Structure of Atoms: Long Answers Questions

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Long Answers Questions

Q1.(Ex. Q.1)How are cathode rays produced? What are its major characteristics? 09202001
Q2. (Ex. Q.2) How was it proved that electrons are fundamental particles of an atom? 09202002
Q3. (Ex. Q.3) Draw a labeled diagram to show the presence of protons in the discharge tube and
explain how canal rays were produced. 09202003
Q4. How were neutrons discovered? Write their properties. 09202004
Q5. (Ex. Q.4) How did Rutherford discover that atom has a nucleus located at the centre of the
atom? 09202005
Q6. What results were drawn by Rutherford from his experiment of α - particles scattering?
Q7. Write defects of Rutherford’s Atomic Model. 09202007
Q8.(Ex. Q.6) How did Bohr prove that an atom must exist? 09202008
OR Write postulates of Bohr’s Atomic Model.
Q9. Write differences between Rutherford’s and Bohr’s atomic theory. (Board 2013,16) 09202009
Q10. Write a note on shells and sub-shells. 09202010
Q11. What do you mean by electronic configuration? What are basic requirements while
writing electronic configuration of an element (atom)? 09202011
Q12. Draw electronic configuration of first 18 elements. 09202012
Q13.(Ex. Q.10) What is an isotope? Describe the isotopes of Hydrogen with diagram. 09202013
Q14. Explain Isotopes of carbon, chlorine and uranium. 09202014
Q15.(Ex. Q.9)Give the applications of Isotopes in the field of radiotherapy and medicine. 09202015
Q16. Write applications of radioisotopes in archaeology and structure determination. 09202016
Q17. Write applications of radioactive isotopes in power generation. 09202017
Q18.(Ex. Q.8)Describe the electronic configurations of Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ ion. Do they have the
same number of electrons in the outermost shell? 09202018
Q19.(Ex. Q.5)One of the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model is that angular momentum of a
moving electron is quantized. Explain its meaning and calculate angular momentum of
third orbit (i.e n=3). 09202019

Book Examples
Example 2.1 Write the electronic configuration of an element having 11 electrons. 09202020

Example 2.2 Write down the electronic configuration of C ion. (Board 2015) 09202021
Example 2.3 An element has 5 electrons in M shell. Find out its atomic number. 09202022

Short Answers Questions

Exercise Short Answers Questions

Q1. What is the nature of charge on Q3. The atomic symbol of phosphorous ion
cathode rays? 09202023 31 P 3-
Q2. Give five characteristics of cathode is given as 15 . (Board 2015) 09202025

rays. (Board 2013, 14) 09202024

(a) How many protons, electrons and
neutrons are there in the ion?
(b) What is name of the ion? (d) Name the noble gas which has the same
(c) Draw electronic configuration of the ion. electronic configuration as the Phosphorus
(Board 2015) 31 3-
15 P
ion has.

Q4. Differentiate between shell and sub-shell with examples of each. (Board 2016) 09202026
Q5. An element has an atomic number 17. Q9. For what purpose is U-235 used?
How many electrons are present in K, (Board 2014, 2015) 09202031
L and M shells of the atom? 09202027 Q10. A patient has goiter. How will it be
Q6. Write down the electronic detected? 09202032
configuration of A . How many electrons Q11. Give three properties of positive rays.
are present in its outermost shell? 09202028 (Board 2015,16) 09202033

Q7. Magnesium has electronic configur- Q12. What are the defects of Rutherford’s
ation 2,8,2. 09202029 atomic model? (Board 2014, 15) 09202034

(a) How many electrons are in its Q13. As long as electron remains in an
outermost shell? orbit, it does not emit or absorb energy.
(b) In which subshell of the outermost shell, When does it emit or absorb energy? 09202035
electrons are present?
(c) Why magnesium tends to lose
Q8. What will be the nature of charge on an
atom when it loses an electron or when it
gains an electron? 09202030

