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Yearbook of

Agricultural Statistics- 2012

কৃষি পষিসংখ্যান বি ষগ্রন্থ - ২০১২

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)

Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

কৃষি পষিসংখ্যান বি ষগ্রন্থ - ২০১২

Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics- 2012
24th Series

ভাদ্র, ১৪২১
August, 2014

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)

Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Editorial Committee

Mr. Md. Nojibur Rahman
Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning


Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman, Additional Secretary : Statistics & Informatics Division
Mr. Golam Mostafa Kamal :
(Addl.Secretary) Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Director General
Mr. Md. Aminul Bar Chowdhury ndc : Statistics & Informatics Division
Joint Secretary
Mr. Prodip Kumar Saha, Deputy Secretary : Statistics & Informatics Division
Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Director : Statistical Staff Training Institute,BBS
Ms. Aziza Parvin, Director : Computer Wing, BBS
Mr. Jafor Ahmed Khan, Director (Deputy Secretary) : Demography & Health Wing, BBS
Mr. Ghose Subobrata, Director : FA & MIS, BBS
Mr. Md. Zahidul Hoque Sarder, Director : Census Wing, BBS
Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Director : National Accounting Wing, BBS

Member Secretary

Ms. Salima Sultana, Director (Deputy Secretary) : Agriculture Wing, BBS

Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning


The Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics of Bangladesh, 2012 provides wide range of

information on agriculture of the country. The present issue, 24th in the series, is expected
to serve as an important basis for sound statistics on major aspects of agriculture in
Bangladesh. This annual publication highlights data on crops area and production, crop
damage, weather indicators, agricultural inputs, livestock, fisheries, forestry, prices of
selected crops and export-import data on agricultural products.

I deeply feel that statistics has been playing an ever-increasing role in providing
scientific information that is useful in almost every aspect of human life and beyond.
Agriculture statistics is a major concern not only for Bangladesh but also for the world as a
valuable assistance for formulation of appropriate policy and strategic plan in boosting up
the food security and rural development. It is praiseworthy to mention here that
Bangladesh has a strong agriculture structure which has enabled the country to achieve
food sufficiency. Agriculture alone has been playing a vital role in the national economy
and has a persistent contribution to GDP of Bangladesh over the years.

The Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics covers a wide spectrum of statistics and

indicators belonging to several thematic topics to serve as a reference guide to policy-
makers, economists, analysts, academics, educationist s, researchers and other users. I
hope this publication will be very useful in understanding the wide variety of perspectives
of this sector.

I appreciate the work carried out by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and
would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Golam Mostafa Kamal, Director General,
BBS for his active stewardship in this case. I also acknowledge hard works and the
sincere efforts of officials in Agriculture Wing of BBS who were involved in this exercise. I
expect that the users shall continue providing valuable feedback and suggestions for
further improvement of such publication since BBS has been striving for excellence.

Dhaka Md. Nojibur Rahman

August, 2014 Secretary

Director General
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)


The Yearbook of Agriculture Statistics of Bangladesh is an annual publication

published regularly by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Agriculture Wing of
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is responsible for accumulating, compiling and
disseminating current crop statistics and other agriculture related data. This report
contains statistics on crop production estimates, estimates of crop damage,
meteorological data, agricultural inputs, results of Agriculture Census 2008, livestock,
forestry, fisheries, crop prices, monthly wage data, land use, irrigation, exports and
imports of agricultural products and inputs.

The report provides annual estimates of area and production of 124 crops among
which 6 are major crops (Aus, Aman, Boro, Wheat, Potato and Jute) and 118 are minor
crops. Both objective (collection of data from field) and subjective (collection of data
through farmers’ interview) methods are used for crop estimation. Objective method is
generally used for major crops while subjective methods of data collection is also required
for major crops as a process of crosschecking. On the other hand, subjective method is
used for estimation of 118 minor crops. Data are collected through Upazila/Thana
Statistical Offices in prescribed schedules and questionnaires following a well-designed
Yearly Crop Calendar. These questionnaires and schedules are checked and compiled at
regional offices before transmitting it to Head Office.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Ms Salima Sultana, Director, Agriculture

Wing, Joint Director and all other officers and staff of Agriculture Wing for their hard work
in preparing this publication. I also have to extend my appreciation and gratitude to the
officials of other agencies who always extend their co-operations by providing secondary
data as inputs of this publication.

I hope this Yearbook will be very useful to the planners, researchers, policy makers,
NGOs, development partners and other users in their endeavours towards the agricultural
development of the country. Any comment and suggestion for further improvement of this
publication will be highly appreciated.

Dhaka Golam Mostafa Kamal

August, 2014 (Additional Secretary)
Director General


Item Year Area ‘000, Acres Production ‘000, M. tons Per acre Yield (kg)
Major cereals 2011-12 29372 34885 1187
2010-11 29412 34513 1173
2009-10 28985 32877 1134

Aus Rice 2011-12 2812 2332 829

2010-11 2750 2133 776
2009-10 2432 1709 703

Aman Rice 2011-12 13789 12798 928

2010-11 13951 12792 971
2009-10 13993 12207 872

Boro Rice 2011-12 11886 18759 1578

2010-11 11788 18617 1579
2009-10 11631 18059 1553

Wheat 2011-12 885 995 1124

2010-11 923 972 1053
2009-10 923 901 976

Minor cereals 2011-12 495 1301 2628

2010-11 420 1021 2430
2009-10 387 891 2302

Total cereals 2011-12 29867 36186 1212

2010-11 29832 35534 1191
2009-10 29372 33768 1150

Potato 2011-12 1063 8206 7719

2010-11 1137 8326 7321
2009-10 1074 7930 7384

Jute (bales) 2011-12 1878 8003 426

2010-11 1751 8396 479
2009-10 1029 5090 495

Maize 2011-12 487 1298 2665

2010-11 409 1018 2489
2009-10 376 887 2359

Pulses 2011-12 656 240 365

2010-11 627 231 368
2009-10 576 218 378

Oil Seeds 2011-12 977 764 782

2010-11 922 730 791
2009-10 903 786 870
Spices & Condiments 2011-12 803 1755 2185
2010-11 775 1617 2086
2009-10 706 1350 1912
Chillies 2011-12 240 126 525
2010-11 240 141 587
Item Year Area ‘000, Acres Production ‘000, M. tons Per acre Yield (kg)
2009-10 215 109 507

Onion 2011-12 335 1159 3456

2010-11 316 1052 3326
2009-10 291 872 3002

Drugs & Narcotics 2011-12 365 542 1484

2010-11 472 529 1120
2009-10 312 466 1493

Tea 2011-12 143 61 422

2010-11 140 61 432
2009-10 136 60 441

Tobacco 2011-12 126 85 674

2010-11 121 79 656
2009-10 94 54 574

Vegetables 2011-12 907 3060 3373

2010-11 908 3068 3378
2009-10 885 2993 3382

Tomato 2011-12 63 255 4035

2010-11 61 232 3798
2009-10 59 190 3220

Sweet Potato 2011-12 61 253 4167

2010-11 75 298 3964
2009-10 77 307 3987

Sugar 2011-12 279 4603 16487

Crops(Temporary) 2010-11 287 4671 16272
2009-10 290 4491 15486

Sugar Crops(Permanent) 2011-12 06 563 88076

2010-11 06 580 96666
2009-10 06 593 98333

Fruits (Temporary) 2011-12 216 1290 5972

2010-11 219 1308 5972
2009-10 225 1352 6008

Fruits (Permanent) 2011-12 141 3045 2159

2010-11 128 3077 2403
2009-10 135 2968 2198


SL.No Items 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Area in (`000`acre) Area in (`000`acre) Area in (`000`acre)
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
1. Net cropped Area 19484 7885 19368 7838 19594 7929
2. Total Cropped Area 35730 14459 36926 14943 37261 15079
3. Single Cropped Area 6443 2607 5526 2236 6080 2439
4. Double Cropped Area 9836 3980 10149 4107 9488 3840
5. Triple Cropped Area 3205 1297 3670 1485 4055 1641
6. Quadruple Cropped Area - - 23 10 23 9
7. Current Fallow Area 1310 530 1153 467 930 376
8. Intensity of Cropping 183 - 191 - 190 -
9. Total Irrigated area 16186 6550 16904 6841 17435 7056
10. Total Cereals 33765 35533 36184
( `000’ M.ton)
11. Agriculture holding 15183183 (Agriculture census -2008)

SL No Name of the Irrigation Instrument Number of the Instrument by

Electricity Diesel Total
1 Deep tube-well 32412 2910 35322
2 Shallow tube-well 253473 1270136 1523609
3 Low Lift Pump(LLP) 10856 159713 170569
4 Others (Traditional like, Thone, Shauiti, - - 105799
Hand tube-well, etc.)
5 Traktor, - - 14670
6 Power-tellar - - 321374
Source:DAE, Farmgate, Dhaka
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... v
PREFACE........................................................................................................................... vi
KEY STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ........................................................... vii
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1-36
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................3
1.2 Method Of Crop Estimation .........................................................................3
1.3 Physiography And Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) ....................................7
1.4 Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) : ..................................................................10
1.5 Land Levels In Relation to Flooding.........................................................20
1.6. Soils ...............................................................................................................22
1.7 Crop Seasons And Seed Requirements .................................................25
1.8 Crop Calendar Of Bangladesh ..................................................................26

Chapter 2: SUMMARY OF CROP STATISTICS AND CROP INDICES ................. 37-46

2.1 Summary Of Crop Statistics ......................................................................39
2.2 Crop Indices .................................................................................................43

Chapter 3: CROP ESTIMATE............................................................................... 47-160

3.1 Cereals..........................................................................................................49
A. Major Cereals .......................................................................................49
Aus Rice ..............................................................................................50
Aman Rice ...........................................................................................58
Boro Rice .............................................................................................68
Wheat ...................................................................................................78
B. Minor Cereals .....................................................................................82
Barley/Jab. ..........................................................................................82
Jower ....................................................................................................83
Bajra .....................................................................................................84
Maize (Rabi & Kharif) ........................................................................84
Cheena and Kaon ..............................................................................85
Other Cereals (Rabi+Kharif).............................................................85
3.2 Pulses ...........................................................................................................86
Gram. ...................................................................................................86
Arhar. ...................................................................................................87
Masur. ..................................................................................................87
Motor ....................................................................................................88
Mung ....................................................................................................88
Maskalai. .............................................................................................89
Kheshari. .............................................................................................89
Gari Kalai.............................................................................................90
Other Pulses (Rabi+ Kharif). ............................................................90
3.3 Oil Seeds ......................................................................................................91
Til (Rabi+Kharif). ................................................................................91
Rape and Mustard. ............................................................................92
Groundnut (Rabi+Kharif)...................................................................92
Linseed ................................................................................................93
Castor. .................................................................................................93
Other Oil Seed. ...................................................................................94
Coconut ...............................................................................................94
3.4 Spices and Condiments .............................................................................96
Kharif Chilies .......................................................................................96
Rabi Chilies. ........................................................................................97
Garlic. ...................................................................................................98
Turmeric. .............................................................................................98
Ginger. .................................................................................................99
Coriander Seed. .................................................................................99
Other Spices and Condiments (Temporary). ...............................100
Other Spices and Condiments (Perennial). .................................100
3.5 Sugar Crops ...............................................................................................101
Sugarcane. ........................................................................................101
Date Palm (Juice). ...........................................................................102
Date Palm (Fruit). .............................................................................102
Ripe Palm (Tal). ...............................................................................103
Green Palm (Taler Shas). ...............................................................103
Palmyra Palm (Juice). .....................................................................104
3.6 Fibers ..........................................................................................................105
3.6(a) Major Fibres ………………………………………………….…105
3.6 (b) Minor Fibres ..................................................................................108
Cotton (Rabi & Kharif). ....................................................................108
Rabi Sumhemp (Shanpat). .............................................................109
Other Rabi Fibres (Simul Cotton). .................................................109
3.7 Drugs and Narcotics .................................................................................110
Tea. ....................................................................................................110
Tobacco (Jati). ..................................................................................111
Tobacco (Motihari) ...........................................................................111
Tobacco (Virginia). ...........................................................................112
Tobacco (Others) .............................................................................112
Tobacco (Jati+Motihari+Virjinia+Others) ......................................113
Betel Leaves .....................................................................................114
Other Drug and Narcotics. ..............................................................114
3.8 Fruits ...........................................................................................................115
Banana. .............................................................................................115
Mango ................................................................................................116
Pineapple. .........................................................................................116
Jack-Fruit. ..........................................................................................117
Ripen Papaya ...................................................................................117
Water Melon......................................................................................118
Litchi ...................................................................................................118
Guava. ...............................................................................................119
Ber ......................................................................................................119
Orange. ..............................................................................................120
Lime & Lemon. .................................................................................120
Pomelo ...............................................................................................121
Melon (Bangi). ..................................................................................121
Tarmarind (Tentul). ..........................................................................122
Jamrul. ...............................................................................................122
Khirai. .................................................................................................123
Black Berry. .......................................................................................123
Kamranga. .........................................................................................124
Wood Apple.......................................................................................124
Green Coconut. ................................................................................125
Jalpai. .................................................................................................125
Other Fruits .......................................................................................126
Other Citrus Fruits............................................................................127
3.9 Vegetables .................................................................................................128
A. Kharif (Summer) Vegetables..........................................................128
Kharif Pumpkin. ................................................................................128
Kharif Brinjal......................................................................................129
Patal ...................................................................................................129
Lady's Finger. ...................................................................................130
Jhinga. ...............................................................................................130
Karolla ................................................................................................131
Chalkumra. ........................................................................................132
Cucumber. .........................................................................................132
Pui Sak. .............................................................................................133
Chichinga. .........................................................................................134
Other Kharif Vegetables..................................................................135
Kakrol .................................................................................................135
Dhundal .............................................................................................136
Kochur Lati ........................................................................................136
Sajna. .................................................................................................137
Green Papaya. .................................................................................137
Green Banana. .................................................................................138
B. Rabi (Winter) Vegetables ................................................................139
Rabi Brinjal. .......................................................................................139
Cabbage. ...........................................................................................140
Water Gourd. ....................................................................................141
Rabi Pumpkin. ..................................................................................141
Radish. ...............................................................................................142
Beans. ................................................................................................143
Palong Sak. .......................................................................................143
Laushak. ............................................................................................145
Other Winter Vegetables. ...............................................................145
3.10 Other Food Crops .....................................................................................146
Potato .................................................................................................147
Sweet Potato. ...................................................................................155
3.11 Fodder Crops. ............................................................................................156
Bhadoi Fodder. .................................................................................156
Rabi Fodder. .....................................................................................157
Mulberry. ............................................................................................157
Mary Gold Flower. ............................................................................158
Rose Flower. .....................................................................................158
Others Flower.. .................................................................................159

Chapter 4: ESTIMATES OF CROP DAMAGE .................................................... 161-192

4.1 Total Loss In Crops Production ..............................................................163
4.2 Estimates Of Crop Damages By Region ...............................................168

Chapter 5: LAND USE STATISTICS .................................................................. 193-200

5.1 Land Utilization Statistics of Bangladesh ..............................................195
5.2 Intensity of Cropping in Bangladesh ......................................................199

Chapter 6: METEOROLOGY .............................................................................. 201-226

6.1 Annual Rainfall ..........................................................................................203
6.2 Annual and Monthly Average Maximum and MinimumTemperature .......... 209
6.3 Monthly & Yearly Average Humidity (in percentage) ..........................220
6.4 Major Cyclonic Storms from 1960 to 2013 in Bangladesh. ................225
6.5 Major Cyclonic Storms and Tidal Surges in Bangladesh ...................226

Chapter 7: AGRICULTURAL INPUTS ................................................................ 227-254

7.1 Seed ............................................................................................................229
7.2 Credit ...........................................................................................................231
7.3 Fertilizer ......................................................................................................232
7.4 Pesticides ...................................................................................................235
7.5 Agricultural Labour Wages January, 2010 to December, 2012 .........237
7.6 Area Irrigated By Different Means ..........................................................247
7.7 Area Irrigated Under Different Crops .....................................................250
7.8 Area Irrigated by Different Means and by Different Crops. ................253

Chapter 8: AGRICULTURE CENSUS-2008 ....................................................... 255-266

8.1 Number Of Non-Farm And Farm Holdings Of Bangladesh By Zila ..257
8.2 Selected Agriculture Statistics By Division And District /Zila .............259
8.3 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/Zila ...............262
8.4 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/ Zila ..............265

Chapter 9: LIVESTOCK, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES .................................... 267-308

9.1 Livestock .....................................................................................................269
9.2 Forestry .......................................................................................................273
9.3 Fisheries .....................................................................................................278

Chapter 10: CROP PRICES ................................................................................. 309-328

10.1 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2011 ..............................................311
10.2 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2012 ..............................................318
10.3 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops .................................327

11.1 Export of Agricultural Products ...............................................................331
11.2 Import of Agricultural Products and Requistes .....................................337

Chapter 12: STATISTICAL PRINCIPLES AND ACTS .......................................... 347-362

12.1 Statistical Principles ..................................................................................349
12.2 Statistical Act .............................................................................................355
Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Bangladesh is predominantly an agrarian country. Due to its very fertile land and favorable
weather, varieties of crops, grow abundantly in this country. Agriculture sector which contributes
about 19 percent to the country`s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and provides employment to
around 47 percent to total labour force.

In order to determine appropriate policy initiatives, agriculture related statistics are essential. The
yearbook of agriculture statistics of Bangladesh is an annual publication and sources of these kind
of statistics. Agriculture Wing accumulates, compiles and disseminates current crop statistics and
other agriculture related data. This Yearbook contains data on crop acreages and production, crop
damage, weather variables, agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, agricultural labour wages,
irrigation, agriculture holdings, livestock, fisheries, forestry, prices of selected crops and statistics
of export-import of agricultural products etc. The intention of this regular publication is to meet the
users demand of current agricultural statistics.


1.2.1 Agricultural Statistics

Agricultural statistics consist of structural and annual statistics. The structural statistics are
generated collecting data through full count/sample census normally at a regular interval of ten
years. The annual agricultural statistics are generated collecting data through annual /seasonal
sample survey.

The annual or current Agricultural System

The current agricultural statistics is designed to:

 Prepare estimate of acreage, production and yield per acre of more than 100 crops grown in
the country ;
 Estimate of crop damages caused by floods, cyclone storms and other natural calamities;
 Prepare of monthly Agriculture labour Wage rate based on monthly agriculture labour wage
rate survey.
 Prepare of annual land utilization and irrigation statistics by districts. Irrigation statistics show
source and crop details.
 Compilation of annual publications of Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics;
 Improve both scopes of current programme and estimation techniques.

1.2.2 Crop Estimates Reporting System

Selected sample clusters are visited four times in a year and crop-cutting experiment are
conducted in due time to estimate the major crop production of Bangladesh. The period of field
survey, the reporting date in the region from upazila statistical office; date of receipt the reports in
Dhaka Headquarters from regional statistical office; and date of submission of all estimates (Major
& Minor) to the Government are defined by day and month and by individual crops in a crop

1.2.3 Method of Crop Estimation

Both subjective and objective methods are used to obtain crop estimates. The subjective method
denotes the method of impression – based on estimates. The objective method denotes the
method of sample survey in which the main items of information are collected mostly through
measurement and observation. The estimates of rice, wheat, potato and jute are made by
objective method; for all other crops subjective estimation are followed.

1.2.4 The Subjective Estimation Method

Crop estimation is usually initiated at union levels. The upazila statistical office staff collects the
union estimates of the area and yield rate of the crop being estimated. These crop estimates are
prepared on the basis of assessment of opinions of farmers interviewed and appraisals of the
current crop conditions compared with that of the previous year or of a normal year by the field
staff of the upazila statistical office. The Agricultural Census conducted in 1983-84, 1996 and 2008
influence the current estimates of crop areas.

In order to have an element of objectivity in estimation the field offices of BBS collect area and
yield rate of a crop by unions on the basis of assessments of reports of 5 or 6 local farmers and
their observation of condition of crops in the field. Percentage changes of area of yield rate from
previous year are determined on information collected from farmers and field staff’s own
observation of a crop.

Upazila crop acreage is the arithmetic sum of union crop acreage and yield per acre is the result of
weighted average of union estimates. Regional estimates are evaluated in relation to (1) prices of
crops (2) seasonal character, (3) conditions of the growing plants, (4) damages, if any and (5)
previous year estimates. The country estimates are based on district estimates.

1.2.5 Objectives of Estimation Method

Cultivations of Aus, Aman, Boro, Jute, Wheat and Potato are widespread. The sample designs of
these crops are, therefore, developed considering total land area of the country (excluding urban
areas and areas under government reserved forests and big rivers) as universe. The each unit of
clusters of plots are sampled across this universe.

Average size of clusters are 5 acres and each were selected as stratified in two stage sample.
First stage was selection of mauza and second stage was selection of clusters. Probability
proportional to size (PPS) method was adopted for selection of clusters. In sampling scheme, each
district constituted as stratum. The overall sampling faction was 1/5.

The clusters were formed from cadastral plots listed in the record of right books of the mouza. The
plots were numbered continuously starting from the north-west corner of the mouza. The initial plot
of a cluster was determined randomly. A cluster was formed from the plots numbered
consecutively starting from the number of the initial plot. The allowable limit for the area of the
cluster was 3 to 7 acres or an average of 5 acres. About 10353 sample clusters were formed using
the above method. Ultimately 10348 clusters were identified and brought under operation.

1.2.6 Data collection:

The clusters are visited 4 times a year. The acreages of different crops and other utilizations in
each cluster are recorded by the field staff in prescribed forms.

1.2.7 Area Estimation:

The cluster term report are edited, compiled and analyzed in head office for estimating areas of
Aus, Aman, Boro Jute, and Wheat and Potato crops by varieties separately and combinedly. The
total acreage figure of a crop is obtained districtwise by using the method of ratio estimation. The
acreage estimates of crops by district are obtained by ratio method of expansion as follows;

Area for a crop Effective area for Area ratio devoted to the
for the district = the district x crop for the district


Effective area for Total land area Area not utilized for
the district = for the district - agricultural purposes for
the district

Area ratio Sum of area devoted to the crop from plots within the
devoted to the = clusters for the districts
crop for the Sum of areas of corresponding clusters for the
district district

1.2.8 Yield Rate Estimation:

For estimating yield rates of the crops, crop cutting surveys are conducted. A large sub-sample of
clusters is taken for each of the survey. According to sample design, each 64 districts are
considered as domains. In each district 50(fifty) sample crop cutting experiments are done from
the sample cluster. The total number of crop cutting is distributed among the upazilas (sub-
districts) according to the proportion of area coverage for each crop and again according to variety
in one crop. Thus the variety- wise weighted average yield rate is obtained.

The method followed is a circular cut of total area 215.278 sq. ft. with a radius of 8.278 ft, (20 sq
meters). In sample plot one random point is determined and around that point the circle is
delineated by means of and appliance with an arm of fixed length (8.278 ft.) attached to it. A stylus
is also attached for marking crop plants to be cut.

Rice from the harvested sample plants are threshed and winnowed and green weights are
recorded. For recording the moisture, moisture meter is used. In case of jute, green plants of
cutting area circle of 4ft. radius in sample plots are retted separately and after peeling, washing

and drying weight is recorded and reported again. In case of wheat crop cutting experiment is
exercised by taking 4ft. radius circle in the selected plot. Then weight for sample harvesting is
recorded and reported. Potato cutting experiment is done in a different way as potatoes are
planted in rows. Two sample rows of harvested potatoes are selected in a sample plot. Thus
weight is recorded.

1.2.9 Production Estimation:

Multiplying area and yield rate figures, production estimates of the crops are derived separately for
varieties and district. Country estimates are obtained by adding estimates of districts. Yield rates at
country level are all weighted averages.


The land use pattern of the country is influenced by agro ecology, soil physiographic and climatic factors.
According to the variations of all these factors and agricultural potential, the total land area has been
classified into thirty agro ecological zones which are grouped into twenty major physiographic units as
shown below.
Sl. Physiographic Agro-Ecological Zone (AEZ) Area Texture = T Land Type
No Unit excluding pH = pH Home-
AEZ river beds Organic Medium Medium Very stead +
Name High Low
No. (acre) Matter High Low Low Water
Status = 0.m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Old Old Type (%) 34 1 - - 7
Himalayan Himalayan T: Loamy - - - -
1. 1. 990400 loam
Piedmont Piedmont pH: 4.5-5.5 - - - -
Plain Plain 0.m: Low - - - -

Type (%) 2 - - - 26
Teesta Flood Active Teesta T: - - - - -
2. 2. 205100 loam
Plain Flood Plain pH: - - - - -
0.m: - - - - -

Type (%) 35 51 4 1 - 9
T: Loamy Loamy - - - -
3. Meander 2339595
pH: 5.4-6.5 6.0-6.5 - - - -
Flood Plain
0.m: Low Low - - - -

Type (%) 23 44 14 4 1 14
Teesta Flood T: Silt-loam Clayey - - - -
3. 4. Bangali Flood 635555
Plain pH: 5.4-5.7 5.4-5.7 - - - -
0.m: Low Low - - - -
4. LowerAtraiBa 5. LowerAtraiBa 210285 Type (%) 2 8 21 65 - 4
sin sin T: - - Clayey Clayey - -
pH: - - 4.8-6.0 4.8-6.0 - -
0.m: - - Medium Medium - -
5. Lower 6. Lower 31875 Type (%) - 10 60 - - 30
Punarbhaba Punarbhaba T: - - Clayey - - -
Flood Plain Flood pH: - - 4.5 - - -
Plain 0.m: - - Medium - - -
6. Brahmaputra 7. Active 788265 Type (%) 5 37 20 8 - 30
Flood Plain Brahmaputra- T: - Sandy/Si Silty - - -
Jamuna pH: - lty 7.5-7.9 - - -
Flood Plain 0.m: - 7.5-7.9 Low - - -
Very low
8. Young 1463850 Type (%) 18 42 19 9 - 12
Brahmaputra- T: Loamy Loamy Loamy - - -
Jamuna pH: 5.5-6.8 5.5-6.8 5.5-6.8 - - -
Flood Plain 0.m: Low Low Low - - -
9. Old 1786570 Type (%) 28 35 20 7 - 10
Brahmaputra T: Silt-loam Loamy Clayey - - -
Flood pH: 5.1-5.6 5.1-5.6 5.1-5.6 - - -
Plain 0.m: Low Medium Medium - - -

Sl. Physiographic Agro-Ecological Zone (AEZ) Area Texture = T Land Type

No Unit excluding pH = pH Home-
AEZ river beds Organic Medium Medium Very stead +
Name High Low
No. (acre) Matter High Low Low Water
Status = 0.m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7. GangesRiver 10. Active 823850 Type (%) 12 33 18 4 - 33
Flood Plain Ganges T: - Loamy Clayey - - -
Flood Plain pH: - 6.9-7.9 6.9-7.9 - - -
0.m: - Low Medium - - -
11. HighGanges 3263025 Type (%) 43 32 12 2 - 11
River Flood T: Silt-loam Loamy Clayey - - -
Plain pH: 6.1-7.9 6.1-7.9 6.1-7.9 - - -
0.m: Low Low Medium - - -
12. LowGangesR 1968935 Type (%) 13 29 31 14 2 11
iver Flood T: Silt-loam Silt-clay Clayey - - -
Plain pH: 6.2-7.7 6.2-7.7 6.2-7.4 - - -
0.m: Medium Medium Medium - - -
8. Ganges Tidal 13. Ganges Tidal 4217100 Type (%) 2 78 2 - - 18
Flood Plain Flood Plain T: - Loamy - - - -
pH: - 6.5-7.0 - - - -
0.m: - Medium - - - -
9. Gopalganj- 14. Gopalganj- 555245 Type (%) 3 13 41 28 11 4
Khulna Beel Khulna Bils T: - Clayey Clayey Clayey - -
pH: - 5.4 5.4 5.4 - -
0.m: - Medium Medium Medium - -
10 Arial Beel 15. Arial Beel 35585 Type (%) - 13 - 73 - 14
. T: - Clayey - Clayey - -
pH: - 5.4 - 5.4 - -
0.m: - Medium - Medium - -
11 MeghnaRiver 16. MiddleMeghn 384250 Type (%) - 8 29 25 11 27
. Flood Plain aRiver T: - - Loamy Loamy - -
Flood Plain pH: - - 4.9-5.5 4.4-5.5 - -
0.m: - - Low Low - -
17. LowerMeghn 224620 Type (%) 14 28 31 - - 27
aRiver T: Silt-loam Silt-loam Silt-loam - - -
Flood Plain pH: 5.0-6.0 5.0-6.0 5.5-6.0 - - -
0.m: Medium Medium Medium - - -
12 Meghna 18. Young 2290420 Type (%) - 45 7 - - 48
. Estuarine Meghna T: - Silt-loam - - - -
Flood Estuarine pH: - 6.1-6.8 - - - -
Plain Flood Plain 0.m: - Medium - - - -
19. Old Meghna 1912595 Type (%) 2 24 33 21 3 17
Estuarine T: - Silt-loam Loamy Clayey - -
Flood Plain pH: - 5.0-6.1 5.5-6.5 5.5-6.5 - -
0.m: - Medium Medium Medium - -
13 Surma- 20. Eastern 1142120 Type (%) 5 25 20 36 - 14
. Kusiyara Flood Surma- T: - Silt-loam Clayey Clayey - -
Plain Kusiyara pH: - 4.7-6.9 4.7-5.5 4.7-5.5 - -
Flood Plain 0.m: Medium Medium Medium - -
21. SylhetBasin 1130015 Type (%) - 4 19 43 23 11
T: - - Silt-loam Clayey Clayey -
pH: - - 4.7-4.9 4.7-4.9 4.7-4.9 -
0.m: - - High High High -
14 Northern and 22. Northern and 997810 Type (%) 33 31 16 9 1 10
. Eastern Eastern T: Sandy- Loamy Silt-loam - - -
Piedmont Piedmont pH: loam 4.5-5.8 4.5-5.8 - - -
Plains Plains 0.m: 4.5-5.8 Medium Medium - - -

Sl. Physiographic Agro-Ecological Zone (AEZ) Area Texture = T Land Type

No Unit excluding pH = pH Home-
AEZ river beds Organic Medium Medium Very stead +
Name High Low
No. (acre) Matter High Low Low Water
Status = 0.m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15. Chittagong 23. Chittagong 919230 Type (%) 17 43 13 - - 27
Coastal Coastal Plain T: Silt-loam Silt-loam - - - -
Plain pH: 5.6 5.6 - - - -
0.m: Low Low - - - -
16 St. Martins 24. St. Martins 1975 Type (%) 33 63 2 - - 2
. Coral Island Coral Island T: Sandy Sandy- - - - -
pH: 7.0-7.5 loam - - - -
0.m: Low 7.0-7.5 - - - -
17 Barind Tract 25. Level Barind 1247635 Type (%) 30 55 4 2 - 9
. Tract T: Loamy Loamy - - - -
pH: 5.0-5.7 5.0-5.7 - - - -
0.m: Low Low - - - -
26. High Barind 395370 Type (%) 93 1 - - - 6
Tract T: Loamy - - - - -
pH: 4.8-5.9 - - - - -
0.m: Low - - - - -
27. North- 266625 Type (%) 36 56 1 - - 7
Eastern T: Loamy Loamy - - - -
Barind pH: 4.8-5.9 4.8-5.9 - - - -
Tract 0.m: Low Low - - - -
18 Madhupur 28. Madhupur 1048715 Type (%) 56 18 7 9 - 10
. Tract Tract T: Loamy Loamy - - - -
pH: 4.8-5.5 4.8-5.5 - - - -
0.m: Low Low - - - -
19 Northern and 29. Northern and 4490150 Type (%) 92 2 1 - - 5
. Eastern Eastern T: Loamy - - - - -
Hills Hills pH: 4.5-4.9 - - - - -
0.m: Low - - - - -

20 Akhaura 30. Akhaura 27920 Type (%) 55 11 10 15 3 6

. Terrace Terrw T: Loamy Loamy - - - -
sace pH: 5.5-6.5 5.5-6.5 - - - -
0.m: Low Low - - - -

Source: (i) Land Resources Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development, Technical Report No. 2 UNDP/FAO.
(ii) BARC Soils Publication No. 32.

1.4 Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) :

AEZ-1: Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain
This distinctive region is developed in an old Teesta alluvial fan extending out from foot of the Himalayas. It
has complex relief pattern comprising broad and narrow floodplain ridges and linear depressions. Deep
rapidly permeable sandy loams and sandy clay loams are predominant in the region. They are strongly
acidic in topsoil and moderately acidic in subsoil as well as richin sandminerals. Seven general soil types
occur in the region; of them, Noncalcareous Brown Floodplain soils, Black Terai soils and Noncalcareous
Dark Grey Floodplain soils predominent.Organic matter contents are relatively higher than other floodplain
areas. The natural fertility of the soils, except the coarse textured, is moderate but well sustained.

Location: Most of Panchagarh and Thakurgaon districts and north western part of Dinajpur district
AEZ-2: Active Tista Floodplain
This region includes the active floodplains of Teesta, Dharla and Dudkumar rivers. It has complex patterns of
low, generally smooth ridges, inter-ridge depressions, river channels and cut-off channels.

The area has irregular patterns of grey stratified, sands and silts. They are moderately acidic throughout and
parent alluvium is rich in minerals. Four general soil types occur in the region; of which, Noncalcareous
Alluvium predominates. Organic matter content is low and CEC is medium. Soil fertility level, in general, is
low to medium.

Location: Narrow belts within and adjoining the channels of the Teesta, Dharla and Dudkumar rivers in
Nilphamari, Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram and Gaibandha districts.

AEZ-3: Tista Meander Floodplain

This region occupies major part of the Teesta floodplain as well as the floodplains of the Atrai, Little Jamuna,
Karatoya, Dharla and Dudkumar rivers.

Most areas have broad floodplain ridges and almost level basins. There is an overall pattern of olive brown,
rapidly permeable, loamy soils on the high floodplain ridges, and grey or dark grey, slowly permeable, heavy
silt loam or silty clay-loam soils on the lower land and parent materials rich in minerals. Eight general soil
types occur in the region; of which, Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain and Noncalcareous Brown Floodplain
soils predominate. They are moderately acidic throughout, low in organic matter content on the higher land,
but moderate in the power parts. Fertility level, in general, is low to medium. Soils in general have a good
moisture holding capacity.

Location: Most of greater Rangpur, eastern parts of Panchagarh and Dinajpur, northern Bogra and parts of
Joypurhat, Naogaon and Rajshahi districts.
AEZ-4: Karatoya-Bangali Floodplain
This floodplain apparently comprises a mixture of Tista and Brahmaputra sediments. Most areas have
smooth, broad, floodplain ridges and almost level basins.

The soils are grey silt loams and silty clay loams on ridges and grey or dark grey clays in basins. Five
general soil types occur in the region; of which, Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain and Noncalcareous Dark
Floodplain soils predominate. They are moderately acidic throughout. Organic matter content is low in ridge
soils and moderate in basins. General fertility is medium.

Location: Eastern half of Bogra and most of Sirajganj districts.


AEZ-5: Lower Atrai Basin

This region comprises the low lying area between the Barind Tract and the Ganges River Floodplain.
Smooth low lying basin land occupies most of the region. Dark grey, heavy, acidic clays predominate.

Seven general soil types occur in the region; but Noncalcareous Dark Grey Floodplain soils cover most of
the area. Organic matter and fertility status are moderate.

Location: Naogaon and Natore districts and parts of Rajshahi, Bogra and Sirajgonj districts.

AEZ-6: Lower Punarbhaba Floodplain

This region occupies basins and beels separated by low floodplain ridges. In this area, dark grey, mottled
red, very strongly acid, heavy clays occupy both ridge and basin sites. Only one general soil type, Acid
Basin Clays, has been identified in the region. Organic matter status is medium to high. General fertility level
is medium.

Location: Extreme western part of Naogaon district and extreme northern part of Nawabganj district.

AEZ-7: Active Brahmaputra-Jamuna Floodplain

This region comprises the belt unstable alluvial land along the Brahmaputra-Jamuna rivers where land is
constantly being formed and eroded by shifting river channels. It has an irregular relief of broad and narrow
ridges and depressions.

The area is occupied by sandy and silty alluvium rich in minerals with slightly alkaline in reaction. Six general
soil types occupy the area; of which, only Noncalcareous Alluvium predominates. Organic matter status is
low and fertility status low to medium.

Location: Eastern parts of Kurigram, Gaibandha, Bogra, Sirajganj and Pabna districts and western parts of
Sherpur, Jamalpur, Tangail and Manikganj districts. Also, minor areas in Dhaka, Munshiganj, Narayanganj
and Chandpur districts.

AEZ-8: Young Brahmaputra -Jamuna Floodplain

This region comprises of the area of Brahmaputra sediments. It has a complex relief of broad and narrow
ridges, inter-ridge depressions, partially in filled cut-off channels and basins.

This area is occupied by permeable silt loam to silty clay loam soils on the ridges and impermeable clays in
the basins which are neutral to slightly acidic in reaction. General soil types include predominantly Grey
Floodplain soils. Organic matter content is low in ridges and moderate in basins.

Location: Western parts of Jamalpur, Sherpur and Tangail districts, parts of Manikganj Narayanganj and
Gajipur districts and a belt adjoining the old Brahmaputra channel through Mymensingh, Kishoreganj and
Narsindi districts.

AEZ-9: Old Brahmaputra Floodplain

This region occupies a large area of Brahmaputra sediments before the river shifted to its present Jamuna
channel about 200 years ago. The region has broad ridges and basins.

Soils of the area are predominantly silt loams to silty clay loams on the ridges and clay in the basins.
General soil types predominantly include Dark Grey Floodplain soil. Organic matter content is low on the
ridges and moderate in the basins; topsoils are moderately acidic but subsoils neutral in reaction. General
fertility level is low.

Location: Large areas in Sherpur, Jamalpur, Tangail, Mymensingh, Netrokona, Kishoreganj districts. Also,
small areas east of Dhaka and Gazipur districts.

AEZ-10: Active Ganges Floodplain

This region occupies unstable alluvial land within and adjoining Gangesriver. It has irregular relief of broad
and narrow ridges and depressions.

The area has complex mixtures of calcareous sandy, silty and clayey alluvium. The general soil types
predominantly include Calcareous Alluvium and Calcareous Brown Floodplain soils which are low in organic
matter and mildly alkaline in reaction. General fertility level is medium.

Location: The region along the Ganges and lower Meghna River channels from the Indian border in
Nawabganj and Rajshahi districts to the mouth of Meghna estuary in Lakshmipur and Barisal districts.

AEZ-11: HighGangesRiver Floodplain

This region includes the western part of the Ganges River Floodplain which is predominantly highland and
medium highland. Most areas have a complex relief of broad and narrow ridges and inter-ridge depressions,
separated by areas with smooth broad ridges and basins.

There is an overall pattern of olive-brown silt loams and silty clay loams on the upper parts of floodplain
ridges and dark grey, mottled brown, mainly clay soils on ridge sites and in basins. Most ridge soils are
calcareous throughout. General soil types predominantly include Calcareous Dark Grey Floodplain soils and
Calcareous Brown Floodplain soils. Organic matter content in brown ridge soils is low and higher in dark
grey soils. Soils are slightly alkaline in reaction. General fertility level is low.

Location: Nawabganj, Rajshahi, Southern Pabna, Kushtia, Meherpur, Jessore, Chuadanga, Jhenaidah,
Magura, and northern parts of Satkhira and Khulna districts together with minor areas in Noagaon and Narail

AEZ-12: LowGangesRiver Floodplain

The region comprises the eastern half of the Ganges River Floodplain which is low-lying. The region has a
typical meander floodplain landscape of broad ridges and basins.

Soils of the region are silt loams and silty clay loams on the ridges and silty clay loams to heavy clays on
lower sites. General soil types predominantly include Calcareous Dark Grey and Calcareous Brown
Floodplain soils. Organic matter content is low in ridges and moderate in the basins. Soils are calcareous in
nature having neutral to slightly alkaline reaction. General fertility level is medium.

Location : Natore, Pabna, Goalanda, Faridpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj and Sariatpur, eastern part of Kushtia,
Magura, and Narail, north eastern parts of Khulna and Bagherhat, northern Barisal, and south-western part
of Manikganj.

AEZ-13: Ganges Tidal Floodplain

This region occupies an extensive area of tidal floodplain land in south-west of the country. The greater part
of this region has smooth relief.

There is a general pattern of grey, slightly calcareous, heavy soils on river banks and grey to dark grey,
noncalcareous, heavy silty clays in the extensive basins. Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain soil is the major
component of general soil types. Acid Sulphate soil also occupies significant part of the area where it is
extremely acidic during dry season. In general, most of the topsoils are acidic and subsoils are neutral to
mildly alkaline. Soils of Sundarban area are strongly alkaline. General fertility level is high with medium to
high organic matter content.

Location: All or most of Barisal, Jhalakati, Pirojpur, Patuakhali, Barguna, Bagerhat, Khulna, Satkhira districts
including Khulna and Bagerhat Sundarban Reserved Forests.

AEZ-14: Gopalganj-Khulna Beels

The region occupies extensive low-lying areas between the Ganges River Floodplain and the Ganges Tidal
Floodplain. Almost level, low-lying basins occupy most of the region with low ridges along rivers and creeks.

Soils of the area are grey and dark grey acidic heavy clays overlying peat or muck at 25-100 cm. Soft peat
and muck occupy perennially wet basin centres. General soil types include mainly Peat and Noncalcareous
Dark Grey Floodplain soils. Organic matter content is medium to high. Fertility level is medium.

Location: A number of separate basin areas in Madaripur, Gopalgonj, Narail, Jessore, Bagerhat and Khulna

AEZ-15: Arial Beel

This region occupies a low lying basin between the Ganges and Dhaleshwari rivers in the south of
formerDhaka district.

The soils of this area are dark grey, acidic heavy clays. Noncalcareous Dark Grey Floodplain soils are the
major general soil type. Organic matter content generally exceeds two percent in the top and subsoil.
Available moisture holding capacity is inherently low. The general fertility level is medium to high.

Location: Munshigonj and Dhaka districts.

AEZ-16: Middle Meghna River Floodplain

This region occupies abandoned channel of the Brahmaputra River on the border between greater Dhaka
and Comilla districts. This region includes islands-former Brahmaputra chars within the Meghna River as
well as adjoining parts of the mainland.

Soils of the area are grey, loamy on the ridges and grey to dark grey clayey in the basins. Grey sands to
loamy sands with compact silty topsoil, occupying areas of old Brahmaputra char. Dominant general type is
Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain soils. Topsoils are strongly acidic and subsoils slightly acidic to slightly
alkaline. General fertility level is medium.

Location: The region between the southern part of Sylhet Basin and the confluence of the Meghna river with
the Dhaleshwari and Ganges rivers covering parts of several districts, Kishoreganj, Brahmanbaria, Comilla,
Chandpur, Narsindi and Narayanganj.

AEZ-17: Lower Meghna River Floodplain

This area occupies transitional area between Middle Meghna River Floodplain and the Young Meghna
Estuarine Floodplain. The region has slightly irregular relief with little difference in elevation between the
ridges and depressions.

Soils of this area are relatively uniform. Silt loams occupy relatively higher areas and silty clay loams the
depressions. Noncalcareous Dark Grey Floodplain and Calcareous Grey Floodplain soils are major
components of general type. Topsoils are moderately acidic and subsoils neutral in reaction. General fertility
level is medium to high with low to medium organic matter status.

Location: Chandpur, Lakshmipur and Noakhali districts.

AEZ-18: Young Meghna Estuarine Floodplain

This region occupies young alluvial land in and adjoining the Meghna estuary. It is almost level with very low
ridges and broad depressions. The major soils are grey to olive, deep, calcareous silt loam and silty clay
loams and are stratified either throughout or at shallow depth. Calcareous Alluvium and Noncalcareous Grey
Floodplain soils are the dominant general type. The soils in the south become saline in dry season. Top
soils and subsoils of the area are mildly alkaline. General fertility is medium but low in organic matter.

Location: Chittagong, Feni, Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Bhola, Barisal, Patuakhali and Barguna districts.

AEZ-19: Old Meghna Estuarine Floodplain

This region occupies a large area, mainly low-lying between south of the Surma-Kusiyara Floodplain and
northern edge of the Young Meghna Estuarine Floodplain. It comprises smooth, almost level, floodplain
ridges and shallow basins.

Silt loam soils predominate on highlands and silty clay to clay in lowlands. Noncalcareous Dark Grey
Floodplain soils are the only general type of the area. Organic matter content of the soils are moderate.
Moisture holding capacity is medium. Topsoils are moderately acidic, but subsoils neutral in reaction.
General fertility level is medium.

Location: Kishoreganj, Habiganj, Brahmanbaria, Comilla, Chandpur, Feni, Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Narsindi,
Narayanganj, Dhaka, Sariatpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj and Barisal districts.

AEZ-20: Eastern Surma-Kusiyara Floodplain

This region occupies the relatively higher parts of Surma-Kusiyara Floodplain formed on sediments of the
rivers draining into the Meghna catchments area from the hills. The area is mainly smooth broad ridges and

The soils are grey, heavy silty clay loams on the ridges and clays in the basins. Noncalcareous Grey
Floodplain soils are the only general type. Organic matter content of soils is moderate. The reaction of soils
ranges from strongly acidic to neutral.

Location: Sylhet, Moulvi Bazar, Sunamganj and Habiganj districts.


AEZ-21: Sylhet Basin

The region occupies the lower western side of Surma-Kusiyara Floodplain. The area is mainly smooth broad
basins with narrow ridges of higher land along the rivers.

Soils of the area are grey clays in the wet basins and silty clay loams and clay loam on the higher parts
which dry out seasonally. Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain soils and Acid Basin Clays are the major
components of the general soil types. The soils have moderate content of organic matter and soil reaction is
mainly acidic. Fertility level is medium to high.

Location: Large parts of Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria districts.

AEZ-22: Northern and Eastern Piedmont Plains

This is a discontinuous region occurring as a narrow strip of land at the foot of the northern and eastern hills.
The area comprises merging alluvial fans which slope gently outward from the foot of the hills into smooth
low lying basin.

Grey Piedmont soils and Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain soils are the major general soil types of the area.
Soils of the area are loams to clays in texture having slightly acidic to strongly acidic reaction. General
fertility level is low to medium.

Location: Sherpur, Netrokona, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Moulvi Bazar, Habiganj, Brahmanbaria and Comilla

AEZ-23: Chittagong Coastal Plain

This region occupies the plain land in greater Chittagong district and the eastern part of Feni district. It is a
compound unit of piedmont, river, tidal and estuarine floodplain landscapes.

Grey silt loams and silty clay loam soils are predominant. Acid Sulphate soils which are potentially extremely
acidic occur in mangrove tidal floodplains. Noncalcareous Grey Floodplain soils, Noncalcareous Alluvium
and Acid Sulphate soils are the major components of general soil types of the area. General fertility level of
soils is medium. Organic matter content is low to moderate.

Location: Feni, Chittagong and Cox's Bazar districts.

AEZ-24: St. Martin's Coral Island

This small but distinctive region occupies the whole of St. Martin's Island in the extreme south of the country.
The area has very gently undulating old beach ridges and inter-ridge depressions surrounded by sandy

The soils are developed entirely on old and young coral beach sands. Calcareous Alluvium is the only
general soil type of the area. General fertility level is low with poor moisture holding capacity.

Location: St. Martin's, Island


AEZ-25: Level Barind Tract

This region is developed over Madhupur Clay. The landscape is almost level and locally irregular along river
channels. The predominant soils have a grey silty paddled topsoil with plough pan which either directly
overlies grey heavy little weathered Madhupur Clay or merges with the porous silt loam or silty clay loam
subsoils having strongly acid clay at greater depth. Shallow Grey Terrace soils and Deep Grey Terrace soils
are the major components of general soil types of the area. The soils are low in available moisture holding
capacity and slightly acidic to acidic in reaction. Organic matter status is very low and most of the available
nutrients are limiting.

Location: Dinajpur, Gaibandha, Joypurhat, Bogra, Naogaon, Sirajganj and Natore districts.

AEZ-26: High Barind Tract

It includes the western part of Barind Tract where the underlying Madhupur Clay has been uplifted and cut
into by deep valleys.

The soils include paddled silt loam to silty clay loam in the topsoils and porous silt loam with mottled plastic
clay at varying depth. Deep Grey Terrace soils and GreyValley soils are the major components of general
soil types of the area. General fertility status is low having low status of organic matter.

Location: Rajshahi, Nawabganj and Naogaon districts.

AEZ-27: North Eastern Barind Tract

This region occupies several discontinuous areas on the north-eastern margins of Barind Tract. It stands
slightly higher than adjoining floodplain land.

The region has silty or loamy topsoil and clay loams to clay subsoils and grades into strongly mottled clay.
The Madhupur Clay underlying this region is deeply weathered. Deep Red Brown Terrace soil and Deep
Grey Terrace soils are the major components of general soil types of the area. The soils are strongly acidic
in reaction. Organic matter of the soils is low. General fertility level is poor.

Location: Dinajpur, Rangpur, Gaibandha, Joypurhat and Bogra districts.

AEZ-28: Madhupur Tract

This region of complex relief and soils developed over the Madhupur Clay. The landscape comprises level
upland, closely or broadly dissected terrace associated with either shallow or broad, deep valleys.

Eleven general soil types exist in the area; of which, Deep Red Brown Terrace, Shallow Red Brown Terrace
soils and Acid Basin Clays are the major ones. The soils on the terrace are better drained, friable clay loams
to clays overlying friable clay substratum at varying depth. Soils in the valleys are dark grey heavy clays.
They are strongly acidic in reaction with low status of organic matter, low moisture holding capacity and low
fertility level.

Location: Dhaka, Gazipur, Narsindi, Narayanganj, Tangail, Mymensingh and Kishoreganj.


AEZ-29: Northern and Eastern Hills

This region includes the country's hill areas. Relief is complex. Hills have been dissected to different degrees
over different rocks. In general, slopes are very steep and few low hills have flat summits.
The major hill soils are yellow-brown to strong brown permeable friable loamy, very strongly acidic and low
in moisture holding capacity. However, soil patterns generally are complex due to local differences in sand,
silt and clay contents of the underlying sedimentary rocks and in the amount of erosion that has occurred.
BrownHill soils are the predominant general soil type of the area. Organic matter content and general fertility
level is low.

Location: Mainly in Khagrachhari, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bandarban, Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Habiganj and
Moulvi Bazar districts, small areas along the northern border of Sherpur, Mymensingh, Sunamganj and
Sylhet districts in central and south eastern Sylhet and in the east of Brahmanbaria, Comilla and Feni

AEZ-30: Akhaura Terrace

This small region lies on the eastern border of Brahmanbaria and southwest corner of Habiganj districts. In
appearance, the region resembles Madhupur Tract with level upland dissected by mainly deep broad

The main soils on the upland have strong brown clay which grades into red mottled clay substratum. The
valley soils range from silty clay loams to clays. Deep Red Brown Terrace soil, Grey Piedmont soils and Acid
Basin Clays are the major components of general soil types of the area. The general fertility including
organic matter status is low. The soils are strongly acidic in reaction.

Location: Brahmanbaria district and minor area in Habiganj district.

All the physiographic units and agro-ecological regions are displayed separately on two maps (Map-1
and Map-2).



1.5 Land Levels In Relation to Flooding

The distribution of land levels in relation to seasonal flooding is shown in Map-3. The
information has been provided in terms of depth of flooding phases. The terms used have the
following meanings:

Highland (H) : Land which is above normal flood-level.

Medium Highland (MH) : Land which is normally flooded about 90 cm deep during the flood season.

Medium Lowland (ML) : Land which is normally flooded between 90 cm. and 180 cm. deep during
the flood season.

Lowland (L) : Land which is normally flooded between 180 and 300 cm deep during the
flood season.

Very Lowland (VL) : Land which is normally flooded deeper than 300 cm during the flood season.

An additional class, Bottomland, is recognized for depression sites in any land level class which
remains wet throughout the year. The Medium Highland land type has been divided into two subclasses:
MH-1, normally flooded upto about 30 cm deep; and MH-2, normally flooded between 30 -90 cm deep.
Neither these subclasses nor Bottomland are shown separately in the map.

It is important to realize that the depth limits between the depth of flooding classes are not as rigid as
the definitions might suggest. Flood-levels in an area may, in fact, vary by as much as a metre or more over
different years. They may also reach their peak levels for only a few days at a time during a particular year.
They may also reach their peak levels for only a few days at a time during a particular year. What these
classes indicate is the level of flooding which farmers expect when they decide which crops to grow in the
kharif season on their different kinds of land, based on their long experience of cultivation on particular sites:

- Highland may be suitable for kharif or perennial dry land crops if the soils are permeable.
Impermeable soils - or soils which can be made impermeable by puddling - may be suitable for
transplanted Aus and/or Aman paddy if bunds are made to retain rainwater on fields.

- Medium Highland is suitable for crops which can tolerate shallow flooding, such as broadcast or
transplanted Aus paddy, jute and transplanted Aman paddy. Early kharif dry land crops which
mature before flooding starts can be grown on permeable soils, and late kharif and early rabi dry
land crops on soils which drain in September-October.

- Medium Lowland is flooded too deeply for transplanted Aus or transplanted Aman paddy to be
grown safely. Mixed broadcast Aus and deepwater Aman is a common practice; or long Aman
seedlings may be transplanted if floodwater recedes early enough. Dry land rabi crops are widely
grown on soils which drain in October or November.

- Lowland is flooded too deeply for broadcast Aus or transplanted Aman to be grown. Deepwater
Aman is typically grown on such land (although the cultivation of irrigated Boro paddy on such land
in the dry season now precludes the cultivation of deepwater Aman over considerable areas of
lowland). Dry land rabi crops can only be grown if floodwater recedes before December.

- Very Lowland generally is too deeply flooded for even deepwater Aman to be grown (this is not
necessary because of the depth of flooding but because of such associated characteristics as early
flooding, rapid flooding or wave action on large open bodies of water, as in the Sylhet Basin). Where
cultivated, very Lowland is generally used for irrigated Boro paddy, either HYV or local varieties.

- Bottomland stays too wet for paddy to be sown broadcast. The traditional crop on such land is local
Boro paddy, either not irrigated or irrigated by traditional low-lift irrigation devices. In a few other
areas where flooding normally does not exceed about 1.5 m deep very long Aman paddy seedlings
are transplanted early in the monsoon season.

The above flood-depth classes are shown on the map as subdivisions of the soil units. As with the soil
units themselves, it must be realized that the information given on flooding characteristics is highly
generalized. It is to be noted that several flood-depth classes can occur within a single village in floodplain
physiographic units. But the map shows either the most extensive class (or classes) occurring in the soil unit
(e.g., Highland or Highland and Medium Highland) or the range of classes which cover important areas
within the unit if more than two classes occur (e.g., Medium Lowland to Very Lowland). Where two classes
are named, the more extensive one is named first. Where a range of classes is indicated, they are referred
in sequence from highest to lowest position in the landscape, regardless of their relative extents.

Inundation Land Types

1. Mainly Highland 2. Highland to Medium Lowland 3. Mainly Medium Highland
4. Medium Highland and Highland 5. Medium Highland and Medium Lowland 6. Medium Highland to Lowland
7. Medium Lowland and Lowland 8. Lowland and Very Lowland

1.6. Soils
Results of reconnaissance soil surveys conducted in the recent past have enabled scientists to divide the country
into 19 soil type units (The Soils of East Pakistan, 1969: H. Brammer). These units along with their soil characteristics
and places of occurrence are indicated in the Table below:

Sl. Places of occurrence

Soil type unit Characteristics
No. (Upa-Zila or parts thereof)

1. Non-calcareous Recent Tista, Brahmaputra and Mymensingh: Nagarpur, Tangail, Kalihati,

Alluvium. Jamuna alluvium. Mainly unstable Gopalpur, Sarishabari, Madargonj, Melandah,
char land. Islampur and Dewangonj.
Rangpur: Raumari, Nageswari,
Bhurungamari, Kurigram, Ulipur, Chilmari,
Gaibandah and Phulchari.
Bogra: Saria Kandi and Dhunot.
Pabna: Kazipur, Sirajgonj, Kamarkhonda,
Belkuchi, Chauhali, Shahzadpur and Bera.

2. Calcareous Alluvium. Recent Ganges and lower Faridpur: Char Bhadrashan and Sadarpur.
Meghna alluvium. Part unstable Noakhali: Sudharam, Hatiya, Ramgati and
charland. Part saline in the Sonagazi.
Meghna estuary. Chittagong: Sandwip

3. Acid Sulphate Soils. Sundarban (mangrove swamp) Khulna: Dacope and Sarankhola.
soils with extremely high acidity
(potential or actual) tidally flooded
with blackish or saline water for
part or all the year.

4. Peat. Permanently wet basin peat and Faridpur: Mukusudpur, Gopalganj,

muck, part with alluvial topsoil. Kotalipara, Kasiani, Rajoir and Madaripur.
Sylhet: Daulatpur, Fultala, Terokheda,
Dumuria and Mollahat.
Bakerganj: Nazirpur.
Jessore: Abhoynagar, Salika and Kalia.

5. Grey Floodplain Soils. Grey, finely mottled brown, Dhaka: Keraniganj, Nawabganj, Kaliganj,
seasonally flooded soils with Dhamrai, Munshiganj, Gazaria, Manikganj,
seasonally acid top-soil and near Saturia, Singair, Daulatpur, Gheor,
neutral subsoils. Narayangonj, Futullah and Raipura.
Mymensingh: Sarishabari, Madargonj,
Tangail, Kalihati and Nagarpur.
Comilla: Homna, Chandpur, Matlabbazar and

Sl. Places of occurrence

Soil type unit Characteristics
No. (Upa-Zila or parts thereof)

6. Grey Floodplain Soils Seasonally wet or shallowly Mymensingh: Kotwali, Islampur, Ishwargonj,
and Non-Calcareous flooded Grey Floodplain soils on Gouripur and Jamalpur.
brown floodplain soils. lower ridges and in depressions Dinajpur: Chirirbandar, Fulbari and
with moderately well-drained, Khansama.
rather acid, brown loams on higher Rangpur: Nilphamari, Saidpur, Dimla,
ridges. Domar, Jhaldaka, Kishoregonj, Gangachara,
Mithapukur, Badarganj, Kaliganj, Hatibanda,
Patgram, Palasbari and Sundargonj.
Bogra: Sherpur.

7. Mixed grey, Dark grey Tista floodplain soils, Rangpur: Bhurungamari, Lalmonirhat and
and Brown Floodplain Noncalcareous brown floodplain Fulbari.
soils. soils on higher ridges; seasonally
wet or flooded mainly silty, mixed
Grey Floodplain soils and Non-
Calcareous Dark Grey Floodplain
soils on lower ridges and in

8. Grey Floodplain soils Seasonally wet or shallowly Dhaka: Gazaria, Arai hazar and Narsingdi.
and Non-calcareous flooded Grey Floodplain soils, Kishoreganj: Hossainpur, Mohanganj,
Dark grey floodplain mainly on ridges, and seasonally Barhatta and Purbadhala.
soils. shallowly or deeply flooded Non- Mymensingh: Nandail, Phulpur, Jamalpur,
calcareous Dark Grey Floodplain Sherpur, Nakla and Melandah.
Soils, mainly in basis. Noakhali: Companyganj, Lakshmpur, Raipur,
Begumganj, Senbag and Feni.
Comilla: Muradnagar, Burichang,
Chauddagram, Laksam, Barura, Faridganj,
Hajigonj and Nabinagar.

9. Grey Floodplain Soils This occupies the eastern Surma- Kishoreganj: Bhairab
and Acid basin clays. Kusiyara Floodplain in Sylhet and Comilla: Kotwali and Burichang.
the Comilla basin. Sylhet: Balaganj, Biswanath; Fenchuganj,
Beanibazar, Habiganj, Chhatak,
Moulvibazar and Rajanagar.

10. Grey Piedmont Soils. Grey mottled red or brown, Chittagong: Kotwali, Doublemoorings,
strongly acid, loams to clays on Mirsarai, Sitakunda, Fatikchari, Raojan,
seasonally wet or flooded Rangunia, Boalkhali, Patiya,Satkania,
piedmont plains adjoining the Chakaria, Kutubdia and Ramu.
eastern hills. Chittagong Hill Tracts: Lama.
Noakhali: Chhagalnaiya.
Comilla: Kasba and Chauddagram.
Sylhet: Chunarughat, Maulvibazar, Kulaura,
Kamalgonj and Barlekha.

Sl. Places of occurrence

Soil type unit Characteristics
No. (Upa-Zila or parts thereof)

11. Acid basin clays. Strongly acid heavy clays, part Dhaka: Dohar and Serajdikhan.
permanently wet. Kishoregonj: Astagram, Nikli, Itna,Khaliajuri,
Madan, Kalmakanda and Durgapur.
Comilla: Nasirnagar.
Sylhet: Nabiganj, Lakhai, Azmiriganj,
Sunamganj, Tahirpur, Derai, Sulla and
Rajshahi: Naogaon, Atrai, Raninagar and
Sirajgonj: Tarash.

12. Non-Calcareous Dark Dark grey, finely mottled brown, Dhaka: Tejgaon, Lohajong, Tongibari,
grey Floodplain soils. and brown soils with dark grey Araihazar, Rupaganj and Sonargaon.
flood coatings, with seasonally Kishoregonj: Kotwali, Pakundia, Karimgonj,
Tarail, Bajitpur, Kuliarchar, Kathiadi,
acid top soils and near-neutral
Netrakona, Atpara and Kendua.
sub-soils. Mainly seasonally Mymensingh: Muktagacha, Fulbaria, Trisal,
deeply flooded soils of the old Sarisabari, Basail, Ghatail and Kalihati.
Brahmaputra-Karatoya-Bangali Faridpur: Bhedarganj,Naria, Madripur and
(Part) and old Meghna estuarine Palong.
floodplains. Noakhali: Ramganj.
Comilla: Chandina, Debidwar, Daudkandi,
Kachua, Brahmanbaria, Sarail, Nasirnagar,
Nabinagar and Bancharampur.

13. Calcareous dark grey Mainly dark grey or brown clays Dhaka: Srinagar, Manikganj, Harirampur and
floodplain soils and with dark grey flood coatings, Shivalaya.
calcareous brown some calcareous throughout some Mymensingh: Kotwali.
Faridpur: Bhanga, Nagarkanda, Baliakandi,
floodplain soils. with seasonally acid top soils and
Muksudpur, Kotalipara, Kasiani, Kalkini,
calcareous substratum within 4 Goshairhat, Janjira and Shibchar.
feet. Brown calcareous loamy soils Rajshakhi: Boalia, Paba, Puthia, Charghat,
on highest ridges and near river- Bholahat, Shibganj, Gamustapur, Natore,
banks. Bagatipara, Lalpur, Baraigram and
Pabna: Kotwali, Atgharia, Ishurdi,
Chatmohar, Faridpur, Santhia, Bera and

14. Calcareous dark grey Mainly leached calcareous dark Rajshahi: Bagmara, Durgapur.
floodplain soils with grey floodplain soils about half
lime kankar. with a hard line kankar layer 2-6
feet deep.

15. Non-calcareous brown Brown soils are the dominant soils Mymensingh: Phulpur, Jamalpur, Madargonj
floodplain soils and in the landscape and the grey soils and Dewanganj.
grey floodplain soils. are subordinate. Dinajpur: Birganj, Kaharole, Birol, Bochaganj,
Thakurgaon, Baliadangi, Ranisankail,
Haripur, Pirganj, Debiganj and Boda.

16. Black Terai soils. Seasonally wet, dark coloured Dinajpur: Panchagarh, Atwari and Tetulia.
rather acid, loamy soils on ridges,
level areas and in depressions.

Sl. Places of occurrence

Soil type unit Characteristics
No. (Upa-Zila or parts thereof)

17. Brown Hill soils. Brown, very strongly acid, mainly Kishoreganj: Dinajpur.
loamy soils. Mymensingh: Haluaghat, Sribordi and
Chittagong: Panchlaish, Hathazari, Mirsarai,
Fatikchari, Rangunia, Anowara, Banskhali,
Cox’s Bazar, Ramu, Moheshkahli, Teknaf and
Ukhiya, all thanas of Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Noakhali: Chagalnaiya and Parsuram.
Comilla: Kotwali and Chauddagram.
Sylhet: Kotwali, Gowainghat, Golapgonj,
Jaintapur and Kanaighat.

18. Red-brown Terrace Well to moderately well-drained, Dhaka: Sripur, Kapasia, Kaligonj, Gazipur
soils. red and brown, strongly acid, clay Sadar, Savar, Kaliakhair, Rupgonj, Shibpur
loams and clays, part over and Monohardi.
Mymensingh: Fulbaria, Trisal and Ghatail.
compact Modhupur clay at 1-3
Comilla: Kasba.
feet, pert over deeply mottled clay Rajshahi: Nowabgonj.
substratum. Dinajpur: Nawabganj, Gharaghat.
Rangpur: Pirganj, Gobindaganj and

19. Grey Terrace soils. Poorly drained, grey, mottled, acid Dhaka: Gazipur Sadar.
silty soils over a grey, mottled clay Kishoreganj: Durgapur.
substratum. Mymensingh: Haluaghat, Sribordi and
Rajshahi: Tanore, Godagari, Nowabganj,
Bholahat, Nachole, Shibganj, Porsha,
Badalgachi, Niamatpur, Mohadevpur,
Raninagar and Dhamoirhat.
Dinajpur: Kotwali, Parbatipur, Phulbari and
Rangpur: Mithapukur, Gobindaganj,
Bogra: Panchbibi, Khetlal, Adamdigi,
Dubchanchia, Kahalu, Kotwali, Shibganj and
Sirajgonj: Tarash.

Source: Soil Resource Development Institute.

1.7 Crop seasons and seed requirements

The country grows a wide variety of crops which are broadly classified, according to seasons in which they
are grown, into two groups:

(a) Kharif crops :

Kharif crops are grown in the spring or summer season and harvested in late summer or in early winter.

(b) Rabi crops.

Rabi crops are sown in winter and harvested in the spring or early summer.

Time of sowing, transplanting, time of harvest and per acre seed requirement of different crops are
given in the next page.

1.8. Crop Calendar of Bangladesh

Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed Requirement

1 2 3 4
1. Aus paddy:
(a) Local Broadcast Mid March to Mid April Mid July to Early August 28-37 kg in case of
broadcasting: 14-19 kg in case
of line sowing
(b) HYV Transplant Mid March to Mid April July to August 11-14 kg
(c) HYV Broadcast Mid March to Mid April Late July to August 8-9 kg
2. Aman paddy:
(a) Local Transplant End June to Early September December to early January 9-11 kg
(b) Local Broadcast Mid March to Mid April Mid November to Mid 33-37 kg
(c) HYV Transplant Late June to Mid August December to early January 8-9 kg
3. Boro Paddy:
(a) Local Mid November to Mid January April to May 8-11 kg
(b) HYV December to Mid February Mid April to June 8-11 kg
(c) Hybrid December to Mid February Mid April to June 8-11 kg
(a) 28-33 kg if sown without
4. Wheat : November to December March to Mid April irrigation.
(b) 33-37 kg if sown with 1-2
times irrigation.
(c) 37-47 kg if sown with 4-5
times irrigation.
5. Maize: (Rabi) Mid October to Early April to End May 7-9 kg
Late December
6. Jowar Mid April to June Mid August to Mid October 7-9 kg

7. Kaon (a) November to December, in Mid March to Mid June 5-6 kg

case of low land. Mid March to Mid June to Mid August
Mid May, in case of hilly land
8. Cheena November to Mid December Mid February to Mid April 5-6 kg
9. Barley: Mid October to Mid December Mid February to Mid April 23-28 kg
10. Potato : Mid September to November Mid January to March 4-6 Ql tuber
11. Sweet Potato Mid September to Mid Mid February to Mid April 1200-1400 cuttings
12. Jute :
(a) White (Capsularis) Early March to Mid April July to August 4-5 kg
(b) Tossa (Olitorius) Mid April to Early May August to September 4-5 kg
13. Sun hemp:
(a) Kharif Mid March to Mid June Mid July to Mid October 3-4 kg
(b) Rabi Mid September to Mid Mid February to Mid April 3-4 kg
14. Cotton:
(a) Kharif Mid April to Mid June Mid October to Mid 4-5 kg
(b) Rabi Mid August to Mid October Mid February to Mid April 7-8 kg
15. Rape Seed and Mid October to Mid Late January to Mid 3-4 kg
Mustard : November February

Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed

Transplanting Requirement
1 2 3 4
16. Groundnut:
(a) Kharif Mid June to Mid July Late October to Mid 37 kg

(b) Rabi Mid November to Late Late April to Mid June 37 kg


17. Teel :
(a) Kharif Early February to Mid Early May to Mid June 3-4 kg

(b)Rabi Beginning September to December 3-4 kg

Late October

18. Linseed : Mid October to Mid Mid March to Mid May 4-5 kg

19. Sunflower Mid November to Mid Late February to Mid March 7 kg


20. Arhar : (Pigeon pea) Mid April to Mid June Mid January to Mid March 6-8 kg

21. Mashkalai : Mid August to Mid Last three week of 8-9 kg

(Black Gram) September November

22. Soyabean:
(a) Kharif Beginning June to Late July Late September to Mid 10 kg

(b) Rabi Last week of December Mid April to Early May 10 kg

23. Barbati : (a) Mid September to Mid Mid December to Mid April 11-14 kg
(b) Mid January to Mid

24. Mung bean Mid August to Mid Mid November to Mid 8-10 kg
September December

25. Masur : (Lentil) Mid October to Mid Early February to Early 11-14 kg
November March

26. Kheshari : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid April 9-11 kg
27. Chickpea (Chola) Mid October to Late Early March to Early April 14-17 kg
28. Motor (Field Pea) : Mid October to Late Early March to Early April 9-14 kg

Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed

Transplanting Requirement
1 2 3 4
29. Ginger : Mid March to Mid May Mid December to Mid 8-11 kg
30. Turmeric : Mid April to Mid June Mid December to Mid 8-11 kg

31. Onion : Beginning October to Early Late April to Mid June 2-3 kg in case of seeds
December 2-3 Ql. in case of bulb

32. Garlic : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid March 0.37 Ql.

33. Coriander seed : October to December Mid February to Mid March 6-8 kg
34. Chilies:
(a) Kharif Mid April to Mid July 3-4 months after sowing 1 kg in case of seeds

(b) Rabi Mid November to Mid 3-4 months after sowing Seedlings raised from
January approximately 100 grams

35. Sugarcane : Early Mid October to Mid Mid October to Mid April 19 Ql cuttings

Late Mid October to Mid April 22 Ql cuttings

Mid January to Mid March

36. Tobacco : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid April 23-35 grams

37. Cauliflower : Late October to Mid Early January to Early (a) Seeds: 105-117 gram
November March
(b) Seedlings: 8-10

38. Cabbage : Late October to Mid Early January to Early (a) Seeds: 105-117 gram
November March
(b) Seedlings: 6-8

39. Oal Kapi : Mid September to third December to Mid February (a) Seeds: 220-350 grams
(Knol Khol) week of December
(b) Seedlings: 25-30

40. Chinese Cabbage Mid September to Early Late January to Mid March Seeds: 150 grams
41. Tomato : Mid August to Late Beginning December to (a) Seeds: 50-70 grams
November Mid January
(b) Seedlings: 6-8

Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed

Transplanting Requirement
1 2 3 4
42. Radish : Mid August to Early Early January to Mid 3-4 kg
October February

43. Carrot : September to Mid December to January 1050 grams

44. Shalgam : (Turnip) September to Mid Mid November to Mid 525 grams
December February

45. Beet : Mid September to Mid Mid December to Mid April 3-4 kg

46. Lettuce : Mid October to Mid Mid December to Mid (a) Seeds: 70 grams
December February

47. Brinjal : October to Mid November Late November to Mid April (a)Seeds: 75 grams
(b) Seedlings: 6-8

48. Palongsak : (Spinach) September to Mid 1-4 months after sowing 9 kg

49. Lalsak : Throughout the year Throughout the year 400 grams

Kangkong Mid March to Early August EarlySeptember to Early not available

(Kachusak) November

50. Green peas : Late half of November Late February to Mid April 14-15 kg

51. Water gourd : Mid July to Early November Early January to Early 250 grams

52. Uchcheya : Mid February to Early June Mid June to Mid October 800 grams
(Bitter gourd)

53. Kakor : Mid December to Mid May to July 50 grams


54. Beans : Late June to Early Late November to Mid April 800 grams

55. Cucumber : Mid September to Mid Mid January to Mid June 150 grams

56. Lady's finger : Mid April to Mid June June to Mid September 2-3 kg

57. Patal : Mid August to Mid October Mid January to March 1-2 thousand cuttings

58. Karala : Mid April to Mid June Mid June to Mid August 800 grams
59. Chichinga : Mid February to End April July to September 800 grams
(Snake Gourd)

Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed

Transplanting Requirement
1 2 3 4
60. Kakrol : Mid April to Mid June Mid July to Mid September 400 grams

61. Yard long bean: Mid October to End Early January to Mid April 4 kg
62. Jhinga : Mid April to Mid July Mid June to Mid August 1-2 kg
(Ribbed Gourd)
63. Puisak : Mid March to Early June Late August to Mid 200 grams
(Indian spinach) November

64. Chal Kumra : Mid March to Mid June Mid July to Mid October 90 grams
(White Gourd)

65. Sweet Gourd: Second half of November EarlyApril to Mid June 200 grams

66. Mukhi Kachu : Mid April to Mid June Mid September to Mid 2-3 Ql
(Taro) February

67. Danta : (Amaranth) Mid February to End June Late August to Mid 350 grams

68. Water Melon : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid June 350 grams

69. Melon : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid June 350 grams

70. Kharmuj : Mid October to Mid Mid February to Mid June 350 grams
(Musk Melon) January

71. Pineapple : a) Mid March to Mid May May to July 10-14 thousand saplings

b) Mid September to Mid May to July 10-14 thousand saplings

72. Banana : a) Mid January to Mid December to February 700-1700 suckers

b) Mid September to Mid December to February 700-1700 suckers


73. Papaya : Mid June to End August Early July to End August 150 grams

74. Litchi : (a) Mid April to Mid June. Mid April to Mid June 48 Saplings
(b) Mid September to Mid Mid April to Mid June 28 Saplings
75. Mango : a) Mid April to Mid June Mid April to Mid June 28 Saplings

b) Mid September to Mid Mid April to Mid June


Crop Time of Sowing/ Time of Harvest Per Acre seed

Transplanting Requirement
1 2 3 4
76. Jackfruit : a) Mid April to Mid June Mid April to Mid July 28 Saplings

b) Mid September to Mid Mid April to Mid July 28 Saplings

77. Safeda : (Sapota) Mid April to Mid July (a) Mid January to Mid 48 Saplings

(b) Mid May to Mid July

78. Pamelo : a) Mid April to Mid July Mid May t to Mid June 108 Saplings

b) Mid September to Mid Mid May t to Mid June


79. Guava : Mid April to Mid July Throughout the year 134 Saplings

Peak season:
June to September
80. Lime and Lemon : Mid April to Mid July Throughout the year

Peak season: 302 Saplings

June to September

81. Date Palm : Mid April to Mid July Mid February to Mid March 64-78 Seedlings

82. Dalim : (Pomegranate) (a) Mid April to Mid July Through out the year 193 Sapling

(b) Mid September to Mid

83. Ber : (a) Mid April to Mid July February to March 69 Sapling

(b) Mid September to Mid

84. Sharifa : Mid September to Mid After 7 years fruiting round 64-78 Seedlings
(Custard Apple) November the year

85. Coconut : May to Mid July -do- 64-74 Seedlings

86. Betelnut : Mid. October to Mid Mid October to Mid 1200-1400 Seedlings
December December

1.9 Physiography of Bangladesh

Bangladesh forms the largest delta in the world and is situated between 88 o10' and 92o41' East
longitudes and between 20o34' and 26o38' North latitudes. The great delta is flat throughout and stretches
from near the foot-hills of the HimalayanMountains in the north to the Bay of Bengal in the south.

The vast plain is washed by mighty rivers-the Meghna, the Padma, the Jamuna and the Karnafuli
and their numerous tributaries. Tropical monsoon rains drench the land and the rivers. Onrush of rain waters
in summer overflows their banks flooding low and outlying areas every year.

The monotony of flatness has been relieved inland by two elevated tracts-the Modhupur and the
Barind tracts, and on the north-east and south-east by rows of hilly forests. The great plain lies almost at sea
level along the southern coast and rises gradually towards north. The maximum elevation above the mean
sea level is 4034 feet at Keocradang Hill in Rangamati Hill district. The topography , however, variable and
can be divided into the following five classes.

1. High Land
The area is relatively high and cannot hold waters during monsoon. Some waters are retained by
raising "bandhs" around fields. The area spreads over Modhupur Garh in Tangail and Mymensingh district,
Bhaoal's Garh in Gazipur and Dhaka district, Barind tract in Rajshahi Division, Lalmai area in Comilla and
"Tilla" areas in Sylhet, Moulvi Bazar and Habiganj district.

2. Medium Highland
The land which is normally flooded up to about 90 cm. depth during the rainy season for more than
two weeks continuously. The area spreads over Barisal division, major parts of Khulna division, northern part
of Rajshahi division and parts of Gazipur, Narsindi, Noakhali, Feni, Lakshmipur, Comilla and Habiganj

3. Medium Lowland and Low Land

Medium Lowland is normally flooded between 90cm. and 180 cm. depths and low land is normally
flood between 180cm. and 275 cm. depth during the monsoon season. The area spreads over major parts of
Comilla, Brahmanbaria, Chandpur, Gopalgonj district and parts of Lahskmipur, Noakhali, Serajganj, Natore
and Naogaon district, northern parts of Khulna and Bagherhat district, minor of Jessore, Kishorganj and
Habiganj district.

4. Very Low Land

The land consists of haors, bills, canals and other low lying areas which looks like large lakes during
rainy season. Depth of water may rise as high as 30 feet. In winter, waters dry up except in the centre. Most
of the haors and bills lie in Sylhet division and in Kisoreganj and Netrokona district.

5. Hilly Land
The land spreads over Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachari Hill Districts, parts of Chittagong,
northern parts of Mymensingh, north and southern parts of Sylhet division, eastern border of Comilla and
north eastern strip of Feni district.

Area under Cultivation of different Crops in Bangladesh, 2011-2012

0.95 2.86
5.06 Rice ->76.66%
Wheat ->2.38%
Pulses -.1.78%
2.63 0.38
Oilseeds ->2.63%
Spices and Condiments ->1.51%
2.38 2.44
Sugarcane ->0.73%

Jut e->5.06%

Tea ->0.38%

Fruits ->0.95%

Vegetables ->2.44%

Potato ->2.86%

Others ->2.62%

Area under Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh, 2011-2012


Area under Oilseeds Cultivation in Bangladesh, 2011-2012

Area under Vegetable (Winter & Summer) in Bangladesh, 2011-2012

51.27 12.13 6.95 Brinjal ->12.13%

Pumpkin ->6.95%

Radish ->7.17%
Arum ->6.5%

Tomato ->6.94%
Beans ->4.63%

4.41 Cauliflower ->4.41%

4.63 6.94
Others ->51.27%

Area under Pulses in Bangladesh, 2011-2012

2.42 32.12
2.88 2.12
Masur ->32.12%

Khesari ->35%


Mung ->13.79%
Motor ->2.42%

Gram ->2.88%
35.00 Other Pulses ->2.12%

Garden Area under Fruits in Bangladesh, 2011-2012

34.56 Banana ->34.56%


3.40 Mango ->21.63%

Jackfruits ->6.51%

Pineapple ->9.92%

3.12 Melon ->3.12%

Guava ->3.40%

21.53 Other Fruits ->20.96%



Chapter 2




Table: 2.1. Area, Yield Rate and Production of Crops 2009-10 to 2011-12.

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Crop Area '000' Per acre Production Area '000' Per acre Production Area '000' Per acre Production
Acres Yield '000' Acres Yield '000' Acres Yield '000'
(Kg) M.Tons (Kg) M.Tons (Kg) M.Tons


AUS Local 832 473 393 780 504 394 708 521 369
HYV 1600 823 1316 1970 883 1739 2104 933 1963
Total Aus 2432 703 1709 2750 776 2133 2812 829 2332
AMAN Broadcast 1175 482 567 1053 483 509 949 477 452
T. Local 3495 640 2237 3251 658 2141 3190 656 2092
HYV 9323 1008 9403 9647 1051 10142 9650 1062 10214
Total Aman 13993 872 12207 13951 971 12792 13789 928 12798
BORO Local 265 811 215 195 830 162 179 782 140
HYV 9671 1512 14622 9968 1537 15329 10114 1542 15597
Hybrid 1695 1901 3222 1625 1923 3126 1593 1897 3022
Total Boro 11631 1553 18059 11788 1579 18617 11886 1578 18759

Total Rice 28056 1168 31975 28489 1177 33542 28487 1190 33889

Wheat 923 976 901 923 1053 972 885 1124 995
Total Major Cereals 28979 2144 32876 29412 2230 34514 29372 2314 34884

Barley/Jab 2 500 1 1 470 0.47 1 559 0.32

Jower 1 270 0.27 1 250 0.25 0.23 522 0.12
Bazra 0.06 667 0.04 0.16 625 0.10 0.15 584 0.08
Maize 376 2359 887 409 2489 1018 487 2665 1298
Cheena & Kaon 3 333 1 3 333 1 3 366 1
Other Cereals 5 400 2 6 333 2 4 816 1

Total Minor Cereals 387 2302 891 420 2430 1021 495 2628 1301
Total Cereals 30440 1370 41697 30969 1416 43861 30930 1435 44391

Gram 18 322 6 20 350 7 19 377 7
Arhar 2 385 1 2 500 1 1 359 1
Masur 191 372 72 205 390 80 203 376 80
Motor 16 356 6 16 375 6 16 383 6
Mung 57 351 20 68 279 19 91 289 26
Mashkalai 62 365 24 78 371 29 77 314 24
Khesari 212 385 82 221 375 83 231 384 89
Other Pulses 17 422 7 17 352 6 18 350 7
Garikalai- 1 346 0.18 0.41 341 0.14 0.28 344 0.13
Total Pulses 576 378 218 627 368 231 656 365 240
F.N. Total may differ due to rounding from the detail crop table.

Table: 2.1. Area, Yield Rate and Production of Crops 2009-10 to 2011-12.
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Crop Per acre Production Area
Area '000' Area '000' Per acre Production Per acre Production
Yield '000' Acres Yield (Kg) '000' M.Tons
Yield (Kg)
Acres Acres M.Tons
(Kg) M.Tons
OIL SEEDS (Edible)
Til 88 364 32 86 360 31 82 366 30
Rape & Mustard 598 371 222 623 394 246 682 384 262
Groundnut 83 638 53 78 692 54 82 366 30
Soyabean 101 693 70 102 647 66 100 640 64
Lin Seeds 26 269 7 25 280 7 24 262 6
Castor - - - - - - - - -
Coconut 6 54 402 7 4657 326 6 49 372
Other Oil Seeds 1 350 0.36 1 400 .40 1 429 0.37

Total Oil Seeds 903 870 786 922 791 730 977 782 764
Chillies, Kharif 45 422 19 40 941 38 41 516 21
Chillies, Rabi 170 530 90 200 613 103 199 527 105

Total Chillies 215 507 109 240 587 141 240 525 126
Onion 291 3002 872 316 3326 1052 335 3456 1156
Garlic 92 1795 164 104 2015 210 109 2136 234
Turmeric 53 2214 117 57 2080 125 61 2469 149
Ginger 22 3341 75 23 3302 74 22 3353 72
Coriander Seeds 27 320 9 28 335 10 29 344 10
Other spices and
Condiments(Temporary) 6 500 3 7 470 3 7 524 4
Other Condiments & Spices
(Permanent) 0.01 14 1 .01 200 2 0.01 200 1
Total Spices & Condiments 706 1912 1350 775 2086 1617 803 2185 1755

Sugar Cane 290 15486 4491 287 16272 4671 279 16487 4603
Date Palm(juice) 3 62 245 3 56 227 4 3711 209
Date Palm(Fruits) 2 11 44 2 13 39 1 12 39
Palmyra Palm(Juice) .03 99 70 .46 142 96 .363 136 154
G. PalmyraPalm(Talsas) 1 65 66 .35 61 154 .319 62 65
Ripe Tal 1 168 107 1 106 155 .395 101 96
Total Sugar Crops 297 17118 5023 293 18232 5342 285 18126 5166
Jute (bales) 1029 4.94 5090 1751 4.79 8396 1878 4.53 8003
Cotton (rabi & kharif) (bales) 24 625 15 24 0.2026 14 25 0.32 8
Sunhemp (Shan pat), Bhadoi - - - - - - - - -
Sunhemp (Shan pat), Rabi 0.158 2.92 0.461 .16 3.86 .63 0.158 325 1
Other Fibers, Rabi (Simul) 0.14 78 11 .14 0.029 0.06 0.58 189 11
Total Fibres
(Excluding Mesta)
1053 4.85 5116 1766 4.76 8410 1903 4.26 8023

* 1 bale = 181.43 kg.

N.B. a) In the year 2004-05 data collected in new forms.
b) Permanent fruit crops acreage covers area under garden.
c) Permanent fruit crops production covers production under garden as well as outside garden.
d) Yield indicates avereage yield rate.

Table: 2.1. Area, Yield Rate and Production of Crops 2009-10 to 2011-12.
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Crop Area Per acre Production Area '000' Per acre Production Area Per acre Production
'000' Yield (Kg) '000' Acres Yield (Kg) '000' '000' Yield '000'
Acres M.Tons M.Tons Acres (Kg) M.Tons
Tea 136 441 60 140 432. 61 143 422 61
Tobacco : Jati 18 555 10 21 565 12 21 573 12
Tobacco : Matihari 23 391 9 26 696 18 27 702 19
Tobacco : Verjinia 53 660 35 73 669 49 78 701 54
Tobacco : Others .47 808 .38 .18 511 .92 .18 528 .09

Total Tobacco 94 574 54 121 656 79 126 674 85

Betelnut 38 6842 260 45 03 218 39 4 244
Betel Laeves 44 2030 92 46 2077 92 57 2682 152
Other Drugs & Narcotics .002 200 .004 .002 2500 .005 - - -
Total Drugs & Narcotics 312 1493 466 472 1120 529 365 1484 542

Rabi Brinjal 71 3042 216 71 3046 215 68 3292 224
Rabi Pumpkin 35 3571 125 34 3603 122 35 3766 131
Cauliflower 41 3902 160 41 4113 168 40 4132 133
Cabbage 41 5366 220 39 5302 207 41 5161 213
Watergourc 34 3941 134 35 3892 137 35 3954 139
Tomato 59 3220 190 61 3798 232 63 4035 255
Radish 67 3880 260 65 3926 257 65 3970 260
Beans 41 2170 89 43 2216 95 42 2231 94
Carrot 3 4667 14 3 4388 15 4 3400 13
Palongsak 20 2250 45 20 2164 43 20 2134 43
Lalsak 25 1760 44 25 1704 43 25 1757 44
Lausak 14 1634 23 14 1665 23 14 1616 23
Other winter vegetable 19 1842 35 19 1852 35 19 1813 34

Total Winter Vegetables 470 3308 1555 470 3386 1592 472 3402 1606

Kakrol 11 2182 24 11 2155 24 11 2230 25
Pumpkin, Kharif 27 3407 92 28 3457 95 28 2800 78
Brinjal, Kharif 44 2841 125 44 2810 124 42 3262 127
Patal 24 3250 78 25 3376 83 25 3479 86
Lady's Finger 25 1680 42 26 1680 43 26 1725 45
Jhinga 23 1913 44 24 1950 44 23 1978 45
Karala 22 1863 41 23 1979 45 23 2038 46
Green Banana 27 5778 156 25 6424 162 25 5546 140
Arum 58 3862 224 59 4018 239 59 4002 236
Chalkumra 22 2818 62 23 2771 65 24 2805 66
Cucumber 18 3055 55 19 2545 48 19 2576 50
Puisak 15 2951 67 23 2881 67 23 2937 69
Chichinga 16 1927 60 16 1934 31 16 1945 32
Danta 25 2591 66 25 2606 67 26 2653 69
Barbati 15 1423 21 15 1453 22 15 1533 23
Dundal 8 1883 15 8 1823 15 8 1875 15
Kachur lati 17 2266 38 17 2296 38 17 2235 38
Shajna 0.53 4339 23 0.53 31 23 - - 26
Katcha Papya 6 3400 1 6 25 204 4 25 201
Other Summer
18 1778 32 21 1778 37 21 1789 37
Total Summer Vegatbles 415 3537 1438 438 3369 1476 435 3342 1454
Total Vegatbles
885 3382 2993 908 3378 3068 907 3373 3060
(Winter & Summer )

Table: 2.1. Area, Yield Rate and Production of Crops 2009-10 to 2011-12.
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Per acre Production Area Per acre Production Area Per acre Production
Crop ‘000’ Yield (Kg) ‘000’ ‘000’ Yield (Kg) ‘000’ ‘000’ Yield '000'
Acres M.Tons Acres M.Tons Acres (Kg) M.Tons
Local 184 4380 806 184 4719 870 180 4656 838
HYV 890 8004 7124 953 7828 7456 883 8343 7367
Total Potato 1074 7384 7930 1137 7321 8326 1063 7719 8206
Sweet Potato 77 3987 307 75 3964 298 61 4167 253

Fodder(Bhadoi & Rabi ) 40 4675 187 40 4975 199 40 5025 201

Mulbery 1 2100 21 1 09 14 1 19 28
Total Fodder 41 5073 208 41 5195 213 41 5585 229

Rose Flower 0.27 7407 2 0.27 4.3 2 0.22 5.32 2
Marry Gold flower 1 2000 2 1 1747 1 1 1802 2
Others flower 0.24 1291 0.31 0.25 1154 0.29 0.22 1374 0.30
Total Flower 1 4000 4 1 3000 3 1 4000 4
Banana 133 6150 818 131 6133 801 122 6128 746
Pineapple 39 6256 244 37 5902 219 35 5238 181
Melon/Bangi 11 3909 43 11 3998 46 11 3892 43
Water Melon 32 6750 216 .30 6852 205 38 7402 285
Khirai 10 3100 31 10 3700 37 10 3311 35
Total Temporary Fruits 225 6008 1352 219 5972 1308 216 5972 1290

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

PERMANENT Area Average Production Area Average Production Area Average Production
FRUIT under yield rate ‘000’ under yield rate ‘000’ under yield ‘000’
garden per fruit (M. Tons) garden per fruit (M. Tons) garden rate (M. Tons)
(Acre) bearing (Acre) bearing (Acre) per fruit
tree(Kg.) tree(Kg.) bearing
Mango 79 65 842 68 69 889 76 72 945
Jack Fruit 25 135 1005 26 126 962 23 123 929
Papya (ripe) 3 20 112 3 22 125 2 22 120
Litchi 4 60 64 5 60 66 14 50 57
Guava 12 27 181 12 32 271 12 22 190
Ber 3 32 76 3 36 78 3 34 78
Orange 1 36 2 01 25 03 1 25 03
Pamelo 1 33 58 1 38 59 1 33 61
Lime & Lemon 5 13 54 4 15 55 4 17 63
Tetul 0.22 37 11 0.18 41 11 0.3 39 10
Jamrul 1 38 10 0.85 38 11 0.1 37 10
Other Fruits 0.25 31 16 0.23 28 14 0.08 50 12
Other Citrus Fruits 0.26 52 20 0.31 47 20 0.22 52 20
Green Coconut 1 63 389 5 62 376 5 69 409
Wood apple 0.17 51 25 0.14 51 25 0.08 51 14
Black Berry 0.16 44 46 0.33 46 52 0.32 45 51
Kamranga 0.10 38 11 0.94 38 12 0.53 37 12
Jalpai 0.23 44 14 0.27 42 15 0.17 40 27
Amra 0.42 45 32 0.35 46 33 0.29 46 34
Total Permanent Fruit 135 2198 2968 128 2403 3077 141 2159 3045
Total Fruit (Tem.+ Per.) 360 1200 4325 347 1329 4615 357 1214 4335
F.N: They often differ slightly from the totals of the rounded figers of corresponding individual crops. Like wise, yield rates
correspond to full figures of area and production and hence most cases they differ slightly from yield corresponding to rounded
area and production figures.
(2) . . indicates negligible .
(3) - indicates ‘nil’ .


Table 2.2. Indices of Area and Production of Crops (Base: 1984-85 = 100)

Area Production
Crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Aus 31 36 33 38 39 54 68 61 77 84
Aman 88 96 99 99 98 122 144 154 161 161
Boro 293 299 299 303 305 454 456 462 476 480
Wheat 57 58 56 54 53 58 58 62 66 68
Barley/Jab 2 2 03 02 02 04 3 03 03 03
Jower 5 12 12 12 06 9 3 28 20 10
Bazra - 2 02 06 06 - 4 04 10 09
Maize 5932 3404 4030 4389 5223 41177 22313 27137 31140 39685
Cheena & Kaon 6 4 04 04 04 6 5 05 04 04

Other Cereals 8 3 02 02 01 2 2 02 02 02
Gram 9 8 07 08 07 9 8 07 08 09
Arhar 17 13 11 10 07 21 16 14 12 08
Masur 31 30 33 36 37 44 37 43 49 49
Motor 33 32 28 28 28 41 44 37 41 41
Mung 40 36 39 46 61 59 51 58 56 75
Mashkalai 32 33 43 42 42 38 40 52 53 44
Khesari 39 35 35 37 38 39 42 45 46 48
Gari Kalai 3 2 02 02 02 5 4 04 03 03
Other Pulses 23 28 30 30 31 30 39 48 43 43
Til 39 38 42 41 39 58 62 70 68 65
Rape & Mastard 61 61 45 65 72 80 71 53 86 92
Ground nut 111 111 120 113 110 140 147 169 169 164
Linseed 18 17 16 15 14 21 19 19 18 17
Castor 29 - - - - 81 - - - -
Coconut 8 9 08 23 07 402 381 485 308 448
Soyabean - - - - - - - - - -
Other Oil Seeds 235 159 71 66 59 306 230 112 124 115
Chillies 131 124 121 142 134 263 244 244 389 281
Onion 368 316 345 370 398 632 523 620 747 774
Garlic 265 270 292 306 348 363 388 412 524 581
Turmeric 152 151 154 163 443 442 398 426 509
Ginger 151 151 145 146 139 194 183 189 188 182
Coriander 258 216 242 254 256 290 302 355 390 403


Table 2.2 Indices of Area and Production of Crops (Base: 1984-85 = 100)
Area Production
Crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Sugarcane 79 77 72 71 66 72 76 65 68 67
Jute 65 62 62 105 112 80 92 100 166 157
Cotton 72 59 78 80 82 53 42 54 50 55
Sunhemp 4 04 03 04 03 2 03 06 08 07
Tea 121 122 124 127 130 156 157 158 160 160
Tobacco 56 58 74 94 98 82 82 112 161 173
Betel nut 60 49 44 53 46 1110 1138 1013 958 1076
Betel Leaves 139 141 143 146 183 158 169 148 171 245
Other Drugs &
Nurcotics 1 1 01 .01 - 5 5 03 03 -
Banana 132 132 133 131 122 127 121 119 116 108
Pineapple - 119 120 113 150 160 174 178 166 137
Water Melon 40 130 136 124 160 165 162 175 165 230
FRUITS (Permanent)
Mango 70 69 71 61 68 494 509 644 547 581
Jack Fruit 45 41 46 48 42 441 440 454 435 420
Papaya 59 33 34 37 28 380 475 413 457 438
Litchi 67 46 49 53 159 434 549 645 659 562
Ber 19 47 46 47 50 1018 1071 1132 1665 1160
Guava 174 172 146 141 141 1127 1197 1353 2020 1414
Orange 46 48 41 43 43 73 97 125 141 140
Pomelo 27 21 17 17 15 697 770 805 815 845
Lime & Lemon 77 84 97 75 78 837 881 856 865 1003
Other Fruits 2 02 02 02 01 41 49 65 55 48
Other Citrus Fruits 5 05 04 05 03 172 173 223 217 220


Table 2.2 Indices of Area and Production of Crops (Base: 1984-85 = 100)
Area Production
Crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Winter Vegetables
Rabi Brinjal 166 161 163 162 156 181 180 182 181 188
Rabi Pumpkin 236 241 255 248 255 280 303 325 318 342
Cauliflower 212 216 223 221 218 259 254 265 279 275
Cabbage 215 219 221 209 221 331 322 345 334 334
Water gourd 214 221 223 228 226 253 265 270 276 279
Tomato 206 212 249 259 268 200 210 265 324 356
Radish 171 165 168 165 165 202 195 197 195 197
Beans 248 259 264 276 273 272 290 291 311 309
Palong sak 271 279 284 281 285 320 311 328 314 313
Other Winter
Vegetables 83 82 85 83 82 71 70 74 74 71
Kharif Pumpkin 270 285 284 286 290 384 431 432 440 366
Kharif Brinjal 203 200 199 198 178 236 238 240 239 250
Patal 295 301 303 302 303 381 392 423 451 466
Lady's finger 380 393 396 411 408 509 535 560 571 591
Jhinga 242 247 249 284 275 256 259 275 286 281
Karala 256 262 267 275 273 309 313 323 351 351
Arum 249 268 279 281 279 308 358 384 409 404
Chalkumra 236 258 275 286 290 268 292 319 331 339
Cucumber 275 275 291 292 299 321 384 482 423 438
Pui sak 484 329 514 529 534 570 648 687 690 711
Chichinga 296 311 322 322 334 298 323 336 348 352
Danta 350 253 358 358 366 461 381 494 504 514
Barbati 281 287 295 305 305 354 487 378 397 404
Other Summer
Vegetables 260 272 260 307 302 361 322 297 345 341
Potato 361 357 391 414 387 522 454 684 718 708
Sweet Potato 51 51 51 43 40 45 45 45 44 37
Fooder 201 339 247 250 246 243 383 378 402 406
Mulberry 39 34 32 27 23 638 590 537 363 715

N.B. a) In the year 2005-06 data are collected in new forms.

b) Permanent fruit crops acreage covers area under garden.
c) Permanent fruit crops production covers production inside garden as well as outside garden.

