Deliverable D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

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Coordinated Control and Spectrum Management

for 5G Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks

Grant Agreement No. : 671639
Call: H2020-ICT-2014-2

Deliverable D7.2
Final Standardisation Report

Version: 1.0
Due date: 31.3.2018
Delivered date: 18.4.2018

The project is co-funded by

D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

Mariana Goldhamer (4GC, Editor-in-Chief); Antonio Cipriano, Dorin Panaitopol (TCS); Adrian Kliks
(PUT); Tao Chen, Aarne Mämmelä (VTT); Fang-Chun Kuo, Kostas Pentikousis (TP); Navid Nikaein
(EUR); Roberto Riggio (FBK-CNET); George Agapiou (OTE); Heikki Kokkinen (FS)

Dr. Tao Chen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Tietotie 3
02150, Espoo

The information in this document is provided ‘as is’, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the
information is fit for any particular purpose. The above referenced consortium members shall have no
liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or
consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials subject to any liability which is
mandatory due to applicable law.

This report is funded under the EC H2020 5G-PPP project COHERENT, Grant Agreement No.

© 2015-2017 COHERENT Consortium


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

Version history
Version Date Remarks
0.1 15.2.2018 ToC issued
0.2 14.3.2018 Content issued
0.3 26.3.2018 Addressed comments in first review
0.4 13.4.2018 Addressed comments in 2nd review
1.0 17.4.2018 Final version


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

Executive summary
This Standardization Report presents the COHERENT activities in 3GPP RAN, RAN1, RAN2 and
RAN3, ETSI BRAN and ECC PT1 aiming to introduce within standards and spectrum regulations
the architecture and the protocols developed in COHERENT. The Report contains a description of the
relevant Work/Study Items and includes the list of contributions submitted by the COHERENT

COHERENT had a remarkable standardization activity, providing more than 80 contributions to

3GPP, ETSI and ECC PT1. The interaction with the 5G standardization activity has allowed to
address in WP2, WP3 and WP4 a number of topics related to the active 5G Work Items.

It deserves a special attention on the standardization activity in ETSI, where COHERENT’s partner
4GC together with supporting partners THALES, FS and FBK has initiated a Work Item finalized
with the publication of ETSI TR 103 494 on Central Coordination in 5GHz.

This report includes the description of the target SDOs, their relevant committees and Work Items,
followed by the list of attended meetings and contributions. Finally is presented some of the project


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

Table of contents
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................ 4
List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 7
List of figures ......................................................................................................................................... 9
List of tables ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Bodies and groups of interest ........................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Wireless communications bodies ........................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 3GPP ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 ETSI ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Regulatory activities .............................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Electronic Communication Committee (ECC) ............................................................... 13
2.3 IETF and IRTF ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Description...................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Responsibilities in COHERENT .................................................................................... 13
2.4 IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee ....................................... 13
2.4.1 Description...................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Responsibilities in COHERENT .................................................................................... 14
3. High level overview of the topics of interest ................................................................................ 14
3.1 Strategy in 3GPP .................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Relevant Release 14 Study/Work Items ......................................................................... 14
3.1.2 Relevant Release 15 Study/Work Items ......................................................................... 16
3.2 Strategy in ETSI..................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Strategy in ECC PT1 .............................................................................................................. 19
4. Attended meetings ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Attended 3GPP meetings ....................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Attended ECC-PT1 meetings ................................................................................................. 20
4.3 Attended ETSI-BRAN meetings ............................................................................................ 20
5. Contributions submitted to 3GPP .................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Initiated in COHERENT ........................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Collaboration with members of other 5G-PPP projects ......................................................... 24
6. Contribution submitted to ECC PT1 ............................................................................................. 24
7. Contributions submitted to ETSI BRAN ...................................................................................... 24
8. Contributors................................................................................................................................... 26
9. COHERENT Research Reflected in Standards ............................................................................. 27
9.1 Methods of work .................................................................................................................... 27
10. Impact ........................................................................................................................................ 27
10.1 ECC PT1 ............................................................................................................................ 27


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

10.2 ETSI ................................................................................................................................... 27

10.3 3GPP................................................................................................................................... 28
11. CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 29
References ............................................................................................................................................ 30


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

List of abbreviations
3GPP 3d Generation Partnership Project
C3 Central Control and Coordination
MP Coordinated Multi Point
CP Control Plane
CT Core Network and Terminals
D2D Device to Device
DRB Data Radio Bearer
DySPAN-SC Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee
ECC Electronic Communications Committee
ECO European Communications Office
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
eNodeB LTE base station
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
E-UTRA Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
E-UTRAN Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
F1 Fronthaul 1
F1-U Fronthaul 1-User plane
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
FFS For Further Study
gNB new generation Node B
HMN Heterogeneous Mobile Networks
IAESI Israeli Association of Electronics and Software Industries
ICT Information and Communications Technologies
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications
IP Internet Protocol
ISG Industry Specification Group
ITU International Telecommunication Union
LTE Long Term Evolution
MFCN Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks
mMTC massive Machine Type Communications
NFV Network Functions Virtualization
NFVRG Research Group on Network Functions Virtualization
O&M Operations and Management
OAM Operations and Management, abbreviation used in 3GPP


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

NG New Generation
NGN Next Generation Networks
PHY PHYsical layer
PT Project Team
QoS Quality of Service
RAN Radio Access Network
RAT Radio Access Technology
RLAN Radio Local Area Network
RP RAN Plenary
RPa RAN Plenary Ad-Hoc
RRM Radio Resource Management
RWS RAN WorkShop
SA System and Service Aspects
SDN Software Defined Networking
SDNRG Software Defined Networking Research Group
SDO Standards Developing Organization
SI Study Item
SID Study Identification
SON Self Organizing Network
TDD Time Division Duplex
TB Technical Body
ToR Terms of Reference
TP Transmission Point
TR Technical Report
TS Technical Specification
TSG Technical Specification Group
UE User Equipment
URLLC Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications
UP User Plane
UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
WAPECS Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communication Services
WAS Wireless Access Systems
WG Working Group
WI Work Item


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

List of figures
Figure 1 Organisational partners of 3GPP............................................................................................ 10

List of tables
Table 4-1 Attended 3GPP meetings .................................................................................................... 19
Table 4-2 Attended ECC-PT1 meetings ............................................................................................... 20
Table 4-3 Attended ETSI-BRAN meetings ........................................................................................ 20
Table 5-1 Contributions to 3GPP RAN submitted in the report period ............................................... 20
Table 5-2 Contributions to 3GPP SA1 submitted in the report period ................................................. 21
Table 5-3 Contributions to 3GPP RAN1 submitted in the report period.............................................. 21
Table 5-4 Contributions to 3GPP RAN2 submitted in the report period............................................. 22
Table 5-5 Contributions to 3GPP RAN3 submitted in the report period.............................................. 22
Table 5-6 Collaboration with 5G-PPP members ................................................................................. 24
Table 6-1 Contributions submitted to ECC PT1 ................................................................................. 24
Table 7-1 Contributions submitted to ETSI BRAN ............................................................................ 24
Table 8-1 Summary of partners’ contributions to standards ............................................................... 26


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

1. Introduction
COHERENT has targeted contributions to standardization mainly in 3GPP, ECC PT1 and ETSI

In this document we provide an overview of the relevant standardization bodies, the relevant study
items at this time and the already submitted contributions. In addition the partners’ planned
involvement in standardization is presented.

