this portion of the total analysis process, the examiner (1) breaks
down and reassembles the data, relating individual parts to the whole;
(2) notes the trends; and (3) evaluates the data. This complex
evaluation of the examination data requires examiners to use their
professional judgment.
Page 3-2
Structural analysis,
0 Trend analysis,
Reasonableness analysis,
Variable data analysis, and
0 Qualitative data analysis.
Str ucturaI Structural analysis includes the review of the component parts of a
Analysis financial statement in relation to the whole. The examiner analyzes
financial data and the ratios developed from that data. For example, the
return on average assets is a structural analysis ratio developed from
the income and assets.
Page 3-3
0 Step back from examination details and individual ratios (and often
from the computer);
0 Think about the big picture, how the various aspects of the
examination interact and the individual ratios relate to each other;
0 Assess management’s ability to identify, measure and control
current and future risk.
Page 3-4
During the structural ratio review, the examiner may carefully compare
the credit union’s ratios to the same ratios of similar size credit unions.
Economic, geographic and other differences between one credit union
and another preclude indiscriminate comparisons. Peer ratios do not
represent standards or goals for the credit union to attain; they serve
only as benchmarks. As such, examiners should use peer ratios as
analysis points only, and should not carry this type of comparison to
the Overview. Examiners should keep in mind a basic tenet of ratio
analysis: ratios never answer questions; they only raise them.
Page 3-5
Trend Analysis Trend analysis involves comparing the component parts of a structural
ratio to itself over several time periods. Seasonal fluctuations may
warrant the examiner using other than annual trend analysis periods.
While trend analysis often requires looking back at prior ratios, it also
serves as a valuable forecasting tool that allows the examiner or credit
union to project outcomes if the credit union chooses another solution
or resists making needed corrections.
Page 3-6
Variable Data Examiners can often analyze an examination area in many different
Analysis ways. For example, during the loan review, a variety of options exist
by which examiners may analyze loans, including:
Page 3-7
The types of security and the amount secured by each type (e.g.,
co-makers, automobiles, real estate, etc.); and
The appraised or market value of the security compared with the
unpaid balances of the secured loans.
Qualitative Qualitative data includes information and conditions that are not
Data Analysis measurable in dollars and cents, percentages, numbers, etc.
Nevertheless, they have an important bearing on the credit union's
current condition, and will undoubtedly affect its future. Examples of
qualitative data include lending policies and practices, internal
controls, attitude and ability of the officials, risk measurement tools,
risk management, economic conditions within the general economy
and of the sponsoring organization, and attitude of the sponsoring
The main purposes for reviewing qualitative data are to (1) help
project the credit union's future, and (2) determine the control
environment surrounding various operations. The credit union's future
heavily depends on management's ability to identify, monitor,
Page 3-8
measure, and manage risks. The total analysis process requires the
examiner to perform varying levels of analysis (structural, trend,
reasonableness, variable data, and qualitative) before interpreting the
results of the review.
Interpreting Interpreting the data involves the most complex phase of the total
Data analysis process. The examiner’s ability, judgment, experience and
skill all come into play in this process of questioning the data. If
examiners place too much emphasis on inconsequential facts or
underplay or ignore significant facts, they may arrive at erroneous
conclusions that could harm the credit union. For example, individuals
often charter a credit union primarily to provide loans to members.
Lending programs require that the credit union take a reasonable
business risk, which results in earnings sufficient to maintain or build
net worth. However, by emphasizing zero delinquency and loan losses,
the examiner could diminish a primary reason for the credit union’s
existence and unnecessarily decrease its income. Performing the
following will increase understanding and possibly change the
examiner’s preliminary assessment of risk:
Page 3-9
the balance sheet and management's future plans for their member
business loan program.
Page 3-10
The action plan should remain in effect until the examiner and board
agree the improved financial condition and level of risk reduction
warrants discontinuance or relaxation of the plan. If the credit union
has not made sufficient improvement, the examiner and the board
should strengthen or revise the plan.
Testing the Valid results of the total analysis process depend on the examiner
ResuIts considering and accurately interpreting all pertinent data. The
examiner then has the tools to make meaningful recommendations and
design action plans that will reduce unacceptable risks and prevent
future problems. If examiners have not properly applied the total
analysis process, inappropriate recommendations and action plans may
result. To reduce this possibility, the examiner should:
Page 3-11
Chapter 4
3.Y3. 3
" w
Chapter 4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union has implemented efficient and
Objectives effective operations and risk management systems
0 Determine whether the credit union accurately records transactions
0 Determine timeliness and reliability of financial reporting
0 Determine whether the credit union complies with regulations,
internal policies, and internal procedures
0 Assess whether the credit union has implemented adequate internal
controls to safeguard assets
Internal control does not guarantee that the entity will achieve its
objectives or even remain in business. Rather, internal control provides
Page 4-1
3 113 of the FCU Act states that the board of directors shall have the
general direction and control of the affairs of the credit union,
including the proper and profitable conduct of credit union operations,
the safety of credit union assets, and the accuracy and adequacy of
financial statements. The board retains overall responsibility for the
affairs of the credit union. As part of that responsibility, the board
establishes internal controls, which include organizational plans,
policies, and operating procedures to maintain control over the duties
delegated to paid employees.
Safety and The FCU Act and the bylaws establish the basic organizational pattern
Soundness for credit unions. A credit union's growth necessitates further divisions
Page 4-2
Page 4-3
Other Laws Internal controls are checks and balances built into policies and
and procedures. The FCU Act requires several internal controls, while
Regulations others develop out of daily experience.
0 Dividing duties so that no one person has sole control over any
transaction and its recording;
Internal The formality of any control system will depend largely on a credit
Cont roI union’s size, the sophistication of its operations, the number of
Components employees, and its risk profile. Small credit unions can design less
formal and less structured control systems that can achieve similar
effectiveness as more formal and structured control systems at larger or
more sophisticated credit unions. Effective control systems should
0 A control environment;
0 Risk assessment;
0 Control activities;
0 Accounting, information, and communication systems; and
0 Self-assessment or monitoring.
Page 4-4
Control The control environment reflects the commitment of the board and
Environment management to internal control. It provides discipline and structure to
the control system. Elements of the control environment include:
Control Activities Control activities are the policies, procedures, and practices
established to help ensure that credit union personnel carry out board
and management directives at every business level throughout the
credit union. These activities help ensure that the board and
Page 4-5
management act to control risks that could prevent a credit union from
attaining its objectives. They should include:
Page 4-6
Credit union directors must hold management and staff responsible for
their actions. Credit unions must maintain written procedures or
controls for certain areas, including, but not limited to, lending,
investments, fraud prevention, the Bank Secrecy Act, privacy, and
Truth in Savings. Although credit unions should have written internal
control procedures in all areas, the mere existence of the procedures
will not suffice. Personnel must understand control procedures and
follow them conscientiously.
Page 4-7
Examiners should base the scope, type, and depth of an internal control
review on the credit union’s size, complexity, scope of activities, and
risk profile. Assessment of the credit union’s audit function plays an
important part in this determination. When management or examiners
note internal control weaknesses, the credit union should take
immediate action to correct the deficiencies.
Page 4-8
Page 4-9
Page 4-11
Workpapers 0 Workpapers
and - Management Review Questionnaires
References - Loan Internal Control Questionnaires
- Loans-Lines of CrediKredit Cards
- Collection Program
- Investment Internal Control Questionnaires
- Cash Control Questionnaire
- Information Systems Review
- RedFlags
- Red Flag Procedures
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act 5 113
- NCUA Rules and Regulations 5702.402
- Supervisory Committee Guidefor Federal Credit Unions
- Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- Federal Credit Union Handbook
Page 4-12
ConfIicting Positions In Federal Credit Unions and Persons Who
Positions are Prohibited From Holding Them
Page 4A-1
(Only one credit committee
member may also be appointed
a loan officer.)
Loan Officer Membership Officer Member of the supervisory
(Only one credit committee committee
member may be appointed a Supervisory committee assistant
loan officer.)
Membership Treasurer Member of the supervisory
Officer Assistant Treasurer committee
Loan Officer Supervisory committee assistant
Assistant Manager
President or Vice-president if
checks are countersigned
Manager Member of the board of Relative of any official
directors except by bylaw Member of the credit committee
Member of the supervisory
Supervisory Committee
Membership Officer
Assistant Member of the board of Relative of any official
Manager directors
Member of the supervisory
Supervisory Committee
Membership Officer
Page 4A-2
Page 4A-3
Examiners may use the following loan, share, and other reports
frequently generated by the credit unions’ information system (IS) to
assist in the review of internal controls whether the credit union
provides a download or generates the reports in-house. Good internal
controls also require regular review of these reports by credit union
management and the internal audit staff.
Paid Ahead Loans report - Identifies loans with advanced due dates.
When reviewing this report, the examiner should compare the
borrower’s actual payments over time to the note’s required payment
schedule. If discrepancies exist, the examiner should review a sample
of related loan files, being especially cognizant of paid ahead loans
where staff performs frequent file maintenance changes or where the
prior activity date is long past (may be a deficiency balance that the
credit union failed to charge off). Since a payment is due every month
on open-end loans, they should not appear on the paid ahead report.
Most IS reports flag open end loans so they do not appear on this
report; however, the credit union may not have implemented this
Page 4B-1
First Payment Date >45 days from Original Loan Date report -
Determines if the credit union has advanced due dates of any closed-
end loans. In cases where the IS calculates delinquency from the first
payment date rather than from the next due date, the IS must change
the first payment when it advances the due date. The credit union
should review the files of the loans appearing on the report to
determine that the credit union appropriately approved an extension.
Loan Accounts with a PO Box report Reveals different loan
accounts with the same post office box, which could disclose fictitious
Page 4B-2
and file with the Treasury Department. The review of this report may
reveal fictitious deposits.
Cash Payment Loans report - Reveals those loan accounts where the
credit union applied cash payments rather than payroll deduction
payments to the remaining principal. Examiners may find this report
useful if they suspect fictitious loan activity.
Negative Share and Share Draft report Identifies accounts with
negative balances as of the report date (usually printed as of month
end); however, examiners may ask the credit union to print the report
while they are on-site to determine if the credit union is hiding
overdrafts. Reviewing a sample of related accounts may allow
examiners to ascertain the reasons for and the duration of the negative
Shares > $100,000 report May identi@the credit union’s share mix,
share concentrations, uninsured shares, and possibly illegal deposits.
NSF’s YTD report - Tracks those members with the most non-
sufficient funds (NSFs) for the year. The credit union (or examiners)
should compare the report to the credit union’s share draft policies to
review for NSF abuse. Most IS can generate this report.
Page 4B-3
Chapter 5
Examination 0 Determine the necessary supervision and examination scope based
0bjectives on the review of the supervisory committee audit, internal audit
reports and risk management reports
0 Determine whether the supervisory committee audit and
verification meets the requirements of $7 15 and $741.202 of the
NCUA Rules and Regulations
0 Determine if the supervisory committee performs other duties to
meet their fiduciary responsibility
0 Determine the advisability of other audits (e.g., e-commerce,
internal control, Statement of Auditing Standard (SAS) No. 70, etc.)
Associated 0 Compliance risk - Includes the risk that the audit and verification
Risks does not comply with the laws and regulations;
0 Reputation risk - Includes the risk that the supervisory committee
did not meet its fiduciary duties, resulting in poor publicity or
administrative action;
0 Strategic risk - Includes the risk that management fails to act on
recommendations included in examinations or internallexternal
audits, or did not allocate the necessary resources to implement
proper internal controls; and
0 Transaction risk - Includes the risk that internal controls do not
sufficiently deter or detect errors, omissions or material
The examiner should ensure that persons performing the audit and
verification functions performed them in accordance with $715 of
Page 5-1
NCUA 's Rules and Regulations. The examiner's review and evaluation
of these functions serve as key elements in determining the
examination's scope. Examiners will complete the required
questionnaire, SC- Pre-Examination Supervisory Committee Audit
And Verification Review.
Scope The following documents can provide guidance for the examiner
Development during the scope development and planning phase:
and Planning
0 Any report of reportable conditions or material weaknesses
(sometimes referred to as a management letter);
The annual audit report;
0 Engagement Letter;
0 Internal audit reports, if any;
0 Risk management or any other applicable audits, if any;
0 Support for the verification of accounts; and
0 Minutes of the supervisory committee meetings;
Meeting with the The examiner may arrange a meeting with the chairman of the
Supervisory supervisory committee to:
0 Explain the examiner's mission in reviewing the audit and
verification functions;
0 Discuss the supervisory committee's role and responsibilities, if
necessary ($715.3);
0 Answer any questions the supervisory committee may have; and
0 Determine the extent of the committee's knowledge of the credit
union's operations, management, and the status of the credit union's
financial condition.
Page 5-2
Meeting with the The examiner may arrange a meeting with the internal auditor to:
Internal Auditor
0 Evaluate the independence and experience of personnel conducting
internal control reviews, adequacy of staff size, appropriateness of
audit schedule, and sufficiency of scope;
0 Assess the reliability and effectiveness of any internal control
0 Review audit reports, letters reporting material weaknesses or
reportable conditions, and management’s written response to
auditors’ findings; and
0 Review internal audit working papers.
Meeting with the The type of audit and the examiner’s familiarity with the external
ExternalAuditor auditor will determine the extent of the meeting and review of the
and Review Of audit working papers. If examiners choose to contact the external
Working Papers auditor, they may find it beneficial to obtain the auditor’s risk
assessment, their conclusions, and resulting modifications to the audit
program, including the following:
Page 5-3
Reviewing NCUA Rules and Regulations $715.4-$715.8 set forth the minimum
the Annual requirements for a supervisory committee audit and verification
Supervisory consistent with the FCUAct $1 15. Supervisory committees often
Committee engage external auditors to assist them in meeting this requirement.
The approach the examiner should take in reviewing the audit depends
on the type of audit for which the supervisory committee contracted:
Page 5-4
Reviewing NCUA Rules and Regulations $7 15.9 (b), Engagement letter, requires
the that the supervisory committee obtain an engagement letter when they
Engagement hire a compensated auditor. Also, $715.9(c), Contents of the letter,
Letter $715.9(d), Complete scope, and $ $715.9(e), Exclusions from scope,
discuss the minimum requirements for such an engagement letter.
.e Page 5-5
If Compensated When examiners have concerns with the acceptability of the CPA's
Auditor's Audit work, they have several options available. At a minimum, they should
Appears sit down with the CPA and discuss their concerns. The meeting will
serve as a fact-gathering opportunity that assists the examiner in
determining whether the auditors used additional audit steps and if so,
how they used the additional steps. Examiners must maintain their
objectivity and independence, and should reserve adverse, constructive
comments for the final meeting with the supervisory committee. If the
Page 5-6
If, after reviewing the audit working papers and discussing concerns
with the independent accountant, examiners have not satisfied
themselves that the independent accountant met the minimum
requirements of the audit, they should consult with their supervisory
examiners. Examiners should clearly describe the circumstances,
procedures followed, findings, and conclusions in their working
papers. If examiners cannot determine adequate completion of certain
audit steps or if they have concerns with independence or
thoroughness, they should discuss all major audit findings with the
supervisory committee and document the discussion in their working
papers. Additionally, an examiner may:
In such cases, examiners should not rate the audit itself unacceptable
even though they cannot determine evidence of the satisfactory
completion of various test checks or audit procedures. NCUA's policy
is that independent, licensed, certified public accountants have
established and documented auditing standards which govern their
work, whether "opinion" audits (GAAS) or "agreed-upon procedures''
engagements (refer to SSAE No. 10). Before examiners find audits
"unacceptable" in meeting $7 15, they should request that Central
Office program and legal staff perform a review in relation to the
professional accounting and auditing standards, and the likelihood of
prevailing (costhenefit) should the agency decide to proceed legally.
Page 5-7
Reviewing Internal auditors can serve several valuable functions. They appraise
the Internal the soundness and adequacy of accounting, operating and
Audit administrative controls.
The success of the internal audit function depends in large part on the
independence maintained by internal audit personnel. Internal auditors
should report directly to the supervisory or audit committee, rather
than to management. This enables the function to be "free from
influence" of management and, to some degree, the board of directors.
The major factors that the examiner must consider while reviewing and
evaluating the internal audit function are (1) the independence and
thoroughness of the internal auditors, and (2) the adequacy and
effectiveness of the audit program.
Page 5-8
Page 5-9
Internal Audit The examiner’sreview and evaluation of the internal audit function are
Review key elements in determining the scope of the examination. Based on
careful evaluation, examiners should conclude whether they find the
work performed by the internal auditors acceptable, partially
acceptable, or not acceptable.
Verif iCatiOnS NCUA requires federal credit union supervisory committees to verify
the members’ accounts with the credit union’s records at least once
every two years. NCUA Rules and Regulations 5715.8, Requirements
for verification of accounts and passbooks, provides that the
supervisory committee (or their representative) can base the
verification on a 100 percent sample, a random statistical sample, or,
for CPAs only, a non-statistical sampling option. Examiners should
refer to Chapter 24 of the Supervisory Committee Guide, “What Must
a Verification Involve?”
Working In reviewing the audit, the examiner should determine if the auditor
Paper Access properly documented completed audit procedures in working papers in
support of the audit or verification report. The NCUA Rules and
Regulations 57 15.10, Audit report and working paper maintenance and
access, requires the committee to maintain adequate working papers to
support its audits.
The auditor’s working papers include all the evidence gathered to show
work done, the methods and procedures followed, and the conclusions
reached. There are no standard working papers. The committee or
Page 5-10
auditor prepares working papers that best serve their intended purpose.
The working papers should:
In the latter case, the auditor may also require the presence of an
employee during the examiner’s review. With the exception of signing
a waiver document, the examiner should cooperate as fully as possible
with these practices.
Signing Waiver It is NCUA’s policy that examiners not sign waiver letters. Most
Document to letters go beyond simply acknowledging receipt of the working papers.
Gain Working The letters often contain qualifying language and restrictions on the
Paper Access
regulator’s use of information obtained in the working papers.
Supervised Reviewing working papers may require significant time and travel
Access when the auditing firm is not local. In such instances, the examiner-in-
charge may arrange through the supervisory examiner for another
examiner to review the working papers. While auditing firms generally
permit examiners supervised access, some will not permit examiners to
photocopy original working papers. Regional or national accounting
firms often have this policy. An examiner should not take exception to
Page 5-11
Denial of Access In rare instances, an independent auditor may refuse the examiner
access to working papers. The examiner should then contact the
supervisory committee chairman for help in getting access to the
papers. NCUA Rules and Regulations $715.1O(b), Working papers,
requires allowing the examiner access to original audit working papers.
If the auditor still refuses, examiners should notify the supervisory
committee that they could rate the auditor's work unacceptable and
possibly require the supervisory committee to re-do it. With some of
the larger firms, the Office of Examination and Insurance (EM) can
assist in obtaining examiner access by contacting and interceding at the
national level.
Add ressing Examiners should reach specific agreements with the supervisory
Deficiencies committee to correct deficiencies during the next audit or verification
with the or within a reasonable time. Examiners should request that the board
Supervisory president invite the chairman or whole committee to the joint
Committee conference or exit interview.
Mandatory If a credit union has used a particular external auditor for a series of
Auditor years, and the independence, competence, and level of audit work is
Rotation otherwise adequate, examiners should not recommend that the credit
union routinely rotate external auditors. Examiners should not suggest
auditor rotation for rotation-sake. If examiners have concerns about the
quality of the audit, they should document these specific concerns and
raise them with the supervisory committee. The questioning of a
particular auditor's quality of work and citing of $715.1 1 and 9715.12
in applicable circumstances will most likely bring the supervisory
committee to its own conclusion to hire another auditor.
Page 5-12
Other The supervisory committee has responsibilities beyond the audit and
Committee verification finctions. These additional duties (Chapter 4 of the
Duties Supervisory Committee Guide) include (1) resolution of member
complaints; (2) strengthening internal controls; (3) authority to call
special membership meetings and remove officers, directors, or credit
committee members; and (4)reviewing management’s corrective
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
11 1 - Compensation
1 15 - Supervisory Committee
- Federal Credit Union Bylaws
Article IV ( 12/87 and 10/91)- Meeting of Members
Article V (10/99) - Meetings of Members
Article X (12/87 and 10/91)- Supervisory Committee
Article IX (10/99) - Supervisory Committee
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
715 - Supervisory Committee Audit
74 1.202 - Requirements for Insurance
- Supervisory Committee Guide
- AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide (relevant to Credit
Page 5-13
5v4 &dJ
Reviewing An “opinion audit” expresses an opinion on the fair presentation of the
Financial financial statements in all material respects in accordance with
Statement or generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These audits
BaI ance include the following:
Sheet Only
Opinion 0 A financial statement audit - the auditor will audit the balance
Audits sheet, income statement, statement of equity and other
comprehensive income, and statement of cash flows, and will
present an opinion on all the statements, taken as a whole; or
0 A balance sheet only audit - the auditor will audit the balance sheet
and render an opinion. That means the auditor will not audit the
income statement accounts, statement of equity and other
comprehensive income, and statement of cash flow information.
Peer Review Accounting firms receive a peer review (a quality control-type review)
performed by another (external) certified public accounting firm on a
regular basis (every two to three years). The examiner should request
and review a copy of the most recent peer review report. They should
note any areas that may trigger expansion of procedures or reduced
reliance on the audit and verification.
Page 5A-1
review of the CPA's working papers. If the procedures satisfy the Part
715 requirements, the examiner can rely on the work performed.
Review of The examiner should review the last report issued by the CPA. If an
Audit audit is currently in progress, the examiner may review the engagement
Procedures letter, the auditors' risk assessment, and their conclusions and resulting
modifications to the audit program.
The examiner should obtain and review any adjusting journal entries
suggested by the CPA to determine if such entries are normal recurring
accruals or if the entries indicate inadequate accounting records.
Page 5A-3
0 The credit union has restricted the scope of the audit, or conditions
exist that do not permit the application of auditing procedures
considered necessary in the circumstances;
0 Inadequate disclosure or lack of conformity with GAAP affect the
financial statements in that they do not fairly present financial
conditions, results of operations, or changes in financial position;
0 Consistent application of accounting principles has not occurred;
0 Unusual uncertainties exist as to the outcome of future events, and
the auditor cannot reasonably estimate their effect on the financial
Page 5A-4
CPAs issue an adverse opinion when the matter to which they have
taken exception is so pervasive that the financial statements do not
present fairly the financial position, results of operations, or change in
financial position, or do not conform to GAAP.
If examiners remain concerned that the CPA did not comply with
general standards, the standards of fieldwork or the reporting
standards, they should document the concerns and refer to the section
of the Supervisory Committee chapter entitled, “If Compensated
Auditor’s Audit Appears Lacking” for guidance on how to proceed.
Examiners should not state, either orally or in examination reports or
working papers, that they question the CPA’s competence.
Page 5A-5
5-74 “6 m
Engagement Performing an examination of internal control over call reporting
Performance requires that the auditor:
Reviewing an The examination of internal control over call reporting differs from an
Examination audit of the financial statements in many ways, including the
of Internal following:
Control Over
Call 0 In a financial statement audit, the auditors’ consideration of
Reporting internal control enables the auditor to plan the audit and determine
the nature, timing, and extent of testing they will need to perform.
Such work forms the basis for the expression of an opinion on the
fair presentation of the financial statements, taken as a whole, in all
material respects in accordance with GAAP.
Page 5B-1
For many credit unions, the auditor may help management draft the
written assertion, which will become the subject of the engagement.
Page 5B-2
Contro I By selecting the definition and description of internal control for the
Criteria purpose of assessing its effectiveness, management determines the
components of the credit union’s internal control (AT400.12). The
internal control framework most often cited, and the one most credit
unions will select, based on the advice of their auditor, will most likely
be Internal Control-Integrated Framework, published by the
Committee of Sponsoring Orgnaizations (COSO) of the Treadway
Commission. This definition and description of internal control
includes the following five components:
0 Control environment;
0 Risk assessment;
Control activities;
Page 5B-3
Page 5B-4
0 Form An Opinion:
Page 5B-5
Page 5B-6
Agreed Upon Supervisory committees may hire CPAs to perform a review that, in
Procedures conjunction with procedures performed by the supervisory committee,
Audit meets the minimum requirements of a supervisory committee guide
Performed By audit under Part 715 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations. Statement
a CPA on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 10 guides the
independent accountant’s performance for this type of engagement.
Page 5C-1
Scope Review In reviewing and assessing the adequacy of the audit's scope, the
examiner should use good judgment and reasonableness in what they
deem acceptable. The Supervisory Committee Guide, Appendix A, sets
forth the minimum audit scope. NCUA has provided the following in
its Guide:
Page 5C-2
If, on the other hand, the CPA did not meet the engagement letter
obligation or the examiner has independence or thoroughness
concerns, the examiner should follow the procedures outlined in the
Supervisory Committee chapter for taking action regarding the
independent accountant.
Findings and Report standards require independent accountants to present the results
Working of applying Agreed Upon Procedures to specific subject matter in the
Papers form of findings. Independent accountants should avoid vague or
ambiguous language in reporting findings.
Page 5C-3
We were not engaged to, and did not, perform an audit, the objective of
which would be the expression of an opinion on the specified elements,
accounts, or items. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have
come to our attention that would have been reported to you.
This report is intended solely for the information and use of [the
specified parties] and is not intended to be and should not be used by
anyone other than these specified parties.
Page 5C-4
Page 5C-5
Non-Opinion In an audit performed by the supervisory committee or its designee, the
Audit Con- examiner looks for a critical and systematic examination of the internal
ducted by the controls, statements, records and accounting transactions prepared by
Committee or management. Unlike an audit performed by a CPA, professional
Its Non-CPA standards governing competence and independence do not govern this
Designee type of audit. Examiners use similar criteria for reviewing and
evaluating non-CPA audits as for reviewing and evaluating a CPA's
Page 5D-1
Page 5D-2
Chapter 6
5-3 .3.
Chapter 6
Associated 0 Reputation risk stands out from the others primarily due to the
Risks risks associated with introduction of Internet services for credit
union members;
0 Transaction risk occurs when internal controls do not sufficiently
detect errors, omissions, or material misstatements;
0 Compliance risk occurs when inadequate systems and lack of
controls affects conformity with compliance laws and regulations;
0 Strategic risk occurs when management due diligence has not
sufficiently planned for unforeseen events.
Page 6-1
Page 6-2
0 Associated risks;
0 Complexity of products and services;
0 Management experience and expertise;
0 Asset size; and
0 IST vulnerabilities (IST related losses or claims, system
penetration, unauthorized access, website defacements, etc.).
Processing Based on the physical location of the computer and the degree of credit
Environment union management control over the day-to-day operation of the
computer system, credit unions can classify their IST operations into
two broad categories:
Page 6-3
Page 6-4
Controls IST controls prevent, detect, correct, and enable recovery from
problems that can result from accidents, errors, misuse, sabotage, loss
of equipment, loss of data, and any other occurrence that may lead to
an unwanted or unexpected disruption of service. The three major
categories of IST controls are (1) management controls, (2) general
controls, and (3) applications controls.
Management The examiner should have a good understanding of how a credit union
Controls manages its information system and services. Similar control issues
exist for this area as for those generally found in other operational
areas, and they require similar review procedures. Good IST
management includes the following:
Page 6-5
Page 6-6
Page 6-7
Application Application controls apply to the processing of data into, through, and
Controls out of the computer system. An awareness of IST controls enhances
the review of automated parts of the process. While examiners do not
extensively review application controls, conditions at the credit union
may warrant an applications review. In these situations, the examiner
should recommend that management obtain a third-party review.
Application controls consist of the following:
Data Output. Management or staff should use all output from the
system. Balancing and reconciliation, distribution, error handling,
and records retention procedures (see NCUA Rules & Regulations
$749 - Records Preservation Program And Record Retention
Appendix) complete the application processing function.
Page 6-8
Backup and A multitude of problems that may cause breakdown, damage and other
Recovery detrimental effects can plague computer systems. Users may question
the integrity of the data in the system when problems occur. Credit
unions must regularly and routinely back up computer data. Following
are several considerations involved in the backup and recovery of
computer information:
Page 6-9
Page 6-10
Service Credit unions that use service bureau operations (also called service
Bureaus centers) to process their information have many of the same
responsibilities as those using in-house services. Management can
make a serious mistake by relying heavily on a service bureau without
providing adequate oversight. Management should recognize and
monitor important issues including ownership and control of data,
timeliness, accuracy and completeness of information processing
functions, contractual obligations, contingency planning, backup and
recovery of data files, financial stability of the service bureau, and
service bureau audits (financial, SAS 70, etc.)
Page 6-11
Specific work that the service bureau agrees to perform, and the
frequency and general contents of the related reports;
The basis of costs, including development, conversion, and
processing, together with additional charges for special requests;
Established time schedules for receipt and delivery of work;
Audit responsibility, including the right of user representatives to
perform audit procedures (such as a SAS 70 Report);
Backup and record protection provisions (equipment, program, and
data files) to ensure timely processing by the service bureau in
Establishment of liability for source documents while in transit to
and from the service center (the service center should have
adequate insurance coverage for those liabilities for which it bears
Maintenance of adequate insurance for data losses from errors and
Confidential treatment of records;
Ongoing compliance with federal regulations;
Ownership and escrow of computer programs and related
Ownership of master and transaction data files and their return in
machine-readable format upon the termination of the contract or
Price changes, cost and method of cancellation of the contract, or
withdrawal from the servicing arrangement by either party,
including adequate time allowance;
Notification from the service center to the users of all systems of
changes that would affect procedures, reports, etc.; and
Financial information that the service bureau agrees to provide
periodically (preferably at least annually) to credit unions.
OUtSOUrCing Credit unions often rely on third parties to provide and support
technology-related functions and services. Outsourcing arrangements
Page 6-12
can help manage costs, provide expertise, and expand and improve
services offered to members. The credit union may outsource the
system or service; however, management ultimately remains
responsible for managing the risks associated with the system or
service. The following four key points pertain to managing outsourced
Once the credit union has completed its risk assessment and
determined its risk acceptance level, management should evaluate
service providers to determine their operational and financial
abilities to meet the credit union’s needs;
Security and NCUA developed the security and privacy guidelines in $716 and
Privacy revised $748 of the NCUA Rules & Regulations in response to the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).
Page 6-13
Security Policies Credit unions may find the following considerations useful when
and Procedures developing security policies and procedures:
Page 6-14
Privacy Credit unions must ensure their IST policies, procedures, practices,
systems design, and operations comply with the privacy requirements
in NCUA Rules and Regulations $7 16 (see NCUA Letter #O 1-CU-02,
Privacy of Consumer Financial Information for a detailed discussion.)
Credit unions must also work with their vendors to ensure that their
vendors comply with the credit union’s privacy statements.
Page 6-15
CAMEL Impact Examiners should use the Management component of the CAMEL
rating to address IST concerns. As part of this assessment, examiners
should consider the following:
Management should determine whether IST systems and services are critical or
non-critical to the credit union's operations. Management should base this
determination on factors such as, but not limited to, the following: risk exposure
(transaction, security, compliance, reputation, etc.), type of services offered,
transaction volume (number and dollar), interconnectivityimpact with other credit
union technology systems, member usage, and member expectations and perceptions.
Page 6-16
0 Risk Analysis:
i. Assessment;
11. Impact analysis/evaluation;
iii. Mitigation;
iv. On-goingperiodic monitoring; and
v. Reporting procedures?
0 Policies:
i. Security;
11. Compliance;
0 Oversight:
i. Adequate staffing;
ii. Knowledgeable/informed staff (in IST activities); and
iii. Adequate reporting procedures at various management
Page 6-17
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Electronic Data Processing Review (EDPR)
References - E-Commerce I (EC1)
- E-Commerce I1 (EC2)
0 References
- Federal Laws/Regulations
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA, REG E)
Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFAA, REG CC)
Child On-Line Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
Act (E-Sign)
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
701.26 - Credit Union Service Contracts
7 12 - Credit Union Service Organizations
7 16 - Privacy of Consumer Financial Information
721 - Federal Credit Union Incidental Powers
748 - Credit Security Program, Report of Crime and
Catastrophic Act and Bank Secrecy Act Compliance
749 - Records Preservation Program And Record Retention
- Regulatory Alerts
01-RA-07 Children 's Online Privacy Protection Act
0 1-RA-06 Regulation E (Electronic Fund Transfers)
0 1-RA-03 Electronic Signatures in Global and National
Commerce Act (E-Sign Act)
00-RA-0 1 Electronic Transfers Accounts
98-RA-08 Electronic Transfer Act
98-RA-04 Interagency Guidance on Electronic Financial
Services and Consumer Compliance
97-RA- 12 Guidancefor Reporting Computer-Related
- Letters To Credit Unions
0 1-CU-04 Integrating Financial Services and Emerging
Page 6-18
- Websites
Cybercrime: http://www.cybercrime.gov/
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
http ://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/compcrime.html
Federal Computer Incident Response (FedCIRC):
http://www.fedcirc. gov/
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen):
http ://www.treas.gov/fincen/
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): http://www.fic.gov/
Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC):
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC):
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC):
Page 6-19
Page 6-20
Overview Many credit unions offer services to members via electronic means,
often through the Internet and World Wide Web. Electronic financial
services pose inherent risks to credit unions. Management must
understand those risks and take measures to mitigate them.
i. Account Inquiry;
ii. Check Order Requests;
iii. Loan Applications;
iv. Bill Payment;
v. Funds Transfers;
vi. Third-Party Transfers;
vii. Stop Payment Requests;
viii. On-Line Wire Transfers;
ix. Automated Clearing House (ACH) Originations; and
x. Account AggregatiodScreen Scraping.'
Account aggregation and screen scraping are two different methods used to gather
user account information from various sources and then compile that information in
one location for the user.
Page 6A-1
- ACH Transactions;
- Stored Value Cards;
- Electronic Money; and
- Electronic Wallets.
0 ATM Systems.
Page 6A-2
Threats Credit unions that provide web-based services face additional threats
and Vulner- and vulnerabilities. Generally, these concerns arise because the credit
abiI ities union has adopted an “open environment.” This is one in which
external parties have access to one or more of the credit union’s
internal systems. Typical threats and vulnerabilities associated with the
Internet and web-based services include:
0 Risks assessments;
0 Security measures;
Monitoring requirements;
0 Incident response procedures;
0 Vendor oversight; and
Contingency planning and business resumption contingency planning.
Page 6A-3
Risk The credit union should have implemented a risk assessment procedure
Assessments that enables it to do the following:
Security The types of security measures a credit union employs depends on the
Measures types of systems and services it provides, the complexity of those
systems and services, the credit union’s risk tolerance thresholds, and
the experience of IST management. NCUA Rules & Regulations $748
delineates the security requirements credit unions must meet and
provides guidelines they may employ to meet those requirements. A
business decision by the board addresses how the credit union will
implement security for its systems and data. When providing web-
based services, best practices suggests using the following:
Page 6A-4
Monitoring Each credit union should establish monitoring requirements for all
Requirements phases of its IST activities, from monitoring internal systems (e,g.,
systems log reviews) to monitoring the operations of the vendors.
Monitoring procedures allow a credit union to determine what works
and what does not. This provides management the ability to make
appropriate adjustments to policies, procedures, and practices.
Incident The credit union’s incident response plan should provide assurance
Response that the credit union has the ability to deal with various types of
Procedures incidents within reasonable timeframes, thus minimizing the risk of
loss. Key factors for dealing with incidents include (1) what action to
take, (2) when to take it, and (3) how to implement that action. The
amount of detail in a credit union’s incident response plan should
relate to the size of the credit union, the complexity of its operations,
and the structure of its IST environment. For example, a credit union
operating in a complex in-house developed IST environment would
have a different incident response plan from a credit union solely
operating in an outsourced environment.
Page 6A-5
Page 6A-6
0 Other optional coverage fills some of the gaps in the fidelity and
electronic computer crime coverage. These may cover indirect
losses (e.g., business interruption or resumption and extortion) and
expand defined property to include confidential member and credit
union data. Some may cover additional related liabilities or
expenses (even in relation to external service providers and
Page 6A-7
IDA - d &
Chapter 7
MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................. 7-1
Examination Objectives ....................................................................................... 7. 1
Associated Risks .................................................................................................. 7-1
Overview.............................................................................................................. 7-2
Meeting with Management ................................................................................. 7-2
Board, Committees, Operational Management.................................................... 7-4
Red Flags ................................................................................................. 7-5
Board Responsibility . . . ................................................................................ 7-6
Board and Committee Minutes ................................................................ 7-7
Annual Meeting ....................................................................................... 7-9
Board Appointment .................................................................................. 7-9
Operating Management ........................................................................................ 7-10
Policies and Procedures ........................................................................... 7-10
Board Oversight of Operating Management ............................................ 7-11
RisWReturn Tradeoff ............................................................................... 7-12
Financial Management ............................................................................. 7-12
Personnel Management ............................................................................ 7-13
Service to Members ................................................................................. 7-14
Planning ............................................................................................................... 7-15
Strategic Planning .................................................................................... 7-16
Business Plan ........................................................................................... 7-17
Net Worth Restoration Plan ..................................................................... 7-19
Material Contracts.................................................................................... 7-20
Executive Compensation ......................................................................... 7-20
Unsafe and Unsound Compensation Practices......................................... 7-22
Directors' Conduct ............................................................................................... 7-23
Conflicts of Interest .................................................................................. 7-24
Use of Consultants ................................................................................... 7-25
Political Contributions ......................................................................................... 7-25
Other Areas of Review ......................................................................................... 7-26
Internal Controls .................................................................................................. 7-27
Fidelity Bond and General Insurance ................................................................... 7-29
FIRREA Requirements for New or Troubled Credit Unions...................7-32
Incompetent or Inefficient Management .................................................. 7-33
Workpapers and References................................................................................. 7-34
Chapter 7
Examination Assess management’s ability to recognize, assess, monitor, and
Objectives control risk
Assess whether the credit union board of directors has sufficient
expertise to adequately plan, direct, and control the operations of
the credit union
Determine whether the board and management adequately plan for
future conditions and developments
Determine whether the board is appropriately fulfilling its
responsibilities and duties
Determine whether the board has adopted adequate policies and
operating strategies to conduct prudent credit union operations
Determine whether the board establishes appropriate limits and
provides direction before offering a new service or product
Determine whether operating management has developed
procedures to implement board policy
Determine whether management performs due diligence on new,
existing, and planned products and services
Determine whether management has implemented adequate
internal controls to ensure the sound operation of the credit union
Determine whether management appropriately reports credit union
operations and risk information to the board
Determine promptness of corrective action initiated by
management when deficiencies or violations in policies, practices,
procedures, or internal controls arise
Associated Management affects all seven risks found in credit union operations -
Risks credit, interest rate, liquidity, transaction, compliance, strategic, and
reputation. (The Risk-Focused Program chapter contains a description
of the seven risks faced by
Meeting with Examiners should complete the credit union update questionnaire for
Management guidance in reviewing credit union management, especially when the
examiner begins examining the credit union. Examiners may use the
list of topics in this section to discuss, observe, and analyze the
effectiveness of management. When acquainting themselves with the
credit union’s activities, the list may aid examiners in engaging the
managing official (often the chief executive officer or CEO) and other
management in discussions about their respective areas of
responsibility. This may assist the examiner in assessing
management’s effectiveness.
Page 7-2
Review the credit union’s strategic and business plans and analyze
management’s integration of risk management with planning and
decision making;
Page 7-3
0 Review the adequacy of the allowance for loan and lease losses and
other valuation reserve accounts;
Page 7-4
Red Flags Examiners should be aware of any “red flags” which may indicate that
the examiner needs to expand analysis and review of the applicable
operations. Red flags as they relate to management may include the
Page 7-5
Board The board of directors has the following four basic responsibilities:
0 Select qualified management and evaluate management’s
0 Establish, regularly review, and revise as necessary business goals,
standards, policies, and procedures;
0 Review operating results and performance of new and existing
activities; and
0 Ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and the
credit union’s own policies and procedures.
Management must not use the credit union for private gain. They
should restrict use of credit union property to authorized activities.
Management must act impartially and not give preferential treatment to
any individual.
Federal credit unions may not have fewer than five or more than 15
board members. A quorum for board meetings is the majority number
(50 percent plus one) of directors that a credit union’s bylaws
prescribe, even if the credit union has not yet elected the prescribed
Page 7-6
Board and Minutes of board and committee meetings are a primary source of
Committee information by which examiners evaluate a board and its actions. The
Minutes minutes should support conclusions reached by the officials in the
meeting. Analysis of the minutes should enable the examiner to
evaluate how the officials and management interact and perform their
job responsibilities. This information can help determine the adequacy
of management and the effectiveness of the policies. Examiners may
use the AIRES Board Minutes document to record information during
the review of board and committee meeting minutes. By reviewing the
minutes, examiners should be able to determine the following:
Delegations to management;
Loan policy changes;
Increase or decrease to allowance accounts;
Agreements on collection problem loans;
Loan rate changes;
Recordkeeping problems;
Dividend declarations;
Consideration of new programs;
Investment activities;
Capital accumulation and maintenance policies;
Page 7-7
Page 7-8
Annual The credit union must hold an annual membership meeting, election,
Meeting and a reorganizational meeting of the board in accordance with the
§llO,§lll,and ~112oftheFCUActandArticlesIVandVofthe
FCU Bylaws. Credit unions must adhere to the requirements contained
in the specified sections of the Act and Bylaws. Additionally, credit
unions should follow Robert’s Rules of Order to ensure the annual
meeting meets the standards of a properly run business meeting. The
examiner should review the minutes of these meetings.
Board The board must appoint a supervisory committee composed of not less
Appointment than three, nor more than five, members who are independent of
management and free from any relationship that would interfere with
the exercise of independent judgment as a committee member. The
supervisory committee’s responsibilities include performing or causing
to be performed the annual audit of the credit union and the biennial
verification of member accounts. As such, the supervisory committee’s
independence from the board, management, and operating personnel is
vital. (Refer to the Supervisory Committee chapter for more
In credit unions that do not have an elected credit committee, the board
may appoint a credit committee, which in turn, can appoint loan
officers. The board appoints loan officers in credit unions that have no
credit committee (see Article VI, Section 6 of the FCUByluws).
The board may also appoint a membership officer, if the board does
not choose to act on membership applications themselves. The board
should also appoint a security officer.
Page 7-9
Policies and The board adopts policies to direct the credit union’s activities.
Procedures Procedures represent the methods by which the credit union
implements the policies. Operating policies and procedures establish
management’s strategy for realizing the credit union’s goals, and they
provide a basis for gauging performance.
The board must provide a clear framework within which the CEO can
operate and administer the credit union’s affairs. This includes setting
forth the credit union’s business strategy in the business plan,
investment and loan policies, capital planning, funds management, and
risk management. The board must approve all major policies. Further,
it should review and, if necessary, update those policies at least
Page 7-10
Board The board of directors must ensure that operating management has
Oversight of procedures in place to implement board-adopted policies. If applicable
Operating to the size, complexity and operation of the credit union, operating
Management management’s responsibilities include the following functions:
Page 7-11
RisWReturn The board and management must realize that the credit union can
Tradeoff generate higher returns in any given economic environment only if it
takes on greater risk; this is the riskheturn tradeoff. The choice
between these two alternatives relates to the management of all the
credit union’s financial functions. The board should analyze riskheturn
tradeoffs in both its planning and decision-making processes.
Financial At the direction of the board and in conformance with the credit
Management union’s goals and strategic plan, management should develop, and the
board should approve, financial and operational policies appropriate to
the size and complexity of the credit union, including:
Page 7-12
0 A growth policy consistent with the credit union's net worth needs
and potential risks; and
The directors must review and give final approval to the policies and
budget developed by management. Realistic policies and budget
should contain adequate controls to safeguard the credit union's assets,
and should correlate with the strategic plan. Examiners should review
expenses, including salary increases and dividend payouts, in a credit
union experiencing unstable or declining levels of capital or earnings.
Personnel The examiner should determine that the board has approved the
Management following, as appropriate for the credit union's size and complexity:
Page 7-13
Salary administration;
Service to Management’s efforts to educate the membership play a key role in the
Members credit union’s ongoing success. Educational materials discussing the
Page 7-14
Planning To anticipate and address rapid changes that may affect a credit
union’s operation, effective management requires dynamic planning
that encompasses the officials’ and management’s shared perception of
f’uture actions.
Page 7-15
The credit union should carefully monitor and document the planning
function, and periodically revise projections as circumstances change.
Examiners should watch for deviations in strategic or operational plans
that may potentially harm the credit union (e.g., excessive use of
brokered funds; initiating higher risk lending or investment programs
without proper planning, experience, or controls; failure to investigate
and document extensions of credit; and willingness to forgo long-term
stability for short-term profits.)
Strategic Plan Consistent with the credit union’s size and complexity, the board of
directors should establish a strategic plan that documents
management’s course in assuring that the credit union prospers in the
Page 7-16
next two to three years. At a minimum, this plan should outline the
credit union’s future direction and the optimal capital position relative
to share and asset growth.
The strategic plan encompasses all areas of operations and often sets
broad goals. It enables the credit union to maintain a well thought out
focus, make sound decisions, and may help identify risks or
weaknesses within its operation that an economic downturn may
magnify. An integral part of the strategic plan should include strategic
goals addressing the credit union’s information systems and
technology. This assessment should address the following:
Business Plan Consistent with the credit union’s size and sophistication, management
should establish a business plan for the next one to two years that
implements the strategies outlined in the strategic planning process.
Smaller credit unions with a simple balance sheet may have a short,
concise, written business plan, while credit unions with more
Page 7-17
Before approving the business plan, the board should ensure its
consistency with the strategic plan. Likewise, examiners should review
the business plan in relation to the strategic plan to determine their
Page 7-18
Net Worth The board must prioritize maintaining an adequate level of capital for
Restoration the credit union. Prompt corrective action may require development of
Plan a net worth restoration plan (NWRP) when a credit union becomes less
than adequately capitalized. A NWRP addresses the same basic issues
as does the business plan. The board must consider the credit union’s
Page 7-19
Material As part of determining the safety and soundness of the credit union,
Contracts examiners may review all material contracts entered into by the credit
union during the examination period. The extent of analysis will
depend on the effect on the credit union of the contracts, either
singularly or collectively. Examiners should assess the credit union's
ability to fulfill the terms of long-term contracts. Examples of material
contracts can include management contracts, agreements with an
information processing servicer, or long-term leases on land, building,
or equipment.
Page 7-20
Base salary;
Pension and profit sharing plans;
Severance payments;
Director or committee fees;
Automobile; or
Fringe benefits.
The FCU Act 0 112 only permits compensation for one elected official.
Credit unions must specifically name this position (often the Treasurer
or Chief Financial Officer) in the Bylaws. Other elected official
positions are volunteers. Even though the credit union may not pay its
directors (except for one), it may provide or reimburse them for items
such as the following:
Insurance (including reasonable life, health, and accident
insurance); and
Travel expenses.
Credit unions can enter into employment contracts with officers and
other employees with the specific approval of the board of directors;
however, credit unions may not enter into contracts that constitute an
unsafe or unsound practice. Unsafe or unsound practices could lead to
a material financial loss or damage.
Page 7-21
Page 7-22
Page 7-23
Conflicts of Conflicts of interest (or the appearance of such) can adversely affect a
Interest credit union's profitability and reputation risk and can undermine
member confidence. Officials have a fiduciary duty to avoid advancing
their own personal or business interests, or those of others with whom
they have a personal or business relationship, at the expense of the
credit union. Thus, officials must avoid conflicts of interest of any sort,
or even the appearance of a conflict of interest. They should also avoid
The credit union should have a specific plan for dealing with conflicts
of interest, including implementation of controls for avoiding abuses
and procedures for dealing with policy violations. The examiner
should determine if directors and management comply with the policy
and, if not, comment in the examination report and take appropriate
action on actual or apparent conflicts of interest.
Page 7-24
Use of The board of directors must justify and approve contracts that the
Consultants credit union enters into with third parties. The board may delegate this
responsibility to the CEO. Hiring consultants to perform some
functions does not remove responsibility for decisions regarding credit
union operations from the board and management. The board should
adopt a policy requiring management to obtain bids when contracting
with third parties on behalf of the credit union. A cost-benefit study
may help management determine if performing the job using
consultants would result in more cost efficiency and benefit to the
credit union than performing the job in-house. The board should reach
agreements with the consultants on what output the consultant will
provide and should develop reports that will track that output.
Page 7-25
Besides the requirements of the Act and FEC regulations, state and
local political activity laws may also govern credit unions engaged in
such activity.
Page 7-26
Internal The FCU Act gives the board responsibility for the general direction
Controls and control of the credit union. This responsibility includes the proper
and profitable conduct of credit union operations, the safety of credit
union assets, and the accuracy and adequacy of financial statements.
Since the directors do not normally perform the work resulting from
these responsibilities, the employees normally act for them. Thus, it is
crucial that the board establish internal controls sufficient to ensure
that management and staff carry out the organizational plans and
operating procedures according to the board’s expectations.
Page 7-27
Page 7-28
and procedures for cash control, joint custody (dual control), teller
operations, and physical security of equipment.
Fidelity Bond Credit unions must maintain adequate fidelity bond and directors' and
and General officers' insurance coverage. Management is responsible for assessing
Insurance the credit union's insurance and bonding needs; however, the board
must formally approve the coverage, including any riders or
endorsements. The board should evaluate the adequacy of the credit
union's insurance coverage at least annually. In determining insurance
and bond requirements, the board should consider items including the
0 The size of the credit union's asset portfolio and share base;
0 The effectiveness of the internal controls;
0 The amount of cash, securities, and other property that the credit
union normally holds;
0 The number of employees, their experience level, levels of
authority, and turnover rate;
0 The reliability and security of the information system (IS); and
0 The types of services offered.
Page 7-29
Listed below are the most common types of insurance coverage (often
included in the credit union’s “package of protection”) that a credit
union might need:
Page 7-30
Credit unions frequently buy life insurance policies for the benefit of
employees. Credit unions may also obtain key-person protection. If the
beneficiary of the policy is the employee, the credit union will treat the
cost of the coverage as compensation. The board should annually
review and approve the policy for reasonableness.
NCUA has long prohibited federal credit unions from entering into the
business of insurance on several grounds. First, the FCU Act does not
grant federal credit unions express insurance powers. Second,
insurance powers do not meet the test for a permissible federal credit
union incidental authority. The Office of General Counsel has issued
Page 7-31
FIRREA Any federally insured credit union chartered in the last two years or in
for New or
a troubled condition (CAMEL 4 or 5 ) must give NCUA written notice
of any addition, replacement, reassignment or change in the board of
directors, committee members, or senior executive officers. The
Credit Unions
NCUA regional director must receive written notice at least 30 days
before the effective date. NCUA may disapprove the addition,
replacement, or employment of the individual within a 30-day period
(may be extended an additional 30 days) if it finds that the
competence, experience, character, or integrity of the individual would
not serve well the members’ or the public’s interests. Federally
insured, state-chartered credit unions will also file a copy of the notice
with their state supervisory authority.
Credit unions need not give prior notice for new members elected to
the board of directors or credit committee at a meeting of the members.
However, credit unions must file a completed notice within 48 hours
of the election. Federally insured state-chartered credit unions must
also file a copy of the notices with their state supervisor.
0 Identity;
0 Personal history;
0 Business background;
0 Experience, including material business activities and affiliations
during the past five years;
0 Any pending legal or administrative proceeding in which the
individual is a party; and
0 Any criminal indictments or convictions of the individual by a state
or federal court.
In addition, the individual on whose behalf the credit union files the
notice must attest to the validity of the information filed and authorize
performance of a credit check.
Page 7-32
Incompetent The examiner should never recommend the termination of credit union
or Inefficient management or personnel to the directors. Rather, the examiner should
Management fairly and accurately present findings concerning management's
Page 7-33
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Management Review
References - Board Minutes
Page 7-34
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
$ 110 - Members' meetings
tj 111 - Management; board of directors; credit committee;
supervisory committee; compensation
$ 112 - Executive officers; general manager
$1 13 - Board of directors; meetings; powers and duties;
executive committee; membership officers; membership
$ 114 - Credit committee; meetings; powers and duties;
loans and lines of credit; security
$ 1 15 - Supervisory committee; powers and duties;
suspension of members; passbook
$206 - Termination of insured credit union status; cease-
and-desist orders; removal or suspension from office;
Page 7-35
Chapter 8
37. 7-3n3-4kA
Chapter 8
Examination Evaluate adequacy of policies, practices, procedures, and internal
Objectives controls regarding financial transactions
a Determine that personnel operate in conformance with established
a Determine that the credit union properly recognizes and promptly
records assets and liabilities
a Review compliance with the FCU Act, NCUA Rules and
Regulations, and appropriate accounting practices
a Determine accuracy of the Financial and Statistical Reports
(NCUA 5300)
a Assess promptness of corrective action initiated by management
when deficiencies or violations in policies, practices, procedures,
or internal controls regarding financial transactions arise
Page 8-1
- The FCUAct;
- NCUA Rules and Regulations; and
- Regulatory accounting procedures, accounting bulletins, etc.
Overview Examiners should use their professional judgment to tailor the general
ledger review to the complexity of the credit union operation and the
risks present in and around this operation. The review of a credit
union's general ledger and its related subsidiary ledgers should give the
examiner a clear impression of the credit union's financial position and
its relative financial stability.
Page 8-2
Expanded The depth of review necessary for each general ledger account will
Review vary within a credit union and from one credit union to another. The
Procedures most critical element for determining the degree of variance and the
necessary depth of review is the examiner’sprofessional judgment,
experience, and risk perception. Examiners can implement the
following additional procedures when warranted:
Page 8-3
Red Flags Some of the red flags in the accounting area that may require
examiners to consider expanding their procedures include the
Out-of-Balance The examiner normally does not attempt to balance or audit subsidiary
Conditions ledgers to the control accounts. The examiner should discuss the
concern with management and obtain agreement for corrective action.
(When examiners suspect fraud or embezzlement, they should
immediately contact their supervisory examiners for further guidance.)
Materiality The credit union's size and its ability to absorb potential losses may
significantly affect what examiners consider material. In assessing the
materiality of a general ledger account, the examiner considers its
effect on the credit union's profitability and net worth. In some
instances, the account may have minimal effect on the balance sheet,
while it may have a material effect on the income statement. For
example, overstating accrued income may have little or no effect on
Page 8-4
the balance sheet but could mean the difference between a negative
and positive bottom line on the income statement.
Examination Examiners should concentrate the scope of the general ledger review
Period primarily on activity during the examination period. For example, if
Activity the credit union purchased its building in a prior examination period,
and if examiners reviewed the account during the last examination,
current examiners need not perform another complete analysis. Instead,
they may determine the credit union’s current fixed asset position and
the ability of the earning assets to support the non-earning assets.
NCUA 5300 The examiner will review the accuracy of the Financial and Statistical
Reports (NCUA 5300 Call Report) submitted since the last
examination and the credit union’s process for ensuring accuracy of
the 5300s. The review of 5300s often takes place during supervision. If
examiners discover material errors or omissions, they should inform
the officials, provide appropriate instructions to ensure proper
completion in the future, and make corrections according to regional
Accounts Accounts Receivable generally represent funds due the credit union
Receivable from persons other than members. Receivables may include payroll
deductions, insurance premiums, taxes, etc. If a credit union has
material accounts receivable, the examiner may determine that (1) the
Page 8-5
CLF Stock/ When a credit union is a direct member of the Central Liquidity
NCUSIF Facility (CLF), the examiner may review the CLF stock subscription
Deposit computation. If either an overpayment or an underpayment exists, the
examiner should require the credit union to notify the CLF.
Prepaid and Prepaid and Deferred Expenses represent expenses that the credit
Deferred union has paid for, and supplies or services that have remaining value
Expenses to the credit union (i.e., not fully used up.) Common examples include
office supplies, prepaid fidelityhond insurance, and prepaid league
dues. The credit union often pays for these items annually so that at
any point before year-end, some value remains (i.e., an item paid on
January 1 for the full year would have six months' value (and expense)
remaining in June.) These prepaid expenses must have a future value
for a coming period, and not cover a prior period. Unless materiality
factors exist, the examiner usually limits the review to the
reasonableness of the entries in these accounts.
Fixed Assets The credit union may either own or lease (under a capital lease) its
fixed assets. Fixed Assets include three major, and often material,
Page 8-6
The examiner may determine that the credit union complies with
9701.36 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations regarding the purchase of
fixed assets. Credit unions eligible for Part 742, Regulatory Flexibility
Program, may be exempt from §701.36(a), §701.36(b), and §701.36(c.)
When reviewing the regulation, the examiner should understand that
while GAAP affords capital leases and operating leases different
accounting treatments, the regulation requires inclusion of both
operating and capital leases in the definition of "investment in fixed
Capital Leases From the standpoint of the lessee, two major categories of leases exist:
capital and operating. Generally, a capital lease transfers substantially
Page 8-7
all of the benefits and risks of ownership of the asset, while operating
leases more closely resemble rental payments.
Real Estate Transactions involving the sale of credit union-owned property often
Sales have complicated accounting treatments with various profit
recognition and disclosure requirements. An examiner encountering
sales of credit union owned real estate should determine the facts and
circumstances of the sale and, if necessary, discuss the situation with
the supervisory examiner.
Accrual Accrued Income is income the credit union has earned but has not yet
Income received. Common examples include accrued interest on loans and
accrued income on investments. Loans and many investments earn
income from the day the credit union establishes the asset. The credit
union may not receive income from these assets for a month (with
loans) or longer (with investments.)
Page 8-8
Other Assets Other Assets can include deposits with public utilities, insufficient
funds checks, the premium stabilization deposit, monetary control
reserve deposits, escrow accounts on serviced real estate loans, and
assets acquired in liquidation. In general, the examiner may determine
the reasonableness of the balances and dates recorded. The credit union
should charge off the portion of an account representing a
nonrefundable or nonrecoverable amount.
The examiner may verify that the credit union books the value of
assets acquired in liquidation in accordance with acceptable accounting
Notes Payable Notes Payable are borrowings by the credit union, typically through the
corporate credit union network or other financial institutions. Credit
unions may borrow from any source in an aggregate up to 50 percent
of its paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus. The board is
responsible for developing a use and repayment plan for borrowed
Dividends Credit unions use this account only at the end of dividend periods to
Payable reflect the actual or estimated amount of dividends due and payable to
the members. Dividends Payable, while set up at the end of each
dividend period, should normally clear out shortly afterwards. If a
balance remains in the account as of the examination date, the
examiner should explore the reasons and may determine that the
Page 8-9
Interest Some credit unions use interest refunds as a method of returning part
Refunds of the credit union's profits to the members. Members, who have paid
Payable interest on loans during the period, receive back a portion of the
interest they have paid.
Accrued Accrued Expenses represent expenses that the credit union has
Expenses incurred and which it owes in the current period but will pay in a
future period. These may include compensation, employee benefits
(e.g., vacation and sick leave pay), and office operations. An accrued
expense is an expense for the current or prior period. Credit unions
may not prepay them. As is true of accruing income, accruing expenses
more accurately presents the credit union's financial position.
Page 8-10
Unapplied The Unapplied Data Processing Exceptions account allows the credit
Data union to reconcile the general ledger control accounts with the
Processing individual share and loan ledgers when the IS rejects entries in the
latter. For example, if staff posted a share withdrawal to both the
journal and cash record and to the individual share ledger but keyed in
an incorrect account number, the share ledger will exceed the journal
and cash record by the amount of the rejected withdrawal. If the credit
union closes its books before making the correction, the general ledger
will not balance with the individual share ledger. Correcting the
exception requires debiting a general ledger suspense account,
Unapplied Data Processing Exceptions, and crediting the general
ledger shares account, thus balancing shares to the share ledger. The
credit union will debit shares and credit the suspense account to correct
the entry.
Deferred Deferred Credits represent income received but not earned. Deferred
Credits Credits includes fees the credit union charges a member for entering
Page 8-11
The reviews of board minutes and audit reports often provide clues to
the existence of contingent liabilities. Asking questions of
management about the degree of credit union involvement in these
activities along with reviewing significant contracts, insurance
policies, and pension plan information aid examiners in analyzing this
Page 8-12
Small credit unions often have two subsidiary ledgers, the individual
share and loan ledgers, and two control accounts, the general ledger
share and loan accounts. Larger or more sophisticated credit unions
may have many subsidiaries for both shares and loans, including
separate ledgers for real estate loans, student loans, consumer loans,
regular shares, share drafts, etc. In all cases, subsidiary ledgers must
balance with the control account and the total of subsidiary ledgers for
both shares and loans with their respective general ledger accounts.
Ledgers Out If the trial balance totals of the individual share and loan ledgers do not
Of Balance agree with their respective control accounts in the general ledger, or if
one or more subsidiary ledgers do not agree with their respective
control accounts, the out-of-balance condition could represent varying
degrees of seriousness. These could vary from an innocent error in
extension of balances to an embezzlement of sizeable proportions. The
examiner should verify the reason for material out-of-balance
conditions. The examiner may guide the officials in resolving the
Page 8-13
Arbitrary When any of the credit union's records (General Ledger, Journal and
Adjustments Cash Record, Individual Share and Loan Ledgers, or material
subsidiary ledgers) are in arrears and staff cannot bring them current
during the examination, the examiner should consider delaying the
completion of the examination until staff brings the records current.
This should also hold true if the general ledger is out of balance. When
examiners delay the examination, they should reach agreements with
the officials to correct the problem. Examiners should discuss any
delays in the examination with the supervisory examiner for
concurrence with plans before reaching agreements with officials.
If, upon returning to the credit union, examiners find that the officials
have failed to follow through on agreements reached, they should
complete the examination using the most current meaningful data
available. As appropriate, they will discuss the situation with the
supervisory examiner and come to an agreement on how best to handle
the situation, in accordance with regional policy.