Chapter 3


A. Major Crops
3.1 (A) Estimate of Cereals
National estimates of area and production of four major cereals are shown in the table below:
Table 3.1 (A) Area and Production of Major Crops 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Name of
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Aus Rice

Local 884520 407521 928970 446576 832230 393434 780426 393543 708486 368985

HYV* 1385525 1099331 1703995 1447981 1599462 1315693 1969589 1739278 2103957 1963166

Total Aus 2270045 1506852 2632965 1894557 2431692 1709127 2750015 2132821 2812443 2332152

Aman Rice

Broadcast 761065 286724 996180 461528 1175080 566792 1052822 509032 949018 452422

Trans. 3308315 1660235 3443455 2077071 3494580 2236737 3251031 2140729 3189968 2092313

HYV* 8404400 7715232 9144990 9074570 9323203 9403633 9647080 10141737 9650145 10253533

12473780 9662191 13584625 11613169 13992863 12207162 13950933 12791498 13789132 12798268

Boro Rice

Local 311475 225537 301890 217544 265221 214550 195300 161903 179012 139847

HYV* 9118920 13984492 9341557 13866302 9671268 14622485 9967871 15329343 10113855 15597503

Hybrid 1955520 3551752 2010870 3725205 1694671 3221927 1624807 3125834 1593185 3021862

Total Boro 11385915 17761781 11654317 17809051 11631160 18058962 11787978 18617080 11886052 18759212

Total Rice 26129740 28930824 27871907 31316777 28055715 31975251 28488926 33541401 28487627 33889632

Wheat 958347 844145 975125 849046 929766 901490 923470 972085 884708 995356

Total of
Mojar 27088087 29774969 28847032 32165823 28985481 32876741 29412396 34513486 29372335 34884988

* Estimate of pajam rice included in HYV.


Estimate of Aus Rice 2011-12

Aus is one of the major crops in Bangladesh. At the sowing period, favourable weather
condition, electricity management was favourable this year all over the country. The
rainfall in this year was helpful for Aus production in the country. The production of crop as
well as coverage area increased significantly.

This year, attention of the government was keen regarding supply of seeds, fertilizer,
irrigation facilities etc. There was no artificial crisis of fertilizer. Due to all these amenities
from the part of government, area coverage, yield rate and production of Aus crop
increased significantly. Comparing the results of successive years, it reveals that farmers
were interested to grow high yielding variety (HYV) rather than local variety of Aus crop.

Total area under Aus crop has been estimated at 1.14 million hectares this year as
compared to 1.11 million hectares in the last year which is 2.27 % higher. Estimates of
total area of this year and the last year by variety are as follows;

Table-1 : Estimate of Total Area by Type of Aus Rice

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage(%)

Variety Area Area Area Area changes over
(in acres) (in hectares) (in acres) (in hectares) previous year
Local Aus 7,80,426 3,15,821 7,08,486 2,86,709 (-) 9.22%
HYV Aus 19,69,589 7,97,049 21,03,957 8,51,425 (+) 6.82%
Total Aus 27,50,015 11,12,871 28,12,443 11,38,134 (+) 2.27%

Yield Rate:

Average yield rate of 2011-2012 has been estimated at 2.049 metric ton per hectare which
is 6.89% higher as compared to that of last year. Estimates of yield rates by varieties and
combined average yield rate of all varieties are as follows;

Table-2 : Estimate of Yield Rates by Type of Aus Rice

2010-11 2011-12
Yield per Yield per
Variety Yield per acre Yield per acre changes over
hectare hectare
(Maund) (Maund) previous year
(M.Ton) (M.Ton)
Local Aus 13.15 1.246 13.95 1.287 (+) 3.29%
HYV Aus 23.66 2.182 25.00 2.306 (+) 5.68%
Total Aus 20.78 1.917 22.21 2.049 (+) 6.89%

Total Aus production of 2011-2012 has been estimated at 2.332 million metric ton as
compared to 2.132 million metric ton which is 9.35 % higher than that of last year.
Estimates of production by varieties and combined total of Aus are as follows;

Table-3 : Estimate of Production by Type of Aus Rice

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage(%)

Variety Production Production changes over
(M.Ton) (M.Ton) previous year
Local Aus 3,93,543 3,68,986 (-) 6.24%
HYV Aus 17,39,278 19,63,166 (+) 12.87%
Total Aus 21,32,821 23,32,152 (+) 9.35%

Estimate of Area, Yield rates and Production by districts and regions are given in table (1-
3) appended.

Table: 3.1.1: Estimate of Aus (Local) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Zila/Region Area Yield per Area Yield per
Production Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 14212 5751 17.89 1.650 9491 15312 6196 19.08 1.760 10905
Chittagong 17042 6897 14.98 1.382 9529 17001 6880 14.42 1.528 10512
Cox's Bazar 354 143 17.86 1.647 236 21 8 16.14 1.489 13
2 Chittagong Region 17396 7040 15.04 1.387 9765 17022 6888 16.56 1.528 10525
Comilla 5405 2187 11.82 1.090 2385 2287 925 14.69 1.355 1254
Chandpur 1850 749 11.82 1.090 816 1374 556 12.28 1.133 630
Brahmanbaria 2724 1102 12.91 1.191 1313 4624 1871 13.82 1.275 2385
3 Comilla Region 9979 4038 12.12 1.118 4514 8285 3353 13.80 1.273 4269
4 Region 1580 639 13.96 1.288 823 1457 590 15.12 1.395 822
Noakhali 79595 32210 13.1 1.208 38921 79818 32301 13.03 1.260 40698
Lakshmipur 46709 18902 13.37 1.233 23311 46088 18651 13.06 1.375 25644
Feni 11583 4687 10.67 0.984 4613 11500 4654 13.91 1.415 6585
5 Noakhali Region 137887 55800 12.99 1.198 66845 137406 55605 14.22 1.312 72927
6 Rangamati 11148 4511 15.92 1.468 6625 11856 4798 15.14 1.435 6884
Region 17247 6979 13.72 1.266 8833 18934 7662 13.00 1.338 10254
Sylhet 17802 7204 16.94 1.563 11257 5759 2331 17.48 1.612 3758
Maulavibazar 2491 1008 11.22 1.035 1043 346 140 12.16 1.122 157
Sunamgonj 2322 940 13.95 1.287 1209 2052 830 13.55 1.250 1038
Hobigonj 39862 16131 15.02 1.385 22342 27091 10963 15.04 1.387 15207
7 Sylhet Region 388 157 6.58 0.607 95 363 147 6.94 0.640 94
Dhaka 13 5 12.31 1.135 6 30 12 11.61 1.071 13
Gazipur 528 214 4.55 0.420 90 318 129 4.89 0.451 58
Manikgonj 612 248 9.39 0.866 215 530 214 8.99 0.829 178
Munsigonj 278 113 9.10 0.839 94 94 38 7.40 0.683 26
Narayangonj 52 21 8.41 0.776 16 48 19 8.35 0.770 15
Narsingdi 1871 757 7.39 0.682 516 1383 560 7.44 0.686 384
8 Dhaka Region 22758 9210 9.28 0.856 7883 17950 7264 7.03 0.648 4710
Faridpur 15118 6118 9.12 0.841 5147 11040 4468 7.77 0.717 3202
Rajbari 6329 2561 9.63 0.888 2275 4559 1845 9.73 0.897 1656
Madaripur 8218 3326 8.50 0.784 2607 6850 2772 7.59 0.700 1941
Gopalgonj 23551 9531 8.60 0.793 7560 19771 8001 9.02 0.832 6657
Shariatpur 75974 30745 8.98 0.828 25472 60170 24349 8.09 0.746 18166
9 Faridpur Region 2554 1034 10.35 0.955 987 887 359 16.64 1.535 551
Jamalpur 1042 422 10.62 0.980 413 713 289 15.06 1.389 401
Sherpur 3596 1455 10.43 0.962 1400 1600 647 15.94 1.470 952
10 Jamalpur Region 2454 993 16.41 1.514 1503 2487 1006 16.98 1.566 1576
Kishoregonj 1466 593 17.78 1.640 973 638 258 16.86 1.555 402
Netrokona 3920 1586 16.92 1.561 2476 3125 1265 16.96 1.564 1978
11 Kishoregonj Region 2199 890 12.12 1.118 995 1813 734 12.57 1.159 851
12 Mymenshing Region 2199 890 12.12 1.118 995 1813 734 12.57 1.159 851


Table: 3.1.1. Estimate of Aus (Local) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 2186 885 8.53 0.787 696 2004 811 11.94 1.101 893
Barisal 47986 19419 14.64 1.350 26223 51687 20917 12.11 1.260 26354
Jhalakathi 23152 9369 14.93 1.377 12903 19243 7787 12.74 1.175 9151
Perojpur 16847 6818 13.13 1.211 8257 14618 5916 13.02 1.201 7104
Bhola 114774 46447 16.70 1.540 71546 100240 40565 15.66 1.540 62456
14 Barisal Region 202759 82052 15.71 1.449 118929 185788 75184 15.15 1.397 105065
Jessore 6813 2757 15.88 1.465 4038 4816 1949 11.83 1.091 2127
Jhenaidah 4695 1900 11.73 1.082 2056 5310 2149 9.85 0.909 1952
Magura 2230 902 11.27 1.040 938 2730 1105 10.97 1.012 1118
Narail 9368 3791 10.55 0.973 3689 9911 4011 9.87 0.910 3651
15 Jessore Region 23106 9350 12.43 1.147 10721 22767 9213 10.41 0.960 8848
Khulna 10053 4068 13.09 1.207 4912 11874 4805 11.25 1.038 4986
Bagerhat 8984 3636 13.06 1.205 4380 7875 3187 13.14 1.212 3863
Satkhira 24 10 13.00 1.199 12 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
16 Khulna Region 19061 7714 13.08 1.206 9304 19749 7992 12.00 1.107 8849
Kushtia 28932 11708 11.49 1.060 12409 19664 7958 11.93 1.100 8757
Chuadanga 560 227 11.34 1.046 237 701 284 12.15 1.121 318
Meherpur 2543 1029 12.63 1.165 1199 1815 734 12.89 1.189 873
17 Kushtia Region 32035 12964 11.58 1.068 13845 22180 8976 12.02 1.108 9948
Patuakhali 87108 35251 15.46 1.426 50268 84019 34001 15.82 1.577 53621
Barguna 16286 6591 14.94 1.378 9082 12022 4865 15.01 1.385 6736
18 Patuakhali Region 103394 41841 15.38 1.418 59350 96041 38866 16.84 1.553 60357
Bogra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
19 Bogra Region 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Panchagar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
20 Dinajpur Region 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Pabna 34440 13937 6.81 0.628 8755 33944 13736 10.73 0.990 13595
Sirajgonj 2535 1026 14.4 1.328 1363 3693 1494 12.34 1.138 1701
21 Pabna Region 36975 14963 7.33 0.676 10118 37637 15231 10.89 1.004 15296
Rajshahi 1761 713 10.49 0.968 690 1736 703 10.73 0.990 695
Noagaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Natore 7700 3116 10.64 0.981 3058 5727 2318 13.05 1.204 2790
Nawabgonj 31519 12755 13.13 1.211 15448 28077 11362 11.71 1.080 12273
22 Rajshahi Region 40980 16584 12.55 1.158 19196 35540 14382 11.88 1.096 15758
Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Kurigram 306 124 10.52 0.970 120 260 105 10.53 0.971 102
Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
23 Rangpur Region 306 124 10.52 0.970 120 260 105 10.53 0.971 102
BANGLADESH 780426 315821 13.51 1.246 393543 708486 286709 13.95 1.287 368985

Table: 3.1.2. Estimate of Aus (HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 4803 1944 24.90 2.297 4464 4848 1962 27.58 2.764 5422
Chittagong 91264 36933 27.26 2.514 92865 94670 38311 27.93 2.547 97568
Cox’s Bazar 12140 4913 29.43 2.715 13336 7783 3150 26.73 2.783 8766
2 Chittagong Region 103404 41845 27.51 2.538 106201 102453 41460 27.80 2.565 106334
Comilla 156337 63266 23.83 2.198 139063 169944 68773 24.46 2.271 156164
Chandpur 27243 11025 21.38 1.972 21742 23164 9374 23.03 2.523 23652
Brahmanbaria 6897 2791 21.68 2.000 5581 9385 3798 21.45 2.102 7982
3 Comilla Region 190477 77082 23.40 2.159 166386 202493 81944 24.85 2.292 187798
4 Khagrachari 4492 1818 23.50 2.168 3940 4504 1823 23.20 2.392 4360
Noakhali 66462 26896 21.14 1.950 52445 66062 26734 21.43 2.081 55623
Lakshmipur 40743 16488 22.14 2.042 33671 41400 16754 22.47 2.164 36257
Feni 18021 7293 26.08 2.406 17543 18920 7657 27.90 3.045 23312
5 Noakhali Region 125226 50676 22.18 2.046 103659 126382 51144 24.42 2.252 115192
6 Rangamati Region 3106 1257 22.90 2.112 2655 3659 1481 22.01 2.030 3006
Sylhet 34435 13935 24.86 2.293 31954 66492 26908 26.28 2.520 67812
Maulavibazar 51441 20817 25.32 2.336 48618 52258 21148 26.22 2.583 54632
Sunamgonj 5690 2303 16.20 1.494 3441 5875 2377 17.40 1.605 3816
Hobigonj 82034 33197 25.39 2.342 77747 83156 33651 24.79 2.457 82698
7 Sylhet Region 173600 70252 24.96 2.303 161760 207781 84084 26.94 2.485 208958
Dhaka 1219 493 17.95 1.656 817 1189 481 18.77 1.731 833
Gazipur 5750 2327 18.00 1.660 3863 5228 2116 20.96 1.933 4090
Manikgonj 257 104 13.52 1.247 130 636 257 17.06 1.574 405
Munsigonj 846 342 14.86 1.371 469 774 313 18.51 1.707 535
Narayangonj 917 371 26.55 2.449 909 429 174 22.30 2.057 357
Narsingdi 960 388 13.97 1.289 501 770 312 20.67 1.907 594
8 Dhaka Region 9949 4026 18.01 1.661 6688 9026 3653 20.23 1.866 6814
Faridpur 835 338 21.62 1.994 674 875 354 17.22 1.588 562
Rajbari 455 184 26.23 2.419 445 533 216 20.87 1.925 415
Madaripur 60 24 18.97 1.750 42 183 74 18.74 1.729 128
Gopalgonj 445 180 20.06 1.850 333 1156 468 21.00 1.937 906
Shariatpur 185 75 15.59 1.438 108 41 17 13.72 1.266 21
9 Faridpur Region 1980 801 21.69 2.000 1603 2788 1128 19.53 1.802 2033
Jamalpur 1666 674 15.88 1.465 988 1508 610 20.42 1.884 1149
Sherpur 16078 6506 21.26 1.961 12759 17629 7134 19.45 1.944 13872
10 Jamalpur Region 17744 7181 20.75 1.914 13747 19137 7744 21.03 1.940 15021
Kishoregonj 49940 20210 21.71 2.003 40470 50406 20398 21.52 2.107 42988
Netrokona 3076 1245 21.73 2.004 2495 1647 667 19.45 1.794 1196
11 Kishoregonj 53016 21454 21.71 2.003 42965 52053 21065 22.74 2.098 44184
12 Mymenshing 136952 55421 20.13 1.857 102906 131708 53299 21.10 2.018 107532


Table: 3.1.2. Estimate of Aus (HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 248 100 18.21 1.680 169 156 63 18.97 1.750 110
Barisal 33773 13667 25.31 2.335 31907 34790 14079 25.02 2.458 34612
Jhalakathi 34629 14014 23.58 2.175 30480 42366 17145 22.34 2.033 34855
Perojpur 52599 21286 23.69 2.185 46513 62086 25125 23.33 2.177 54692
Bhola 55885 22615 19.61 1.809 40907 59933 24254 19.95 1.959 47521
14 Barisal Region 176886 71582 22.69 2.093 149807 199175 80602 23.09 2.130 171680
Jessore 103981 42079 26.32 2.428 102157 102277 41389 22.39 2.525 104522
Jhenaidah 55253 22360 25.65 2.366 52902 59361 24022 25.16 2.483 59645
Magura 27373 11077 25.15 2.320 25697 21557 8724 24.62 3.086 26923
Narail 2685 1087 21.65 1.997 2170 2831 1146 23.95 2.209 2531
15 Jessore Region 189292 76602 25.89 2.388 182926 186026 75281 27.88 2.572 193621
Khulna 3933 1592 24.91 2.298 3657 6091 2465 24.62 2.271 5598
Bagerhat 14166 5733 24.26 2.238 12828 18185 7359 25.18 2.522 18563
Satkhira 21249 8599 26.27 2.423 20837 22237 8999 26.19 2.606 23451
16 Khulna Region 39348 15923 25.41 2.344 37322 46513 18823 27.42 2.529 47612
Kushtia 77211 31246 27.44 2.531 79084 91744 37127 26.42 2.570 95421
Chuadanga 27906 11293 22.01 2.030 22927 34703 14044 26.73 2.675 37562
Meherpur 11115 4498 26.78 2.470 11111 16092 6512 28.31 2.851 18563
17 Kushtia Region 116232 47037 26.07 2.405 113122 142539 57682 28.48 2.627 151546
Patuakhali 77800 31484 22.96 2.118 66677 81620 33030 24.06 2.378 78548
Barguna 100646 40729 21.02 1.939 78969 101168 40940 20.77 1.992 81564
18 Patuakhali Region 178446 72213 21.87 2.017 145646 182788 73970 23.47 2.165 160112
Bogra 54746 22155 21.24 1.959 43404 63314 25622 21.44 2.078 53248
Joypurhat 136 55 20.88 1.926 106 78 32 21.98 2.027 64
19 Bogra Region 54882 22210 21.24 1.959 43510 63392 25653 22.53 2.078 53312
Dinajpur 10705 4332 21.53 1.986 8603 14314 5793 24.59 2.707 15678
Thakurgaon 205 83 29.67 2.737 227 4606 1864 23.08 2.129 3968
Panchagar 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 12.18 1.123 5
20 Dinajpur Region 10910 4415 21.68 2.000 8830 18931 7661 27.81 2.565 19651
Pabna 19672 7961 18.05 1.665 13254 21563 8726 21.60 2.230 19455
Sirajgonj 9076 3673 18.68 1.723 6328 10278 4159 19.95 2.089 8688
21 Pabna Region 28748 11634 18.25 1.683 19583 31841 12885 23.68 2.184 28143
Rajshahi 95767 38755 23.61 2.178 84399 105966 42882 24.93 2.463 105635
Noagaon 135378 54785 26.96 2.487 136237 137516 55650 21.43 2.111 117474
Natore 19699 7972 18.91 1.744 13905 20374 8245 21.66 2.262 18652
Nawabgonj 98432 39833 23.52 2.169 86417 100099 40508 22.24 2.161 87534
22 Rajshahi Region 349276 141344 24.62 2.271 320959 363955 147285 24.24 2.236 329295
Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 1250 506 21.51 1.984 1004
Gaibandha 342 138 20.86 1.924 266 281 114 21.15 1.951 222
Kurigram 230 93 19.31 1.781 166 278 113 19.67 1.814 204
Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
23 Rangpur Region 572 231 20.24 1.867 432 1809 732 21.18 1.953 1430
BANGLADESH 1969589 797049 23.66 2.182 1739278 2103957 851425 25.00 2.306 1963166

Table: 3.1.3. Estimate of Aus (TOTAL= LOCAL+HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Regin 19015 7695 19.66 1.813 13955 20160 8158 21.70 2.001 16327
Chittagong 108306 43829 25.33 2.336 102394 111671 45191 25.93 2.392 108080
Cox's Bazar 12494 5056 29.10 2.684 13572 7804 3158 30.14 2.780 8779
2 Chittagong Region 120800 48885 25.72 2.372 115966 119475 48349 26.20 2.417 116859
Comilla 161742 65453 23.43 2.161 141448 172231 69698 24.49 2.259 157418
Chandpur 29093 11773 20.77 1.916 22558 24538 9930 26.51 2.445 24282
Brahmanbaria 9621 3893 19.20 1.771 6894 14009 5669 19.83 1.829 10367
3 Comilla Region 200456 81120 22.84 2.107 170900 210778 85297 24.41 2.252 192067
4 Khagrachari 6072 2457 21.01 1.938 4763 5961 2412 23.29 2.148 5182
Noakhali 146057 59106 16.76 1.546 91366 145880 59034 17.69 1.632 96321
Lakshmipur 87452 35390 17.46 1.610 56982 87488 35404 18.95 1.748 61901
Feni 29604 11980 20.05 1.849 22156 30420 12310 26.33 2.429 29897
5 Noakhali Region 263113 106476 17.36 1.601 170504 263788 106749 19.11 1.762 188119
6 Rangamati Region 14254 5768 17.44 1.609 9280 15515 6279 17.08 1.575 9890
Sylhet 51682 20915 21.14 1.950 40787 85426 34570 24.48 2.258 78066
Maulavibazar 69243 28021 23.17 2.137 59875 58017 23478 26.96 2.487 58390
Sunamgonj 8181 3311 14.68 1.354 4484 6221 2518 17.11 1.578 3973
Hobigonj 84356 34137 25.08 2.313 78956 85208 34482 26.33 2.428 83736
7 Sylhet Region 213462 86383 23.11 2.131 184102 234872 95048 25.57 2.358 224164
Dhaka 1607 650 15.20 1.402 912 1552 628 16.00 1.476 927
Gazipur 5763 2332 17.99 1.659 3869 5258 2128 20.91 1.928 4103
Manikgonj 785 318 7.51 0.693 220 954 386 13.00 1.199 463
Munsigonj 1458 590 12.56 1.159 684 1304 528 14.64 1.350 713
Narayangonj 1195 484 22.49 2.075 1003 523 212 19.62 1.810 383
Narsingdi 1012 410 13.68 1.262 517 818 331 19.95 1.840 609
8 Dhaka Region 11820 4783 16.33 1.506 7205 10409 4212 18.53 1.709 7198
Faridpur 23593 9548 9.72 0.896 8557 18825 7618 7.50 0.692 5273
Rajbari 15573 6302 9.62 0.887 5592 11573 4683 8.37 0.772 3617
Madaripur 6389 2585 9.72 0.896 2317 4742 1919 10.08 0.930 1784
Gopalgonj 8663 3506 9.09 0.839 2940 8006 3240 9.53 0.879 2847
Shariatpur 23736 9605 8.65 0.798 7668 19812 8017 9.03 0.833 6678
9 Faridpur Region 77954 31546 9.30 0.858 27074 62958 25478 8.59 0.793 20198
Jamalpur 4220 1708 12.54 1.156 1975 2395 969 19.02 1.754 1700
Sherpur 17120 6928 20.61 1.901 13172 18342 7423 20.85 1.923 14273
10 Jamalpur Region 21340 8636 19.02 1.754 15147 20737 8392 20.64 1.903 15973
Kishoregonj 52394 21203 21.46 1.980 41973 52893 21405 22.57 2.082 44564
Netrokona 4542 1838 20.46 1.887 3468 2285 925 18.73 1.727 1597
11 Kishoregonj 56936 23041 21.38 1.972 45441 55178 22329 22.41 2.067 46162
12 Mymenshing 139151 56311 20.00 1.845 103901 133521 54033 21.75 2.006 108383
13 Tangail Region 2434 985 9.52 0.878 865 2160 874 12.45 1.148 1004

Table: 3.1.3. Estimate of Aus (TOTAL= LOCAL+ HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
Barisal 81759 33086 19.05 1.757 58130 86477 34995 18.89 1.742 60966
Jhalakathi 57781 23383 20.11 1.855 43383 61609 24932 19.14 1.765 44006
Perojpur 69446 28103 21.13 1.949 54770 76704 31040 21.58 1.991 61796
Bhola 170659 69062 17.65 1.628 112453 160173 64819 18.39 1.697 109977
14 Barisal Region 379645 153634 18.96 1.749 268736 384963 155786 19.26 1.776 276745
Jessore 110794 44836 25.68 2.369 106195 107093 43338 26.68 2.461 106649
Jhenaidah 59948 24260 24.56 2.265 54958 64671 26171 25.52 2.354 61597
Magura 29603 11980 24.10 2.223 26635 24287 9828 30.93 2.853 28041
Narail 12053 4878 13.02 1.201 5859 12742 5156 13.00 1.199 6182
15 Jessore Region 212398 85953 24.42 2.253 193647 208793 84494 25.98 2.396 202469
Khulna 13986 5660 16.41 1.514 8569 17965 7270 15.78 1.456 10584
Bagerhat 23150 9368 19.91 1.837 17208 26060 10546 23.05 2.126 22426
Satkhira 21273 8609 26.26 2.422 20849 22237 8999 28.25 2.606 23451
16 Khulna Region 58409 23637 21.39 1.973 46626 66262 26815 22.83 2.106 56460
Kushtia 106143 42954 23.09 2.130 91493 111408 45084 25.05 2.311 104178
Chuadanga 28466 11520 21.80 2.011 23164 35404 14327 28.66 2.644 37880
Meherpur 13658 5527 24.15 2.227 12310 17907 7247 29.08 2.682 19436
17 Kushtia Region 148267 60000 22.94 2.116 126967 164719 66658 26.27 2.423 161494
Patuakhali 164908 66735 19.00 1.752 116945 165639 67030 21.38 1.972 132169
Barguna 116932 47320 20.17 1.861 88051 113190 45806 20.90 1.928 88300
18 Patuakhali Region 281840 114054 19.49 1.797 204996 278829 112836 21.18 1.954 220469
Bogra 54746 22155 21.24 1.959 43404 63314 25622 22.53 2.078 53248
Joypurhat 136 55 20.88 1.926 106 78 32 21.98 2.027 64
19 Bogra Region 54882 22210 21.24 1.959 43510 63392 25653 22.53 2.078 53312
Dinajpur 10705 4332 21.53 1.986 8603 14314 5793 29.34 2.707 15678
Thakurgaon 205 83 29.67 2.737 227 4606 1864 23.08 2.129 3968
Panchagar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 11 4 12.18 1.123 5
20 Dinajpur Region 10910 4415 21.68 2.000 8830 18931 7661 27.81 2.565 19651
Pabna 54112 21898 10.90 1.005 22009 55507 22462 15.95 1.471 33050
Sirajgonj 11611 4699 17.75 1.637 7691 13971 5654 19.92 1.838 10389
21 Pabna Region 65723 26597 12.11 1.117 29700 69478 28116 16.75 1.545 43439
Rajshahi 97528 39467 23.37 2.156 85089 107702 43585 26.45 2.440 106330
Noagaon 135378 54785 26.96 2.487 136237 137516 55650 22.89 2.111 117474
Natore 27399 11088 16.59 1.530 16963 26101 10563 22.01 2.030 21442
Nawabgonj 129951 52588 21.00 1.937 101865 128176 51870 20.86 1.924 99807
22 Rajshahi Region 390256 157928 23.35 2.154 340154 399495 161667 23.14 2.134 345053
Rangpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 1250 506 0.00 0.000 1004
Gaibandha 342 138 20.86 1.924 266 281 114 21.15 1.951 222
Kurigram 536 217 14.29 1.318 286 538 218 15.25 1.407 306
Nilphamari 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lalmonirhat 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
23 Rangpur Region 878 355 16.85 1.554 552 2069 837 19.84 1.830 1532
BANGLADESH 2750015 1112871 20.78 1.917 2132821 2812443 1138134 22.21 2.049 2332152

Estimate of Aman Rice 2011-12

Aman is one of the main crops in Bangladesh. At present it is the second largest crop in
the country in respect of the volume of production. Aman is a nature based crop. Farmers
usually intend to cultivate aman. As a result, the area coverage of aman is the highest as
a single crop.

In this year, favourable weather condition prevailed all over the country during sowing to
harvesting period of the crop. The government attitude towards distribution of fertilizer,
irrigation was keen. Government paid complete attention on rural electricity management
system throughout the country. Apart from this, there was no crop damage for not to occur
any natural calamities in aman season. All these factors influence to achieve high level
aman production in the country. It is mentionable that last year Aman production was also
high due to similar reasons like this year. But it is found that the cutivation of Broadcast
Aman and Local Transplant Aman have remarkably decreased this year as compared to
last year.

Total area under aman crop has been estimated at 5.58 million hectares this year as
compared to 5.645 million hectares in the last year which is 1.16 percent lower. Estimates
of total area of this year as well as the last year by variety are as follows;

Table -1: Estimate of Total Area by Types of Aman Rice

Variety 2010-11 2011-12 Percentage
Area Area Area Area
(in acres) (in (in acres) (in
hectares) hectares)
Broadcast Aman 10,52,822 4,26,054 9,49,018 3,84,047 (-) 9.86
Local Transplant (L.T.) Aman 32,51,031 13,15,621 31,89,969 12,90,911 (-) 1.88
High Yielding Variety (HYV) 96,47,080 39,03,962 96,50,145 39,05,202 (+) 0.03
Total Aman 1,39,50,933 56,45,637 1,37,89,132 55,80,159 (-) 1.16

Yield Rate:
Average yield rate of 2011-2012 has been estimated at 2.294 metric tons per hectare
which is 1.22 percent upper as compared to that of last year. Estimates of yield rates by
varieties and combined average yield rate of all varieties are as follows;

Table -2: Estimate of Yield Rates by Types of Aman Rice

2010-11 2011-12
Yield per Yield per Yield per Yield per Percentage
acre hectare acre hectare changes over
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton) previous year
Broadcast Aman 12.95 1.195 12.77 1.178 (-) 1.39
Local Transplant (L.T.) Aman 17.64 1.627 17.57 1.621 (-) 0.40
High Yielding Variety (HYV) 28.16 2.598 28.47 2.626 (+) 1.10
Total Aman 24.56 2.266 24.86 2.294 (+) 1.22

Total aman production of 2011-2012 has been estimated at 12.798 million metric tons as
compared to 12.791 million metric tons which is 0.05 percent higher than that of last year.
Estimates of production by varieties and combined total of aman are as follows;

Table -3: Estimate of Production by Types of Aman Rice

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage
Variety Production Production changes over
(M.tons) (M.tons) previous year
Broadcast Aman 5,09,032 4,52,422 (-) 11.12
Local Transplant (L.T.) Aman 21,40,729 20,92,313 (-) 2.26
High Yielding Variety (HYV) 1,01,41,737 1,02,53,533 (+) 1.10
Total Aman 1,27,91,498 1,27,98,268 (+) 0.05

Estimate of area, yield rates and production by zila and regions are given in table (1-3)

Table: 3.1.4. Estimate of Broadcast Aman Rice, 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chittagong 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Chittagong Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Comilla 79716 32259 12.61 1.163 37522 78710 31852 12.74 1.175 37431
Chandpur 59808 24203 10.08 0.930 22503 42345 17136 11.92 1.099 18841
Brahmanbaria 47985 19418 13.78 1.271 24682 45707 18497 14.65 1.351 24995
3 Comilla Region 187509 75881 12.10 1.116 84707 166762 67485 13.06 1.204 81266
4 Khagrachari Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Noakhali 0 0 0 0.000 0
Lakshmipur 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
Feni 0 0 0 0.000 0
5 Noakhali Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
6 Rangamati Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Sylhet 9762 3950 19.17 1.768 6985 10041 4063 18.99 1.752 7118
Maulavibazar 15105 6113 18.83 1.737 10617 15098 6110 18.86 1.740 10629
Sunamgonj 684 277 15.90 1.467 406 710 287 16.07 1.482 426
Hobigonj 51250 20740 16.93 1.562 32388 52605 21288 17.37 1.602 34108
7 Sylhet Region 76801 31080 17.58 1.622 50396 78454 31749 17.85 1.647 52280
Dhaka 25356 10261 8.78 0.810 8310 22591 9142 10.16 0.937 8568
Gazipur 970 393 10.61 0.979 384 498 202 11.40 1.052 212
Manikgonj 73102 29583 8.81 0.813 24040 62750 25394 9.26 0.854 21690
Munshigonj 45484 18406 12.93 1.193 21953 38604 15622 12.74 1.175 18358
Narayangonj 23877 9662 12.59 1.161 11221 22084 8937 12.08 1.114 9958
Narsingdi 5872 2376 14.06 1.297 3082 5794 2345 14.94 1.378 3231
8 Dhaka Region 174661 70681 10.58 0.976 68990 152321 61641 10.91 1.006 62016
Faridpur 56199 22743 13.96 1.288 29285 43839 17741 13.02 1.201 21306
Rajbari 19113 7735 13.37 1.233 9539 16244 6574 13.19 1.217 7998
Madaripur 63880 25851 15.57 1.436 37126 56850 23006 10.82 0.998 22961
Gopalgonj 78276 31677 9.91 0.914 28955 74390 30104 10.3 0.950 28601
Shariatpur 22103 8945 12.03 1.110 9925 20353 8236 12.36 1.140 9390
9 Faridpur Region 239571 96949 12.84 1.184 114830 211676 85661 11.42 1.054 90255
Jamalpur 0 0 0 0.000 0
Sherpur 0 0 0 0.000 0
10 Jamalpur Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Kishoregonj 0 0 0 0.000 0
Netrokona 0 0 0 0.000 0
11 Kishoregonj Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
12 Mymenshing Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0


Table: 3.1.4. Estimate of Broadcast Aman Rice 2011-12 (Contd.)

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region (M.Ton) (M.Ton)
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund)
13 Tangail Region 79622 32221 11.44 1.055 34001 79073 31999 11.26 1.039 33235
Barisal 11659 4718 16.89 1.558 7351 7500 3035 14.74 1.360 4127
Jhalakathi 0 0 0 0.000 0
Perojpur 8486 3434 15.02 1.385 4758 8497 3439 15.71 1.449 4983
Bhola 0 0 0 0.000 0
14 Barisal Region 20145 8152 16.10 1.485 12109 15997 6474 15.26 1.407 9109
Jessore 7412 2999 14.14 1.304 3912 6136 2483 15.49 1.429 3548
Jhenaidah 6605 2673 14.31 1.320 3528 4111 1664 15.24 1.406 2339
Magura 2527 1023 14.07 1.298 1327 2255 913 12.91 1.191 1087
Narail 31203 12627 13.76 1.269 16027 30043 12158 12.59 1.161 14119
15 Jessore Region 47747 19322 13.91 1.283 24794 42545 17217 13.28 1.225 21092
Khulna 18578 7518 12.85 1.185 8911 19792 8009 13.52 1.247 9988
Bagerhat 5848 2367 17.24 1.590 3763 5430 2197 14.99 1.383 3038
Satkhira 0 0 0 0.000 0
16 Khulna Region 24426 9885 13.90 1.282 12674 25222 10207 13.84 1.276 13027
Kushtia 2153 871 14.90 1.374 1197 1968 796 13.21 1.218 970
Chuadanga 214 87 13.4 1.236 107 170 69 13.52 1.247 86
Meherpur 1482 600 14.01 1.292 775 1164 471 15.75 1.453 684
17 Kushtia Region 3849 1558 14.47 1.335 2079 3302 1336 14.12 1.303 1741
Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
Barguna 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
18 Patuakhalin Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bogra 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
19 Bogra Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
Panchagar 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
20 Dinajpur Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Pabna 97130 39306 13.86 1.278 50251 80205 32457 13.66 1.260 40896
Sirajgonj 44295 17925 13.3 1.227 21990 42300 17118 13.41 1.237 21174
21 Pabna Region 141425 57232 13.68 1.262 72241 122505 49575 13.57 1.252 62070
Rajshahi 380 154 11.63 1.073 165 404 163 11.27 1.040 170
Noagaon 8645 3498 16.75 1.545 5405 770 312 17.75 1.637 510
Natore 47906 19387 14.85 1.370 26555 49864 20179 13.74 1.267 25574
Nawabgonj 135 55 17.07 1.575 86 123 50 15.80 1.457 73
22 Rajshahi Region 57066 23093 15.12 1.395 32211 51161 20704 13.79 1.272 26327
Rangpur 0 0 0.000 0
Gaibandha 0 0 0.000 0
Kurigram 0 0 0.000 0
Nilphamari 0 0 0.000 0
Lalmonirhat 0 0 0.000 0
23 Rangpur Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0
BANGLADESH 1052822 426054 12.95 1.195 509032 949018 384047 12.77 1.178 452422

Table: 3.1.5. Estimates of Local Transplant (L.T.) Aman Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 835 338 21.48 1.981 669 427 173 22.33 2.060 356
Chittagong 84135 34048 16.31 1.504 51222 81908 33146 16.49 1.521 50417
Cox's Bazar 12395 5016 19.95 1.840 9230 12167 4924 21.44 1.978 9737
2 Chittagong Region 96530 39064 16.78 1.548 60452 94075 38070 17.13 1.580 60154
Comilla 23156 9371 18.42 1.699 15921 21601 8741 16.66 1.537 13433
Chandpur 10265 4154 15.54 1.433 5954 10367 4195 17.66 1.629 6834
Brahmanbaria 14345 5805 21.08 1.944 11288 14059 5689 19.67 1.814 10323
3 Comilla Region 47766 19330 18.60 1.716 33163 46027 18626 17.80 1.642 30590
4 Khagrachari Region 3523 1426 20.04 1.848 2635 3528 1428 17.70 0.000 2331
Noakhali 212621 86043 16.66 1.537 132223 213995 86599 17.19 1.586 137311
Lakshmipur 115426 46710 16.66 1.537 71780 110650 44778 17.98 1.658 74262
Feni 21294 8617 16.83 1.552 13377 21149 8559 17.07 1.575 13476
5 Noakhali Region 349341 141371 16.67 1.538 217380 345794 139935 17.44 1.608 225049
6 Rangamati Region 704 285 21.82 2.013 573 582 236 20.64 1.904 448
Sylhet 201043 81358 20.96 1.933 157292 205562 83186 19.82 1.828 152081
Maulavibazar 24790 10032 22.27 2.054 20607 24715 10002 21.60 1.992 19927
Sunamgonj 61012 24690 21.24 1.959 48372 62088 25126 21.10 1.946 48901
Hobigonj 24063 9738 18.81 1.735 16895 23660 9575 18.60 1.716 16427
7 Sylhet Region 310908 125818 20.95 1.933 243166 316025 127888 20.12 1.856 237335
Dhaka 3786 1532 13.55 1.250 1915 3229 1307 13.57 1.252 1636
Gazipur 12928 5232 21.70 2.002 10472 12014 4862 22.37 2.063 10032
Manikgonj 2238 906 16.04 1.480 1340 2163 875 12.29 1.134 992
Munshigonj 0 0 0 0.000 0
Narayangonj 1107 448 15.08 1.391 623 1103 446 14.60 1.347 601
Narsingdi 19597 7930 13.89 1.281 10161 22165 8970 14.55 1.342 12038
8 Dhaka Region 39656 16048 16.56 1.527 24511 40674 16460 16.66 1.537 25299
Faridpur 2078 841 12.35 1.139 958 2184 884 15.66 1.444 1277
Rajbari 1797 727 16.05 1.480 1077 1770 716 14.12 1.302 933
Madaripur 8670 3509 14.74 1.360 4770 6913 2798 13.81 1.274 3564
Gopalgonj 720 291 14.82 1.367 398 970 393 14.89 0.000 539
Shariatpur 5491 2222 17.76 1.638 3640 5939 2403 15.89 1.466 3523
9 Faridpur Region 18756 7590 15.49 1.429 10843 17776 7194 14.82 1.367 9835
Jamalpur 51210 20724 16.28 1.502 31120 48686 19702 17.59 1.622 31967
Sherpur 91461 37012 18.57 1.713 63398 86102 34844 18.63 1.718 59876
10 Jamalpur Region 142671 57736 17.75 1.637 94518 134788 54546 18.25 1.684 91843
Kishoregonj 30374 12292 15.86 1.463 17982 26852 10866 17.37 1.602 17410
Netrokona 111343 45058 16.51 1.523 68618 109810 44438 17.65 1.628 72346
11 Kishoregonj Region 141717 57350 16.37 1.510 86600 136662 55304 17.59 1.623 89756
12 Mymenshing Region 175025 70829 16.71 1.541 109170 178995 72435 17.17 1.584 114720


Table: 3.1.5. Estimate of Local Transplant (L.T.) Aman Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 75294 30470 17.36 1.601 48791 72320 29266 17.33 1.599 46783
Barisal 198874 80480 18.97 1.750 140823 193178 78175 19.71 1.818 142125
Jhalakathi 89102 36058 19.14 1.765 63659 88316 35740 19.17 1.768 63196
Perojpur 132931 53794 18.50 1.706 91796 125132 50638 18.25 1.683 85243
Bhola 262284 106141 17.30 1.596 169373 260060 105241 17.18 1.585 166772
14 Barisal Region 683191 276472 18.26 1.684 465651 666686 269793 18.38 1.695 457336
Jessore 6562 2655 17.73 1.635 4343 5590 2262 17.92 1.653 3739
Jhenaidah 0 0 0 0.000 0
Magura 2607 1055 18.20 1.679 1771 2160 874 17.74 1.636 1430
Narail 12690 5135 16.06 1.481 7607 8982 3635 17.3 1.596 5800
15 Jessore Region 21859 8846 16.82 1.551 13721 16732 6771 17.56 1.620 10969
Khulna 59557 24101 24.04 2.217 53443 54795 22174 21.19 1.955 43341
Bagerhat 142621 57716 16.57 1.528 88213 132885 53776 14.99 1.383 74354
Satkhira 4014 1624 16.53 1.525 2477 5763 2332 16.17 1.492 3478
16 Khulna Region 206192 83441 18.73 1.727 144133 193443 78282 16.78 1.548 121173
Khushtia 814 329 16.16 1.491 491 1024 414 15.17 1.399 580
Chuadanga 478 193 15.11 1.394 270 581 235 16.14 1.489 350
Meherpur 967 391 13.34 1.230 482 549 222 17.71 1.634 363
17 Kushtia Region 2259 914 14.74 1.360 1243 2154 872 16.08 1.483 1293
Patuakhali 398820 161394 16.67 1.538 248165 402525 162893 15.75 1.453 236647
Barguna 181494 73447 16.64 1.535 112731 181116 73294 16.88 1.557 114119
18 Patuakhalin Region 580314 234840 16.66 1.537 360896 583641 236187 16.10 1.485 350766
Bogra 30179 12213 16.13 1.488 18170 25359 10262 16.38 1.511 15505
Joypurhat 14098 5705 25.42 2.345 13377 14210 5750 21.93 2.023 11632
19 Bogra Region 44277 17918 19.09 1.761 31547 39569 16013 1.695 27137
Dinajpur 44399 17967 17.61 1.624 29185 42592 17236 17.99 1.659 28601
Thakurgaon 7903 3198 17.05 1.573 5030 6996 2831 17.17 1.584 4484
Panchagar 10728 4341 16.05 1.480 6427 7362 2979 18.47 1.704 5076
20 Dinajpur Region 63030 25507 17.27 1.593 40642 56950 23046 17.95 1.656 38161
Pabna 1557 630 12.65 1.167 735 1452 588 11.78 1.087 638
Sirajgonj 37824 15307 16.26 1.500 22957 35169 14232 15.91 1.468 20886
21 Pabna Region 39381 15937 16.12 1.487 23692 36621 14820 15.75 1.452 21524
Rajshahi 9849 3986 14.38 1.326 5287 9559 3868 14.89 1.373 5313
Noagaon 62650 25353 17.48 1.612 40878 67822 27446 17.15 1.582 43417
Natore 5380 2177 15.53 1.432 3119 11342 4590 14.30 1.319 6054
Nawabgonj 15100 6111 16.25 1.499 9159 12440 5034 14.25 1.314 6617
22 Rajshahi Region 92979 37627 16.84 1.553 58443 101163 40938 16.26 1.500 61401
Rangpur 4890 1979 17.77 1.639 3244 4575 1851 19.69 1.816 3363
Gaibandha 41547 16813 14.96 1.380 23201 36101 14609 15.07 1.390 20308
Kurigram 57050 23087 16.54 1.526 35222 57265 23174 18.58 1.714 39716
Nilphamari 8391 3396 15.56 1.435 4874 5031 2036 17.44 1.609 3275
Lalmonirhat 2945 1192 15.91 1.468 1749 2365 957 15.74 1.452 1390
23 Rangpur Region 114823 46466 15.93 1.470 68290 105337 42628 17.31 1.596 68051
BANGLADESH 3251031 1315621 17.64 1.627 2140729 3189969 1290911 17.57 1.621 2092313

Table: 3.1.6. Estimate of High Yielding Variety (HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield perProduction Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 19407 7854 24.59 2.268 17813 19987 8088 28.11 2.593 20972
Chittagong 374337 151486 30.59 2.822 427434 373550 151167 29.93 2.761 417333
Cox's Bazar 172237 69701 30.88 2.848 198532 170130 68848 32.06 2.957 203597
2 Chittagong Region 546574 221187 30.68 2.830 625966 543680 220015 30.60 2.822 620930
Comilla 258676 104681 30.66 2.828 296044 252470 102169 30.99 2.859 292051
Chandpur 59766 24186 24.03 2.217 53609 55813 22586 24.92 2.299 51917
Brahmanbaria 94769 38351 25.95 2.394 91798 95673 38717 26.66 2.459 95209
3 Comilla Region 413211 167217 28.62 2.640 441451 403956 163472 29.13 2.687 439177
4 Khagrachari Region 72121 29186 31.71 2.925 85366 72703 29421 32.16 2.966 87276
Noakhali 78647 31827 27.02 2.492 79322 79420 32140 28.04 2.586 83126
Lakshmipur 96981 39246 25.65 2.366 92854 97650 39517 25.73 2.373 93786
Feni 140830 56991 33.85 3.122 177943 141373 57211 33.14 3.057 174882
5 Noakhali Region 316458 128064 29.64 2.734 350119 318443 128867 29.60 2.730 351794
6 Rangamati Region 22874 9257 27.85 2.569 23779 23573 9539 28.75 2.652 25298
Sylhet 146273 59193 34.48 3.180 188260 150685 60979 34.53 3.185 194220
Maulavibazar 194148 78567 30.43 2.807 220527 195944 79294 32.29 2.978 236171
Sunamgonj 56310 22787 32.37 2.986 68039 57400 23229 32.49 2.997 69613
Hobigonj 129889 52563 30.75 2.836 149089 131580 53248 30.71 2.833 150833
7 Sylhet Region 526620 213112 31.84 2.937 625915 535609 216749 32.55 3.003 650837
Dhaka 15785 6388 27.03 2.493 15926 13460 5447 27.08 2.498 13606
Gazipur 94466 38228 32.64 3.011 115094 93337 37771 30.64 2.826 106750
Manikgonj 10348 4188 25.51 2.353 9854 11316 4579 25.33 2.336 10699
Munshigonj 0 0 0 0.000 0
Narayangonj 6887 2787 26.81 2.473 6892 5575 2256 27.64 2.550 5752
Narsingdi 80032 32387 30.26 2.791 90398 77131 31213 31.90 2.942 91843
8 Dhaka Region 207518 83978 30.75 2.836 238164 200819 81267 30.50 2.814 228651
Faridpur 87517 35416 25.92 2.391 84675 89625 36269 25.56 2.358 85510
Rajbari 85671 34669 25.34 2.337 81034 74173 30016 25.05 2.311 69355
Madaripur 3922 1587 26.39 2.434 3863 3808 1541 26.32 2.428 3741
Gopalgonj 12758 5163 28.13 2.595 13396 13531 5476 23.3 2.149 11768
Shariatpur 3013 1219 19.05 1.757 2143 3566 1443 22.59 2.084 3007
9 Faridpur Region 192881 78055 25.71 2.372 185111 184703 74745 25.15 2.320 173382
Jamalpur 200274 81046 25.42 2.345 190032 213163 86262 25.97 2.395 206638
Sherpur 135397 54792 31.13 2.871 157331 137670 55712 29.32 2.704 150671
10 Jamalpur Region 335671 135839 27.72 2.557 347363 350833 141974 27.28 2.517 357310
Kishoregonj 154582 62556 25.34 2.337 146215 153770 62227 26.10 2.407 149810
Netrokona 234054 94717 28.27 2.608 246984 231881 93837 28.81 2.657 249365
11 Kishoregonj Region 388636 157272 27.10 2.500 393199 385651 156065 27.73 2.558 399175
12 Mymenshing Region 500253 202441 25.63 2.364 478592 489059 197911 24.86 2.293 453826


Table: 3.1.6. Estimate of High Yielding Variety (HYV) Rice 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Production Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 197382 79876 27.57 2.543 203129 192878 78053 25.97 2.395 186974
Barisal 110047 44534 27.99 2.582 114976 108432 43880 27.82 2.566 112601
Jhalakathi 23285 9423 26.22 2.419 22790 23973 9701 28.68 2.645 25664
Perojpur 25314 10244 26.59 2.453 25125 23705 9593 29.02 2.677 25678
Bhola 160187 64824 25.71 2.371 153729 161942 65534 28.27 2.608 170888
14 Barisal Region 318833 129025 26.60 2.454 316620 318052 128709 28.20 2.601 334831
Jessore 331586 134186 26.22 2.419 324531 324311 131242 28.58 2.636 345980
Jhenaidah 212775 86105 27.5 2.537 218414 213128 86248 29.97 2.764 238427
Magura 117384 47503 27.07 2.497 118611 116149 47003 28.38 2.618 123043
Narail 45670 18482 25.36 2.339 43232 48853 19770 25.64 2.365 46756
15 Jessore Region 707415 286275 26.69 2.462 704788 702441 284262 28.76 2.653 754206
Khulna 122186 49446 26.05 2.403 118811 131590 53252 26.03 2.401 127857
Bagerhat 75405 30515 25.16 2.321 70817 72780 29452 26.86 2.478 72970
Satkhira 247468 100145 30.57 2.820 282385 202034 81759 28.63 2.641 215910
16 Khulna Region 445059 180106 28.41 2.621 472013 406404 164463 27.47 2.534 416737
Khushtia 189388 76641 31.49 2.905 222614 193870 78455 30.34 2.799 219560
Chuadanga 108411 43872 23.50 2.168 95097 106630 43151 30.79 2.840 122551
Meherpur 58774 23785 25.05 2.311 54957 60072 24310 30.45 2.809 68279
17 Kushtia Region 356573 144297 28.00 2.583 372668 360572 145916 30.49 2.813 410390
Patuakhali 105345 42631 25.32 2.336 99565 105969 42883 26.10 2.407 103240
Barguna 70526 28540 25.29 2.333 66577 70768 28638 25.07 2.312 66224
18 Patuakhalin Region 175871 71171 25.31 2.334 166142 176737 71522 25.69 2.369 169464
Bogra 423338 171316 23.96 2.210 378618 427784 173115 25.85 2.384 412774
Joypurhat 154122 62370 27.52 2.538 158322 153822 62248 27.48 2.535 157784
19 Bogra Region 577460 233685 24.91 2.298 536940 581606 235363 26.28 2.424 570558
Dinajpur 560454 226803 29.10 2.684 608780 568261 229963 27.24 2.513 577806
Thakurgaon 286882 116095 33.94 3.131 363448 287719 116434 27.72 2.557 297707
Panchagar 191610 77540 27.00 2.490 193112 205730 83254 27.17 2.506 208648
20 Dinajpur Region 1038946 420439 30.05 2.772 1165340 1061710 429651 27.36 2.523 1084161
Pabna 138593 56086 26.27 2.423 135903 130762 52917 28.80 2.657 140573
Sirajgonj 112270 45433 27.12 2.502 113653 118699 48035 28.44 2.623 126010
21 Pabna Region 250863 101519 26.65 2.458 249556 249461 100951 28.63 2.641 266582
Rajshahi 171591 69439 29.77 2.746 190678 170090 68832 28.33 2.613 179867
Noagaon 418217 169243 29.80 2.749 465206 423530 171393 30.46 2.810 481550
Natore 118776 48066 25.40 2.343 112613 124392 50339 29.43 2.715 136650
Nawabgonj 91052 36847 30.28 2.793 102914 101400 41034 28.66 2.644 108478
22 Rajshahi Region 799636 323595 29.19 2.693 871411 819412 331598 29.64 2.734 906546
Rangpur 338935 137160 28.84 2.660 364871 354396 143416 29.10 2.684 384954
Gaibandha 248742 100660 26.20 2.417 243264 251634 101831 29.23 2.696 274553
Kurigram 205425 83131 26.89 2.480 206192 207597 84010 27.72 2.557 214804
Nilphamari 264241 106933 26.85 2.477 264833 254673 103061 29.29 2.702 278439
Lalmonirhat 179475 72630 28.53 2.632 191132 183556 74281 27.98 2.581 191709
23 Rangpur Region 1236818 500513 27.52 2.538 1270292 1251856 506599 28.77 2.654 1344459
BANGLADESH 9647080 3903962 28.16 2.598 10141737 9650145 3905202 28.47 2.626 10253533

Table: 3.1.7. Estimate of Total Aman (Broadcast+L.T. +HYV) Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 20242 8191 24.46 2.256 18482 20414 8261 27.99 2.582 21328
Chittagong 458472 185534 27.97 2.580 478656 455458 184314 27.51 2.538 467750
Cox's Bazar 184632 74717 30.15 2.781 207762 182297 73772 31.35 2.892 213334
2 Chittagong Region 643104 260250 28.59 2.638 686418 637755 258085 28.61 2.639 681084
Comilla 361548 146311 25.90 2.389 349487 352781 142763 26.04 2.402 342915
Chandpur 129839 52543 16.93 1.562 82066 108525 43918 19.15 1.767 77592
Brahmanbaria 157099 63575 21.79 2.010 127768 155439 62903 22.50 2.075 130526
3 Comilla Region 648486 262428 23.11 2.131 559321 616745 249583 23.94 2.208 551033
4 Khagrachari Region 75644 30611 31.17 2.875 88001 76231 30849 31.49 2.905 89607
Noakhali 291268 117870 19.46 1.795 211545 293415 118739 20.13 1.856 220437
Lakshmipur 212407 85956 20.76 1.915 164634 208300 84294 21.61 1.994 168049
Feni 162124 65608 31.61 2.916 191320 162522 65769 31.05 2.864 188358
5 Noakhali Region 665799 269434 22.83 2.106 567499 664237 268802 23.27 2.146 576844
6 Rangamati Region 23578 9541 27.67 2.552 24352 24155 9775 28.55 2.634 25746
Sylhet 357078 144502 26.45 2.440 352537 366288 148229 25.85 2.384 353418
Maulavibazar 234043 94712 28.82 2.658 251751 235757 95406 30.31 2.796 266727
Sunamgonj 118006 47754 26.52 2.446 116817 120198 48641 26.51 2.445 118940
Hobigonj 205202 83041 25.90 2.389 198372 207845 84110 25.96 2.394 201368
7 Sylhet Region 914329 370009 26.94 2.485 919477 930088 376386 27.09 2.499 940453
Dhaka 44927 18181 15.59 1.438 26151 39280 15896 16.24 1.498 23809
Gazipur 108364 43853 31.14 2.872 125950 105849 42835 29.61 2.731 116994
Manikgonj 85688 34676 11.02 1.016 35234 76229 30848 11.73 1.082 33381
Munshigonj 45484 18406 12.93 1.193 21953 38604 15622 12.74 1.175 18358
Narayangonj 31871 12897 15.75 1.453 18736 28762 11639 15.19 1.401 16311
Narsingdi 105501 42694 26.32 2.428 103641 105090 42528 27.31 2.519 107112
8 Dhaka Region 421835 170707 21.06 1.943 331665 393814 159368 21.49 1.983 315966
Faridpur 145794 59000 21.12 1.948 114918 135648 54894 21.35 1.969 108093
Rajbari 106581 43131 23.04 2.125 91650 92187 37306 22.75 2.098 78286
Madaripur 76472 30947 16.03 1.479 45759 67571 27345 12.00 1.107 30265
Gopalgonj 91754 37131 12.48 1.151 42749 88891 35972 12.33 1.137 40908
Shariatpur 30607 12386 13.75 1.268 15708 29858 12083 14.28 1.318 15920
9 Faridpur Region 451208 182594 18.45 1.702 310784 414155 167599 17.69 1.632 273472
Jamalpur 251484 101770 23.56 2.173 221152 261849 105965 24.41 2.252 238605
Sherpur 226858 91804 26.07 2.404 220729 223772 90556 25.21 2.325 210547
10 Jamalpur Region 478342 193575 24.75 2.283 441881 485621 196520 24.78 2.286 449152
Kishoregonj 184956 74848 23.78 2.194 164197 180622 73094 24.80 2.288 167220
Netrokona 345397 139775 24.48 2.258 315602 341691 138275 25.22 2.327 321711
11 Kishoregonj Region 530353 214622 24.24 2.236 479799 522313 211369 25.08 2.313 488931
12 Mymenshing Region 675278 273270 23.32 2.151 587762 668054 270347 22.80 2.103 568546


Table: 3.1.7. Estimate of Total Aman (Broadcast+L.T.+HYV) Rice2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
(Maund) (M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 352298 142567 21.74 2.006 285921 344271 139319 20.78 1.916 266992
Barisal 320580 129732 21.99 2.028 263150 309110 125090 22.43 2.069 258853
Jhalakathi 112387 45481 20.61 1.901 86448 112289 45441 21.20 1.956 88860
Perojpur 166731 67472 19.55 1.803 121679 157334 63670 19.74 1.820 115904
Bhola 422471 170965 20.49 1.890 323103 422002 170775 21.44 1.977 337661
14 Barisal Region 1022169 413649 20.82 1.920 794380 1000735 404976 21.45 1.979 801278
Jessore 345560 139841 25.80 2.380 332786 336037 135987 28.16 2.598 353267
Jhenaidah 219380 88778 27.10 2.500 221942 217239 87912 29.69 2.739 240765
Magura 122518 49580 26.61 2.455 121709 120564 48790 27.90 2.573 125560
Narail 89563 36244 20.00 1.845 66866 87878 35562 20.33 1.875 66675
15 Jessore Region 777021 314443 25.63 2.364 743303 761718 308251 27.65 2.551 786267
Khulna 200321 81066 24.23 2.235 181165 206177 83435 23.54 2.172 181186
Bagerhat 223874 90597 19.48 1.797 162793 211095 85426 19.08 1.760 150363
Satkhira 251482 101769 30.35 2.799 284862 207797 84091 28.28 2.609 219389
16 Khulna Region 675677 273432 24.93 2.300 628820 625069 252952 23.61 2.178 550937
Khushtia 192355 77842 31.24 2.882 224302 196862 79666 30.09 2.775 221110
Chuadanga 109103 44152 23.44 2.162 95474 107381 43455 30.68 2.830 122987
Meherpur 61223 24776 24.60 2.269 56214 61785 25003 30.06 2.773 69326
17 Kushtia Region 362681 146769 27.77 2.562 375990 366028 148124 30.26 2.791 413423
Patuakhali 504165 204025 18.48 1.704 347730 508494 205776 17.91 1.652 339887
Barguna 252020 101987 19.06 1.758 179308 251884 101932 19.18 1.769 180343
18 Patuakhalin Region 756185 306011 18.67 1.722 527038 760378 307708 18.33 1.691 520230
Bogra 453517 183528 23.44 2.162 396788 453143 183377 25.32 2.336 428279
Joypurhat 168220 68075 27.34 2.522 171699 168032 67999 27.01 2.491 169416
19 Bogra Region 621737 251603 24.50 2.259 568487 621175 251376 25.78 2.378 597695
Dinajpur 604853 244771 28.26 2.606 637965 610853 247199 26.60 2.453 606408
Thakurgaon 294785 119293 33.49 3.089 368478 294715 119265 27.47 2.534 302191
Panchagar 202338 81882 26.42 2.437 199539 213092 86234 26.87 2.478 213724
20 Dinajpur Region 1101976 445946 29.32 2.704 1205982 1118660 452697 26.88 2.479 1122322
Pabna 237280 96022 21.10 1.946 186889 212419 85961 22.97 2.118 182107
Sirajgonj 194389 78665 21.86 2.016 158600 196168 79385 22.95 2.117 168069
21 Pabna Region 431669 174687 21.44 1.978 345489 408587 165346 22.96 2.118 350177
Rajshahi 181820 73579 28.90 2.666 196130 180053 72864 27.58 2.544 185350
Noagaon 489512 198095 27.99 2.582 511489 492122 199151 28.61 2.639 525477
Natore 172062 69630 22.15 2.043 142287 185598 75107 24.29 2.241 168278
Nawabgonj 106287 43012 28.27 2.608 112159 113963 46118 27.07 2.497 115168
22 Rajshahi Region 949681 384315 27.14 2.503 962065 971736 393240 27.41 2.528 994274
Rangpur 343825 139138 28.68 2.646 368115 358971 145268 28.98 2.673 388317
Gaibandha 290289 117474 24.59 2.268 266465 287735 116440 27.45 2.532 294860
Kurigram 262475 106218 24.64 2.273 241414 264862 107184 25.74 2.375 254519
Nilphamari 272632 110328 26.50 2.445 269707 259704 105097 29.06 2.681 281714
Lalmonirhat 182420 73821 28.33 2.613 192881 185921 75238 27.82 2.567 193099
Rangpur 1351641 546979 26.53 2.447 1338582 1357193 549226 27.88 2.572 1412509
Gaibandha 13950933 5645637 24.56 2.266 12791498 13789132 5580159 24.86 2.294 12798265
Kurigram 262475 106218 24.64 2.273 241414 264862 107184 25.74 2.375 254519
Nilphamari 272632 110328 26.50 2.445 269707 259704 105097 29.06 2.681 281714
Lalmonirhat 182420 73821 28.33 2.613 192881 185921 75238 27.82 2.567 193099
23 Rangpur Region 1351641 546979 26.53 2.447 1338582 1357193 549226 27.88 2.572 1412509
BANGLADESH 13950933 5645637 24.56 2.266 12791498 13789132 5580159 24.86 2.294 12798268

Estimate of Boro Rice 2011-12

Boro is the most important crop in Bangladesh in respect of volume of production. It

reveals that due to higher yields, farmer become more interested to bring more area under
the crop.

The weather condition was reasonably pretty from the sowing to growing stage.
Government paid full attention on rural electricity management system throughout the
country. There was no artificial crisis of fertilizers, which gave a remarkable high growth of
crop. There was no vulnerable situation from plantation through harvesting period of the
crop except a total of 10.10 thousand hectare boro crop damage in different regions due
to storm and hailstorm. Comparing the results of last two successive years, it is found that
farmers were interested to grow high yielding variety (HYV) more.

Total area under boro crop has been estimated at 48.10 lac hectares this year as compared to 47.70 lac
hectares in the last year. The harvested area has increased by 0.83% this year. Estimates of total area of
this year as well as the last year by variety are as follows;

Table -1: Estimate of Total Area by Type of Boro Rice

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage
Variety Area Area Area Area changes over
(in acre) (in hectare) (in acre) (in hectare) previous year
Local Boro 1,95,300 79,034 1,79,012 72,443 (-) 0.40%
HYV Boro 99,67,871 40,33,779 1,01,13,855 40,92,855 (+) 1.46%
Hybrid Boro 16,24,807 6,57,524 15,93,185 6,44,727 (-) 1.95%
Total Boro 1,17,87,978 47,70,337 1,18,86,052 48,10,025 (+) 0.83%

Yield Rate
Average yield rate of 2011-12 has been estimated at 3.900 metric tons per hectare which
is 0.08percent lower as compared to that of last year. Estimates of yield rate by variety
and combined average yield rate of all varieties are as follows:

Table -2: Estimate of Yield Rate by Type of Boro Rice

2010-11 2011-12
Yield per Yield per Yield per Yield per Percentage
acre hectare acre hectare changes over
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton) previous year
Local Boro 22.21 2.049 20.93 1.930 (-) 5.76%
HYV Boro 41.20 3.800 41.32 3.811 (+) 0.29%
51.53 4.753 50.81 4.687 (-) 1.40%
Total Boro 42.31 3.903 42.28 3.900 (-) 0.08%

Total boro production of 2011-12 has been estimated at 187.59 lac metric tons as
compared to 186.17 lac metric tons in 2010-11 which is 0.77 percent higher than that of
last year. Estimates of production by variety and combined total of boro are as follows:

Table -3: Estimate of Production by Type of Boro Rice

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage
Variety Production Production change over
(M.tons) (M.tons) previous year
Local Boro 1,61,903 1,39,847 (-) 13.62%
HYV Boro 1,53,29,343 1,55,97,503 (+) 1.75%
Hybrid Boro 31,25,534 30,21,862 (-) 3.32%
Total Boro 1,86,16,780 1,87,59,212 (+) 0.77%
Estimate of area, yield rate and production by Zila and regions are given in table (1-3)

Table: 3.1.8. Estimate of Local Boro Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chittagong 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 382 155 19.01 1.753 271
2 Chittagong Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 382 155 19.01 1.753 271
Comilla 171 69 20.99 1.936 134 134 54 20.79 1.918 104
Chandpur 1728 699 18.69 1.724 1206 1587 642 21.26 1.961 1259
Brahmanbaria 1704 690 31.84 2.937 2025 856 346 20.05 1.849 641
3 Comilla Region 3603 1458 25.02 2.308 3365 2577 1043 20.83 1.922 2004
4 Khagrachari Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Noakhali 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lakshmipur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Feni 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
5 Noakhali Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
6 Rangamati Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Sylhet 45899 18574 20.94 1.931 35876 44658 18072 20.62 1.902 34373
Maulavibazar 3505 1418 18.01 1.661 2356 3212 1300 19.00 1.753 2278
Sunamgonj 53580 21683 29.71 2.740 59420 48518 19634 23.38 2.157 42342
Hobigonj 652 264 19.46 1.795 474 865 350 21.49 1.982 694
7 Sylhet Region 103636 41939 25.37 2.340 98126 97253 39356 21.95 2.025 79687
Dhaka 1080 437 16.89 1.558 681 810 328 19.62 1.810 593
Gazipur 724 293 17.24 1.590 466 680 275 17.10 1.577 434
Manikgonj 4129 1671 17.78 1.640 2740 3975 1609 17.85 1.646 2649
Munsigonj 1263 511 16.06 1.481 757 1008 408 16.21 1.495 610
Narayangonj 758 307 19.01 1.753 538 662 268 20.44 1.885 505
Narsingdi 767 310 19.28 1.778 552 673 272 21.10 1.946 530
8 Dhaka Region 8721 3529 17.61 1.625 5734 7808 3160 18.26 1.684 5321
Faridpur 4045 1637 16.78 1.548 2534 3264 1321 19.58 1.806 2386
Rajbari 678 274 17.78 1.640 450 723 293 18.01 1.661 486
Madaripur 2732 1106 20.24 1.867 2064 2175 880 20.88 1.926 1695
Gopalgonj 666 270 25.02 2.308 622 568 230 19.67 1.814 417
Shariatpur 4120 1667 17.99 1.659 2767 3881 1571 18.23 1.682 2641
9 Faridpur Region 12241 4954 18.46 1.703 8437 10611 4294 19.25 1.776 7625
Jamalpur 3420 1384 22.33 2.060 2851 3083 1248 23.27 2.146 2678
Sherpur 801 324 21.44 1.978 641 657 266 22.65 2.089 555
10 Jamalpur Region 4221 1708 22.16 2.044 3492 3740 1513 23.16 2.136 3233
Kishoregonj 2692 1089 19.51 1.800 1960 1638 663 15.42 1.422 943
Netrokona 3067 1241 23.51 2.169 2691 2485 1006 23.32 2.151 2163
11 Kishoregonj Region 5759 2331 21.64 1.996 4651 4123 1668 20.18 1.862 3106
12 Mymenshing Region 2012 814 18.92 1.745 1421 1656 670 21.52 1.985 1330


Table: 3.1.8. Estimate of Local Boro Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
*Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
Acres Hectares (M.Ton) Acres Hectares (M.Ton)
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 2478 1003 29 2.675 2682 2107 853 22.25 2.052 1750
Barisal 7272 2943 16.08 1.483 4365 8475 3430 21.94 2.024 6941
Jhalakathi 67 27 16.25 1.499 41 87 35 17.13 1.580 56
Perojpur 656 265 18.39 1.696 450 635 257 18.25 1.683 433
Bhola 11658 4718 16.04 1.480 6980 9024 3652 19.08 1.760 6427
14 Barisal Region 19653 7953 16.13 1.488 11836 18221 7374 20.37 1.879 13857
Jessore 397 161 12.35 1.139 183 355 144 22.79 2.102 302
Jhenaidah 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Magura 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Narail 746 302 14.58 1.345 406 465 188 18.95 1.748 329
15 Jessore Region 1143 463 13.81 1.273 589 820 332 20.61 1.901 631
Khulna 1017 412 20.36 1.878 773 1048 424 16.62 1.533 650
Bagerhat 8911 3606 14.62 1.349 4863 7769 3144 18.29 1.687 5304
Satkhira 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
16 Khulna Region 9928 4018 15.21 1.403 5636 8817 3568 18.09 1.669 5954
Kushtia 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chuadanga 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Meherpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
17 Kushtia Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Patuakhali 4623 1871 22.4 2.066 3865 4520 1829 21.32 1.967 3597
Barguna 384 155 22.24 2.051 319 220 89 22.51 2.076 185
18 Patuakhali Region 5007 2026 22.39 2.065 4184 4740 1918 21.38 1.972 3782
Bogra 3783 1531 20.46 1.887 2889 3840 1554 21.45 1.979 3075
Joypurhat 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
19 Bogra Region 3783 1531 20.46 1.887 2889 3840 1554 21.45 1.979 3075
Dinajpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Thakurgaon 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Panchagar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
20 Dinajpur Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Pabna 3206 1297 20.47 1.888 2450 2837 1148 21.54 1.987 2281
Sirajgonj 5633 2280 17.39 1.604 3657 5219 2112 17.03 1.571 3318
21 Pabna Region 8839 3577 18.51 1.707 6107 8056 3260 18.62 1.717 5599
Rajshahi 18 7 25.3 2.334 17 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Noagaon 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Natore 185 75 21.29 1.964 147 108 44 22.32 2.059 90
Nawabgonj 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
22 Rajshahi Region 203 82 21.65 1.997 164 108 44 22.32 2.059 90
Rangpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Gaibandha 1065 431 16.15 1.490 642 1247 505 15.74 1.452 733
Kurigram 2975 1204 17.32 1.598 1923 2856 1156 16.55 1.527 1764
Nilphamari 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lalmonirhat 33 13 20.3 1.872 25 50 20 19.07 1.759 36
23 Rangpur Region 4073 1648 17.04 1.572 2590 4153 1681 16.34 1.507 2533
BANGLADESH 195300 79034 22.21 2.049 161903 179012 72442 20.93 1.930 139847

Table: 3.1.9. Estimate of HYV Boro Rice 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 7852 3178 30.7 2.832 8998 7874 3186 34.51 3.183 10143
Chittagong 153308 62040 35.27 3.253 201836 151270 61216 36.09 3.329 203783
Cox's Bazar 115602 46782 34.11 3.146 147189 113163 45795 36.01 3.322 152109
2 Chittagong Region 268910 108822 34.77 3.207 349025 264433 107010 36.06 3.326 355892
Comilla 359098 145319 41.24 3.804 552788 360139 145740 41.03 3.785 551568
Chandpur 153288 62032 42.04 3.878 240546 152553 61735 41.90 3.865 238595
Brahmanbaria 253805 102709 43.16 3.981 408892 258462 104594 42.40 3.911 409063
3 Comilla Region 766191 310061 42.04 3.877 1202226 771154 312069 41.66 3.843 1199226
4 Khagrachari Region 22091 8940 36.37 3.355 29991 22148 8963 34.60 3.191 28605
Noakhali 75672 30623 38.33 3.536 108268 75367 30499 38.34 3.536 107860
Lakshmipur 61985 25084 38.06 3.511 88061 62680 25365 38.84 3.583 90873
Feni 70335 28463 36.91 3.405 96904 78780 31881 37.23 3.434 109480
5 Noakhali Region 207992 84170 37.77 3.484 293233 216827 87745 38.08 3.513 308213
6 Rangamati Region 12265 4963 34.20 3.155 15657 12344 4995 32.60 3.007 15021
Sylhet 106596 43137 36.74 3.389 146187 114977 46529 34.01 3.137 145964
Maulavibazar 95509 38650 33.15 3.058 118183 96842 39190 32.08 2.959 115965
Sunamgonj 350357 141782 37.01 3.414 484013 356391 144224 38.03 3.508 505918
Hobigonj 204572 82786 33.19 3.061 253443 206308 83488 35.07 3.235 270072
7 Sylhet Region 757034 306355 35.45 3.270 1001826 774518 313430 35.90 3.311 1037919
Dhaka 121573 49198 47.97 4.425 217688 117127 47399 45.41 4.189 198534
Gazipur 116820 47274 40.54 3.739 176778 121664 49235 43.12 3.977 195825
Manikgonj 135178 54704 43.62 4.023 220099 142215 57551 47.38 4.370 251517
Munsigonj 58093 23509 41.13 3.794 89189 59298 23997 43.47 4.010 96218
Narayangonj 69661 28190 43.30 3.994 112591 69324 28054 46.38 4.278 120017
Narsingdi 124260 50285 44.71 4.124 207378 126683 51266 43.90 4.049 207592
8 Dhaka Region 625585 253161 43.84 4.044 1023723 636311 257501 45.04 4.154 1069703
Faridpur 88245 35711 46.02 4.245 151588 85761 34706 51.98 4.795 166400
Rajbari 46366 18763 45.73 4.218 79146 45597 18452 45.05 4.155 76676
Madaripur 103421 41852 45.32 4.180 174955 98903 40024 46.88 4.324 173071
Gopalgonj 122516 49580 46.81 4.318 214071 118603 47996 48.24 4.450 213565
Shariatpur 70869 28679 47.07 4.342 124517 72251 29238 47.61 4.392 128401
9 Faridpur Region 431417 174585 46.22 4.263 744277 421115 170416 48.23 4.449 758113
Jamalpur 281369 113864 42.86 3.953 450148 280636 113567 42.95 3.962 449918
Sherpur 165235 66867 44.33 4.089 273418 162709 65845 44.29 4.085 268995
10 Jamalpur Region 446604 180731 43.40 4.004 723566 443345 179412 43.44 4.007 718913
Kishoregonj 337909 136744 42.95 3.962 541739 339962 137575 42.77 3.945 542746
Netrokona 355802 143985 43.25 3.989 574410 360528 145898 42.75 3.943 575311
11 Kishoregonj Region 693711 280730 43.10 3.976 1116149 700490 283473 42.76 3.944 1118057
12 Mymenshing Region 587508 237752 37.88 3.494 830713 592776 239883 39.14 3.610 866042


Table: 3.1.9. Estimate of HYV Boro Rice 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 395430 160022 42.82 3.950 632039 403316 163213 42.69 3.938 642686
Barisal 115530 46752 40.66 3.750 175343 116286 47058 41.42 3.821 179790
Jhalakathi 21572 8730 33.59 3.098 27048 21883 8856 32.87 3.032 26849
Perojpur 39108 15826 32.43 2.991 47341 37921 15346 30.59 2.822 43300
Bhola 120138 48617 38.91 3.589 174489 123179 49848 37.25 3.436 171274
14 Barisal Region 296348 119926 38.35 3.537 424221 299269 121108 37.71 3.478 421213
Jessore 339787 137504 43.78 4.038 555277 331860 134296 43.61 4.023 540217
Jhenaidah 217746 88117 42.03 3.877 341615 223990 90644 43.80 4.040 366210
Magura 79175 32040 41.32 3.811 122117 83821 33921 39.33 3.628 123056
Narail 54249 21953 40.73 3.757 82477 52694 21324 41.97 3.871 82552
15 Jessore Region 690957 279615 42.71 3.939 1101486 692365 280185 43.03 3.969 1112035
Khulna 72402 29300 36.54 3.370 98752 75911 30720 34.68 3.199 98268
Bagerhat 63998 25899 32.26 2.976 77065 63867 25846 34.29 3.163 81747
Satkhira 156043 63147 37.00 3.413 215513 159900 64708 37.48 3.457 223705
16 Khulna Region 292443 118345 35.85 3.307 391330 299678 121273 36.09 3.329 403720
Kushtia 78378 31718 44.36 4.092 129782 83179 33661 44.49 4.104 138135
Chuadanga 98813 39987 40.35 3.722 148828 92209 37315 39.95 3.685 137505
Meherpur 59872 24229 38.72 3.572 86534 56417 22831 40.24 3.712 84741
17 Kushtia Region 237063 95934 41.26 3.806 365144 231805 93806 41.65 3.842 360381
Patuakhali 5915 2394 31.08 2.867 6862 5022 2032 31.46 2.902 5897
Barguna 701 284 24.44 2.254 640 864 350 26.42 2.437 852
18 Patuakhali Region 6616 2677 30.38 2.802 7502 5886 2382 30.72 2.834 6749
Bogra 384475 155589 38.66 3.566 554827 392230 158727 38.67 3.567 566164
Joypurhat 121466 49155 42.91 3.958 194554 125162 50650 44.93 4.144 209911
19 Bogra Region 505941 204743 39.68 3.660 749381 517392 209377 40.18 3.707 776075
Dinajpur 367967 148908 40.27 3.714 553118 374166 151417 40.42 3.728 564531
Thakurgaon 135946 55014 42.86 3.953 217493 138955 56232 42.30 3.902 219403
Panchagar 97426 39426 42.17 3.890 153358 99200 40144 39.64 3.656 146782
20 Dinajpur Region 601339 243349 41.16 3.797 923969 612321 247793 40.72 3.756 930716
Pabna 159721 64636 45.91 4.235 273714 163026 65973 45.29 4.178 275605
Sirajgonj 292465 118354 46.37 4.277 506219 298506 120799 45.83 4.227 510658
21 Pabna Region 452186 182990 46.21 4.262 779933 461532 186772 45.64 4.210 786263
Rajshahi 165825 67106 42.44 3.915 262696 175261 70924 43.25 3.989 282943
Noagaon 419180 169633 45.22 4.171 707552 428545 173423 44.09 4.067 705284
Natore 120670 48833 49.63 4.578 223548 125608 50831 50.06 4.618 234712
Nawabgonj 123730 50071 40.86 3.769 188712 130627 52862 41.13 3.794 200548
22 Rajshahi Region 829405 335642 44.66 4.119 1382508 860041 348040 44.34 4.090 1423487
Rangpur 227224 91953 36.53 3.370 309835 234477 94888 36.70 3.385 321213
Gaibandha 222818 90170 39.36 3.631 327365 235185 95174 38.30 3.533 336229
Kurigram 168385 68142 41.44 3.822 260466 174553 70638 39.70 3.662 258669
Nilphamari 140006 56657 41.19 3.799 215261 142305 57588 39.51 3.644 209872
Lalmonirhat 74550 30169 42.95 3.962 119519 80395 32534 40.77 3.761 122348
23 Rangpur Region 832983 337090 39.64 3.656 1232446 866915 350821 38.58 3.558 1248331
BANGLADESH 9967871 4033779 41.20 3.800 15329343 10113855 4092855 41.32 3.811 15597503

Table: 3.1.10. Estimate of Hybrid Boro Rice 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 290 117 42.57 3.927 461 308 125 53.03 4.891 610
Chittagong 18655 7549 46.07 4.249 32080 14880 6022 42.38 3.909 23539
Cox's Bazar 9828 3977 49.67 4.582 18222 10076 4078 41.65 3.842 15665
2 Chittagong Region 28483 11526 47.31 4.364 50302 24956 10099 42.09 3.882 39204
Comilla 42580 17231 50.22 4.632 79820 41707 16878 45.85 4.229 71380
Chandpur 9871 3995 46.55 4.294 17152 8631 3493 44.65 4.119 14385
Brahmanbaria 14534 5882 52.84 4.874 28667 12999 5260 51.67 4.766 25071
3 Comilla Region 66985 27107 50.25 4.635 125639 63337 25631 46.88 4.324 110836
4 Khagrachari Region 3631 1469 46.30 4.271 6275 3986 1613 47.35 4.368 7045
Noakhali 68830 27854 46.85 4.321 120369 70890 28688 45.95 4.238 121590
Lakshmipur 9351 3784 47.82 4.411 16691 8652 3501 45.36 4.184 14649
Feni 6788 2747 48.67 4.489 12332 6333 2563 44.34 4.090 10482
5 Noakhali Region 84969 34385 47.10 4.345 149392 85875 34752 45.77 4.222 146721
6 Rangamati Region 8111 3282 49.93 4.606 15117 7672 3105 42.27 3.899 12105
Sylhet 8281 3351 42.79 3.947 13227 7758 3139 33.69 3.108 9756
Maulavibazar 6233 2522 47.28 4.361 11000 5773 2336 48.28 4.453 10404
Sunamgonj 67207 27197 45.40 4.188 113893 61601 24929 41.32 3.811 95011
Hobigonj 42807 17323 51.26 4.728 81907 46108 18659 48.19 4.445 82939
7 Sylhet Region 124528 50394 47.33 4.366 220027 121240 49063 43.78 4.038 198110
Dhaka 3602 1458 63.29 5.838 8510 2219 898 60.04 5.538 4973
Gazipur 25228 10209 46.12 4.254 43431 24684 9989 59.17 5.458 54519
Manikgonj 739 299 53.22 4.909 1468 482 195 57.86 5.337 1041
Munsigonj 100 40 55.72 5.140 208 58 23 48.50 4.474 105
Narayangonj 2802 1134 47.79 4.408 4998 2706 1095 48.73 4.495 4922
Narsingdi 8372 3388 51.36 4.737 16050 5367 2172 63.99 5.902 12819
8 Dhaka Region 40843 16528 48.97 4.517 74665 35516 14373 59.12 5.453 78379
Faridpur 1266 512 60.58 5.588 2863 1642 664 61.04 5.630 3741
Rajbari 760 308 48.57 4.480 1378 211 85 47.23 4.356 372
Madaripur 3189 1291 47.99 4.427 5713 3522 1425 50.48 4.656 6636
Gopalgonj 65170 26373 56.80 5.239 138173 72834 29474 58.28 5.376 158446
Shariatpur 566 229 59.28 5.468 1252 397 161 59.05 5.447 875
9 Faridpur Region 70951 28712 56.40 5.203 149379 78606 31810 57.96 5.346 170070
Jamalpur 31035 12559 54.77 5.052 63449 32090 12986 51.85 4.783 62108
Sherpur 46202 18697 57.24 5.280 98716 52752 21348 48.19 4.445 94891
10 Jamalpur Region 77237 31256 56.25 5.188 162165 84842 34334 49.57 4.573 156999
Kishoregonj 89405 36180 56.18 5.182 187487 80493 32574 53.57 4.941 160956
Netrokona 41514 16800 51.84 4.782 80332 31929 12921 51.51 4.751 61391
11 Kishoregonj Region 130919 52980 54.80 5.055 267819 112422 45495 52.98 4.887 222347
12 Mymenshing Region 48401 19587 51.92 4.789 93803 51758 20945 51.50 4.750 99497

Table: 3.1.10. Estimate of Hybrid Boro Rice 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 9439 3820 51.12 4.715 18011 7310 2958 51.57 4.757 14072
Barisal 26748 10824 48.22 4.448 48144 27548 11148 54.83 5.057 56381
Jhalakathi 603 244 66.55 6.139 1498 585 237 68.01 6.273 1485
Perojpur 9931 4019 57.12 5.269 21174 10485 4243 49.85 4.598 19510
Bhola 7111 2878 54.09 4.989 14357 7122 2882 62.14 5.732 16520
14 Barisal Region 44393 17965 51.40 4.741 85173 45740 18510 55.00 5.073 93896
Jessore 44370 17956 55.28 5.099 91556 52827 21378 55.15 5.087 108750
Jhenaidah 3600 1457 54.47 5.024 7320 6035 2442 55.12 5.084 12417
Magura 17512 7087 54.00 4.981 35299 17679 7154 53.54 4.939 35332
Narail 41488 16789 47.32 4.365 73282 38381 15532 53.39 4.925 76490
15 Jessore Region 106970 43288 51.96 4.792 207457 114922 46506 54.31 5.010 232989
Khulna 34195 13838 49.65 4.580 63374 41984 16990 46.37 4.277 72669
Bagerhat 39678 16057 46.55 4.294 68944 43781 17717 42.89 3.956 70092
Satkhira 24899 10076 48.16 4.442 44761 22171 8972 50.33 4.642 41652
16 Khulna Region 98772 39971 48.03 4.430 177079 107936 43679 45.77 4.222 184413
Kushtia 1806 731 57.51 5.305 3877 1003 406 55.50 5.119 2078
Chuadanga 3919 1586 56.57 5.218 8275 7287 2949 62.10 5.728 16891
Meherpur 3302 1336 60.02 5.536 7398 5539 2242 49.83 4.596 10303
17 Kushtia Region 9027 3653 58.02 5.352 19550 13829 5596 56.71 5.231 29272
Patuakhali 391 158 49.95 4.607 729 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Barguna 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
18 Patuakhali Region 391 158 49.95 4.607 729 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bogra 72793 29458 51.04 4.708 138684 61999 25090 53.28 4.915 123304
Joypurhat 51012 20643 52.66 4.857 100272 46866 18966 51.74 4.772 90513
19 Bogra Region 123805 50101 51.71 4.769 238956 108865 44055 52.62 4.853 213817
Dinajpur 67256 27217 45.53 4.200 114303 55839 22597 46.16 4.258 96212
Thakurgaon 22351 9045 60.41 5.572 50400 17947 7263 61.97 5.716 41515
Panchagar 15805 6396 50.78 4.684 29958 16364 6622 53.95 4.976 32954
20 Dinajpur Region 105412 42658 49.47 4.563 194661 90150 36482 50.72 4.679 170681
Pabna 5200 2104 56.8 5.239 11025 3558 1440 53.51 4.936 7107
Sirajgonj 34591 13998 56.59 5.220 73068 31642 12805 56.33 5.196 66532
21 Pabna Region 39791 16103 56.62 5.222 84093 35200 14245 56.04 5.170 73639
Rajshahi 14464 5853 55.19 5.091 29797 13784 5578 55.64 5.132 28628
Noagaon 42268 17105 56.62 5.223 89332 40996 16590 53.97 4.978 82589
Natore 30189 12217 57.28 5.283 64547 28470 11521 59.77 5.513 63518
Nawabgonj 1065 431 49.15 4.534 1954 780 316 50.18 4.629 1461
22 Rajshahi Region 87986 35606 56.52 5.213 185630 84030 34005 56.17 5.181 176196
Rangpur 88875 35966 51.38 4.739 170452 92461 37417 51.15 4.718 176535
Gaibandha 60336 24417 50.58 4.665 113915 55850 22601 49.89 4.602 104007
Kurigram 59977 24271 52.14 4.809 116730 58190 23548 51.16 4.719 111124
Nilphamari 49912 20198 50.79 4.685 94626 56750 22965 49.31 4.548 104455
Lalmonirhat 54373 22004 50.96 4.701 103428 51434 20814 49.40 4.557 94843
23 Rangpur Region 313473 126856 51.20 4.723 599151 314685 127346 50.31 4.641 590964
BANGLADESH 1624807 657524 51.53 4.753 3125534 1593185 644727 50.81 4.687 3021862

Table: 3.1.11. Estimate of Total Boro Rice (Local+HYV+Hybrid) 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
1 Bandarban Region 8142 3295 31.12 2.871 9459 8182 3311 35.21 3.247 10753
Chittagong 171963 69590 36.44 3.361 233916 166150 67237 36.65 3.381 227322
Cox's Bazar 125430 50759 35.33 3.259 165411 123621 50027 36.42 3.359 168045
2 Chittagong Region 297393 120349 35.97 3.318 399327 289771 117264 36.55 3.372 395367
Comilla 401849 162619 42.18 3.891 632742 401980 162672 41.52 3.830 623052
Chandpur 164887 66726 42.07 3.880 258904 162771 65870 41.84 3.860 254239
Brahmanbaria 270043 109280 43.61 4.023 439584 272317 110201 42.77 3.945 434775
3 Comilla Region 836779 338625 42.62 3.931 1331230 837068 338743 41.99 3.873 1312065
4 Khagrachari Region 25722 10409 37.77 3.484 36266 26134 10576 36.54 3.371 35650
Noakhali 144502 58477 42.39 3.910 228637 146257 59187 42.03 3.877 229450
Lakshmipur 71336 28868 39.34 3.629 104752 71332 28866 39.63 3.656 105522
Feni 77123 31210 37.95 3.500 109236 85113 34443 37.76 3.483 119962
5 Noakhali Region 292961 118555 40.48 3.734 442625 302702 122497 40.26 3.714 454934
6 Rangamati Region 20376 8246 40.46 3.732 30774 20016 8100 36.31 3.349 27126
Sylhet 160776 65063 32.54 3.002 195290 167393 67740 30.42 2.806 190093
Maulavibazar 105247 42591 33.48 3.088 131539 105827 42826 32.57 3.004 128647
Sunamgonj 471144 190662 37.38 3.448 657326 466510 188786 36.94 3.407 643271
Hobigonj 248031 100373 36.27 3.346 335824 253281 102497 37.41 3.451 353705
7 Sylhet Region 985198 398689 35.89 3.311 1319979 993011 401850 35.50 3.274 1315715
Dhaka 126255 51093 48.14 4.441 226879 120156 48624 45.51 4.197 204100
Gazipur 142772 57777 41.41 3.819 220675 147028 59499 45.69 4.215 250778
Manikgonj 140046 56674 42.91 3.958 224307 146672 59355 46.61 4.300 255207
Munsigonj 59456 24061 40.62 3.747 90154 60364 24428 43.02 3.968 96933
Narayangonj 73221 29631 43.22 3.987 118127 72692 29417 46.23 4.264 125444
Narsingdi 133399 53984 44.98 4.149 223980 132723 53710 44.60 4.114 220941
8 Dhaka Region 675149 273220 43.81 4.041 1104122 679635 275033 45.47 4.194 1153403
Faridpur 93556 37860 44.95 4.146 156985 90667 36691 50.98 4.702 172527
Rajbari 47804 19345 45.38 4.186 80974 46531 18830 44.64 4.118 77534
Madaripur 109342 44248 44.77 4.130 182732 104600 42329 46.46 4.285 181402
Gopalgonj 188352 76222 50.19 4.629 352866 192005 77700 51.96 4.793 372428
Shariatpur 75555 30575 45.58 4.204 128536 76529 30970 46.18 4.260 131917
9 Faridpur Region 514609 208250 46.96 4.332 902093 510332 206520 49.13 4.531 935808
Jamalpur 315824 127807 43.81 4.041 516448 315809 127801 43.66 4.027 514704
Sherpur 212238 85888 47.05 4.340 372775 216118 87458 45.18 4.167 364441
10 Jamalpur Region 528062 213695 45.11 4.161 889223 531927 215259 44.28 4.084 879145
Kishoregonj 430006 174014 45.55 4.202 731186 422093 170812 44.72 4.125 704645
Netrokona 400383 162026 43.99 4.058 657433 394942 159824 43.34 3.997 638865
11 Kishoregonj Region 830389 336040 44.80 4.132 1388619 817035 330636 44.05 4.063 1343510
12 Mymenshing Region 637921 258153 38.89 3.587 925937 646190 261499 40.08 3.697 966869


Table: 3.1.11. Estimate of Total Boro Rice (Local+HYV+Hybrid) 2011-12

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare (M.Ton) Acre Hectare (M.Ton)
Acres Hectares Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Ton) (Maunds) (M.Ton)
13 Tangail Region 407347 164844 42.93 3.960 652732 412733 167024 42.74 3.943 658508
Barisal 149550 60520 40.82 3.765 227852 152309 61636 42.76 3.944 243112
Jhalakathi 22242 9001 34.43 3.176 28587 22555 9128 33.72 3.110 28390
Perojpur 49695 20110 37.18 3.429 68965 49041 19846 34.55 3.187 63243
Bhola 138907 56213 37.77 3.484 195826 139325 56382 37.35 3.445 194221
14 Barisal Region 360394 145844 38.75 3.574 521230 363230 146991 39.01 3.599 528966
Jessore 384554 155621 45.07 4.158 647016 385042 155818 45.17 4.167 649269
Jhenaidah 221346 89574 42.23 3.895 348935 230025 93086 44.10 4.067 378627
Magura 96687 39127 43.62 4.023 157416 101500 41075 41.81 3.856 158388
Narail 96483 39045 43.36 4.000 156165 91540 37044 46.64 4.302 159371
15 Jessore Region 799070 323367 43.90 4.050 1309532 808107 327023 44.61 4.115 1345655
Khulna 107614 43549 40.55 3.741 162899 118943 48134 38.65 3.565 171587
Bagerhat 112587 45561 35.90 3.311 150872 115417 46707 36.48 3.364 157143
Satkhira 180942 73223 38.54 3.555 260274 182071 73680 39.04 3.601 265357
16 Khulna Region 401143 162333 38.34 3.536 574045 416431 168520 38.22 3.525 594087
Kushtia 80184 32449 44.66 4.119 133659 84182 34067 44.62 4.116 140213
Chuadanga 102732 41573 40.97 3.779 157103 99496 40264 41.57 3.835 154396
Meherpur 63174 25565 39.83 3.674 93932 61956 25072 41.10 3.791 95044
17 Kushtia Region 246090 99587 41.88 3.863 384694.2 245634 99403 42.50 3.920 389653
Patuakhali 10929 4423 28.08 2.590 11457 9542 3861 26.66 2.459 9494
Barguna 1085 439 23.66 2.183 958 1084 439 25.63 2.364 1037
18 Patuakhali Region 12014 4862 27.68 2.554 12415 10626 4300 26.55 2.449 10531
Bogra 461051 186577 40.47 3.733 696400 458069 185370 40.50 3.736 692542
Joypurhat 172478 69798 45.79 4.224 294826 172028 69616 46.79 4.315 300425
19 Bogra Region 633529 256375 41.92 3.866 991226.4 630097 254986 42.22 3.894 992967
Dinajpur 435223 176125 41.08 3.789 667421 430005 174014 41.17 3.797 660743
Thakurgaon 158297 64059 45.34 4.182 267893 156902 63495 44.55 4.109 260918
Panchagar 113231 45822 43.37 4.001 183316 115564 46766 41.67 3.843 179736
20 Dinajpur Region 706751 286006 42.40 3.911 1118630 702471 284275 42.00 3.874 1101397
Pabna 168127 68037 45.76 4.221 287189 169421 68561 45.07 4.157 284993
Sirajgonj 332689 134632 46.94 4.330 582944 335367 135716 46.37 4.277 580508
21 Pabna Region 500816 202669 46.55 4.293 870133 504788 204277 45.93 4.237 865501
Rajshahi 180307 72966 43.46 4.009 292510 189045 76502 44.15 4.073 311571
Noagaon 461448 186738 46.26 4.267 796884 469541 190013 44.95 4.146 787873
Natore 151044 61124 51.12 4.716 288242 154186 62396 51.83 4.781 298320
Nawabgonj 124795 50502 40.93 3.775 190666 131407 53178 41.18 3.799 202009
22 Rajshahi Region 917594 371330 45.79 4.223 1568302 944179 382089 45.39 4.187 1599773
Rangpur 316099 127918 40.71 3.755 480287 326938 132305 40.79 3.762 497749
Gaibandha 284219 115017 41.65 3.842 441922 292282 118280 40.42 3.728 440969
Kurigram 231337 93617 43.90 4.050 379119 235599 95342 42.25 3.897 371557
Nilphamari 189918 76856 43.71 4.032 309887 199055 80553 42.30 3.902 314327
Lalmonirhat 128956 52186 46.32 4.273 222972 131879 53369 44.13 4.070 217226
23 Rangpur Region 1150529 465594 42.71 3.939 1834187 1185753 479848 41.61 3.838 1841828
BANGLADESH 11787978 4770337 42.31 3.903 18616780 11886052 4810025 42.28 3.900 18759212

Estimate of Wheat 2011-12

The cultivation of wheat decreases this year in Bangladesh in relation to last year.
Farmers interest on the cultivation of more profitable contemporary crops is considered as
the main reason for decrease in wheat cultivation in the country. The weather condition
was favorable in this year during sowing and harvesting period. According to the field
reports it is observed that good management and distribution system of seed and fertilizer
brings higher yield rates of this crop. Moreover, there was no climatic disaster during the
growing stage of wheat. As a result, the production of wheat has been increased despite
of decrease in area in relation to previous year.

Total area under wheat crop has been estimated at 8,84,708 acres (3,58,022 hectares) in
this year compared to 9,23,470 acres (3,73,708 hectares) of last year. Comparative area
estimates of this year (2011-12) as well as last year are shown below;

Table -1:Estimate of Total Area of Wheat Crop

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage
Crop Area Area Area Area changes over
(in acres) (in hectares) (in acres) (in hectares) previous year
Wheat 9,23,470 3,73,708 8,84,708 3,58,022 (-) 4.20%

Average yield rate has been estimated at 30.14 maunds per acre (2.780 metric tons per
hectare) which is 6.88 % higher than that of last year. Estimated yield rates of this year as
well as last year are shown below;

Table -2: Estimate of Yield Rate of Wheat Crop

2010-11 2011-12
Crop Yield per Yield per Yield per Yield per changes over
acre hectare acre hectare previous year
(Maund) (M. ton) (Maund) (M. ton)
Total Wheat 28.20 2.601 30.14 2.780 (+) 6.88%

Total wheat production has been estimated at 9,95,356 metric tons compared to 9,72,085
metric tons of the last year, which is 2.39 % higher. Estimates of production of this year
and last year are as follows;

Table -3: Estimate of Production of Wheat Crop

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage

Crop Total Production Total Production changes over
(M. Ton) (M. Ton) previous year
Wheat 9,72,085 9,95,356 (+) 2.39%

Estimates of area, yield rates and production by district and region are appended in
table (1-3).

