Astm E2554-18
Astm E2554-18
Astm E2554-18
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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E2554 − 18
3.1.1 control sample, n—sample taken from a stable, homo- Many test methods do not have true reference materials
geneous material for the purposes of monitoring the perfor- available to provide traceable chains of uncertainty estimation.
mance of a test method in a laboratory. 4.5 This practice also allows for ongoing monitoring of the Discussion—The control sample material is repre- laboratory uncertainty. As estimates of the level of uncertainty
sentative of the product typically tested in the laboratory by the change, possibly as contributions to uncertainty are identified
given test method. A control sample is run periodically using and minimized, revision to the laboratory uncertainty will be
the complete test method protocol to develop a test result. Such possible.
test results may be statistically evaluated to monitor test
method performance over time. It is not necessary to have an 5. General Considerations
accepted reference value assigned to the control sample mate-
rial. When the current material is nearly consumed, a replace- 5.1 Materials to be Used:
ment material should be run in parallel with the current 5.1.1 This methodology requires a quantity of stable and
material to ensure continuity in the control sample program. homogeneous material which will serve as the source of
control samples (sometimes called check samples). The mate-
3.1.2 check sample, n—see control sample. rial shall be similar in composition to the samples of material
3.1.3 intermediate precision, n—the closeness of agreement routinely analyzed by this test method in this laboratory. By
between test results obtained under specified intermediate stable it is assumed that the test results obtained from this
precision conditions. E177 material should be consistent over the time interval that this Discussion—The specific measure and the specific material will be used. By homogeneous it is assumed that
conditions must be specified for each intermediate measure of samples taken from the material source will not have a
precision; thus, “standard deviation of test results among significant variation in the characteristic measured by the test
operators in a laboratory,” or “day-to-day standard deviation method.
within a laboratory for the same operator.” 5.1.2 For destructive testing of control sample materials, Discussion—Because the training of operators, the provision shall be made for depletion and replacement of the
agreement of different pieces of equipment in the same control sample material.
laboratory and the variation of environmental conditions with In some cases, the test method may be nondestruc-
longer time intervals all depend on the degree of within- tive and the same material may be reused indefinitely.
laboratory control, the intermediate measures of precision are In other cases, the material may be used up,
likely to vary appreciably from laboratory to laboratory. Thus, deteriorate, or otherwise gradually change.
intermediate precisions may be more characteristic of indi- 5.1.3 The test method should describe the best practices for
vidual laboratories than of the test method. preparing and storing the control material and taking the
control samples.
3.1.4 test result, n—the value of a characteristic obtained by
carrying out a specified test method. E2282 5.2 Test Conditions:
5.2.1 An uncertainty estimation program should be de-
3.1.5 repeatability, n—precision under repeatability signed to include all known sources of variation, such as
conditions. E177 operators (analysts), equipment, reagents, and so forth, and
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: these should be deliberately incorporated into the design of the
3.2.1 uncertainty control chart, n—control chart that in- program. In general, these sources of variation will be defined
cludes control limits based on the variation attributed to the (including acceptable tolerances) by the test method.
uncertainty of the test method. 5.2.2 In cases in which control over such variations is not
possible or undefined, at least 30 to 50 sampling periods shall
4. Significance and Use be evaluated to permit environmental and other factors to be
incorporated in the overall estimate.
4.1 This practice provides one way for a laboratory to
develop data-based Type A estimates of uncertainty as referred
6. Overall Procedure—Control Charting Methods
to in Section A22 in Form and Style for ASTM Standards.
6.1 General concepts of control charts are described else-
4.2 Laboratories accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 are re-
where. For more information, see Practice E2587 as well as
quired to present uncertainty estimates for their test results.
Manual 7A.
This practice provides procedures that use test results to
develop uncertainty estimates for an individual laboratory. 6.2 The general procedure involves two major phases:
Preliminary and Monitoring.
4.3 Generally, these test results will be from a single sample 6.2.1 Preliminary Phase:
of stable and homogeneous material known as a control or This phase begins with an initial collection of test
check sample. results.