Page 8-14
Pension Plans The examiner's objective in reviewing pension plans should determine
the following:
Page 8-15
Accounting for When a credit union adopts a pension plan, actuarial tables determine
Cost the past service cost and the normal cost. Once the credit union
ascertains the costs, it establishes a funding policy. Credit unions
usually fund normal costs and expense those costs the same year they
occur. The funding policy for past service costs also affects the amount
of recorded expenses for any period. However, no requirement exists
that the amount of pension expense related to service costs must equal
the cash put into the fund to finance those costs during any one period.
A particular credit union’s funding and expense policies will result in
one of the following:
0 The amount of recorded pension expense equals the cash paid into
the fund. This situation can only arise when the amortization
period equals the funding period for past service costs. In this
example, no requirement exists to establish an account in the
general ledger for any over- or under-accrual of the liability for
pension costs.
Page 8-16
funding period for past (and changes in prior) service costs extends
longer than the expense amortization period.
Due to the complex nature of accounting for pension plans, the credit
union should obtain competent outside assistance, if needed, to fully
comply with GAAP and disclosure requirements. As credit unions
grow larger and employ more staff, credit union pension plans increase
in importance within the expense structure of a credit union. Proper
accounting and the need for full and fair disclosure become
increasingly necessary.
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Statement of Financial Condition
References - Statement of Income
- Journal Entries Summary
- Financial History
0 References
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
701.36 - FCU Ownership of Fixed Assets
702.402 - Full and Fair Disclosure
715 - Supervisory Committee
724 - Trustees and Custodians of Pension Plans
725 - Central Liquidity Facility
741.6 - Financial and Statistical and Other Reports
- Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions
- Federal Credit Union Bylaws
- Federal Credit Union Act
Page 8-17
m7 Ad.&
Chapter 9
Examination 0 Determine whether adequate accounting policies, practices,
Objectives procedures, and internal controls exist for all phases of cash
Determine whether the credit union has established guidelines
addressing cash operations within which officials and employees
0 Determine whether adequate security measures and surety bond
coverage exist for cash operations including cash storage,
replenishment, deposit activities, and transportation of cash and
cash-like items
Associated Cash operations have various associated risks. Following are the
Risks primary risks associated with cash analysis:
0 Liquidity risk - the credit union should have sufficient cash to meet
member share and loan demand and pay operating expenses;
0 Transaction risk - the board should adopt, and management should
implement policies and procedures that ensure the accuracy and
integrity of data and information regarding the credit union’s cash
accounts. In conjunction with the review of internal controls,
examiners should consider (1) the proper recording of cash
transactions, and (2) the volume of cash transactions when
evaluating transaction risk;
0 Compliance risk - examiners should ensure the credit union has an
adequate program in place to properly report cash balances and
cash transactions as required by current laws and regulations,
including Regulation D, BSA and OFAC; and
0 Reputation risk - when evaluating reputation risk, examiners
should assess whether the credit union maintains the highest level
of integrity and honesty over cash accounting and transactions.
Page 9-1
Cash and The following are cash and cash-like accounts established by the credit
Cash-Like union’s board of directors for specific purposes. The board authorizes
Items the amount for each cash account (petty cash, teller change fund, vault
change fund, ATM change fund and bank cash):
Bank cash - (1) includes cash in banks, savings banks, savings and
loans, etc.; (2) usually replenishes vault, teller, and ATM change
funds; (3) covers loan disbursements, expense disbursements,
payroll, and share withdrawals; and (4)usually is a non-interest
bearing account or one that earns only a nominal rate. Credit
unions should maintain bank cash at reasonable levels or at
minimum compensating balance requirements to limit fee
Page 9-2
Red Flags Examiners should watch for the following “red flags”, which can alert
them to diversion or manipulation of cash by management or staff:
0 Accounting/Reconciliations:
Ongoing recordkeeping problems;
Cash and bank reconciliations not completed, in arrears, or
with fluctuating out of balance amounts;
Excessive teller overages or shortages, either in number or
IOU’s in teller or vault cash;
Numerous erasures, corrections, whiteouts, line-outs;
Numerous voided or third party checks;
Numerous stale dated outstanding checks;
Numerous stale dated reconciling items;
Lump sum postings not conducive to good audit trail;
Checks or transactions receipts missing or out of sequence;
Timeliness of deposits not in accordance with Bylaw
Bank account activity and/or bank account balances (or share
draft clearingdtotal share draft balances) exceed realistic needs
on any single day;
Excessive number of depository accounts providing potential
for kiting; and
Excessive cash/assets ratio (indicates either poor cash
management or possibly fraud.)
9 Overly dominant manager;
9 Manager or key employee involvement in gambling;
9 Regular vacations not taken, always working late hours;
9 Nepotism;
P Other forms of insider abuse or preferential treatment;
9 Limited personnel not conducive to segregation of duties;
P Lack of adequate segregation of duties when the credit union
has adequate staff;
Page 9-3
0 Other:
> Low return on assets or on various asset categories; and
> Payment of above market dividends to attract deposits
Expanded The depth of review necessary for each cash account will vary within a
Review credit union and from one credit union to another. The most critical
Procedures element for determining the degree of variance and the necessary depth
of review is the examiner's professional judgment, experience and risk
perception. Examiners can obtain assistance in assigning the level of
risk by reviewing the appendix to the Risk-Focused Program chapter.
The remainder of this chapter includes additional procedures that the
examiner may implement when warranted.
Petty Cash Although the petty cash fund authorization is generally immaterial, in
Review cases where examiners note problems they may decide to review the
fund to determine that:
0 The balance of this fund does not exceed the authorized amount;
0 Management has physically segregated it from other cash funds
and provides accountability by limiting access;
Page 9-4
The entries on the Master Log should balance to the individual and
aggregate, end-of-day, teller cash counts. The individual teller cash
counts should balance to the ending cash balance on the system-
generated teller summary reports. The total ending cash balances for
all tellers should balance to the amount of the overall change fund
appropriated to teller change funds in the general ledger.
Page 9-5
Individual, end-of-day, teller cash counts should balance with the next
day’s beginning cash on the system-generated teller summary reports.
Some data processing systems allow manual input of beginning cash
balances. This weakness could disguise or postpone recognition of an
out-of-balance condition or shortage. If the credit union cannot modifl
its computer system, management can mitigate concerns about this
weakness by rotating teller drawers among tellers on a surprise basis.
The amount set up in the teller change fund does not exceed the
maximum established by the board of directors, the individual
teller change funds do not exceed the amounts established by
management, and the board has established reasonable total change
Page 9-6
0 Tellers lock their drawers when away from their stations and
secure their funds in the vault overnight;
The credit union does not have a “slush fund” built over time by
overages that a staff member could use to conceal shortages;
Page 9-7
Vault Change The vault change fund generally represents the largest portion of cash
Fund Review inventory and may fluctuate from time to time depending on
anticipated transaction volume, temporary, seasonal, and projected
demands. Because of the volume and fluctuation, the credit union
should internally balance the vault change fund daily. If examiners
review the vault change fund, they should consider that management
has instituted the following:
Page 9-8
0 Required dual control for opening and counting vault change fund
replenishments, and signed bank debit memos evidencing the
replenishments. Ideally, management should maintain a cash
shipment log, and the timing of cash shipments should vary to
reduce recognition of an identifiable pattern;
Page 9-9
ATM Change The credit union must internally balance the ATM change fund daily,
Fund Review recognizing, however, that it cannot perform a true balancing until it
replenishes the ATM and verifies the remaining cash, records deposits,
and records withdrawals to machine output reports or audit tapes.
If examiners review the ATM change fund, they could ensure the ATM
audit tape totals, adjusted for reconciling items, balance to the general
ledger ATM change fund balance. Examiners can verify randomly
selected individual reconciling items to source documentation, ATM
detail tape, or general ledger detail.
During this review process, the examiner could also determine that:
If the credit union owns several ATMs, these machines can hold a
substantial amount of cash. Some credit unions (usually those
maintaining large cash reserves) contract with outside parties, such as
armored car services, to replenish and service their ATMs. The credit
union should have agreements in place with bonded third parties. The
supervisory committee, or other appropriate personnel, must
periodically audit and verify these cash reserves, per specifications of
Page 9-10
Bank Examiners may verify the most recent month-end bank reconcilement
Account and review at least one other randomly selected month-end bank
Review reconcilement. When credit unions use a corporate credit union for
their primary banking purposes, examiners apply the same review
procedures to the corporate account reconcilement. Examiners may
verify and review at least the following:
0 Bank reconcilements for (1) the most recent month-end, (2) the
randomly selected month-end, (3) the reconciliation preceding the
most recent month-end, and (4) the reconciliation preceding the
randomly selected month-end. Examiners need these four bank
reconcilements to verify outstanding items and adjustments for the
two months’ reviews selected;
0 Bank stamped original deposit receipts and original bank debit and
credit memos correspond with the reconcilements chosen for
verification and review;
Page 9-11
Page 9-12
Page 9-13
When the credit union has not properly reconciled accounts or properly
researched and corrected adjusting entries, examiners should follow-up
to determine that the credit union makes the needed corrections.
Examiners should discuss the necessary level of supervision with the
supervisory examiner.
Credit Bank Examiners should not criticize credit unions for having a credit
Account balance in the cash account when the credit union has not overdrawn
Balance the bank account. Likewise, examiners should not criticize credit
unions for overdrawing the bank account infrequently, if the credit
union has a written agreement with the bank indicating the bank‘s
willingness to honor checks drawn by the credit union, even though the
credit union may not yet have sufficient funds deposited. Examiners
should review the costs credit unions must pay when they overdraw
their bank account; the costs may be higher than if they had borrowed
the funds.
Sweep Some banks offer a “sweep account” feature to their customers, which
Accounts allows the bank to sweep some or all of the balance of the credit
union’s bank account into some form of overnight marketable
securities. Using this feature, the credit union can often improve
earnings on its bank account. However, the credit union generally
bears all of the market risk liability inherent in the sweep transaction.
Page 9-14
credit union’s investment policies and practices, (3) the credit union
has an acceptable market risk liability, (4) the bank records the sweep
transactions in the credit union’s name, and (5) the bank sweeps the
credit union’s cash into investment securities permissible for credit
Treasurer’s Treasurer’s drafts are drafts that a credit union issues against itself and
Drafts uses in the same way it would use a checking account at a bank. The
credit union does not establish a share draft account for itself. It merely
issues drafts that it promises to honor when properly presented. The
treasurer’s draft is an alternative to the bank checking account and
allows the credit union to use the float to its advantage.
The credit union earns income on the float and once a month the
official check company sends the credit union a list of draft items not
cleared (the outstanding check list for the month.) This program does
not eliminate the cash reconcilement function. While NCUA does not
prohibit this program, default by the official check company could
negatively affect the credit union’s financial condition and reputation.
On-Us Share Frequently, larger credit unions use in-house share draft accounts for
Draft processing loan disbursements, share withdrawals, expense
Accounts disbursements, and even payroll. The process is similar to that of
Page 9-15
Treasurer’s drafts, but the credit union uses a share draft account rather
than a treasurer’s draft payable account. The on-us share draft accounts
serve as an alternative to the bank checking account and allow the
credit union to use the float to its advantage.
Examiners can identify these share draft accounts through (1) inquiries
with management, (2) review of canceled and outstanding drafts, and
(3) review of zero balance or overdrawn share draft reports. Account
numbers of such accounts generally begin with “9’s”. These are
actually liabilities and not share accounts. If a credit union uses on-us
share draft accounts, it can inflate or deflate actual total share account
amounts, which could affect the capitalization deposit.
Money If examiners review money orders and travelers checks, which are
Orders and generally off-balance sheet consignment items, they could determine
TraveIers whether the following exists:
0 The credit union has adequate policies, practices, and controls to
safeguard these negotiable monetary instruments and provide for
accountability over the reserve supply and working supply;
Page 9-16
0 The credit union stores the reserve inventory and working supply
inventory in the vault during non business hours;
Other Other negotiable items include, but may not be limited to, postage
Negotiable stamps and theater and amusement park tickets.
Credit unions frequently sell postage stamps, theater tickets, and
amusement park tickets. If examiners review postage stamps, theater
tickets, and amusement park tickets, they should ensure that the credit
union performs inventories at least quarterly and has adequate internal
control procedures.
Page 9-17
Federal With any payment system, a sending institution may not be able to
Reserve's settle its obligations within a specified time. All FEDWIRE transfers
Payment are final and irrevocable when the Federal Reserve Bank (FRl3) sends
System Risk notice of the payment to the receiving institution. Therefore, the
Program receiving institution can pass collected funds immediately to its
customer and will bear no risk if the sending institution fails. If the
sending institution has insufficient funds in its reserve account at the
time the payment order occurs, it incurs a "daylight overdraft." If the
sending institution fails that day, before bringing its reserve account
into balance, the FRB absorbs the loss.
Systemic risk means the risk that a system participant's failure to settle
its net debit position will affect others. The major objective of the
FRE3's policy statement is to reduce the risk of a settlement failure. The
policy statement seeks to achieve this goal by reducing the level of
daylight overdrafts and by encouraging institutions to exercise better
control over the remaining credit exposure through voluntary adoption
of a "cross-system sender debit cap". This cap represents the maximum
net debit a depository institution may incur at any one time on all of
the large dollar wire transfer systems. It further limits the amount by
which an institution's outgoing wire transfers may exceed the value of
the transfers received across all systems.
(1) Creditworthiness;
(2) Operational controls, policies, and procedures; and
(3) Credit policies and procedures.
Page 9-18
Page 9-19
0 Perform receipts and disbursements test for two months since the
previous examination. Examiners may randomly select one month,
but the second should be the month prior to the current
examination. The testing includes reconciling total debits and
credits of the general ledger with the total of debits and credits
shown on the bank statements. If the receipts and disbursements
test results in differences that need further review, the
reconciliation of receipts with deposits may pinpoint the
differences; and
0 Verify that the credit union makes deposits intact and within
timeframes consistent with the FCU Bylaws.
Receipt and The purpose of the receipts and disbursements test is to quickly
Disbursement determine whether or not cash receipts and disbursements posted to the
Test credit union’s books tie out to the actual receipts and disbursements on
the bank statement. This test will help identify falsified deposits and
checks, month-end lapped deposits, and several other areas of cash
manipulation; however, examiner’s judgment is needed to determine
the cause of the problem.
Receipts Test 1) Place the total of the receipts from the general ledger in a cell on
the computer or in the memory of a calculator;
2) Total the deposits on the current bank statement;
Page 9-20
Disbursements The procedures are similar to those for the receipts test, except they
Test involve checks written and cleared instead of deposits. Again, if the
test does not zero out, determine the reason for the difference. Reasons
may include NSF checks, service charges, check printing fees, or other
reconciling items. Examiners may find it necessary to prove out the
daily totals by running tapes of each day’s checks when they cannot
readily determine the differences or when they suspect fraud.
Page 9-21
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Red Flag Questionnaire
References - Cash Internal Control Questionnaire
- Money Order and Travelers Checks Questionnaire
- ATM Questionnaire
- NCUA Rules and Regulations - 7 15.12
- FCU Bylaws - 12/87 - XV,l .
- FCU Bylaws - 10199 - XIII, 1.
Page 9-22
Overview An electronic funds transfer (EFT) is any transfer of funds initiated
through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or
magnetic tape for the purpose of ordering, instructing, or authorizing a
financial institution to debit or credit an account. Credit unions
primarily use wire transfers to transfer their own funds (e.g., for
investments or payment of expenses) from one institution to another.
However, credit unions also transfer members’ funds upon request.
In any case, all credit unions offering wire transfers must abide by
written security policies and procedures that consistently promote safe
and accurate transactions. Credit unions can limit their liability and
risk of loss by using recommended security procedures, referred in
UCC Article 4A as “commercially reasonable security procedures”
(e.g., recorded telephone lines, codes, passwords, personal
identification numbers (PINS), encryption, etc.) These procedures help
assure the authenticity and correctness of payment orders, and apply to
telephone, personal computer, or other electronic transmission of the
orders to the credit union.
Page 9A-1
Transaction Credit union officials must write and adhere to transaction security
Security policies. Examiners should review the written policies and determine
their appropriateness for the credit union's size and number of
employees. Examiners should also request the list of employees
authorized to initiate wire transfers and review it to ensure the credit
union keeps it current.
The examiner should determine that the credit union properly controls
the system of assigning and communicating passwords, and that it
promptly acts on suspected compromises of this security by canceling
the password and assigning a new one. Examiners should walk through
the wire transfer procedure with the credit union staff. Following are
examples of controls that credit unions should enact:
Page 9A-2
Requests for To positively identifL members, credit unions should require members
Wire requesting a wire transfer of any amount to complete and sign a
Transfers standard authorization form. However, many members make requests
for emergencies when the member cannot come to the credit union. In
these cases, the credit union should attempt to identify the member
over the phone and establish a limit for the amount it will wire under
these conditions. Requesting account numbers, social security
numbers, or birth dates does not meet minimum security standards for
wire transfers. Information not easily accessible to someone other than
the member requesting the wire is acceptable (e.g., mother’s maiden
name, password, etc.) Written procedures should establish a maximum
limit (i.e., an amount the credit union has determined it could lose in
an unauthorized wire - usually $2,000-$3,000) for wires requested by
Page 9A-3
transfer and record on the wire form the date, time, and initials of the
person receiving the request and the person performing the callbacks.
Corporate staff should ensure the caller has authority to make the
request, and that the requested amount falls within the caller’s
authority. Most often the credit union’s responsibility includes
assigning authority to request wires to specific employees and
assigning a maximum dollar limit on each employee’s authority. The
corporate then verifies the caller’s authorities to a listing provided by
the credit union.
Page 9A-4
Assuming the credit union has adequate security and proper controls,
examiners should not take exception to other forms of electronic
transfer, such as Western Union wire terminals, or alternative software
such as U.S. Central Credit Union's Open Door product or other
browser-based wire request programs.
Pre- Credit unions establish many repetitive wire transfers (e.g., regular or
Authorized periodic transfers of credit union funds to an investment account at
(Card) Wires another institution.) For these repetitive wire transfers, the wiring
instructions remain the same except for the dollar amount.
FEDLINE A credit union having its own FEDLINE terminal must institute
Term inaI additional controls and security measures beyond those required for
accessing the FEDLINE through a corporate or correspondent bank.
Page 9A-5
User-ID: Name:
Password: Verify password:
Current states: A Password last changed on: re-try cnt:-
An ‘X’ designates what function categoly a user is allowed to access with an application. No ‘X’s imply
non-restricted functions only.
Application 1 Function categories I
Code I Inq. ; EN ; V/T ; A.Supv. ; Supv. ; Mngr. ;
I I I I 1 I I I
Illustration 9A-1
Page 9A-6
the terminal of all or part of the message. The security options on the
system allow the credit union to decide exactly which data fields
within the message it will re-enter. After staff completes the
verification process, the FEDLINE terminal automatically transmits
the message and transfers the funds.
The examiner should determine that the credit union requires two
different employees to perform the initiation and verification processes
on the terminal. Both the credit union's written policies and its
established control parameters on the system should require this
separation of duties. Examiners should ask the local administrator to
screen print the "Miscellaneous Security Settings" for purposes of
reviewing the controls. (Illustration 9A- 1 contains examples of the
FEDLINE User Access Report and Miscellaneous Security Settings
screen print.)
IVh~llaneous The examiner should have the local administrator screen urint the
Security Miscellaneous Securities Settings during the examination. The screen
Settings print will show:
Verification The Miscellaneous Security Settings screen displays the setting of the
Rule "verification rule" to N, U, or E. The "N" designator allows the same
FEDLINE operator to perform initiation, editing (if needed), and
verification functions on the same message. In other words, this
designator allows one FEDLINE operator to transmit funds. The "U"
designator restricts the FEDLINE operator who last initiated or edited
a message from verifLing that message. Thus, this designator requires
Page 9A-7
The "N" designator for the verification rule does not require adequate
separation of duties; therefore, it is unacceptable for credit unions.
Larger credit unions should set this designator at "E" thus requiring the
highest level of separation of duties. However, the examiner may
accept a setting of "U" for the verification rule, especially if the credit
union has limited staff, and if, in the examiner's judgment, it has other
adequate controls.
0 Inquiry
0 EntryAJpdate
0 Verify/Transmit
Page 9A-8
0 Assistant Supervisory
0 Supervisory
The credit union can assign an employee one or more access levels
within an application; they need not be the same for each application.
For example, the credit union may give an employee inquiry capability
for the Securities Transfer (ST) Application, and managerial capability
for the Funds Transfer (FT) Application. Also, the credit union need
not assign all six levels of access within each application.
Local The credit union will designate one or more employees as a local
Administrator administrator for the FEDLINE terminal. The local administrator may
add or delete authorized users and authorized functions of established
users. (For example, funds transfer is only one of several functions.
Others include securities transfers, ACH transactions, etc.) The local
administrator can also select, add, delete, or change an individual's
security options.
Page 9A-9
examiner may have to make certain allowances for the limited staff in
a smaller credit union.
User Profile During the examination, the examiner should identify and ask the local
Report administrator to print out FEDLINE'S User Profile Report in the
examiner's presence.
The User Profile Report shows all authorized users, the functions each
may perform, and the authority level within each authorized function.
The examiner should identify all users on this report and determine
that the credit union has broad enough authorization levels to allow
staff to efficiently carry out their duties and responsibilities, yet
sufficiently restricts these authorization levels to ensure sound internal
Anyone with the "**" function code can perform any function. The
examiner should determine the appropriateness of giving such
widespread authority. Two different employees should always perform
the initiation and verification functions. However, when possible,
NCUA strongly encourages greater separation of duties.
Page 9A-10
User Access The examiner should ask the local administrator to print the User
Report Access Report.
Page 9A-11
If the local administrator sets the time parameter too long, chances
increase that one operator may gain access to the terminal while it
is still logged on under another operator’s user ID, resulting in a
loss of accountability.
The security administrator can set the system to print either a full
or a summary account of deleted transactions during the cycle-date
rollover process. Either report documents pending message
problems. While the detailed report contains all the information
about the transaction, the summary report shows only limited
information about the transaction.
Page 9A-12
The credit union can set verification thresholds for accountable and
non-accountable messages for which it will impose the verification
requirement. If the credit union sets the dollar amount at 0.00, it
will verify all messages; whereas, if the credit union sets the dollar
amount at 99,999,999,999.99, it will verify no messages. For other
settings, it will verify any amount over the amount set. NCUA
recommends that the dollar amounts be set at 0.00 to verify all
Page 9A-13
Reconc iI- The credit union should reconcile the number and dollar amounts of
iation of the funds transferred to the Federal Reserve account balance throughout
FRB Account the day. Periodic reconciliation discourages fraud. Smaller credit
and Funds unions may reconcile only two or three times during the day; larger
Transfers credit unions more often. In addition, staff must perform a detailed
reconciliation of the Federal Reserve account daily. The individual
responsible for reconciling should not otherwise perform funds transfer
The credit union can have all messages going to the sanie printer, or
direct different categories of messages to different printers. The
FEDLINE system assigns a sequence number to each message. Each
category has a separate sequential numbering.
In order to establish an audit trail, the credit union should use multiple-
part paper on the FEDLINE printer. The credit union should maintain
one copy of the messages in continuous form for the entire day, from
log-on to log-off. If staff must perforate the paper (e.g., when the box
of paper runs out), a supervisor other than a FEDLINE terminal
operator should inspect the old and new continuous forms to account
for all messages and should initial the beginning and end of each form
where the gap occurs. Supervisory review of the entire audit trail for
unauthorized attempts to access the system, unauthorized messages,
etc., should occur daily. The supervisor should initial the audit trail
indicating the review. The credit union must retain daily audit trails
through both the next audit and examination periods.
Page 9A-14
Page 9A-15
Page 9A-16
Credit unions that send members' wires should also have written
agreements with their members notifying them of their duties and
responsibilities, assigning liability in the event of a loss, and
documenting the security procedures to be used.
Page 9A-17
NCUA Letter to Credit Unions No. 173, July 1995, contains additional information
about the BSA revision.
Page 9A-18
Overview The Automated Clearing House (ACH) network electronically
exchanges funds and related information among individuals,
businesses, financial institutions, and government entities. The ACH
Operator provides a central distribution and settlement point for
transmitting funds electronically between an originating depository
financial institution (ODFI) and a receiving depository financial
institution (RDFI.)
Page 9B-1
Small credit unions and large credit unions approach ACH transactions
Page 9B-2
Data Flow Unlike the wire transfer and check systems, the ACH is both a credit
versus Fund and a debit payment system. ACH credit transactions transfer or
Flow distribute funds from the originator to the receiver, resulting in a
deposit to the receiver’s account. Conversely, ACH debit transactions
transfer or collect h d s from the receiver to the originator resulting in
a withdrawal from a receiver’s account.
Regardless of the funds flow, ACH data flows in the same direction,
from originator to receiver as follows:
Page 9B-3
Page 9B-4
Page 9B-5
User compliance with the ACH rules enables the ACH Network to
operate efficiently. These rules provide warranties and indemnification
addressing origination, receipt, and prompt return of the entries.
Primary responsibility rests with ODFIs for most of the warranties and
indemnifications. However, if the parties enact an agreement
stipulating different responsibilities, many of the ODFI’s
responsibilities can pass through the ODFI to the originator. These
warranties and indemnifications reside with ODFIs and originators
because they have primary control over the initiation of entries.
0 ODFIs must:
Page 9B-6
Page 9B-7
Risks to the The amount of risk associated with processing ACH payments varies
Credit Union based on whether the item is an ACH debit or an ACH credit, and
whether the credit union receives or originates the item. Similar risks
exist in the ACH system as those within the wire transfer and check
payment systems.
Credit The risk that a party to a transaction will not have sufficient funds for
(Exposure) settlement is called credit (exposure) risk. This risk often arises when
Risk one company that is a party to the transaction fails or is bankrupt
before settlement occurs. The examiner must determine that the credit
union limits the risk through necessary controls.
Page 9B-8
- ACH Debits. The ODFI incurs temporary risk from the day the
originating company has the funds available until the RDFI or
the receiver can no longer return the individual ACH debit
entries. An ACH return is an ACH debit or credit that the ACH
operator, receiver, or the RDFI returns to the ODFI. Reasons
for returning ACH debits include insufficient funds, closed
accounts, unauthorized transactions, stop payments, etc.
Return time for ACH debits falls within two general categories:
(1) RDFIs may return non-authorized or revoked authorization
consumer debits up to 60 calendar days after the original
settlement date, and (2) all other returns, which the RDFI’s
operator must receive by its deposit deadline in order to make
the return entry available to the ODFI no later than the opening
of business on the second banking day following the settlement
date of the original entry.
Page 9B-9
Page 9B-10
Page 9B-11
Operationa Risk Operational risk, which varies with the type of processing, is the
danger that an unintentional error will alter or delay a transaction.
Examiners should determine that the credit union has implemented
necessary controls to limit this risk. Following are examples of
operational risks and the necessary controls that credit unions must
have in place to protect against them:
~ ~
Page 9B-12
- Accounting for all files to ensure that staff (1) only processes
current files, and (2) does not inadvertently duplicate or omit a
file from processing; and
- Balancing file totals during processing to ensure that staff does
not drop, change, or duplicate transactions.
0 Human error. Management can reduce this risk through (1) good
supervision, (2) detailed operating procedures, (3) effective
training, (4)periodic internal and external audits, (5) monitoring
file and dollar controls, and (6) adequate audit trails.
Page 9B-13
Fraud Risk Fraud risk is the danger that an employee or interlopers who gain
unauthorized access to the system will initiate or alter a payment
transaction in an attempt to misdirect or misappropriate funds.
Page 9B-14
- File controls to ensure that staff (1) accounts for all files at each
step in ACH processing, (2) only processes current files, and
(3) does not accidentally or intentionally duplicate or omit files
from processing;
Page 9B-15
Systemic Risk Systemic risk is the danger that the inability of one funds transfer
system participant to settle its commitments prevents other participants
from settling their commitments. Systemic risk is closely related to
credit risk. While a fraudulent or erroneous transaction could
constitute a source of systemic risk, a participant’s failure would more
likely trigger a major settlement failure.
Page 9B-16
ACH Risk NACHA publishes a comprehensive guide called the ACH Risk
Management Management Handbook,which further details the ACH risk issues and
Handbook control procedures discussed in this appendix. Additionally, NACHA
and Self- publishes a self-audit survival guide for financial institutions that
Audit anticipate conducting or have conducted audits of its compliance with
Survival the ACH operating rules. These required annual audits assist the credit
Guide union in assessing its risk regarding its wire transfer activities and
compliance responsibilities. The examiner should ask the credit union
if it has completed this audit and if it has obtained the results of each
third-party processor’s annual ACH self-audit. The credit union can
obtain both publications by writing or calling NACHA at National
Automated Clearing House Association, 607 Herndon Parkway, Suite
200, Herndon, Virginia 22070, telephone: (703) 742-9190.
Page 9B-17
Overview Item processing is the internal processing of share drafts or checks by
the credit union. The three basic types of item processing are in-
clearings, transit items, and inter-clearing arrangements, defined
below. Item processing results in settlement (payment or collection)
through the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) or a correspondent bank and
posting of transactions to the member’s account. Many larger credit
unions are developing in-house item processing to reduce the costs of
external check processing. Services are also available in corporate
credit unions, credit union service organizations (CUSOs), banks, and
national or regional check-processing service centers.
0 Review contract terms and conditions. The credit union and its
legal counsel should carefully review the terms and conditions of
each institution’s contract.
Page 9C-1
Share Draft Some credit unions process their own checks. After a member writes a
In-Clearings share draft to pay a bill, the merchant or vendor deposits the share draft
in the local bank. The bank encodes (with the bank's routing and transit
number on the drafts) the deposit and sends the share draft to the FRB.
The FRB processes the draft, credits the local bank's account, and
charges the credit union's account. The FRB then sends the share drafts
to the credit union by courier.
The credit union sorts and microfilms the drafts and posts the in-
clearings to the members' draft accounts. The next morning, a share
draft exception report identifies accounts with insufficient funds. The
credit union pulls returns and sends them to the FRB for return to the
local bank. The bank charges the vendor's account.
Deposit Some credit unions process in-house check deposits for credit to
Processing members' accounts. The credit union takes the day's deposits, encodes
the checks with the credit union's routing and transit number,
Page 9C-2
processes them, and sends them to the FRB for credit to the credit
union's account.
A member writes a share draft and the payee deposits it at the local
bank. After processing, the local bank sends the checks and a cash
letter by courier directly to the credit union. The credit union processes
the checks, confirms the payment amounts on the cash letter, and posts
the amounts to the members' share draft accounts. The credit union
then pays the local bank (usually by FEDLINE wire).
The credit union then sorts the members' local checks deposited at the
credit union according to bank, and sends each participating bank a
cash letter and a bundle of checks issued by that bank with a demand
for payment. The bank processes the checks and wires settlement to
the credit union.
Page 9C-3
A credit union that processes its own checks transmits applicable data
to its own information processing system for posting to its members'
accounts. A credit union that processes for other credit unions
establishes systems to electronically transmit the data to the other
credit unions' computer systems for posting.
Page 9C-4
The credit union must maintain adequate physical access controls and
segregation for the item processing equipment, computer controller,
storage areas, and different work areas. Climatic controls, fire control
equipment, and security controls are examples of other hardware
Policies and Sound policies control item processing risks, operations, and
Procedures management. Management must review operations to ensure
compliance with policy.
Page 9C-5
Internal Management must establish internal controls for item processing that
Control and include adequate separation of duties, active account reconciliation,
Review of and prompt clearing of differences.
The following duties must be separated: reject reentry, return
processing, correspondent services (research and clearing of
adjustments and differences), Federal Reserve account reconcilements,
cash balance management, and review of documentation supporting
reconciliation and clearing differences. Cash letter totals must
reconcile to transmission totals, and staff must identify and promptly
clear any differences.
Internal The review of accounting should begin after the examiner obtains a
Cont roI basic understanding of how the system processes, posts, and settles
Review of transactions. After performing a test of the FRB account reconciliation
Accounting and all clearing and suspense accounts, the examiner should then trace
all reconciling items for the period tested through to clearing on the
statement or to independent source documents.
Page 9C-6
Legal The examiner should review the legal agreements established by the
Agreements credit union in the following areas:
The credit union should perform full periodic testing of the disaster
recovery plan as it relates to the item processing operation originating
from alternate site equipment and different system configurations.
Page 9C-7
4c-274 3 4 - L
Chapter 10
q c-9
Associated Credit risk. Credit risk, which involves the ability of the member to
Risks repay the obligation, affects all types of loans. Loans with a
guarantee (student, VA, SBA, FHA, NCUA purchase) contain a
lesser degree of credit risk.
Page 1011-1
0 Interest rate risk. Interest rate risk increases as the terms of the
loans extend. Monitoring this risk involves a large segment of a
credit union’s asset-liability management (ALM) program. Credit
unions engaging in real estate lending should recognize that
changes in interest rates affect the fair value of their balance sheet.
Variable-rate loans also can experience interest rate risk since they
may contain lifetime and periodic “caps” that limit the credit
union’s ability to increase (reprice) loan rates.
Page 1011-2
Overview A credit union usually derives its primary source of income, as well as
a major source of risk to its solvency, from its loan portfolio.
Therefore, credit unions support this major asset account with sound
business planning, policies, and internal controls.
If examiners determine the analysis of the risk areas noted in the Scope
Workbook warrants a loan review, they can use the AIRES Loan
Review or a self-designed workpaper to document their review. The
loan review may include any or all of the following, based on the
examiner’s judgment:
Charged off loans. Examiners should scan the charged off list for
unusual activity and review basic internal controls (board approval,
proper accounting, assignment to a collection agency, etc.) They
may expand their scope to review individual loans charged off to
determine the extent of the problem and to develop plans for
resolution. Examiners should encourage the credit union to
perform an ongoing analysis of charged off loans to determine
common characteristics, or loss trends by loan type for ALLL
Page 10/1-3
Page 1011-4
Loan Credit unions must require adequate loan documentation for all loans.
Documents Weak documentation practices could adversely affect the ability to
successfully collect the loans in a litigation action, and could lower the
value of loans in merging or liquidating credit unions.
Loan Through a review of the individual loan files, the examiner identifies
Exceptions as loan exceptions (1) documentation deficiencies, (2) loan processing
exceptions, (3) violations of the FCUAct or NCUA Rules and
Regulations, ( 4 ) violations of the credit union's lending policies, ( 5 )
violations of consumer compliance regulations, and ( 6 ) deficient credit
practices. Examiners may use AIRES Loan Exceptions, or a self-
designed workpaper, to detail their exception comments on the loan
When loans are missing from the files, and staff cannot locate the
documents, examiners should provide the supervisory committee with
a list of missing loans. Examiners should obtain an agreement that the
supervisory committee will promptly contact the borrowers to confirm
the loan's authenticity.
Page 10/1-5
Loan Section 701.2 1(c)(2) of the NCUA Rules and Regulations and sound
Programs business practices require that credit unions develop written loan
and Policies policies. The following financial considerations apply:
Page 1011-6
0 Cash flow. Credit unions must tie their loan policies into their
overall funds management program and must provide for cash
flow, as well as, profitable return. As such, they should carefully
weigh single payment loans and balloon notes in terms of the
likelihood of repayment and the negative effect on liquidity. Credit
unions should also exercise care in establishing a real estate loan
program in which repayment terms of 15 years or more can affect
cash flow and income, particularly if real estate loans make up a
large portion of the loan portfolio; and
Page 10/1-7
Page 10/1-8
Page 10/1-9
Credit Report Most credit unions use credit reports when evaluating a borrower's
Analysis creditworthiness. Occasionally, small credit unions use oral credit
reports but these can result in misinterpretation. Credit unions must
keep documentation of the oral credit report in the borrower's loan file.
Page 10/1-10
Members can have problems “below the surface” even if all ratings
show positive. Many revolving lines of credit at or near the maximum
limits can signal potential over extension or “pyramiding.” Reviews of
bankruptcies indicate many members were current prior to filing
bankruptcy. Comparing past credit reports to present credit reports can
identify pyramiding debt. Characteristics of pyramiding debt include:
0 Using new credit to pay old debt, especially the use of unsecured
credit to consolidate credit card debt;
0 Escalating debt outpaces income; and
0 Increasing numbers of recent credit report inquiries, which can
indicate either lender denials or unreported new debt, as some
lenders report inquiries but do not report new loans.
Credit unions must also consider the member’s level of income when
making loan decisions. For example, members with higher levels of
income can often handle higher debt ratios. This type of review,
referred to as a Net Disposable Income Analysis, can help determine
the members’ capacity to repay. All loans granted to members with
limited capacity to repay should have an overriding reason noted in the
Credit Scoring Credit scoring systems attempt to statistically predict the likelihood of
a member defaulting on a loan. Regulation B requires statistically
derived and empirically sound credit scoring. Fair, Isaac and Company,
Page 10A-11
When a credit union uses credit scoring, loan policies and procedures
must outline how the credit union will do the following:
Page 10/1-12
Paperless Credit unions constantly search for ways to deliver services more
Lending efficiently to members. Credit unions have systems to take loan
applications via audio response systems, fax, and the Internet. Often,
credit unions using these paperless systems order credit reports and
compare the application information entered by the member with that
on the credit report. Simple logic programs analyze the member’s debt
ratio, credit history, disposable income, etc., and either approve the
loan request, or refer it to the staff for further action. Some systems
may even complete and disburse the loan electronically.
Page 10/1-13
Risk-Based NCUA Letter to Credit Unions 99-CU-5 and 174 address risk-based
Lending lending. Risk-based lending involves setting a tiered-pricing structure
that assigns loan rates based on an individual’s credit risk. Profitable
risk-based lending requires the surcharge rates charged by the credit
union cover the loan loss rates and overhead costs related to
underwriting, servicing, and collecting these loans. Credit unions that
cannot justify and support pricing differences based on risk will face
heightened compliance and reputation risks if pricing decisions appear
to result in disparate treatment under consumer protection regulations
(e.g., ECOA.)
Page 10/1-14
0 Real Estate
0 Line of Credit
0 Leasing
0 Indirect Lending
Page 10/1-15
0 Home Equity
Credit Cards
0 Construction
0 Collections
0 Adjustable Rate Mortgages
0 Agricultural
0 Member Business Loans
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
107(5) - Authority to Make Loans
107(11) - Statutory Liens
107(13) - Purchase of Eligible Obligations
114 - Credit Committee
- Federal Credit Union Bylaws
Article IX - Credit Committee
Article XI1 - Loans to Members and Lines of Credit
Page 1011-16
Page 1011-17
&-/d u
Chapter 10 - Part 2
Associated 0 Credit risk occurs when the borrower cannot repay according to the
Risks terms of the loan;
0 Liquidity risk occurs when the failure to collect problem loans
affects available funding sources;
0 Transaction risk occurs when delinquent loans are not properly
aged; and
0 Reputation risk occurs when delinquency or collection efforts (or
lack thereof) affect the credit union’s image.
Eva1uating There are two purposes for reviewing the loan portfolio:
Credit Risk
0 Assessing the level and direction of credit risk, and
Determining the potential risk to the NCUSIF.
Adequate funding of the ALLL andor low delinquency and loan loss
ratios do not necessarily mean the credit union properly mitigates its
credit risk. Credit unions should also have a quality control process by
which they review the loan portfolio or components of the loan
Page 1012-1
Examiners may review the credit union’s quality control process. The
goal is to ensure management can assess the risk in its portfolio and
monitor potential future exposure. The credit union may prepare lists
to monitor and assess delinquent loans, other problem credits, and
special mention loans. The preparation and maintenance of these
reports vary among credit unions and largely depend on the credit
union’s resources and sophistication. Tracking the information on
these lists enables management to assess the performance of the loan
portfolio and act to mitigate risk therein through changes in policies
and/or procedures. If the credit union has an adequate process for
evaluating credit risk, examiners need not perform a detailed review of
the loan portfolio.
Other problem credits usually include past due loans, leases, and
accounts receivable; however, they may also include non-delinquent
loans of members experiencing a recent layoff, loans especially
affected by a downturn in economic conditions, and loans that
circumstances indicate may become delinquent in the near future.
If the credit union does not have an adequate quality control review
process, the examiner should review a sample of loans to assess the
level and direction of credit risk. This may involve creating a list of
loans that exhibit specific risk characteristics, to review from one
examination to the next. The Query Report Loan Watch List in AIRES
provides a tool that may assist examiners in tracking loans containing
significant existing or potential risk. In addition, the examiner may
review and track loans meeting certain criteria such as the following:
Page 1012-2
Loans, both open-end and closed-end, past due 90 days from the
contractual due date;
Loans that are current but represent potential losses to the credit
union due to questionable security;
Page 10/2-3
The delinquent loan schedule can serve as the basis for a loan review
sample. For example, a review of recently granted delinquent loans
might provide insight as to reasons for increasing delinquencies. The
Loan Exceptions workpaper can aid officials in revising policies and
practices to reverse an increasing delinquent loan trend.
Page 1012-4
Collection Examiners should review the loan loss ratio and the delinquent loan
Procedures ratio when evaluating collection procedures. These ratios show the
credit union’s past loss experience and its current potential loss
position. The adequacy of the collection program and the credit
union’s level of compliance with it provide an indication of the future
direction of delinquency. The composition of delinquency can also
indicate whether problems are recent or older.
Page 10/2-5
0 Follow through. If the credit union does not follow through with its
threatened action, delinquent borrowers may believe they can
ignore the credit union; and
Page 1012-6
Extension and Examiners may review extension and refinancing policies and
Refinancing procedures for reasonableness. At times, credit unions can effectively
use extension agreements or refinancing of delinquent loans as
collection tools; however, excessive extension agreements or
refinancing can mask delinquency. Credit unions should use extension
agreements or refinancing of delinquent loans only to help borrowers
overcome temporary difficulties, and after the borrower demonstrates
renewed willingness and ability to repay the loan.
Page 1012-7
Credit Card The examiner may need to review the credit union's in-house
Collection procedures for delinquent credit card loans to ensure proper aging and
Program limited losses. Some processors only report delinquency up to 2 10
days, in which case the credit union must calculate and report the past
due months over 210 days.
Bankruptcy Examiners should familiarize themselves with the basic terms and
concepts of federal bankruptcy law (Title 11, U.S. Code) in order to
make informed judgments concerning the likelihood of collection from
bankrupt members or member businesses (called "debtors" under the
bankruptcy law.) The following paragraphs present only an overview
of bankruptcy.
Page 1012-8
Page 1012-9
considerably, and the amount that the creditor recovers may similarly
fluctuate from nominal to virtually complete recovery.
Discharge - The discharge protects the debtor from further liability on the debts
Objections and discharged. In some instances, however, bankruptcy does not
Exceptions discharge debtors at all (i.e., the creditor successfully obtains an
"objection to discharge"), or discharges them only as regards a specific
Page 1012-10
Page 10/2-11
0 The agreement between the debtor and the creditor must be made
(i.e., executed and dated) before the discharge is granted;
0 The agreement must inform the debtor that there is no legal
requirement to reaffirm (i.e., that reaffirmation is voluntary);
0 The court must reiterate that reaffirmation is voluntary and explain
the obligations imposed by the agreement and the legal
consequences if the debtor defaults; and
The agreement must give notice of the debtor's right to rescind the
reaffirmation agreement at any time before the discharge is
granted, or within 60 days after the agreement is filed in court,
whichever is later.
Transfers Not Under most circumstances, a credit union that fails to promptly perfect
Promptly its security interest runs great risk of losing its security. This is a
Perfected or complex area of the law, but prudence clearly dictates that the credit
Recorded union properly obtain liens and promptly file them to eliminate the
possibility of losing the protection provided by collateral.
Statutory Federal credit unions can take advantage of a statutory lien authorized
Lien by the Federal Credit Union Act 9 107( 11) and interpreted by IRPS 82-
5. Under this authority a federal credit union may (1) impress a lien
when granting a loan, by noting the existence of the lien in its records
at the same time it grants the loan, by stating in the loan documents
that borrowers pledge their shares and dividends to satisfy the lien or
to secure the loan, or by adopting a bylaw or board policy to the same
effect; and (2) enforce the lien by applying the shares and dividends
directly to the amount due on the loan (including the unpaid loan
balance together with interest, fees, and other charges) without
obtaining a court judgment, even if the credit union has allowed the
Page 1012-12
3. The automatic stay of a bankruptcy court can stay the use of the
statutory lien, which, if impressed within the preference transfer
reversion period, could be an illegal preference and thus voided.
Examiners should also note two caveats regarding the statutory lien:
1. The credit union may only impress the statutory lien against the
debtor-member's accounts (e.g., in a tenancy-in-common account,
deemed to be a 50-50 split in the absence of other evidence, a
federal credit union could not place the lien against more than the
debtor's 50 percent interest; it cannot impress the lien against a
parent's account for debts of an emancipated minor); and
2. The statutory lien only applies in the loan context; a federal credit
union must adopt a nonstandard bylaw amendment or bylaw
resolution in order to debit a member's account for losses resulting
from another account (e.g., unpaid fees or service charges or
returned checks.)
Loan LOSS Ratio The Financial Performance Report (FPR) computes an annual loss
(Net Charge-Offs ratio termed net charge-offs to average loans, and provides a peer-
To Average group comparison (the amount of loss is shown per $1,000 of loans
Page 1012-13
For example, a low loss ratio could result from a board's reluctance to
recognize losses, which would be evidenced by a high delinquent loan
ratio. The examiner should compare the loss ratios over the periods to
detect trends. A high but declining ratio might indicate that the credit
union is correcting past problems. On the other hand, a credit union
might have a low but rapidly increasing loss ratio, which might
indicate an emerging problem.
Charge Off of Credit unions should establish a policy for the regular charge off of
Problem uncollectible loans to avoid an intentional or unintentional
Credits misstatement of their net worth position. The Query Report Charge
Offs in AIRES provides a tool that may assist examiners in identifying
charge off loans, when necessary.
The board may adopt a policy that delegates to the manager the
authority to charge off loans. The board should approve the extent of
the delegation (i.e., the dollar amount and loan type), reflect the
approval in board minutes, and note the parameters in the written
collection policy or, more appropriately, written loan charge-off policy.
The manager refers loans that do not meet the established criteria to
the board. The policy should specifically prohibit the manager from
charging off loans when such charge off may constitute a conflict of
interest, such as loans to family members.
Page 1012-14
When the credit union deems the loan a loss, it must charge off the
loan to the ALLL account. Loans that exhibit the following
characteristics present a high degree of credit risk, and the credit union
should consider them for charge off:
A "skip," where the credit union has had no contact for 90 days;
0 An estimated loan loss, where the credit union has the repossessed,
but not yet sold, collateral on hand;
Page 1012-15
If the credit union does not maintain the ALLL account balance at a
sufficient level to permit the necessary charge offs, the credit union
must re-evaluate its ALLL funding methodology. Determining the
adequacy of the ALLL is not a by-product of the loan portfolio review.
Please see the ALLL chapter for a detailed discussion.
Collateral in When a credit union possesses loan collateral that is in the process of
Process of being sold, the examiner may evaluate the collateral for recoverable
Liquidation value. The examiner may document the evaluation on an examiner-
designed workpaper or on the list of collection problem loans. Misuse
of collateral in the process of liquidation can occur in credit unions.
The supervisory committee, in carrying out its auditing function,
should review this account and the collateral.
Other Real Estate OREO (other real estate owned) consists of foreclosed property where
Owned (OREO) ownership has passed to the credit union. A credit union often
acquires OREO through loan foreclosure. Generally, the credit union
intends to sell the real estate to partially or totally satisfy the loan
Cost - fair value at the date of foreclosure plus cash payments for capital
additions and improvements to the asset and, if applicable, related capitalized
interest subsequent to the date of foreclosure.
Page 1012-16
0 Fair value - the amount that the creditor could reasonably expect to receive in a
current sale between a willing buyer and a willing seller, that is, other than in a
forced or liquidation sale. Market value (if an active market exists) determines
the fair value of assets. If no active market exists for the assets transferred but
exists for similar assets, the credit union may use the selling prices in that market
in estimating the fair value of the assets transferred. If the credit union has no
market price available, a forecast of expected cash flows, discounted at a rate
commensurate with the risk involved, may aid in estimating the fair value of
Accounting for Credit unions should account for and value foreclosed assets acquired
OREO by the credit union as OREO as follows:
Page 1012-17
- Key Ratios
- Critical Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Input
- Critical Loan Input
- Collection Controls Questionnaire
- Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Module
- Manual Loan Classification
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
107(5) - Authority to Make Loans
107(11) - Statutory Liens
107(13) - Purchase of Eligible Obligations
1 14 - Credit Committee
- Federal Credit Union Bylaws
Article VIII - Credit Committee
Article XI - Loans to Members and Lines of Credit
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
701.2 1 - Loans to Members and Lines of Credit to
701.22 - Loan Participation
701.23 - Purchase, Sale, and Pledge of Eligible Obligations
702.402 - Full and Fair Disclosure
722 - Appraisals
723 - Member Business Loans
- Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions
- IRPS 83-3 - Financing Leases
- Chartering and Field of Membership Manual
- NCUA Letter No. 119
- NCUA Letter No. 174
- NCUA Letter No. 99-CU-5
Page 1012-18
Policies and Anyone of legal age (according to state law) to enter into a contract can
Procedures assume the responsibility of a co-signer. The credit union’s policy or
practice cannot require the co-signer be a member of the credit union
or a family member of the primary borrower (e.g., spouse or parent.)
Page 10A-2
Page 10A-3
Page 10A-4
Monitoring The credit union should periodically obtain information concerning the
LinesOf Credit borrowers' current income and their repayment records on other debts.
Industry norms require updated credit reports for lines of credit every
two years. This review of a borrower's financial condition could help
management determine whether to increase, decrease, or terminate a
borrower's credit line.
Variable Rate Variable rate loans have interest rates tied to an index and margin.
Loans These loans pass some of the interest rate risk to the borrower.
Movement in the index causes a change in the interest rate, which in
turn causes a change in the monthly payment, the loan maturity, or a
combination of these. While indices fluctuate over time, the margin
(e.g., 100 basis points) remains fixed over the life of the loan. The
index plus the margin equals the rate charged on the loan.
Page 10A-5
Treasury Indices:
- One-Year Constant Maturity U.S. Treasury (CMT) Securities
(most common of the Treasury-based ARM indices);
- Six-Month U.S. Treasury Bills; and,
- Three-Year CMT Securities.
Page 10A-6
Guaranteed Credit unions may offer guaranteed student loans that are part of the
Student Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP.) Credit unions must
Loans receive approval to participate in FFELP and have strict monitoring
procedures in place to maintain the program. Under FFELP,
administered by the Department of Education (DOE), private lenders
provide the loan principal and the federal government guarantees
through a state agency the loan’s principal and interest up to 98
percent. If the student or parent borrower defaults on the loan, the
government reimburses the lender.
Granting and processing student loans differs from most other types of
loans. Student loans are normally granted to nonworking students who
attend school at least half time. The borrower’s current ability to repay
does not serve as the basis for the granting of student loans. This type
of loan requires less credit risk analysis.
Most credit unions offering student loans accept and process the
application, disburse the funds, and portfolio the loan while the student
is in school. When the student graduates, the credit union may sell the
loan on the secondary market. Credit unions may receive interest from
the guarantor while the student is in school, then they may transfer the
time consuming and extensive due diligence process to another entity
when the student graduates.
Due Diligence The credit union must perform due diligence on outstanding student
on Student loans. On subsidized student loans, the credit union must complete and
Loans send a billing report to DOE quarterly to receive interest due. The
credit union also must update the status of the student borrowers at
least annually (normally through a mailing) to obtain current school
information and addresses.
Page 10A-7
If the credit union appears to have significant risks associated with the
student loan portfolio, examiners should determine the credit union has
the following:
Real Estate NCUA Rules and Regulations $701.2 1 addresses real estate lending.
Loans Well-planned and well-executed mortgage lending can offer
advantages to the credit union including member loyalty, opportunity
for cross-selling, good return and dependable cash flow. Credit unions
should underwrite loans to ensure their eligibility for sale in the
secondary market, unless they fit a specific exception created in the
credit union’s real estate policies.
- .
Page I O A - ~ -
Review procedures for these loans could determine the existence of the
following potential higher risk loans:
0 Assess interest rate and liquidity risks associated with the terms
and rates offered;
0 Determine if policies and procedures address credit and collateral
0 Determine sufficiency of controls to ensure compliance with
internal policies and minimum documentation requirements;
Ensure the mortgage program is part of a well-planned and well-
executed strategic plan;
0 Evaluate reputation risk involving service to members and dealings
with outside vendors; and,
0 Ascertain compliance with the NCUA Rules and Regulations,
individual state statutes, and other applicable consumer compliance
laws and regulations.
The Secondary After originating mortgages in the primary market, buying and selling
Market of mortgages take place in the secondary market. The two biggest
purchasers of mortgages are the Federal National Mortgage
Association (FNMA or "Fannie Mae") and the Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or "Freddie Mac.") Using their
experience in the mortgage market, FNMA and FHLMC have
determined an appropriate level of credit risk and established standards
to control this risk.
NCUA Letter to Credit Unions Nos. 124 (June 1991) and 99-CU-12
(August 1999) provided credit unions with real estate lending
guidelines. Credit unions should originate their loans in conformity
Page 10A-9
Appraisals Lenders use appraisals to determine the value of the collateral. Part
722 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations specifies the following:
FNMA and FHLMC have established guidelines for net and gross
percentage adjustments. Generally, the dollar amount of net
adjustments for each comparable sale should not exceed 15 percent of
the comparable's sales price. The dollar amount of the gross
adjustments, without regard to the positive and negative signs, for each
comparable should not exceed 25 percent of the comparable's sales
price. The appraiser should also use comparable sales settled or closed
within the last 12 months. When the adjustments fall outside the 15/25
guidelines, comparable sales are more than six months old, or
comparables are not in close proximity to the subject property, the
appraiser should provide a written explanation. Ultimately, credit
unions must accept sole accountability for the appraisal's accuracy.
Page 10A-10
Loans meeting the following criteria may not require a full appraisal:
Evaluating When selecting an appraiser, credit unions must follow the specific
Appraisers requirements and restrictions outlined in Part 722 of the NCUA Rules
and Regulations. In addition, the credit union should consider the
following standards for selecting an appraiser:
Holding Theoretically, lenders can sell any loan or portion of a loan. However,
Selling poorly documented or poorly underwritten loans may sell at reduced
Loans prices. Once a borrower has established a payment history (i.e., the
loan is "seasoned"), buyers may relax documentation and underwriting
requirements. Sometimes the credit union may find it advantageous to
hold loans and sell them later as "seasoned" loans.
Credit unions may sell loans with or without recourse. The credit union
must repurchase loans sold with recourse if the borrower defaults, even
if it meets standard representations and warranties.
Page 10A-11
Servicing When a credit union sells a loan, it has three servicing options: (1)
Rights: Sell or perform servicing itself, (2) sell its servicing rights to a second party,
Keep or (3) contract for servicing activities from a second party while
maintaining control and ownership of those rights. Credit unions that
sell or contract their servicing duties must ensure they deal with a
reputable servicer.
Selling of If the credit union sells the servicing rights, it must ensure the servicer
Servicing can meet the standards for servicing required by the secondary market.
Rights The following list, while not all inclusive, addresses the most
important items:
Page 10A-12
Page 10A-13
Page 1OA-14
Foreclosures Once the credit union determines the member either cannot or will not
bring the loan current and make the required payments, it should
consider foreclosure. Servicers’ policies should comply with secondary
market requirements. Policies and procedures should consider
provisions of the mortgage, applicable state or local laws, requirements
of a loan insurer, and the best interests of the credit union.
Page 10A-15
Once the credit union completes foreclosure, it should account for the
property as other real estate owned (OREOs) in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP.)
Asset/Lia bility The assetlliability management (ALM) program must address liquidity
Management and ALM to maximize the gross spread and control interest rate risk
Page 10A-16
Adjustable Credit unions can reduce interest rate risk associated with mortgage
Rate Real lending by offering adjustable rate loans. However, adjustable rate
Estate Loans loans carry their own problems, including:
Page 10A-17
Home Equity A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is a mortgage that does not
Lines of Credit require reapplication and approval for each advance. A HELOC carries
an adjustable interest rate, usually adjustable monthly (with Prime Rate
changes) or quarterly (per contract terms.)
0 Note and mortgage. Credit unions use special note and mortgage
instruments for HELOCs. Standard secondary market documents
for applicable parts of a HELOC loan file (e.g., mortgage, deed,
title opinions) are recommended.
Page 10A-18
Page 10A-19
Loans Secured Mobile home loans secured by property may qualify as a real estate or
by Mobile
consumer loan, according - to each state's laws. Credit unions should
Homes and familiarize themselves with their applicable state laws. In many cases,
Real Estate
title insurance companies will not include the value of the mobile
home in their policy unless the borrower removes the wheels and
tongue and places it on a permanent foundation. Also, some states
require the same to qualify for homeowner's insurance.
Insured - §701.21(e) of the NCUA Rules and Regulations permits credit unions
Guaranteed to grant loans secured by the insurance or guarantee of, or with an
Loans advance commitment to purchase the loan by, the federal government,
a state government, or any agency of either. The law, regulations, or
program under which the insurance, guarantee, or commitment is
provided specifies the maturity, the terms, and conditions, including
rate of interest, for making these loans.
Page 10A-20
Page 10A-21
The first three loan types are member business loans if they exceed
$50,000. When owners act as general contractor, the credit unions
must have tight controls to ensure construction progresses as planned.
The major concerns involved in construction lending are:
Page 10A-22
Member A member business loan includes any loan, line of credit, or letter of
Business credit (including any unfunded commitments) where the borrower uses
Loans the proceeds for a commercial, corporate, other business investment
Page 10A-23
Page 10A-24
0 Cash flow analysis. A credit union should only make the loan if the
borrower has cash flow projections based on actual cash flow data.
Many small businesses have trouble obtaining adequate and
reliable cash flow information. Credit unions should not accept
cash flow assumptions without data to show they are realistic.
Borrowers must provide evidence they have sufficient hnds
available to service the debt.
The credit union should obtain tax returns and financial schedules
of both the member and the business to properly analyze the cash
flow statement. A quick test for cash flow is to add back to the
profit-and-loss data of the business (net income) any non-cash
expenditures (such as depreciation, adjustments to accounts
receivable, etc.) and relate a positive resulting figure to the
member's ability to cover loan payments.
Page 10A-25
Documenta- Documentation for a member business loan also must include proper
tion signatures from the parties to the transaction (those individuals
permitted to borrow under the FCUAct, FCU Bylaws, and the NCUA
Rules and Regulations.) 8723.7 of the Regulations require the credit
Page 10A-26
union not grant member business loans without the personal liability
and guarantee of the principals, except where the borrower is a not-for-
profit organization, as defined by the IRS (26 U.S.C. 501.)
Lien filings often require the use of UCC documents. The credit union
must file the necessary documents with appropriate local or state
agencies, perform and document their search for prior liens, and keep
their liens current, as required by their local or state agencies. Business
assets also require proper insurance with appropriate loss payable
clauses to the credit union.
The credit union should know that too many covenants can expose the
credit union to possible "lender liability", if the borrower defaults.
Lender liability can also occur when a borrower becomes dependent on
a lender for a constant supply of funds.
Page 10A-27
Rental The most common type of business loan is for rental property where
Property the member obtains a credit union loan secured by an apartment
Loans building or a house, which the member then rents out. While real
estate securing a member business loan may meet the requirements for
exclusion from Part 723 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations, the
examiner should treat the loan as a member business loan for review
When credit unions use rental income to qualify a borrower for a loan,
the credit union should include the gross rental income as part of the
borrower’s gross income (after factoring in a reasonable vacancy rate),
and the borrower’s debt should include expenses related to the
Working Working capital is the difference between current assets and current
Loans liabilities. This type of loan provides temporary capital in excess of
normal needs. Working capital loans provide short-term funds that
borrowers repay at the end of the cycle by converting inventory and
accounts receivable into cash. Businesses engaged in manufacturing,
Page 1OA-28
Since this type of loan is high-risk, a credit union must set financing
limits. For example, since accounts receivable collateral will rarely
bring 100 cents on the dollar in a forced sale, the credit union should
limit the loan to an amount less than the book value (e.g., 50 percent.)
In addition, credit unions should review the accounts receivable
discount terms and aging records to determine collection activity of the
In all cases, credit unions should obtain quarterly profit and loss
statements (including past statements, preferably for two or more
years) from the borrower to evaluate the continued viability of the
Page 10A-29
Term Business Normally, members use term business loans to acquire capital assets
Loans such as plant and equipment. Regulatory requirements govern the
collateral securing this type of loan. Due to the extended loan period,
term loans contain more interest rate risk than do short-term advances.
Because of the greater risk, credit unions should require amortization
payments. Loan agreements will also contain restrictive covenants
(conditions agreed to by the borrower) for the life of the loan.
Livestock loans:
Page 10A-30
0 Crop loans:
Letters of A letter of credit substitutes the creditworthiness of the credit union for
Credit that of the individual or corporation. Credit unions may earn a fee for
issuing a letter of credit. Most credit unions do not offer them.
Page 10A-31
Two types of letters of credit are (1) the commercial letter of credit,
and (2) the standby letter of credit. Often, a commercial letter of credit
finances the sale of goods between a buyer and seller. The seller ships
the goods to the buyer and submits an invoice. To avoid risk of
nonpayment for the goods, the seller may require the buyer to obtain a
letter of credit. Commercial letters of credit, secured by cash deposits,
pose little risk to an institution as long as the credit union receives
proper documentation from the beneficiary (seller.)