Table: 3.1.12. Estimate of Wheat 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
1. Bandarban Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chittagong 20 8 10.22 0.943 8 18 7 9.53 0.879 6
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
2 Chittagong Region 20 8 5.70 0.943 8 18 7 9.53 0.879 6
Comilla 6274 2539 21.99 2.028 5150 6004 2430 22.15 2.043 4964
Chandpur 3627 1468 23.41 2.159 3169 4575 1851 25.31 2.335 4322
Brahmanbaria 16390 6633 17.65 1.628 10798 14350 5807 17.38 1.603 9310
3 Comilla Region 26291 10639 19.48 1.797 19117 24929 10088 19.98 1.843 18596
4 Khagrachari Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Noakhali 79 32 20.69 1.908 61 88 36 18.87 1.741 62
Lakshmipur 222 90 13.99 1.290 116 203 82 14.92 1.376 113
Feni 179 72 22.49 2.074 150 145 59 21.92 2.022 119
5 Noakhali Region 480 194 18.26 1.685 327 436 176 18.05 1.664 294
6 Rangamati Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Sylhet 500 202 20.73 1.912 387 413 167 21.74 2.005 335
Maulavibazar 215 87 11.93 1.100 96 80 32 17.75 1.637 53
Sunamgonj 370 150 23.79 2.194 329 124 50 20.74 1.913 96
Hobigonj 1496 605 22.99 2.121 1284 672 272 22.52 2.077 565
7 Sylhet Region 2581 1044 21.76 2.007 2096 1289 522 21.80 2.011 1049
Dhaka 866 350 21.95 2.025 710 715 289 21.18 1.954 565
Gazipur 402 163 19.40 1.789 291 360 146 20.34 1.876 273
Manikgonj 3510 1420 18.80 1.734 2463 2510 1016 20.11 1.855 1884
Munshigonj 555 225 20.08 1.852 416 370 150 20.29 1.872 280
Narayangonj 3462 1401 17.69 1.632 2286 542 219 18.19 1.678 368
Narsingdi 2264 916 18.44 1.701 1558 2173 879 18.98 1.751 1540
8 Dhaka Region 11059 4475 18.71 1.726 7724 6670 2699 19.72 1.819 4910
Faridpur 62597 25332 30.28 2.793 70752 63811 25823 30.37 2.801 72338
Rajbari 38754 15683 28.13 2.595 40692 38090 15414 28.51 2.630 40535
Madaripur 8904 3603 29.21 2.694 9708 8724 3530 31.56 2.911 10277
Gopalgonj 10666 4316 28.73 2.650 11438 10420 4217 30.76 2.837 11964
Shariatpur 10654 4311 27.73 2.558 11028 8083 3271 26.04 2.402 7857
9 Faridpur Region 131575 53246 29.24 2.697 143618 129128 52255 29.66 2.736 142972
Jamalpur 10625 4300 23.31 2.150 9245 9713 3931 24.79 2.287 8988
Sherpur 2299 930 21.01 1.938 1803 2398 970 24.97 2.303 2235
10 Jamalpur Region 12924 5230 22.90 2.112 11048 12111 4901 24.83 2.290 11223
Kishoregonj 7613 3081 18.69 1.724 5311 4790 1938 18.51 1.707 3310
Netrokona 7599 3075 17.81 1.643 5052 4490 1817 18.73 1.728 3139
11 Kishoregonj Region 15212 6156 18.25 1.683 10363 9280 3755 18.62 1.717 6449
12 Mymenshing Region 3639 1473 17.85 1.646 2425 3317 1342 19.38 1.788 2400

Table: 3.1.12. Estimate of Wheat 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
13. Tangail Region 15842 6411 21.44 1.978 12678 15275 6181 26.41 2.436 15058
Barisal 1938 784 18.26 1.684 1321 1922 778 19.87 1.833 1426
Jalakati 9 4 20.09 1.853 7 14 6 22.17 2.045 12
Perojpur 40 16 21.68 2.000 32 122 49 13.13 1.211 60
Bhola 6622 2680 25.45 2.347 6291 6212 2514 27.82 2.566 6451
14. Barisal Region 8609 3484 23.81 2.196 7651 8270 3347 25.75 2.375 7948
Jessore 9445 3822 25.83 2.383 9107 7692 3113 27.15 2.504 7795
Jhenaidah 16359 6620 29.68 2.738 18124 16950 6859 29.29 2.702 18532
Magura 20765 8403 26.00 2.398 20153 20100 8134 27.39 2.526 20550
Narail 6350 2570 26.89 2.480 6374 6151 2489 26.49 2.443 6082
15. Jessore Region 52919 21415 27.21 2.510 53758 50893 20595 27.88 2.571 52959
Khulna 353 143 24.79 2.287 327 306 124 24.69 2.277 282
Bagerhat 524 212 23.21 2.141 454 533 216 26.03 2.401 518
Satkhira 2534 1025 26.21 2.418 2479 2748 1112 26.70 2.463 2739
16. Khulna Region 3411 1380 25.60 2.362 3260 3587 1452 26.43 2.438 3539
Kushtia 31434 12721 30.62 2.824 35928 33555 13579 33.85 3.122 42398
Chuadanga 10814 4376 31.80 2.933 12836 12870 5208 32.75 3.021 15733
Meherpur 33740 13654 33.62 3.101 42342 36930 14945 36.05 3.325 49695
17. Kushtia Region 75988 30751 32.12 2.963 91106 83355 33732 34.65 3.197 107826
Patuakhali 13 5 17.02 1.570 8 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Barguna 1 0 17.33 1.599 1 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
18. Patuakhali Region 14 6 17.04 1.572 9 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bogra 2934 1187 23.34 2.153 2556 3084 1248 25.35 2.338 2918
Joypurhat 4191 1696 23.41 2.159 3662 3865 1564 24.65 2.274 3556
19. Bogra Region 7125 2883 23.38 2.157 6218 6949 2812 24.96 2.302 6474
Dinajpur 52130 21096 27.49 2.536 53492 42092 17034 29.72 2.741 46696
Thakurgaon 125178 50657 30.43 2.807 142186 114358 46278 33.81 3.119 144324
Panchagar 42642 17256 28.53 2.632 45412 40430 16361 28.84 2.660 43524
20. Dinajpur Region 219950 89009 29.36 2.709 241090 196880 79673 31.91 2.944 234543
Pabna 78898 31928 29.33 2.705 86378 76465 30944 29.03 2.678 82858
Sirajgonj 6729 2723 21.59 1.991 5423 5969 2416 23.31 2.150 5194
21. Pabna Region 85627 34651 28.72 2.649 91801 82434 33359 28.62 2.640 88052
Rajshahi 67923 27487 28.55 2.633 72385 68057 27541 33.18 3.061 84290
Noagaon 27687 11204 26.79 2.471 27687 35775 14477 26.73 2.466 35695
Natore 65600 26547 31.60 2.915 77378 61240 24782 33.17 3.060 75824
Nawabgonj 37258 15077 32.15 2.966 44712 37630 15228 26.07 2.405 36619
22. Rajshahi Region 198468 80316 29.99 2.766 222162 202702 82029 30.72 2.833 232428
Rangpur 9149 3702 23.90 2.205 8162 8241 3335 24.63 2.272 7577
Gaibanda 5624 2276 23.58 2.175 4950 4192 1696 23.56 2.173 3687
Kurigram 22547 9124 23.80 2.195 20031 21534 8714 24.27 2.239 19508
Nilphamari 11024 4461 23.31 2.150 9592 9714 3931 25.56 2.358 9268
Lalmonirhat 3392 1373 22.83 2.106 2891 3504 1418 24.00 2.214 3139
23. Rangpur Region 51736 20936 23.63 2.179 45626 47185 19095 24.52 2.261 43179
BANGLADESH 923470 373708 28.20 2.601 972085 884708 358022 30.14 2.780 995356

3.1 (B) Estimate of Minor Cereals

National estimate of acreages and production of different minor cereals of 2007-08 to 2011-12 are
shown in the following table:

Table 3.1. (B) Area and Production of Minor Cereals 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Name of Crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Variety Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area. Prod.
Barley 1514 536 1357 472 1529 528 1352 484 892 320
Jower 496 449 510 443 495 266 482 251 229 125
Bajra 66 35 66 35 58 44 164 99 149 87
Maize 552955 1346477 317253 729629 375628 887391 409070 1018282 486859 1298109
Cheena & Kaon 4373 1466 3090 1100 2873 1054 2916 1040 2814 1029
Other Cereals 20032 5048 6468 1697 5057 1457 3878 1141 3829 1134
Total 579436 1354011 328744 733376 385640 890740 417862 1021297 494772 1300804

Area and production of different minor cereals by region are shown in the following tables.
Table: 3.1.17 Area and Production of Barley/Jab by Region, 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 446 152 380 139 375 126 361 144 363 139
Faridpur 30 12 21 8 21 08
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - 03 01 - - - - - -
Mymensingh 3 1 578 197 03 01 - - - -
Tangail 604 212 - - 539 179 502 172 480 161

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur 20 25 23 3 22 03 23 03 - -
Pabna - - - - 236 70 152 61 49 20
Rajshahi 411 134 352 124 333 141 312 104 - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 1514 536 1357 472 1529 528 1352 484 892 320
Note: Figures in the bracket have not been added to national figures

Table: 3.1.18 Area and Production of Bhadoi Jower by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 185 236 185 236 229 132 180 99 172 94

Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - 06 02 07 02
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 41 19 41 19 43 20 41 16 24 08
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur 04 06 04 06 02 03 02 03 - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail (04) (0.88) (04) (0.88) (03) (0.72) 01 01 - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
- -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur 76 68 76 68 66 38 51 34 26 21
Bangladesh 306 329 306 329 340 193 281 155 229 125

Table: 3.1.19 Area and Production of Rabi Jower by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 128 89 132 79 107 52 154 76 147 83

Chittagong 05 02 - - 04 02 03 01 03 01
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur 10 03 09 02 07 02 07 02 - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 04 02 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur 43 24 63 33 37 17 37 17 37 17

Bangladesh 190 120 204 114 155 73 201 96 187 101


Table: 3.1.20 Area and Production of Bajra by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 66 35 66 35 58 44 164 99 149 87
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -

Bangladesh 66 35 66 35 58 44 164 99 149 87

Table: 3.1.21 Area and Production of Maize (Rabi & Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 375 125 395 127 343 281 320 278 295 249
Chittagong 150 221 83 97 104 139 92 145 91 530
Comilla 14335 22277 13260 23746 16696 26335 15096 26603 20885 38397
Khagrachhari 445 890 397 380 422 411 562 425 669 696
Noakhali 34 21 18 15 - - - - 15 15
Rangamati 1474 1422 1491 1442 693 706 1459 1500 1421 1417
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 25673 56942 20225 36582 22257 41058 23109 47644 25638 59720
Faridpur 1099 2339 1336 940 534 622 253 281 522 1297
Jamalpur 3967 8696 2806 5962 2280 2085 863 2109 863 2109
Kishoreganj 1937 2557 1850 1853 481 747 2797 4562 3422 6410
Mymensingh 1154 1300 902 1591 726 1093 574 1014 554 576
Tangail 2598 5617 930 1718 123 198 251 466 644 799

Barisal 110 62 843 1194 267 507 938 1554 1816 3507
Jessore 25738 64977 10140 25701 13086 36457 19030 55889 20966 63289
Khulna 63 103 141 291 69 133 350 405 556 1488
Kushtia 103559 240434 31862 63196 72586 193863 84481 229019 110651 343015
Patuakhali 691 1703 476 750 249 713 251 347 264 361

Bogra 31245 73439 20160 45768 16558 39402 19037 42755 20066 44965
Dinajpur 124534 297396 121026 297515 108884 153627 131385 316279 153244 389148
Pabna 24340 64147 5909 14345 5940 15006 5751 13639 8332 20171
Rajshahi 72794 149587 18491 33460 20162 35594 16317 29524 17865 35125
Rangpur 112855 349181 64512 172956 92372 234972 86154 243844 98080 284825

Bangladesh 549170 1343444 317253 729629 375628 887391 409070 1018282 486859 1298109

Table: 3.1.22 Area and Production of Cheena and Kaon by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 143 125 142 73 146 57 140 34 53 35

Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla 197 60 120 40 116 30 116 19 91 31
Khagrachhari 14 03 11 2 12 02 12 03 12 02
Noakhali - - - - - - - 13 03
Rangamati - - 101 56 105 60 189 98 109 67
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 161 46 185 50 235 83 171 70 180 66
Faridpur 204 53 213 50 138 35 126 28 125 28
Jamalpur 617 186 444 126 401 107 501 141 480 131
Kishoreganj - - 10 3 14 04 14 04 13 03
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 1388 431 155 50 108 44 54 20 48 14
Barisal - - - - 73 13 61 19 63 16
Jessore 2 1 02 01 02 01 - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra 412 154 376 141 307 117 200 77 227 88
Dinajpur - - - - - - 217 41 248 55
Pabna - - 36 12 32 11 28 10 18 06
Rajshahi 16 4 17 04 16 04 21 05 36 13
Rangpur 1210 401 1274 492 1168 486 1078 474 1098 471

Bangladesh 4373 1466 3090 1100 2873 1054 2929 1043 2814 1029

Table: 3.1.23 Area and Production of Other Cereals (Rabi+Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 2386 817 1206 379 103 55 103 60 - -

Chittagong - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari 160 68 160 68 176 65 173 171 177 177
Noakhali - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 201 522 86 38 - - 78 31
Sylhet - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 153 38 59 12 219 48 147 57 125 47
Faridpur 1862 551 877 258 475 133 420 121 - -
Jamalpur 1827 461 1607 306 1359 345 80 28 - -
Kishoreganj 19 5 25 8 - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - -
Tangail 2098 494 - - - - 944 296
- -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - --
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra 2942 649 2132 469 2132 469 4690 1032 2345 516
Dinajpur 1884 533 340 83 - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - 95 48 93 47 10 02 - -
Rangpur 6500 910 - - 178 83 160 68 160 67
Bangladesh 20032 5048 6468 1697 5057 1457 5783 1539 3829 1134

3.2 Estimate of Pulses
National estimate of acreage and production of different pulses 2007-08 to 2011-2012 are
shown in the following table:

Table: 3.2. Area and Production of Pulses 2007-08 to 2011-12.

Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Gram 23101 7168 20206 6551 17850 5744 20299 6605 19453 7326
Arhar 2998 1140 2244 841 2003 772 1810 689 1240 445
Masur 179354 71535 175328 60537 190982 71100 205024 80442 213035 80125
Motor 18360 6093 17780 6510 15648 5567 15779 6149 16054 6153
Mung 59717 20628 53557 17890 57462 20177 67779 19445 90825 26240
Mash Kalai 58918 20557 61303 21837 79287 28356 78475 28855 77298 24234
Kheshari 201426 71597 212210 75832 212313 81705 229147 97286 230787 88575
Garikalai 677 254 518 177 535 185 413 145 284 132
Other pulses 12957 4563 16270 5896 17304 7180 17708 6702 18081 6529
Total : 557508 203535 559416 196071 593384 220786 636434 246318 667054 239759

Area and production of different pulses by region are shown in the following tables:
Table: 3.2.1 Area and Production of Gram by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 128 40 123 36 110 33 91 29 95 30
Comilla 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 02
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 320 87 318 108 268 96 213 81 250 87
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 218 72 191 62 168 54 167 55 153 49

Faridpur 4242 1264 3778 1183 3861 1242 3459 1181 3210 1130
Jamalpur 68 19 68 20 69 20 68 20 129 39
Kishoreganj 53 17 53 18 54 18 48 18 44 17
Mymensingh 328 162 257 111 219 100 216 106 223 112
Tangail 150 17 20 06 21 06 18 05 15 04

Barisal 1492 353 1242 338 1282 427 1436 432 1573 515
Jessore 6425 2286 5083 1886 4665 1733 4233 1581 3926 1439
Khulna 261 81 188 63 193 62 98 40 75 27
Kushtia 1156 427 912 290 816 266 654 248 459 176
Patuakhali 3171 771 3182 882 2935 603 2962 626 2254 598

Bogra 66 24 69 27 73 28 74 28 70 27
Dinajpur 841 263 641 178 579 170 575 164 509 141
Pabna 367 134 323 111 300 114 273 120 261 104
Rajshahi 3342 989 3323 1078 5388 1957 5323 1728 5814 2633
Rangpur 469 159 431 151 4101 145 387 140 389 142

Bangladesh 23101 7168 20206 6551 17850 5744 20299 6605 19453 7326

Table: 3.2.2 Area and Production of Arhar by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 26 8 28 08 23 6 20 5 29 8
Chittagong 69 27 58 19 53 21 48 19 49 20
Comilla 41 5 37 07 34 7 29 6 29 6
Khagrachhari 25 7 25 06 25 5 19 7 21 7
Noakhali 148 45 150 46 107 31 109 33 104 32
Rangamati 149 63 53 67 149 66 151 68 156 72
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 27 9 26 08 19 5 20 8 9 3
Faridpur 89 24 82 22 73 18 72 19 62 15
Jamalpur 37 11 36 10 24 6 29 8 28 7
Kishoreganj 36 14 37 14 37 15 36 12 37 13
Mymensingh 3 1 05 01 - - - - - -
Tangail 18 5 16 04 15 4 8 2 05 1

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 47 14 37 12 55 19 60 20 57 21
Khulna 4 2 03 01 2 1 2 1 4 2
Kushtia 1487 663 903 356 777 312 643 261 106 42
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 77 30 80 31 80 31 80 31 80 30
Dinajpur 147 37 120 31 110 30 101 27 99 26
Pabna - - 21 55 11 40 11 4 11 4
Rajshahi 423 127 254 83 252 96 214 98 193 77
Rangpur 145 48 173 60 157 59 158 60 161 59

Bangladesh 2998 1140 2244 841 2003 772 1810 689 1240 445

Table: 3.2.3 Area and Production of Masur by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

( Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 03 02 46 25 50 19 49 19 41 15
Chittagong 328 75 291 61 294 63 247 54 239 55
Comilla 3818 1313 3870 1166 3615 1156 3800 1176 3668 1147
Khagrachhari 113 08 108 07 53 05 62 06 55 07
Noakhali 1495 333 1383 399 1154 335 944 267 1136 339
Rangamati 73 26 73 26 71 26 67 25 59 23
Sylhet 63 21 72 31 84 43 87 50 91 50

Dhaka 4016 1046 3868 986 3751 990 3651 945 3511 901
Faridpur 49641 28244 49247 16405 50556 17243 54277 21031 54554 19875
Jamalpur 1499 369 1374 334 1251 305 1428 325 1337 348
Kishoreganj 598 158 595 178 586 183 553 175 575 182
Mymensingh 1318 460 1183 413 1076 409 1014 416 925 396
Tangail 3341 874 3392 903 3567 946 3394 828 3336 794

Barisal 4301 866 3990 996 4022 1318 3828 2348 4650 1527
Jessore 49547 16073 50200 18190 51688 19878 51139 20625 50465 18275
Khulna 1730 450 1562 446 1483 435 2247 766 2267 760
Kushtia 24618 10095 24435 9473 23558 1001 29336 14047 26343 12460
Patuakhali 1136 230 1151 234 1076 199 1097 209 1060 149

Bogra 988 279 987 284 982 282 964 279 966 283
Dinajpur 2305 701 1872 583 1764 395 1309 367 1150 353
Pabna 15347 5145 10200 3387 17589 7165 19490 7935 21290 8485
Rajshahi 11210 4158 13689 5379 21341 9114 24375 7919 33679 13119
Rangpur 1866 609 1740 631 1671 631 1666 630 1588 582

Bangladesh 179354 71535 175328 60537 190982 71100 205024 80442 213035 80125

Table: 3.2.4 Area and Production of Motor by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 23 12 24 13 23 11 23 11 26 13
Chittagong 222 66 199 55 186 55 144 40 143 40
Comilla 477 199 460 184 441 174 383 169 410 189
Khagrachhari 43 17 - - 55 22 56 23 55 25
Noakhali 2021 673 1679 667 1537 487 1488 487 1520 529
Rangamati 137 58 137 61 137 64 136 66 137 68
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 687 196 631 186 564 168 554 169 514 173
Faridpur 5789 1785 5908 2129 5069 1811 5135 2155 4712 1817
Jamalpur 59 22 51 18 28 10 27 09 28 11
Kishoreganj 72 19 72 22 66 20 58 17 60 18
Mymensingh 116 58 119 55 104 53 110 58 108 54
Tangail 34 10 26 08 29 08 28 09 20 07

Barisal 107 19 35 06 45 08 14 04 18 02
Jessore 3813 1203 3873 1306 3678 1255 3657 1333 3578 1260
Khulna 135 42 134 39 134 38 136 43 166 56
Kushtia 1483 613 1318 270 1234 525 1192 524 1130 520
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 34 10 30 08 39 11 42 12 50 14
Dinajpur 137 33 121 30 124 32 128 33 143 41
Pabna 581 251 703 329 623 247 727 322 706 304
Rajshahi 2282 772 2130 783 1403 524 1608 621 2454 987
Rangpur 108 35 130 41 129 42 133 44 76 25

Bangladesh 18360 6093 17780 6510 15648 5567 15779 6149 16054 6153

Table: 3.2.5 Area and Production of Mung by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 52 20 53 20 - - 55 22 69 31
Chittagong 1651 460 1647 442 1665 457 1667 466 1671 394
Comilla 393 118 277 70 281 78 270 80 532 208
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 5999 1582 5518 1403 5330 1357 5623 1448 5574 1456
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet 30 11 34 15 35 16 38 18 39 20

Dhaka 1062 289 1006 277 932 269 849 243 840 242
Faridpur 2529 768 2510 799 2385 724 2343 760 2144 731
Jamalpur 76 24 84 25 76 24 94 30 96 29
Kishoreganj 190 65 175 61 166 59 161 59 204 69
Mymensingh 259 103 230 87 219 89 222 91 204 80
Tangail 11 03 08 02 7 2 06 01 03 01

Barisal 19518 5600 12823 3428 12835 4778 13286 4356 32469 8408
Jessore 4705 1413 4924 1616 4992 1739 4678 1654 4712 1763
Khulna 448 102 1015 302 1012 303 1005 212 1118 246
Kushtia 9680 6605 9662 6749 9733 6694 6581 3189 6553 3419
Patuakhali 8943 2091 10688 1725 11054 1726 11071 1733 11498 1668

Bogra 50 15 51 16 55 17 55 15 61 18
Dinajpur 447 102 423 108 403 99 397 100 381 93
Pabna 183 57 172 55 134 46 124 44 111 38
Rajshahi 3213 1111 1960 592 5864 1609 18977 4835 22245 7220
Rangpur 278 89 297 98 284 92 277 89 301 106

Bangladesh 59717 20628 53557 17890 57462 20177 67779 19445 90825 26240

Table: 3.2.6 Area and Production of Maskalai by Region 2007-08 to 2010-11.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 28 07 23 06 14 03 13 03 11 03
Chittagong 69 28 69 43 72 30 73 31 71 31
Comilla 2404 774 2785 975 3019 956 2768 979 2034 749
Khagrachhari - - - - - - 10 01 12 02
Noakhali 716 192 665 179 700 240 590 203 475 165
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet 209 59 209 74 213 84 216 87 241 98

Dhaka 7517 2411 7425 2763 7915 2601 7815 2471 7161 2348
Faridpur 5179 1694 4845 1685 5340 1826 5019 1740 4856 1693
Jamalpur 1391 435 1362 437 1301 422 1282 423 1288 436
Kishoreganj 1535 566 1518 553 1450 572 1439 574 1307 537
Mymensingh 2202 716 2033 691 2163 707 2125 728 2125 787
Tangail 4327 1298 6409 1821 9507 3578 11463 3554 11291 3369
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 2640 848 2613 835 3272 1074 3269 1087 2985 968
Khulna 940 209 965 369 842 351 874 430 811 299
Kushtia 3545 1346 3881 1784 4180 2079 4366 1651 3893 1416
Patuakhali - - 09 05 - - - - - -

Bogra 531 181 513 180 510 180 493 177 513 190
Dinajpur 2229 734 1899 733 2228 627 2100 572 1995 540
Pabna 7135 2336 7261 2242 7518 2376 7560 2321 7837 2404
Rajshahi 13200 5470 13858 5336 26150 9491 24150 10667 25716 7122
Rangpur 3111 1248 2961 1126 2893 1159 2850 1156 2667 1078

Bangladesh 58918 20557 61303 21837 79287 28356 78475 28855 77298 24235

Table: 3.2.7 Area and Production of Kheshari by Region 2007-08 to 2010-11.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 1668 541 1639 522 1673 525 1598 505 1591 499
Comilla 6012 2423 6382 2505 6046 2354 5838 2316 5603 2200
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 15228 4811 15692 5212 15451 6351 12776 5237 15180 6417
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet 103 46 104 47- 106 52 114 62 112 60

Dhaka 11610 4490 10928 4082 10303 3930 9396 3547 8625 3237
Faridpur 51405 21107 50460 20225 51598 23880 52297 25046 51552 24040
Jamalpur 634 196 607 192 620 202 611 200 830 293
Kishoreganj 202 65 204 84 184 69 190 72 190 76
Mymensingh 1239 437 872 279 750 252 676 266 620 228
Tangail 6348 1851 6109 1623 5823 1412 5678 1432 5826 1523

Barisal 29813 7935 48021 15380 50499 17176 65330 21043 71328 24251
Jessore 30464 10334 29311 10106 27332 9983 27218 9846 27705 9649
Khulna 5676 2289 4629 2075 4638 2414 2888 5844 11931 5472
Kushtia 4068 1739 3850 1645 3914 1741 3789 1639 3378 1497
Patuakhali 12116 3094 12514 3383 13253 3000 14480 3332 11977 3079

Bogra 225 90 209 84 172 67 165 65 201 64

Dinajpur 456 121 430 113 274 89 249 86 223 81
Pabna 11243 4728 9038 3936 8347 3714 7462 3348 6492 2967
Rajshahi 10918 4261 9067 3279 9373 3495 6786 2449 5738 2030
Rangpur 1998 1039 2144 1060 1957 999 1616 951 1685 912

Bangladesh 201426 71597 212210 75832 212313 81705 229147 97286 230787 88575

Table: 3.2.8 Area and Production of Gari Kalai by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 56 38 24 06 18 12 - - - -
Chittagong 15 4 10 02 8 2 8 2 7 2
Comilla 65 34 39 21 40 22 41 23 42 21
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati (0.30) (0.09) (0.28) (0.8) - - 0.23 0.067 0.260 0.077
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - 36 16 36 38 19 19 10
Faridpur - - - - - - -
Jamalpur 2 1 02 01 2 1 - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 24 13 16 08 14 7 12 6 11 5
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 73 38 51 23 96 30 - - - -
Khulna 30 18 31 08 30 8 22 6 18 5
Kushtia 287 84 251 79 243 77 245 78 246 78
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra 13 5 24 06 24 6 22 6 22 6
Dinajpur 23 7 14 03 14 3 16 3 15 4
Pabna - - - - - - 4 1 - -
Rajshahi 102 17 20 04 10 1 5 1 4 1
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 677 254 518 177 535 185 413 145 384 132

Table: 3.2.9 Area and Production of Other Pulses (Rabi+ Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 70 45 64 21 24 27 23 15 0 0
Chittagong 2548 1437 3620 1500 3936 1736 4016 1805 4041 1815
Comilla 68 15 64 15 48 13 09 03 10 04
Khagrachhari 81 22 63 19 111 84 88 25 95 27
Noakhali 2520 708 4507 1726 5356 2437 4774 1348 6720 2238
Rangamati 156 68 265 122 270 126 228 88 175 91
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 425 135 268 103 207 86 170 43 158 56

Faridpur 317 90 305 83 239 534 200 44 170 28
Jamalpur 8 03 13 05 16 08 19 09 - -
Kishoreganj 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02
Mymensingh - - - - - - 01 01 01 01
Tangail 47 16 20 06 19 06 - - 17 06

Barisal 1067 204 1302 245 1260 308 1553 773 1517 303
Jessore 3927 1332 4035 1491 4019 1823 4154 1768 3413 1368
Khulna 82 27 88 29 67 25 74 27 71 25
Kushtia 130 59 212 96 234 101 93 365 987 371
Patuakhali 974 217 1003 252 998 226 986 240 300 66

Bogra 68 19 70 19 71 19 74 21 74 24
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna (05) - 06 02 - - 06 02 04 01
Rajshahi 337 130 328 122 775 102 172 54 100 29
Rangpur 122 34 127 38 173 57 220 78 215 74

Bangladesh 12957 4563 16270 5896 17304 7180 17708 6702 18081 6529

3.3 Estimate of Oil Seeds

National estimate of acreages and production of different oilseeds 2007-08 to 2011-2012

are shown in the following table:

Table 3.3 Areas and Production of Oil Seeds 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Til (Rabi &

82844 27043 81379 28461 87850 32306 85810 31335 82365 29965
Rape & Mustard
577236 227930 578028 202717 601005 222722 623294 246494 681915 262251
Local & HYV)
Groundnut (Rabi
76986 44268 77336 46533 82997 53467 78470 53664 82365 29965
& Kharif)
Sub-Total 737066 299241 736743 277711 771852 308495 787574 331493 846645 322181

Linseed 30513 7810 27618 7050 26049 6870 25331 6705 24059 6313
Castor 335 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other oil seed 3449 994 2344 747 1039 364 978 404 869 373
Coconut 6416 334047 6862 316405 6071 402391 7283 325949 5649 372006
Soybean 97290 59158 99282 59395 100527 69522 102403 65883 100187 64143
Sub-Total 138003 402235 136106 383597 133686 479147 135995 398941 130764 448235
Grand Total : 875069 701476 872849 661308 905938 787642 923569 730434 977409 765016

Area and production of different oilseeds by region are shown in the following tables:
Table: 3.3.1 Area and Production of Til (Rabi+Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 1155 219 1040 301 1182 897 969 390 951 380
Chittagong 18 03 15 03 24 3 17 3 17 03
Comilla 3327 949 3278 1331 3283 1424 3281 1560 3248 1515
Khagrachhari 293 65 253 57 238 46 221 42 214 43
Noakhali 125 34 101 36 46 19 45 20 57 26
Rangamati 3579 950 3538 956 3489 945 3503 960 3534 972
Sylhet 43 25 44 24 45 26 46 27 53 28

Dhaka 7600 1954 8307 2600 8609 2962 8619 3106 8594 2976
Faridpur 6185 2302 7038 2666 1492 400 9334 3763 9211 3823
Jamalpur 468 115 468 117 299 77 425 185 437 106
Kishoreganj 292 89 281 89 45 11 211 63 189 53
Mymensingh 543 139 394 97 947 416 330 84 296 72
Tangail 5425 1715 5393 1749 1187 821 5632 1964 5449 1929

Barisal 1952 513 2163 711 2207 872 1367 550 1357 557
Jessore 13640 5498 14052 5655 6835 5941 14894 5996 12716 4830
Khulna 7438 2140 6735 1917 6953 1979 6596 1961 6516 1961
Kushtia 3939 1287 4347 1685 4549 1843 4481 1920 4278 1927
Patuakhali 752 226 854 329 853 260 861 269 860 237

Bogra 226 63 224 62 271 78 277 77 278 82

Dinajpur 6101 1774 5270 1777 2631 1972 6100 1957 6030 2020
Pabna 11674 4642 12544 4905 12067 4720 11604 4247 11253 4168
Rajshahi 6863 1953 3921 1041 6026 1787 5911 1850 5730 1906
Rangpur 1206 388 1119 353 1105 345 1086 341 1098 351

Bangladesh 82844 27043 81379 28461 87850 32306 85810 31335 82365 29965
Note: Figures in the bracket indicates area and production five and less.

Table: 3.3.2 Area and Production of Rape and Mustard (Local + HYV) by Region 2007-08 to
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 778 297 766 275 598 267 569 228 566 172
Chittagong 1123 397 1094 378 1091 388 1097 382 1097 382
Comilla 23654 9458 17807 7606 24093 9093 21933 8914 27084 11669
Khagrachhari 507 131 268 95 299 96 285 91 300 96
Noakhali 903 202 860 203 882 211 774 186 664 162
Rangamati 555 182 597 207 556 205 521 208 509 211
Sylhet 3150 1297 3045 1387 3051 1429 3062 1482 2751 1255
Dhaka 80536 31401 100468 33173 104129 37831 110420 42907 88002 36212
Faridpur 62030 17513 62856 18241 63148 18412 65929 20409 123414 44208
Jamalpur 41475 16254 32181 11683 30269 10586 26500 9638 18276 7228
Kishoreganj 7491 2914 7862 2959 6776 2643 6517 2620 5339 2313
Mymensingh 6741 1962 5730 1423 4609 1310 4619 1420 4447 1218
Tangail 88598 32561 71035 22160 67414 24370 68378 23338 66953 16107

Barisal 2493 408 2591 524 2636 611 3084 699 3454 710
Jessore 50055 15512 48245 15510 49767 17507 64730 23010 58396 20977
Khulna 7999 2384 6969 2077 4281 1363 8982 3545 6603 2796
Kushtia 28024 18937 30256 15228 29428 15990 31093 17470 27995 15619
Patuakhali 350 71 333 72 344 75 348 75 336 78
Bogra 22403 8762 26451 10717 24659 10279 26718 11599 33305 14939
Dinajpur 18143 6419 21006 7997 18068 8347 20358 8897 23222 10164
Pabna 84280 35727 8640 33794 84737 34768 83097 33747 89141 35438
Rajshahi 32043 10339 37653 12534 64040 21681 60853 31026 86654 35675
Rangpur 13905 4802 13515 4474 13384 4466 13427 4603 13407 4622

Bangladesh 577236 227930 578028 202717 601005 222722 623294 246494 681915 262251

Table: 3.3.3 Area and Production of Groundnut (Rabi+Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 357 216 354 217 310 191 308 190 315 208
Chittagong 2714 2039 2689 2922 3819 4233 3812 5231 3295 3694
Comilla 1717 914 1725 832 2032 1269 1982 1284 1840 1088
Khagrachhari 74 80 - - - 80 90 86 95
Noakhali 17949 8990 18083 9297 21476 10634 18368 9743 16930 8414
Rangamati 69 35 77 36 78 47 61 30 63 31
Sylhet 2878 1903 2917 1810 2943 1924 2945 1966 1806 1150
Dhaka 5748 3518 5434 3355 4942 3040 4850 2928 4398 2601
Faridpur 12553 6279 9592 5176 12876 10125 12397 10490 12102 14740
Jamalpur 1261 1165 1273 1185 1293 1222 1327 1235 1400 1326
Kishoreganj 4420 2628 4217 2520 3873 2274 3764 2235 2962 1804
Mymensingh 1102 568 976 498 935 405 923 489 976 521
Tangail 3147 1710 3014 1582 3147 1601 3117 1601 3167 1580
Barisal 3965 3008 2642 2001 3058 2445 3358 2669 3359 2643
Jessore 1743 1085 1601 1021 4656 1749 1538 1622 1496 1572
Khulna 52 31 56 38 50 30 51 34 44 26
Kushtia 849 441 817 414 865 452 861 458 927 500
Patuakhali 1555 676 1538 645 1489 7081 1489 600 1477 781
Bogra 1295 704 1299 706 1305 835 1243 746 1306 704
Dinajpur 7203 4524 8766 5458 8188 5115 8130 5023 2765 1701
Pabna 5447 2998 5794 4279 4598 2554 3121 1985 1490 978
Rajshahi 620 287 525 274 492 250 436 217 446 237
Rangpur 3181 2165 3947 2267 4000 2355 4309 2808 4182 2672
Bangladesh 76786 44268 77336 46533 82997 53467 78470 53664 74227 53654

Table: 3.3.4 Area and Production of Linseed by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 58 09 43 07 42 07 42 07 52 08
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla 256 74 275 85 287 87 271 82 281 89
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 202 40 212 44 191 36 170 33 149 26
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet 497 133 502 152 508 175 506 172 331 101

Dhaka 116 29 115 27 108 25 87 20 78 15

Faridpur 15160 3851 13769 3516 13137 3446 12710 3324 12237 3148
Jamalpur 451 79 402 68 380 68 402 72 411 102
Kishoreganj 167 110 148 98 134 80 96 50 94 46
Mymensingh 75 13 64 11 54 11 34 11 43 09
Tangail 329 72 252 57 235 53 235 53 204 45

Barisal 270 89 275 86 274 88 242 85 280 107

Jessore 6528 1652 5917 1422 5472 1404 5496 1423 5155 1303
Khulna 334 83 279 61 272 78 231 53 204 41
Kushtia 2124 669 1591 501 1518 493 1499 495 1466 472
Patuakhali 65 13 64 14 66 14 66 14 60 18

Bogra 06 02 06 02 07 02 08 02 09 03
Dinajpur 959 188 859 165 821 164 767 165 751 176
Pabna 927 191 974 255 758 173 707 169 672 165
Rajshahi 1399 344 1258 300 1219 298 1165 301 995 250
Rangpur 590 169 613 179 566 168 577 174 587 189
Bangladesh 30513 7810 27618 7050 26049 6870 25331 6705 24059 6313

Table: 3.3.5 Area and Production of Castor by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka (.335) (.226) - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh (.335) (.226) - - - - - - - -
Note : (-) indicate not avaiable.

Table: 3.3.6 Area and Production of Other Oil Seed (Sun Flower, Etc) by Region 2007-08 to
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 05 01 05 01 - - - - - -
Comilla 03 1 (2) (.75) 02 0.37 02 .36 - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 2051 500 1042 300 - - 37 08 01 0.12
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 10 03 11 03 08 03 08 03 08 4
Faridpur 476 133 445 108 360 93 377 95 356 94
Jamalpur (.72) (.18) (.72) (.12) 0.72 0.12 0.69 0.12 01 0.11
Kishoreganj 04 01 - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh 55 23 09 02 17 03 11 03 14 3
Tangail 98 23 88 20 77 18 72 17 66 16

Barisal 93 24 129 35 85 27 78 84 76 71
Jessore 31 19 12 05 18 05 17 05 11 3
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia 415 210 437 222 306 164 252 144 233 138
Patuakhali 38 13 37 12 41 12 35 13 12 8
Bogra 05 03 04 02 03 02 - - - -
Dinajpur 24 05 07 02 02 0.24 03 .12 04 0.42
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi 35 06 30 06 30 06 - - - -
Rangpur 106 29 88 29 89 30 85 31 88 35
Bangladesh 3449 994 2344 747 1039 364 978 404 869 373

Table: 3.3.7 Area and Production of Coconut by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
Area Under Garden Average Yield Per Fruit
Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
REGION (Acres) Bearing Tree (Kg)
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 94 93 96 65 509 340 975 591 1484 931
Chittagong 2033 496 55 61 2889 3057 9854 10253 12743 13310
Comilla - - 60 57 - - 20654 20787 20654 40787
Khagrachhari 14 15 26 27 20 22 507 562 527 584
Noakhali - - 36 38 - - 23405 22295 23405 22295
Rangamati - 311 59 58 1897 750 1789 2977 3686 3727
Sylhet 83 45 68 68 1530 1545 9817 8943 11347 10488
Dhaka 98 99 56 55 633 578 14062 14066 14695 14644
Faridpur 490 549 42 40 6447 5609 20019 22405 26466 28014
Jamalpur - - 48 49 - - 4461 4448 4161 4448
Kishoreganj 141 140 57 60 773 854 7958 8501 8731 9355
Mymensingh 102 102 49 47 472 463 10031 10417 10503 10880
Tangail 14 14 33 33 94 94 3139 3127 3224 3221

Barisal 2 328 31 57 69 1710 38389 73199 38458 74909

Jessore 787 961 46 43 8830 8817 24730 23320 33560 32117
Khulna 2017 1728 47 51 9590 10946 25897 38960 35487 49906
Kushtia 355 264 40 36 3867 3227 13012 12032 16879 15259
Patuakhali 577 142 58 24 2903 1105 16142 6003 19045 7108

Bogra 20 39 31 33 190 425 4679 4467 4869 4892

Dinajpur 80 79 52 51 339 351 5180 5188 5519 5539
Pabna 78 78 54 51 497 486 8203 9021 8700 9507
Rajshahi 214 166 50 56 1127 790 13023 15986 14150 16776
Rangpur 1 - 48 84 10 - 7646 13309 7656 13309
Bangladesh 7283 5649 45 49 42686 41169 283263 330837 325949 372006

Table: 3.3.8 Area and Production of Soybean by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla 3219 3718 3369 3388 3177 3202 3330 3440 3336 3431
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali 93849 55324 95668 55383 97120 66208 98861 62339 96515 60545
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 19 11 22 14 08 03 08 03 07 03
Faridpur 53 29 71 39 87 46 95 50 13 04
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh 147 74 128 60 114 49 97 43 98 43
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal - - - - - - - - 214 115

Jessore - - 10 6 09 05 06 04 - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia 03 02 06 05 05 05 03 03 - -
Patuakhali - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - 08 500 07 04 03 01 04 02
Pabna - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 97290 59158 99282 59395 100527 69522 102403 65883 100187 64143


3.4 Estimate of Spices and Condiments
National estimate of acreages and production of spices and condiments from 2007-08 to 2011-12
are shown in the following table:
Table 3.4 Area and Production of Spices and Condiments 2007-08 to 2010-11.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
(Kharif & Rabi ) 233285 117765 220590 109337 215022 109350 239841 141264 239592 125818
Onion 309309 889260 266255 735140 290501 872081 316058 1051347 335233 1159259
Garlic 83046 144817 84806 154831 91567 164392 103778 210662 109383 233609
Turmeric 56612 130289 56271 130164 56203 117081 57480 125326 60583 149564
Ginger 23269 77046 22282 72608 22403 74841 22527 74380 22528 72084
Coriander seed 28845 7050 24085 7364 27016 8634 28401 9501 28625 9836
Other spices &
condiments 3642 1727 6045 2585 6175 2802 7039 3306 7279 3765
Other spices &
condiments 07 1682 15 1241 11 1467 10 1642 10 1578
Total 738015 1369636 680349 1213270 708898 1350648 775134 1617428 803233 1755513

Area and Production of different spices and condiments by region are shown in the following
Table: 3.4.1 Area and Production of Kharif Chilies by Region 2007 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 1175 590 650 311 580 185 339 214 397 214
Chittagong 550 230 354 134 304 89 168 87 177 62
Comilla 230 65 218 68 207 75 213 119 231 144
Khagrachhari 380 105 375 107 377 115 363 114 372 119
Noakhali 60 25 58 20 33 11 29 10 18 8
Rangamati 5430 1845 4020 1516 3020 11 916 386 914 384
Sylhet 990 460 640 269 412 228 176 106 217 134

Dhaka 2055 675 2113 704 2047 698 1977 664 2031 736
Faridpur 4435 1195 4622 1270 4800 1368 5054 5395 5821 2200
Jamalpur 1265 600 1292 554 1225 560 1277 397 1263 416
Kishoreganj 1115 450 297 159 282 140 274 139 269 136
Mymensingh 2500 700 1500 550 1400 520 730 376 743 467
Tangail 1600 465 940 279 820 285 659 198 633 189

Barisal 110 25 80 22 85 25 15 05 15 05
Jessore 3925 3245 3966 3253 4089 3266 4017 9996 3803 2253
Khulna 1850 505 1556 376 1467 406 1465 2705 1285 460
Kushtia 5060 2315 5217 2387 5326 2490 5384 5716 5375 2744
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 555 150 559 151 562 264 608 282 601 270
Dinajpur 4960 2395 4208 1947 4658 2505 4292 2408 4401 2468
Pabna 7275 2740 7420 2836 7369 2840 7331 5053 7326 4752
Rajshahi 4465 1625 3562 1360 3090 1151 2839 2793 2761 2140
Rangpur 5075 1990 3837 1161 3161 872 2150 728 2153 767
Bangladesh 55060 22395 47484 19434 45341 19308 40276 37891 40806 21068

Table: 3.4.2 Area and Production of Rabi Chilies by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 848 1599 810 1331 718 1300 673 691 763 1613
Chittagong 9199 5658 9254 3346 8054 3604 8421 3209 8847 3692
Comilla 17439 7979 19114 8071 18272 7765 18389 7334 16890 7878
Khagrachhari 637 213 665 206 659 206 648 201 624 213
Noakhali 17082 10000 17060 9206 17120 9559 14742 8012 16312 9509
Rangamati 1197 565 1192 592 1179 595 1185 651 1186 664
Sylhet 2126 1017 2034 1525 2156 1616 2167 1645 2068 1168

Dhaka 10509 4404 10373 4296 9745 3987 9362 3955 9276 4004
Faridpur 9561 4695 9368 4704 9730 4657 22556 13836 22188 13567
Jamalpur 22786 7835 12476 4456 12710 4509 20218 7119 19114 7040
Kishoreganj 6135 2594 6237 2605 7028 3205 5556 2514 5721 2697
Mymensingh 4038 1460 3943 1470 3835 1445 3797 1400 3525 1306
Tangail 3368 1488 3932 1325 3445 1162 3429 1162 3371 1122

Barisal 25623 7193 30443 8708 29163 9115 41000 1178 42553 12082
Jessore 4566 10355 5444 15533 5174 13752 5886 15935 5682 15145
Khulna 2187 3092 2207 2755 2298 2838 1958 2363 1856 2138
Kushtia 1760 1760 1565 1390 1692 1229 1759 1646 1742 1167
Patuakhali 4192 1245 4264 1144 4208 1254 4167 1176 4169 1208

Bogra 12686 5703 11063 5108 11238 5267 12244 5887 12039 5919
Dinajpur 4113 1868 4427 2169 4346 2144 4298 2224 4374 2280
Pabna 8837 11307 8967 5335 8851 5390 8892 5390 8682 5335
Rajshahi 3310 2522 2724 2094 2724 2119 2771 2018 2773 2004
Rangpur 6026 2417 5544 2534 5363 3324 5258 3221 5031 2999

Bangladesh 178225 95370 173106 89903 169708 90042 199565 103373 198786 104750

Table: 3.4.3 Area and Production of Onion by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 84 123 87 123 98 181 111 233 121 222

Chittagong 385 660 369 654 358 659 373 660 374 668
Comilla 3828 8530 3749 7835 3405 7623 3525 7372 3680 7864
Khagrachhari 31 48 32 44 37 52 35 49 36 49
Noakhali 1116 1691 1105 1706 1049 1792 1060 1788 1068 1822
Rangamati 103 137 101 207 97 192 94 176 91 161
Sylhet 534 1049 526 961 548 1034 634 1150 650 1109
Dhaka 17644 26113 14869 20961 15428 27240 16258 34343 16744 36863
Faridpur 78846 205236 66053 190676 69330 199772 78170 243834 91834 320079
Jamalpur 4426 10579 4379 11142 4840 12948 4909 13144 5031 13674
Kishoreganj 2068 4618 1953 3965 1835 3655 1765 3552 1704 3345
Mymensingh 2216 4629 1992 3956 1882 3760 1804 3878 1792 3767
Tangail 2328 5112 2303 4365 2323 4578 2382 4737 2236 4473
Barisal 1439 1580 1628 1901 1790 1973 1962 3170 1967 3134
Jessore 22647 64702 17857 52416 21589 70343 25529 96051 23025 85696
Khulna 2265 5821 2100 5074 1966 3104 2025 4861 1907 4627
Kushtia 26979 120590 19992 81429 25717 89322 27793 159669 29439 148916
Patuakhali 271 307 245 269 245 267 245 266 234 256
Bogra 5220 12265 4960 11722 5094 12073 5325 13473 5365 13864
Dinajpur 9729 21106 9185 18430 8531 17963 8766 18872 8938 19439
Pabna 74899 211472 68668 175131 75651 252983 77660 257763 82341 305545
Rajshahi 43156 157786 34682 120792 38853 139868 46037 161913 46532 162164
Rangpur 9095 25106 9420 21381 9835 20663 9596 20393 10124 21522

Bangladesh 309309 889260 266255 735140 290501 872081 316058 1051347 335233 1159259

Table: 3.4.4 Area and Production of Garlic by Region2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 69 130 69 125 66 63 71 65 73 62
Chittagong 203 190 196 183 218 199 214 193 217 196
Comilla 2254 3495 2441 3689 2298 3333 2405 3614 2637 3990
Khagrachhari 35 34 39 42 41 43 41 43 38 39
Noakhali 928 722 1047 868 1123 1300 1105 808 1108 877
Rangamati 74 110 66 98 62 115 58 83 58 81
Sylhet 321 348 305 343 345 403 342 403 317 345

Dhaka 3571 6261 3476 6131 3572 6213 3645 6455 3751 7625
Faridpur 13813 15519 13889 18798 14743 16053 14193 28937 15015 29697
Jamalpur 1399 2357 1306 2270 1314 2102 1291 2326 1427 2679
Kishoreganj 1291 2250 1249 2067 1218 1939 1220 1984 1262 2013
Mymensingh 900 1607 969 1599 966 1586 1012 1670 1029 1655
Tangail 1557 2385 1571 2316 1563 2250 1592 2305 1357 1876

Barisal 1783 1348 1889 1338 2018 1343 2066 3036 2104 3087
Jessore 4973 12496 5078 14727 5296 14465 5540 15143 5489 15049
Khulna 1074 2298 1060 1763 1060 1763 998 1844 981 1768
Kushtia 4493 9092 4027 8293 4138 8785 4635 10456 4555 10504
Patuakhali 616 481 471 382 454 374 464 385 440 394

Bogra 801 858 819 884 861 936 837 986 846 1299
Dinajpur 4563 8815 4367 8377 4409 8288 4673 9158 4829 9972
Pabna 9625 17631 9388 18327 10102 17388 10339 17948 10722 19265
Rajshahi 25455 51479 27694 57936 32247 70971 42924 98746 47749 116999
Rangpur 3248 4911 3390 4255 3453 4583 3393 407 3379 4137
Bangladesh 83046 144817 84806 154831 91567 164392 103778 210662 109383 233609

Table: 3.4.5 Area and Production of Turmeric by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 1663 4229 1609 3998 1703 4173 1638 4112 1665 3829
Chittagong 1394 3331 1296 3156 1298 3077 1322 2571 1336 2592
Comilla 585 732 606 782 572 849 592 995 595 1342
Khagrachhari 4247 13323 4570 13408 4713 14010 4797 15020 5048 15152
Noakhali 525 584 533 589 493 526 495 528 504 554
Rangamati 5539 7804 5852 9041 5949 9187 5971 9245 6044 9662
Sylhet 694 3046 698 3003 713 3139 724 3189 685 2479

Dhaka 1829 1833 1811 1802 1776 1729 2041 2356 2078 2402
Faridpur 2286 3924 2360 6064 2494 6883 2541 7161 2617 7503
Jamalpur 1179 1450 1116 1168 1104 1421 1097 1331 1279 1736
Kishoreganj 711 946 740 783 736 833 711 858 755 887
Mymensingh 2243 3746 2264 2305 2219 2260 1890 2767 2220 3447
Tangail 3210 3050 3018 2807 3079 2853 3302 3103 3493 3509

Barisal 630 729 647 927 681 897 731 1246 801 1369
Jessore 4780 20072 5118 22467 4818 18896 5115 20230 5559 23224
Khulna 4946 20779 2734 11118 2601 5632 2468 8657 2574 10654
Kushtia 3458 12440 3580 13948 3758 14385 3963 14470 4238 16916
Patuakhali 1010 60 106 54 109 74 111 78 113 73

Bogra 726 816 720 806 737 845 763 902 816 1095
Dinajpur 2662 11361 3179 11434 3146 9772 3175 10267 3436 10743
Pabna 3650 6256 3781 6334 3454 8452 3454 7493 3475 8032
Rajshahi 5627 7401 5950 12424 5993 13229 6581 16212 7027 19627
Rangpur 3927 2377 3983 2529 4057 2679 3998 2543 4225 2737
Bangladesh 56612 130289 56271 130164 56203 117081 57480 135334 60583 149564

Table: 3.4.6 Area and Production of Ginger by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 1306 3380 1207 3194 1334 3585 1381 3637 1403 2133
Chittagong 12346 11102 1664 7069 1704 7263 1731 7373 1748 7006
Comilla 153 290 156 321 152 331 164 389 165 401
Khagrachhari 1979 5701 2071 5741 2145 6316 2108 6519 2194 6493
Noakhali 67 67 69 68 82 82 80 85 64 68
Rangamati 3368 14282 3600 15628 3671 15588 3791 16383 3854 16610
Sylhet 280 703 290 639 303 890 316 807 310 739

Dhaka 1029 1520 1012 1487 974 1398 1073 1611 1065 1644
Faridpur 149 180 135 182 121 172 89 172 66 110
Jamalpur 709 2627 708 2746 712 2756 714 2252 623 2695
Kishoreganj 404 818 382 742 377 730 392 757 397 763
Mymensingh 1335 2480 1134 2534 1136 2422 1143 2598 1142 2620
Tangail 2114 8312 1988 7394 2007 7527 2058 7778 2072 7837

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 285 695 257 639 270 727 295 803 294 767
Khulna 230 646 256 693 221 615 125 281 124 290
Kushtia 157 427 150 453 133 403 158 503 174 599
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 318 575 323 583 333 604 353 631 350 650
Dinajpur 1560 8522 1499 7393 1433 6736 1469 6334 1268 4876
Pabna 179 321 167 315 159 303 161 320 166 325
Rajshahi 243 593 235 582 230 550 234 515 217 470
Rangpur 5058 13805 4979 14196 4906 15843 4692 14582 4832 14988
Bangladesh 23269 77046 22282 72608 22403 74841 22527 74380 22528 72084

Table: 3.4.7 Area and Production of Coriander Seed by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 66 11 73 13 79 20 79 32 84 21
Chittagong 836 293 822 286 896 312 901 314 924 322
Comilla 2539 1081 2553 820 2650 881 2924 986 2991 1022
Khagrachhari 91 28 95 37 90 32 98 34 103 35
Noakhali 832 209 899 204 906 211 782 197 132 69
Rangamati 149 61 149 65 147 67 133 68 137 70
Sylhet 1115 314 1122 331 1132 336 1139 347 1168 385

Dhaka 1476 393 1480 388 1419 379 1498 423 1473 440
Faridpur 3769 1300 4458 1482 5885 2068 6359 2433 6995 2758
Jamalpur 588 151 598 158 629 163 633 164 651 175
Kishoreganj 800 263 782 254 781 255 769 261 791 266
Mymensingh 515 132 482 120 464 127 453 125 418 97
Tangail 738 148 633 146 612 142 557 129 609 141

Barisal 602 143 661 156 559 157 549 144 634 173
Jessore 1814 534 1871 657 3353 1307 3963 1560 3984 1552
Khulna 335 91 316 118 361 108 262 69 248 66
Kushtia 1372 558 1403 550 1438 574 1459 675 1452 655
Patuakhali 170 37 180 39 175 37 190 47 178 48

Bogra 149 33 153 34 148 33 158 39 162 121

Dinajpur 689 205 624 195 697 205 653 171 652 160
Pabna 929 267 945 280 884 274 1157 352 1151 340
Rajshahi 1739 558 2897 800 2751 711 2703 691 2694 679
Rangpur 932 240 889 231 960 235 982 240 994 241
Bangladesh 22245 7050 24085 7364 27016 8634 28401 9501 28625 9836

Table: 3.4.8 Area and Production of Other Spices and Condiments (Temporary) by Region
2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - 35 5 - - - -* - -
Chittagong 106 51 216 106 305 125 299 112 330 146
Comilla 765 787 923 804 880 820 911 834 949 902
Khagrachhari 48 11 69 18 74 20 84 24 94 26
Noakhali - - 159 51 143 66 143 66
Rangamati - - 86 27 67 32 83 27 81 28
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 154 23 379 48 546 330 656 473 667 587
Faridpur 311 112 1898 731 1999 695 2291 882 2346 983
Jamalpur 205 53 183 55 157 39 189 60 127 34
Kishoreganj 31 20 - - 13 13 27 24 30 29
Mymensingh 47 19 36 34 38 35 63 49 41 23
Tangail 814 141 759 140 743 134 773 140 851 160
Barisal 383 143 434 160 407 165 723 220 665 287
Jessore 47 30 48 23 78 44 97 52 122 66
Khulna 13 23 45 33 39 34 41 30 39 34
Kushtia 165 98 200 111 217 126 198 119 255 157
Patuakhali 66 22 71 23 74 25 77 26 81 27
Bogra - - - - 41 13 50 23 23 08
Dinajpur - - 122 47 127 48 151 89 214 134
Pabna 55 20 62 22 63 23 72 25 106 38
Rajshahi 154 34 155 34 148 30 111 31 115 30
Rangpur 278 140 324 164 - - - - - -

Bangladesh 3642 1727 6045 2585 6175 2802 7039 3306 7279 3765

Table: 3.4.9 Area and Production of Other Spices and Condiments (Perennial) by Region
2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Area Under Garden Area Under Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
REGION (Acres) Garden (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 3 3 24 20 8 7 3 2 11 9
Chittagong - - 8 6 - - 1 2 1 2
Comilla - - 7 7 - - 2 2 2 2
Khagrachhari 3 1 12 12 3 3 33 39 36 42
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - 8 9 - - 22 25 22 25
Sylhet 5 5 29 21 17 15 919 875 936 890
Dhaka - - 7 3 - - 3 2 3 2
Faridpur - - 6 10 - - 15 22 15 22
Jamalpur - - 9 8 - - 20 19 26 19
Kishoreganj - - 10 12 - - 10 61 10 61
Mymensingh - - 19 18 - - 17 17 17 17
Tangail - - 6 7 - - 18 17 18 17
Barisal - 1 12 9 - - 193 184 193 186
Jessore (0.23) - 8 8 1 - 24 27 25 27
Khulna (0.34) - 6 6 1 - 25 36 26 36
Kushtia - - 7 7 - - 1 1 1 1
Patuakhali - - 7 7 - - 65 71 65 71
- - - -

Bogra - - 5 7 - - 15 20 15 20
Dinajpur - - 14 12 - - 147 128 147 128
Pabna - - 6 4 - - 2 1 2 1
Rajshahi - - 70 - - - 75 - 75 -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -

Bangladesh 10 10 17 14 30 27 1612 1551 1642 1578


3.5 Estimate of Sugar Crops
National estimate of acreages and production of sugar crops from 2007-08 to 2011-2012 are shown in
the table below:

Table 3.5 Areas and Production of Sugar Crops 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Sugarcane 319940 4983656 312003 5232649 290354 4490812 287080 4671348 265825 4603003
Date Palm (Juice) 3790 227591 3591 235523 2673 245363 2843 210173 4020 208737
Date Palm (Fruits) 2633 41011 1507 43214 1524 43908 1408 39232 1340 38905
Ripe Palm (Tal) 1133 148861 856 148221 769 168199 648 154721 395 146559
Green Palmyra Palm(Talsas) 1162 64655 1108 63985 406 66083 364 64017 319 65179
Palmyra Palm (Juice) 368 74475 621 77043 282 69613 464 95541 363 95622
Total 329026 5540249 319686 5800635 296239 5083978 292807 5235032 272262 5158005

Area and production of sugar crops by region are shown in the following tables:

Table: 3.5.1 Area and Production of Sugarcane by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 175 757 180 705 197 858 177 788 194 850
Chittagong 6108 20558 3815 28525 3587 17851 3665 16830 4300 19031
Comilla 3040 21550 2932 36541 2524 26901 2348 28348 2293 25823
Khagrachhari 517 6025 583 7104 610 8032 630 8340 636 8401
Noakhali 1642 17203 1720 16723 1581 14326 1482 13431 1148 9085
Rangamati 607 11423 617 11600 593 10458 549 9484 551 9367
Sylhet 3561 9825 3557 8137 3564 8226 3626 8395 3653 8597

Dhaka 14912 101675 14408 98632 12908 90623 12342 86504 11594 86810
Faridpur 33513 428070 30909 343317 30497 514802 30580 517790 27472 429836
Jamalpur 12186 235809 11447 208153 11916 282956 12154 140426 12347 241622
Kishoreganj 790 6552 513 4827 389 4495 349 3376 259 2349
Mymensingh 9271 170765 9072 87405 6997 57081 6500 61415 6710 61510
Tangail 7642 134062 6609 111199 5961 107810 6042 102186 5472 93672

Barisal 1782 8175 3127 6524 3167 6207 3180 6477 2980 8550
Jessore 17716 243084 16032 240746 16756 304220 13535 224521 12960 220228
Khulna 6424 44947 4654 23636 4452 23652 3050 21111 3025 23709
Kushtia 34822 693324 29300 531589 25619 508475 25545 511889 21708 456521
Patuakhali 282 1136 294 785 303 874 312 886 314 1018

Bogra 6167 128209 5008 104571 4966 103755 4940 101764 4513 92516
Dinajpur 39706 556985 39824 533950 34477 475080 33710 462334 4374 395932
Pabna 17754 333108 16639 312610 14119 256123 13539 246644 13391 247921
Rajshahi 86727 1517174 95934 2261089 91011 1480179 94977 1793811 99341 1909175
Rangpur 14596 293240 14829 254281 14160 187828 13848 304598 13226 250480

Bangladesh 319940 4983656 312003 5232649 290354 4490812 287080 4671348 265825 4603003

Table: 3.5.2 Area and Production of Date Palm (Juice) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Area Under Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside Total Production of Inside &
REGION Garden (Acres) (Acres) Garden Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
andarban - - 43 36 - - 36 24 36 24
Chittagong 29 1883 153 241 251 302 2046 2217 2297 2519
Comilla 30 - 316 295 253 144 5129 6078 5382 6222
Khagrachhari - - 97 99 - - 360 379 360 379
Noakhali - - 178 162 - - 11617 10890 11617 10890
Rangamati - 10 28 40 - 16 207 447 207 463
Sylhet - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 208 157 425 461 882 1195 8745 8722 9627 9917
Faridpur 616 536 279 284 4501 4411 29420 30747 33921 35158
Jamalpur - - 110 117 - - 443 468 443 468
Kishoreganj - - 106 83 - - 510 217 510 217
Mymensingh - - 52 55 - - 3532 3551 3532 3551
Tangail 17 17 89 86 160 156 3508 3342 3668 3498
Barisal 0 05 138 137 136 40 7359 6520 7495 6560
Jessore 332 324 170 180 8338 8846 16576 18066 24914 26912
Khulna 882 397 108 108 2633 2502 10996 11283 13629 13785
Kushtia 216 307 252 211 6506 4653 18281 15599 24787 20252
Patuakhali 66 66 22 22 301 366 3828 3833 4129 4199
Bogra - - 151 150 - - 6371 6453 6371 6453
Dinajpur - - 86 84 - 9 481 462 481 471
Pabna - - 179 187 - - 6920 6746 6920 6746
Rajshahi 447 222 390 381 3165 4840 44897 43389 48062 48229
Rangpur - 96 288 292 - 73 1787 1751 1787 1824

Bangladesh 2843 4020 3660 3711 27126 27553 185049 181184 210175 208737

Table: 3.5.3 Area and Production of Date Palm (Fruit) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Area Under Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside Total Production of Inside &
REGION Garden (Acres) (Acres) Garden Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 12 12 - - 7 7 7 7
Chittagong 33 2 16 17 110 20 1108 1217 1218 1237
Comilla 2 - 14 13 10 - 1124 1012 1134 1012
Khagrachhari - - 27 35 - - 117 115 117 115
Noakhali - - 9 9 - - 918 918 918 918
Rangamati 8 7 27 27 21 20 200 225 221 245
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 17 16 17 16 200 187 2037 1876 2237 2063
Faridpur 157 154 11 11 282 203 5407 5404 5689 5607
Jamalpur - - 14 15 - - 188 198 188 198
Kishoreganj - - 14 17 - - 150 153 150 153
Mymensingh 9 10 16 16 53 81 1966 2043 2019 2124
Tangail 17 17 11 10 16 18 393 387 409 405
Barisal - - 9 11 - - 2189 3098 2189 3098
Jessore 320 315 9 8 1827 1582 2478 3179 4305 4761
Khulna 432 404 9 5 370 352 2030 1788 2400 2140
Kushtia 174 181 12 11 719 659 2037 1969 2756 2628
Patuakhali 165 166 7 10 398 613 2732 3430 3130 4043

Bogra 4 3 22 10 22 11 2244 900 2266 911

Dinajpur 1 1 9 10 2 4 205 239 207 243
Pabna - - 19 24 - - 1882 1443 1882 1443
Rajshahi 66 61 14 14 423 752 4718 4365 5141 5117
Rangpur 3 3 19 14 5 1 651 436 656 437

Bangladesh 1408 1340 13 12 4458 4503 34781 34402 39232 38905


Table: 3.5.4 Area and Production of Ripe Palm (Tal) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Area Under Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside Total Production of Inside &
REGION Garden (Acres) (Acres) Garden Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 282 278 - - 83 57 83 57
Chittagong 03 04 136 272 43 51 3984 7975 4027 8026
Comilla - - 124 122 - - 9703 9694 9703 9694
Khagrachhari - - 63 73 - - 45 61 45 61
Noakhali - - 99 113 - - 7927 8827 7927 8827
Rangamati - - 108 165 - 10 161 251 161 261
Sylhet - - 40 43 - - 256 274 256 274
Dhaka 39 08 145 128 527 136 5980 5706 6507 5842
Faridpur 80 83 90 92 1063 1114 23828 24343 24891 25457
Jamalpur - - 72 92 - - 817 803 817 803
Kishoreganj 1 01 78 66 25 25 885 881 910 906
Mymensingh - - 67 65 - - 4557 455 4557 4557
Tangail 3 03 87 91 60 64 1939 2021 1999 2085
Barisal - - 142 103 - - 23112 15967 23112 15967
Jessore 21 21 96 94 531 463 9125 9238 9656 9701
Khulna 134 109 89 83 1099 880 6538 6302 7637 7182
Kushtia 31 21 90 89 224 197 2249 2105 2473 2302
Patuakhali 334 95 133 96 787 1347 14589 9049 15376 10396
Bogra 2 - 114 109 155 - 8748 8710 8903 8710
Dinajpur - 01 69 76 - 14 1221 1327 1236 1341
Pabna -- - 156 209 - - 4966 6554 4966 6554
Rajshahi - 14 97 103 - 35 18486 20480 18486 20515
Rangpur - - 76 89 - - 993 1143 993 1143
Bangladesh 648 395 106 101 4529 4336 150192 142223 154721 146559

Table:3.5.5 Area and Production of Green Palm (Taler Shas) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Area Under Garden Area Under Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
REGION (Acres) Garden (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 260 200 - - 52 43 52 43
Chittagong - - 120 135 - - 2189 2376 2189 2376
Comilla 06 06 18 17 - - 1247 972 1247 972
Khagrachhari - - 53 64 - - 19 27 19 27
Noakhali - - 47 47 - - 3755 3755 3755 3755
Rangamati - - 101 101 - - 21 21 21 21
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 31 07 81 101 393 - 2216 2246 2609 2246
Faridpur 109 67 101 105 793 768 16033 16399 16826 17167
Jamalpur - - 57 58 - - 563 674 563 674
Kishoreganj - 64 55 59 - - 355 354 355 354
Mymensingh 03 - 32 37 - - 1401 1531 1401 1531
Tangail - - 88 80 61 56 1867 1674 1928 1730
Barisal - - 24 48 - - 815 3086 815 3086
Jessore 48 41 44 43 579 570 2965 2964 3544 3534
Khulna 29 08 76 77 421 770 5896 5507 6317 6277
Kushtia 19 27 49 49 95 41 1115 1119 1210 1160
Patuakhali 88 70 88 86 719 623 9164 8084 9883 8707
Bogra 3 3 28 29 29 31 1317 1342 1346 1373
Dinajpur - - 25 45 - - 302 386 302 386
Pabna - - 73 75 - - 1992 2081 1992 2081
Rajshahi 28 26 39 43 1062 820 6183 6461 7245 7281
Rangpur - - 53 53 - - 398 398 398 398

Bangladesh 364 319 61 62 4152 3679 59865 61500 64017 65179


Table: 3.5.6 Area and Production of Palmyra Palm (Juice) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
Fruit Bearing Tree
REGION (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 1 - 154 - 34 - 121 - 163 -
Comilla - - - * - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - -- - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - 65 55 - - 03 03 03 03
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 16 16 83 92 127 73 1146 1314 1273 1387

Faridpur 205 205 94 135 1976 3123 16244 23306 18220 26429
Jamalpur - - 40 46 - - 76 76 76 76
Kishoreganj - - 91 90 - - 127 132 127 132
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal - - 211 183 - - 19683 15191 19683 15191

Jessore 43 41 193 181 1311 1116 12732 11963 14043 13079
Khulna 123 39 147 135 1335 297 13097 12769 14432 13066
Kushtia 2 01 194 192 98 59 2043 2087 2141 2146
Patuakhali 46 36 143 135 363 316 10410 9878 10773 10194

Bogra - - 11 11 - - 377 387 377 387

Dinajpur - * 33 34 - - 176 174 176 174
Pabna - - 66 29 - - 699 322 699 322
Rajshahi 28 25 88 92 1113 842 11954 11901 13067 12743
Rangpur - - 36 36 - - 288 293 288 293

Bangladesh 464 363 124 136 6365 5826 89176 89796 95541 95622

3.6 Estimate of Fibers

3.6(a) Major Fibers:

Estimate of Jute 2011-12.
Jute is an eminent crop of Bangladesh. The price of jute in the last two years was very lucrative which
inspired the farmers to grow more jute. The Condition of weather was also favourable for jute cultivation
during the sowing period. As a result, the cultivation and production of jute has become significant in this

Total area under jute crop has been estimated at 18,78,256 acres (7,60,089 hectares) which is 7.25%
higher than that of last year. Comparative area estimates of jute crop of 2011-12 and 2010-11 are as

Table-1 : Estimate of Total Area of Jute Crop

2010-11 2011-12 % Change over
previous year
Area Area Area Area
(in acre) (in hectare) (in acre) (in hectare)
17,51,328 7,08,723 18,78,256 7,60,089 (+) 7.25%

Yield Rate:
Average yield rate has been estimated at 4.26 bales per acre (10.529 bales per hectare) compared to 4.79
bales per acre (11.846 bales per hectare) in the last year, which is 11.10% lower. Average yield rate of this
year as well as the last year are computed as follows;

Table-2 : Estimate of Yield Rate of Jute Crop

2010-11 2011-12 % Change over
Yield rate per Yield rate per Yield rate Yield rate previous year
acre (Bales) hectare per acre per hectare
(Bales) (Bales) (Bales)
4.79 11.846 4.26 10.529 (-) 11.12%

Total jute production in this year has been estimated at 80,03,023 bales which is 4.68% lower than that of
last year. Total production figures of this year and the last year are as follows;

Table-3 : Estimate of Total Production of Jute Crop

Production (Bales) % Change over
2010-11 2011-12 previous year
83,95,840 80,03,023 (-) 4.68%
Estimate of Area, Yield rate and Production by district and by regions are furnished in the table appended in
table (1-3).

Table -3.6.1 Estimate of Jute 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (Bales) Acres Hectares Acre Hectare (Bales)
(Bales) (Bales) (Bales) (Bales)
1 Bandarban Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chittagong 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
2 Chittagong 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Comilla 2820 1141 4.05 10.008 11421 4812 1947 3.70 9.143 17804
Chandpur 8984 3636 4.08 10.082 36655 12815 5186 3.60 8.896 46134
Brahmanbaria 11469 4641 3.60 8.896 41288 13339 5398 3.77 9.316 50288
3 Comilla Region 23273 9418 3.84 9.489 89364 30966 12531 3.69 9.115 114226
4 Khagrachari Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Noakhali 80 0 3.37 0.000 270 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lakshmipur 540 219 3.37 11.937 1820 530 214 3.68 9.094 1950
Feni 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
5 Noakhali Region 620 251 3.37 11.937 2090 530 214 3.68 9.094 1950
6 RangamatiRegion 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Sylhet 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Maulavibazar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Sunamgonj 44 18 2.66 6.573 117 98 40 3.20 7.908 314
Hobigonj 289 117 3.35 8.278 968 292 118 3.63 8.970 1060
7 Sylhet Region 333 135 3.26 8.419 1085 390 158 3.52 8.703 1374
Dhaka 16137 6530 4.18 10.329 67453 15320 6200 3.85 9.514 58982
Gazipur 4210 1704 4.17 10.304 17556 2220 898 3.15 7.784 6993
Manikgonj 15361 6216 4.23 10.453 64977 13821 5593 3.75 9.267 51829
Munsigonj 12620 5107 3.22 7.957 40636 15222 6160 3.30 8.155 50233
Narayangonj 621 251 4.63 11.441 2875 760 308 3.90 9.637 2964
Narsingdi 14970 6058 4.30 10.626 64371 13212 5347 3.95 9.761 52187
8 Dhaka Region 63919 25867 4.03 9.969 257868 60555 24505 3.69 9.108 223188
Faridpur 183375 74208 4.86 12.010 891203 202786 82063 3.88 9.588 786810
Rajbari 95555 38669 4.96 12.257 473953 107447 43481 3.82 9.440 410448
Madaripur 75593 30591 5.11 12.627 386280 79133 32023 3.94 9.736 311784
Gopalgonj 49955 20216 5.29 13.072 264262 49884 20187 3.80 9.390 189559
Shariatpur 45259 18315 4.07 10.057 184204 52241 21141 3.95 9.761 206352
9 Faridpur Region 449737 181999 4.89 12.087 2199902 491491 198896 3.88 9.578 1904952
Jamalpur 113489 45927 4.33 10.700 491407 116500 47145 4.15 10.255 483475
Sherpur 22330 9036 3.93 9.711 87757 18767 7595 3.81 9.415 71502
10 Jamapur Region 135819 54963 4.26 10.537 579164 135267 54740 4.10 10.138 554977
Kishoregonj 22690 9182 4.29 10.601 97340 22352 9045 4.10 10.132 91643
Netrokona 14090 5702 3.48 8.599 49033 17319 7009 3.54 8.748 61309
11 KishoregonjRegion 36780 14884 3.98 9.834 146373 39671 16054 3.86 9.527 152952
12 Mymenshing 21646 8760 3.28 8.105 70999 28779 11646 3.63 8.970 104468
13 Tangail Region 56975 23057 4.39 10.848 250120 57780 23382 4.27 10.552 246721


Zila/Region 2010-11 2011-12


Area Yield per Area Yield per

Production Production
Acres Hectares Acre Hectare Acres Hectares Acre Hectare
(Bales) (Bales)
(Bales) (Bales) (Bales) (Bales)
Barisal 9353 3785 3.37 8.328 31520 9648 3904 4.13 10.206 39846
Jalakati 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Perojpur 789 319 3.86 9.548 3046 812 329 3.99 9.860 3240
Bhola 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
14 Barisal Region 10142 4104 4.26 8.422 34566 10460 4233 4.12 10.179 43086
Jessore 84443 34172 5.48 13.542 462748 84598 34235 4.20 10.379 355312
Jhenaidah 58355 23615 5.50 13.591 320953 59670 24147 4.10 10.132 244647
Magura 78246 31664 5.39 13.319 421746 84214 34080 4.02 9.934 338540
Narail 55390 22415 5.44 13.443 301322 57548 23288 4.19 10.354 241126
15 Jessore Region 276434 111867 5.45 13.469 1506769 286030 115750 4.12 10.191 1179625
Khulna 8530 3452 4.53 11.194 38641 8833 3575 3.50 8.649 30916
Bagerhat 6270 2537 5.26 12.998 32980 4300 1740 4.27 10.552 18361
Satkhira 23592 9547 5.08 12.553 119847 28764 11640 4.23 10.453 121672
16 Khulna Region 38392 15536 4.99 12.324 191468 41897 16955 4.08 10.083 170948
Kushtia 86999 35207 5.00 12.356 434995 92797 37553 4.18 10.329 387891
Chuadanga 58406 23636 5.35 13.220 312472 62035 25104 5.59 13.813 346776
Meherpur 63061 25519 5.35 13.220 337376 64080 25932 5.68 14.036 363974
17 Kushtia Region 208466 84362 5.20 12.859 1084843 218912 88589 5.02 12.402 1098642
Patuakhali 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Barguna 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
18 Patuakhali Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bogra 43814 17731 4.42 10.922 193658 46830 18951 4.32 10.675 202306
Joypurhat 5116 2070 5.01 12.380 25631 6890 2788 4.94 12.207 34037
19 Bogra Region 48930 19801 4.48 11.075 219289 53720 21739 4.40 10.872 236342
Dinajpur 27120 10975 4.48 11.071 121498 29110 11780 4.39 10.848 127793
Thakurgaon 23244 9406 3.93 9.711 91349 24990 10113 4.53 11.194 113205
Panchagar 22240 9000 3.74 9.242 83178 23000 9308 4.17 10.304 95910
20 Dinajpur Region 72604 29381 4.08 10.075 296025 77100 31201 4.37 10.798 336908
Pabna 71678 29007 5.13 12.677 367708 79540 32188 4.58 11.318 364293
Sirajgonj 53316 21576 4.18 10.329 222861 59621 24127 4.01 9.909 239080
21 Pabna Region 124994 50582 4.72 11.675 590569 139161 56315 4.34 10.714 603373
Rajshahi 24953 10098 5.40 13.344 134746 26320 10651 5.85 14.456 153972
Noagaon 11476 4644 5.40 13.344 61970 16010 6479 5.77 14.258 92378
Natore 30465 12329 5.32 13.146 162074 36724 14861 5.24 12.949 192434
Nawabgonj 970 393 4.56 11.268 4423 1300 526 4.54 11.219 5902
22 Rajshahi Region 67864 27463 5.35 13.226 363213 80354 32518 5.53 13.675 444685
Rangpur 20705 8379 5.04 12.454 104353 24700 9996 5.12 12.652 126464
Gaibanda 23675 9581 4.69 11.589 111036 24437 9889 4.82 11.911 117786
Kurigram 33995 13757 4.33 10.700 147198 37403 15136 4.66 11.515 174298
Nilphamari 24652 9976 4.00 9.884 98608 27218 11015 4.16 10.280 113227
Lalmonirhat 11370 4601 4.48 11.071 50938 11435 4627 4.62 11.416 52830
23 Rangpur Region 114397 46294 4.48 11.063 512133 125193 50663 4.67 11.539 584605
BANGLADESH 1751328 708723 4.79 11.846 8395840 1878256 760089 4.26 10.529 8003023

3.6 (b). Minor Fibres

National Estimate of area and production of Minor Fibres of 2007-08 to 2011-12 are
shown in the following table.
Table 3.6.2 Area and Production of Minor Fibres 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Cotton(Rabi &
21803 15049 17938 11989 23651 15343 24147 14453 25157 8381
Bhadoi Sun
- - - - - - - - - -

Rabi Sun hemp 167 179 171 244 158 461 165 637 158.00 545.00
Other Rabi -
Fibres ( Simul ) 235 11146 220 9917 144 10955 155 11481 58 11384

Total 22205 26374 18329 22150 23953 26759 24467 26571 25373 20310

Area and production of different minor fibres by region are shown in the following tables.
Table 3.6.3 Area and Production of Cotton (Rabi & Kharif) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 6333 1140 5713 1143 7573 1439 7181 1364 6769 1354
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari 527 253 522 175 2042 389 2105 400 1885 358
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 2282 897 2292 964 2344 1075 3665 893 5200 811
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 571 445 497 393 481 382 475 168 467 166
Faridpur 17 45 15 27 8 13 - - - -
Jamalpur - - -- - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh 1850 1480 250 168 340 337 184 201 260 443
Tangail 1199 899 1113 835 1068 790 957 708 797 317

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 2687 2687 2587 2349 5378 5557 5255 5360 5203 2376
Khulna 13 07 10 04 08 04 08 04 07 01
Kushtia 4867 5800 3669 4624 3224 4145 3141 3958 3486 2073
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 22 15 16 11 11 7 10 07 09 03
Dinajpur 293 222 287 228 274 222 267 210 253 99
Pabna - - 13 04 9 3 08 02 05 01
Rajshahi - - 28 16 20 11 13 07 08 02
Rangpur 1083 1123 926 1048 871 969 832 908 811 375

Bangladesh 21803 15049 17938 11989 23651 15343 24147 14453 25157 8381

Table: 3.6.4 Area and Production of Rabi Sumhemp (Shanpat) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur 97 60 114 64 112 376 112 376 111 497.00
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 63 95 54 170 44 78 47 76 42.00 31.00
- -

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - -
- -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - -
Pabna 7 24 3 10 2 7 6.00 18.00 5.00 17.00
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 167 179 171 244 158 461 165.00 470.00 158.00 545.00

Table 3.6.5 Estimate of Other Rabi Fibres (Simul Cotton) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) (Bale ) Garden (Bale )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 01 01 0.070 0.067 01 03 80 75 81 78
Chittagong 12 06 0.031 0.034 09 22 524 536 533 558
Comilla - - 0.022 0.025 - - 330 343 330 343
Khagrachhari - - 0.016 0.020 - - 28 42 28 42
Noakhali - - 0.011 0.011 - - 162 192 162 192
Rangamati - - 0.025 0.020 - - 555 455 555 455
Sylhet - - 0.000 - - - - - -

Dhaka 18 18 0.025 0.022 25 25 503 453 528 478

Faridpur 57 - 0.019 0.020 89 - 679 865 787 865
Jamalpur - - 0.041 0.036 - - 757 651 768 651
Kishoreganj - - 0.030 0.033 - - 579 617 579 617
Mymensingh - - 0.036 0.054 - - 871 1013 871 1013
Tangail - - 0.034 0.031 - - 692 657 692 657
Barisal - - 0.042 0.0.27 - - 941 864 941 864
Jessore - - 0.023 0.025 - - 859 889 859 889
Khulna 16 - 0.016 0.016 16 - 198 199 214 199
Kushtia - - 0.068 0.054 - - 747 634 747 634
Patuakhali 44 33 0.015 0.14 32 17 194 225 226 242
Bogra - - 0.024 0.034 - - 421 570 421 570
Dinajpur - -* 0.065 0.060 - - 765 708 765 708
Pabna - - 0.027 0.029 - - 570 604 570 604
Rajshahi - - 0.043 0.031 - * 647 505 647 505
Rangpur - - 0.027 0.029 - - 207 220 207 220
Bangladesh 155 58 0.029 0.026 172 67 11309 11317 11481 11384
Note: Area and Production Figures shown within the brackets have not been added to national figures.


3.7 Estimate of Drugs and Narcotics

National estimate of acreage and production of drugs and narcotics of 2007-08 to 2011-
2012 are shown in the following table.

Table 3.7 Areas and Production of Drugs and Narcotics from 2007-08 to 2011-12.
Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Tea 132819 59000 134265 59470 136494 60000 140037 60500 143215 60500
Tobacco 72344 40248 73808 40265 94568 55288 120754 79234 125787 85419
Betelnut 51135 252047 41830 258347 37720 259532 45240 217570 39161 244461
Betel Leaves 42844 97947 43578 105448 44141 91681 45070 105953 56605 151814
Other drugs & 03 06 03 06 02 04 02 04 0 0
Total 299145 449248 293484 463536 312925 466505 351103 463261 364768 542194

Area and production of drugs and narcotics by region are shown in the following tables.
Table: 3.7.1 Area and Production of Tea by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 11834.09 4309.97 12642.79 4450.00 13086.50 4760.00 14754 5690 14802 5800
Comilla 73.98 - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 380.87 30.00 - - 382.48 30..00 378 40 378 40
Sylhet 118939.00 54259.97 119413.10 54420.00 120893.05 54550.00 123023 54040.00 125223 53580
Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur 1590.98 400.00 2209.67 600.00 2130.99 660.00 2534.67 1080.00 2812 1080
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 132818.9 58999.9 134265.5 59470.0 136493.8 60000.0 140037. 60500.0 14321 60500
2 4 6 0 2 0 33 0 5
Note: Area and Production Figures shown within the brackets have not been added to national figures.

Table: 3.7.2 Area and Production of Tobacco (Jati) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong - - - - - - 309 303 303 300
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari 468 174 618 440 897 626 1382 1090 1709 1393
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 91 48 80 40 151 74 356 148 - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 27 08 27 8 20 6 2087 948 2101 957

Faridpur - - - - 10 5 10 05 04 02
Jamalpur 93 29 69 21 79 31 70 28 69 29
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - 10 3 - - - - - -
Tangail - - 22 6 4 3 171 98 53 20
- - - -

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - 77 21 70 20 57 16 52 16
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur 17213 8624 14455 7898 16745 9397 16700 9308 16714 9321
Bangladesh 17892 8883 15358 8437 17976 10162 21142 11944 21005 12038

Table: 3.7.3 Area and Production of Tobacco (Motihari) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 3060 560 4133 864 6234 955 9262 9601 10020 10235
Chittagong 30 14 31 15 26 9 32 12 31 13
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 238 178 247 189 258 205 313 233 305 249
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka - - 49 26 44 24.70 273 86 266 81

Faridpur 67 31 60 29 - - - - - --
Jamalpur (1.70) (0.676) - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj 58 14 - - 54 16 52 13 49 15
Mymensingh - - 13 4 - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal - -- - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur 132 26 43 8 58 12 27 05 28 06
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - 6 02 297 138 246 89 301 111
Rangpur 16496 8656 15727 8135 15802 8067 15814 8077 15803 8100
Bangladesh 20081 9478.232 20308 9270 22773 9427 26019 18116 26803 18810
Note: Area and Production Figures shown within the brackets have not been added to national figures.

Table: 3.7.4 Area and Production of Tobacco (Virginia) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 491 216 545 236 320 162 326 171 324 169
Chittagong 40 20 4 2 30 13 393 196 391 194
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 104 54 96 88 369 191 383 211 703 355
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 2171 868 2331 936 2605 1004 2473 937 2362 849
Faridpur - - - - 308 159 280 161 160 93
Jamalpur 26 14 12 7 5 3 01 01 - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 77 51 140 71 781 432 509 287 579 314

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 1356 461 2141 963 8199 3601 7362 4685 6497 5535
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia 19200 14474 22241 14985 29255 24208 50592 37071 55674 41664
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - 77 23 202 103 91 34 80 29
Pabna 75 20 -- - 253 147 39 26 --
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur 10425 5362 10163 4966 11018 5288 10964 5302 10980 5275

Bangladesh 33965 21540 37850 22277 53345 35311 73413 49082 77750 54477

Table: 3.7.5 Area and Production of Tobacco (Others) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
( Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 138 213 125 195 311 301 - - - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 268 133 165 83 160 86 180 92 178 94
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - 2 1 3 1 - -1 - -1
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 406 346 292 279 474 388 180 92 178 94
Note: Area and Production Figures shown within the brackets have not been added to national figures.