2. Bodies and groups of interest

We have identified below several standardization organizations which could benefit from the results
of the COHERENT outcomes.
2.1 Wireless communications bodies

2.1.1 3GPP Description (see [1])

3GPP produces Technical Specifications, to be transposed by relevant Standardization Bodies
(Organizational Partners) into appropriate deliverables (e.g., standards). The six 3GPP Organizational
Partners - from Asia, Europe and North America - determine the general policy and strategy of 3GPP.
The organisational partners are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 Organisational partners of 3GPP

Historically, 3GPP is the result of the cooperation agreements between ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standardisation Institute) and the other partners. ETSI provides the support for
3GPP operation at the level of Secretariat and Testing specialists.
Any enterprise or academic body shall be a member of one of the above organisations for being
allowed to participate in 3GPP work. The main difference between the ETSI rules and 3GPP rules is
the weight of voting; in 3GPP every participant has a one vote, while in ETSI the voting rights depend
on the enterprise income.

At the end of March 2018, the three Technical Specification Groups (TSG) in 3GPP are Radio Access
Networks (RAN), Service & Systems Aspects (SA) and Core Network & Terminals (CT). Each of the
three TSGs has a set of Working Groups, which meet at least four times a year. The Working Groups
of interest to COHERENT are in RAN and SA areas and are shown below.

RAN Plenary
RAN Plenary has in its work scope the approval of the work programme, including the Work/Study
Items (WI/SI) and the outcome of the work program executed in the subordinated Working Groups.
However, the important Technical Reports (TR) addressing the 5G scenarios and requirements were


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

also developed in the RAN Plenary group. This work had involved an intensive activity in RAN e-
mail list.

Working Groups

RAN1 is in charge of standards development pertinent to the physical layer of the Uu radio interface
for UE, UTRAN, Evolved UTRAN, and beyond, covering both FDD and TDD modes, as well as the
physical layer of the Un Interface for Relay Nodes. The work in RAN WG1 includes especially:
• Specification of physical channel structures
• Specification of the mapping of the transport channels onto physical channels
• Specification of the physical layer multiplexing, and channel coding and error detection
• Specification of the spreading and modulation
• Specification of the physical layer procedures
• Specification of definition of measurements and their provision by the physical layer to the
upper layers RAN WG1 also carries out work related to handling of the physical layer related
UE capabilities and to physical layer related parameters used in UE tests developed in TSG

RAN2 is in charge of standards development pertinent to:
• Specification of the radio interface architecture and protocol termination
• Specification of radio interface protocols between UE and RAN,
• For EUTRAN (LTE), specification of the radio interface parameters to be exchanged between
eNodeBs in case of inter eNodeB handover
• Stage 2 Specifications of the services offered by the physical layer to upper layers
• Specification of Cell selection and re-selection procedures
• Specification of UE capabilities for UE - RAN interface (in collaboration with RAN WG1 for
Layer 1 capabilities)
• Definition of Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategies to be supported by RAN
• For EUTRAN, specification of radio interface protocols between UE and positioning server
• Specification of radio measurements reported to the O&M domain and the radio interface
protocols used to collect them.

RAN3 is in charge of the following interfaces relevant to COHERENT:
• Overall UTRAN and E-UTRAN architecture
• Synchronisation in UTRAN and E-UTRAN
• UTRAN and E-UTRAN OAM requirements
• Transport of implementation specific O&M between the Management System and Node B
• S1 and X2 interface protocol specifications including O&M aspects
• LTE Positioning Protocol A

RAN WG4 works on the Radio Frequency aspects of UTRAN/E-UTRAN. RAN WG4 performs
simulations of diverse radio frequency system scenarios and derives the minimum requirements for
transmission and reception parameters, and for channel demodulation.

RAN4 is responsible for:

• Radio specification for the Base Station and evolved Base Station, Repeater and Evolved
Repeater, Terminal and evolved Terminal.
• Radio Link requirement specification
• Cell selection/reselection performance requirement specifications
• Performance requirements in support of Radio Resource Management


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

• Specification of the accuracy of measurements offered by the physical layer to the upper
layers Radio system scenario analysis and simulation

SA (System and Service Aspects)

The TSG Service and System Aspects (TSG-SA) is responsible for the overall architecture and
service capabilities of systems based on 3GPP specifications and, as such, have a responsibility for
cross TSG coordination.

The following WGs are relevant to COHERENT:

SA WG1 (Services)
SA1, essentially the Operator-driven WG, is responsible for:
• Specification of features and use cases (stage1).
• Specification of services (stage 1).
• Specification of service capabilities (stage 1).
• Identification of requirements to support service operation.
• Identification of requirements for service interworking.
• Identification of requirements for service interoperability between networks.
• Charging and accounting requirements

SA WG2 (Architecture)
SA2 is in charge of developing the Stage 2 of the 3GPP network. Based on the services requirements
elaborated by SA WG1, SA WG2 identifies the main functions and entities of the network, how these
entities are linked to each other and the information they exchange. The output of SA WG2 is used as
input by the groups in charge of the definition of the precise format of messages in Stage 3 (Stage 2
for the Radio Access Network is under TSG RAN’s responsibility). The group has a system-wide
view, and decides on how new functions integrate with the existing network entities. Responsibilities in COHERENT

4GC coordinated the COHERENT standardisation work by proposing contributions in different
meetings of the above-mentioned WGs. Furthermore 4GC submitted and supported these
contributions in the 3GPP meetings.

2.1.2 ETSI Description (see [2])

ETSI produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies
(ICT), including fixed, mobile, radio, broadcast and Internet technologies. Our standards enable the
technologies on which business and society rely.