Page 10A-32
This type of financing usually involves the use of a trust receipt. The
written contract between the credit union and the dealer specifies the
credit union will release to the dealer title to a specific piece of
collateral sold with the stipulation the credit union will hold title to
such collateral in trust until time of sale. The contract usually gives the
dealer the right to sell the inventory, but normally at not less than the
"release price." The credit union should request the dealer to authorize
the credit union to periodically inspect the inventory, examine the
dealer's records, and upon any default by the dealer to declare a
forfeiture of the dealer's interest in the inventory. The credit union can
verify inventory for reasonableness against tax forms.
To reduce the risk involved in this type of financing, the credit union
should ensure prompt repayment by frequently inspecting the dealer's
inventory (to determine exactly which units the dealer has sold), record
inspection dates, the name of the inspector, and an itemized list of
Examination The review of the member business loan portfolio could document the
Guidance credit unions compliance with:
Page 10A-33
Participation Federal credit unions may participate with others in loans to credit
Loans union members, subject to the provisions of 5701.22 of the NCUA
Rules and Regulations. Participation loans may provide additional
security to an investor, since the credit union would share in a portion
of any loss.
The contract between the investor and the credit union may require the
credit union to assume the majority of the risks in the event of a
default. Such a contract may affect the adequacy of the Allowance for
Loan and Lease Losses account. Sometimes credit unions enter into
such transactions to avoid booking losses on a sale. If a third party
with whom the credit union participates receives a higher rate of return
on its investment than the credit union, examiners should carefully
review the transaction to determine the credit union properly accounts
for the transaction.
Page 10A-34
Page 10A-35
A currently registered credit union that has not extended any credit
secured by margin securities during any six month period and that does
not have more than $200,000 of such credit outstanding during that
period is eligible for deregistration (using form FR G-2, Deregistration
Loan Policy Credit unions should cover the following areas in their stock secured
and Procedure loan policy:
Page 10A-36
Required Credit unions making stock secured loans should have the following
Documents documentation:
0 Collateral tracking. The credit union must document and verify the
number of shares and, as applicable, certificate numbers for stock
received. Credit unions must implement an audit procedure to
Page 1OA-37
NCUA Some credit unions purchase loans from liquidating credit unions
Guaranteed under the terms of a contract with the NCUA Board on behalf of the
Loans National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF.) Some
contracts state the share insurance fund will repurchase a specified
amount of loans within a specified time if the credit union cannot
recover from the borrowers. The examiner should review the terms of
the contract to determine the credit union complies with those terms,
giving special attention to the credit union’s accounting for payments
received on the loans since contract provisions often differ.
Page 10A-38
The examiner also may need to evaluate the loans for the feasibility of
an early settlement of the loan guaranty when both NCUA and the
credit union would benefit from an early settlement (e.g., in cases of
poor performing loans where the credit union needs more flexibility to
develop a specific workout strategy.)
Page 10A-39
Policies and Formal IDFP policies and procedures should, at a minimum, address:
0 Membership eligibility;
0 Definition of terms;
Page 10A-40
Internal controls;
Potential The following are a few of the problems credit unions may encounter
Problems in an IDFP:
Unless the credit union has a competitive rate differential (or flat
fee) structure, dealers may only forward high-risk loans, thereby
increasing credit and transaction risk;
Page 1OA-41
The dealer’s buy rate or the flat fee paid to the dealer diminishes
the credit union’s profit margin. Constant monitoring of the
costhenefit relationship provides the board with important
information for determining the IDFP’s viability;
Credit unions may lose fee income when the dealer sells loan
protection, disability, and other types of insurance to members. The
codbenefit analysis should include the effect of lost opportunity
Page 10A-42
Warning Signs The following items may evidence the credit union’s lack of control
over the program:
0 The credit union places full reliance on the dealer to obtain credit
checks and credit reports;
0 The dealer, not the credit union, accepts the borrower’s loan
0 The member-borrower may apply for the title, which could result
in an improperly recorded lien;
The IDFP operates outside of the credit union’s normal trade area;
Regulatory Federal credit unions may participate in IDFPs under both the authority
Issues to make loans to members (see §107(5) of the FCUAct and 5701.21 of
Page 10A-43
0 The federal credit union must make the final underwriting decision.
That is, before the dealer and member sign the sales contract, the
credit union must actually review the application and other
documents and determine that the transaction conforms to its
lending policies (federal credit unions may not delegate their
lending authority to a third party); and
0 The dealer must assign the sales contract to the federal credit union
very soon after the member and dealer sign it. An indirect loan is a
loan to a member (within the meaning of §107(5) of the FCUAct
and 570 1.2 1 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations) only if the
formation of a sales contract, the assignment of the loan to the
credit union, the transmittal of funds to the dealer, and the
establishment of a debtor-creditor relationship between the credit
union and the member occur in a very short time frame.
Direct versus Many credit unions, through arrangements with local retailers (auto
Indirect Point dealerships, appliances and electronic equipment stores, etc.), have
of Sale direct dealer financing programs (DDFP.) While the majority of the
items pertaining to IDFPs can apply to DDFPs, the major differences
between the two programs are as follows:
0 Credit unions write loans with the same rates and terms for all
members, leaving no room for the dealer to negotiate terms;
Page 1QA-44
0 Credit unions have the right of first refusal of their members’ loans
(i.e., the dealer does not shop the sales contract until the credit
union rejects the loan); and
0 Credit unions issue the “adverse action notice” if they do not grant
the loan.
0 Direct leasing, whereby the credit union purchases the property and
leases it back to the member;
Indirect leasing, whereby the member has a lease and the credit
union purchases the lease from a third party (subject to $714.3);
Open-end leasing, where the member assumes the risk for any
difference in the estimated residual value and actual value at lease
end; and
Closed-end leasing, where the credit union assumes the risk for any
difference in the estimated residual value and actual value at lease
Credit unions may only offer a net, full payout lease. In a net lease,
the member assumes all the burdens of ownership (maintenance,
repair, licensing, registration, taxes, and insurance.) In a full payout
lease, the credit union expects to recoup its entire investment in the
leased property (amount financed), plus the cost of financing;
Page 10A-45
Credit unions must retain salvage powers over the leased property.
The credit union must retain the power to take action to protect the
value of the property if there is a change in conditions that
threatens their financial position (such as failing to maintain
insurance); and
Residual Value Most automobile lease arrangements use residual value insurance
Insurance coverage. Industry experts publish price guides showing residual
values (e.g., Automobile Leasing Guide or Black Book.) Residual
value insurance protects the credit union from errors in value
The credit union must determine the financial strength and reputation
of the insurance company before purchasing residual value insurance
coverage. The insurance company will only pay a claim for losses due
to excessive devaluation of a vehicle at the end of the lease term. If, for
any reason, the lease terminates early, this insurance does not apply.
Auto Every member must carry normal liability and property insurance on
Insurance the leased property. The member must name the credit union as an
additional insured on the liability insurance policy and as the loss
payee on the property insurance policy.
Page 10A-46
rates to the member, and usury laws do not apply. Lease contracts refer
to fees rather than interest.
Page 10A-47
Income on Lease contracts refer to income on leases as ''fee income" rather than
Leases "interest income". Therefore, lease contracts do not disclose an
"interest rate" to the member. The credit union must know the costs of
the lease and their overhead costs in order to determine the lease
program's profitability. A well-managed lease program should identify
the profit margin on leases.
Page 10A-48
Leasing The credit union should implement internal controls to mitigate the
Program following problems posed by a leasing program:
0 The credit union bears responsibility for credit risk. Residual value
insurance does not benefit the credit union if a lease becomes
delinquent. The member does not own the vehicle, usually makes
no down payment on it, and therefore, does not have a vested
interest in the vehicle. If the member defaults on payments and if
the credit union repossesses the vehicle, the credit union would
have to dispose of it and bear the depreciation expense. Credit
unions must not view all of the insurance policies associated with
auto lease programs as a substitute for quality underwriting
procedures. Credit unions should take prompt action to limit losses
on leases.
0 Vehicles depreciate rapidly when they are new and gap insurance
may not cover losses due to theft of the vehicle. Members will not
continue paying on a wrecked or stolen vehicle, and the insurance
company probably will not give the credit union book value (per
the credit union's books) for the vehicle.
Page 10A-49
Additional burdens could fall on the credit union if, at the end of
the lease term, members return the vehicles to the credit union. The
credit union must have written agreements for vehicle disposition
at the time of lease termination to reduce the possibility of its
becoming a used auto sales company. It should enter into written
automobile disposal agreements with the residual value insurance
company or local used auto dealers or auctions to reduce the
potential of incurring a loss on the value of the vehicle. If a credit
union uses a CUSO for leasing, this normally becomes the CUSO's
0 The potential for fraud exists in any program. Credit unions should
check with their surety company and determine whether they need
special bond coverage for lease financing.
0 Interest rate risk exists with auto leasing as with any "loan"
portfolio. When analyzing the profitability of a leasing portfolio,
Page 10A-50
the credit union must consider several factors, including the cost of
CUSO service, the cost of insurance (usually included in the fee to
the CUSO), the cost of credit risk, and the opportunity cost of the
money invested.
Balloon Balloon loans are loans with large final payments. The following
Notes inherent risks exist:
The credit union may not contact the borrower frequently enough
to learn of new financial problems of the borrower;
0 The credit union may have liquidity problems due to a lack of cash
Boat Loans Boats come in multiple shapes and sizes with costs ranging from less
than $500 to over $1 million. There are two recognized categories of
Page 10A-51
0 Boats with net displacements over five tons. The U.S. Coast Guard
regulates boats in this category, which generally operate in the
open ocean, Great Lakes, and other large bodies of water (often as
commercial fishing vessels.) Thus, loans for this type of boat may
require business loan documentation. Credit unions should use
caution when granting loans where the payments depend on
income from a commercial fishing venture, since the cash flow is
often seasonal (e.g., the limited Alaskan halibut season.) With the
limited number of prospective buyers, high deficiency balances can
result from defaults.
Many boats in this category have a mass manufactured hull, but the
remainder of the boat is often custom built for an individual buyer.
Equipment and quality of fit and finish vary widely. Before
extending credit on boats in this category, credit unions should
obtain a marine survey and an appraisal, especially important when
the credit union grants a loan on a used vessel. A marine survey is
a detailed report on the boat, its equipment, condition,
seaworthiness, and compliance with Coast Guard fire and safety
Page 10A-52
Page 10A-53
Glossary of Capitalized Cost: the amount financed or the final capitalized cost (cap cost) to the
Auto Leasing
Terms Closed-End Lease: most consumer leases are closed-end leases. In a closed-end
lease, the credit union assumes responsibility for any deficit between the agreed upon
residual value and the vehicle's actual value at the end of the lease. This type of lease
is often referred to as a "walk-away" lease.
Direct Lease: a lease where the credit union becomes the owner of the property at
the request of the member and leases the property to the member.
Excess Mileage: the residual value is based on the leased vehicle having an exact
number of contracted miles over the term of the lease. This mileage criteria is a major
consideration in establishing the residual value. If the lessee anticipates additional
miles at the beginning of the lease, the residual value can be lowered to account for
the usage. If the mileage at lease end exceeds the amount contracted for, the excess
mileage is billed at a predetermined cost per mile.
GAP Insurance: at any time during a loan's life, a payoff can be requested to
determine the balance if paid in full before the scheduled end of the loan. This is
often referred to as the net payoff. When a vehicle is stolen or considered a total
collision loss, the insurance company negotiates a final settlement for the insured. In
many cases, the settlement amount is less than the net payoff leaving a deficiency for
which the borrower is still liable. GAP insurance pays the difference between the net
payoff and the insurance settlement less the insurance deductible, thus eliminating the
loss or deficiency.
Indirect Lease: a lease where the credit union purchases the lease and the leased
property (or is assigned the lease and has a lien on the leased property) after the lease
has been executed between a leasing company and the member.
IRPS 83-3: the NCUA's Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement (IRPS) 83-3
authorizes federal credit unions to become involved in either direct or indirect, and in
either open-end or closed-end financing of leased property. The personal property
financed must secure the loan. All requirements and limitations established in the
Federal Credit Union Act, the NCUA Rules and Regulations (particularly Sections
70 1.21 and 70 1.23), Regulations B and M, and local state laws must be followed.
Lessee: the party who actually uses the vehicle. The credit union member is the
Lessor: the party that enters into the lease with the credit union member. This may be
the credit union, leasing company, or CUSO.
Open-End Lease: in an open-end lease agreement, the credit union member would
take responsibility for any deficit between the agreed upon residual value of the
property and its actual value at the end of the lease. This type of lease would be rare
because the residual value would have to be less than 25 percent of the price of the
vehicle and the member would have to accept this depreciation risk. These factors
would make a lease agreement very unattractive to the member.
Page 1OB-1
Residual Value: the projected future value of the leased vehicle. The value will vary
based on the term of the lease, type of vehicle, and contracted mileage. Residual
value is usually expressed as a percentage of the vehicle’s MSRP (manufacturer’s
suggested retail price).
Glossary of Buy Down Rate: a lower rate than the dealer’s “buy rate.” The dealer will pay the
credit union the difference in the amount of the finance charges between the dealer’s
Indirect buy rate and buy down rate. This provides a lower rate to the dealer’s customer
Dealer (lower payments) allowing the dealer to complete the sale.
Finance Conditional Sales Contract: agreement between the dealer and purchaser describing
Paper (IDFP) the merchandise with add-ons, agreed upon price, etc.
Captive Financiers: General Motors Acceptance Corporation, Toyota Motor Credit,
Ford Motor Credit, etc.
Dealer’s Buy Rate: the loan rate charged the dealer by the credit union. The rate
offered to the dealer is usually between 0.25 and 1.OO percent less than the rate
offered to members (lobby rate).
Dealer’s Invoice: factory invoice describing the vehicle and the amount the dealer
paid for the vehicle.
Dealer’s Reserve: general ledger account balance owed to the dealer. It may
represent an amount that must be retained in the dealer’s reserve under the control of
the credit union to assist in rehnding interest on prepaid contracts, and to offset
losses on contracts for which the dealer is obligated but has not performed.
Holder-in-Due Course: a liability situation created for the lender when the lender
establishes a business relationship (e.g., IDFP) with the seller of a product (dealer).
This area should be addressed in the Dealership Agreement to limit the loss exposure
to the credit union.
Lobby Rate: rate charged members for direct financing with the credit union.
Post Purchase Audit: a detailed review of the paper submitted by the dealer to
ensure the faxed application and sales contract agrees with the final paperwork
submitted by the dealer, and the merchandise, add-ons, and insurances are
appropriately priced. Usually performed for all new dealerships and periodically
through the business relationship.
Page 10B-2
Quality Rating System: any number of loan rating methods designed to determine
the risk assigned to a particular loan. (If the credit union is using some type of quality
rating system, the amount and maturity of the hold back reserve should be adjusted in
relation to the risk involved.)
Rate Differential: difference between the dealer’s buy rate and the rate charged the
customer. The higher the rate the customer will pay the more the dealer’s profit on the
Recourse Agreements: affects the lender’s ultimate collectibility should the loan
become delinquent. There are three types of recourse: 1) under “full recourse” the
dealer must purchase the loan at the credit union’s demand; 2) “limited recourse”
would require the dealer to buy back the loan or repossess the goods if the credit
union fulfills certain obligations; and 3) with “no recourse” (the most common), the
dealer has no obligation on the loan unless fraud or misrepresentation was involved.
Amenity: an aspect of a property that enhances its value, e.g., off-street parking,
availability of good public transportation, tennis courts, or a swimming pool.
Page 10B-3
Assumption: a method of selling real estate wherein the property purchaser agrees to
take over the primary liability for payment of an existing mortgage.
Balloon Mortgage: a mortgage that has level monthly payments that would fully
amortize it over a stated term, but which provides for a balloon payment to be due at
the end of an earlier specified time, e.g., 30-year amortization, with balloon payment
due in five years.
Balloon Payment: the remaining balance of a mortgage that must be paid in a lump
sum at the end of the mortgage term. The amount represents more than a monthly
payment and is generally substantial, e.g., the balloon payment on a $50,000
mortgage with a five-year term and 30-year amortization at 8.75 percent is scheduled
to be $47,800.
Bankruptcy: a proceeding in a federal court in which debtors who owe more than
their assets can relieve the debts by transferring their assets to a trustee. This affects
the borrower's personal liability for a mortgage debt but not the lien of the mortgage.
Biweekly Mortgage: a mortgage that requires payments to reduce the debt every two
Blanket Lien: a lien on more than one parcel or unit of land, frequently incurred by
subdividers or developers who have purchased a single tract of land for the purpose
of dividing it into smaller parcels for sale or development.
Bridge Loan: a temporary loan generally made to borrowers who need financing
between the purchase of a new home and the sale of an old home. Also called a
"swing loan."
Closing: the completion of a real estate transaction that transfers rights of ownership
to the buyer. Also called "settlement."
Closing Costs: money paid by the borrower to enact the closing of a mortgage loan.
This normally includes an origination fee, title insurance, survey, attorney's fees, and
such prepaid items as taxes and insurance escrow payments.
Page 10B-4
Completion Bond: an insurance policy taken out for the lender that assures
completion of the construction project if the builder or contractor cannot complete it.
Condominium: a real estate project where each unit owner has title to a unit, an
undivided interest in the common areas of the project, and sometimes the exclusive
use of certain limited common areas. Fannie Mae does not purchase condominium
projects, but does purchase mortgages on individual units in the project.
Conforming Loan: a loan, the amount of which is less than or equal to the FNMA or
FHLMC maximum loan limit (with the exception of loans securing property in
Alaska or Hawaii which have higher limits).
Covenant: refers to the various conditions (both positive and negative) associated
with business loan and condominium promissory notes that the borrower or lender
must meet during the life of the contract.
Credit Risk the risk that a borrower will default (often associated with mortgage
loans in view of their long-term nature.)
Deed in Lieu: a deed given by a borrower to a lender to satisfy a debt and avoid
Deed of Trust: in some states the document used in place of a mortgage; a type of
security instrument conveying title in trust to a third party covering a particular piece
of property; used to secure the payment of a note; a conveyance of the title land to a
Page 10B-5
trustee as collateral security for the payment of a debt with the condition that the
trustee shall re-convey the title upon the payment of the debt, and with power of the
trustee to sell the land and pay the debt in the event of a default on the part of the
Delinquency Advance: the deposit of a servicer's corporate hnds into its custodial
account to assure that the full monthly remittance due the secondary market will be
available on the remittance due date, even though the servicer has not collected the
actual funds from a delinquent borrower. A servicer may reimburse himself for
delinquency advances from subsequent collections.
Discount: the amount by which the face value of a mortgage exceeds its selling
Discount Point: A percentage (usually one percent) of the loan amount (not the
purchase price) of the property. Discount points paid by the borrower or seller when
a loan is originated in order to increase the lender's actual yield.
Errors and Omissions Coverage: a type of indirect loss insurance used to cover
losses that occur because of error or neglect on the part of an employee to whom a
specific responsibility has been assigned.
Escrow Account: the account holding that portion of the mortgagor's monthly
payment, held by the lender, used for the payment of taxes, hazard insurance,
mortgage insurance, and any other specified items as they become due.
Page 10B-6
Fee Simple: the basic form of ownership, which conveys the largest bundle of
ownership rights, including air rights above and mineral rights below the property.
First Mortgage: a real estate loan that is the first lien against a property. First refers
to the order in time that the lien is filed.
First Right of Refusal: lien that allows a prospective buyer the chance to buy the
property before it goes on the market.
Fixed-rate Mortgage: a mortgage that provides for only one interest rate for the
entire term of the mortgage. If the interest rate changes because of enforcement of the
due-on-sale provision, the mortgage is still considered a fixed-rate mortgage.
Hazard Insurance: insurance coverage that compensates for physical damage to the
property (e.g., by fire, wind, or other natural disasters).
Improvements: those additions to raw land that normally increase its value, e.g.,
buildings, streets, and sewers. Off-site improvements are improvements outside the
boundaries of a property, e.g., sidewalks, curbs and gutters. On-site improvements
include construction of buildings or other improvements within the property's
Page 10B-7
Insured Closing: settlement performed at the title company, not the credit union.
Interest Rate Risk the risk that interest rates could increase or decrease
significantlyfrom the rates on loans held in a loan portfolio.
Junior Lien: any lien that is filed after the claims of the holder of a prior (senior)
Lease: a written agreement between the property owner and tenant that stipulates the
conditions under which the tenant may possess the real estate for a specified period
of time and rent.
Leasehold Estate: a way of holding title to a property wherein the mortgagor does
not actually own the property but rather has recorded a long-term lease on it.
Lien: a legal hold or claim of one person on the property of another as security for a
debt or charge.
Liquidity Risk: the risk of having inadequate cash on hand to meet member needs. A
credit union in this position would be forced to borrow money or sell assets on what
may be unfavorable terms to raise cash.
Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: the relationship between the unpaid principal balance
of the mortgage and the property's appraised value (or the sales price, whichever is
Market Conditions: lending in any area requires a thorough knowledge of the local
market, laws, customs and pricing.
Margin: a fixed-rate added to an index for determining the overall interest rate that
will be charged on adjustable-rate loans. The margin is usually stated in terms of
basis points, such as 100 BP, or as an interest rate, such as one percent.
Monthly Fixed Installment: that portion of the total monthly payment that is
applied toward principal and interest.
Page 10B-8
Negative Amortization: a gradual increase in the mortgage debt that occurs when
the monthly installment is insufficient to cover interest. The interest shortage is added
to the unpaid principal balance to create negative amortization - an increase in the
principal amount owed.
Net Worth: the value of all assets, including cash, less total liabilities; often used to
indicate creditworthiness and financial strength.
Nonconforming Loan: a loan that FNMA or FHLMC will not buy because it
exceeds their maximum loan limits (with the exception of loans securing property in
Alaska or Hawaii which have higher limits.)
Notice of Default: rider attached to title insurance for credit unions in a second lien
position. Requires the first lienholder to notify the second lienholder before
Origination Fees: the fees charged by a lender to prepare loan documents, make
credit checks, inspect, and sometimes to appraise a property. The fees usually are
computed as a percentage of the face value of the loan.
Operating Loan: a current liability. It funds the operations of the businesdfarm for
the cycle or period is due and payable within the operating cycle. Generally, used for
the acquisition and financing of inputs for the production cycle.
Page 10B-9
Planned Unit Development (PUD): a real estate project in which each unit owner
has title to a residential lot and building and a nonexclusive easement on the common
areas of the project. The owner may have an exclusive easement over some parts of
the common areas (e.g., a parking space). Fannie Mae does not purchase PUD
projects but does purchase individual units in such projects.
Quality Control: development of regular loan monitoring that addresses the credit,
collateral, and interest rate risk within a real estate loan portfolio. A system of
safeguards and checkpoints to ensure that all loans are originated, processed,
underwritten, closed, and serviced according to the lender‘s andor secondary
market’s requirements.
Red Lining: making home mortgage loans only in specified areas of towns or
Refinance Transaction: the repayment of a debt from the proceeds of a new loan
using the same property as security. Fannie Mae also considers the current owner’s
placement of financing on a property not financed as a refinance transaction.
Page 10B-10
Second Mortgage: a mortgage that has a lien position subordinate to the first
mortgage because it was recorded later.
Servicing Compensation: the income that a servicer receives for the collection of
payments and management of operational procedures related to a mortgage, e.g., base
servicing fee, plus late fees charged for special services, yield differential
adjustments or excess yield, and, sometimes, a share in prepayment charges.
Servicing Released: sale of a mortgage loan along with the rights to service that loan
when the loan is sold in the secondary market.
Servicing Retained: retention of the rights to service a loan when the loan is sold in
the secondary market.
Subordinate Financing: any mortgage or other lien that has priority lower than that
of the first mortgage.
Subservicer: party under contract to the original lender to perform the on-going
servicing activities for the mortgage or pool. A qualified party acceptable to the
purchaser must service loans sold on the secondary market.
T & I (Taxes and Insurance): that portion of a home buyer's monthly payments to
the lender transferred into an escrow fund to pay property taxes, the homeowner's
insurance premiums, and mortgage insurance, if applicable.
Title Insurance: insures against defects in title that were not listed in the title report
or abstract.
Trade Area: the area, as defined by the credit union's policies, where a stated type of
loan will be considered. The area must be such that the credit union will be able to
perform adequate monitoring of market conditions and of loans granted.
Page 10B-11
Warranty Deed: contains a covenant of warranty whereby the coventor will defend
against the claims of all persons.
Federal PLUS Loans: unsubsidized loans to parents who are assisting their
dependent student. The parent is responsible for the loan repayment. Interest accrues
from the date of origination and is the responsibility of the parent borrower. The
loans have no grace period and repayment begins while the student is still in school.
Grace Period: the period of time between when a student ceases to attend school at
least halftime and when the loan repayment must begin (usually 6 months).
Page 10B-12
Member Credit unions should establish specific ratios to analyze their member business loans.
The following are intended to aid examiners in understanding the information
Business presented during the loan review.
Loan Ratios
0 Acid Test Ratio (or Quick Assets):
Cash + Cash Eauivalents + Accounts Receivable
Current Liabilities
Tests the company's short-term debt paying abilities. Only the current
assets that are readily converted into cash are used. Highlights
potential liquidity problems attributable to an inadequate mix of
current assets.
0 Current Ratio:
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
0 Earnings Yield:
Earnings Per Share
Market Price
Page 1OC-1
Interest Burden:
Interest Expense
Total Assets
Inventory Turnover:
Cost of Goods Sold
Average Inventory
Operating Margin:
Operating Income - Depreciation
Page 1OC-2
0 Receivables Turnover:
Net Credit Sales
Average Net Receivables
Generally, the higher the turnover, the better, as the firm will have
fewer resources tied up in receivables, collects at a faster pace, and
usually will have fewer uncollectible accounts. Receivable turnover is
often divided into the number of days in the business year to show the
average collection period in days. Comparing the company's average
collection period to the days in its typical credit terms gives an
indication of how aggressively the company's credit department
collects overdue accounts.
0 Sales to Cash:
Page 1OC-3
0 Sales to Inventory:
The ability of the company to minimize the level of assets (current and
fixed) to support its level of sales.
Page 1OC-4
Increase (decrease) to receivables
Increase (decrease) to inventory
(Increase) decrease to accounts payable
(Increase) decrease to interest payable
Page 1OC-5
Sample This sample agreement is intendedfor use as a training aid for NCUA examiners
and should not be considered an all inclusive legal document to be shared with,
Dealer copied, or used by any other person or entity in whole or in part.
The XYZ Federal Credit Union (“Credit Union”) agrees to purchase and the
Agreement undersigned Dealer (“Dealer”) agrees to sell, from time to time, loans entered into by
Dealer and Dealer’s customers (“Buyer”), pursuant to the terms of this agreement.
1. All loans offered by Dealer to Credit Union for purchase shall be secured by a
first lien on the vehicles sold by Dealer to Buyer (hereafter the “Collateral”).
2. All loans offered by Dealer to Credit Union for purchase shall be documented by
standard form installment agreement, together with documentation necessary to
perfect a first lien in the Collateral to secure the indebtedness (said documentation
collectively to be known as “Dealer Paper”).
3. Dealer may provide Credit Union with a copy of Buyer’s loan application via
facsimile transmission and obtain an approval of the loan and the terms that are
acceptable to Credit Union, or a disapproval of the loan. In the event Dealer tenders
Dealer Paper relating to a pre-approved application, Credit Union shall use all efforts
to promptly review said Dealer Paper and verify it complies with the terms and
conditions of the pre-approved application, before purchasing said Dealer Paper.
Credit Union is under no obligation to purchase any Dealer Paper which does not
comply with the terms of this Agreement as well as the terms provided by Credit
Union when pre-approving a loan.
5. Dealer shall assign to Credit Union all Dealer Paper purchased by the Credit
Union and shall notify the appropriate authorities (including, but not limited to, the
Department of Transportation) of the assignment of the lien securing the
indebtedness to the Credit Union.
6. Credit Union has the option but not the obligation of purchasing any loan
tendered by Dealer, except Credit Union shall purchase any loan from Dealer that
complies with the terms of a pre-approved application.
Page 10D-1
7. For each loan purchased from Dealer, Credit Union shall promptly pay Dealer
(after receiving all required documentation) the amount of the loan (which may
include the cost of life and/or disability insurance and/or extended warranties sold to
Buyer), together with an incentive fee as set forth on a schedule provided to Dealer
by Credit Union from time to time.
(b) The Dealer Paper is genuine and legally enforceable according to its terms;
(c) No buyer was a minor or incompetent when the Dealer Paper was executed;
(d) All statements contained in the Dealer Paper are true; Dealer has no notice
of any matters not disclosed to Credit Union which might impair the credit of buyers;
the disclosed cash down payment and trade-in were actually received by Dealer;
Dealer has not made and will not make any advance to Buyer; and Dealer has no
agreement with Buyer to separately finance or impose finance charges on Buyer or
defer payment of a portion of the down payment; and
(e) Within ten (10) days of delivery of the vehicle sold to Buyer, Dealer
perfected or will perfect a first security interest in the vehicle, time being of the
essence; and
( f ) The Dealer Paper and the transactions out of which it arose comply with all
applicable laws and regulation; and
(g) Dealer has performed or will perform all of its obligations to Buyer, and no
Buyer has asserted any defense, set-off, or counterclaim to Buyer’s liability under the
Dealer Paper; and
(h) At the time of sale, Dealer had authority to sell the goods to Buyer free of
any security interest or other encumbrance and the goods have been delivered to and
accepted by the Buyer within ten (1 0) days of the date of the Dealer Paper.
9. Dealer shall provide Credit Union with at least one bank reference and
authorizes Credit Union to investigate Dealer’s financial position from time to time
as determined in Credit Union’s sole discretion. Upon request, Dealer agrees to
provide Credit Union with sworn current financial statements.
10. Dealer agrees, with respect to any Dealer Paper sold to Credit Union, that:
(a) If Dealer places insurance on the Collateral or obtains credit life or credit
disability insurance for the Buyer, Dealer shall promptly pay to Buyer any premium
refunds or other amounts it receives regarding such insurance to which the Buyer is
entitled; and
(b) Dealer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Credit Union harmless from any
loss, liability, penalty, claim, damage, or expense claimed or incurred due to any act
or omission or commission of Dealer with respect to the Dealer Paper or the
Collateral (including, but not limited to, violation of any applicable Federal or State
Page 10D-2
law or the breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement) which indemnification
shall include any costs and attorneys’ fees of credit union.
11. Credit Union may, without notice and without impairing Credit Union’s rights
against Dealer, in the name of Dealer or otherwise, take all actions and legal
proceedings deemed advisable by Credit Union with respect to the Dealer Paper or
the Collateral including, without limitation, modifying, extending, or compromising
any terms, discharging or releasing any person liable, or releasing any security;
Credit Union has no duty to perfect any security interest in the Collateral, to enforce
any rights of Dealer, or to preserve rights under this agreement against prior parties.
12. If any warranties or covenants of Dealer shall be false or breached with respect
to certain Dealer Paper, Dealer shall, upon request, repurchase the Dealer Paper from
Credit Union for the full amount unpaid thereon (less credit union’s unearned
interest) plus expenses incurred by Credit Union in endeavoring to collect or enforce
the Dealer Paper. Upon repurchase of the Dealer Paper, Credit Union will assign it to
Dealer without any recourse or warranties whatever.
13. Dealer covenants that it has performed and will continue to perform in a timely
manner all of its obligations to the Buyer, including its obligations which arise by
virtue of the contract and all agreements between the Buyer and Dealer and all
obligations which may arise by operation of law or otherwise. Dealer will advise
Credit Union in writing within ten (10) days if the Buyer notifies Dealer that Buyer
intends to assert any claim or defense against the Credit Union which arises out of the
relationship between Buyer and Dealer. In such case, Dealer shall within thirty (30)
days of receiving notice from the Buyer use its best efforts to resolve the claim to the
mutual satisfaction of the Credit Union and Dealer. If the Credit Union receives
notice from the Buyer of a claim or defense to be asserted against it, the Dealer shall
within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice of the claim from the Credit Union
use its best efforts to resolve the claim to the mutual satisfaction of the Credit Union
and Dealer. In the event Dealer cannot satisfactorily resolve the issue within the 30-
day period, Credit Union may demand Dealer to repurchase the Dealer Paper for said
loan, which Dealer shall purchase. The purchase price shall be the amount of
principal remaining due on said loan, together with any unpaid accrued interest due
as of the date of the sale by Credit Union to Dealer. Said sale shall be without
recourse to Credit Union.
15. Upon execution, this Agreement shall bind the parties and their successors and
assigns. This Agreement shall continue to be in effect for one year unless terminated
by either party upon at least 60 days prior written notice. Unless so terminated, this
Agreement shall automatically renew itself on its anniversary date. Any termination
of this Agreement shall not affect the rights and duties of the parties regarding any
Dealer Paper sold to Credit Union by Dealer prior to the effective date of the
termination of this Agreement.
By: By:
Page 10D-3
Sample This sample agreement is intendedfor use as a training aid for NCUA examiners
and should not be considered an all inclusive legal document to be shared with,
Dealer copied, or used by any otherperson or entity in whole or in part.
AGREEMENT between ABC Credit Union (credit union) and XYZ Rolls Royce Inc.
Agreement (Dealer).
FOR CONSIDERATION, and intending to be legally bound, the Credit Union and
Dealer Agree:
1. Definitions.
(a) “Amount Financed” means the amount financed as stated in a Contract.
(b) “Buy Rate” means the minimum annual interest rate which the Credit Union
is willing to accept from time to time, as determined by the Credit Union in its sole
discretion. The Credit Union shall quote its current Buy Rate to Dealer at any time
upon request.
(e) “Contract” means an installment sale and security agreement evidencing the
sale of Collateral from Dealer to Buyer.
(0 “Contract Interest Rate” means the interest rate specified to apply under a
Contract before default. The Contract Interest Rate shall not exceed maximum rates
quoted by the Credit Union to Dealer from time to time. In no event shall the
Contract Interest Rate exceed the rate allowed by applicable law.
(h) “Reserve” for each Contract means the excess of (i) the total interest
payable in accordance with the terms of the Contract calculated at the Contract
Interest Rate, over (ii) the total interest payable in accordance with the terms of the
Contract calculated at the Buy Rate in effect at the time the Credit Union purchases
the Contract.
2. Purchase. Dealer will from time to time offer to sell Paper to the Credit Union
under the terms of this Agreement. The Credit Union may refuse to purchase any
Paper offered by Dealer.
3. Purchase Price. The purchase price for a Contract shall be the Amount Financed
stated in the Contract plus the Reserve for the Contract. If Contract is prepaid before
scheduled full term, the Credit Union shall have the right to keep or be compensated
for part of the Reserve, as provided in paragraph 5 .
4. Reserve. At the time of each purchase of a Contract, the Credit Union shall
compute the Reserve for the Contract and deposit the amount of the Reserve, together
with the Amount Financed, into the Dealer’s share draft account. Dealer agrees to
make an initial minimum deposit into an interest bearing share savings account.
Dealer may withdraw from the share savings account from time to time, but not
below a minimum balance determined by the Credit Union taking into account the
volume of the Credit Union’s purchases of Paper from Dealer and the Credit Union’s
experience with that Paper. The initial minimum balance required is $500. Dealer
grants the Credit Union a security interest and lien in any credit balance in that
Page 10D-4
account or in any other money or subsequently owed Dealer by the Credit Union. In
addition to all other remedies, the Credit Union may at any time, without notice or
demand, set off against any such credit balance or other money owed the Credit
Union by Dealer. Upon full payment or other liquidation of all Paper purchased by
the Credit Union from Dealer, and Dealer’s full payment of all amounts owed the
Credit Union, the Credit Union shall pay the balance of the account to Dealer.
6. Term: Additional Terms. Upon the Credit Union’s acceptance, this document
shall constitute an agreement between parties which shall inure to and bind the
parties, successors and assigns. It shall continue in effect until terminated by either
party upon at least 60 days prior written notice to the other. In addition, the Credit
Union may terminate this agreement immediately upon notice to Dealer if Dealer
defaults or becomes the subject of bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings.
Termination shall not effect the respective rights and obligations of the parties as to
Paper purchased prior to the effective date of termination. Waiver of any default shall
not constitute a waiver of any other default. This agreement shall be construed
according to the laws of the State of
7. Notice. Any notices given in connection with this agreement shall be in writing
and shall be either personally delivered or mailed in the first class United States mail,
postage prepaid, addressed to the last known address of the recipient. Notice by mail
shall be effective one day after such mailing.
Page 10D-5
(Authorized Signature and Title)
(Street Address)
Dealer's personnel authorized to sign Contracts and drafts in connection with this
agreement are:
Accepted 3 19-
Page 10D-6
Real Estate 0 Loan Application
Loans - 0 Contract of Sale
General 0 Verification of Employment
0 Verification of Deposits
0 Residential Mortgage Credit Report
0 Uniform Residential Appraisals Report
- Property Survey
- Zoning Requirements
Flood Insurance StatementICoverage
Debt Ratio Computation Page
Title Insurance
Title BindedTitle Policy
FNMAEHLMC Mortgage or Deed of Trust
Private Mortgage Insurance, if applicable
RESPA Settlement Statement
Current Hazard Insurance
Notice of Recision, if nonpurchase mortgage on residence
Termite Inspection, if applicable
General Home Inspection, if applicable
Radon Inspection, if applicable
Adjustable RateNariable Rate Rider
Loan to Value Ratio Computation
Verification of the Balance of the First Trust Deed
Other Documents, as necessary
Page 10E-1
Unimproved Agreement that Improvements Cannot be Made to the Property without Credit
Property Union Consent
Page 10E-2
Chapter 11
Associated Compliance risk - Includes the risk that the credit union does not
Risks present ALLL in compliance with the laws and regulations.
Transaction risk - Includes the risk that internal controls do not
sufficiently deter or detect errors, omissions or material
0 Reputation risk - Includes the risk that management did not meet
its fiduciary duty to properly reserve for probable existing losses,
resulting in poor publicity or administrative action.
Page 11-1
Layering: The inappropriate practice of recording in the ALLL more than one
amount for the same probable loan loss. Layering can happen when a credit
union includes a loan in one segment, determines its best estimate of loss for that
loan either individually or on a group basis (after taking into account all
appropriate environmental factors, conditions, and events), and then includes the
loan in another group, which receives an additional ALLL amount.
Documenting The examiner should ensure the credit union has appropriate
the ALLL documentation to support the ALLL process and reported amounts.
The credit union should document the relationships between the results
of the credit union’s detailed review of the loan portfolio, the amount
of the ALLL, and the provision for loan and lease losses reported in
each period. Examiners should review the supporting documentation
over the following decisions, strategies, and processes:
Page 11-2
Application of GAAP,
Policies and procedures,
0 Methodology,
Summarizing components and consolidating the loss estimates
forming the amount required in the ALLL, and
0 Validating the ALLL methodology.
Two GAAP rules primarily govern valuation of the ALLL. One covers
large balance non-homogeneous loans (FAS 114), usually business and
agriculture loans. The other rule deals with groups of homogeneous
pools of loans (FAS 5) such as credit card, residential mortgage and
consumer installment loans. The following further details those rules:
Page 11-3
Examiners should ensure credit unions do not layer their loan loss
allowances. Layering occurs when the credit union inappropriately
records in the ALLL more than one amount for the same probable loan
loss. It can happen when a credit union includes a loan in one segment,
determines its best estimate of loss for that loan either individually or
in a pool, and then includes the loan in another pool, which receives an
additional ALLL amount.
Policies and The ALLL process requires a wide range of policies, procedures, and
Procedures control systems. Credit unions should tailor their policies to the size
and complexity of the credit union and its loan portfolio.
~ ~~
Page 11-4
The credit union’s accounting policies for loans and loan losses,
including the policies for charge-offs, recoveries, and estimating
the fair value of collateral (if any);
Page 11-5
Consider all known relevant internal and external factors that may
affect loan collectibility;
Page 11-6
Documenting A credit union’s written policies and procedures should describe the
ALLL primary elements of its ALLL methodology, including portfolio
Methodology segmentation and impairment measurement. Effective policies and
procedures should describe the methodology:
Page 11-7
The credit union may integrate supporting documents for the ALLL in
its credit files, loan review reports or worksheets, board of directors
and committee meeting minutes, computer reports, or other appropriate
documents and files.
Page 11-8
0 The board should review and approve the ALLL and provision for
loan and lease losses reported each period;
The board should periodically validate and, when necessary, revise
the methodology to ensure it remains appropriate for the credit
0 The supervisory committee should oversee and monitor the internal
controls over the ALLL determination process;
0 The officials should adjust the allowance for loan and lease losses
through current earnings in accordance with GAAP; and
The officials should understand that they must meet the full and
fair disclosure requirements in 5702.402 of NCUA Rules and
Regulations before distributing dividends.
Allowance for In applying its ALLL methodology for business and agriculture loans,
Individual the credit union begins with its normal loan review procedures to
Impairment Of identify whether impairment of a loan exists. The credit union must
Large Balance,
document its method for identifying and analyzing impaired loans and
Homogeneous must retain that documentation. The analysis must include the
Loans (FAS 114) determination of which of the following measurement methods it
Page 11-9
I Illustration 11-A
Allowance for When evaluating loans on a pool basis under GAAP, management
SmallBalance should segment the loan portfolio by identifjing risk characteristics
Homogeneous common to various pools of loans. Credit unions typically decide how
pOO's Of Loans
to segment their loan portfolios based on many factors, which vary
(FAS 5)
with their business strategies as well as their information system
capabilities. Credit unions typically segment their portfolios as
Page 11-10
adjustments to the way in which they segment their loan portfolio for
purposes of estimating loan losses.
Illustration 11-B
Estimating Loss After segmenting the portfolio and using a systematic and consistently
on Pools of applied approach to select the most appropriate loss measurement
Loans methods, a credit union should estimate the required ALLL for each
segment (pool.) For those segments that require an ALLL, the credit
Page 11-11
d w
union should estimate the loan and lease losses, each dividend period,
based on its ongoing loan review process and loan performance
One method of estimating loan and lease losses for pools of loans is by
applying loss rates to the pools' aggregate loan balances. Such loss
rates typically reflect historical loan loss experience for each pool of
loans, adjusted for relevant environmental factors (e.g., industry,
geographical, economic, and political factors) over a defined period of
If a credit union does not have loss experience of its own, it may
reference the loss experience of other credit unions. To do so, it must
demonstrate similarity between the attributes of the loans in its
portfolio to those of the loans included in the portfolio of the credit
union providing the loss experience.
A credit union develops a factor to adjust loss rates for its assessment of the impact
of changes in the local economy. For example, when analyzing the loss rate on
business real estate loans, the assessment identifies changes in recent commercial
building occupancy rates. The credit union generally finds the occupancy statistics to
be a good indicator of probable losses on these types of loans. The credit union
maintains documentation that summarizes the relationship between current
occupancy rates and its loss experience.
I Illustration 11-C
Page 11-12
Page 11-13
Generally, a credit union’s review and approval process for the ALLL
relies upon the data provided in these consolidated summaries.
However, instances may exist whereby individuals or committees that
review the ALLL methodology and allowance balance identifl needed
adjustments to provide a better estimate of loan losses. These changes
may result from information not known at the time of the initial loss
Page 11-14
Page 11-15
Workpapers 0 Workpapers
and - ALLL
References - Loan Analysis
- Query Report Loans Impaired
- Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Classification
- Allowance Summary
0 References
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
3 702.402 -- Full and Fair Disclosure
Page 11-16
Measuring Facts: Approximately one-third of Credit Union A’s business loan
and portfolio consists of large balance, non-homogeneous loans. Due to
Documenting their large individual balances, these loans meet the criteria under
Impairment Credit Union A’s policies and procedures for individual review for
Under FAS impairment under FAS 114. Upon review of the large balance loans,
114 Credit Union A determines that certain of the loans are impaired as
defined by FAS 114.
Question: For the business loans reviewed under FAS 114 that are
individually impaired, how should Credit Union A measure and
document the impairment on those loans? Can it use an impairment
measurement method other than the methods allowed by FAS 114?
Page 11A-1
Page llA-2
Fully Facts: Credit Union C has $500,000 in business loans that are fully
Collateralized collateralized by purchased business equipment. The loan agreement
Loans Under for each of these loans requires the borrower to provide qualifying
FAS 114 collateral sufficient to fully secure each loan. The member borrowers
have physical control of the collateral. Credit Union C perfected its
security interest in the collateral when the funds were originally
distributed. On an annual basis, Credit Union C determines the
market value of the collateral for each loan using two independent
market quotes and compares the collateral value to the loan carrying
value. Semiannually, or more frequently as needed, Credit Union C
physically inspects the equipment. If there are any collateral
deficiencies, Credit Union C notifies the borrower and requests that
the borrower immediately remedy the deficiency. Due in part to its
efficient operation, Credit Union C has historically not incurred any
material losses on these loans. Credit Union C believes these loans
are fully collateralized and therefore does not maintain any ALLL
reserve for these loans ~
Page 11A-3
Adjusting Facts: Credit Union D’s field of membership (lending area) includes
Loss Rates a metropolitan area that is financially dependent upon the
Under FAS 5 profitability of a number of sponsor manufacturing businesses. These
businesses use highly specialized equipment and significant quantities
of rare metals in the manufacturing process. Due to increased low-
cost foreign competition, several of the parts suppliers servicing
these sponsor manufacturing firms declared bankruptcy. The foreign
suppliers have subsequently increased prices and the sponsor
Page llA-4
Question: How should Credit Union D document its support for the
loss rate adjustments that result from considering these
manufacturing firms’ financial downturns?
Page l l A - 5
Page llA-7
Page llA-8
Chapter 12
Examination Determine adequacy of the credit union’s investment policy,
Objectives procedures, and internal controls
Assess legality of investments and compliance with related
regulations, accounting procedures, and other guidelines
0 Evaluate suitability of the investment portfolio in relation to the
credit union’s business plan, asset-liability management (ALM)
strategies, liquidity, and net worth position
Determine fair value of the investment portfolio and the effect of
realized or potential losses from investment transactions on the
credit union’s earnings and capital position
0 Review correction of investment-related problems by management
Associated The investment area affects all seven risks found in credit union
Risks operations - credit, interest rate, liquidity, transaction, compliance,
strategic, and reputation. (The Risk-Focused Program chapter contains
a description of the seven risks faced by credit unions.) This chapter
specifically addresses credit, interest rate, liquidity, transaction,
compliance, and other operational risks; however, if credit unions
suffer significant losses due to investment decisions, the credit union
could also face reputation risk. Examiner’s judgment plays an
important role in identifying both the type and extent of risks as well
as deciding on appropriate examination procedures.
Page 12-1
Examiners record the extent of the investment analysis (if they perform
such an analysis) in the Scope Workbook. They should also complete
applicable investment questionnaires or reports.
Examiner The key investment references for this chapter are NCUA Rules and
Resources Regulations 8703, IRPS 98-02, and related Guidance Papers. Other
resources that may assist examiners in their analysis of complex
investment portfolios include:
Policies The board of directors must (1) adopt a written investment policy
consistent with the Federal Credit Union Act, N U J A Rules and
Regulations, and other applicable laws; and (2) review and update the
investment policy at least annually. A monitoring and reporting
program helps ensure the credit union’s investment process adheres to
the written policy. If the investment review discloses exceptions to
sound investment policies or procedures, the examiner will
recommend appropriate changes to resolve the concerns.
Page 12-2
The credit union’s size and asset mix determine the scope of the
investment policy. At a minimum, the policy must address the
Page 12-3
Page 12-4
0 Credit risk. Credit risk is the possible loss that could occur if the
issuer of an investment defaults or if the market value of an
investment declines because the market perceives an increased
probability of default. Credit risk appears most often in uninsured
deposits with other (correspondent) financial institutions (e.g., Fed
Funds sold.)
Page 12-5
Page 12-7
Page 12-8
During the review of the board and the executive committee minutes,
examiners should determine that the board fulfills its responsibilities
and that any individual to whom the board has delegated its authority
submits the proper reports. Board minutes should clearly outline to
whom the board has delegated authority and the extent of that
authority. Examiners should review such delegations during each
Page 12-9
Page 12-10
Page 12-11
For each firm with which the credit union does or plans to do
business, the board should specifically request and obtain a written
response confirming or denying if the SEC, the National
Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), or a state securities
regulator has sanctioned either the firm or its salespeople in the last
five years. The board should perform the same due diligence on
each salesperson and confirm the responses with the SEC or
NASD (www.nasdr.com) and the applicable state securities
regulator. The credit union should obtain a broker-dealer
registration statement from NASD before doing business with any
Page 12-12
Page 12-13
Safekeeping The credit union should have a procedure to ensure safekeeping of its
investments, as well as a board-approved list of safekeeping facilities.
Examiners should emphasize to the officials the importance of
safekeeping investments off the credit union's premises and enforcing
necessary internal controls to minimize the possibility of loss.
Investment losses can materially affect the credit union's financial
Page 12-14
The credit union must retain a written custodial agreement with third
parties that act to safekeep the credit union’s investments (5703.60.)
As custodians, these third-party institutions safekeep the credit union’s
securities and will deliver them only after receiving the credit union’s
There are two situations that do not require a custodial agreement: (1)
investments that the credit union holds (possesses) in physical form
(most issuers now issue securities in book-entry form only) and (2)
book-entry investments recorded directly in the credit union’s name
through the Federal Reserve Book-Entry System. However, most
credit unions use a custodian to hold their investments recorded in the
custodian’s name through the Federal Reserve Book-Entry System.
Book-entry investments may include Treasury and Agency securities,
as well as mortgage derivative products such as agency CMOS,
Finally, as with other book-entry or physical securities, professional
third-party control minimizes the possibility of loss.
Page 12-15
Credit unions should ensure that at least two people approve the
transfer of any of its investments. Both delivery versus payment (DVP)
transactions and free deliveries (i.e., a transfer of a security without
payment) require this dual control measure. Two common uses for free
delivery include (1) transfer of securities from a primary custodian to a
third-party custodian in a tri-party repurchase agreement and (2)
transfer of securities from an old to a new custodian.
Page 12-16
Regardless of the methods the credit union uses to control its evidence
of beneficial ownership of investments or physical investment
documents, the credit union must have procedures in place to
periodically inspect and reconcile the actual documents, statements,
and safekeeping receipts to its records. When the credit union is the
beneficial owner of securities held by a custodian, the credit union’s
name does not appear on the book-entry system or on a physical
security. Thus, the credit union must verify records received from the
safekeeper with the credit union’s own records ($703.60.)
The credit union must require the selling broker to settle investment
transactions delivery versus payment (DVP.) DVP (also termed “cash
on delivery” and “delivery against cash”) provides for the
simultaneous transfer of funds and securities, ensuring that the credit
union (or its custodial agent) possesses either the securities or funds.
Records While all credit unions must maintain adequate investment records, the
sophistication of these records will depend on the level of activity and
the types of investments involved. For example, a credit union that
invests only in a common trust fund account could maintain this
account without a subsidiary ledger. However, credit unions that do
substantial investment activity or have a substantial portion of their
assets in investments should maintain adequate subsidiary ledgers.
Page 12-17
The credit union should also retain and have available for verification
the original investment confirmations. The examiner should determine
that the credit union maintains current, in balance subsidiary ledgers
that provide sufficient information for managing the investment
Investment Quotes on securities may show both a bid and an ask quote. To
Val uation determine a security's fair value, examiners should apply the bid quote
to the current par value or face value of the security. After determining
the fair value, examiners use the book value to compute market
appreciation or depreciation.
Example: A credit union owns a U.S. Treasury Bond with a face value of
$1,000,000 and a book value of $898,000. The bid is 91.125. Therefore, the fair
value of the security is $91 1,250 ($1,000,000 x .91125.) The market
appreciation or depreciation is: $91 1,250 fair value minus $898,000 book value
equals $1 3,250 appreciation.
Page 12-18
Bond Basics A security called a bond represents a debt obligation of the issuer. The
issuer will pay principal and interest to the investor according to the
terms of the bond. A Treasury note is a U.S. Government debt
obligation with an original maturity of 10 years or less. A Treasury
bond has an original maturity greater than 10 years. Debt obligations
of the issuer generally refer to note and bond obligations. Credit
unions often use the terms “notes” and “bonds” interchangeably
when discussing investments.
Page 12-19
Principal The issuer must pay to the investor the principal of a bond, also called
the par or face amount. Bonds may have the following characteristics:
Coupon Rate The borrower periodically pays the coupon rate or the stated rate of
interest on a bond. The bond may have the following interest rate
Page 12-20
of the bond. The formula for a floating rate bond should specify the
interest rate index and any margin.
Day Count Calculating a coupon payment amount from a coupon rate requires
Basis knowledge of the day count basis of a bond. The day count basis
defines the method of counting the days in a month and in a year for
the coupon period. The notation to express a day count basis is (days
in month)/(days in year.) Following are the four fundamental day
counts used for domestic investments:
Accrued Accrued interest is the amount of interest that has accrued on a bond
Interest from the prior coupon payment date (or from issuance for most newly
issued securities) to the accounting statement date or settlement date.
Buyers must pay to sellers any accrued interest, or fraction of the
amount payable on the security’s next coupon payment date. The
Page 12-21
Dollar price per $100 par. Bond quotes typically reflect a dollar
price per $100 of principal, without accrued interest. A "clean
price" does not include accrued interest. For example, a $250,000
Agency note quoted at a price of 102 would cost $255,000
($250,000 x 102/100) plus accrued interest. However, a $250,000
original face MBS at a price of 102 with a factor of 0.80000000
would cost $204,000 ($250,000 x 0.80000000 = $200,000
remaining face; $200,000 x 102/100 = $204,000 cost) plus accrued
interest. Coupon bearing securities typically do not use the dirty
price quotes (equal to the clean price plus accrued interest.)
Page 12-22
Page 12-23
Page 12-24
Treasury 5703.1 1O(d) prohibits the purchase of a zero coupon investment with a
Zeros or maturity date more than 10 years from the settlement date, unless the
STRIPS credit union is exempt under the Reg Flex provisions of Part 742.
Treasury prices a zero-coupon or “ stripped” security at a discount to
face value before maturity. A “corpus strip” reflects a claim to the
principal portion of a Treasury security, as contrasted with a stripped
coupon’s claim to an interest payment.
Page 12-25
Federal In the bond market, the term “federal agency securities” generally
Agency applies to two different types of securities: (1) a security issued by a
Securities Government corporation (wholly or partially owned by the
Government), usually with an unconditional guarantee of the U.S.
Government; and (2) a security issued by a government sponsored
enterprise (GSE), often explicitly guaranteed only by the issuer.
Page 12-26
Page 12-27
Page 12-28
Page 12-29
#2 Credit union wants to loan money, charge points and fees, and "service" the
debt. If the credit union does not wish to assume the reduced liquidity or increased
IRR associated with mortgage lending, it structures the loan to qualify for the
secondary market. The credit union then has the option of selling the loan
immediately or at a later date, thus enabling it to make additional loans.
Illustration 12-A
Page 12-30
The credit union should ensure that participation certificates and other
secondary participations meet the requirements of 0107(7)(E) or
9 107(7)(F) of the FCUAct, and that no obstructions exist that might
invalidate the federal guarantee.
Page 12-31
Page 12-32
If a custodian's statement does not provide the current par value of the
security, the examiner may compute the balance as follows:
Obtain the original par value of the security fi-om the trade sheet (if
available) or fiom the subsidiary ledgers;
0 Obtain the GNMA pool factor. (The pool factor represents the
percentage of principal still outstanding.);
0 Verify the computed value against the figures in the credit union's
However, the lack of an active secondary market for these loans limits
their marketability, making them more suitable as a long-term
Page 12-33
Zero Coupon As with Treasury securities, which can be stripped into zero coupon
Bonds securities, agencies (e.g., TVA) and other financial institutions can
offer zero coupon debt obligations.
Page 12-34
Examiners should determine that the credit union properly records the
zero coupon securities. Management determines the present value of
the single cash flow using the purchase interest rate, typically a bond-
equivalent yield. Accounting for these securities requires accreting the
discount using the interest method (also termed scientific or level
yield.) Unlike the straight-line method, the interest method results in a
lesser amount of income earned in early periods than in later periods.
Page 12-35
Carry them at amortized cost if the credit union has both the intent
and the ability to hold the SMBS to maturity. Amortized cost is
original cost (present value of future cash flows) systematically
adjusted to the amount that the credit union expects to realize
through the maturity date;
Use the interest method of amortization or accretion to record
interest income over the life of the investment unless the straight-
line method results in a materially equivalent amount;
Retain a copy of the prospectus; and
Provide reports and analysis documenting the reduction in risk at
the time of purchase (since credit unions may only hold SMBS to
reduce IRR) and periodically thereafter.
Before January 1, 1998 but after December I , 1991 NCUA’s Rules and
Regulations permitted credit unions to purchase SMBS solely for reducing IRR.
The potential for increased certainty of cash flow patterns, faster return
of principal over the mortgage pass-through type securities, and
attractive yields have made CMOs popular investments. If their
structure sufficiently protects them from prepayment and extension
risk, CMOs can appropriately enhance yield for a credit union that
Page 12-37
Page 12-39
Page 12-40
IRPS 98-02 Examiners should ensure that credit union officials understand the
sound principles and practices provided by IRPS-98-02, which
recommends that credit unions having material positions in complex
securities such as CMOs perform reasonable analysis both at time of
purchase and periodically thereafter. After October 1, 1998, credit
unions need not obtain the FFIEC high-risk securities test (HRST) for
CMOs and real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs) in
natural person credit unions.
Page 12-41
0 The average life sensitivity test - tests the average life of the
security, assuming an immediate shift in the yield curve of plus
300 basis points, and a decline on the downside (-300 basis points);
0 The average life test - reviews the CMO's expected average life for
base case exposure; and
0 The price sensitivity test - tests the estimated change in the CMO's
price due to an immediate and sustained parallel shift in the yield
curve of plus or minus 300 basis points.
Page 12-42
Page 12-43
Officials should demonstrate the CMO’s suitability for the credit union
from an ALM standpoint. While the CMO may be legal, its anticipated
cash flow patterns or potential maturity in relationship to the share
structure may render it unsuitable for the credit union. For example, a
credit union investing a significant portion of its assets in CMO
tranches with long average lives could raise safety and soundness
concerns if its share base is short-term.
0 The credit union cannot get analysis information and the CMO
could substantially affect the credit union’s financial health.
Divestiture of Responsibility for assessing balance sheet risk lies with the credit
Securities union officials. If the examiner’s analysis determines the credit union
has a significant position in high-risk securities (e.g., CMOs, REMICs,
or other complex securities that have excessive risk) or inconsistency
with the credit union’s investment, liquidity or asset-liability policies,
the examiner may review management’s analysis and determine
whether the credit union can manage the risk of holding the high-risk
CMOs or complex securities.
Page 12-44
0 The effect that either holding or selling the high-risk bonds will
have on earnings, liquidity and net worth in different interest rate
Page 12-45
Residual A federal credit union may not purchase a residual interest in a CMO
Interests or REMIC. Management should provide reports and data to the
examiner and the board on how it proposes to reduce IRR.
Fair Values The credit union must determine the fair values of the securities at
least monthly, in accordance with $703.90, unless the credit union is
exempt under the RegFlex provisions of Part 742.
Investment in $ 107( 1 5)(A) of the FCU Act permits credit unions to purchase certain
Mortgage mortgage loans. A federal credit union may make these investments
Notes only if it has an ongoing program of making real estate-secured loans
and needs comparable loans to complete the packaging of a pool of
loans for sale or pledge on the secondary market (see $701.23.)
Examiners may also refer to NCUA Letter to Credit Unions, No. 96,
dated March 1988.
The net asset value (NAV) represents the value of a share in a mutual
fund. The financial sections of a number of local newspapers, the Wall
Street Journal, or online services report NAVs for mutual fund shares.
Money market funds typically maintain a stable NAV of $1 per share.
Page 12-46
Each dividend period, the credit union must adjust its investment in
mutual funds and common trusts to fair value. Credit unions must
classify mutual funds having readily determinable fair values as either
trading (if purchased with the intent of sale in the near term) or
available-for-sale (if other than trading.) They cannot classify mutual
funds as held-to-maturity (amortized cost) and should not carry mutual
funds at the lower of cost or market, but at fair value, adjusted through
income (if trading) or through equity (if available-for-sale.)
Page 12-47
Page 12-48
example, several of the mutual fund net asset values may move
inversely to market interest rate changes or may significantly lag the
market. Credit unions with short-term and highly interest rate-sensitive
share bases may find investments in mutual funds inappropriate.
Fees Examiners should watch for marketing techniques that do not give a
complete and accurate picture of a mutual fund. Even though the SEC
requires certain disclosures, a credit union may incur significant costs
to obtain, maintain, or divest an investment in a fund:
Credit unions may incur front-end and back-end load fees, which
are, in essence, sales commissions. The credit union must pay
front-end load fees at the time of purchase. It pays back-end load
fees if it redeems shares before holding periods specified in the
0 Credit unions may incur management and 'I 12(b)-1 fees (back-end
fees), which the mutual fund assesses shareholders for some of the
promotional expenses. The mutual fund must specifically register
the fee with the SEC and must disclose the levying of such
charges. Such fees can reduce the actual return by 100 basis points
or more.
The examiner should determine the credit union properly reduces its
investment balance and records interest income in a manner similar to
Page 12-49
cusos NCUA Rules and Regulations 5712.2 specifies that a federal credit
union may invest in shares, stocks or obligations of credit union
service organizations (CUSOs) in amounts not exceeding, in the
aggregate, one percent of the credit union’s paid-in and unimpaired
capital and surplus (total of all shares and undivided earnings plus net
income or minus net losses to date) as of its last calendar year-end
financial report. The same section authorizes credit unions to make
loans to CUSOs in amounts not exceeding, in the aggregate, one
percent of its paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus as of its last
year-end financial report.