Table: 3.7.6 Area and Production of Tobacco (Jati+Motihari+Virjinia+Others) by Region

2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 3551 776 4678 1100 6554 1117 9588 9772 10344 10404
Chittagong 208 247 160 212 367 323 734 511 725 507
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari 468 174 618 440 897 626 1382 1090 1709 1393
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 701 413 687 400 938 556 1232 684- 1186 698
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 2198 876 2407 970 2669 1035 4833 1971 4729 1887
Faridpur 67 31 60 29 318 164 290 166 164 95
Jamalpur 119 43 81 28 84 34 71 29 69 29
Kishoreganj 58 14 - - 54 16 52 13 49 15
Mymensingh - - 23 7 - - - - - -
Tangail 77 51 162 77 785 435- 680 385 632 334
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 1356 461 2143 964 8202 -3602 7362 4685 6497 5535
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia 19200 14474 22241 14985 29255 24208 50592 37071 55674 41664
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur 207 46 197 52 330 135 175 55 160 51
Pabna - - 253 147 39 26 - -
Rajshahi - - 6 2 297 138 246 89 301 111
Rangpur 44134 22642 40345 20999 43565 22752 43478 22687 43548 22696
Bangladesh 72344 40248 73808 40265 94568 55288 120754 79234 125787 85419

Table: 3.7.7 Area and Production of Betelnut by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
Region (Acres)
Garden Garden
Garden(M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 51 53 07 10 10 70 102 94 112 164
Chittagong 3596 4345 08 07 29720 24537 6366 9630 36086 34167
Comilla 701 653 04 05 4729 4782 4515 6199 9244 10981
Khagrachhari 29 30 03 03 34 34 103 126 137 160
Noakhali 13786 14240 - 03 33128 79063 46037 25909 79165 104972
Rangamati 62 93 05 04 307 263 515 382 822 645
Sylhet 482 603 04 04 2010 2616 6185 5207 8225 7823

Dhaka 166 131 03 04 547 900 2078 3092 2625 3992

Faridpur 806 905 04 04 2871 2395 4080 3617 6951 6012
Jamalpur 223 157 04 04 501 509 2751 2636 3252 3145
Kishoreganj 169 183 03 03 476 661 2326 2003 2802 2664
Mymensingh 256 265 03 03 299 305 1797 1816 2096 2121
Tangail 166 152 02 02 500 456 477 531 977 987

Barisal 12959 9041 - 03 15437 18178 6057 9271 21494 27449

Jessore 818 915 03 03 2088 2306 1525 1637 3613 3943
Khulna 7376 3673 02 03 5863 5832 4100 3433 9963 9265
Kushtia 202 206 01 03 494 444 744 922 1238 1366
Patuakhali 736 736 05 05 2566 2730 3014 3108 5580 5838

Bogra - 60 06 06 - 86 738 730 738 816

Dinajpur 192 200 07 08 1531 1791 4237 4968 5768 6759
Pabna 19 19 05 06 150 215 781 976 931 1191
Rajshahi 173 191 07 06 966 1026 2031 1921 2997 2947
Rangpur 2336 2310 04 03 6229 2915 6525 4139 12754 7054

Bangladesh 45240 39161 03 04 110486 152114 107084 92347 217570 244461


Table: 3.7.8 Area and Production of Betel Leaves by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 129 94 138 97 127 96 115 102 113 94

Chittagong 6171 24927 5088 23963 4152 8282 3259 4757 14292 30182
Comilla 709 2317 582 1825 585 2010 646 1957 527 1589
Khagrachhari 85 124 95 137 102 153 108 158 108 163
Noakhali 1513 2674 1419 2090 1408 1998 1355 2979 1361 3015
Rangamati 169 123 165 128 167 131 168 135 183 148
Sylhet 2067 1260 801 837 342 739 435 726 444 735

Dhaka 866 2530 843 2350 749 1933 714 1815 734 1899
Faridpur 1317 3790 1653 4449 1852 3071 1805 2938 2015 3877
Jamalpur 159 593 146 508 141 457 136 424 141 444
Kishoreganj 211 395 211 346 201 348 182 303 173 292
Mymensingh 381 673 333 1020 350 1291 354 1609 367 1415
Tangail 87 312 86 293 72 247 71 230 45 172

Barisal 7336 7435 8025 7315 8798 10119 8088 10522 7912 13828
Jessore 5666 12409 7007 18914 7010 23529 7288 29714 7716 49519
Khulna 3046 8452 2736 8231 2823 6832 2745 5759 2993 6375
Kushtia 6210 14079 7507 16758 10408 18598 10674 23423 11005 20731
Patuakhali 1851 3716 1859 3725 1900 3911 1917 3960 1892 3906

Bogra 643 1478 657 1531 661 1620 687 1710 228 566
Dinajpur 233 508 233 410 218 411 216 430 215 436
Pabna 55 119 56 125 59 133 61 132 64 158
Rajshahi 3322 8983 3306 9504 3367 9392 3410 10986 3466 11173
Rangpur 618 956 632 992 645 1187 636 1184 611 1097

Bangladesh 42844 97947 43578 105448 44141 91681 45070 105953 56605 151814

Table: 3.7.9 Area and Production of Other Drug and Narcotics by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 03 06 03 06 2 4 2 5 - -
Comilla - - - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka - - - - - - - - - -
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 03 06 03 06 2 4 2 5 - -

3.8 Estimate of Fruits
National estimate of acreage and production of fruit from 2007-08 to 2011-12 are shown in
the following tables:
Table: 3.8. Area and Production of Fruits 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Banana 131636 877118 132414 836183 133305 818254 130589 779380 121718 745927
Mango 78196 802750 76715 828161 79066 842312 58193 889213 75780 945059
Pineapple 39385 210283 38989 229068 39583 234493 37007 218582 34543 180938
Jack fruit 24621 976320 22814 974760 25166 1005164 26310 962558 23174 928962
Ripe Papaya 4918 103609 2750 129559 2790 112770 3042 124404 2452 119645
Water Melon 30986 204593 31249 200238 32713 216497 29848 204514 38483 284845
Litchi 5789 43767 3973 55288 4259 64995 4612 55538 13828 56687
Guava 14885 151549 14764 160927 12542 181950 12061 271309 12112 190074
Ber 1112 68368 2751 71949 2709 76040 2746 78205 2895 77873
Orange 912 1558 947 2062 806 2666 853 2985 859 2986
Pomelo 1188 50668 907 55951 734 58468 746 58707 655 61381
Lime & lemon 4170 52801 4567 55594 5280 53987 4083 54613 4230 63330
Bangi 9684 35975 10122 37054 11376 43279 11479 45895 11153 43411
Tetul 140 9077 140 9579 225 11077 181 11114 28 10595
Jamrul 137 10355 104 10659 66 10584 85 10491 11 10307
Khirai 10019 29646 9970 36199 10273 31036 10728 36887 10593 35072
Black Berry 542 43660 749 45212 161 46666 336 52270 329 50782
Kamranga 130 9203 131 10309 101 11335 94 11841 53 12074
Woodapple 397 26423 220 25545 177 25859 140 25179 77 13535
Green Coconut 4953 321647 5629 380736 5800 389094 4923 375845 5367 408567
Jalpai 304 14311 231 14406 230 14623 238 14892 179 26535
Amra 794 21763 482 26044 424 32028 358 33197 291 33580
Other fruits 208 10737 239 12796 249 16974 238 14228 78 12574
Other citrus fruits 345 15819 356 15935 260 20562 313 20366 225 20287
Bangladesh 365451 4092000 361213 4224214 368295 4104216 339203 4352213 359113 4335026
Area and production of different fruits by region are shown in following tables:
Table: 3.8.1 Area and Production of Banana by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 3120 18843 3187 18701 3201 17846 3449 17870 3448 17697
Chittagong 3334 15427 3479 16010 3499 16011 3596 16771 3604 15923
Comilla 2369 15357 2177 13890 2058 10813 2087 11199 2170 11765
Khagrachhari 1355 13065 3427 10366 3775 10278 3855 10458 3971 12829
Noakhali 4545 18175 4648 17921 4738 18193 4700 18020 4700 18020
Rangamati 8590 40459 9110 44562 9305 40874 9416 44249 9033 42183
Sylhet 1425 2854 1453 2872 1447 2691 1456 2598 1490 1925
Dhaka 6184 38126 6250 42851 6285 43146 6148 44336 6108 43916
Faridpur 4789 37737 4862 39030 5881 42946 5838 42117 5606 41636
Jamalpur 2506 13998 2441 13639 2459 13780 2429 13561 2409 13501
Kishoreganj 2261 15831 2243 15747 2220 14950 2193 14802 2217 15021
Mymensingh 5176 17078 5689 21413 5871 24003 5394 20854 5454 20572
Tangail 22399 186851 20496 170088 18226 152128 16863 135829 12464 96954
Barisal 12890 34420 15243 33577 16413 38977 16566 35876 12144 29047
Jessore 11663 68723 11995 60855 12193 63155 11375 55098 11625 60949
Khulna 6909 34765 4323 29265 4315 29185 4031 25345 4280 15624
Kushtia 9867 129964 8857 108861 8483 102800 8262 81764 8023 99402
Patuakhali 1638 7851 1609 7071 1615 7086 1520 7480 1508 7256
Bogra 3158 23447 2703 20393 2579 19549 2546 18481 2505 17771
Dinajpur 4042 30814 4032 31704 4234 30483 4360 35120 4393 35812
Pabna 945 8040 957 7530 1039 8578 1056 9030 1063 8620
Rajshahi 6069 55862 5681 41313 5741 42523 5702 47131 5756 48103
Rangpur 6402 49431 7552 68524 7728 68259 7747 71389 7747 71389
Bangladesh 131636 877118 132414 836183 133305 818254 130589 779380 121718 745927

Table:3.8.2 Area and Production of Mango by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Area Under Garden Average Yield Per Fruit Production of Inside Production of Outside Total Production of Inside &
REGION (Acres) Bearing Tree (Kg) Garden Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 382 353 96 89 983 1035 1829 1847 2812 2882
Chittagong 239 268 39 50 655 786 15107 15979 15762 16765
Comilla 5 - 61 62 142 - 35770 36921 35912 36921
Khagrachhari 1140 1140 28 27 1222 1356 1597 1968 2819 3324
Noakhali - - 16 19 - - 7023 8009 7023 8009
Rangamati 612 612 62 66 1213 3257 4564 3252 5777 6509
Sylhet 40 40 48 43 857 852 27981 30070 28838 30922
Dhaka 872 872 43 46 2372 2732 19423 20884 21795 23616
Faridpur 1352 1243 36 36 6032 6243 30638 30512 36670 36755
Jamalpur 25 21 54 55 164 174 15608 16250 15772 16424
Kishoreganj 5.00 4 62 57 38 30 23015 21759 23053 21789
Mymensingh 232 231 39 37 905 542 16118 16047 17023 16589
Tangail 651 958 20 23 1539 1822 9296 9953 10835 11775
Barisal 55 55 20 18 258 214 10120 8923 10378 9137
Jessore 1605 2015 45 44 14173 12001 20818 19903 34991 31904
Khulna 1430 1673 62 39 7346 3958 14445 9196 21791 13154
Kushtia 6410 7390 76 63 18377 16847 24735 30172 43112 47019
Patuakhali 636 618 25 23 1742 1461 15709 10256 17451 11717
Bogra 310 195 44 50 713 741 16842 21033 17555 21774
Dinajpur 2769 4860 74 89 19286 23994 36877 45310 56163 69304
Pabna 1824 1890 80 110 8287 7918 39695 60663 47982 68581
Rajshahi 36602 50558 173 171 229653 254765 140860 139556 370513 394321
Rangpur 997 784 63 63 4046 4227 41140 41641 45186 45868
Bangladesh 58193 75780 69 72 320003 344955 569210 600104 889213 945059

Table: 3.8.3 Area and Production of Pineapple by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 1394 5526 1436 5709 1493 7074 1507 7336 1419 6778
Chittagong 2428 12337 2508 12004 2694 12712 2711 12959 2650 12466
Comilla 202 736 192 704 187 704 198 778 184 723
Khagrachhari 1619 5446 1601 5699 1695 6399 1746 7942 1821 7497
Noakhali 243 636 239 587 240 587 167 391 138 320
Rangamati 3096 19285 3133 22087 3157 22209 3157 22056 3165 2467
Sylhet 3702 7893 1942 6643 1946 6863 1894 6685 1957 6678
Dhaka 4044 21112 4024 20341 3932 19974 3809 19454 3682 18945
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur 161 495 170 491 167 477 161 461 152 446
Kishoreganj 114 464 111 447 110 437 104 414 101 406
Mymensingh 3372 21011 2679 15271 2422 13745 2427 13887 2305 13057
Tangail 17177 110586 19187 135078 19761 139133 17370 121998 15375 107452
Barisal 204 342 158 222 161 274 162 315 120 166
Jessore 219 1267 226 750 230 811 213 792 200 668
Khulna 172 457 157 339 155 316 151 307 140 291
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali 313 493 322 506 317 488 320 483 310 473
Bogra 94 196 91 189 84 190 79 178 57 154
Dinajpur 420 1048 436 1100 446 1124 467 1214 442 1166
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi 106 258 108 358 114 381 99 329 86 260
Rangpur 305 695 269 543 272 595 265 603 239 525
Bangladesh 39385 210283 38989 229068 39583 234493 37007 218582 34543 180938

Table: 3.8.4 Area and Production of Jack-Fruit by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside Total Production of Inside &
Fruit Bearing Tree
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 285 480 204 202 2125 2121 2970 3097 5095 5218
Chittagong 1091 684 175 183 8198 9098 37025 39025 45223 48123
Comilla 98 90 204 182 1040 946 42436 37313 43436 38259
Khagrachhari 3066 3611 112 115 17544 19157 19812 21159 37356 40316
Noakhali - - 68 66 - - 8009 7028 8009 7028
Rangamati 1496 933 224 198 23727 19072 16060 16806 39787 35878
Sylhet 2759 221 106 99 10700 9132 35640 33042 46340 42174

Dhaka 5489 6676 155 133 34807 22113 96552 89124 131359 111237
Faridpur 430 380 101 83 5060 4356 24361 20824 29421 25180
Jamalpur 108 107 104 92 1895 1804 27190 24414 29085 26218
Kishoreganj 148 148 99 110 2203 1164 27988 29165 30191 30329
Mymensingh 614 585 88 82 7282 6731 63598 51991 70880 58722
Tangail 1442 1374 73 70 10748 10245 36651 34480 47399 44725

Barisal - - 53 54 - - 18599 18158- 18599 18158

Jessore 1149 1035 107 111 18069 16829 18285 18802 36354 35631
Khulna 563 499 71 54 1158 2077 7545 4937 8703 7014
Kushtia 3217 3074 241 227 36477 34024 58163 55261 94640 89285
Patuakhali 18 18 106 87 47 46 7881 6481 7928 6527

Bogra 40 66 82 88 2093 2305 16486 18260 18579 20565

Dinajpur 1512 1443 170 186 31325 35107 55977 64073 87302 99180
Pabna 709 748 116 166 6230 9898 27189 37829 33419 47727
Rajshahi 1280 684 194 168 8947 10985 48543 44143 57490 55128
Rangpur 796 318 121 120 4295 3457 31668 32883 35963 36340
Bangladesh 26310 23174 126 123 233970 220667 728588 708295 962558 928962

Table:3.8.5 Area and Production of Ripen Papaya by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
Fruit Bearing Tree
REGION (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 99 98 32 35 990 1237 704 763 1694 2000
Chittagong 95 90 20 23 687 912 2909 2952 3596 3864
Comilla 10 10 26 25 284 267 4199 4267 4483 4534
Khagrachhari 114 121 18 19 697 738 1243 1449 1940 2187
Noakhali - - 24 19 - - 6031 4755 6031 4755
Rangamati 143 163 19 15 2599 1845 2523 2308 5122 4153
Sylhet 120 125 31 28 1588 1444 3736 3445 5024 4889

Dhaka 229 186 09 08 2643 2207 5501 5544 8144 7751

Faridpur 53 61 17 18 1024 821 3010 3282 4034 4103
Jamalpur 499 170 19 20 1086 1246 2245 2674 3331 3920
Kishoreganj 7 8 23 22 144 164 1630 1628 1774 1792
Mymensingh 51 58 25 19 1054 754 2277 1663 3331 2417
Tangail 60 35 13 13 719 471 2766 2644 3485 3115

Barisal 39 36 18 17 600 518 2824 2651 3424 3169

Jessore 215 197 27 26 2778 2840 4250 4138 7028 6978
Khulna 291 191 13 12 1791 940 3038 2565 4829 3505
Kushtia 303 216 39 43 7635 4213 5435 6703 13070 10916
Patuakhali 47 135 16 17 203 168 1399 1227 1602 1395

Bogra 102 102 11 12 1607 1667 1040 979 2647 2646

Dinajpur 48 51 20 19 324 822 2583 2384 2907 3206
Pabna 50 44 22 19 653 549 6226 6104 6879 6653
Rajshahi 394 280 55 56 13134 13317 13797 15222 26931 28539
Rangpur 73 75 19 19 891 820 2339 2338 3158 3158

Bangladesh 3042 2452 22 22 43059 37960 81345 81685 124404 119645


Table: 3.8.6 Area and Production of Water Melon by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 149 473 160 516 190 650 127 599 135 552
Chittagong 3282 21190 3405 22987 3336 22159 3312 22014 2822 18754
Comilla 1292 5346 835 5081 540 2592 666 3197 211 816
Khagrachhari 120 538 120 496 136 645 142 672 142 685
Noakhali 2983 26268 2978 19712 3005 24804 2746 23929 3741 35826
Rangamati 928 13715 946 12311 950 12684 811 9716 766 9176
Sylhet 1163 4534 1165 5602 1168 5746 1254 5647 1005 4056

Dhaka 212 1027 222 1098 206 1039 201 1015 192 980
Faridpur 1265 5122 2377 11714 2160 16177 1886 14211 984 5758
Jamalpur 337 2354 224 1561 251 1663 247 1736 86 534
Kishoreganj 148 710 136 671 137 735 132 704 107 586
Mymensingh 622 2296 564 2355 104 623 96 465 89 456
Tangail 28 170 19 114 18 110 19 116 - -

Barisal 7901 37590 7927 33065 10318 35008 8247 27566 16045 59985
Jessore 419 2436 406 1907 356 2056 316 1937 166 829
Khulna 1187 22954 1127 21885 2218 37596 2232 37665 5680 99576
Kushtia 146 998 156 1064 172 1182 194 1181 102 613
Patuakhali 1416 4870 1799 4189 1653 3877 1706 4010 1616 3725

Bogra 100 442 105 464 90 396 91 397 83 356

Dinajpur 4737 35981 4168 34123 3896 32772 3800 32440 1829 13528
Pabna 835 7693 815 7197 271 1713 186 1154 55 299
Rajshahi 1520 11422 1402 11372 1398 11640 1308 13615 2511 27286
Rangpur 196 933 193 754 140 630 129 528 116 469
Bangladesh 30986 204593 31249 200238 32713 216497 29848 204514 38483 284845

Table:3.8.7 Area and Production of Litchi by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
Fruit Bearing Tree
REGION (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 53 55 44 49 85 98 96 106 181 204
Chittagong 144 216 39 41 479 301 1352 1984 1831 2285
Comilla - - 31 27 - - 475 406 475 406
Khagrachhari 273 392 46 45 567 605 661 663 1228 1268
Noakhali - - 16 15 - - 209 198 209 198
Rangamati 107 109 49 52 980 670 803 - 1783 670
Sylhet 30 37 49 42 227 101 1452 1230 1679 1331

Dhaka 163 8430 46 38 122 317 2088 1264 2210 1581

Faridpur 24 36 30 30 63 62 1274 1177 1337 1239
Jamalpur 31 30 54 54 176 1119 1319 536 1495 1655
Kishoreganj 6 478 59 61 54 55 2102 2123 2156 2178
Mymensingh 20 21 102 101 115 122 9072 1416 9187 1538
Tangail 2 2 35 35 2 2 814 848 816 850

Barisal - - 20 19 - - 576 572 576 572

Jessore 203 225 58 51 3305 2853 2936 2853 6241 5706
Khulna 177 97 23 23 263 208 1111 1253 1374 1461
Kushtia 536 564 94 90 1437 1186 3081 2265 4518 3451
Patuakhali 1 66 10 10 - - 94 97 94 97

Bogra 4 9 29 28 28 33 911 946 939 979

Dinajpur 1420 1511 76 79 6239 6751 6128 6388 12367 13139
Pabna 1034 1035 53 76 3307 4232 1679 2191 4986 6423
Rajshahi 304 434 98 74 2051 1869 5947 4558 7998 6427
Rangpur 80 81 53 53 256 281 2602 2748 2858 3029

Bangladesh 4612 13828 60 50 19756 20865 46782 35822 66538 56687


Table: 3.8.8 Area and Production of Guava by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden(M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 145 163 20 25 241 335 180 291 421 626
Chittagong 658 699 50 42 15419 20287 17805 5166 33224 25453
Comilla 21 11 30 29 690 768 6302 6540 6992 7308
Khagrachhari 395 511 15 16 604 576 649 717 1253 1293
Noakhali - - 19 18 - - 2608 2512 2608 2512
Rangamati 275 224 28 28 1957 1757 1614 1961 3571 3718
Sylhet 301 165 30 31 1065 1141 5135 5351 6200 6492

Dhaka 6016 6295 19 18 6565 6465 6975 7960 13540 14425

Faridpur 244 235 21 20 1057 1041 4823 4703 5880 5744
Jamalpur 35 62 24 24 53 56 2621 2830 2674 2886
Kishoreganj 31 33 16 16 183 184 2278 2287 2461 2471
Mymensingh 97 95 19 19 471 481 4715 4863 5186 5344
Tangail 113 102 18 17 829 517 2665 2685 3494 3202

Barisal 659 663 24 28 23310 27135 7947 8680 31257 35815

Jessore 606 591 27 32 6377 7304 7456 8801 13833 16105
Khulna 274 262 26 27 1054 986 4143 4529 5197 5515
Kushtia 794 705 25 24 3310 3070 5870 5473 9180 8543
Patuakhali 122 66 14 13 218 104 1299 1216 1517 1320

Bogra 30 40 50 54 801 924 7292 8014 8093 8938

Dinajpur 139 153 28 30 701 838 4078 4479 4779 5317
Pabna 394 293 29 30 2610 2543 6047 6449 8657 8992
Rajshahi 557 589 33 34 3305 2934 7858 9212 11163 12146
Rangpur 155 155 22 21 566 771 5563 5138 6129 5909
Bangladesh 12061 12112 27 22 71386 80217 115923 109857 187309 190074

Table: 3.8.9 Area and Production of Ber by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of Inside
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree & Outside Garden
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 9 9 54 39 98 16 383 368 481 384
Chittagong 17 129 35 44 89 102 3876 4338 3965 4440
Comilla 5 6 47 50 37 68 4774 4924 4811 4992
Khagrachhari 9 7 25 26 23 18 419 468 442 486
Noakhali - - 29 24 - - 1877 1557 1877 1557
Rangamati 14 25 43 41 44 71 887 889 931 960
Sylhet 4 4 67 64 74 68 5686 5093 5760 5161

Dhaka 57 46 29 33 144 154 2960 3172 3104 3326

Faridpur 28 31 38 37 144 150 6179 5740 6323 5890
Jamalpur 46 221 43 45 221 366 2271 2450 2492 2816
Kishoreganj 13 11 61 60 155 127 3364 3207 3516 3334
Mymensingh 120 117 31 36 1366 1579 2872 3759 4238 5338
Tangail 77 74 28 30 1229 30 2717 2496 2396 2526

Barisal - 9 22 21 - 80 1145 1009 1145 1089

Jessore 239 256 45 41 3335 3262 3980 3544 3716 6806
Khulna 198 192 23 26 642 824 1703 1858 2345 2682
Kushtia 387 362 47 18 2720 2310 1972 1948 4691 4258
Patuakhali 20 - 24 24 6 - 905 923 911 923

Bogra 11 30 34 34 509 615 2577 2630 3086 3245

Dinajpur 45 44 43 39 585 509 1452 1330 2037 1839
Pabna 50 38 35 34 524 570 2389 2363 2373 2933
Rajshahi 1206 1093 28 29 7538 6880 3248 3317 10786 10197
Rangpur 191 191 24 24 967 993 1672 1698 2639 2691
Bangladesh 2746 2895 36 34 20450 18792 57758 59081 78208 77873

Table: 3.8.10 Area and Production of Orange by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of Inside
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree & Outside Garden
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 42 50 27 26 267 273 95 97 362 370
Chittagong 30 30 08 12 08 08 03 03 11 11
Comilla - 06 - - - - - - - -
Khagrachhari 382 360 15 10 495 315 19 16 514 331
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 154 166 52 29 493 344 332 183 825 527
Sylhet 208 210 29 43 1005 1074 230 636 1235 1710
Dhaka 05 05 05 03 2 02 01 - 03 02
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - 22 15 - - - - 6 -
Mymensingh - -- 16 - - - 2 -* 7 -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore - - - - - - - -
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - - - - - - - - -
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - - - - - - - -
Dinajpur 32 32 04 04 22 22 13 13 35 35
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 853 859 25 25 2292 2038 693 948 2985 2986
N.B. Only Area under garden has been considered.

Table: 3.8.11: Area and Production of Lime & Lemon by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
( Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of Inside
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree & Outside Garden
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 186 158 13 11 417 226 143 115 560 341
Chittagong 145 209 17 52 1995 2369 1101 9846 3096 12215
Comilla 6 9 7 8 23 29 769 874 792 903
Khagrachhari 100 260 7 8 119 219 194 360 313 579
Noakhali - - 5 6 - - 534 598 534 598
Rangamati 181 182 19 10 1686 847 972 1163 2658 2010
Sylhet 960 1029 27 17 9378 11441 2057 2632 11435 14073
Dhaka 945 987 27 27 7240 2205 2223 7240 9463 9445
Faridpur 72 68 6 6 91 98 855 901 946 999
Jamalpur 11 10 8 9 23 14 362 434 385 448
Kishoreganj 17 18 14 13 166 105 968 854 1134 959
Mymensingh 114 76 12 11 1211 605 4113 227 5324 832
Tangail 96 84 8 7 299 260 773 770 1072 1030
Barisal 16 12 9 7 198 2057 2079 2453 2277 4510
Jessore 133 143 9 10 472 572 1356 1423 1828 1995
Khulna 165 121 11 18 330 202 1366 1412 1996 1614
Kushtia 245 246 18 6 990 984 1448 1530 2438 2514
Patuakhali 77 70 6 7 219 120 266 249 1085 369
Bogra - 13 6 7 16 23 246 292 262 315
Dinajpur 135 140 9 6 438 265 1184 1042 1622 1307
Pabna 81 71 11 11 1336 525 1015 1311 2351 1836
Rajshahi 274 279 13 14 549 673 2037 2255 2586 2928
Rangpur 45 45 9 10 102 114 1354 1396 1456 1510
Bangladesh 4083 4230 15 17 27298 23953 28015 39377 55313 63330

Table: 3.8.12 Area and Production of Pomelo by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of Inside
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree & Outside Garden
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Chittagong 45 52 36 36 371 372 3446 3441 3817 3813
- 45 49 - - 3086 3300 3086 3300
Khagrachhari 67 76 23 24 163 132 586 707 749 839
Noakhali - - 15 15 - - 833 828 833 828
Rangamati 39 46 47 47 236 289 1470 1412 1706 1701
Sylhet 35 19 45 39 209 255 3482 4037 3691 4292

Dhaka 84 83 41 39 319 302 3355 3386 3674 3688

Faridpur 25 9 29 31 68 68 3433 3542 3501 3610
Jamalpur - - 32 32 - - 1028 560 1028 560
Kishoreganj 04 4 34 31 168 148 1801 1649 1969 1797
Mymensingh 27 - 21 22 421 499 3817 4102 3817 4601
Tangail - - 36 36 - - 1501 1528 1501 1528

Barisal - - 33 31 - - 4151 4152 4151 4152

Jessore 45 - 46 45 545 - 4962 5292 5507 5292
Khulna 74 - 30 34 153 - 2522 3064 2675 3064
Kushtia 30 30 48 43 334 342 2891 2556 3225 2898
Patuakhali 3 - 15 20 6 - 523 512 529 512
- -
Bogra - - 26 25 - - 469 1281 469 1281
Dinajpur 39 35 28 36 147 - 2110 3083 2257 3083
Pabna 3 27 33 33 16 12 1251 1322 1267 1334
Rajshahi 9 9 63 57 57 60 5905 5845 5962 5903
Rangpur 2 2 25 25 13 10 2673 2696 2686 2706
Bangladesh 746 655 34 33 3216 2934 55491 58447 58707 61381
N.B. Only Area under garden has been considered.

Table: 3.8.13 Area and Production of Melon (Bangi) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 45 162 66 220 59 206 65 228 58 198

Chittagong 1140 4728 1112 4555 1133 4644 1084 4362 979 3971
Comilla 1018 5536 942 4588 927 4720 931 5084 799 4261
Khagrachhari 21 49 42 99 53 125 57 136 58 142
Noakhali 330 1437 336 1434 399 1512 324 1151 351 1058
Rangamati 68 259 72 276 71 236 72 288 70 322
Sylhet 104 272 111 293 116 307 116 308 128 316
Dhaka 663 2377 578 2787 582 2799 570 2765 521 2484
Faridpur 741 2364 1099 3768 1668 9166 1738 9863 1797 8152
Jamalpur 117 382 115 463 117 425 112 412 96 326
Kishoreganj 78 303 74 295 68 255 62 232 59 220
Mymensingh 21 66 74 242 80 264 82 266 80 236
Tangail 121 325 115 333 107 317 104 308 74 197
Barisal 1778 5563 1828 5448 1732 4357 1743 6095 1686 6594
Jessore 837 2347 828 2423 1470 4554 1762 5392 1612 4906
Khulna 327 1820 340 1850 308 860 318 881 470 2340
Kushtia 160 677 173 755 205 938 227 1092 224 1065
Patuakhali 543 1319 575 1145 586 1180 615 1204 567 1133
Bogra 113 416 118 436 106 394 103 374 110 387
Dinajpur 172 736 216 721 257 685 202 727 201 562
Pabna 527 1862 553 2180 588 2532 579 2120 524 1935
Rajshahi 559 2572 548 2331 553 2399 471 2223 513 2223
Rangpur 201 403 207 412 191 404 184 384 176 383
Bangladesh 9684 35975 10122 37054 11376 43279 11485 45895 11153 43411
N.B.Only area under garden has been considered. Trees area adjacent to homestead area, as well as scattered trees area has not
been considered.

Table: 3.8.14 Area and Production of Tarmarind (Tentul) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - 11 55 62 38 41 568 706 606 747
Chittagong - - 27 22 - - 176 137 176 137
Comilla - - 30 34 - - 392 452 392 452
Khagrachhari - - 38 39 - - 161 172 161 172
Noakhali - - 24 24 - - 231 236 231 236
Rangamati 02 03 37 42 04 05 187 221 191 226
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka - - 52 35 - - 776 498 776 498

Faridpur - - 45 40 - - 1844 1498 1844 1498
Jamalpur - - 37 40 - - 192 222 192 222
Kishoreganj - - 65 37 - 07 370 194 370 201
Mymensingh - - 35 49 - - 212 297 212 297
Tangail - - 31 31 - - 167 154 167 154
Barisal - - 32 38 - - 646 737 646 737
Jessore 55 14 37 42 393 11 410 864 803 875
Khulna 26 - 36 29 68 - 663 588 731 588
Kushtia - - 70 63 - - 899 838 899 838
Patuakhali 98 - 16 15 28 - 417 410 445 410

Bogra - - 26 27 - - 238 259 238 259

Dinajpur - - 55 60 - - 320 325 320 325
Pabna - - 43 39 - - 505 463 505 463
Rajshahi - - 97 100 - - 966 1015 966 1015
Rangpur - - 35 35 - - 243 245 243 245
Bangladesh 181 28 41 39 531 64 10583 10531 11114 10595

Table: 3.8.15 Area and Production of Jamrul by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 1 1 39 42 3 4 239 245 242 249
Comilla - - 25 25 - - 218 233 218 233
Khagrachhari - - 20 20 - - 20 15 20 15
Noakhali - - 27 27 - - 449 465 449 465
Rangamati 4 5 73 72 30 39 290 293 320 332
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka - - 31 30 - - 391 370 391 370

Faridpur 10 2 30 30 34 35 1479 1491 1513 1526
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - 28 25 - - 32 7 32 7
Mymensingh - - 21 19 - - 5 5 5 5
Tangail 28 24 - - 55 33 55 33

Barisal - - 24 28 - - 598 485 598 485

Jessore - - 57 47 - - 3060 3035 3060 3035
Khulna 56 - 35 30 46 - 1654 1656 1700 1656
Kushtia 14 3 57 52 78 15 635 607 713 622
Patuakhali - - 35 36 - - 558 563 558 563
- - -
Bogra - - 62 65 - - 168 178 168 178
Dinajpur - - 38 42 - - 239 296 239 296
Pabna - - 18 24 - - 56 75 56 75
Rajshahi - - 25 26 - - 110 116 110 116
Rangpur - - 26 25 - - 44 46 44 46
Bangladesh 85 11 38 37 191 93 10300 10214 10491 10307

Table: 3.8.16 Area and Production of Khirai by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 44 109 51 107 53 139 66 157 88 179
Chittagong 762 2366 757 2316 801 2591 853 2633 797 2366
Comilla 2470 8741 2194 14188 2157 7382 2193 12029 2173 10234
Khagrachhari 65 172 89 239 105 290 120 331 132 369
Noakhali 345 745 335 746 368 748 375 753 370 787
Rangamati 56 90 70 140 135 161 72 145 81 167
Sylhet 531 1585 481 1583 496 1655 501 1662 493 1591

Dhaka 810 2235 823 2307 884 2716 952 2994 968 2906
Faridpur 280 465 317 753 350 944 382 896 409 1140
Jamalpur 88 278 100 311 100 287 89 242 101 295
Kishoreganj 262 472 283 818 285 872 301 854 322 918
Mymensingh 223 596 227 617 271 697 285 786 307 832
Tangail 131 411 136 495 161 577 176 652 173 640

Barisal 758 703 710 627 663 718 753 762 586 758
Jessore 745 3424 784 3296 832 3099 828 3418 812 3358
Khulna 260 538 253 502 278 406 266 556 268 583
Kushtia 67 257 74 330 91 396 88 289 111 455
Patuakhali 135 120 160 186 147 168 152 174 151 172

Bogra 535 2157 516 2076 520 2097 557 2240 516 1942
Dinajpur 417 841 446 726 465 798 441 900 465 976
Pabna 92 486 117 705 110 689 139 837 196 1101
Rajshahi 548 1994 600 2076 637 2426 683 2379 650 2201
Rangpur 395 861 447 1055 417 980 456 1198 424 1102

Bangladesh 10019 29646 9970 36199 10273 31036 10728 36887 10593 35072

Table: 3.8.17 Area and Production of Black Berry by Region 2010-2011 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons )
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 16 16 59 35 34 22 95 83 129 105
Chittagong 6 6 41 42 42 43 1976 2014 2018 2057
Comilla - - 19 25 - - 1085 1430 1085 1430
Khagrachhari 3 4 35 37 6 8 444 481 450 489
Noakhali - - 26 27 - - 535 534 535 534
Rangamati 15 17 49 47 32 39 350 352 382 391
Sylhet - 2 49 57 1 9 5044 5750 5045 5759

Dhaka 8 8 38 38 20 20 1663 1690 1683 1710

Faridpur 52 54 39 36 438 369 5554 5069 5992 5438
Jamalpur - - 49 48 - - 1976 2179 1976 2179
Kishoreganj - - 55 60 - - 2572 2485 2572 2485
Mymensingh - - 33 31 - - 2526 2351 2526 2351
Tangail - - 28 26 - - 498 479 498 479

Barisal - - 28 28 - - 766 817 766 817

Jessore 31 35 41 47 105 154 3108 3200 3213 3354
Khulna 14 10 27 26 64 17 1525 1502 1589 1519
Kushtia 140 153 56 58 318 160 5023 5732 5341 5892
Patuakhali - - 14 14 - - 227 211 227 211
- -
Bogra - - 72 75 - - 2351 2404 2351 2404
Dinajpur 29 23 53 54 58 45 1332 1433 1390 1478
Pabna - - 56 63 - - 1969 2261 1969 2261
Rajshahi 22 1 134 86 46 1 7637 4898 7683 4899
Rangpur - - 51 42 1 - 2850 2540 2850 2540
Bangladesh 336 329 46 45 1164 887 51106 49895 52270 50782

Table: 3.8.18 Area and Production of Kamranga by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 9 6 74 47 33 17 184 165 217 182
Chittagong - - 48 53 - - 589 656 589 656
Comilla - - 31 32 - - 739 781 739 781
Khagrachhari - - 34 20 - - 162 99 162 99
Noakhali - - 34 35 - - 982 994 982 994
Rangamati 2 2 28 36 5 7 323 465 328 472
Sylhet 37 16 77 56 52 48 2243 1750 2295 1798
Dhaka 1 1 44 41 7 - 840 861 847 861
Faridpur 6 1 21 20 10 2 304 299 314 301
Jamalpur - - 36 38 - - 434 495 434 495
Kishoreganj - - 64 63 3 3 611 623 614 626
Mymensingh - - 33 34 - - 550 594 550 594
Tangail - - 29 28 - - 460 414 460 414

Barisal - - 14 15 - 3 353 374 353 377

Jessore 20 12 30 29 60 14 208 224 268 238
Khulna 15 11 19 15 38 11 138 129 176 140
Kushtia - - 26 24 - - 8 8 8 8
Patuakhali 4 4 12 13 10 11 100 106 110 117

Bogra - - 40 41 - - 291 323 291 323

Dinajpur - - 44 44 - - 586 677 586 677
Pabna - - 33 48 - - 119 188 119 188
Rajshahi 3 - 40 58 - - 472 726 472 726
Rangpur - 40 42 - - 927 980 927 980
Bangladesh 94 53 38 37 218 116 11623 11931 11841 12047

Table: 3.8.19 Area and Production of Wood Apple by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 17 22 107 79 31 36 215 165 246 201
Chittagong 3 4 80 77 13 14 1507 1571 1520 1585
Comilla - - 56 69 - - 1166 1451 1116 1451
Khagrachhari - - 60 42 - - 773 712 773 712
Noakhali - - 32 36 - - 364 439 364 439
Rangamati 9 10 27 72 14 39 264 735 278 774
Sylhet 10 - 70 77 - 237 262 237 262

Dhaka - - 54 50 - - 1969 1725 1969 1725

Faridpur 8 16 36 35 34 29 2670 2590 2704 2619
Jamalpur - - 66 70 - - 936 1024 939 1024
Kishoreganj - - 53 65 - - 1195 1464 1195 1464
Mymensingh - - 15 50 - - 1431 1434 1431 1434
Tangail - - 36 37 - - 552 581 552 581

Barisal - - 30 30 - - 882 748 882 748

Jessore 12 - 59 55 22 - 2262 2211 2284 2211
Khulna 45 25 36 37 74 37 1496 1730 1570 1767
Kushtia - - 90 102 - - 1736 2005 1736 2005
Patuakhali 46 - 47 38 6 - 341 329 347 329

Bogra - - 48 50 - - 1080 1149 1080 1149

Dinajpur - 33 35 - - 352 368 352 368
Pabna - - 69 71 - - 1155 1221 1155 1221
Rajshahi - - 59 56 - - 2059 2068 2059 2068
Rangpur - - 50 50 - - 390 398 390 398
Bangladesh 140 77 51 51 194 155 24985 26380 25179 26535

Table: 3.8.20 Area and Production of Green Coconut by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 60 62 84 76 309 287 490 519 799 806
Chittagong 575 518 73 87 2670 2859 10496 12221 13166 15080
Comilla 21 07 67 72 631 75 16418 18896 17284 18971
Khagrachhari 11 12 36 38 20 24 672 781 692 805
Noakhali - - 40 42 - - 20371 20922 20371 20922
Rangamati 304 117 97 80 2940 3004 2666 1983 5606 4987
Sylhet 56 56 92 107 1579 1488 8408 8063 9987 9551
Dhaka 144 54 101 101 704 950 22195 21866 22899 22816
Faridpur 538 554 62 84 9827 12302 29466 42245 39293 54547
Jamalpur - - 61 65 - - 4295 4988 4295 4988
Kishoreganj 43 49 52 59 567 621 5360 6040 5927 6661
Mymensingh 6 08 32 49 19 30 5906 9256 5925 9286
Tangail 14 14 49 49 140 140 4538 4617 4678 4757

Barisal 11 162 54 96 122 3473 54310 71062 54534 74535

Jessore 545 643 83 70 8972 7443 24233 23690 33205 31133
Khulna 1895 2333 32 34 8222 5969 25811 22100 34033 28069
Kushtia 341 318 69 51 4204 3608 15507 15465 19711 19073
Patuakhali 96 127 75 58 3572 1281 22911 20833 26483 22114

Bogra 14 14 62 63 272 281 6748 7046 7020 7327

Dinajpur 8 09 51 54 52 64 4533 4978 4585 5042
Pabna 42 42 59 86 520 899 10052 11855 10572 12754
Rajshahi 199 168 77 102 1690 1972 30308 29673 31998 31645
Rangpur - - 68 65 - 20 2782 2678 2782 2698
Bangladesh 4923 5367 62 69 47369 46790 328476 361777 375845 408567

Table: 3.8.21 Area and Production of olive (Jalpai) by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - 18 7 37 - 03 7 99 7 102
Chittagong - - 57 34 - - 801 407 801 407
Comilla - - 18 33 - - 227 475 227 475
Khagrachhari 12 05 19 45 25 20 81 268 106 288
Noakhali - - 10 23 - - 51 322 51 322
Rangamati - 01 9 42 1 01 220 214 221 215
Sylhet - - - 44 - - - 1170 - 1170
Dhaka - 64 24 39 - 243 1226 990 1226 1233
Faridpur 10 03 27 25 44 14 1262 214 1306 228
Jamalpur - - 15 54 - - 142 1306 142 1306
Kishoreganj - - 22 55 - 06 198 1036 298 1042
Mymensingh - 07 17 47 - 309 147 1753 147 2062
Tangail - 20 13 31 - 61 391 571 391 632
Barisal - 02 16 29 - 04 649 486 649 490
Jessore 50 30 38 31 342 72 3167 291 3509 363
Khulna 166 18 46 26 457 38 2724 316 3181 354
Kushtia - - 12 22 - - 204 06 204 06
Patuakhali - 05 9 13 - 07 135 51 135 58
Bogra - - 26 40 - - 118 540 118 540
Dinajpur - - 14 55 - - 242 941 242 941
Pabna - - 33 37 - - 842 165 842 165
Rajshahi - 05 24 41 3 14 260 410 263 424
Rangpur - - 62 42 - - 170 1052 170 1052
Bangladesh 238 179 28 40 872 792 13364 13083 14236 13875

Table: 3.8.22 Area and Production of Amra by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 34 50 22 - 154 241 176 241
Chittagong -- - 33 31 - - 734 701 734 701
Comilla - - 26 28 - - 357 325 357 325
Khagrachhari - - 28 31 - - 66 86 66 86
Noakhali - - 19 19 - - 222 237 222 237
Rangamati 2 02 25 26 4 06 109 116 113 122
Sylhet - - 81 63 - - 734 567 734 567

Dhaka 3 03 36 38 10 10 535 661 545 671

Faridpur 16 06 42 40 26 23 2708 2662 2734 2685
Jamalpur - - 31 30 - - 230 238 230 238
Kishoreganj 3 04 30 27 19 19 301 278 320 297
Mymensingh - - 23 23 - - 896 913 896 913
Tangail - - 25 26 - - 381 374 381 374

Barisal 10 04 53 52 117 92 6932 7280 7049 7372

Jessore 11 19 58 59 122 151 4112 4378 4234 4529
Khulna 203 170 44 43 990 844 3923 4399 4913 5243
Kushtia 38 07 48 56 151 34 1316 1553 1467 1587
Patuakhali 72 74 68 55 717 1363 4812 3269 5529 4632

Bogra - - 29 29 - - 592 621 592 621

Dinajpur - - 36 41 - - 401 446 401 446
Pabna - - 37 40 - - 434 482 434 482
Rajshahi - 02 43 44 - 06 1033 1082 1033 1088
Rangpur - - 25 23 - - 103 123 103 123
Bangladesh 358 291 46 45 2178 2548 31085 31032 33197 33580

Table: 3.8.23 Area and Production of Other Fruits by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 7 04 - - 7 02 7 02
Chittagong - - 57 17 - - 801 249 801 249
Comilla - - 18 18 - - 227 238 227 238
Khagrachhari 12 - 19 18 25 24 81 102 106 126
Noakhali - - 10 09 - - 51 44 51 44
Rangamati - 01 19 19 1 01 220 221 221 222
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - 24 24 - - 1228 1264 1228 1264
Faridpur 10 10 27 27 34 41 1262 1277 1296 1318
Jamalpur - - 15 15 - - 142 158 142 158
Kishoreganj - - 22 18 - 02 298 233 298 235
Mymensingh - - 17 29 - - 147 271 147 271
Tangail - - 13 13 - - 391 421 391 421
Barisal - - 16 18 - - 649 713 649 713
Jessore 50 33 38 31 342 105 3167 2544 3509 2649
Khulna 166 33 46 33 457 136 2724 2675 3181 2811
Kushtia - - 12 14 - - 204 226 204 226
Patuakhali - - 9 08 - - 135 133 135 133
Bogra - - 26 28 - - 118 125 118 125
Dinajpur - - 14 15 - - 242 278 242 278
Pabna - - 33 28 - - 842 608 842 608
Rajshahi - - 24 20 3 02 260 224 263 226
Rangpur - - 62 62 - - 170 257 170 257
Bangladesh 238 78 28 24 862 311 13366 12263 14228 12574

Table: 3.8.24 Area and Production of Other Citrus Fruits by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban 19 07 16 16 04 - 78 95 82 95
Chittagong - - 47 52 - - 781 864 781 864
Comilla - - 38 39 - - 1023 1069 1023 1069
Khagrachhari - - 24 24 - - 244 253 244 253
Noakhali - - 41 47 - - 1090 1352 1090 1352
Rangamati 31 35 34 37 70 96 735 811 805 907
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 39 44 46 46 224 229 2099 2154 2323 2383

Faridpur 33 28 69 58 189 145 3044 2671 3233 2816
Jamalpur - - 42 38 - - 45 55 45 55
Kishoreganj 02 01 84 52 - 08 622 322 622 330
Mymensingh 08 08 28 29 46 47 196 204 242 251
Tangail - - 21 14 - - 175 122 175 122

Barisal - - 56 63 - - 2874 3166 2874 3166

Jessore 12 08 39 40 29 12 532 492 561 504
Khulna 79 49 42 33 352 182 1106 1024 1458 1206
Kushtia - - 58 46 - - 245 195 245 195
Patuakhali 87 42 44 49 316 194 2419 2835 2735 3029

Bogra - - 56 58 - - 270 359 270 359

Dinajpur - - 30 33 - - 133 148 133 148
Pabna - - 64 66 - - 189 198 189 198
Rajshahi - - 47 42 - - 135 112 135 112
Rangpur 03 03 93 75 47 46 1054 827 1101 873
Bangladesh 313 225 52 47 1277 959 19089 19328 20366 20287


3.9. (A) Estimate of Kharif (summer) Vegetables
National estimate of area and production of summer vegetables of 2007-08 to 2011-12.are
given in the following table:
Table 3.9 (a) Area and Production of Kharif (Summer) Vegetables 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Pumpkin 26081 82520 27505 92519 27424 92900 27602 79030 28062 78572
Brinjal 45417 122730 44737 123779 44377 125080 44268 124384 41608 126992
Patal 24048 70367 24558 72473 24749 78084 24655 83246 24759 86133
Lady’s' finger 24171 38508 24969 40462 25204 42366 25570 43212 25943 44756
Jhinga 22340 40995 22780 41610 23039 44064 23563 45942 22792 45084
Karala 21240 39648 21688 40127 22143 41419 22793 45097 22647 46147
Arum 52566 179866 56539 209048 58736 224546 59402 238645 59025 236217
Chalkumra 19355 52660 21077 57308 22527 62673 23416 64906 23710 66510
Cucumber 17930 36740 17891 43902 18935 55152 19030 48448 19445 50090
Barbati 14139 19844 14468 21348 14887 21178 15347 22259 15401 22682
Puisak 21276 55339 21937 63001 22604 66705 23255 66994 23521 69071
Chichinga 14485 216934 15193 29211 15741 30339 16245 31426 16337 31771
Danta 24933 75115 25100 65177 25463 65987 25845 67358 26095 68710
Other Kharif Vegets. 17755 39040 18551 34777 17766 32142 20997 38087 20607 36873
Kakrol 10600 22121 10620 22992 11215 24564 11202 14141 11149 24867
Dundal 8381 14807 8124 14642 8318 15250 8389 15290 8463 15365
Kachurlati 16528 36004 16610 36890 17008 38502 16940 38847 16945 38312
Sajna 112 17369 98 19014 53 23025 34 23025 0 25904
Katcha Papaya 1599 168928 4952 192949 6458 204221 4341 204221 4112 200954
Green Banana 33917 301065 30319 218840 27818 156965 24957 155879 25186 139692
Total 1170248 1630600 427716 1440069 434465 1445162 437851 1450437 435807 1454702

Area and production of different Kharif Vegetables by region are shown in the following tables.
Table: 3.9.1 Area and Production of Kharif Pumpkin by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 260 778 258 682 302 866 320 641 317 649
Chittagong 1203 5464 1208 5472 994 4713 999 4766 1016 4851
Comilla 910 1973 958 2740 860 2446 915 2695 945 2690
Khagrachhari 522 2212 532 2285 551 2347 562 2382 582 2456
Noakhali 775 1599 805 1620 760 1367 643 1315 570 1175
Rangamati 597 1130 624 1521 642 1504 568 1334 590 1387
Sylhet 508 1170 608 1290 646 1482 654 1543 667 1546
Dhaka 2040 4751 2070 5137 2143 5300 2008 4911 2010 4947
Faridpur 1561 2954 1512 3815 1531 3736 1568 4011 1660 4328
Jamalpur 700 2054 676 2582 697 2618 704 2622 748 2806
Kishoreganj 488 973 504 1036 535 1096 546 1168 559 1182
Mymensingh 784 2286 794 2253 749 2128 778 2254 805 2389
Tangail 743 2055 702 2047 762 2372 737 2263 718 2218
Barisal 858 1358 690 1085 658 1079 634 1067 648 1239
Jessore 2957 9234 2240 7978 2329 8725 2386 8699 2357 8687
Khulna 1394 6721 1438 4947 1223 4638 1252 6452 1191 4450
Kushtia 4158 20233 6183 30236 6252 30311 6382 15041 6700 14948
Patuakhali 143 188 145 181 147 172 148 173 145 182
Bogra 686 1991 684 2019 683 2058 707 2165 723 2218
Dinajpur 1098 3094 1042 3128 1060 2956 1102 2963 1150 2992
Pabna 882 1981 899 2131 870 2146 892 1755 912 1750
Rajshahi 1439 4457 1462 4187 1557 4633 1559 4490 1529 5277
Rangpur 1375 3864 1471 4147 1473 4207 1538 4320 1520 4205
Bangladesh 26081 82520 27505 92519 27424 92900 27602 79030 28062 78572

Table: 3.9.2 Area and Production of Kharif Brinjal by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 321 667 320 672 325 662 321 623 335 520
Chittagong 1023 4017 1043 3279 1004 1919 956 2160 1029 5950
Comilla 884 1600 902 1609 904 1796 964 1811 972 1858
Khagrachhari 587 1543 603 1610 617 1320 640 1381 648 1764
Noakhali 263 344 289 393 287 352 279 353 236 289
Rangamati 4816 9203 4106 7530 3203 6515 3067 6192 548 1042
Sylhet 760 1653 516 1444 583 1588 587 1643 553 1376

Dhaka 4424 6007 4555 7959 4819 8745 4541 8024 4613 7463
Faridpur 1777 3346 1955 4198 1967 4425 2049 4479 2121 5704
Jamalpur 1449 3606 1469 4131 1430 4068 1466 3612 1454 4130
Kishoreganj 576 838 531 1164 516 1345 495 1199 478 1167
Mymensingh 1518 3596 1492 3787 1465 3371 1474 3399 1500 3455
Tangail 1250 2015 1333 3069 1355 3550 1400 3709 1303 3663

Barisal 464 590 514 637 586 726 904 1014 757 1076
Jessore 6234 29733 5715 28171 5802 29080 5571 28071 5482 26940
Khulna 2495 9473 2477 10399 2461 10229 2541 9780 2223 7934
Kushtia 2896 10485 2999 9231 3064 9438 3151 9891 3402 10172
Patuakhali 23 25 24 31 24 32 35 36 46 49

Bogra 1922 6016 1943 6648 1810 6158 1616 5519 1605 6276
Dinajpur 2812 7296 2867 7403 2876 3797 2906 7440 2956 7406
Pabna 2611 5052 2576 4952 2575 5606 2565 6056 2570 6463
Rajshahi 3299 8232 3436 8544 3407 9321 3417 10210 3411 14196
Rangpur 3013 7393 3072 6918 3297 7437 3321 7782 3366 8099
Bangladesh 45417 122730 44737 123779 44377 125080 44268 124384 41608 126992

Table: 3.9.3 Area and Production of Patal by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 13 13 08 09 07 32 07 08 06 08
Comilla 88 132 101 155 103 142 72 98 67 88
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati (2.00) (0.86) 03 04 04 05 04 05 04 05
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 981 1242 1091 1517 1111 1634 1136 1717 1251 2422
Faridpur 1432 2389 1394 2419 1352 2340 1367 2405 1418 2439
Jamalpur 366 1075 472 1288 475 1727 431 1537 415 1468
Kishoreganj 37 85 34 78 35 88 45 100 51 111
Mymensingh 143 236 152 262 202 373 240 446 258 487
Tangail 309 450 309 508 305 1006 297 1035 327 1154

Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 5235 21052 5185 22023 5276 25216 5368 28587 5171 27174
Khulna 1372 4010 1498 4778 1515 5414 1552 5514 1554 5170
Kushtia 2579 6749 2647 7345 2704 7565 2767 7873 2783 7790
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra 1147 3559 1143 3657 1155 3725 1183 3890 1449 5844
Dinajpur 1483 3207 1504 3186 1496 3477 1514 3780 1502 3754
Pabna 2719 8741 2820 8155 2782 8047 2716 7964 2664 7663
Rajshahi 3401 9482 3474 9076 3500 9282 3220 10135 3079 9727
Rangpur 2743 7945 2723 8013 2720 7979 2736 8152 2760 7990
Bangladesh 24048 70367 24558 72473 24749 78084 24655 83264 24759 86133

Table: 3.9.4 Area and Production of Lady's Finger by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 167 102 203 150 210 159 227 268 227 188
Chittagong 1637 2670 1653 2700 1639 2669 1661 2714 1699 2800
Comilla 898 995 955 1196 952 1462 1001 1545 1022 1596
Khagrachhari 420 792 438 753 438 778 436 774 430 768
Noakhali 914 1038 908 942 758 760 748 736 713 733
Rangamati 416 551 411 586 421 594 433 602 444 649
Sylhet 715 297 762 908 852 996 817 1015 890 1056

Dhaka 2038 2470 2212 1817 2279 2953 2302 3047 2388 3303
Faridpur 1418 1591 1577 1826 1540 2977 1581 3006 1652 3458
Jamalpur 1042 1837 973 2337 1000 2378 962 2250 938 2276
Kishoreganj 655 713 647 803 639 809 652 879 667 894
Mymensingh 860 272 842 1213 874 1271 925 1374 959 1423
Tangail 1337 2046 1350 2768 1398 3068 1430 2981 1344 2666

Barisal 906 1148 977 1149 1032 1223 1023 1338 1008 1392
Jessore 1813 5482 1869 6041 1862 5912 1877 5892 1852 5946
Khulna 1367 2641 1435 3183 1397 2404 1376 2432 1455 2421
Kushtia 1291 2753 1392 3180 1437 3178 1459 3234 1519 3311
Patuakhali 178 148 187 149 174 145 187 153 189 155

Bogra 475 772 485 848 502 979 530 1078 537 1210
Dinajpur 1408 2079 1492 1938 1448 1741 1532 1864 1597 1965
Pabna 1352 2444 1354 2523 1412 2548 1462 2615 1465 2680
Rajshahi 1453 2251 1468 2061 1484 2014 1537 2132 1508 2362
Rangpur 1411 1727 1379 1391 1456 1348 1412 1283 1440 1504

Bangladesh 24171 38508 24969 40462 25204 42366 25570 43212 25943 44756

Table: 3.9.5 Area and Production of Jhinga by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 421 709 399 779 409 801 413 806 367 779
Chittagong 1859 3883 1849 3874 1868 3923 1894 3941 1918 4007
Comilla 866 1624 824 1484 876 1663 940 1809 922 1708
Khagrachhari 575 1147 781 1337 580 1098 596 1137 591 1109
Noakhali 611 577 590 580 575 569 593 566 590 557
Rangamati 712 1272 736 1284 755 1340 763 1322 772 1352
Sylhet 927 1714 990 1959 990 1869 997 1530 893 1789

Dhaka 1969 2559 2177 2598 2214 2620 2274 2668 2303 2803
Faridpur 1598 1876 1530 2212 1530 2530 1606 3423 1649 3569
Jamalpur 499 875 527 1264 537 1811 582 2028 545 1941
Kishoreganj 545 543 556 808 551 978 562 1011 546 988
Mymensingh 788 1082 819 1265 839 1320 885 1443 912 1531
Tangail 454 796 459 821 462 869 437 812 443 815

Barisal 821 846 868 1058 918 1148 984 1267 872 1160
Jessore 1275 3524 1313 3241 1335 3768 1339 3657 1378 3715
Khulna 1155 2542 1123 2481 1006 2372 1057 2473 949 2300
Kushtia 1254 3440 1366 3847 1461 4112 1498 4053 1472 4055
Patuakhali 291 315 317 297 325 367 321 327 337 348

Bogra 400 801 385 780 406 823 425 863 475 959
Dinajpur 1143 1969 1274 2330 1343 2405 1358 2472 1370 2407
Pabna 904 2917 584 1224 605 1245 603 1627 630 1681
Rajshahi 1660 3300 1632 3069 1617 2993 1648 3232 1633 3112
Rangpur 1613 2684 1681 3018 1837 3440 1788 3475 1816 3508

Bangladesh 22340 40995 22780 41610 23039 44064 23563 45942 22792 45084

Table: 3.9.6 Area and Production of Karolla by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 284 505 292 488 312 538 296 530 295 544
Chittagong 1584 3855 1544 2185 1453 1903 1583 3559 1608 3603
Comilla 830 1448 779 1940 887 2264 925 2323 968 2291
Khagrachhari 418 733 400 706 425 719 455 778 485 841
Noakhali 471 418 485 445 482 447 510 473 534 547
Rangamati 459 745 474 726 481 740 490 751 501 765
Sylhet 489 688 513 724 491 631 496 649 473 604

Dhaka 2063 2485 2123 2988 2179 3188 2145 3103 2147 3200
Faridpur 1127 1351 1282 1783 1279 1744 1315 2215 1351 2288
Jamalpur 615 1100 615 1226 591 1145 531 872 521 990
Kishoreganj 594 1085 564 929 552 631 556 924 543 904
Mymensingh 891 1412 906 1450 935 1543 1018 1701 1020 1765
Tangail 530 1115 517 1113 523 1132 533 1220 536 1194
Barisal 845 1104 995 1339 1011 1348 1049 1380 1097 1428
Jessore 1720 4830 1715 4349 1747 5150 1794 4966 1785 4857
Khulna 696 901 717 1086 695 1090 690 991 690 1032
Kushtia 824 2001 878 2159 937 2289 1005 2443 1036 2599
Patuakhali 87 206 194 214 216 280 225 254 236 261

Bogra 1057 3865 1073 3992 1041 3640 1208 4800 714 4972
Dinajpur 1312 2821 1378 2883 1432 3065 1464 2945 1519 3009
Pabna 850 1444 887 1329 894 1525 887 1525 894 1656
Rajshahi 1440 2734 1415 2560 1463 2585 1497 2848 1543 2978
Rangpur 1954 2802 1942 3513 2117 3822 2121 3847 2151 3819

Bangladesh 21240 39648 21688 40127 22143 41419 22793 45097 22647 46147

Table: 3.9.7 Area and Production of Arum by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 662 1250 858 1724 949 1808 900 1773 701 1217
Chittagong 3178 13388 4154 16541 4228 19118 4299 19421 4265 14916
Comilla 640 1330 1132 5317 1015 3891 1050 5651 898 3437
Khagrachhari 4755 1965 4988 1965 5181 21164 5219 20811 5206 21572
Noakhali 1328 3398 1455 3676 1469 3674 1389 3674 1111 3357
Rangamati 1164 3279 1774 4988 1774 3580 1807 5597 1850 5667
Sylhet 2383 6855 2453 7450 2986 9514 2995 8200 2791 8585

Dhaka 2780 6977 2805 7077 2855 7186 2871 7344 2775 7050
Faridpur 2712 5696 2769 7805 2795 7866 2803 8013 2892 11794
Jamalpur 1021 5394 1042 5436 1041 5246 954 4170 926 4564
Kishoreganj 1612 6894 1249 5152 1521 6575 1482 6873 1432 6768
Mymensingh 2035 7282 2120 7871 2170 9702 2261 8512 2301 10106
Tangail 4035 21405 4131 22864 4062 22146 4100 22147 4048 22074
Barisal 776 2209 1075 2849 1146 3000 1531 5057 1550 4390
Jessore 3848 20825 4726 23526 5180 19763 5268 28289 5417 28510
Khulna 2697 12855 2700 15136 2818 15954 2794 16045 2627 13795
Kushtia 3807 20358 5579 35184 5463 32009 5583 34343 5613 34345
Patuakhali 178 420 227 485 227 502 226 436 222 416
Bogra 1559 5675 1537 6701 1523 6589 1536 6831 1594 7105
Dinajpur 5768 15187 4587 13440 4766 11497 4421 10440 4567 11088
Pabna 1056 2415 938 2661 1130 2475 1141 2428 1206 2686
Rajshahi 2093 5980 2135 5587 2001 4965 2290 6022 2519 6283
Rangpur 2479 8829 2105 5613 2436 6322 2512 6588 2514 6492
Bangladesh 52566 179866 56539 209048 58736 224546 59402 238665 59025 236217

Table: 3.9.8 Area and Production of Chalkumra by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 171 499 170 452 179 479 183 470 184 442
Chittagong 816 4079 788 3809 778 3800 767 2447 790 2791
Comilla 828 1564 1228 2290 1311 2662 1318 2930 1203 3132
Khagrachhari 441 1277 461 1452 468 1456 471 1411 469 1391
Noakhali 774 1641 792 1783 843 2004 889 2207 879 2028
Rangamati 1805 6100 1255 4134 904 3052 493 1666 490 1630
Sylhet 598 2380 726 2351 734 2445 755 2595 796 2652

Dhaka 1690 2818 2193 4102 2795 5753 2886 6373 2921 6389
Faridpur 1253 2411 1266 2445 1268 3253 1416 3975 1457 3502
Jamalpur 813 3099 840 3431 872 3710 855 3615 892 4235
Kishoreganj 571 1085 562 1142 529 1229 579 1178 604 1223
Mymensingh 750 2344 945 2844 1299 3978 1590 4884 1610 5028
Tangail 615 1625 1083 3067 1108 3106 1127 3242 1224 3272

Barisal 897 1659 846 1657 877 1710 1046 2265 1078 2414
Jessore 908 3608 921 3450 932 3499 974 3884 988 3864
Khulna 909 2216 851 2303 922 2568 945 2817 892 2366
Kushtia 707 2208 752 2571 813 2637 880 2841 902 2880
Patuakhali 241 358 243 364 233 345 229 312 278 353

Bogra 599 2028 601 2048 613 2126 623 2156 621 2063
Dinajpur 948 2706 1010 2858 1069 2957 1105 2903 1089 3043
Pabna 1169 2293 1264 3035 1280 2766 1285 3158 1294 3261
Rajshahi 1090 2751 1172 2634 1219 3277 1257 2935 1301 3666
Rangpur 762 1917 1108 3086 1481 3961 1743 4642 1748 4885

Bangladesh 19355 52666 21077 57308 22527 62673 23416 64906 23710 66510

Table: 3.9.9 Area and Production of Cucumber by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 215 370 233 554 247 608 259 636 269 675
Chittagong 1215 3420 1194 5660 1203 10317 1223 3164 1258 3314
Comilla 860 1565 772 1486 764 1557 802 1532 825 1740
Khagrachhari 290 475 309 781 313 1033 320 1018 325 1009
Noakhali 770 2015 807 1593 993 2268 1102 2561 1097 2508
Rangamati 495 905 573 1164 584 1194 521 1036 524 1052
Sylhet 480 620 540 888 535 952 545 1016 567 1021

Dhaka 1895 2915 1976 3208 2266 3955 2089 3464 2099 3808
Faridpur 705 970 703 844 724 1111 741 1221 751 1209
Jamalpur 1035 2625 1066 3354 1020 5708 974 5295 989 5599
Kishoreganj 390 485 411 663 404 666 424 726 428 746
Mymensingh 700 1395 765 1699 894 2107 930 2187 951 2245
Tangail 700 1780 697 1856 731 1940 751 2032 850 2341

Barisal 640 910 603 1138 808 1061 745 1291 752 1292
Jessore 1210 3055 1262 4127 1204 4114 1219 4693 1222 4617
Khulna 610 700 646 1098 756 972 754 992 831 1117
Kushtia 1005 2060 998 2970 1052 4890 1111 4788 1162 5079
Patuakhali 210 270 216 280 214 289 217 286 220 294
Bogra 870 1845 471 1556 480 1676 497 1828 501 1615
Dinajpur 850 1735 876 2278 900 1972 916 1950 923 1946
Pabna 410 595 425 971 458 1113 465 944 481 1032
Rajshahi 850 1820 882 1897 896 2050 897 2127 887 2126
Rangpur 1525 4210 1466 3837 1489 3599 1528 3661 1533 3705

Bangladesh 17930 36740 17891 43902 18935 55152 19030 48448 19445 50090

Table: 3.9.10 Area and Production of Barbati by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 248 354 263 352 283 343 278 359 276 359
Chittagong 1637 2896 1605 2822 1556 2583 1621 2730 1624 2851
Comilla 568 586 592 795 595 809 572 721 597 779
Khagrachhari 828 1956 846 1980 878 1962 890 2038 907 2086
Noakhali 563 479 601 510 596 486 548 483 516 456
Rangamati 535 675 546 725 564 743 557 766 561 777
Sylhet 692 953 704 960 710 979 795 1170 736 1025

Dhaka 1352 1240 1449 1452 1470 1477 1608 1794 1558 1814
Faridpur 559 412 547 470 577 559 612 614 645 726
Jamalpur 212 255 217 278 212 285 228 338 249 402
Kishoreganj 192 139 214 224 226 242 233 253 242 245
Mymensingh 344 634 350 676 380 759 396 737 416 826
Tangail 149 102 152 208 165 234 168 249 164 246

Barisal 485 302 463 248 542 301 519 490 577 528
Jessore 1064 2117 1070 2926 1101 2663 1109 2704 1114 2624
Khulna 1012 1603 1051 1658 1013 1486 1028 1473 879 1171
Kushtia 896 1835 943 1927 972 1961 1038 2080 1091 2243
Patuakhali 136 75 142 78 144 65 142 64 138 60

Bogra 296 465 309 481 315 488 337 523 339 526
Dinajpur 632 626 680 655 725 691 754 417 838 784
Pabna 142 127 168 149 194 113 192 147 214 175
Rajshahi 666 580 677 622 712 688 717 626 700 793
Rangpur 931 1433 879 1152 957 1261 1005 1219 1020 1186

Bangladesh 14139 19844 14468 21348 14887 21178 15347 22295 15401 22682

Table: 3.9.11 Area and Production of Pui Sak by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 171 291 84 127 146 237 148 266 163 285
Chittagong 935 2587 909 2463 913 2455 929 2495 938 2584
Comilla 1075 1802 1105 2193 982 3067 1093 3112 1135 3215
Khagrachhari 302 555 309 561 325 535 331 550 332 562
Noakhali 1229 2315 1225 2302 1301 2475 1087 2281 1008 2299
Rangamati 375 613 388 641 403 677 405 645 408 676
Sylhet 396 812 376 985 388 1102 400 867 420 958

Dhaka 1992 3427 2234 4377 2395 4640 2608 5223 2679 5072
Faridpur 1656 2999 1688 3160 1762 3185 1783 3465 1753 3414
Jamalpur 571 1654 560 1616 574 1701 592 1751 599 1861
Kishoreganj 384 584 399 730 388 657 395 684 388 703
Mymensingh 685 1396 704 1493 709 1514 733 1548 786 1686
Tangail 728 1767 754 2232 814 2607 829 2530 832 2504

Barisal 1038 1654 1138 1990 1208 2010 1437 3219 1466 4345
Jessore 2161 9647 2271 12200 2270 12940 2240 12539 2227 12488
Khulna 1507 6183 1625 7427 1622 7333 1635 6148 1736 6529
Kushtia 1273 6412 1320 6998 1349 7098 1400 7118 1372 6913
Patuakhali 278 398 289 483 289 557 287 496 309 508

Bogra 366 661 350 636 367 671 377 699 392 744
Dinajpur 999 2674 1015 2752 1038 2510 1064 2605 1091 2545
Pabna 896 2050 912 2095 935 2619 959 2584 986 2681
Rajshahi 1109 2428 1121 2618 1135 2970 1201 3324 1144 3618
Rangpur 1150 2430 1161 2922 1291 3145 1322 2845 1357 2881

Bangladesh 21276 55339 21937 63001 22604 66705 23255 66994 23521 69071

Table: 3.9.12 Area and Production of Chichinga by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 276 408 291 459 300 487 342 556 315 510
Chittagong 1028 2678 1025 2690 1030 2314 1088 2775 1147 3023
Comilla 706 1292 808 1474 860 1531 859 1544 926 1585
Khagrachhari 287 514 315 556 324 588 368 664 383 790
Noakhali 864 1351 866 1352 886 1383 899 1384 884 1354
Rangamati 399 609 410 631 423 667 411 666 422 690
Sylhet 316 570 365 633 414 847 431 922 410 806

Dhaka 2235 2754 2333 3614 2316 3786 2380 3860 2226 3524
Faridpur 970 1358 984 1548 1033 1668 1061 1895 1091 6901
Jamalpur 398 995 415 1080 434 1128 439 1064 452 1190
Kishoreganj 304 483 317 512 314 503 312 463 318 458
Mymensingh 525 915 493 843 515 928 592 1104 624 1207
Tangail 706 1372 716 1448 723 1505 731 1530 706 1456

Barisal 626 873 700 1097 824 1176 950 1636 1040 1854
Jessore 1161 3926 1187 4337 1174 4364 1143 3966 1126 3847
Khulna 890 1723 892 1665 896 1612 903 1447 875 1553
Kushtia 362 768 382 817 413 862 427 883 427 910
Patuakhali 197 299 217 276 231 379 218 354 223 342

Bogra 166 220 182 243 193 256 210 280 225 296
Dinajpur 644 1155 671 1283 686 1326 709 1334 760 1387
Pabna 452 780 373 500 373 538 380 565 363 545
Rajshahi 563 1185 600 1123 614 1199 602 1275 594 1241
Rangpur 578 706 651 1030 765 1292 790 1259 800 1275

Bangladesh 14485 216934 15193 29211 15741 30339 16245 31426 16337 31771

Table: 3.9.13 Area and Production of Danta by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 197 229 114 154 125 199 134 209 135 214
Chittagong 398 1051 406 1062 414 1076 416 1087 427 1103
Comilla 1115 2696 1087 2720 1123 3315 1116 2945 1149 2967
Khagrachhari 422 857 423 852 410 836 390 789 380 761
Noakhali 1091 2493 1101 2519 968 2181 992 2137 964 2119
Rangamati 349 557 361 586 377 614 373 610 360 589
Sylhet 800 1704 816 1762 831 1774 838 1827 869 1780
Dhaka 2510 4254 2705 5099 2856 5531 2949 5670 2998 6022
Faridpur 2147 4127 2164 4479 2258 5499 2294 5820 2377 5891
Jamalpur 1229 5017 1152 5272 1262 5292 1265 5087 1298 5313
Kishoreganj 718 1916 712 1791 681 1746 708 1773 689 1724
Mymensingh 1386 3459 1266 3141 1274 3100 1334 3260 1362 3259
Tangail 1933 5236 1970 5380 2025 5448 2061 5530 2107 5587
Barisal 948 1677 1038 1766 894 1396 903 1251 876 1225
Jessore 2366 11186 2347 10958 2379 9699 2391 9655 2373 9990
Khulna 1540 4893 1590 4125 1554 4202 1514 4820 1465 4671
Kushtia 1127 3790 1163 3292 1198 3310 1231 3397 1278 3454
Patuakhali 243 464 254 472 237 459 239 425 258 442
Bogra 489 1738 442 1575 451 1626 468 1705 482 1879
Dinajpur 1040 2395 1064 2419 1140 2552 1173 2813 1160 2743
Pabna 666 848 667 1283 702 1274 719 1336 719 1347
Rajshahi 1230 2441 1220 2337 1231 2559 1270 2952 1325 3482
Rangpur 989 12091 1038 2133 1073 2299 1067 2260 1044 2148
Bangladesh 24933 75119 25100 65177 25463 65987 25485 67358 26095 68710

Table: 3.9.14 Area and Production of Other Kharif Vegetables by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 147 124 136 151 186 314 90 123 206 298
Chittagong 459 502 431 1478 459 1479 462 1485 467 1176
Comilla 909 1498 1086 2359 1187 2554 1220 2822 1192 2698
Khagrachhari 474 877 503 910 498 852 508 847 534 859
Noakhali 661 1037 682 1059 686 951 1252 1702 1090 1674
Rangamati 97 85 164 252 192 298 198 299 204 309
Sylhet 343 1027 339 582 398 655 838 1827 411 687

Dhaka 970 1266 992 1163 1080 1285 1162 1422 1193 1516
Faridpur 1598 2442 1626 2458 1625 2365 1632 2339 1674 2622
Jamalpur 394 638 559 991 601 1040 504 975 624 1211
Kishoreganj 285 647 712 1790 535 896 1103 454 638 950
Mymensingh 418 855 651 1548 744 1727 844 1919 905 2064
Tangail 738 1656 619 1586 737 1993 811 2114 851 2262

Barisal 367 555 1179 2232 1061 1360 1430 1379 1454 1785
Jessore 1638 4453 1568 3638 1177 1641 1332 1857 1464 2289
Khulna 3429 11309 1268 3041 1304 2499 1375 2778 1341 2448
Kushtia 990 2685 467 1391 647 2126 644 2101 629 2080
Patuakhali 13 25 453 660 484 733 533 711 513 694

Bogra 448 708 453 707 444 706 1089 1710 456 619
Dinajpur 391 1209 1632 1413 310 446 506 711 768 1067
1067Pabna 417 991 286 543 449 833 494 870 552 903
Rajshahi 714 1300 782 1349 736 1234 720 1419 1168 2507
Rangpur 1855 3151 1963 3476 2226 4155 2250 4163 2273 4155

Bangladesh 17755 39040 18551 34777 17766 32142 20997 38087 20607 36873

Table: 3.9.15 Area and Production of Kakrol by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 126 184 139 169 165 206 183 245 185 321
Chittagong 867 2386 869 2319 880 2338 943 2440 966 2610
Comilla 404 664 671 888 660 851 718 906 577 747
Khagrachhari 561 1416 577 1122 605 1185 640 1260 654 1293
Noakhali 145 145 151 152 150 181 162 178 167 170
Rangamati 2503 3865 2073 3260 2098 3327 2089 3334 2044 3367
Sylhet 240 241 257 661 246 686 251 730 269 625

Dhaka 2024 5515 2060 6552 2268 6989 2088 6346 2069 6625
Faridpur 85 85 89 98 91 82 100 96 110 114
Jamalpur 239 579 143 366 155 415 166 319 145 286
Kishoreganj 166 246 165 259 168 261 182 299 188 308
Mymensingh 162 315 190 338 223 411 238 438 249 459
Tangail 300 746 298 738 247 607 236 569 219 523

Barisal 536 742 577 904 608 1036 584 995 582 901
Jessore 642 1905 661 1976 685 2353 752 2794 762 2803
Khulna 402 1016 395 983 383 930 296 545 257 564
Kushtia 88 169 73 140 80 157 76 145 73 149
Patuakhali 18 23 22 32 24 35 26 36 37 47
Bogra 120 229 165 315 183 371 138 286 212 608
Dinajpur 158 323 158 292 152 284 163 281 169 289
Pabna 17 19 23 25 29 35 27 29 23 31
Rajshahi 317 588 346 661 370 684 366 699 390 742
Rangpur 480 720 518 742 745 1140 778 1171 802 1285

Bangladesh 10600 22121 10620 22992 11215 24564 11202 24141 11149 24867

Table: 3.9.16 Area and Production of Dhundal by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 57 74 83 137 88 143 93 111 103 141

Chittagong 394 791 394 735 416 728 426 716 435 791
Comilla 411 491 541 828 673 884 579 853 557 866
Khagrachhari 238 404 236 406 254 443 259 453 262 461
Noakhali 296 309 352 353 386 391 371 376 376 394
Rangamati 358 625 364 679 372 701 375 708 385 724
Sylhet 295 487 32 44 37 49 38 52 30 39

Dhaka 1341 2616 1394 2790 1454 2883 1456 3031 1483 3120
Faridpur 482 599 525 760 567 835 578 849 676 998
Jamalpur 315 718 308 808 304 693 304 854 317 654
Kishoreganj 185 336 192 323 209 340 220 345 225 359
Mymensingh 142 220 146 232 159 239 207 326 212 348
Tangail 638 926 650 1158 687 1254 698 1268 692 1306
Barisal 273 1010 319 418 338 431 307 433 311 452
Jessore 707 2214 738 2222 717 2476 719 2436 718 2378
Khulna 1075 1464 710 817 441 892 456 636 399 574
Kushtia - - 58 86 79 111 113 166 113 172
Patuakhali 101 106 103 109 119 125 158 181 133 155
Bogra 104 203 18 46 15 38 19 51 21 58
Dinajpur 167 215 178 329 176 287 181 207 199 222
Pabna 333 294 355 487 396 481 399 457 409 465
Rajshahi 322 551 273 505 274 519 269 517 239 441
Rangpur 147 154 155 370 157 307 164 264 168 238

Bangladesh 8381 14807 8124 14642 8318 15250 8389 15290 8463 15365

Table: 3.9.17 Area and Production of Kochur Lati by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 196 286 205 336 204 361 190 376 198 358
Chittagong 1600 4971 1606 5011 1654 4978 1664 4975 1678 5026
Comilla 901 3107 893 3180 973 3510 955 3402 992 3635
Khagrachhari 357 648 367 848 387 1118 402 1154 414 1146
Noakhali 1337 1755 1355 1757 1406 1821 1328 1753 1350 1799
Rangamati 209 484 228 512 232 512 236 587 243 572
Sylhet 622 960 640 1067 645 1382 609 1245 629 1143

Dhaka 1443 2362 1424 2271 1401 2278 1269 2164 1226 2142
Faridpur 751 1069 748 959 802 1064 751 1078 771 1058
Jamalpur 557 1499 589 1532 562 1479 506 1317 470 1236
Kishoreganj 581 1443 605 1444 574 1457 616 1485 635 1515
Mymensingh 1265 3238 1194 2758 1288 2886 1364 3157 1401 3260
Tangail 852 1605 865 1675 867 1702 839 1650 809 1554

Barisal 832 1024 709 1634 724 1790 745 1716 778 1744
Jessore 1111 4419 1117 4445 1133 4245 1167 4496 1163 4380
Khulna 421 661 433 656 439 878 435 653 426 621
Kushtia 19 30 18 27 17 25 14 20 12 17
Patuakhali 131 101 130 105 132 109 137 112 145 105

Bogra 1654 4135 1749 4423 1747 4560 1823 4906 1721 4650
Dinajpur 511 694 503 744 528 806 561 883 560 801
Pabna 490 936 499 906 508 931 517 948 524 949
Rajshahi 124 163 129 197 146 173 166 214 143 151
Rangpur 564 414 604 403 639 437 646 446 657 450

Bangladesh 16528 36004 16610 36890 17008 38502 16940 38847 16945 38312

Table: 3.9.18 Area and Production of Sajna by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12

Bandarban - - 31 31 - - 5 6 5 6
Chittagong - - 24 17 - - 175 131 175 131
Comilla - - 10 12 - - 37 51 37 51
Khagrachhari - - 25 24 - - 62 63 62 63
Noakhali - - 8 8 - - 57 56 57 56
Rangamati - - 39 43 - - 57 560 57 560
Sylhet - - 58 - - 1076 160 1076 160
Dhaka - - 18 21 - - 391 435 391 435
Faridpur - - 22 21 - - 849 913 849 913
Jamalpur - - 31 32 - - 919 1031 919 1031
Kishoreganj - - 24 25 12 12 329 303 329 315
Mymensingh - - 64 59 - - 5030 1924 5030 1924
Tangail - - 18 19 - - 313 334 313 334
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 10 - 29 30 - - 1992 2205 1992 2205
Khulna 24 - 19 16 56 - 918 924 974 924
Kushtia - - 45 40 - - 5853 4815 5853 4815
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra - - 37 39 - - 2430 2747 2430 2747
Dinajpur - - 22 25 - - 1017 1181 1017 1181
Pabna - - 22 34 - - 738 1194 738 1194
Rajshahi - - 31 34 2 - 4841 5647 4841 5647
Rangpur - - 33 32 - - 1162 1212 1162 1212
Bangladesh 34 - 36 31 70 12 28251 25892 28321 25904

Table: 3.9.19 Area and Production of Green Papaya by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and Production in M.Tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12

Bandarban 121 117 30 34 1290 986 296 502 1586 1488

Chittagong 58 138 21 20 724 963 5084 5124 5808 6087
Comilla 28 15 23 23 533 213 4138 3897 4671 4110
Khagrachhari 86 91 18 20 555 608 1535 1699 2090 2307
Noakhali - - 17 20 - - 4275 5359 4275 5359
Rangamati 224 186 21 27 2692 3495 3054 3614 5746 7109
Sylhet 28 31 21 21 281 .326 2596 2381 2877 2707

Dhaka 388 372 20 20 6670 5698 7343 7651 14013 13349

Faridpur 411 362 19 19 7434 6799 8540 8009 15974 14808
Jamalpur 70 70 26 26 1280 1328 2862 3102 4142 4430
Kishoreganj 35 36 25 29 1618 1753 2773 3365 4.391 5118
Mymensingh 55 67 19 19 838 874 7787 7920 8625 8794
Tangail 92 61 15 15 1372 990 6724 3745 8096 4735
Barisal 34 60 21 19 558 513 5431 4824 5989 5337
Jessore 521 488 31 31 13728 12636 11622 9689 25350 22325
Khulna 259 201 15 20 1918 2450 4372 5870 6290 8320
Kushtia 306 291 40 33 9237 6369 8003 6050 17240 12419
Patuakhali 124 39 15 14 539 319 2280 2241 2819 2560
Bogra 194 198 19 19 4033 4086 1884 1731 5917 5817
Dinajpur 184 140 20 20 1739 1622 3381 3458 5120 5080
5070Pabna 60 147 24 29 1362 1865 8614 10482 9976 12347
Rajshahi 881 822 48 39 31763 24117 12330 12275 44093 36392
Rangpur 182 180 24 24 2712 3029 7703 6927 10415 9956

Bangladesh 4341 4112 26 25 92876 81039 122627 119915 215503 200954


Table: 3.9.20 Area and Production of Green Banana by Region 2007 -08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 714 303 938 407 747 4188 784 4546 784 3483
Chittagong 910 3302 909 4844 938 4968 989 5056 939 4955
Comilla 470 1020 502 1683 489 1378 511 1536 525 1643
Khagrachhari 1128 21567 885 14337 800 2105 836 3172 859 3085
Noakhali 2774 5406 980 2559 774 1999 765 1672 858 2035
Rangamati 2138 2512 1500 2828 840 4708 832 5097 847 4203
Sylhet 2025 5252 1833 5484 1294 3913 524 1970 540 1965

Dhaka 2280 29947 2494 23842 2300 11130 1966 22197 1595 7992
Faridpur 1172 5795 1453 4667 2090 8389 2218 9595 2177 10254
Jamalpur 612 2046 566 3067 560 3033 571 2970 571 3039
Kishoreganj 250 137 280 141 247 1270 255 1306 259 1277
Mymensingh 225 224 210 225 227 1270 256 1424 269 1521
Tangail 435 322 450 335 657 193 501 3891 498 3854

Barisal 1715 8444 1263 6853 1385 7219 1530 6234 1559 4.381
Jessore 3942 121323 3993 86684 4349 47062 4432 29590 29593
Khulna 3150 56146 2748 24423 2428 12614 2489 18426 2512 15354
15254Kushtia 1350 7694 1392 9384 1427 12251 1524 12369 1593 12880
Patuakhali 635 1168 573 1725 671 2553 657 2524 669 2533

Bogra 2775 5305 2299 3414 1432 2198 315 2298 311 2231
Dinajpur 2324 10048 2144 9030 1311 5123 420 1887 454 1964
Pabna 550 1250 595 1369 615 4373 305 1840 638 3790
Rajshahi 1866 11652 1797 11319 1723 12072 1757 13413 1759 14743
Rangpur 477 202 515 220 514 2956 520 2866 551 2917

Bangladesh 33917 301065 30319 218840 27818 156965 24957 155879 25186 139692


3.9 (B) Estimate of Rabi (winter) Vegetables
National estimate of area and productions of winter vegetables of 2007-08 to 2011-2012 are given
in the following table:
Table 3.9 (b) Area And Production Of Winter Vegetable By Crop 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Rabi Brinjal 72514 215282 70376 213789 71047 216182 70750 215490 68048 224043
Cauli flower 39137 156483 39933 153226 41211 160040 40901 168238 40224 133195
Cabbage 40094 211097 40791 205627 41182 219958 39015 206851 41261 212960
Water gourd 33021 125949 34176 131716 34446 134359 35278 137301 35029 138503
Rabi Pumpkin 32259 107214 32933 116014 34908 124534 33847 122747 34792 131014
Tomato 48538 143058 50470 150720 58854 190213 61213 232459 63298 255430
Radish 68058 267048 65480 257371 66954 259743 65384 256711 65499 260058
Beans 38519 82872 40213 88386 40992 88581 42760 94756 42300 94356
Palong Sak 19258 44030 19809 42898 20215 45251 19959 43193 20226 43166
Lalsak 24733 41189 24350 41583 24877 44329 25118 42810 25002 43939
Carrot 2850 10430 3109 11380 3496 14075 3423 15021 3893 13136
Laushak 13954 22403 13715 22549 13959 22816 13830 22358 14025 22667
Other winter 18823 33906 18692 33159 19310 35190 18936 35078 18744 33985
Total 451758 1460961 454047 1468418 471451 1555271 470414 1593013 472341 1606452

Area and production of different winter vegetables by region are shown in following tables:

Table: 3.9.21 Area and Production of Rabi Brinjal by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 293 680 286 616 288 623 288 663 297 692
Chittagong 3991 11465 4018 11490 3994 11349 4022 11434 3992 12109
Comilla 2489 8665 2564 7668 2480 7379 2464 7387 2459 7552
Khagrachhari 791 1697 802 1710 801 1712 813 1768 835 1903
Noakhali 2973 6470 3181 6783 3138 6714 3069 6596 2517 5905
Rangamati 2500 5462 1620 3883 1407 3366 1243 3008 612 1478
Sylhet 2093 5243 2008 4982 2019 5133 2019 5132 1995 5209
Dhaka 5250 15446 5132 15833 5383 17341 5097 15300 4510 15314
Faridpur 2097 4319 2201 5271 2203 5835 2261 5324 2241 5505
Jamalpur 8532 28423 8407 26925 9052 28568 9020 28315 8242 31446
Kishoreganj 2046 5408 2005 5293 2007 5280 2012 5283 1935 5229
Mymensingh 2436 5486 2160 6438 2163 6281 2186 6265 2214 6525
Tangail 2459 14009 2438 13136 2474 13372 2402 12635 2300 12382
Barisal 2654 5933 1742 3880 1690 2757 1682 3367 1712 3743
Jessore 6592 21966 6103 22222 6120 22200 6182 21484 6029 21570
Khulna 2956 11420 3042 12103 2792 9716 2757 12326 2776 11159
Kushtia 3555 9736 3505 10546 3497 11224 3599 11675 3566 12000
Patuakhali 421 407 415 382 406 369 411 366 353 357
Bogra 2814 9374 2766 8732 2650 8713 2614 8209 2520 8413
Dinajpur 4223 9748 4268 9585 4220 8939 4281 8425 4248 8956
Pabna 2760 9558 2744 9741 2793 10227 2876 10408 2851 10667
Rajshahi 3805 11690 4142 13254 4558 15816 4578 17410 4962 23271
Rangpur 4784 12677 4827 13316 4912 13268 4874 12643 4882 12658
Bangladesh 72514 215282 70376 213789 71047 216182 70750 215414 68048 224043

Table: 3.9.22 Area and Production of Cauliflower by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 156 319 201 532 201 535 199 493 205 514
Chittagong 2135 8140 2148 8378 2138 8356 2148 8686 2117 8507
Comilla 2173 8728 2177 8716 2264 9461 2270 8521 2329 8308
Khagrachhari 245 757 244 742 252 761 262 785 278 833
Noakhali 747 2013 759 1741 769 1752 777 1852 728 1632
Rangamati 217 280 218 305 219 462 210 445 214 501
Sylhet 1602 8383 1789 5026 1826 6150 1842 10863 1781 6126
Dhaka 3663 15774 4057 16634 4080 17001 3909 16244 4125 18195
Faridpur 1798 4238 1745 4715 1820 5059 1786 5368 1794 5489
Jamalpur 1489 10806 1512 10889 1562 6223 1586 9125 1591 11516
Kishoreganj 823 2842 812 2479 822 2508 812 2606 817 2591
Mymensingh 1131 4064 1083 3886 1143 4172 1168 4165 1196 4277
Tangail 1832 11446 1778 10714 1967 12744 1969 12631 1968 12557
Barisal 788 1749 1157 2820 1216 2839 972 2276 1012 2414
Jessore 4204 15891 3569 13669 3649 15396 3564 15167 3414 14526
Khulna 2046 12035 1989 10493 2063 11175 2050 6287 1996 6492
Kushtia 2429 8490 2506 8684 2687 9770 2827 10398 2951 10911
Patuakhali 178 210 187 313 193 320 194 321 186 321

Bogra 884 4802 890 4886 912 5099 1025 5833 999 5760
Dinajpur 3152 9352 3192 8814 3203 8806 3146 7722 3185 9567
Pabna 1733 5975 1672 5943 1732 6636 1767 6648 1884 7224
Rajshahi 2433 7282 2825 9438 3037 10565 3051 13954 2127 14566
Rangpur 3281 12907 3423 13409 3456 14250 3367 13751 3327 13368

Bangladesh 39137 156483 39933 153226 41211 160040 40901 164141 40224 166195

Table: 3.9.23 Area and Production of Cabbage by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 174 409 210 517 217 588 217 560 188 515
Chittagong 2101 9719 2143 10187 2153 10184 2151 10157 2058 10120
Comilla 1607 7211 1627 6984 1702 7303 1761 7618 1756 7069
Khagrachhari 354 1295 345 1439 340 1383 341 1337 361 1408
Noakhali 759 2064 775 2208 768 2506 781 2550 861 2540
Rangamati 305 635 311 655 314 962 304 675 303 680
Sylhet 1719 8994 1833 8760 1865 9399 1874 9307 1912 5894

Dhaka 3107 13010 3458 13596 3475 14590 3283 13771 3327 14497
Faridpur 2139 6706 2109 7036 2195 7632 2239 8617 2290 9473
Jamalpur 1387 19078 1249 16437 1259 16352 1256 9641 1274 10652
Kishoreganj 717 3156 728 2888 732 2998 723 2913 741 2944
Mymensingh 1255 5747 1217 5379 1304 5933 1166 5339 1265 5043
Tangail 1647 17772 1598 16879 1684 18390 1654 17487 1563 17308
Barisal 970 2366 1408 3483 1194 3964 1204 4918 1234 4992
Jessore 4583 22707 4746 23647 4523 22410 4370 21674 4238 20919
Khulna 2566 16996 2404 15435 2471 16961 2451 15541 2387 15030
Kushtia 3025 15765 3094 17030 3368 18975 3357 19017 3439 19587
Patuakhali 226 478 229 499 231 499 244 544 243 418
Bogra 994 8218 986 8186 1000 8355 1044 8771 1038 8658
Dinajpur 2612 12189 2685 11075 2754 12818 2708 13686 2768 13929
Pabna 1158 5066 1106 5068 1179 5190 1208 5656 1317 6280
Rajshahi 2806 11923 2697 11545 2918 15386 2926 19168 3016 17839
Rangpur 3883 19593 3833 16694 3536 17180 3667 17104 3682 17165
Bangladesh 40094 211097 40791 205627 41182 219958 40929 216051 41261 212960

Table: 3.9.24 Area and Production of Water Gourd by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 187 659 199 658 144 354 193 571 212 873
Chittagong 1286 5952 1281 5842 1300 5854 1297 5904 1275 5798
Comilla 2403 10560 2455 10088 2483 11454 2533 11425 2163 9908
Khagrachhari 413 1325 430 1381 451 1427 466 1477 493 1619
Noakhali 2386 8717 2471 9045 2325 8587 2280 8044 2187 7860
Rangamati 503 1844 479 1805 482 1859 503 1897 517 1960
Sylhet 2351 7766 2264 7191 2270 7445 2271 7566 2275 7717
Dhaka 4073 15308 4639 18874 4587 18425 5010 18618 4795 17687
Faridpur 1408 4412 1614 5930 1676 6586 1763 6321 1982 7080
Jamalpur 1137 5495 1118 5390 1169 5480 1207 5830 1343 6810
Kishoreganj 732 3010 851 3694 859 3817 866 3841 857 6790
Mymensingh 1261 4522 1320 5550 1393 5989 1477 6227 1512 6848
Tangail 2338 11303 2181 10181 2226 10520 2196 10467 2094 9910
Barisal 2116 6818 2165 6986 2318 7226 2341 6722 2383 7118
Jessore 2233 9016 2304 10675 2248 11040 2269 10831 2216 10517
Khulna 1296 5239 1375 5548 1383 5409 1380 6588 1395 6056
Kushtia 1128 6836 1111 5453 1168 4854 1219 6677 1192 6857
Patuakhali 453 927 447 873 449 925 454 937 455 899
Bogra 652 2193 678 2283 679 2298 667 2302 692 3485
Dinajpur 1120 3040 1229 3202 1223 3510 1273 3659 1274 3509
Pabna 746 2719 754 2546 763 2234 785 2229 824 2381
Rajshahi 1178 3821 1220 3763 1308 4454 1291 4550 1284 5183
Rangpur 1621 4467 1591 4758 1542 4612 1591 4618 1609 4638
Bangladesh 33021 125949 34176 131716 34446 134359 35332 137301 35029 138503

Table: 3.9.25 Area and Production of Rabi Pumpkin by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 308 845 316 798 291 784 273 599 278 622
Chittagong 2229 11224 2205 11192 2242 11385 2243 11366 2167 10969
Comilla 1938 7659 1974 8758 1951 8715 1994 8463 2167 9454
Khagrachhari 485 1566 508 1579 526 1628 539 1676 567 1851
Noakhali 2276 4568 2380 5187 2421 5482 2236 5376 2440 6090
Rangamati 570 1670 590 1938 598 1968 576 814 639 1687
Sylhet 1995 6346 2268 6714 2089 5929 2131 5958 2103 5761

Dhaka 2443 6872 2509 7308 2339 7386 2411 7511 2573 8049
Faridpur 1522 4225 1567 5673 1945 7798 2056 8049 2175 8253
Jamalpur 500 2148 511 2232 507 2150 529 2296 629 3063
Kishoreganj 857 3828 856 3608 891 3706 902 3742 900 3713
Mymensingh 725 2335 736 2405 735 2455 802 2662 824 2807
Tangail 1127 636 1139 5812 1194 6177 1195 6135 1185 6174

Barisal 1527 4073 1820 3846 3452 8802 2089 6293 2202 6581
Jessore 2436 10952 2454 11737 2587 11602 2603 11466 2524 11419
Khulna 2414 8679 2036 7573 1982 7913 1935 6816 1956 6740
Kushtia 1745 7838 1809 8217 1858 8377 1960 9598 1864 9437
Patuakhali 624 1126 629 1061 610 1031 604 982 556 962

Bogra 955 3512 925 3398 966 3602 977 3586 1001 3573
Dinajpur 1226 3473 1261 3534 1290 3625 1318 3767 1322 3679
Pabna 864 2118 870 2146 870 2469 853 2034 886 2165
Rajshahi 1486 4668 1489 4198 1583 4999 1572 5240 1805 6347
Rangpur 2007 6853 2081 7100 1981 6551 2008 6620 2029 11618

Bangladesh 32259 107214 32933 116014 34908 124534 33806 121502 34792 131014

Table: 3.9.26 Area and Production of Tomato by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 295 770 310 810 298 794 302 753 296 791
Chittagong 4660 13986 4672 13905 4741 14327 4760 14315 4646 14348
Comilla 4532 12852 4844 12540 5142 14810 5236 16798 5337 18239
Khagrachhari 419 1362 432 1371 466 1435 474 1391 508 1620
Noakhali 2260 3852 2383 3929 2323 3912 2296 3681 2145 3738
Rangamati 546 1145 557 1189 545 1062 554 1054 559 1098
Sylhet 2232 7352 2509 8186 2607 7737 2611 7735 2497 7393

Dhaka 4426 14464 4367 14288 4619 16289 4518 15773 4343 15850
Faridpur 3888 9446 3930 10519 3948 12623 4065 15847 3715 13302
Jamalpur 1401 9760 1369 10191 1313 9862 1466 8827 1668 11945
Kishoreganj 1297 3544 1312 4341 1359 6409 1347 6244 1305 6432
Mymensingh 1149 3440 1121 3207 1169 3392 1190 3594 1150 3295
Tangail 803 2581 743 3165 821 5500 787 5155 748 4934

Barisal 1872 2720 2372 3445 3444 6392 1478 3004 1940 4912
Jessore 3178 10990 3038 10524 3006 11266 3013 11377 2935 10959
Khulna 2038 6738 2229 6757 2172 6521 2125 6273 2090 6119
Kushtia 2063 8345 2193 9304 2272 9490 2417 10510 2315 12407
Patuakhali 414 469 419 495 405 436 396 422 331 378
Bogra 753 2129 780 2202 806 2306 751 2149 804 2506
Dinajpur 3028 8429 2986 8480 6688 25912 8100 33280 7786 34800
Pabna 916 1849 943 2165 963 3041 1028 2853 1096 3107
Rajshahi 4520 12689 5095 15295 7860 22221 10883 56674 13167 72507
Rangpur 1848 4146 1866 4412 1887 4474 1896 4750 1917 4750

Bangladesh 48538 143058 50470 150720 58854 190213 61693 232459 63298 255430

Table: 3.9.27 Area and Production of Radish by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 636 2125 613 1946 609 2147 636 2235 642 2275
Chittagong 4093 17923 4022 17502 4035 17422 3992 18948 3996 17228
Comilla 4560 22199 4603 22594 4425 22396 4401 23496 4383 22108
Khagrachhari 1154 3890 1197 4029 1219 4144 1157 3830 1141 3778
Noakhali 2639 7451 2672 7275 3291 9146 3310 9898 3135 10637
Rangamati 1034 3921 1062 3950 1055 6235 1032 4215 1018 4157
Sylhet 4506 19364 4322 16232 4345 15556 4364 13596 4272 12867

Dhaka 5060 17111 4964 20602 5187 18617 4927 18411 5134 19263
Faridpur 3132 12411 3259 11602 3257 11785 3193 11743 3144 11897
Jamalpur 3094 16626 3078 16639 3217 18290 3089 16946 2903 16073
Kishoreganj 2258 10995 2192 10266 2201 8218 2201 6500 2147 10390
Mymensingh 2526 8881 2485 8819 2485 8958 2480 8862 2506 9307
Tangail 2615 9492 2706 12020 2818 13224 2713 12309 2783 13035
Barisal 2354 4878 2509 6585 2745 6697 2224 6704 2163 6189
Jessore 4945 24003 4676 18484 4637 19134 4537 18566 4422 18092
Khulna 4500 19608 2274 10493 2191 10253 2220 9726 2169 9474
Kushtia 2169 8955 2170 9749 2351 10681 2323 11919 2368 12100
Patuakhali 816 1625 792 1880 793 1935 786 1853 785 1816
Bogra 1696 6958 1698 6961 1725 7119 1756 7259 1770 6941
Dinajpur 3203 9912 3289 10352 3342 10730 3426 11009 3445 10789
Pabna 2749 9096 2587 8478 2583 8698 2495 8312 2537 8384
Rajshahi 3493 12057 3610 14252 .3737 13589 3642 14286 4104 17698
Rangpur 4826 17567 4700 16661 4706 16788 4480 16088 4532 15560

Bangladesh 68058 267048 65480 257371 66954 259743 65384 256711 65499 260058

Table: 3.9.28 Area and Production of Beans by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 261 278 266 281 280 295 261 320 294 546
Chittagong 3033 7432 3019 7304 3126 7405 3134 9948 3120 7299
Comilla 2473 5800 2639 6204 2566 5044 2748 5207 2922 6217
Khagrachhari 467 903 479 921 494 947 502 944 522 1018
Noakhali 2658 3067 2746 3078 3022 3495 2990 3441 2726 3354
Rangamati 564 684 574 860 584 839 576 814 576 837
Sylhet 2643 4146 2633 4831 2633 4916 2634 5038 2637 5000

Dhaka 5056 12945 5617 15273 5616 15227 6355 16513 6048 17091
Faridpur 1163 1970 1409 2213 1687 2913 1841 3283 1862 3292
Jamalpur 1055 2536 1051 2319 1036 2619 1120 2757 1118 2861
Kishoreganj 1440 3297 1455 3331 1415 3142 1371 3121 1352 3103
Mymensingh 1280 2154 1289 2307 1295 2208 1364 2433 1348 2087
Tangail 2054 4591 1952 4054 1979 3980 1960 3948 1818 3507
Barisal 858 797 1128 1040 1158 1044 1435 2051 1485 2159
Jessore 4513 13888 4563 14987 4601 15108 4633 14812 4574 14601
Khulna 1527 5129 1653 5454 1547 5134 1543 4389 1513 4161
Kushtia 1321 3328 1521 3714 1582 3888 1789 4924 1609 4593
Patuakhali 435 427 446 416 442 402 446 414 381 334
Bogra 704 1692 733 1769 754 1831 763 1797 822 2448
Dinajpur 1236 1741 1264 1833 1310 1855 1309 1790 1352 1807
Pabna 841 884 868 920 895 952 963 1021 995 1152
Rajshahi 1491 3470 1518 3525 1535 3479 1539 3869 1728 4960
Rangpur 1446 1713 1390 1752 1435 1859 1484 1922 1498 1929
Bangladesh 38519 82872 40213 88386 40992 88581 42760 94756 42300 94356

Table: 3.9.29 Area and Production of Palong Sak by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 124 308 123 104 152 166 136 231 124 191
Chittagong 966 1855 930 1631 904 1645 931 1706 911 1690
Comilla 551 1215 575 1151 532 1054 550 1079 621 1254
Khagrachhari 170 265 165 258 167 257 168 251 173 265
Noakhali 399 659 410 678 536 735 539 747 525 821
Rangamati 100 81 92 75 99 80 102 79 105 83
Sylhet 262 288 283 389 287 451 297 460 318 485

Dhaka 1594 2535 2094 3309 2021 3584 1819 3161 1920 3484
Faridpur 1169 1703 1310 2364 1377 2850 1460 2912 1442 2968
Jamalpur 340 653 312 578 322 622 314 595 318 465
Kishoreganj 234 267 226 246 217 253 219 289 276 330
Mymensingh 514 335 317 353 368 820 343 726 360 703
Tangail 346 780 308 648 322 702 307 675 302 674

Barisal 628 1235 893 1903 961 2150 654 1060 760 1161
Jessore 2778 7241 2710 7386 2759 7886 2671 7243 2655 7417
Khulna 2124 8511 1910 7191 1889 6672 1726 5453 1736 5028
Kushtia 1639 6150 1710 4582 1810 4844 2020 5370 2007 5449
Patuakhali 148 134 146 140 151 146 153 148 141 135
Bogra 524 1277 541 1323 540 1315 557 1511 579 1593
Dinajpur 977 2112 992 2013 989 2009 1023 2129 1100 2244
Pabna 606 806 637 930 626 1176 646 1084 704 1182
Rajshahi 1713 3865 1744 3904 1804 4013 1751 3713 1717 3659
Rangpur 1352 1755 1381 1742 1382 1821 1392 1897 1432 1885
Bangladesh 19258 44030 19809 42898 20215 45251 19778 42519 20226 43166

Table: 3.9.30 Area and Production of Lalsak by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 103 236 123 292 128 290 112 240 111 245
Chittagong 1016 1952 1044 2233 1044 2180 1081 2232 1041 2037
Comilla 2450 3721 1759 3857 1795 3749 1805 3452 1879 3597
Khagrachhari 230 396 229 393 232 392 229 385 236 394
Noakhali 2027 2464 1840 2221 1981 2827 1688 2060 1494 1841
Rangamati 289 439 286 435 285 361 278 346 280 347
Sylhet 789 781 918 1056 937 1198 1003 1243 946 1436
Dhaka 2067 4923 2239 4129 2261 4131 2317 3984 2446 4497
Faridpur 1400 1657 1502 2619 1653 2900 1686 2713 1642 3056
Jamalpur 749 1421 723 1323 698 1352 732 1359 717 1343
Kishoreganj 358 534 336 454 316 413 353 451 370 478
Mymensingh 419 580 439 619 464 691 503 708 528 752
Tangail 394 817 425 867 432 901 442 888 444 897
Barisal 1295 685 1537 1136 1582 1293 1584 1711 1597 1447
Jessore 2034 4207 2144 4414 2092 4663 2104 4554 1986 4284
Khulna 2523 4074 2229 3430 2206 3950 2130 3091 1994 2929
Kushtia 1344 3494 1280 3643 1328 3791 1466 4135 1479 4152
Patuakhali 450 414 464 442 471 456 502 480 475 579
Bogra 363 570 367 577 313 499 415 697 514 954
Dinajpur 771 1486 804 1457 804 1383 853 1240 801 1146
Pabna 392 762 388 718 504 1254 528 1329 539 1281
Rajshahi 1348 2635 1375 2878 1501 2660 1450 2470 1606 3150
Rangpur 1922 2941 1899 2390 1850 2995 1857 3042 1877 3097
Bangladesh 24733 41189 24350 41583 24877 44329 25118 42810 25002 43939

Table: 3.9.31 Area and Production of Carrot by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - 13 17 13 17 10 13 11 14
Chittagong 31 172 46 176 44 150 50 56 47 133
Comilla 33 104 37 107 25 58 39 117 42 130
Khagrachhari - - 05 06 04 05 05 06 5 07
Noakhali 15 31 19 38 18 28 22 36 23 31
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 1581 7371 1605 7537 1624 7485 1677 7785 1711 6430
Faridpur 41 44 51 68 46 60 45 59 56 62
Jamalpur 118 212 106 286 141 410 154 434 154 393
Kishoreganj 15 19 29 49 31 54 35 55 38 58
Mymensingh 71 139 63 141 66 157 70 161 69 171
Tangail 77 288 77 291 89 345 84 314 79 275
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 100 271 94 290 131 473 145 528 128 450
Khulna 97 248 107 286 108 254 121 287 112 279
Kushtia 26 99 24 102 48 157 62 194 69 202
Patuakhali (01) (0.7) 2 1 02 01 01 01 01 01

Bogra 108 395 114 441 121 464 150 572 149 564
Dinajpur 215 334 248 365 237 359 254 415 289 467
Pabna 48 128 154 479 392 2756 397 3654 406 2367
Rajshahi 72 229 89 250 92 261 87 231 105 328
Rangpur 202 346 226 450 264 581 350 682 369 774
Bangladesh 2850 10430 3109 11380 3496 14075 3758 15600 3863 13136

Table: 3.9.32 Area and Production of Laushak by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban 29 62 73 105 75 105 75 97 70 91
Chittagong 400 597 348 619 408 696 380 699 382 696
Comilla 1250 1891 1255 1864 1131 1702 1070 1747 1085 1744
Khagrachhari 169 224 192 257 211 262 296 323 296 335
Noakhali 1812 2569 1676 2531 1804 2134 1746 2238 1669 2052
Rangamati 197 195 213 215 221 208 227 233 250 264
Sylhet 329 393 312 480 312 518 319 541 336 565
Dhaka 1752 2416 1757 3263 1782 3665 1711 3473 1749 3646
Faridpur 1085 1129 1029 953 1046 950 1044 948 1015 925
Jamalpur 531 2036 448 1695 518 1929 535 2033 557 2242
Kishoreganj 273 342 251 292 230 210 219 212 253 258
Mymensingh 443 668 438 666 486 769 491 751 533 803
Tangail 517 868 495 823 476 800 433 700 445 725
Barisal 1842 3180 1839 3693 1879 3679 1769 1729 1813 3042
Jessore 665 2568 661 2131 650 2268 618 2019 606 1931
Khulna 681 593 751 635 724 649 764 684 750 664
664Kushtia 126 60 103 59 125 65 138 236 136 239
239Patuakhali 230 189 261 306 268 274 271 277 268 275
Bogra 134 245 124 223 119 216 130 266 126 272
Dinajpur 418 1183 302 450 257 327 292 367 323 402
Pabna 239 251 229 259 240 282 253 353 265 341
Rajshahi 316 193 271 223 283 212 331 218 350 220
Rangpur 516 551 687 807 714 896 718 885 748 935
Bangladesh 13954 22403 13715 22549 13959 22816 13830 22358 14025 22667

Table: 3.9.33 Area and Production of Other Winter Vegetables (Lettuces, Uchehch, Beet,
Salgom) by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 66 45 84 72 26 16 - - 57 69
Chittagong 232 494 219 549 224 462 234 481 253 504
Comilla 1462 2773 1424 2434 1541 3005 1579 3070 1620 3267
Khagrachhari 19 28 35 53 22 28 52 76 63 94
Noakhali 1192 1571 932 1193 767 1000 490 810 513 541
Rangamati 93 72 86 66 92 69 94 80 100 96
Sylhet 854 1323 847 1354 858 1396 1070 1378 1035 1603

Dhaka 3972 7005 4031 7552 3910 7506 3640 5799 3278 4340
Faridpur 1079 2335 1065 2251 1664 3656 1629 3602 1662 3266
Jamalpur 322 656 338 597 298 521 337 721 343 738
Kishoreganj 299 494 292 467 287 452 311 523 294 500
Mymensingh 456 577 413 503 432 560 459 549 455 564
Tangail 985 2083 899 1900 868 1851 865 1866 784 2074
Barisal 1200 930 1381 1162 1370 1122 1245 2244 1339 2401
Jessore 1783 3928 1770 3891 1847 4106 1864 4282 1741 3892
Khulna 1600 4106 1550 3674 1491 3772 1518 3804 1484 3690
Kushtia 851 1785 899 1837 931 1872 989 1854 924 1700
Patuakhali 490 598 504 591 500 553 503 575 408 517
Bogra 184 360 185 362 182 364 176 367 181 367
Dinajpur 449 736 490 776 470 603 434 423 487 598
Pabna 221 184 233 268 299 449 297 823 313 917
Rajshahi 891 1705 764 1389 747 1949 691 1237 962 1759
Rangpur 123 118 251 218 484 478 459 514 448 488
Bangladesh 18823 33906 18692 33159 19310 35190 18936 35078 18744 33985


3.10 Estimate of Other Food Crops

National estimate of area and production of 2007-08 to 2011-12 are given in the
following table:

Table 3.10 Area and Production of other food crops 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Local 201070 886109 193375 561907 184168 806171 184301 869787 179881 837967

HYV 791935 5761669 784165 4706420 889678 7124069 952891 7456602 883323 7367503

Total Potato 993005 6647778 977540 5268327 1073846 7930240 1137192 8326389 1063204 8205470
Sweet potato 78033 307221 78325 305025 76779 306633 75055 297539 60682 252891

Total 1071038 6954999 1055865 5573352 1150625 8236873 1212247 8623928 1123886 8458361

Estimate of Potato 2011-12

Potato cultivation has been getting popular in Bangladesh over the last several years. Although the
weather condition was favourable during the sowing period in this year, the area of local variety
remains almost same. It was found that the farmers were interested to grow more high yielding
variety. According to the field report it is observed that good management and distribution system
of seed and fertilizer brought substantially higher production of this crop. More over there was no
climatic disaster against potato production. As a result, the yield rate has significantly increased
although there has been 1.45% decrease in total volume of production due to decreasing area.