ETSI is officially recognized by the European Union as a European Standards Organization. ETSI BRAN

After the plenary meeting in June 2016, the ToR of BRAN includes the following activities:
• lower layer protocols;
• architectures, transmission and inter-working aspects;
• aspects of transport network interfaces related to architectures and protocols
which are suitable for COHERENT architecture and network graphs for coordination of
heterogeneous networks. Responsibilities in COHERENT

4GC (Mariana Goldhamer) was responsible with the drafting of contributions and support through
ETSI process of the intended standardization.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

2.2 Regulatory activities

WP4 focuses on the spectrum aspects in the context of future wireless systems, and as such it can
provide contributions for regulatory area. Experiments envisaged in WP4 should be in the range of
key international players in spectrum area. In particular, a specific task T4.3 “Micro-area spectrum
sharing and protocol development in HMNs”, includes an area of activities which may have a
significant impact on the regulatory European activity: spectrum can be used with a flexible
duplexing approach, implying the usage of FDD up-link channel for downlink transmissions, either as
additional downlink or as secondary TDD cells. The target European regulatory body is ECC PT1.

2.2.1 Electronic Communication Committee (ECC) Description (see [3])

The ECC considers and develops policies on electronic communications activities in European
context, taking account of European and international legislations and regulations. ECC Project Team
1 (ECC PT1, IMT Matters) is responsible for implementing the WAPECS concept (the new European
flexible approach based on technology and service neutral regulation) for mobile and fixed
communications networks (MFCN) [1]. Responsibilities in COHERENT

4GC has led COHERENT contributions related to flexible duplex to be submitted to ECC PT1.

2.3 IETF and IRTF

2.3.1 Description

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) focuses on issues of engineering and standards
making and is the reference body for the standardization of protocols for the Internet while the
parallel organization, the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), focuses on research issues related
to the Internet.

IRTF set up two dedicated research groups to coordinate pre-standardization of research lead
initiatives in the SDN and NFV areas, namely Software-Defined Networking Research Group
(SDNRG) and Network Function Virtualisation Research Group (NFVRG). The former group
investigates SDN from various perspectives with the goal of identifying the approaches that can be
defined, deployed and used in the near term as well identifying future research challenges. NFVRG
brings together researchers and grows the community around the world in both academia and industry
to explore research directions on NFV-related topics.

2.3.2 Responsibilities in COHERENT

EICT assumed initially the leading role in advancing research outcomes towards the expert groups in
IETF and IRTF, aiming to adopt Internet Drafts by the respective groups. However EICT has reduced
its activities in WP7, including in standardization, and in addition by June 2016 we did not find any
wireless-specific activity in IETF SDNRG group. As result, we did not participate in IETF.

2.4 IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee

2.4.1 Description

Following the official web site (see [7]) of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards
Committee, the members of this committee work on new standards “in the areas of dynamic spectrum
access, cognitive radio, interference management, coordination of wireless systems, advanced
spectrum management, and policy languages for next generation radio systems”


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

The committee is working on the development of the whole family of standards devoted to cognitive
systems and dynamic spectrum access. In that context, COHERENT results on the new system
architecture including advanced radio access approaches, as well as developments on sophisticated
spectrum sharing scenarios fall into the range of interest of IEEE DySPAN.

2.4.2 Responsibilities in COHERENT

PUT, as an active member of the IEEE DySPAN-SC, has led the COHERENT involvement in
DySPAN-SC working groups, especially focusing on the spectrum usage aspects and our vision of
network architectures.

3. High level overview of the topics of interest

3GPP, ETSI and ECC PT1 were the main target of COHERENT standardization activity.

3.1 Strategy in 3GPP

Our strategy, which was already applied in our contributions, targets to maximise the project impact
on 3GPP, with a focus on RAN standardisation. We followed the steps below:

1. Identified the relevant open Work/Study Items

2. Announced the topics suitable for the next meeting
3. Distributed the next meeting agenda when available
4. Coordinated (4GC) with the partners the possibility of contributions
5. Initiated contributions, in general by 4GC, and encouraged the large participation of partners
6. Brought the contributions to the final forms, by incorporating the comments or text provided
by partners
7. Participated in meetings for supporting the contributions
8. All partners attending a standardization meeting provided meeting reports, including the
submitted contributions and targets for the next meeting.

3.1.1 Relevant Release 14 Study/Work Items

Due to problems related to the resource allocation in 3GPP meetings, the approval of some WI/SI
targeting Release 14 was delayed. The WI/SIs approved by the SA Plenary in March 2015 and RAN
Plenary of Dec. 2015 for Release 14 and relevant to COHERENT are reproduced below. A similar
identification has been made after the March 2016 RAN Plenary meeting and in 2017 for Release 15. Study on Scenarios and Requirements for NG Access Technologies [5]

“The study item aims to develop deployment scenarios and requirements of next generation access
technologies, and to provide guidance to the technical work to be performed in RAN WGs. In order to
achieve this, the study item should fulfil the following objectives:
• Identify the typical deployment scenarios associated with attributes such as carrier frequency,
inter-site distance, user density, maximum mobility speed, etc.
• Develop specific requirements for next generation access technologies for the identified
deployment scenarios.
To complete the above work, the inputs from other organizations could be referred to.”

We contributed to this study in RAN meetings and through email activity. Study on New Services and Markets Technology Enablers [6]

This SA1 SI is known as ”SMARTER”.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

“The objective of this study is to develop high-level use cases and identify the related high-level
potential requirements to enable 3GPP network operators to support the needs of new services and
Analysis will also be made on which legacy services and requirements from the existing 3GPP
systems need to be included, if fall-back mechanisms to them need to be developed, or if they are not
necessary. “

We provided contributions to this study in a SA1 meeting. Study on New Radio Access Technology [4]

The following objectives were relevant for COHERENT:

<Start quote>
(1) Target a single technical framework addressing all usage scenarios, requirements and
deployment scenarios defined in TR38.913 including
o Enhanced mobile broadband
o Massive machine-type-communications
o Ultra reliable and low latency communications

(2) The new RAT shall be inherently forward compatible


(3) Initial work of the study item should allocate high priority on gaining a common
understanding on what is required in terms of radio protocol structure and architecture to
fulfil objective 1 and 2, with focus on progressing in the following areas
o Radio interface protocol architecture and procedures
o Radio Access Network architecture, interface protocols and procedures,
Study on the above 2 bullets shall at least cover:
 Study the feasibility of different options of splitting the architecture into a
“central unit” and a “distributed unit”, with potential interface in between,
including transport, configuration and other required functional interactions
between these nodes [RAN2, RAN3];
• Study the alternative solutions with regard to signaling,
orchestration, …, and OAM, where applicable [in co-operation with
 Study and outline the RAN-CN interface and functional split [in co-operation
with SA2] [RAN2, RAN3];
 Study and identify the basic structure and operation of realization of RAN
Networks functions (NFs). Study to what extent it is feasible to standardize
RAN NFs, the interfaces of RAN NFs and their interdependency [RAN3];
 Study and identify specification impacts of enabling the realization of
Network Slicing [in co-operation with SA2] [RAN2, RAN3];
 Study and identify additional architecture requirements e.g. support for QoS
concept, SON, support of sidelink for D2D [RAN1, RAN2, RAN3].