Federal Federal funds are the excess reserves one bank has available to lend to
Funds another bank enabling it to meet its cash reserve requirements. Federal
funds usually have a maturity of only One business day, although credit
unions may negotiate term federal funds for a longer period. The
federal funds rate represents the rate that the lending banks charge the
borrowing banks for the use of the funds.
Page 12-50
Credit Risk Federal funds are not insured; therefore, the credit union must review
the bank's financial condition and set appropriate policy limits. The
policy must address how the credit union will manage the credit risk of
federal funds sold. (See §703.30(e)).
The examiner should pay particular attention to the method the credit
union uses to transfer funds and record funds' transfers, especially the
related income or expense. The examiner should review internal
control procedures for placing funds, recording transactions, and
reconciling transactions to the confirmation or statement.
Corporate credit unions offer daily balance share accounts that earn
dividends comparable to market rates offered by other financial
Page 12-51
Page 12-52
Other Credit 3 107(7)(H) of the FCU Act authorizes credit unions to invest in shares,
Unions deposits and certificates of federally insured credit unions. As with
other institutional accounts, the examiner may find it necessary to
review the credit union's process for evaluating the credit risk
associated with such investments.
Other Shares, @107(7)(D) and 107(8) of the FCUAct authorize credit unions to
Deposits, and invest in shares, deposits, and certificates in financial institutions other
Certificates than credit unions.
Thrift Shares Credit unions may invest in passbooks, certificates, or book entry
and Bank confirmation receipts issued by federally insured thrifts, building and
Deposits loan associations, and banks (and non-federally insured banks located
in the state in which the credit union does business.) Credit unions
must retain documentation of these investments.
$703.30 gives the board responsibility for determining the amount and
the specific institutions in which a credit union may invest. If the credit
union invests over the insured limit, the board should specify limits on
the amounts the credit union may invest with each institution.
Management often supports the limits with a credit evaluation that
identifies specific financial criteria, such as capital requirements and
earnings trends. Credit unions with large CD portfolios should obtain
the institution's docket number (FDIC's equivalent to NCUA's charter
number) to determine compliance with the credit union's exposure
limit at each institution. FDIC's website (www.fdic.gov) can provide
the docket number.
Page 12-53
Page 12-54
Page 12-55
Deposit Notes Credit unions may invest in deposit note issues by a §107(8) institution
(e.g., a national bank.) Deposit notes are unsecured obligations of
0107(8) institutions. Federal deposit insurance (to $100,000) covers a
deposit note if the following exist:
Bank Notes A bank note is an unsecured and uninsured obligation of the issuing
bank. Credit unions may invest in bank notes issued by 9 107(8)
institutions with maturities less than five years. (NCUA’s Office of
General Counsel has deemed them permissible as deposits under
Regulation D.) However, credit unions may not invest in debt
obligations of a bank holding company.
The credit union should closely review and document the financial
status of the issuer of any bank note and any deposit note with an
uninsured portion. As with CDs, a broker-dealer may invest a pool of
funds in a 0107(8) institution’s deposit note. The risks previously
specified for CD pooling apply equally to deposit notes.
Page 12-56
Bankers' Federal deposit insurance does not cover time drafts drawn on a bank
Acceptances called bankers' acceptances. $703.100 authorizes investments in
bankers' acceptances issued by $ 107(8) institutions. Bankers'
acceptances represent irrevocable obligations of the bank that arise in a
variety of ways, but generally, corporate customers of the bank use
them initially to "pay" for goods and services. Often, recipients of
banker's acceptances discount and trade them as money market
Page 12-57
State and Credit unions may invest in state and municipal securities authorized
Municipal in 0107(7)(k) of the FCU Act. Most municipal (muni) bonds receive a
Obiigations credit rating fiom a rating service (a nationally recognized statistical
rating organization.) NCUA Rules and Regulations 5703.1OO(f)
permits investment only in those muni bonds rated in the top four
ratings categories (e.g., BBB, A, AA, or AAA.) When evaluating
credit risk, examiners should review bond ratings assigned to munis in
the portfolio. Further, 0 107(7)(k) limits obligations of any one issuer,
except general obligations of the issuer, to no greater than 10 percent
of the credit union's unimpaired capital and surplus. This means
revenue bonds, even when insured, are subject to the percent limit.
Page 12-58
0 The credit union has entered into signed contracts with all
approved counter parties.
The examiner may review the credit union’s file to determine that it
contains a written custodial agreement as well as copies of the
safekeeping receipts. The Federal Reserve Book Entry System could
record the credit union as the owner of the security. As with physical
securities, third-party control further minimizes custodial risks.
Page 12-59
Short Sale A short sale is a forward commitment to sell a security that the seller
does not own. Short sales sellers speculate that market prices will
decline before the settlement date. Thus, they can purchase a less
expensive security to meet the commitment to sell and realize a gain.
If, however, the market price increases, the seller incurs a loss in
meeting the commitment. 5703.1 10 prohibits a federal credit union
from engaging in short sales.
Page 12-60
Credit unions may use funds generated by a reverse rep0 to (1) meet
liquidity needs, such as share or loan demands, or (2) purchase other
securities with a yield higher than the borrowing rate of the reverse
rep0 (often called a spread trade or “arbitrage.”) When engaging in the
latter, the credit union must comply with statutory limitations. Any
security purchased with the funds obtained from the transaction or the
securities collateralizing the transaction must have a maturity date not
later than the maturity date for the reverse rep0 transaction and be
permissible investments under Part 703. A reverse rep0 transaction is a
borrowing transaction subject to the aggregate borrowing limit of 50
percent of a credit union’s unimpaired capital and surplus specified in
0107(9) of the FCU Act.
Example: A credit union owns a $1,000,000 Treasury security with a
7 percent coupon rate, valued at par. The credit union enters into a
reverse repo, borrowing $1 million, collateralized by the Treasury
security, at 5.5 percent for 90 days. The credit union also purchases a
90-day time certificate paying 6.0 percent, also maturing in 90 days.
Thus, the credit union earns a 0.5 percent spread (the difference
between the cost of the funds borrowed, 5.5 percent, and the income
earned, 6.0 percent.)
Page 12-61
the funds, the examiner should determine if the credit union actually
realizes a positive earnings spread.
The credit union must retain signed contracts with all approved
counter parties. Examiners should encourage master contracts (i.e.,
The Bond Market Association (formerly called PSA) Agreements)
covering the dates and responsibilities of each party. Confirmations
under the master contract constitute evidence of individual reverse
rep0 transactions. A trade sheet, rather than written agreements
between a broker and the credit union, does not constitute acceptable
The credit union must properly record reverse repos, the income
applicable to the related investment, and the interest on the notes
payable. GAAP provides guidance on the proper accounting treatment
for repurchase transactions (SFAS No. 125 and 140.)
Page 12-62
Page 12-63
Impermis- The examiner may find that a credit union has investments not
sible or permitted by statutes or regulations. Examples include investments in
Unsuitable commercial paper, a stock-based mutual fund, or loans to other credit
Investments unions in excess of the legal limit. The credit union should liquidate
the investments as soon as possible. If the divestiture most likely will
result in a material loss, the examiner should consider the investment's
maturity and safety, as well as its effect on the credit union's financial
condition. When examiners find impermissible investments, they
should contact their supervisory examiner. Credit unions must also
notify the surety company of the illegal investment.
In most cases, the examiner and officials can resolve the problem
during the examination. If not, the examiner should address it with the
officials and, if material, in the examination report. Examiners should
reserve administrative action only for extreme cases where other
supervisory efforts fail.
Page 12-64
If the examiner determines that the credit union holds permissible, but
not suitable, investments for the credit union's balance sheet, the
examiner should contact the supervisory examiner before requiring the
write-down or sale of the investments.
I nvestment The goal of trading securities is to take short-term trading profits from
Trading an increase in fair value. Investors may earn sizable trading gains as
interest rates decline; however, rate increases typically result in losses.
The examiner should review the credit union's investment activity and
determine if the credit union is trading. This analysis should include a
review of the following:
Page 12-65
Workpapers 0 Workpapers
and - Critical Input tab
References - Statement of Income
- Review Considerations
- ALMTab
- Solvency Evaluation
- Investment Trend
- Investment Maturity
- Investment Classification
- Investment Controls Questionnaire
- Credit Union Service Organization Controls
- Questionnaire
- Certificate Review
- Amortizing Investment
- Federal Credit Union Act
§§§107(7), 107(8), 107(9), and 107(15) - Powers
§§304 and 305, Central Liquidity Facility
Page 12-66
Page 12-67
Page 12-68
This section contains definitions of financial terms commonly used in
investments and asset-liability management. Standard dictionaries do
not contain the definitions of many words and phrases used throughout
the investment industry; therefore, this glossary was compiled to assist
the examiner in understanding specialized industry-specific words.
Accrued Interest Types: the day count used to calculate the accrued interest and the
coupon period. A day count type is displayed as DDIYYY, where DD denotes the
number of days per month elapsed in the coupon period and YYY denotes the
number of days per year (for calculating the coupon period). The day count does not
include the settlement day. Common day count types include:
WACTIACT:actual days for month and year (365 or 366 days).
o301ACT: each month has 30 days and the year has 365 or 366 days.
0301360: each month contains 30 days and a year has 360 days.
0301365: each month has 30 days and a year has 365 days.
Page 12A-1
Ask Price: the lowest declared price at which a seller is willing to sell a security at a
particular time. Opposite of “Bid”. Same as “Offer”.
Assignment: the transfer of ownership of a right or a contract from one party, the
assignor, to another, the assignee.
At-the-Money: describes an option when the current trading price of the underlying
security is the same as the option’s strike price.
Auction: a competitive process by which an issuer sells its securities, rather than
selling at a negotiated, or non-competitive, price.
Auction Stop Out: the lowest or cheapest price (corresponding to the highest yield)
at which securities are awarded in a multi-price auction. The Treasury Department
has used one-price auctions for two- and five-year Treasury Notes, resulting in the
award of securities to each winning bidder at the stop-out yield (the highest yield).
Bad Delivery: a delivery of securities that does not fulfill the requirements for good
Bailment for Hire: a obsolete name used for a custodial (or safekeeping) agreement
between a custodian (or safekeeping institution) and its customer (or the beneficial
owner of the security).
Balloon: a final payment at maturity on a security (or loan) that is much greater than
the previous payments. For example, a 7-year balloon loan is amortized on a 30-year
schedule to make the payments affordable, but has a large payment of the remaining
principal balance (balloon) due at the end of the 7 years. A balloon feature is usually
associated with real estate loans and mortgage-backed securities.
Page 12A-2
Bank Note: an unsecured and uninsured obligation of the issuing bank. General
counsel has determined that bank notes with maturities less than five years are
deposits under Regulation D and thus are permissible investments.
Basis Point: a measurement of yield for fixed income securities. One basis point
equals 1/100 of one percent. For example, the difference between 8.00 percent and
8.25 percent is 25 basis points.
Basis Risk: 1) the risk that rates on assets and liabilities will react differently to
changes in interest rates, e.g., the investment coupon linked to the Federal Home
Loan Bank’s 1 Ith District Cost of Funds (COFI) will not be perfectly correlated with
the funding rate offered on a money market share account tied to the overnight
Federal fund rate; 2) the risk associated with an unexpected widening or narrowing
of the difference in rates or prices between the time a hedge position is established
and the time that it is lifted.
Beneficial Owner: the entity that is entitled to receive some or all of the benefits of
ownership, including the cash flow, even though title to the security may be in
another name, e.g., a nominee name. Title is frequently held in a name other than
that of the beneficial owner for safety or convenience of transfer.
Bid Price: the highest declared price at which a buyer is willing to purchase a
security at a particular time. Opposite. of “Ask” or “Offer”.
Bid and Asked: usually refers to the inside bidask quotation, i.e., the best bid and
best offer in the market. From a single dealer, the bidask represents the prices at
which the dealer stands ready to purchase and to sell, often referred to as making a
two-way market quotation. See also “Quotation” and “Take Out Bid’.
Page 12A-3
Bond-Equivalent Yield: a comparable measure of the return over the life of a bond
or Treasury bill or other discount instrument, assuming it is purchased at the ask
price and the return is computed using a semi-annual interest formula and an actual-
day year. Other rates of return cannot be compared directly with the bond-equivalent
yield; e.g., a discount rate of return is calculated by using the par amount rather than
the purchase price, by using another formula, and by using a 360-day year rather
than an actual-day year. The Securities Industry Association has published standard
securities calculation methods for fixed income securities formulas.
Book Entry Security: a security that is not represented by a physical certificate. The
beneficial owner (or the custodian) of the security is recorded on an electronic
system on which the terms and conditions of the security exists. The method of
computerized entries eliminates the need for physical certificates. For example, the
Treasury and certain government sponsored enterprises use a book-entry system
maintained in computerized records at the Federal Reserve Banks in the names of
member banks. A member bank, in turn, keeps records of securities held for
1) beneficial owners with whom it has a direct custodian agreement and 2) other
custodians that hold as nominees for others that, in turn, maintain records of
beneficial ownership or other custodians.
Book Entry Transfer: a system of custody and transfer of securities through the
electronic delivery and settlement of transactions.
Book Value: the value at which a held-to-maturity security is shown on the holder's
balance sheet. Book value may differ significantly from market value.
Broker: an entity that engages in securities transactions for the account of others. A
broker does not buy and sell securities for its own account, as contrasted to a dealer
that trades for its own account. A broker charges a commission for the service which
it provides.
Broker-Dealer: an entity engaged in securities transactions for its own account and
for the account of others. A broker-dealer may act as agent (broker) or principal
(dealer). The purchase confirmation will state whether the broker-dealer acted as
broker (agent) or dealer (principal) for the transaction.
BullPet Bond: a debt security that returns 100 percent of principal on the maturity
Page 12A-4
Call: 1) an option contract granting the buyer the right but not the obligation to
purchase (call) a specified quantity of a security at a specified price (the exercise or
strike price) and time (the exercise style). Typical option terms provide for exercise
a) at any time until the stated expiration date of the contract (American exercise
style), orb) only at the stated expiration date (European exercise style). Such an
option is bought in the expectation of a price rise above the strike price. If the price
rise occurs, the purchaser will exercise the option. If the rise does not occur, the
purchaser will let the option expire and will lose the purchase price of the option,
that is, the option premium. 2) an embedded call in a security grants the issuer the
right to retire or “call away” all or part of the security at a specific price (the call
price) and at a specific time prior to its contractual maturity date. The ability to call
the security is an “option” that belongs to the issuer of the bond. Common call
features include a) callable only on specific call dates, orb) continuous, that is,
callable anytime, usually after a lockout period, which is a time period when a call
cannot occur.
Call Date: the date or dates on which a security may be redeemed by the issuer at a
pre-specified price.
Call Feature: a provision on a bond which entitles the issuer to redeem the bond at
face value or other price before the maturity date.
Cash Flow: 1) the stream of principal and interest payments on a security. 2) the
amount of cash derived over a certain measured period of time from the operation of
income-producing property after debt services and operating expenses, but before
Cash Forward Agreement: a cash transaction in which a buyer and seller agree
upon delivery of a specified amount of a security at a specified future date. Also
known as a firm commitment. See “Commitment”.
Cash Market: traditionally, denotes the market in which commodities are traded,
for immediate delivery, against cash. The cash market in which securities trade for
Page 12A-5
immediate delivery is contrasted with the futures markets in which securities trade
for future delivery.
Cash Price: a price quotation obtained or a price actually received in a cash market.
Same as “Spot Price”.
Cash Settlement: 1) money market securities purchased for delivery on the same
day the trade is made. 2) a method of settling an option contract whereby the seller
pays the buyer a cash amount determined according to a procedure specified in the
contract based on the cash value of the underlying instrument at expiration. Futures
contracts also may specify cash settlement in lieu of physical delivery at maturity.
Certificate of Deposit (CD): a time deposit issued by a bank that pays interest
periodically or at maturity. While principal may be paid according to a schedule,
typically principal is repaid in a single payment on the maturity date. “Brokered
CDs” are marketed through a deposit broker to investors. By way of comparison, a
“direct CD” is purchased from the issuing financial institution without the use of a
deposit broker. A negotiable CD can be sold by the holder to another party in the
market prior to maturity. In contrast, a non-negotiable CD cannot be transferred, but
may be redeemed with the issuer subject to any interest penalty.
Cheap: Wall Street vernacular for the relative value of one security to another in
terms of its historical price relationship. If a security is cheap, it is underpriced
relative to another security. See also “Rich”.
Churning: excessive purchases and sales by a broker in the accounts of one or more
customers for the purpose of generating commissions while disregarding the
interests of the customers.
Page 12A-6
Closed Position: forward or futures contracts which have been offset in full are
considered “closed” because the obligations cancel each other out.
Closing Price: the price (or price range) at which transactions are made just before
the end of trading on a given day. See also “Settlement Price”.
Collar: 1) a maximum and a minimum interest rate on a floating rate bond. This is
comprised of two embedded option positions: a short cap on rates and a long floor
on rates. See “Embedded Option”, “Cap”, and “Floor”. 2) a swap contract that
eliminates the downside risk below the floor price (or rate) and eliminates the upside
participation above the cap price (or rate). This is comprised of a long floor on price
(or rate) and a short cap on price (or rate).
Page 12A-7
Confirmation: the document (or process) whereby a market participant notifies its
customers of the details of a trade and, typically, allows time to affirm or to question
the trade which had previously been agreed to verbally.
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Cost of Funds Index (COFI): an index that reflects the cost of funds for all thrift
institutions as reported by the Federal Home Loan Banks. Cost of funds is defined as
the annualized average interest paid or accrued on deposits, on FHLB advances and
other borrowed money during a reporting period. The most common COFI is the
Federal Home Loan Bank’s 1 lth District COFI, which is compiled from savings
banks in California, Arizona, and Nevada.
Coupon: 1) the stated annual interest rate on a debt instrument that the issuer
promises to pay periodically to the holder until maturity. See “Coupon Rate”. 2) that
portion of the physical security which shows the interest due on the payable date
(usually semiannually). Physical securities may have detachable coupons that must
be presented by the holder for payment.
Coupon Date: the date the interest payment is due to the owner of the investment.
Coupon Income: the income received from the coupon rate on owned securities.
Covered Call Writer: a seller of a call option who owns the underlying security on
which the option is written.
Page 12A-9
Cover Value: the monetary amount necessary to buy-in a short position at the
current market value.
Credit Risk: the risk of default as reflected by the financial and operating risks of
the issuer.
Cross Hedge: a hedge with two transactions in different, but related, securities,
usually in different markets; e.g., a long position in US Treasury Bonds in the
futures market and a short position in the GNMA forward market.
Current Issue: the most recently auctioned issue, usually in Treasury securities.
Also referred to as an on-the-run issue. Trading is more active in current issues than
in off-the-run issues.
Current Market Value: the closing price of a security as of the preceding business
Dealer: any person engaged in the business of buying and selling securities for his
own account, through a broker or otherwise. Such an individual or firm is acting as
principal rather than as agent. The dealer typically does not charge a commission,
but makes a profit from the difference between its purchase price and its sale price.
A dealer is not required to disclose its cost basis. Therefore, each party to a trade
should establish whether the contra party will receive dealer status. The dealer’s
confirmation discloses to the customer that the dealer has acted as principal. At
different times, the same individual or firm may function as either broker dealer.
Page 12A-18
Decay: the rate at which a variable's value diminishes through time, e.g., if a
variable is set equal to Ce-", and C is greater than 0, r is positive, and t equals time,
then the variable exhibits exponential decay. Where r is the continuously
compounded interest rate, the formula computes the present value of the cash flow
(C) that will occur at a time (t) in the future.
Deferred Futures: the most distant expirations of the listed futures contract months.
Also called back months.
Delay: refers to the "stated" delay time elapsed to the first payment of principal and
interest (GNMA I--45 days, GNMA 11-50 days, FHLMC PC--75 days, FHLMC
Gold--44 days, FNMA MBS-55 days, conventional pass-throughs-55 days). The
"actual" delay, or penalty, is 30 days less than the "stated" delay.
Delivery: 1) the tender of the securities to the purchaser against receipt of payment
at the contract price in settlement of a cash or forward trade. 2) the tender and receipt
of the actual commodity, the cash value of the commodity, or of a delivery
instrument covering the commodity, e.g., warehouse receipts or shipping certificates,
used to settle a futures contract.
Delivery Month: a specified period (not necessarily a calendar month) within which
a futures contract can be settled by delivery.
Delivery Versus Payment (DVP): a security delivery method in which the buyer's
payment for securities is due at the time of delivery (usually to a bank acting as
agent for the buyer) upon receipt of the securities.
Delta: the expected change in an option's price for a given change in the price of the
underlying instrument or security.
Deposit Note: a term deposit in a bank. A deposit note is an obligation of a bank that
is similar to a certificate of deposit but is rated.
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Discounted Cash Flow: an accounting technique used to estimate the present value
of future cash flows by applying a discount rate to anticipated cash flows.
Discount Rate: 1) the interest rate charged by the Federal Reserve Banks for loans
to member banks, using government securities or eligible paper as collateral. 2 ) a
discount rate (as opposed to the Discount Rate) is an interest rate used in
determining the present value of future cash flows.
Domino Effect: the notion that a default by (or financial stress at) one organization
will cause a default or financial stress at other firms in the securities industry because
of interconnected obligations.
Don’t Know (DK): denying knowledge of a trade and a refusal to settle a trade by a
buyer when the buyer (or the buyer’s receiving agent) does not recognize
confirmation or the securities that the seller has delivered. The buyer’s operations
department may have no record of or instructions to complete the trade, or the buyer
may “DK” the trade because it reflects an incorrect price or quantity.
Due Bill: a promissory note delivered in lieu of the security to a buyer by the seller
which evidences the seller’s obligation to deliver the security to the buyer at a later
date. A due bill check is a post-dated check issued by the seller to the buyer that
becomes payable to the buyer on a specified date in the amount of principal and
interest due to the buyer. Prior to the payable date, the due bill check serves as a due
Page 12A-12
security’s modified duration and the rate shift. For mortgage-backed securities, such
as CMOS, where cash flows are subject to uncertainty, the calculated duration is a
poor indication of market risk, since it does not adjust for the impact of changing
interest rates on prepayment and extension risks. In such a case “Effective
Duration” is a better measure.
Escrow Agent: a third party, acting as an agent for the buyer and the seller, who
carries out the instruction of both and assumes the responsibilities of handling the
paperwork and the disbursement of funds.
Page 12A-13
establish, transfer, or offset open interest. Also called Exchange for Physical, or
Against Actuals.
Exempted Securities: securities exempt from registration under the Securities Act
of 1933 (see section 3) or exempt from certain provisions of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (see section 3(a)( 12)). Such securities include governments, agencies,
municipal securities, and certain commercial paper and private placements.
Exercise: to elect to put into effect the right (but not the obligation) held by an
option holder, e.g., to require the option writer to deliver a security at the strike price
(call), or to require the option writer to purchase a security at the strike price (put).
Exercise Price: the price at which the option buyer may purchase (call) or sell (put)
the underlying security. Also called “Strike Price”.
Expiration Date: the final date on or before which an option may be exercised. If
not exercised by the expiration date, the option is void and worthless.
Extension Risk: the potential that the principal of a mortgage-backed security will
be paid later than expected, typically in response to rising interest rates. Since the
expected prepayments will be slower in a higher interest rate environment, the result
is a longer expected average life. Opposite of “Prepayment Risk”.
Fail: when the seller of a security does not make delivery on the agreed settlement
Page 12A-14
Federal Funds (Fed Funds): funds deposited at Federal Reserve Banks by financial
institutions, including funds in excess of reserve requirements. Fed funds can be sold
by a credit union to a Section 107(8) institution. Fed funds sold represents an
uninsured investment by the credit union (a permitted borrowing by the bank).
Although a credit union can also buy Fed funds, Fed funds purchased represents a
borrowing by the credit union.
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC): the arm of the Federal Reserve
System (Fed) that controls the purchase and sale of securities in the market for the
Fed’s open market account. A purchase of securities by the Fed adds reserves to the
banking system (increasing the money supply), while a sale of securities withdraws
reserves. Open market operations serve as one of three basic tools the Fed uses to
conduct monetary policy (the other two being changes in the discount rate and
reserve requirements).
Page 12A-15
Firm Price: a price at which a trader is willing to trade for a limited period of time,
usually no longer than the length of the phone call. Opposite of indicative price or
Floor Broker: any person who, in or surrounding any pit, ring, post or other place
provided by an exchange for the meeting of persons similarly engaged, executes for
others any orders for the purchase or the sale of any commodity or security and
receives a prescribed fee or commission.
Forward: a cash market transaction in which two parties agree to the purchase and
the sale of a commodity at some future time under such conditions as the two agree.
In contrast to futures contracts, the terms of forward contracts are not standardized.
A forward contract usually is not transferable and can be canceled only with the
consent of the other party, which often must be obtained for consideration and under
penalty, and forward contracts are not traded in federally designated contract
markets. Essentially, forward contract refers to any cash market purchase or sale
agreement for which delivery is not made ”on the spot.” See “Commitment”, “Cash
Forward Agreement”, and “Standby Commitment”.
Page 12A-16
Forward Roll: like “roll over,” a term used to describe the action of selling an
investment position and redeploying the proceeds into a new but similar position. A
trader in the Government securities market may elect to sell a long position in the
previously-issued 2-year note (the “current” 2-year) and use the proceeds to buy the
newly-issued 2-year note (referred to as the “when issued“ or “w.i.“ 2-year) prior to
its settlement date. When this action is done with the forward settlement date, it is
described as a “forward roll from the current to the w.i.” In the futures and options
markets, a forward roll is used to describe the extension of a position from one
month (maturity) to a longer month. A trader may elect to shift from a March
Eurodollar contract to a June Eurodollar contract to avoid the expiration date on the
March contract.
Fully Modified Pass-Through: a security for which the timely payment of both
principal and interest is guaranteed. Investors in the security will receive mortgage
interest and principal payments on a certain date regardless of whether the mortgage
borrowers have actually made those payments.
Funding Date: term used by mortgage bankers to denote the date on which the
mortgage banker funds or finances a new issue of MBS. See “Settlement Date”.
Futures Commission Merchant: the CFTC’s term for a futures broker. Any
individual, association, partnership, corporation, or trust engaging in soliciting or in
accepting orders for the purchase or sale of any commodity for future delivery on, or
subject to, the rules of any futures exchange.
Futures Price: the price of a given commodity unit determined by public auction on
a futures exchange.
Page 12A-17
Gamma: a measure of the rate of change of the option’s delta with respect to a
change in the price of the underlying asset.
Go-Around: the technique whereby the manager of the System Open Market
Account purchases and sells securities for the Federal Reserve System.
Good Delivery: a term indicating that a security in proper form has been delivered
timely in accordance with the terms of the transaction.
Page 12A-18
Gross Long: the total of open long (purchase) contracts, not reduced by any short
positions (sales contracts) held at the same time.
Gross Short: the total of open short (sales) contracts, not reduced by any long
positions (purchase contracts) held at the same time.
Hit: a dealer is “hit” when the bid side of a market which the dealer has made is
accepted by the customer, that is, when the customer sells a security to the dealer.
When bids are being “hit,” the general response of the dealer is to lower the bid
Page 12A-19
Indenture of a Bond: a legal statement spelling out the obligations of the bond
issuer and the rights of the bondholder.
Index: the interest rate used in determining the coupon rate of a variable rate
security or loan. A margin is usually added to the index.
Index Amortizing Note (IAN): a note that returns principal prior to final maturity.
The amount and timing of the return of principal is linked to an index, such as three-
month LIBOR or the prepayment speed of a mortgage-backed security. Typically, as
the index rises, the scheduled return of principal payments slow down, exposing the
owner to extension risk; as the index declines, the scheduled return of principal
payments increase, exposing the owner to prepayment and reinvestment risk.
Corporate credit unions have offered Amortizing Certificate Programs (ACPs) that
behave in a similar manner. IANs are not mortgage backed, but they have similar
market risk due to the uncertainty of payments.
Initial Margin: the amount of money or its equivalent that a customer must deposit
with a broker when the customer buys or sells a security or futures contract on
Interest Rate Risk: the potential for change in the value of a security when the level
of interest rates changes.
Interest Rate Swap: a contract to exchange streams of interest payments, e.g. fixed
for floating, based upon a specified dollar amount (notional amount) at specified
dates in the future.
Intermediation: the phenomenon that occurs when rates paid by certain financial
intermediaries can compete successfully with the rates being paid by others, e.g., the
US Government on its Treasury Bills. ‘Thiscauses an expansion in the amount of
deposits held by the intermediaries which are able to pay higher rates. See
Page 12A-20
security’s price is below the option’s strike price. An option that is in-the-money has
intrinsic value.
Intrinsic Value: the value of an option if immediately exercised. A call option has
intrinsic value when the price of the underlying security exceeds the option’s
exercise price. A put option has intrinsic value when the underlying security’s price
is less than the option’s exercise price.
Inventory: the total issues, long and short, held by a dealer that comprise that
dealer’s inventory.
Inverted Market: a futures market in which the nearer months are selling at prices
higher than the more distant months; hence, a market displaying inverse carrying
charges. This is characteristic of markets in which supplies are currently in shortage.
Inverted Yield Curve: a graph illustrating the level of interest rates as a function of
time to maturity, where shorter maturity investments have higher yields than longer
maturity investments. Inverted Yield Curves generally occur during period when the
Federal Reserve is attempting to fight inflation by restraining growth in economic
activity and restricting growth in the money supply. Normally, the yield curve is
upward slopping.
Issuer: the legal entity that is selling or has sold its security or other financial
instrument. In mortgage banking, the entity who pools mortgages to back GNMA
pass-through securities. See “ Originator” .
J u n k Bond: a bond with a credit rating that is low, below BBB (S&P) or equivalent.
Legal Eligibility: investments that life insurance companies, mutual savings banks,
or other regulated investors may make under a state charter, law, or regulation.
Liquidity Risk: 1) the potential loss when a security cannot be sold promptly at or
near prevailing market prices. This may be the result of a general market disruption,
uncertainty in the market place regarding the value of the security, or a large position
relative to market trading volume. 2) in a financial institution, the costs incurred to
attract new deposits or liquidate assets to meet the cash flow needs of unanticipated
Page 12A-21
Load Fee: a fee charged to invest in a mutual fund. Load fees may be “up-fiont“
fees charged at the time of purchase andor ‘‘back-door“or “back-end“ fees charged
at the time of sale. These fees may be based on the amount of funds placed in the
investment and the length of time the investment is held.
Long Bond: generally a bond that matures in more than ten years is a long bond.
Wall Street refers to the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond as the “ long bond.”
LIBOR: the London Interbank Offered Rate. When not specified, usually the rate at
which major banks offer to lend US dollars (i.e., to make a Eurodollar deposit, as
opposed to a deposit denominated in some other currency such as the German mark).
There is a different LIBOR rate quoted for each deposit maturity. Different banks
may quote slightly different LIBOR rates, just as different banks in the US may have
slightly different deposit rates. A popular interest rate survey of LIBOR is prepared
each day by the British Bankers’ Association (BBA). NCUA considers a US dollar-
denominated LIBOR to be a domestic interest rate.
Long the Basis: a person or firm that has bought the spot commodity and hedged
with a sale of futures is said to be long the basis.
Making a Market: a dealer makes a market when he stands ready to buy or sell at
his bid and offered prices.
Margin: 1) a constant value added to an index to arrive at the fully indexed coupon,
which is the interest rate paid on a variable rate loan or investment, in the absence of
a teaser rate or binding cap rate. The cap rate will be paid on an investment while its
fully indexed coupon is above the cap rate. 2) a deposit of cash or collateral by a
client with a broker (or by a broker with a clearing house) which protects the broker
(or clearing house). Margin in commodities is not a payment for equity or down
payment on the commodity itself, but rather is in the nature of a performance bond.
The difference is significant because a) both buyers and sellers post margin in
commodities; b) the remainder of the position is not being borrowed from one‘s
broker and does not require interest payments; and c) as price moves against one’s
position, the account is debited (termed Variation Margin at the clearing member
level) and the protection represented by the Initial Margin may fall below the
prescribed maintenance level, in which case the trader will be required to post
additional margin. See “Initial Margin”, “Maintenance Margin”, “Original
Margin”, and “Variation Margin”.
Page 12A-22
Margin Call: 1 ) a call from a brokerage firm to a customer to bring margin deposits
up to minimum levels required by the broker, at least equal to exchange minimums.
2) a request by the clearing house to a clearing member to bring clearing margins
back to minimum levels required by the clearing house rules.
Market Order: an order to buy or to sell a stated amount of a security at the most
advantageous price obtainable after the order is entered.
Market Price: market price usually is indicated by the last reported price at which
the security or financial instrument sold. For an inactive security that has not traded
recently, the market price is the latest bid price.
Market Risk: the risk that an investment will vary in price as market conditions
Markup: the difference between what a dealer has paid for a security and the price
at which the security is offered to another person. May be referred to loosely as
Spread. Spread, however, usually refers to the difference in current bid and current
offer prices, rather than the difference between the dealers cost and the current offer
Page 12A-23
Maturity: the date on which the principal amount of the security is due and payable
to the registered owner of the security. On such date, the accrual of interest typically
terminates on a note, time draft, acceptance, bill of exchange, mortgage-backed
security, or bond.
Medium-Term Notes (MTNs): plain corporate debt instruments with a fixed rate
and fixed maturity (typically less than seven years), that often are continuously
offered notes, ranging in maturity from nine months to 30 years. Bank Deposit Notes
are a form of MTN.
Modified Pass-Through: a security for which the timely payment of interest, but
not principal, has been guaranteed by an institution or agency.
Money Market Mutual Fund: a mutual fund that invests in highly liquid securities
and pays money market rates of interest, in accordance with regulations of the SEC
(17 CFR 240.2a-7). Some funds invest only in government-backed securities.
Money market funds attempt to maintain a stable Net Asset Value (NAV) of $1 .OO
per share. These funds are not insured by the government.
Page 12A-24
Municipal Security (Muni): obligations of a state, and of a county, city, tax district,
or other division of a state. Municipal securities include: a) General Obligation (GO)
Bonds, which the municipality backs with its full faith and credit; b) Revenue
Bonds, which are payable from specified revenues only, such as a property or
facility financed by the revenue bond, but which do not bind the municipality; and c)
short term notes issued by municipalities in anticipation of tax receipts (tax
anticipation notes or TANS),proceeds from a bond issue (bond anticipation notes or
BANS), or other revenues (revenue anticipation notes or RANs). Many municipal
bonds are insured by municipal bond insurance typically issued by one of three
leading triple-A rated municipal-bond insurers, AMBAC Indemnity corporation,
FGIC (Financial Guarantee Insurance Corporation, or MBIA (Municipal Bond
Insurance Association).
Mutual Fund: a fund operated by an investment company that raises money from
shareholders. Funds offer professional management and diversification for a fee. The
market price of a share is called its Net Asset Value (NAV), which reflects the mark-
to-market value of all securities held by the investment company. Also called open
Page 12A-25
end investment company. A mutual fund that invests in fixed income securities often
is called a bond fund. See “Money Market Mutual Fund”.
Net Asset Value: the value of a mutual fund share determined by the fund on a daily
basis based upon the market value of the underlying securities and the number of
shares outstanding.
Net Capital: net worth of a brokerage concern, less certain items such as exchange
memberships, carrying value of securities which are not readily marketable,
“haircuts” on marketable securities in proprietary accounts, furniture and equipment,
Net Position: the difference between the open long contracts and open short
contracts held by one trader in any one contract market or financial instrument.
Trades which have been offset are removed from the net position.
Net Yield: the part of gross yield that remains after the deduction of all costs, such
as mortgage servicing expenses and guaranty fees. See also “Yield”.
Normal Yield Curve: a graph illustrating the level of interest rates as a function of
time to maturity, where shorter-maturity investments have lower yields than longer-
maturity investments. The Normal Yield Curve is upward slopping.
Notional Principal (or Notional Amount): in an interest rate swap agreement, the
dollar amount to which interest rates are applied in order to calculate periodic
Page 12A-26
payment obligations. The notional amount is not exchanged by the parties to the
interest rate swap agreement.
Odd Lot: a quantity of securities which is less than the typical cash market trading
unit, e.g., an odd lot for a Treasury security is a par amount of less than one million
dollars. The bid-ask spread on an Odd Lot is slightly wider than for a round lot.
Offer: the lowest declared price at which a seller is willing to sell a security at a
particular time. Opposite of bid.
Open Interest: the total number of future contracts in a given commodity which
have not yet been liquidated by offset or fulfilled by delivery; the total number of
open contracts. Each open contract has a buyer and a seller; however, when
calculating the open interest of an exchange, only one side of the contract is counted.
Open Position: a forward or futures contract is open if it has not been fulfilled by
delivery or liquidated by offset. The open position includes open long and short
contracts, including option contracts that have not been exercised.
Option: a contract that grants the option buyer the right or privilege, but not the
obligation, to buy or sell a specified amount of a given financial instrument at a
fixed price (the exercise price) before or on a designated date (the expiration date). A
call option confers on the option buyer the right to buy the financial instrument. A
put option confers on the option buyer the right to sell the financial instrument. The
option writer has the obligation of performing if the option is exercised timely by the
option buyer. See also “Standby Commitment”, “Optional Commitment”,
“Exercise Price”, “Expiration Date”.
When OAS is calculated using Treasury rates as discount rates, the OAS includes
both option spread and credit spread. Thus, occasionally OAS may be calculated
Page 12A-27
Given a reasonable estimate for OAS, a fair (model) value can be calculated for a
security, using the current term structure of interest rates and the current level of
Option Buyer: the purchaser of a call or put option who pays a premium to receive
the exercise right of the contract.
Option Writer: the seller of a call or put option who grants the exercise right to the
buyer in exchange for receiving the premium.
Original Margin: term applied to the initial deposit of performance bond or margin
money required of clearing member firms by clearing house rules.
Page 12A-28
P&I: abbreviation for “principal and interest.” This is customarily used to describe
the regular monthly checks paid to the registered owner of mortgage-backed
securities by the issuer. Payment of GNMA I P&I is scheduled to arrive by the
fifteenth of each month and contains the interest, regular principal payments, and
prepayments made on a pro rata basis by the entire pool for the previous calendar
Pair Off: the matching or netting of contra transactions between two parties when
delivery is due. Only the unmatched balance is delivered with a check for the
difference between the purchase and sale prices of all transactions being received or
delivered. This reduces the number of physical deliveries and redeliveries which
otherwise would be required. A pair-off transaction is a security purchase transaction
that is closed or sold at, or prior to the settlement or expiration date.
Par Cap: a provision in the contract of sale for GNMA securities which restricts
delivery only to pools which bear an interest rate sufficiently high so that the
securities would trade at or below par when computed on the agreed-to yield.
Pay Down: when the dollar value of a new issue of Government securities is less
than the maturing issue which it replaces, the difference is called the pay down.
Pay Up: when the dollar value of a new issue of Government securities is more than
the maturing issue which it replaces, the difference is called the pay up.
Plus (+): describes an additional 1/64th (PIPquotations. For example, 98.4+ means 98
and 4/32nds, plus an additional 1/64th.
Page 12A-29
Point: 1) an amount equal to one percent of the face value or principal amount of an
investment or note. 2) a mortgage loan discount point, which is a one-time charge
assessed at closing by the lender to increase the yield on the mortgage loan to a
market rate. 3) in the foreign-exchange market, the lowest digit at which the
currency is quoted, e.g., “one point” is the difference between sterling prices of
$1.8080 and $1.8081. Also calledpips.
Pool: a collection of mortgages which are packaged and sold as a security. Holders
of GNMA pass-through securities own a pro rata share of the outstanding balance of
all mortgages in the same pool. Pools must be mortgages of the same kind (single
family, mobile home, or projects), carrying the same or similar rate of interest, and
must all be of the same or similar maturity (e-g., 30 years). All mortgages within a
single pool are serviced by the same issuer and are usually from the same geographic
Position: an interest in the market, either long or short. Securities purchased and
held are a long position. Securities sold short and not yet covered are a short
position. Forward or futures contracts purchased are called a long position. Forward
or futures contracts sold and not yet liquidated are called a short position. A call
option purchased and a put option sold economically are equivalent to a long
position. A put option purchased and a call option sold economically are equivalent
to a short position. See also “Open Position” and “Net Position”.
Premium: 1) the amount by which the current market price exceeds the security’s
face value, 2) the amount paid to purchase an option, 3) the amount by which the
redemption price exceeds a callable security’s face value, 4) loosely, refers to the
higher yield demanded by the market for CDs and securities issued by a particular
institution as a result of higher perceived credit risk of that institution relative to
other similarly rated institutions (also referred to as “paying up for funds”), 5 ) in the
case of federally insured zero-coupon CDs, the amount of the purchase price in
excess of the original (or accredited) issue price charged by Broker-Dealers to
secondary market investors, which is not FDIC-insured, 6) refers to a higher price
charged for a security that is in short supply relative to other similar securities, as in
the phrase, “the old 2- year is at a premium to the When Issued 2- year.”
Page 12A-30
Prepayment Risk the potential that all or part of the principal of a security, such as
a mortgage-backed security, will be paid earlier than expected, typically in response
to falling interest rates.
Price Limits: the maximum price advance or decline from the previous day’s
settlement price permitted for a contract in one trading session by the regulations of
a futures exchange.
Prime Rate: the interest rate at which preferred customers can borrow from
commercial banks.
Primary Dealer: dealer in Treasury securities which reports its activities and
resource commitments to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and with whom
the Federal Reserve conducts open market operations to expand or contract the
money supply. To maintain their status with the Federal Reserve, primary dealers
must maintain an active market-making role in Treasury securities.
Principal: (as contrasted with Agent) a party who buys and sells for his or her own
account in an arms-length transaction with another, and who is not required to
disclose the price basis of a transaction.
Principal Transaction: a securities transfer wherein one or both of the parties acts
as principal dealing for hisher own account.
Prospectus: a detailed statement prepared by an issuer and filed with the SEC prior
to the sale of a new issue. The prospectus gives detailed information on the issue and
on the issuer’s condition and prospects.
Proxy: when one person acts on behalf of another, the first person is acting as proxy
for the second. Similarly, one instrument can be viewed as a proxy for another when
the primary instrument is unavailable or too costly. Warehouse receipts or depository
receipts may be used as proxies for commodities or securities.
Page 12A-31
Put: 1) an option contract granting the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell
(put) a specified quantity of a security at a specified price (the exercise or strike
price) and time (the exercise style). Such an option is bought with the expectation of
a price decline below the contract price. If the price decline occurs, the purchaser
will exercise the option. If the decline does not occur, the purchaser will let the
option expire and will lose the purchase price of the option, that is, option premium.
2 ) an embedded put in a security grants the holder the right to retire or “put back to
the issuer” all or part of the security at a specific price (the put price) and at a
specific time prior to its contractual maturity date. The ability to put the security is
an “option” that belongs to the holder of the bond. See “Option”; compare with
Quotation: the bid to buy and the offer to sell a security in a given market at a given
time. Often shortened to “quote.” See also “Bid” and “Asked”.
Rate of Interest: the coupon rate of a security; the annual interest rate of a pool.
Usually not equal to the yield. See “Bond Equivalent Yield”.
Real Estate Syndicate: a group of investors who pool funds for investment in real
Refunding: the process of issuance of a new security to replace a security that was
redeemed before maturity. Usually used in reference to a municipal security that was
Registered: 1) a security that is issued in the name of the owner or the owner’s
nominee. 2 ) opposite of exempt. A registered security may not be issued without the
filing of a registration statement with the SEC.
Page 12A-32
e.g., a US government security may settle for spot delivery on the same (cash), the
next (regular), or the second (skip) day after the trade date.
Regulation T: the name for the Federal Reserve Board‘s regulation governing the
amount of credit that brokers and dealers may extend to customers who buy
Regulation U: the name for the Federal Reserve Board’s regulation governing the
amount of credit that banks may extend to customers who borrow money to buy
securities on margin.
Residual: the difference between the cash flows originating from the collateral of a
mortgage pool and the funds needed to h n d the securities supported by the
collateral. Among the CMOS issued by a REMIC, the residual has special tax
Rich: Wall Street vernacular for a high value ofone security relative to another in
terms of its historical price relationship. If a security is said to be rich, it is believed
to be overpriced relative to another security. See also “Cheap”.
Roll Over: using funds received from a maturing security to reinvest in a similar
new security.
Page 12A-33
Safekeeping: a term that refers to the storage and protection of securities provided
as a service by a bank or institution acting as agent for the customer. Since
ownership interests in most securities now are held as securities entitlements in
book-entry form, the broader term is custodian.
Seasoning: the aging of a mortgage. The amount of time that has elapsed since
Secondary Market: the resale market for securities. See also “Primary Market”
Seller’s Option: the right of a seller to select, within the limits prescribed by a
contract, the quality of the commodity delivered and the time and the place of
Page 12A-34
Selling Hedge: selling futures contracts to protect against possible decreased prices
of commodities. Usually called short hedge. See “Hedge”.
Serial Bonds: a multiple bond issue in which the maturities are staggered over a
number of years.
Settlement Date: the date agreed upon by parties to a security transaction for the
payment of hnds and the transfer of the security. Trades that are not settled on the
settlement date are said to fail.
Short Covering: the purchase of securities so that securities previously sold to make
delivery on a short sale may be returned. To close a short position.
Short Sale: the sale of a security not owned by the seller. The seller anticipates
being able to purchase the security at a later time at a lower price. To make delivery
on the short sale, the seller will obtain the security through borrowing (securities
lending) or a reverse repurchase agreement.
Short the Basis: the purchase of futures as a hedge against a commitment to sell in
the cash market.
Short (vs. Long) Bond: Wall Street refers to the short bond as a US Treasury
security with a maturity of two years. See “Long Bond”.
Page 12A-35
Slow-Pay Bonds: bonds in a low priority class compared with bonds in other classes
with respect to the order of redemption, which may result in slow redemption when
compared to other classes.
Speculator: one who trades with the objective of achieving profit through the
successful anticipation of price movements. In commodity futures, a speculator is
any person with a position that is not a bona fide hedge as defined by the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Spot Month: in futures trading, the nearby contract month, in which case delivery
usually is possible at any time. However, such trading is in a futures contract.
Spreading: the purchase of one futures contract and the sale of another, in the
expectation that the price relationships between the two will change so that a
subsequent offsetting sale and purchase will yield a net profit. Examples include: (a)
the purchase of one delivery month and the sale of another in the same commodity
on the same exchange, (b) the purchase and the sale of the same delivery month in
the same commodity on different exchanges, (c) the purchase of one commodity and
the sale of another (wheat vs. corn or GNMAs vs. long-term US Treasury Bonds),
and (d) the purchase of one commodity and the sale of the products of that
commodity (soybean vs. soybean oil and soybean meal). When the terms of the
contract and all other relevant factors indicate that the price relationships between
the contracts should be constant, but price discrepancies develop due to temporary
supply-demand imbalances, spreading operations to take advantage of such
Page 12A-36
Standby Fee: the fee charged by an investor for a standby commitment. The fee is
earned upon issuance and acceptance of the commitment.
Street Name: a registered security which has been endorsed in blank or endorsed in
favor of a recognized dealer is said to be in street name. A security may remain in
the broker’s name as long as the credit union is the beneficial owner of the security.
Strike Price: the price at which a security underlying a call (or put) option can be
purchased (or sold) upon exercise during the period specified in the contract. Also
called “Exercise Price”.
Structured Note: a security with a coupon, average life, or redemption value that is
linked to a) changes in an underlying index; b)changes in the prepayment speed of a
mortgage-backed security used as a reference for the structured note; or 3) other
factors. A government sponsored enterprise may issue structured notes to reduce the
agency’s cost of funds. The risk of embedded options make some structured notes
unsuitable investments for federal credit unions.
Swap: 1) a contract between two parties to exchange cash flows in the future based
on an agreed formula. A swap is a bundle of forward contracts. Swaps are available
in and between all active financial instruments. a) The “ plain vanilla” interest rate
swap agreement is an agreement to exchange fixed interest payments for floating-
rate payments based on a notional principal amount. The notional principal amount
is not exchanged in an interest rate swap. b) A generic currency swap is an
agreement to exchange one currency for another, at the beginning and at the end of
the swap, and to make fixed interest rate payments based on the currency obtained
Page 12A-37
Tick: the typical minimum price increment in cash market quotations, e.g., one
thirty-second of one percent, .03 125% or .0003 125, in US Treasury securities.
Time Value: the part of the option premium that reflects the remaining life of the
option. The total option value is the sum of its intrinsic value and its time value. The
more time that remains before the expiration date, generally the higher the premium,
because more time is available for the value of the underlying security to move up or
Total Return: the sum of interest and principal payments, the income earned on the
reinvestment of these cash flows, and the change in fair value over a specific holding
period (horizon) for a specific security.
Trade Date: the date on which parties enter into an agreement, orally or in writing,
for the purchase or sale of a security.
Trading Profits o r Losses: profits or losses resulting from the trading of a portfolio
of securities.
Transfer: when a registered instrument is acquired, it is sent to the transfer agent for
transfer. The transfer agent records that this certificate is no longer owned by the
previous holder but is now owned in the name of the individual who has acquired it.
Treasury Notes: Treasury notes have the same characteristics as Treasury bonds
except that the original maturities range from one to ten years.
Page 12A-39
Twelve-Year Life: historically, an assumption that the cash flow associated with a
mortgage will consist of level payments until the twelfth year, when the remaining
principal balance is paid in full.
Uncovered Call Writer: a call writer who does not own the underlying financial
instrument on which the option is written. Also called a naked call writer.
Underlying: the security, cash commodity, forward, futures, swap, or other contract
or instrument that is the subject of a derivatives contract or instrument.
Underwriting: 1) any person who has purchased from an issuer with a view to
distribute any security. Securities dealers use this term to designate the issue of
origination of new securities. 2) the process used by a Mortgage Banker to analyze
risk and the matching of risk to an appropriate rate and term.
Unit Investment Trust: an investment company similar to a mutual fund, but which
issues only redeemable securities (units), each of which represents an undivided
interest in a portfolio of securities.
Vega: a measure of the change in an option’s price for a given change in the
volatility of the underlying security.
Page 12A-40
When Issued (WI): short for when, as, and if issued. Transactions prior to issuance
of a security are on a WI basis, because the transaction is conditional on issuance,
although the security has been authorized. The when issued trading period in US
Treasury securities is normally three to ten days. However, interest does not accrue
during the when issued period, and payment is not required until the settlement date.
When issued trading in Treasury securities occurs on a yield basis prior to the
auction (sometimes denoted w.w.i.) and on a price basis following the auction
(denoted w.i.).
Yield: the yield on a bond is the annual percentage of return that it pays, typically
based on a semi-annual coupon convention. By way of comparison, the annual
percentage yield (APY) is based on an annual compounding convention. In real
estate, the term refers to the current yield, that is, the effective annual amount of
income which is being accrued on an investment, expressed as a percentage of the
price originally paid. See also “Net Yield”.
Yield Curve: a graph illustrating the level of interest rates as a function of time to
maturity. The most common yield curve plots Treasury securities from the 3-month
Treasury bill to the 30-year Treasury bond. Yield Curves may be described as a) a
normal yield curve (short-term rates are lower than long-term rates); b) an inverted
yield curve (short-term rates are higher than long-term rates); and 3) a flat yield
curve (little difference between short-term and long-term rates).
Yield on Average Life: historically, GNMA yields were quoted from tables which
calculated the yield on a single loan prepaid at the end of 12 years. It was assumed
that such a yield calculation was fairly representative of a pool of loans wherein the
average loan life was thought to be 12 years. No longer a basis of trading.
Yield to Call: the bond-equivalent yield that an investor would receive on his
investment if he were to buy a particular security at the quoted asked price and the
bond was called on the call date.
Page 12A-41
Yield to Maturity: the bond-equivalent yield that an investor would receive on his
investment if he were to buy a particular security at the quoted asked price and hold
to maturity.
Zero Coupon Bond: a security that makes no periodic interest payments and is sold
at a discount from face value. Zero coupon bonds that mature more than ten years
from settlement date are not permissible under Part 703.
Zero Coupon CMOS: CMO bonds that are either true zero coupon instruments or
accrual bonds. An accrual bond (or compound interest bond) is a coupon bond that,
during some part of its life, accumulates accrued interest as increased principal rather
than as cash paid. This accumulation is called accretion.
Page 12A-42
Chapter 13
. . . .................................................................... 13/3-13
Backup Sources of Liquidity
Activities Affecting Liquidity .............................................................................. 13/3-14
Borrowed Funds ....................................................................................... 13/3.14
Repurchase Agreements........................................................................... 13/3-15
Non-member Deposits ............................................................................. 13/3-16
Real Estate and Other Loan Sales ............................................................ 13/3-16
Loan Participations .................................................................................. 13/3- 17
Workpapers and References................................................................................ .13/3.18
APPENDIX 13B .DISCOUNTING CASH FLOWS...................................................... 13B-1
APPENDIX 13C .GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................. 13C-1
Chapter 13 - Part 1
Associated Interest rate risk (IRR) - the risk that changes in market rates
Risks will adversely affect a credit union’s capital and earnings;
Liquidity risk - the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from a credit union’s inability to meet its
obligations when they come due;
a Strategic risk - the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from adverse business decisions, improper
implementation of decisions, or lack of responsiveness to
industry changes; and
Reputation risk - the risk that the credit union cannot meet
member loan and share funding requests, causing concerns about
the credit union’s solvency.
Overview ALM is the process of evaluating balance sheet risk (interest rate and
liquidity risk) and making prudent decisions, which enables a credit
union to remain financially viable as economic conditions change. A
sound ALM process integrates strategic, profitability, and net worth
planning with risk management. This process often includes an Asset
Liability Committee (ALCO), which has the central purpose of
attaining goals established by the short- and long-term strategic plans
without taking on undue risk. While smaller credit unions with
simple balance sheets may not have or need an ALCO, an ALCO
represents a sound business practice for larger institutions with more
product offerings (e.g., real estate loans.)
Page 13/1-1
Credit unions with effective ALM programs can better balance the
demands of meeting their members’ needs with the objectives of
maintaining financial strength and flexibility. Credit unions with
sound ALM processes recognize that ALM involves more than just
an IRR measurement program; they retain a global view of the
purpose of ALM. For example, ALM management includes activities
such as marketing, product pricing, investment analysis, cash
management, internal controls, and data processing, all while
understanding how external factors (e.g., laws, economic conditions,
sponsor support) affect the credit union.
Page 1311-2
While the term ALM can encompass the broad area of balance sheet
risk, this chapter will focus on interest rate and liquidity risks
because they represent the most prominent risks affecting credit
unions. Part 2 of this chapter addresses Interest Rate Risk and Part 3,
Liquidity Risk. Although this chapter separately addresses each of
these risks, in reality, they interrelate with each other. That is,
actions that will affect a credit union’s IRR exposure will also likely
influence the liquidity risk exposure to some degree, and vice versa.
Page 1311-3
Associated 0 Interest rate risk (IRR) - the risk that changes in market rates
Risks will adversely affect a credit union’s capital and earnings;
0 Strategic risk - the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from adverse business decisions, improper
implementation of decisions, or lack of responsiveness to
industry changes; and
Reputation risk - the risks that the credit union cannot meet
member loan and share funding requests, causing concerns about
the credit union’s solvency.
Overview IRR is the potential decline in earnings and net worth arising from
changes in interest rates. This risk generally occurs because a credit
union may have a disproportionate amount of fixed and variable rate
instruments on either side of the balance sheet. Thus, as interest rates
change, the earnings stream or dividend expense on variable rate
balances will change while fixed rate balances will remain the same.
Accordingly, net income may rise or fall depending on the direction
of rate changes and whether the credit union is asset or liability
Credit unions with sound interest rate risk management processes can
often avoid wide swings in net earnings (see Illustration 13-A.)
Asset sensitive means that the credit union has more assets that will reprice than
shares. Liability sensitive means that a credit union has more liabilities that will
reprice than assets. Repricing can occur due to maturities or resetting variable
instruments interest rates.
Page 1312-1
Margin Analysis
Illustration 13-A
Small and basic service credit unions may have fairly simple IRR
processes. These may incorporate awareness of the members' share
and loan needs, relatively simple short-term loans and investments,
and flexible pricing policies that permit adjusting dividends and loan
rates to changes in market interest rates, thus maintaining adequate
earnings and net worth. In larger credit unions with more
complicated balance sheets, particularly those with higher
concentrations of long-term assets or more rate-sensitive deposits,
the credit union needs a more sophisticated and comprehensive
approach to IRR management. It also requires a more extensive
review by the examiner.
Page 1312-2
IRR The depth of analysis and time needed to review a credit union’s IRR
Examination management process varies from examination to examination. The
Procedures types of tests and level of examiner scrutiny will depend on the
complexity and size of a credit union’s balance sheet, from “simple”
to “complex.”
Complex As a first step, the examiner should determine whether the credit
Investments union has any loans secured by real estate or any complex
investments. According to Part 703 of NCUA Rules and Regulations,
complex investments have the following characteristics:
Page 13/24
Policies and The IRR examination review is mostly qualitative in nature with the
Procedures examiner looking at the various areas of a credit union’s IRR
management process. The examiner should review the credit union’s
IRR policies and procedures and determine if they adequately
correspond to the size and complexity of the balance sheet. The
credit union’s practices should effectively implement the policies and
procedures. Although the regulations do not require an IRR
management or ALM policy, safe and sound business practices do.
The scope of the policy will vary depending on the complexity of the
credit union’s balance sheet. A credit union that offers personal
loans, invests in non-complex or short-term bullet investments (a
debt security that returns 100 percent of principal on the maturity
date), and offers basic share products may not need to create an
elaborate policy. The policy for these credit unions may limit the
loan portfolio maturity, require a minimum amount of short-term
funds, and restrict the types of permissible investments (e.g.,
Treasuries, bullet bonds .)
RegFlex removes the shock test requirement under $703.90 for qualifying credit
Page 13/24
0 Risk limits for both short- and long-term cash flow horizons
(e.g., both earnings and economic value perspectives, if
appropriate); and
The board should review the policies at least annually, and revise as
the credit union makes changes to its business practices (e.g., types
of loans, types of shares, and types of investments), introduces new
strategies, or when the complexity, asset size, or sophistication of
management changes. For example, when a credit union first offers a
mortgage loan product, or offers a mortgage loan product with
significantly different terms (e.g. new balloon product or home
equity line of credit), the board should review the policies to
determine if they address any additional potential IRR.
Page 13/24
If possible, the policy should require the credit union to spread risk
management duties among several divisions (e.g., senior
management, lending, cash management, investments, and deposit
activities), or assign them to a committee (e.g., ALCO) comprised of
both credit union staff and board members. This integrates risk
management into credit union operations. Small credit unions with
limited staff and resources can vest these responsibilities with the
manager and the board.
Page 13/24
While a credit union may use other rate scenarios, and is encouraged
to do so, at a minimum it should apply a +/- 300 basis point (bp)
instantaneous, permanent, and parallel rate shock. Under this rate
shock, the entire current yield curve (both short- and long-term rates)
is assumed to shift 300 basis points from its current position
immediately and without future movements. NCUA considers this a
reasonable stress test.
For additional scenarios, the credit union may apply a yield curve
twist by shocking only a portion of the yield curve, such as short-
term rates, or apply a ramped rate scenario by adjusting the yield
curve gradually over time, generally 12 months. The credit union
may also analyze basis risk by measuring the impact of changing
relationships between indices (e.g., 90 day Treasury bill versus 3
month LIBOR.) The more scenarios the credit union runs, the better
its understanding of potential sources of risk.
For credit unions with complex balance sheets (e.g., mortgages and
complex investments), management should provide IRR measurement
reports to the board no less frequently than quarterly. In cases where
the balance sheet changes frequently and significantly, management
should consider providing monthly reports. The board may receive
IRR measurement reports less frequently if management provides
such reports to an ALCO (preferably, with at least one board
member on the ALCO) and the ALCO alerts the board to significant
events (e.g -,approaching or broaching a policy limit .) Semiannual
board reports may suffice for less complex credit unions.
IRR policy limits, commensurate with the earnings and net worth
position, mean that highly profitable and well-capitalized credit
unions may establish less restrictive limits than those less profitable
or with lower capital. Management should consider the degree of
Page 1312-7
Earnings Simulation:
NII after shock change > 30 percent over any 12
month period
Table 1
A red flag exists if the credit union exceeds the limits of the IRR
policy. This could signal that (1) the risk assessment methods used
did not adequately identify potential risks, (2) the credit union failed
to take prompt action to reduce the risk exposure, or (3)
management's efforts ineffectively reduced the risks. However, the
possibility exists that unforeseen events caused the credit union to
exceed the risk limits and the credit union actually took prompt
corrective action to mitigate future risk. Examiners should expect
management to explain the underlying causes and the resulting credit
union action.
Page 13/24
Planning and Examiners should review how the credit union integrates the IRR
IRR management process with strategic and financial planning. They
Management should determine if strategic planning occurs at ALCO meetings, or
if planning represents a separate function. Strategic planning
meetings should include the ALCO, who should have an opportunity
to comment on proposed plans. Exclusion of the ALCO from
strategic plan development impairs IRR management integration into
the planning process. Overall, the examiner should review the
following to determine if the credit union adequately integrates IRR
management and planning:
The credit union considers the effect of future events on its IRR
The credit union adopts strategic plans after considering the
riskheward relationship. The credit union appropriately analyzes
and measures the IRR associated with new products, services, or
The credit union includes ALCO and other persons with ALM
responsibilities in the strategic planning process;
The credit union updates IRR policies and risk limits as necessary
and in a timely manner to reflect the projected risk profile;
ALCO minutes document that the committee actively assesses
risk and makes recommendations to the board to mitigate risk or
improve the IRR management program; and
The credit union conducts periodic assessments to compare actual
performance with the plan.