Total area under potato crop has been estimated at 10,63,204 acres (4,30,255 hectares) in this
year compared to 11,37,192 acres (4,60,197 hectares) of the last year. Comparative area
estimates of this year (2011-12) as well as last year are shown below;

Table -1:Estimate of Total Area of Potato Crop by Type

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage

Variety Area Area Area Area changes over
(Acre) (Hectare) (Acre) (Hectare) previous year
Local 1,84,301 74,583 1,79,881 72,794 (-) 2.40%
High Yielding Variety 9,52,891 3,85,614 8,83,323 3,57,461 (-) 7.30%
Total Potato 11,37,192 4,60,197 10,63,204 4,30,255 (-) 6.51%

Average yield rate has been estimated at 206.76 maunds per acre (19.071 metric tons per
hectare) compared to 196.15 maunds (18.093 Metric tons per hectare) of last year. Estimated
yield rates of this year as well as last year are shown below;

Table -2:Estimate of Yield Rate of Potato Crop by Type

2010-11 2011-12
Variety Yield Yield Per Yield changes over
Yield Per Acre
Per Hectare Acre Per Hectare previous year
(M.Ton) (Maund) (M.Ton)
Local Potato 126.43 11.662 124.99 11.512 (-) 1.29%
High Yielding Variety 209.64 19.337 223.45 20.611 (+) 6.59%
Total Potato 196.15 18.093 206.76 19.071 (+) 5.41%

Total potato production has been estimated at 82,05,470 metric tons compared to 83,26,389
metric tons of the last year which is 1.45% lower. Estimates of production of this year and the last
year are as follows;

Table -3: Estimate of Production of Potato Crop by Type

2010-11 2011-12 Percentage

Variety Total Production changes over
Total Production (M.Ton) previous year
Local Potato 8,69,787 8,37,967 (-) 3.66%
High Yielding Variety 74,56,602 73,67,503 (-) 1.19%
Total Potato 83,26,389 82,05,470 (-) 1.45%

Estimate of area, yield rates and production by district and region are appended in table (1-3).

Table: 3.10.1. Estimate of Local Potato 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
1. Bandarban Region 590 239 95.89 8.845 2112 685 277 89.40 8.246 2286
Chittagong 7413 3000 139.03 12.824 38471 7427 3006 135.92 12.537 37681
Cox's Bazar 1253 507 135.29 12.479 6328 1226 496 138.54 12.779 6340
2 Chittagong Region 8666 3507 138.49 12.774 44799 8653 3502 136.29 12.571 44021
Comilla 296 120 93.49 8.623 1033 227 92 82.49 7.609 699
Chandpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Brahmanbaria 1089 441 54.26 5.005 2206 1600 647 53.85 4.967 3216
3 Comilla Region 1385 560 62.64 5.778 3239 1827 739 57.41 5.295 3915
4 Khagrachari Region 698 282 105.46 9.728 2748 720 291 110.49 10.192 2969
Noakhali 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Lakshmipur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Feni 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
5 Noakhali Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
6 Rangamati Region 629 255 102.90 9.491 2416 641 259 93.68 0.000 2241
Sylhet 771 312 72.10 6.650 2075 710 287 60.78 5.606 1611
Maulavibazar 1066 431 88.43 8.157 3519 1033 418 72.20 6.660 2784
Sunamgonj 473 191 71.82 6.625 1268 443 179 70.21 6.476 1161
Hobigonj 1538 622 78.24 7.217 4492 1531 620 78.01 7.196 4458
7 Sylhet Region 3848 1557 79.05 7.291 11354 3717 1504 72.17 6.657 10014
Dhaka 24 10 38.11 3.515 34 22 9 37.75 3.482 31
Gazipur 184 74 88.38 8.152 607 198 80 93.22 8.599 689
Manikgonj 25 10 39.65 3.657 37 9 4 38.70 3.570 13
Munshigonj 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 #DIV/0! 0
Narayangonj 367 149 137.54 12.687 1884 188 76 93.77 8.649 658
Narsingdi 785 318 148.41 13.689 4349 788 319 109.45 10.096 3219
8 Dhaka Region 1385 560 133.68 12.331 6911 1205 488 102.50 9.455 4610
Faridpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Rajbari 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Madaripur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Gopalgonj 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Shariatpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
9 Faridpur Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Jamalpur 2680 1085 138.00 12.729 13805 1260 510 110.70 10.211 5206
Sherpur 752 304 84.61 7.804 2375 941 381 93.50 8.624 3284
10 Jamalpur Region 3432 1389 126.30 11.650 16180 2201 891 103.35 9.533 8491
Kishoregonj 2958 1197 85.81 7.915 9475 2660 1076 92.64 8.545 9198
Netrokona 2020 817 63.34 5.842 4776 1900 769 63.26 5.835 4487
11 Kishoregonj Region 4978 2014 76.69 7.074 14251 4560 1845 80.40 7.416 13685
12 Mymenshing Region 7415 3001 76.78 7.082 21251 7265 2940 76.17 7.026 20656


Table: 3.10.1. Estimate of Local Potato 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares (M.Tons)
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)

13. Tangail Region 4282 1733 110.38 10.181 17643 4391 1777 90.04 8.305 14758
Barisal 85 34 182.88 16.869 580 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Jalakati 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Perojpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bhola 1837 743 169.72 15.655 11638 280 113 170.12 15.692 1778
14. Barisal Region 1922 778 170.30 15.709 12218 280 113 170.12 15.692 1778
Jessore 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 680 275 65.73 6.063 1668
Jhenaidah 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Magura 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Narail 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
15. Jessore Region 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 680 275 65.73 6.063 1668
Khulna 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bagerhat 11 4 65.76 6.066 27 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Satkhira 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
16. Khulna Region 11 4 65.76 6.066 27 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Kushtia 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Chuadanga 1440 583 137.67 12.699 7400 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Meherpur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
17. Kushtia Region 1440 583 137.67 12.699 7400 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Patuakhali 70 28 182.88 16.869 478 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Barguna 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
18. Patuakhali Region 70 28 182.88 16.869 478 0 0 0.00 0.000 0
Bogra 40409 16353 142.71 13.164 215258 43178 17473 150.26 13.860 242177
Joypurhat 17500 7082 150.67 13.898 98422 18652 7548 144.87 13.363 100863
19. Bogra Region 57909 23435 145.12 13.385 313680 61830 25021 148.63 13.710 343040
Dinajpur 17068 6907 138.95 12.817 88526 15714 6359 110.94 10.233 65073
Thakurgaon 6347 2568 115.49 10.653 27362 5641 2283 112.82 10.406 23756
Panchagar 5058 2047 105.96 9.774 20005 4217 1707 104.92 9.678 16515
20. DinajpurRegion 28473 11522 127.86 11.794 135893 25572 10348 110.36 10.180 105344
Pabna 469 190 75.90 7.001 1329 337 136 75.41 6.956 949
Sirajgonj 1801 729 87.56 8.077 5886 1884 762 87.16 8.040 6130
21. Pabna Region 2270 919 85.15 7.854 7215 2221 899 85.38 7.875 7078
Rajshahi 14778 5980 137.67 12.699 75942 12244 4955 129.51 11.946 59191
Noagaon 22066 8930 130.97 12.081 107875 23594 9548 139.06 12.827 122470
Natore 440 178 111.56 10.290 1832 477 193 89.63 8.267 1596
Nawabgonj 546 221 121.13 11.173 2469 617 250 125.21 11.549 2884
22. Rajshahi Region 37830 15309 133.22 12.288 188118 36932 14946 135.02 12.455 186141
Rangpur 9012 3647 98.11 9.050 33004 9140 3699 105.84 9.763 36110
Gaibanda 1345 544 64.85 5.982 3256 1275 516 83.63 7.714 3980
Kurigram 1050 425 95.91 8.847 3759 960 388 92.46 8.528 3313
Nilphamari 4520 1829 107.12 9.881 18073 3976 1609 116.54 10.750 17296
Lalmonirhat 1141 462 88.33 8.148 3762 1150 465 106.49 9.823 4571
23. Rangpur Region 17068 6907 97.09 8.955 61854 16501 6678 105.97 9.775 65270
BANGLADESH 184301 74583 126.43 11.662 869787 179881 72794 124.99 11.512 837967

Table: 3.10.2. Estimate of HYV Potato 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
1. Bandarban Region 350 142 126.00 11.622 1646 336 136 132.01 12.177 1656
Chittagong 1720 696 158.79 14.647 10195 1550 627 186.54 17.206 10793
Cox's Bazar 243 98 162.04 14.947 1470 213 86 187.43 17.288 1490
2 Chittagong Region 1963 794 159.19 14.684 11665 1763 713 186.65 17.216 12283
Comilla 39660 16050 210.34 19.402 311388 30879 12496 225.78 20.826 260241
Chandpur 35158 14228 214.41 19.777 281382 28125 11382 240.35 22.170 252327
Brahmanbaria 5071 2052 187.34 17.280 35461 5590 2262 200.07 18.454 41747
3 Comilla Region 79889 32329 210.67 19.432 628231 64594 26140 229.90 21.206 554315
4 Khagrachari Region 223 90 98.64 9.099 821 233 94 126.49 11.667 1100
Noakhali 467 189 94.78 8.742 1652 465 188 84.23 7.769 1462
Lakshmipur 248 100 70.97 6.546 657 305 123 109.36 10.087 1245
Feni 558 226 123.81 11.420 2579 505 204 112.99 10.422 2130
5 Noakhali Region 1273 515 102.87 9.488 4888 1275 516 101.63 9.375 4837
6 Rangamati Region 201 81 122.29 11.280 918 186 75 109.46 10.097 760
Sylhet 2495 1010 120.74 11.137 11245 2429 983 100.30 9.252 9094
Maulavibazar 2026 820 136.35 12.577 10312 2061 834 114.57 10.568 8814
Sunamgonj 808 327 139.17 12.837 4197 718 291 110.96 10.235 2974
Hobigonj 2338 946 79.72 7.353 6957 1828 740 73.14 6.746 4991
7 Sylhet Region 7667 3103 114.30 10.543 32711 7036 2847 98.51 9.087 25873
Dhaka 5884 2381 207.78 19.166 45636 5161 2089 215.59 19.886 41533
Gazipur 818 331 145.64 13.434 4447 812 329 129.07 11.905 3912
Manikgonj 5351 2165 192.50 17.756 38450 3622 1466 193.07 17.809 26103
Munshigonj 89415 36184 316.36 29.181 1055891 87743 35508 325.42 30.017 1065820
Narayangonj 10562 4274 239.37 22.079 94372 8577 3471 312.00 28.779 99889
Narsingdi 3143 1272 142.35 13.130 16700 2436 986 136.77 12.616 12436
8 Dhaka Region 115173 46608 292.04 26.937 1255496 108351 43847 308.99 28.501 1249693
Faridpur 1121 454 123.83 11.422 5182 504 204 165.95 15.307 3122
Rajbari 264 107 151.13 13.940 1489 289 117 164.54 15.177 1775
Madaripur 816 330 205.73 18.976 6266 998 404 186.59 17.211 6951
Gopalgonj 791 320 231.32 21.337 6830 758 307 228.10 21.040 6454
Shariatpur 1151 466 281.31 25.948 12086 1832 741 274.55 25.324 18775
9 FaridpurRegion 4143 1677 205.97 18.999 31853 4381 1773 226.73 20.913 37077
Jamalpur 10678 4321 171.05 15.778 68177 9043 3660 182.73 16.855 61681
Sherpur 10455 4231 166.55 15.363 64997 8172 3307 272.00 25.089 82971
10 Jamalpur Region 21133 8552 168.82 15.572 133174 17215 6967 225.11 20.764 144651
Kishoregonj 5624 2276 138.28 12.755 29029 7035 2847 148.11 13.662 38893
Netrokona 836 338 92.65 8.546 2891 630 255 90.29 8.328 2123
11 Kishoregonj Region 6460 2614 132.37 12.210 31920 7665 3102 143.36 13.223 41017
12 Mymenshing Region 3158 1278 161.47 14.894 19034 3421 1384 135.86 12.532 17349


Table: 3.10.2.Estimate of HYV Potato 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per
Zila/Region Production Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares (M.Tons)
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
13. Tangail Region 4799 1942 135.68 12.515 24305 4493 1818 145.44 13.415 24392
Barisal 1278 517 216.33 19.954 10320 1349 546 209.07 19.285 10528
Jalakati 439 178 122.11 11.263 2001 431 174 174.54 16.100 2808
Perojpur 2138 865 146.22 13.487 11669 2024 819 137.95 12.724 10422
Bhola 5564 2252 226.00 20.846 46938 7161 2898 244.32 22.536 65307
14. Barisal Region 9419 3812 201.74 18.608 70928 10965 4437 217.61 20.072 89065
Jessore 6360 2574 220.31 20.321 52302 5767 2334 229.93 21.209 49496
Jhenaidah 3411 1380 208.89 19.268 26597 2564 1038 221.39 20.421 21189
Magura 257 104 141.28 13.032 1355 237 96 144.47 13.326 1278
Narail 114 46 133.01 12.269 566 97 39 152.92 14.105 554
15. Jessore Region 10142 4104 213.49 19.692 80820 8665 3507 224.20 20.680 72517
Khulna 770 312 136.90 12.628 3935 1208 489 133.74 12.336 6031
Bagerhat 1016 411 178.83 16.495 6782 968 392 168.05 15.501 6072
Satkhira 9254 3745 172.44 15.906 59566 8409 3403 164.58 15.181 51659
16. Khulna Region 11040 4468 170.55 15.732 70283 10585 4284 161.38 14.885 63762
Kushtia 5406 2188 211.05 19.467 42588 4437 1796 252.09 23.253 41752
Chuadanga 3045 1232 200.26 18.472 22762 3369 1363 230.74 21.283 29017
Meherpur 4417 1787 229.51 21.170 37840 4140 1675 230.81 21.290 35668
17. Kushtia Region 12868 5207 214.83 19.816 103190 11946 4834 238.69 22.017 106437
Patuakhali 1745 706 199.42 18.394 12989 1727 699 236.53 21.817 15248
Barguna 2733 1106 222.37 20.511 22685 2714 1098 214.92 19.824 21773
18. Patuakhali Region 4478 1812 213.42 19.686 35674 4441 1797 223.32 20.599 37021
Bogra 94670 38311 195.18 18.003 689723 88948 35995 195.58 18.040 649364
Joypurhat 73427 29714 244.96 22.595 671395 66960 27097 219.93 20.286 549702
19. Bogra Region 168097 68025 216.92 20.009 1361118 155908 63093 206.04 19.005 1199065
Dinajpur 80578 32608 176.47 16.278 530780 72789 29456 183.30 16.908 498030
Thakurgaon 55196 22337 178.83 16.495 368447 48765 19734 179.24 16.533 326265
Panchagar 14616 5915 152.80 14.094 83364 18422 7455 153.10 14.122 105278
20. Dinajpur Region 150390 60860 175.04 16.145 982591 139976 56645 177.91 16.410 929573
Pabna 2252 911 104.81 9.668 8810 2269 918 134.24 12.382 11370
Sirajgonj 4693 1899 105.62 9.742 18502 3657 1480 159.54 14.716 21778
21. Pabna Region 6945 2810 105.35 9.718 27312 5926 2398 149.85 13.822 33148
Rajshahi 71705 29017 235.97 21.766 631587 72128 29189 264.96 24.440 713364
Noagaon 27367 11075 186.98 17.247 191007 23934 9686 194.63 17.953 173881
Natore 2865 1159 211.49 19.508 22617 2289 926 213.87 19.727 18274
Nawabgonj 3158 1278 198.24 18.286 23368 2919 1181 183.99 16.971 20047
22. Rajshahi Region 105095 42530 221.41 20.423 868579 101270 40982 244.85 22.585 925566
Rangpur 129945 52586 216.95 20.011 1052317 124098 50220 233.94 21.579 1083669
Gaibanda 21350 8640 185.85 17.143 148111 20624 8346 177.29 16.353 136485
Kurigram 14770 5977 185.88 17.146 102480 13168 5329 193.96 17.891 95337
Nilphamari 49140 19886 170.82 15.756 313329 45462 18397 186.62 17.214 316690
Lalmonirhat 12780 5172 132.50 12.222 63208 9340 3780 181.41 16.733 63246
23. Rangpur Region 227985 92261 197.35 18.203 1679445 212692 86072 213.55 19.698 1695426
BANGLADESH 952891 385614 209.64 19.337 7456602 883323 357461 223.45 20.611 7367503

Table: 3.10.3. Estimate of Total Potato (Local+HYV) 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds) (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
1. Bandarban Region 940 380 107.10 9.879 3758 1021 413 103.42 9.540 3942
Chittagong 9133 3696 142.75 13.167 48666 8977 3633 144.66 13.343 48474
Cox's Bazar 1496 605 139.64 12.881 7798 1439 582 145.78 13.446 7830
2 Chittagong Region 10629 4301 142.32 13.127 56464 10416 4215 144.81 13.358 56304
Comilla 39956 16169 209.47 19.322 312421 31106 12588 224.73 20.729 260940
Chandpur 35158 14228 214.41 19.777 281382 28125 11382 240.35 22.170 252327
Brahmanbaria 6160 2493 163.81 15.110 37667 7190 2910 167.53 15.453 44963
3 Comilla Region 81274 32890 208.15 19.200 631470 66421 26879 225.15 20.768 558230
4 Khagrachari Region 921 373 103.81 9.575 3569 953 386 114.40 10.552 4070
Noakhali 467 189 94.78 8.742 1652 465 188 84.23 7.769 1462
Lakshmipur 248 100 70.97 6.546 657 305 123 109.36 10.087 1245
Feni 558 226 123.81 11.420 2579 505 204 112.99 10.422 2130
5 Noakhali Region 1273 515 102.87 9.488 4888 1275 516 101.63 9.375 4837
6 Rangamati Region 830 336 107.61 9.926 3334 827 335 97.23 8.968 3001
Sylhet 3266 1322 109.26 10.078 13320 3139 1270 91.36 8.427 10705
Maulavibazar 3092 1251 119.84 11.054 13831 3094 1252 100.42 9.263 11598
Sunamgonj 1281 518 114.30 10.543 5465 1161 470 95.41 8.801 4135
Hobigonj 3876 1569 79.13 7.299 11449 3359 1359 75.36 6.951 9449
7 Sylhet Region 11515 4660 102.52 9.456 44065 10753 4352 89.41 8.247 35887
Dhaka 5908 2391 207.09 19.102 45670 5183 2097 214.84 19.816 41564
Gazipur 1002 405 135.13 12.464 5054 1010 409 122.04 11.257 4601
Manikgonj 5376 2176 191.79 17.691 38487 3631 1469 192.69 17.773 26116
Munshigonj 89415 36184 316.36 29.181 1055891 87743 35508 325.42 30.017 1065820
Narayangonj 10929 4423 235.95 21.764 96256 8765 3547 307.32 28.347 100547
Narsingdi 3928 1590 143.56 13.242 21049 3224 1305 130.09 12.000 15656
8 Dhaka Region 116558 47168 290.16 26.764 1262407 109556 44335 306.72 28.292 1254304
Faridpur 1121 454 123.83 11.422 5182 504 204 165.95 15.307 3122
Rajbari 264 107 151.13 13.940 1489 289 117 164.54 15.177 1775
Madaripur 816 330 205.73 18.976 6266 998 404 186.59 17.211 6951
Gopalgonj 791 320 231.32 21.337 6830 758 307 228.10 21.040 6454
Shariatpur 1151 466 281.31 25.948 12086 1832 741 274.55 25.324 18775
9 Faridpur Region 4143 1677 205.97 18.999 31853 4381 1773 226.73 20.913 37077
Jamalpur 13358 5406 164.42 15.166 81982 10303 4169 173.92 16.042 66887
Sherpur 11207 4535 161.05 14.855 67372 9113 3688 253.57 23.389 86255
10 Jamalpur Region 24565 9941 162.88 15.024 149354 19416 7857 211.30 19.491 153142
Kishoregonj 8582 3473 120.19 11.087 38504 9695 3923 132.89 12.258 48092
Netrokona 2856 1156 71.92 6.634 7667 2530 1024 69.99 6.456 6610
11 Kishoregonj Region 11438 4629 108.14 9.975 46171 12225 4947 119.87 11.057 54701
12 Mymenshing Region 10573 4279 102.08 9.415 40285 10686 4324 95.28 8.789 38005


Table: 3.10.3. Estimate of Total Potato (Local + HYV) 2010-11 to 2011-12.

2010-11 2011-12
Area Yield per Area Yield per Production
Zila/Region Production
Acre Hectare Acre Hectare (M.Tons)
Acres Hectares (M.Tons) Acres Hectares
(Maunds (M.Tons) (Maunds) (M.Tons)
13. Tangail Region 9081 3675 123.75 11.415 41948 8884 3595 118.06 10.890 39150
Barisal 1363 552 214.24 19.762 10900 1349 546 209.07 19.285 10528
Jalakati 439 178 122.11 11.263 2001 431 174 174.54 16.100 2808
Perojpur 2138 865 146.22 13.487 11669 2024 819 137.95 12.724 10422
Bhola 7401 2995 212.03 19.558 58576 7441 3011 241.53 22.278 67085
14. Barisal Region 11341 4589 196.41 18.117 83146 11245 4551 216.42 19.963 90843
Jessore 6360 2574 220.31 20.321 52302 6447 2609 212.61 19.611 51165
Jhenaidah 3411 1380 208.89 19.268 26597 2564 1038 221.39 20.421 21189
Magura 257 104 141.28 13.032 1355 237 96 144.47 13.326 1278
Narail 114 46 133.01 12.269 566 97 39 152.92 14.105 554
15. Jessore Region 10142 4104 213.49 19.692 80820 9345 3782 212.67 19.617 74185
Khulna 770 312 136.90 12.628 3935 1208 489 133.74 12.336 6031
Bagerhat 1027 416 177.62 16.384 6809 968 392 168.05 15.501 6072
Satkhira 9254 3745 172.44 15.906 59566 8409 3403 164.58 15.181 51659
16. Khulna Region 11051 4472 170.45 15.722 70310 10585 4284 161.38 14.885 63762
Kushtia 5406 2188 211.05 19.467 42588 4437 1796 252.09 23.253 41752
Chuadanga 4485 1815 180.16 16.618 30162 3369 1363 230.74 21.283 29017
Meherpur 4417 1787 229.51 21.170 37840 4140 1675 230.81 21.290 35668
17. Kushtia Region 14308 5790 207.07 19.100 110590 11946 4834 238.69 22.017 106437
Patuakhali 1815 734 198.78 18.336 13467 1727 699 236.53 21.817 15248
Barguna 2733 1106 222.37 20.511 22685 2714 1098 214.92 19.824 21773
18. Patuakhali Region 4548 1840 212.95 19.643 36152 4441 1797 223.32 20.599 37021
Bogra 135079 54664 179.48 16.555 904981 132126 53468 180.77 16.674 891541
Joypurhat 90927 36796 226.81 20.921 769817 85612 34645 203.58 18.778 650565
19. Bogra Region 226006 91460 198.53 18.312 1674798 217738 88114 189.74 17.501 1542105
Dinajpur 97646 39515 169.91 15.673 619306 88503 35815 170.45 15.722 563103
Thakurgaon 61543 24905 172.30 15.893 395809 54406 22017 172.35 15.898 350021
Panchagar 19674 7962 140.76 12.983 103369 22639 9162 144.13 13.294 121794
20. Dinajpur Region 178863 72382 167.53 15.453 1118484 165548 66994 167.48 15.448 1034918
Pabna 2721 1101 99.83 9.208 10139 2606 1055 126.63 11.681 12318
Sirajgonj 6494 2628 100.61 9.280 24388 5541 2242 134.93 12.446 27908
21. Pabna Region 9215 3729 100.38 9.259 34527 8147 3297 132.28 12.201 40226
Rajshahi 86483 34998 219.17 20.216 707529 84372 34143 245.30 22.627 772555
Noagaon 49433 20004 161.98 14.941 298882 47528 19234 167.04 15.408 296351
Natore 3305 1337 198.18 18.280 24449 2766 1119 192.44 17.751 19869
Nawabgonj 3704 1499 186.87 17.237 25837 3536 1431 173.73 16.025 22931
22. Rajshahi Region 142925 57839 198.07 18.270 1056697 138202 55927 215.50 19.878 1111707
Rangpur 138957 56233 209.24 19.300 1085320 133238 53918 225.15 20.768 1119778
Gaibanda 22695 9184 178.68 16.481 151367 21899 8862 171.84 15.850 140465
Kurigram 15820 6402 179.91 16.595 106239 14128 5717 187.06 17.255 98650
Nilphamari 53660 21715 165.45 15.261 331403 49438 20006 180.98 16.694 333986
Lalmonirhat 13921 5634 128.88 11.888 66970 10490 4245 173.20 15.976 67818
23. Rangpur Region 245053 99168 190.36 17.559 1741299 229193 92749 205.80 18.983 1760697
BANGLADESH 1137192 460197 196.15 18.093 8326389 106320 430255 206.76 19.071 8205470

Area and production of Sweet Potato by region are shown in following table.
Table: 3.10.4 Area and Production of Sweet Potato by Region, 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Region 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban 362 1254 354 1723 373 1748 370 1940 358 1509
Chittagong 7227 24841 7185 24427 5970 20563 6026 22044 1049 4295
Comilla 9637 42435 9947 43668 10001 43443 9859 39911 9098 37656
Khagrachhari 637 2373 644 2102 655 2134 641 2132 618 2042
Noakhali 8451 23804 8594 27402 8665 29117 8497 28591 8611 29994
Rangamati 544 1893 530 1863 467 1676 538 1963 533 1982
Sylhet 2827 10454 2239 8447 1972 6283 2000 6377 1938 5914

Dhaka 5309 26701 5237 26537 5102 27540 5088 29463 4808 29649
Faridpur 2354 8928 2367 8389 2474 10611 2571 10153 2397 9629
Jamalpur 6092 34479 5285 29894 4946 27962 4725 27184 4684 24826
Kishoreganj 3841 14708 3836 16506 3696 19721 3590 19120 3514 18414
Mymensingh 1953 9439 1746 6600 1691 7550 1624 7365 1559 6448
Tangail 1789 7650 2186 10036 2736 13674 2499 12475 2308 10948

Barisal 7267 29416 7460 28338 7671 27901 7366 23303 6091 18873
Jessore 1045 3910 1011 3911 987 4057 954 3819 876 3426
Khulna 1039 3833 1038 4137 1035 3729 987 3136 928 3498
Kushtia 550 2022 513 2080 606 2459 640 2654 515 2271
Patuakhali 5341 13282 6019 13432 5971 11653 5972 12671 - -

Bogra 1435 4803 1615 5207 1716 6055 1680 6086 1586 5913
Dinajpur 2250 8333 2288 7813 2188 5349 1873 5163 1813 4920
Pabna 1592 8333 1821 8905 1953 10913 1748 9892 1604 8377
Rajshahi 1753 6842 1768 6516 1749 6742 1624 7042 1588 7143
Rangpur 4738 17488 4642 17092 4155 15753 4183 15055 4206 15164

Bangladesh 78033 307221 78325 305025 76779 306633 75055 297539 60682 252891


3.11 Estimate of Fodder Crops.

National estimate of area and production of other non food crops of 2007-08 to 2011-2012 are
shown in the following table.
Table 3.11 Area and Production of Fodder 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Name of Crops
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bhadoi fodder 2264 18507 1999 15705 3101 11125 3205 10676 2564 8799
Rabi fodder 30174 101783 36701 173861 36872 175840 37285 188279 37227 192013
Total 32438 120290 38700 189566 39973 186965 40490 198955 39791 200812

Mulberry 945 25431 805 23509 773 21407 637 14447 553 28508

Mary Gold 662 1249 803 1622 849 1560 841 1469 830 1500
Others Flower 167 235 222 287 240 308 254 293 219 301
Rose 224 2353 275 2399 273 2423 267 2230 225 2180

Total 1998 29268 2105 27817 2135 25698 1999 18439 1827 32489

Area and production of different non food crops by region are shown in the
following tables:
Table 3.11.1 Area and Production of Bhadoi Fodder by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 30 85 28 81 24 73 22 65 25 73
Comilla 55 45 53 41 56 56 58 60 63 66
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - 351 434 406 592 375 575
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 760.35 2675.21 733 2903 785 3872 823 3402 816 3200
Faridpur 220 260 295 392 937 1966 902 1720 247 499
Jamalpur 30 90 28 95 27 90 25 83 22 74
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh 90 125 77 121 23 39 28 51 23 44
Tangail 130 170 98 172 129 452 174 535 116 355
Barisal 215 700 - - - - - - - -
Jessore 20 80 24 122 30 160 32 178 34 182
Khulna 3 19 03 19 3 19 03 18 03 19
Kushtia 235 953 267 1051 310 1233 344 1444 446 2072
Patuakhali 391 13125 312 10523 348 2553 316 2364 319 1461
Bogra 85 180 81 185 78 178 72 164 75 179
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -

Bangladesh 2264 18507 1999 15705 3101 11125 3205 10676 2564 8799

Table 3.11.2 Area and Production of Rabi Fodder by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 280 449 282 455 300 480 302 478 303 472
Comilla 284 310 294 445 289 441 300 474 310 489
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - 280 276 245 241
Rangamati - - - - - - - - - -
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 5664 21523 5576 19795 5646 21086 5470 20727 5462 20960
Faridpur 2418 2860 2548 3424 2483 3332 2699 11617 2566 10924
Jamalpur 8 17 09 19 12 24 12 24 12 25
Kishoreganj 12 53 - - - - - - -- -
Mymensingh 25 34 19 41 19 39 16 33 18 35
Tangail 596 1510 528 1407 530 1456 517 1356 497 1380
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 61 90 61 53 64 50 68 67 71 63
Khulna 6 36 05 30 5 30 05 30 05 32
Kushtia 175 2643 219 1930 244 2161 257 2245 262 2268
Patuakhali 327 566 141 307 116 243 117 238 116 234
Bogra 35 77 38 84 38 84 36 81 29 85
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - 21 43
Pabna 20220 71534 26932 145713 27071 146235 27167 150530 27272 154661
Rajshahi - - 19 84 19 83 - - - -
Rangpur 63 81 30 74 36 95 37 103 38 101
Bangladesh 30174 101783 36701 173861 36872 175840 37285 188279 37227 192013

Table 3.11.3 Area and Production of Mulberry by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.

(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Average Yield Per
Area Under Production of Inside Production of Total Production of Inside &
Fruit Bearing Tree
Garden (Acres) Garden Outside Garden Outside Garden (M.Tons )
2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - - 04 04 05 05 04 04 09 09
Chittagong - - - - - - - - - -
Comilla 06 - 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 02
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 16 16 14 30 192 576 713 1613 905 2189
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Dhaka - - - 05 - - - 01 - 01
Faridpur - - - - - - - - - -
Jamalpur - - 05 05 - - 149 179 149 179
Kishoreganj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymensingh 04 05 08 07 33 27 131 97 164 124
Tangail 66 11 03 04 329 64 249 276 578 340
Barisal - - - - - - - - - -
Jessore 07 - 07 - - - 272 99 272 99
Khulna - - - - - - - - - -
Kushtia - - 06 05 - - 11 07 11 07
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra 38 39 02 02 38 23 08 27 46 50
Dinajpur 137 136 05 05 234 74 2317 1741 2551 1815
Pabna 37 38 01 01 106 107 19 19 125 126
Rajshahi 300 278 15 33 15154 15995 7226 7042 22380 23037
Rangpur 26 24 08 09 96 88 389 442 485 530
Bangladesh 637 553 09 34 8313 16960 8213 11548 16526 28508

Table 3.11.4 Area and Production of Mary Gold Flower by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 51 71 95 156 115 177 120 179 119 178
Comilla 12 08 12 06 13 06 13 05 12 03
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 24 09 29 10 32 11 33 11 23 08
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka - - - - -- -- -- -- 04- 02-
Faridpur 48 24 46 26 38 15 35 14 30 10
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoregonj - - - - 01 01 01 01 - -
Mymenshing - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail 01 03 01 05 01 05 - - 01 03
- -
Barisal 17 02 19 02 23 04 28 04 29 04
Jessore 414 717 455 931 485 979 455 879 452 891
Khulna 12 11 13 13 18 21 20 10 20 08
Kushtia 68 387 71 402 49 264 56 290 60 316
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
- -
Bogra 10 07 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13
Dinajpur - - - - - - 02 01 02 01
Pabna 03 08 04 12 03 07 04 05 04 05
Rajshahi - - 02 04 02 04 02 04 02 04
Rangpur - - 44 43 57 54 59 53 59 54
- -
Bangladesh 662 1249 803 1622 849 1560 841 1469 830 1500

Table 3.11.5 Area and Production of Rose Flower by Region 2010-11 to 2011-12.
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
Average Yield Per Total Production of
Area Under Garden Production of Inside Production of Outside
Fruit Bearing Tree Inside & Outside
REGION (Acres) Garden Garden
(Kg) Garden (M.Tons )
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Bandarban - 06 0.50 0.50 - 02 - - - 02
Chittagong 59 20 0.88 1.45 93 21 40 34 133.00 55
Comilla - - 0.32 0.87 0.64 01 02 06 03 07
Khagrachhari - - - 0.00 - - - - - -
Noakhali - - 0.66 0.61 - - 0.10 - 0.10 -
Rangamati 03 04 1.48 2.03 02 04 3 02 5.00 06
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -
Dhaka 88 79 0.37 0.36 42 19 03 25 45 44
Faridpur 04 03 0.83 0.92 03 03 05 07 08 10
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoreganj - - 6.85 6.75 02.00 02 16.00 16 18.00 18
Mymensingh - - 0.06 0.07 - - - - - -
Tangail 02 02 0.52 0.49 - - 01 01 01 01
Barisal - - 0.31 0.29 - - 02 01 2.64 01
Jessore 91 92 19.00 18.50 1961 1981 - - 1961 1981
Khulna 05 05 1.55 1.26 02 02 05 04 07 06
Kushtia - 04 0.31 0.31 02 02 - - 02 02
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Bogra 08 05 0.10 0.20 - 01 01 01 01 02
Dinajpur 02 01 0.32 0.32 1.00 02 1.00 01 2.00 03
Pabna 04 04 1.16 1.13 03 03 10.85 11 14.00 14
Rajshahi - - - - - - - - - -
Rangpur 01 01 0.49 0.49 01 01 27 27 28 28
Bangladesh 267 225 4.35 5.32 2113 2044 117 136 2230 2180
Note: Area and Production Figures shown within the brackets have not been added to national figures.

Table 3.11.6 Area and Production of Others Flower by Region 2007-08 to 2011-12..
(Area in acres and production in metric tons)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

Bandarban - - - - - - - - - -
Chittagong 105 191 129 190 134 219 143 233 149 244
Comilla 02 01 02 01 13 03 09 03 - -
Khagrachhari - - - - - - - - - -
Noakhali - - - - - - - - - -
Rangamati 27 02 31 02 33 02 34 2 13 03
Sylhet - - - - - - - - - -

Dhaka 12 12 33 56 36 51 40 43 22 32
Faridpur 08 03 08 03 07 02 7 2 16 06
Jamalpur - - - - - - - - - -
Kishoregonj - - - - - - - - - -
Mymenshing - - - - - - - - - -
Tangail - - - - - - - - - -

Barisal 11 24 14 31 12 26 10 1 08 06
Jessore - - - - - - - - - -
Khulna 01 01 01 01 - - - - - -
Kushtia (.17) (0.20) (0.18) (0.18) (0.21) (0.21) 1 1 - 1
Patuakhali - - - - - - - - - -

Bogra - - 03 02 03 03 8 6 08 07
Dinajpur - - - - - - - - - -
Pabna - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi 01 01 01 01 02 02 2 2 02 02
Rangpur - - - - - - - - - -

Bangladesh 167 235 222 287 240 308 254 293 219 301

Chapter 4




Table 4.1.1 Total Loss In Crop Productions Due To Natural Calamities In The Six Year
Period 2006-07 to 2011-12.

Year - 2006-07
Name of the crop Loss in production (M.tons/bales) by natural calamities Total
and Year Flood/Excessive rainfall/Flash Flood Cyclone/Hailstorm/Storm

L.T.Aman - 1124 1124

HYV Aman - 10477 10477

Total Aman - 11601 11601

Wheat - 151 151

Jute - 54 54
Potato - 85 85
Gram - 4 4
Masur - 77 77
Motor - 11 11
Khesari - 279 279
Rape & Mustard - 14 14
Beans - 28 28
Onion - 59 59
Barbati - 1 1
Lalsak - 33 33
Lausak - 30 30
Karala - 8 8
Papya - 8 8

Total - 12443 12443


Year - 2007-08
Loss in production (M.tons/bales)by natural calamities
Name of the crop Flood /Excessive Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal Sidre Total
Rainfal/flash Flood bore
Jute - 8531 - 8531
Aman - 4231 - 4231
Other Summer
Vegetables - 5738 5738
Turmetric - 4 - 4
Kharif Brinal - 392 - 392
Ginger - 15 - 15
Ladys Finger - 48 - 48
Jhinga - 93 - 93
Puishak - 18 - 18
Dhundul - 13 - 13
Chalkumra - 136 - 136
Patal - 338 - 338
Kakrol - 27.58 - 27.58
Chucumber - 97 - 97
Danta - 40 - 40
Chichinga - 22 - 22
Korolla - 247 - 247
Kharif Chillies - 39 - 39
Kharif Pumpkin - 117 - 117
Borboti - 19 - 19
Kharif Maize - 745 - 745
Papaya - 77 - 77
Aman Seed bed - - - -

Year - 2007-08
Loss in production (M.tons/bales)by natural calamities
Name of the crop Flood/Excessive Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal Sidre Total
Rainfal/flash Flood bore
Aus 94164 - - 94164
Aman 230681 - - 230681
Aman Seed Bed - -
Jute 46145 - - 46145
Sugarcane 116387 - - 116387
Jhinga 875 - - 875
Lady’s Finger 249 - - 249
Puisak 3785 - - 3785
Dhundol 198 - - 198
Kerala 722 - - 722
Barbati 195 - - 195
Kharif Brinjal 6284 - - 6284
Other Summer
Vegetables 68247 - - 68247
Turmeric 130 - - 130
Ginjer 1084 - - 0184
Kharif Chillies 2204 - - 2204
Kharif Pumpkin 175 - - 175
Kharif Maize 1743 - - 1743
Papaya 2386 - - 2386
Chalkumra 1052 - - 1052
Patal 615 - - 615
Kakrol 892 - - 892
Cucumber 351 - - 351
Danta 3893 - - 3893
Lalsak 11554 - - 11554
Banana 7014 - - 7014
Pineapple 2815 - - 2815
Betel Leaves 230 - - 230
Arum 57 - - 57
Chichinga 354 - - 354
Aman - - 698391 698391
Wheat - - 6 6
Potato - - 26354 26354
Boro Seed Bel - - - -
Rabi Maize - - 91 91
Mung - - 101 101
Kheshari - - 2541 2541
Mashkalai - - 367 367
Masur - - 2371 2371
Rape & Mustard - - 12433 12433
Chalcumra - - 15 15
Palong Sak - - 553 553

Year - 2007-08
Loss in production (M.tons/bales)by natural
Name of the crop Flood/Excessive Heavy fog Total
Rainfal/flash Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal
Flood bore
Radish - - 2832 2832
Papaya - - 29957 29957
Banana - - 49918 49918
Rabi Chillies - - 348 348
Rabi Brinjal - - 508 508
Other Rabi Vegetables - - 22759 22759
Cabbage - - 1377 1377
Cauli Flower - - 1098 1098
Pui Sak - - 510 510
Danta - - 31 31
Mula Sak - - 3 3
Tomato - - 112 112
Robi Pumpkin - - 19 19
Water Gourd - - 263 263
Lal Sak - - 922 922
Beans - - 298 298
Garlic - - 13 13
Lau Sak - - 35 35
Coriander Seed - - 87.55 87.55
Onion - - 304 304
Betel Leaves - - 11564 11564

Year- 2008-09
Loss in production (M.tons/bales)by natural
Name of the crop Flood/Excessive Heavy fog Total
Rainfal/flash Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal
Flood bore
- - - 54249 54249
HYV Aus 990 - -* - 990
B- Aman 138 - - - 138
L-T. Aman 1034 - - - 1034
HYV Aman 112293 - - - 112293
Tota; Aman 113465 113465

Other summer
Vegetables 670 - - - 670
Aman Seed bed - - - - -

Year - 2009-10
Loss in production (M.tons/bales) by natural calamities
Flood /Excessive
Name of the crop Sidre Total
Rainfal / flash Flood /
Rush of water Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal bore
Local Boro 53899 - - 53899
HYV Boro 284774 - - 284774
Hybrid Boro 30918 - - 30918
Total Boro 369591 - - 369591

Year - 2010-11
Loss in production (M.tons/bales) by natural calamities
Flood /Excessive
Name of the crop Sidre Total
Rainfal / flash Flood /
Rush of water Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal bore
HYV Aman 12580 - - 12580

Year - 2011-12
Loss in production (M.tons/bales) by natural calamities
Flood /Excessive
Name of the crop Sidre Total
Rainfal / flash Flood / Cyclone/Hailstorn/Tornado/Tidal bore
Rush of water
HYV Aus 7519 - - 7519
HYV Aman 69816 - - 69816
L.T. Aman 199 - - 199
Lal-sak 5264 - - 5264
Kharif Chilles 2542 - - 2542

4.2 Estimates of Crop Damages By Region

Table: 4.2.1 Estimates of Aman Crop Damage by Tornado Tidal bore during
September, 2006-07.

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in
Name of crop and (Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Region (caused by partial (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aman Local ( Transplant )
Khulna 809 9308 11 1024 1833 613 1124
Bangladesh 809 9308 11 1024 1833 613 1124
Aman (HYV)
Khulna 5342 21112 8.19 1729 7071 989 6994
Patuakhali - 16818 25.13 4226 4226 824 3483
Bangladesh 5342 37930 15.70 5955 11297 927 10477
Aman Total (Transplant + HYV)
Khulna 6151 30420 9.05 2753 8904 912 8118
Patuakhali - 16818 25.13 4226 4226 824 3483
Bangladesh 6151 47238 14.77 6979 13130 884 11601

Table: 4.2.2 Estimates of Jute Damage by Hail Storm & Tornado during April, 2006-07.

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in
(Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Name of crop and (caused by
partial (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Region Fully Partially partial damage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bogra 9 12 25 3 12 4.50 54
Bangladesh 9 12 25 3 12 4.50 54

Table: 4.2.3 Estimates of Wheat Damage by Tidal bore & Tornado during September, 2006-07.

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Name of crop and
(caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Region Fully Partially partial damage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jessore - 821 25.82 212 212 711 151
Bangladesh - 821 25.82 212 212 711 151

Table: 4.2.4 Estimates of Potato Damage by Tidal bore & Tornado during September, 2006-07.

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Name of crop and (Metric Ton )
(caused by (Acres)
Region Fully Partially partial damage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jessore - 133 8 11 11 7734 85
Bangladesh - 133 8 11 11 7734 85

Table: 4.2.5 Estimates of Crop Damage by Tornado and Tidal bore during September, 2006-07.

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Name of crop and (Metric Ton )
(caused by (Acres)
Region Fully Partially partial damage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jessore - 100 11 11 11 351 4
Bangladesh - 100 11 11 11 351 4
Jessore - 900 18.67 168 168 461 77
Bangladesh - 900 18.67 168 168 461 77
Jessore - 150 20 30 30 352 11
Bangladesh - 150 20 30 30 352 11
Jessore - 2000 35 700 700 398 279
Bangladesh - 2000 35 700 700 398 279
Rape & Mustard
Jessore - 150 30 45 45 308 14
Bangladesh - 150 30 45 45 308 14
Patuakhali - 52.80 49.21 26 26 1090 28
Bangladesh - 52.80 49.21 26 26 1090 28
Jessore - 76 30 23 23 2586 59
Bangladesh - 76 30 23 23 2586 59

Table: 4.2.6 Estimates of Crop Damage by Tornado and Tidal bore during
September, 2006-07.

Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Loss in

Area damaged partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) production
Name of crop and (Acres) (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Region partial damage)
Fully Partially
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Patuakhali - 3.10 51.42 2 2 597 1
Bangladesh - 3.10 51.42 2 2 597 1
Patuakhali - 64.75 49.50 32 32 1026 33
Bangladesh - 64.75 49.50 32 32 1026 33
Patuakhali - 81.60 52 42 42 715 30
Bangladesh - 81.60 52 42 42 715 30
Patuakhali - 13.65 50 7 7 1176 8
Bangladesh - 13.65 50 7 7 1176 8
Patuakhali - 8.50 50 4 4 2050 8
Bangladesh - 8.50 50 4 4 2050 8

Table 4.2.7 Damage Report of Different Crops by Excessive rain Tornado &
Hailstorm of June 2007-08

Area damaged Percentage Area in Total area Yield per Production

( in Acres) of terms of full damaged acre Loss in
Name of crop and partial damage Area (kg/bales) (Metric
Region damage (caused by (Col.2+5) Ton ) Remarks
Fully Partially
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Crop : Jute

Jamalpur - 704 15.34 108 108 3.98 430

Bogra 326 1845 30.78 568 894 4.79 4292
Rajshahi 441 579 43.35 251 692 4.75 3287
Rangpur 25 197 50.00 99 124 4.29 532
BANGLADESH 792 3325 30.85 1026 1818 4.69 8531

Crops : B. Aman

Tangail 25 2750 7.16 197 222 442 98

Rajshahi 6640 3350 50.00 1675 8315 497 4133
BANGLADESH 6665 6100 30.68 1872 8537 496 4231

Crop: Other SummerVegetables

Chittagong 348 8962 19.23 1723 2071 2076 4299

Rangamati - 45 11.77 5 5 1559 8
Bogra 121 1284 47.73 613 734 1872 1374
Rangpur - 115 28.00 32 32 1773 57
BANGLADESH 469 10406 22.80 2373 2842 2019 5738

Crop: Turmeric

Rangamati - 110 3.00 3 3 1479 4 .

BANGLADESH - 110 3.00 3 3 1479 4

Crop: Kharif Brinjal

Rangamati - 36 7.50 3 3 1686 5

Jamalpur - 287 14.43 41 41 2008 91
Bogra 33 151 34.38 52 85 1590 220
Rajshahi 25 32 27.19 9 34 2237 76
BANGLADESH 58 506 20.75 105 163 2405 392

Table 4.2.8 Damage Report of Different Crops by Excessive rain Tornado &
Hailstorm of June 2007-08

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms Total area Yield per Production
( in Acres) of of full damaged acre Loss in
Name of crop and partial damage Area (kg/bales) (Metric Ton )
Region damage (caused by (Col.2+5) Remarks
Fully Partially partial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Crop : Ginjer

Rangamati - 70 5.00 4 4 3759 15

BAGLADESH - 70 5.00 4 4 3759 15
Crop : Lady’s Finger

Jamalpur - 136 2.58 28 28 1225 34

Bogra 22 28 50.00 14 36 1603 58
BANGLADESH 5 156 24.36 38 43 1116 48
Crop: Jhinga

Jamalpur - 89 38.76 35 35 987 35

Bogra 22 28 50.00 14 36 1603 58
BANGLADESH 22 117 41.88 49 71 1309 93
Crop: Puisak

Jamalpur - 60.50 16.53 10 10 1811 18

BANGLADESH - 60.50 16.53 10 10 1811 18
Crop : Dhundal

Jamalpur - 14 50.00 7 7 1915 13

BANGLADESH - 14 50.00 7 7 1915 13
Crop : Chalkumra

Jamalpur - 108 12.03 13 13 3312 43

Bogra 8 59 42.12 25 33 2833 93
BANGLADESH 8 167 22.75 38 46 2956 136

Table 4.2.9 Damage Report of Different Crops by Excessive rain Tornado &
Hailstorm of June 2007-08

Area damaged Percentage Area in Total area Yield per Production

( in Acres) of terms of full damaged acre Loss in
Name of crop and partial damage Area (kg/bales) (Metric Ton )
Region damage (caused by (Col.2+5) Remarks
Fully Partially partial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Crop : Patal
Jamalpur - 82 28.05 23 23 17985 41
Bogra 38 101 47.42 48 86 3455 297
BANGLADESH 38 183 38.79 71 109 3100 338
Crop : Kakral

Jamalpur - 5 10.00 0.50 0.50 1167 0.58

Rajshahi 11 12 50.00 6 17 1595 27
BANGLADESH 11 17 38.23 6.50 17.50 1576 27.58
Crop : Cucumber

Jamalpur - 40 15.00 6 6 2132 13

Bogra 19 43 70.00 30 49 1712 84
BANGLADESH 3 50 26.50 13.25 16.25 2462 97
Crop : Chichinga

Jamalpur - 5 15.00 0.75 0.75 1352 1

Bogra 8 16 50.00 8 16 1304 21
BANGLADESH 8 21 41.66 8.75 16.75 1313 22

Table 4.2.10 Damage Report of Different Cropsby Excessive rain Tornado &
Hailstorm of June, 2007-08

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms Total area Yield per Production
( in Acres) of of full damaged acre Loss in
Name of crop and partial damage Area (kg/bales) (Metric Ton )
Region damage (caused by (Col.2+5) Remarks
Fully Partially partial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Crop : Karala

Jamalpur - 50 20.00 10 10 1924 19

Bogra 98 56 61.00 34 132 1727 228
BANGLADESH 98 106 41.51 44 142 1739 247

Crop : Kharif Chillies

Bogra 59 123 58.46 72 131 273 36

Rajshahi 9 15 20.00 3 12 284 3
BANGLADESH 68 138 54.35 75 143 273 39

Crop : Pumpkin

Bogra 14 49 60.00 29 43 2718 117

BANGLADESH 14 49 60.00 29 43 2718 117

Crop : Barbati
Bogra 4 22 50.00 11 15 1265 19
BANGLADESH 4 22 50.00 11 15 1265 19

Crop : Kharif Maize

Bogra 238 945 9.81 93 331 2250 745

BANGLADESH 238 945 9.81 93 331 2250 745

Crop : Papaya

Bogra 25 447 5.70 26 51 1515 77

BANGLADESH 25 447 5.70 26 51 1515 77

Crop : Aman Seed Bed

Rangamati - 5.90 13.60 1 1 - -

Jamalpur - 390 6.11 24 24 - -
Bogra 2 4.30 50.00 2 4 - -
BANGLADESH 2 400.20 6.75 27 29 - -

Table 4.2.11 Damage Report of Aman (B.Aman + L.T. Aman + HYV Aman) 2007-08
due to Sidre on 15th November, 2007

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Chittagong - 18097 6.04 1093 1093 1037 1134
2. Comilla 918 122154 24.66 30126 31044 696 21608
3. Noakhali 10575 179531 12.78 22944 33519 758 25407
4. Dhaka 2739 36170 32.89 11895 14634 900 13166
5. Faridpur 15975 131110 36.67 48085 64060 547 35038
6. Kishoregonj 149 13310 10.26 1365 1514 1023 1549
7. Tangail - 12825 5.80 744 744 913 679
8. Barisal - 935000 40.00 374000 374000 617 230758
9. Jessore - 111781 4.50 5034 5034 922 4643
10. Khulna 5849 454097 33.57 152568 158417 837 132573
11. Kushtia - 82 10.00 8.20 8.20 904 7
12. Patuakhali 19937 665211 49.94 332232 352169 658 231829
Bangladesh 56142 2679368 36.58 980094 1036236 674 698391

Table 4.2.12 Damage Report of Wheat due to Sider on 15th November, 2007

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Dhaka 3 18 33.33 6 9 1718 6
Bangladesh 3 18 33.33 6 9 1718 6

Table 4.2.13 Damage Report of Potato, 2007-08 due to Sider on 15th November 2007
Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
(caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Region Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Comilla 338 1361 55.00 746 1084 6610 7165
2. Dhaka 1018 2180 40.00 872 1890 9400 17767
3. Tangail 180 1468 15.59 229 409 3364 1376
4. Pabna 7 29 23.44 7 14 3256 46
Bangladesh 1543 5038 36.86 1854 3397 7758 26354

Table 4.2.14 Damage Report of Boro Seed Bed 2007-08 due to Sidre on 15th
November’ 2007
Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of full Total area
Name of crop and (Acres) partial damage damage damaged
Region (caused by partial (Acres)
Fully Partially damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Comilla 131 872 57.00 496 627
2. Dhaka 69 789 26.00 206 275
3. Tangail 211 1526 21.16 323 534
4. Pabna 5 21 25.00 5 10
Bangladesh 416 3208 32.11 1030 1446

Table: 4.2.15 Damage Report of Different Crop 2007-08 due to Sider on 15th
November 2007
Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rabi maize
1. Dhaka - 370 15.00 56 56 1618 91
Bangladesh - 370 15.00 56 56 1618 91

1. Faridpur 127 508 46.00 234 361 279 101
Bangladesh 127 508 46.00 234 361 279 101

1. Comilla 427 771 52.00 399 826 351 290
2. Dhaka 673 1562 28.36 443 1116 369 412
3. Faridpur 1068 9272 47.00 4358 5426 339 1839
Bangladesh 2168 11605 44.81 5200 7368 345 2541

1. Comilla 139 282 32.00 91 230 292 67
2. Dhaka - 944 25.25 238 238 257 61
3. Faridpur 275 1028 44.00 452 727 319 232
4. Pabna 11 44 25.00 11 22 303 7
Bangladesh 425 2298 34.46 792 1217 302 367

1. Comilla 439 213 41.00 88 527 340 179
2. Dhaka 57 252 33.47 84 141 293 41
3. Jessore 177 11851 27.83 3299 3476 392 1363
4. Khulna 2621 283 28.00 79 2700 292 788
Bangladesh 3294 12599 28.18 3550 6844 346 2371

1. Kishoregonj - 24 3-.00 7 7 2100 15
Bangladesh - 24 30.00 7 7 2100 15

Palong Sak
1. Dhaka 46 320 40.25 129 175 1735 304
2. Faridpur 58 214 44.00 94 152 1641 249
Bangladesh 104 534 41.76 223 327 1691 553

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) partial damage of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Name of crop and (Acres) (Metric Ton )
(caused by
Region (Col. 2+5)
Fully Partially partial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rape & Mustard

1. Comilla 1305 2631 58.00 1539 2844 294 836
2. Dhaka 5835 21429 44.71 9580 15415 362 5583
3. Kishoregonj 88 622 41.45 258 346 341 118
4. Mymenshing
4. Tangail 11311 23916 22.37 5352 16663 201 3349
4. Barisal
6. Jessore 950 6268 36.00 2256 3206 269 862
7. Khulna - 3849 32.00 1232 1232 210 259
8. Pabna 922 5008 70.00 3506 4428 322 1426
Bangladesh 20411 63723 37.23 23723 44134 282 12433

1. Dhaka 141 862 33.24 287 428 3708 1587
2. Kishoregonj 27 662 30.38 201 228 5167 1178
3. Mymenshing
4. Tangail - 104 20.00 21 21 3176 67
Bangladesh 168 1628 31.26 509 677 4183 2832

1. Dhaka 29 137 24.74 59 88 2512 221
2. Barisal - 28565 6500 18593 18593 1563 29061
3. Jessore 02 247 29.55 73 75 5898 442
4. Khulna 85 93 72.00 67 152 1535 233
5. Rangpur
Bangladesh 116 29042 64.71 18792 18908 1584 29957

1. Dhaka 110 1984 48.10 954 1064 7390 7863
2. Barisal - 10440 52.00 5378 5378 3774 20297
3. Jessore - 640 17.50 112 112 7425 832
4. Khulna 2868 678 68.00 461 3329 6286 20926
Bangladesh 2978 13742 50.25 6905 9883 5051 49918

Rabi Chillies
1. Comilla 433 734 47.00 346 779 360 280
2. Dhaka - 4 30.00 1 1 395 0.40
3. Kishoregonj 9 431 22.31 96 105 340 36
4. Jessore - 384 19.00 73 73 435 32
Bangladesh 442 1553 33.22 516 958 228 348.40

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rabi Brinjal
1.Dhaka 11 231 22.00 51 62 2559 159
2. Kishoregonj 27 146 29.00 42 69 2958 204
3. Jessore - 195 27.00 53 53 2733 145
Bangladesh 38 572 25.52 146 184 2760 508

Other Rabi Vegetables

1. Chittagong - 579 12.00 70 70 2128 149
2. Commilla 669 7907 54.00 4248 4917 1437 7066
3. Dhaka 988 2499 53.36 884 1872 1849 3461
4. Faridpur 67 182 46.00 84 151 2620 396
5. Kishoregonj 996 1369 60.99 835 1831 403 738
6. Tangail 158 3179 7.63 243 401 1676 672
7. Barisal - 9362 52.00 4823 4823 191 921
8. Jessore 107 4595 15.77 725 832 2047 1703
9. Khulna 139 9072 43.00 3900 4039 1719 6943
10. Pabna 125 637 60.00 382 507 1400 710
Bangladesh 3249 39381 41.12 16194 19443 1171 22759

1. Dhaka 15 167 49.42 83 98 4324 424
2. Faridpur 109 406 47.00 191 300 3176 953
Bangladesh 124 573 47.82 274 398 3460 1377

Cauli Flower
1. Dhaka 23 305 43.59 133 156 3700 577
2. Faridpur 68 326 46.00 150 218 2391 521
Bangladesh 91 631 44.84 283 374 2936 1098

1. Faridpur 87 348 45.00 157 244 1593 389
2. Kishoregonj 51 32 40.62 13 64 1886 121
Bangladesh 138 380 44.74 170 308 1656 510

1. Dhaka - 70 25.00 18 18 1710 31
Bangladesh - 70 25.00 18 18 1710 31

Mula Sak
1. Dhaka - 10 30.00 3 3 1000 3
Bangladesh - 10 30.00 3 3 1000 3


Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Dhaka - 143 21.36 31 31 3606 112
Bangladesh - 143 21.36 31 31 3606 112

Rabi Pumpkin
1. Dhaka - 56 11.96 7 7 2646 19
Bangladesh - 56 11.96 7 7 2646 19

Water Gourd
1. Dhaka - 285 34.58 99 99 2653 263
Bangladesh - 285 34.58 99 99 2653 263

Lal Sak
1. Comilla 9 233 40.00 93 102 2236 228
2. Dhaka 140 493 44.87 211 351 1979 694
Bangladesh 149 726 41.87 304 453 2035 922

1. Dhaka 08 353 35.69 126 134 2225 298
Bangladesh 08 353 35.69 126 134 2225 298

Coriander Seed
1. Comilla 233 293 36.00 106 339 258 87
2. Dhaka - 49 5.00 02 02 274 0.55
Bangladesh 233 342 31.58 108 341 257 87.55

1. Dhaka - 24 30.00 7 7 1801 13
Bangladesh - 24 30.00 7 7 1801 13

Lau Sak
1. Dhaka 18 132 36.82 49 67 520 35
Bangladesh 18 132 36.82 49 67 520 35

1. Comilla 71 - - - 71 1652 117
2. Dhaka 54 213 22.12 51 101 1783 180
Bangladesh 125 213 22.12 51 176 1727 304

Betel Leaves
1. Comilla 18 249 31.00 77 95 2856 271
2. Dhaka - 337 13.44 45 45 2936 132
3. Barisal - 9081 62 5616 5616 1775 9968
4. Khulna 7 1434 31 445 452 2640 1193
Bangladesh 25 11101 55.07 6183 6208 1863 11564

Table: 4.2.16 Damage Report of Aus Crop (Local + HYV) 2007-08 due to floods in
the Months of July & August, 2007

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) partial damage full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Bandarban - - - - - - -
2. Chittagong - 4391 29 1273 1273 1035 1318
3. Comilla 15516 49681 21 10303 25819 733 18925
4. Khagrachari - 23 05 01 01 776 01
5. Noakhali 473 2015 28 565 1038 702 729
6. Rangamati 148 481 10 49 197 885 174
7. Sylhet 11534 29955 31 9414 20948 706 14801
8. Dhaka 832 3448 37 1276 2108 527 1112
9. Faridpur 2860 51747 21 10750 13610 322 4387
10. Jamalpur 3735 5538 28 1547 5282 555 2932
11. Kishoregonj 1273 7476 28 2106 3379 810 2737
12. Mymenshing 1271 6192 21 1308 2579 692 1785
13. Tangail 1440 266 54 143 153 340 539
14. Barisal 1291 2215 17 384 1675 605 1013
15. Jessore 7203 9571 28 2678 9881 1009 9970
16. Khulna - - - - - - -
17. Kushtia 3709 17117 25 4332 8041 720 5790
18. Patuakhali - 1569 34 534 534 585 312
19. Bogra 355 1290 58 753 1108 759 841
20. Dinajpur - - - - - - -
21. Pabna 9217 5991 37 2216 11433 305 3487
22. Rajshahi 17411 33919 32 10913 28324 823 23311
23. Rangpur - - - - - - -
Bangladesh 78268 232885 26 60545 138813 678 94164

Table: 4.2.17 Damage Report of Aman Crop (B. Aman + L.T. Aman + HYVAman)
2007-08 due to floods in the month of July & August, 2007
Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Bandarban - 47 16 8 8 1028 8
2. Comilla 1996 23007 28 6549 8545 738 6306
3. Sylhet 11354 13996 54 7626 18980 545 10344
4. Dhaka 16613 30022 63 18848 35461 422 14966
5. Faridpur 23577 128020 31 40055 63632 508 32328
6. Jamalpur 1714 3344 40 1341 3055 980 2995
7. Kishoregonj 464 910 39 354 818 896 733
8. Mymenshing 497 784 58 452 949 762 723
9. Tangail 53386 35184 48 117198 70584 489 34547
10. Barisal 47 8695 13 1141 1188 580 689
11. Jessore 30480 33123 37 12250 42730 956 40856
12. Kushtia 5286 12146 24 2892 8178 900 7360
13. Bogra 952 618 59 364 1316 895 1178
14. Pabna 53389 50274 33 16334 69723 437 30444
15. Rajshahi 10089 42059 58 24536 34625 907 31405
16. Rangpur 10519 32512 22 7081 17600 898 15805
Bangladesh 220363 414741 38 157029 377392 611 230681

Table: 4.2.18 Damage Report of Jute 2007-08 due to floods in the months of July &
August 2007
Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Comilla 1006 2250 19 427 1433 4.08 5847
2. Dhaka 721 3680 82 3018 3739 3.72 13909
3. Faridpur 4005 53813 20 10763 14768 5.07 74874
4. Jamalpur 2755 11353 26 2955 5710 3.98 22726
5. Kishoregonj 12 54 32 17 29 4.01 116
6. Mymenshing - 494 10 49 49 4.71 231
7. Tangail 1277 21170 37 7919 9196 4.14 38071
8. Bogra 1392 6459 53 3408 4800 4.79 22992
9. Pabna 5108 10699 47 5028 10136 4.66 47234
10. Rajshahi 478 676 40 273 751 4.75 3567
11. Rangpur 2173 10403 35 3599 5772 4.29 24762
Bangladesh 18927 121051 31 37456 56383 4.51 254329

Table: 4.2.19 Damage Report of Aman Seed Bed 2007-08 due to floods in the
months of July & August

Area damaged Percentage of Area in terms of full Total area

(Acres) partial damage damage damaged
Region (caused by partial (Acres)
Fully Partially damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Comilla 2060 3220 38 1210 3270
2. Khagrachari 02 - - - 02
3. Noakhali 1360 3531 26 1929 2289
4. Rangamati 12 10 33 3 5
5. Sylhet 836 2060 28 570 1406
6. Dhaka 2281 3617 58 2095 4376
7. Jamalpur 5515 7850 44 3474 8989
8. Kishoregonj 3850 5649 42 2347 6197
9. Mymenshing 987 2798 32 886 1873
10. Tangail 3993 1290 54 692 4685
11. Barisal 442 4383 25 1086 1528
12. Kushtia 31 920 51 472 503
13. Bogra 225 1960 32 620 845
14. Pabna 3175 979 44 433 3608
15. Rajshahi 377 407 59 239 616
16. Rangpur 5715 5706 44 2539 8254
Bangladesh 30851 44380 40 17595 48446

Table: 4.2.20 Damage Report of Sugarcane 2007-08 due to floods in the months of
July & August (Contd.)

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Name of crop and
partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Chittagong 15 180 28 50 65 14046 913
2. Dhaka 420 1532 52 797 1217 7255 8829
3. Jamalpur 130 4774 27 1310 1440 19781 28485
4. Tangail 295 3799 55 2069 2364 18994 44902
5. Pabna 362 2843 52 1478 1840 18075 33258
Bangladesh 1222 13128 43 5704 6926 16804 116387

1. Comilla 1508 6504 51 3287 4795 2230 10693
2. Dhaka 284 - - - 284 1978 562
3. Faridpur 98 696 40 278 376 796 299
Bangladesh 1890 7200 49 3565 5455 2118 11554

1. Dhaka 146 476 42 200 346 13445 4652
2. Faridpur 102 387 40 155 257 5010 1288
3. Jamalpur 19 494 29 145 164 3352 550
4. Kishoregonj - 35 27 10 10 500 05
5. Tangail 61 2028 31 622 683 760 519
Bangladesh 328 3420 33 1132 1460 4804 7014

1. Dhaka 165 87 35 30 195 1113 217
2. Faridpur 163 609 42 256 419 1113 466
3. Kishoregonj - 72 40 29 29 1340 39
Bangladesh 328 768 41 315 643 1123 722

1. Comilla 309 1061 40 428 737 1988 1465
2. Dhaka 227 175 98 172 399 1874 748
3. Faridpur 253 1321 41 542 795 2070 1646
4. Kishoregonj 05 27 33 09 14 2403 34
Bangladesh 794 2584 44 1151 1945 2001 3893


Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Dhaka 163 26 15 04 167 1203 201
2. Faridpur 194 872 38 331 525 1267 665
3. Kishoregonj 06 07 06 04 10 864 09
Bangladesh 363 905 37 339 702 1246 875

1. Dhaka 90 232 38 88 178 2512 447
2. Faridpur 21 74 42 31 52 1630 85
3. Kishoregonj - 22 33 07 07 2000 14
4. Barisal 02 36 61 22 24 1560 85
5. Jessore 56 736 36 266 322 5600 1803
Bangladesh 169 1100 38 414 583 4093 2386

Kharif Chillies
1. Comilla 13 25 50 13 26 250 07
2. Dhaka 76 569 55 313 389 330 128
3. Faridpur 588 2602 43 1119 1707 272 464
4. Kishoregonj 28 70 53 37 65 320 16
5. Tangail 138 50 34 17 155 312 48
6. Jessore 693 1973 54 1068 1761 835 1470
7. Kushtia 46 1563 17 268 314 227 71
Bangladesh 1582 13782 20 2835 4417 499 2204

Table: 4.2.21 Damage Report of 2007-08 due to floods in the months of July & August

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Comilla 520 2586 45 1159 1679 1190 1998
2. Dhaka 195 282 53 149 344 2014 693
3. Faridpur 192 684 42 287 439 2149 943
4. Kishoregonj 54 20 41 08 62 2003 124
Bangladesh 921 3572 45 1603 2524 1489 3758

Other Summer Vegetables

1. Comilla - 199 06 11 11 2076 23
2. Rangamati 13 64 18 11 24 1559 37
3. Dhaka 7376 8370 43 3577 10953 1575 17251
4. Faridpur 240 825 39 322 562 1663 935
5. Jamalpur 7186 7105 47 3350 10536 1390 14645
6. Kishoregonj 907 1317 60 792 1699 2200 3738
7. Mymenshing 967 3712 47 1762 2729 1538 4197
8. Tangail 3879 4328 42 1812 5691 1375 7825
9. Barisal 160 845 62 526 686 1267 809
10. Jessore 1750 2052 38 790 2540 1758 4465
11. Kushtia 448 1174 65 767 1215 1500 1823
12. Bogra 571 8888 34 3008 3579 1872 6700
13. Rajshahi 1042 1269 49 623 1665 1544 2571
14. Rangpur 1216 1507 38 572 1788 1772 3168
Bangladesh 25755 41655 43 17923 43678 1562 68247

1. Tangail - 1744 21 373 373 7546 2815
Bangladesh - 1744 21 373 373 7546 2815

1. Tangail 54 514 41 209 263 4120 1084
Bangladesh 54 514 41 209 263 4120 1084

1. Tangail 89 127 31 40 129 1011 130
Bangladesh 89 127 31 40 129 1011 130

Table: 4.2.22 Damage Report of 2007-08 due to floods in the months of July & August

Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kharif Brinjal
1. Comilla 20 - - - 20 1760 35
2. Dhaka 749 663 59 391 1140 1303 1485
3. Kishoregonj 24 142 28 41 65 1698 110
4. Jessore 537 970 64 503 1040 4194 4362
5. Kushtia 50 334 29 98 148 1970 292
Bangladesh 1380 2109 49 1033 2413 2604 6284

Kharif Maize
1. Rangamati 02 30 05 02 04 437 02
2. Dhaka - 380 30 114 114 1554 177
3. Bogra 215 905 59 536 751 2083 1564
Bangladesh 217 1315 49 652 869 2005 1743

1. Dhaka 363 253 45 114 477 2074 989
2. Kishoregonj 13 73 31 23 36 1441 52
3. Patuakhali - 11 65 07 07 1640 11
Bangladesh 376 337 43 144 520 2023 1052

1. Dhaka 154 147 60 88 242 1417 343
2. Kishoregonj 01 26 29 07 08 1366 11
Bangladesh 155 173 55 95 250 1416 354

Lady’s Finger
1. Comilla 34 - - - 34 956 33
2. Dhaka 131 81 65 53 184 1175 216
Bangladesh 165 81 65 53 218 1142 249

1. Dhaka 60 42 90 38 98 1632 160
2. Kishoregonj - 09 48 04 04 2415 10
3. Kushtia 85 361 34 122 207 2150 445
Bangladesh 145 412 40 164 309 1990 615


Area damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Dhaka 110 120 92 110 220 887 195
Bangladesh 110 120 92 110 220 887 195

Betal Leaves
1. Comilla 07 70 10 07 14 2850 40
2. Barisal - 350 23 82 82 1775 146
3. Kushtia 17 08 50 04 21 2100 44
Bangladesh 24 428 22 93 117 1966 230

1. Dhaka 61 97 45 44 105 1882 198
Bangladesh 61 97 45 44 105 1882 198

1. Dhaka 137 145 46 67 204 1574 321
2. Kishoregonj 15 16 13 02 17 1753 30
Bangladesh 152 161 43 69 221 1588 351

Kharif Pumpkin
1. Dhaka - 90 75 68 68 2580 175
Bangladesh - 90 75 68 68 2580 175

1. Dhaka 353 153 57 57 440 2005 882
2. Kishoregonj - 14 27 04 04 2412 10
Bangladesh 353 167 54 91 444 2009 892

1. Kishoregonj - 33 48 16 16 3591 57
Bangladesh - 33 48 16 16 3591 57

1. Dhaka 137 145 46 67 204 1574 321
2. Kishoregonj 15 16 13 02 17 1753 30
Bangladesh 152 161 43 69 221 1588 351

Table: 4.2.23 Damage Report of Potato due to heavy fog 2008-09.

Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Name of Regions
partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01. Rajshahi 26 16642 39.00 6490 6516 4056 26429
Bangladesh 26 16642 39.00 6490 6516 4056 26429

Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage of damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Name of Regions partial Partial damage (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage (Col. 2+5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01. Rajshahi 19 10694 39.57 4232 4251 6544 27820
Bangladesh 19 10694 39.57 4232 4251 6544 27820

Total (Local+HYV)
Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
(Acres) of full damage of damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Name of Regions
partial Partial damage (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01. Rajshahi 45 27336 39.39 10722 10767 5038 54249
Bangladesh 45 27336 39.39 10722 10767 5038 54249

Table: 4.2.24 Damage Report of different crops due to flood & Excessive rain in the
months of September & October 2008-09.
Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bogra 1184 - - - 1184 836 990
Bangladesh Total 1184 - - - 1184 836 990
B- Aman
Pabna 203 691 3.39 210 413 334 138
Bangladesh Total 203 691 3.39 210 413 334 138
L-T- Aman
Pabna 436 517 29.40 152 588 495 291
Rangpur 785 123 40.68 782 1567 474 743
Bangladesh Total 1221 2440 38.28 934 2155 480 1034
HYV- Aman
Jessore 14281 30188 27.41 8275 22556 1015 22894
Khulna 6910 20650 13.00 2685 9595 878 8424
Bogra 10663 6900 44.81 3092 13755 934 12847
Pabna 1364 5259 27.06 1423 2787 919 2561
Rangpur 56362 65570 43.07 28241 84603 775 65567
Bangladesh Total 89580 128567 34.00 43716 133296 842 112293
Total Aman (B.Aman+ L-T.Aman+ HYV Aman)
Jessore 14281 30188 27.41 8275 22556 1015 22894
Khulna 6910 20650 13.00 2685 9595 878 8424
Bogra 10663 6900 44.81 3092 13755 934 12847
Pabna 2003 6467 27.60 1785 3788 789 2990
Rangpur 57147 67493 43.00 29023 86170 770 66310
Bangladesh Total 91004 131698 155.82 44860 135864 4386 113465

Table: 4.2.25 Damage Report different crops due to flood & Excessive rain in the
months of September & October 2008-09.
Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aman seed bed
Bogra 23 14 79.00 11 34 - -
Bangladesh Total 23 14 79.00 11 34 - -
Other summer vegetables
Jessore 5 125 13.60 17 22 1758 39
Pabna 373 351 20.23 71 444 1421 631
Bangladesh Total 378 476 18.49 88 466 1438 670

Table: 4.2.26 Damage Report of Boro Crop due to Flood & Rush of water
April - May 2009-10.

Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Local Boro
SYlhet 52744 51815 43.98 22787 75531 18.82 53074
Kishoregonj 1019 107 36.33 39 1058 20.89 825
Bangladesh 53763 51922 80.31 22826 76589 39.71 53899

SYlhet 104956 38796 50.35 19534 124490 31.58 146775
Kishoregonj 69410 54632 38.00 20759 90169 41.00 137999
Bangladesh 174366 39428 43.12 40293 214659 35.54 284774

HYVbrid Boro
SYlhet - - - - - - -
Kishoregonj 13059 11110 37.09 4121 17180 48.21 30918
Bangladesh 13059 11110 37.09 4121 17180 48.21 30918

Total Boro (Local+ HYV+ HYbrid )

Sylhet 157700 90611 46.71 42321 200021 26.77 199849
Kishoregonj 83488 65849 37.84 24919 108407 41.95 169742
Bangladesh Total 241188 156460 84.55 67240 308428 68.72 369591

Table: 4.2.27 Damage Report of Aman Crops due to Flood & Rush of water
April- May 2010-11.

Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per Production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HYV Aman
Rangpur 7242 30266 25.84 7820 15062 22.38 12580

Table: 4.2.28 Damage Report of Aus Crops of Excessive rain in the Month of August 2011-12

Area Damaged Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per production
Name of crop and (Acres) of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially
damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jessore 4237 16878 2173 3667 7904 25.49 7519

Table: 4.2.29 Damage Report of different Crops of Excessive rain in the Month
of August 2011-12.

Percentage Area in terms of Total area Yield per production

Area Damaged
Name of crop and of full damage damaged acre (kg) Loss in
Region partial (caused by (Acres) (Metric Ton )
Fully Partially damage partial damage) (Col. 2+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Broadcast Aman
Jessore 2 1507 25.02 377 379 14.07 199
Jessore 33448 98203 37.80 37124 70572 26.50 69816
Jessore 1344 3416 30.74 1050 2394 2199 5264
Kharif Chilles
Jessore 589 1104 43.66 482 1071 2373 2542

Chapter 5



5.1 Land Utilization Statistics of Bangladesh

Table 5.1 Land Utilization Statistics of Bangladesh by Region 2008-09 to 2011-12.
Year: 2008-09
(Area in '000' acres)
Total Forest Not available Culturable Current Single Double Triple Net Total
Regions area area for cultivation waste fallow cropped cropped cropped cropped cropped
area area area area area area area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bandarban 1107 799 99 106 36 49 15 3 67 88

Chittagong 2035 652 615 48 76 233 290 121 644 1176

Comilla 1660 2 450 11 113 375 564 145 1084 1938

Khagrachhari 667 554 34 1 2 25 34 17 76 144

Noakhali 1525 455 328 35 17 212 349 129 690 1297

Rangamati 1511 1394 21 4 8 51 27 6 84 123

Sylhet 3113 191 912 136 278 956 514 126 1596 2362

Dhaka 1838 65 756 30 41 398 458 90 946 1584

Faridpur 1726 0 512 25 107 382 517 183 1082 1965

Jamalpur 839 30 203 7 26 113 344 116 573 1149

Kishoreganj 1380 2 379 58 61 409 382 89 880 1440

Mymensingh 1078 39 273 6 31 107 469 153 729 1504

Tangail 844 123 141 4 33 174 275 94 543 1006

Barisal 2040 367 482 19 13 525 473 161 1159 1954

Jessore 1623 0 481 7 27 116 698 294 1108 2394

Khulna 3062 1426 510 25 44 800 215 42 1057 1356

Kushtia 861 0 301 2 1 34 341 182 557 1262

Patuakhali 1245 279 132 8 87 462 208 69 739 1085

Bogra 960 1 239 1 1 36 430 252 718 1652

Dinajpur 1644 26 346 15 20 171 805 261 1237 2564

Pabna 1201 0 417 7 35 190 401 151 742 1445

Rajshahi 2333 8 538 6 1 681 891 208 1780 3087

Rangpur 2377 7 716 11 113 287 977 266 1530 3039

Bangladesh 36669 6420 8885 572 1171 6786 9677 3158 19621 35614

Source: (1) Total land area of all regions have been reported from the office of the Surveyor General of Bangladesh,
(2) Forest area have been reported from the office of the Chief Conservator of Forest (private forest area does not included here).
(3) Total may slightly differ due to rounding.


Year: 2009-10
(Area in '000' acres)
Total Forest Not available Culturable Current Single Double Triple Net Total
Regions area area for cultivation waste fallow cropped cropped cropped cropped cropped
area area area area area area area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bandarban 1107 799 100 105 38 47 15 3 86
Chittagong 2035 554 715 49 74 225 295 123 1184
Comilla 1660 2 452 10 90 346 594 166 2032
Khagrachhari 667 554 34 1 1 20 38 19 153
Noakhali 1525 230 555 32 6 138 432 132 1398
Rangamati 1511 1394 19 4 6 59 25 4 121
Sylhet 3113 191 913 134 404 883 476 112 2171
Dhaka 1838 66 757 28 37 351 494 105 1654
Faridpur 1726 0 512 24 106 336 589 159 1991
Jamalpur 839 30 203 6 13 74 387 126 1226
Kishoreganj 1380 2 380 56 58 419 377 88 1437
Mymensingh 1078 39 274 4 29 105 472 155 1514
Tangail 844 123 142 3 31 176 275 94 1008
Barisal 2040 135 715 18 12 506 486 168 1982
Jessore 1623 0 482 7 45 132 662 295 2341
Khulna 3062 1426 511 24 128 750 179 44 1240
Kushtia 861 0 302 1 1 14 347 196 1296
Patuakhali 1245 167 245 7 76 461 220 69 1108
Bogra 960 1 240 1 1 50 416 251 1635
Dinajpur 1644 26 347 14 30 185 795 247 2516
Pabna 1201 0 418 6 15 204 405 153 1473
Rajshahi 2333 8 539 5 49 671 853 208 3001
Rangpur 2377 7 717 10 60 291 1004 288 1583 3163

Bangladesh 36669 5754 9572 549 1310 6443 9836 3205 19484 35730
Source: (1) Total land area of all regions have been reported from the office of the Surveyor General of Bangladesh,
(2) Forest area have been reported from the office of the Chief Conservator of Forest (private forest area does not included
here). The CFC office has excluded some land from four coastal areas which they used to show as forest area before.
The same area (666000 areas) is included in the area not available for cultivation.
(3) Total may slightly differ due to rounding.


Year: 2010-11

(Area in '000' acres)

Total Forest Not Culturable Current Single Double Triple Quardruple Net Total
area area available waste fallow cropped cropped cropped Cropped cropped cropped
Regions for area area area area area area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bandarban 1107 799 102 105 37 44 16 4 0 64 88

Chittagong 2035 671 716 40 3 148 316 141 0 605 1203
Comilla 1660 2 453 9 118 368 543 165 2 1078 1957
Khagrachhari 667 554 36 2 3 11 41 20 0 72 153
Noakhali 1525 455 368 12 1 79 452 158 0 689 1457
Rangamati 1511 1394 22 6 5 52 27 5 0 84 121
Sylhet 3113 189 917 137 368 816 561 124 1 1502 2314
Dhaka 1838 55 769 38 30 374 465 106 1 946 1626
Faridpur 1726 0 514 23 105 274 620 188 2 1084 2086
Jamalpur 839 30 206 7 12 27 363 192 2 584 1337
Kishoreganj 1380 2 384 57 57 322 458 100 0 880 1538
Mymensingh 1078 39 281 6 28 66 486 170 2 724 1556
Tangail 844 123 147 4 30 139 303 98 0 540 1039
Barisal 2040 366 506 12 2 463 504 186 1 1154 2033
Jessore 1623 0 485 8 42 33 719 333 3 1088 2482
Khulna 3062 1426 515 27 126 701 206 60 1 968 1297
Kushtia 861 0 307 1 1 2 241 308 1 552 1412
Patuakhali 1245 225 227 6 36 455 224 72 0 751 1119
Bogra 960 0 243 2 1 13 435 265 1 714 1682
Dinajpur 1644 26 354 16 28 136 813 269 2 1220 2577
Pabna 1201 0 419 6 14 155 430 176 1 762 1547
Rajshahi 2333 7 545 6 47 579 912 235 2 1728 3116
Rangpur 2377 5 722 12 59 269 1014 295 1 1579 3186
Bangladesh 36669 6368 9238 542 1153 5526 10149 3670 23 19368 36926

Source: (1) Total land area of all regions have been reported from the office of the Surveyor General of Bangladesh,
(2) Forest area have been reported from the office of the Chief Conservator of Forest (private forest area does not included here).
(3) Total may slightly differ due to rounding.


Year: 2011-12
(Area in '000' acres)
Total Forest Not Culturable Current Single Double Triple Quardruple Net Total
area area available waste fallow cropped cropped cropped Cropped cropped cropped
Regions for area area area area area area area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bandarban 1107 799 102 104 35 48 15 4 0 67 90

Chittagong 2035 651 718 38 5 189 302 132 0 623 1189
Comilla 1660 2 454 8 83 442 510 159 2 1113 1947
Khagrachhari 667 554 36 1 2 13 40 21 0 74 156
Noakhali 1525 455 369 11 0 76 451 163 0 690 1467
Rangamati 1511 1394 23 5 3 61 20 5 0 86 116
Sylhet 3113 189 918 135 302 922 510 136 1 1569 2354
Dhaka 1838 66 771 37 16 438 375 134 1 948 1594
Faridpur 1726 0 515 22 75 342 519 251 2 1114 2141
Jamalpur 839 30 207 6 8 56 340 190 2 588 1314
Kishoreganj 1380 2 386 58 61 339 432 102 0 873 1509
Mymensingh 1078 39 282 5 11 101 463 175 2 741 1560
Tangail 844 123 149 3 21 168 279 101 0 548 1029
Barisal 2040 366 507 10 0 463 503 190 1 1157 2043
Jessore 1623 0 486 7 23 91 638 375 3 1107 2504
Khulna 3062 1426 517 26 124 727 176 65 1 969 1278
Kushtia 861 0 307 1 0 1 161 390 1 553 1497
Patuakhali 1245 225 229 7 33 467 211 73 0 751 1108
Bogra 960 0 244 1 1 18 402 293 1 714 1705
Dinajpur 1644 26 355 15 26 156 775 289 2 1222 2581
Pabna 1201 0 420 5 10 158 427 180 1 766 1556
Rajshahi 2333 7 546 5 40 506 906 321 2 1735 3289
Rangpur 2377 5 724 11 51 246 1033 306 1 1586 3234
Bangladesh 36669 6359 9265 521 930 6028 9488 4055 23 19594 37261

Source: (1) Total land area of all regions have been reported from the office of the Surveyor General of Bangladesh,
(2) Forest area have been reported from the office of the Chief Conservator of Forest (private forest area does not included here).
(3) Total may slightly differ due to rounding.

5.2 Intensity of Cropping in Bangladesh

Table 5.2.1 Intensity of cropping by region 2007-08 to 2011-12.
Total Area (‘000’ acres) Net cropped area (area in ‘000’ acres)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bandarban 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107 66 67 65 64 67
Chittagong 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 640 644 643 605 623
Comilla 1660 1660 1660 1660 1660 1065 1084 1106 1078 1113
Khagrachhari 667 667 667 667 667 75 76 77 72 74
Noakhali 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 681 690 702 689 690
Rangamati 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 83. 84 88 84 86
Sylhet 3113 3113 3113 3113 3113 1491 1596 1471 1502 1569
Dhaka 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 933 946 950 946 948
Faridpur 1726 1726 1726 1726 1726 1000 1082 1084 1084 1114
Jamalpur 839 839 839 839 839 561 573 587 584 588
Kishoreganj 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 860 880 884 880 873
Mymensingh 1078 1078 1078 1078 1078 719 729 732 724 741
Tangail 844 844 844 844 844 520 543 545 540 548
Barisal 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 1153 1159 1160 1154 1157
Jessore 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1091 1108 1089 1088 1107
Khulna 3062 3062 3062 3062 3062 1030 1057 973 968 969
Kushtia 861 861 861 861 861 555 557 557 552 553
Patuakhali 1245 1245 1245 1245 1245 722 739 750 751 751
Bogra 960 960 960 960 960 716 718 717 714 714
Dinajpur 1644 1644 1644 1644 1644 1223 1237 1227 1220 1222
Pabna 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 720 742 762 762 766
Rajshahi 2333 2333 2333 2333 2333 1781 1780 1732 1728 1735
Rangpur 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377 1502 1530 1583 1579 1586
Bangladesh 36669 36669 36669 36669 36669 19187 19621 19484 19368 19594

Total cropped Area (‘000' acres) Intensity of Cropping
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bandarban 87 88 86 88 90 132 131 132 138 134

Chittagong 1169 1176 1184 1203 1189 183 183 184 199 191
Comilla 1854 1938 2032 1957 1947 174 179 184 182 175
Khagrachhari 139 144 153 153 156 185 189 199 212 211
Noakhali 1258 1297 1398 1457 1467 185 188 199 211 213
Rangamati 119 123 121 121 116 143 146 137 144 135
Sylhet 2179 2362 2171 2314 2354 146 148 147 154 150
Dhaka 1512 1584 1654 1626 1594 162 167 174 172 168
Faridpur 1799 1965 1991 2086 2141 180 182 184 192 192
Jamalpur 1130 1149 1226 1337 1314 201 201 209 229 223
Kishoreganj 1397 1440 1437 1538 1509 162 164 162 175 173
Mymensingh 1486 1504 1514 1556 1560 207 206 207 215 211
Tangail 944 1006 1008 1039 1029 182 185 185 192 188
Barisal 1845 1954 1982 2033 2043 160 169 171 176 177
Jessore 2319 2394 2341 2482 2504 213 216 215 228 226
Khulna 1321 1356 1240 1297 1278 128 128 127 134 132
Kushtia 1232 1262 1296 1412 1497 222 227 233 256 271
Patuakhali 1060 1085 1108 1119 1108 147 147 148 149 148
Bogra 1622 1652 1635 1682 1705 227 230 228 235 239
Dinajpur 2418 2564 2516 2577 2581 198 207 205 211 211
Pabna 1369 1445 1473 1547 1556 190 195 193 203 203
Rajshahi 3038 3087 3001 3116 3289 171 173 173 180 190
Rangpur 2983 3039 3163 3186 3234 199 199 200 202 204
Bangladesh 34280 35614 35730 36926 37261 179 182 183 191 190

Total Cropped Area

N.B: Intensity of Cropping: Net Cropped Area x100

Chapter 6



6.1 Annual Rainfall

Table 6.1.1 Annual Rainfall at Selected Stations of Bangladesh 2003- 12.
(In millimeter)
Name of Stations 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Chittagong 2769 2924 2331 2375 4340 3032 3461 2405 3101 3643
Cox's Bazar **** 3282 3384 4177 4006 4603 3283 3438 4440 4123
Kutubdia 1859 2541 2727 2967 3162 3171 2658 2702 3894 4677
Sandwip 0 4670 3067 3111 4305 3702 3614 3509 4260 4081
Sitakunda 2976 3247 3030 2031 4004 2945 3119 2868 3758 3933
Teknaf 3597 3056 2375 4732 4465 5412 3810 **** 4978 4869
Rangamati 2474 3113 2124 2316 3076 1780 2395 2673 2361 2817
Comilla 1825 2424 2424 1803 2491 2057 1824 1578 1884 1929
Chandpur **** 2383 1539 **** 2338 2140 1546 1765 2128 1757
Maijdicourt 2295 3445 2833 **** 3514 3004 2808 3002 3234 2466
Feni 2651 2395 **** 2086 3543 2874 2985 2709 3194 2885
Hatiya 3664 4005 3814 **** 3955 3531 3080 3366 3842 3005
Sylhet 3801 4264 4163 3526 4338 3351 3287 4939 3101 4610
Dhaka 1693 2347 2637 1919 2885 2385 1930 1523 1776 1329
Faridpur 1400 2001 1650 1649 2040 1443 1584 1409 1509 1279
Madaripur 1138 2221 1905 1503 2061 1679 1580 1330 1613 1546
Mymensingh 1734 3193 2672 1961 2782 2239 1662 2095 2147 1479
Srimangal **** 4141 3992 1967 2517 1875 2452 2290 2050 1927
Tangail **** 2005 1953 2325 2258 1856 1391 1750 1839 1469
Barisal 1693 2529 1943 1998 2382 1864 1820 1662 1909 1617
Bhola 1819 3080 2366 2189 3381 2012 1920 1774 2015 1493
Jessore 1892 2444 1678 1769 2119 1888 1668 1380 1361 1305
Khulna 1606 1978 1982 2061 2111 1596 1806 1357 1948 1645
Mongla **** 1903 2406 1745 1986 1690 1720 1673 2247 1784
Satkhira **** 2033 1982 2001 1872 1543 1450 1295 2121 1458
Khepupara 1758 2472 3348 2648 3231 3024 2289 2568 3092 2628
Patuakhali 2210 2647 2703 2287 2857 2514 2309 2167 2414 1895
Bogra 1688 2157 2091 1106 1919 1791 1410 1271 1721 1140
Dinajpur 2044 2293 2975 1285 1579 1772 2025 1641 1644 1511
Ishwardi 1080 1789 1819 1286 1573 1304 1292 893 1736 1062
Rajshahi 1444 1786 1405 1145 2018 1315 1043 792 1475 1164
Rangpur 2397 2680 2853 1682 2037 1907 2217 2102 1932 1877
Saidpur 2591 2787 2650 2053 1889 1939 2153 1951 1890 1790
Chuadanga **** 1951 1482 1452 1797 1851 1234 852 1622 1138
**** indicates data not available
Source :Bangladesh Meteorological Department.