(4) Study and identify the technical features necessary to enable the new radio access to meet
objective 1 and 2, also including:


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

o Tight interworking between the new RAT and LTE

o Interworking with non-3GPP systems
o Operation in licensed bands (paired and unpaired), and licensed assisted operations in
unlicensed bands
 [Standalone operation in unlicensed bands is FFS]
o Efficient multiplexing of traffic for different services and use cases on the same
contiguous block of spectrum
o Stand-alone operation in licensed bands
- Study and identify technical solutions that enable support for wireless relay.

<End Quote>

We contributed to the study of the objectives (3) and (4) above with numerous contributions mainly in

3.1.2 Relevant Release 15 Study/Work Items Study on New Radio Access Technology [7]

The following objectives are relevant for COHERENT:

<Start quote>
Radio Access Network architecture, interface protocols and procedures for functional split
between central and distributed units, covering:
- Normative stage-2/3 specification of one higher layer split (appropriate selection from
option 2 and option 3-1 shall be determined in April 2017 meeting of RAN3).
- Support for network slicing [RAN2, RAN3];.
<End quote>
We contributed to the study of the objectives above with numerous contributions mainly in 3GPP
RAN3. Study on Separation of CP and UP for split option 2 [8]

The following objectives were relevant for COHERENT:

<Start quote>
1. From TR 38.801, study the scenarios, the feasibility and the benefits of the separation of the
CU-CP (control plane instance of PDCP /RRC protocols) and the CU-UP (the user plane
instance of PDCP (and SDAP) protocols).
2. Identifying details solutions e.g. introducing a standardised control plane interface between
the CU-CP and CU-UP part of the gNB to enable the possibility of optimizing the physical
location of different RAN functions based on the scenario and desired performance.
3. Study the necessary protocol functions down to the procedure and message level related to the
possible identified solutions e.g. a standardised control plane interface to enable set-up,
modification, and release of the DRB related resources in the CU-UP, including handling of
security keys in the CU-UP for RAN security activation and configuration. This also needs to
take the agreed F1 interface general principle, and gNB-CU/DU architecture principle into
<End quote>
Three partners from COHERENT (IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum) officially supported the Work Item.
We contributed to this study and will continue the contributions in the rest of 2018.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

3.2 Strategy in ETSI

In the Workshop “From Research to Standards” organized by ETSI in May 2016, were presented a
number of alternatives for involving H2020 projects in ETSI standardization.
We have analyzed two possibilities:
- Opening a WI for a Technical Report in BRAN, targeting use cases and the COHERENT
- Founding a new ISG, possibly named RAN-SDN, which require bigger efforts but can
increase dramatically the visibility of our approach.
After analysing the pros and contras of the two variants, we have decided as the best way forward the
ETSI BRAN variant.
The following Liaison Letter was sent to ETSI BRAN plenary meeting on June 24th, posted as

Letter to ETSI BRAN, posted as BRAN(16)0096 and reproduced below:

Mr. Edgard Vangeel, ETSI TC BRAN Chairman

E-mail :

Cc: Mr. Martin Arndt, BRAN Technical Officer

E-mail :

Mr. David Boldy, BRAN Vice-Chairman

E-mail :

Mrs. Mariana Goldhamer – Leader of COHERENT WP7 on Dissemination and


Date issued: 02 June 2016

Source: H2020 project COHERENT

Subject: New BRAN ToR and standardisation by H2020 COHERENT

Dear Edgard,

Part of the Workshop “From Research to Standards” organized by ETSI in May 2016, were presented
a number of alternatives for involving H2020 projects in ETSI standardization.

H2020 project COHERENT develops a new control approach for radio access networks.

See for more details:

We have found that ETSI BRAN may be suitable for our standardization targets, as BRAN ToR
indicates support for architectures and inter-working aspects in wireless access networks.

We target bringing together the industry specialists in this competence area. We need a suitable
framework allowing us to establish our meetings at dates and locations not constrained by the BRAN
work in the different competence regulatory area. We count on having ETSI support for giving high
visibility to our work, at a level similar with an ISG.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

We respectfully request to reflect our intentions in the new ToR and preserve BRAN as a suitable
standardisation venue for EC – funded projects.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Tao Chen, COHERENT Project Coordinator

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

In November 2016 we have successfully submitted and approved a WI in ETSI BRAN with the
following content:

New Work Item Form Form to be used when proposing new

Work Items for adoption onto the
ETSI Work Programme.
Work Item details
Which Technical Body is responsible?
Sub Group: BRAN
BRAN Project:
WI reference number (if known): PWI reference:
DTR/BRAN-000060021 PWI_BRAN_1602_v5
(number will be allocated by Secretariat if not shown)
Formal title Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN);
of deliverable: Study of central coordination of RLANs operating in the 5 GHz frequency

Working title: Scope of work to be undertaken: To review the architectures and the
Coordination in 5 protocols supporting the central coordination of RLANs operating in the 5
GHz GHz band, including the information to be provided by the wireless entities
and the coordination of the operation of these entities. The deliverable will
not address any regulatory issues and not address mandatory
requirements such as those related to article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU.
Rapporteur (named individual person): Supporting ETSI Member organisations:
name: Mariana Goldhamer (name at least four)
organisation: 4GCelleX 1 THALES2 AT&T GNS
e-mail: Belgium SPRL
3 ASSOCIAZIONE 4 Fairspectrum
5 4GCelleX
Deliverable document details:
What type of document will be produced? Is it a new document or a revision of an existing one?
EN[ ] EG[ ] ES[ ] TS[ ] TR[ X ] SR[ ] GS [ ] New
For EN deliverables only:
− Is the draft EN to be approved by EN Approval Procedure or Two- If a revision, state the deliverable (e.g.
step Approval Procedure (*)? TS 102 987 v1.1.1) being revised:
− Candidate harmonized standard? edition / version
− Directive:
* TAP may be used for ENs produced jointly with a co-operating partner
(e.g. CEN or CENELEC)
Hierarchy: if this Work Item fits in a hierarchical tree (see TWP clause 1.6.1), its position shall then be indicated here by giving
the reference of its parent node (WI reference / deliverable number / topic name).
Work schedule:

Milestone name Target date

• TB adoption of WI 2016/11/25
• Early Draft 2017/06/30


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

• Stable Draft 2017/09/30

• Draft for approval 2017/11/30
• WG approval (delete if no WG)
• TB approval 2017/12/16
To be published as version: V 1.1.1

Remarks: The main objective is to capture the outcome of the H2020 project COHERENT relative
to scope of the WI.