4.4 The true value of the characteristic(s) of the control Preliminary control charts are then prepared and
sample being measured will ordinarily be unknown. However, examined. These charts are evaluated to determine if the
this methodology may also be used if the control sample is a process is in a state of statistical control. The usual principles
reference material, in which case the test method bias may also of control charting utilize short-term variability to estimate the
be estimated and incorporated into the uncertainty estimate. limits within which samples of test results should vary. For
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E2554 − 18
control sample programs this short-term variability is equiva- computed. This may be done by pooling the sums of squares,
lent to repeatability precision. It is expected, however, that using the average standard deviation, or using the average
additional contributions to variation will be present over time range.
and therefore additional variation, equivalent to intermediate NOTE 1—If the ranges or standard deviations are zero in most of the
precision, will be encountered. samples, then this estimate of repeatability standard deviation is suspect An estimate of uncertainty standard deviation is and probably unusable. This is usually the result of insufficient resolution
developed. of the measurement system in use or severe rounding. An estimate based
on the minimum interval size should be substituted for the zeros. As a rule An uncertainty control chart is then prepared to of thumb, consider replacing the zeros when more than about 1⁄3 are zeros.
monitor future sample results.
6.2.2 Monitoring Phase: 7.1.3 A means chart is used to examine variation among
time periods. Limits on this chart permit comparison of The proposed uncertainty control chart is used to
variation between time periods using repeatability as the
provide evidence that the estimate of uncertainty is not
estimate of error.
exceeding the estimated value. If the control chart shows a state of statistical control The estimate of uncertainty should be periodically
then the uncertainty will be assumed approximately equivalent
to the repeatability standard deviation. Where appropriate, it is recommended that a stan- In most cases it will be expected that the variability
dard control chart also be maintained to determine whether the between means will show an “out of control” condition
variation over time has been reduced to the level of short-term indicating that there are “special” causes of variation in
variation (repeatability). addition to repeatability. The between means variation and
6.3 Two types of control charting methods are recom- within means repeatability estimates are then used to compute
mended to develop estimates of uncertainty. These include: an estimate of uncertainty standard deviation.
6.3.1 Mean (Xbar) and range or standard deviation charts 7.1.4 Using the estimate of uncertainty standard deviation
are used when multiple test results are conducted in each time an Uncertainty Control Chart is prepared for future monitoring
period. of the uncertainty. This chart may include control limits for
6.3.2 Individual charts (IndX) are used when single test means as a possible lower set of control limits along with the
results are obtained in each time period. uncertainty control limits based on the estimate of uncertainty.
6.4 Variation Estimates: 7.2 Individual Tests:
6.4.1 Either a range chart or a standard deviation chart may 7.2.1 Single tests are generated at each time period. Varia-
be used to estimate the short-term variability when multiple tion among these results is evaluated.
assays are conducted under repeatability conditions per time 7.2.2 In some cases, it is possible to incorporate external
period. An estimate from the control chart data can be estimates of repeatability obtained from prior or concurrent
compared to other estimates of repeatability (within laboratory, studies.
short-term variation) if available. 8. Multiple Readings Per Time Period
6.4.2 Sample averages are examined and may provide
8.1 Example 1—Knoop Hardness Testing:
estimates of variation caused by other factors. Such factors
8.1.1 A Knoop test is an indentation microhardness test
may include environmental effects, operator factors, reagents,
which uses a diamond tip indenter with very light loads in
or instruments.
accordance with Test Methods E92 and E384. The tip is ground
6.5 Systematic Procedures: to have two diagonal lengths. An indentation is performed at a
6.5.1 Specifically designed experiments can be used to designated load and the longer diagonal length is measured
ensure all known sources of variation, such as operators using a measuring microscope. The length is then converted
(analysts), equipment, reagents, or instruments are incorpo- mathematically to a Knoop Hardness, HK.
rated in the general study. 8.1.2 Periodic verification, or checking of the instrument, is
6.5.2 The data generated from this program is available for to be conducted on the particular testing machine by taking
additional uses, such as control charting to evaluate trends, several measurements on a reference test block. The test block
stratification by analysis, or stratification by equipment to is certified by a reference laboratory using a set of tests
identify training or maintenance needs or both. conducted on a reference machine.
