An Off-Line Programming System For Palletizing Robot: Youdong Chen, Ling Li, and Wei Tang
An Off-Line Programming System For Palletizing Robot: Youdong Chen, Ling Li, and Wei Tang
An Off-Line Programming System For Palletizing Robot: Youdong Chen, Ling Li, and Wei Tang
Off-line programming systems are essential tools for the effective use of palletizing robots. This article presents a
dedicated off-line programming system for palletizing robots. According to the user practical requirements, there are
many user-defined patterns that can’t be easily generated by commercial off-line robot programming systems. This study
suggests a pattern generation method that users can easily define their patterns. The proposed method has been
simulation and experiment. The results have attested the effectiveness of the proposed pattern generation method.
Palletizing pattern, path planning, off-line programming
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2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
merges the surface of the current layer into the valid region
Pattern User-defined patterns for the upper layer by the algorithm of the region genera-
Overlapped region check
tion, and finally generates the user patterns.
G5 heuristic
Region generation
User-defined patterns
The pattern is consisted of pallet data, production data,
Motion motion planing
properties, and layer data, as shown in Figure 2. The
planning Collision-free algorithm pallet data includes length, width, and height. The pro-
duction data is comprised of length, width, height, and
simulator weight of boxes or products. The pattern properties are
dynamics consisted of layer number, the odd and even layers. The
layer data describes the position of productions in pallet
Robot program postprocessing and the topology of productions in pallet. The user-
Robot program defined patterns stored in XML files, which can meet
many customer demands. The XML file format is shown
in Figure 3.
Figure 1. System structure.
pallet pattern
production no adjacent production vertex no offset angle
production no vertex no vertx cordinates angle
adjacent production no directed edges
B Y0
O0 θ0 θ1 θ2 θ3 X0
Figure 6. Obstacle.
Step 1 Step 2 Y
Picking-up Preparing picking- Preparing place-
point S Step 6 up point S0 Step 5 down point F0
Step 3 Step 4
Place-down point F
Figure 9. The pattern generation. Grey box: production, Blue line: connecting the centers of the adjacent production, Green region:
the valid region after merged. (a) Production information, (b) odd layer pallet pattern, and (c) even layer pallet pattern.
According to the pattern XML file and the environment, the
system plans the path to generate the end-effector motion.
We simulate two cases: obstacle and non-obstacle. The
coordinates of pallet vertex are (500 mm, 500 mm, and
200 mm), (500 mm, 1600 mm, and 200 mm), (1800 mm,
500 mm, and 200 mm), and (1800 mm, 1600 mm, and 200
mm), respectively. The coordinates of the obstacle vertex
are (500mm, 0mm, 600mm), (500 mm, 700 mm, and 600 Figure 10. Non-obstacle simulations.
mm), (1500 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm), and (1500 mm, 700
mm, 600 mm), respectively. The coordinate of the grip
point is (1000 mm, 1000 mm, and 125 mm). Figure 10
shows the simulation that there is no obstacle. The robot
grips the production at the grip point, lifts the production to
the preparing grip point, moves to the preparing place
point, and finally puts down to the pallet. Figure 11 shows
the simulation that there is obstacle. Unlike the Figure 10,
the robot lifts the production to the safe height, so that it
does not collide with the obstacle.
Robot programs for handling liquor was effectively gener-
ated using the developed OLP software. The generated
robot programs were optimized such that joint limits
were avoided during the handling process. A major user
interface for robot OLP as well as an example of the robot
is shown in Figures 9 and 10. The generated programs
were further downloaded into the CBT-BOT 90 robot con-
troller to perform the handling tasks. From the experiments,
it was observed that the position errors of robotic handling Figure 11. Obstacle simulations.
Chen et al. 7
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
work is supported by the national key technology R&D program
(grant no. 2014BAF04B01).
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