Additional Short Answers Questions

Q14. Describe plum pudding model. Who Q26. What is meant by radio carbon dating
presented it? 09202036 or carbon dating? (Board 2014, 15,16) 09202048
Q15. What is Dalton’s atomic theory? 09202037 Q27. Write the contribution of Rutherford
Q16. Briefly describe contribution the of in Science. 09202049
J.J. Thomson in the field of Science. 09202038 Q28. Write contribution of Neil Bohr in
Q17. Briefly describe contribution of Sir Science. 09202050
William Crooks in field of Science. 09202039 Q29. What is meant by Quantum? 09202051
Q18. Who discovered neutrons and how? Q30. Write contribution of Max Planck.
09202040 09202052
Q19. Write three properties of neutrons. Q31. Write down the electronic
Q20. Write electronic configuration of configuration of sodium ‘Na’.
Fluorine. 09202042 (Board 2014) 09202053
Q21. Write electronic configuration of Q32. State two uses of isotopes.
Aluminium. 09202043 (Board 2014) 09202054
Q22. Define isotopes. (Board 2016) 09202044 Q33. Complete the following equation:
Q23. Write names of two isotopes used for (Board 2014) 09202055
the treatment of skin cancer. 09202045 9
4 Be  He 
2 
Q24. Write use of Co-60. 09202046
Q34. Write down the electronic configura-
Q25. Define radioactive-isotope dating. tion of ‘S’. (Board 2014) 09202056
Q35. Write down the electronic configura-
tion of Be and Ne. (Board 2014) 09202057
Q36. Write down general electronic 09204058
configuration of carbon family. (Board 2015)

Test yourself 2.1

Q37. Do you know any element having no Q38. Who discovered an electron, a proton
neutrons in its atoms? 09202059 and a neutron? 09202060

Q39. How does electron differ from a neutron? (Board 2014) 09202061

Q40. Explain how anode rays are formed from the gas present in the discharge tube. 09202062
Test yourself 2.2
Q41. How was it proved that the whole Q43. Name the particles which determine
mass of an atom is located at its centre? the mass of an atom. 09202065
Q42. How was it shown that atomic nuclei
are positively charged? 09202064

Q44. What is the classical theory of radiation? How does it differ from quantum theory?
Q45. How can you prove that angular momentum is quantized? 09202067
Test yourself 2.3
Q46. How many maximum number of Q52. What is atomic number of
electrons can be accommodated in a p- phosphorus? Write down its electronic
subshell? 09202068 configuration. (Board 2014) 09202074
Q47. How many subshells are there in Q53. If an element has atomic number 13
second shell? 09202069 and atomic mass 27; how many electrons
Q48. Why does an electron first fill 2p are there in each atom of the element?09202075
orbital and then 3s orbital? 09202070 Q54. How many electrons will be in M shell
Q49. If both K and L shells of an atom are of an atom having atomic number 15?09202076
completely filled what is the total number K=2
of electrons present in them? L=8
09202071 M=5
Q50. How many electrons can be Q55. What is maximum capacity of a shell?
accommodated in M shell? 09202072 09202077
Q51. What is the electronic configuration
of a hydrogen atom? 09202073