8.1.3 A set of several hundred samples, first of size 5, and
7. Specific Procedures later of size 3, were conducted on a single instrument over a
multi-year period.
7.1 Multiple Test Results Generated Per Time Period:
7.1.1 A specified number of independent test results are 8.2 Because control charting is being conducted, the initial
taken during each time period. Generally this number is 5 or study should consist of at least 30 or more sample readings, or
less. It is preferred that at least 25 sets of test results be subgroups. In Table 1 the first 30 subgroups conducted with the
obtained before developing the charts. instrument and test block are listed. To remain consistent
7.1.2 Either a range chart or a standard deviation chart is throughout only the first 3 readings are included for each
prepared. This is examined for special cause variation. If the sample or subgroup.
variability appears random then an estimate of repeatability is 8.3 Prepare a range control chart.
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E2554 − 18
TABLE 1 Initial Length Readings of Knoop Test (Long Diagonal Dimension)
Sample d1 d2 d3 Range Mean
1 114.1 113.5 114.0 0.6 113.87
2 115.7 114.8 115.1 0.9 115.20
3 115.3 114.6 114.5 0.8 114.80
4 115.0 114.5 114.7 0.5 114.73
5 116.2 116.1 116.0 0.2 116.10
6 114.2 114.0 114.5 0.5 114.23
7 115.4 114.5 114.9 0.9 114.93
8 116.1 114.2 115.2 1.9 115.17
9 114.6 114.2 114.7 0.5 114.50
10 115.7 113.9 115.0 1.8 114.87
11 115.1 115.2 114.8 0.4 115.03
12 114.6 114.3 115.1 0.8 114.67
13 115.4 114.8 113.9 1.5 114.70
14 115.9 114.1 114.5 1.8 114.83
15 115.4 114.6 114.5 0.9 114.83
16 115.9 115.0 115.3 0.9 115.40
17 115.3 114.6 114.7 0.7 114.87
18 114.5 114.7 114.3 0.4 114.50
19 116.6 115.5 114.3 2.3 115.47
20 115.2 115.5 116.0 0.8 115.57
21 115.7 114.6 115.7 1.1 115.33
22 115.7 114.4 114.7 1.3 114.93
23 115.3 115.3 115.6 0.3 115.40
24 116.1 114.5 114.7 1.6 115.10
25 115.1 115.2 115.1 0.1 115.13
26 115.5 114.4 114.9 1.1 114.93
27 116.2 115.0 115.4 1.2 115.53
28 116.1 114.9 115.1 1.2 115.37
29 115.3 116.0 115.9 0.7 115.73
30 115.2 114.1 114.3 1.1 114.53
NOTE 2—Standard deviations could have been computed instead of the sample ranges are zero then the resolution of the measurement system
ranges of each sample, and a standard deviation control chart would be is probably insufficient to observe the natural variation.
8.3.3 The control chart is prepared to evaluate the within-
8.3.1 Compute R̄ , the average of the ranges (where p is the sample or time period variation. Control limits as computed are
number of subgroups = 30): displayed. See Fig. 1.
ΣR 8.3.4 The range control chart is examined for unusual
R̄ 5 5 28.8⁄30 5 0.96 (1)
p values. No readings are outside the limits.
8.3.2 The upper and lower control limits for the range 8.4 A control chart for means is prepared by plotting the
control chart are found as: means.