Page 13/2-9
If credit unions simply adjust product rates in line with market rates,
their IRR management programs should not require significant in
depth analysis. However, balance sheet exposure changes when the
credit union adds products or investments with different:
Page 13/2-10
Page 13/2-11
Page 13/2-12
The examiner may review ALCO minutes, noting whether the ALCO
holds meetings as required by policy. Minutes establish a formal
record of ALCO meetings and member attendance. Lack of minutes
may indicate the ALCO is inactive, does not follow a consistent
agenda in which it evaluates risks, or does not make formal
recommendations to the board.
As a key user of the model’s output, the ALCO must understand the
key assumptions driving the results. While the ALCO need not have
a thorough knowledge of the underpinnings of the model (e.g.,
understanding how the model estimates prepayments on amortizing
accounts), it should have a broad understanding of model
assumptions. For example, it should recognize that mortgage
prepayments would vary with changes in market interest rates (e.g.,
due to the refinancing incentive.) As the key user of the risk
Page 13/2-13
Page 13/2-14
Examiners can conclude that the credit union does not have an
effective ALCO if it has a weak IRR management process and if the
ALCO did not know of the problems identified during the
examination or supervision contact. Likewise, the ALCO does not
meet its responsibilities if it knows of weaknesses but does not
resolve them.
IRR Credit unions should measure IRR no less often than semiannually,
Measurement assuming the balance sheet does not incur any significant changes
Review (e.g., a rapid growth in fixed rate mortgages, a significantly
lengthened investment portfolio maturity, a new CD program
attracting a large number of member shares.) For federal credit
unions, NCUA Rules and Regulations $703.90 requires quarterly
measurement if complex securities exceed net worth (unless the
credit union receives an exemption under RegFlex provisions.) Less
complex credit unions may employ basic gap and other models,
while larger or more complex credit unions should employ more
sophisticated earnings simulation and/or valuation models, which
they run internally or obtain from outside vendors.
Page 13/2-15
Training of the program person will help ensure the credit union uses
the program proficiently, better understands the model’s capabilities
and limitations, and accurately measures risk. The initial training
should enable the program person to understand the more intricate
functions of the model. The degree of training needed will depend on
the risk inherent in the balance sheet. A balance sheet consisting of
complex securities and mortgage-related assets necessitates more
intricate risk measures (e.g., NEV versus gap) than a simpler
balance sheet primarily composed of bullet instruments and consumer
Page 13/2-16
Review of IRR The credit union’s review of the IRR measurement model should
Measurement ensure that data and assumptions accurately represent its balance
System sheet and risk profile (e.g. accurate input of balance sheet accounts,
rates, and maturities.) By examining the input data directly or testing
the output against a benchmark, a credit union could test the model’s
output. For example, a credit union could benchmark its real estate
loan portfolio valuation against the OTS Pricing Tables, or the
Mortgage Pricing Tables in AIRES.
Page 13/2-17
Someone other than the person running the model (e.g., supervisory
committee, internal/external auditor, supervisor) should conduct the
review of the IRR measurement model. The reviewer of the
modeling system should understand IRR and the risk measurement
system, including the model's methodologies and assumptions. If the
supervisory committee or other credit union personnel assumes this
task, they should attend periodic training on the model.
If the reviewer does not understand the model, this may hamper the
value of the recommendations. Thus, the absence of any
recommendations does not necessarily indicate a problem-free
modeling process. If the reviewer has made recommendations,
examiners should determine whether the credit union acted on them.
If not, they should determine the reasons. Lack of a plausible reason
could signal that the officials have not embraced the value of
accurate risk measurement.
Page 13/2-18
Finally, examiners should determine what steps the credit union has
taken to ensure meaningful comparison of results between periods.
Consistent measurement between periods enables understanding of
the changing risk structure of the balance sheet and identification of
the underlying causes. Examiners should take exception if
assumptions change from period to period without reasonable cause.
The results will likely mislead decision makers (e.g., the ALCO and
board) resulting in inappropriate decision-making . The examiner
should ascertain whether the credit union documents its assumptions,
and makes users of the results aware of changes in key assumptions.
Page 13/2-19
IRR Credit unions can purchase IRR models from vendors, contract with
Measurement vendors to perform the analysis, or develop their own proprietary
Techniques and systems. The source of the measurement tool is not important as
Of Risk
long as the credit union can obtain a reasonably accurate
measurement of IRR, and the credit union understands the
methodologies and assumptions driving the results.
Table 2 illustrates how the examiner can use the credit union’s IRR
measurement tool to determine if IRR exposure is low, moderate, or
high. Examiners should consider the degree of precision and
accuracy of the risk assessment model when determining
acceptability of a risk limit. A sophisticated model that properly
addresses prepayment and option risk will have less measurement
error; therefore, a looser limit may suffice. Conversely, if the risk
measurement report has a low depth of analysis or precision, tighter
risk limits may compensate for potential inaccuracies. All limits
assume a 300 basis point instantaneous and permanent interest rate
IRR Exposure
Basis of measurement
% change in any given period
or cumulatively over 12 months +/-lo% +/-10-20% > +/- 20%
Earnings Simulation
NII: after shock change over any
12-month period <20% 20-30% > 30%
NI: after shock change over any
12-month period <40% 40-75 %
Asset Valuation:
after shock change in book value
net worth <25% 25-50% >
after shock value of net worth >6% 4-6% < 4%
after shock change in market value
net worth <25% 25-50 % >
after shock value of net worth >6% 4-6% < 4%
Table 2
Page 13/2-21
NEV and asset valuation analyses measure the change in net worth in
a current and stressed interest rate environment (e.g., under a 300
basis point instantaneous and parallel rate shock.) Both are effective
methods (although NEV can provide more precise results because it
values shares and liabilities) for evaluating IRR over a long-term
horizon (i.em9 from the current period to the maturity of the measured
assets and liabilities.) Asset valuation and NEV measure the credit
union’s current economic solvency and projected economic solvency
under a stressed interest rate environment. These economic value
measures can identify IRR that short-term measures such as gap and
income simulation may not reveal.
Page 13/2-22
measure interest rate risk and determine whether the credit union
sufficiently stratifies assets by type and characteristic. For amortizing
accounts (e.g., real estate and commercial loans, and mortgage-
related investments [CMOS and mortgage pass-throughs]), the credit
union should account for estimated prepayments. Examiners should
determine that prepayment estimates (1) meet reasonableness
expectations, and (2) have supporting documentation. Examiners
should also determine that prepayment assumptions change during
different interest rate cycles.
Page 13/2-23
capture the IRR in the balance sheet, since cash flows may exceed
the model's measurement horizon.
Asset Valuation Asset valuation and NEV measure IRR through estimating the
and NEV economic value of financial assets and net worth respectively. These
methods can effectively measure IRR over the entire spectrum of
cash flows, if they also account for the effects of embedded options
within the balance sheet. NEV provides a more complete measure of
risk than asset valuation because it measures changes in liability
Red Flags Examiners should remain aware of the following potential warning
signs that may indicate a problem in IRR management. Many credit
unions will have some degree of one or two of these elements. These
may not result in safety and soundness concerns. However, if several
of these signs exist, or if they are material, the examiner should treat
IRR management as an area of concern and develop plans to address
the problems.
Page 13/2-24
Page 13/2-25
Even so, a small "plain vanilla" credit union (shares and loans only)
should have:
Page 13/2-26
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Interest Rate Risk Questionnaire (IRRQ) - a supervision tool
References to assist examiners in evaluating IRR. Part D, Step 5 (IRR
Measurement Review) specifically discusses evaluating
measurement of IRR.
- NCUA Letter No. 99-CU-12, dated August 1999, Real Estate
Lending and Balance Sheet Risk
- NCUA Letter No. 00-CU-08, dated November 2000, Camel
Rating System
- NCUA Letter No. 00-CU-10, dated November 2000, Asset-
Liability Management Examination Procedures
- NCUA’s Public Folders - Under the ALM Folder (Public
Folders are for Internal Use Only)
Introduction to Interest Rate Risk Modeling - summary
of key components of modeling IRR
Interest Rate Risk Vendor Model Summaries - summaries
of IRR measurement tools (commonly seen in credit
unions) offered by vendors and ALM consultants
Chapter 13 - Part 3
Page 13/3-1
Sources Uses
- New share deposits - New loans disbursed
- Loan principal payments - Share withdrawals
- Interest income - Operating expenses
- Fee income - New investments
- Maturing investments - Liabilities payments
- Borrowing - Purchase of assets
- Repurchase agreements
- Sale of assets
(i.e., real estate loans
in the secondary market)
- Loan participations
The safe and sound operation of the credit union requires that
management monitor and maintain adequate liquidity. Smaller, less
complex credit unions need not meet the same standards as larger
credit unions; however, each credit union should follow sound
business practices in liquidity risk management..
Page 1313-2
Page 1313-3
0 Set limits in terms of ratios and projected net cash flows (cash
inflows less cash outflows);
0 Prioritize and periodically test alternative sources of funds;
0 Assign responsibilities for monitoring liquidity; and
Establish reporting requirements.
Page 1313-4
Page 13/34
Contingent Liabilities/(Cash and Investments);
Net Liquid Assets/(Liabilities and Shares);
Volatile Liabilities/(Cash and Short-Term Investments);
Growth in Volatile Liabilities/Assets;
Investment Loss Ratio; and
Estimated Loan Maturity.
Setting Limits A key step in managing liquidity involves setting acceptable limits.
Limits assist the board and management in determining the adequacy
of the current level of liquidity and alert them to conditions where
liquidity demands may disrupt normal business.
Page 1313-6
Monitoring and Credit unions must monitor liquidity and document their analysis.
Oversight Small credit unions with basic share and loan products may perform
an elementary analysis (e.g., reviewing the loan to share ratio or
amount of cash and short-term investments on hand.) Larger, more
complex credit unions should analyze projected sources and uses of
funds, evaluate liquidity alternatives, and determine expected
liquidity under adverse economic conditions.
Page 1313-7
Page 1313-8
Reporting Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests with the
board. Therefore, management must report existing or anticipated
liquidity concerns in an accurate and timely manner. Early notice of
emerging pressures enables the board to evaluate the cost/benefit
relationship of the various alternatives and initiate action with
minimal disruption in the credit union operations.
Board reports should reflect the credit union's business direction, the
composition of the balance sheet, and the volatility of its cash flows.
The reports should also provide substantive information on which to
make liquidity decisions. For example, reports may indicate liquidity
trends, compliance with board-established limits, and changes in the
credit union's cash flow structure.
Page 1313-9
Page 13/3-10
Credit unions may also originate loans with the intent to sell them to
increase cash flow. Asset securitization permits credit unions to sell
their consumer loans (e.g . , credit card receivables auto loans, home
equity lines of credit) as a source of liquidity. Besides the underlying
Page 13/3-11
Though members can withdraw their shares at any time, their actual
behavior may differ considerably. On average, most members retain
a certain balance in their share accounts. Therefore, the credit union
need not maintain cash equal to its regular shares. The effort
required to open an account at another institution may result in
“maturities” for transaction accounts (e.g. , share draft accounts) of
several years. Share draft accounts do not generally fluctuate
significantly with changes in interest rates.
Page 13/3-12
Credit unions should not assume that business will always continue
as it has in the past. Stress conditions could arise from rising
unemployment, increases in equity investments, or member
dissatisfaction with the credit union's services. These could manifest
themselves in credit deterioration, unusually high interest rate
volatility, reputation risk, and systemic events (e.g., anti-inflationary
monetary policies .) Resulting liquidity demands may extend beyond
what the credit union has available to it through "normal" liquidity
sources (e.g., lines of credit). Therefore, the credit union may need
to explore emergency sources of funds such as loan sales or a
liquidation of other assets.
Page 13/3-13
The credit union should remain aware of recent trends, future events,
or management decisions that may have a material effect on the
balance sheet’s liquidity structure. Examples would include (1) new
loan, share, or investment strategies; (2) merger; (3) aggressive
growth strategies; or (4) declining trends in asset quality.
Borrowed funds;
Repurchase agreements;
Non-member deposits;
Real estate and other loan sales; and
Loan participations.
Borrowed Funds Credit unions should plan borrowings for a specific purpose that
management can reasonably explain. When the credit union borrows
funds, they should document a plan for repayment of the funds.
Management should understand all terms of the borrowings,
including call features, prepayment penalties, and debt covenants.
Page 13/3-14
Page 13/3-15
Non-member Non-member shares can provide the credit union with a liquidity
Deposits source that it can tap quickly. However, these funds may require a
higher dividend rate than member shares to entice institutional
investors (e .g ., other credit unions .) Further, these shares generally
have high rate sensitivity and a strong likelihood of their withdrawal
exists should alternatives offer better returns. Thus, these shares may
not provide a low-cost, long-term funding source. Accordingly, the
credit union should develop a plan to address the increased funding
costs and high volatility associated with these shares. Failing to do so
may result in depressed earnings and future liquidity shortfalls.
Real Estate and If the credit union has not engaged in a loan sale, it may not
Other Loan Sales recognize the administrative and procedural requirements to
complete the sale (i.e., meeting secondary market standards.)
Arranging mortgage sales generally involves the buyer, thus
precluding sales from being an immediate liquidity source. In
addition, prices will vary based on the underwriting quality (e.g.,
meeting secondary market standards), transfer of servicing rights,
current market rates, and selling loans with and without recourse (the
ability of the buyer to return the asset to the seller.) Thus, experience
in selling loans could increase the credit union's awareness that
liquidity may come at a significant cost.
If the credit union has not engaged in prior sales, it may not
recognize the potential for losses on loan sales. Accordingly, loan
sales may not serve as a realistic source of liquidity, especially if the
loan portfolio consists of low coupon mortgages, or the loans were
not written to secondary market standards. Credit unions that
regularly engage in mortgage lending may have established a
mortgage pipeline with the secondary market (e.g., FNMA,
FHLMC) to facilitate loan sales. Typically, credit unions that sell
loans, sell them on a monthly basis (FNMA and FWLMC set
Page 13/3-16
In this type of liquidity source, the selling credit union would retain
a percentage of the loans, usually 10 percent or more. They would
also retain servicing. Thus, the transaction remains transparent to the
member. The agreement should include details about (1) whether the
sale is with or without recourse, (2) whether buy-back provisions
(rider) exist and the timeframes for such provisions, (3) whether the
seller can repurchase the balance of the loans at a later date should
their level of liquidity increase, and (4)what if any compensation the
seller would receive for servicing the loans. As consumer loans have
a shorter life and require less servicing, the liquidity afforded
through the participation may overshadow the compensation in
Many, but not all, loan participations occur after origination of the
loans. Larger credit unions might participate on a large loan to a
commercial member to share the risk. A smaller credit union might
Page 13/3-17
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Liquidity Review Questionnaire (LRQ)
References 0 References
- NCUA Letters to Credit Unions
NO. 02-CU-05
NO. 00-CU-13
Page 13/3-18
GAP A traditional GAP analysis alone does not adequately permit
evaluating mortgage-related risks. A repricing GAP represents a
measure of the mismatch between the amount of assets and liabilities
repricing within a defined time period. It is a simplistic
determination of the relative interest rate sensitivity of a balance
sheet. GAP analysis can adequately pinpoint large mismatches in
assets and liabilities, but lacks as a tool for measuring the complex
variables associated with mortgages. GAP does not consider changes
in the shape of the yield curve, changes in the spread relationship
between different market rates, or option risk (e.g., prepayments). In
addition, it does not address the effect of an adverse increase in
interest rates on net worth.
Page 13A-1
Asset For credit unions lacking advanced ALM models, there are
Val uation additional methods for measuring interest-rate risk in mortgage
loans. Using mortgage-backed securities as a proxy, credit unions
can obtain estimates of risk exposure on their mortgages. One public
source of this information is The Asset & Liability Price Tables on
the Office of Thrift Supervision Website at
http://www .ots.treas.gov/quarter.html.These tables provide
mortgage pool security prices at 100, 200, 300 basis point shock
scenarios. Industry recognized information providers also provide
estimated price sensitivity of individual securities.
Page 13A-2
Net Economic Net Economic Value (NEV)’ measures the effect of interest rate risk
Value on capital. NEV represents a solvency measure, but it also estimates
the balance sheet’s future earnings capacity. It measures the balance
sheet’s value at a fixed point in time. Proper NEV models capture
principal and interest cash flows and provide an analysis of option
risk. Managing NEV reduces the volatility of earnings and net
In short, NEV equals the fair value of assets minus the fair value of
liabilities. NEV calculations must also include the value of embedded
options. Models that calculate NEV compute the value of capital
under current interest rates (no rate change) and then under a
“shocked” interest rate scenario. The variance between these two
NEV calculations represents the potential impact on capital if rates
were to change. The components of NEV are as follows:
Minus: The value today (present value) of future principal and interest
amounts the credit union will pay for its funds.
For a more extensive discussion of net economic value and the risk of mortgage-
related assets, see the NCUA Corporate Examiner’s Guide under Reference
information at NCUA’s Website at http://www.ncua.gov.
Page 13A-3
Page 13A-4
Discounting The following example demonstrates how a change in interest rates
Cash Flows can affect the fair value of a security or loan. Present value is the
Example amount of money an individual must invest today to realize a future
amount.' In other words, it is today's value of the dollar amounts the
recipient will receive in the future. Discounting refers to the process
of computing a present value. Accordingly, present value represents
the discounted value and the interest rate used is often called the
discount rate. The price of any financial instrument (e.g., mortgages
or investment securities) is the present value of its future cash flows.
Understanding the process of discounting cash flows can aid a credit
union in valuing its balance sheet and in interpreting the results of its
ALM model.
Present Value =
Future Value (Cash Flow Amount) X 1
i = annual interest or discount rate N = number of years
This discussion follows, for example, a chapter on Present Value in Fixed Income
Mathematics; Third Edition by Frank J Fabozzi; (Irwin Professional Publishing;
1993); pp. 19-33.
Present value of a future value n periods from now assuming periodic
Present Value = Future Value X 1
(1 + i/m)""
m = Frequency of compounding (e.g.? monthly = 12, semiannually = 2);
i -= Periodic interest or discount rate [annual interest rate (in decimal form);
n = Number of periods [number of years].
Page 13B-1
Note that the present value of the 7.5 % coupon bond equates to its
face amount of $1,000,000 when the cash flows are discounted at the
7.5% coupon rate. This would equate to a no rate change or base
case scenario when computing NEV. However, the present value
decreases by about $74,000 when the cash flows are discounted at
10.5% . This would approximate a potential 300 basis point rate
shock when computing NEV. The decline in value underscores how
an increase in market interest rates can reduce the fair market value
of a security or a loan. This diminution also represents potential
changes to capital under a NEV rate shock scenario.
Page 13B-2
ALM Definitions
This section defines some terms commonly used in ALM. Standard
dictionaries do not contain the definitions of many words and phrases
used when discussing ALM; therefore, this glossary may assist the
examiner in understanding specialized industry-specific words.
(Appendix 12A contains investment terms .)
Basis Risk: the risk to earnings and economic value when a change in one interest
rate differs from that of another interest rate for a similar maturity or term. For
example, the rate on a money market share account typically changes less than that
of an overnight investment account (earning a Federal funds rate .)
Core Share Deposits: in gap analysis, the estimated portion of deposits that are not
rate sensitive. Cores share deposits reflect management’s judgment of the portion
of shares not expected to be withdrawn and reinvested in a higher rate instrument,
in response to an increase in market interest rates. Credit unions may consider
many regular share accounts with relatively small balances, as well as the portion
of share draft accounts reflecting transactional balances, to be core share deposits.
Generally, money market share accounts and share certificates are less likely to be
considered core share deposits.
Duration of Equity: a simple estimate of the percentage change in fair value net
worth for a one percent change in interest rates. See the Investment Chapter for a
definition of duration.
Gap Analysis: a simple interest rate risk measurement technique that reports the
mismatch between rate sensitive assets (RSAs) and rate sensitive liabilities (RSLs)
over a given time period. Common time periods (or gap buckets) are 3 months, 6
months, and 12 months. A gap report typically shows differences between RSAs
and RSLs for various gap buckets (i.e., the periodic gaps), and the aggregate
difference between RSAs and RSLs up to a specified time period, such as 12
months (i.e., the cumulative gap).
Static gap analysis shows repricing mismatches based on the current balance sheet
position. In contrast, dynamic gap analysis shows repricing mismatches based on a
forecasted balance sheet. Since many credit unions use gap analysis, examiners
need to understand its uses and weaknesses. Refer to Appendix 13A for further
discussion of gap analysis.
Page 13C-1
under different interest rate scenarios. Refer to Appendix 13A for further
discussion of income simulation.
Index: the market interest rate (to which a margin may be added) that is used to
reset the interest rate on a variable-rate loan.
Interest Rate Risk (IRR):the risk to a CU’s financial condition resulting from
adverse changes in interest rates. IRR is a type of market risk. Exposure to IRR
can be measured by assessing the effect of changing rates and prices on either the
earnings or economic value of an individual instrument, a portfolio, or the entire
Net Economic Value (NEV):an interest rate risk measurement technique used to
measure the economic exposure of net worth to changes in interest rates. NEV
equals the present value of assets less the present value of liabilities. Refer to
Appendix 13A for further discussion of NEV.
NEV Volatility: measures the change (either in dollar or percentage terms) in NEV
from a base case resulting from a change in interest rates. A high level of NEV
volatility reflects a high level of interest rate risk.
Pricing: a credit union management action to set interest rates and terms on loan
and deposit products offered to members.
Rate Ramp: is a gradual increase in interest rates over a specified time period,
usually 12 months. Rate ramps are used for management forecasts of future
earnings in income simulations.
Rate Sensitivity, Rate Sensitive Assets (RSAs), and Rate Sensitive Liabilities
(RSLs): in gap analysis, the degree to which a financial instrument is expected to
reprice within a given time frame.
For example, given a 12-month time frame for a gap report, a 5-year-remaining-
maturity Treasury note is not “rate sensitive” since it will not mature within 12
months. A credit union can estimate prepayments on consumer loans (e.g., 30-year
mortgages) to schedule the rate sensitivity of its cash flows. Rate sensitivity
assumptions for administered rate liabilities (e.g., regular shares and money market
shares) can be very influential on reported gap results.
Rate Shock: is an immediate change in the level of interest rates. Parallel rate
shocks of 1 to 3 percent are often used to assess interest rate risk.
Repricing: the change in interest rate resulting from either an interest rate resef on
a variable-rate or administered-rate instrument, or a reinvestment of cash flow from
a maturity, scheduled amortization, prepayment, or early withdrawal of an asset or
A variable rate loan reprices on its interest rate change date and on its maturity
date, when the principal can be reinvested at a current market interest rate.
Repricing also occurs when a credit union administers a rate change on an account
such as a money market share account. A fixed rate loan reprices as scheduled
Page 13C-2
payments occur, upon prepayment of principal, and on its contractual maturity date
when any outstanding principal balance is repaid.
Shocked Value: is a fair value for a financial instrument given a rate shock. The
difference between the current value and the shocked value informs management of
the price sensitivity of a financial instrument to a change in interest rates.
Volatility: can refer to how much change there is in measures of interest rate risk,
such as forecasted net income or NEV, across different interest rate scenarios.
Volatility also can refer to how much market participants expect interest rates or
prices to change in the future.
Page 13C-3
Chapter 14
Examination Determine whether the credit union has a realistic share product
0bjectives mix and pricing policy
0 Determine whether the share program meets the needs of the
Analyze the share mix to determine whether it provides for
adequate earnings
Determine whether the share program incorporates adequate
internal controls
Evaluate the reasonableness of fluctuations in the shares and share
Determine whether the share program meets all legal requirements
Overview Share accounts are the primary source of funds for credit unions. As
such, the share program should conform to the credit union's asset
liability management policies. In determining the proper share mix, the
credit union must consider the cost of funds, the matching of funds
Page 14-1
When examiners have concerns with the share program, they should
perform sufficient procedures to address and resolve their concerns.
Share Draft Examiners may review share draft programs to determine the extent of
Programs the credit union's control over share draft processing, balancing, and
posting. Credit unions must promptly (at least daily) review and
process overdrafts and related loan advances, and clear processing
exceptions. Examiners should expand their analysis when they
encounter or have reason to suspect material risk factors.
Page 14-2
Operational Flow With share draft programs, members write drafts and present them to
third parties, who present the drafts received to their own banks. The
payee's bank forwards the drafts through bank clearing channels for
presentation to the credit union's payable-through bank. The payable-
through bank receives the drafts and makes provisional payment
subject to payment or dishonor by the credit union. Upon receipt of the
drafts, the payable-through bank presents the information on the drafts
to the credit union. Normally, the payable through bank converts the
information on the share drafts to an electronic medium (magnetic
tape) transmits it to the credit union for payment or dishonor (the bank
may also transmit the information directly to the credit union's
information system process supplier.) The credit union then approves
payment and posts the share withdrawals to the members' accounts.
Overdrafts When a credit union receives a share draft that overdraws a share draft
account, it has several options available:
Accept the draft and create an overdraft, and then clear the
overdraft by a transfer from another share account or by an advance
Page 14-3
Credit unions that offer a line of credit for share draft accounts should
ensure the member signs separate agreements: a line of credit
agreement and a share draft agreement. The credit union must comply
with any provisions for lines of credit in the NCUA Rules and
Regulations. The share draft agreement may authorize the credit union
to transfer the amount of loan advance to the share draft account.
Verification Credit union officials do not normally review the share draft to
determine if the member signed the draft presented. Members review
the periodic statement for unauthorized drafts. If members find an
unauthorized draft, they must notify the credit union.
Fees Credit unions offering share drafts to their members may charge
periodic fees or service charges to their members using share drafts
(e.g., for the distribution of interim statements, processing stop
payment orders, overdrafts, obtaining copies of paid drafts for a
member, and the actual cost of each member's blank share drafts.) The
board of directors establishes the fee structures.
Business Share For credit unions offering business share accounts, examiners should
Accounts assess the materiality of these accounts on overall operations.
Examiners may need to expand the scope of the examination in this
area based on the following:
Page 14-4
Fraud and Expertise in fraud and forgery detection is beyond the examiner’s role.
Forgery However, if red flags indicate a potential for forgery, examiners should
consult with their supervisory examiner to discuss expanding the
examination scope. Appendix 14B contains red flag indicators for
share accounts.
Page 14-5
Advertising and A federal credit union must accurately represent the terms and
Disclosures conditions of its share, share draft and share certificate accounts in all
Page 14-6
Workpapers 0 Workpapers
and - Review Considerations
References - Share Analysis
- Share Greater Than $100,000
- Shares Less Than $0
- Shares Detail
- Share Internal Controls
0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
107(6) Receipt of Funds
117 Dividends
207(k)(2) Insured Account
Page 14-7
/ + d W
Neither the FCU Act nor the NCUA Rules and Regulations restrict a
federal credit union in the types of member share accounts it can offer.
Generally, share types fall into the broad categories of regular shares,
share drafts, share certificates, money market shares, and retirement
plan accounts. Other less commonly used accounts include escrow,
nonmember, and public unit accounts.
Regular Every federal credit union offers a share account that does not require a
Shares minimum balance greater than the par value of a share, which provides
for continued membership in the credit union. However, federal credit
unions can offer variations of the regular share account (e.g.,
Christmas Club accounts, vacation accounts, no-dividend accounts.)
Page 14A-1
Internal The FCU Bylaws require that federal credit unions deposit all funds
Accounts except petty cash or change funds; therefore, credit unions may not
establish their own in-house accounts on which they draw drafts.
However, a federal credit union may draw drafts upon itself. Although
a federal credit union may not issue cashier's checks, it may issue
"treasurerk drafts" to make credit union payments. These drafts equate
to a cashier's check, which is a draft drawn by a bank against its assets.
The bank acts as both the drawer and the drawee of the instrument. It
becomes the bank's primary obligation, and constitutes its written
promise to pay on demand. Therefore, while a federal credit union may
draw drafts upon itself, assuming proper accounting procedures and an
awareness of any liability it may incur by doing so, it may not have its
own internal share draft account.
Money Market A money market account, a short-term insured draft account, pays
Accounts competitive money market rates. The credit union determines terms
and conditions according to competition and its own resources.
Page 14A-2
Individual Part 724 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations authorizes a federal
Retirement credit union to act as trustee or custodian of individual retirement
Accounts accounts (IRAs) for its members or organizations of its members. IRAs
act as trusts or custodial accounts, which requires (1) a written
instrument creating the trust, and (2) investment of the funds in share
accounts or share certificate accounts of the federal credit union. The
credit union chooses the design of IRA share and share certificate
accounts, without any maturity or dividend restrictions. The National
Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) insures these accounts
separately up to a maximum of $100,000.
Credit Union A federal credit union can provide retirement benefits for its
Employees' employees and compensated officers. Except for IRA and Keogh
Retirement accounts, credit unions have no authority to act as a trustee over any
Plans trust accounts. Therefore, for employees and compensated officers, a
federal credit union can only offer the following types of pension
401 K Plan Part 724 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations provides for
development of pension plans that qualify under 401(d) or 408 of
Internal Revenue Code. As a result, credit unions have begun to offer
services in the deferred compensation field. Most major corporations
offer 40 I K Plans, known as "pay conversion plans," deferred pay
plans, or salary reduction plans to their employees. In some credit
unions, the growth in this program is offset by a reduction of payroll
Page 14A-3
Public Unit A credit union may receive payments on shares from member or
Accounts nonmember units of federal, state, and local governments. Because
public unit accounts usually consist of large amounts of funds subject
to immediate redemption, examiners must carefully analyze them. The
term "public unit" means the United States, the District of Columbia,
any state of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any
territory or possession of the United States, any county, municipality,
or political subdivision thereof. The term "political subdivision"
includes any subdivision or principal department of a public unit if
state statute:
Page 14A-4
Treasury Tax Subject to the U.S. Treasury regulations, a federal credit union may:
and Loan
Accounts 0 Serve as a Treasury Tax and Loan (TT&L) depositary; a depositary
of federal taxes, a depositary of public money, and a financial
agent of the U.S. Government;
0 Deem funds held in a TT&L Remittance Account, a TT&L Note
Account, a Treasury General Account, and a U.S. Treasury Time
Deposit-Open Account ($701.37) as deposits of public funds; and
0 Exempt funds held in such accounts from the 60-day notice
requirement of Article 111, Section 5(a) of the FCU Bylaws.
0 The number of federal tax deposit forms, which comprise the basis
for the compensation;
The fee factor;
0 The total compensation due; and
0 Interest on late fees due the Treasury.
Page 14A-5
Depository A federal credit union may act as a depository or financial agent of the
and us Agent U.S. Government under the provisions of Title 3 1, C.F.R. 202 of the
Account Department of Treasury Regulations, which permits federal credit
unions acting under this authority to:
Page 14A-6
When the membership needs business share accounts and the credit
union has the ability to effectively offer them, this service can provide
several advantages, including:
Page 14A-7
Page 14A-8
Red Flags Examiners should remain aware of the following red flags (not an all-
inclusive list) when reviewing share accounts.
Page 14B-1
0 Share trial balance report header shows not all share accounts were
selected for printing on the share trial balance;
0 Missing or incomplete membership cards; or
0 Failure to correct internal control weaknesses identified in
examinations, supervisory committee audits, internal audits, and
risk-management analysis audits.
Page 14B-2
Chapter 15
Examination 0 Review income and expense trends
Objectives 0 Analyze budget projections and practices
0 Evaluate due diligence by management of services and products
affecting the credit union’s profitability (e.g., cost-benefit
Determine adequacy of policies and practices addressing income
and expenses
Compare actual performance to the income and expense budget
and capitalization goals
Determine sufficiency of earnings to cover operating expenses,
dividends, and necessary reserve transfers
Determine adequacy of earnings to increase the net worth ratio (if
necessary) or to maintain the net worth ratio at or above
established benchmarks
0 Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, accounting
practices, and policy statements when recording income and
expense items
a Determine that management has instituted prompt correction of
deficiencies or exceptions
Associated 0 Credit risk can result from poor underwriting of loans or high-
Risks risk investments;
0 Interest rate risk can result from insufficient net interest margin
to cover operating expenses;
0 Liquidity risk can result from inadequate pricing policies, and
failure to properly structure share and loan products resulting in
weak or negative profitability;
0 Strategic risk can result from failure of management to plan for
sufficient resources to fulfill business plans or continue offering
competitive products and services; and
0 Reputation risk can result from loss of member confidence and
withdrawal of member shares due to questions regarding the
credit union’s on-going viability.
Page 15-1
On December 3 1 of the prior year, the average share balance for the 6-month
period was $400,000 and the dividend cost was $4,700. The dividend-to-shares
ratio is $4,700/$400,000 = .01175. The average of the prior two periods'
dividend-to-shares ratio is 1.15 percent (( 1.125 percent 1.175 percent)/2).
Page 15-2
indicate the additional profit necessary to increase the net worth ratio
to a specified level over a selected number of years.
Examiners can also use the Two Minute Profitability Test for
reviewing the credit union's budget relative to its net worth goals.
Gross hmm? The gross income to average assets ratio reflects the rate at which the
to Average assets produce income. Since assets include such non-earning items
Assets as prepaid expenses and furniture and equipment, this ratio usually is
less than the credit union's interest rate on loans. If the credit union
has a low gross income to average assets ratio, or a negative or
declining trend, the examiner may extend the analysis to determine
the cause of the decreased income. Individually analyzing the yield
on loans, yield on investments, and other major assets can assist the
examiner in this determination. If these ratios do not point out the
cause of the adverse trend, the examiner may look for a major fixed-
asset purchase or some other increase in non-earning assets (e.g., the
volume of delinquent loans greater than 90 days.)
Yield on The yield on loans is the rate at which loans produce income. This
Loans ratio usually is less than the interest rate charged for loans because it
does not consider unaccrued interest on delinquent loans. Examiners
should determine the reasonableness of the yield on loans for the
types of loans in the credit union's portfolio. The yield on loans
should not deviate substantially from the weighted average interest
rate charged on loans. If the yield on loans reflects a negative trend,
the reasons may include an increase in delinquency, decreased
collections, or a reduction in interest rates.
Page 15-4
Net Net operating expenses to average assets considers net operating cost
Operating when evaluating operating expenses. Fee income reduces total
Expenses to operating expenses. This ratio tends to put the overall expense
Average picture into focus for those credit unions that offer expensive
Assets services but recoup some or all of the costs by assessing fees.
cost of Cost of funds to average assets reflects the percentage of assets used
Funds to for dividends and interest on borrowed money. Examiners should
Average determine the cause of a high ratio or increasing trend. Calculating
Assets the cost of various share types and the cost of borrowed money ratios
can assist in this determination. The mix of deposits between lower-
costing regular shares and higher-costing share certificates directly
affects the cost of shares. By reviewing growth trends by share
category, examiners can better isolate changes.
Net Interest The net interest margin to average assets ratio measures whether
Margin to income from loans and investments sufficiently covers the cost of
Average funds. In general terms, if the credit union properly matches assets
Assets and liabilities, this ratio should remain constant in varying interest
rate cycles. A fluctuating ratio could indicate a change in loan rates
charged, a change in investment practices, or (in a rapidly changing
rate environment) a slow adjustment of dividend rates paid.
Examiners may determine the cause of a low or fluctuating ratio.
Return on The return on average assets ratio is the percentage of assets that the
Average credit union realizes as profit before reserve transfers. A negative
Assets trend usually indicates a problem that requires addressing with the
officials or, if material, in the examination report. A negative ratio
may require the examiner to determine the cause and help officials
develop corrective actions The urgency of the situation depends on
the degree of negativity in the trend and the amount of available
reserves. Available revocable reserves and earnings determine how
Page 15-5
long the credit union can support negative earnings without affecting
dividends or operations.
To determine the longest time available, examiners should first calculate the
annual loss and then convert it into months:
At that rate, the credit union will deplete its $22,000 in Undivided Earnings in
a maximum 15 months.
The accelerating loss rate may reduce the maximum period. Unless
management makes changes, the credit union has less than 15 months in which
to operate. A review of the ratio should reveal the validity of this assumption,
or determine if less time actually remains to correct the problem.
Workpapers Workpapers
- Financial History
- Key Ratio
- Statement of Income
- Two Minute Profitability Test
Page 15-6
Chapter 16
Associated Credit risk can result from poor underwriting of loans or high-
Risks risk investments;
Interest rate risk can result from insufficient net interest margin
to cover operating expenses;
0 Liquidity risk can result from inadequate pricing policies, and
failure to properly structure share and loan products resulting in
weak or negative profitability;
Strategic risk can result from failure of management to plan for
sufficient resources to fulfill business plans or continue offering
competitive products and services;
0 Transaction risk can result from failure to establish and
implement policies and procedures that ensure the accuracy and
integrity of data and information;
0 Compliance can result when credit unions fail to comply with
applicable laws and regulations; and
Page 16-1
Overview The adequacy of the credit union’s reserves should correlate to the
amount of risk it has taken or plans to take.
Vault cash;
A balance maintained directly with the Federal Reserve Bank
(FRB) in the District in which the credit union is located; or
A pass-through account, which is considered a balance
maintained with the FRB.
Page 16-2
regulatory authorities. Net worth does not include the Allowance for
Loan and Lease Losses account. This means that net worth only
includes undivided earnings and appropriations of undivided
earnings. (Refer to the Prompt Corrective Action chapter of this
Guide for additional information.)
The credit union board should have a plan for defining and
maintaining an adequate net worth level. The examiner should
review the net worth position and the officials' philosophy toward
building and maintaining net worth. If the net worth position does
not meet the credit union's short- or long-term needs, the examiner
should determine if the shortfall poses a threat to safety and
Page 16-3
Page 16-4
Page 16-5
The credit union records secondary capital accounts that have capital
value (based on the sliding scale) as “Secondary Capital -
Page 16-6
Capital and When reviewing reserve accounts, the examiner should consider
Solvency capital adequacy, net worth, trends, materiality, unusual activity,
EvaIuation and thoroughness of the audit work. In addition, the level of capital
in relation to the perceived level of risk will determine the degree of
Page 16-7
Undivided The examiner should determine that the credit union appropriately
Earnings accounts for its undivided earnings account. It should pay particular
attention to the positive and negative growth trends of this account.
A decreasing trend may trigger a detailed review to determine the
Credit unions cannot pay dividends, without the prior approval of the
regional director if the payment results in a deficit in the undivided
earnings account. Credit unions experiencing a deficit, or those in
which paying a dividend would result in a deficit, must request and
receive approval for 208 Assistance before paying dividends.
Page 16-8
Accumulated This account records unrealized gains and losses on available for sale
UnreaIized securities. When credit unions write available for sale securities to
Gains/Losses fair value, they make an entry directly to the investment account with
on Available the corresponding debit or credit to the accumulated unrealized gain
for Sale and losses on the available for sale securities account. The credit
Securities union nets this account against undivided earnings when assessing a
credit union’s ability to pay dividends.
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Regular Reserves
References - Undivided Earnings
- Accumulated Unrealized GaidLoss on Investments
- Special Reserves
- Other Reserves
- Contingency
- Appropriated Undivided Earnings
- Critical Solvency
- Federal Credit Union Act
107(9) - Borrowing Limitation
216 - Prompt Corrective Action
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
701.32 - Payment on Shares by Public Units
and Nonmembers
701.34 (Appendix) - Disclosures and
702 - Prompt Corrective Action
702.2(f) - Definition of Net Worth
702.34(b) - Receipt of Secondary Capital Accounts by
Low-Income Designated Credit Unions
702.401 - Reserves
Page 16-9
Page 16-10
Chapter 17
Associated 0 Reputation risk may occur when PCA efforts are not successful
Risks and the credit union fails.
Overview (Please note that at the time of this writing, the NCUA Board was considering
revisions and adjustments to Part 702, Prompt Corrective Action. This chapter does
not reflect any proposed changes. Therefore, users should also consult the latest
version of Part 702 when relying on this chapter as a guide to implementationof
Page 1711-1
0 A framework combining:
Definitions PCA definitions for some terms may differ from their definitions for
other purposes. The following definitions also apply to new credit
unions unless otherwise specified:
- Minimum asset size - its quarter-end total assets exceed $10 million; and
- Minimum RBNW calculation - its risk-based net worth requirement as
calculated under $702.106 exceeds 6 percent.
(Examiners should use the term “applicable RBNW requirement” rather than
Page 17/1-2
0 Mandatory supervisory actions (MSAs) for credit unions that do not meet
the definition of new. The following four Congressionallyprescribed MSAs
apply to undercapitalized credit unions with less than 6 percent net worth. The
earnings transfer to regular reserves also applies to adequately capitalized credit
unions with net worth ratios of 6 percent to less than 7 percent. MSAs consist of
the following (5702 Subpart B):
0 Mandatory supervisory actions (MSAs) for credit unions that meet the
definition of new. The following MSAs, developed through NCUA regulation,
apply to new credit unions (5702 Subpart C):
Net worth. The retained earnings balance of the credit union at quarter end as
determined under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) (§702.2(f)).
Retained earnings consist of undivided earnings, regular reserves, and any other
appropriations designated by management or regulatory authorities. This means
that only undivided earnings and appropriations of undivided earnings are
included in net worth. For low-income designated credit unions, net worth also
includes secondary capital accounts that are uninsured and subordinate to all
other claims, including claims of creditors, shareholders and the NCUSIF. Net
worth does not include (1) the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses account;
(2) the Unrealized Gain/Loss on Available for Sale Securities; (3) contributions
of tangible fixed assets recorded as Donated Equity, per regulatory accounting
practice (RAP) that have not been closed into income, or any donations
encumbered by conditions; or (4) alternative sources of capital (e.g., secondary
capital and paid-in-capital accounts) except as noted above. See also the
definition of Retained Earnings.
0 Net worth ratio. The ratio of the net worth of the credit union (numerator) to
the total assets of the credit union (denominator) described in more detail in this
chapter (§702.2(g)).
Page 1711-3
New credit union. A credit union that has been in operation for less than 10
years and has $10 million or less in total assets (5702.2(h)). NCUA may classify
a credit union that exceeds $10 million in total assets as new if its total assets
subsequently decline to $10 million or below while it is within its operational
limit of less than 10 years (5702.301(b)). NCUA may deem a credit union
formed as a result of a spin off of a group from the field-of-membership (FOM)
of an existing credit union to be in operation since the effective date of the spin
off. A credit union whose total assets decline to $10 million or below as a result
of a spin-off group within its FOM is deemed to be new if it has been in
operation less than 10 years (§702.301(c)).
Total assets. For each quarter, a credit union must elect a measure of total assets
from the choices below to apply for PCA purposes. The credit union will use this
measure of total assets for all of the quarterly PCA calculations, except the risk-
based net worth requirements. ($702.103 - 5702.106, §702.201(a)).
If the credit union elects one of the alternative methods to compute its
NWR, it must also use this total assets election for purposes of computing
the reserve transfer amount for the current quarter. For example, if the credit
union chooses average daily assets, it must use 0.1 percent of average daily
assets for its reserve transfer. Or, if the credit union makes no optional total
Page 17/1-4
assets election, by default its transfer amount will be 0.1 percent of quarter-
end total assets.
Net Worth The net worth calculation for credit unions is as follows:
Net Worth Ratio = Net Worth/Total Assets
A credit union with assets over $10 million must also perform a
RBNW calculation to determine if the credit union has an applicable
RBNW requirement as described in the Risk-Based Net Worth
Requirement section of this chapter.
The following items further describe the net worth calculation and its
importance in the examination process:
Net worth numerator. For purposes of the net worth ratio, the
numerator is the credit union’s net worth at quarter end. CUMAA
defines net worth generally as GAAP retained earnings. The
Definitions section of this chapter contains a definition of both net
worth and of retained earnings. Net worth includes amounts the
credit union had previously closed from net income into undivided
earnings. If the credit union does not close its net income into
undivided earnings during interim periods, examiners will treat the
net income as if it had been closed into undivided earnings.
Page 17/1-5
- The last day of the calendar month following the end of the
calendar quarter (quarter-end effective date); or
- The date the credit union’s net worth ratio is recalculated by, or
as a result of, its most recent final examination report
(corrected net worth category); or
- The date the credit union received written notice from NCUA
or the SSA of reclassification to a lower net worth category,
based on safety and soundness grounds (reclassificationto
lower category) (§702.1Ol(b)).
Page 17/1-6
Page 17/1-7
Statutory Net Other Than New Credit Unions New Credit Uni Ins
Net Worth
Worth Ratio
Categories 7% or greater
6% to 6.99%
3.5% to
2% to 3.49%
0% to 1.99%
Less than 0%
UndercaDitalized I Lessthan2%
*Also must meet applicable risk-based net worth requirements
Illustration 17-A
Illustration 17-A shows the net worth categories for all credit unions.
The left side illustrates net worth categories for credit unions other
than those defined as new. The right side shows net worth categories
for credit unions defined by statute as new (in operation for less than
10 years and assets of $10 million or less.)
Illustration 17-B
New credit unions initially have no net worth and, as such, need
reasonable time in which to accumulate it. Illustration 17-B is a
reasonable timetable for building net worth and serves only as a guide
to show the anticipated time for a new credit union to reach the net
worth classification of adequately capitalized.
Net Worth All credit unions complete a call report each quarter. Therefore, other than
Category filing a call report, a federally insured credit union need not notify the
Change NCUA Board of a change in its net worth ratio that places the credit union in
a lower net worth category.
Page 17/14
Reclassification The NCUA Board has the discretion to reclassify a credit union to the
next lower category if the credit union has an unsafe or unsound
condition or engages in material unsafe and unsound practices. The
NCUA Board may reclassifl a well-capitalized credit union as
adequately capitalized, and may require an adequately capitalized or
undercapitalized credit union to comply with certain mandatory or
discretionary supervisory actions as if it were in the next lower
category. The NCUA Board may apply this same discretionary
authority to reclassifl new credit unions that are well, moderately, or
marginally capitalized. The NCUA Board alone has this authority; they
may not delegate it. However, credit unions may apply to the NCUA
Board for reconsideration of its decision.
Transfer X X X
Net Worth
Plan X X
Growth X X
Illustration 17-C
Page 1711-9
Illustration 17-C shows the MSAs and the categories of credit unions
to which each applies. The same MSAs apply to undercapitalized,
significantly undercapitalized, and critically undercapitalized
0 Earnings transfer. For credit unions that are less than well
capitalized, CUMAA requires annual earnings retention of 0.4
percent or more of their total assets. Credit unions will use the
regular reserve account as an appropriation of undivided earnings
for the earnings retention. Beginning with the effective date of net
worth classification below well capitalized, the credit union will do
the following until it reaches the well-capitalized category
Page 17/1-10
assets beyond its total assets for the preceding quarter, except in
the following circumstances:
- The credit union’s asset growth and net worth are increasing
consistent with an approved NWRP, or
- If NCUA has not yet approved the credit union’s NWRP (the
credit union may be awaiting initial approval) and the credit
union’s total assets are increasing as a result of increases in the
following accounts used in normal operations:
Page 17/1-11
New credit unions. New credit unions that have less than 6 percent
net worth, or were reclassified to moderately capitalized or lower, are
subject to MSAs. In addition, MSAs apply to a new credit union that
either (1) remains uncapitalized beyond the time period provided in its
initial business plan (approved at the time the credit union was
chartered); or (2) subsequently declines to uncapitalized from a higher
category after expiration of the time period originally approved in its
initial business plan for the credit union to operate in the uncapitalized
category. The MSAs for new credit unions differ slightly from those
prescribed for other credit unions:
0 Earnings transfer. New credit unions must increase net worth and
make quarterly earnings transfers to the regular reserve account in
an amount reflected in the credit union’s previously approved
initial or revised business plan (may be less than the equivalent of
0.4 percent of assets per year.)
- The credit union’s net worth ratio has not increased consistent
with its currently approved business plan;
- The credit union has no currently approved business plan; or
- The credit union has failed to undertake any mandatory actions
Page 17/1-12
compensation X
merger X
payments on
approval for
Illustration 17-D
Illustration 17-D displays the DSAs available in the undercapitalized
(the first nine DSAs apply to second tier undercapitalized credit
unions), significantly undercapitalized, and critically undercapitalized
No DSAs will apply to first-tier undercapitalized credit unions as long as the credit
union is in compliance with all MSAs and is implementing an approved NWRP.
Page 17/1-13
net worth categories for credit unions other than those defined as new.
One or more of the fourteen actions may apply to new federally
insured credit unions with a net worth of less than 6 percent if they (1)
fail to meet their quarterly net worth targets, or (2) fail to undertake
any MSAs, regardless of their net worth classification (§702.304(b)).
Page 17/1-14
Page 17/1-15
Page 17/1-16
CUMAA requires that the NCUA Board provide advance notice and
an opportunity for a credit union to be heard before imposing a DSA,
unless such an action is necessary to further the purpose of PCA. The
credit union could challenge the proposed DSA in writing and request
that the action be modified or not imposed. The credit union is not
entitled to a hearing before the NCUA Board. The NCUA Board, or an
independent person designated by the Board, may then decide not to
issue the directive or to issue it as proposed or modified (s747.2002.)
The credit union may seek the NCUA ombudsman’s recommendation
regarding a proposed DSA.
Page 17/1-17
into liquidation under PCA can directly appeal to the NCUA Board;
however, CUMAA gives the credit union no right to judicial review.
0 The NCUA Board may take other corrective action (OCA) in lieu
of conservatorship or liquidation. §702.204(c.)
OCA Renewal OCA can range from a period of 1 to 180 days, and will expire unless
renewed prior to expiration, regardless of the time limit of any
previously approved NWRP. If the credit union remains critically
undercapitalized and NCUA does not renew OCA, the NCUA Board
generally will immediately place the credit union into conservatorship
or liquidation. $702.204(~)(2.)
Page 17/1-18
is true even if the credit union surpasses a 2 percent net worth ratio for
any preceding period during the 18-month period. The effective date
when a credit union first becomes critically undercapitalized almost
always falls one month after the end of a calendar quarter.
Thus, the last possible day for OCA will be no more than 23 months
(23 months x 30 days =690 days) from the effective date the credit
union first became critically undercapitalized (18 calendar months
from the effective date, plus two months to the end of the calendar
quarter at the end of the 18-month period, plus the subsequent three
months of the next calendar quarter), absent an exception. (See
Illustration 17-E for an example of a mandatory conservatorship or
liquidation timetable.)
Illustration 17-E
Page 17/1-19
for OCA from the Office of Examination and Insurance and then
approval from the NCUA Board.
OCA Support for the approval of OCA should include the following items:
0 Board Action Memorandum (BAM), or memo to the NCUA Board
Secretary (if applicable);
0 Memo to the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance
recommending OCA approval (if applicable);
0 Memo to the regional director recommending OCA approval;
0 Regional summary;
0 Regional Director Letter to the credit union informing them of
OCA approval; and
0 Other supporting financial information at the regional director's
discretion such as Financial Performance Reports (FPRs),
examination workpapers; financial statements, consolidated
balance sheets, time frames, etc.
Exception to NCUA may avoid mandatory liquidation of a credit union only if, after
Mandatory the 23 months, the NCUA Board certifies that the credit union has met
Liquidation the following three criteria for an exception to liquidation:
NCUA will not routinely grant this exception. In helping credit unions
develop NWRPs and in reviewing NWRPs, examiners should not
assume the granting of this exception.
Since the NCUA Board must recertify the three exception criteria
quarterly, examiners will review the status of critically
undercapitalized credit unions at least quarterly. If NCUA cannot
recertify the credit union, the NCUA Board must then place the credit
union into liquidation ($702.204(~)(3)(iii)).
Page 17/1-20
New credit unions. The NCUA Board must place a new credit union
classified as uncapitalized into conservatorship or liquidation based on
either of the following criteria:
Consultation NCUA will work cooperatively with the appropriate SSA before
with SSA imposing any DSAs on a federally insured, state chartered credit union
(FISCU), and will provide the SSA with prompt notice of its decision.
Net Worth Credit unions that do not meet the definition of new. The NWRP
Restoration serves as a blueprint to the credit union’s officials and staff for
Plan restoring the credit union’s net worth ratio to 6 percent or greater.
Undercapitalized federally insured credit unions (net worth ratio less
than 6 percent or less than the RBNW requirement) must submit their
Page 17/1-21
0 Plans for complying with the MSAs and DSAs imposed on the
credit union by the regional director under Subpart B;
Types and levels of activities in which the credit union will engage;
Page 17/1-22
The regional director has 45 calendar days to review the NWRP and to
provide written notice of approval or disapproval of the plan. If the
credit union receives no decision within 45 days, the NWRP is deemed
approved. If the regional director disapproves the plan, it will provide
the credit union with its reasons. The credit union must then submit a
revised NWRP within 30 days of receiving the regional director’s
notice of disapproval unless the regional director sets a different
period. The regional director must respond within 30 days regarding its
approval or disapproval of the credit union’s revised NWRP
(§§702.206(f) and 702.206(g)).
Page 17/1-23
0 Analyze changes since the new credit union’s current business plan
was approved in any of the business plan elements required for
charter approval under Chapter 1, Section IV.D, of NCUA’s
Chartering and Field of Membership Manual, IRPS 99-1, as
amended, or for state chartered credit unions under applicable state
Specify the projected amount of earnings that the credit union will
transfer quarterly to its regular reserve (§702.304(a)(1) or
§702.305(a)( 1));
0 Explain how the new credit union will comply with the MSAs and
0 Specify the types and levels of activities in which the credit union
may engage;
Page 17/1-24
The regional director must review the revised business plan and
provide written notice within 30 calendar days regarding its approval
or disapproval. In the event of disapproval, the notice must provide the
reasons for disapproval. If the regional director makes no decision
within 30 days, the revised business plan is deemed approved. If
disapproved, the credit union must submit a revised plan within 30
days from receiving the regional director’s notice of disapproval,
unless the regional director sets a different period.
NWRP and The regional director, in consultation with the SSA (for state chartered
Revised credit unions), must approve the credit union’s NWRP or revised
Business Plan business plan. During the approval process, the regulatory authority
Ap provaI will consider the following:
Page 17/1-25
Examiners’ On- After the regional director has approved the NWRP and the credit
Going Review of union has implemented it, regional policy will dictate review and
NWRP monitoring of the plan. The NWRP questionnaire in AIRES provides
guidance on areas that require the examiners’ review. Examiners
should discuss the credit union’s progress with management during the
examination and, if necessary, during on- and off-site supervision of
the credit union. For as long as a credit union has an NWRP in place,
examiners should document the credit union’s progress in meeting the
terms of the NWRP, as well as any changes made to the NWRP, in the
examination report (e.g., Supplementary Facts section.)
During the review, examiners should assess the plan’s adequacy and
implementation and should discuss with the officials any ofthe goals
or objectives that the credit union did not meet. If examiners continue
to have concerns about the credit union’s ability to meet its NWRP
goals, they should document the concerns and recommend corrective
action in the examination report.
Plan Changes A credit union may also amend a previously approved NWRP. The
officials must submit the revised plan to the regional director and SSA
(if a state-chartered credit union) for re-approval. The credit union
need not submit an additional NWRP due solely to a change in net
worth category (including reclassification under §702.102(b)), unless
the regional director notifies the credit union that it must submit a new
NWRP. The regional director will consult with the appropriate SSA
regarding the approval or disapproval of new, revised, or amended
NWRPs in state chartered credit unions (§702.206(f)(3)). Until NCUA
approves the proposed amended NWRP, the credit union must
implement the previously approved plan.
Page 17/1-26
Assistance In Responsibility for developing a NWRP rests with the credit union’s
Preparing Plan officials and staff. However, NCUA can assist a credit union in
preparing an NWRP or, for new credit unions, a revised business plan.
By statute, a credit union having assets less than $10 million and net
worth less than 6 percent will receive NCUA’s assistance in preparing
its NWRP, if it requests such assistance. This extends to other than
new credit unions that were reclassified under §702.102(b) to a lower
category if the regional director has required the credit union to
develop a NWRP. (Examiners can provide similar assistance during
the examination and supervision contacts to credit unions that do not
meet these criteria, if so directed by regional policy.) Credit unions
needing assistance must submit their requests to the applicable
regional director in ample time for the process to meet the regulatory
timeframes (s702.206 and s702.306.)
When the credit union requests examiner assistance, the request must
document the credit union’s eligibility for the assistance requested.
Also, if the credit union needs additional time to complete and submit
its NWRP, it must request an extension of the regulatory timeframe
(s702.206 and s702.306.)
New credit unions. NCUA will not provide assistance for preparing
the initial business plan required for new credit unions applying for
initial charter approval; however, NCUA’s economic development
specialists often aid credit unions in developing their initial business
plans. New credit unions must meet the following criteria to qualify for
NCUA assistance in providing guidance in the preparation of their
revised business plans:
0 They are not meeting the net worth goals set forth in their current
business plans; and
0 They have a net worth ratio of less than 6 percent.
Page 17/1-27
Examiner While the examiner may facilitate discussion about the assistance
Assistance needed by the credit union, the examiner will not make business
decisions for the credit union regarding the NWRP. Examiners will
provide assistance by answering the credit unions’ questions, providing
guidance, and giving support.
Regional policy dictates the procedures credit unions may use to obtain
examiner assistance for preparing the NWRP. Clearly, however, the
request should come from the credit union. For this reason, the
chairman of the credit union’s board of directors should sign the
request. State chartered credit unions will make their requests to the
regional director through their SSAs, again allowing ample time to
meet necessary timeframes.
References References
and Federal Credit Union Act
Work papers - Part216
- Part208
- Part206
NCUA Rules and Regulations
- Part702
- Section 741.3
- Section 701.34
- Section 747.2002
- Section 747.2004
0 NCUA 5300 Call Report
Guidelines for Submission of an Application for a PCA Risk
Mitigation Credit
Guidelines for Evaluation of an Applications for a PCA Risk
Mitigation Credit
AIRES Net Worth Restoration Plan Checklist
NCUA Letter to Credit Unions: 0 1-CU-0 1 Prompt Corrective
Action (PCA) Implementation Information
Page 17/1-28
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Examination Determine whether the credit union meets the definition of
Objective complex and adheres to the applicable risk-based net worth
(RBNW) requirement
Associated 0 Reputation risk may occur when PCA efforts are not successful
Risks and the credit union fails.
All credit unions whose net worth ratio initially places them in either
the adequately- or well-capitalized net worth category (6 percent net
worth ratio and above) must satis@ an applicable RE”requirement,
if the credit union’s quarter-end total assets exceed $10 million.
NCUA will classify a credit union with a 6 percent or higher net worth
ratio in the first tier of undercapitalized, if its applicable RBNW
requirement exceeds its net worth ratio. If it fails to comolv with any
MSA or fails to implement a NWRP within the regulatory timeframes,
such a credit union is subject to all MSAs and any of the second tier
The RBNW requirement also indirectly affects credit unions that have
net worth ratios below 6 percent. These credit unions already must
operate under an approved NWRP. The NWRP must provide the
means and a timetable to reach the adequately-capitalized category.
Page 1712-1
The 5300 Call Report contains the standard calculation for the RBNW
requirement (9702.106.) The burden of calculating the RBNW
requirement using alternative components falls on the individual credit
union (9702.107.)
Page 1712-2
Illustration 17-F
Page 1712-3
Page 1712-4
Page 1712-5
Page 1712-6
Risk Under $702.108, the NCUA board may grant a risk mitigation credit,
Mitigation which is a credit to reduce an RBNW requirement for a credit union
Credit that fails the standard and alternative calculations for its RBNW, but
can demonstrate mitigation of interest rate risk or credit risk through
other means.
The credit union starts the process for a risk mitigation credit by
applying first to the NCUA regional office and to the SSA (if a state
chartered credit union.) The credit union must demonstrate that the
level of risk exposure to the NCUSIF is less than that indicated by the
RBNW requirement of either the standard or alternative calculations.
Page 1712-7
References References
and Federal Credit Union Act
Workpapers - Part216
- Part208
- Part206
NCUA Rules and Regulations
- Part702
- Section 741.3
- Section 701.34
- Section 747.2002
- Section 747.2004
NCUA 5300 Call Report
Guidelines for Submission of an Application for a PCA Risk
Mitigation Credit
Guidelines for Evaluation of an Applications for a PCA Risk
Mitigation Credit
AIRES Net Worth Restoration Plan Checklist
NCUA Letter to Credit Unions: 01-CU-01 Prompt Corrective
Action (PCA) Implementation Information
Page 1712-8
The risk based net worth (RBNW) requirement rule specifies NCUA
will categorize all investments according to weighted-average life.
Weighted-average life may be used to measure all investment types.
For example, the weighted-average life of a bullet maturity instrument
is the time remaining to maturity. The following table is part of the call
report instructions. This table does provide for some exceptions
NCUA employs to calculate the RBNW requirement, e.g., corporate
credit union membership capital.
