Medical Physics Notes - Physics HSC
Medical Physics Notes - Physics HSC
Medical Physics Notes - Physics HSC
Identify the differences between ultrasound and sound in normal hearing range
Humans can hear sound waves with a frequency between 20 - 20 000 Hz.
Sound waves with a higher frequency are called ultrasound, and are too high
pitched for the human ear to hear.
Describe the piezoelectric effect and the effect of using an alternating potential
difference with a piezoelectric crystal
When a voltage is applied to the crystal, the dipoles realign and change the
dimensions of the crystal.
If alternating voltage is applied, then the crystal will rapidly expand and contract,
producing a sound wave the same frequency as the input current.
The same principle applies in reverse, with sound waves resonating in the crystal
to produce an AC voltage.
Define acoustic impedance: Z = ρυ, and identify that different materials have
different acoustic impedances
Acoustic Impedance: Refers to the ease with which a sound wave can pass
through a material. It is dependent on the density of the material and the velocity
of the sound wave in the material:
Thus, different parts of the body will have different acoustic impedances:
As defined above, when the ultrasound reaches a boundary between tissues, some
is reflected and some is refracted through the material. This is dependent on
difference in acoustic impedance.
Identify that the greater the difference in acoustic impedance between two
materials, the greater is the reflected proportion of the incident pulse
The larger the difference in acoustic impedance, the greater the amount of reflected
waves. Thus, ultrasound is most effective at barriers between unlike materials.
Describe situations in which A scans, B scans and sector scans would be used and
the reasons for the use of each
• A scans are rarely used clinically, but are useful for accurate depth
• They can be used to measure the internal dimensions of eyes, the depth of
tumors, or the dimensions of a fetus
Brightness (B) Scans:
• Where the intensity of the reflected ultrasound waves correspond to a dot of
varying brightness of a grey scale
• Produces a one dimensional image of a cross sectional slice of tissue
• The brightness of the dots corresponds to the amplitude
• Useful for soft tissue examinations: Abdominal structures and fetal structures,
for example
• Forms the basis of other useful scan
Linear Scans:
Doppler Effect: The apparent change in frequency of sound waves when the
source is moving relative to the observer
The Doppler Effect has recently been integrated into ultrasonics, with computers
able to use changes in the wavelength of an echo source to determine it’s speed
relative to the transducer.
Doppler shift due to moving red blood cell boundaries causes a change in
frequency of approximately 3 KHz in waves in the range of 5 - 15 MHz.
Computer programs assign a colour to this movement, with the shade based on
direction, and brightness based on speed.
Outline some cardiac problems that can be detected through the use of the Doppler
Doppler ultrasound can detect cardiac issues where blood flow is altered:
• Blockages and leakages
• Malfunctioning valves, as a result of stenosis or regurgitation
• Uneven/inadequate blood flow
Identify data sources, gather, process and analyse information to describe how
ultrasound is used to measure bone density
For the last decade, ultrasound has been used to assess bone density to screen for
Ultrasound measurements of bone density are taken with the heel bone, as it is flat
and a weight bearing site.
The speed of sound in the bone is measured by measuring the time taken for an
ultrasound pulse to pass through the bone.
The broadband ultrasound attenuation within the bone measures the amount of
ultrasound at specific frequencies absorbed in the bone.
It is caused by:
Soft X rays have lower frequencies than hard X rays. Only Hard X rays are useful
for medical imaging, as they have enough energy to penetrate the body.
Gather information to observe at least one image of a fracture on an X-ray film and
X-ray images of other body parts
• Unlike X rays, CAT scans can visualize the brain, not just the skull
• Higher resolution assists in distinguishing between different types of brain tissue
• Gives better idea of size of abnormal collections of fluid or diseased tissue
• More subtle conditions may only be detectable by CAT
Abdominal Organs:
• Higher detail effectively distinguishes between types of tissue
• Contrast medium can further improve results
Soft Tissue:
• Small differences in attenuation of X rays are detectable in CAT scans
Gather secondary information to observe a CAT scan image and compare the
information provided by CAT scans to that provided by an X-ray image for the same
body part
Optical fibers are constructed with a very dense core, so the critical angle is low.
Total internal reflection allows the light to travel through fiber as shown.