3.3 Strategy in ECC PT1

After a first presentation to the ECC decision persons (Per Christensen – ECO Director, Peter Faris –
ECO responsible for ECC PT1, Stella Lyubchenko – ECO responsible for academic research), we
have submitted a contribution (see section 5) to ECC PT1 in September 2016.

4. Attended meetings
4.1 Attended 3GPP meetings

The table below indicates the meeting attended in the report period.

Table 4-1 Attended 3GPP meetings

4GC participates as IAESI

Date Meeting Location Participati Report

ng partner submitted
15-18/9/2015 RAN/SA/5G Workshop Phoenix, USA 4GC Y
19-21/10/2015 SA1 on SMARTER Vancouver, Canada 4GC Y
7-8/12/2015 RAN #70 Sitges, Spain 4GC Y
28-29/1/2016 RAN – Next Generation Barcelona, Spain 4GC Y
7-10/03/2016 RAN #71 Gothenburg, Sweden 4GC Y
11-14/4/2016 RAN2#93bis Dubrovnik, Croatia 4GC Y
23-27/4/2016 RAN3#92 Nanjing, China 4GC Y
22-26/8/2016 RAN1#86 Gothenburg, Sweden 4GC Y
22-26/8/2016 RAN3#93 Gothenburg, Sweden 4GC Y
10-14/10/2016 RAN3#93bis Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
14-18/11/2016 RAN3#94 Reno, USA 4GC Y
13-17/02/2017 RAN3#94 Athens, Greece 4GC Y
17-19/01/2017 RAN3#NR Spokane, USA 4GC Y
03-07/04/2017 RAN3#95bis Spokane, USA 4GC Y
15-19/05/2017 RAN3#96 Hangzhou (CN) 4GC Y
25-29/8/2017 RAN3#97 Berlin (Germany) 4GC Y
09-13/10/2017 RAN1#90bis Prague (Czech Republic) 4GC Y
09-13/10/2017 RAN3#97bis Prague (Czech Republic) 4GC Y
27-30/10/2017 RAN3#98 Reno, USA 4GC Y
26-30/02/2018 RAN1#92 Athens, Greece 4GC


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

4.2 Attended ECC-PT1 meetings

Table 4-2 Attended ECC-PT1 meetings

Participating Report
Date Meeting Location
partner submitted
12-16/9/2016 ECC PT1 # 53 Budapest, Hungary 4GC Y

4.3 Attended ETSI-BRAN meetings

4GC participates as 4GCelleX in ETSI BRAN.

Table 4-3 Attended ETSI-BRAN meetings

Participatin Report
Date Meeting Location
g partner submitted
20-24/06/2016 BRAN#88 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
21-25/11/2016 BRAN#90 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
6-9/3/2017 BRAN#92 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
10-13/4/2017 BRAN#93 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
3-6/7/2017 BRAN#94 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
7-10/9/2017 BRAN#95 Sophia Antipolis, France 4GC Y
4-7/12/2017 BRAN#96 Diegem, Belgium 4GC Y

5. Contributions submitted to 3GPP

5.1 Initiated in COHERENT

In this section the contributions submitted from September 2015 to February 2018 are listed. 4GC
attended the meetings, being registered as a delegate of IAESI. The contributions to RAN Plenary are
numbered after the prefix RP, while the contributions to SA1 are numbered after the prefix S1. The
RAN Workshop uses the prefix RWS and the RAN ad-hoc uses the prefix RPa.

Please note that most of the contributions submitted to SA1 were revised several times during the
meeting, but the revised contributions are not included in the table.

Table 5-1 Contributions to 3GPP RAN submitted in the report period

No. ID Title Authors Meeting, Revision,

9. RP-160168 Changes to 5G SI IAESI*, Thales 3GPP RAN#71
related to new D2.2
8. RP-160527 General description of IAESI*, Thales, Fairspectrum 3GPP RAN#71
NG Architecture Revised from
7. RP-160174 Coverage requirement in IAESI*, Thales, Fairspectrum 3GPP RAN#71
TR 38.913 D2.1
6. RP-160175 Deep-indoor IAESI*, Thales 3GPP RAN#71
deployment scenario for D2.1
mMTC and


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

5. RPa160029 A proposal for changes IAESI*, THALES, 3GPPRAN-Next

to ToC Fairspectrum Generation Access
4. RPa160028 Requirements for the IAESI*, THALES, 3GPPRAN-Next
architecture of 5G Fairspectrum Generation Access
cellular networks D2.2
3. RPa160027 A deployment scenario IAESI*, THALES, 3GPPRAN-Next
for utility meters Fairspectrum Generation Access
2. RP-151762 Prioritization of higher- IAESI*, FAIRSPECTRUM 3GPP RAN#70
layer 5G technology
150086 Software Defined FAIRSPECTRUM, EICT, Workshop;
Networks for 5G EURECOM, CREATE-NET, Up-date of RWS-
Description of Action
*4GC signs as ETSI member IAESI

Table 5-2 Contributions to 3GPP SA1 submitted in the report period

No. ID Title Authors Meeting, Revision,

7. S1-153034 Spectrum use case IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
Also contributed VTT,
PUT, OTE; D2.1
6. S1-153033 SDN concepts applied to IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
lower layers of 3GPP SMARTER
system D2.1
5. S1-153032 Update of clauses 5.45 IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
and 5.46 (Industrial SMARTER
Automation) D2.1
4. S1-153031 Update of use case 5.34 IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
“Mobility on demand” SMARTER; revised to
S1-153202; D2.1
3. S1-153030 Update of clause 5.33 IAESI*, Thales, GM Onstar 3GPP SA1 on
“Connected vehicles” SMARTER;
General Motors has co-
signed; revised to S1-
153195; D2.1
2. S1-153029 Update of use case 5.2 IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
“Network slicing” SMARTER; D2.1
1. S1-153028 Up-date of use case 5.1 IAESI*, Thales 3GPP SA1 on
Ultra-reliable SMARTER; revised to
communications S1-153192; D2.1