Page 17A-1
Time (Years) Principal Time*Principal
1 40 40
2 30 60
3 20 60
4 10 40
Total 100 200
Time (Years) Principal Time*Principal
I 1
I C=(A*B)
0 0
2 0 0
4 100 400
Total 100 400
Page 17A-2
NWRP Credit Union Name:
Charter Number:
We, the Board of Directors of [CREDIT UNION N A M q submit for NCUA
approval the following Net Worth Restoration Plan (NWRP) and its
Our net worth ratio declined as of the end of the [I"',2"d, r3 d, or 4Ih]
calendar quarter of [YEAR];
Our net worth ratio was recalculated as a result of the examination
report received on [DATE RECEIVED] by the officials;
We received notice we must submit a new NWRP within 30 days of
We received written notice of reclassification on safety and
soundness grounds on [DATE NOTICE RECEIVED]; or
We received notice we failed to file a plan on [DATE NOTICE
Page 17B-1
During the term of our plan, we will take quarterly steps to improve our
net worth as follows:
Based on these steps, we believe it is likely the credit union will remain
adequately capitalized for four consecutive calendar quarters beyond the
end of the term for the following reasons:
Page 17B-2
Opera- Net
Quarter Total Gross ting Net Reserve Net Worth
Ending Assets Income Expense Income Transfer Worth Ratio
Page 17B-3
0 Earnings transfer;
0 Submit net worth restoration plan;
0 Restrict increase in assets; and
0 Restrict member business loans.
Earnings transfer
The first MSA is addressed by the first two components of our plan, our
quarterly timetable of steps to become adequately capitalized and our
projected quarterly earnings transfers.
Page 17B-4
Page 17B-5
Secretary Date
Board of Directors
[TITLE] Date
Page 17B-6
Chapter 18
7 bH.7.
Chapter 18
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union assesses and mitigates risks
Objectives (e.g., through surety bond rider, internal audits, etc.)
Initiate corrective action to resolve deficiencies in practices,
policies, or procedures as well as violations of statute and
Associated 0 Compliance - the risk that failure to comply can result in penalties
Risks and lawsuits;
Strategic risk -the current and prospective risk to earnings or
capital arising from adverse business decisions, improper
implementation of decisions, or lack of responsiveness to industry
changes; and
0 Reputation risk - the risks that the credit union cannot meet
member loan and share funding requests, causing concerns about
the credit union’s solvency.
Overview NCUA’s Rules and Regulations along with other regulations that apply
to credit unions (e.g., regulations issued by the Federal Reserve Board)
form regulatory compliance. The amount of examination time spent on
a specific compliance area will depend on the amount of risk identified
in that area.
Page 18-1
Charter and The credit union's charter sets forth the field of membership (i.e., who
Bylaws the credit union may accept as members.) The credit union must seek
approval from the regional director for any amendments to the charter
(name change, field of membership change, etc.). Examiners may
review the current field of membership and the credit union's
procedures to ensure that only the individuals within those groups
named in the charter are accepted as members.
Each credit union board adopts a set of bylaws, under which the credit
union operates. These may consist of a combination of pre-approved
bylaws, options, and standard amendments. Additionally, credit unions
may obtain approval for nonstandard bylaw amendments if they meet
certain criteria. Thus, the credit union has the responsibility to
maintain a current and complete set of its own bylaws.
The bylaws function as a contract between the credit union and its
members. Although credit unions must permit members to review the
credit union's bylaws on request, they need not provide members with
a copy of the bylaws.
Security Part 748 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations establishes minimum
Program security standards and procedures for credit unions. Examiners should
determine that the credit union (1) established an adequate security
program in accordance with the regulation, and (2) updates the
program to reflect operational changes.
Page 18-2
Safeguarding Appendix A of Part 748 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations provides
Member guidance standards for developing and implementing administrative,
Information technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security,
confidentiality, and integrity of member information.
Page 18-3
Margin When margin securities secure loans, federal credit unions must follow
Securit ies the provisions of Regulation U, Credit by Banks or Persons Other
Than Brokers or Dealers for the Purpose of Purchasing or Carrying
Margin Stocks, and the credit union members are subject to provisions
of Regulation X, Rules Governing Borrowers Who Obtain Securities
Credit, issued by the Federal Reserve Board. These regulations help
curb excessive credit in the securities market. Regulation U generally
applies to the lender, whereas Regulation X applies to the borrower.
Records Part 749 of NCUA Rules and Regulations (Vital Records Preservation)
Preservation permits credit unions to preserve records in electronic form in
compliance with the Electronic Signatures Global and National
Commerce Act. The rule also permits a credit union’s board to
determine which employee will assume responsibility for storing vital
records under the records preservation program, and incorporates an
appendix with suggested guidelines on retention periods for various
Call Reports All federally insured credit unions must file quarterly call reports. It is
essential that each credit union files the call reports on time and
assumes responsibility for the material accuracy of the reports.
Page 18-4
Incidental The Incidental Powers regulation (Part 721, NCUA Rules and
Powers Regulations) authorizes federal credit unions to engage in activities
incidental to their business. The regulation provides examples of
permissible activities (such as certification services and finder
activities) and information on how to request a legal opinion on the
permissibility of activities not listed.
Interest Rate §(5)(A)(vi) of the FCUAct and §701.21(~)(7)of the NCUA Rules and
Limitat ion Regulations specifj that the rate of interest on a loan may not exceed
15 per centum per m u m on the unpaid balance (inclusive of all
finance charges) unless the NCUA Board establishes a higher ceiling.
The NCUA Rules and Regulations reflect the NCUA Board's
establishment of a higher rate, currently 18 percent. Charging a rate of
interest in excess of the statutory limitation is generally viewed as
usurious. Usury questions typically arise primarily in compensating
balances and recomputation for rebates.
Appraisals Part 722 of NCUA Rules and Regulations identifies the real estate-
related financial transactions at federally insured credit unions
requiring the services of a state-certified or state-licensed appraiser
(i.e., federally related transactions). Such appraisers must (1) have
demonstrated competency, (2) subject their professional conduct to
effective supervision, and (3) perform written appraisals in accordance
with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
(USPAP). The FFIEC Appraisal Subcommittee monitors states'
licensure programs, and maintains a current list of licensed appraisers
for each state.
Federal, State Although not formally responsible for enforcing federal, state and local
and Local regulations, the examiner should bring any obvious violations to the
Reporting credit union's attention. The credit union could potentially incur
Requirements significant penalties and fines, which might harm the credit union's
financial condition. Following are regulations commonly present in the
operation of a credit union:
Page 18-5
- Prepare Form 5498 for distribution to the member and the IRS.
Page 18-6
Page 18-7
Credit unions have three options available for the retention of required
reserves, including:
Additional This chapter covers most regulatory compliance areas not addressed in
Information the section of the Examiner’s Guide to which they apply.
Appendix 18A addresses the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Appendix
18B addresses RegFlex. Attachment 18-1 contains Money Laundering
Red Flags.
Page 18-8
Page 18-9
/@Yo &%i&
Examination Determine the credit union’s level of compliance with the Bank
0bjectives Secrecy Act (BSA)
0 Ensure the credit union has adequate BSA policies, procedures,
and controls for each of the following:
- Verifying member identity
- Identifying reportable transactions
- Filing required reports
- Maintaining proper documentation
- Blocking and reporting transactions required by the Office of
Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)
- Complying with the U.S.A. Patriot Act (Patriot Act)
Overview Failure to maintain strict compliance with the BSA can subject the
credit union to high levels of compliance (regulatory) risk, reputation
risk, financial losses, and other risks such as civil and criminal
penalties. At its worst, this deficiency can jeopardize national security.
Negative publicity may result in operational losses, a decline in net
worth, or the inability to attract members and competent staff.
Page MA-1
Inadequate audit;
Inability of data processing system to generate BSA reports;
Inadequate review by management of BSA reports from data
processing system;
Lack of adequate management oversight;
Inadequate training; and
High staff turnover.
While a credit union may not knowingly risk its reputation for a
member engaged in criminal activity, it must take steps to guard
against the possibility of permitting or facilitating criminal activity.
Bank Secrecy The BSA includes several related acts such as the Anti-Drug Abuse
Act Act, the Money Laundering and Control Act, the Currency and Foreign
Transactions Act and the USA Patriot Act, all of which were enacted
by Congress. The BSA requires maintenance of certain types of
records and reports useful to criminal, tax, or regulatory investigations.
The Department of Treasury issued the implementing regulations in 3 1
CFR 103. 5748.2 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations requires that
credit unions establish and maintain procedures to assure and monitor
compliance with the BSA and the implementing regulations.
Enforcement NCUA must, by law, determine during each examination whether the
credit union:
Page 18A-3
Credit Union’s A credit union’s responsibility includes knowing the identity of each
member and assuring the member’s account is not used for illegal
purposes. The credit union should have policies and procedures for
verifying the identity of its members and determining consistency of
account activity.
The credit union’s due diligence policy should reflect the following:
- Drivers License;
- Passport;
- Government ID; or
- Alien Registration Card.
- Credit card;
- Employer card;
- Unioncard;
- Voter registration card; or
- SchoolID.
Page MA-5
- 0FAC;and
- the Control List (FBI-maintained).
Identification When a member opens a business account at a credit union (after staff
Procedures fora has determined membership eligibility), the credit union must ascertain
Business the person's authorization to open the account by establishing the true
identity of the person and the principals of the business using the
following procedures:
- Incorporation documents;
- Partnership agreements;
- Association documents;
- Business licenses; and
- Corporate resolutions.
Reporting Credit unions must file the following as required by provisions of the
Requirements BSA reporting requirements:
Currency and Credit unions must file a CTR (Form 4789) with the IRS Detroit
Transaction Computing Center (1) each time a member makes a deposit,
Report (CTR) withdrawal, exchange, or other transfer of more than $10,000 in
currency, or currency instruments such as bank checks or drafts, money
orders, or travelers checks; or (2) when a member exceeds $10,000 in
one cash transaction or $10,000 in multiple cash transactions in one
business day. (Currency is defined as U.S. or foreign coin or currency,
but does not include bank checks or other negotiable instruments.)
Transactions spread over a number of days may constitute a reportable
transaction if the member structured the deposit to evade reporting
requirements. (Exemptions exist for transactions between financial
institutions and with legitimate retail businesses.)
Page MA-7
in either cash in or cash out totaling more than $10,000 during any one
business day. Credit unions should file a CTR with the IRS Data
Center in Detroit, Michigan, within 15 days after the transaction and
must retain copies of the form for five years.
Credit unions may obtain Form 4789 by calling the IRS Forms
Distribution Center at 1-800-829-3676, accessing the IRS web site at
http://www.irs.treas.Fzov/forms pubs/forms.html, or the U.S.
Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN) web site at http ://www.treas .aov/fincen/forms.html .
The credit union must designate each exempt person or entity by filing
a Designation of Exempt Person Treasury Form (TD F 90-22.53) with
the Department of Treasury within 30 days of the date of the first
reportable transaction. (The credit union need not file an exemption for
transactions with any of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.)
At least once each year, the credit union must review, verify, and
document the information supporting each designation of a “non-
listed” or “payroll customer” exempt person or entity and the
application of each account of an exempt person or entity. Further, the
credit union must renew the exempt status of the “non-listed” or
“payroll customer” exempt members by filing a Designation of
Exempt Person Treasury Form” (TD F 90-22.53) with FinCEN by
March 15 of the second calendar year following the original exemption
and biennially thereafter. The renewal must include:
The credit union may not treat any of the following businesses as a
non-listed business and may not exempt those with the following
Page 18A-9
Exemptible The credit union may grant exemptions to a member for all share and
Accounts money market accounts held by the member for the commercial
enterprise as long as the enterprise qualifies for the exemption.
Suspicious The credit union must use the SAR to report all known or suspected
Activity criminal offenses, including transactions involving possible money
Report (SAR) laundering or violations of the BSA. Generally, a credit union should
file a SAR within 30 days fiom the initial detection of the suspicious
activity. If it cannot identify a suspect, the time period for filing a SAR
extends to 60 days. In situations involving violations of law requiring
immediate attention, the credit union should immediately notify, by
telephone, appropriate law enforcement and supervisory authorities, in
addition to filing a SAR.
A credit union must file a SAR with the IRS Detroit Computing Center
(Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) following the discovery of
known or suspected federal criminal violations, or pattern of criminal
violations conducted by, at, or through the credit union with the
following characteristics:
0 Insider abuse involving any amount. The credit union must have a
substantial basis for identifying one of its directors, officers,
employees or agents as having committed or aided in the
commission of a criminal act regardless of the amount involved;
0 Violations aggregating $5,000 or more where a suspect can be
identified. The credit union must have a substantial basis for
identifying a possible suspect or group of suspects; and
0 Violations aggregating $25,000 or more regardless of a potential
suspect. The credit union has no basis for identifying a possible
suspect or group of suspects.
Page 18A-11
The credit union must file a SAR for the above activities at the stated
thresholds, but may voluntarily file for transactions below these
thresholds. It must not notify any person involved in the transaction
that the transaction has been reported and must not make such
disclosure even under subpoena.
Credit unions must also file a SAR on suspicious activity even when a
portion of the activity occurs outside of the United States or the funds
involved in the activity originated from outside the United States.
Although federal law does not require foreign-located operations of
U.S. credit unions to file a SAR, a foreign branch may wish to file a
SAR with regard to suspicious activity that occurs outside the United
States if that activity is so egregious that it has the potential to cause
harm to the entire organization. (Foreign-located operations of U.S.
credit unions that identify suspicious activity should report such
activity consistent with local reporting requirements in the foreign
jurisdiction where the operation is located.)
Credit Unions Credit unions should ensure the accuracy and completeness of any
Completing SAR it decides to file. The SAR should describe the following:
The suspect, including the individual's occupation or nature of the
suspect's business and known relationships;
The dates the suspicious activity occurred, and was noticed, and
the duration of the activity;
The reasons the credit union suspects the activity. Describe the
transaction or activity, why the activity or transaction is unusual for
the member, whether a pattern of ongoing activity exists, and the
person to contact for more information.
The credit union should provide requested information for each section
of the form. It should not use terms such as “same as above” or “not
applicable.” If the credit union needs to repeat pertinent information, it
should enter the information again. If it does not know certain
information, it should leave the section blank.
The credit union should not send supporting documentation with the
SAR; however, under the SAR regulations, financial institutions filing
a SAR must retain all “supporting documentation”related to the
reported activity for five years, and disclose supporting documentation
to appropriate law enforcement agencies or FinCEN upon request.
Follow Up on If conduct continues for which a credit union has filed a SAR, the
Suspicious credit union should report continuing suspicious activity with a SAR at
Activity least every 90 days even if a law enforcement agency has declined to
investigate or the credit union has knowledge that an investigation has
Page 18A-13
Dealing With Since a credit union member has a fundamental right to maintain a
Persons share account and participate in elections, the credit union cannot deny
Reported on someone credit union membership because it has identified suspicious
activity. However, the credit union may wish to consider limiting
access to certain services. To do so, the credit union must have
established written policies and have notified its members of the
policies in advance. The credit union should not consider the mere
filing of a SAR as the basis for limiting services.
The credit union may not, by law, notify any person involved in an
activity being reported on a SAR that the credit union has reported the
activity, or that it has filed a SAR (3 1 U.S.C. 53 18(g)(2)). However,
this prohibition does not preclude a disclosure in an appropriate
manner of the facts that serve as the basis of the SAR, so long as the
disclosure is not made in a way that indicates or implies that the credit
union has filed a SAR, or that the SAR includes that information.
Summary of CTR The implementing regulations of the BSA require a credit union to file
and SAR a CTR whenever a currency transaction exceeds $10,000. If the
Reporting currency transaction exceeds $10,000 and is suspicious, the credit
union must file both a CTR and SAR. If a currency transaction equals
or is below $10,000 and is suspicious, the credit union should only file
a SAR.
Other Reporting Credit unions must also adhere to the following other reporting
Requirements requirements if applicable:
BSA Record- Credit unions must retain all records required by the BSA for five
keeping years, and must provide access to the records upon request within a
Requirements reasonable period of time. At a minimum, credit unions must retain the
records as original, microfilm, or other copy or reproduction, both
front and back.
Page 18A-15
Page 18A-17
Wire Credit unions must obtain and retain complete information about the
Transfers parties to a funds transfer of $3,000 or more. The text of every
payment order must include the following:
Definitions Blocking, or freezing: a form of controlling assets under U.S. jurisdiction. While
title to blocked property remains with the designated country or national, OFAC may
prohibit the exercise of the powers and privileges normally associated with
ownership without its authorization. Blocking immediately imposes an across-the-
board prohibition against transfers or transactions of any kind without regard to the
Property: anything of value. Practically everything that banks do every day involves
property within the meaning of the regulation. Examples include: money, checks,
drafts, evidences of title, obligations, debts and anything else real, personal, tangible
or intangible. Property also covers direct, indirect, present, hture and contingent
Credit Union Credit unions must block or "freeze" the assets, funds transfers, and all
Requirements transactions of all designated countries and their agents, specially
designated terrorists, foreign terrorist organizations, specially
designated narcotics traffickers and blocked persons. In addition,
OFAC may require the credit union to reject or return incoming
transfers from prohibited sources.
The credit union should compare new accounts with the prohibited
listing. The credit union may open the account, but should immediately
block the funds so that account owners can make no withdrawals. In
some cases, it is appropriate to reject the funds, i.e., the OFAC website
contains the proper course of action for each law.
0 Beneficiaries;
0 Collateral Owners;
0 GuarantorsKosigners;
Page 18A-19
The credit union must review every type of transaction for compliance
without limitation, including the following:
Large and sophisticated credit unions may have special software which
can interdict prohibited transactions. If the credit union identified any
accounts, transactions or property, which match the prohibited listing,
the credit union must immediately block or reject the assets as
OFAC Reporting The credit union must report all blockings and or rejections to the
Requirements Office of Foreign Asset Control within 10 days of the occurrence. For
blocked property, the credit union must report the following
0 The name and phone number of the contact person at the credit
union who can provide compliance information.
Record OFAC requires the credit union retain all reports of blockings or
Retention and rejected items and the related records for five years.
Penalties vary depending on the specific law, which is violated.
However, OFAC has the authority to impose corporate or personal
penalties up to $1 million and 12 years in jail, civil penalties up to
$250,000 per incident, and forfeiture of funds involved in the
violation. Criminal penalties may also apply.
U.S.A. Patriot The U.S.A. Patriot Act contains strong measures to prevent, detect,
Act and prosecute terrorism and international money laundering. The U S .
Department of the Treasury issued rules setting forth minimum
standards for member identification upon account opening. The rules
are part of BSA. Among other items, the rules require credit unions to:
Page 18A-21
Identity Credit unions must develop procedures based on the assessment of the
Verification risks presented by the various types of accounts (regular shares, share
Procedures drafts, business, etc) and the methods used to open an account (in
person, by mail, etc). The credit union must reasonably believe they
know the true identity of the member.
Maintenance Of The credit union must maintain all information obtained to document
Verification the member’s identity for five (5) years after the account has been
Information closed.
Comparison with The credit union’s procedures must specify that it will determine
Government whether the member is on any list of known or suspected terrorists
Lists provided by any federal government agency. This would include
OFAC and the Control List (maintained by the FBI).
Notification to The credit union must notify members that steps will be taken to verify
Members the identity of all members. This requires the credit union to post a
general notice in the lobby, on their website, or by some other general
method. It does not require the credit union to send individual paper
notices to every member.
Part 748 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations covers the Anti-Money
Laundering Program provisions of the Patriot Act.
Page 18A-23
Page 18A-25
IRS Forms Credit unions may obtain IRS forms by calling the IRS Forms
Distribution Center at 1-800-829-3676, or by accessing the IRS web
site at www.irs.treas.gov/formsqubs/forms.html.Some forms are also
available from FinCEN's web site at www/treas.gov/fincen/forms.html.
Credit unions should file hardcopy forms with the U.S. Department of
the Treasury, P.O. Box 33 112, Detroit, Michigan 48232-01 12.
Magnetic media filers of these forms should mail magnetic
mediddiskettes to the IRS Detroit Computing Center, FinCEN, 985
Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226.
Credit unions may contact the IRS Detroit Computing Center at 1-800-
800-2877 for assistance with questions regarding CTR exemption
regulations (3 1 CFR Section 103.22(d)(2)), completion of the
Designation of Exempt Person Treasury Form (TD F 90-22.53),
completion of the CTR form (Form 4789), and CTR paper or magnetic
filing issues.
For other BSA related questions, credit unions and individuals may
call FinCEN's Regulatory Help line at 1-800-949-2732.
Page MA-27
Examination Determine whether federal credit unions qualify for exemptions or
0bjective additional authorities provided by the Regulatory Flexibility
Program (RegFlex)
Assoc iated 0 Liquidity risk - potential effect on the balance sheet liquidity due
Risks to large amount invested in high-risk investments, fixed assets, and
nonmember deposits;
0 Interest rate risk - potential effect on the balance sheet earnings due
to large amount invested in high-risk investments;
0 Strategic risk - could materially affect the balance sheet if
management overuses RegFlex and develops liquidity and earnings
problems; and
0 Reputation risk - earnings and net worth problems could cause the
membership to doubt the soundness of the credit union.
Page 18B-1
Credit unions can lose their eligibility for RegFlex if they no longer
meet the net worth or CAMEL requirements specified in $742.1. Also,
the regional director, for substantive and documented safety and
soundness reasons, may revoke a credit union’s RegFlex authority in
whole or part. The regional director must give a credit union written
notice stating the reasons for the action. Credit unions may appeal the
regional director’s decision to the NCUA Supervisory Review
Exemptions Following are the specific exemptions credit unions receive under the
under RegFlex regulation:
0 Charitable donations. The RegFlex designation exempts charitable
donation limitations and the need for board approval. ($701.25)
Page 18B-2
Add itionaI RegFlex permits additional authority in the area of purchase, sale, and
Authority pledge of eligible obligations (9701.23) The RegFlex designation
under allows credit unions to purchase and retain any auto loan, credit card
RegFlex loan, member business loan, student loan, or mortgage loans from any
other credit union, without being subject the to the 5 percent limitation
of 8701.23 (b)(3), as long as the loans fall within the purchasing credit
union’s power to grant. The statutory limitations of credit unions
purchasing eligible obligations from liquidating credit unions remain
(i.e., 5 percent of unimpaired capital surplus of the purchasing credit
Exemptions If a state-chartered credit union meets the RegFlex criteria, then the
and credit union need not comply with §701.32(b) and §701.32(c). A state-
Add itional chartered credit union that only meets one of the two criteria may also
Authority for avail itself of the application process. However, RegFlex does not
FlSCUs preempt state law. The applicable state law must allow for public unit
and nonmember deposits. RegFlex provides the following exemption
to FISCUs that meet the RegFlex requirements:
Page 18B-3
Jane Doe
Regional Director
Illustration 18B-1
Page 18B-4
Regional Director
Illustration 18B-2
Page 18B-5
John Doe
Regional Director
Illustration 18B-3
Page 18B-6
Revocation Date
Letter to FCU
Board of Directors
XXX Federal Credit Union
City, State Zip Code
Any action by [XXX Federal Credit Union] while under the RegFlex
authority will be grandfathered. Future actions must meet all NCUA's
regulatory requirements. [Insert paragraph, as appropriate, emphasizing
Regulations the credit union is no longer exempt where limitations are
needed for safety and soundness concerns (i.e., fixed asset limitation).]
You may appeal this decision within 60 days from the date of
determination to the NCUA Supervisory Review Committee
(Committee). This decision will remain in effect unless the Committee
issues a different determination. If you are dissatisfied with the
Committee decision, you may appeal to the NCUA Board within 60
days from the issuance of the Committee decision.
John Doe
Regional Director
Illustration 18B-4
Page 18B-7
Member 0 Refusal or reluctance to proceed with a transaction, or abruptly
Transactions withdrawing a transaction. A member may be reluctant or even
withdraw a transaction after being informed that a Currency
Transaction Report (CTR) will be filed, or that the purchase of a
monetary instrument will be recorded. The member may withdraw
all or a portion of the transaction to avoid Bank Secrecy reporting
Attachment 18.1
Attachment 18.1
Attachment 18.1
Exchanges 0 Unusual exchange of denominations. An individual or group seeks
and Other the exchange of small denomination bills (five, ten and twenty
Currency dollar bills) for larger denomination bills without any apparent
Transactions legitimate business reason.
Attachment 18.1
Attachment 18.1
Safe Deposit
Boxes 0 Frequent visits. The member may visit the box on an unusually
frequent basis.
Attachment 18.1
deposit box prior to making cash deposits which are just under
Attachment 18.1
Attachment 18.1
Attachment 18.1
/v.c3-/7, / B n - / a u
Chapter I 9
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union complies with consumer
Objectives compliance regulations
0 Determine whether the credit union protects its members from
violations of their consumer rights
0 Determine whether the credit union initiates corrective action if it
becomes aware of consumer compliance violations
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with appropriate
consumer compliance regulations; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines,
penalties, and poor publicity as a result of failure to comply with
the appropriate consumer compliance regulations; and
0 Strategic risk can occur when management fails to perform
adequate planning and due diligence in regard to consumer
compliance regulations.
Overview NCUA is the federal agency assigned with the enforcement authority
for a broad range of consumer regulations that apply to federally-
chartered credit unions and, to a lesser degree, federally insured state-
chartered credit unions. This authority confers to examiners’
responsibility for providing a satisfactory level of oversight for
compliance activities. This oversight is necessary in order to:
0 Assure credit union members that their credit union meets the
required statutory and regulatory requirements for which NCUA
has oversight enforcement responsibility; and
0 Provide adequate reporting to Congress.
Page 19-1
Compliance SMEs serve as resource persons for field examiners. They provide
Subject Matter advice and support to examiners. SMEs assist the examiners by
Examiners providing specific guidance in their area of expertise.
Page 19-2
Page 19-3
Compliance The compliance program officer serves as the agency contact in the
Program area of consumer compliance regulation and enforcement. The
Officer (E&l) compliance program officers are responsible for:
Examination Examiners may use their discretion to determine the level of review of
Procedures a credit union’s consumer compliance program. Factors that may lead
an examiner to consider an increased risk exists in the compliance area
resulting in the need to expand the examination scope include:
0 New products or services offered by the credit union that fall under
a consumer compliance regulation;
0 New consumer compliance regulation affecting the credit union
0 A change in credit union staff responsible for compliance with
consumer laws;
0 Length of time since an NCUA examiner performed a review of
the area;
0 Volume and severity of consumer complaints; or
Page 19-4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union’s loan contracts are free from
Objectives prohibited credit practices
0 Determine whether the credit union accurately represents a
cosigner’s obligation and provides a notice to cosigner
0 Determine whether the credit union’s method of collecting late
charges complies with the regulation
0 Determine whether the credit union initiates corrective action if it
becomes aware of a violation
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with the Credit
Practices Rule; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with the Credit Practices
Overview Part 706 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations implements the
requirements of Subpart B of Regulation AA, also known as the Credit
Practices Rule, for federal credit unions. The regulation defines unfair
or deceptive acts or practices of credit unions in connection with
extensions of credit to consumers. The Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) has enforcement authority for the Credit Practices Rule for
state-chartered credit unions.
Page 19A-1
Page 19A-2
Example: A member’s payments are $40 a month. The member makes the
February payment in full, but makes it late. The credit union assesses a $5 late
charge. The member makes a March payment of $40 on time, but fails to pay the
$5 late charge. The credit union uses part of the March payment to pay off the
outstanding late charge, and then considers the March payment deficient. The
credit union may not assess another late charge since the March Dayment was
made in full and on time.
Add itional Additional information is available in Part 706 of NCUA Rules and
Information Regulations. In addition, the Staff Commentary on Regulation AA
provides question and answer examples. Examiners can access it at
Page 19A-3
Risk Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with the ECOA; and
Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with ECOA.
Page 19B-1
The application may request any information, except for the following:
Information about the member’s spouse, unless the spouse will use
or is contractually liable on the account or the applicant relies on
the spouse’s income;
0 Information about the member’s marital status when applying for
unsecured credit; when applying for secured credit, the application
may use only the terms married, unmarried, or separated;
Information about the member’s sex, race, color, religion, and
national origin; and,
0 Information about childrearing or childbearing such as birth control
practices, intentions, or capability to bear children.
Page 19B-2
Effects Test While not specifically mentioned in the ECOA, the legislative history
of the ECOA indicates Congress intended an “effects test” concept to
apply to a credit union’s determination of creditworthiness. The effects
test refers to a credit practice that appears facially neutral, but has a
disproportionately negative effect on a prohibited basis, even though
the credit union has no intent to discriminate. This type of practice is
discriminatory, in effect, unless the credit union can demonstrate the
practice meets a legitimate business need that cannot be reasonably
achieved by means less disparate in impact.
Appraisals Credit unions subject to NCUA’s regulations are not subject to the
appraisal requirements of the ECOA. However, NCUA Rules and
Regulations 9703.1(c)(5) requires a credit union to make available to
any requesting member a copy of the appraisal used in conjunction
with that member’s real estate loan application. The credit union must
make that appraisal available for 25 months after the member was
notified of the action taken on the credit application.
Enforcement The National Credit Union Administration Board has responsibility for
enforcement among federal credit unions, while the Federal Trade
Page 19B-3
Add itionaI The Federal Reserve Board's website contains additional information
Information at htto://www.federalreserve.gov. The Publications Services Unit at
(202) 452-3245 has copies of the regulation and staff commentaries
issued by the Federal Reserve System available.
Page 19B-4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union meets the criteria that triggers
Objectives HMDA reporting
0 Determine whether the credit union complies with the reporting
requirements of the Act and Regulation
0 Determine whether the credit union has implemented adequate
policies, practices, and internal controls to ensure compliance with
the Act and Regulation
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with HMDA; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with HMDA.
0 Data about each application or loan (such as loan type and amount)
and the location of the dwelling to which it relates; and
0 The race or national origin, sex, and gross annual income of the
applicant or borrower.
The purpose of Regulation C is to provide the public with data that can
be used to:
Page 19C-1
Exempt A credit union is exempt from the requirements of the regulation for a
Institutions given calendar year if on the preceding December 3 1:
The credit union must make its mortgage loan disclosure statement
(provided by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
(FFIEC)) available to the public at its home office no later than three
business days after receiving it. In addition, if a credit union has branch
offices in other MSAs, it must make disclosures available using one of
two options:
Page 19C-2
credit union chooses this option, it must post the address for
requesting copies in each branch office in an MSA.
Enforcement NCUA enforces compliance with HMDA for all credit unions required
to report and may impose administrative sanctions, including the
imposition of civil money penalties. NCUA does not consider it an
error in compiling or recording required data a violation of the
regulation if it was unintentional and occurred despite the credit
union’s maintenance of procedures reasonably adopted to avoid such
Add itional Credit unions engaged in mortgage lending should obtain the
Information publication A Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right! Credit
unions may obtain a copy from the NCUA publications office or they
can download it from the NCUA web site at www.ncua.gov.
Page 19C-3
Examination Determine whether the credit union’s funds availability policy and
0bjective procedures meet the requirements of the regulation
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with the Expedited
Funds Availability Act; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with the Expedited Funds
Availability Act.
Next-Day Credit unions should make certain types of funds available for
Ava ilabiIity withdrawal not later than the business day after the banking day the
funds were deposited. The following types of funds generally meet the
standards for next-day availability:
Page 19D-1
Second Day A credit union must make funds deposited in an account by check
Ava ilabiIity available for withdrawal not later than the second business day
following the banking day the funds are deposited, in the case of
A local check;
0 A check drawn on the Treasury of the United States that is not
governed by the next-day availability requirements;
0 A U.S. Postal Service money order that is not governed by the
next-day availability requirements; or
0 A check drawn on a Federal Reserve Bank or Federal Home Loan
Bank; a check drawn by a state or unit of general local government;
or a cashier’s, certified, or teller’s check; if any check referred to is
a local check that is not governed by the next-day availability
Fifth Day A credit union must make funds deposited in an account by a check
Ava ilabiIity available for withdrawal not later than the fifth business day following
the banking day funds are deposited, in the case of
Page 19D-2
0 New accounts;
0 Large deposits ($5,000 or greater);
0 Redeposited checks;
0 Repeated overdrafts;
0 Reasonable cause to doubt collectibility; and,
0 Emergency conditions.
Page 19D-3
Page 19D-4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union’s website collects personal
0bjectives information from children under 13
0 Determine whether the credit union discloses its privacy notice and
obtains verifiable parental consent
Overview The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) applies to the
online collection of personal information from children under age 1 3.
The rule spells out what a website operator must include in a privacy
policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent, and
what responsibilities an operator has to protect children’s privacy and
safety online.
Page 19E-1
Basic COPPA If the credit union is subject to the requirements of COPPA, a link to
Provisions its privacy notice must appear on the home page of its website or
online service and at each area where it collects personal information
from children. If the credit union operates a general audience site with
a separate children’s area, it must post a clear and prominent link to its
privacy notice on the home page of the children’s area. Credit unions
may wish to emphasize the link by using a larger font size or a
different color type on a contrasting background.
Privacy Notice COPPA requires a clearly written and understandable privacy notice
that includes the following information:
Notice to The notice to parents must contain the same information included on
Parents the notice on the website. The credit union must notify a parent that it
wishes to collect personal information from the child. The notice must
also state that the parent’s consent is required for the collection, use,
and disclosure of the information and how the parent can provide
consent. The credit union must obtain verifiable consent, meaning that
the credit union must make reasonable efforts to ensure that the parent
receives the notice and consents. The required method of consent
depends on the use of the child’s information.
Page 19E-2
Page 19E-3
Examination 0 Determine that the credit union has procedures in place to ensure
Objectives compliance with the Electronic Funds Transfers Act (EFTA)
0 Determine that the credit union complies with the provisions of the
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Category implement the necessary controls to comply with the EFTA.
The term electronic fund transfer means any transfer of funds initiated
through an electronic terminal, telephone, computer, or magnetic tape
for the purpose of ordering, instructing, or authorizing a credit union to
debit or credit an account. The term includes, but is not limited to:
0 Point-of-sale transfers;
0 Automated teller machine transfers;
0 Direct deposits or withdrawals of funds;
0 Transfers initiated by telephone; and
0 Transfers resulting from debit card transactions, whether or not
they were initiated through an electronic terminal.
Page 19F-1
0 Not validated, meaning that the credit union has not yet performed
all the procedures that would enable a member to initiate an
electronic fund transfer using the access device;
0 Accompanied by a clear explanation that the access device is not
validated and provides information as to how members may
dispose of it if they do not desire to validate the device;
0 Accompanied by the disclosures of the member’s rights and
liabilities that will apply if the access device is validated; and
0 Validated only in response to the member’s oral or written request
for validation, after the institution has verified the member’s
identity by a reasonable means.
Page 19F-2
Liability for A member’s liability for unauthorized electronic fimd transfers, such as
Unauthorized those arising from loss or theft of an access device, is limited to $50 if
Transfers notice is given within two business days after learning of the theft or
loss. If the member fails to notify the credit union within the
Page 19F-3
established time frames, the amount of liability shall not exceed the
lesser of $500 or the sum of:
Page 19F-4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union complies with the E-Sign Act
Objective when accepting electronic signatures and using electronic
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with the E-Sign Act.
E-Sign Act The E-Sign Act provides for facilitating the use of electronic records
and signatures in commerce. The general rule of the E-Sign Act allows
a signature, contract, or other record to be considered valid in an
electronic format. To comply with the E-Sign Act, an electronic
signature must be executed or adopted by a member with the intent to
sign the record. Accordingly, regardless of the technology used to meet
this requirement, the process must evidence the member’s identity.
Page 196-1
Record The E-Sign Act provides for meeting statutory record retention
Retention requirements by retaining an electronic record. The electronic record
must accurately reflect the information set forth in the record and
remain accessible to all persons who are entitled to it in a form that is
capable of being accurately reproduced for later reference. An
electronic record of the information on the front and back of the check
satisfies the requirements for retention of checks.
Page 196-2
Page 196-3
Examination Determine whether the credit union meets the requirements of the
Objectives Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when it takes adverse action
based, in whole or in part, on information obtained from outside
sources; and
0 Determine whether the credit union acts as a Consumer Reporting
Agency (CRA), and if so, whether it complies with the CRA
requirements of the FCRA.
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with FCRA; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with FCRA.
Overview The FCRA defines the responsibilities and liabilities of those who
provide information to and access data from a Consumer Reporting
Agency (CRA). The FCRA was designed to promote accuracy,
fairness, and privacy of information in the files of every CRA by:
Page 19H-1
Employment purposes; or
0 Any other purpose specifically stated in $604 of the FCRA.
The term credit report does not mean a report containing information
solely about transactions or experiences between the consumer and the
credit union.
Credit Union When one credit union provides another credit union or a CRA
Consumer information about a member reported to it by another person or
Reporting organization, the credit union is considered a CRA. It must comply
Agency with all the sections of the FCRA relating to CRAs concerning that
Page 19H-2
Using Users of consumer reports must identify themselves to the CRA and
Consumer certify that they will use the information they request as specified in
Reports the FCRA and will not use the information for any other purpose.
If the credit union takes any adverse action with respect to any member
that is based in whole or in part on any information contained in a
consumer report, the credit union must
Page 19H-3
To do this, the credit union must supply a standard disclosure form that
provides the member with information to gain access to the consumer
report and make corrections, if necessary.
If a member requests it, the credit union must then disclose the nature
of the information to the consumer, orally or in writing, in sufficient
detail to enable the consumer to evaluate its accuracy. The credit union
may disclose the source of the information, but is not required to do so.
Documenting Credit unions may disclose orally the information required under the
Compliance FCRA. However, if the action resulting in a denial of credit under the
FCRA also meets the definition of adverse action under Regulation B,
the credit union must make additional disclosures to the consumer.
Although the credit union may provide the required disclosures for
both the FCRA and Regulation B on the same disclosure form, they are
independent and one cannot substitute for the other. To meet the
requirements of both the FCRA and Regulation B, credit unions may
wish to use form letters, copies of which may be kept in files with the
Page 19H-4
0 May not give that information to any CRA without also telling the
CRA that the information is in dispute;
0 Must investigate the dispute and review all relevant information
provided by the CRA about the dispute; and
0 Must report its findings to the CRA involved and all national
CRAs that received the information if the investigation shows the
information to be incomplete or inaccurate.
The credit union should resolve the dispute within 30 days after receipt
of a dispute notice from the member. If the member provides
additional relevant information during the 30-day period, the CRA has
an additional 15 days to complete the investigation. The CRA must
give the credit union all relevant information that it gets within five
business days of receipt and must promptly give additional relevant
information provided by the member. If a credit union does not
Page 19H-5
investigate and respond within the specified time periods, the CRA
must delete the disputed information from its files.
Penalties and Credit unions may be liable for willful noncompliance or negligent
LiabiIit ies noncompliance as either users of information or as CRAs. Liability
may include actual damages, punitive damages, court costs, and
attorney's fees, depending on the type of noncompliance. If a credit
union obtains a credit report under false pretenses it may receive a
penalty of $1,000 or actual damages, whichever is greater.
Add itional For more information, call the FTC toll-free at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-
Information 877-382-4357), or go to http://www.FTC.nov.
Page 19H-6
Examination Determine whether the credit union is subject to the Fair Debt
Objectives Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by collecting consumer debts on
behalf of another party
Determine whether the credit union has procedures in place to
comply with the FDCPA
Risk 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with FDCRA; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with FDCRA.
Overview The purpose of the FDCPA is (1) to eliminate abusive debt collection
practices by debt collectors, (2) to ensure that those debt collectors
who refrain from using abusive practices are not competitively
disadvantaged, and (3) to promote consistent state action to protect
consumers against debt collection abuses.
Page 19 1-1
Validation of A debt collector must send the consumer a written notice within five
Debts days after the initial communication unless the following information
is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the
Page 19 1-2
Page 19 1-3
1qz-4 w
Examination Determine that the credit union evaluates each loan applicant's
Objectives creditworthiness on an individual basis, without presuming the
applicant has characteristics of a certain group
0 Determine if the credit union's loan policies or procedures limit the
inflow of applications from protected classes (pre-screening)
Determine if the credit union rejects applications from any of the
groups with a disproportionate frequency, or if its acceptance
levels are disproportionately lower for one or more groups due to
such factors as withdrawals or delays
Determine whether the credit union has adequate economic
justification for any policies or practices that have a
disproportionately negative effect based on applicants' ages
Determine if the credit union's lending patterns reflect more
stringent loan terms (interest rate, loan maturity, loan-to-value
ratio, etc.) for affected groups
0 Determine whether the credit union provides reasons for the
rejections (or other less than favorable actions) consistent with the
credit union's underwriting criteria and whether the credit union
uniformly applies them to all applicants and all areas
Risk Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with the Fair Housing
Act (FHA); and
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with the FHA.
Overview The Fair Housing Act (FHA) provides fair housing throughout the
United States by regulating many practices relating to housing. In
particular, FHA makes it unlawful for any lender to discriminate in its
housing-related lending activities against any person because of race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or familial status.
The FHA works in conjunction with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
(ECOA) to prohibit discrimination on any of the prohibited bases by
anyone who is in the business of providing loans for housing. NCUA
Page 195-1
Non- A credit union may not deny a loan or other financial assistance for the
Discrimin- purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, repairing, or
ation in maintaining a dwelling, nor may it discourage an application for such a
Lending loan, on the basis of the race, color, religion, handicap, familial status
(having children under the age of 1S), national origin, or sex of:
0 Amount;
0 Interest rate;
0 Duration; or
0 Other credit terms.
The FHA prohibits the lender from considering the following factors
because they are not necessary to a federal credit union's business and
they generally have a discriminatory effect:
Page 195-2
Legal Because the FHA was broadly written by Congress, the courts have
Interpretations ruled a wide variety of lending practices illegal under the Act,
including some that the Act itself does not specifically mention but
which the courts determined are illegal because they violate implicit
requirements and prohibitions. Examples of some prohibited practices
Advertising Credit unions may not directly or indirectly engage in any form of
advertising of real estate related loans that implies or suggests the
credit union discriminates.
Any credit union that advertises real estate related loans must
prominently indicate in the advertisement, in a manner appropriate to
Page 195-3
the advertising medium and format used, that it makes such loans
without regard to the prohibited bases. In addition, every credit union
engaged in real estate lending must provide a notice of
nondiscrimination in its lobby. The notice must be clearly visible to the
general public and must contain the logotype and language appearing
in the FHA or NCUA Rules and ReguZutions §701.31(d)(3).
Enforcement Persons who claim they were victims of discrimination may file a
complaint with the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) for processing under the FHA. HUD will
investigate the complaint and may attempt to resolve the grievance
through conference, conciliation, and persuasion. It is unlawful to
coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any person in the exercise
of, or because they have exercised, rights granted by certain sections of
Persons who believe they were discriminated against may also file a
compliant with NCUA for processing under NCUA Regulations.
Page 195-4
Determine that the credit union does not discriminate on the basis
of the racial composition or the income level of an area;
Determine that the credit union does not discriminate on the basis
of the language of applicants;
Determine that the credit union has not set an arbitrary limit on
loan size and the income required before granting a loan;
Determine that the credit union refrains from using appraisals that
Determine that the credit union refrains from discounting appraised
values (i.e., lowering the appraised value of property because of
location or some negative comment in the appraisal form);
Determine from reviewing approved and rejected loan applications
that the credit union documents uniformly applied economic
factors, such as (1) income and debt ratios, (2) credit history, (3)
security property, (4) neighborhood amenities, and ( 5 ) personal
Determine from the loan review whether the credit union makes a
disproportionate number of loans under one type of financing
(FHA, VA, other alternative mortgage instruments);
Based on a review of appropriate loan records, determine that the
credit union administers the following without bias: (1) loan
modifications, (2) loan assumptions, (3) additional collateral
requirements, (4) late charges, ( 5 ) reinstatement fees, and (6)
Determine that the credit union has policies that prohibit the
employees from making statements that would discourage the
receipt or consideration of any application for a loan or other credit
Visually determine whether the credit union has an Equal Housing
Lender Poster located in a conspicuous place in all of the credit
union's offices;
Visually inspect the size and content of each nondiscrimination
notice, such as the Equal Housing Lender Poster, to ensure it is
clear and conspicuous and in compliance with the requirements of
$701.31(d)(3) of the NCUA Rules and Regulations;
Determine that a sampling of the credit union's advertising
complies with the requirements of $701.3l(d) of the NCUA Rules
and Regulations;
Page 19J-5
Additional Please refer to $701-31(e) of the NCUA Rules and Regulations for
Information additional guidelines concerning nondiscrimination in lending. In
addition, information is available on HUD’s website at www.hud.gov.
Page 195-6
Examination Determine whether a credit union performs required flood
Objectives determinations for loans secured by improved real estate or a
mobile home affixed to a permanent foundation in accordance with
the final rule
Determine if the credit union requires flood insurance in the correct
amount when it makes, increases, extends, or renews a loan
secured by improved real estate or a mobile home located, or to be
located, in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) of a community
participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Determine if the credit union provides the required notices to the
borrower, servicer, and to the Director of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) whenever it requires flood
insurance as a condition of the loan
Determine if the credit union requires escrow accounts for flood
insurance premiums when requiring flood insurance on a
residential building and when other items required escrowing
Determine if the credit union complies with the forced placement
provisions if at any time during the term of a loan it determines
that flood insurance on the loan does not sufficiently meet the
requirements of the regulation
Risk Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Categories implement the necessary controls to comply with Flood Disaster
Protection Act (FDPA); and
Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines,
penalties, or poor publicity as a result of failure to comply with
Page 19K-1
common natural disaster, costing more in damages and loss of life than
any other disaster.
Flood Part 760 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations implements the
Disaster requirements of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the
Protection Flood Disaster Protection Act (FDPA) of 1973, as amended (42 U.S.C.
Act 4001-4129.) This part applies to loans secured by buildings or mobile
homes located or to be located in areas determined by the Director of
the FEMA to have special flood hazards.
0 The amount of the flood insurance must at least equal the lesser of
the outstanding principal balance of the designated loan or the
maximum limit of coverage available for the particular type of
property under the Act; and
Page 19K-2
Exemptions The flood insurance requirement does not apply with respect to:
Eligible The following types of structures are eligible for flood insurance
Str uctures coverage:
Second Both second mortgages and home equity loans are transactions that
Mortgages and come within the purchase provisions of the FDPA. Since only one
HELOCs flood insurance policy can be issued for a building, a credit union
should not request a new flood insurance policy if one already exists.
Instead, the credit union should have the borrower contact the
insurance agent to:
Page 19K-3
For loans with approved lines of credit that members may access in the
future, credit unions may have difficulty calculating the amount of
insurance for the loan since the borrower will be drawing down
differing amounts on the line at different times. In those instances the
borrower must, at a minimum, obtain a policy as a requirement for
drawing on the line.
Page 19K-4
Standard A credit union must use the standard flood hazard determination form
Flood Hazard developed by FEMA when determining whether the building or mobile
Determin- home offered as collateral security for a loan is or will be located in a
ation Form SFHA which has flood insurance. Credit unions may use the standard
flood hazard determination form in a printed, computerized or
electronic manner. The credit union must retain a copy of the
completed form, in either hard copy or electronic format, for the period
of time the credit union owns the loan.
Determination Any credit union or a servicer acting on its behalf may charge a
Fees reasonable fee for determining whether the building or mobile home
securing the loan is located or will be located in a SFHA if the
Page 19K-5
A determination fee may also include, but is not limited to, a fee for
life-of-loan monitoring.
Delivery of Delivery of notice must take place within a “reasonable time” before
Notice the completion of the transaction. Ten days is generally regarded as a
“reasonable” time interval. A borrower should receive notice timely
enough to ensure that:
Page 19K-6
Notice to The servicer should receive notice as promptly as practicable after the
Servicers credit union provides notice to the borrower and no later than the time
the credit union provides similar notices to the servicer concerning
hazard insurance and taxes. Credit unions may provide notice to the
servicer electronically or it may take the form of a copy of the notice to
the borrower.
Record The credit union must retain a record of the receipt of the notices by
Retention the borrower and the servicer for the period of time the credit union
owns the loan.
Page 19K-7
The credit union must notify the Director of FEMA, or the Director’s
designee, of any change in the servicer of the loan within 60 days after
the effective date of the change. Credit unions may provide this notice
electronically, if electronic submission is satisfactory to the Director of
FEMA, or the Directors’ designee.
Page 19K-8
- Complete the FDPA checklist in AIRES, which provides
informative guidance on the requirements of the regulation for
each question.
- Report a violation on the Violations form in AIRES.
Page 19K-9
Examination Determine whether the credit union has implemented procedures
0bjective for complying with the requirements of the Homeowners
Protection Act (HOPA)
Associated Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with HOPA
Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with HOPA
Strategic risk can occur when the board of directors fails to
perform necessary due diligence in reviewing existing and
prospective products and services for compliance with HOPA
Termination HOPA provides three methods to terminate PMI. The credit union
of PMI should monitor PMI to ensure cancellation occurs in one of the
following three ways:
Page 19L-1
If the borrower or credit union alters the terms of the loan before a
residential mortgage transaction, the credit union must recalculate the
cancellation date, termination date, or final termination to reflect the
modified terms and conditions of the loan.
The credit union may not require any further PMI payments from the
member after 30 days of termination or cancellation. Generally within
45 days of termination or cancellation of PMI, the servicer must return
all unearned premiums to the member.
Page 19L-2
Disclosure In the case of mortgages requiring PMI, the credit union must disclose
Requirements the following in writing:
When the credit union uses a third-party to service its loans, the
servicer must provide annual written statements stating:
Disclosure In the case of lender-paid PMI, the credit union must provide written
Requirements disclosure to the member not later than the date of the loan
for Lender commitment that lender-paid PMI:
Paid PMI
Differs from borrower-paid PMI (include differences);
Results in a higher interest rate (generally); and
Terminates only upon refinancing of the loan.
Page 19L-3
Within 30 days after the termination date that would apply in the case
of borrower paid PMI, the servicer shall provide a written notice to the
member indicating they may wish to review financing options that
could eliminate the requirement for PMI.
Fees and The credit union may not impose any fee on the member with respect
Penalties to the provision of any notice or information required by HOPA.
Page 19L-4
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union provides meaningfbl and
Objectives required disclosures to lessees
Determine if the credit union limits the amount of balloon
payments in lease transactions
0 Determine if the credit union accurately discloses lease terms in
Risk Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Category implement the necessary controls to comply with the Consumer
Leasing Act.
Definitions For purposes of the Consumer Leasing Act, the following definitions
Page 19M-1
A lease transaction that is incidental to the lease of real property where the
lessee has no liability for the personal property at the end of the lease term,
except for abnormal wear and tear, and the lessee has no option to purchase
the leased property.
Lessor: a person who regularly leases, offers to lease, or arranges for the leasing
of personal property under a consumer lease. A person who has leased, offered,
or arranged to lease personal property more than five times in the current or
preceding calendar year is subject to Regulation M.
Open-end lease: a consumer lease in which the lessee's responsibility at the end
of the lease term is based on the difference between the residual value of the
leased property and its realized value.
Personal property: any property that is not real property under the law of the
state where the property is located at the time it is offered or made available for
Realized Value: 1) the price received by the lessor for the leased property at
disposition, 2) the highest offer for disposition of the leased property or 3) the
fair market value at the end of the lease term.
Residual Value: the value of the leased property at the end of the lease term, as
estimated or assigned at consummation by the lessor, used in calculating the base
periodic payment.
Disclosures Credit unions must make all disclosures required under Regulation M
clearly and conspicuously in writing and in a form the consumer can
keep. Electronic disclosures are permissible.
Page 19M-2
Lessors may not use the terms "annual percentage rate" or "annual
lease rate" or any equivalent term in its advertisements. If the lessor
provides a percentage rate in advertisements or other documents, a
notice stating "this percentage may not measure the overall cost of
financing this lease" must be included.
Penalties and Failure to comply with the Consumer Leasing Act may result in
Record criminal and civil penalties. Lessors must retain evidence documenting
Retention their compliance with the Consumer Leasing Act for at least two years
after the date the disclosures were required.
State Law Regulation M preempts state law, except where state law provides
greater protection and benefit to the consumer.
Page 19M-3
Page 19M-4
Page 19M-5
Examination Assess the quality of a credit union’s compliance management
Objectives policies and procedures for implementing the Privacy of Consumer
Financial Information (Privacy Regulation) to determine whether
the information about its policies and practices to members and
consumers in the credit union’s notices conforms to the credit
union’s actual procedures and practices
Determine the reliability of the credit union’s internal controls and
procedures for monitoring compliance with the Privacy Regulation
0 Determine the credit union’s compliance with the Privacy
0 Initiate effective corrective actions for violations of law or
deficient policies or internal controls
Associated Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with the Privacy Act;
Reputation risk can occur when members of the credit union learn
of its failure to comply with the Privacy Act.
Page 19N-1
Page 19N-2
Page 19N-3
Opt Out Right Consumers must be given the right to “opt out” of, or prevent, a credit
and Exceptions union from disclosing nonpublic personal information about them to a
nonaffiliated third party, unless an exception to that right applies. The
exceptions are detailed in 5716.13, 5716.14 or 5716.15.
As part of the opt out right, credit unions must give consumers a
reasonable opportunity and a reasonable means to opt out. What
constitutes a reasonable opportunity to opt out depends on the
circumstances surrounding the consumer’s transaction, but the credit
union must provide the consumer a reasonable amount of time to
exercise the opt out right. For example, it would be reasonable if the
credit union allows 30 days from the date of mailing a notice or 30
days after member acknowledgement of an electronic notice for the
consumer to return an opt out direction. What constitutes a reasonable
means to opt out may include check-off boxes, a reply form, or a toll-
free telephone number, again depending on the circumstances
surrounding the consumer’s transaction. It is not reasonable to require
a consumer to write his or her own letter as the only means to opt out.
Page 19N-4
Page 19N-5
Consumers who are not members are entitled to an initial privacy and
opt out notice only if the credit union wants to share their nonpublic
personal information with nonaffiliated third parties outside of the
For the purposes of the privacy regulation, the term member will
include certain nonmembers. For example, the following are
considered members:
Credit unions must provide members initial and annual privacy notices
regardless of the information disclosure practices of their credit union.
A special rule exists for loans. When a member obtains a loan from a
credit union, and that is the only basis for the member relationship, if
the credit union subsequently transfers the servicing rights to that loan
to another financial institution, the member relationship transfers with
the servicing rights. However, any information on the borrower
retained by the credit union selling the servicing rights must be
accorded the protections due any consumer.
Page 19N-6
Credit Union The Privacy Regulation establishes specific duties and limitations for a
Duties credit union based on its activities. Credit unions that intend to
disclose nonpublic personal information outside the exceptions will
have to provide opt out rights to their members and to nonmember
consumers. All credit unions have an obligation to provide an initial
and annual notice of their privacy policies to their members. All credit
unions must abide by the regulatory limits on the disclosure of account
numbers to nonaffiliated third parties and on the re-disclosure and
reuse of nonpublic personal information received from nonaffiliated
financial institutions.
Notice and Opt If a credit union intends to disclose nonpublic personal information
Out Duties to about any of its consumers (whether or not they are members) to a
Consumers nonaffiliated third party, and an exception does not apply, then the
credit union must provide to the consumer:
The credit union may not disclose any nonpublic personal information
to nonaffiliated third parties except under the enumerated exceptions
unless these notices have been provided and the consumer has not
Page 19N-7
opted out. Additionally, the credit union must provide a revised notice
before the credit union begins to share a new category of nonpublic
personal information or shares information with a new category of
nonaffiliated third party in a manner that was not described in the
previous notice.
Note that a credit union need not comply with the initial and opt-out
notice requirements for consumers who are not members if the credit
union limits disclosure of nonpublic personal information to the
Special Rule for Loans. A credit union must provide an initial notice
to a co-borrower or guarantor on a loan, who has no other member
relationship with the credit union, if it shares the nonpublic personal
information with nonaffiliated third parties other than as allowed under
the exceptions. Credit unions may provide annual notices to the co-
borrowers and guarantors jointly.
Notice Duties to In addition to the duties described above, there are several duties
Members unique to members. In particular, regardless of whether the credit
union discloses or intends to disclose nonpublic personal information,
a credit union must provide notice to its members of its privacy
policies and practices at various times.
Page 19N-8
For members only, a credit union must provide the initial notice (as
well as the annual notice and any revised notice) so that a member
can retain or subsequently access the notice. A written notice
satisfies this requirement. For members who obtain financial
products or services electronically, and agree to receive their
notices on the credit union’s web site, the credit union may provide
the current version of its privacy notice on its web site.
Page 19N-9
Limitations on A credit union must not disclose an account number or similar form of
Disclosure of access number or access code for a credit card, share, or transaction
Account account to any nonaffiliated third party (other than a consumer
reporting agency) for use in telemarketing, direct mail marketing, or
other marketing through electronic mail to the consumer.
Page 19N-10
where the participants are identified to the member when the member
enters the program.
Page 19N-11
Other Examiners should keep in mind the following when reviewing a credit
Consider- union’s privacy policies and procedures:
Fair Credit Reporting Act. The regulations do not modify, limit, or
supersede the operation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
State Law. The regulations do not supersede, alter, or affect any state
statute, regulation, order, or interpretation, except to the extent that it is
inconsistent with the regulations. A state statute, regulation, order, etc.
is consistent with the regulations if the protection it affords any
consumer is greater than the protection provided under the regulations,
as determined by the FTC.
Page 19N-12
Examination Determine whether the credit union has implemented policies and
0bjective procedures complying with the requirements of the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
Associated 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with RESPA;
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with RESPA; and
0 Strategic risk can occur when the board of directors fails to
perform necessary due diligence in reviewing existing and
prospective products and services for compliance with RESPA.
Page 19 0-1
Special Credit unions will supply the special information booklet to each
Booklet purchase transaction applicant for a federally related mortgage loan by
Information delivering it or by placing it in the mail to the applicant no later than 3
business days after the credit union receives the application. When
there is more than one applicant for the loan, the credit union need
only provide a copy of the booklet to one of the applicants.
Part one of the booklet describes the settlement process, the nature of
charges, and suggests questions that the member may ask of lenders,
attorneys, and others to clarify what services these professionals will
provide for the charges quoted. It also contains information on the
rights and remedies available under RESPA and alerts the borrower to
unfair or illegal practices.
Good Faith The credit union must provide, no later than 3 business days after
Estimate receiving the written application, a clear and concise GFE of the
WE) amount or range for each settlement charge the borrower will likely
incur. The estimate of the amount or range for each charge must meet
the following requirements:
GFEs need not exactly match the actual charges, but they should
approximate them. Credit unions may make the disclosures using
Page 19 0 - 2
This form does not cover all items you will be required to pay
in cash at settlement, for example, deposit in escrow for real
estate taxes and insurance. You may wish to inquire as to the
amounts of such other items. You may be required to pay other
additional amounts at settlement.
Uniform The person conducting the settlement must complete the appropriate
Settlement form and must conspicuously and clearly itemize all charges imposed
Statement on the borrower and the seller in connection with the settlement. It
(HUD-1 or must indicate whether any title insurance premium included in such
HUD-IA) charges covers or insures the lender's interest in the property, the
borrower's interest, or both. (HELOCs do not require the statement.
Regulation Z requires the disclosures for HELOCs.)
The credit union must retain the Uniform Settlement Statements for
five years or until it disposes of its interest in the property.
Page 19 0-3
Escrow RESPA limits the amount that the credit union can require a borrower
Accounts to place in an escrow account. RESPA limits escrow funds at
settlement to the amount that would bring the accrual of taxes,
insurance premiums, and other charges current to the date of the first
full payment, plus one-sixth of the amount of such charges the member
will pay during the following 12 months. The Act further limits any
monthly escrow payment to no more than one-twelfth of the
anticipated amount due for such charges during the following 12
months plus the amount necessary to maintain a balance not to exceed
one-sixth of the amount of charges due during that period. RESPA
provides guidance on how to handle escrow shortages and surpluses.
Servicing of The credit union shall disclose to each applicant at the time of
Mortgage application or within 3 days of the application a Servicing Disclosure
Loans Statement. The statement shall include:
Page 19 0 - 4
When a servicer transfers a loan, both the transferor and the transferee
servicers must make the following disclosures to the borrower:
The transferor must make the disclosures at least 15 days before the
transfer; the transferee must make the disclosures within 15 days after
the transfer. Both the transferor and transferee may make the
disclosures within 30 days after the transfer, if one of the following
specifies the reason for the transfer:
These time limits do not apply if the credit union provided written
notice to the borrower at settlement.
During the 60-day period after the borrower’s first payment due date,
the transferee may not consider a payment late if the transferor receives
the payment in a timely manner.
Page 19 0 - 5
Page 19 0 - 6
Examination 0 Determine whether the credit union has implemented policies and
0bjective procedures for complying with the requirements of the Right to
Financial Privacy Act (RFPA)
Associated 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with RFPA; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when members of the credit union learn
of its failure to comply with RFPA.
Overview RFPA protects the personal financial privacy of federal credit union
members by restricting access to the member's financial records.
RFPA sets forth the conditions required before a credit union may
grant access to or provide copies of financial records of a member to a
government authority. In most cases, the credit union must obtain
authorization from the member or secure from the government
authority a subpoena or summons, a search warrant, a judicial
subpoena, or a formal written request. Some exceptions to this rule
include, but are not limited to:
Examination Examiners should determine the credit union understands RFP, and.
Procedures has procedures in place to comply with RFPA.
Page 19P-1
/9 F a &d
Examination Determine whether the credit union has implemented policies and
Objective procedures for complying with the requirements of the Soldiers’
and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (SSCRA)
Associated 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with SSCRA; and
0 Reputation risk can occur when members of the credit union learn
of its failure to comply with SSCRA.
Overview SSCRA provides financial relief and legal protections for persons on
active duty. Some of the key provisions include:
Add itionaI Examiners may obtain additional information at the following website:
Information http://www.jagcnet.army.mil/legal.
