Mportant Regulatory and Guideline Information: Erminology

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Important Regulatory and Guideline Information

1. The Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES): Consideration for Clean room Design, IES
- RP - CC012.1

2. Testing Clean Rooms (IES-RP-CC-006-84-T), outlines performance tests procedures.

IES-CC-011-85T for Glossary of terms and definitions related to contamination control.

3. IES - RP - CC - 006: Testing Clean rooms

4. IES - RP - CC007: Testing ULPA Filters

5. Fed Std. 209E: Prepared by the Institute for Environmental Sciences, under the authority
of the General Services Administration of the Federal Government offers specific
guidelines in terms of non-viable particulate levels.

6. Chapter 32 of ASHRAE Guide and data book on Systems and Application, 1997 provides
information on Clean Spaces.

7. ISO / TC 209: Clean room and Associated Controlled Environments

8. JIS - B - 9920: Measuring Methods for Airborne Particles in Clean rooms and Evaluating
Methods for Air Cleanliness of Clean rooms; Japanese Standards Association.

9. NEBB, Procedural Standards for Certified Testing of Clean rooms (refer part III section 4
for details)

As-build - A clean room that is complete and ready for operation, with all services connected and

functional, but without production equipment or personnel in the room.

Operational - A term used to describe a clean room in normal operation with all services

functioning and with production equipment and personnel present and performing their normal

work functions.

Class - The term used to specify the clean room airborne particulate cleanliness level per FS209

as 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 (particles per cubic foot).

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