Table 6.1.2 Monthly Rainfall of 2008 by Station (In Millimetre)

Name of stations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Dinajpur 33 1 19 27 220 363 437 385 242 45 0 0
Rangpur 36 1 49 74 273 444 232 396 227 175 0 0
Rajshahi 26 0 0 30 144 247 373 245 129 121 0 0
Bogra 27 0 22 20 213 393 474 374 109 159 0 0
Mymensingh 30 5 96 25 280 675 473 354 131 170 0 0
Sylhet 19 35 165 162 501 648 604 761 264 192 0 0
Srimangal 32 24 39 42 296 281 319 411 158 273 0 0
Ishurdi 37 2 12 35 145 206 295 208 256 108 0 0
Dhaka 23 56 45 91 205 577 563 319 279 227 0 0
Comilla 30 11 26 34 282 330 457 375 247 265 0 0
Chandpur 39 22 64 67 240 193 649 320 213 333 0 0
Jessore 70 35 37 39 208 242 459 204 415 179 0 0
Faridpur 42 45 31 31 58 236 430 175 223 172 0 0
Madaripur 40 15 35 25 146 221 532 248 172 245 0 0
Khulna 66 36 48 36 151 190 301 202 379 187 0 0
Satkhira 92 39 16 85 129 200 280 257 275 170 0 0
Barisal 41 24 22 16 64 239 550 357 210 341 0 0
Bhola 23 15 4 16 162 313 729 247 155 348 0 0
Feni 29 16 30 16 285 505 788 687 249 269 0 0
M.court 27 16 68 14 202 516 980 504 250 426 1 0
Hatiya 41 23 35 21 204 696 1235 512 386 377 1 0
Sitakunda 32 5 13 7 439 386 994 687 226 154 2 0
Sandwip 38 7 11 3 216 494 1414 849 486 180 2 2
Kutubdia 52 6 10 1 253 441 1256 659 305 181 7 0
Cox's Bazar 15 50 4 0 703 1318 1275 664 387 184 3 0
Rangamati 47 8 5 0 188 262 433 400 240 172 25 0
Teknaf 60 7 0 0 335 1135 2072 993 520 285 5 0
Patuakhali 34 20 2 9 91 241 1016 306 387 408 0 0
Khepupara 40 35 1 28 111 438 931 459 514 467 0 0
Sayedpur 32 1 19 29 253 572 453 408 128 44 0 0
Tangail 28 49 55 12 239 309 444 245 110 365 0 0
Mongla 50 36 12 7 146 252 474 217 299 197 0 0
Chuadanga 45 33 42 26 179 166 637 97 476 150 0 0
Chittagong 64 7 6 1 244 538 963 757 250 171 31 0
Ambagan(Ctg.) 56 13 14 1 272 618 962 809 266 216 43 0

Table 6.1.3 Monthly Rainfall of 2009 by Station (In Millimetre)

Name ofstations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 0 0 10 41 369 457 281 471 128 267 1 0

Rangpur 0 0 9 158 270 336 304 832 77 231 0 0
Rajshahi 1 7 28 0 131 126 183 240 282 45 0 0
Bogra 0 3 3 49 205 128 194 570 169 89 0 0
Mymensingh 0 0 17 54 411 130 431 359 231 29 0 0
Sylhet 0 20 63 427 576 469 599 674 323 136 0 0
Srimangal 0 1 47 138 713 374 331 433 333 69 13 0
Ishurdi 0 4 71 16 134 73 299 278 350 67 0 0
Dhaka 0 1 43 14 168 170 676 482 298 74 4 0
Comilla 0 0 3 48 295 235 573 427 145 98 0 0
Chandpur 0 1 5 56 220 177 431 312 146 195 3 0
Jessore 0 7 33 0 170 169 369 386 438 94 1 1
Faridpur 0 2 31 15 166 175 523 435 165 69 3 0
Madaripur 0 4 9 63 226 180 355 424 213 98 8 0
Khulna 1 6 10 23 130 233 347 568 357 111 20 0
Satkhira 0 0 3 12 179 55 251 512 337 82 19 0
Barisal 0 20 13 112 133 139 542 518 168 162 13 0
Bhola 0 3 6 117 244 175 544 448 219 146 18 0
Feni 0 1 20 36 506 371 854 682 234 226 55 0
M.court 0 2 6 121 386 380 864 471 244 280 54 0
Hatiya 0 1 7 103 267 226 856 888 386 319 27 0
Sitakunda 0 0 1 78 320 394 916 803 315 271 21 0
Sandwip 0 0 3 69 420 391 1320 722 362 301 26 0
Kutubdia 0 0 2 87 180 410 1067 448 308 125 31 0
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 130 241 324 971 944 485 130 58 0
Rangamati 0 0 1 61 264 295 639 472 276 338 49 0
Teknaf 0 0 0 95 313 542 1454 851 555 0 0 0
Patuakhali 0 0 55 73 209 196 695 705 168 197 11 0
Khepupara 0 0 2 45 210 221 758 439 323 239 52 0
Sayedpur 0 0 15 93 317 251 501 558 186 232 0 0
Tangail 0 0 1 59 218 185 329 314 205 80 0 0
Mongla 0 1 8 23 191 177 424 478 316 96 6 0
Chuadanga 2 4 32 0 166 114 199 338 279 89 1 0
Chittagong 0 2 3 114 373 434 1244 693 281 300 17 0

Table 6.1.4 Monthly Rainfall of 2010 by Station (In Millimetre)

Name of stations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Dinajpur 0 0 0 84 206 515 356 290 107 82 1 0
Rangpur 0 0 0 169 237 680 346 240 332 122 4 2
Rajshahi 1 2 2 37 75 211 94 101 101 127 3 39
Bogra 0 0 0 26 185 286 92 225 244 190 3 20
Mymensingh 0 4 16 123 337 384 458 368 211 148 4 42
Sylhet 0 1 147 804 728 944 528 767 732 231 10 45
Srimangal 0 0 48 228 560 440 217 311 229 203 1 53
Ishurdi 0 3 0 46 100 162 175 127 109 105 3 63
Dhaka 0 48 22 37 177 308 167 340 169 174 0 81
Comilla 0 13 30 43 343 417 94 125 341 277 0 15
Chandpur 0 23 3 17 191 541 233 204 229 303 6 15
Jessore 0 8 11 37 264 329 155 232 186 122 4 22
Faridpur 0 6 0 12 142 367 215 209 15 181 12 62
Madaripur 0 2 11 45 467 300 189 95 142 271 2 5
Khulna 1 2 14 21 144 287 180 205 157 332 0 13
Satkhira 0 3 1 25 214 318 269 2155 202 92 1 15
Barisal 0 1 1 10 212 481 251 156 184 275 64 27
Bhola 0 0 1 10 195 401 353 91 232 442 39 8
Feni 0 36 6 62 338 728 444 348 321 383 2 23
M.court 0 2 2 12 293 933 209 500 301 521 10 19
Hatiya 0 1 5 18 370 911 776 371 431 482 0 3
Sitakunda 0 1 37 71 314 876 377 473 421 289 4 5
Sandwip 0 35 27 26 279 949 759 793 283 337 4 17
Kutubdia 0 2 10 4 464 666 517 466 120 403 0 50
Cox's Bazar 0 0 15 12 717 982 496 501 257 375 15 68
Rangamati 0 9 121 112 424 653 304 496 183 281 45 45
Teknaf 0 0 33 8 292 1089 881 551 400 602 ** **
Patuakhali 0 13 0 8 219 513 418 200 223 548 19 6
Khepupara 0 17 0 5 371 681 340 279 237 604 29 5
Sayedpur 0 0 0 131 202 642 288 263 259 163 2 1
Tangail 0 3 69 46 328 430 126 207 157 319 3 62
Mongla 0 0 0 19 143 350 304 265 263 324 94 11
Chuadanga 2 5 0 6 170 159 105 80 199 71 3 54
Chittagong 0 9 50 50 282 916 245 392 86 301 52 22

Table 6.1.5 Monthly Rainfall of 2011 by Station (In Millimetre)

Name of stations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 0 28 27 61 250 348 285 381 261 0 3 0

Rangpur 0 20 13 28 261 306 389 542 366 6 1 0
Rajshahi 6 0 10 94 187 341 144 554 203 35 1 0
Bogra 1 0 7 145 194 193 175 606 389 0 11 0
Mymensingh 1 12 32 80 239 449 333 741 242 18 0 0
Sylhet 0 3 99 78 403 578 673 722 490 55 0 0
Srimangal 6 7 56 96 595 401 401 307 108 73 0 0
Ishurdi 4 1 30 96 155 253 289 645 261 2 0 0
Dhaka 0 0 20 123 235 314 356 409 207 112 0 0
Comilla 0 0 28 76 351 346 273 501 233 76 0 0
Chandpur 0 1 35 145 424 410 291 403 291 128 0 0
Jessore 0 0 34 33 132 314 296 306 227 18 1 0
Faridpur 0 0 17 109 163 383 253 469 113 2 0 0
Madaripur 0 1 20 101 169 408 342 380 131 61 0 0
Khulna 0 1 16 28 145 381 387 614 367 3 6 0
Satkhira 0 1 58 58 218 450 428 638 217 53 0 0
Barisal 0 0 34 105 153 481 314 428 337 56 1 0
Bhola 0 0 32 66 317 425 398 383 331 63 0 0
Feni 0 10 55 58 437 599 576 832 402 225 0 0
M.court 0 6 24 61 358 794 791 691 392 117 0 0
Hatiya 0 0 67 61 529 635 715 1018 659 158 0 0
Sitakunda 1 0 126 163 361 502 818 1136 524 127 0 0
Sandwip 0 0 120 124 372 661 734 1124 823 302 0 0
Kutubdia 5 0 22 118 316 952 803 856 597 224 0 1
Cox's Bazar 11 0 4 123 296 926 877 1226 692 280 0 5
Rangamati 1 1 49 78 169 516 463 566 420 98 0 0
Teknaf 9 1 11 130 312 1180 848 1163 826 474 0 24
Patuakhali 0 0 17 34 180 680 356 655 406 80 6 0
Khepupara 0 0 35 106 249 542 802 925 345 88 0 0
Sayedpur 0 19 28 50 283 223 409 559 318 0 1 0
Tangail 3 0 48 68 198 303 259 761 150 49 0 0
Mongla 0 0 8 112 132 504 392 639 421 39 0 0
Chuadanga 1 1 42 85 151 358 321 405 240 17 1 0
Chittagong 0 0 35 133 276 481 562 806 762 46 0 0
Ambagan(Ctg.) 0 0 35 117 355 454 613 748 740 66 0 0

Table 6.1.6 Monthly Rainfall of 2012 by Station (In Millimetre)

Name of stations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 5 5 3 57 79 380 435 106 349 91 1 0

Rangpur 7 2 2 191 212 369 445 187 405 57 0 0
Rajshahi 6 0 6 123 17 137 314 179 178 102 101 1
Bogra 19 0 0 74 94 147 186 164 345 74 36 1
Mymensingh 18 0 1 202 85 241 409 238 221 45 19 0
Sylhet 10 0 101 659 406 1185 700 738 261 502 48 0
Srimangal 3 0 17 290 268 518 125 353 139 193 21 0
Ishurdi 12 0 5 51 69 177 215 97 978 157 86 15
Dhaka 10 1 37 269 137 175 226 282 81 38 68 5
Comilla 16 1 13 195 209 442 282 373 178 115 102 3
Chandpur 12 12 30 194 121 279 298 452 137 128 92 2
Jessore 31 4 5 82 36 221 334 187 271 71 61 2
Faridpur 30 1 4 168 109 128 252 221 165 83 111 7
Madaripur 25 16 1 170 110 144 377 203 216 197 86 1
Khulna 66 18 1 52 63 255 391 254 374 89 80 2
Satkhira 36 14 0 94 72 199 239 314 282 95 105 8
Barisal 31 2 11 223 105 205 275 270 381 70 44 0
Bhola 6 1 8 191 96 233 323 285 191 123 35 1
Feni 2 0 28 388 138 723 568 390 274 356 18 0
M.court 6 0 44 267 286 483 431 442 322 156 29 0
Hatiya 0 0 8 267 317 538 738 501 377 244 13 2
Sitakunda 1 0 24 352 251 954 1274 567 234 256 19 1
Sandwip 0 0 52 314 226 753 1399 889 182 263 3 0
Kutubdia 0 0 37 135 251 1178 1688 527 260 554 47 0
Cox's Bazar 0 0 109 148 254 1102 1130 801 302 263 14 0
Rangamati 0 0 91 284 187 834 489 297 268 344 23 0
Teknaf 0 0 22 142 154 1431 1349 933 496 319 23 0
Patuakhali 7 2 48 80 79 287 392 439 348 142 71 0
Khepupara 9 0 49 96 128 415 639 392 562 259 69 10
Sayedpur 6 6 3 91 148 328 456 97 628 27 0 0
Tangail 10 0 2 106 171 246 241 204 319 75 94 1
Mongla 40 13 8 85 61 193 359 449 420 114 34 8
Chuadanga 27 0 6 74 48 125 322 143 173 132 81 7
Chittagong 0 0 30 192 188 1337 788 299 170 636 3 0
Ambagan(Ctg.) 0 0 31 231 114 1268 662 300 221 445 3 0

6.2 Annual and Monthly Average Maximum and MinimumTemperature

Table: 6.2.1 Average Maximum and Minimum Temperature at Selected Stations

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Name of Stations
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
Chittagong 30.9 22.3 31.50 22.3 30.6 22.2 29.5 21.6 29.7 22.8
Sitakunda 31.0 21.3 31.76 18.4 32.0 21.3 29.7 21.4 31.3 20.8
Sandwip 30.5 21.3 30.93 21.7 31.1 22.1 30.4 21.2 28.4 20.4
Kutubdia 29.9 23.0 30.40 22.7 30.8 23.0 29.7 22.1 30.1 22.1
Comilla 30.2 21.6 31.16 21.4 31.3 21.7 30.3 21.0 30.2 21.3
Cox's Bazar 30.9 22.8 31.65 22.6 31.9 22.9 30.8 21.9 30.9 22.2
Teknaf 30.3 - 30.97 22.7 31.0 23.4 30.0 21.6 30.1 22.1
Hatiya 30.0 22.2 30.67 22.1 23.5 30.7 30.1 21.5 30.1 21.7
Maijdi court 30.6 22.5 31.37 22.5 31.6 22.7 30.4 22.0 30.6 22.5
Feni 29.9 22.0 30.54 22.1 30.6 21.9 30.2 21.0 30.1 21.0
Chandpur 30.6 22.5 31.54 22.2 31.8 22.4 30.8 21.5 31.1 21.9
Rangamati 31.1 21.4 31.53 20.9 31.8 21.3 29.5 20.3 31.1 20.4
Sylhet 29.3 21.5 31.25 21.3 31.1 21.1 30.9 20.9 30.3 20.9
Srimangal 30.4 20.2 31.28 19.6 31.6 19.8 30.7 19.3 30.5 19.4
Dhaka 30.5 22.7 31.61 22.5 31.9 22.8 30.5 21.9 30.8 22.2
Faridpur 30.8 22.1 31.67 21.7 31.9 22.0 30.7 21.2 30.9 21.4
Madaripur 30.8 22.3 32.02 21.7 32.0 21.9 30.7 21.0 30.9 21.2
Mymensingh 29.6 21.6 30.48 21.2 30.7 21.3 29.6 20.8 29.6 20.0
Tangail 30.4 21.6 31.48 21.0 31.9 21.2 30.5 20.7 30.7 20.8
Khepupara 30.3 22.7 31.04 22.7 31.4 22.8 30.8 21.8 31.3 22.2
Barisal 30.6 22.2 31.53 21.6 31.8 22.2 30.8 21.3 30.9 21.6
Bhola 30.2 22.3 30.98 21.9 31.2 22.3 30.2 21.4 30.6 21.6
Patuakhali 30.8 22.4 31.58 22.2 32.0 22.5 31.1 21.5 30.9 22.2
Jessore 31.8 21.3 32.77 20.8 33.2 21.4 31.7 20.5 32.1 20.9
Chuadanga 30.9 21.4 32.07 21.3 32.8 21.0 31.1 20.2 31.6 20.5
Khulna 31.0 22.7 31.94 22.4 32.4 22.6 31.1 20.8 31.6 22.0
Mongla 30.9 22.9 31.76 22.4 23.8 31.7 31.0 22.1 31.3 22.4
Satkhira 31.0 22.0 32.00 21.6 32.3 22.4 30.8 21.8 31.1 22.0
Bogra 30.5 21.8 31.30 21.2 31.1 21.6 30.6 20.9 30.8 21.1
Dinajpur 29.7 21.0 30.38 20.5 .** ** 29.8 20.1 30.0 20.0
Ishurdi 31.0 21.3 31.90 20.8 32.5 21.1 30.8 20.2 31.3 21.1
Rajshahi 31.0 21.2 31.95 20.7 32.6 21.0 31.0 20.5 31.7 20.4
Sayedpur 29.7 20.8 30.49 20.5 30.8 20.5 30.0 20.0 30.2 20.0
Rangpur 29.3 21.1 30.10 20.7 30.3 20.6 29.5 20.3 29.5 20.1
Ambagan(Ctg.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.1 31.9

Table: 6.2.2 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature of 2008 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of Station January February March April May June July August Sept. Oct Nov Dec.
Dinajpur 23.5 28.0 30.8 32.9 32.1 33.9 33.2 32.0 33.1 31.7 28.9 24.5
Rangpur 23.3 27.9 30.5 32.2 31.5 33.2 33.0 31.7 33.2 31.3 28.7 24.7
Raishahi 24.5 29.5 33.4 37.4 34.9 36.7 33.5 32.9 33.6 31.9 29.7 25.4
Bogra 24.8 29.2 31.7 34.5 33.1 34.6 33.6 32.2 33.3 32.7 30.3 25.6
Mymensingh 24.9 28.8 30.9 33.0 32.2 32.8 31.9 31.7 32.4 32.1 29.6 25.4
Sylhet 26.6 30.5 32.6 32.5 32.5 32.2 33.0 32.1 33.2 32.7 30.0 27.1
Srimongal 26.2 29.9 33.0 33..3 32.4 32.8 32.8 32.5 33.3 32.3 30.2 26.7
Ishurdi 24.8 29.4 33.6 36.8 34.7 36.2 33.4 33.0 33.5 32.1 29.8 25.5
Dhaka 25.9 29.7 33.3 35.6 34.6 34.5 32.3 32.5 32.5 32.2 30.2 26.0
Comilla 26.0 28.9 31.7 33.8 34.0 33.4 31.8 32.5 33.2 32.2 30.3 26.1
Chandpur 26.2 29.9 33.0 34.6 34.6 34.2 31.9 32.3 32.6 32.2 30.6 26.4
Jessore 27.3 30.8 34.5 38.2 36.3 35.9 33.3 33.3 33.9 33.2 31.1 27.4
Faridpur 25.7 29.7 33.4 36.2 34.8 34.6 32.2 32.4 32.9 32.3 30.1 25.7
Madaripur 26.5 29.9 33.0 35.1 34.7 34.7 32.0 32.5 32.8 32.5 33.9 26.6
Khulna 26.2 29.8 33.2 36.5 35.6 34.9 32.4 32.6 33.1 32.4 30.4 26..2
Satkhira 26.4 29.8 32.8 36.2 35.3 35.5 32.7 32.7 33.1 32.4 30.4 26.7
Barisal 26.7 30.0 33.1 34.4 34.4 34.1 31.5 32.0 32.5 32.2 30.5 27.0
Bhola 26.3 29.6 32.3 33.9 33.7 33.5 30.8 31.5 31.7 31.9 30.1 26.5
Feni 26.3 29.1 31.8 33.2 33.0 32.2 30.5 30.9 31.6 31.5 30.1 26.3
M.Court 26.4 29.6 33.0 34.6 34.5 33.9 31.7 32.3 32.6 32.1 29.9 25.8
Hatiya 27.0 30.1 32.3 32.9 3.3.1 32.6 29.1 30.7 31.5 31.5 30.4 26.8
Sitakunda 28.2 30.9 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.1 31.0 31.8 32.6 32.9 31.4 28.4
Sandwip 27.3 29.8 32.4 33.0 33.2 32.7 30.5 31.1 31.8 31.9 30.5 27.0
Kutubdia 26.7 28.5 30.7 32.1 33.0 32.1 30.2 30.8 31.6 31.7 30.4 27.0
Cox's 28.6 30.8 32.9 33.4 33.9 32.9 30.7 31.3 32.5 32.8 31.7 28.3
Teknaf 28.3 30.0 31.6 32.7 33.0 31.6 29.6 30.4 31.5 **** **** ****
Rangamati 27.7 30.9 34.2 35.4 34.3 33.1 31.4 31.4 32.2 31.4 29.7 26.7
Patuakhali 26.8 30.1 33.4 35.0 34.7 34.1 31.3 31.9 32.7 32.1 30.1 26.8
Khepupara 27.0 30.0 33.3 33.9 33.8 32.8 30.8 31.0 31.6 31.3 30.1 26.9
Sayedpur 23.6 28.4 31.0 33.0 32.1 33.8 33.3 32.1 33.5 31.9 28.6 24.7
Tangail 24.5 29.1 32.5 35.4 33.8 35.0 33.3 32.8 33.3 32.6 30.0 25.5
Mongla 26.6 30.2 33.6 36.6 34.8 34.3 31.4 32.4 32.4 32.0 30.4 26.4
Chuadanga 25.5 29.6 33.7 37.4 35.3 35.9 33.1 33.0 33.4 32.3 29.8 25.9
Chittag(pa) 26.6 29.0 31.7 32.0 32.5 32.0 30.2 30.6 31.5 31.2 29.9 26.2
Chittag(Am) 28.1 30.5 33.0 33.1 33.8 32.8 30.9 31.3 32.3 32.6 31.4 28.2
Note ::**** Means missing data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.3 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature of 2009 by Station (In Celsius)
Name of stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chittagong 14.4 18.3 22.1 24.5 24.7 26.8 25.5 25.5 25.5 24.6 19.4 17.1
Sitakunda 12.2 16.7 21.4 23.5 24.1 26.4 25.4 25.3 25.1 24.2 17.6 14.8
Sandwip 13.6 17.4 21.7 23.3 24.0 26.5 25.2 24.9 25.1 24.7 18.4 14.6
Kutubdia 15.4 19.1 22.0 24.8 25.6 27.0 26.0 25.8 25.8 25.5 20.3 18.3
Comilla 12.4 16.4 21.1 22.6 23.5 26.1 25.5 25.4 25.3 24.1 18.1 14.0
Cox’s bazar 15.9 19.1 22.3 24.8 25.8 26.5 25.5 25.3 25.4 25.1 20.7 19.4
Teknaf 15.1 18.3 21.7 24.7 25.6 26.3 25.5 25.1 25.4 25.1 20.7 18.9
Hatiya 13.1 17.2 21.7 24.0 24.9 26.8 25.8 25.3 25.8 24.7 19.2 16.0
M.Court 14.5 18.2 21.9 24.1 24.7 26.8 26.1 25.8 25.9 24.7 20.5 16.9
Feni 12.6 16.5 *** 22.9 23.9 26.3 25.5 25.4 25.6 24.3 19.1 14.8
Chandpur 14.3 18.0 22.3 24.1 24.9 26.8 25.9 26.4 26.1 25.0 20.2 16.5
Rangamati 12.8 16.7 20.7 22.9 23.1 25.8 24.9 25.0 24.8 23.7 18.4 16.1
Sylhet 12.9 16.7 19.6 21.8 21.6 24.9 25.3 25.9 25.6 23.8 18.7 15.6
Srimangal 9.7 14.4 19.2 21.2 21.3 25.4 25.0 25.2 24.7 22.9 15.9 11.9
Dhaka 14.1 18.3 22.4 24.1 24.2 26.8 25.8 26.6 26.0 24.3 19.8 15.6
Faridpur 12.8 17.0 21.6 24.2 24.8 26.4 26.0 26.5 26.2 24.1 18.8 14.5
Madaripur 13.1 16.9 21.7 24.1 24.7 26.7 26.2 26.8 26.5 24.4 18.6 14.6
Mymensingh 12.4 16.4 20.5 22.3 22.4 25.9 26.1 26.3 25.6 23.5 18.0 13.2
Tangail 11.8 15.8 20.7 22.7 23.3 26.2 25.9 26.1 25.9 23.4 18.0 13.5
Khepupara 12.4 17.9 22.7 25.2 25.8 27.3 26.1 26.1 25.7 24.7 19.0 15.2
Barisal 12.4 16.8 22.1 24.6 25.4 27.0 25.8 26.2 25.9 24.3 18.4 14.0
Bhola 12.6 17.2 22.1 24.5 25.2 26.9 25.7 25.9 25.8 24.5 18.7 14.4
Patuakhali 13.4 17.3 21.8 24.2 25.4 26.9 25.8 26.3 25.8 24.5 19.1 15.2
Jessore 11.7 15.8 20.5 23.7 25.5 26.5 25.8 26.0 25.8 23.5 16.6 12.5
Chuadanga 11.9 16.0 20.7 24.0 25.7 26.5 26.1 26.3 26.0 23.4 16.8 12.5
Khulna 13.4 17.3 22.1 25.2 25.8 27.2 26.2 26.9 26.2 24.6 18.9 14.8
Mongla 14.5 18.2 22.8 25.3 25.7 27.4 26.1 26.4 26.0 24.8 19.5 15.8
Satkhira 13.0 17.2 22.0 25.2 26.3 27.1 26.3 26.7 26.1 24.1 17.3 13.5
Bogra 12.1 16.0 20.6 22.7 23.2 26.2 26.2 26.7 26.2 23.4 18.1 13.8
Dinajpur 10.9 14.5 19.3 21.7 23.1 25.2 26.1 26.4 26.3 22.3 16.3 12.2
Ishurdi 11.5 15.4 20.1 23.5 24.4 26.0 26.1 26.4 26.0 23.4 17.4 12.9
Rajshahi 11.2 15.0 19.7 23.5 24.3 26.1 26.0 26.7 26.0 23.1 16.5 12.9
Sayedpur 11.2 14.8 18.6 21.2 22.6 24.9 25.9 26.1 26.1 22.1 16.7 12.9
Rangpur 11.7 14.8 19.0 21.6 22.6 24.6 25.8 26.1 25.8 22.6 17.1 13.4
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.4 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature of 2010 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chittagong 26.5 29.0 31.6 32.0 32.5 32.0 30.1 30.6 31.4 31.2 29.9 26.2
Sitakunda 27.7 30.6 33.2 33.4 33.3 31.7 32.3 32.6 32.4 33.5 31.8 28.5
Sandwip 25.6 29.2 31.9 32.6 32.6 31.2 31.5 31.8 31.7 32.6 31.0 27.4
Kutubdia 24.6 27.6 31.1 32.9 32.8 31.6 31.4 31.7 31.7 31.9 31.0 27.3
Comilla 24.5 28.1 32.0 33.2 33.4 31.8 32.7 33.3 32.7 32.3 30.1 26.3
Cox’s bazar 27.2 30.3 32.9 34.0 33.7 32.2 31.7 32.3 32.1 32.3 31.7 28.4
Teknaf 27.8 29.8 31.7 32.9 32.6 31.3 30.6 30.9 31.2 31.2 * *
Hatiya 22.5 12.6 15.6 22.5 26.4 25.8 26.0 26.2 26.1 25.9 25.4 20.9
M.Court 24.4 28.8 33.3 34.6 34.1 32.1 32.3 32.8 32.4 32.2 30.1 25.7
Feni 24.7 28.5 31.9 32.5 32.2 30.7 31.3 31.7 31.3 31.8 30.3 26.3
Chandpur 23.6 29.3 34.0 34.8 33.3 32.7 32.3 33.2 32.5 32.6 30.4 26.2
Rangamati 26.6 29.5 34.2 33.8 32.8 32.2 32.5 32.8 32.4 32.2 30.4 26.6
Sylhet 27.2 29.5 33.1 30.5 30.9 30.4 32.8 32.9 31.8 32.8 30.4 26.9
Srimangal 25.5 29.6 34.6 33.7 32.3 31.6 33.0 33.0 31.9 32.1 30.0 26.5
Dhaka 43.8 28.9 34.1 35.5 34.2 33.0 33.0 33.1 32.5 32.4 30.0 26.0
Faridpur 23.3 28.9 34.8 36.0 34.3 33.1 32.5 33.1 32.6 32.4 30.3 25.5
Madaripur 24.2 29.3 34.3 35.3 34.4 33.3 32.7 33.5 32.6 32.3 30.2 25.7
Mymensingh 24.0 27.7 32.0 32.2 32.4 31.4 32.3 32.3 31.4 32.0 29.6 25.8
Tangail 23.3 28.5 34.6 35.1 34.5 33.2 33.4 33.3 32.9 32.6 30.0 25.8
Khepupara 25.2 30.0 33.1 33.6 33.8 32.1 31.3 31.9 32.1 32.1 30.6 25.3
Barisal 25.0 29.4 34.1 34.6 34.2 32.5 31.9 32.4 32.2 32.5 30.8 26.7
Bhola 24.6 29.0 33.1 33.8 33.3 31.8 31.4 32.0 31.6 32.4 30.5 26.3
Patuakhali 25.0 29.8 34.3 35.1 34.8 32.7 32.0 32.6 32.7 32.7 30.8 26.9
Jessore 24.7 30.2 35.8 37.6 35.6 34.6 33.9 34.1 33.7 33.1 31.4 26.3
Chuadanga 22.5 29.3 35.9 37.7 35.1 34.5 34.0 34.3 33.7 33.0 30.5 25.2
Khulna 24.1 29.3 34.7 36.1 35.4 34.0 33.1 33.3 33.3 32.4 30.5 26.0
Mongla 24.3 12.4 17.0 23.8 27.1 26.2 26.7 26.8 26.7 26.1 24.9 21.5
Satkhira 24.0 29.2 34.6 36.1 35.1 34.3 33.1 33.4 32.6 32.3 30.5 25.5
Bogra 22.8 28.4 33.4 34.3 34.3 33.2 33.5 33.3 32.9 32.7 30.6 26.4
Ishurdi 22.2 28.6 35.9 37.6 35.2 34.4 33.9 34.0 33.1 32.4 30.1 25.1
Rajshahi 22.3 28.7 35.8 38.3 35.9 35.0 34.0 34.0 33.2 31.9 29.8 25.1
Sayedpur 22.0 27.7 32.5 32.9 32.9 32.0 32.9 33.1 32.4 31.3 29.1 25.3
Rangpur 22.4 27.1 31.6 32.0 32.3 31.3 32.6 32.8 32.0 30.9 28.8 24.9
Note: **** means data not available
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.5 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature of 2011 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chittagong 25.0 28.8 30.5 31.1 31.4 30.5 31.1 30.3 30.6 31.1 28.8 25.1
Sitakunda 26.9 30.5 32.3 33.0 32.9 31.7 32.1 31.1 31.7 33.0 31.0 27.4
Sandwip 25.6 29.2 31.4 32.4 32.7 31.1 31.3 30.6 31.2 32.7 30.4 26.3
Kutubdia 25.0 28.1 30.0 31.3 31.8 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.8 31.9 30.0 26.1
Comilla 24.0 28.2 30.7 32.5 33.1 32.2 31.9 31.3 32.2 32.6 29.6 25.1
Cox’s bazar 26.9 30.3 32.2 32.9 32.5 31.2 31.1 30.8 31.0 32.1 30.7 27.5
Teknaf 27.0 29.2 30.7 31.2 31.8 29.9 30.3 29.7 29.9 31.6 30.5 27.7
Hatiya 25.4 29.2 31.4 32.4 32.1 30.7 30.7 30.2 30.4 32.0 30.2 26.1
M.Court 23.9 28.8 31.9 33.5 33.5 31.9 31.8 31.1 31.8 32.7 29.6 24.8
Feni 24.2 28.9 31.2 32.6 32.4 31.1 31.2 30.5 31.3 32.4 30.0 26.1
Chandpur 24.0 29.1 32.4 33.1 33.5 32.4 32.2 31.4 32.3 33.3 30.5 25.9
Rangamati 25.7 30.0 32.9 33.7 33.4 32.1 32.1 31.6 32.3 32.2 29.7 26.6
Sylhet 24.0 29.2 31.3 33.2 31.7 32.5 32.4 32.5 33.6 33.4 29.8 27.7
Srimangal 23.6 28.8 31.2 33.2 32.1 32.3 32.4 32.4 33.2 32.9 30.0 25.8
Dhaka 23.4 28.7 32.0 33.4 33.4 32.6 32.3 31.1 32.4 32.6 29.7 24.9
Faridpur 23.0 28.5 32.5 33.7 33.6 32.9 32.4 31.2 32.4 33.4 30.0 24.2
Madaripur 23.8 28.9 32.6 33.5 33.8 32.7 32.1 31.4 32.0 32.9 30.0 25.1
Mymensingh 22.2 27.3 29.9 31.9 31.7 32.0 31.6 31.3 32.2 32.3 28.7 24.5
Tangail 22.7 28.2 31.7 33.6 33.4 33.2 32.7 31.4 32.9 33.1 29.4 24.0
Khepupara 25.4 29.4 32.2 33.1 33.0 32.0 31.6 30.8 31.5 33.0 30.5 26.7
Barisal 24.9 29.3 32.4 33.3 33.8 32.3 31.7 31.0 31.6 32.9 30.3 26.1
Bhola 24.2 28.8 31.7 32.8 32.9 31.5 30.9 30.7 31.0 32.6 29.8 26.0
Patuakhali 25.3 29.7 33.2 34.3 34.1 32.4 32.2 31.3 31.4 33.0 30.5 26.3
Jessore 24.8 29.5 33.4 35.0 35.4 34.2 33.1 31.9 32.7 34.0 30.7 26.0
Chuadanga 23.3 28.6 33.3 34.3 34.7 34.1 33.1 32.0 32.8 33.4 29.6 24.5
Khulna 24.1 28.9 32.9 34.4 34.7 33.4 32.6 31.4 31.9 33.3 30.3 25.1
Mongla 24.4 29.1 33.0 34.4 34.7 33.1 32.3 31.0 31.5 33.0 30.1 25.1
Satkhira 24.3 28.6 32.2 34.2 34.7 33.5 32.3 30.9 31.9 32.8 29.7 24.9
Bogra 22.2 28.2 31.6 33.1 32.9 33.3 32.8 32.0 32.8 33.8 29.9 24.4
Ishurdi 22.6 28.0 32.9 34.3 34.1 34.0 33.2 31.6 32.6 32.8 29.3 24.1
Rajshahi 22.6 28.2 33.6 34.7 34.5 34.1 33.5 32.2 32.8 32.8 29.1 24.2
Sayedpur 21.2 27.4 30.6 32.3 32.3 33.2 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.8 28.7 24.0
Rangpur 20.9 26.8 29.8 31.5 31.7 32.7 32.2 32.2 32.5 32.2 28.0 23.2
Ambagan(Ctg) 26.9 30.0 31.9 32.3 32.7 31.4 31.7 30.9 31.4 32.7 31.0 27.3
Dinajpur 20.8 27.0 30.6 31.8 32.2 32.9 32.5 32.2 32.7 32.5 28.7 23.5
Note: **** means data not available
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.6 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature of 2012 by Station (In Celsius)
Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Dinajpur 22.1 26.6 31.1 32.9 34.6 33.1 32.2 33.3 32.5 31.5 28.5 21.9
Rangpur 21.9 26.4 30.7 31.3 33.2 31.9 31.6 32.7 31.9 31.2 28.3 22.7
Rajshahi 23.4 28.4 33.9 35.4 38.3 36.2 33.3 34.2 33.5 32.3 28.1 23.0
Bogra 23.9 28.0 32.6 33.4 35.1 33.4 32.8 33.2 33.0 32.5 29.2 23.0
Mymenshing 23.1 27.4 31.3 31.0 33.4 31.3 31.5 32.1 31.0 31.7 28.3 22.8
Sylhet 24.7 29.2 32.3 30.2 32.9 30.8 32.1 32.9 32.5 31.8 29.1 24.7
Srimongal 24.3 29.1 33.0 32.2 33.4 31.6 32.7 33.0 32.7 31.6 28.6 24.0
Ishurdi 23.4 28.2 33.8 35.5 37.3 35.1 33.1 33.4 33.4 31.8 27.9 23.2
Dhaka 24.0 28.5 33.0 33.5 34.6 33.1 32.5 32.5 32.9 32.3 28.7 23.9
Comilla 24.2 28.0 31.5 32.1 33.6 32.2 31.8 32.3 32.3 31.4 28.5 24.0
Chandpur 24.4 29.4 33.1 33.4 34.6 33.3 32.5 32.9 32.8 32.4 29.4 25.3
Jessore 24.7 29.4 34.5 35.3 37.6 36.1 33.0 33.1 33.5 33.0 29.4 25.3
Faridpur 23.9 28.9 33.7 34.1 35.0 33.7 32.4 32.3 32.7 32.1 28.5 24.0
Madaripur 24.2 29.1 33.1 33.7 34.7 33.4 32.5 32.3 32.2 32.1 29.1 24.6
Khulna 24.3 29.0 33.9 35.3 36.7 35.3 32.6 32.8 32.7 32.3 29.3 25.0
Satkhira 23.5 28.0 32.7 34.7 36.3 35.2 32.5 32.4 32.5 32.0 29.1 24.8
Barisal 24.6 29.6 33.2 33.7 34.6 33.3 31.9 32.0 31.8 32.0 29.2 25.2
Bhola 24.7 29.3 32.4 32.9 34.1 32.5 31.6 31.7 31.7 31.6 29.3 25.3
Feni 24.9 29.1 31.9 31.7 33.4 31.5 30.6 31.6 31.9 31.3 29.2 24.1
Maijdee Court 24.5 29.0 32.3 33.5 34.4 32.7 31.2 31.8 32.3 31.8 28.6 24.2
Hatiya 24.5 29.3 31.8 32.3 33.0 31.5 30.4 30.7 31.0 31.3 29.4 25.8
Sitakundu 27.1 31.1 31.9 32.2 33.9 32.3 31.3 32.6 33.0 32.8 30.3 26.9
Sandip 26.0 29.6 31.2 32.2 33.4 32.2 30.7 31.7 32.3 32.1 30.0 ****
Ambagan(Ctg.) 27.3 30.8 31.8 32.2 33.5 32.1 30.9 32.0 32.6 32.3 30.4 27.0
Kutubdia 25.5 28.1 30.7 32.1 32.8 31.4 29.9 31.2 31.9 32.3 29.8 25.9
Cox, Bazar 27.5 30.4 30.2 32.8 33.5 31.8 30.5 31.4 32.1 32.3 30.6 27.2
Rangamati 26.3 30.4 33.1 32.8 33.9 32.1 32.1 32.6 33.1 31.8 28.9 26.2
Teknaf 27.7 29.9 30.8 31.6 32.4 30.6 29.1 29.8 31.0 31.3 29.9 27.3
Patuakhali 25.4 30.2 33.6 34.2 34.9 33.6 32.1 32.2 32.1 32.0 24.6 25.6
Khepupara 25.9 30.6 33.1 34.1 35.0 33.3 31.5 32.1 32.1 32.0 29.6 25.9
Sayedpur 22.6 27.0 31.3 32.6 34.0 32.4 32.2 33.5 32.4 31.9 29.1 22.6
Tangail 23.8 28.1 33.0 33.8 35.1 33.4 32.6 32.6 32.7 32.1 28.4 22.7
Mongla 24.5 29.4 33.9 34.8 35.6 34.8 32.3 32.3 32.0 31.9 28.9 24.9
Chuadanga 23.5 28.4 34.2 35.4 37.6 36.1 33.0 33.3 33.6 32.4 28.3 23.9
Chittagong 25.3 29.5 30.2 31.3 32.3 31.0 30.1 31.1 31.2 31.1 28.7 24.7
Note ::****indicates missing data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.7 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature of 2008 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Dinajpur 11.8 12.3 18.9 21.8 23.4 25.6 26.1 26.1 25.7 22.5 16.5 15.3
Rangpur 12.1 12.7 19.0 21.7 23.2 25.2 26.0 25.7 25.6 22.6 17.3 15.6
Rajshahi 11.1 12.0 20.1 23.1 24.2 25.7 26.0 26.4 25.8 22.6 16.5 15.0
Bogra 12.5 13.0 20.5 23.2 24.4 25.8 26.1 26.4 26.1 23.0 17.9 16.1
Mymenshing 13.1 13.8 20.3 23.0 23.9 25.6 26.3 26.2 26.1 23.0 16.7 15.7
Sylhet 14.4 14.0 19.2 22.4 23.5 24.8 25.5 25.2 25.1 23.0 18.0 16.5
Srimongal 11.2 11.1 18.7 21.3 23.1 24.9 25.5 25.3 24.9 21.6 15.1 14.2
Ishurdi 11.2 11.8 20.4 23.1 24.4 25.8 26.1 26.4 25.8 22.5 16.8 14.9
Dhaka 14.5 15.2 22.0 24.5 24.9 26.3 26.3 26.5 26.2 23.8 19.0 16.9
Comilla 13.2 14.1 20.5 22.9 23.9 25.2 25.6 25.5 25.3 23.2 18.4 15.9
Chandpur 14.4 14.9 21.6 24.0 24.9 25.8 25.9 26.1 26.0 23.8 19.5 17.1
Jessore 11.2 13.1 20.8 23.3 24.2 25.7 26.0 26.1 25.4 22.3 16.9 14.6
Faridpur 13.3 13.7 21.5 23.8 24.6 25.8 26.0 26.3 26.1 23.3 18.4 15.9
Madaripur 13.7 14.4 21.7 23.8 25.0 26.1 26.2 26.6 26.4 23.4 18.7 15.9
Khulna 13.8 15.3 22.4 24.5 25.3 26.2 26.3 26.6 26.2 23.8 19.6 16.4
Satkhira 12.9 14.5 22.0 24.1 24.9 26.0 26.0 26.3 25.7 22.8 18.3 14.9
Barisal 13.2 14.2 21.9 24.0 25.4 26.0 25.9 26.1 25.8 23.5 18.4 15.4
Bhola 13.7 14.7 21.8 23.9 25.5 25.8 25.9 26.1 25.9 23.6 18.8 16.1
Feni 14.0 14.8 21.6 23.4 24.6 25.3 25.4 25.4 25.4 23.4 18.3 16.1
M. Court 14.8 15.4 21.5 23.8 25.0 25.4 25.3 25.4 25.5 24.2 20.1 17.3
Hatiya 14.1 14.5 21.3 23.6 25.1 25.7 25.4 25.8 25.4 23.8 19.2 16.2
Sitakundu 12.4 13.1 20.3 22.6 24.6 25.5 25.1 25.3 25.1 23.4 17.4 14.9
Sandwip 13.3 13.9 20.8 22.9 24.1 24.7 24.0 24.4 24.6 23.0 17.6 15.8
Kutubdia 15.8 16.1 22.1 24.5 25.5 26.2 25.3 25.6 25.7 25.1 20.4 18.0
Cox, Bazar 6.0 16.5 21.8 24.6 25.0 25.2 24.8 25.0 25.2 24.8 20.8 18.0
Rangamati 13.2 13.2 20.5 22.7 24.3 25.0 24.7 24.6 24.4 23.2 18.4 16.2
Patuakhali 13.9 14.8 21.9 23.8 25.5 25.8 25.8 26.1 25.9 23.9 19.1 16.3
Khepupara 13.9 15.1 22.6 24.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 26.3 26.0 24.2 19.6 16.2
Sayedpur 11.7 12.5 18.5 21.3 22.8 25.1 25.9 25.8 25.4 22.3 16.7 15.1
Tangail 12.5 13.0 20.5 23.3 23.9 25.7 25.9 26.4 26.1 22.8 17.3 15.7
Mongla 14.4 15.6 22.6 24.9 25.8 26.1 25.9 26.4 26.0 23.9 20.1 17.0
Chuadanga 11.6 12.6 20.5 23.4 24.4 25.9 25.9 26.2 25.5 22.8 17.3 14.9
Chittagong 15.2 15.7 21.9 24.2 25.1 25.6 25.2 25.4 25.3 24.0 19.6 17.7
Chittagon(Amba) 15.0 15.2 21.6 23.8 24.4 25.2 25.1 25.3 25.5 24.1 19.5 17.3
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.8 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature of 2009 by Station (In Celsius)
Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Dinajpur 12.5 14.0 17.6 22.0 23.6 25.9 26.5 26.3 26.2 22.4 17.1 12.3
Rangpur 13.2 14.0 17.7 22.1 23.7 25.6 26.4 26.1 26.2 22.8 17.7 12.9
Rajshahi 12.3 12.6 18.0 23.9 24.4 26.6 26.6 26.4 25.9 22.1 17.8 11.6
Bogra 13.1 13.9 19.1 23.7 24.1 26.0 26.7 26.2 26.3 23.2 18.8 13.2
Mymenshing 13.4 15.3 18.9 23.6 24.1 25.7 26.6 26.3 26.0 23.2 18.6 13.2
Sylhet 14.4 15.7 19.7 22.8 23.2 24.9 26.1 25.6 25.5 23.2 19.6 14.8
Srimongal 10.7 12.4 16.9 22.0 23.1 24.8 25.5 25.6 24.9 21.6 16.8 11.3
Ishurdi 12.2 13.0 18.1 24.1 24.6 26.3 26.6 26.4 26.0 22.5 17.9 11.6
Dhaka 14.8 17.3 21.4 25.9 25.2 26.7 26.7 26.3 26.3 24.2 20.2 15.4
Comilla 13.6 15.6 20.4 24.2 24.3 25.9 25.5 25.9 25.6 23.0 19.0 13.4
Chandpur 14.4 16.5 21.0 25.1 25.0 26.5 25.9 26.2 26.1 24.1 20.3 15.0
Jessore 12.8 14.3 18.7 24.5 25.3 26.5 26.0 25.7 25.6 22.0 17.5 11.1
Faridpur 13.6 15.1 20.0 25.0 24.7 26.0 26.3 26.4 26.4 23.8 19.4 13.5
Madaripur 13.9 15.8 20.2 24.9 24.8 26.3 26.3 26.2 26.0 23.4 19.0 13.6
Khulna 15.2 16.9 21.1 25.6 26.0 26.9 26.5 26.3 26.4 23.6 20.1 14.2
Satkhira 14.4 15.8 20.3 25.1 25.6 26.9 25.9 25.5 25.5 22.4 18.9 13.2
Barisal 13.6 16.0 21.1 25.1 25.6 27.0 26.2 26.1 26.1 23.3 19.3 13.1
Bhola 14.3 16.4 21.4 25.2 25.6 26.7 26.2 26.1 26.1 23.6 19.9 14.0
Feni 13.6 16.2 21.0 24.9 24.6 25.8 25.7 25.6 25.5 23.3 19.4 13.8
M. Court 15.1 16.7 21.4 25.0 25.2 26.7 26.2 26.3 26.2 24.4 21.0 15.7
Hatiya 14.2 16.4 21.1 24.8 25.3 26.7 26.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 20.3 14.5
Sitakundu 12.2 12.4 **** **** **** **** **** 25.2 25.3 22.6 18.7 12.7
Sandwip 13.5 15.7 20.7 24.9 25.1 25.9 25.5 25.5 25.4 23.7 19.8 14.2
Kutubdia 15.5 17.8 22.2 25.5 25.6 26.3 25.8 26.2 25.8 24.5 21.2 16.3
Cox, Bazar 15.9 17.9 21.9 25.3 25.3 25.6 25.5 25.3 25.2 24.6 21.7 16.6
Teknaf 15.5 16.3 20.7 24.7 25.6 25.8 25.4 25.5 25.4 **** **** ****
Rangamati 12.6 14.5 19.7 24.2 24.1 25.0 24.9 25.1 24.8 22.9 19.5 14.1
Patuakhali 14.4 16.5 21.5 25.3 25.7 27.0 26.1 26.2 26.1 23.7 20.1 14.2
Khepupara 14.6 16.5 22.0 29.8 26.2 26.8 26.1 26.4 25.8 23.7 20.3 14.1
Syedpur 12.6 14.3 17.5 21.8 23.2 25.5 26.6 26.2 26.3 22.5 17.2 12.3
Tangail 12.9 14.3 19.0 24.1 23.8 25.4 26.1 25.9 26.1 23.1 18.5 12.6
Mongla 15.7 14.5 21.8 25.9 26.0 27.1 26.3 26.3 26.2 23.8 20.5 15.1
Chuadanga 13.0 13.9 18.5 24.7 25.0 26.6 26.4 25.9 25.9 22.2 17.9 11.5
Chittagong 14.9 16.9 21.6 25.3 25.0 25.6 25.5 25.7 25.4 24.1 22.1 15.9
Chittagon(Amba) 15.0 14.6 21.7 25.6 25.0 25.8 25.6 25.7 25.6 23.7 20.5 15.6
Note: ****indicates missing data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.9 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature of 2010 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Rangpur 10.5 13.1 19.1 23.0 23.5 24.6 26.6 26.5 25.5 23.5 18.5 12.7
Rajshahi 9.3 13.1 19.8 25.6 25.4 26.0 26.6 26.6 25.7 23.4 18.4 11.8
Bogra 10.9 14.4 20.9 24.8 25.1 26.3 27.0 26.9 26.0 23.7 19.4 13.5
Mymenshing 11.7 14.8 20.6 23.4 24.1 25.7 26.9 26.6 26.1 23.8 18.9 13.5
Sylhet 12.8 14.8 20.6 21.6 23.1 24.5 25.9 25.8 25.0 24.1 20.0 15.0
Srimongal 8.6 10.6 19.3 22.8 23.5 24.7 25.6 25.3 25.0 22.9 17.4 11.7
Ishurdi 9.2 13.2 20.6 25.6 25.5 26.1 26.6 26.6 25.7 23.4 18.5 11.9
Dhaka 12.8 16.2 23.3 26.4 25.9 26.7 27.4 27.0 26.6 25.0 20.9 15.4
Comilla 10.9 14.7 21.9 25.1 24.7 26.0 26.3 26.3 25.6 24.7 19.9 13.8
Chandpur 12.3 15.8 22.4 25.8 25.2 26.3 26.5 26.7 26.3 25.3 21.1 15.2
Jessore 9.8 14.1 21.7 26.2 25.6 26.5 26.6 26.4 25.6 23.7 18.9 11.7
Faridpur 11.2 14.9 22.2 26.1 25.1 26.1 26.7 26.7 26.1 24.8 20.4 13.8
Madaripur 10.9 15.2 22.2 25.8 25.0 25.9 26.6 26.6 26.4 23.8 20.4 13.6
Khulna 11.8 16.5 23.3 26.8 25.9 26.6 26.9 27.0 26.4 24.9 21.0 14.3
Satkhira 11.1 16.3 23.5 27.0 26.0 26.9 27.0 26.8 26.1 24.6 20.3 13.2
Barisal 10.8 15.5 22.9 26.5 25.8 26.4 26.6 26.7 26.2 24.9 20.5 13.4
Bhola 11.2 15.7 23.0 26.4 25.6 26.2 26.4 26.5 26.0 25.1 20.7 14.2
Feni 11.7 15.0 22.6 25.7 25.3 25.6 26.1 26.0 25.5 24.5 20.2 14.5
M. Court 12.8 16.1 23.1 26.3 25.2 26.1 26.6 26.3 26.2 25.7 21.9 16.1
Hatiya 25.5 29.4 23.7 32.8 32.6 31.3 30.8 31.6 31.4 32.1 30.9 27.1
Sitakundu 10.8 13.7 21.5 25.6 25.0 25.4 25.9 25.5 25.3 24.4 29.5 13.5
Sandwip 12.4 14.8 22.3 26.4 25.6 26.5 26.0 25.7 25.6 25.2 20.3 14.7
Kutubdia 15.1 17.2 23.0 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.2 26.1 25.9 25.5 21.2 17.0
Cox, Bazar 15.3 17.5 23.2 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.7 25.6 25.3 25.3 21.7 17.5
Teknaf 14.4 16.8 21.7 26.1 26.4 25.9 25.7 25.6 25.6 25.3 * *
Rangamati 12.4 13.6 20.6 24.7 24.4 24.8 25.3 25.3 24.8 24.2 20.2 14.9
Patuakhali 12.1 16.3 23.1 26.4 25.9 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.2 25.0 21.1 14.5
Khepupara 12.1 16.7 23.5 26.8 26.6 26.9 26.7 26.6 26.3 25.2 21.3 14.5
Sayedpur 10.1 13.2 18.9 23.0 23.8 25.0 26.6 26.6 25.6 23.1 18.1 12.1
Tangail 10.5 14.0 20.6 24.7 24.6 25.7 26.4 26.4 25.8 24.0 19.2 13.0
Mongla 24.3 29.7 35.1 36.4 35.1 33.6 32.3 32.7 32.7 32.3 30.5 25.7
Chuadanga 8.7 13.8 20.6 25.9 25.5 26.1 26.4 26.4 25.4 23.4 18.5 11.5
Chittagong 14.9 16.8 21.5 25.3 24.9 25.5 25.4 25.7 25.4 24.0 21.0 15.8
Note :****indicates missing data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.10 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature of 2011 by Station (In Celsius)

Name of station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Rangpur 9.6 13.9 18.3 21.3 23.1 25.2 26.0 26.0 26.1 23.8 17.4 12.9
Rajshahi 8.5 12.5 18.7 22.1 23.9 25.8 26.4 26.2 25.9 23.2 16.9 12.5
Bogra 10.1 14.6 20.1 22.4 23.6 26.1 26.5 26.2 26.1 24.2 18.0 13.3
Mymenshing 10.7 15.3 19.7 21.8 23.5 25.9 26.1 26.2 26.1 23.8 16.9 13.6
Sylhet 12.0 15.4 19.3 22.0 23.2 25.3 25.7 25.5 25.5 23.6 17.8 15.2
Srimongal 8.6 12.4 17.5 20.6 22.8 24.9 25.5 25.2 25.1 22.1 14.8 12.0
Ishurdi 8.4 12.5 18.7 22.1 24.0 26.1 26.3 26.1 26.0 23.3 16.8 12.3
Dhaka 12.2 16.9 21.5 23.2 24.6 26.2 26.7 26.5 26.3 24.7 19.1 15.0
Comilla 11.3 15.8 19.7 22.0 24.0 25.9 25.9 25.6 25.6 23.9 18.1 14.4
Chandpur 12.0 16.1 20.3 22.6 24.4 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 24.7 19.1 15.3
Jessore 9.3 13.9 19.2 22.4 25.0 26.0 26.2 25.9 25.5 23.2 16.7 12.1
Faridpur 10.6 15.0 19.9 22.2 24.3 26.0 26.4 26.3 26.2 24.7 18.4 14.1
Madaripur 10.7 14.7 19.4 22.1 24.3 25.9 26.1 26.0 26.1 24.2 18.1 14.0
Khulna 11.9 16.1 20.5 23.4 25.4 26.4 26.5 26.2 25.9 25.2 19.3 14.7
Satkhira 11.5 15.7 20.6 23.3 25.4 26.7 26.7 26.4 26.1 25.0 19.1 14.6
Barisal 10.9 15.2 20.1 23.0 25.1 26.2 26.4 25.9 25.9 24.4 18.3 14.2
Bhola 11.4 15.4 20.1 23.1 25.0 26.1 26.1 25.8 25.8 24.6 18.6 15.0
Feni 11.4 15.8 19.7 22.5 24.1 25.4 25.6 25.2 25.3 24.2 18.0 14.5
M. Court 12.7 16.9 20.3 22.9 24.6 26.1 26.5 26.0 26.1 25.2 20.4 16.1
Hatiya 11.8 15.7 20.1 23.1 25.1 26.0 25.9 25.7 25.7 24.5 18.8 15.2
Sitakundu 10.4 14.0 18.5 22.3 24.3 25.7 25.3 25.1 25.2 23.5 17.0 13.5
Sandwip 11.8 15.5 19.7 22.7 24.7 25.8 25.6 25.4 25.6 24.2 18.3 15.1
Kutubdia 14.5 17.6 20.6 24.2 25.2 25.9 25.9 25.6 25.5 24.7 19.3 16.3
Cox, Bazar 14.8 17.7 20.9 24.1 24.6 25.4 25.5 25.1 24.8 23.8 19.4 17.0
Teknaf 14.8 16.8 19.2 23.5 25.0 25.3 25.6 25.3 25.1 24.3 18.2 16.3
Rangamati 11.6 14.8 18.5 22.1 23.9 24.6 24.4 24.2 24.0 23.1 17.2 15.1
Patuakhali 12.1 15.8 20.3 23.2 25.3 26.1 26.2 25.7 25.6 24.5 18.7 15.0
Khepupara 12.3 16.1 20.6 23.8 25.1 26.2 26.0 25.9 26.0 24.9 19.3 14.9
Sayedpur 9.1 14.1 17.6 21.0 23.0 25.4 26.1 25.8 26.0 23.4 16.7 12.3
Tangail 10.1 14.2 19.6 21.7 23.5 25.9 26.3 26.1 26.1 24.0 17.5 13.4
Mongla 12.8 16.5 21.0 23.8 25.8 26.5 26.5 26.0 25.9 24.9 19.7 15.5
Chuadanga 8.6 12.9 19.0 22.1 24.4 26.2 25.9 25.8 25.5 23.1 17.0 12.3
Chittagong 13.2 16.7 20.2 23.9 24.6 25.5 25.5 25.1 25.1 24.4 19.2 16.1
Dinajpur 9.1 13.8 17.8 21.3 23.3 25.4 26.2 26.1 26.0 23.4 16.4 12.0
Ambagan(Ctg) 13.4 16.9 20.6 23.6 24.9 25.7 25.6 25.3 25.4 24.2 19.2 15.9
Note ::****indicates missing data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.2.11 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature of 2012 by Station (In Celsius)
Name of stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Dinajpur 10.7 13.1 17.2 21.6 24.3 25.7 26.7 27.0 25.8 21.5 15.0 11.7
Rangpur 10.9 12.8 17.1 21.5 23.9 25.2 26.2 26.8 25.7 22.3 16.2 12.9
Rajshahi 11.5 12.2 17.4 22.8 25.8 26.8 26.3 26.6 26.1 21.8 16.3 11.7
Bogra 12.2 13.9 19.4 22.6 25.5 26.3 26.6 26.9 26.3 22.8 17.2 13.0
Mymenshing 12.4 13.9 19.1 22.0 24.3 25.5 26.4 26.7 26.3 23.0 16.9 13.1
Sylhet 13.1 14.2 20.1 20.5 23.5 24.5 26.0 25.7 25.6 22.7 18.9 14.5
Srimongal 9.9 10.1 18.2 20.9 23.3 24.5 25.4 25.3 25.1 22.0 16.3 11.6
Ishurdi 11.5 12.4 17.8 23.0 26.6 26.7 26.4 26.6 26.2 21.7 16.2 11.7
Dhaka 14.4 22.1 23.7 25.7 26.9 26.6 26.5 26.7 24.2 19.1 14.5

Comilla 12.9 14.6 21.6 22.7 25.0 25.7 25.8 25.8 25.8 23.4 18.6 13.3
Chandpur 14.0 15.2 21.6 23.5 25.6 26.4 26.4 26.1 26.3 24.1 19.3 14.1
Jessore 11.7 13.1 19.7 23.3 25.7 27.1 26.7 26.3 25.9 22.1 16.7 11.9
Faridpur 13.2 14.1 20.4 23.1 25.2 26.5 26.4 26.5 26.4 23.6 18.2 13.3
Madaripur 12.9 13.9 21.1 22.9 25.1 26.4 26.2 26.2 25.9 23.1 18.0 12.6
Khulna 14.3 15.3 19.9 24.3 26.3 27.7 26.6 26.6 26.5 23.6 19.0 13.7
Satkhira 14.1 14.9 21.5 24.0 26.8 27.7 26.8 26.6 26.5 23.3 18.4 13.0
Barisal 12.9 14.3 21.8 23.7 25.8 27.2 26.5 26.2 25.9 23.3 18.6 12.6
Bhola 13.3 14.3 21.8 23.6 25.9 26.7 26.1 26.0 26.1 23.3 18.8 13.3
Feni 12.9 14.6 21.2 22.6 25.2 25.1 25.2 25.4 25.5 23.2 18.5 13.1
Maijdee Court 14.4 15.5 22.1 23.6 25.7 26.6 26.4 26.3 26.2 24.6 24.4 14.7
Hatiya 13.4 15.3 21.1 23.3 25.8 26.6 25.9 25.8 26.1 23.6 19.3 13.6
Sitakundu 12.5 13.3 21.3 23.0 24.9 25.5 25.3 25.2 25.5 22.9 18.4 11.9
Sandip 13.5 14.9 21.6 23.5 25.4 25.9 25.5 25.6 26.0 23.7 19.3 ****
Ambagan(Ctg.) 14.9 16.5 21.9 23.6 25.1 25.5 25.4 25.6 25.7 23.8 20.0 14.3
Kutubdia 15.1 16.5 21.8 24.3 25.8 25.8 25.3 25.7 25.8 24.4 20.4 14.7
Cox, Bazar 15.8 17.1 21.4 24.2 25.7 25.4 25.0 24.9 25.3 24.3 21.5 15.4
Rangamati 12.3 13.6 19.5 22.2 23.8 24.9 24.6 24.3 24.8 23.1 18.9 13.3
Teknaf 15.2 16.2 20.8 24.3 25.9 25.7 25.2 25.5 25.6 24.3 21.3 15.7
Patuakhali 13.9 15.0 24.9 24.1 25.9 27.4 26.3 26.2 26.0 23.5 19.3 13.4
Khepupara 13.9 15.6 22.3 24.8 26.6 27.5 26.1 26.2 26.2 23.6 19.5 13.5
Sayedpur 10.7 13.0 16.9 21.2 23.8 25.6 26.5 26.9 25.7 21.7 15.4 12.2
Tangail 12.2 13.2 19.0 22.7 24.6 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.0 22.9 17.4 12.8
Mongla 14.8 16.2 22.3 24.5 26.9 27.6 26.7 26.4 26.3 23.9 19.5 14.2
Chuadanga 12.1 12.5 18.3 23.3 25.7 26.8 26.4 26.3 25.7 21.4 16.2 11.4
Chittagong 15.3 16.3 21.9 23.8 25.3 35.4 25.5 25.6 25.8 24.1 20.5 14.4
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

6.3 Monthly & Yearly Average Humidity (in percentage)

Monthly Average Relative Humidity 2008-12 by Station (in percentage)

Table: 6.3.1 Monthly Average Relative Humidity of 2008 by Station ( In percentage)

Name of stations Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 80 74 73 74 77 85 85 87 85 84 79 86
Rangpur 83 75 75 76 80 86 86 88 85 84 79 87
Rajshahi 79 73 69 67 75 86 89 86 86 84 79 86
Bogra 80 72 74 72 75 84 86 85 82 82 75 83
Mymensingh 84 75 81 79 80 87 89 91 86 87 83 88
Sylhet 78 69 74 72 78 86 88 89 83 82 72 79
Srimangal 83 76 76 71 78 84 85 86 84 86 82 86
Ishurdi 81 75 73 70 74 85 88 86 85 84 78 85
Dhaka 70 62 68 65 71 81 84 82 81 78 70 80
Comilla 80 73 82 78 80 87 87 87 83 84 78 83
Chandpur 78 73 77 75 78 87 89 87 85 84 77 84
Jessore 80 76 77 76 76 84 88 86 87 84 80 85
Faridpur 78 74 74 72 75 85 87 86 83 82 77 83
Madaripur 78 73 77 75 80 88 90 87 87 85 80 86
Khulna 80 74 78 75 75 85 89 86 86 85 79 85
Satkhira 79 75 78 75 74 84 89 87 87 84 79 84
Barisal 81 77 78 80 81 89 90 88 88 87 83 87
Bhola 83 79 83 81 84 89 92 90 89 88 83 87
Feni 80 74 80 78 80 86 89 88 85 86 80 85
M.court 81 75 79 76 79 88 90 87 85 85 80 87
Hatiya 81 73 81 78 83 89 90 88 86 89 82 85
Sitakunda 81 75 83 76 80 88 90 89 86 86 82 87
Sandwip 82 74 81 76 80 88 91 88 86 86 81 84
Kutubdia 76 71 82 76 77 84 88 86 85 82 76 78
Cox's Bazar 73 67 79 72 77 86 90 88 87 81 75 76
Teknaf 73 68 82 77 81 90 93 90 88 86 80 76
Rangamati 82 71 73 66 73 83 86 86 85 85 84 84
Patuakhali 79 74 80 78 80 90 92 89 90 88 84 87
Khepupara 76 74 80 77 79 87 90 87 87 85 82 84
sydpur 81 72 72 74 78 85 86 87 84 81 76 85
Tangail 81 77 76 73 76 85 86 85 84 83 79 86
Mongla 79 74 79 75 77 87 90 88 87 83 78 82
chuadanga 80 77 75 70 76 86 90 86 87 84 80 85
Chittagon(P) 77 68 80 74 78 84 88 88 86 82 76 80
Ambagan(Ctg 76 69 80 75 79 84 88 87 85 85 81 85
Note: ‘***’ indicates not available.
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.3.2 Monthly Average Relative Humidity of 2009 by Station (in percentage)

Name of station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 83 66 64 72 78 79 81 86 82 80 78 83
Rangpur 84 72 67 75 81 81 81 89 85 83 80 85
Rajshahi 83 68 63 61 76 76 85 87 85 81 77 80
Bogra 81 65 64 69 77 78 81 85 82 79 74 79
Mymensingh 85 74 75 79 81 85 84 87 85 86 82 84
Sylhet 74 64 59 74 78 84 83 87 82 80 76 76
Srimangal 82 70 67 76 80 83 82 85 85 84 82 83
Ishurdi 83 67 63 65 76 75 83 85 84 81 76 79
Dhaka 72 55 53 66 72 74 80 82 81 73 66 69
Comilla 78 73 75 78 80 83 86 86 83 82 76 79
Chandpur 80 69 68 76 79 82 86 86 85 82 77 79
Jessore 81 74 70 70 75 78 84 86 83 81 77 78
Faridpur 79 67 62 68 76 80 86 86 84 79 75 78
Madaripur 82 74 71 79 79 81 85 88 85 82 78 81
Khulna 81 73 72 71 74 80 86 87 85 81 78 80
Satkhira 81 74 72 72 75 78 85 86 84 82 79 77
Barisal 82 74 76 78 78 82 89 89 87 86 82 81
Bhola 83 77 78 81 83 87 93 90 88 85 82 81
Feni 79 73 75 79 80 83 88 88 84 83 79 79
M.court 82 76 78 80 80 84 87 86 85 83 79 81
Hatiya 80 72 77 82 79 82 89 89 88 85 82 81
Sitakunda 79 73 74 81 80 83 88 88 86 84 80 79
Sandwip 80 73 75 79 80 84 89 88 86 85 81 81
Kutubdia 71 71 80 80 76 81 86 86 84 79 74 70
Cox's Bazar 70 66 73 76 75 82 89 88 85 80 73 71
Teknaf 69 66 76 80 79 86 92 90 87 100 100 100
Rangamati 75 64 62 72 75 81 85 87 85 84 82 82
Patuakhali 82 75 76 80 81 85 91 90 88 86 82 ***
Khepupara 80 72 73 77 77 83 89 88 87 85 80 78
sydpur 82 67 65 72 78 79 81 84 81 80 77 83
Tangail 83 69 65 71 78 79 83 86 83 81 78 82
Mongla 79 70 70 73 77 82 92 91 89 83 77 76
chuadanga 81 70 65 66 75 78 86 88 86 82 79 80
Chittagon(P) 73 62 70 79 77 81 86 86 84 81 76 74
Ambagan(Ctg) 73 62 70 79 77 81 86 86 84 81 76 74
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.3.3 Monthly Average Relative Humidity of 2010 by Station (in percentage)

Name of station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 83 66 62 75 76 83 82 83 84 82 78 75
Rangpur 83 72 66 78 80 86 82 83 85 82 80 78
Rajshahi 80 69 61 67 74 82 83 83 85 85 80 79
Bogra 80 66 64 75 74 82 81 82 83 81 74 74
Mymensingh 81 74 74 82 81 87 85 85 87 85 82 80
Sylhet 73 59 61 79 82 89 85 86 87 79 75 74
Srimangal 83 69 64 74 81 86 84 86 88 85 82 81
Ishurdi 80 70 61 68 76 83 83 83 86 83 78 78
Dhaka 17 56 59 67 71 79 77 78 79 74 68 66
Comilla 78 71 78 80 80 86 83 83 85 82 78 76
Jessore 78 71 69 70 76 82 81 82 83 82 78 79
Faridpur 78 68 66 71 77 85 84 83 85 81 77 77
Madaripur 82 75 71 75 80 86 86 83 86 84 82 83
Khulna 78 72 71 72 77 83 83 83 84 84 79 78
Satkhira 76 73 70 73 78 84 84 84 85 84 80 78
Barisal 80 74 73 77 80 87 87 86 88 86 85 81
Bhola 81 73 75 83 86 90 89 87 88 84 81 80
Feni 80 73 77 82 84 9 86 85 86 84 80 80
M.court 80 70 75 77 80 89 86 86 87 84 80 79
Hatiya 76 73 76 79 82 89 87 86 87 85 82 76
Sitakunda 77 70 75 79 82 88 86 87 87 86 85 80
Sandwip 77 66 63 73 79 85 84 84 84 84 83 82
Kutubdia 73 69 78 77 76 84 83 83 82 82 75 71
Cox's Bazar 71 74 74 75 77 86 85 84 85 84 76 74
Rangamati 77 66 63 73 79 85 84 84 84 84 83 82
Khepupara 75 74 77 77 80 87 86 84 85 85 82 77
sydpur 83 68 65 77 79 85 83 84 85 82 78 76
Tangail 81 72 66 75 76 84 82 84 85 83 80 79
Mongla 76 71 71 75 80 86 86 68 86 84 80 75
chuadanga 82 71 65 71 79 84 84 83 86 84 79 80
Chittagon(P) 70 59 69 76 78 86 82 84 82 83 78 74
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.3.4 Monthly Average Relative Humidity of 2011 by Station (in percentage)

Name of station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 81 71 67 73 79 82 83 84 83 80 77 82
Rangpur 84 74 70 74 81 82 83 84 82 80 78 83
Rajshahi 80 73 64 72 81 84 85 88 86 82 80 83
Bogra 79 68 66 71 77 81 82 85 83 77 75 81
Mymensingh 83 73 73 77 82 85 86 86 84 83 81 83
Sylhet 77 64 64 69 80 85 86 85 82 77 72 75
Srimangal 82 73 70 73 82 84 84 85 83 82 79 83
Ishurdi 79 71 65 71 78 82 83 87 85 81 79 84
Dhaka 69 54 57 64 76 80 79 82 77 73 67 73
Comilla 75 68 74 78 82 85 84 85 84 80 76 81
Chandpur 77 71 70 76 82 86 85 87 86 80 76 81
Jessore 77 71 70 73 75 81 82 86 85 79 79 81
Faridpur 78 68 67 72 79 85 83 86 83 78 77 82
Madaripur 81 74 72 76 82 87 84 86 85 83 82 85
Khulna 76 70 70 72 78 84 84 88 87 79 81 83
Satkhira 76 71 70 73 76 82 82 86 85 79 78 81
Barisal 79 72 72 79 81 87 86 89 88 84 82 84
Bhola 79 75 75 79 84 88 87 88 90 85 82 84
Feni 76 71 75 82 87 88 86 88 86 82 79 82
M.court 77 72 73 78 83 88 87 88 87 81 77 82
Hatiya 74 72 72 78 84 88 87 89 89 86 84 85
Sitakunda 72 67 71 79 83 87 87 88 87 84 81 81
Sandwip 77 74 74 80 83 87 86 89 87 84 81 84
Kutubdia 67 70 73 79 80 86 87 87 87 82 75 77
Cox's Bazar 67 67 69 77 80 87 85 88 87 82 74 77
Teknaf 70 69 73 79 83 90 89 90 90 85 75 77
Rangamati 77 68 65 72 79 84 85 87 85 85 81 83
Patuakhali 86 75 73 80 84 90 89 91 91 86 83 84
Khepupara 75 71 72 77 81 87 86 89 88 83 81 79
sydpur 82 72 69 74 80 82 84 84 83 80 77 82
Tangail 81 72 71 73 79 82 83 87 83 80 80 84
Mongla 75 69 71 74 78 86 84 89 91 82 78 81
chuadanga 79 70 69 72 78 83 85 88 88 82 82 84
Chittagon(P) 68 67 69 77 80 85 84 87 85 80 74 77
Ambagan(Ctg) 67 66 69 76 79 85 84 88 86 82 77 81
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Table: 6.3.5 Monthly Average Relative Humidity of 2012 by Station (in percentage)

Name of station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Dinajpur 79 67 62 67 72 82 83 81 84 80 75 84
Rangpur 80 70 63 72 76 83 84 80 84 80 76 86
Rajshahi 79 66 58 69 67 80 86 85 86 80 78 85
Bogra 74 63 60 70 71 80 83 82 83 78 74 84
Mymensingh 79 71 73 80 77 85 86 85 85 82 81 88
Sylhet 76 60 63 77 77 88 84 84 84 81 77 82
Srimangal 79 65 65 75 78 85 82 82 84 84 82 87
Ishurdi 79 66 60 68 71 81 87 86 86 83 80 86
Dhaka 66 52 57 69 70 77 79 78 79 71 68 77
Comilla 77 70 75 81 79 84 85 83 85 82 78 83
Chandpur 78 67 71 79 78 84 85 85 85 81 77 83
Jessore 80 71 67 72 69 77 84 84 84 81 78 81
Faridpur 76 66 64 71 76 81 85 84 84 79 77 83
Madaripur 81 71 71 78 79 84 86 85 87 82 81 85
Khulna 80 71 73 77 79 84 90 90 90 85 81 87
Satkhira 79 72 71 72 70 77 84 85 85 81 78 81
Barisal 82 72 74 79 79 86 88 87 89 86 82 85
Bhola 82 74 77 81 79 85 88 87 88 86 82 85
Feni 79 70 77 82 80 87 89 85 86 85 81 83
M.court 78 71 76 82 79 85 87 86 85 82 80 81
Hatiya 79 72 79 83 84 87 89 88 88 87 82 83
Sitakunda 79 66 78 82 84 87 89 85 85 85 82 81
Sandwip 77 70 79 81 81 86 89 86 85 84 80 ***
Kutubdia 70 68 79 83 86 89 92 91 87 83 82 81
Cox's Bazar 66 62 77 77 79 86 89 87 85 82 76 77
Teknaf 67 59 75 79 82 88 92 89 87 83 75 69
Rangamati 77 63 68 77 77 85 86 83 83 85 83 83
Patuakhali 81 72 77 80 85 85 90 89 90 86 83 85
Khepupara 76 67 76 76 77 83 89 88 88 83 80 80
sydpur 78 68 61 70 75 83 85 80 85 79 75 86
Tangail 79 69 65 73 75 83 84 84 85 80 79 85
Mongla 76 68 72 76 77 81 88 88 88 83 79 80
chuadanga 81 70 63 69 70 78 88 87 86 83 80 85
Chittagon(P) 68 62 76 80 80 86 88 86 85 84 77 80
Ambagan(Ctg) 74 64 77 82 79 87 88 85 82 84 77 80
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

6.4 Major Cyclonic Storms from 1960 to 2013 in Bangladesh.

Table: 6.4 Major Cyclonic Storms from 1960 to 2013 which caused huge loss of lives &
properties in Bangladesh.

Date of Nature of Phenomenon Landfall Area Maximum Tidal Surge Central

Occurrence Wind Speed Height Pressure
in km/hr. in ft. (hPa)
1 2 3 4 5 6
11.10.1960 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 160 15 -
31.10.1960 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 193 20 -
09.05.1961 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 160 8-10 -
30.05.1961 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong (Near Feni) 160 6-15 -
28.05.1963 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong- Cox's Bazar 209 8-12 -
11.05.1965 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong-Barisal Coast 160 12 -
05.11.1965 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 160 8-12 -
15.12.1965 Severe Cyclonic Storm Cox's Bazar 210 8-10 -
01.11.1966 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 120 20-22 -
23.10.1970 Severe Cyclonic Storm of Hurricane Khulna-Barisal 163 Mode-rate -
12.11.1970 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Chittagong 224 10-33 -
hurricane wind
28.11.1974 Severe Cyclonic Storm Cox's Bazar 163 9-17 -
10.12.1981 Cyclonic Storm Khulna 120 7-15 989
15.10.1983 Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 93 - 995
09.11.1983 Severe Cyclonic Storm Cox's Bazar 136 5 986
24.05.1985 Severe Cyclonic Storm Chittagong 154 15 982
29.11.1988 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Khulna 160 2-14.5 983
hurricane wind
18.12.1990 Cyclonic Storm (crossed as a Cox's Bazar Coast 115 5-7 995
29.04.1991 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Chittagong 225 12-22 940
hurricane wind
02.05.1994 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Coast 278 5-6 948
hurricane wind
25.11.1995 Severe Cyclonic Storm Cox's Bazar 140 10 998
19.05.1997 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Sitakundu 232 15 965
hurricane wind
27.09.1997 Severe Cyclonic Storm with a core of Sitakundu 150 10-15 -
hurricane wind
20.05.1998 Severe Cyclonic Storm with core of Chittagong Coast near 173 3
hurricane winds Sitakunda
28.10.2000 Cyclonic Storm Sundarban Coast near Mongla 83 - -
12.11.2002 Cyclonic Storm Sundarban Coast near 65-85 5-7 998
Raimangal River
19.05.2004 Cyclonic Storm Cox's Bazar Coast between 65-90 2-4 990
Teknaf and Akyab
15.11.2007 Severe Cyclonic Storm with core of Khulna-Barisal Coast near 223 15-18 942
hurricane winds(SIDR) Baleshwar river
Cyclonic Storm West Bengal-Khulna Coast 70-90 4 -6 987
25.5.2009 (AILA) near Sagar island
16-05-2013 Cyclonic Storm (CS) The cyclonic storm Mahasen 100 kph, - -
‘MAHASEN’ completed crossing Noakhali- NW’ly
Chittagong coast .

6.5 Major Cyclonic Storms and Tidal Surges in Bangladesh

Table: 6.5 Major Cyclonic Storms and Tidal Surges in Bangladesh

Date of Place of Area of Duration Maximum People Number of Loss of

Occurrance Occurrance Devastation of Storm Wind Speed Killed Injured Property
(Sq. km.) (Minutes) (Km/hr.) (Tk. in
millions )
14/04/1969 Demra 155.5-168.4 5-7 644 922 16511 40-45
17/08/1973 Manikganj 20.7 8-10 322 100 1000 10
10/04/1974 Faridpur 25.9-39.9 12-15 242 46 Innumerable Several millions
11/04/1974 Bogra 25.9-31.1 10-15 242 28 75 10
09/05/1976 Narayanganj 2.59 1-2 242 1 42 Several millions
01/04/1977 Faridpur 51.8 2-3 322 500 6000 12
Manikganj Several
26/04/1989 150.2 388-419 526 Innumerable Several millions
(Saturia) minutes
20/04/1990 Sirajganj 77.7 40 193 29 2000 -
07/05/1991 Gazipur - 298 46 400 -
18/05/1991 Gouranadi 207.2 251 17 400 -
Several Several
08/05/1995 Lowhajang - 250 34 -
minutes hundreds
16 Unions of 6
13/05/1996 Tangail 5-8 320-400 570 30,000 -

The squally wind of a Nor'wster/Tornado exerts tremendous pressure upon structures of the houses and trees. This
2 2
pressure can be calculated by using the formula, P =0.004v where pressure P is in pound/ft and velocity v is in

Chapter 7


7.1 Seed
Table: 7.1.1 Yearly Distribution of Improved Seed 1977-78 to 2007-08.
(Figures in thousand metric tons.)
Mustard/ Vege-
Year Aus Aman Boro Wheat Maize Jute Potato Lentil Pulses Total
Oil Seed tables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1977-78 350 710 717 3490 - - 2413 - - - - 7680
1978-79 739 480 211 4866 - - 2739 - - - - 9035
1979-80 515 1231 605 14022 - - 3713 - - - - 20086
1980-81 503 629 453 14154 - - 3321 - - - - 19060
1981-82 408 691 836 11073 - - 3468 23 - - - 16499
1982-83 550 1335 1088 13406 - - 2614 66 - - - 19059
1983-84 371 1580 840 14005 - - 3382 160 - - - 20338
1984-85 234 1877 1216 19199 - - 3296 49 - - - 25871
1985-86 537 1892 696 9631 - - 4002 37 - - - 16795
1986-87 502 1843 1294 12514 - - 4012 58 - - - 20223
1987-88 330 2073 1373 17624 - - 5775 33 - - - 27208
1988-89 480 2391 1835 18852 - - 7396 99 - - - 31053
1989-90 1580 2947 1030 16952 - - 7471 - - - 29980
1990-91 899 3026 1437 16284 - - 6257 50 - - - 27953
1991-92 784 2673 2158 16285 - 386 6520 84 - 4 - 28894
1992-93 518 3025 7492 9808 - 578 6263 93 - 47 - 27824
1993-94 481 3124 1588 9225 - 587 6370 163 18 36 - 21592
1994-95 550 3038 2918 15456 - 503 6702 222 22 32 - 29443
1995-96 421 4173 4185 20893 - 354 6703 310 29 45 - 37113
1996-97 332 4532 2875 18434 - 419 7571 220 24 64 - 34471
1997-98 1001 5306 4033 12051 148 273 4720 252 26 47 12 27869
1998-99 425 4393 4495 17209 455 309 6301 277 78 52 21 34015
1999-00 330 6226 7475 8473 214 209 6175 240 80 43 10 29475
2000-01 222 4508 7618 16623 163 334 6313 329 99 46 12 36267
2001-02 207 4625 10136 14218 189 324 6977 304 115 41 13 37149
2002-03 303 5885 8187 12390 160 318 6431 203 42 32 12 33963
2003-04 346 5051 12397 12438 161 304 7324 202 33 43 12 38311
2004-05 458 7232 15054 13705 356 162 7609 336 - 139 76 45127
2005-06 472 7131 25602 12415 222 467 8702 419 170 80 18 55698
2006-07 483 9,127 28,751 18,184 243 1,018 8,278 442 220 338 40 76,124
2007-08 477 13,619 32,034 16,275 150 322 10,013 545 232 423 40 74,130
Source: Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC).

Table: 7.1.2 Seed Requirement of different crops 2004-05 to 2007-08

(Figures in thousand metric tons)
Crops 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
1 2 3 4 5
Aus Local 22.80 22.55 22.50 22.50
Aus HYV 19.65 19.73 15.00 15.00
Total Aus 42.45 42.28 37.50 37.50
T.Aman 124.70 124.73 138.00 138.00
B.Aman 34.65 34.60 30.00 30.00
Total Aman 159.35 159.33 168.00 168.00
Boro Local 6.20 6.18 4.35 4.35
Boro HYV 102.40 105.68 99.45 99.45
Total Boro 108.40 111.86 103.80 103.80
Total Paddy 310.40 313.47 309.30 309.30
Wheat 78.60 78.00 71.40 71.40
Maize 1.06 1.16 4.45 4.45
Jute 4.55 4.55 3.64 3.64
Mustard 6.52 6.52 4.80 4.80
Groundnut 5.32 5.42 8.55 8.55
Til 0.40 0.40 0.43 0.43
Total Oilseed 12.24 12.34 13.78 13.78
Masur 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34
Gram 0.90 1.20 0.90 0.90
Mung 2.18 2.18 2.17 2.17
Mashkalai 3.03 3.06 3.00 3.00
Cow-pea 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.85
Arhar 0.50 0.50 1.75 1.75
Kheshari 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
Total Pulses 19.52 19.79 21.01 21.01
Vegetables seed 2.03 2.05 2.65 2.65
Potato 477.00 436.50 405.00 405.00
Sugarcane 865.00 875.00 875.00 875.00

Onion 0.42 0.85 0.91 0.91

Garlic 14.10 27.00 31.50 31.50
Coriander 0.56 0.46 6.00 6.00
Chillies 0.06 0.36 0.50 0.50
Ginger 21.00 12.00 30.00 30.00
Turmeric 45.00 65.00 75.00 75.00
Total Spices 81.14 105.67 143.91 143.91
Grand Total 1845.86 1883.56 1850.14 1850.14
Source: Seed Wing, MOA.

7.2 Credit
Table: 7.2 Yearly Disbursement of Agriculture Credit 1982-83 to 2007-08.
(Figures in Million Taka)
Amount due
Year Outstanding Disbursement Recovered Overdue
for recovery
1 2 3 4 5 6
1982-83 13515.10 6786.00 8173.00 3423.30 4566.90
1983-84 20773.50 10053.00 12382.20 5175.70 7556.70
1984-85 30342.40 11528.00 15150.00 5839.00 11588.90
1985-86 35142.50 6317.20 23751.90 6071.50 17787.70
1986-87 32944.10 6672.80 26835.40 11075.60 15759.80
1987-88 38634.90 6563.00 25281.60 5957.80 19323.80
1988-89 47116.60 8076.00 30446.60 5779.60 23556.80
1989-90 53812.90 6867.80 39862.70 7019.40 32843.30
1990-91 57034.50 5956.00 45566.50 6253.20 39337.50
1991-92 53695.60 7945.90 41701.50 6621.10 35723.00
1992-93 56928.40 8418.50 47199.30 8692.30 38543.60
1993-94 62220.00 11007.90 51418.60 9791.20 42037.20
1994-95 70452.20 14903.80 56132.50 11241.10 44905.30
1995-96 77690.70 14816.30 61935.00 12730.80 49204.20
1996-97 82562.10 15173.00 69070.70 15942.70 53128.10
1997-98 85150.40 16428.40 71879.50 16990.70 54893.60
1998-99 97025.10 30059.20 73154.30 19165.30 53989.00
1999-00 106489.00 28512.90 95211.50 29962.90 64585.50
2000-01 111372.60 30196.70 95842.10 28778.70 67951.60
2001-02 114981.30 29549.10 99591.80 32596.60 67545.10
2002-03 119133.50 32783.70 100651.80 35163.10 65264.10
2003-04 127059.50 40484.10 95069.70 31353.20 62647.50
2004-05 140398.40 49567.80 88958.80 31711.50 57811.90
2005-06 161824.40 57897.10 105784.50 41239.10 65992.50
2006-07 145825.60 52925.10 112415.40 46760.00 66351.90
2007-08 173892.50 75348.20 115190.30 53839.00 59429.20
Source: Bangladesh Bank

7.3 Fertilizer

Table: 7.3.1 Fertilizer Production, Demand, Sales and Import 2008-09 & 2009-10

Year: 2008-09
(Figures in lakh metric tons.)
Domestic Total estimated Total sales Import
production demand
1 2 3 4 5
Urea 12.00 28.18 25.33 13.75
TSP 0.45 4.75 1.61 3.00
MOP - 4.00 0.82 2.35
Gypsum - - - -
ASP - - - -
Zinc - - - -
DAP 0.28 2.50 0.18 0.18
NPKS - - - -
Total 12.73 29.43 27.42 19.28

Year: 2009-10
(Figures in lakh metric tons.)
Domestic Total estimated
Types Total sales Import
production demand
1 2 3 4 5
Urea 11.00 29.51 24.06 14.65
TSP 0.76 6.70 4.20 3.76
MOP - 4.97 2.63 3.18
Gypsum - - - -
ASP - - - -
Zinc - - - -
DAP 0.38 2.63 1.36 1.49
NPKS - - - -
Total 12.59 43.81 32.25 23.08

Source: AER, MOA


Table: 7.3.2 Fertilizer Sales by Production and by year of Production1982-83 to

(Figures in metric tons.)
ar Urea TSP SSP DAP MOP Gypsum Zinc ASP NPKS Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1982-83 629058 205999 - 73161 50420 393 498 - 8889 968418

1983-84 708070 260730 - 93831 63222 1267 745 - 1196 1129061
1984-85 831808 345670 - 403 69271 1379 1217 - 10430 1260178
1985-86 794496 297418 - 53 59867 3269 706 - 178 1155987
1986-87 915019 335659 - - 65850 2824 1353 - 238 1320943
1987-88 1029077 390159 - - 86139 1390 1630 6796 - 1515191
1988-89 1135062 415993 - - 94172 60745 2800 93 173 1709038
1989-90 1369237 479767 718 4 118663 67808 5180 1785 18 2043180
1990-91 1323397 514761 12120 31 149761 101782 2743 2763 211 2107569
1991-92 1533481 456672 36201 - 137135 115334 3805 4797 - 2287425
1992-93 1547407 407002 119828 2010 126083 108140 722 4992 - 2316184
1993-94 1578955 234185 170608 28675 103875 86051 5200 10036 97 2217682
1994-95 1748459 122947 533485 1837 154240 77161 2491 - 2640620
1995-96 2045535 111095 596881 - 155881 103577 1029 8692 - 3022690
1996-97 2119883 72629 525285 - 219302 86611 1161 11692 - 3036563
1997-98 1872725 62382 473295 6778 193496 113430 661 9716 - 2732483
1998-99 1902024 170247 362370 38633 210748 128215 269 12418 - 2824924
1999-2000 2151233 259263 237201 109171 239464 189398 1170 26003 - 3212903
2000-01 2121096 399428 138589 90077 123788 102260 3006 13020 - 2991264
2001-02 2247422 401464 127126 127033 233249 115578 238 20083 12876 3285069
2002-03 2247000 375130 132527 122010 270620 150520 5000 10000 26000 3338807
2003-04 2324080 361000 148000 90000 240000 140000 7000 9000 45000 3364080
2004-05 2523395 420029 170931 140718 260385 135704 8000 5592 90000 3754754
2005-06 2451370 436470 130390 145000 290670 104950 7500 6320 110000 3682670

Source: Miinistry of Agriculture


Table: 7.3.3 Production and Import of Chemical Fertilizer by Type 1982 -83 to 2007-08.
(Figures in thousand metric tons)
Production Import

Year Urea TSP SSP NPKS ASP Gypsum Total Urea TSP MOP SSP DAP *Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1982-83 508.80 68.60 - - 12.28 - - 42.00 134.00 43.00 - - 80.00 299.00

1983-84 724.25 81.24 - - 11.03 - - 94.00 124.00 60.00 - - 79.00 357.00

1984-85 741.55 55.19 - - 9.63 - - 171.00 408.00 75.00 - - 14.00 668.00

1985-86 842.28 100.76 - - 10.00 - - 196.00 356.00 87.00 - - 1.00 640.00

1986-87 846.46 137.50 - - 9.02 - - - 93.00 47.00 - - 12.00 152.00

1987-88 1286.14 116.86 - - 5.89 - - - 191.00 83.00 - - 19.00 293.00

1988-89 1446.83 142.61 - - 9.08 - - - 379.00 148.00 - - 8.00 3535.00

1989-90 1472.20 146.20 0.23 - 3.02 - 1621.65 61.00 232.00 75.50 - - 3.00 371.50

1990-91 1421.03 96.64 14.46 - 1.82 - 1533.95 - 312.00 145.00 - - - 457.00

1991-92 1646.00 90.52 44.75 - 4.66 - 1785.93 14.00 466.00 120.00 - - - 600.00

1992-93 1996.00 44.49 111.77 - 5.42 - 2157.68 - 239.12 78.32 - - 33.00 350.44

1993-94 2183.00 73.03 108.41 - 6.23 80.00 2450.67 - 125.08 101.14 - - 94.71 320.93

1994-95 1973.00 76.58 81.77 - 5.07 87.00 2223.42 - 54.51 228.46 558.94 - 33.30 875.21

1995-96 2131.00 27.50 79.11 - 6.72 35.00 2279.33 63.00 64.00 102.43 502.02 - 38.69 770.14

1996-97 1639.00 31.34 98.40 - 9.11 52.00 1839.85 196.02 - 208.00 427.77 - 35.90 867.69

1997-98 1884.00 48.57 95.58 - 7.32 73.00 2108.47 337.68 28.20 202.88 246.57 48.57 33.20 897.10

1998-99 1607.00 60.00 111.30 - 9.00 82.00 1869.30 226.12 151.00 244.00 262.00 30.00 40.00 953.12

1999-00 1705.00 64.78 125.80 - 7.49 87.00 1990.07 511.13 215.29 214.63 43.32 115.49 39.41 1139.27

2000-01 1883.00 67.70 119.30 10.00 5.92 77.60 2163.52 302.00 363.00 123.00 - 126.00 50.00 964.00

2001-02 1545.00 65.56 136.38 13.00 8.00 73.37 1841.73 522.35 340.90 247.92 - 87.68 79.78 1278.63

2002-03 2056.74 65.22 135.36 30.00 6.10 - 2293.42 285.67 327.58 278.45 - 118.47 47.19 1057.36

2003-04 1986.20 67.00 141.00 57.00 5.75 32.70 2289.65 235.00 359.00 271.50 - 101.00 11.00 977.50

2004-05 1878.30 53.84 162.53 100.00 7.75 40.45 2242.87 567.33 451.42 407.25 - 175.95 32.71 1634.66

2005-06 1730.26 56.39 135.14 125.00 4.91 46.87 2098.57 770.30 373.93 208.06 - 125.19 59.49 1536.97

2006-07 1816.86 50.00 130.00 125.00 5.00 47.00 2173l.86 775.00 290.00 230.00 - 125.00 61.00 1481.00

2007-08 1474.88 47.17 55.01 100.00 2.90 41.58 1801.25 1161.35 254.04 224.60 10.00 1649.99

Source; Ministry of Agriculture.

Note: *Other means Gypsum, NPKS & Zinc.

7.4 Pesticides
Table: 7.4.1 Quarterly Consumption of Pesticides 2007-2012

Insecticide Fungicide
Year miticide Herbicide Rodenticide Total
Granular Liquid Powder General Sulphur
Year 2007

Jan-Mar 8712.64 1075.03 152.55 7.44 4967.92 - 1065.85 - 15981.46

Apr-Jun 3100.87 526.42 103.36 28.86 940.28 - 393.05 2.75 5095.57
Jul-Sept 4090.41 774.00 133.77 13.80 1617.15 - 153.16 6.35 6788.64
Oct-Dec 4059.32 728.72 129.67 12.01 2702.21 - 2213.20 1.28 9846.41
Total 19963.24 3104.17 519.35 62.11 10227.56 - 3825.26 10.38 37712.08
Year 2008
Jan-Mar 10312.06 1442.28 268.20 9.37 7040.17 - 1007.41 11.80 20091.29
Apr-Jun 4611.94 681.33 140.04 33.39 1865.71 - 543.74 13.17 7880.92
Jul-Sept 7378.82 1267.29 194.95 15.42 3038.21 - 260.61 20.43 12184.73
Oct-Dec 2918.76 799.50 91.01 5.50 2482.69 - 2213.01 22.78 8533.25
Total 25221.58 4190.4 694.20 63.68 14426.78 - 4024.77 68.18 48690.19

Year 2009
Jan-Mar 11039.08 1485.45 224.11 16.32 7274.31 - 1092.30 24.34 21155.91
Apr-Jun 2623.58 576.88 120.00 21.82 729.22 - 298.05 3.28 4372.83
Jul-Sept 4022.35 1009.35 138.60 12.22 1156.34 - 505.39 9.98 6854.23
Oct-Dec 4433.86 1203.21 124.09 5.61 5193.80 - 1804.11 24.78 12789.46
Total 22118.87 4274.89 606.8 55.97 14353.67 - 3699.85 62.38 45172.43

Year 2010
Jan-Mar 8823.71 1533.31 197.15 14.93 1051.33 4740.72 959.90 29.98 17350.43
Apr-Jun 2339.29 882.54 109.44 19.20 216.34 590.70 246.27 10.59 4114.37
Jul-Sept 4830.99 939.56 154.58 9.23 576.37 1730.22 344.30 12.94 8598.19
Oct-Dec 4973.81 899.53 110.65 7.35 1710.76 2652.99 1795.65 26.90 12177.64
Total 20967.80 4254.94 571.82 50.71 3554.80 9714.63 3346.12 80.41 42240.63

Year 2011
Jan-Mar 8717.59 1014.64 210.35 21.33 853.78 6917.00 1264.84 19.78 19019.31
Apr-Jun 3454.69 600.53 111.64 27.23 252.10 1027.93 485.15 8.78 5968.05
Jul-Sept 4646.22 905.13 194.78 12.27 266.05 2318.52 472.16 11.77 9026.90
Oct-Dec 3515.80 947.10 162.55 12.96 1472.19 2540.85 1673.45 18.17 10343.07
Total 20334.30 3467.40 679.32 73.79 2844.12 12804.30 3859.60 58.50 44357.33

Year 2012
Jan-Mar 7346.52 1139.09 246.89 10.08 875.20 6426.59 1216.70 25.89 17286.96
Apr-Jun 2424.24 490.93 97.01 20.58 249.23 1395.92 528.16 8.77 5214.84
Jul-Sept 3811.45 813.32 138.35 10.50 480.50 2445.10 617.50 32.45 8349.17
Oct-Dec 2957.14 1012.12 159.12 14.04 1577.67 3027.60 1261.58 22.70 10031.97
Total 16539.35 3455.46 641.37 55.20 3182.60 13295.94 3623.94 89.81 40882.94
 mt=Metric Ton, kl=Kiloliter
Source: Bangladesh Crop Protection Association. (BCPA)

Table 7.4.2 Yearly use of Pesticides by Type 2007 to 12



Insecticide Fungicide
Year Miticide Herbicide Rodenticide Total

Granular Liquid Powder General Sulphur

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2007 19963.24 3104.17 519.35 62.11 10227.56 - 3825.26 10.38 37712.08

2008 25221.58 4190.40 694.20 63.68 14426.78 - 4024.77 68.18 48690.19

2009 22118.87 4274.89 606.80 55.97 14353.67 - 3699.85 62.38 45172.43

2010 20967.80 4254.94 571.82 50.71 3554.80 9714.63 3346.12 80.41 42240.63

2011 20334.30 3467.40 679.32 73.79 2844.12 12804.30 3859.60 58.50 44357.33

2012 16539.35 3455.46 641.37 55.20 3182.60 23295.94 3623.94 89.81 40882.94

Source: Bangladesh Crop Protection Association.(BCPA)

Table: 7.4.3 Import of Presticides by type 1987–88 to 2007-08.

(Quantity in Metric tons )
(Value in Million Taka)
Wedicides, herbides Rodenticides and
Insecticides Fungicides Other Insecticides Total
& similar product Similar product
Qnty. Value Qnty. Value Qnty. Value Qnty. Value Qnty. Value Qnty. Value

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1987-88 1679.00 146.72 33.00 4.88 32.86 2.96 1759.00 208.04 - - 3503.86 362.60
1988-89 2421.00 271.90 31.00 3.25 179.72 16. 22 317.00 20.04 - - 2948.72 311.41
1989-90 3123.00 317.81 149.00 16.59 718.00 69.95 460.00 38.74 - - 4450.00 443.09
1990-91 3717.00 371.16 260.00 31.67 86.00 16.31 198.00 55.11 861.00 168.42 5122.00 642.67
1991-92 3021.00 393.84 288.00 34.96 212.00 42.90 589.00 116.70 3.00 1.99 4113.00 590.39
1992-93 2591.00 379.86 159.00 26.42 47.00 12.22 930.00 151.58 1.00 0.03 3728.00 570.11
1993-94 3255.00 373.72 171.00 27.00 104.00 23.13 19.00 5.18 - - 3549.00 429.03
1994-95 2838.00 373.40 102.00 39.41 156.00 20.60 77.00 6.21 4.00 1.37 3177.00 440.99
1995-96 2739.00 464.86 270.00 58.46 337.00 47.13 1.00 1.00 195.00 9.12 3542.00 580.57
1996-97 5011.00 721.69 576.00 24.19 313.00 45.64 0.00 0.00 98.00 14.23 5998.00 805.75
1997-98 3491.00 535.17 511.00 74.43 313.00 48.04 0.00 0.00 28.00 4.24 4343.00 661.88
1998-99 4309.00 693.43 796.00 128.07 273.00 43.84 42.00 6.72 75.00 12.12 5495.00 884.18
1999-2000 5485.00 882.74 842.00 135.49 126.00 20.04 31.00 4.90 90.00 14.40 6574.00 1057.57
2000-01 3564.00 940.63 1332.00 171.06 372.00 58.01 121.00 14.07 266.00 23.99 5655.00 1207.76
2001-02 3330.00 753.42 1625.00 228.70 982.30 134.46 69.00 15.03 65.00 16.40 5771.00 1148.00
2002-03 4072.00 917.01 1776.00 292.84 704.00 142.58 77.00 17.39 89.00 11.87 6718.00 1381.70
2003-04 8732.00 1073.53 3427.00 282.55 1509.00 194.96 64.00 11.31 95.00 14.77 13827.00 1777.13
2004-05 8713.00 1170.72 5742.00 765.90 1993.00 331.93 43.00 14.86 166.00 20.17 16657.00 2303.56
2005-06 9406.00 1454.80 5662.00 1075.09 1456.00 483.98 94.00 24.08 136.00 22.60 16754.00 3060.56
2006-07 9728.00 1566.99 7646.00 1131.84 1424.00 469.83 146.00 64.25 241.00 47.83 19185.00 3262.74
2007-08 105.00 12487.00 115.00 21852.00 75.00 38613.0 - - 23413.00 4400922.0 23708.00 4673874.0
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS.
Source: Bangladesh Crop Protection Association /BBS.