UCLR 5 D 4 3 R̄ 5 2.575 3 0.96 5 2.47 (2) 8.4.1 The sample means are averaged. The grand average of
the 30 means is:
5 Σmeans
LCLR 5 D 3 3 R̄ 5 0 3 0.96 5 0 (3) X5 5 3450.25⁄30 5 115.01 (4)
The control chart factors D3 and D4 for sample sizes up to n 8.4.2 The control limits for the means control chart are
= 6 are found in Table 2. For larger sample sizes see Manual
found as:
NOTE 3—Observe that for samples up to size 6 the lower limit for UCLmeans 5 X 1A 2 R̄ 5 115.0111.023 3 0.96 5 115.99 (5)
ranges will always be zero. Thus, for some samples we will not be 5
surprised if all the readings were identical. However, if a large percent of LCLmeans 5 X 2 A 2 R̄ 5 115.0111.023 3 0.96 5 114.03 (6)
TABLE 2 Factors for Computing Control Chart Central Lines and Limits
Chart for Averages Chart for Standard Deviations Chart for Ranges
in Sample, Factors for Factors for
Factors for Control Limits Factors for Control Limits Factors for Control Limits
n Central Line Central Line
A2 A3 C4 B3 B4 d2 D3 D3
2 1.880 2.659 0.7979 0 3.267 1.128 0 3.267
3 1.023 1.954 0.8862 0 2.568 1.693 0 2.575
4 0.729 1.628 0.9213 0 2.266 2.059 0 2.282
5 0.577 1.427 0.9400 0 2.089 2.326 0 2.114
6 0.483 1.287 0.9515 0.030 1.970 2.534 0 2.004
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The control chart factors A2 for sample sizes up to n = 6 are Factors d2 for sample sizes up to n = 6 are found in Table 2.
found in Table 2. For larger sample sizes, see Manual 7A. For larger sample sizes, see Manual 7A.
8.4.3 The control chart limits are plotted as presented in Fig.
2. 8.6 Between Time or Sample Variation: Examination of the means control chart is conducted 8.6.1 Since there is a between subgroups or between time
to determine whether variation between subgroups appears to variation, an estimate of the between time standard deviation is
be greater than expected from within sample variation. In this then computed. First the standard deviation among the sample
example, there are two samples just outside the control limits, averages, s x̄ , is calculated. The standard deviation of the 30
which is an indicator that the variation over time is greater than averages in Table 1 is computed to be 0.464.
would be expected based only on within-sample repeatability.
8.6.2 The stime is then calculated as:
8.5 Estimate the within sample standard deviation. This can
also be described as an estimate of a single laboratory
repeatability standard deviation.
s time 5 Œ
s x̄2 2
s 2r
n within
5 Œ
0.4642 2
5 0.328 (8)
8.5.1 Using the average range estimate the within sample where:
standard deviation as:
s x̄ = the standard deviation of the averages,
nwithin = number of repeats (3 in this case), and
LCLmeans 5 X 2 A 2 R̄ 5 115.0111.023 3 0.96 5 114.03 (7)
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E2554 − 18
swithin = standard deviation within groups and is also equiva- at or beyond the limits may indicate that the estimate of
lent to sr = single laboratory repeatability standard uncertainty is too small and should be recalculated.
deviation. 8.9.1 An additional set of 30 samples was taken. Fig. 4
NOTE 4—If the difference under the radical sign is negative, meaning shows the range chart extended.
the estimate of s time is negative, then this may be interpreted as indicating Examining this chart it appears that the ranges have
that the variation associated with time is negligible and the estimate of decreased over the last 12 values indicating that the repeatabil-
s time is set to zero.
ity might have improved. This might be cause to revise this part
8.7 The uncertainty standard deviation is estimated from a of the calculation.
single time and a single repeat: 8.9.2 The means are then plotted on the previously con-
s u 5 =s time
2 s 2r 5 =0.3282 2 0.572 5 0.655 (9)
structed uncertainty control chart. This has both traditional
NOTE 5—This value is equivalent to an estimate of intermediate control limits and the wider uncertainty limits. Fig. 5 includes
precision based on multiple time periods. the results of the next 30 samples. Nothing unusual is found
8.8 An uncertainty control chart is prepared. All the initial indicating that this remains in control with respect to uncer-
values should show the chart to be in control with no points tainty.
outside the uncertainty limits. The uncertainty control limits
are established as defined in Eq 11 and 12 and added to the 9. Individual Tests
chart (Fig. 3). First compute the standard deviation for sample 9.1 A reference material or a stable and homogenous mate-
averages assuming there is variation due to time and repeat- rial representative of the material normally tested can be used.
ability. This is an estimate of the uncertainty associated with 9.1.1 A minimum of about 25 sample test results should be
samples, not individual test results, and is found as: completed with reasonable time intervals between readings.