This is the basis of how light travels in an endoscope, through bundles of these
Coherent bundles retain the transmitted light patterns, and are used to return the
image to the eyepiece/monitor.
When a light was shone through the fibres, the light shone through the other end,
even around corners and bends.
Shining multiple colours through the bundle, we observed the colours to be mixed
at the other end.
Explain how an endoscope is used in:
– observing internal organs
Different types of endoscopes are used for observing different parts of the body.
The endoscope is inserted into the patient via a natural opening or surgical incision.
The examiner then controls the endoscope, maneuvering it to the desired position
to view the required organ or foreign body.
Laparascopes are utilised for key hole surgeries, procedures which greatly reduce
recovery times and burdens on the healthcare system.
Outline properties of radioactive isotopes and their half lives that are used to obtain
scans of organs AND Identify that during decay of specific radioactive nuclei
positrons are given off
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.
Radioisotopes are radioactive.
Alpha Decay
Alpha particles are helium nuclei, two protons and two neutrons, and thus are
positively charged.
Alpha decay causes the element to transmute into an element with a lower atomic
number. It usually occurs for unstable nuclei (atomic number greater than 83)
Alpha particles are highly ionizing, but have a short range and are easily stopped.
Beta minus decay involves the emission of fast moving electrons. Neutrons are
converted into protons and electrons; the electrons are ejected.
This normally occurs when an element has too many neutrons (the ideal ratio is
approximately 1:1)
Beta Plus Decay
Beta plus decay involves the emission of fast moving positrons. Protons are
converted into neutrons, ejecting a positron.
Beta particles (plus and minus) are not as ionizing as alpha particles, but are harder
to stop and have a longer range.
Gamma Radiation/Decay
Gamma decay involves the emission of pure energy from the nucleus, in the form
of gamma ray photons. The nucleus structure is unchanged.
Gamma decay usually occurs as a result of a prior energy transfer to the atom.
Medical imaging relies on the use of gamma radiation. Thus, gamma emitters are
favoured, followed by Beta emitters. Alpha emitters are too dangerous for medical
use. The most common medical radioisotope is Technetium 99-m.
Half Life
Half life is the time taken for an element to decay to half of it’s original mass, or for
the intensity of it’s radioactivity to halve.
Elements with short half lives are preferred to minimise exposure to the body.
Describe how radioactive isotopes may be metabolised by the body to bind or
accumulate in the target organ
These substances are usually injected into the body through a vein. They then
accumulate in the desired organ (according to the pharmaceutical). The amount of
accumulation depends on the metabolic activity of the organ.
Examining the images above, we can see that an X ray yields greater structural
detail. However, it fails to detect the fracture, which is visible on the nuclear image
due to metabolic activity in the bone.
In this image, we can see the normal areas of metabolic activity. A dark spot on the
right hip is indicative of cancerous tissue.
Describe how the positron emission tomography (PET) technique is used for
The most positron emitter used in PET is Fluorine 18, and it is usually attached to
glucose to form FDG molecules.
The FDG molecules are injected and accumulate in the target organ, and the
patient is positioned in a gantry surrounded by gamma cameras.
As the radiopharmaceuticals decay, gamma ray pairs are formed due to the
annihilation of positrons and electrons. These are detected, and the time difference
calculated to determine their source. This is combined with intensity data to form
the image.
4. The magnetic field produced by nuclear particles can be used as a
diagnostic tool
Identify that the nuclei of certain atoms and molecules behave as small magnets
AND Identify that protons and neutrons in the nucleus have properties of spin and
describe how net spin is obtained
Explain that the behaviour of nuclei with a net spin, particularly hydrogen, is related
to the magnetic field they produce
As the nucleus spins, an electric charge is moving, and a tiny magnetic field is
formed. The atom behaves as a small magnet.
Hydrogen nuclei have net spin, and as such, behave as extremely small bar
Describe the changes that occur in the orientation of the magnetic axis of nuclei
before and after the application of a strong magnetic field
Normally, the magnetic vectors of nuclei in the body are randomly aligned. They
cancel each other out and produce a net magnetic field of zero.
However, if an external magnetic field is applied, the nuclei align their magnetic
fields. This produces a net magnetic flux.