7.5 Agricultural Labour Wages January, 2010 to December, 2012

Table: 7.5 Daily Average Wage Rate of Agricultural Labour without Food and With Food by Region and by Sex
2010 to 2012
January & February 2010 (Wage in taka)
January(daily) February(daily)
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 182 142 - - 193 147 150 -
Chittagong 200 140 202 128 219 150 206 133
Comilla 156 158 148 140 157 114 155 88
Khagrachhari 158 110 150 140 163 121 160 150
Noakhali 179 - 187 - 157 - 195 -
Rangamati 190 130 123 100 191 134 140 95
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 173 113 164 89 161 119 162 88
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 188 141 167 138 189 149 163 136
Faridpur 153 93 139 94 148 82 129 93
Jamalpur 181 - 170 89 170 - 159 90
Kishoreganj 172 145 171 115 159 139 159 181
Mymensingh 170 131 156 140 181 141 160 132
Tangail 193 70 162 - 174 60 142 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 190 100 191 55 187 100 190 -
Patuakhali 205 - 203 107 208 - 199
Khulna Division
Jessore 140 78 108 88 138 79 113 86
Khulna 140 123 153 132 135 95 138 112
Kushtia 120 100 113 80 121 89 116 76
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 148 139 148 134 143 139 164 108
Dinajpur 132 114 127 109 137 117 138 110
Pabna 149 116 142 93 151 117 147 99
Rajshahi 129 107 118 100 131 113 122 97
Rangpur 119 80 119 83 121 84 126 87
Bangladesh 164 117 153 108 162 114 154 109
March & April 2010 (Wage in taka)
March April
Region Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 196 142 175 - 190 135 250 -
Chittagong 210 145 183 132 217 139 211 132
Comilla 155 83 147 75 197 124 193 106
Khagrachhari 169 115 150 100 175 123 160 140
Noakhali 179 - 157 150 194 - 197 -
Rangamati 210 136 128 90 203 119 130 90
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 163 121 145 93 192 140 168 114
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 193 145 179 132 213 148 208 149
Faridpur 156 103 150 91 167 85 156 105
Jamalpur 158 - 153 92 251 - 228 140
Kishoreganj 144 117 153 100 222 173 203 125
Mymensingh 157 127 149 130 196 151 192 189
Tangail 170 70 148 - 214 80 169 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 190 100 175 - 191 115 205 -
Patuakhali 210 - 198 - 218 - 210 60
Khulna Division
Jessore 132 81 111 73 181 93 159 95
Khulna 137 95 133 82 163 122 155 130
Kushtia 121 90 112 79 128 110 121 83
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 153 139 143 126 153 144 165 146
Dinajpur 137 115 121 98 134 112 122 109
Pabna 148 114 136 103 156 130 147 112
Rajshahi 125 105 113 98 130 109 126 102
Rangpur 119 81 107 68 125 88 127 85
Bangladesh 162 111 146 100 183 122 174 116

May & June’2010 (Wage in taka)

May June
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 193 136 198 - 198 152 177 -
Chittagong 239 153 234 148 235 154 230 148
Comilla 202 144 187 124 159 125 270 72
Khagrachhari 177 128 180 160 172 132 180 160
Noakhali 197 - 217 - 180 - 208 -
Rangamati 207 146 145 108 210 142 135 103
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 184 122 160 106 168 144 152 91
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 236 155 219 181 195 150 180 124
Faridpur 180 83 171 108 175 82 159 97
Jamalpur 243 - 242 176 162 - 165 159
Kishoreganj 225 213 239 123 155 128 144 100
Mymensingh 245 176 214 167 176 158 156 154
Tangail 284 60 245 - 174 60 161 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 197 115 191 - 193 100 211 -
Patuakhali 202 - 204 - 212 - 206 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 174 117 153 101 148 97 144 87
Khulna 145 103 149 123 148 103 152 129
Kushtia 142 120 131 105 136 117 135 95
Bogra 169 169 210 161 144 148 156 124
Division 160 133 149 119 148 119 145 112
Pabna 223 144 212 120 167 129 159 134
Rajshahi 140 112 130 108 131 109 135 112
Rangpur 145 98 136 92 123 89 132 86
Bangladesh 196 131 188 129 170 122 169 116

July & August’ 2010 (Wage in taka)

July August
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 194 156 173 - 203 150 180 -
Chittagong 263 169 232 147 269 176 233 156
Comilla 164 135 150 90 155 96 143 79
Khagrachhari 175 134 - - 183 140 180 160
Noakhali 203 - 178 - 209 120 196 -
Rangamati 212 148 - - 215 141 133 90
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 160 116 144 94 169 117 154 103
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 201 138 171 115 202 141 179 131
Faridpur 178 74 149 111 188 89 162 105
Jamalpur 186 - 177 132 175 140 201 -
Kishoreganj 160 135 150 115 171 139 167 101
Mymensingh 177 151 149 134 179 158 165 152
Tangail 192 70 160 - 213 80 168 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 212 140 196 - 203 140 208 -
Patuakhali 231 - 206 - 222 - 211 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 159 99 145 91 169 114 147 111
Khulna 147 105 155 122 147 103 134 134
Kushtia 144 127 141 113 151 135 144 115
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 180 168 170 149 156 154 164 155
Dinajpur 170 136 146 111 150 124 143 110
Pabna 163 136 147 124 186 149 180 133
Rajshahi 142 127 138 116 133 114 139 120
Rangpur 140 93 128 88 130 86 125 82
Bangladesh 181 128 162 116 182 128 168 120

September & October 2010 (wage in taka)

September October
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 223 145 200 - 220 152 - -
Chittagong 257 170 234 151 263 168 231 147
Comilla 163 125 148 90 169 110 148 87
Khagrachhari 180 138 160 115 178 135 - -
Noakhali 199 - 165 - 198 - 179 -
Rangamati 202 145 145 102 215 151 145 108
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 167 120 149 81 167 117 143 89
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 203 146 174 131 202 144 176 132
Faridpur 184 129 162 109 172 132 151 111
Jamalpur 170 - 154 125 181 - 163 145
Kishoreganj 170 143 155 110 161 136 148 100
Mymensingh 177 150 160 136 175 147 157 138
Tangail 190 90 152 - 183 100 152 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 210 140 194 - 210 154 186 -
Patuakhali 232 - 212 - 224 - 204 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 164 99 145 73 152 93 134 74
Khulna 160 105 146 90 165 111 146 92
Kushtia 159 131 134 110 153 128 133 108
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 182 153 148 131 184 153 159 134
Dinajpur 157 121 138 106 160 121 142 104
Pabna 183 152 166 136 177 145 154 127
Rajshahi 147 119 129 103 145 117 124 97
Rangpur 130 99 114 64 130 92 127 79
Bangladesh 183 131 160 109 182 130 157 110
November & December 2010 (wage in taka)
November December
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 218 153 195 - 228 160 - -
Chittagong 279 176 240 151 267 169 250 153
Comilla 177 111 158 93 192 150 178 125
Khagrachhari 183 138 167 125 186 142 163 125
Noakhali 200 - 182 - 206 - 188 -
Rangamati 220 147 190 123 219 153 185 127
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 177 131 149 101 186 156 162 89
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 215 142 185 125 213 154 186 139
Faridpur 183 128 152 113 190 139 155 117
Jamalpur 215 - 199 145 234 - 211 147
Kishoreganj 184 138 162 120 206 148 180 121
Mymensingh 214 188 192 168 212 173 185 152
Tangail 236 120 197 - 220 100 169 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 219 150 199 - 230 160 203 -
Patuakhali 235 - 206 - 243 - 212 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 163 106 148 93 164 107 143 92
Khulna 164 118 143 96 160 117 141 101
Kushtia 155 128 137 108 159 135 142 122
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 189 164 169 138 203 179 184 150
Dinajpur 176 143 152 116 178 141 151 112
Pabna 195 160 162 129 184 155 165 134
Rajshahi 150 120 133 106 147 121 133 109
Rangpur 152 100 137 87 152 107 132 90
Bangladesh 196 138 172 119 199 143 174 123

January & February 2011 (wage in taka)


January February
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 258 162 - - 250 177 - -
Chittagong 274 183 250 162 276 177 249 146
Comilla 191 135 169 113 197 151 175 108
Khagrachhari 197 144 180 130 204 155 - -
Noakhali 217 - 181 - 217 - 181 -
Rangamati 232 165 179 123 240 168 173 123
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 193 136 169 104 188 138 158 96
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 226 158 207 144 223 170 200 143
Faridpur 203 135 184 117 202 131 183 112
Jamalpur 235 - 217 175 243 - 211 84
Kishoreganj 230 173 206 145 223 173 196 143
Mymensingh 243 189 222 177 226 188 202 166
Tangail 226 150 183 113 226 150 183 113
Barisal Division
Barisal 223 170 202 130 225 - 200 -
Patuakhali 250 - 216 - 243 - 211 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 186 122 171 109 176 109 153 91
Khulna 181 126 166 113 178 129 150 108
Kushtia 176 127 151 115 169 139 147 116
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 204 135 182 115 213 170 186 150
Dinajpur 178 139 154 119 177 140 155 124
Pabna 199 175 173 135 209 169 183 140
Rajshahi 165 136 147 126 160 137 142 119
Rangpur 153 108 135 90 153 108 135 90
Bangladesh 210 148 184 128 210 152 180 121
March & April 2011 (wage in taka)
March April
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 250 182 - - 258 177 200 150
Chittagong 273 193 247 160 294 197 258 169
Comilla 195 131 176 91 232 188 207 132
Khagrachhari 206 154 - - 210 156 175 130
Noakhali 221 - 193 - 228 - 197 -
Rangamati 241 168 163 118 251 169 180 98
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 189 139 168 98 222 144 193 122
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 233 165 196 146 241 179 211 148
Faridpur 208 129 186 112 222 121 200 100
Jamalpur 230 170 205 - 271 - 237 -
Kishoreganj 225 175 195 145 306 200 236 170
Mymensingh 221 169 186 149 264 190 225 169
Tangail 227 - 178 - 235 125 190 100
Barisal Division
Barisal 231 135 203 - 246 150 215 120
Patuakhali 236 - 213 - 250 - 212 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 157 108 133 88 215 144 194 119
Khulna 187 128 165 107 223 128 200 100
Kushtia 181 145 155 117 191 143 160 121
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 203 139 179 118 231 217 188 177
Dinajpur 167 135 143 112 172 135 150 115
Pabna 213 166 193 147 232 173 181 133
Rajshahi 159 137 138 116 174 145 143 126
Rangpur 155 104 128 82 160 109 133 87
Bangladesh 209 149 178 119 232 160 195 129

May & June 2011 (wage in taka)

May June
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 274 194 230 160 271 208 - -
Chittagong 334 189 291 141 309 181 266 155
Comilla 259 217 260 186 232 165 200 125
Khagrachhari 236 159 180 133 223 166 180 140
Noakhali 264 - 233 - 228 - 202 -
Rangamati 273 183 242 143 290 193 227 143
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 248 158 205 120 214 140 181 113
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 316 227 283 197 269 232 246 203
Faridpur 267 154 243 145 234 170 212 145
Jamalpur 340 - 292 - 237 - 210 -
Kishoreganj 314 250 257 200 244 182 215 160
Mymensingh 300 225 252 193 231 187 207 166
Tangail 317 160 278 130 238 - 205 -
Barisal Division
Barisal 267 213 208 150 259 160 225 125
Patuakhali 252 - 218 - 251 - 218 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 235 165 205 139 187 145 162 120
Khulna 219 140 195 118 227 139 200 117
Kushtia 197 145 175 125 183 145 162 122
Bogra 293 212 254 180 222 205 195 184
Division 228 180 190 157 212 167 175 144
Pabna 281 211 249 153 230 195 208 150
Rajshahi 202 170 172 146 183 157 163 137
Rangpur 196 131 174 112 170 134 121 100
Bangladesh 265 184 230 151 232 172 199 142

July & August’ 2011 (wage in taka)

July August
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 270 194 - - 271 190 - -
Chittagong 312 191 281 161 320 208 273 169
Comilla 205 131 180 - 198 148 167 110
Khagrachhari 228 167 168 140 224 180 182 155
Noakhali 229 - 250 - 238 - 210 -
Rangamati 291 201 240 163 284 195 250 165
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 213 143 158 108 217 161 185 117
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 252 203 227 187 257 200 227 159
Faridpur 251 156 221 128 266 211 238 172
Jamalpur 252 166 231 145 285 - 253 -
Kishoreganj 233 200 211 160 230 210 209 140
Mymensingh 224 205 189 181 243 225 211 205
Tangail 280 230 227 187 265 215 212 177
Barisal Division
Barisal 262 200 223 175 268 200 232 180
Patuakhali 254 - 222 - 252 - 223 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 220 244 194 119 226 124 202 104
Khulna 200 129 180 109 205 148 185 128
Kushtia 200 140 180 120 227 - 196 -
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 229 200 198 170 222 202 196 180
Dinajpur 216 174 195 154 205 172 180 145
Pabna 235 186 213 165 225 199 198 171
Rajshahi 186 165 166 144 192 162 168 139
Rangpur 187 133 167 113 175 122 152 100
Bangladesh 236 174 206 149 239 183 207 151

September & October 2011 (wage in taka)

September October
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 289 195 - - 274 195 - -
Chittagong 302 190 280 163 308 185 279 162
Comilla 222 190 200 170 208 184 187 144
Khagrachhari 225 180 192 160 233 171 208 165
Noakhali 250 - 230 - 220 - 176 -
Rangamati 282 203 245 165 283 195 225 170
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 206 144 189 100 209 149 174 106
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 262 220 232 200 266 187 234 190
Faridpur 275 185 234 165 230 182 187 164
Jamalpur 226 175 205 150 230 - 203 -
Kishoreganj 240 200 219 150 230 220 209 200
Mymensingh 233 210 212 187 233 204 208 169
Tangail 261 200 209 160 240 200 208 150
Barisal Division
Barisal 273 125 235 100 275 150 225 125
Patuakhali 262 - 240 - 260 - 235 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 208 120 187 129 187 134 168 114
Khulna 198 122 177 100 200 131 175 114
Kushtia 187 147 157 119 189 175 161 150
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 221 179 182 154 229 193 193 170
Dinajpur 191 150 164 129 183 150 161 129
Pabna 243 210 219 183 226 198 204 163
Rajshahi 199 164 176 143 200 171 176 150
Rangpur 163 110 142 90 166 112 144 92
Bangladesh 236 172 206 146 230 174 197 149

November & December 2011 (wage in taka)

November December
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 281 187 - - 286 192 - -
Chittagong 312 229 272 174 322 206 265 170
Comilla 227 - 202 - 236 225 212 188
Khagrachhari 246 181 194 155 256 188 196 160
Noakhali 226 - 229 - 262 - 239 -
Rangamati 281 199 250 170 281 199 250 170
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 232 153 201 114 232 155 192 123
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 272 215 232 190 266 190 232 168
Faridpur 226 173 192 149 226 180 196 157
Jamalpur 258 180 233 - 278 - 233 -
Kishoreganj 259 226 224 200 274 170 246 145
Mymensingh 254 232 226 194 250 202 218 171
Tangail 258 193 222 150 259 225 218 175
Barisal Division
Barisal 274 210 239 125 277 - 244 -
Patuakhali 261 - 221 - 262 200 208 150
Khulna Division
Jessore 209 152 183 132 192 143 170 121
Khulna 206 139 185 118 214 143 183 119
Kushtia 211 200 185 177 203 150 175 104
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 269 223 230 192 242 220 210 190
Dinajpur 217 187 192 155 205 170 181 148
Pabna 248 218 217 192 234 198 210 168
Rajshahi 195 164 172 143 198 170 177 152
Rangpur 195 145 174 124 185 138 161 117
Bangladesh 244 190 213 159 245 183 210 152

January & February 2012 (wage in taka)

January February
Region Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 277 206 - - 278 183 - -
Chittagong 326 241 295 189 322 230 288 186
Comilla 249 200 224 176 251 170 221 133
Khagrachhari 225 171 204 145 252 179 200 150
Noakhali 262 - 227 - 275 - 246 -
Rangamati 290 204 240 165 297 202 240 160
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 231 161 197 124 231 151 192 111
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 281 215 244 187 277 210 236 179
Faridpur 2250
3255 176 215 155 239 181 210 161
Jamalpur 307 - 270 145 297 245 249 125
Kishoreganj 266 206 246 185 261 228 238 207
Mymensingh 271 216 244 193 261 234 239 207
Tangail 259 180 225 145 252 170 214 136
Barisal Division
Barisal 288 280 251 240 280 - 246 -
Patuakhali 264 - 233 - 266 - 241 -
Khulna Division
Jessore 222 139 189 115 218 155 194 126
Khulna 230 152 203 131 223 150 200 126
Kushtia 218 - 188 - 218 150 180 106
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 244 218 212 181 257 228 228 208
Dinajpur 206 164 182 143 214 173 187 153
Pabna 251 212 214 178 237 213 207 190
Rajshahi 209 176 186 155 218 182 197 162
Rangpur 212 145 189 125 218 150 193 128
Bangladesh 254 193 222 162 254 189 220 155

March & April 2012 (wage in taka)

March April
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 267 195 - - 277 180 - -
Chittagong 312 218 280 180 315 182 270 152
Comilla 244 173 220 120 295 182 242 152
Khagrachhari 242 175 200 148 266 180 185 150
Noakhali 269 - 237 - 275 - 255 -
Rangamati 304 211 217 150 307 189 225 150
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 225 146 187 107 280 158 227 142
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 284 217 248 190 305 185 270 150
Faridpur 236 180 207 156 258 180 215 146
Jamalpur 281 215 240 127 316 175 238 135
Kishoreganj 251 218 228 197 330 177 280 154
Mymensingh 250 232 230 200 300 179 244 155
Tangail 250 168 212 134 251 165 201 137
Barisal Division
Barisal 278 240 244 200 285 193 215 155
Patuakhali 273 - 251 - 291 168 214 148
Khulna Division
Jessore 203 141 181 116 211 148 185 123
Khulna 218 145 195 121 294 189 206 152
Kushtia 213 167 183 127 212 165 184 140
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 248 240 227 219 261 181 231 151
Dinajpur 208 173 183 149 210 158 173 133
Pabna 230 206 200 185 264 172 205 140
Rajshahi 212 170 188 148 212 165 182 146
Rangpur 193 138 169 114 195 135 171 113
Bangladesh 247 189 215 154 270 173 219 144

May & June 2012 (wage in taka)

May June
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 300 170 225 180 277 148 0 0
Chittagong 348 190 280 152 363 251 329 207
Comilla 329 175 146 140 254 158 229 130
Khagrachhari 268 178 204 138 259 188 196 165
Noakhali 302 0 248 0 278 0 255 0
Rangamati 314 180 235 161 326 221 250 175
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 274 182 220 155 248 172 214 142
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 330 200 296 170 306 206 260 185
Faridpur 286 185 231 159 261 170 220 138
Jamalpur 346 0 290 0 271 223 245 161
Kishoreganj 361 185 295 160 261 235 238 180
Mymensingh 360 190 270 149 284 220 239 189
Tangail 414 185 312 152 294 236 251 200
Barisal Division
Barisal 294 0 230 0 291 280 264 0
Patuakhali 292 0 230 0 302 250 265 210
Khulna Division
Jessore 272 175 208 149 264 181 236 155
Khulna 269 172 204 140 246 163 225 139
Kushtia 219 142 189 116 207 0 181 111
Bogra 319 172 225 132 298 0 241 241
Dinajpur 256 160 215 130 253 191 214 170
Division 339 174 270 137 265 224 242 200
Rajshahi 224 170 174 140 230 191 199 171
Rangpur 230 140 155 125 198 139 176 119
Bangladesh 302 175 237 145 271 176 225 147
July & August 2012 (wage in taka)
July August
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 284 192 0 0 275 181 0 0
Chittagong 232 234 310 192 350 252 307 233
Comilla 241 189 220 116 249 176 227 147
Khagrachhari 264 189 200 140 269 210 210 190
Noakhali 274 0 250 0 278 0 244 0
Rangamati 317 229 240 160 326 221 240 160
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 253 193 223 142 242 161 206 131
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 296 204 258 182 290 200 252 178
Faridpur 275 231 239 184 278 191 255 149
Jamalpur 289 0 259 0 283 240 259 188
Kishoreganj 250 217 225 188 246 204 242 176
Mymensingh 275 210 227 180 271 210 234 193
Tangail 267 195 239 160 268 230 237 0
Barisal Division
Barisal 290 274 259 0 304 265 277 0
Patuakhali 302 250 265 220 299 270 271 235
Khulna Division
Jessore 215 153 195 133 255 171 203 148
Khulna 246 155 222 128 232 126 223 120
Kushtia 205 150 189 116 214 0 185 116
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 265 247 241 220 226 234 219 0
Dinajpur 234 192 211 172 201 166 183 148
Pabna 265 217 237 189 378 215 266 191
Rajshahi 220 189 189 166 221 188 200 166
Rangpur 209 149 188 128 197 139 173 120
Bangladesh 265 185 221 135 267 202 232 166

September & October 2012 (wage in taka)

September October
Region Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 296 180 0 0 294 180 0 0
Chittagong 354 250 306 233 350 252 270 195
Comilla 268 180 220 142 264 184 200 137
Khagrachhari 274 210 210 185 272 215 195 149
Noakhali 286 0 0 0 284 0 200 0
Rangamati 338 220 240 160 328 230 210 175
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 265 162 206 133 263 170 200 146
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 305 210 250 175 302 212 210 190
Faridpur 270 150 250 140 275 160 214 145
Jamalpur 288 241 255 187 285 241 213 0
Kishoreganj 258 200 240 170 260 205 208 180
Mymensingh 275 212 232 190 275 215 210 185
Tangail 280 220 230 200 275 225 205 160
Barisal Division
Barisal 310 260 275 0 305 270 209 210
Patuakhali 300 260 273 210 285 258 231 220
Khulna Division
Jessore 279 175 205 160 275 183 190 150
Khulna 239 128 220 115 230 135 180 130
Kushtia 238 0 182 125 209 0 170 140
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 235 230 220 0 228 238 205 215
Dinajpur 232 170 183 145 220 175 170 165
Pabna 377 215 260 180 260 217 209 185
Rajshahi 235 187 200 160 225 190 190 165
Rangpur 215 142 173 120 200 150 155 138
Bangladesh 279 200 230 165 268 205 202 169
November & December 2012 (wage in taka)
November December
Without food With food Without food With food
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Chittagong Division
Bandarban 270 190 0 0 285 194 115 162
Chittagong 340 183 305 180 374 265 315 200
Comilla 300 205 260 182 281 190 214 160
Khagrachhari 260 197 180 165 294 206 209 162
Noakhali 290 208 248 0 288 182 257 0
Rangamati 300 207 220 165 243 207 213 172
Sylhet Division
Sylhet 270 210 232 180 275 187 215 160
Dhaka Division
Dhaka 300 217 254 163 294 219 240 178
Faridpur 254 205 207 154 270 189 233 163
Jamalpur 310 185 265 135 290 217 232 0
Kishoreganj 335 225 278 185 300 231 249 178
Mymensingh 300 218 253 179 285 220 258 189
Tangail 251 165 219 137 270 170 240 142
Barisal Division
Barisal 286 215 244 190 300 269 264 0
Patuakhali 291 0 226 165 294 150 265 0
Khulna Division
Jessore 209 148 185 125 230 167 200 134
Khulna 295 210 245 177 266 160 230 129
Kushtia 207 195 178 130 211 0 189 115
Rajshahi Division
Bogra 261 207 211 184 301 218 285 158
Dinajpur 207 158 172 135 214 195 180 163
Pabna 264 205 215 160 260 200 251 162
Rajshahi 212 190 185 151 228 180 200 155
Rangpur 198 147 165 118 203 140 190 120
Bangladesh 270 195 225 160 272 198 228 158

7.6 Area Irrigated By Different Means

Table: 7.6. Area (in Acres) Irrigated under Different Means and by Region 2009-10 to 2011-12

Year: 2009-10.
(In ‘000’ Acres)
Tube-well Total
Region Power Total Traditional
pump Deep Shallow Hand Tube-well Method
Bandarban 13 0 0 .. 0 13 26
Chittagong 270 15 35 2 52 72 394
Comilla 322 213 344 7 564 29 915
Khagrachhari 22 0 0 0 0 27 49
Noakhali 166 55 42 .. 97 11 274
Rangamati 15 0 0 .. 0 10 25
Sylhet 469 21 105 4 130 205 804

Dhaka 190 77 501 3 581 19 790

Faridpur 275 36 514 1 551 21 847
Jamalpur 14 28 546 2 576 15 605
Kishoreganj 222 57 461 2 520 41 783
Mymensingh 20 244 339 3 586 26 632
Tangail 2 57 422 1 480 10 492

Barisal 332 .. .. 3 3 55 390

Jessore 37 193 1060 1 1254 20 1311
Khulna 86 45 266 4 315 36 437
Kushtia 11 57 813 5 875 118 1004
Patuakhali 29 0 0 0 0 37 66

Bogra 1 211 739 .. 950 5 956

Dinajpur 5 289 999 4 1292 8 1305
Pabna 17 102 588 .. 690 11 718
Rajshahi 121 679 978 3 1660 53 1834
Rangpur 57 70 1359 14 1443 29 1529

Bangladesh 2696 2449 10111 59 12619 871 16186

N.B: (..) indicates negligible
Canals included in traditional.

Year: 2010-11.
(In ‘000’ Acres)
Tube-well Total Cropped %of
Region Power Total Traditional
Irrigated area Irrigated
pump Deep Shallow Hand Tube-well Method
Area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bandarban 16 0 0 .. 0 14 30 88 34.09
Chittagong 275 15 32 2 49 72 396 1203 32.92
Comilla 324 215 369 6 590 29 943 1957 48.19
Khagrachhari 23 0 0 0 0 28 51 153 33.33
Noakhali 176 50 40 .. 90 10 276 1457 18.94
Rangamati 15 0 0 .. 0 10 25 121 20.66
Sylhet 489 20 119 2 141 213 843 2314 36.43
Dhaka 203 72 509 14 595 18 816 1626 50.18
Faridpur 201 36 627 1 664 20 885 2086 42.43
Jamalpur 13 28 574 2 604 15 632 1337 47.27
Kishoreganj 262 57 491 2 550 36 848 1538 55.14
Mymensingh 21 251 382 1 634 25 680 1556 43.70
Tangail 2 58 433 1 492 9 503 1039 48.41
Barisal 348 .. .. 3 3 49 400 2033 19.68
Jessore 36 193 1098 .. 1291 19 1346 2482 54.23
Khulna 103 46 295 3 344 36 483 1297 37.24
Kushtia 11 64 832 4 900 122 1033 1412 73.16
Patuakhali 30 0 0 0 0 39 69 1119 6.17
Bogra 1 223 754 .. 977 4 982 1682 58.38
Dinajpur 5 303 1039 4 1346 7 1358 2577 52.70
Pabna 16 105 571 .. 676 10 702 1547 45.38
Rajshahi 115 796 1046 3 1845 50 2010 3116 64.51
Rangpur 62 107 1387 12 1506 25 1593 3186 50.00
Bangladesh 2747 2639 10598 60 13297 860 16904 36926 45.78

N.B: (..) indicates negligible

Canals included in traditional.

Year: 2011-12.
(In ‘000’ Acres)
Tube-well Total Cropped %of
Region Power Total Traditional
Irrigated area Irrigated
pump Deep Shallow Hand Tube-well Method
Area area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bandarban 12 0 0 .. 0 12 24 90 26.67
Chittagong 281 15 39 2 56 70 407 1189 34.23
Comilla 330 216 377 6 599 28 957 1947 49.15
Khagrachhari 27 .. 0 0 0 29 56 156 35.90
Noakhali 208 79 44 .. 123 2 333 1467 22.70
Rangamati 16 0 0 .. 0 10 26 116 22.41
Sylhet 506 21 121 5 147 223 876 2354 37.21
Dhaka 210 73 526 2 601 17 828 1594 51.94
Faridpur 257 43 569 1 613 21 891 2141 41.62
Jamalpur 14 27 580 1 608 15 637 1314 48.48
Kishoreganj 273 57 490 2 549 35 857 1509 56.79
Mymensingh 20 245 357 3 605 26 651 1560 41.73
Tangail 1 58 436 1 495 9 505 1029 49.08
Barisal 346 .. .. 3 3 52 401 2043 19.63
Jessore 42 196 1113 .. 1309 20 1371 2504 54.75
Khulna 106 45 292 4 341 46 493 1278 38.58
Kushtia 12 67 883 4 954 107 1073 1497 71.68
Patuakhali 29 0 0 0 0 38 67 1108 6.05
Bogra 1 219 781 .. 1000 4 1005 1705 58.94
Dinajpur 5 296 1125 3 1424 8 1437 2581 55.68
Pabna 16 131 594 2 727 6 749 1556 48.14
Rajshahi 113 832 1089 3 1924 47 2084 3289 63.36
Rangpur 62 111 1497 11 1619 26 1707 3234 52.78
Bangladesh 2887 2731 10913 53 13697 851 17435 37261 46.79

N.B: (..)indicates negligible

Canals included in traditional.

7.7 Area Irrigated Under Different Crops

Table 7.7 Area (In Acres) Irrigated under Different Crops by Region 2009-10 to 2011-12

Year: 2009-10 (In ‘000’ Acres)

Name of Aman Boro Wheat Sugar- Cotton Potato Vegetables Other Total
Region cane Crops Irrigated

Bandarban 0 15 0 .. 2 1 3 5 26
Chittagong 0 296 .. 3 1 11 50 33 394
Comilla 20 805 7 6 0 38 30 9 915
Khagrachhari 12 24 0 1 1 1 7 3 49

Noakhali .. 253 1 1 0 2 15 2 274

Rangamati 0 18 .. .. 0 1 4 2 25

Sylhet 26 717 1 .. 0 16 33 11 804

Dhaka 29 634 2 .. .. 64 50 11 790

Faridpur 106 525 113 2 0 6 22 73 847
Jamalpur 25 503 16 6 0 16 23 16 605
Kishoreganj 16 745 4 .. 0 4 9 5 783
Mymensingh 9 586 5 1 .. 2 20 9 632
Tangail 60 399 3 1 .. 2 16 11 492

Barisal 5 320 5 1 0 11 36 12 390

Jessore 263 762 54 9 4 15 78 126 1311
Khulna 10 357 3 2 0 11 45 9 437
Kushtia 296 240 76 24 23 13 91 241 1004
Patuakhali 1 17 .. .. 0 5 7 36 66

Bogra 57 631 8 1 .. 196 23 40 956

Dinajpur 125 684 182 18 .. 149 37 110 1305
Pabna 107 481 61 2 0 4 11 52 718
Rajshahi 302 935 194 50 .. 135 46 172 1834
Rangpur 80 1078 71 10 1 208 57 24 1529

Bangladesh 1549 11025 806 138 32 911 713 1012 16186

N.B. ' ..' Indicates negligible.

Year: 2010-11
(In ‘000’ Acres)
Name of Aman Boro Wheat Sugar- Cotton Potato Vegetables Other Total
Region cane Crops Irrigated
Bandarban .. 15 0 .. 2 3 4 6 30
Chittagong 0 299 .. 3 1 11 51 31 396
Comilla 20 835 6 2 0 35 33 12 943
Khagrachhari 11 25 0 1 2 1 8 3 51

Noakhali 1 254 1 1 0 2 16 1 276

Rangamati 0 18 .. .. 0 1 4 2 25

Sylhet 26 755 1 .. 0 13 32 16 843

Dhaka 43 642 2 .. .. 69 51 9 816

Faridpur 190 432 134 2 0 4 17 106 885
Jamalpur 33 523 12 7 0 18 24 15 632
Kishoreganj 16 809 4 .. 0 4 10 5 848
Mymensingh 11 638 4 1 .. 2 19 5 680
Tangail 63 406 3 1 .. 2 18 10 503
Barisal 4 337 5 1 0 9 33 11 400
Jessore 252 774 54 7 6 18 86 149 1346
Khulna 12 389 3 2 .. 11 52 14 483
Kushtia 300 244 81 24 36 13 92 243 1033
Patuakhali 2 18 .. 0 0 5 7 37 69
Bogra 66 625 8 1 .. 209 24 49 982
Dinajpur 117 700 199 18 .. 164 44 116 1358
Pabna 101 502 61 2 0 4 11 21 702
Rajshahi 375 945 212 57 .. 139 56 226 2010
Rangpur 72 1128 66 10 1 205 45 66 1593
Bangladesh 1715 11313 856 140 48 942 737 1153 16904
N.B. ' ..' Indicates negligible.

Year: 2011-12 (In ‘000’ Acres)

Name of Aman Boro Wheat Sugar- Cotton Potato Vegetables Other Total
Region cane Crops Irrigated
Bandarban .. 14 0 .. 2 3 4 1 24
Chittagong 1 308 .. 3 1 11 52 31 407
Comilla 20 849 6 2 0 35 33 12 957
Khagrachhari 14 27 0 1 2 1 9 2 56

Noakhali 1 304 1 1 0 2 23 1 333

Rangamati 0 18 0 .. 0 1 4 3 26

Sylhet 29 782 1 .. 0 13 33 18 876

Dhaka 42 647 2 .. .. 71 57 9 828

Faridpur 109 524 122 2 0 4 27 103 891
Jamalpur 34 529 11 7 0 14 26 16 637
Kishoreganj 16 820 4 .. 0 4 9 4 857
Mymensingh 12 608 3 1 .. 2 20 5 651
Tangail 66 406 3 1 .. 2 17 10 505
Barisal 3 336 6 2 0 10 32 12 401
Jessore 310 755 51 6 6 10 88 145 1371
Khulna 51 345 11 2 .. 15 56 13 493
Kushtia 306 239 80 28 39 12 109 260 1073
Patuakhali 2 17 .. 0 0 4 8 36 67
Bogra 84 631 9 2 .. 201 27 51 1005
Dinajpur 184 702 185 17 .. 158 48 143 1437
Pabna 109 504 67 2 0 5 11 51 749
Rajshahi 423 926 208 59 .. 139 61 268 2084
Rangpur 83 1182 62 11 1 204 63 101 1707
Bangladesh 1899 11473 832 147 51 921 817 1295 17435
N.B. ' ..' Indicates negligible.

7.8 Area Irrigated by Different Means and by Different Crops.

Table: 7.8. Area Irrigated under Different Means and Different Crops 2009-10 to 2011-12

(In ‘000’ Acres)
Name of crop Power Deep Shallow Hand Total Traditional Total
Irrigated Area
Pump tube-well tube-well tube-well tube-well
under different
Aman 258 234 968 6 1208 83 1549
Boro 1836 1668 6887 40 8595 594 11025
Wheat 134 122 503 3 628 44 806
Sugarcane 23 21 86 1 108 7 138
Cotton 5 5 20 0 25 2 32
Potato 152 138 569 3 710 49 911
Vegetables 119 108 445 3 556 38 713
Others 169 153 633 3 789 54 1012

Total Area 2696 2449 10111 59 12619 871 16186

(In ‘000’ Acres)
Name of crop Power Deep Shallow Hand Total Traditional Total
Irrigated Area
Pump tube-well tube-well tube-well tube-well
under different
Aman 279 268 1075 6 1349 87 1715
Boro 1838 1766 7093 40 8899 576 11313
Wheat 139 134 536 3 673 44 856
Sugarcane 23 21 88 1 110 7 140
Cotton 8 8 30 0 38 2 48
Potato 153 147 591 3 741 48 942
Vegetables 120 115 462 3 580 37 737
Others 187 180 723 4 907 59 1153
Total Area 2747 2639 10598 60 13297 860 16904

(In ‘000’ Acres)
Name of crop Power Deep Shallow Hand Total Traditional Total
Irrigated Area
Pump tube-well tube-well tube-well tube-well under different
Aman 314 298 1189 6 1492 93 1899
Boro 1900 1797 7181 35 9013 560 11473
Wheat 138 130 521 3 654 41 832
Sugarcane 24 23 92 0 115 7 147
Cotton 9 8 32 0 40 2 51
Potato 153 144 576 3 724 45 921
Vegetables 135 128 511 2 642 40 817
Others 214 203 811 4 1017 63 1295
Total Area 2887 2731 10913 53 13697 851 17435
(Canals included in traditional.)

Table 7.8.2 Percentage of Increase/ decreases of Irrigated Area Under Different

Means 2010-11 and 2011-12.

Means of Irrigation Irrigated Area Irrigated Area Percentage of increase/ decreases

2010-11 2011-12
2010-11 2011-12
Power Pump 2747 2887 (+)1.89 % (+)5.10 %
Deep tube-well 2639 2731 (+)7.76 % (+)3.49 %
Shallow tube-well 10598 10913 (+)4.82 % (+)2.97 %
Hand tube-well 60 53 (+)1.69% (-)13.21%
Traditional 860 851 (-)1.26% (-)1.05%

Table 7.8.3 Percentage of Increase/Decreases of Irrigated Area under Different

Crops 2010-11 and 2011-12.

Name of Crop Irrigated Area Irrigated Area Percentage of increase/ decreases

2010-11 2011-12
2010-11 2011-12
Aman 1715 1899 (+)10.72% (+)10.73%
Boro 11313 11473 (+)2.61% (+)1.41%
Wheat 856 832 (+)6.20% (-)2.80%
Sugarcane 140 147 (+)1.45% (+)5.00%
Cotton 48 51 (+)50.00% (+)6.25%
Potato 942 921 (+)3.40% (-)2.23%
Vegetables 737 817 (+)3.37% (+)10.85%
Others 1153 1295 (+)13.93% (+)12.32%

Chapter 8



Table:8.1 Number of Non-Farm and Farm Holdings of Bangladesh by Zila.

(Area in acres)
Non-Farm holdings Farm holdings Total
Small Medium Large Farm
With no With no with 0.05- 0.50- 1.01- 1.50- Total (2.05- (7.50+)
All operatin cultivated 0.01- 0.49 0.99 1.49 2.49 small 7.49) acres
Holdings g area area 0.04 acre acre acre acre acre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
BANGLADESH 28695763 1517217 10881791 1113572 4247673 3610131 2484406 2470162 12812372 2136415 234396 15183183

Barisal Division 1731282 20591 381628 152220 423233 213789 165638 175719 1001379 157501 17963 1176843

Barisal 482075 2731 114488 42802 118629 75423 50745 45611 290408 29899 1747 322054
Bhola 347515 2943 94043 28098 70223 46927 32921 39272 189343 29799 3289 222431
Jhalokati 133204 375 22913 13300 39454 19284 11741 13434 83913 12002 701 96616
Pirojpur 243057 2586 41642 21726 73815 33691 23113 23179 153798 21692 1613 177103
Barguna 201929 3151 38816 14702 48052 2557 20452 22518 116579 25174 3507 145260
Patuakhali 323502 8805 69726 31592 73060 35907 26666 31705 167338 38935 7106 213379

Chittagong Division 4783132 134018 1932402 301453 291753 664569 392727 359527 2234576 252688 27959 2515205

Bandarban 63744 241 17316 764 6078 4851 6176 7564 24669 17197 3557 45423
Chittagong 1298834 97191 785602 48527 129027 96025 58247 50986 334285 30888 2341 367514
Cox's bazar 335825 4033 168736 14785 51559 37370 24285 19809 133023 13846 1402 148271
Brahmanbaria 465720 4179 196734 7317 60050 78105 43676 47183 229014 26813 1663 254790
Chandpur 461192 2015 140865 47906 115526 80671 37864 25441 259502 10543 361 270406
Comilla 917743 17817 282487 61365 182620 180189 89970 71770 524549 30530 995 556074
Khagrachhari 116475 176 24286 2680 17880 11378 13198 14560 57016 27935 4382 89333
Feni 237575 1124 87793 19828 14964 36151 22638 18744 118497 9881 452 128830
Lakshmipur 332818 1280 77790 38318 93365 52309 28035 25817 199526 14702 1202 215430
Noakhali 544943 5945 126971 55818 113071 80551 58264 63015 314901 36643 4665 356209
Rangamati 108263 17 23822 4145 7613 6969 10374 14638 39594 33710 6921 8225

Dhaka Division 9456838 1188079 3873358 237849 1092014 1070385 727066 702816 3592281 521001 44270 4157552

Dhaka 2266479 932364 1059428 33235 91175 63123 35303 29286 218887 20404 2161 241452
Gazipur 538597 49732 242092 26570 70916 55415 41746 35489 203566 24943 2694 230203
Manikganj 293977 2789 106957 13163 40588 45562 31207 30956 148313 21244 1511 171068
Munshiganj 268766 10869 149795 6128 32113 26194 15453 14145 87905 12573 1496 101974
Narayanganj 532415 129466 266933 16537 51637 35894 14056 11753 113340 5675 464 119479
Narsingdi 414892 14455 179891 8048 73275 63622 35746 26852 199495 12481 522 212498
Faridpur 382686 2654 142072 16105 59849 50596 36224 39282 185951 33550 2354 221855
Gopalganj 230494 942 66394 6696 28784 33883 27733 34194 124594 30035 1833 156462
Madaripur 243774 1589 93874 7701 35917 36042 25736 24688 122383 17203 1024 140610
Rajbari 216579 420 79621 6691 32798 30897 22086 23426 109207 19390 1250 129847
Shariatpur 225523 743 61192 14981 46991 37403 23040 25118 132552 15079 986 148607
Jamalpur 546075 2449 199066 7776 84447 87692 60580 58300 291019 42649 3116 336784
Sherpur 335460 1843 127924 4008 44750 53516 35836 35706 169804 29323 2554 201685
Kishoreganj 597752 8994 265941 14084 74200 77723 57463 51922 261308 41302 6123 308733
Netrakona 458472 4457 158775 12589 50595 62018 51673 57677 221963 53239 7449 282651
Mymensingh 1103260 22660 408911 19077 143395 173571 124467 117620 559053 87352 6207 652612
Tangail 801637 1653 264492 34460 130584 137234 88717 86402 442937 54569 3626 501032


(Area in acres)
Non-Farm holdings Farm holdings Total
Small Medium Large Farm
All With no With no with 0.05- 0.50- 1.01- 1.50- Total (2.05- (7.50+) holdings
Zila Holding operatin cultivate 0.01- 0.49 0.99 1.49 2.49 small 7.49) acres
s g area 0.04 acre
d area acre acre acre acre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Khulna Division 3435470 46013 1107184 177343 593484 469401 348221 351123 1762229 313293 29408 2104930
Jessore 591030 21418 171368 23621 110204 90577 61284 59329 321394 49788 3441 374623
Jhenaidah 385860 1521 119739 8006 61640 58692 45450 47305 213087 40672 2835 266594
Magura 189589 906 37549 10935 34704 30727 23221 26984 115636 23283 1280 140199
Narail 151052 433 32544 8543 25337 22505 28259 21913 88014 20522 996 109532
Bagerhat 339217 2258 72803 31539 78042 43181 32246 35410 188879 38317 5421 232617
Khulna 502835 8420 250611 36061 60437 40271 32272 34924 167904 35146 4693 207743
Satkhira 436178 1757 137679 44706 84320 54580 37842 35678 212420 34106 5510 252036
Chuadanga 254916 6071 37194 1953 41078 40795 32697 31654 146224 25688 1788 173698
Kushtia 432249 2553 172920 11560 73439 60124 42753 37437 213753 29188 2275 245216
Meherpur 152544 676 38777 419 24283 27949 22197 20489 94918 16585 1169 112672

Rajshahi Division 7663035 104350 3018357 140701 1103599 1006612 733631 735276 3579118 731852 88657 4399627

Bogra 791343 31064 300375 6757 118936 113397 81513 74964 388810 59025 5312 453147
Joypurhat 229123 8326 70701 1492 34438 35006 36612 36515 122571 23921 2112 148604
Dinajpur 662677 2429 263742 4533 76292 84700 61121 70591 292704 85334 13935 391973
Panchagarh 203831 1524 60740 2722 23966 28667 24182 27045 103860 30813 4172 138845
Thakurgaon 297962 908 95250 2883 35826 40337 31551 37336 145050 46113 7758 198921
Pabna 533209 5372 229903 15036 69946 32096 50715 48478 231235 46498 5165 282898
Sirajganj 656830 10376 207315 31124 94755 81430 60056 55439 291680 46203 4406 342289
Naogaon 611822 7374 237015 6612 84226 78679 64755 67874 295534 81877 13110 290521
Natore 392969 5488 140966 6794 65283 51209 39120 37131 192743 40741 3237 239721
Nawabganj 320388 3419 156674 3394 34435 29450 26031 27020 116936 35327 4638 156901
Rajshahi 572365 10271 227207 13506 96552 73941 53054 47716 271263 45513 4605 321381
Gaibandha 581289 5524 240485 8510 95773 84327 56192 48880 285172 38118 3480 326770
Kurigram 469713 2071 175114 16852 83584 65303 44019 43034 235940 36439 3297 275676
Lalmonirhat 274769 2123 90830 9668 46182 40912 27525 27855 142474 27410 2264 172148
Nilphamari 484629 1887 174557 3982 52253 47650 30741 35989 166633 34256 3314 204203
Rangpur 680116 6194 311457 6836 91152 89508 56444 59409 296513 54264 4852 355629

Sylhet Division 1526006 24112 568862 104006 217590 162375 117123 145701 642789 160080 26157 829026

Hobiganj 342178 1801 129256 13978 40391 43014 33385 35491 152281 38341 6521 197143
Moulvibazar 309441 1323 103716 24705 58689 40306 22227 29343 150565 26046 3086 179697
Sunamganj 387205 1835 160540 18110 36761 35623 31459 41756 144599 51407 10714 206720
Sylhet 487182 19153 175350 47213 82749 43432 30052 39111 195344 44286 5836 245466
Source: Agriculture Census-2008, BBS.

8.2 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District /Zila

Table: 8.2 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District /Zila

Non- Number of
Division and All Farm Number of farm holdings holdings Agriculture
District/Zila holdings holdings Total Small Medium Large Owner cum- Tenant labour
tenant households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
TOTAL 28695763 13512580 15183183 12812372 2136415 234396 18734787 6278282 3682694 8844402
RURAL 25351506 10480930 14870576 12531509 2109522 229545 16784717 6137960 2428829 8732259
URBAN 3344257 3031650 312607 280863 26893 4851 1950070 140322 1253865 112143
TOTAL 1731282 554439 1176843 1001379 157501 17963 1229108 378484 123690 479713
RURAL 1626165 475303 1150862 977022 156033 17807 1159546 369058 97561 475174
URBAN 105117 79136 25981 24357 1468 156 69562 9426 26129 4539

04 BARGUNA 201929 56669 145260 116579 25174 3507 143484 43029 15416 51506
06 BARISAL 482075 160021 322054 290408 29899 1747 333718 111015 37342 137014
09 BHOLA 347515 125084 222431 189343 29799 3289 226720 91447 29348 121414
42 JHALOKATI 133204 36588 96616 83913 12002 701 100481 27616 5107 20787
78 PATUAKHALI 323502 110123 213379 167338 38935 7106 241394 58323 23785 81990
79 PIROJPUR 243057 65954 177103 153798 21692 1613 183311 47054 12692 67002
TOTAL 4883132 2367927 2515205 2234576 252688 27941 3438946 999597 444589 1270749
RURAL 4289934 1822922 2467012 2190314 249515 27183 3051140 965334 273460 1254377
URBAN 593198 545005 48193 44262 3173 758 387806 34263 171129 16372

03 BANDARBAN 63744 18321 45423 24669 17197 3557 37027 10744 15973 18945
15 CHITTAGONG 1298834 931320 367514 334285 30888 2341 931019 165335 202480 182749
22 COX'S BAZAR 335825 187554 148271 133023 13846 1402 231437 64779 39609 95257
46 KHAGRACHHARI 116475 27142 89333 57016 27935 4382 80625 23413 12437 38147

19 COMILLA 917743 361669 556074 524549 30530 995 622295 260054 35394 278797
30 FENI 237575 108745 128830 118497 9881 452 177160 50532 9883 49660
51 LAKSHMIPUR 332818 117388 215430 199526 14702 1202 237649 73478 21691 116937
75 NOAKHALI 544943 188734 356209 314901 36643 4665 386303 123076 35564 192996


Table: 8.2 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District /Zila

Number of farm holdings Number of holdings labour
Non- households
Division and All Farm
Mediu Owner-
District/Zila holdings holdings Total Small m Large Owner cum- Tenant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
26 DHAKA 2266479 2025027 241452 218887 20404 2161 1181671 79282 1005526 88086
33 GAZIPUR 538597 308394 230203 203566 24943 1694 337436 71397 129764 83423
56 MANIKGANJ 293977 122909 171068 148313 21244 1511 187540 82899 23538 76117
59 MUNSHIGANJ 268766 166792 101974 87905 12573 1496 190220 42816 35730 62636
67 NARAYANGANJ 532415 412936 119479 113340 5675 464 325260 49298 157857 41718
68 NARSINGDI 414892 202394 212498 199495 12481 522 301056 84159 29677 74845
29 FARIDPUR 382686 160831 221855 185951 33550 2354 252008 102208 28470 117853
35 GOPALGANJ 230494 74032 156462 124594 30035 1833 150998 68519 10977 73276
54 MADARIPUR 243774 103164 140610 122383 17203 1024 172426 55774 15574 82455
61 MYMENSINGH 1103260 450648 652612 559053 87352 6207 745314 269020 88926 414687
82 RAJBARI 216579 86732 129847 109207 19390 1250 132918 65745 17916 75511
86 SHARIATPUR 225523 76916 148607 132552 15069 986 145291 54647 25585 81341
39 JAMALPUR 546075 209291 336784 291019 42649 3116 324116 163295 58664 225415
48 KISHOREGANJ 597752 289019 308733 261308 41302 6123 406914 139610 51228 224153
72 NETRAKONA 458472 175821 282651 221963 53239 7449 309405 111447 37620 203758
89 SHERPUR 335460 133775 201685 169808 29323 2554 226005 77593 31862 145549
93 TANGAIL 801637 300605 501032 442937 54569 3526 511649 232154 57834 210703


TOTAL 3435470 1330540 2104930 1762229 313293 29408 2177272 941023 317175 1345987
RURAL 3129699 1070444 2059255 1722002 308571 28682 1993139 912804 223756 1325119
URBAN 305771 260096 45675 40227 4722 726 184133 28219 93419 20868

01 BAGERHAT 339217 106600 232617 188879 38317 5421 235792 72173 31252 144577
47 KHULNA 502835 295092 207743 167904 35146 4693 319009 86292 97534 144350
87 SATKHIRA 436178 184142 252036 212420 34106 5510 302240 103903 30035 227847
18 CHUADANGA 254916 81218 173698 146224 25686 1788 146363 91437 17116 102661
41 JESSORE 591030 216407 374623 321394 49788 3441 375892 158654 56484 240843
44 JHENAIDAH 385860 129266 256594 213087 40672 2835 243045 122147 20668 152857
50 KUSHTIA 432249 187033 245216 213753 29188 2275 265720 125990 40539 152738
55 MAGURA 189589 49390 140199 115636 23283 1280 111405 69876 8308 63254
57 MEHERPUR 152544 39872 112672 94918 16585 1169 85685 59340 7519 69138
65 NARAIL 151052 41520 109532 88014 20522 996 92121 51211 7720 47722


Table: 8.2 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District /Zila.

Number of farm holdings Number of holdings labour
Non- households
Division and All Farm
District/Zila holdings holdings Total Small Medium Large Owner cum- Tenant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

TOTAL 7663035 3263408 4399627 3579118 731852 88657 4881568 1951710 829757 3010577
RURAL 7195280 2861526 4333754 3522665 723868 87221 4539719 1922544 733017 2987306
URBAN 467755 401882 65873 56453 7984 1436 341849 29166 96740 23271

64 NAOGAON 611822 221301 390521 295534 81877 13110 364604 195075 52143 264031
69 NATORE 392969 153248 239721 192743 40741 6237 237053 102939 52977 181489
NAWABGANJ 320388 163487 156901 116936 35327 4638 220570 67171 32647 95942
81 RAJSHAHI 572365 250984 321381 271263 45513 4605 370734 137950 63681 208189
10 BOGRA 791343 338196 453147 388810 59025 5312 501755 222482 67106 251577
38 JOYPURHAT 229123 80519 148604 122571 23921 2112 136859 77355 14909 83863
76 PABNA 533209 250311 282898 231235 46498 5165 339986 129087 64136 185107
88 SIRAJGANJ 656830 314541 342289 291680 46203 4406 415289 144728 96813 231920
27 DINAJPUR 662677 270704 391973 292704 85334 13935 413189 190300 59188 281904
77 PANCHAGARH 203831 64986 138845 103860 30813 4172 122280 58701 22850 71867
94 THAKURGAON 297962 99041 198921 145050 46113 7758 180916 87249 29797 121829
32 GAIBANDHA 581289 254519 326770 285172 38118 3480 387435 137339 56515 266281
49 KURIGRAM 469713 194037 275676 235940 36439 3297 302295 111404 56014 229042
52 LALMONIRHAT 274769 102621 172148 142474 27410 2264 169080 66046 39643 118592
73 NILPHAMARI 384629 180426 204203 166633 34256 3314 268970 71622 44037 153639
85 RANGPUR 680116 324487 355629 296513 54264 4852 450553 152262 77301 265305


TOTAL 1526006 696980 829026 642789 160080 26157 1107666 257605 160735 455850
RURAL 1442654 620916 821738 636607 159225 25906 1048888 254648 139118 454414
URBAN 83352 76064 7288 6182 855 251 58778 2957 21617 1436

36 HABIGANJ 342178 145035 197143 152281 38341 6521 227724 71398 43056 135531
58 MAULVIBAZAR 309441 129744 179697 150565 26046 3086 233220 49211 27010 84895
90 SUNAMGANJ 387205 180485 206720 144599 51407 10714 281207 73254 32744 144194
91 SYLHET 487182 241716 245466 195344 44286 5836 365515 63742 57925 91230

8.3 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/Zila

Table: 8.3 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/Zila

(Area in acres)
Division and Owned Operated Homestead Net Temporary Irrigated Temporary Intensity of
District/Zila area area area cultivated crops net area crops gross cropping
area area area (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


TOTAL 22755331 23505192 2166302 19097544 17671319 11981329 30485315 173

RURAL 21623783 22944236 1995702 18815381 17443075 11845974 30120545 173
URBAN 1131547 560956 170600 282163 228244 135355 364769 160

TOTAL 1586893 1664158 114212 1387956 1179381 199888 2102648 178
RURAL 1534586 1639222 108760 1371997 1169326 197063 2085746 178
URBAN 52306 24936 5452 15959 10055 2825 16901 168

04 BARGUNA 231438 242531 16196 206067 183023 14623 332744 182

06 BARISAL 367715 368840 31617 296837 248349 86932 424748 171
09 BHOLA 276200 327946 20788 270793 228162 63131 473649 208
42 JHALOKATI 120723 118229 8146 99282 78126 8727 132164 169
78 PATUAKHALI 375633 388411 23196 329151 305077 7537 543849 178
79 PIROJPUR 215184 218202 14270 185827 136644 18938 195494 143


TOTAL 3220956 3389542 377827 2595144 2179799 1167403 3591552 165

RURAL 3083529 3304676 347676 2556892 2155767 1156499 3557732 165
URBAN 137427 84866 30151 38252 24032 10904 33819 141

03 BANDARBAN 134371 154931 8821 125650 74974 18090 151692 202

15 CHITTAGONG 504104 499654 89722 338706 304050 126107 496625 163
22 COX'S BAZAR 180261 200648 33225 144392 131159 68542 198317 151
46 KHAGRACHHARI 233520 236136 12019 185004 89332 31162 135462 152
84 RANGAMATI 256970 273561 12044 223159 124418 39051 198442 160
12 BRAHMANBARIA 347508 350131 34615 293292 287908 211230 389934 135
13 CHANDPUR 232159 236673 31443 174380 153288 106885 255522 167
19 COMILLA 565335 576216 68783 444132 425431 339925 750928 177
30 FENI 149420 152125 20226 108794 100169 56263 161284 161
51 LAKSHMIPUR 197862 218642 20981 173263 136922 43936 274664 201
75 NOAKHALI 419446 490825 45947 384371 352147 126212 578681 164

Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/Zila

(Area in acres)
Division and Owned Operated Homestead Net Temporary Irrigated Temporary Intensity of
District/Zila area area area cultivated crops net area crops gross cropping
area area area (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TOTAL 6247996 6142022 733738 4818856 4564896 3344185 7513644 165

RURAL 5744398 5900139 642565 4725314 4487704 3303123 7395108 165
URBAN 503598 241883 91173 93542 77191 41063 118536 154

26 DHAKA 645265 406811 122189 212113 191016 103970 263891 138

33 GAZIPUR 303975 308518 39038 231963 177862 119337 231140 130
56 MANIKGANJ 244913 252637 32167 196739 186696 100148 318611 171
59 MUNSHIGANJ 142433 157807 22143 122659 120262 70487 175579 146
67 NARAYANGANJ 131605 125911 27132 87528 82278 57251 112991 137
68 NARSINGDI 230597 224519 31783 175545 160566 123975 249059 155
29 FARIDPUR 342912 343965 33489 268707 248692 143193 429439 173
35 GOPALGANJ 261766 267167 21932 223242 216590 143912 274807 127
54 MADARIPUR 207711 200728 24859 156300 149503 70990 231713 155
61 MYMENSINGH 940780 967368 103937 761506 732262 603496 1337569 183
82 RAJBARI 193792 199209 20658 159688 149109 87552 279537 187
86 SHARIATPUR 190881 196013 21136 145845 133866 47169 206988 155
39 JAMALPUR 457875 476711 47762 398375 391038 329777 742969 190
48 KISHOREGANJ 476954 498820 41247 429711 423437 363353 577002 136
72 NETRAKONA 528697 541709 39451 461442 454892 382610 686764 151
89 SHERPUR 291621 302499 28926 254428 248681 222287 483665 194
93 TANGAIL 656219 671629 75889 533066 498146 374680 911920 183


TOTAL 3105337 3264398 234737 2639694 2373388 1698934 3979787 168

RURAL 2972701 3192244 220328 2594658 2337078 1674079 3922418 168
URBAN 132636 72153 14409 45036 36311 24856 57370 158

01 BAGERHAT 346181 381669 21673 307843 249897 67687 301297 121

47 KHULNA 379965 369945 30070 282783 261272 95956 331651 127
87 SATKHIRA 401627 424525 25861 280730 257346 173438 387678 151
18 CHUADANGA 241038 263351 18629 226032 208641 193820 346120 166
41 JESSORE 497237 522095 40442 431466 370263 340379 674505 182
44 JHENAIDAH 388852 403986 29866 342988 316120 260425 592440 187
50 KUSHTIA 312865 335697 31021 276024 259317 207521 519893 200
55 MAGURA 208744 214165 13252 188747 170205 143688 356414 209
57 MEHERPUR 154184 171944 11771 150741 143131 135953 235451 165
65 NARAIL 174644 177020 12152 152340 137197 80068 234337 171

Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division abnd District/Zila

(Area in acres)
Division and Owned Operated Homestead Net Temporary Irrigated Temporary Intensity of
District/Zila area area area cultivated crops net area crops gross cropping
area area area (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TOTAL 7002047 7422304 578319 6282051 6093420 4869598 11684494 192

RURAL 6744398 7304319 554638 6202212 6021126 4817244 11555453 192
URBAN 257649 117985 23681 79839 72294 52354 129041 178

64 NAOGAON 704633 784665 43233 691137 677993 546895 1216204 179

69 NATORE 386570 420884 30696 364062 350093 255508 560488 160
70 CHAPAI NAWABGANJ 311275 324673 21704 275201 247862 144732 412074 166
81 RAJSHAHI 452068 477074 34062 404413 371937 300711 709315 191
10 BOGRA 625464 670442 60029 557759 551807 496128 1198056 217
38 JOYPURHAT 221127 238342 16392 205681 202969 191685 465304 229
76 PABNA 454253 482289 46779 403546 387463 246758 672246 174
88 SIRAJGANJ 486985 521327 52150 426108 415569 340311 749122 180
27 DINAJPUR 749513 805444 49956 705603 694371 614453 1369923 197
77 PANCHAGARH 275052 281391 18135 244898 237345 118611 445759 188
94 THAKURGAON 409014 424922 24784 377939 370943 340304 742868 200
32 GAIBANDHA 434504 449549 42074 365610 358717 303985 676641 189
49 KURIGRAM 386631 397061 38981 309241 293860 209725 578458 197
52 LALMONIRHAT 248855 262888 19693 217539 210355 164490 404816 192
73 NILPHAMARI 334061 336812 27422 278857 274937 202558 556419 202
85 RANGPUR 522041 544542 52231 454457 447201 392744 926804 207


TOTAL 1592102 1622769 127468 1373842 1280436 701320 1613190 126

RURAL 1544171 1603636 121735 1364307 1272075 697968 1604088 126
URBAN 47931 19133 5734 9535 8361 3353 9102 109

36 HABIGANJ 372219 398283 26630 352106 342926 254971 485677 142

58 MAULVIBAZAR 271268 277328 26597 227900 196914 65846 267045 136
90 SUNAMGANJ 500209 513550 33206 451402 435266 279344 470999 108
91 SYLHET 448406 433609 41036 342434 305330 101159 389468 128

8.4 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/ Zila

Table: 8.4.1 Selected Agriculture Statistics by Division and District/Zila

(Area in acres)
Division and Area under
District/Zila Local HYV Local HYV Local Hybrid HYV Wheat Maize Jute Pulses Oil Sugar Potato
Aus Aus Aman Aman Boro Boro Boro seeds cane
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

TOTAL 1519807 7 4492427 4868456 1663954 2103256 6344337 644378 667224 1090734 1074317 1249133 218348 765424
RURAL 1496492 1018633 4444810 4816869 1629309 2071000 6280229 635235 657537 1079455 1063297 1239025 215576 751658
URBAN 23315 14430 47617 51587 34644 32256 64108 9143 9686 11279 11020 10108 2772 13766


TOTAL 307972 62357 841669 63814 80301 38590 112612 8642 2599 10521 260004 41015 4376 15440

RURAL 306087 61315 835793 63092 79235 38007 111100 8596 2567 10482 258323 40848 4368 15261
URBAN 1885 1041 5876 722 1066 584 1512 46 32 39 1682 167 8 179

04 BARGUNA 39821 26995 155421 11128 4961 849 651 150 341 167 51781 4031 185 2133
06 BARISAL 52408 5854 136096 8793 22103 17997 60818 2076 596 7861 57411 3902 2136 1865
09 BHOLA 81033 6152 174452 8099 32958 7776 28431 5856 435 531 36501 18594 421 5774
42 JHALOKATI 25523 5925 57367 3348 2439 2007 7798 100 131 229 8801 729 280 710
78 PATUAKHALI 83582 7540 236389 29467 4541 1301 971 238 859 690 95945 13234 231 2618
79 PIROJPUR 25605 9890 81945 2980 13299 8660 13944 222 237 1043 9565 525 1123 2339


TOTAL 425095 182298 635246 386982 257158 226350 634979 17327 47479 19620 91290 115979 4880 75585
RURAL 420720 180231 630245 384114 253166 223522 629371 17066 47214 19432 90707 115484 4792 74752
URBAN 4375 2067 5002 2867 3991 2828 5607 261 265 189 582 495 88 834

03 BANDARBAN 32194 3949 5382 7757 4076 2947 5226 94 12402 63 441 4018 314 3363
15 CHITTAGONG 67492 34541 95021 93175 49175 16706 63078 618 817 401 18321 2689 576 10512
22 COX'S BAZAR 19236 8214 35503 36361 32677 7330 27327 283 370 277 2731 464 255 3625
46 KHAGRACHHARI 11884 6103 14161 22233 7144 6218 17273 142 1166 30 132 349 541 2159
84 RANGAMATI 31991 3880 10721 9113 11862 14396 12250 210 4625 119 614 2456 829 2720
12 BRAHMANBARIA 10958 6959 48014 38183 39311 18748 158157 5621 315 7755 12384 13718 278 4056
13 CHANDPUR 12155 16585 38759 23605 17910 12034 70354 2179 10053 5493 2077 4395 855 18955
19 COMILLA 50033 79927 86546 101500 56167 61123 189551 5553 16472 3800 6752 9533 517 26599
30 FENI 16982 8332 32297 33056 6706 5617 40545 704 123 348 3770 1312 245 874
51 LAKSHMIPUR 59676 6385 80803 10505 11184 10757 20420 1275 346 629 8164 37655 211 1037
75 NOAKHALI 112494 7425 188039 11493 20944 70474 30797 649 791 704 35904 39388 261 1687


TOTAL 206598 167730 1022594 915418 447194 441600 2156400 145654 53765 428327 239152 448938 43857 115483
RURAL 197200 164105 1008736 902439 433588 429633 2135763 142473 52245 423558 235497 443283 43076 111343
URBAN 9398 3625 13858 12980 13606 11968 20637 3181 1520 4770 3655 5656 782 4140

26 DHAKA 11077 3573 24132 6560 27849 17645 70800 4158 7555 13514 9369 26809 971 6900
33 GAZIPUR 8921 2905 26210 23907 33139 23828 61957 1231 573 5599 1380 4020 3670 1231
56 MANIKGANJ 3511 540 23597 3234 5835 5428 88073 1886 19835 11702 29187 82196 2173 5096
59 MUNSHIGANJ 3038 1547 31390 3792 11666 5691 25706 826 3734 10261 1178 8339 774 51152
67 NARAYANGANJ 2982 1796 12596 3847 7133 6281 42934 1189 399 2974 1230 6965 335 5933
68 NARSINGDI 5613 3320 24540 32590 17149 10088 86034 1285 328 9647 1860 10276 399 4125
29 FARIDPUR 23688 2678 35389 13719 5548 4345 52424 44529 1408 99071 48251 25610 6512 1044
35 GOPALGANJ 9052 1052 41874 2102 9578 48055 77060 7958 307 22724 28924 11279 1305 704
54 MADARIPUR 8191 2388 27215 3167 5274 5680 62643 11719 790 39210 24769 19851 1831 675
61 MYMENSINGH 55844 86987 266084 234881 135309 96490 331133 5368 3214 13882 8238 10750 6228 6714
82 RAJBARI 16075 3463 28285 25958 4940 1562 28566 31869 701 52249 20600 16412 4974 361


(Area in acres)
Division and Area under
District/Zila Local HYV Local HYV Local Hybrid HYV Wheat Maize Jute Pulses Oil Sugar Potato
Aus Aus Aman Aman Boro Boro Boro seeds cane
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
86 SHARIATPUR 25564 1303 20569 3768 5026 2169 34569 9859 263 30457 15778 14025 1091 1904
39 JAMALPUR 2691 5149 71612 160793 14256 46814 227191 6804 6401 54776 8622 58708 8937 7270
48 KISHOREGANJ 14691 24840 39269 61051 53769 53611 238725 3505 5148 14023 5803 14948 395 7496
72 NETRAKONA 5820 5723 131765 105973 60480 39253 283972 2714 319 8363 1354 7608 175 3161
89 SHERPUR 5014 17141 99752 93699 20184 65366 123295 2370 548 7679 1669 11447 341 4797
93 TANGAIL 4827 3323 118314 136377 30058 9295 321319 8386 2242 32196 30940 119695 3745 6918

TOTAL 193560 227253 572443 596754 172516 331192 583237 118976 122802 278101 200361 119953 34867 32616
RURAL 190002 224728 565088 590717 167796 325544 575053 117022 120543 274712 197397 118303 34498 32155
URBAN 3558 2525 7356 6037 4719 5648 8184 1954 2259 3389 2964 1650 369 461

01 BAGERHAT 17953 3088 137944 6409 22519 43311 14836 489 281 1486 12233 1742 1983 1451
47 KHULNA 26408 3509 128027 30122 15823 41898 34777 964 351 3663 2881 4967 1348 2984
87 SATKHIRA 5135 19676 32306 109945 15784 30039 90376 4860 277 16766 5397 11065 1406 9354
18 CHUADANGA 16049 17737 24460 31518 20143 23391 38239 13133 54489 30786 17710 8976 5804 3155
41 JESSORE 20416 61823 53369 130020 29478 75585 163677 7255 1070 34404 25096 22891 1206 4247
44 JHENAIDAH 21881 39082 59375 107311 35334 23983 99305 13656 18032 34605 46633 20253 6101 2198
50 KUSHTIA 36954 43744 30198 94152 7131 7140 51765 28390 36815 54526 26300 11918 12828 5648
55 MAGURA 14674 19930 41015 49928 15439 31275 34131 20122 432 49300 29772 20081 954 139
57 MEHERPUR 11235 12954 16670 22858 7002 12186 31571 24360 10865 30041 9638 10965 2114 3239
65 NARAIL 22855 5711 49080 14491 3863 42386 24561 5746 190 22525 24702 7096 1123 201

TOTAL 195533 306954 1135399 2791063 395590 917262 2528742 347088 439404 350068 278714 514539 129395 509652
RURAL 192108 302256 1121040 2762679 387334 906664 2502588 343422 433819 347183 276600 512441 127871 501581
URBAN 3425 4698 14359 28384 8256 10598 26153 3666 5585 2885 2114 2098 1524 8071

64 NAOGAON 25411 69682 153039 300247 64560 60476 346650 16485 20279 9461 3225 40006 3037 44078
69 NATORE 24337 7020 87968 26727 50874 49540 63342 40670 14265 19959 49136 23108 45904 2388
NAWABGANJ 41305 51315 26388 66690 11097 5528 92027 17405 14032 2295 41746 7659 11166 1276
81 RAJSHAHI 24199 82102 34429 100261 18584 36590 120268 33042 43761 18993 30694 37361 22709 44444
10 BOGRA 7093 39962 135065 271792 46527 104883 305819 2841 30960 29596 4181 40937 1151 99943
38 JOYPURHAT 1195 686 39593 136085 16661 89186 72833 1384 4316 5144 1241 5532 2926 68799
76 PABNA 33934 8371 94841 38526 38054 14275 111438 52117 4337 52543 53876 57976 8261 1515
88 SIRAJGANJ 9499 9191 58284 29836 24354 64050 222402 7386 14132 27847 39864 192193 5645 5268
27 DINAJPUR 7284 18621 108265 483417 24131 87412 371232 29547 95984 13159 2105 7833 3984 53573
77 PANCHAGARH 1017 605 26981 178624 3811 22592 55621 25613 11149 24087 4802 26800 5236 10609
94 THAKURGAON 927 733 45059 266936 13473 17817 160085 73776 49590 16515 16297 8116 5494 28253
32 GAIBANDHA 2464 5577 92554 153819 33514 101003 126358 5401 25040 25466 4928 23920 4373 22602
49 KURIGRAM 8734 3620 91383 121878 13031 52437 128674 19095 7883 42696 14752 26446 1866 6353
52 LALMONIRHAT 2852 1886 34514 127605 8774 36457 58561 5461 49272 15298 1149 8201 641 9632
73 NILPHAMARI 2126 1849 31725 203167 8870 45393 123025 9311 19515 23151 4755 2034 1001 33694
85 RANGPUR 3157 5735 75312 285453 19275 129624 170407 7552 34889 23858 5964 6415 6002 77224
TOTAL 191049 86471 285076 114424 311194 148261 328368 6692 1175 4097 4796 8710 973 16648
RURAL 190375 85997 283909 113828 308189 147631 326353 6656 1150 4088 4773 8667 972 16567
URBAN 674 474 1167 596 3006 630 2015 36 25 9 23 43 2 81

36 HABIGANJ 45054 39214 74234 42658 57656 75516 108768 3962 434 1534 2478 3170 560 6368
58 MAULVIBAZAR 55937 22201 57563 30411 30834 5509 36310 430 209 383 345 338 155 4739
90 SUNAMGANJ 15133 5320 59887 18143 126581 48232 157298 1422 172 1355 1017 3341 192 2229
91 SYLHET 74925 19736 93392 23212 96123 19003 25991 878 360 825 957 1862 66 3312

Chapter 9



9.1 Livestock
Table 9.1.1: Holding Reporting Herd and Flock Population of the Cross Bred Classified by Tenancy and Farm Type & Size.

Cattle Buffalo Goat-sheep Fowls Ducks

Tenancy and farm Total Holdings Herd Holdings Herd Holdings Herd Holdings Flock Holding Flock

type & size reporting population reporting population reporting population reporting population reporting population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

All 28695763 268388 616488 2866 10101 45972 140989 102065 685765 75185 374412
Owner 18734787 155046 360013 1832 6189 28467 86932 65074 451051 45231 219941
tenant 6278282 104751 239264 943 3579 14663 45788 31071 200555 26442 138256
Tenant 3682694 8591 17211 91 333 2842 8269 5920 34159 3512 16215

Non-farm 13512580 47889 101140 641 2179 14045 41260 30664 188035 18052 81209
Owner 10062062 41949 88925 565 1869 11675 34231 25947 161032 15452 69544
tenant 241075 1167 2706 15 79 369 1211 732 4375 441 2125
Tenant 3209443 4773 9509 61 231 2001 5818 3985 22628 2159 9540
Farm size:
Small 12812372 157263 337943 1481 4995 24728 74047 57872 386014 44265 213620
Owner 7347078 79299 175506 883 2893 12861 38991 31835 226416 23283 111032
tenant 5019740 74444 155507 571 2009 11085 32787 24199 148808 19717 96477
Tenant 445554 3520 6930 27 93 782 2269 1838 10790 1265 6111
Medium 2136415 54353 145350 558 1997 6132 20676 12081 97492 11168 66099
Owner 1178859 28417 76294 280 970 3251 10670 6399 54757 5510 31785
tenant 931640 25660 68362 275 1018 2825 9845 5589 42018 5573 33774
Tenant 25916 276 694 3 9 56 161 93 717 85 540
Large 234396 8883 32055 186 930 1067 5006 1448 14224 1700 13484
Owner 146788 5381 19288 104 457 680 3040 893 8846 986 7580
tenant 85827 3480 12689 82 473 384 1945 551 5354 711 5880
Tenant 1781 22 78 - - 3 21 4 24 3 24
All 25351506 257174 586141 2773 9782 43257 132045 98188 651879 72885 363817
Owner 16784717 146599 336962 1756 5963 26385 79965 62156 424205 43575 212618
tenant 6137960 102675 233706 935 3531 14313 44736 30512 196422 26029 136195
Tenant 2428829 7900 15473 82 288 2559 7344 5520 31252 3281 15004

Non-farm 10480930 42062 85983 583 1999 12155 35323 28223 167277 16740 75362
Owner 8352634 36907 75772 518 1740 10123 29354 23994 143908 14400 65075
tenant 167626 974 2196 13 73 302 1012 627 3549 390 1762
Tenant 1960670 4181 8015 52 186 1730 4957 3602 19820 1950 8525

Cattle Buffalo Goat-sheep Fowls Ducks

Tenancy and farm Total Holdings Herd Holdings Herd Holdings Herd Holdings Flock Holding Flock

type & size reporting population reporting population reporting population reporting population reporting population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Farm size:
Small 12531509 153064 327142 1451 4872 24070 71718 56623 374949 43428 209757
Owner 7129151 76625 168299 858 2810 12439 37405 30977 218107 22762 108784
tenant 4961684 73009 152126 566 1969 10861 32108 23825 146151 19422 95056
Tenant 440674 3430 6717 27 93 770 2205 1821 10691 1244 5917

Medium 2109522 53409 142255 553 1981 6006 20183 11921 95742 11046 65509
Owner 1159930 27851 74325 276 956 3177 10330 6312 53613 5446 31419
tenant 923871 25290 67259 274 1016 2773 9692 5516 41412 5516 33552
Tenant 25721 268 671 3 9 56 161 93 717 84 538

Large 229545 8639 30761 186 930 1026 4821 1421 13911 1671 13189
Owner 143002 5216 18566 104 457 646 2876 873 8577 967 7340
tenant 84779 3402 12125 82 473 377 1924 544 5310 701 5825
Tenant 1764 21 70 - - 3 21 4 24 3 24

All 3344257 11214 30347 93 319 2715 8944 3877 33886 2300 10595
Owner 1950070 8447 23051 76 226 2082 6967 2918 26846 1656 7323
tenant 140322 2076 5558 8 48 350 1052 559 4133 413 2061
Tenant 1253865 691 1738 9 45 283 925 400 2907 231 1211

Non-farm 3031650 5827 15157 58 180 1890 5937 2441 20758 1312 5847
Owner 1709428 5042 13153 47 129 1552 4877 1953 17124 1052 4469
tenant 73449 193 510 2 6 67 199 105 826 51 363
Tenant 1248773 592 1494 9 45 271 861 383 2808 209 1015
Farm size:
Small 280863 4199 10801 30 123 658 2329 1249 11065 837 3863
Owner 217927 2674 7207 25 83 422 1586 858 8309 521 2248
tenant 58056 1435 3381 5 40 224 679 374 2657 295 1421
Tenant 4880 90 213 - - 12 64 17 99 21 194

Medium 26893 944 3095 5 16 126 493 160 1750 122 590
Owner 18929 566 1969 4 14 74 340 87 1144 64 366
tenant 7769 370 1103 1 2 52 153 73 606 57 222
Tenant 195 8 23 - - - - - - 1 2

Large 4851 244 1294 - - 41 185 27 313 29 295

Owner 3786 165 722 - - 34 164 20 269 19 240
tenant 1048 78 564 - - 7 21 7 44 10 55
Tenant 17 1 8 - - - - - - - -

Table 9.1.2 : Livestock and Poultry of Agriculture Labour Household Classified by Tanency and Farm type & size

Agriculture labour households reporting

Tenancy and Agricul
farm Total -tural Cattle Buffalo Goat Sheep Fowl Duck Pigeon
No. No.
type & size labour No. of % of % No. of % No. of % No. of % No. of % of %
(col (col
house House (col House (col house (col house 10/ house (col house (col House 16/
holds holds 4/3) holds 6/3) holds 8/3) holds 3) holds 12/3) holds 14/3) holds 3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


All 28695763 8844402 3708590 41.93 51846 0.59 2493209 28.19 175039 1.98 5247924 59.34 2863845 32.38 252624 2.86
Owner 18734787 5507656 2014626 36.58 29458 0.53 1422911 25.84 99642 1.81 3123852 56.72 1684345 30.58 138771 2.52
tenant 6278282 2384952 1412987 59.25 19328 0.81 840290 35.23 55405 2.32 1661202 69.65 975249 40.89 100161 4.20
Tenant 3682694 951794 280977 29.52 3060 0.32 230008 24.17 19992 2.10 462870 48.63 204251 21.46 13692 1.44

Non-farm 13512580 3930357 1024351 26.06 12404 0.32 869631 22.13 66391 1.69 1921066 48.88 929554 23.65 54507 1.39
Owner 10062062 3181729 850906 26.74 10618 0.33 711575 22.36 52098 1.64 1596054 50.16 789765 24.82 46030 1.45
tenant 241075 50737 15024 29.61 201 0.40 11420 22.51 1144 2.25 24350 47.99 12643 24.92 1013 2.00
Tenant 3209443 697891 158421 22.70 1585 0.23 146636 21.01 13149 1.88 300662 43.08 127146 18.22 7464 1.07
Farm size:
Small 12812372 4499229 2382622 52.96 27696 0.62 1475830 32.80 97445 2.17 3028744 67.32 1743603 38.75 164014 3.65
Owner 7347078 2130755 1026437 48.17 14116 0.66 644783 30.26 42768 2.01 1392622 65.36 811447 38.08 77406 3.63
tenant 5019740 2123323 1239105 58.36 12336 0.58 750546 35.35 48142 2.27 1479903 69.70 858232 40.42 80782 3.80
Tenant 445554 245151 117080 47.76 1244 0.51 80501 32.84 6535 2.67 156219 63.72 73924 30.15 5826 2.38

Medium 2136415 382093 276957 72.48 9054 2.37 135868 35.56 10207 2.67 274783 71.92 175261 45.87 30450 7.97
Owner 1178859 176660 123446 69.88 3574 2.02 60059 34.00 4239 2.40 122417 69.30 75072 42.50 13386 7.58
tenant 931640 197172 148331 75.23 5291 2.68 73086 37.07 5682 2.88 146692 74.40 97200 49.30 16692 8.47
Tenant 25916 8261 5180 62.70 189 2.29 2723 32.96 286 3.46 5674 68.68 2989 36.18 372 4.50

Large 234396 32723 24660 75.36 2692 8.23 11880 36.30 996 3.04 23331 71.30 15427 47.14 3653 11.16
Owner 146788 18512 13837 74.75 1150 6.21 6494 35.08 537 2.90 12759 68.92 8061 43.54 1949 10.53
tenant 85827 13720 10527 76.73 1500 10.93 5238 38.18 437 3.19 10257 74.76 7174 52.29 1674 12.20
Tenant 1781 491 296 60.29 42 8.55 148 30.14 22 4.48 315 64.15 192 39.10 30 6.11
All 25351506 8732259 3686942 42.22 51450 0.59 2479888 28.40 174322 2.00 5221167 59.79 2849436 32.63 250474 2.87
Owner 16784717 5432345 2001720 36.85 29195 0.54 1414745 26.04 99161 1.83 3106836 57.19 1675188 30.84 137466 2.53
tenant 6137960 2368774 1405397 59.33 19209 0.81 836211 35.30 55216 2.33 1653412 69.80 970917 40.99 99413 4.20
Tenant 2428829 931140 279825 30.05 3046 0.33 228932 24.59 19945 2.14 460919 49.50 203331 21.84 13595 1.46
Non-farm 10480930 3855180 1018214 26.41 12287 0.32 864408 22.42 66092 1.71 1910783 49.56 924413 23.98 53914 1.40

Agriculture labour households reporting

Tenancyandfarm Total Cattle Buffalo Goat Sheep Fowl Duck Pigeon
type &size tural No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of % No.of %
(col (col (col (col (col (col (col
households households 4/3) households 6/3) households 8/3) households 10/3) households 12/3) households 14/3) households 16/3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Owner 8352634 3127791 845642 27.04 10519 0.34 707205 22.61 51842 1.66 1587466 50.75 785415 25.11 45520 1.46
tenant 167626 48890 14850 30.37 193 0.39 11316 23.15 1139 2.33 24093 49.28 12514 25.60 993 2.03
Tenant 1960670 678499 157722 23.25 1575 0.23 145887 21.50 13111 1.93 299224 44.10 126484 18.64 7401 1.09
Farm size:
Small 12531509 4466839 2369562 53.05 27506 0.62 1468871 32.88 97080 2.17 3014423 67.48 1735601 38.86 162791 3.64
Owner 7129151 2112026 1020005 48.30 13998 0.66 641523 30.37 42575 2.02 1385253 65.59 807254 38.22 76772 3.63
tenant 4961684 2110858 1232898 58.41 12268 0.58 747152 35.40 47978 2.27 1473435 69.80 854662 40.49 80223 3.80
Tenant 440674 243955 116659 47.82 1240 0.51 80196 32.87 6527 2.68 155735 63.84 73685 30.20 5796 2.38
Medium 2109522 378132 274793 72.67 8991 2.38 134879 35.67 10159 2.69 272862 72.16 174145 46.05 30173 7.98
Owner 1159930 174450 122433 70.18 3547 2.03 59618 34.17 4211 2.41 121512 69.65 74560 42.74 13262 7.60
tenant 923871 195484 147212 75.31 5255 2.69 72560 37.12 5663 2.90 145705 74.54 96615 49.42 16543 8.46
Tenant 25721 8198 5148 62.80 189 2.31 2701 32.95 285 3.48 5645 68.86 2970 36.23 368 4.49
Large 229545 32108 24373 75.91 2666 8.30 11730 36.53 991 3.09 23099 71.94 15277 47.58 3596 11.20
Owner 143002 18078 13640 75.45 1131 6.26 6399 35.40 533 2.95 12605 69.73 7959 44.03 1912 10.58
tenant 84779 13542 10437 77.07 1493 11.02 5183 38.27 436 3.22 10179 75.17 7126 52.62 1654 12.21
Tenant 1764 488 296 60.66 42 8.61 148 30.33 22 4.51 315 64.55 192 39.34 30 6.15
All 3344257 112143 21648 19.30 396 0.35 13321 11.88 717 0.64 26757 23.86 14409 12.85 2150 1.92
Owner 1950070 75311 12906 17.14 263 0.35 8166 10.84 481 0.64 17016 22.59 9157 12.16 1305 1.73
tenant 140322 16178 7590 46.92 119 0.74 4079 25.21 189 1.17 7790 48.15 4332 26.78 748 4.62
Tenant 1253865 20654 1152 5.58 14 0.07 1076 5.21 47 0.23 1951 9.45 920 4.45 97 0.47
Non-farm 3031650 75177 6137 8.16 117 0.16 5223 6.95 299 0.40 10283 13.68 5141 6.84 593 0.79
Owner 1709428 53938 5264 9.76 99 0.18 4370 8.10 256 0.47 8588 15.92 4350 8.06 510 0.95
tenant 73449 1847 174 9.42 8 0.43 104 5.63 5 0.27 257 13.91 129 6.98 20 1.08
Tenant 1248773 19392 699 3.60 10 0.05 749 3.86 38 0.20 1438 7.42 662 3.41 63 0.32
Farm size:
Small 280863 32390 13060 40.32 190 0.59 6959 21.49 365 1.13 14321 44.21 8002 24.71 1223 3.78
Owner 217927 18729 6432 34.34 118 0.63 3260 17.41 193 1.03 7369 39.35 4193 22.39 634 3.39
tenant 58056 12465 6207 49.80 68 0.55 3394 27.23 164 1.32 6468 51.89 3570 28.64 559 4.48
Tenant 4880 1196 421 35.20 4 0.33 305 25.50 8 0.67 484 40.47 239 19.98 30 2.51
Medium 26893 3961 2164 54.63 63 1.59 989 24.97 48 1.21 1921 48.50 1116 28.17 277 6.99
Owner 18929 2210 1013 45.84 27 1.22 441 19.95 28 1.27 905 40.95 512 23.17 124 5.61
tenant 7769 1688 1119 66.29 36 2.13 526 31.16 19 1.13 987 58.47 585 34.66 149 8.83
Tenant 195 63 32 50.79 - - 22 34.92 1 1.59 29 46.03 19 30.16 4 6.35
Large 4851 615 287 46.67 26 4.23 150 24.39 5 0.81 232 37.72 150 24.39 57 9.27
Owner 3786 434 197 45.39 19 4.38 95 21.89 4 0.92 154 35.48 102 23.50 37 8.53
tenant 1048 178 90 50.56 7 3.93 55 30.90 1 0.56 78 43.82 48 26.97 20 11.24
Tenant 17 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source: Agriculture Census 2008 BBS.

9.2 Forestry

Table: 9.2.1 District-Wise Forest Area 2009-10 to 2011-12.

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
District Area in
Area in acre Sq./mile Area in acre Area in Sq/mile Area in acres

Bandarban 799246.09 1248.82 799246.09 1248.82 799246.09

Chittagong 420071.80 656.36 420071.80 656.36 418594.35
Khagrachari 554116.21 865.81 554116.21 865.81 554116.21
Cox's Bazar 232421.92 363.16 232421.92 363.16 232421.92
Rangamati 1394306.41 2178.60 1394306.41 2178.60 1394284.90
Comilla 1678.64 2.62 1678.64 2.62 1720.92
Chandpur - - - - -
Brahmanbaria - - - - -
Noakhali 384784.72 60.12 384784.72 60.12 384784.72
Lakshmipur 50000.00 78.13 50000.00 78.13 50000.00
Feni 20000.00 31.25 20000.00 31.25 20191.43
Sylhet 59384.62 92.79 59384.62 92.79 59384.62
Maulavibazar 76703.10 119.85 76703.10 119.85 76204.61
Sunamgonj 17614.45 27.52 17614.45 27.52 17614.45
Hobigonj 36938.24 57.72 36938.24 57.72 36086.73
Dhaka 934.74 1.46 934.74 1.46 934.74
Gazipur 64620.42 100.97 64620.42 100.97 64620.42
Manikgonj - - - - -
Munsigonj - - - - -
Narayangonj - - - - -
Narsingdi - - - - -
Jamalpur 10364.39 16.19 10364.39 16.19 10264.39
Sherpur 19468.69 30.42 19468.69 30.42 20074.88
Netrokona 1824.68 2.85 1824.68 2.85 2356.17
Mymenshingh 38701.26 60.47 38701.26 60.47 38701.27
Tangail 122876.90 192.00 122876.90 192.00 122876.90
Perojpur 7442.00 11.63 7442.00 11.63 6000.00
Bhola 360000.00 562.50 360000.00 562.50 360000.00
Jessore - - - - -
Jhenaidah - - - - -
Magura - - - - -
Khulna 357400.00 558.44 357400.00 558.44 357400.00
Bagerhat 667531.00 1043.02 667531.00 1043.02 667531.00
Satkhira 400965.00 626.51 400965.00 626.51 400865.00
Kushtia - - - - -
Patuakhali 189802.25 296.57 189802.25 296.57 150000.00
Barguna 88771.60 138.71 88771.60 138.71 75000.00
Bogra 518.70 0.81 518.70 0.81 -
Dinajpur 18750.10 29.30 18750.10 29.30 18750.10
Thakurgaon 2239.60 3.50 2239.60 3.50 2239.60
Panchagar 4611.31 7.21 4611.31 7.21 4611.31
Rajshahi 79.04 0.12 79.04 0.12 -
Noagaon 7147.64 11.17 7147.64 11.17 7147.64
Natore 602.68 0.94 602.68 0.94 -
Rangpur 3941.12 6.16 3941.12 6.16 3446.71
Kurigram 128.61 0.20 128.61 0.20 128.61
Nilphamari 2628.73 4.11 2628.73 4.11 1200.08
Lalmonirhat 82.62 0.13 82.62 0.13 82.62
BANGLADESH 6418699.28 10029.22 6418699.28 10029.22 6358982.39
Note: Total may slitely differ due to rounding.
Source : Office of the Chief Conservator of Forest.