Page 194-1
14 l2-d
Examination Determine whether the credit union has procedures in place to
0bjectives recognize mortgages meeting the requirements of the Home
Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA)
0 Determine whether the credit union has policies and procedures in
place for complying with the requirements of HOEPA
Associated 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with HOEPA
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with HOEPA
0 Strategic risk occurs when the board of directors fails to perform
necessary due diligence in reviewing existing and prospective
products and services for compliance with HOEPA
Overview HOEPA regulates high cost loans and applies to home equity loans,
second mortgages, or refinances secured by primary residences with
high costs. HOEPA defines high costs as those that contain the
HOEPA does not limit the interest rate or the finance charge a credit
union can charge a member (although 9 107(5)(vi) of the Federal
Credit Union Act provides such a limitation.)
Requirements HOEPA requires specific disclosures for mortgages that fall within the
for Certain regulation. The regulation provides necessary language to include in
Mortgages the disclosures. In general, the credit union must give the member the
Page 19R-1
Reverse HOEPA includes additional disclosures for reverse mortgages that fall
Mortgage within its requirements.
PenaIt ies The credit union is open to civil liability for failing to comply with any
portion of HOEPA.
Examination If examiners review for HOEPA, their review should include the
Procedures following:
Additional The Federal Reserve Board added HOEPA as a subsection of the Truth
Information in Lending Act (Reg Z). HOEPA is located in $226.32 of the Truth in
Lending Act.
Page 19R-2
Examination Determine whether the credit union has implemented policies and
0bjective procedures for complying with the requirements of the Truth in
Lending Act (TILA)
Associated 0 Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to
Risks implement the necessary controls to comply with TILA;
0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and
penalties as a result of failure to comply with TILA; and
Strategic risk occurs when the board of directors fails to perform
necessary due diligence in reviewing existing and prospective
products and services for compliance with TILA.
General A creditor that offers or extends consumer credit to any consumer must
Disclosures furnish disclosures. Every person (whether a creditor or not), who
advertises consumer credit, must comply with the advertising
provisions of the regulation.
Page 19s-1
Summary of Lenders must consider several factors when deciding whether a loan
Transactions requires Truth in Lending disclosures or must meet other Regulation Z
Covered requirements.
Page 19s-2
not secure the obligation and the amount financed exceeds $25,000.
$226.3 contains other exempt credit transactions.
Page 19s-3
General A credit union must make required disclosures (1) clearly and
Disclosure conspicuously, (2) in writing, (3) in a form that the consumer may
Provisions keep, (4) not buried in fine print, ( 5 ) visible without undue searching,
( 6 ) phrased to communicate information effectively, (7) grouped
together and segregated from all other written material, and (8) not
containing any information unrelated to the required disclosures.
When creditors must disclose the terms “finance charge” and “annual
percentage rate,” with a corresponding amount or percentage rate, the
creditors must make these terms more conspicuous than any other
required disclosure. Although a few exceptions to this rule exist (e.g., a
credit union need not make these terms more conspicuous in
advertisements), the purpose of giving those terms prominence is to
highlight their importance above all other disclosures. Credit unions
may accomplish this by using larger or bolder type, underlining,
marking with an asterisk, or printing in colored ink. The disclosures
should attract the consumer’sattention more readily than other required
Multiple If a transaction includes more than one consumer, the credit union
Consumers may make the disclosures to any consumer that assumes primary
Page 19s-4
COnSeqUen- The TILA authorizes NCUA as the federal regulatory agency to require
ces of credit unions to make monetary and other adjustments to the accounts
Noncom- of consumers when the true finance charge or APR exceeded the
pliance disclosed finance charge or APR by more than a specified accuracy
tolerance as addressed by 0 108(e) of the TILA. That authorization
extends to unintentional errors, including isolated violations (for
example, errors which occurred, often without a common cause, only
once or infrequently on a random basis).
Page 19s-5
0 Obtain and review blank copies of forms used by the credit union
in extending all types of consumer credit. Determine that the credit
union has on file a legal opinion for any nonstandard forms they
may use including:
Page 19s-6
Adjustable Rate Review the credit union's policies, procedures and practices when
Mortgages completing the following steps:
Page 19s-7
0 Verify that the credit union correctly recorded account and loan
data into the credit union's calculation systems (e.g., its computer).
Determine the input accuracy of the following:
Add itionaI Refer to the appendix on the Home Ownership and Equity Protection
Information Act (HOEPA) for additional requirements on certain real estate
Page 19s-8
Examination Determine whether the credit union complies with all required provisions
Objectives of the Truth in Savings (TIS) regulation
Determine whether the credit union provides all required account
disclosures to members and potential members within the required time
frames and ensures that account disclosures reflect the terms of the legal
obligation between the parties
Determine whether the credit union accurately discloses all required
information on periodic statements for covered accounts
Determine whether the credit union uses a permissible method for paying
dividends, and accurately applies other calculations (e.g., daily balance,
average daily balance, minimum balance, etc.)
Determine whether advertisements include all required information and
are not misleading or inaccurate (credit unions should maintain an
advertising file containing copies of the credit union's advertisements)
Determine whether the credit union maintains evidence of compliance (for
a period of two years) with all provisions of TIS
Associated Compliance risk can occur when the credit union fails to implement the
Risks necessary controls to comply with TIS;
Reputation risk can occur when the credit union incurs fines and penalties
as a result of failure to comply with TIS; and
Strategic risk can occur when the board of directors fails to perform
necessary due diligence in reviewing existing and prospective products
and services for compliance with TIS.
Overview Part 707 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations, Truth-in-Savings (TIS),
implements the Truth in Savings Act (TISA) of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation Improvement Act of 1991. TISA exempts credit unions with
assets of $2 million or less, after subtracting any nonmember deposits, that are
not sufficiently automated.
TIS covers member accounts at all credit unions insured by (or eligible to be
insured by) the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF)
including federal credit unions (FCUs), federally insured state-chartered credit
Page 19T-1
Disclosures TIS enables members to compare accounts using uniform disclosures about
terms, fees, and rates. Credit unions must provide members or potential
members with account disclosure information:
The dividend rate is the annual rate the credit union pays on an account (not
reflecting compounding.) When a credit union pays dividends, it applies a
periodic dividend rate to an account balance. Dividends do not include the
absorption of expenses, forbearance in charging fees, non-dividend
membership benefits, extraordinary dividends, or the payment of bonuses. If a
credit union chooses to pay dividends for the use of funds, TIS mandates:
Page 19T-2
Each day the credit union must pay dividends equal to at least 11365 (or
1/366 in a leap year) of the dividend rate on the full amount of principal in
the account. A credit union may apply a daily periodic rate greater than
1/365 of the dividend rate (e.g., a daily periodic rate of 1/360) as long as
the credit union applies that rate 365 days a year;
0 The credit union must calculate the account balance on which it pays
dividends using either:
- The daily balance method, which applies a daily periodic rate to the
full amount of principal in the account every day; or
- The average daily balance method, which applies a periodic rate to the
average daily balance (the sum of the full amount of principal in the
account for each day of the period, divided by the number of days in
the period);
0 Credit unions must choose how often they will compound and credit
dividends. If previously disclosed in writing, credit unions may require
members that close accounts between crediting dates to forfeit accrued but
uncredited dividends; and
0 Dividends begin to accrue not later than the business day the funds are
deposited in an account, unless the credit union provides notice of a later
time in its policy disclosures under $606 of the Expedited Funds
Availability Act and Regulation CC. Once started, dividends must
continue to accrue until the member withdraws the funds. However, a
credit union need not pay dividends (1) during a grace period for
automatically renewable term share accounts if the member decides during
the grace period not to renew the account, or (2) after a nonautomatically
renewable term share account matures.
Page 19T-3
Annual The following two terms describes the yield earned by members:
Yields Annual percentage yield (APY), used for account disclosures and
advertising, measures the total amount of dividends paid on an account
based on the dividend rate and the frequency of compounding for a 365-
day period.
General The written account disclosures must (1) reflect the legal obligation between
Disclosure the parties, (2) contain clear and conspicuous information so that members
Requirements may readily understand the terms of their accounts, and (3) present the
information in a form that the member or potential member can permanently
retain. Credit unions may deliver periodic statement disclosures in electronic
form if the member agrees to this form of delivery. A credit union may have a
separate disclosure for each account or it may combine TIS disclosures for
several accounts in a single document, such as a brochure for all savings
Credit unions must use the following specific terminology for TIS:
The credit union must show APY and APYE to two decimal places and
rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent (.01%.) The same rule
Page 19T-4
applies to dividend rates, except that account disclosures may show the
dividend rate at more than two decimals.
Providing Credit unions must provide accurate account disclosures, before they open an
Account account or provide a service (when assessing a fee), whichever is earlier. If
Disclosures members do not open accounts in person, the credit union must mail or deliver
the account disclosures within 10 business days after opening the accounts.
Credit unions must also provide disclosures within a reasonable period of the
request (10 business days) for each account for which the member requests
For share (dividend-bearing) accounts other than term share accounts, the
credit union must disclose the dividend rate and APY that applied as of the
last dividend declaration date. If these rates can change, the credit union may
disclose the prospective dividend rate and APY in lieu of, or in addition to, the
rate and APY as of the last dividend declaration date.
Oral When credit unions respond orally to inquiries about rates, they must state the
Responses to APY as discussed above in the Providing Account Disclosures section and
Inquiries may state the dividend rate. If they state the dividend rate, they must do so as
discussed in the above section.
Page 19T-5
Content of Credit unions must disclose the following information in account disclosures
Account (as applicable):
Rate information:
- APYs and dividend rates using the terms "annual percentage yield" and
"dividend rate" (credit unions may disclose a periodic rate
corresponding to the dividend rate);
- Time period the dividend rate will remain in effect after a member
opens a fixed-rate account;
- Each dividend rate, along with corresponding APYs for each specified
balance level for tiered-rate accounts;
- A single composite APY, all dividend rates, and period of time the rate
will be in effect for each step for stepped-rate accounts (has two or
more dividend rates that take effect in succeeding periods and are
known at account opening); and
- Information on variable-rate accounts (those where the dividend rate
may change after the member opens the account, unless the credit
union contracts to give at least 30 calendar days advance written notice
of rate decreases.) The credit union must disclose the following
- The frequency with which the credit union compounds and credits
dividends (e.g., daily, monthly, quarterly, etc.);
- The dividend period (for dividend-bearing accounts); and
- The effect of closing an account when the account contract provides
that the credit union will not pay accrued but uncredited dividends if
Page 19T-6
the member closes the account before the credit union credits the
0 Balance information:
i. Open an account;
ii. Avoid the imposition of fees; or
iii. Obtain the APY.
(A credit union must also describe how it determines the balances (ii)
and (iii)).
Fee information (amounts and types of all fees that may be assessed),
- Maintenance fees;
- Fees related to deposits or withdrawals, whether by check or electronic
- Fees for special account services (credit unions need not disclose fees
for services unrelated to accounts, e.g., money order fees, traveler
check fees, etc.); and
- Fees to open or close accounts.
Page 19T-7
0 Bonus information:
Page 19T-8
Change In Credit unions must send a written notice 30 calendar days before the effective
Term Notices date of a change of the term for an account that requires disclosure, if that
change may reduce the APY or adversely affect members. No requirement for
notices exists under the following circumstances: (1) if the rate changes on a
variable-rate account, (2) if the terms change for term share accounts with a
maturity of 3 1 days or less, or (3) if the fees (or the credit union's mark-up) for
share draft printing increase.
Notices for TIS requires the following disclosures for term share accounts that
Maturing Term automatically renew and those that do not renew automatically:
Accounts 0 Automatically renewable:
- Credit unions with automatically renewable term share accounts
having maturities of more than one year must provide the same
account disclosures that they would provide to a member opening a
new account, along with the date the existing account matures. If credit
unions do not know the APY and dividend rate when they send the
account disclosures, they may explain that they do not have this
information available along with the date when they will have the yield
and rate available and a telephone number where members can obtain
the new yield and rate. Credit unions must send disclosures either 30
calendar days before the scheduled maturity date, or 20 calendar days
before the end of a grace period if the grace period is at least five
calendar days. Therefore, if the credit union has at least a 5-day grace
period, it may send the disclosures 15 calendar days before the
maturity date;
Page 19T-9
Nonautomatically renewable:
- Credit unions with nonautomatically renewable term share accounts
having terms longer than one year must send a notice 10 calendar days
before maturity stating the maturity date of the existing account and
whether the credit union will pay dividends after maturity. If renewed,
credit unions must provide new account disclosures; and
Dividend rate and APY for new account New account disclosure if renewed
(or fact that rates have not been
determined, when they will be, and
telephone number to call for rates), and
(A) maturity date of existing and new
accounts, and any change in terms; or
(B) full disclosures for account
($707.4(b)) and maturity date for
existing account.
Greater than m: m:
1 year Same as for accounts greater than 1 I0 (calendar) days before maturity.
month but I year or less.
Content: Content:
Full disclosures for account ($707.4(b)) Maturity date, and whether or not
dividends will be paid after maturity.
and maturity date for existing account. New disclosures if renewed.
Illustration 19T-1
Page 19T-10
Periodic TIS does not require credit unions to send periodic statements (those with
Statement account information provided on a regular basis four or more times a year),
Disclosures but if the credit union does provide a statement, it must include certain
- Credit unions must disclose the "annual percentage yield earned"
(computed according to Part 707, Appendix A, Part 11), using that
term. The APYE is an annualized rate that shows the actual dollar
amount of dividends earned (either accrued g paid and credited) on an
account as a percentage of the average daily balance in the account for
the actual number of days in the period. Credit unions should clarify
their definition of "earned". Credit unions that calculate and credit
dividends for a period other than the statement period (e.g., the
dividend period) may calculate and disclose the APYE and amount of
dividends earned based on that period rather than the statement period.
Page 19T-11
0 Amount of dividends:
- Credit unions must disclose the dollar amount of dividends credited
and interest earned (accrued or paid and credited.) They may base
dividend disclosure on the statement period or another period (e.g.,
dividend period); however, they must base interest on the statement
period unless they use the average daily balance method to calculate
interest and the average daily balance period is not as frequent as the
statement period. The dollar amount of the dividend disclosed and the
APYE must reflect the same period. Credit unions must disclose dollar
amounts of extraordinary or bonus dividends earned during the period
- Credit unions must disclose fees (see NCUA Rules and Regulations
§707.4(b)(4)) that they have actually debited from the account during
the period. They must itemize the fees by dollar amount and type and
may either group the fees by type or individually itemize the fees.
0 Length of period:
- Credit unions must disclose the total number of days in the statement
period. Alternatively, they may state beginning and ending dates of the
statement period as long as they make clear whether they included both
of these days in the period. If credit unions disclose the dollar amount
of dividends earned based on a period other than the statement period,
they must disclose the length of that period as well.
0 Special Formula:
- Credit unions that provide statements more frequently than the period
for which they compound dividends must use the special APYE
formula in Part 707, Appendix A, Part I1 B.
Advertising Credit unions must exercise care in advertisements for share and deposit
accounts. An advertisement is any commercial message appearing in any
medium (e.g., newspaper, television, lobby boards, and telephone response
machines) if it directly or indirectly promotes the availability of, or deposit in,
an account.
Page 19T-12
If credit unions advertise a rate, they must express it using the term "annual
percentage yield" (abbreviated as "APY") if the term is spelled in full at least
once in the advertisement. Credit unions may state no other rate, except the
"dividend rate" that corresponds to the advertised APY.
Variable rates;
Time period - how long the credit union will offer advertised APYs (e.g.,
"from March 7 through March 13" or "annual percentage yield effective as
of March 7");
Accuracy of APY - for dividend-bearing accounts other than term share
accounts, a statement that APY is accurate as of the last declaration date
or, if inaccurate, the prospective APY;
Minimum balances required to obtain the advertised APY;
Minimum opening deposit;
Fees that could reduce earnings on the account;
Term share accounts - specifying the term (e.g., three months) and early
withdrawal penalties;
Advertisement - if advertisement states that APY equals dividend rate for
noncompounding multi-year account, it must state that dividend payouts
are mandatory;
Tiered-rate accounts - including all APYs (including APY ranges), all
dividend rates, and any minimum balance required to obtain the APYs for
each tier; and
Stepped-rate accounts - these accounts stating a dividend rate must state
all dividend rates and the time period for each;
Bonus - if a bonus is displayed in an advertisement, it must disclose (1)
the APY, (2) time restrictions to obtain the bonus, (3) when the credit
Page 19T-13
union will provide the bonus, and (4) required minimum balances
necessary to obtain the bonus.
If the credit union discloses a rate of return or bonus on one of the first three
media listed above, the advertising requirements specify that, if applicable, the
credit union must:
State the rate of return as an "annual percentage yield", using that term at
least once;
State no rate other than the APY, except that the dividend rate may also be
State the minimum balance to earn the APY and the bonus;
State the time requirement to obtain the bonus;
State the term of the account (if a term share account);
State dividend payouts required, if applicable;
State all APYs and balance requirements for each tier for solicitations of
tier-rate accounts through telephone response machines; and
State the same disclosures required of a nonexempt media (if a tiered-rate
Page 19T-14
0 The rate as an "annual percentage yield", using that term at least once;
0 No other rate than the APY, except that the dividend rate may also be
stated; and
0 A statement that members should contact an employee for further
information about applicable fees and terms.
Effect on State TIS may preempt state law requirements that are inconsistent with the
Laws requirements of the TISA or NCUA's TIS regulation, but only to the extent of
the inconsistency. A state law is inconsistent if it requires a credit union to
make a disclosure or take action that federal law prohibits. Credit unions
desiring a preemption determination should request one from NCUA.
Record Credit unions must retain records of compliance with TIS for a minimum of
Retention two years after the date disclosures are required to be made or action is
required to be taken. Although they need not retain a copy of each disclosure,
credit unions desiring to establish compliance should (1) document established
procedures for providing the various disclosures, ( 2 ) follow the procedures,
and (3) retain sample disclosures for the types of accounts offered. Credit
unions must keep sufficient rate and balance information to enable examiners
to verify dividends paid on the account.
Failure to NCUA may enforce compliance of the Truth in Savings Act and Part 707
Comply under both the Truth in Savings Act and the Federal Credit Union Act.
Defenses If the evidence demonstrates that a violation was unintentional and resulted
fiom a bona fide error, a credit union may not be subject to civil liability for
Page 19T-15
Page 19T-16
Chapter 20
Overview The examination report is NCUA's official report to the credit union. It
serves as an important communication tool between the examiner, the
credit union, and NCUA. The examiner-in-charge obtains information
from the team members on areas they reviewed, prepares the report,
and delivers it to the board of directors at the conclusion of the
examination. The examiner should individualize the report for the
officials, who comprise the report's primary users and primary
Page 20-1
Scope Workbook,
0 Examination Contact Information,
0 Document of Resolution (if applicable),
Confidential Section, and
0 Table of Contents.
Examiners will use the AIRES Table of Contents to organize the report
given to the officials and to document which workpapers they included
in the report.
Examiners will provide the credit union copies of the Overview and
the Document of Resolution (if applicable). The credit union will not
receive a copy o f the Scope Workbook, Examination Contact
Information, or the Confidential Section. Examiners may provide the
credit union any schedules, findings, optional workpapers,
questionnaires, and examiner-designed workpapers to support their
Page 20-2
Scope Workbook The Scope Development and Planning chapter of this Guide provides
guidance in completing the Scope Workbook.
Page 20-3
Page 20-4
These plans for action, although not approved by the credit union
officials, are recommended to correct the area of concern. The
officials have agreed to review the plans and to notify the Regional
Director, National Credit Union Administration, [enter
appropriate address), by Jenterdate), of the actions to be taken.
Confidential The Confidential Section is for NCUA's internal use only. Examiners
Section should comment briefly but completely enough to clearly reflect
actions taken during the examination. The Confidential Section should
reduce repetition by not repeating items covered in the Scope
Workbook, Overview, or other sections of the report, unless additional
information is needed. If not discussed elsewhere in the report, the
Confidential Section should state what formal actions the board took
and how the officials will handle major problems.
Page 20-5
Supplementary Examiners may use the Supplementary Facts to discuss material facts
Facts or situations not contained in other narrative sections of the
examination report (e.g., bond claims, discussion of fraud, progress on
Letters of Understanding and Agreement, progress on Net Worth
Restoration Plans, etc.). If there exists no need to prepare the
Page 20-6
Supplementary Facts, examiners will not include the form with the
LUAS, NWRPS, The examiner may use either the Supplementary Facts or the
and Revised Overview to document management's progress in complying with
Business 'Ians outstanding Letters of Understanding and Agreement (LUAs), Net
Worth Restoration Plans (NWFWs), and Revised Business Plans.
Examiners may record the date the officials signed one of the above
agreements, and any subsequent revisions to the agreements.
Examiners should list each item of the agreement and document the
degree of compliance. In the rare event that NCUA publishes an LUA,
the examiner should contact the supervisory examiner before
discussing compliance with the terms of the LUA in the report.
Examiner's Examiners may use the optional Examiner's Findings workpaper to list
Findings material operating exceptions, violations of law or regulation, and
unsafe and unsound policies, practices, and procedures. Examiners
should not discuss minor, infrequent infractions in the Examiner's
Findings since they detract from the more important matters. As
previously discussed, other vehicles exist for documenting discussions
of minor concerns with management.
Page 20-7
Workpapers Workpapers
- Scope Workbook
- Examiner Contact Information
- Examination Overview
- Document of Resolution
- SupplementaryFacts
- Examiner's Findings
- Confidential Section
- Table of Contents
Page 20-8
J Minimum requirement for report to NCUA
JJ Minimum requirement for report to credit union
1 If violation noted is repetitive or substantial
2 Required, if applicable
3 Completed as set forth in agreements between individual SSA and regional
I General I I I I
I Examiner Contact Information I J I J I I
Compliance Violation Input Form I J1 I J1 I
Scone Workbook 1 4 1 4 1
I Credit Union Location Information
Review Considerations
Credit Union Update
Analyst Report Review
I Table of Contents
I Executive Summarv I I I I
I Examination Overview I J I J 1/41
I CAMEL Rating Exdanation I I I I
Supplementary Facts
Document of Resolution J2 J2 JJ2
Examiner Findi- --
Examiner Findings Abbreviations
Confidential Sectinn I J I J I
Two Minute Profitability Test
General Ledger
General Ledger Journal Adjustments
Operating Fee/Share Insurance
Risk-Based Net Worth
Page 20A-1
GL - Miscellaneous Equity I I I
Share Trends I
Shares Greater Than $100,000
Shares Less Than $0
Asset Liability Management
IRR - Part A
IRR - Part B
IRR - Part C
IRR - Part D
Page 20A-2
IRR - Part C
IRR - Part D I
Liquidity - Part A
Liquidity - Part B
Liquidity - Part C
BSA - Bank Secrecy Act J J
I Securitv Program I I I I
IC - Cash
IC - cuso
IC - Financial Triggers
I IC - Management I I I I
IC - Money Orders & Travelers Checks
IC - Security
IC - Wire Transfers
Inv - Account Controls
Inv - Cash Forward
Inv - CDs
Inv - Controls
Inv - Fed Funds
Inv - IC - Optional
Inv - IRPS 98-2 Optional
Inv - Mutual Funds
Inv - Optional - IC
Tnv - Renurchase Transaction
Inv - Reverse Repurchase
Inv - SBA
Inv - Securities Lending
Page 20A-3
Questionnaires (Continued)
Ln - Agricultural
Ln - ARM
Ln - Business Loans
Ln - Collection Program
Ln - Construction
Ln - Controls 3
Ln - Credit Cards IC 3
I Ln - Credit Practices Rule I 1 3 1 I
Ln - FHA-Real Estate 3
Ln - FDPA-Flood Disaster Protection Act 3
Ln - Home Equity
Ln - HOPA-Homeowners Protection Act 3
Ln - Indirect Lending 3
Ln - Leasing-IC 3
Ln - Leasing-IC 3
Ln - Lines of Credit-IC 3 1
I Ln - ODtionaI IC I 1 3 1 I
Ln - Real Estate-IC 3
Ln - Reg B-Equal Credit Opportunity 3
Ln - Reg B-Real Estate 3
Ln - Reg C-HMDA 3
Ln - Reg M - Leasing 3
Ln -Reg Z-Closed End Credit 3
Ln - Reg Z-HELOCs 3
Ln - Reg Z-Open End and Credit Cards 3
Ln - Reg Z-Variable RE Loans 3
I Ln - Reg Z-General I 1 3 1 I
Ln - Reg Z-Closed End Credit 3
Ln - RESPA 3 I
Sh - Optional-IC
Sh - Reg CC-Expedited Funds Avail. 3
Sh - Reg D - Reserve Requirements 3
Sh - Reg E - Electronic Funds Transfer 3
Page 20A-4
Questionnaires (Continued)
Sh - Share Drafts-IC
Sh - TISA-Truth in Savings Act 3
NOTE: In order to complete the required reports, examiners must complete the required
inputs, all color-coded yellow.
At the examiners’ option, they may also provide to the credit union any reconciliation
workpapers, questionnaires, and examiner-designed workpapers as needed to assist in
gaining resolution to problems.
Agreements between the SSA and the regional director may permit variations of these
reports. SSAs may prescribe additional examination elements which are peculiar to
their states.
Page 20A-5
Chapter 21
Page 21-1
between the region and the state usually governs the procedures for a
joint conference (refer to the FISCU chapter for more specific
Exit Meeting An exit meeting differs from a joint conference in that an exit meeting
does not require a quorum of the board attend. Generally, attendance at
Page 21-2
an exit meeting consists of top management, key staff and possibly one
or more officials. Without a quorum of the board in attendance,
binding action cannot take place at an exit meeting. Examiners must
hold an exit meeting and/or a joint conference at the end of every
examination; however, Code 1 or 2 credit unions require only an exit
meeting, not a joint conference.
The examiner can determine the format and structure of the exit
meeting, which need not require the same degree of formality as a joint
conference. For example, before a joint conference, the EIC will
provide a preliminary review of the examination results to key staff
and possibly some officials. This gives management the opportunity to
discuss their concerns and any aspect of the examination (e.g., risk
profile, recommendations, findings, loan exceptions.) The examiner
can use information gathered from this meeting to prepare for the joint
conference and finalize the exam report.
Joint Examiners should conduct both joint conferences and exit meetings in
Conference/ a clear, concise, and orderly manner. An agenda helps examiners keep
Exit Meeting their meetings focused and organize their presentations to ensure
Agenda coverage of pertinent data in a logical order. It assists the examiners in
differentiating material items from nonessential ones, and allows them
to concentrate on topics of most importance. An agenda also provides
documentation of topics discussed. Although an agenda is
recommended for every meeting, some examiners may forgo preparing
an agenda for an exit meeting in a credit union with no, or very minor,
In cases of a team examination, the EIC may ask the team member
most familiar with a specific problem area to attend the meeting. This
Page 21-3
Joint During the course of each examination, examiners will discuss the
Conference/ credit union's risk profile, problems, and recommended solutions with
Exit Meeting management or key officials. This discussion serves to elicit their
Preparation cooperation and agreement as well as eliminate or reduce potential
conflicts that may occur at the joint conference. To maximize the
meeting's effectiveness, the EIC should resolve minor problems with
management before the exit meeting.
Page 21-4
Examiners should not dictate credit union policy, but rather should
lead and persuade officials to proper action. Examiners may find that
using a “working copy” of the Document of Resolution, which was
previously discussed with management, promotes better understanding
and discussion at the joint conference. Key officials and staff will more
likely “buy into” and implement plans that they have a part in
developing. The willingness of the examiner to adjust or revise
recommendations during the joint conference can directly affect the
plan’s effectiveness.
If the examiner and credit union do not reach agreement for needed
corrective action during the joint conference, the examiner should give
the officials a reasonable amount of additional time after the joint
conference to discuss the Document of Resolution and develop an
alternate plan of action. In this situation, the examiner should footnote
the Document of Resolution to require that officials present the
examiner with the board-developed plans of action, usually within 30
days after the joint conference.
Page 21-5
The examiner should obtain firm commitments from the officials for
carrying out the plans of action. The board minutes should record
agreements, disagreements, and promises. The examiner should review
all the agreements reached with officials at the conclusion of the
Page 21-6
Chapter 22
Associated Although the associated risks in this chapter do not apply to the
Risks examination evaluations and reviews, the quality of the examination
report can cause risk to the National Credit Union Share Insurance
Fund (NCUSIF.)
Page 22-1
Minimum All regions adhere to the following minimum standards for evaluations
Standards and reviews, presented in priority order. Regions may add standards
according to their needs.
Page 22-2
DOS DOS Reviews focus on quality control and should address whether the
Reviews report:
Selecting Supervisory examiners select at least five reports each year from each
Reports for examiner for formal evaluation. They should make every effort to
Evaluation and select the reports evenly throughout the year. When reviewing a report
Review that addresses a specific risk area well, the supervisory examiner may
determine that other examiners could benefit from the information
presented and methods outlined in the report. They may choose to
share this information for continuing staff development.
All credit unions coded CAMEL 3 with assets greater than $50
Page 22-3
0 All credit unions coded CAMEL 3 for longer than 36 months and
with assets greater than $5 million;
All credit unions with assets greater than $250 million; and
Independent The supervisory examiner and DOS will conduct the evaluation and
Review and review processes independently. Both supervisory examiners and DOS
Feedback will complete and disseminate their evaluations and reviews within 30
days of the report upload. Regional policy determines whether the
region will release DOS Reviews to examiners.
Each region will develop its own policy to identify and resolve
material differences between DOS Reviews and SE Evaluations.
1. Risk Identification;
2. Scope Development;
3. Proper Solutions;
4. Continuing SupervisiodExamination Plans; and
Appendix 22A contains a sample form for a DOS Review. This form
contains the minimum elements regional office staff must include in
Page 22-4
Scope Scope development involves the process of evaluating the potential for
Development loss, and building examination procedures to review risk areas.
Page 22-5
0 The Overview:
- Summarizes the risk profile, conditions, problems, and
probable effect of problems on operations and financial
condition; and
- Documents the plan for handling severe or persistent problems
clearly and provides information to officials concerning
consequences of inadequate action if management does not
correct noted problems by the next contact;
Page 22-6
Continuing Regional analysts will determine whether the Scope Workbook focuses
Supervision/ on continuing supervision and/or monitoring the financial condition of
Examination the credit union and existing and potential material risks.
Comments Regional office staff will use the Comments section of the DOS
Review for items that do not fall under the other criteria as explained
1. Risk Identification;
2. Scope DevelopmentResource Allocation;
3. Proper Solutions;
4. Form;
5. Continuing SupervisiodExamination Plans; and
Page 22-7
Scope The SE Evaluation will address the appropriateness of the scope and
Development and assess the examination process for the efficient use of resources.
Resource When evaluating scope development, the supervisory examiner
considers whether the examiner:
Page 22-8
Report Form Form includes the clear and professional presentation of facts and
solutions to credit union officials. The supervisory examiner
determines whether the report exhibits the following:
Page 22-9
Comments The supervisory examiner will use the Comments section of the SE
Evaluation form for items that do not fall under the other criteria, as
explained above.
Page 22-10
Page 22-1 1
J J - / & CZi-lJJ
DOS Review Sample DOS Review Form
I Examiner: I I SE: I I
cu #: I I CUName: I
CAMEL: I Assets:
Effective Date: I I Reviewer: I
Date Completed: I Hours to Complete Exam: I
Date Received: 1 I I
Date Reviewed: I Contact Type:
Page 22A-1
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed its contents with my Supervisor.
Page 22A-2
State Credit NCUA examiners review state examination reports to determine the
Union Report risk state-chartered credit unions pose to the National Credit Union
Reviews Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF.) Because economic conditions or
circumstances may vary from one region to another, the regional
directors (at their discretion) may require that examiners expand the
procedures outlined in this appendix and provide additional
Examiners and regional staff must treat information obtained from the
state examination report reviews as confidential. The region may
distribute the information to the SSA according to the agreements
between the regional director and each SSA.
Page 22B-1
Page 22B-2
turnaround time from the supervisory examiner and note the reasons
for the extension in the Examiner Comments section of the Examiner
Contact Information. Outstanding state examination report reviews,
however, should not exceed 60 days. Supervisory examiners should
reassign report reviews if they expect extended delays.
Generally, NCUA examiners will not perform a formal review for joint
examination reports (NCUA participates on the contact), or insurance
reviews with an effective date within 30 days before or after the state’s
examination, if the reviewer was also the examiner-in-charge of the
examination. Since the NCUA examiner was recently onsite and
familiar with the credit union, completing a formal review would
duplicate work. However, the examiner will:
Page 22B-3
State Examiners will use the review summary (see Attachment 22.1, State
Examination Examination Report Review Summary) to document their analysis of
Review Summary state examination reports during the review process.
Page 22B-4
If the NCUA and state CAMEL composite ratings differ, the reviewer
must present the specific facts, ratios, and justifications to support the
basis for the NCUA examiner's position. The reviewer, while
supporting the NCUA CAMEL rating, should avoid subjective
comments critical of, or antagonistic to, the state examination
program, the state regulator, or the state examiner. Examiners will
consult their supervisory examiners before assigning a composite
Page 22B-5
CAMEL rating different from the state’s rating when the variance in
the composite ratings will necessitate an onsite contact. NCUA may
use the support presented by the reviewer to enhance NCUA’s position
to the SSA in those instances where the supervisory examiner finds it
necessary to schedule a joint contact.
Regional Office DOS performs an informal cursory review of all state examination
Review report reviews when the composite ratings of the state and NCUA
differ. DOS also selects a sample of state examination reports to
formally review in accordance with the regional office’s quality control
Regional office staff use the comments section at the bottom of the
review summary (see Attachment 22.1, State Examination Report
Review Summary) to document findings, including any deficiencies
noted, of quality assurance reviews performed on the selected sample
of state examination reports. DOS maintains a log of reports that
regional staff reviews and retains for future audits and quality control
In addition to the areas that the NCUA examiner reviews, DOS will, at
a minimum, assess the following during its quality control review:
Page 22B-6
Page 22B-7
State Examination ReDort Review Summary
Ins. #: CU Name:
State: Exam Effective Date:
State Examiner (EIC): Exam Assets:
Date SSA Report Received NCUA Ex.-Reviewer:
from RO:
Date NCUA Review Mailed Exam Contact Type:
I toRO: I
Through the review of the state examination report, the examiner should determine the credit
union’s financial and operational condition and provide sufficient quantitative and qualitative
data to substantiate the analysis and assignment of the CAMEL component and composite
ratings. Current and past trends, effectiveness of problem resolution from prior examinations,
agreements with officials to correct problems, and results of previous supervision contacts
should be addressed in this review. Examiners should base the extent of the narrative on the
risk, size and complexity of the credit union and severity of the problems noted.
Attachment 22.1
The information contained on this form is based on our review of the state examination report.
Attachment 22.1
Chapter 23
Risk Low-income credit unions, like all credit unions, are subject to the
Categories seven categories of risk, discussed in the Risk-Focused Program
chapter. These risks include Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity,
Transaction, Compliance, Strategic, and Reputation. As with other
credit unions, low-income credit unions must mitigate their risks by
implementing measures such as management’s due diligence, sound
internal controls, the audit process, and well-trained management and
staff. These should coincide with the size and complexity of the credit
Overview Low-income credit unions have the same mission as other credit
unions, with an additional requirement: a majority of their members
must meet or fall below the income standard set by the NCUA Rules
and Regulations. For many low-income members, their credit union
serves as the only access to financial services.
Page 23-1
The FCU Act uses the term "low-income" credit union to refer to credit
unions having "predominantly" low-income members. $701.34(a)(2) of
the NCUA Rules and Regulations defines low-income members to
mean those members (1) who make less than 80 percent of the average
for all wage earners as established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics;
(2) whose annual household income falls at or below 80 percent of the
national median household income as established by the Census
Bureau; or (3) who otherwise qualify as low-income by order of the
NCUA Board. The NCUA Office of Credit Union Development
(OCUD) annually publishes the qualifling thresholds for the national
average wage and median household income. In applying standards,
the NCUA regional director shall make allowances for geographical
areas with higher costs of living.
Page 23-2
Qualifying for Examiners should understand that a credit union may meet the income
the Low- standard that makes it eligible for the low-income designation, but has
Income not yet applied for or received the designation. Lower-than-average
Designation account balances, loan balances, and member incomes (as documented
in the loan files) may indicate an institution qualifies as a low-income
credit union. $701.34 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations outlines the
low-income designation requirements. Examiners should encourage
any credit union that may qualify to request the low-income
Page 23-3
Any credit union, not just one with a community charter, can use these
methods for qualifying. For example, a church-based associational
credit union could meet the standard if most of its members live in a
cluster of zip codes or census blocks, which if averaged together, meet
the income standard.
Credit unions can obtain this income information from U.S. Census
publications in public libraries and on the Internet at the Census
Bureau’s website (http://www.census.gov/). Examiners can obtain
demographic information on behalf of the credit union from their
NCUA regional offices. If the demographics fail to show that the credit
union’s operational area has a median household income within
regulatory limits, the credit union can document the wages of its
Page 23-4
The examiner may assist the credit union in understanding the need
and proper use for nonmember deposits. The credit union should
negotiate a mutually acceptable time span for the deposit, with
adequate notice before withdrawal. It must guard against interest rate
risk resulting from an interest rate agreement that could force it into a
negative spread position if market rates change. Deposits that create a
negative spread, whether brokered or otherwise, are unsuitable for any
credit union, including low-income credit unions.
Use of Credit unions may invest nonmember deposits using the safety,
Nonmember liquidity, and yield (SLY) principle, or they may loan out nonmember
Deposits deposits. To mitigate interest rate and liquidity risks, management
should have a plan that coordinates the maturity of the loan or
investment with the maturity of the deposit.
Page 23-5
Waiver of the A low-income credit union must apply to the regional director for a
20 Percent or waiver of the 20 percent of total shares or $1.5 million threshold.
$1,500,000 Federally insured state-chartered credit unions must also obtain the
Rule concurrence of the appropriate state regulator. (Credit unions eligible
for Part 742, the Regulatory Flexibility Program, may be exempt fiom
some of the nonmember share limitations.)
Page 23-6
Credit unions can apply for Fund loans any time during the year. Loans
repay in five years; however, NCUA will consider shorter repayment
periods. Generally, credit unions repay the loans in semiannual
installments, with no principal balance repayment due until the second
semiannual installment. The last installment will require a double
principal payment.
The Fund’s loan agreement requires the credit union to develop other
sources of matching funds as described in §705.7(b). Credit unions can
match loan funds “dollar-for-dollar” with nonmember deposits.
However, they can match loan funds with member deposits as a “two-
for-one” match. Within one year of receiving the Fund loan, the credit
union must match the loans with member shares or nonmember
deposits. Nonmember deposits accepted to meet the matching
requirement are not subject to the 20 percent limitation on nonmember
deposits under $701.32.
The examiner should understand that credit unions need not reduce the
matching deposits as they pay down the loan. As a result, the matching
funds may exceed the loan balance once principal repayments begin. A
credit union may continue to exclude the full amount of matching
funds consisting of nonmember deposits from the nonmember deposit
rule calculation as long as the credit union has any loan balance on its
Page 23-7
ratios of small asset size credit unions, lowering every ratio having
assets, average assets, or shares as the denominator.
The income earned by the Fund’s loan program supports the Fund’s
technical assistance program. Examiners should know about the Fund
and encourage its use, when appropriate.
Credit unions can request Fund loan applications from either OCUD or
the applicable regional office. The Director of the OCUD serves as the
Community Development Revolving Loan Fund Chairman, and
assumes administrative responsibilities. The Fund’s chairman may
restrict the use of funds, approve less than the full amount requested,
or deny the loan. The chairman may require a credit union to invest the
funds in a specified way and take the positive spread as income. No
special restrictions apply to the use of matching funds except the usual
safety and soundness considerations, unless specifically noted in the
loan agreement.
Technical The income earned on the Fund’s assets and possibly congressional
Ass ista nce appropriations provide monies for technical assistance grants to credit
Program unions. NCUA makes these grants to aid participating credit unions in
providing services to their members and in the efficient operation of
the credit unions. Only a credit union with a NCUA low-income
designation may participate in the Technical Assistance Program (i.e.,
low-income student credit unions can not participate in this program.)
Credit unions may apply for technical assistance grants anytime during
the year. They must obtain approval of the technical assistance grant
before committing to, or contractinp for, the service or purchase. Once
OCUD approves the request for technical assistance, the credit union
Page 23-8
Page 23-9
0 Does not offer the accounts as share accounts and discloses they
are not insured by the NCUSIF, or any other government entity;
Page 23-10
Record The examiner should ensure that the credit union understands
Keeping transaction risk and the importance of keeping accurate and complete
Page 23-11
records. If necessary, the examiner should help the credit union obtain
the assistance and training it needs to gain competence in record
Delinquency The credit union needs a functioning, written, effective loan collection
and Charge- program. Improving the loan collection program would benefit many
offs low-income credit unions. Examiners should encourage low-income
credit unions to react quickly (within a few days after a missed first
payment) to each delinquency. Many low-income credit union
members have a difficult time recovering if they get behind in their
payments. The loan collection program may benefit from expanding
the role of credit counselor to include community resources referral.
Page 23-12
Contributions Sponsors or other parties occasionally provide the credit union a gift or
Received donation such as cash or a fixed asset. Low-income credit unions are
more likely than other credit unions to receive such assistance. Credit
unions under $10 million may accept fixed asset gifts and record them
as donated equity. Credit unions with assets of $10 million or more
must follow GAAP and record unconditional gifts as income when
received. All credit unions must record gifts of cash as income. The
Page 23-13
examiner must ensure that the credit union properly records such gifts
on its books. Credit unions should use the gifts for the purpose for
which they were donated.
Board and Well-trained officials and paid staff remain as crucial to low-income
Management credit unions as to any other credit union. A well-diversified board,
which includes community leaders, brings a variety of talents to work
for the credit union and encourages the sharing of collective
knowledge among all officials. Every credit union management team
should develop a plan addressing four basic elements of operation:
The officials can often increase the credit union's viability by seeking
out ways to increase their participation in the credit union. This may
include encouraging board members to participate in loans and
Page 23-14
$715.4 and $715.8 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations and $ 115 of
the FCU Act require the officials to obtain an annual audit and
verification of the members’ accounts at least once every two years.
$715.5 requires an outside, independent CPA audit under certain
conditions. If the credit union receives $300,000 or more in
government funds (including the Fund’s loan, other public monies or
federal government appropriation funds), it must obtain an
independent audit as required by the Single Audit Act Amendment of
1996, $7501(a)(14) and §7501(b)(3) of Title 31. The examiner must
monitor the credit union’s use of federal awards and assess the quality
of their audits.
Page 23-15
Chapter 24
d3./7. 023 d
Chapter 24
Examination 0 Determine whether the shared branch functions as a separate entity
Objectives 0 Assess whether the design of the shared branch agreement provides
stability and limits the risk to the participating credit unions
0 Determine whether the services offered by the shared branch
operation comply with NCUA Rules and Regulations
0 Determine whether the shared branch operation poses significant
risk to the participating credit union’s financial condition
Associated Strategic risk - Includes the risk that a poorly managed CUSO
Risks will adversely affect the credit union’s strategic goals and
Transaction risk - Includes the risk that member transactions
will not be posted properly or promptly.
Compliance risk - Includes the risk that CUSO personnel will
not comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Reputation risk - Includes the risk that the quality of service
received at the CUSO will affect the credit union’s reputation.
Overview A shared branch operation, also known as a shared service center, can
be structured as a corporation, limited liability company, or limited
partnership, or it can result from an agreement with a third-party
vendor that provides branch office services to more than one credit
union. Many shared branch operations exist as Credit Union Service
Organizations (CUSOs). Others may function as correspondent credit
union activities or service contract activities.
Page 24-1
Officials of The board of directors of participating credit unions must perform due
Participating diligence regarding the shared branch operation. This includes
Credit Unions reviewing the shared branch management and financial reports (such
as board minutes, financial statements, budgets, audit reports, etc.) and
periodically performing a costhenefit analysis of the shared branch
The examiner should ensure the credit union has a signed agreement
with the shared branch provider. Examiners should document the
review of the shared branch in the Scope Workbook. The examiner
may include in the examination report, or possibly in the
Supplementary Facts section, a discussion of the shared branch
Page 24-2
References References
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
Part 712, Credit
Union Service Organizations (CUSOs)
Page 24-3
Review a Determine whether the degree of risk the CUSO poses to affiliated
Objectives credit unions and the NCUSIF is acceptable
a Review the financial stability and soundness of operations
a Determine the experience level, capabilities, and effectiveness of
management directing the shared branch CUSO
a Determine the adequacy of policies, procedures, and controls
safeguarding the assets of the participating credit unions and the
individual credit union’s membership
a Determine whether the CUSO maintains accurate and current
a Determine the adequacy of surety bond coverage
a Ascertain whether contracts are legal and binding and do not
require conditions or costs which adversely affect the financial
condition or operations of the participating credit union
a Determine whether the shared branch CUSO operates in
compliance with applicable laws and Part 7 12 of NCUA Rules and
a Determine the stability of the shared branch CUSO’s participants
Associated Strategic risk - Includes the risk that a poorly managed shared
Risks branch CUSO will adversely affect the credit union’s strategic
goals and plans.
Transaction risk - Includes the risk that member transactions will
not be posted accurately or promptly.
Compliance risk - Includes the risk that shared branch CUSO
personnel and management will not comply with applicable laws
and regulations.
Reputation risk - Includes the risk that the quality of service
received at the shared branch CUSO will harm the credit union’s
The participating credit unions must ensure they closely monitor the
activities of the shared branch CUSO operation to mitigate these risks.
Page 24A-1
Overview NCUA and the respective states periodically review shared branch
CUSO operations. When only federally chartered credit unions
participate in the CUSO, NCUA will perform the review. If federally
insured state-chartered credit unions constitute the participating credit
unions, the state assumes primary responsibility for the review, but
NCUA may participate as the insurer. If all of the credit unions are
privately insured, NCUA does not participate in the review. However,
if a combination of federally insured and privately insured credit
unions exists, NCUA requires access to the shared branch facility and
all necessary records. §712.3(d)(3) of NCUA Rules and Regulations
stipulates the CUSO will provide NCUA complete access to any books
and records of the CUSO and the ability to review CUSO internal
controls. Examiners should keep in mind NCUA does not regulate
CUSOs, only the credit union's investment in or loan to the CUSO.
Shared-Branch Review procedures may vary depending on the size and structure of
Review the shared branch arrangement. Examiners should consider reviewing
Procedures the following areas:
Page 24A-2
Page 24A-3
Page 24A-4
Page 24A-5
Page 24A-6
Page 24A-7
Strategic Review cost trends (e.g., per transaction)
Risk a Review operational costs per transaction (e.g., increasing or
If costs are increasing, inquire as to whether management has
alternative programs planned (e.g., emphasis on ATMs to limit
labor costs)
Review the extent of the CUSO’s lending services
Review a sample of contracts with various credit unions involved
in the lending program
Page 24B-1
Page 24B-2
Chapter 25
Page 25-1
members. These can also negatively impact the financial condition and
reputation of the credit union.
Page 25-2
Services Unless safety and soundness concerns exist, an FCU may invest in,
loan to, or contract with CUSOs sufficiently bonded or insured for
their specific operations. The CUSO must engage in the preapproved
activities and services related to the routine daily operations of credit
The NCUA Rules and Regulations speifies and categorizes all services
that CUSOs may perform. Categories of permissible services include:
checking and currency services; clerical, professional, and
management services; consumer mortgage loan origination; electronic
transaction services; financial counseling services; fixed asset services;
insurance brokerage or agency; leasing; loan support services; record
retention, security, and disaster recovery services; securities brokerage
services; shared credit union branch (service center) operations;
student loan origination; travel agency services; trust and trust-related
services; real estate brokerage services; and CUSO investments in non-
CUSO providers. (The listings under the broad categories shown in
$712.5 serve illustrative purposes and are not an exclusive or
exhaustive list of permissible activities.)
The credit union must ensure that the services provided by the CUSO
meet the requirements of the Privacy Act. The contractual agreement
between the CUSO and the credit union should specifically limit
access and distribution of members’ records to accomplish compliance
under the Privacy Act. The credit union must pay particular attention
to the CUSO’s privacy policies and procedures to determine
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations on disclosure of
members’ information. Information that the credit union shares with
the CUSO should also comply with privacy regulations.
Page 25-3
The cyber financial services that CUSOs may provide (under the
electronic transaction services) to credit unions and their members
include electronic delivery of any permissible CUSO service and
electronic delivery of any permissible credit union service.
Page 25-4
Did the affiliated credit union obtain a written agreement from the
CUSO, before investing in or lending to the CUSO, that provides
for compliance with 5712.3(d)?
Purpose Examiners perform a CUSO review to determine the degree of risk the
CUSO poses to affiliated credit unions. Following are several steps
that may assist the examiner in determining such risk:
Preparation Before conducting a CUSO review, the examiner must understand the
services offered, market trends and conditions, and service viability.
The Reference section of this chapter contains reference sources that
may familiarize the examiners with acceptable practices for a specific
service offered. As examiners become familiar with a CUSO’s internal
operations, the examiner may need to update or modify the review
procedures to achieve a more effective review. Examiners may
consider the following when preparing for a CUSO review:
0 Initial Contact. Once the region determines that the potential risk
posed by the CUSO warrants a review and obtains the necessary
regional approval, an NCUA regional representative should contact
the president or chairman of the CUSO to discuss the purpose of
Page 25-5
After agreeing upon the date, the examiner may draft a letter to the
CUSO confirming the date of the review and providing a list of
items needed for the review.
The extent of the tests performed vary relative to the nature of the
services offered and risks involved. However, the following steps
may assist the examiner in becoming familiar with the CUSO’s
operation and developing an initial review:
Page 25-6
Page 25-7
Review of The examiner should determine that the CUSO follows the regulation
Services in performing permissible services and serving primarily credit unions
or their members.
Page 25-8
Page 25-9
Accounting Determining the extent of the review of the CUSO’s accounting and
Audit audit requires that examiners use judgment in the following areas:
0 General Ledger. The examiner requests for review the audit report,
notes to the audit report, engagement letter, report of reportable
conditions (if available), and other correspondence before
determining the extent of the general ledger review. If the
examiners do not question the CPA’s competence and
independence, they may place greater reliance on the CPA’s work.
The examiner may decide to rely on the CPA’s work and not
perform a comprehensive general ledger review. In these instances,
examiners may limit their general ledger reviews to the areas of
concern. For example, the examiner may choose to review only the
CUSO’s tax filings and aging of receivables and payables, or only
the appropriateness of classification of accounting information
(e.g., expenses improperly capitalized or income improperly
recognized.) Examiners may want to pay particular attention to the
collectibility of accounts receivable. (If material uncollectible
receivables exist, NCUA may require affiliated credit unions to
reserve for their investments in and loans to CUSOs.)
0 Audit. The examiner reviews the most recent CPA opinion audit
report, notes to the audit report, engagement letter, report of
reportable conditions (if available) and other correspondence with
the CPA. When examiners determine that the CPA is competent
Page 25-10
Controls The examiner’s onsite CUSO review may include assessing the
adequacy of internal controls necessary for the CUSO’s business.
Likewise, if the CUSO has an internal audit function, the examiner
may arrange to review the audit scope and procedures.
Data During an onsite review, the examiner may arrange to review the
Processing CUSO’s information processing system including related controls and
the disaster recovery plan.
Privacy of Part 7 16 requires that credit unions provide notice to their members
Consumer and consumers regarding the credit union’s privacy policies and
Financial practices for information provided to affiliated and nonaffiliated third
Information parties. The rule describes the conditions under which a credit union
may disclose nonpublic information about consumers to nonaffiliated
third parties. Finally, Part 716 provides for opting out, whereby
consumers may prevent a credit union from disclosing nonpublic
information to most nonaffiliated third parties.
Page 25-1 1
Maintaining 5712.4 of the Rules and Regulations requires that a credit union
Legal investing in or loaning to a CUSO take reasonable steps to ensure that
Separation a court would not “pierce the corporate veil” and hold it liable for the
obligations of the CUSO. This can happen when (1) the corporation
(the CUSO) has insufficient assets to satisfy its debts, and (2) a parent
entity (the credit union) so closely identifies with the corporation that
justice requires holding the parent liable for those debts. The factors
courts look to in deciding whether to impose liability on the credit
union include inadequate capitalization of the CUSO, lack of separate
CUSO identity, common boards of directors and employees, control of
the credit union over the CUSO, and lack of separate books and
records. The following help determine these factors:
Page 25-12
The examiner should review the following items, which evidence that
the CUSO and the credit union function as separate entities. However,
the examiner may decide to forgo this review if through the scoping
process, the examiner has determined that the prior examiner reviewed
them, and no changes have subsequently occurred, or the annual CPA
audit of the CUSO indicates no material problems exist.
0 Written bylaws;
Page 25-13
The following can aid the examiner in determining whether the CUSO
operates as a separate entity with sufficient financial resources of its
own and necessary distinction in management and operations:
0 The credit union does not dominate the CUSO to the extent that it
or the members treat the CUSO as a department of the credit
union; and
Except if the CUSO has a loan guaranteed by the credit union, all
borrowing by the CUSO indicates that the credit union is not liable
(i.e., the credit union does not provide guarantees to the CUSO
which could cause the credit union to incur liability in excess of the
permitted investment limitation in the regulation).
Page 25-14
Report The final report drafted by the examiner may include the following
Format work papers:
Open section:
- Narrative giving overall results of the CUSO review;
- Findings;
Page 25-15
supervision When examiners discover material problems that may adversely affect
affiliated credit unions, the regional director may arrange with the
CUSO for supervision and follow-up measures commensurate with the
problems cited at the last contact. Supervision normally consists of
reviewing problem areas and weaknesses noted during the most recent
review. This should not imply that NCUA has the same supervision
authority over CUSOs as it has over credit unions. As with CUSO
reviews, supervision contacts are performed on a consensual basis
through the affiliated credit unions.
0 At the close of the review, the examiners meet with the officials
and key management (exit conference) providing them with a draft
copy of the open section of the report (clearly labeled DRAFT).
The examiner invites the SSA to attend exit conferences of CUSOs
that also serve state-chartered credit unions;
Page 25-16
The regional office reviews the CUSO review report and letter for
quality control and submits the letter to the regional director for
Page 25-17
CUSO Reviews are performed in a consensual manner in cooperation with the
CUSO’s management. This review is not a required form; rather, it is intended to be a
guideline for examiners to complete as necessary.
The General CUSO Review applies to most CUSO operations. Specialized CUSO
Reviews contain additional procedures that examiners may use to review CUSOs
formed for a specific purpose.
CUSO OrganizationManagement
Review the articles of incorporation, bylaws, and mission statement
Review Review attorney’s opinion stating that the CUSO has been structured
as a separate legal entity (including any recommendations for
strengthening the corporate veil) to limit the liability of affiliated
credit unions’ investment in and/or loans to CUSOs
Inquire about the General Partner and the General Partner’s relation-
ship to affiliated credit unions if the CUSO is organized as a limited
Page 25A-1
Financial Condition
Review feasibility of budget in conjunction with business plan goals
(including capitalization projections)
Page 25A-2
Compute key financial ratios (usually for past three years), analyze
financial trends and ratios, and compare trends and ratios with
industry averages
Perform general ledger review (as necessary):
Review recent IRS tax filings and state and local tax filings
Page 25A-3
Internal Controls
Request internal auditor or audit committee procedures, work papers,
and other supporting documentation (if applicable)
Inquire about outstanding or pending litigation and probability of loss
Page 25A-4
Financial Condition
Review current status (and future assumptions) of the mortgage
pipeline and the promptness of processing loans
Internal Controls
Review disbursement procedures
Review compliance with consumer compliance regulations
(Reg B, Z, C, Reg X, HMDA, RESPA, Fair lending)
Perform general ledger review:
Internal Controls
Review internal controls for completeness, adequacy, and
consistency throughout the shared branch network
Page 25A-5
Review compliance with:
Page 25A-6
Internal Controls
Review internal controls in the computer operations area
Review compliance with confidentiality of credit union members’ data
Page 25A-7
Review that CUSO’s contingent liability insurance policy contains
a specific endorsement for leasing
Gap insurance - protects the credit union from loss due to the
gap between the insurance company’s book value of the
vehicle and the credit union’s principal balance of the vehicle
in the event the car is stolen or wrecked beyond repair
Review compliance with applicable sections of NCUA Letter No. 150
Page 25A-9
Liquidity is a measure of the quality and adequacy of current assets to meet current
obligations as they come due.
0 Current Ratio:
Total Current Assets
Total Current Liabilities
This ratio is a rough indication of a firm’s ability to service its current obligations.
Generally, the higher the current ratio, the greater the cushion between current
obligations and a firm’s ability to pay them. The stronger ratio reflects a numerical
superiority of current assets over current liabilities. However, the composition and
quality of current assets is a critical factor in the analysis of an individual firm’s
This ratio is a refinement of the current ratio and is a more conservative measure of
liquidity. It expresses the degree to which a company’s current liabilities are covered
by the most liquid current assets. Generally, any value of less than 1 to 1 implies a
reciprocal dependency on inventory or other current assets to liquidate short-term
0 SalesiReceivables:
Net Sales
Net Trade Receivables
This ratio measures the number of times trade receivables turn over during the year.
The higher the turnover of receivables, the shorter the time between sale and cash
collection. For example, a company with sales of $720,000 and receivables of
$120,000 would have a salesheceivables ratio of 6.0, which means receivables turn
over six times a year. If a company’s receivables appear to be turning slower than the
rest of the industry, further research is needed, and the quality of the receivables
should be examined closely.
One problem with this ratio is that it compares one day’s receivables, shown at
statement dates to total annual sales and does not take into consideration seasonal
fluctuations. Another problem in interpretation may arise when there is a large
proportion of cash sales to total sales.
0 Day’s Receivables:
This figure expresses the average time in days that receivables are outstanding.
Generally, the greater number of days outstanding, the greater the probability of
delinquencies in accounts receivable. A comparison of a company’s daily receivables
may indicate the extent of a company’s control over credit and collections. The terms
offered by a company to its customers, however, may differ from terms within the
industry and should be taken in to consideration.
Page 25B-1
In the example above, 365 divided by 6 = 61 - i.e., the average receivable is collected
in 61 days.
0 Cost of Saleshnventory:
Cost of Sales
This ratio measures the number of times inventory is turned over during the year.
High inventory turnover can indicate better liquidity or superior merchandising.
Conversely, it can indicate a shortage of needed inventory for sales. Low inventory
turnover can indicate poor liquidity, possible overstocking, obsolescence, or, in
contrast to these negative interpretations, a planned inventory buildup in the case of
material shortages. One problem with this ratio is that it compares one day’s
inventory to cost of goods sold and does not take seasonal fluctuations into account.
0 Day’s Inventory:
Cost of SalesAnventory Ratio
Division of the inventory turnover ratio into 365 days yields the average length of
time units are in inventory.
0 Cost of SalesRayables:
Cost of Sales
Trade Payables
This ratio measures the number of times trade payables turn over during the year. The
higher the turnover of payables, the shorter the time between purchase and payment.
If a company’s payables appear to be turning more slowly than the industry, then the
company may be experiencing cash shortages, disputing invoices with suppliers,
enjoying extended terms, or deliberately expanding its trade credit. The ratio
comparison of company to industry suggests the existence of these possible causes or
others. If a firm buys on 30-day terms, it is reasonable to expect this ratio to turn over
in appropriately 30 days.
One problem with the ratio is that it compares one day’s payables to cost of goods
sold and does not take seasonal fluctuations into account.
0 Day’s Payables:
Cost of Salesh‘ayables Ratio
Division of the payables turnover ratio into 365 days yields the average length of
time trade debt is outstanding.
0 Sales/Working Capital:
Net Sales
Net Working Capital
Page 25B-2
This ratio is a measure of a firm’s ability to meet interest payments. A high ratio may
indicate that a borrower would have little difficulty in meeting the interest obligations
of a loan. This ratio also serves as an indicator of a firm’s capacity to take on
additional debt.
This ratio expresses the coverage of current maturities by cash flow from operations.
Since cash flow is the primary source of debt retirement, this ratio measures the
ability of a firm to service principal repayment and is an indicator of additional debt
capacity. Although it is misleading to think that all cash flow is available for debt
service, the ratio is a valid measure of the ability to service long-term debt.
Leverage Highly leveraged f m s (those with heavy debt in relation to net worth) are more
vulnerable to business downturns than those with lower debt to worth positions.
Ratios While leverage ratios help to measure this vulnerability, remember they vary greatly
depending on the requirements of particular industry groups.
0 Fixed/Worth:
Net Fixed Assets
Tangible Net Worth
This ratio measures the extent to which owner’s equity (capital) has been invested in
plant and equipment (fixed assets). A lower ratio indicates a proportionately smaller
investment in fixed assets in relation to net worth, and a better cushion for creditors
in case of liquidation. Similarly, a higher ratio would indicate the opposite situation.
The presence of substantial leased fixed assets (not shown on the balance sheet) may
deceptively lower this ratio.
0 Debt/Worth:
Total Liabilities
Tangible Net Worth
This ratio expresses the relationship between capital contributed by creditors and that
contributed by owners. It expresses the degree of protection provided by the owners
for the creditors. The higher the ratio, the greater the risk assumed by creditors. A
lower ratio generally indicates greater long-term financial safety. A firm with a low
debt/worth ratio usually has greater flexibility to borrow. In the future a more highly
leverage company has a more limited debt capacity.
Page 25B-3
Operating Operating ratios are designed to assist in the evaluation of management performance.
This ratio expresses the rate of return on tangible capital employed. While it can
serve as an indicator of management performance, it should be used in conjunction
with other ratios. A high return, is normally associated with effective management
and could indicate an undercapitalized f m whereas a low return is usually an
indicator of inefficient management performance and could reflect a highly
capitalized, conservatively operated business. This ratio is multiplied by 100 since it
is shown as a percentage.