Test yourself 2.4

Q56. Why do the isotopes of an element Q60. How is the goiter in thyroid gland
have different atomic masses? 09202078 detected? 09202082
Q57. How many neutrons are present in Q61. Define nuclear fission reaction. 09202083
C- 12 and C -13? 09202079 Q62. When U-235 breaks up, it produces a
Q58. Which of the isotopes of hydrogen large amount of energy. How is this energy
contains greater number of neutrons?09202080 used? 09202084
Q59. Give one example each of the use of Q63. How many neutrons are produced in
radioactive isotope in medicine and the fission reaction of U-235? 09202085
radiotherapy. 09202081 Q64. U-235 fission produces two atoms of
which elements? 09202086
Multiple Choice Questions
Exercise MCQ’s
1. Which one of the following results in the 6. When U-235 breaks up, it produces:
discovery of proton? 09202087 (a) Electrons (b) Neutrons 09202092
(a) Cathode rays (b) Canal rays (c) Protons (d) Nothing
(c) X-rays (d) Alpha rays 7. The p sub-shell has: (Board 2016) 09202093
2. Which one of the following is the most (a) One orbital (b) Two orbitals
penetrating? 09202088 (c) Three orbitals (d) Four orbitals
(a) Protons (b) Electrons 8. Deuterium is used to make: 09202094
(c) Neutrons (d) Alpha particles (a) Light water (b) Heavy water
3. The concept of orbit was used by: 09202089 (c) Soft water (d) Hard water
(a) J.J. Thomson (b) Rutherford 9. The isotope C-12 is present in abundance
(c) Bohr (d) Planck of: 09202095
4. Which one of the following consists of (a) 96.9% (b) 97.6%
three sub-shells? 09202090 (c) 99.7% (d) None of these
(a) O shell (b) N shell 10. Who discovered the proton? 09202096
(c) L shell (d) M shell (Board 2014)
5. Which radioisotope is used for the (a) Goldstein (b) J.J. Thomson
diagnosis of tumor in the body? 09202091 (c) Neil Bohr (d) Rutherford
(a) Cobalt-60 (b) Iodine-131
(c) Strontium-90 (d) Phosphorous-30
Additional MCQs
11. The name atom was derived from the 16. Canal rays were discovered by: 09202102
Latin word ‘Atomos’ meaning: 09202097 (a) Goldstein (b) Thomson
(a) Divisible (c) Dalton (d) Crooks
(b) Indivisible 17. How many times heavier mass of a
(c) Reactive proton than an electron? 09202103
(d) Stable (a) 1480 (b) 1804
12. John Dalton put forward his atomic (c) 1840 (d) 1408
theory in the beginning of: 09202098 9 Be + 4
He 
6 C + _______
(a) 16 century th
(b) 17 century 18. 4 2 09202104
(c) 18th century (d) 19th century 1P 1
(a) 0 (b) 0 e
13. In 1897, who discovered electrons in
1n 4 He
atom? 09202099 (c) 0 (d) 2
(a) Goldstein (b) Dalton 19. Who predicted in 1920 that some
(c) J.J. Thomson (d)William Crooks neutral particles having mass equal to
14. Plum pudding theory was put forward that of proton are present in an atom?
by: 09202100 09202105
(a) Thomson (b) Goldstein (a) Bohr (b) Rutherford
(c) Crooks (d) Soddy (c) Chadwick (d) Goldstein
15. Uranium has number of isotopes: 20. Rutherford used a gold foil in his
(Board 2016) 09202101 experiment, which had a thickness of:
(a) 1 (b) 3 09202106
(c) 4 (d) 5 (a) 0.002cm (b) 0.00004cm
(c) 0.0001cm (d) 0.001cm
21. In 1912 Neil Bohr joined for post 1 2
H 1H
doctoral research with: 09202107
(a) 1 (b)
3H 1H
(a) Rutherford (b) Chadwick (c) 1 (d) 0
(c) Newton (d) Goldstein 34. 13C and 14C are both present in nature:
22. Who performed first experiment to split (a) 0.1 % (b) 0.9 % 09202120
atom? 09202108
(c) 1.1 % (d) 1.5 %
(a) Soddy (b) Rutherford 238 U
(c) Bohr (d) Newton 35. The percentage of pure 92 is found in
23. The value of Planck’s constant is: 09202109 nature: 09202121
(a) 6.63×10-34 Js (a) 97 % (b) 98 %
(b) 6.62×10-24 Js (c) 99 % (d) 100 %
(c) 6.62×10-19 Js (d) 6.62×10-12 Js 36. Which isotope is used for diagnosis of
24. Quantum means: 09202110 goiter? 09202122
(a) Variable energy (b) Fixed energy (a) Iodine-131 (b) Cobalt-60
(c) High energy (d) Minimum energy (c) P-32 (d) Sr-90
25. According to Rutherford’s atomic 37. Number of electrons in outermost shell
theory, atom should produce: 09202111 of chlorine is: (Board 2014) 09202123
(a) Line spectrum (a) 3 (b) 4
(b) Continuous spectrum (c) 7 (d) 8
(c) Both a & b 38. How many electrons can be accomm-
(d) None of these odated by K shell? (Board 2014) 09202124
26. Who described the concept of line (a) 3 (b) 2
spectrum in his atomic model? 09202112 (c) 4 (d) 5
(a) Rutherford (b) Bohr 39. The nucleus of an atom is composed of:
(c) Goldstein (d) Chadwick (Board 2014) 09202125
27. The number of electrons that a shell can (a) Electrons
accommodate is given by formula: (b) Electrons and protons
(a) n2 (b) 2n 09202113 (c) Electrons and neutrons
(c) 2n2 (d) 3n2 (d) Protons and neutrons
28. How many sub shells are there in first 40. How many electrons can be
energy level or K shell? 09202114 accommodated by M-shell? (Board 2014)
(a) 01 (b) 02 09202129
(c) 03 (d) 04 (a) 8 (b) 18
29. How many electrons can be accomm- (c) 32 (d) 40
odated in L-shell? 09202115 41. Who proposed quantum theory?
(a) 2 (b) 8 (Board 2013) 09202130
(c) 18 (d) 32 (a) Neil Bohr (b) Dalton
30. How many electrons can be accomm- (c) Thomson (d) Max Planck
odated in N-shell? 09202116 42. After gaining one electron, chlorine
(a) 02 (b) 08 atom attains the electronic
(c) 18 (d) 32 configuration of which noble gas?
31. How many electrons can be accomm- (Board 2015) 09202131
odated in p-orbital? 09202117 (a) Helium (b) Neon
(a) 02 (b) 06 (c) Argon (d) Krypton
(c) 10 (d) 14 43. Who discovered cathode rays?
32. Electronic configuration of Boron is: (Board 2015) 09201132
(a) 1s2, 2s1 (b) 1s2, 2s2 09202118 (a) John Dalton (b) Goldstein
(c) 1s2, 2s2, 2p1 (d) 1s2, 2p1 (c) Neil Bohr (d)Sir William Crooks
33. Symbol for Deuterium is: 09202119
44. Democritus was a/an __________ (a) 1 (b)2 09201145
philosopher. 09201133 (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) Latin (b) Greek 57. M-shell has more energy than: 09201146
(c) English (d) American (a) K-shell
45. J.J. Thomson was: 09201134 (b) K and L-shell
(a) English chemist (c) K, L and
(b) Italian philosopher (d) N shell
(c) British physicist 58. The “s” subshell has: 09201147
(d) German scientist (a) One orbital (b) Two orbitals
46. J.J. Thomson was awarded the Noble (c) Three orbitals (d) Four orbitals
prize in 1906 in the field of: 09201135 59. The “d” subshell has: 09201148
(a) Maths (b) Physics (a) One orbital (b) Three orbitals
(c) Chemistry (d) Quantum theory (c) Five orbitals (d) Seven orbitals
47. William Crooks kept pressure inside 60. The “f” subshell has: 09201149
the discharge tube at: 09201136 (a) Three orbitals (b) Four orbitals
-4 -7
(a) 10 atm (b) 10 atm (c) Five orbitals (d) Seven orbitals
(c) 10-10atm (d) 104atm 61. An element has 5 electrons in M-shell.
48. Who was the pioneer of vacuum tubes? Its atomic number is: 09201150
09201137 (a)5 (b)10
(a) Goldstein (b) William Crooks (c) 15 (d) 20
(c) Bohr (d) Rutherford 62. 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6 represents
49. Goldstein observed canal rays in:09201138 electronic configuration of: 09201151
(a) X-rays (b) Canal rays (a) Cl (b) Na

