Structure of Atoms: Long Answers Questions
Structure of Atoms: Long Answers Questions
Structure of Atoms: Long Answers Questions
Book Examples
Example 2.1 Write the electronic configuration of an element having 11 electrons. 09202020
Example 2.2 Write down the electronic configuration of C ion. (Board 2015) 09202021
Example 2.3 An element has 5 electrons in M shell. Find out its atomic number. 09202022
Q1. What is the nature of charge on Q3. The atomic symbol of phosphorous ion
cathode rays? 09202023 31 P 3-
Q2. Give five characteristics of cathode is given as 15 . (Board 2015) 09202025
Q4. Differentiate between shell and sub-shell with examples of each. (Board 2016) 09202026
Q5. An element has an atomic number 17. Q9. For what purpose is U-235 used?
How many electrons are present in K, (Board 2014, 2015) 09202031
L and M shells of the atom? 09202027 Q10. A patient has goiter. How will it be
Q6. Write down the electronic detected? 09202032
configuration of A . How many electrons Q11. Give three properties of positive rays.
are present in its outermost shell? 09202028 (Board 2015,16) 09202033
Q7. Magnesium has electronic configur- Q12. What are the defects of Rutherford’s
ation 2,8,2. 09202029 atomic model? (Board 2014, 15) 09202034
(a) How many electrons are in its Q13. As long as electron remains in an
outermost shell? orbit, it does not emit or absorb energy.
(b) In which subshell of the outermost shell, When does it emit or absorb energy? 09202035
electrons are present?
(c) Why magnesium tends to lose
Q8. What will be the nature of charge on an
atom when it loses an electron or when it
gains an electron? 09202030
Q14. Describe plum pudding model. Who Q26. What is meant by radio carbon dating
presented it? 09202036 or carbon dating? (Board 2014, 15,16) 09202048
Q15. What is Dalton’s atomic theory? 09202037 Q27. Write the contribution of Rutherford
Q16. Briefly describe contribution the of in Science. 09202049
J.J. Thomson in the field of Science. 09202038 Q28. Write contribution of Neil Bohr in
Q17. Briefly describe contribution of Sir Science. 09202050
William Crooks in field of Science. 09202039 Q29. What is meant by Quantum? 09202051
Q18. Who discovered neutrons and how? Q30. Write contribution of Max Planck.
09202040 09202052
Q19. Write three properties of neutrons. Q31. Write down the electronic
Q20. Write electronic configuration of configuration of sodium ‘Na’.
Fluorine. 09202042 (Board 2014) 09202053
Q21. Write electronic configuration of Q32. State two uses of isotopes.
Aluminium. 09202043 (Board 2014) 09202054
Q22. Define isotopes. (Board 2016) 09202044 Q33. Complete the following equation:
Q23. Write names of two isotopes used for (Board 2014) 09202055
the treatment of skin cancer. 09202045 9
4 Be He
Q24. Write use of Co-60. 09202046
Q34. Write down the electronic configura-
Q25. Define radioactive-isotope dating. tion of ‘S’. (Board 2014) 09202056
Q35. Write down the electronic configura-
tion of Be and Ne. (Board 2014) 09202057
Q36. Write down general electronic 09204058
configuration of carbon family. (Board 2015)
Q39. How does electron differ from a neutron? (Board 2014) 09202061
Q40. Explain how anode rays are formed from the gas present in the discharge tube. 09202062
Test yourself 2.2
Q41. How was it proved that the whole Q43. Name the particles which determine
mass of an atom is located at its centre? the mass of an atom. 09202065
Q42. How was it shown that atomic nuclei
are positively charged? 09202064
Q44. What is the classical theory of radiation? How does it differ from quantum theory?
Q45. How can you prove that angular momentum is quantized? 09202067
Test yourself 2.3
Q46. How many maximum number of Q52. What is atomic number of
electrons can be accommodated in a p- phosphorus? Write down its electronic
subshell? 09202068 configuration. (Board 2014) 09202074
Q47. How many subshells are there in Q53. If an element has atomic number 13
second shell? 09202069 and atomic mass 27; how many electrons
Q48. Why does an electron first fill 2p are there in each atom of the element?09202075
orbital and then 3s orbital? 09202070 Q54. How many electrons will be in M shell
Q49. If both K and L shells of an atom are of an atom having atomic number 15?09202076
completely filled what is the total number K=2
of electrons present in them? L=8
09202071 M=5
Q50. How many electrons can be Q55. What is maximum capacity of a shell?
accommodated in M shell? 09202072 09202077
Q51. What is the electronic configuration
of a hydrogen atom? 09202073