Table 5-3 Contributions to 3GPP RAN1 submitted in the report period

No. ID Title Authors Meeting, Revision,

3. R1-1802053 Incorrect path loss IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum, 3GPP RAN1#92,
calculation in TS 38.213 VTT D3.1


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

2. R1-1718261 Wrong naming of IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum, 3GPP RAN1#90bis,

coupling loss VTT D3.1
1. R1-167088 Simulation assumptions IAESI*, Thales, Fairspectrum 3GPP RAN1#86,
related to new
measurements and LTE D3.1

Table 5-4 Contributions to 3GPP RAN2 submitted in the report period

No. ID Title Authors Meeting, Revision,

2. R2-162231 High level view of 5G 3GPP RAN2#93-BIS
IAESI*, Thales, Fairspectrum
access architecture D2.2
1. R2-162230 Network graphs 3GPP RAN2#93-BIS
supporting central D3.1
IAESI*, Fairspectrum
coordination as 5G
design target

Table 5-5 Contributions to 3GPP RAN3 submitted in the report period

No. ID Title Authors Meeting, Revision,

43. R3-174347 Load management function IAESI, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#98,
in TS 38.470 Fairspectrum, VTT D3.1, D3.2
42. R3-174348 On measurement function IAESI, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#98,
in TS 38.470 Fairspectrum, VTT D3.1, D3.2
41. R3-174349 On gNB-DU control in TS IAESI, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#98,
38.470 Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
40. R3-173875 Control of PHY layer 3GPP RAN3#97bis,
parameters D2.2, D3.1
39. R3-173624 Architecture details of split IAESI, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#97bis,
gNB-CU Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
38. R3-173623 Procedures for information Procedures for information 3GPP RAN3#97bis,
request and transmission request and transmission D2.2, D3.1, D3.2
36. R3-172817 Introduction to gNB-CU 3GPP RAN3#97,
IAESI*, Thales,
architecture for information D2.2
35. R3-172819 Identifiers for the NR Revised to R3-173364
D2.2, D3.2
34. R3-172826 Central RRM functionality 3GPP RAN3#97,
IAESI*, Thales,
(IAESI, Thales, D2.2
Fairspectrum, VTT
Fairspectrum, VTT)
33. R3-172821 CP functions of split gNB- 3GPP RAN3#97,
CU D2.2
32. R3-171817 Central RRM functions and IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
high level information Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2
31. R3-171474 Corrections to draft TS IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
38.401 Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2
30. R3-171475 Central RRM functions and IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
gNB-DU reporting Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

29. R3-171476 IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,

Cell selection in NR RAN
Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2
28. R3-171477 General aspects and IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
functions for F1 UP and CP Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.1
27. R3-171478 TP for functions and frame IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
formats for F1-U protocol Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2
26. R3-171479 IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#96,
TP for TS 38.800
Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.2
25. R3-170974 Control plane functions for IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#95bis,
High Layer split Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
24. R3-170973 Option 2 split with 3GPP RAN3#95bis,
IAESI*, Thales,
performant and reliable D3.2
Fairspectrum, VTT
CU-DU connection
23. R3-170974 Control plane functions for IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#95bis,
High Layer split Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
22. R3-170501 TP for CU-DU interface IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#95,
principles and functions Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
21. R3-170500 CU-DU interface principles IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#95,
and functions Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
20. R3-170096 TP for DU reports over the IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#NR1,
CU-DU interface Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2, D3.1, D3.2
19. R3-170095 TP for central solutions for 3GPP RAN3#NR1,
IAESI*, Thales,
interactions between NR D2.2, D3.1
Fairspectrum, VTT
18. R3-170094 TP on RRM functions IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#NR1,
pertinent to DU Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
17. R3-170093 Central solutions for
IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#NR1,
interactions between NR
Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
16. R3-170092 RRM functions pertinent to IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#NR1,
DU Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
15. R3-162804 TP on benefits of the IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#94,
hierarchical Central Fairspectrum D2.2
14. R3-162802 TP for hierarchical CP IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#94,
architecture Fairspectrum D2.2
13. R3-162800 Functional benefits of IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#94,
Central Coordination Fairspectrum D2.2
12. R3-162799 Benefits of hierarchical IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#94,
centralized control Fairspectrum D2.2
11. R3-162618 Joint Text Proposal for Deutsche Telekom, AT&T, 3GPP RAN3#93bis,
38.801 on CP/UP Telecom Italia, Ericsson, D2.2
separation Huawei, Samsung, IAESI,
THALES, Fairspectrum,
10. R3-162250 Control functions handled IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#93bis,
by a Central Coordinator Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
9. R3-162249 Solutions for UP-CP IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#93bis,
separation in access Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
8. R3-161973 5G access – a 3GPP RAN3#93,
IAESI*, Thales,
heterogeneous deployment WP2, Revision of
Fairspectrum, VTT
scenario R3-161683; D2.2


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

7. R3-161684 Distributed and centralized 3GPP RAN3#93,

IAESI*, Thales,
gNB-gNB mobility D2.2, D3.1
Fairspectrum, VTT
6. R3-161685 RAN-based solution for 3GPP RAN3#93,
IAESI*, Thales,
LTE tight interworking D2.2
Fairspectrum, VTT
with NR
5. R3-161686 Additional NR RAN IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#93,
specific functions Fairspectrum, VTT D2.2
4. R3-161945 Response to R3-161805 3GPP RAN3#93,
and R3-161574 D2.2
3. R3-161474 5G access architecture with IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#92
UP/CP separation Fairspectrum, VTT Revision of
R3-161120, D2.2
2. R3-161119 New functions of 5G access IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#92, D2.2
architecture with UP/CP Fairspectrum, VTT
1. R3-161118 Some definitions and IAESI*, Thales, 3GPP RAN3#92, D2.2
acronyms for 5G access Fairspectrum

5.2 Collaboration with members of other 5G-PPP projects

The following contributions indicate the collaboration with 5G-PPP member companies.