(c) -rays (d) Cathode rays (c) Cl (d) Na+
50. German physicist Max Planck won the 63. Electronic configuration of Neon is:
Noble in 1918: 09201139 (a) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 09201152
(a) Maths (b) Chemistry 2 2
(b) 1s , 2s ,
(c) Physics (d) Quantum theory (c) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6
51. Max planck won Noble prize for his (d) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2
work on the: 09201140 64. Chlorine has isotopes: 09201153
(a) Discharge tubes (b) Quantum theory 35
17 Cl
17 Cl
(a) (b)
(c) Classical theory (d) None of these 17
52. How many electrons can be (c) 35 Cl (d) both a & b
accommodated in s subshell? 09201141 65. Which isotopes are used for the
(a) 2 (b) 6 treatment of skin cancer? 09201154

(c) 10 (d) 14 (a) P-32 (b) Sr-90

53. Number of electrons that can be (c) Co-60 (d) Both a & b
accommodated in f-subshell: 09201142 66. Which isotope emits less penetrating beta
(a) 2 (b) 6 radiation? 09201155
(c) 10 (d) 14 (a) C-14 (b) P-32
54. Which subshells are present in L-shell? (c) Iodine-131 (d) Co-60
09201143 67. Which isotope emits strongly penetrating
(a) s&p (b) Only s-Subshell gamma rays? 09201156
(c) Only p-subshell (d) d-Subshell (a) Sr-90 (b) C-12
55. How many subshells are there in M- (c) Co-60 (d) P-32
shell? 09201144 68. Which isotope is used for treatment of
(a) 2 (b) 3 cancer affecting within the body? 09201157
(c) 4 (d) 5 (a) Co-60 (b) C-12
56. N-shell contains number of subshells: (c) Sr-90 (d) Iodine-131
139 94
69. Which isotope is used to monitor the bone (a) 56 Ba (b) 36 Kr 09201160
growth? 09201158 35
(c) 17 Cl (d) Both a & b
(a) Iodine-131 (b) Cobalt-60
(c) Phosphorus-32 (d) Technetium 72. d-subshell can accommodate maximum
70. Carbon-14 is used for the: 09201159 electrons: 09201161

(a) Age determination of old objects (a) 2 (b) 6

(b) Growth of bones (c) 10 (d) 14
(c) Diagnosis of goiter 73. Number of isotopes of hydrogen is: 09201162
(d) All of these (a) 2 (b) 3
71. When U-235 breaks up, it produces: (c)4 (d) 5

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