The standard deviation of this set of individual readings will
s unc-ave 5 Œ 2
s time1
s 2r
5 0.464 (10) serve as an estimate of uncertainty.
9.1.2 This estimate of standard deviation shall be used to
UCLunc 5 X 13 3 s unc-ave 5 115.0113 3 0.464 5 116.40 (11) provide “control limits” for the review of past results and
ongoing monitoring of the method. Limits of overall average
LCLunc 5 X 2 3 3 s unc-ave 5 115.01 2 3 3 0.464 5 113.62 (12) 63 standard deviations would be appropriate.
NOTE 6—The use of the multiplier of 3 for control limits is in keeping 9.1.3 A graph showing the sequence of readings with the
with traditional control charting practices and are interpreted in a similar limits added allows examination to determine if unusual
manner when used to monitor the process. See Manual 7A, Section 3.6. conditions may be present and contributing to the overall
NOTE 7—The initial calculation of the uncertainty standard deviation
for samples, Eq 10, is mathematically equivalent to the standard deviation variation.
of the averages, s x̄ . 9.2 Example 2—Vanadium in Oil:
8.9 Monitoring Uncertainty and Repeatability Over Time.— 9.2.1 Vanadium is an impurity in oil. A critical level is
The range (or standard deviation) chart should be continued to approximately 300 ppm. Test Method D5184 is followed to
determine if the within sample variation changes. Averages determine the level of impurities. A quantity of control material
should also continue to be plotted on the uncertainty control was prepared using a typical batch of oil with a level of
chart. If any points go beyond the limits this should be a signal impurities similar to those encountered in practice (vanadium
to investigate for possible causes. An unusual number of points at approximately 300 ppm). This overall batch was subdivided
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E2554 − 18
into multiple containers and individual samples were drawn 9.2.5 Based on these values, limits that would include
daily. Each sample was processed and tested along with regular 99.75 % of all readings would be within 63 sd of the average.
samples in a single laboratory following standard procedures. These limits would be:
9.2.2 Multiple operators, different days, and conditions as
292.513*13.3 5 332.4 (13)
generally experienced were incorporated into the program.
9.2.3 Forty consecutive samples were taken and are listed in and
Table 3 (units of mg/kg). These are used to provide an estimate
292.5 2 3*13.3 5 252.7 (14)
of the variation of the test.
9.2.4 The average and standard deviation of the 40 values 9.2.6 A graph of the values including the limits for these 40
are found as: average = 292.5 and standard deviation (sd) = samples is shown in Fig. 6. No points fall outside the limits.
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E2554 − 18
TABLE 3 Forty Vanadium Samples, mg/kg 9.2.8 This uncertainty standard deviation is considered the
Sample Vanadium Sample Vanadium laboratory’s uncertainty for vanadium determinations at about
1 305 21 291 300 ppm.
2 287 22 271
3 280 23 313
4 262 24 317 10. Ongoing Studies
5 282 25 300
6 290 26 309 10.1 Additional factors should be introduced and identified
7 291 27 304 over time. These should include, when appropriate, different
8 313 28 306
9 279 29 301 operators, recalibration of equipment, weather changes
10 297 30 297 (temperature, humidity), and so forth.
11 298 31 277
12 284 32 310 10.2 It is expected that these additional factors will result in
13 290 33 290
14 296 34 290 an increase in the magnitude of the uncertainty estimate.
15 283 35 265
16 297 36 282 10.3 The uncertainty shall be reviewed to determine if there
17 308 37 291 are changes either as improvement or a worsening of the
18 302 38 287
19 297 39 290
degree of variation within laboratories.
20 300 40 269
11. Keywords
11.1 control chart; control sample; intermediate precision;
9.2.7 The value of standard deviation then serves as an
test result; uncertainty
estimate for the uncertainty standard deviation.
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