Table 5-6 Collaboration with 5G-PPP members

No. ID Title Authors Meeting,

1. Scenario and requirements Orange, ABB, IAESI*, 3GPPRAN-Next
RPa160075 for Smart Energy verticals Telecom Italia, Telia Generation Access
for inclusion in TR38.913 Sonera D2.1
2. Scenario and requirements 3GPPRAN-Next
Orange, IAESI*, Telecom
RPa160074 for eHealth verticals for Generation Access
inclusion in TR38.913 D2.1
*4GC signs as IAESI

6. Contribution submitted to ECC PT1

Table 6-1 Contributions submitted to ECC PT1

No. ID Title Authors Meeting,

1. ECC PT1 Info 4 Flexible duplex – 4GCelleX, VTT, PUT, Aalto ECC PT1 # 53
COHERENT approach University D4.1

7. Contributions submitted to ETSI BRAN

Table 7-1 Contributions submitted to ETSI BRAN

Rapporteur was Mariana Goldhamer, 4GcelleX. 4GC signed as 4GCelleX in ETSI BRAN.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

No. ID Title Authors Meeting,

19. BRAN(17)096030r1 Draft 0.0.8 of TR 301 494 4GCelleX BRAN#96,
Addressed Intel
comments in meeting;
Approved for
18. BRAN(17)096030 Rapporteur input - Draft 4GCelleX BRAN#96
0.0.7 of TR 301 494 Addressed BRAN
meeting comments
17. BRAN(17)096030r1 Draft 0.0.6 of TR 301 494 4GCelleX BRAN#96
Included changes
based on ETSI
EditHelp review
16. BRAN(17)096007 Rapporteur input - Draft 4GCelleX BRAN#96
0.0.5 of TR 103 Included changes
based on contributions
in BRAN#95
15. Proposal for Conclusions of Thales, Sony BRAN#96
BRAN(17)000123 TR 103 494 Europe Included a proposal for

14. BRAN(17)000100r2 TR 103 494: Details on C3 4GCelleX,VTT,TH BRAN#95

operation ALES,Fairspectru D2.2, D3.2
m Oy
13. BRAN(17)000099r2 TR 103 494: Proposed new 4GCelleX,VTT,TH BRAN#95
reports ALES,Fairspectru , D3.2
m Oy
12. BRAN(17)000098r1 TR 103 494: Relevant 4GCelleX,Fairspec BRAN#95,
measurements in 3GPP trum D3.2
LTE standards Oy,THALES,VTT
11. BRAN(17)000097r2 TR 103 494: Architecture 4GCelleX,VTT,TH BRAN#95,
for heterogeneous ALES,Fairspectru D3.2
technologies m Oy

10. BRAN(17)000091 Rapporteur input - Draft 4GCelleX, as BRAN#95

0.0.4 of TR 103 494 Rapporteur Includes the approved
contributions from the
previous meeting
9. BRAN(17)000080 Functional mapping of THALES; BRAN#94
BRAN(17)000066 to the Fairspectrum Oy; D2.2, D3.2
existing architecture 4GCelleX
8. BRAN(17)000060 TR 103 494: Measurements 4GCelleX; BRAN#94
and Reports in IEEE 802.11 THALES ; D2.2, D3.2
standard Fairspectrum; VTT
7. BRAN(17)000059 Rapporteur input - Draft Rapporteur *
0.0.3 of TR 103 494 BRAN#93
D2.2, D3.2; includes
the approved
contributions from the
previous meeting
6. TR 103 494 Draft Central control and Rapporteur * BRAN#92
0.0.2 coordination in 5GHz D2.2, D3.2


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

5. BRAN(17)000038 Additional contribution to 4GCelleX; BRAN#92

TR 103 494 EURECOM ; D2.2, D3.2
4. TR 103 494 Draft Central control and Rapporteur * BRAN#91
0.0.1 coordination in 5GHz D2.2, D3.2
3. BRAN(17)000005r2 Basic concepts for control / 4GCelleX ; BRAN#90
coordination and initial THALES ; FBK ; D2.2
architecture Fairspectrum Oy ;
2. BRAN(16)000195r4 Central control and 4GCelleX Thales, BRAN#88
coordination in 5GHz Fairspectrum New Work Item
proposal; WP2-WP3
1. BRAN(16)000096 New BRAN ToR and COHERENT BRAN#88
standardization by H2020 COHERENT Liaison

8. Contributors
The table below presents the actual capability from partner to monitor, contribute and support the
contribution in standardisation. The definition of monitor, contribute and support are the following:

• Monitor: a partner monitoring a standard is able to report to the project progress status of the
standard, open topics which can accept contributions, calendar for contributions and all
information (administrative, context, trend etc.) that could help writing the contribution.
Although not mandatory, it is helpful to attend regularly to the meeting.
• Contribute: a partner contributing to a standard is someone who produces the technical
content that could fit into a standard contribution. This material should be aligned with the
open calls, context, study items, etc. information obtained through monitoring. For 3GPP,
even if more partners have the technical capability to contribute, are listed only those
recognized as 3GPP members by the end of 2015.
• Support: a partner supporting a contribution is a partner presenting the contribution during
the standard meeting on behalf of the Contributors. The support partner should thus regularly
attend meetings and be in good relations with people attending.

Table 8-1 Summary of partners’ contributions to standards


3GPP Monitor Y Y Y
(Note 1) Contribute Y Y Y Y Y
Support Y
ECC Monitor Y Y
PT1 Contribute Y Y Y
Support Y Y
Monitor Y
IEEE Contribute
Dyspan Support Y
ETSI Monitor Y Y
BRAN Contribute Y Y Y Y Y Y
Support Y


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

9. COHERENT Research Reflected in Standards

9.1 Methods of work

Standardization is a process requiring participation and contributions in every meeting. After each
meeting are known the new requirements and the open issues, which require contributions for the
following meeting. This information allows writing contributions which are relevant for the meeting
and for the progress of the WI.
For integrating in the process were taken the following steps:
- Identification of the Work Items relevant to COHERENT
- Participation in meeting
- Providing after each attended meeting a Report in which were included the meeting decisions
and the open issues and new requirements, if any. In this way the WP7 members were
informed about the treatment of our contributions and the relevant developments in the
attended meeting.
- Establishing the Action Items for the contributions to the next meetings.

Based on this working method, we have been able to impact on a number of standards and Work Item

10. Impact
10.1 ECC PT1

COHERENT presentation in ECC PT1 had a big impact on European Administrations who agreed,
based also on the 5G Workshop in early November 2016, to introduce the point A5 in the CEPT
Roadmap reflected in the document ECC (16)110 Annex 17 (see [9])

This Roadmap includes a comprehensive list of actions, including allocations of new frequency
bands, regarding the fifth generation of mobile technology (5G) named “CEPT roadmap for 5G”.

Point A5 says:

<Start quote>
A.5 Consider the impact of future “flexible duplex” on the ECC/PT1 to consider this issue which
management of existing FDD bands is not expected to arise in the short
<End quote>

10.2 ETSI

The big COHERENT achievement in ETSI was the successful finalization of TR 103 494 (see [4])
developed in Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) and including a ”Study of central
coordination of WAS/RLANs operating in the 5GHz frequency band” which was published in
January 2018.