The nuclei, unlike regular magnets, can align themselves in one of two ways. The
net magnetic field can be in the same direction as the applied field, or the opposite.
This is called parallel and anti parallel alignment.
When the stimulus is removed, the nuclei relax and emit radio waves of the
Larmor frequency.
Explain that the amplitude of the signal given out when precessing nuclei relax is
related to the number of nuclei present
Three coils (X, Y and Z) generate gradient fields which interact with the main
solenoid, so that every position in the body is subjected to a slightly different
magnetic field. This means every position in the body will emit a slightly different
radio frequency.
Each slice consists of 256 x 256 voxels, with each voxel representing a specific
phase and frequency value.
Explain that differences would occur in the relaxation time between tissue
containing hydrogen bound water molecules and those containing other molecules
As nuclei are subjected to external stimuli and resonate, their net magnetization
vector (M) shifts from parallel to the field, to perpendicular, as parallel alignments
are converted to anti parallel alignments.
T1 Relaxation
This is called spin lattice relaxation, as nuclei dissipate their energy to the lattice.
Large molecules and bound water molecules have a shorter T1 relaxation time than
freely bound water molecules.
T2 Relaxation
T2 relaxation is related to the coherency and phase of the precession of the nuclei.
As the M vector returns to it’s original position, the coherency is lost and the
induced MR signals begin to decay. T2 relaxation time is the time taken for the
nuclei to decay to 37 percent of their initial precession coherence.
This is called spin spin relaxation, as nuclei transfer their energy to other
precessing nuclei.
Echo Delay Time (TE): Time delay between the sending of radio waves and
measurement of emitted signals
T2 weighted images enhance tissues with a long T2, by lengthening the echo
delay time so only tissues with long T2 remain in phase.
Gather and process secondary information to identify the function of the
electromagnet, radio frequency oscillator, radio receiver and computer in the MRI
• Electromagnets in MRI’s use superconductive materials, limiting heat loss and
improving efficiency
• A primary solenoid produces a strong magnetic field between 1 and 2 teslas.
• Less powerful coils produce gradient fields
Radio Receiver
• A set of coils which use the emitted radio signals to create electrical currents,
digitised for analysis by a computer
• Controls the function of all other aspects of the MRI scanner
• Analyses the gathered data to produce the desired image with the desired
Identify data sources, gather, process and present information using available
evidence to explain why MRI scans can be used to:
– detect cancerous tissues
Cancerous tissues contain hydrogen atoms with different relaxation times than the
surrounding tissue. Thus, they can be visualised on an MRI. They may also have a
larger hydrogen content and can be enhanced with contrast mediums.
Time of flight MRA involves pre saturating tissue and blood with radio waves, and
then reconstructing blood vessels.
Phase contrast MRA detects phase shifts due to the movement of blood through
high activity areas.
Grey and white matter in the brain, while structurally identical, have different
hydrogen concentrations. Thus, they can be differentiated on an MRI.
Perform an investigation to observe images from magnetic resonance image (MRI)
scans, including a comparison of healthy and damaged tissue
In the images below, the right image shows a loss of differentiation between white
and grey matter. This could indicate a stroke.
Gather, analyse information and use available evidence to assess the impact of
medical applications of physics on society
• Shorter recovery times allow patients • Expensive treatments (EG: MRI)
to return to work sooner (EG- accentuate class divisions, some
keyhole surgeries) health services are restricted to the
• New avenues of research create wealthy
employment opportunities (EG- PET • Facilities are expensive (EG: MRI’s
and nuclear development facilities) cost millions of dollars to install
• Cost of treatment is minimised and maintain) and drain medical
• More effective diagnosis reduces budgets. Also expensive to maintain
strain on healthcare system
Identify data sources, gather and process information to compare the advantages
and disadvantages of X-rays, CAT scans, PET scans and MRI scans
X Rays:
• Cheap, fast, accessible and painless, but exposes to ionising radiation
• High resolution, but only useful for high density objects such as bones
• Detailed and versatile, but highly ionizing and more expensive than X rays
• However, still cheaper than MRI and can construct 3D images
• Non invasive, painless, and allows view of bodily function not just structure
• However, highly ionising and very expensive
• Extremely detailed, versatile, and highly advanced with no ionising radiation
• However, extremely expensive and can induce claustrophobia