(NOTE: Profit before taxes may be zero, in which case the ratio is zero. Profits
before taxes may be negative resulting in negative quotients.)
This ratio expresses the pre-tax return on total assets and measures the effectiveness
of management in employing the resources available to it. If a specific ratio varies
considerably from industry standards, the analyst will need to examine the makeup of
the assets and take a closer look at the earnings figure. A heavily depreciated plant
and a large amount of intangible assets or unusual income or expense items will
cause distortions of this ratio. This ratio is multiplied by 100 since it is shown as a
This ratio is a measure of the productive use of a firm’s fixed assets. Largely
depreciated fixed assets or a labor intensive operation may cause a distortion of this
Sales/Total Assets
Net Sales
Total Assets
This ratio is a general measure of a firm’s ability to generate sales in relation to total
assets. It should be used only to compare firms within specific industry groups and in
conjunction with other operating ratios to determine the effective employment of
Expense to The following two ratios relate specific expense items to net sales and express this
relationship as a percentage. Comparisons are convenient because the item, net sales,
Sales Ratios is used as a constant. Variations in these ratios are most pronounced between capital
and labor intensive industries.
Page 25B-4
This ratio is the annual depreciation, amortization, and depletion expenses divided by
net sales and multiplied by 100.
Page 25B-5
Chapter 26
Risk FISCUs, like all credit unions, are subject to the seven categories of
Categories risk, discussed in the Risk-Focused Program chapter. These risks
include Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Transaction, Compliance,
Strategic, and Reputation. As with other credit unions, FISCUs have
the obligation to mitigate their risk to the NCUSIF by implementing
measures such as management’s due diligence, sound internal controls,
the audit process, and well-trained management and staff. The size and
complexity of the credit union should determine the extent of these
risk mitigation measures.
Overview The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) provides
the same account insurance coverage to FISCUs as to federal credit
unions. However, the means of monitoring insurance risk differs.
NCUA recognizes state supervisory agencies as the government
agencies primarily responsible for the supervision of insured state
credit unions. State regulators normally share parts or all of the state
examination reports or audits with the appropriate NCUA regional
When applying for federal share insurance, state credit unions sign an
Agreement for Insurance of Accounts and agree to follow Part 741 of
NCUA’s Rules and Regulations. Appendix 26A contains a copy of the
Page 26-1
These agreements with each SSA will determine how NCUA will
communicate an insurance concern to the SSA, and may cause a
variation to the procedures in this chapter. Communication between
the region and each SSA may be as informal as periodic telephone
calls or as structured as monthly written status reports or quarterly
NCUA limits its concerns to insurance risk, which includes safety and
soundness issues that could have a material effect on the FISCU's
operation. Specific safety and soundness areas to address, in addition
to those discussed in Part 741 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations,
include each of the seven risk areas identified in the Risk-Focused
Program chapter.
Monitoring The primary ways by which NCUA monitors the financial condition
Insured and the progress of FISCUs are through the district examiner's review
Credit Unions
Page 26-2
Criteria for The SSA and NCUA share responsibility for developing mutually
Onsite satisfactory criteria and procedures for scheduling and completing
Reviews onsite insurance reviews. Reasonableness should govern NCUA’s
requests to conduct insurance reviews.
Page 26-3
Planning an When planning an onsite contact in a FISCU, NCUA staff will consult
Onsite with the SSA before contacting state credit union officials. Working
Contact agreements between the regional offices and individual SSAs have
established defined procedures for various types of contacts and means
of communicating information concerning risk areas that may affect
the FISCUs in their jurisdictions. However, when examiners perform
an onsite contact in a FISCU, they will explain to management and the
officials the purpose for the contact and the reason for NCUA's
Types of The two most common types of onsite FISCU reviews are an
Onsite independent insurance review and a joint examinatiodinsurance
Reviews review. An independent insurance review differs from a joint
examinatiodinsurance review. In both, NCUA limits the scope of an
insurance review to risk issues negatively affecting the NCUSIF, and
does not address regulatory issues except as they relate to safety and
soundness concerns.
Page 26-4
issues that require addressing and resolving, and will ensure that either
the state or NCUA examiner discusses these issues with the credit
Page 26-5
Page 26-6
safe and sound practices, NCUA will take exception and, after
notification and review with the SSA, reach agreement for appropriate
corrective action. The treatment of the issue in the report depends on
its severity and materiality.
Assignment During an insurance review, the NCUA examiner will not discuss
of CAMEL CAMEL component or composite ratings with officials of the FISCU.
In states where the SSA assigns a CAMEL code, the code assigned by
NCUA may differ from that of the SSA. Since NCUA does not release
its code to FISCUs, the state's CAMEL code will be the only one the
credit union receives. NCUA will explain any differences from an
insurance perspective in the confidential section in accordance with
regional policy.
Page 26-7
NCUA examiners should not take issue with SSA reporting practices
merely because they differ from the standard NCUA examination
report format. The overriding concern remains that the credit union
officials receive sufficient direction to correct weaknesses and
problems. The procedure to accomplish this is secondary to the
effective communication of existing risks and necessary corrective
action. NCUA and SSAs (with few exceptions) have adopted the
AIRES examination program. Examiners may provide the credit union
with additional workpapers needed to supplement specific areas of the
Generally, the agreement enacted between each SSA and the respective
regional office governs if, how, and when NCUA releases the
examination report in that particular state. The region institutes
procedures for performing regional office reviews and supervisory
examiner appraisals of a joint examinatiodinsurance review report.
The time required for reviewing and appraising the reports of joint
examinationshnsurancereviews varies from region to region. The
regional offices have the option of performing insurance review due
Page 26-8
Joint SSAs’ practices vary regarding the holding of joint conferences and
Conferences exit interviews. Some SSAs hold joint conferences on select cases, and
others after their office has reviewed the report. NCUA may meet with
the officials at the conclusion of each joint examinatiodinsurance
review to discuss problems and seek agreements to resolve the
problems. This occurs only after notification and review with the SSA,
who must always have the opportunity to participate and to lead the
When the state holds a joint conference, the SSA examiner usually
leads the meeting. NCUA attends and, jointly with the SSA, discusses
all safety and soundness areas, and ensures adoption of appropriate
plans of action. If the officials will not adopt the proposed plan, the
SSA and NCUA obtain agreement that the credit union will develop
alternative plans acceptable to both parties. Generally, the examiners
should avoid duplicating issues unless previously agreed upon as a
method of underscoring the importance of a particular concern to both
the state and NCUA; however, fully airing the concerns of both parties
must remain the overriding consideration.
Page 26-9
Page 26-10
0 A framework combining:
- Mandatory supervisory actions (MSAs) prescribed by Congress
and indexed to five statutory net worth categories, and
- Discretionary supervisory actions (DSAs) developed by NCUA
to enhance PCA when imposed;
0 Alternative PCA requirements for credit unions defined by
CUMAA as new; and
0 Risk-based net worth (RBNW) requirement for applicable credit
Problem NCUA’s district examiners monitor most problem credit unions and,
Credit Unions along with the SSA examiners, work with the credit unions to resolve
problems. However, NCUA assigns to the regions’ Divisions of
Special Actions some problem credit unions, because of their size,
complexity of problems, or degree of potential risk or loss to the
NCUSIF. NCUA notifies the SSA when it assigns a FISCU to special
actions. The NCUA Special Actions Problem Case Officers (PCOs)
and the SSA attempt to arrange a mutually convenient date to
commencejoint onsite work. If the SSA PCO or examiner is
unavailable, the NCUA PCO should arrange to meet with the SSA
following the contact to review results and recommendations before
meeting with the FISCU officials. The examiners should make efforts
to eliminate multiple contacts and return trips.
Page 26-1 1
Page 26-12
Application TO: The National Credit Union Administration Board Date
applies for insurance of its accounts as provided in Title I1 of the Federal Credit Union Act, and in
consideration of the granting of insurance, hereby agrees:
1. To permit and pay the cost of such examinations as the NCUA Board deems necessary for the
protection of the interests of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund;
2 . To permit the Board to have access to all records and information concerning the affairs of
the credit union, including any information or report related to an examination made by or for
any other regulating authority, and to furnish such records, information, and reports upon
request of the NCUA Board;
3. To possess such fidelity coverage and such coverage against burglary, robbery, and other
losses as is required by Parts 701.20 and 74 1 of NCUA's regulations;
4. To meet, at a minimum, the statutory reserve and full and fair disclosure requirements
imposed on federal credit unions by Section 116 of the Federal Credit Union Act and Parts
702 of NCUA's regulations, and to maintain such special reserves as the NCUA Board may
by regulation or on a case-by-case basis determine are necessary to protect the interests of
members. Any waivers of the statutory reserve or full and fair disclosure requirements or any
direct charges to the statutory reserve other than loss loans must have the prior written
approval of the NCUA Board. In addition, corporate credit unions shall be subject to the
reserve requirements specified in Part 704 of NCUA's regulations;
5. Not to issue or have outstanding any account or security the form of which has not been
approved by the NCUA Board, except accounts authorized by state law for state credit
6 . To maintain the deposit and pay the insurance premium charges imposed as a condition of
insurance pursuant to Title I1 (Share Insurance) of the Federal Credit Union Act;
7. To comply with the requirements of Title I1 (Share Insurance) of the Federal Credit Union
Act and of regulations prescribed by the NCUA Board pursuant thereto; and
8. For any investments other than loans to members and obligations or securities expressly
authorized in Title I of the Federal Credit Union Act, as amended to establish now and
maintain at the end of each accounting period and prior to payment of any dividend, an
Investment Valuation Reserve Account in an amount at least equal to the net excess of book
value over current market value of the investments. If the market value cannot be determined,
an amount equal to the full book value will be established. When, as of the end of any
dividend period, the amount in the Investment Valuation Reserve exceeds the difference
Page 26A-1
between book value and market value, the board of directors may authorize transfer of the
excess to Undivided Earnings.
9. When a state-chartered credit union is permitted by state law to accept nonmember shares or
deposits from sources other than other credit unions and public units, such nonmember
accounts shall be identified as nonmember shares or deposits on any statement or report
required by the NCUA Board for insurance purposes. Immediately after a state-chartered
credit union receives notice from NCUA that its member accounts are federally insured, the
credit union will advise any present nonmember share and deposit holders by letter that their
accounts are not insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance. Also, future
nonmember share and deposit fund holders will be so advised by letter as they open accounts.
10. In the event a state-chartered credit union chooses to terminate its status as a federally insured
credit union, then it shall meet the requirements imposed by Sections 206(a)( 1) and 206(c) of
the Federal Credit Union Act and Part 74 1.6 of NCUA's regulations.
1 1. In the event a state-chartered credit union chooses to convert from federal insurance to some
other insurance from a corporation authorized and duly licensed to insure member accounts,
then it shall meet the requirements imposed by Sections 206(a)(2), 206(c), 206(d)(2), and
206(d)(3) of the Federal Credit Union Act.
Be it resolved that this credit union apply to the National Credit Union Administration Board for
insurance of its accounts as provided in Title I1 of the Federal Credit Union Act.
Be it resolved that the presiding officer and recording officer be authorized and directed to
execute the Application and Agreement for Insurance of Accounts as prescribed by the NCUA
Board and any other papers and documents required in connection therewith and to pay all
expenses and do all such other things necessary or proper to secure and continue in force such
We further certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief no existing or proposed officer,
committee member, or employee of this credit union has been convicted of any criminal offense
involving dishonesty or breach of trust, except as noted in attachments to this application. We
further agree to notify the Board if any existing, proposed, or future officer, committee member,
or employee is indicted for such an offense.
(Signature) Presiding Officer, Board of Directors (Print or type Presiding Officer's Name)
(Signature) Recording Officer, Board of Directors (Print or type Recording Officer's Name)
Page 26A-2
Chapter 27
SHORTAGES................................................................................................................ ..27. 1
Examination Objectives ....................................................................................... 27-1
Associated Risks ................................................................................................. .27. 1
Overview............................................................................................................. .27. 1
Examiner's Role ................................................................................................... 27-1
Examination Scope .............................................................................................. 27-2
Notifying Credit Union Officials ......................................................................... 27-2
Notifying Surety................................................................................................... 27-4
Notifying the U S . Department of Treasury (FinCEN) ........................................ 27-5
Establishing Accounts Receivable ...................................................................... .27.5
Contacts with the Press ........................................................................................ 27-6
Unrecorded Shares ............................................................................................... 27-6
Embezzlements ................................................................................................... .27.6
Fictitious and Unauthorized Loans .......................................................... 27-7
Loans to Employees and Family Members .............................................. 27-9
Theft of Member Shares .......................................................................... 27-10
Overdrawn Accounts............................................................................... .27. 11
Theft of Loan ProtectionLife Savings Insurance Claim Proceeds ..........27-11
Theft of Credit DisabilityKredit Life Insurance..................................... .27. 12
Theft of Receipts by Collection Agencies .............................................. .27. 12
Embezzlement through the Credit Union's Expense Ledger .................. 27- 12
Theft of Closed Accounts ........................................................................2 7.12
Deposits in Transit ................................................................................... 27-13
Unapplied Data Processing and Suspense Accounts .............................. .27. 13
Kiting ....................................................................................................... 27-13
Burglary, Robbery, and Larceny .......................................................................... 27-15
False or Fraudulent Statements ........................................................................... .27.15
Mysterious Disappearance .................................................................................. .27. 16
Workpapers and References................................................................................. 27-16
APPENDIX 27A - Warning Signals .............................................................................. . 2 A. 71
Chapter 27
Examination 0 Determine whether a shortage exists in the credit union
Objectives Determine whether the credit union has take appropriate action to
identify the shortage, notify surety, and to correct underlying
problems that caused the shortage
Associated 0 Reputation Risk - includes the risk that management did not
Risks establish adequate internal controls to detect or deter shortages,
resulting in poor publicity or administrative action;
Liquidity Risk - includes the risk that adequate liquidity is not
available due to reliance on inaccurate financial reports; and
0 Transaction Risk - includes the risk that financial reports are not
accurate due to manipulation of financial transactions.
Page 27-1
procedures described in this and other chapters will assist the examiner
in determining whether a shortage exists, the.extent of the shortage,
and the necessity of further action, such as an audit. Follow-up on
shortages is part of district management.
The examiner should document in the report any material shortage and
actions taken by management to resolve the shortage.
Page 27-2
0 The examiner should discuss the surety bond provisions, the filing
of a bond claim, and should encourage the officials to contact
surety in a timely manner.
Page 27-3
The examiner should inform the directors about the harm that
publicity regarding a shortage often does to a credit union and
advise them to avoid it if possible. Conversely, rumors sometimes
do more harm to member confidence than the actual facts. When
information about a shortage becomes publicly known, the
directors may call a special meeting of the members and present
the facts concerning the shortage. In most instances, however, such
a meeting is not necessary or desirable.
The exact amount of the shortage need not be known before giving
notice of loss to surety. (A delay until the officials know the specific
amount could jeopardize recovery of the claim from the surety
company.) The examiner should review pertinent provisions of the
Page 27-4
surety bond and refer to the Bond Coverage section of this Guide
before advising officials or sending the notice of loss to surety.
Examiners should review prior bonds in effect during the period of the
shortage to determine if the officials should provide notice to more
than one surety company. If credit union files do not contain complete
copies of the bonds, officials should contact surety bond companies
and request a copy.
Once the auditor has completed the audit and verification, officials
should submit a proof of claim to surety within the time limits
specified. Please refer to the Bond Coverage chapter for additional
Notifying the The FBI investigates and the local US Attorney prosecutes cases
U.S. involving violations of federal criminal statutes. As set forth in 9748.1
Department of the NCUA Rules and Regulations, the officials must complete the
of Treasury SAR and mail the report to FinCEN.
In cases of criminal activity, the officials noti& the FinCEN by
completing and submitting a SAR, which includes the instruction for
completion. (If the officials indicate reluctance to completing the form,
the examiner should discuss with the supervisory examiner whether or
not the examiner should notify FinCEN.)
Page 27-5
Contacts with After learning of a possible shortage, the press may contact the credit
the Press union or examiner for information. Examiners should point out to
reporters that they may not release any information and that the credit
union's officials are the proper source of information. In rare instances,
the examiner may refer a persistent reporter to the regional office.
Where significant shortages exist or when obvious criminal activity
occurs, the credit union should develop a plan for dealing with the
press that includes appointing a single credit union spokesman.
Unrecorded The potential exists for unrecorded shares in a credit union, which can
Shares cause losses to the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
(NCUSIF.) The following steps may assist in revealing unrecorded
0 Unrecorded shares;
Page 27-6
Overdrawn accounts;
Computer crime;
Fictitious and A fictitious loan exists when the credit union disburses funds to an
Unauthorized account in the pretense of granting a loan, but no actual loan was
Loans made. Unauthorized loans are loans made in the name of real members
without their knowledge or consent. General characteristics are:
Page 27-7
Comparing the address in the loan file with the address in the
credit union's computer records;
Page 27-8
sample of loans may not uncover such a scheme. The following red
flags may indicate that there is a cause to examine certain loans:
0 The original and the current loan balance approximately the same
when the payment schedule indicates that the current balance
should be significantly less;
Page 27-9
Theft of The following steps detail how theft of member shares can occur. First,
Member Shares the embezzler drafts a withdrawal check payable to the member, forges
the endorsement, and cashes the check. Second, the embezzler
completes a cash withdrawal voucher, which the credit union posts to
the member's account. Finally, the credit union transfers funds from
the member's account to an account under the embezzler's control. This
type of embezzlement generally occurs in relatively inactive accounts
(no loans) and conceals the embezzlement by diverting the member's
statement before it leaves the credit union, altering it, or preparing a
new statement.
Page 27-10
Theft of Loan Theft of loan protectiodlife saving insurance claim proceeds takes
ProtectiodLife several forms:
Insurance Claim 0 The embezzler increases the share or loan balances of a deceased
Proceeds member and steals the insurance proceeds once the credit union
files and receives a claim;
When the examiners suspect this type of shortage, they may obtain
confirmation by requesting from the insurance carrier a copy of the
claims register for the credit union. They compare this register to the
credit union's records. Through spot-checking, they contact the
beneficiaries to verify disbursements indicated in the credit union's
Page 27-11
Theft of Credit Misappropriating credit life or credit disability claim checks, refunds,
DisabilityICredit or dividends constitutes theft. Although the member pays premiums
Life Insurance for this insurance, the insurance company makes dividends and refund
checks payable to the credit union and sends them directly to the credit
union. The procedure for detecting this form of shortage involves
requesting the appropriate registers from the insurance company,
tracing the proceeds through the credit union's records, and verifying
with beneficiaries the actual receipt of the funds.
Page 27-12
necessary, verifl the closing of the account directly with the member.
For accounts closed by share transfer, the examiner should review the
account of the transferee and, if necessary, confirm the transfer with
the original member.
Page 27-13
Page 27-14
Burglary, Except when the loss presents a material risk to the credit union and to
Robbery, and the NCUSIF, an examiner normally need not make a contact when
Larceny learning of a burglary, robbery, or larceny. If examiners decide to make
an on-site contact, they should contact their supervisory examiners.
The examiner will determine that the officials have:
False or $1014 of Title 18 of the United States Code makes it a federal crime
Fraudulent for anyone to knowingly make a false statement or report, or to
Statements willfully overvalue any land, property, or security, for the purpose of
influencing in any way the action of a federal credit union on any
application, advance, discount, purchase, purchase agreement,
repurchase agreement, commitment, or loan or any change or
extension of any of the same, by renewal, deferment of action or
otherwise, or the acceptance, release or substitution of security
Among the most common acts coming under $ 1014 are forging of co-
maker's signature on the note, making false statements as to ownership
or value of property offered as security for a loan, and false statements
as to the purpose of a loan. The officials should obtain as much
evidence as possible to support a potential bond claim. A sworn
affidavit from the person whose name was used is usually sufficient.
The credit union officials should use caution when they discover an
instrument containing an apparent forgery of the name of a relative.
Frequently, these persons will claim that they gave permission for use
of their names. Consequently, proving the loss is difficult since the
credit union could not proceed against the person.
Page 27-15
When a violation occurs, the examiner should determine that the credit
union has notified surety and filed a SAR with the FinCEN (if
applicable). If the board of directors declines to report a violation to
surety and the FinCEN, the examiner should ask the supervisory
examiner about the process of reporting a violation.
Mysterious Losses may occur in federal credit unions through the mysterious,
Disappear- unexplainable disappearance or misplacement of property. Credit
ance union blanket bonds often cover the losses either as a standard feature
or as a rider to the bond. If the credit union discovers a mysterious
disappearance, it should review the bond to determine if surety covers
the loss. On rare occasions, examiners may encounter credit unions
that use mysterious disappearance rather than to name a person
responsible for embezzlement in order to avoid confronting or taking
action against that individual or to hide the real cause for a loss.
The surety and the FinCEN should be notified only when the
circumstances of the mysterious disappearance lead officials to
conclude that a criminal act occurred.
Workpapers Workpapers
and - Supplementary Facts
References - Suspicious Activity Report
Page 27-16
Warning Attempts on the part of the treasurer, the manager, or an employee
Signals to postpone or delay the examination or the supervisory committee's
No receipts for cash transfers between the credit union office and
field collectors or between employees in the credit union office.
Page 27A-1
Page 27A-2
Chapter 28
Examination 0 Determine if the credit union has adequate bond coverage to
Objectives comply with Part 7 13 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations
Determine if bond claims were filed when appropriate
Associated 0 Compliance risk - Includes the risk that the bond coverage
Risks does not comply with the Federal Credit Union Act and NCUA
Rules and Regulations; and
0 Reputation risk - Includes the risk that bond coverage does not
adequately cover losses resulting from employee or director
fraud, dishonesty, theft or other similar activities, resulting in
poor publicity or administrative action.
Overview The Federal Credit Union Act 0112, 0 1 13(2), and 0 120(h) set forth the
statutory requirements for the bonding of credit union employees and
appointed and elected officials. 3 120(h) requires that the NCUA Board
approve bond forms and prescribe minimum bond coverage. The Act
directs the NCUA Board to promulgate regulations setting forth both
the amount and character of bond requirements for employees and
officials. It also grants the NCUA Board the power to approve bond
forms and to set minimum requirements for bond coverage.
Part 713 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations contains the NCUA
Board's bond regulation, which is made applicable to state-chartered
natural person credit unions by §741.201(a). Part 713 prescribes the
form and the minimum schedule of bond coverage for natural person
credit unions.
Page 28-1
Fidelity Bond During the course of an examination, the examiner may (1) determine
Review that the fidelity bond is in force in an amount at least equal to
regulatory minimums; (2) document in the examination workpapers
the bond type, bonding company name, amount of coverage, and any
deductibles, riders, and other clauses; and (3) be alert to any
unprotected areas of risk for the credit union.
Background, All credit unions must provide fraud and dishonesty coverage for
Requirements employees and officials. NCUA mandates that each federal credit
and Approved union board provide adequate coverage. The NCUA Board has the
Bond Forms authority to require that a federal credit union obtain additional
coverage when the coverage in force is not adequate (5713.7.)
Adequate bond coverage may require coverage in excess of the
prescribed minimums. The directors should review the extent of
coverage at least annually (57 13.2.) They should consider the credit
union's loss exposure, internal controls, and financial resources when
determining the amount and the type of coverage necessary. This
determination is particularly critical since the credit union will need to
Page 28-2
Endorse- Bond companies issue endorsements or riders to the bond that add to,
ments and or delete from, the basic bond coverage. Examiners should carefully
Riders review any endorsements or riders that exclude coverage and
determine if the endorsement or the rider reduces coverage below the
minimum coverage in the approved bond form. If examiners cannot
determine the effect of the endorsement or rider, they should contact
their supervisory examiner and, if necessary, send a copy to the
regional office with an accompanying memorandum. Riders that
reduce coverage provided by the basic bond must have the approval of
the NCUA Board. Riders that add coverage under the bond do not
need NCUA Board approval.
Principles While a fidelity bond represents a contract between the credit union
and and an insurance company, the act of a third party (employee or
Obligations official) invokes the duties under the contract. The three party nature
for Fidelity of the contract distinguishes it from other insurance contracts. (See the
Losses section on Insurance Losses for further discussion.)
Page 28-3
The credit union should comply strictly with the terms of the bond to
recover from the bond company. The time limits for filing a notice of
loss, proof of loss, or filing of a lawsuit against the company should
strictly adhere to those specified in the contract, unless the company
waives these time limits in writing. If not, the credit union's rights may
be prejudiced. Bonding companies measure most of the time limits
from the date of discovery of either a wrongful act or a loss.
"Discovery" usually means specific knowledge, but more than mere
suspicion, by a responsible person (manager, official, board member.)
A credit union owes a duty of good faith to the bond company. This
includes disclosure to the bond company of acts of employees, of
which it has knowledge, which increase the bond company's risk.
Since the question of whether a reportable loss has occurred will often
arise during an examination or supervision contact, the directors will
frequently ask the examiner to help them arrive at a decision as to
reporting or giving notice of loss to the bond company, to the recovery
of the funds, or to the filing of a claim.
Insurance Bonds authorized for use by credit unions also may contain insurance
Losses coverage for direct loss of property. This coverage protects the credit
union against the direct loss of property caused by such things as
larceny, burglary, robbery, mysterious disappearance, outside forgery,
and the damage or destruction of property due to these incidents. These
examples are not all inclusive, and each bond does not include all of
them. Under these insurance clauses, the bonding company does not
require the credit union to determine the identity of wrongdoers to
recover losses, as it must do to recover for a loss of property caused by
acts of its employees. However, the credit union should file insurance
Page 28-4
Covered The approved bonds cover only direct losses of property. For example,
Losses if an employee steals $10,000 by creating a fictitious loan, the $10,000
is a direct loss of property, which the bond covers. However, the bond
does not cover the interest income that the credit union might have
earned on this $10,000.
For this same reason, the bond usually does not cover expenses of
recovery such as legal fees, although the bond or a purchased
endorsement to the bond often separately provides for audit expenses.
The examiner may review the audit expense coverage, if purchased, for
adequacy to protect the credit union from the unexpected expense of
documenting a claim by outside auditors. The minimal audit expense
coverage often seen in credit union bonds probably will not cover the
costs of a proof of loss audit. Examiners may find it appropriate to
suggest that the board of directors consider a higher audit expense
Claims Under The credit union needs to inform the bond company of the facts in all
the Bond cases where fraudulent or dishonest conduct occurred, or, if it has
purchased faithful performance coverage, in all cases which might
meet the definition of faithful performance contained in the bond.
Examiners should use caution in developing the facts and in making
recommendations to the directors. Good judgment in making decisions
in this respect is essential.
Page 28-5
Officials should always examine the bond itself to determine the scope
of coverage. If examiners have questions about the coverage the bond
provides, they should contact their supervisory examiner.
Nevertheless, whether or not a particular set of circumstances
represents a claim under a particular bond, the officials should notify
the fidelity company of all fraudulent or dishonest acts, or acts
indicating a lack of faithful performance (if the credit union has such
coverage) to ensure continued coverage for the employee involved and
to protect the credit union in the event a loss occurs.
Acts That May The credit union should report only facts to the bond company in a
Terminate Bond notice of improper acts by an employee or any other communication to
Coverage - the insurer. The credit union should not engage in speculation about
Letter of how a loss or potential loss occurred. The following items can be
Notification included in the letter of notification (the bond itself contains specific
requirements) :
Page 28-6
Notice and The notice of loss is usually very short, factual, and contains no
Proof of Loss speculation or guesses. Credit unions need not know the exact amount
of the loss before giving the notice. In fact, a delay until determination
of the exact amount could jeopardize collection of the claim.
The following are items that the credit union should include in the
notice of loss (refer to the bond for specific requirements):
The notice of loss puts the fidelity company on notice that a loss has
occurred and that a claim may follow. Each bond requires filing of a
proof of loss or claim within a specified period of time after the notice
of loss. The proof of loss will usually require a more detailed and
documented explanation of the loss suffered, the acts causing the loss,
and why the credit union believes the bond covers the loss. As with the
notice of loss, the credit union should refer to the policy to determine
the specific requirements for the proof of loss.
Bond Claim Bonds generally specify that the bond company has a certain number
FOIIOW-UP of days after a credit union files a proof of loss to investigate the loss.
Page 28-7
Examiners should keep in close contact with any credit union in their
district that has filed a claim with the bond company. If the bond
company delays paying a valid proven claim, the examiner should urge
the directors to follow up promptly.
Since most bonds require the credit union to bring a lawsuit against the
bond company within a specified time after discovery of the loss, the
examiner may wish to recommend that the credit union engage legal
counsel to help it in negotiating payment of the claim or to determine
the advisability of filing suit to collect on the claim. If the credit union
appears to be making progress in negotiating and settling the suit, but
may not meet the deadline for filing suit, the credit union may wish to
secure an extension of the time for filing suit from the bond company.
Workpapers References
and - Federal Credit Union Act
References 120(h) - Powers of the Board and Administration
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
7 13 - Fidelity Bond and Insurance Coverage for
Federal Credit Unions
NCUA Letter No. 96-CU-3, Suspicious Activity Report
NCUA Letter No. 00-CU-04, Suspicious Activity Reporting
NCUA Regulatory Alert 96-RA-3 SAR Software Program
NCUA Regulatory Alert 01-RA-11 Suspicious Activity Report
Page 28-8
Chapter 29
Associated 0 Liquidity risk can occur when members, vendors, and suppliers do
Risks not have sufficient confidence in the credit union to continue doing
0 Strategic risk can occur when management does not institute
proper planning or provide resources to carry out necessary credit
union operations in a safe and sound manner; and
Reputation risk can occur when problems escalate to the point of
threatening the future viability of the credit union.
Overview Resolving serious credit union problems can involve the use of various
types of special assistance, the issuance of an LUA, merger, P&A,
conservatorship, or the assignment of the credit union to special
actions. The examiner must have fundamental knowledge of the types
of special assistance available, and when to use each type. LUAs, a
supervisory tool, clarify the actions a credit union agrees to take (or not
take) to resolve identified problems. The examiner must have
knowledge of the difference between a published and a non-published
Page 29-1
Special The FCUAct provides the NCUA Board, or its representative, the
Assistance discretion and the authority to provide special assistance to federally
insured credit unions. Normally, by the time NCUA considers special
assistance, it has exhausted all other supervisory solutions. Credit
unions request special assistance through the regional director. The
approval of special assistance falls within delegated authority;
however, the NCUA Board may, at their discretion, review these
Recommendation An examiner’s on-site contact at the credit union should support each
for Special request for special assistance. When possible, NCUA examiners
Assistance should make joint contacts at state credit unions with state examiners.
Regional management and the state supervisor determine the scope of
a contact in a state credit union.
Page 29-2
Charge to 5702.40 1(c) and 574 1.3(a)(2) of NCUA’s Rules and Regulations
Reserve allows the board of directors of a federally-insured credit union to
authorize charges to the regular reserve for losses, provided the
charges will not cause the credit union’s net worth classification to fall
below well capitalized.
All other charges to the regular reserve must receive the approval of
the appropriate regional director or, if state-chartered,the appropriate
state official.
208 Assistance §208(a) of the FCUAct authorizes special assistance for the following
Page 29-3
NCUA may grant $208 assistance (208 assistance) when the NCUA
Board determines that such action will protect the NCUSIF or the
interests of the members of the credit union. A written agreement must
accompany $208 assistance. Field staff monitors all $208 assistance
cases monthly using SATEX and the Risk Management System
Historical experience has shown that workout periods of longer than 24-months are
not likely to succeed. The timeframe is also consistent with the timeframes included
in PCA.
Page 29-4
The request for assistance must justify that the proposed plan reflects
the best alternative for the credit union members and is in the best
interest of the NCUSIF. The regional director ensures that the request
includes documentation of the resolution alternatives considered, the
estimated costs, and information to support cost estimates. If an
alternative other than the one selected would cost the NCUSIF less, the
region must specifically address and clearly support the reason for not
selecting the least costly alternative.
Temporary 5208 Federally insured credit unions with deficits in undivided earnings
Assistance may not disburse dividends without NCUA’s approval. The credit
(Temporary union must submit to the regional director a written request for NCUA
approval to pay reasonable dividends. NCUA approves temporary
dividends to prevent the collapse of the credit union while providing
time to correct root problems, make necessary management changes,
provide clean financial statements, and/or prepare the credit union for
merger, purchase and assumption, or liquidation. NCUA must not use
temporary dividend authority to delay strong corrective action.
Page 29-5
The NCUA Board delegated to the regional directors and the Office of
Examination and Insurance authority to authorize a credit union with a
deficit in Undivided Earnings to continue paying dividends. The
estimated deficit in Undivided Earnings determines the amount of
assistance provided. SUP 3 (2), Delegation of Authority outlines the
amounts delegated and concurrence requirements.
Permanent 5208 The NCUA may grant permanent special assistance to a credit union
Assistance continuing independent operations, if the credit union proves it can
maintain a viable, self-sustaining status.
The credit union must have in place the following nine preliminary
requirements before requesting permanent special assistance:
Page 29-6
The Office of General Counsel should review cases where credit union
officials need to replace ineffective or incompetent management before
the credit union may receive permanent $208 assistance. The Office of
General Counsel should also review cases when NCUA denies a
request for permanent $208 assistance because the officials failed to
remedy noted management deficiencies.
Cash Assistance Cash assistance includes NCUSIF subordinated notes, NCUSIF share
deposits, NCUSIF loans, and asset purchases. The LUA may restrict
Page 29-7
NCUSIF NCUA uses this assistance in problem credit unions when a cash
Subordinated infusion by the NCUSIF at minimal or no cost to the credit union will
Notes restore profitability and result in a financially viable, self-sustaining
credit union.
NCUSIF Share In some cases, a $208 assistance workout plan may include (1)
Deposits, Loans, NCUSIF share deposits in the credit union, (2) NCUSIF loans to the
and Asset credit union, or (3) NCUSIF purchases of specific credit union assets.
The regional director defines the terms and conditions of these special
assistance accounts in the LUA or other contractual agreement
developed as part of the assistance plan.
Page 29-8
Returning a No single workout plan exists for all the problems encountered in
Credit Union to credit unions. Successful workout plans combine results-oriented
Solvency management with results-oriented supervision. Successful resolution
requires that everyone understand the nature of the problem and the
urgency of resolving it. Success hinges on the quality of management
and a viable field of membership.
Page 29-9
Page 29-10
Once the credit union has corrected the problem areas addressed by the
LUA, the regional director removes the LUA.
Published LUA The Federal Credit Union Act requires the NCUA Board to publish
and make available to the public “any written agreement or other
written statement for which a violation may be enforced by the Board
unless the Board, in its discretion, determines that publication would
be contrary to public intere~t.”~ The NCUA Board will publish an LUA
if the Board can legally enforce the violations.
Non-Published NCUA may take an administrative action, even when it has not
LUA published the LUA if the credit union (1) fails to comply with the
terms of the LUA, (2) conducts itself in a way that constitutes a
safety and soundness violation or violation of law or regulation.
12 U.S.C. 1786(s)(l)(A).
Page 29-11
LuAS in FlscuS An LUA issued to a Federal Insured State Chartered Credit Union
(FISCU) by a state supervisory authority need not address publication
unless required by state law or regulation. NCUA, together with the
state supervisor, may jointly issue an LUA to a FISCU. In such
instances, the requirement for publication applies if NCUA attempts to
take action based on a violation of the terms of the LUA. Therefore,
regional directors will include one of the three publication provisions
discussed above in all LUAs issued jointly with NCUA and a state
supervisory authority.
Page 29-12
Only credit unions can merge with one another. Statutorily, the
operations of a credit union cannot merge into a bank or a savings and
loan. However, as a legal and, in some cases, a practical alternative, a
bank or an S&L can purchase and assume a credit union's assets and
liabilities. Consequently, when necessary, NCUA may expand its
consideration to banks and S&Ls. In such cases, the approval process
will involve the bank or S&L regulator and insurer.
The district examiner, working with the credit union, the supervisory
examiner, and the regional staff, should contact potential merger or
P&A partners. A competitive bidding process often reduces the
ultimate cost to the NCUSIF. The examiner should refrain from
discussing the type and amount of assistance, and should encourage the
potential merger or P&A partners to perform their own due diligence.
NCUA staff must take appropriate steps to control the disclosure of
confidential information. The examiner will obtain the consent of the
regional director before accepting or expressing approval of any
proposal. Final approval of every merger rests with the regional
director or the NCUA Board.
Board Action The regional director requests authority not delegated and requiring
Memorandum action by the NCUA Board in the form of a board action memorandum
PAM) or BAM. Prior to submission to the NCUA Board, the action requested
by the regional director may require concurrence of other offices
(Examination and Insurance and General Counsel). The regional
director should also solicit the views of the Office of Credit Union
Page 29-13
Page 29-14
Under §207(c) of the Federal Credit Union Act, NCUA may disaffirm
or repudiate any contract or lease within a reasonable period following
appointment as conservator, provided:
Page 29-15
Assignment of The regional director assigns cases to the special actions division in
Action each region based on factors such as size, complexity of problems,
Cases effect on district or regional program, degree of potential risk of loss
to the NCUSIF, and political sensitivity. The condition of the credit
union cases assigned to special actions should not require the
dissolution of the credit union, but should provide an opportunity for
resolving the problems and maintaining independent operations.
Page 29-16
Training for Training is an integral part of the special actions role in minimizing
Special Actions risk of loss to the NCUSIF. A highly trained and motivated group with
strong technical and decision-making skills ensures the soundness and
consistency of problem resolution nationally. While experience
remains an important "teacher," it cannot entirely replace education for
such a specialized group of examiners.
Page 29-17
The National At times, a situation may demand too many of a specific region's
Teams (TNT) resources (including experienced, responsible individuals). In these
instances, NCUA has developed specialized national teams to work on
these cases. The national teams receive training to quickly identify the
problems, control losses, determine staffing needs, and resolve the
problems. The national teams usually report to the requesting regional
director, but may report to an alternative management hierarchy, if
NCUA may develop the national teams based upon the following
Page 29-18
Page 29-19
d4-29 u
Chapter 30
0bjectives 0 Determine the administrative actions available
0 Determine the procedures of the various types of administrative
Associated 0 Reputation Risk. Although reputation risk is the primary risk, the
Risks need for administrative actions most likely results from high risk in
any or all of the remaining six risk areas.
0 Removal of Officials;
0 Prohibition; and
Page 30-1
Scope The paragraphs that follow refer to the NCUA Rules and Regulations
as 12 C.F.R., followed by the appropriate part or section number, and
cite references to the FCUAct as "§206(h)" followed by an official
citation (in most cases), for example "12 U.S.C. 1786(h)."
Examiner's Role Because administrative actions are time-consuming and expensive for
NCUA and quite serious for the credit union, examiners should try to
resolve a credit union's problems informally whenever possible. Often,
a realistic Document of Resolution and frequent examiner contacts will
resolve problems with no need for administrative action. When
realistic and workable plans do not result in corrective action or
improved condition, however, the examiner should consult with the
supervisory examiner.
Page 30-2
The administrative record must bear out the examiner's concerns about
the credit union. The examiner must compile the administrative record
and generally will serve as the principal witness in any administrative
or judicial hearing. The administrative record is the total collection of
information NCUA needs for decision-making purposes. The record
must present a complete, factual, and fully documented history of the
credit union's problems and the attempts by NCUA and the credit
union to resolve them.
Page 30-3
0 Creditors' interests.
Page 30-4
Delivery The regional director usually assigns the examiner to deliver the notice
(or order) to the credit union or individual and to obtain a signed
receipt (typed on copies of the notice) from the person who accepts
delivery. The examiner will give the highest priority to the delivery of
the enforcement action consistent with guidance provided by the
regional director.
Page 30-5
The examiner may provide the credit union or individual being served
general guidance about options and deadlines for response to the notice
or order. Under no circumstances should the examiner discuss matters
requiring legal interpretation of rights and alternatives. Instead, the
examiner should advise the officials to consult Part 747 of the NCUA
Rules and Regulations, the FCUAct, or their legal counsel.
Contacts after The examiner should not handle any inquiries from the media, but
Delivery should direct any such inquiries to the regional director or an associate
regional director. The supervisory examiner, with instructions from the
regional director, will give specific guidance to the examiner regarding
the supervision of the credit union that received a notice or order. In all
cases, the supervisory plan will directly relate to both the type of
administrative action served on the credit union or the person, and the
timeframe for the credit union or the person to exercise the right to due
process (ix., administrative hearing or court challenge), as established
in the FCU Act or the NCUA Rules and Regulations.
Page 30-6
union or individual may also sue NCUA even though the FCU Act
does not provide for such.
Institution- NCUA has the authority to bring removals, prohibitions, cease and
Affiliated Party desist, and civil money penalties against "institution-affiliatedparties,"
defined in §206(r) of the FCUAct, 12 U.S.C. 1786 (r), as:
Page 30-7
Page 30-8
Cease and 12 U.S.C. §§1786(e) and (f) contain NCUA's authority to issue cease
Desist and desist orders; 12 C.F.R. 747, Subpart A contains the rules and
regulations governing cease and desist administrative hearings.
§206(e) of the FCU Act empowers the NCUA Board to issue a notice
of charges and to arrange for an administrative hearing to determine
whether NCUA should issue an order to a credit union or an
institution-affiliated party ordering it or them to either stop certain
activity or to take affirmative action to correct particular problems.
Because there is a minimum of 30 days between serving of the notice
and holding of the hearing, §206(f) authorizes the NCUA Board to
Page 30-9
Grounds The grounds for a cease and desist action are set forth in §206(e) of the
FCU Act. The examiner can recommend taking such action if any
insured credit union or institution-affiliated party is:
Page 30-10
While a cease and desist order most often prevents certain actions from
occurring, it may accommodate purposes of affirmative action,
0 Rescission of contracts;
Page 30-1 1
Within 90 days the Board must render its final decision. The Board
may disagree with the administrative law judge, but the evidence
must clearly support the decision.
Notice of The Notice of Charges and Hearing will contain the specific charges
Charges and and supporting facts. The notice establishes a time and place for a
Hearing hearing before an administrative law judge. The date for the hearing
will be 30 to 60 days after service of the notice unless NCUA had set
an earlier date at the request of the affected party. The examiner should
advise the credit union or institution-affiliatedparty as to the
seriousness of the notice upon its delivery. The examiner should make
the officials aware of: (1) the timeframe in which they must respond by
filing an answer to the allegations, and (2) the need to file a written
notice of appearance with the administrative law judge. The notice will
include this and other instructions.
Final Cease and NCUA will issue and serve a final cease and desist order:
Desist Order
(Permanent) 0 If the credit union or institution-affiliatedparty waives its right to a
hearing and consents to the issuance of the cease and desist order;
Page 30-12
A cease and desist order becomes effective 30 days after service upon
the credit union and it remains effective, except to the extent an action
of the NCUA or a reviewing court stays, modifies, terminates, or sets it
aside. A cease and desist order issued upon consent becomes effective
at the time specified in the order.
Temporary NCUA can issue a temporary cease and desist order before completing
Cease and the normal administrative process when the violation or threatened
Desist Order violation as specified in the Notice of Charges and Hearing will likely:
0 Cause insolvency;
The temporary cease and desist order usually accompanies the Notice
of Charges and Hearing. In most cases, it will be part of the notice, but
it may be a separate document. At times, facts developed after the
serving of a Notice of Charges and Hearing may warrant issuing of a
temporary cease and desist order, even though it did not previously
appear appropriate. The examiner should immediately noti@ the
supervisory examiner of any facts that would support such action.
The temporary cease and desist order becomes effective upon service
and remains effective unless set aside, limited or suspended by a court
Page 30-13
The NCUA Board may withdraw a cease and desist order at any time
during the administrative process. This may occur, for example, after
the credit union takes adequate corrective action, executes a letter of
understanding, or otherwise convinces the NCUA Board that it can
safely terminate the administrative proceedings. However, the fact that
a credit union has ceased the practice leading to the Notice, or
promises that it will not recur, does not necessarily mean that NCUA
should terminate the action. The NCUA Board is free to pursue a final
order to ensure that future violations do not occur, or to deter other
credit unions from committing the same unsafe or unsound practices or
Page 30-14
0 The assessed party has 90 days to make payment, but may request a
hearing within 20 days.
Page 30-15
Page 30-16
Any party who has been removed or suspended from office is also
automatically removed, suspended, and prohibited from participating
in the affairs of any federally insured financial institution without the
express written consent of the appropriate regulatory authority.
- A statute or regulation; or
Page 30-17
0 The respondent may appeal to U.S. Court of Appeals, but the final
order remains in effect unless modified by the NCUA Board or the
Notice of Intent The notice to remove an official from office contains a statement of
to Remove facts constituting the grounds for removal and will establish a time and
a place for holding a hearing before an administrative law judge,
normally, between 30 days and 60 days serving the notice.
The rules and the procedures contained in Part 747, Subpart A of the
NCUA Rules and Regulations apply to suspension and removal
actions. The examiner should inform the official upon delivery of the
notice that unless the official personally or an authorized representative
appears at the hearing, the judge deems that the official has consented
to the issuance of an Order of Removal. The party may also consent to
the issuance of a removal order to save the time and expense of hiring
Page 30-18
Page 30-19
Notice of Intent When NCUA determines that grounds for a prohibition action exist, it
to Prohibit a will serve a Notice of Intent to Prohibit upon the institution-affiliated
Person from Party.
Participation NCUA is not precluded fiom issuing a notice of prohibition where the
person voluntarily withdraws or when the credit union terminates
services after discovering financial loss or other damage. NCUA may
bring a prohibition action any time up to six years after resignation,
termination of employment, liquidation, or any other termination of a
relationship with the credit union (see $206(k)(3) of the FCUAct, 12
U.S.C. 1786(k)(3)).
The examiner will inform the person served with the notice of the
basic requirements regarding the hearing, which is held not less than
30 days and not more than 60 days after delivery, as stated in the
notice. Usually, the region directs the examiner to complete a follow-
Page 30-20
Immediate NCUA may issue an immediate prohibition order to protect the credit
Prohibition union or the interest of its members on the same basis and for the same
reasons as an immediate removal of official order. The discussion in
the section, Immediate Suspension of an Official, applies equally here.
Page 30-21
Page 30-22
Page 30-23
Grounds NCUA may take conservatorship action whenever any of the following
grounds are present:
0 The credit union has willfully violated a final cease and desist
order; or
Page 30-24
0 The Attorney General notifies the NCUA Board that the credit
union has been found guilty of certain criminal provisions.
State Credit In the case of a federally insured state credit union, the FCU Act
Unions provides that written approval of the state regulatory authority is a
prerequisite to conservatorship action. However, if the state does not
provide such approval within 30 days of the NCUA Board's notice to it
that grounds for conservatorship exist, and the NCUA Board responds
in writing to the state's written reason, if any, why the state is
withholding approval, then, a unanimous vote of the NCUA Board can
place the credit union into conservatorship without state approval.
Page 30-25
Termination of insurance will most likely force the state credit union
into involuntary liquidation unless the credit union has an alternative
share insurance program for which it can qualify and can thereby
maintain member confidence. For these reasons, the regional office
will closely communicate with the state regulatory agency whenever it
contemplates this administrative action against any federally insured
state-chartered credit union. Examiners will not discuss the potential
for an administrative action with the credit union or with the state
regulatory agency unless their supervisory examiners or the regional
director specifically directs them to.
Grounds The grounds for a termination of insurance action are essentially the
same as those for a cease and desist action:
Page 30-26
If the credit union does not take corrective action, then the NCUA
Board may issue a Notice of Intent to Terminate Insured Status.
This sets out a statement of the facts justifying termination, and
establishes a time and place for an administrative hearing within 30
to 60 days.
The credit union may appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals, but the
order is effective unless modified or lifted by the Board or the
Page 30-27
The Notice of Charges may motivate the officials to take the necessary
corrective action. The region may assign the examiner to investigate
the circumstances and the events in the case as a preliminary step in
the process of issuing a Notice of Charges. In such an event, the
examiner must identify the unsafe or unsound practices or serious
violations and establish supporting facts that constitute grounds for the
action. The examiner's analysis of the circumstances should provide
sufficient evidence to proceed with the Notice of Intent to Terminate
Insured Status if the credit union fails to correct the conditions cited in
the Notice of Charges.
Notice of Intent If NCUA pursues the Notice of Intent to Terminate Insured Status, the
to Terminate notice will contain a statement of the facts about the alleged unsafe or
Insured Status unsound practices or violations and will set the time and place for a
hearing. The date of the hearing will be 30 to 60 days after service of
the notice unless NCUA fixes an earlier date at the credit union's
request. The examiner should caution the credit union about the
seriousness of the notice upon its delivery. A copy of the notice is also
sent to the state regulatory agency. The examiner informs the officials
of the time limits for responding to the allegations and that the credit
union or its representative must file a written notice of appearance with
the administrative law judge. These instructions are included in the
Page 30-28
Involuntary $207(a)(1) of the FCU Act empowers the NCUA Board to close a
Liquidation federal credit union that is bankrupt or insolvent. This administrative
(Insolvency) action eliminates the credit union as a legal entity. NCUA cannot take
this action against a federally insured state-chartered credit union.
Grounds The grounds for this most severe action is insolvency or bankruptcy as
defined in $700.2(e) of the NCUA Rules and Regulations.
Page 30-29
Notice of The notice will be served on the federal credit union in the same
Revocation of manner as previously discussed for notices or final orders involving
Charter and solvent federal credit unions. The order is effective immediately upon
Involuntary service, and all assets, books and records of the credit union
Liquidation; immediately become the property of the NCUA. Agents for the
Appointment of Liquidating Agent will be appointed as provided in §207(a) of the
Agent FCU Act.
Revocation of The authority to place a solvent federal credit union into involuntary
Charter and liquidation is contained in §120(b)(l) of the FCUAct, 12 U.S.C. 1766
Involuntary (b)( 1). The rules and regulations relating to these administrative
Liquidation of proceedings are contained in 12 C.F.R. Part 747, Subpart E. The effect
Solvent of this action is the elimination of a federal credit union as a legal
Credit Unions entity after due process provided for by 4 120(b) of the FCU Act and
Part 747, Subpart E of the NCUA Rules and Regulations. It is the most
drastic enforcement action that can be taken against a solvent federal
credit union.
Grounds Pursuant to the authority in 8 120(b)(1) of the FCU Act, the NCUA
Board may suspend or revoke the charter of a federal credit union that
has violated any provision of its charter, its bylaws, the FCU Act, or
NCUA regulations. This type of action may also be taken for reasons
of bankruptcy, but generally is initiated under $207 of the FCU Act.
Examples of conditions that may warrant recommending revocation of
charter in a solvent credit union are:
Page 30-30
0 Other specific serious violations of its charter, its bylaws, the FCU
Act, or regulations that cannot be reversed and that may cause
insolvency; or
Page 30-31
If the credit union files a written statement, the NCUA Board will
render a decision within 45 days. A Notice of Revocation of
Charter and Involuntary Liquidation will be issued where the
grounds for liquidation are found to exist.
Notice of Intent The examiner will recommend a Notice of Intent to Revoke Charter
to Revoke whenever the timeframe for due process will not create a greater risk
Charter and of loss to the members, the creditors, and the NCUSIF than exists at
Place Into the time of the recommendation. The examiner should be aware that
Involuntary the credit union will continue to conduct business during the effective
Liquidation time of this notice.
The examiner will determine whether or not a greater risk for loss
exists by allowing the credit union to conduct business in the interim
based on the conditions and the circumstances in each case. However,
if a greater risk for loss is likely to exist, a recommendation for
conservatorship or a Notice of Suspension of Charter and Intent to
Revoke Charter and Place Into Involuntary Liquidation may be
appropriate. This latter action is discussed in the following subsection.
The credit union has 40 days from the date the Notice of Intent is
served to:
0 File a written statement with NCUA setting forth the reasons why
it should not be placed into involuntary liquidation; or
Page 30-32
At the time of delivery of the Notice, the examiner will advise the
officials of their options and of the timeframes within which their
options must be exercised. The examiner must make it known to the
officials that if the credit union fails to exercise any of its alternatives
as provided in the NCUA Rules and Regulations within the prescribed
timeframes, it will be deemed to have consented to the action being
sought by NCUA.
Page 30-33
The appointed agent usually will be the district examiner, who will
maintain, or have maintained, the records of the credit union and will
open the credit union for restricted business activity. The credit union's
surety bond coverage should be extended to cover the agents for the
NCUA Board and arrangements should be made with the credit union's
depository to honor the signature of the agents.
The duration of the agent's responsibility will extend until the credit
union is placed into involuntary liquidation, the administrative action
is withdrawn, or the appointment is rescinded, whichever comes first.
Notice of If the credit union officials have eliminated the serious problems cited
Termination in the Notice, a termination of the administrative action may be
warranted. Documentation must be presented supporting the
conclusion that the charges cited in the Notice no longer exist.
Page 30-34
The examiner also should report whether the credit union exercised
any of the available options. If the credit union files a statement setting
forth grounds and reasons why its charter should not be suspended, the
examiner will analyze it objectively and provide factual evidence to
support or reject the grounds.
Order to Parts 116 and 201 of the FCUAct authorize the NCUA Board to
Establish require that special reserves be established when necessary to protect
Special the interests of federal credit union members. In addition, Part 741 of
Reserves the NCUA Rules and Regulations and the Agreement for Insurance
require state-chartered federally insured credit unions to establish such
reserves as the NCUA Board deems necessary.
0 When it is believed that the credit union may ignore the need for
additional reserves; or
Page 30-35
Recommending The examiner will recommend Special Reserve for Losses to the
SpeciaI regional director, based on examination or supervision information and
Reserves for with the supervisory examiner's concurrence. The basis for the
Losses recommendation should be set forth in a separate memorandum and be
part of the administrative record. Any order issued, along with the
administrative record, should be retained.
Under Section 216 of the Federal Credit Union Act and Part 702 of the
Rules and Regulations, NCUA may take supervisory actions that are
similar to those available by using the foregoing administrative
actions. These supervisory actions may include dismissing directors or
senior management officials, ordering the employment of qualified
senior executive oficers, liquidation or conservatorship, and any other
reasonable actions to carry out the purposes of prompt corrective
action. Unlike many of the above administrative actions, the actions
taken under prompt corrective action do not require administrative
hearings before an administrative law judge. When considering
administrative actions for a credit union which is undercapitalized,
significantly undercapitalizd, or critically undercapitalized, the
examiner should therefore also consider whether or not the desired
result could also be achieved by employing NCUA's powers under
prompt corrective action.
Page 30-36
Page 30-37
Chapter 31
Liquidations 0 Determine the liquidation types available
Objective 0 Determine the procedures of the various types of liquidations
Associated 0 Reputation risk can occur when the credit union sustains losses
Risks sufficient to result in liquidation. Although reputation risk is the
primary risk, the liquidation process most likely results from high
risk in any or all of the remaining six risk areas.
0 Title I Involuntary. Under tj 120 of the FCU Act, the NCUA Board
can place a solvent federal credit union into involuntary liquidation
for violations of its charter, its bylaws, the FCUAct, and the
NCUA Rules and Regulations. Also, under 5 120, the NCUA Board
can place a federal credit union into involuntary liquidation upon
finding that the board or liquidating agent did not conduct a
voluntary liquidation in an orderly or efficient manner or in the
best interests of the members.
Page 31-1
Responsibility The NCUA Board has delegated to the Asset Management and
Assistance Center (AMAC) the responsibility of managing all
involuntary liquidations of federally insured credit unions in all NCUA
regions. AMAC processes in an orderly manner the payment of insured
shares, sale or collection of loan portfolios, the liquidation of other
assets, and the cancellation of charters or insurance certificates. In
addition to the liquidation responsibility, AMAC can assist the
examiner, if the regional director so requests, with evaluating real
estate assets, bond claims, other major assets, records reconstruction,
and management. These evaluations of operating credit unions can
help develop alternatives to liquidation or help support the insolvency
Page 31-2
Page 31-3
Considering Frequently, credit union officials will consult with the examiner
Voluntary regarding the advisability of liquidation. Examiners must carefully
Liquidation analyze all pertinent conditions to learn the true reason the officials are
considering liquidation.
Alternatives to The credit union and examiner should explore all alternatives to
Voluntary liquidation. In addition to reorganization of the officials, alternatives
Liquidation include changes to the field of membership and merger. An extension
of the basic field of membership could result in a more viable group.
For example, conversion from an occupational to a community or
associational charter provides a broader membership base. (For further
guidance, see NCUA's Chartering and Field of Membership Manual,
NCUA 8007.)
Both NCUA and the credit union may prefer a merger option to
liquidation since credit union service can continue. Regional and field
staff must weigh continued credit union service against other factors,
such as the costs to the NCUSIF. The examiner should investigate the
Page 31-4
Commencement The commencement date of the liquidation is the date the board of
directors votes to submit the question of liquidation to the members. If,
for some reason, the examiner feels this date would not result in an
equitable distribution to the members, the examiner should contact the
supervisory examiner to decide on appropriate action. The regional
director has the authority to change the date of liquidation to provide
equitable treatment of all members.
Page 31-5
The examiner should instruct the liquidating agent to use the cash basis
rather than the accrual basis of accounting during liquidation. The
liquidating agent should follow procedures outlined in the Accounting
Manual for Federal Credit Unions, except that the liquidating agent
should not close income and expense accounts at year-end.
The examiner should determine that the liquidating agent closed the
books and prepared commencement reports as of the liquidation
commencement date in compliance with the Voluntary Liquidation
Procedures Manual. If the liquidating agent cannot prepare and mail
the reports and schedules to the regional office during the contact, the
examiner should obtain a firm date from the liquidating agent for
completion of these requirements. The examiner will follow up by
telephone or other means to determine that the liquidating agent keeps
the agreements.
The examiner may suggest that the board of directors authorize late
charges on inactive accounts under par value, as provided by the
bylaws, prior to closing the books. Also, staff should resolve out-of-
balance conditions at this time, where possible.
Financial In some cases, the credit union cannot convert assets to cash to
Assistance facilitate a prompt share distribution. This may occur when the credit
union cannot arrange a bulk sale of loans or when surety delays
settlement of a bond claim. The examiner may consider requesting
assistance under $208 of the FCUAct. In these cases, the NCUSIF can
purchase the assets to expedite the share distribution. Before
discussing such assistance with the officials, the examiner should
contact the supervisory examiner.
Sale/Collection Since the duration of the liquidation usually depends on the collection
of Assets of loans, the examiner should emphasize that a bulk sale of loans will
shorten the liquidation period and that the credit union might negotiate
a more favorable price early in the liquidation. If the sale of loans or
Page 31-6
other major assets will not produce sufficient funds to pay the
shareholders at par (100 percent), the credit union may not
consummate a sale without the written approval of the regional
Page 31-7
Page 31-8
The examiner should continue to contact the credit union even after the
final distribution. NCUA finalizes the liquidation only after receiving
the final reports and canceling the charter.
Involuntary The Administrative Action chapter explains the procedures for placing
Liquidations an operating federal credit union into involuntary liquidation.
When the NCUA Board places a federal credit union into involuntary
liquidation or NCUA accepts appointment as liquidating agenureceiver
for a federally insured state credit union, the regional office notifies
AMAC. The regional director and president of the AMAC should
decide early in the planning process if AMAC staff must be onsite at
commencement of liquidation. The Field Examiners Liquidation
Guide to On-Site Involuntary Liquidation Procedures, (NCUA 9700)
provides detailed guidance on the liquidation procedures.
Title I Although Title I of the FCUAct provides that the NCUA Board may
Involuntary place a federal credit union into involuntary liquidation because of
Liquidations insolvency, Title I does not provide for the related payout. Therefore,
NCUA conducts all liquidations of insolvent federal credit unions
under the authority of $207 of the FCU Act, and uses Title I for
liquidations involving violations of the charter, bylaws, FCU Act, and
Page 31-9
Balance sheet;
Income statement;
Delinquency report;
Classified loans;
Solvency evaluation workpaper;
Any outstanding Letter of Understanding and Agreement;
All Preliminary Warning Letters; and
Other administrative actions.
Page 31-10
Payout of When the appropriate state authorities declare an insured state credit
Federally union insolvent or bankrupt, the state usually appoints NCUA or the
Insured State NCUA Board as liquidating agent, receiver, or conservator. Under
Credit Unions delegated authority the president of AMAC, becomes the liquidating
agent in these cases.
Preparing Credit The primary goals of an involuntary liquidation are the prompt return
Unions for of members' shares, payment to the creditors, and disposition of the
Involuntary remaining assets to the NCUSIF. Once the regional director has
Liquidation decided to liquidate the credit union, the examiner must ensure that the
records are current and in balance. The regional director determines the
examiner's role during the liquidation case by case. If the examiner is
to conduct the onsite phase of the liquidation, he or she should use the
Examiners Liquidation Guide to On-Site Involuntary Liquidation
Procedures for detailed guidance.
FaiIure to When the regional office receives notice that a new credit union will
Commence not start operations as scheduled, it will assign an examiner to
Operations determine if the region should liquidate the credit union. If the
Page 31-11
Workpapers 0 Workpapers
and - Solvency Evaluation Workpaper
References 0 References
- Federal Credit Union Act
Title I - General Provisions
Title I1 - Share Insurance
120 - Powers of the Board and Administration
207 - Payment of Insurance
208 - Special Assistance to Avoid Liquidation
- NCUA Rules and Regulations
700.2(e)(l) - Insolvency
709 - Involuntary Liquidations
7 10 - Voluntary Liquidation of Federal Credit Unions
745 Subpart B - Payment of Share Insurance
- Voluntary Liquidation Procedure for Federal Credit
Unions (NCUA 8040)
- Field Examiners Liquidation Guide to On-Site Involuntary
Liquidation Procedures
- Credit Union Merger Procedures and Merger Forms Manual
Page 31-12