In November 2016 we proposed a New Work Item (DTR/BRAN-60022 – see [10]) which was
approved by the BRAN meeting.

The COHERENT supporting companies were: 4GCelleX (Rapporteur), THALES, ASSOCIAZIONE

CREATE-NET (now FBK), Fairspectrum Oy. In addition the WI was supported by AT&T GNS
Belgium SPRL.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

The Scope of the work was “To review the architectures and the protocols supporting the central
coordination of RLANs operating in the 5 GHz band, including the information to be provided by the
wireless entities and the coordination of the operation of these entities.”

TR 103 494 is based on contributions reflecting COHERENT deliverables D2.2, D3.1 and D3.2 and
on contributions from Sony Europe. The COHERENT contributions is acknowledged in the

<Start quote>
“Developing technologies for 5G Broadband Systems is one of the objectives of the European
Commission. The EC H2020 project COHERENT [i.14], "Coordinated Control and Spectrum
Management for 5G Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks" has addressed topics related to the
application of the basic principles of wired Software - Defined Networks (SDN) to wireless networks.
The present document includes the main outcome of the project and the results of additional studies.
Some results incorporated in the present document received funding from the European Union's
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671639.”
<End quote>

The content of TR 103 494 is summarized by the common Thales, Sony, 4GCelleX, Fairspectrum
contribution BRAN (17)000123 from which we quote below:

<Start quote>
The present document contains studies of architectures and protocols supporting the central
coordination of Wireless Access Systems operating in the 5 GHz band. The document presents use
cases of coordinated or uncoordinated WAS/RLAN deployment, including ad-hoc or single/multiple
Operator deployments.
Are listed possible requirements for coexistence management between coordinated and uncoordinated
WAS/RLAN deployed by one or multiple operators. In addition are presented possible requirements
on spectrum, mobility and radio resource management.

Since the coordination of the RLAN/WAS operating in the 5 GHz band is an open issue, is
investigated centralized and hierarchical control/coordination which it is foreseen to bring benefits in
the shared bands.
The document presents then main concepts pertaining to central control/coordination, namely
hierarchical control and its possible extensions in the multi-operator case, abstractions, network
slicing and slice-specific network views. Examples of abstractions are given mainly by using the
concept of graph applied to the wireless network.

Then, the system architecture, the system entities and their role are described in particular concerning
the control plane architecture. Extensions of the single operator architecture are presented in order to
consider coordination with multiple operators and coordination for spectrum management.

Are listed available measurements, reports and management procedures in IEEE 802.11TM – 2012
and 3GPP LTE and are proposed new reports, control/coordination messages and procedures
involving the central control and coordination (C3) entity and the wireless entities of the system.
The document also illustrates with examples of algorithms using graph theory to efficiently provide
spectrum and channel (re)assignment, selection of serving C3 instances for mobile nodes, and
network coordination.
<End quote>

10.3 3GPP

The following topics reflected in COHERENT contributions had influenced the 5G system use cases,
requirements and architecture:


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

Topic 3GPP Description Outcome

5G use cases SA1 Introduced requirements on Requirements introduced in
network congestion, high TR 22.891 (SMARTER) [11]
throughput downlink video
support for connected
vehicles, URLLC for public
safety and industrial
Requirements for RAN Introduced requirements of Requirements introduced in
the architecture of Plenary control plane/user plane TR 38.913 [12]
5G cellular separation and central
networks coordination
Requirements for RAN Criticized the existing Text in 38.913 [12] on
coverage of 5G Plenary definition of coupling loss coverage reflect the essence of
cellular networks and provided guidance our contribution.
Central RAN2 Coordinated scheduling and Reflected in TR 38.801[13]
coordination of central coordinator and TS 38.473 [14]
Architecture with RAN3 Architecture and initial Reflected in TR 38.801 [14]
control plane/user functional definition and the new RAN3 WI
plane separation initiated by Ericsson on UP/CP
separation with disaggregated
Hierarchical RAN3 CP is split between the Reflected in TR 38.801 [13]
architecture for Central Unit and the and TS 38.470 [15]
UP/CP separation Distributed Units depending
on required decision latency
RRM functions RAN3 RRM is split between CU Reflected in TS 38.470 [15]
pertinent to CU and DU
gNB-DU definition RAN3 gNB-DU is controlled by Reflected in TS 38.801 [13]

COHERENT had a rich standardization activity in 3GPP ( 5G system), ETSI (Central Coordination in
5GHz) and ECC PT1 (flexible duplex). The initial targets were extended to the ETSI standardization,
which was successfully finalized with the approval and publication of ETSI TR 103 494. With more
than 40 contributions to 3GPP we had a serious influence on the 5G system architecture, control plane
functions and control plane split.


D7.2 Final Standardisation Report

[4] ETSI TR 103 494, “Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); Study of central coordination
of WAS/RLANs operating in the 5GHz frequency band”
[5] 3GPP RP-152257, “New Study Item Proposal: Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next
Generation Access Technologies, CMCC”, TSG RAN Meeting #70, Sitges, Spain, Dec. 7 – 10,
[6] 3GPP SP-150142, “Study on New Services and Markets Technology Enablers”, TSG SA
Meeting #67, Shanghai, RPC, 11-13 March 2015.
[8] 3GPP RP-172831, “Study on Separation of CP and UP for split option 2”, TSG RAN Meeting
#75, West Palm Beach, USA, June 5-8, 2017.
[9] ECC(16)110 Annex 17, “CEPT roadmap for 5G”, 43rd Meeting, Prague, 15 – 18 November
[10] WI DTR/BRAN-60022
[11] 3GPP TR 22.891 V1.1.0 (2015-11), “Technical Specification Group Services and System
Aspects; Feasibility Study on New Services and Markets Technology Enablers; Stage 1
(Release 14)”
[12] 3GPP TR 38.913 V14.1.0 (2016-12), “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies; (Release
[13] 3GPP TR 38.801 V14.0.0 (2017-03), “Technical Specification Group Radio Access
Network;Study on new radio access technology: Radio access architecture and interfaces
(Release 14)”
[14] 3GPP TS 38.473 V15.0.0 (2017-12), “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
NG-RAN; F1 application protocol (F1AP) (Release 15)”
[15] 3GPP TS 38.470 V15.0.0 (2018-01), “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
NG-RAN; F1 general aspects and principles (Release 15)”


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