Table: 9.2.2 Upazila and Zila Wise Total Area of Forest 2010-11.
Protected Forest TotalForest
Sl. Reserve Un- TotalForest
District Name UpaZila Name Acqired Vested Area Unclassed Khas
no Forest classed Area
20th 4&6 Forest Forest Control by StateForest F.Area
Forest (Acres)
Amendments Amendments F.D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Dhaka Savar 0 934.74 0 0 0 0 934.74 0 0 934.74
Toatal 1 0 934.74 0 0 0 0 934.74 0 0 934.74
2 Narayangonj Sonargaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fatulla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Munshigonj Munshigonj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Manikgonj Manikgonj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toatal 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Narshingdi Narshingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shibpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Gazipur Gazipur 0 14963.67 0 0 0 0 14963.67 0 0 14963.67
Kaliakair 677.08 18839.97 0 0 0 0 19517.05 0 0 19517.05
Shreepur 0 27583..46 0 0 0 0 27583.46 0 0 27583.46
Kapasia 0 2487.20 0 0 0 0 2487.20 0 0 2487.20
Kaligonj 0 69.04 0 0 0 0 69.04 0 0 69.04
Total 5 677.08 63943.34 0 0 0 0 64620.42 0 0 64620.64
7 Tangail Sakhipur 38232.28 8988.32 0 0 0 0 47220.60 0 0 47220.60
Mirzapur 7275.93 300.43 0 0 0 0 7576.36 0 0 7576.36
Kalihati 191.02 468.27 0 0 0 0 659.29 0 0 659.29
Ghatail 7251.01 14604.46 0 0 0 0 21855.47 0 0 21855.47
Madhupur 2526.14 43039.04 0 0 0 0 45565.18 0 0 45565.18
Total 5 55476.38 67400.52 0 0 0 0 122876.9 0 0 122876.90
8 Mymensingh Bhaluka 603.49 22317.59 0 0 0 0 22921.08 0 0 22921.08
Trisal 102.17 0 0 0 0 0 102.17 0 0 102.17
Fulbaria 6436.09 86.33 0 0 0 0 6522.42 0 0 6522.42
Muktagacha 966.82 6678.24 0 0 0 0 7645.06 0 0 7645.06
Haluaghat 248.24 1006.97 0 0 0 0 1255.21 0 0 1255.21
Dhubaura 0 255.32 0 0 0 0 255.32 0 0 255.32
Total 6 8356.81 30344.45 0 0 0 0 38701.26 0 0 38701.26
9 Netrokona Durgapur 0 1398.54 0 0 0 0 1398.54 0 0 1398.54
Kalmakandha 0 426.14 0 0 0 0 426.14 0 0 426.14
Total 2 0 1824.68 0 0 0 0 1824.68 0 0 1824.68
10 Jamalpur sadar 0 3269.47 0 0 0 0 3269.47 0 0 3269.47
Bakshigonj 0 7094.92 0 0 0 0 7094.92 0 0 7094.92
Total 2 0 10364.39 0 0 0 0 10364.39 0 0 10364.39
11 Sherpur Jhinaighati 0 9464.63 0 0 0 0 9464.63 0 0 9464.63
Nalitabari 0 3786 0 0 0 0 3786 0 0 3786
Shreebardi 0 6218.06 0 0 0 0 6218.06 0 0 6218.06
Total 3 0 19468.69 0 0 0 0 19468.69 0 0 19468.69
12 Comilla Cimilla sadar 0 1596.86 0 0 0 0 1596.86 0 0 1596.86
Choddagram 0 81.78 0 0 0 0 81.78 0 0 81.78
Chandina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Muradnagar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 0 1678.64 0 0 0 0 1678.64 0 0 1678.64
13 Sylhet Sylhet sadar 1443 0 0 0 0 0 1443 0 0 1443
Goinghat 14167.29 12211.02 0 0 0 0 26378.31 0 0 26378.31
Companigonj 5833.95 18932.02 0 0 0 0 24765.97 0 0 24765.97
Kanaighat 0 1706.76 0 0 0 0 1706.76 517.75 0 2224.51
Jaintapur 0 4101.70 0 0 0 0 4101.70 471.13 0 4572.83
Total 5 21444.24 36951.50 0 0 0 0 58395.74 988.88 0 59384.62

Protected Forest Veste

Sl. Reserve Un- TotalForest
District Name Upazila Name Acqired d Unclassed Khas TotalForest
no 4&6 Forest classed Area
20th Forest Fores StateForest F.Area Area (Acres)
Amendme Forest Control by F.D
Amendments t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 Habiganj Madhabpur 4765 2500 0 0 0 0 7265 0 0 7265
Chunarughat 17856.22 4459.39 0 0 0 0 22315.61 0 0 22315.61
Bahubal 3307.63 0 0 0 0 0 3307.63 2200 1350 6857.63
Nabiganj 500 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 500
Total 4 26428.85 6959.39 0 0 0 0 33388.24 2200 1350 36938.24
15 Maulvibazar Kamalganj 26995.23 841.30 0 0 0 0 27836.53 0 0 27836.53
M.bazar sadar 885.87 0 0 95 0 0 980.87 0 0 980.87
Kulaura 14882.55 3006.58 0 10837 0 0 28726.13 0 0 28726.13
Sreemangal 2867 0 0 0 0 0 2867 1079.41 0 3946.41
Rajnagar 274.26 0 0 0 0 0 274.26 0 0 274.26
Baralekha 13570.90 1368 0 0 0 0 14938.90 0 0 14938.90
Total 6 59475.81 5215.88 0 10932 0 0 75623.69 1079.41 0 76703.10
16 Sunamganj Taherpur 2102.80 1500 0 0 0 0 3602.8 0 0 3602.80
Bhisambarpur 0 2000 0 0 0 0 2000 0 0 2000
S.ganj sadar 600 1015 0 0 0 0 1615 0 0 1615
Dharmapasha 0 1500 0 0 0 0 1500 0 0 1500
Chatak 891.40 2447.27 0 0 0 0 3338.67 0 0 3338.67
Doarabazar 5087.62 470.36 0 0 0 0 5557.98 0 0 5557.98
Total 6 8681.82 8932.63 0 0 0 0 17614.45 0 0 17614.45
17 Bagerhat Sharankhola 341,790.00 0 0 0 0 0 341790 0 0 341790
Morelganj 58,130.00 0 0 0 0 0 58130 0 0 58130
Mongla 267,611.00 0 0 0 0 0 267611 0 0 267611
Total 3 667,511.00 0 0 0 0 0 667531 0 0 667531
18 Khulna Dakop 122,240.00 0 0 0 0 0 122240 0 0 122240
Koira 235,160.00 0 0 0 0 0 235160 0 0 235160
Total 2 357,400.00 0 0 0 0 0 357400 0 0 357400
19 Satkhira Shampur 400,965.00 0 0 0 0 0 400965 0 0 400965
Debahata 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Satkhira sadar 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 400,965.00 0 0 0 0 0 400965 0 0 400965
20 Rangamati Rangamati sadar 0.00 7000 0 0 0 0 7000 88406 19.80 95425.80
Bhagaichari 333,799.80 0 0 0 0 0 333799.80 83519.72 0 417319.52
Langadu 6,723.00 7514.30 0 0 0 0 14237.30 82488.60 0 96725.90
Barkal 582.40 0 0 0 0 0 582.40 192866.10 0 193448.50
Kaptai 20,804.02 10605.17 0 1.5 0 0 31410.69 67609.34 1 99021.03
Bilaichari 148,622.60 0 0 0 0 0 148622.60 37818.40 0 186441
Jurachari 39,915.00 0 0 0 0 0 39915 84095.50 0 124010.50
Kawkhali 6,329.00 6591.74 0 0 0 0 12920.74 28090.40 0.71 41011.85
Naniarchar 0.00 15000 0 0 0 0 15000 66540.36 0 81540.36
Rajasthali 16,489.33 10,416.50 0 0 0 0 26905.83 32456.12 0 59361.95
Total 10 573,265.15 57127.71 0 1.5 0 0 630394.36 763890.54 21.51 1394306.41
21 Khagrachari Kharachari sadar 7,642.71 1989.29 0 0 0 0 9632 59027.25 0 68659.25
Dighinala 71,567.62 1825.88 0 0 0 459 73852.50 99820.57 0 173673.07
Mahalchari 5,802.50 807.50 0 0 0 1420 8030 42055.77 0 50085.77
Lakshmichari 0.00 0 0 0 0 165 165 34639.39 0 34804.39
Matiranga 2,180.00 1605 0 0 0 1225.51 5010.51 95049.36 0 100059.87
Panchari 1,300.00 1115 0 0 0 933.25 3348.25 95049.36 0 10059.87
Ramnagar 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 31413.83 0 31413.83
Manikchari 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 19863.29 0 19863.29
Total 8 88,492.83 7342.67 0 0 0 4202.76 100038.26 454077.95 0 554116.21

Sl. District Name Upazila Name Protected Forest Reserve Acqired Vested Un- TotalForest Unclassed TotalForest
no Forest Forest Forest classed Area StateForest Area
20th 4&6
Forest Control by (Acres)
Amendments Amendments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
22 Bandarban sadar 9,881.00 3264.63 0 0 0 7770.83 20916.46 104217.97 0 125134.43
Roangchari 40,378.40 1135.6 0 0 0 5600 47114 72207.6 0 119321.60
Thanshi 82,080.00 0 0 0 0 11266 93346 98410.8 0 191756.80
Ruma 7,500.00 0 0 0 0 10757.92 18257.92 71982.08 0 90240
Lama 0.00 8540.19 0 0 0 0 8540.19 41723.28 0 50263.47
Naikhongchari 0.00 4840 0 0 0 1000 5840 77136.08 0 82976.08
Alikadam 102,854.00 5754.98 0 0 0 2250 110858.98 28694.73 0 139553.71
Total 7 242,693.40 23535.4 0 0 0 38644.75 304873.55 494372.54 0 799246.09
23 Chittaganj Panchlaish 0.00 0 91.67 0 0 0 91.67 0 0 91.67
Doublemuring 0.00 0 406.14 0 0 0 406.14 0 0 406.14
Sitakunda 8,196.00 0 3577.46 0 3450.66 0 15224.12 0 0 15224.12
Miresharai 32,900.00 0 0 0 0 0 32900 0 0 32900
Fatikchari 58,310.00 0 12600.13 769.18 2629.52 0 74308.83 0 0 74308.83
Hathajari 5,084.00 0 2950.94 0 0 0 8034.94 0 0 8034.94
Raujan 2,388.00 0 1825.35 171.6 0 0 4384.95 0 0 4384.95
Rangunia 15,041.00 0 10836.83 0 431.76 0 26309.59 0 0 26309.59
Patia 17,775.00 0 0 6783.33 0 0 24558.33 0 0 24558.33
Boalkhali 2,434.00 0 5.45 0 0 0 2439.45 0 0 2439.45
Chandanaish 13,471.00 0 0 0 0 0 13471 0 0 13471
Satkania 9,134.00 1477.45 2370.27 0 0 0 12981.72 0 0 12981.72
Lohagara 10,087.00 0 8672.75 0 0 0 18759.75 0 0 18759.75
Banshkhali 13,859.00 2077.07 3098.47 2166.77 0 0 21201.31 0 0 21201.31
* UpakulForest 0.00 165000 0 0 0 0 165000 0 0 16500
Total 14 188,679.00 168554.52 46435.46 9890.88 6511.94 0 420071.8 0 0 420071.80
24 Cox's bazar Chakoria 42993.50 0 8344.98 0 0 0 51338.48 0 0 51338.48
Cox's bazar 17,417.00 0 5464 0 0 0 22881 0 0 22881
Ramu 35,902.00 0 10000 0 0 0 45902 0 0 45902
Ukhia 35,506.00 0 8143.03 0 0 0 43649.03 0 0 43649.03
Teknap 37,082.00 0 1569.41 0 0 0 38651.41 0 0 38651.41
* UpakulForest 0.00 30,000.00 0 0 0 0 30000 0 0 30000
Total 168,900.50 30,000.00 33,521.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 232,421.92 0.00 0.00 232,421.92
25 Bhola Total Upazila 73,421.78 286578.22 0 0 0 0 360000 0 0 360000
Total 73,421.78 286578.22 0 0 0 0 360000 0 0 360000
26 Patuakhali Total Upazila 33,085.87 116914.13 0 0 0 0 150,000.00 0 39802.25 189,802.25
Total 33,085.87 116914.13 0 0 0 0 150,000.00 0 39802.25 189,802.25
27 Barguna Total Upazila 26,350.50 48,649.50 0 0 0 0 75,000.00 0 13771.6 88,771.60
Total 26,350.50 48,649.50 0 0 0 0 75,000.00 0 13771.6 88,771.60
28 Perojpur Total Upazila 0.00 6,000.00 0 0 0 0 6,000.00 0 1442 7,442.00
Total 0.00 6,000.00 0 0 0 0 6,000.00 0 1442 7,442.00
29 Noakhali Total Upazila 0.00 380,000.00 4784.72 0 0 0 384,784.72 0 0 384,784.72
Total 0.00 380,000.00 4784.72 0 0 0 384,784.72 0 0 384,784.72
30 Feni Total Upazila 0.00 20,000.00 0 0 0 0 20,000.00 0 0 20,000.00
Total 0.00 20,000.00 0 0 0 0 20,000.00 0 0 20,000.00
Lakshmipur Total Upazila 0.00 50,000.00 0 0 0 0 50,000.00 0 0 50,000.00
Total 0.00 50,000.00 0 0 0 0 50,000.00 0 0 50,000.00
31 Dinajpur Dinajpur sadar 102.61 17.94 0 0 0 0 120.55 0 0 120.55
Birampur 1,858.19 396.32 0 0 0 0 2,254.51 0 0 2,254.51
Nababganj 6,342.00 2,732.15 0 0 0 0 9,074.15 0 0 9,074.15
Ghoraghat 467.03 0.00 0 0 0 0 467.03 0 0 467.03
Parbatipur 2,028.63 199.49 0 0 0 0 2,228.12 0 0 2,228.12
Fulbari 215.77 0.00 0 0 0 0 215.77 0 0 215.77

Protected Forest TotalForest

Sl. Reserve Un- Unclassed TotalForest
District Name Upazila Name Acqired Vested Area Khas
no 20th 4&6 Forest classed StateFore Area
Forest Forest Control by F.Area
Amendment Amendm Forest st (Acres)
s ents
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Biral 2,603.09 126.27 0 0 0 0 2,729.36 0 0 2,729.36
Birganj 1,271.81 0.00 0 0 0 0 1,271.81 0 0 1,271.81
Kaharole 146.57 0.00 0 0 0 0 146.57 0 0 146.57
Khansama 1.59 0.00 0 0 0 0 1.59 0 0 1.59
Bhochaganj 172.86 67.78 0 0 0 0 240.64 0 0 240.64
Total 10 15,210.15 3,539.95 0 0 0 0 18,750.10 0 0 18,750.10
32 Thakurgaon sadar 30.44 0.00 0 0 0 0 30.44 0 0 30.44
Baliadangi 0.00 768.32 0 0 0 0 768.32 0 0 768.32
Pirganj 1,048.09 4.12 0 0 0 0 1,052.21 0 0 1,052.21
Ranisangkail 38.58 313.97 0 0 0 0 352.55 0 0 352.55
Haripur 0.00 36.08 0 0 0 0 36.08 0 0 36.08
Total 5 1,117.11 1,122.49 0 0 0 0 2,239.60 0 0 2,239.60
33 Panchagar Panchagar 0.00 1197.92 0 0 0 0 1197.92 0 0 1197.92
Tetulia 1.59 1,044.51 0 0 0 0 1,046.10 0 0 1,046.10
Debiganj 0.00 1,527.10 0 0 0 0 1,527.10 0 0 1,527.10
Boda 31.69 808.50 0 0 0 0 840.19 0 0 840.19
Total 4 33.28 4,578.03 0 0 0 0 4,611.31 0 0 4,611.31
34 Rangpur Mithapukur 365.56 0.00 0 0 0 1,679.20 0 0 1,679.20
Pirganj 887.89 0.00 0 24.02 333.62 0 1,245.53 0 0 1,245.53
Badarganj 422.69 0.00 0 0 99.29 0 521.98 0 494.41 1,016.39
Total 3 1,676.14 0.00 0 24.02 0 3,446.71 0 494.41 3,941.12
35 Nilphamari Domar 0.00 0.00 127.40 0 365.36 0 492.76 0 11.43 504.19
Dimla 0.00 0.00 192.41 0 150.12 0 342.53 0 1241.15 1,583.68
Jaldhaka 0.00 0.00 328.78 0 36.01 0 364.79 0 176.07 540.86
Total 3 0.00 0.00 648.59 0 551.49 0 1,200.08 0 1428.65 2,628.73
36 Kurigram Nageshari 128.61 0.00 0 0 0 0 128.61 0 0.00 128.61
Total 1 128.61 0.00 0 0 0 0 128.61 0 0.00 128.61
37 Lalmonirhat Hatibhandha 82.62 0.00 0 0 0 0 82.62 0 0 82.62
Total 1 82.62 0.00 0 0 0 0 82.62 0 0 82.62
38 Naogaon Niamatpur 28.27 0.00 575.79 0 0 0 604.06 0 0 604.06
Porsha 44,.72 0.00 0 0 0 0 44.72 0 0 44.72
Dhamairhat 330.95 0.00 828.13 0 376.76 0 1,535.84 0 0 1,535.84
Patnitala 70.01 0.00 3152.96 0 305.23 0 3,528.20 0 0 3,528.20
Sapahar 0.00 0.00 1434.82 0 0 0 1,434.82 0 0 1,434.82
Total 5 473.95 0.00 5991.70 0 681.99 0 7,147.64 0 0 7,147.64
39 Natore Lalpur 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 602.68 602.68
Total 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 602.68 602.68
40 Rajshahi Godabari 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 69.16 69.16
Paba 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 9.88 9.88
Total 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 79.04 79.04
41 Bagura Sariakandhi 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 518.70 518.70
Total 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 518.70 518.70
Grand Total 3,020,047.88 1,457,171.47 91381.89 20848.40 9491.97 42847.51 4642579.12 1716609.32 59510.84 6418699.28

Source: Office of the Chief Conservator of Forest.


9.3 Fisheries
Table-9.3.1 Sector –Wise Annual Fish Production in Inland and Marine
Fisheries, 2010-11 for July 2010- 11

Sector of Fisheries Water Area Total Catch Catch/Area

(Hectare) (Metric Ton) (Kg/Hectare)

A. Inland Fisheries
(i) Capture
1. River & Estuaries 853863 144566 169
2. Sundarbans 177700 22451 126
3. Beel 114161 81564 714
4. KaptaiLake 68330 8980 131
5. Flood Plain 2810410 797024 284
Capture Total 4024934 1054585 34.45%
(ii) Culture
1. Pond & Ditch 371309 1219736 3285
2. Semi closed (Flood Plain) 25435 51230 2014
3.. Baor 5488 4864 886
4. Shrimp/Prawn Farm 276492 18939 669
Culture Total 678724 1460769 47.71%

Inland Total 4003658 2515354 82.16%

B. Marine Fisheries
(i) Industrial Fisheries (Trawl) 41665
(ii) Artisanal Fisheries 504668
Marine Total 546333 17.84

COUNTRY TOTAL 3061687 100%

SOURCE: 1. Total catch of River, Beel & Baor of the inland fisheries was estimated on the basis of Frame Survey prepared in 1981-1983.
2. KaptaiLake catch has been estimated by BFDC & FRSS and Sundarbans catch by Forest Department.
3. Total catch of the Industrial fisheries was estimated by the Marine sector, Department of Fisheries.
4. Area of Sundarbans : On the basis of Integrated Resource Development of the Sundarbans Reserved Forest,1994

Table 9.3.2. Sector-wise Annual Fish Production in Inland and Marine Fisheries-2011-12

Water Area Total

Sector of Fisheries Production Kg/Hectare
(Hectare) (Metric Ton)
A. Inland Fisheries
(i) Inland Open Water (Capture)
1. River and Estuary 853863 145613 171
2. Sundarbans 177700 21610 122
3. Beel 114161 85208 746
4. KaptaiLake 68800 8537 124
5. Flood Plain* 2710766 696127 257

Capture Total 3925290 957095 29.34%

(ii) Inland Closed Water (Culture)

6. Pond 371309 1342282 3615
7. Seasonal cultured water body 122026 182293 1494
8. Baor 5488 5186 945
9. Shrimp/Prawn Farm 275232 196306 713
Culture Total 774055 1726067 52.92%

Inland Fisheries Total 4699345 2683162 82.26%

B. Marine Fisheries
10. Industrial (Trawl) 73386
11. Artisanal 505234
Marine Fisheries Total 578620 17.74%
COUNTRY TOTAL 3261782 100%

Source: 1. Catch of River, Beel and Baor estimated by catch assessment survey on the basis of Frame Survey prepared in 1981-1983.
2. Area of River, Beel and Baor from SPARRSO (Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization) Report, 1983.
3. Catch of KaptaiLake by BFDC (Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation) and DoF (Department of Fisheries).
4. Catch of Sundarbans by Forest Department.
5. Area of Sundarbans on the basis of Integrated Resource Development of Sundarbans Reserved Forest, 1994.
6. Catch of Marine Fisheries by Marine Sector, Department of Fisheries.
Seasonal cultured water body: Paddy field, Flood plain, Boropit etc. under in fish culture.
*Recently 122026 hectare Flood Plain area is converted into Seasonal cultured water body for modern aqua-culture system.

Table : 9.3.3 Division-wise Annual Fish Production in Inland Water 2010-11

[Unit : Metric Ton]
District River Sundar- Beel KaptaiLa Flood Pond Semiclosed Baor Shrimp/ Total
bans ke Plain culture Prawn Farm

Dhaka 600 384 31287 4797 304 0.00 37432

Faridpur 1839 291 5319 1993 63 245 8.00 18758
Gazipur 176 529 19577 17057 934 2.25 28275
Gopalganj 310 410 5555 28067 518 156 1477.14 36493
Jamalpur 658 1550 11012 13800 123 10.60 27154
Kishorganj 1124 6754 33454 15432 54 0.00 57818
Madaripur 764 121 8195 6231 222 231 67.04 15831
Manikganj 1008 341 10954 7175 165 0.56 9643
Munshiganj 1644 40 6643 3685 208 0.00 12220
Mymensingh 414 5999 64406 218952 329 33.67 260134
Narsingdi 798 89 23207 5406 204 0.33 29704
Narayanganj 771 456 7369 10558 623 0.00 19777
Netrakona 371 9160 33965 26999 278 3.60 70777
Rajbari 2231 116 8213 6375 32 214 0.00 17181
Sariatpur 1388 37 6450 9301 438 1.00 17614
Sherpur 17 2475 12673 10894 104 0.00 26163
Tangail 121 1268 8388 24256 411 8.64 14453

Dhaka DIV. 14294 30020 266667 419978 5010 846 1611.8. 738427

Barisal 21400 8 7113 21593 3560 463.00 54137

Barguna 10457 0 3294 5095 37 224.15 19107
Bhola 20193 1 7114 14467 1723 37.20 54137
Jhalokathi 989 3 3342 2851 915 25.10 43535
Patuakhali 7519 0 8236 9477 301 3490.86 8125
Pirojpur 6489 5 3173 14146 1399 1413.27 29029

Barisal DIV. 67047 0 17 32272 67629 7935 0 565.58 180553

Bagerhat 5195 20928 13 6477 1852*9 470 50217.62 101830
Chuadanga 21 479 2892 6167 965 1022 0.00 11546
Jessore 222 1000 17954 52037 1555 1089 12752.20 86609
Jhenaidah 46 441 1620 16882 1657 358 1.75 21006
Khulna 614 914 83 7362 9053 2933 185 35775.90 56920
Kushtia 402 239 13807 13723 191 198 0.00 28564
Magura 347 123 1738 9132 1860 402 7.12 13609
Meherpur 28 141 2173 4205 153 455 0.00 7155
Narail 203 225 3350 4260 1360 214 1743.20 11356
Satkhira 212 609 18 3360 10922 175 94 44139.01 59529

Khulna DIV. 7290 22451s 2762 60733 144914 11319 4018 144636.8 398124


[Unit : Metric Ton]

District River Sundar- Beel KaptaiLake Flood Pond Semiclosed Baor Shrimp/ Total
bans Plain culture Prawn Farm
Dinajpur 111 178 9401 22791 337 15.21 32833
Gaibandha 1003 480 21423 6348 84 0.00 29338
Kurigram 437 676 7700 7310 171 2.18 16296
Lalmonirhat 47 157 3127 6780 164 0.80 10276
Nilphamari 69 82 3930 6833 57 0.00 10981
Panchagarh 11 24 3547 4825 20 0.00 8427
Rangpur 63 1630 8778 8606 379 0.30 19456

Thakurgaon 26 75 4039 15295 9 6.50 19451

Rangpur DIV. 1761 3312 0 61945 78788 122 0 24.99 147058

Bogra 116 1433 11223 46007 1948 0.36 60727

C.Nawabganj 330 2013 3553 7756 45 0.00 13797

Jaypurhat 249 71 7845 14360 546 0.00 23071

Naogaon 17 3129 28495 43582 2161 11.98 773969
Natore 26*9 533 13085 17494 *96 1.30 31478
Pabna 1925 1196 9798 31359 4528 0.70 48780
Rajshahi 652 2146 12046 57811 2288 0.00 74943

Sirajganj 444 664 19054 13684 1396 1.347 335243

Rajshahi DIV. 4102 11158 0 105099 232053 13008 0 15.71 365435
Bandarban 20 0 253 1401 217 0.00 1891
Brahmanbaria 1422 266 16058 18876 427 0.00 37049
Chandpur 19020 167 10694 31061 548 34.97 66925
Chittagong 944 21 41282 35289 96 1462.50 79095
Comilla 900 107 43910 63483 7131 0.00 115831
Cox's Bazar 8187 0 4966 5516 329 31374.00 44372
Feni 1607 0 23625 13399 591 0.00 39222
Khagrachari H.T. 72 12 0 2091 3649 0.00 2524
Laksmipur 19928 0 18422 19845 425 0.00 5/8620
Noakhali 2134 1 18807 31315 1368 117.98 53743
Rangamati H.T. 65 7 8980 0 471 71 0.00 9624
Chittagong DIV. 48299 611 8980 183417 222747 11852 0 32989.45 508896
Habiganj 143 3078 5976 10210 27 0.58 19435
Moulvi Bazar 628 2873 15859 14748 47 1.00 34156
Sunamganj 501 22534 39226 20404 527 0.00 83192
Sylhet 495 5199 25830 8265 284 4.80 40078
Sylhet DIV. 1767 33684 86891 53627 885 6.38 176861
Grand Total 144566 22451 81564 8980 797024 1219736 51230 4864 184938.74 2515354
% 5.75 0.89 3.24 0.36 31.69 48.49 2.04 0.19 7.35 100.00
Note : '0' M.T. catch means less than '0.5' M.T. (500 Kg.)

Table 9.3.4. District-wise Annual Fish Production in Inland Water-2011-12

(Unit: Metric Ton)
Sundar Flood cultured
District River Beel KaptaiLake Pond Baor Prawn Total
bans Plain water

Dhaka 555 387 10966 5325 2944 0 0.54 20177.54

Faridpur 1444 325 9240 11161 2724 326 24.39 25244.39

Gazipur 182 858 15154 16678 4598 0 0.00 37470.00

Gopalganj 278 484 7969 10744 1465 135 1279.94 22354.94

Jamalpur 487 1498 5151 9166 3137 0 0.10 19439.10

Kishorganj 1077 6871 28217 17947 4098 0 0.82 58210.82

Madaripur 591 166 6339 7648 30 144 147.39 15065.39

Manikganj 336 400 11427 6586 402 0 0.25 19151.25

Munshiganj 1081 40 16489 4987 607 0 1.57 23205.57

Mymensingh 419 6786 32969 243100 5311 0 3.12 288588.12

Narayanganj 907 91 5744 5827 2666 0 1.28 15236.28

Narsingdi 1381 465 9757 10807 1879 0 0.00 24289.00

Netrakona 378 8137 7477 25471 324 0 1.15 41788.15

Rajbari 923 125 8798 7137 303 350 0.00 17636.00

Shariatpur 935 51 6597 8839 168 0 4.71 16594.71

Sherpur 18 2415 3122 14475 1592 0 0.00 21622.00

Tangail 193 1250 5624 27469 2527 0 2.69 37065.69

Dhaka Div. 11185 0 30349 0 191040 433367 34775 955 1467.95 703138.95

Bagerhat 5115 19745 22 2668 13570 7486 0 53775.84 102381.84

Chuadanga 26 626 2679 7052 256 1045 0.00 11684.00

Jessore 240 1191 26782 79868 23180 1128 13995.45 146384.45

Jhenaidah 58 490 5544 15368 4134 465 1.48 26060.48

Khulna 503 1119 147 7272 10475 2794 160 34824.26 57294.26

Kushtia 452 285 6465 12454 1171 382 4.11 21213.11

Magura 354 164 3365 5602 209 491 1.22 10186.22

Meherpur 32 196 2741 3948 645 259 0.00 7821.00

Narail 215 302 2619 3424 2994 220 2343.51 12117.51

Satkhira 105 746 19 3938 14729 5766 81 48580.44 73964.44

Khulna Div. 7100 21610 3442 0 64073 166490 48635 4231 153526.31 469107.31
Barguna 1391 0 3484 5455 2073 65.99 12468.99
Barisal 15280 18 7099 27442 8846 426.91 59111.91
Bhola 22976 1 7480 26941 91 0.00 57489.00
Jhalokathi 698 3 3961 2819 230 68.96 7779.96
Patuakhali 5676 0 8320 17151 9633 3446.64 44226.64
Pirojpur 3032 8 3827 11511 1130 1835.98 21343.98
Barisal Div. 49053 0 30 0 34171 91319 22003 0 5844.48 202420.48


[Unit : Metric Ton]

Sundar Shrimp/
District River Beel KaptaiLake Flood Plain Pond cultured Baor Total
bans Prawn Farm
water body

Dinajpur 117 292 6242 25619 2773 30.25 35073.25

Gaibandha 799 502 8330 6463 268 0.00 16362.00

Kurigram 522 598 12557 7301 598 2.57 21578.57

Lalmonirhat 61 253 2188 6452 316 1.22 9271.22

Nilphamari 79 281 3658 7413 93 0.12 11524.12

Panchagarh 17 33 2438 5752 0 0.42 8240.42

Rangpur 75 1306 7521 9094 810 6.81 18812.81

Thakurgaon 33 176 3830 15846 152 2.48 20039.48

Rangpur Div. 1703 0 3441 0 46764 83940 5010 0 43.87 140901.87

Bogra 204 1581 10330 49370 1107 0.47 62592.47

C.Nawabganj 724 2269 2139 8665 121 0.08 13918.08

Joypurhat 264 107 6403 13592 578 3.12 20947.12

Naogaon 26 3546 12600 43903 2799 10.32 62884.32

Natore 465 685 9141 25211 428 1.33 35931.33

Pabna 2239 1298 10542 29542 2176 0.90 45797.90

Rajshahi 380 2787 15242 44751 5049 0.00 68209.00

Sirajganj 971 554 23080 16436 4407 1.33 45449.33

Rajshahi Div. 5273 0 12827 0 89477 231470 16665 0 17.55 355729.55

Bandarban 27 0 225 1090 2 3.38 1347.38

Brahmanbaria 837 244 19823 24348 935 0.00 46187.00

Chandpur 24341 126 21998 33895 1555 38.12 81953.12

Chittagong 1575 20 39902 44648 469 1433.17 88047.17

Comilla 670 154 12482 105398 31833 136.17 150673.17

Cox's Bazar 44 0 3239 3139 315 33577.74 40314.74

Feni 799 0 13832 15415 5090 0.00 35136.00

Khagrachari . 78 25 2 2075 1030 0.00 3210.00

Lakshmipur 26125 0 5212 20090 254 0.00 51681.00

Noakhali 14865 1 37216 41431 8146 214.55 101873.55

Rangamati 69 66 8537 18 658 877 0.21 10225.21

Ctg. Div. 69430 0 636 8537 153949 292187 50506 0 35403.34 610648.34

Habiganj 146 3166 27283 11871 877 0.00 43343.00

Moulvi Bazar 651 3479 27164 10573 1031 1.78 42899.78

Sunamganj 538 22901 31967 6575 636 0.72 62617.72

Sylhet 534 4937 30239 14490 2155 0.00 52355.00

Sylhet Div. 1869 0 34483 0 116653 43509 4699 0 2.50 201215.50

Total 145613 21610 85208 8537 696127 1342282 182293 5186 196306 2683162

% 5.43 0.8 3.18 0.32 25.94 50.03 6.79 0.19 7.32 100.00

Table-9.3.5 .Species/Group-Wise Annual Fish Catch of All River 2010-11

A) Annual Catch by Species [Unit : Metric Ton]
Name of River Major Other Cat Snake Live Hilsha Big Small Misc. Total %
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn
Lower Meghna 39 0 293 0 0 73327 120 436 2563 76778 93.11

Upper Meghna 367 129 124 0 0 939 135 424 2589 4707 3.26

Lower Padma 42 15 195 0 0 3317 42 105 2377 6093 4.21

Upper Padma 61 19 161 0 0 2012 60 147 947 3407 2.36

Jamuna 19 3 22 0 0 547 22 97 1534 2244 1.55

Brahmaputra 24 3 41 0 0 39 7 32 360 506 0.35

552 169 836 0 0 180181 386 1241 10370 93735 64.84
Other River (B) 862 416 1045 227 164 33939 1665 2692 9821 50831 35.16

Total (A+B) 1414 585 1881 227 164 114120 2051 3933 20191 144566 100.00

B) Percentage by Species [Unit : %]

Name of River Major Other Cat Snake Live Hilsha Big Small Misc. Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn
Lower Meghna 0.05 0 0.38 0 0 95.5 0.16 0.57 3.34 100.00

Upper Meghna 7.8 2.74 2.63 0 0 19.95 2.87 9.01 55 100.00

Lower Padma 0.69 0.25 3.2 0 0 54.44 0.69 1.72 39.01


Upper Padma 1.79 0.56 4.73 0 0 59.05 1.76 4.31 27.8


Jamuna 1.85 0.13 0.98 0 0 24.38 0.98 4.32 68.36


Brahmaputra 4.74 0.59 8.1 0 0 7.71 1.38 6.33 71.15

0.59 0.18 0.89 0 0 85.54 0.41 1.33 11.06
River(A) 100.00
Other River (B) 1.7 0.82 2.05 0.45 0.32 66.77 3.27 5.3 19.32 100.00

Total (A+B) 0.98 0.40 1.30 0.16 0.11 78.94 1.42 2.72 1397 100.00

Table: 9.3.6. Species/Group-Wise Annual Fish Catch of All River2011-12

(A) Catch in Weight [Unit : Metric Ton]

Major Other Cat Snake Live Big Small Other

Name of River Hilsha Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn Fish

Lower Meghna 31 4 144 0 0 97075 105 382 2590 100331

Upper Meghna 181 61 77 0 0 796 53 129 2833 4130

Lower Padma 29 13 68 0 0 2837 4 54 743 3748

Upper Padma 93 10 258 0 0 366 23 260 2186 3196

Jamuna 41 14 33 0 0 449 10 94 1898 2539

Brahmaputra 23 1 43 0 0 35 5 20 286 413

Principal River
Total (A) 398 103 623 0 0 101558 200 939 10536 114357
Other River Total
(B) 1011 465 1131 278 199 12785 2204 3073 10110 31256

Grand Total (A+B) 1409 568 1754 278 199 114343 2404 4012 20646 145613

(B) Catch in Percentage

Major Other Cat Snake Live Big Small Other
Hilsha Total
Name of River Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn Fish
% % % % % % % % % %

Lower Meghna 0.021 0.003 0.099 0 0 66.666 0.072 0.262 1.779 68.90

Upper Meghna 0.124 0.042 0.053 0 0 0.547 0.036 0.089 1.946 2.84

Lower Padma 0.020 0.009 0.047 0 0 1.948 0.003 0.037 0.510 2.58

Upper Padma 0.064 0.007 0.177 0 0 0.251 0.016 0.179 1.501 2.20

Jamuna 0.028 0.010 0.023 0 0 0.308 0.007 0.065 1.303 1.74

Brahmaputra 0.016 0.001 0.030 0 0 0.024 0.003 0.014 0.196 0.28

Principal River Total
(A) 0.273 0.071 0.428 0 0 69.745 0.137 0.645 7.236 78.54

Other River Total (B) 0.694 0.319 0.777 0.191 0.137 8.780 1.514 2.110 6.943 21.46

Grand Total (A+B) 0.97 0.39 1.20 0.19 0.14 78.52 1.65 2.76 14.18 100.00

Table 9.3.7 District-Wise Species Composition of Annual Fish Catch of Other River-2010-11
[Unit : Metric Ton]
Name of River Major Other Cat Snake Live Hilsha Big Small Misc. Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn
Lower Meghna
Sariatpur 1 0 2 0 0 682 4 3 18 710
Barisal 2 0 190 0 0 16844 58 103 717 17914
Bhola 25 0 75 0 0 17100 24 140 510 17874
Chandpur 7 0 22 0 0 17550 11 126 740 18456
Lakshmipur 3 0 3 0 0 19200 17 46 514 19783
Noakhali 1 0 1 0 0 1951 6 18 64 2041
Sub Total 39 0 293 0 0 73327 120 436 2563 76778
Upper Meghna
Kishoreganj 15 68 31 0 0 26 78 244 412 874
Munshiganj 7 6 8 0 0 310 10 48 452 841
Narayanganj 5 1 3 0 0 306 3 16 303 637
Narshingdi 109 10 7 0 0 34 3 14 532 709
Brahmanbaria 174 32 42 0 0 96 6 22 738 1110
Comilla 55 11 28 0 0 961 32 72 126 485
Habiganj 2 1 5 0 0 6 3 8 26 51
Sub Total 367 129 124 0 0 939 135 424 2589 4707
Lower Padma
Dhaka 3 1 36 0 0 519 14 10 32 615
Faridpur 15 6 11 0 0 1050 3 14 612 1711
Rajbari 13 3 32 0 0 280 13 27 845 1213
Madaripur 5 2 3 0 0 330 4 32 308 684
Manikganj 2 1 3 0 0 275 4 14 255 554
Munshiganj 2 1 108 0 0 410 2 3 192 718
Sariatpur 2 1 2 0 0 453 2 5 133 598
Sub Total 42 15 195 0 0 3317 42 105 2377 6093
Upper Padma
Kushtia 1 1 25 0 0 295 3 8 16 349
Nawabganj 12 8 89 0 0 172 20 36 15 352
Pabna 6 2 3 0 0 824 18 36 408 1297
Rajbari 21 3 15 0 0 308 14 40 372 773
Rajshahi 20 4 22 0 0 394 4 23 64 531
Natore 1 1 7 0 0 19 1 4 72 105
Sub Total 61 19 161 0 0 2012 60 147 947 3407
Jamalpur 2 0 3 0 0 68 1 7 144 225
Manikganj 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 384 393
Tangail 7 3 7 0 0 0 2 7 55 81
Bogra 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 15 22 40
Gaibandha 3 0 6 0 0 168 8 25 408 618
Pabna 3 0 3 0 0 126 7 30 416 585
Sirajganj 2 0 3 0 0 180 1 11 105 302
Sub Total 19 3 22 0 0 547 22 97 1534 2244
Jamalpur 2 1 8 0 0 0 3 19 140 173
Gaibandha 8 0 17 0 0 0 2 6 77 110
Kurigram 14 2 16 0 0 39 2 7 143 223
Sub Total 24 3 41 0 0 39 7 32 360 506
Total 552 169 836 0 0 80181 386 1241 10370 93735
% 0.59 0.18 5.89 0 0 85.54 0.41 1.33 11.06 100.00

Table: 9.3.8. District-Wise Species Composition of Annual Fish Catch of Principal River-2011-12
[Unit : Metric Ton]
Major Other Snake Live Big Small Other
River District
Carp Carp
Cat Fish Hilsha Fish
Head Fish Prawn Prawn
Barisal 2 0 92 12249 45 95 570 13053
Bhola 14 0 32 21915 32 84 308 22385
Chandpur 8 3 16 22920 7 124 606 23684
Lower Lakshmipur 4 1 2 24860 14 56 1015 25952
Meghna Noakhali 2 0 1 14641 6 22 86 14758
Shariatpur 1 0 1 490 1 1 5 499
Sub-Total 31 4 144 0 0 97075 105 382 2590 100331
Brahmanbaria 95 14 36 15 3 14 324 501
Comilla 34 12 18 0 14 55 89 222
Habiganj 1 0 3 5 1 4 31 45
Kishoreganj 18 34 9 74 29 13 638 815
Meghna Munshiganj 1 1 3 270 2 15 194 486
Narayanganj 3 0 2 385 1 8 342 741
Narshingdi 29 0 6 47 3 20 1215 1320
Sub-Total 181 61 77 0 0 796 53 129 2833 4130
Dhaka 6 1 15 463 0 4 13 502
Faridpur 11 4 12 814 0 7 443 1291
Madaripur 4 3 4 380 0 16 104 511
Manikganj 2 2 3 203 1 10 18 239
Lower Munshiganj 1 1 24 360 1 2 118 507
Padma Rajbari 4 1 8 287 2 12 30 344
Shariatpur 1 1 2 330 0 3 17 354
Sub-Total 29 13 68 0 0 2837 4 54 743 3748
C Nawabganj 54 3 138 17 17 94 307 630
Kushtia 2 1 22 21 2 114 229 391
Natore 4 1 10 0 0 4 259 278
Upper Pabna 13 1 0 58 0 16 1224 1312
Padma Rajbari 10 1 6 255 2 8 62 344
Rajshahi 10 3 82 15 2 24 105 241
Sub-Total 93 10 258 0 0 366 23 260 2186 3196
Bogra 2 0 4 47 1 7 30 91
Gaibandha 2 0 7 130 5 27 255 426
Jamalpur 0 0 0 67 0 5 82 154
Manikganj 1 0 0 4 1 2 26 34
Pabna 6 0 6 0 13 851 876
Sirajganj 11 1 0 181 1 7 606 807
Tangail 19 13 22 14 2 33 48 151
Sub-Total 41 14 33 0 0 449 10 94 1898 2539
Gaibandha 5 0 15 0 2 5 56 83
Jamalpur 1 0 2 0 1 7 58 69
Kurigram 17 1 26 35 2 8 172 261
Sub-Total 23 1 43 0 0 35 5 20 286 413

Total 398 103 623 0 0 101558 200 939 10536 114357

% 0.35 0.09 0.54 0 0 88.81 0.18 0.82 9.21 100.00

Table-9.3.9 Annual Catch in Flood Plain 2010-11

District Subsistence Fisheries District Subsistence Fisheries

Total Estimated

Total Estimated
No. of S. House-

No. of S. House-
Catch (M. Ton)

Catch (M. Ton)

per House-hold

per House-hold
Average Catch
Average Catch
hold ('000)

hold ('000)

Dhaka 840 37.25 31287 Dinajpur 421 22.33 9401
Faridpur 104 51.14 5319 Gaibandha 304 70.47 21423
Gazipur 273 71.71 19577 Kurigram 241 31.95 7700
Gopalganj 77 72.14 5555 Lalmonirhat 119 26.28 3127
Jamalpur 315 34.96 11012 Nilphamari 121 32.48 3930
Kishoreganj 264 126.72 33454 Panchagarh 132 26.87 3547
Madaripur 136 60.26 8195 Rangpur 210 41.8 8778
Manikganj 181 60.52 10954 Thakurgaon 114 35.43 4039
Munshiganj 77 86.27 6643 RANGPUR DIV. 1662 61945
Mymensingh 505 68.13 34406 Bogra 450 24.94 11223
Narayanganj 287 80.86 23207 Jaypurhat 87 67.05 7845
Narshingdi 212 34.76 7369 Naogaon 117 85.57 28495
Netrakona 250 135.86 33965 Natore 333 62.91 13085
Rajbari 99 82.96 8213 Nawabganj 208 40.84 3553
Sariatpur 131 49.24 6450 Pabna 293 33.44 9798
Sherpur 183 69.25 12673 Rajshahi 215 56.03 12046
Tangail 313 26.80 8388 Sirajganj 347 54.91 19054
DHAKA DIV. 4247 266667 RAJSHAHI DIV. 2050 105099
Barguna 80 41.81 3294 Chandpur 251 64.12 16094
Barisal 216 32.93 7113 Chittagong 590 69.97 41282
Bhola 160 44.46 7114 Bandarban 18 14.06 253
Jhalokathi 92 36.33 3342 Brahmanbaria 173 92.82 16058
Patuakhali 184 44.46 8236 Comilla 365 120.30 43910
Pirojpur 111 28.59 3173 Cox's Bazar 91 54.57 4966
BARISAL DIV. 8423 32272 Feni 153 154.41 23625
Bagerhat 213 30.41 6477 Khagrachari H.T. 0 0.00 0
Chuadanga 62 46.65 2892 Laksmipur 146 126.18 18422
Jessore 265 67.75 17954 Noakhali 312 60.28 18807
Jhenaidah 192 8.44 1620 Rangamati H.T. 0 0.00 0.00
Khulna 301 24.46 7362 CHITTAGNG DIV. 2099 183417
Kushtia 182 75.86 13807 Habiganj 186 32.13 5976
Magura 98 17.73 1738 Moulvi Bazar 216 73.32 15859
Meherpur 67 31.43 2173 Sunamganj 242 162.09 39226
Narail 34 98.53 3350 Sylhet 268 96.38 25830
Satkhira 120 28.00 3360 SYLHET DIV. 912 86891
KHULNA DIV. 843 60733 TOTAL 13347 59.72 797024

Table 9.3.10. Annual Fish Catch in Flood Plain from Natural Source2011-12
Subsistence Fisheries Subsistence Fisheries
No. of Average Total No. of Average Total
District Subsistence Catch per Estimate District Subsistence Catch per Estimate
Household Household d Catch Household Household d Catch
(.000 ) (kg) (MT) (.000 ) (kg) (MT)
Dhaka 640 16.68 10675 Dinajpur 421 14.12 5945
Faridpur 174 51.14 8898 Gaibandha 304 27.40 8330
Gazipur 273 54.38 14846 Kurigram 241 51.79 12481
Gopalganj 107 61.35 6564 Lalmonirhat 119 18.39 2188
Jamalpur 155 32.15 4983 Nilphamari 121 27.14 3284
Kishorganj 394 65.70 25886 Panchagarh 132 16.95 2237
Madaripur 136 42.62 5796 Rangpur 210 35.15 7382
Manikganj 181 60.90 11023 Thakurgaon 114 32.20 3671
Munshiganj 230 62.96 14481 Rangpur Division 1662 45518
Mymensingh 505 64.45 32547 Bogra 300 34.35 10305
Narayanganj 287 19.70 5654 Chapainawabganj 87 23.11 2011
Narsingdi 212 39.17 8304 Joypurhat 117 54.73 6403
Netrakona 250 22.41 5603 Naogaon 333 37.38 12448
Rajbari 159 54.78 8710 Natore 208 29.29 6092
Shariatpur 131 46.87 6140 Pabna 293 31.68 9282
Sherpur 183 17.03 3116 Rajshahi 215 67.04 14414
Tangail 313 15.70 4914 Sirajganj 347 63.46 22021
Dhaka Divivision 4330 178140 Rajshahi Division 1900 82976
Bagerhat 213 12.08 2573 Bandarban 18 12.52 225
Chuadanga 62 43.04 2668 Brahmanbaria 273 65.47 17873
Jessore 265 96.08 25461 Chandpur 251 87.22 21892
Jhenaidah 192 28.48 5468 Chittagong 590 62.21 36704
Khulna 301 24.16 7272 Comilla 365 32.55 11881
Kushtia 182 35.00 6370 Cox's Bazar 91 35.47 3228
Magura 98 34.34 3365 Feni 153 85.13 13025
Meherpur 67 32.43 2173 Khagrachari . 0 0.00 0
Narail 34 56.45 1919 Lakshmipur 146 35.00 5110
Satkhira 120 32.82 3938 Noakhali 412 88.97 36656
Khulna Divivision 1534 61207 Rangamati 0 0.00 0
Barguna 80 43.55 3484 Ctg. Division 2299 146594
Barisal 216 31.92 6895 Habiganj 186 120.20 22357
Bhola 160 46.75 7480 Moulvi Bazar 216 117.67 25417
Jhalokathi 122 32.47 3961 Sunamganj 242 118.85 28762
Patuakhali 184 45.22 8320 Sylhet 268 105.40 28247
Pirojpur 111 31.32 3477 Sylhet Divivision 912 104783
Barisal Divivision 873 33617 Total 13510 48.32 652835

Table-9.3.11 Annual Total Catch of Marine Fisheries 2010-11

Type of Fishing Number of Number of Catch in Metric Ton

Craft Unit Other Total
(Trawler/Boat) Shrimp Hilsha Fish
A. Industrial
(1) Trawl Fishing
a) Shrimp Trawler 35 - 2681 3 2212 4896

b) Fish Trawler 123 - 104 20 36645 36769

TOTAL INDUSTRIAL 158 - 2785 23 38857 41665

B. Artisanal
(1) Gill Net Fishing
a) Mechanised 19223 72829 0 182152 747 256899

b) Non-mechanised 6861 35211 0 43150 21065 64215

SUB-TOTAL 26084 108040 0 225302 95812 321114

(2) Set Bag Net Fishing

a) Seasonal (M.B) 1151 2515 6946 0 26145 33091

(N.M.B) 4688 19179 16735 0 72916 89651

b) All 7255 29828 3283 25976

22693 0
SUB-TOTAL 13094 51522 10234 148718
46374 0
(3) Long Line Fishing
Long Line Jew
a) Mechanised 1352 13965 0 0 13623 13623

b) Non-mechanised 321 1801 0 0 679 679

c) Other Long Line 1121 9772 0 0 626 626

SUB-TOTAL 2794 25538 0 0 14928 14928

(4) Trammel Net Fishing 1123 7122 5742 0 5214 10956

(5) Other Gears Fishing 2282 31636 2088 0 6864 8952

TOTAL ARTISANAL 45377 226858 22516 504668

54204 225302
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 56989 225325 26401
Trawler 158 Gill 108040
(M.B) 21726 SBN 51522
(N.M.B) 23651 Long Line 25538
Trammel 7122
Other 31636
M.B - Mechanised Boat
N.M.B - Non_mechanised Boat
SBN - Set Bag Net

Table 9.3.12. Annual Catch of Marine Fisheries2011-12

Number Catch in Metric Ton
Number of
of Craft
Type of Fishing Unit Other
(Trawler/ Shrimp Hilsha Total
(Gear/Net) Fish
A. Industrial
Trawl Fishing
a) Shrimp Trawler 33 - 2132 0 1786 3918
b) Fish Trawler 129 - 80 0 69388 69468
TOTAL INDUSTRIAL 162 2212 0 71174 73386
B. Artisanal
1. Gill Net Fishing
a) Mechanized 19223 96115 0 188527 79264 267791
b) Non Mechanized 6861 35211 0 43510 15921 59431
SUB-TOTAL 26084 131326 0 232037 95185 327222
2. Set Bag Net Fishing
a) Seasonal (MB) 1151 2620 10332 0 36243 46575
b) Seasonal (NMB) 4688 19179 15180 0 55584 70764
c) All Seasonal (NMB) 7255 31025 21590 0 3454 25044
SUB-TOTAL 13094 52824 47102 0 95281 142383
3. Long Line Fishing
a) Jew Fish Long Line
Mechanized 1352 13965 0 0 13946 13946
Non Mechanized 351 1801 0 0 633 633
b) Other Long Line
(NMB) 1121 9772 0 0 388 388
SUB-TOTAL 2824 25538 0 0 14967 14967
4. Trammel Net Fishing
(NMB) 1123 7122 6146 0 4712 10858
5. Other Gears Fishing
(NMB) 2564 25640 2200 0 7604 9804

TOTAL ARTISANAL 45689 242450 55448 232037 217749 505234

GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 57660 232037 288923 578620

Trawler Boat Gear

Type No. Type No. Type No.
Shrimp Trawler 33 MB (Mechanized Boat) 21726 Gill Net 131326
Fish Trawler 129 NMB (Non-Mechanized Boat) 23963 Set Bag Net 52824
Long Line 25538
Trammel Net 7122
Other 25640
Total 162 45689 242450

Table: 9.3.13 District-Wise Area and Production of Pond 2010-11

Area of Pond (Ha.) Production of Pond (M.T.)
Culture Culturable Derelict Total Culture Culturable Derelict Total
Dhaka 1719 28 6 1753 4765 28 4 4797

Faridpur 3396 0 0 3396 10993 0 0 10993

Gazipur 4880 45 22 4947 16910 126 30 17057

Gopalganj 9727 135 25 9887 27907 150 10 28067

Jamalpur 5134 350 15 5499 13430 360 10 13800

Kishorganj 4924 0 0 4924 15432 0 0 15432

Madaripur 2190 0 0 2190 6231 0 0 6231

Manikganj 2548 65 0 2613 7115 60 0 7175

Munshiganj 1058 305 188 1551 3215 390 80 2685

Mymensigh 28722 167 0 28889 218784 168 0 218952

Narsingdi 2090 15 0 2105 5388 18 0 5406

Narayanganj 3542 205 0 3747 10253 305 0 1558

Netrakona 7312 504 0 7816 26469 530 0 26999

Rajbari 2130 321 0 2451 6075 300 0 6375

Sariatpur 3900 283 0 4183 8986 315 0 9301

Sherpur 4140 59 38 4237 10814 60 20 10894

Tangail 6887 0 0 6887 24256 0 0 24256

DHAKA 94299 2482 294 97075 417014 2810 154 419978

Bagerhat 7313 59 38 7410 18451 60 18 18529

Chuadanga 1358 839 426 2623 4817 1050 300 6167

Jessore 13819 0 78 13897 51987 0 50 52037

Jhenaidah 4755 0 89 4844 16842 0 40 16882

Khulna 4888 0 0 4888 9053 0 0 9053

Kushtia 3892 0 0 2892 13727 0 0 13727

Magura 2196 319 197 2712 8632 350 150 9132

Meherpur 1528 0 0 1528 4205 0 0 4205

Narail 1482 40 0 1522 4200 60 0 4260

Satkhira 5142 0 0 5142 10922 0 0 10922

KHULNA 46373 257 828 48458 142837 1520 558 144914

Habiganj 3504 482 0 3986 9460 750 0 10210

MaulaviBazar 4543 112 79 4734 14538 150 60 14748

Sunamganj 17003 0 0 17003 20404 0 0 20404

Sylhet 4137 441 84 4662 7860 335 70 8265

SYLHET 29187 1035 163 30385 52262 1235 130 53627


District Area of Pond (Ha.) Production of Pond (M.T.)

Culture Culturable Derelict Total Culture Culturable Derelict Total
Dinajpur 7200 1466 277 8943 21361 1200 230 22791
Gaibandha 2016 902 0 2918 5048 1300 0 6348
kurigram 2638 0 0 2638 7310 0 0 7310
Lalmonirhat 2200 152 150 2502 6430 251 99 6780
Nilphamari 2847 0 0 2847 6833 0 0 6833
Panchagar 1696 0 0 1696 4825 0 0 4825
Rangpur 2967 159 0 3126 8308 298 0 8606
Thakurgaon 5226 84 0 5310 15155 140 0 15295
RANGPUR 26790 2763 427 29980 75270 3189 329 78788
Barguna 1908 436 412 2756 4495 370 230 5095
Barisal 87489 0 72 8821 21543 0 50 21593
Bhola 6686 219 0 6905 14046 421 0 14467
Jhalokhati 985 211 113 1309 2561 240 50 2851
Patuakhali 3664 1421 652 5737 7704 1503 270 9477
Pirozpur 6069 1466 255 7790 12745 1305 96 14146
BARISAL 28061 3753 1504 33318 63094 3839 696 67629
Bandarban 452 0 0 452 1401 0 0 1401
B-Baria 6083 17 0 6100 18857 19 0 18876
Chandpur 9813 142 0 9955 30911 150 0 31061
Chittgong 9497 2145 356 11998 34189 1000 100 35289
Comilla 14953 705 0 15658 62803 680 0 63483
CoxesBazar 1902 0 0 1902 5516 0 0 5516
Feni 4383 299 124 4806 13149 170 80 13399
Khagrachari 800 280 26 1106 1840 241 10 2091
Laxhmipur 4832 787 0 5619 18845 1000 0 19845
Noakhali 8667 889 211 9767 30335 900 80 31315
Rangamati 203 36 56 295 426 25 20 471
CHITTAGONG 61585 5300 773 67658 218272 1485 290 222747
Bogra 11142 300 28 11470 15682 310 15 46007
C.Nababganj 2910 188 0 3098 7566 190 0 7756
Joypurhat 3881 0 0 3881 14360 0 0 14360
Naogaon 12106 0 0 12106 43582 0 0 43582
Nator 5417 152 0 5569 17334 160 0 17494
Pabna 8424 186 0 8610 31169 190 0 31359
Rajshahi 13123 62 0 13185 57741 70 0 57811
Sirajganj 6516 0 0 6516 13684 0 0 13684
RAJSHAHI 63519 888 28 54435 231118 920 15 232053
Total 349814 17478 4017 371308 1199866 17698 2172 1219736
% 94.21 4.71 1.08 100.00 98.37 1.45 0.18 100.00
Kg/Hectare 3.430 1.013 0.541 3.285

Source : Area - Updated the SPARRSO Report (1983) on the basis of DoF 2008 & .DFO-2009-2010

Table 9.3.14. Annual Fish Production of Pond-2011-12

Area (Ha) Production (MT)
Semi- Highly Semi- Highly
Inten Exten Inten
Exten sive inten Inten Dere inten Inten Dere
District sive Total sive sive Total
sive sive lict sive sive lict
Area Prod.
1.5-4 4>10 10 > Pond <1.5 1.5-4 4>10 10 > Pond
<1.5 MT/Ha
Dhaka 41 1474 236 0 2 1753 42 4137 1145 0 1 5325
Faridpur 631 2342 552 10 0 3535 775 7737 2497 152 0 11161
Gazipur 120 3620 1153 54 0 4947 174 9373 6325 806 0 16678
Gopalganj 350 2148 641 0 58 3197 525 7155 3035 0 29 10744
Jamalpur 171 1366 1169 0 14 2720 221 3594 5343 0 8 9166
Kishoreganj 275 2020 2621 8 0 4924 370 4789 12706 82 0 17947
Madaripur 344 2065 185 0 0 2594 470 6288 890 0 0 7648
Manikganj 1180 1340 188 17 0 2725 1680 3707 1005 194 0 6586
Munshiganj 137 1036 527 0 13 1713 176 2523 2275 0 13 4987
Mymensingh 5356 7626 7821 8086 0 28889 6545 17933 53351 165271 0 243100
Narayanganj 406 1412 287 0 0 2105 577 3834 1416 0 0 5827
Narsingdi 27 846 942 293 0 2108 36 2204 5252 3315 0 10807
Netrakona 1189 4034 2565 22 6 7816 1517 12014 11690 242 8 25471
Rajbari 106 1290 1055 0 0 2451 119 2546 4472 0 0 7137
Shariatpur 38 2114 1031 0 0 3183 40 4403 4396 0 0 8839
Sherpur 644 1949 1613 31 0 4237 869 6374 6874 358 0 14475
Tangail 219 3867 3480 29 0 7595 264 9189 17659 357 0 27469
Dhaka Div. 11234 40549 26066 8550 93 86492 14400 107800 140331 170777 59 433367
Bagerhat 2211 5149 0 0 50 7410 3258 10279 0 0 33 13570
Chuadanga 927 1179 457 50 10 2623 1220 3220 2084 525 3 7052
Jessore 2172 4924 6575 1226 0 14897 2938 16009 37440 23481 0 79868
Jhenaidhah 16 1565 2246 0 0 3827 16 5383 9969 0 0 15368
Khulna 1788 1546 740 0 0 4074 1675 5507 3293 0 0 10475
Kushtia 430 2916 546 0 0 3892 625 8967 2862 0 0 12454
Magura 129 1182 497 0 0 1808 191 3253 2158 0 0 5602
Meherpur 0 750 573 0 1 1324 0 1580 2367 0 1 3948
Narail 669 513 132 0 0 1314 795 2002 627 0 0 3424
Satkhira 0 4842 300 0 0 5142 0 13179 1550 0 0 14729
Khulna Div. 8342 24566 12066 1276 61 46311 10718 69379 62350 24006 37 166490
Barguna 1074 1750 50 0 32 2906 1189 3987 270 0 9 5455
Barisal 0 8867 0 0 86 8953 0 27398 0 0 44 27442
Bhola 703 1807 5196 0 0 7706 1031 4337 21573 0 0 26941
Jhalokathi 0 1309 0 0 0 1309 0 2819 0 0 0 2819
Patuakhali 4927 3569 0 0 35 8531 6367 10769 0 0 15 17151
Pirojpur 361 3967 99 0 42 4469 421 10503 565 0 22 11511
Barisal Div. 7065 21269 5345 0 195 33874 9008 59813 22408 0 90 91319


Area (Ha) Production (MT)

Semi- Highly Semi- Highly
Exten Inten Exten Inten
inten Inten Dere inten Inten Dere
District sive sive Total sive sive Total
sive sive lict sive sive lict
Area Prod.
<1.5 1.5-4 4>10 10 > Pond <1.5 1.5-4 4>10 10 > Pond
Dinajpur 479 6051 1930 0 483 8943 636 15382 9335 0 266 25619
Gaibandha 1434 1421 63 0 0 2918 2062 4138 263 0 0 6463
Kurigram 0 2147 674 0 0 2821 0 4565 2736 0 0 7301
Lalmonirhat 0 2502 0 0 0 2502 0 6452 0 0 0 6452
Nilphamari 345 1717 785 0 0 2847 384 3829 3200 0 0 7413
Panchagarh 0 1816 302 0 0 2118 0 4424 1328 0 0 5752
Rangpur 0 3032 328 0 0 3360 0 7548 1546 0 0 9094
Thakurgaon 0 4466 826 18 0 5310 0 12012 3527 307 0 15846
Rang. Div. 2258 23152 4908 18 483 30819 3082 58350 21935 307 266 83940
Bogra 910 8850 3091 619 0 13470 1300 24107 14240 9723 0 49370
C Nababganj 0 1835 844 0 0 2679 0 4835 3830 0 0 8665
Joypurhat 0 2737 1322 46 0 4105 0 7206 5728 658 0 13592
Naogaon 233 7348 4525 0 0 12106 349 23520 20034 0 0 43903
Natore 450 4371 2150 29 14 7014 630 15096 9150 332 3 25211
Pabna 0 7664 1388 6 0 9058 0 22385 7075 82 0 29542
Rajshahi 0 8749 4436 0 0 13185 0 26127 18624 0 0 44751
Sirajganj 317 3642 1798 0 2 5759 329 8441 7665 0 1 16436
Raj. Div. 1910 45196 19554 700 16 67376 2608 131717 86346 10795 4 231470
Bandarban 289 280 30 0 0 599 376 589 125 0 0 1090
B. baria 168 5684 1166 80 2 7100 194 17464 5639 1050 1 24348
Chandpur 134 7945 1876 0 0 9955 147 25689 8059 0 0 33895
Chittagong 2299 11738 1725 3 106 15871 3215 31899 9258 33 243 44648
Comilla 4726 14832 8171 720 0 28449 5487 45230 46829 7852 0 105398
Cox's Bazar 1860 461 0 0 67 2388 2076 1044 0 0 19 3139
Feni 362 3125 1302 0 119 4908 481 9325 5507 0 102 15415
Khagrachari 202 689 83 0 0 974 300 1410 365 0 0 2075
Lakshmipur 102 3760 1717 40 0 5619 148 11692 7850 400 0 20090
Noakhali 4639 7932 1396 0 145 14112 6769 26921 7611 0 130 41431
Rangamati 41 285 0 0 0 326 43 615 0 0 0 658
Ctg. Div. 14822 56731 17466 843 439 90301 19236 171878 91243 9335 495 292187
Habiganj 791 1443 1752 0 0 3986 1158 3581 7132 0 0 11871
Moulov.Bazar 1374 2360 864 0 136 4734 1837 4753 3821 0 162 10573
Sunamganj 502 1567 249 0 43 2361 697 4745 1094 0 39 6575
Sylhet 1895 2474 536 12 138 5055 2270 9509 2521 132 58 14490
Sylhet Div. 4562 7844 3401 12 317 16136 5962 22588 14568 132 259 43509
Total= 50193 219307 88806 11399 1604 371309 65014 621525 439181 215352 1210 1342282
% 13.52 59.06 23.92 3.07 0.43 100.00 4.84 46.30 32.72 16.05 0.09 100.00
Culture Method Range Area (Ha) Pro (MT) MT/Ha % of Pro.
Extensive <1.5MT/Ha 50193 65014 1.295 4.84
Semi-intensive 1.5-4 MT/Ha 219307 621525 2.834 46.30
Intensive 4>10MT/Ha 88806 439181 32.719 32.72
Highly Intensive 10 > MT/Ha 11399 215352 16.044 16.05
Derelict Pond 1604 1210 0.090 0.09
Total 371309 1342282 3.615 100.00
Source : Area from SPARRSO (Space Research and remote Sensing Organization) Report, 1983 and updated on the basis of DFO
(District Fisheries Office) Report 2011-2012.

Table 9.3.15 District-wise Species Composition of Annual Fish Catch of All River 2010-11
[Unit : Metric Ton]
Districts Major Other Cat Snake Live Hilsha Big Small Misc. Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn
Dhaka 5 1 41 0 0 519 19 14 61 660
Faridpur 28 10 14 5 0 1050 6 20 706 1839
Gazipur 27 17 24 0 0 0 2 28 78 176
Gopalganj 55 8 32 18 10 54 3 81 49 310
Jamalpur 32 13 17 3 1 68 5 32 487 658
Kishoreganj 51 75 62 1 1 26 79 246 583 1124
Madaripur 18 4 9 0 0 330 6 35 362 764
Manikganj 6 2 4 2 1 280 6 19 688 1008
Munshiganj 11 7 141 0 0 720 18 53 694 1644
Mymensingh 7 83 150 0 0 0 1 7 166 414
Narayanganj 5 1 3 0 0 306 4 26 453 798
Narshingdi 109 10 7 0 0 34 6 40 565 771
Netrakona 20 20 85 0 0 0 2 3 241 371
Rajbari 41 9 56 0 0 610 31 162 1322 2231
Sariatpur 8 2 5 0 0 1135 7 14 217 1388
Sherpur 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 10 17
Tangail 10 4 8 0 0 0 5 13 81 121
DHAKA DIV. 435 267 659 29 13 5132 201 795 6763 14294
Bagerhat 3 0 2 0 0 2008 1347 1685 150 2195
Chuadanga 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 13 21
Jessore 24 3 2 21 19 0 42 12 99 222
Jhenaidah 0 0 0 7 0 0 3 10 26 46
Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 330 12 37 235 614
Kushtia 4 1 25 0 0 295 6 24 47 402
Magura 105 0 10 1 1 0 3 51 176 347
Meherpur 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 4 18 28
Narail 19 4 3 1 1 0 48 12 115 203
Satkhira 0 0 0 11 3 110 13 38 37 212
KHULNA DIV. 156 8 45 45 25 2743 1476 1876 916 7290
Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 9550 5 8 894 10457
Barisal 10 0 200 0 0 19380 60 109 1641 21400
Bhola 25 0 75 0 0 18944 29 152 968 20193
Jhalokathi 0 0 0 0 0 840 1 2 146 989
Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 6260 3 5 1251 7519
Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 6298 2 4 185 6489
BARISAL DIV. 35 0 275 0 0 61272 100 280 5085 67047


Districts Major Other Cat Snake Live Hilsha Big Small Misc. Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn
Bogra 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 17 93 116
Jaypurhat 19 13 103 0 0 172 22 43 58 430
Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17
Natore 6 0 9 0 0 0 1 2 146 164
Nawabganj 2 1 8 1 1 19 1 7 108 148
Pabna 9 2 8 2 0 950 26 70 936 2003
Rajshahi 21 5 34 0 2 394 5 27 185 673
Sirajganj 5 1 4 2 1 180 3 28 327 551
RAJSHAHI DIV. 65 22 166 5 4 1715 61 194 1870 4102
Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 105 111
Gaibandha 56 9 74 9 0 168 12 46 629 1003
Kurigram 47 3 45 5 0 39 3 27 268 437
Lalmonirhat 1 1 7 1 0 0 1 5 31 47
Nilphamari 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 65 69
Panchagarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 11
Rangpur 2 1 2 1 3 0 1 2 51 63
Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 22 26
RANGPUR DIV. 107 14 128 16 7 207 21 87 1180 1767
Bandarban 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 12 20
Brahmanbaria 185 32 97 3 32 96 7 28 942 1422
Chandpur 79 12 29 52 4 17550 39 186 1069 19020
Chittagong 10 2 0 0 0 850 6 14 62 944
Comilla 160 29 81 5 3 161 64 126 271 900
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 2155 5 9 18 2187
Feni 82 98 204 55 42 910 20 32 164 1607
Khagrachari H.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 72
Laksmipur 8 2 7 5 6 19200 27 68 605 19928
Noakhali 5 2 2 1 5 1951 10 33 125 2134
Rangamati H.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 65
CTG. DIV. 530 177 420 121 94 42873 178 501 3405 48299
Habiganj 7 2 6 5 9 6 3 14 91 143
Moulvi Bazar 27 35 105 1 4 35 1 18 402 628
Sunamganj 10 8 2 2 7 126 7 110 229 501
Sylhet 42 52 75 3 1 11 3 58 250 495
SYLHET DIV. 86 97 188 11 21 178 14 200 972 1767
Total 1414 585 1881 227 164 114120 2051 3933 20191 144566
% 0.98 0.40 1.30 0.16 0.11 78.94 1.42 2.72 13.97 100.00

Table: 9.3.16 District-wise Species Composition of Annual Fish Catch of All River-2011-12
[Unit : Metric Ton]
Major Other Cat Snake Live Big Small Other
District Hilsha Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn Fish

Dhaka 9 1 22 0 2 463 4 10 44 555

Faridpur 26 9 15 6 0 814 4 12 558 1444
Gazipur 28 15 25 0 0 0 3 31 80 182
Gopalganj 56 7 35 20 11 13 4 80 52 278
Jamalpur 36 13 6 4 2 67 2 17 340 487
Kishorganj 59 40 43 1 1 74 30 16 813 1077
Madaripur 16 5 9 0 0 380 3 19 159 591
Manikganj 5 3 4 2 2 207 4 14 95 336
Munshiganj 5 2 53 0 0 630 8 19 364 1081
Mymensingh 6 86 151 0 0 0 2 6 168 419
Narayanganj 3 0 2 0 0 385 3 20 494 907
Narsingdi 29 0 6 0 0 47 5 45 1249 1381
Netrakona 22 21 88 0 0 0 2 2 243 378
Rajbari 19 5 22 0 0 560 8 116 193 923
Shariatpur 6 3 5 0 0 820 3 9 89 935
Sherpur 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 11 18
Tangail 22 15 24 0 0 14 5 38 75 193
Dhaka Division 349 227 511 33 18 4474 91 455 5027 11185
Bagerhat 2 0 2 0 0 1227 1818 1913 153 5115
Chuadanga 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 4 14 26
Jessore 26 4 4 22 21 0 45 15 103 240
Jhenaidah 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 16 29 58
Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 211 14 40 238 503
Kushtia 6 1 22 0 0 21 6 133 263 452
Magura 102 0 11 2 1 0 4 55 179 354
Meherpur 0 0 4 2 1 0 2 4 19 32
Narail 21 5 3 2 1 0 51 14 118 215
Satkhira 0 0 0 12 3 0 14 36 40 105
Khulna Division 159 10 46 53 27 1459 1960 2230 1156 7100
Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 481 4 9 897 1391
Barisal 11 0 101 0 0 13537 48 101 1482 15280
Bhola 14 0 32 0 0 22031 36 98 765 22976
Jhalokathi 0 0 0 0 0 541 2 3 152 698
Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 4410 4 7 1255 5676
Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 2836 1 5 190 3032
Barisal Division 25 0 133 0 0 43836 95 223 4741 49053


Major Other Cat Snake Live Big Small Other

District Hilsha Total
Carp Carp Fish Head Fish Prawn Prawn Fish

Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 108 117

Gaibandha 55 10 74 9 0 130 10 50 461 799
Kurigram 69 3 58 8 0 35 4 31 314 522
Lalmonirhat 2 2 10 1 0 0 2 7 37 61
Nilphamari 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 71 79
Panchagarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 12 17
Rangpur 3 1 4 3 3 0 2 4 55 75
Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 26 33
Rangpur Division 131 16 146 21 9 165 25 106 1084 1703
Bogra 5 1 13 0 0 47 3 24 111 204
Chapainawabganj 63 9 156 0 1 17 20 102 356 724
Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 26
Naogaon 9 0 11 0 0 0 2 3 162 187
Natore 6 1 11 2 1 0 0 9 299 329
Pabna 19 1 3 4 0 64 2 35 2199 2327
Rajshahi 12 6 99 1 2 15 4 31 235 405
Sirajganj 15 4 1 2 2 181 4 29 833 1071
Rajshahi Division 129 22 294 9 6 324 35 233 4221 5273
Bandarban 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 14 27
Brahmanbaria 107 14 96 4 35 15 5 19 542 837
Chandpur 123 20 28 59 5 22920 45 193 948 24341
Chittagong 14 3 0 0 0 1464 9 18 67 1575
Comilla 146 34 76 8 4 0 51 114 237 670
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 11 22 44
Feni 98 103 218 67 48 30 27 39 169 799
Khagrachari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 78
Lakshmipur 12 5 7 7 9 24860 26 84 1115 26125
Noakhali 7 3 2 2 8 14641 11 40 151 14865
Rangamati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 69
Ctg. Division 509 182 427 147 112 63933 182 526 3412 69430
Habiganj 7 2 4 7 10 5 1 12 98 146
Moulvi Bazar 31 39 111 2 5 28 2 25 408 651
Sunamganj 18 10 3 2 10 111 9 137 238 538
Sylhet 51 60 79 4 2 8 4 65 261 534
Sylhet Division 107 111 197 15 27 152 16 239 1005 1869

Total 1409 568 1754 278 199 114343 2404 4012 20646 145613
% 0.97 0.39 1.20 0.19 0.14 78.52 1.65 2.76 14.18 100.00

Table-9.3.17 Annual Fish Production of Kaptai Lake 2010-11

Sl no Species Catch (M.T.)
1. Rui (Labeo rohita) 48
2. Catla (Catla catla) 104
3. Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) 61
4. Kalbasu (Labeo calbasu) 173
5. Gonia (Labeo gonius) 9
6. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) 4
7. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) 12
8. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) 19
9. Boal (Wallago attu) 22
10. Air/Guizza Air (Sperata aor / Sperata seenghala) 394
11. Pangas (Pangasius pangasius) 5
12. Sarpunti (Puntius sarana) 2
13. Shol/Gazar/Taki (Channa striatus/C. marulius/C. punctatus) 122
14. Chital (Chitala chitala) 3
15. Singi/Magur(Heteropneustes fossilis/Clarias batrachus) 32
16. Phali (Notopterus notopterus) 71
17. Bacha (Eutropiichthys vacha) 26
18. Kazoli (Ailia coila) 75
19. Punti (Puntius spp.) 14
20. Tengra/Pabda (Mystus tengra /Ompok pabda) 58
21. Baim (Mastacembelus spp.) 13
22. Chapila (Gudusia chapra) 2727
23. Tilapia/Nilotica(Oreochromis mossambicus/O. niloticus) 252
24. Kachki (Corica spp.) 2558
25. Mola (A.mola) 480
26. Small Prawn 125
27. Others 1571
Total 8980
Source: Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) & FRSS.

Table: 9.3.18. Annual Fish Production of Kaptai Lake 2011-12

Sl. Production
Species %
No. (Metric Ton)

1 Rui(Labeo rohita) 51 0.60

2 Catla(Catla catla) 105 1.23

3 Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) 67 0.79

4 Kalibaus (Labeo calbasu) 148 1.73

5 Bata (Labeo Bata) 0 0.00

6 Ghonia(Labeo gonius) 8 0.09

7 Silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) 14 0.16

8 Grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella) 26 0.31

9 Common carp(Cyprinus carpio) 19 0.22

10 Other Exotic carp 0 0.00

11 Pangas (Pangasius pangasius) 4 0.05

12 Boal/Air/Guizza Air (Wallago attu/ Sperata aor / Sperata seenghala) 275 3.22

13 Shol/Gazar/Taki (Channa striatus/C. marulius/C. punctatus) 124 1.45

14 Koi (Anabas testudineus) 0 0.00

15 Singi/Magur (Heteropneustes fossilis/Clarias batrachus) 30 0.35

16 Big Prawn 0 0.00

17 Small Prawn 118 1.38

18 Tilapia/Nilotica (Oreochromis mossambicus/O. niloticus) 236 2.77

19 Sarpunti (Puntius sarana) 2 0.02

20 Other Inland Fish 7310 85.63

Total 8537 100.00

Source : BFDC (Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation).

Other Inland Fish : Chapila, Tengra, Punti, Chital, Phali, Papda, Bacha, Kazoli, Baim, Kachki, Mola etc.

Table-9.3.19 Annual Production of Baor 2010-11

Districts Area of Baor (Hectare) Catch of Baor (Metric Ton)
Public Private Total Public Private Total Ton/Ha
Jessore 470 657 1172 103 986 1089
Jhenaidah 667 140 807 146 212 258
Magura 0 510 510 0 402 402
Narail 0 290 290 0 215 215
Khulna 0 225 225 0 185 185
Satkhira 0 106 106 0 94 94
Faridpur 0 355 355 0 245 245
Rajbari 0 300 300 0 214 214
Madaripur 0 200 200 0 231 231
Gopalganj 0 110 110 0 156 156
Kushtia 0 372 372 0 198 198
Chuadanga 0 686 686 0 1022 1022
Meherpur 0 400 400 0 455 455
Total 1137 4351 5488 249 4615 4864

Table: 9.3.20 Annual Fish Production of Baor 2011-12

Area (Ha) Production (MT)
District Public Private Public Private
Total Total
Baor Baor Baor Baor
Faridpur 0 355 355 0 326 326
Gopalganj 0 110 110 0 135 135
Madaripur 0 200 200 0 144 144
Rajbari 0 300 300 0 350 350
Dhaka Division 0 965 965 0 955 955

Chuadanga 0 686 686 0 1045 1045

Jessore 470 657 1127 218 910 1128

Jhenaidah 667 140 807 315 150 465

Khulna 0 225 225 0 160 160

Kushtia 0 372 372 0 382 382

Magura 0 510 510 0 491 491

Meherpur 0 400 400 0 259 259

Narail 0 290 290 0 220 220

Satkhira 0 106 106 0 81 81

Khulna Division 1137 3386 4523 533 3698 4231

Total 1137 4351 5488 533 4653 5186

Unit Production (MT/Ha) 0.469 1.069 0.945

Note-1 : Area of Baor from SPARRSO Report -1983, CEGIS Report -2004 and Baor Fish Development Project.
Note-2 : Public and Private Baor means Baor Management by Public and Private Sector.

Table: 9.3.21. Sector-wise Annual Fish Production from 2001-02 to 2010-11

[Unit: Metric Ton]
Sector of Fisheries 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009- 10 2010-11
(i) Inland Open water (Capture)
1. River and Estuary 143592 137848 137337 139798 137859 136958 136812 138160 141148 144566
2. Sundarbans 12345 13884 15242 15724 16423 17751 18151 18462 20437 22451
3. Beel 76101 75460 74328 74925 76365 75137 77524 79200 79209 81564
4. Kaptai Lake 7247 7025 7238 7379 7548 8085 8248 8590 7336 8980
5. Flood Plain 449150 475116 497922 621443 718491 768830 819446 879513 781807 797024
Capture Total 688435 709333 732067 859269 956686 1006761 1060181 1123925 1029937 1054585
(ii) Inland Close water (Culture)
6. Pond 685107 752054 795810 756993 759628 811954 866049 912178 1140484 1219736
7. Seasonal cultured water body 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46902 51230
8. Baor 3892 4098 4282 4388 4498 4698 4778 5038 8727 4864
9. Shrimp/Prawn Farm 97605 100804 114660 120710 127923 129160 134715 145585 155866 184939
Culture Total 786604 856956 914752 882091 892049 945812 1005542 1062801 1351979 1460769
Inland Fisheries Total 1475039 1566289 1646819 1741360 1848735 1952573 2065723 2186726 2381916 2515354

10. Industrial 25165 27954 32606 34114 34084 35391 34159 35429 34182 41665
11. Artisanal 390255 403954 422601 440483 445726 452047 463414 479215 483100 504668
Marine Fisheries Total 415420 431908 455207 474597 479810 487438 497573 514644 517282 546333

COUNTRY Total (A+B) 1998197 2102026 2215957 2328545 2440011 2563296 2701370 2899198 3061687
Annual Growth Rate (%) 5.70 5.20 5.42 5.08 4.79 5.05 5.39 7.32 5.60
Note : Production of Seasonal cultured water body was included in Floodplain from 2002-03 to 2008-2009.

Table: 9.3.22. Sector-wise Annual Fish Production from 2002-03 to 2011-12

[Unit: Metric Ton]
Sector of Fisheries 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009- 10 2010-11 2011-12
(i) Inland Open water (Capture)
1. River and Estuary 137848 137337 139798 137859 136958 136812 138160 141148 144566 145613
2. Sundarbans 13884 15242 15724 16423 17751 18151 18462 20437 22451 21610
3. Beel 75460 74328 74925 76365 75137 77524 79200 79209 81564 85208
4. Kaptai Lake 7025 7238 7379 7548 8085 8248 8590 7336 8980 8537
5. Flood Plain 475116 497922 621443 718491 768830 819446 879513 781807 797024 696127
Capture Total 709333 732067 859269 956686 1006761 1060181 1123925 1029937 1054585 957095
(ii) Inland Close water (Culture)
6. Pond 752054 795810 756993 759628 811954 866049 912178 1140484 1219736 1342282
7. Seasonal cultured water body 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46902 51230 182293
8. Baor 4098 4282 4388 4498 4698 4778 5038 8727 4864 5186
9. Shrimp/Prawn Farm 100804 114660 120710 127923 129160 134715 145585 155866 184939 196306
Culture Total 856956 914752 882091 892049 945812 1005542 1062801 1351979 1460769 1726067
Inland Fisheries Total 1566289 1646819 1741360 1848735 1952573 2065723 2186726 2381916 2515354 2683162
10. Industrial 27954 32606 34114 34084 35391 34159 35429 34182 41665 73386
11. Artisanal 403954 422601 440483 445726 452047 463414 479215 483100 504668 505234
Marine Fisheries Total 431908 455207 474597 479810 487438 497573 514644 517282 546333 578620
COUNTRY TOTAL (A+B) 1998197 2102026 2215957 2328545 2440011 2563296 2701370 2899198 3061687 3261782
Annual Growth Rate (%) 5.70 5.20 5.42 5.08 4.79 5.05 5.39 7.32 5.60 6.54
Note : Production of Seasonal cultured water body was included in Floodplain from 2002-03 to 2008-2009.

Table: 9.3.23. Year-wise Annual Export of Fish and Fish Product from Bangladesh 1999-00 to 2010-11
Quantity in Metric Ton Value in Core Taka
% of
Salted/ Total
Frozen Shrimp/ Shark fin/ Fish
Live Fish Frozen Fish Chilled Fish Dry fish Dehydrated Crab/ Eel Others Total Expo
Year Prawn Maws
fish rt
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value ng
1999-00 28514 1612.2 - - 9484 137.19 - - 215 3.65 809 25.96 107 1.44 262 31.17 - - 39391 1811.56 6.28

2000-01 29713 1885.2 - - 7965 94.89 - - 137 2.02 838 27.73 154 2.33 181 20.63 - - 38988 2032.75 5.77

2001-02 30209 1447.8 - - 9864 137.39 - - 517 8.32 293 9.53 336 7.07 263 27.07 - - 41482 1637.14 4.76

2002-03 36864 1719.9 - - 8846 158.64 - - 333 7.02 526 19.12 630 14.58 172 22.35 - - 47371 1941.59 5.10

2003-04 42943 2152.8 - - 10229 202.24 - - 472 4.16 377 1.38 116 1.39 4 1.53 - - 54141 2363.47 5.71

2004-05 46533 2281.6 - - 15763 256.2 - - 272 3.71 770 28.97 38 0.86 1 0.39 - - 63377 2571.72 5.90

2005-06 49317 2698.4 57 0.48 17429 294.14 - - 150 2.19 591 19.84 1,107 12.95 78 0.80 100 1.09 68829 3029.84 4.56

2006-07 53361 2992.3 4 0.07 18376 325.9 - - 77 1.34 441 12.80 1,123 15.48 244 4.11 78 0.86 73704 3352.89 4.90

2007-08 49907 2863.9 10 0.15 23515 495.46 - - 210 2.67 658 26.97 439 4.88 266 1.82 294 0.41 75299 3396.28 4.04

2008-09 50368 2744.1 0.3 0.006 19294 450.89 - - 341 11.99 84 3.92 1217 11.98 276 1.77 1308 18.73 72888 3243.41 3.00

2009-10 51599 2885.2 1783 13.22 21464 458.11 - - 622 25.06 0 0.00 692 10.41 955 12.66 528 3.85 77643 3408.52 2.74

2010-11 54891 3568.2 0.60 0.045 16743 490.00 16369 421.05 623 5.57 577 30.86 4485.2 54.11 0 0.00 2780 33.97 96469 4603.83 2.73

Source: EPB (Export Promotion Bureau) and FIQC (Fish Inspection and Quality Control), Department of Fisheries.
Note : Chilled fish is included in frozen fish column up to 2009-10.
Exported Hilsha in 2010-11 Exported Galda and Bagda in 2010-11

Frozen 3147.05 MT 119.76 Cr Tk 16.63 million US $ Galda 7020.29 MT 695.95 Cr Tk 16.67 million US $

Chilled 5391.72 MT 232.73 Cr Tk 32.32 million US $ Bagda 40859.62 MT 2627.75 Cr Tk 364.96 million US $

Total 8538.77 MT 352.49 Cr Tk 48.95 million US $ Total 47879.91 MT 3323.7 Cr Tk 461.63 million US $

Table: 9.3.24. Year-wise Annual Export of Fish and Fish Product from Bangladesh 1999-00 to 2011-12
Quantity in Metric Ton Value in Core Taka
% of
Salted/ Total
Frozen Shrimp/ Shark fin/
Live Fish Frozen Fish Chilled Fish Dry fish Dehydrated Crab/ Eel Others Total Expo
Year Prawn Fish Maws
fish rt
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value ng
1999-00 28514 1612.2 - - 9484 137.19 - - 215 3.65 809 25.96 107 1.44 262 31.17 - - 39391 1811.56 6.28

2000-01 29713 1885.2 - - 7965 94.89 - - 137 2.02 838 27.73 154 2.33 181 20.63 - - 38988 2032.75 5.77

2001-02 30209 1447.8 - - 9864 137.39 - - 517 8.32 293 9.53 336 7.07 263 27.07 - - 41482 1637.14 4.76

2002-03 36864 1719.9 - - 8846 158.64 - - 333 7.02 526 19.12 630 14.58 172 22.35 - - 47371 1941.59 5.10

2003-04 42943 2152.8 - - 10229 202.24 - - 472 4.16 377 1.38 116 1.39 4 1.53 - - 54141 2363.47 5.71

2004-05 46533 2281.6 - - 15763 256.2 - - 272 3.71 770 28.97 38 0.86 1 0.39 - - 63377 2571.72 5.90

2005-06 49317 2698.4 57 0.48 17429 294.14 - - 150 2.19 591 19.84 1,107 12.95 78 0.80 100 1.09 68829 3029.84 4.56

2006-07 53361 2992.3 4 0.07 18376 325.9 - - 77 1.34 441 12.80 1,123 15.48 244 4.11 78 0.86 73704 3352.89 4.90

2007-08 49907 2863.9 10 0.15 23515 495.46 - - 210 2.67 658 26.97 439 4.88 266 1.82 294 0.41 75299 3396.28 4.04

2008-09 50368 2744.1 0.3 0.006 19294 450.89 - - 341 11.99 84 3.92 1217 11.98 276 1.77 1308 18.73 72888 3243.41 3.00
2009-10 51599 2885.2 1783 13.22 21464 458.11 - - 622 25.06 0 0.00 692 10.41 955 12.66 528 3.85 77643 3408.52 2.74
2010-11 54891 3568.2 0.60 0.045 16743 490.00 16369 421.05 623 5.57 577 30.86 4485.2 54.11 0 0.00 2780 33.97 96469 4603.83 2.73
2011-12 48007 3640.2 0.46 0.04 15513 396.18 19026 520.74 996 9.43 411 27.46 5767 95.77 0 0.00 2758 14.14 92479 4703.94 2.46

Source: EPB (Export Promotion Bureau) and FIQC (Fish Inspection and Quality Control), Department of Fisheries.
Note :Chilled fish is included in frozen fish column up to 2009-10.
Exported Hilsha in 2011-12 Exported Galda and Bagda in 2011-12

Frozen 1052.60 MT 43.61 Cr Tk 5.54 million US $ Galda 7059.71 MT 841.66 Cr Tk 107.03 million US $
Chilled 5121.06 MT 238.58 Cr Tk 30.34 million US $ Bagda 35677.78 MT 2529.98 Cr Tk 321.72 million US $

Total 6173.66 MT 282.19 Cr Tk 35.88 million US $ Total 42737.49 MT 3371.64 Cr Tk 428.75 million US $

Chapter 10


10.1 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2011
Table -10.1 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2011 (Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
01 Paddy Aman Fine 2,355 2,495 2,458 2,438 2,418 - - - - - 1,740 1,963 2,267
02 ,, Medium 2,178 2,316 2,312 2,265 2,084 2,150 - - - 1,512 1,600 1,622 2,004
03 ,, Coarse 2,065 2,189 2,184 2,183 2,045 2,050 - - - 1,504 1,444 1,493 1,906
04 Paddy Aus : Medium - - - - - - - 1,325 1,559 1,633 1,397 1,710 1,525
05 ,, Coarse 1,750 - - - - 1,625 - 1,312 1,482 1,500 1,475 1,646 1,541
06 Paddy Boro : Fine 2,514 2,950 3,044 2,197 1,957 2,000 2,050 2,031 2,181 2,007 2,025 2,061 2,251
07 ,, Medium 2,398 2,601 2,515 2,176 1,743 1,830 1,924 1,892 1,907 1,833 1,786 1,832 2,036
08 ,, Coarse 2,091 2,238 2,216 1,892 1,551 1,645 1,761 1,762 1,783 1,706 1,634 1,609 1,824
09 Rice Aman : Fine 4,237 4,467 4,500 4,461 4,258 4,242 4,295 4,363 4,252 4,297 4,196 4,070 4,303
10 ,, Medium 3,583 3,727 3,710 3,647 3,389 3,297 3,310 3,322 3,299 3,396 3,198 2,964 3,404
11 ,, Coarse 3,158 3,241 3,203 3,131 3,001 2,915 3,003 3,008 2,955 2,925 2,677 2,559 2,981
12 ,, Pajam 4,120 4,232 4,140 4,164 4,033 4,068 4,125 4,177 4,151 4,123 4,000 3,886 4,102
13 Rice Aus : Medium - - - - - - - 2,977 2,831 2,628 2,508 2,476 2,684
14 ,, Coarse - - - - - 2,700 - 2,811 2,735 2,730 2,529 2,423 2,655
15 Rice Boro : Fine 4,405 4,786 4,817 4,821 4,133 3,976 4,080 4,119 4,131 4,075 3,981 3,918 4,270
16 ,, Medium 3,866 4,107 4,095 4,003 3,356 3,242 3,323 3,317 3,330 3,254 3,148 3,136 3,515
17 ,, Coarse 3,237 3,307 3,247 3,152 2,851 2,767 2,886 2,884 2,905 2,816 2,674 2,630 2,946
18 ,, Pajam 4,302 4,458 4,625 4,625 4,167 4,169 4,375 4,216 4,182 4,324 4,053 4,.234 4,311
19 Rice Chinigura 6,900 6,899 6,818 6,613 6,452 6,316 6,330 6,296 6,204 6,162 5,962 5,891 6,404
20 Kalojira 6,525 6,583 6,453 6,299 6,179 6,047 6,029 6,032 5,991 5,918 5,762 5,613 6,119
21 Wheat : Red 2,584 2,481 2,345 2,049 1,848 1,846 1,844 1,855 1,959 1,986 2,098 2,133 2,086
22 Wheat : White 2,568 2,593 2,458 2,054 1,983 1,910 1,944 1,964 2,113 2,155 2,205 2,199 2,179
23 Ata : Loose 2,610 2,684 2,634 2,478 2,316 2,163 2,118 2,048 2,172 2,233 2,279 2,285 2,335
24 ,, Packet 3,024 3,022 2,909 2,660 2,434 2,293 2,232 2,223 2,407 2,455 2,483 2,467 2,551

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
25 Flour : Loose 5,327 5,649 5,454 5,183 5,596 5,832 6,415 6,486 6,527 5,892 5,496 5,284 5,762
26 ,, Packet 5,364 5,707 5,502 5,239 5,616 5,826 6,452 6,552 6,502 5,836 5,473 5,263 5,778
27 Maize 1,974 2,006 2,028 2,015 1,962 1,740 1,751 1,797 1,904 1,937 1,977 1,942 1,919
28 Pulses : Mash 5,656 5,472 5,377 5,392 5,415 5,396 5,737 5,964 6,016 6,039 5,973 6,416 5,738
29 ,, Masur 5,248 4,591 4,999 4,990 4,974 4,912 5,069 5,306 5,658 5,573 5,324 5,266 5,159
30 ,, Mugh 9,264 9,253 9,482 8,643 7,137 6,139 6,792 6,765 6,872 6,934 6,759 6,570 7,551
31 ,, Gram 4,398 4,788 5,013 4,999 5,223 6,405 5,833 6,574 6,401 6,368 6,236 6,120 5,697
32 ,, Motor - - - - 4,638 3,775 4,260 3,838 - - 4,678 6,050 4,540
33 ,, Motor 2,617 2,810 3,034 3,049 3,049 3,060 3,348 3,567 3,615 3,566 3,488 3,385 3,216
34 ,, Khesari 2,423 2,545 2,381 2,228 2,176 2,136 2,174 2,234 - - 2,026 2,172 2,250
35 Dall : Mash 7,597 7,506 7,621 7,465 7,474 7,426 7,836 7,882 8,143 8,273 8,217 9,221 7,888
36 ,, ,, 7,112 7,060 6,986 6,908 6,917 6,895 7,288 7,589 7,698 7,953 7,875 8,121 7,367
37 ,, Masur 8,914 8,877 8,677 8,278 8,198 8,167 8,209 8,255 8,454 8,469 8,248 8,044 8,399
38 ,, ,, 7,951 7,413 7,073 6,620 6,621 6,585 6,810 6,910 6,988 7,011 6,819 6,566 6,947
39 ,, ,, 8,819 8,765 8,587 8,290 8,236 8,166 8,211 8,193 8,430 8,342 8,066 7,931 8,336
40 ,, Mugh 11,749 11,689 11,749 11,630 11,369 10,805 10,758 10,815 11,008 11,048 11,411 10,477 11,209
41 ,, Gram 5,579 5,891 6,051 6,092 6,179 6,287 7,003 7,602 7,659 7,706 7,610 7,395 6,755
42 ,, ,, 5,200 5,538 5,750 5,869 6,002 6,089 6,527 6,942 7,144 7,225 7,065 6,924 6,356

(Per Quintal/Taka) )
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
43 ,, Motor 7,182 7,147 7,020 6,723 6,405 6,279 6,419 6,575 6,651 6,134 5,624 5,317 6,456
44 Dall : ,, 2,722 2,865 3,036 3,011 3,039 3,116 3,454 3,734 3,706 3,645 3,674 3,637 3,303
45 ,, Khesari 3,337 3,263 3,259 3,244 3,166 3,137 3,373 3,434 3,373 3,269 3,109 2,986 3,246
46 Oil Seeds Mastard 4,110 3,966 4,070 4,348 4,592 4,763 5,077 5,269 5,467 5,536 5,587 5,693 4,873
47 ,, Tisi 4,312 2,878 4,949 4,181 4,221 4,254 4,262 4,793 4,300 4,175 4,406 5,066 4,316
48 ,, Til 3,494 3,912 4,116 4,062 3,822 4,132 4,514 4,525 4,751 4,863 4,636 4,422 4,271
49 ,, Groundnut 9,371 5,734 6,199 6,158 5,861 5,447 5,495 5,580 5,965 6,134 6,300 6,502 6,229
50 Oil : Mustard 11,004 11,154 11,178 11,368 11,520 11,862 12,383 12,866 12,991 13,364 14,165 13,864 12,310
51 ,, Soyabean 9,755 10,411 10,537 10,436 10,391 10,820 11,038 10,983 10,918 10,809 10,790 11,289 10,681
52 ,, Pump 8,798 9,495 9,460 9,396 9,408 9,629 9,607 9,601 9,572 9,427 9,129 9,388 9,409
53 ,, Dalda 9,963 10,416 10,546 10,337 10,391 10,614 10,888 10,750 10,737 10,628 11,476 10,353 10,592
54 ,, Butter oil 28,525 33,895 36,233 27,123 31,519 37,750 41,000 38,400 37,750 37,375 33,100 33,205 34,656
55 ,, Coconut 16,886 17,269 16,970 17,132 17,252 17,631 18,072 18,247 18,608 18,634 18,697 19,288 17,891
56 Oil cick Mustard 2,349 2,313 2,304 2,276 2,385 2,309 2,325 2,346 2,397 2,459 2,474 2,464 2,367
57 ,, Til 2,226 2,265 2,360 2,422 2,350 2,215 2,138 2,147 - - 2,172 2,223 2,252
58 ,, Others - - - - - 2,138 2,147 - - - 3,200 2,788 2,568
59 Spices Onion 3,669 3,745 1,830 1,589 2,004 2,166 2,827 3,237 3,503 3,245 2,694 1,847 2,696
60 Spices ,, 3,424 3,191 1,687 1,414 1,603 1,744 2,187 2,686 2,969 2,591 2,318 1,870 2,307
61 ,, Garlic 15,822 16,330 6,401 6,252 7,625 7,403 6,960 6,195 5,282 4,891 4,401 3,101 7,555
62 ,, ,, 13,229 14,423 13,209 12,140 13,363 12,642 8,503 5,597 4,965 5,008 4,938 4,365 9,365
63 ,, Dry Chili 13,043 14,657 15,834 14,424 14,657 14,436 14,203 15,150 16,453 17,600 14,224 17,193 15,156

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
64 Spices Green Chili 2,836 3,019 2,551 2,113 1,645 1,758 4,098 8,514 8,608 8,894 8,901 4,312 4,771
65 ,, Ginger 7,183 6,831 6,517 6,572 6,710 6,692 6,725 7,258 6,450 5,570 6,020 5,401 6,494
66 “ Ginger 9,577 7,860 7,051 6,684 6,574 6,558 6,876 6,526 5,918 5,942 5,993 4,931 6,708
67 ,, Turmaric 24,720 24,702 23,933 22,772 22,353 21,382 20,748 20,261 19,620 17,913 16,208 14,906 20,793
68 ,, ,, 25,066 24,215 23,883 23,036 22,826 22,116 21,642 21,085 20,369 18,881 16,281 13,292 21,058
69 ,, Coriandder 5,419 5,566 5,493 5,559 5,663 5,682 5,727 5,775 5,763 5,703 5,510 5,379 5,603
70 ,, ,, 4,401 4,812 4,779 5,037 5,387 5,603 5,507 5,449 5,544 5,491 5,757 5,948 5,310
71 Jute White/Tosa 4,723 4,731 3,542 2,510 2,843 3,174 3,600 3,590 3,231 3,341 2,290 2,125 3,308
72 ,, Middle 3,981 4,100 2,750 - - - - 2,826 2,985 2,805 2,523 2,375 3,043
73 ,, B- Bottom 4,100 3,950 4,100 - - - - 4,617 3,684 2,875 2,538 2,416 3,535
74 ,, C- Bottom 4,008 - - - - - - 4,325 3,875 3,613 2,833 2,558 3,535
75 ,, Crass- 5,100 - - - - - - 3,583 2,917 2,938 2,144 1,913 3,099
76 Jute Gorsat 4,741 4,670 4,330 3,684 3,636 3,573 3,406 3,535 3,291 2,954 2,735 2,508 3,589
77 ,, Mesta 3,750 3,688 2,666 2,310 1,188 1,188 - 2,322 2,769 2,340 1,953 1,909 2,371
78 Cotton Shimul 22,653 22,679 21,872 21,416 22,250 24,490 23,662 25,759 25,456 24,728 27,736 27,398 24,175
79 ,, Carpash 10,240 10,644 8,557 10,500 11,518 12,786 13,114 12,886 12,481 12,939 13,030 14,003 11,892
80 Fertilizer Urea 581 581 582 582 581 852 984 982 981 982 982 982 804
81 ,, TSP 1,093 1,093 1,094 1,097 1,094 1,087 1,087 1,091 1,095 1,099 1,100 1,100 1,094
82 ,, DAP 1,337 1,333 1,332 1,333 1,333 1,335 1,338 1,339 1,338 1,333 1,334 1,332 1,335
83 ,, MP 737 738 738 738 738 739 738 739 738 738 738 737 738

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
84 Cow Milk Liquid 3,637 3,702 3,793 3,620 3,595 3,614 3,686 3,874 3,994 3,985 3,986 3,973 3,788
85 Dano - 6,683 6,522 6,848 6,742 7,158 7,521 7,581 7,722 7,577 7,499 7,632 7,715 7,267
86 Hen Alive Big 18,291 18,547 19,565 20,187 21,761 21,613 21,828 22,127 22,023 21,882 20,714 20,446 20,749
87 ,, Midium 19,647 19,711 20,399 21,055 21,924 22,454 22,815 28,094 22,548 22,003 21,578 21,299 21,961
88 Hen Alive Small 19,799 19,846 20,571 21,088 21,955 22,450 22,763 22,724 22,708 21,251 21,768 21,430 21,529
89 ,, Farm 10,682 10,776 10,834 11,249 11,115 11,963 12,424 12,501 12,065 11,480 9,717 10,727 11,294
90 Duck Alive 17,000 16,729 15,950 16,156 16,021 15,997 16,438 16,500 16,500 16,167 16,250 16,250 16,330
91 Meat Beef 23,384 23,413 23,447 23,432 23,408 23,569 23,642 23,942 24,056 22,721 23,843 23,877 23,561
92 ,, Mutton 32,927 32,718 34,018 34,807 34,970 35,123 34,928 36,205 36,500 35,854 37,404 37,078 35,211
93 Egg : Hen 618 632 626 628 626 647 658 654 673 683 682 744 656
94 ,, Farm 525 526 509 550 538 656 583 569 615 621 564 593 571
95 ,, Duck 608 651 607 625 597 612 646 648 672 689 661 694 643
96 Fish : Ruhi Big 34,188 31,625 31,113 31,342 29,702 28,458 29,323 28,458 29,323 30,642 28,458 29,323 30,163
97 ,, ,, Medium 25,081 23,667 23,152 22,781 23,363 24,280 23,522 23,900 23,316 23,453 23,102 22,937 23,546
98 ,, ,, Small 18,099 18,276 18,252 18,542 18,890 19,392 19,742 19,896 19,843 19,704 19,015 18,787 19,037
99 ,, ,, 16,286 16,884 16,500 17,041 17,210 17,708 17,655 17,440 17,450 17,158 16,801 16,784 17,076
100 ,, ,, Import 13,860 14,002 14,091 14,692 15,096 15,460 15,613 15,935 15,696 15,302 14,876 15,356 14,998
101 ,, Katla Big 26,333 21,500 22,928 21,306 20,885 22,467 22,083 22,233 19,490 25,025 26,500 26,500 23,104
102 ,, ,, Medium 19,304 20,448 19,335 18,684 19,698 21,219 2,045 20,892 20,300 21,227 21,000 20,563 18,726
103 ,, ,, Small 15,172 15,525 15,982 16,336 16,755 16,734 17,192 17,815 17,623 17,829 17,248 16,840 16,754
104 ,, Pangas 7,268 6,928 7,161 7,203 7,284 7,350 7,579 7,686 7,559 7,738 7,216 7,129 7,342
105 ,, Hilsha 27,281 26,401 28,697 33,292 34,557 36,616 42,417 43,579 43,339 38,038 35,420 38,436 35,673
106 Fish : Prawn Small 19,742 19,587 19,888 19,030 20,258 20,396 19,926 19,772 20,189 19,690 19,740 18,541 19,730
107 ,, Koi 20,723 23,673 20,177 19,537 22,786 22,704 21,956 19,229 18,098 17,300 19,910 21,542 20,636

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
108 Fish : Magur 36,825 36,438 37,372 40,213 42,063 43,210 43,218 51,175 51,188 48,945 49,465 42,104 43,518
109 ,, Shingh 31,844 31,706 31,846 33,919 33,419 36,672 33,684 39,022 40,698 35,480 39,046 38,058 35,450
110 ,, Silver Curp 8,633 8,826 8,791 8,870 9,679 9,353 9,574 9,922 9,624 9,676 9,595 9,049 9,299
111 ,, Telapia 9,548 9,569 9,733 9,909 10,206 10,205 10,484 10,739 10,431 10,222 9,853 9,887 10,066
112 Betel Nut 12,265 13,420 14,494 15,730 17,590 20,046 21,259 22,419 22,936 25,624 25,093 23,963 19,570
113 Betel Leaf Big 5,236 6,725 7,978 7,937 7,937 6,792 5,432 4,398 3,891 3,934 4,698 4,921 5,823
114 ,, Medium 3,523 4,505 5,302 5,287 4,360 3,428 2,802 2,394 2,604 2,761 3,226 3,475 3,639
115 ,, Small 1,880 2,524 3,034 3,003 2,489 2,676 1,553 1,305 1,422 1,487 1,631 1,783 2,066
116 Fruit : Mango : Guti - - - - 2,792 2,941 - - - - - - 2,867
117 ,, ,, - - - - 5,631 4,979 6,983 - - - - - 5,864
118 ,, ,, - - - - 6,064 5,405 6,420 - - - - - 5,963
119 ,, ,, Langra 5,375 5,542 6,987 - - - - - - - - - 5,968
120 ,, ,, Fazli - - - - - - 6,033 10,411 - - - - 8,222
121 ,, ,, Ashini - - - - - - - 6,321 - - - - 6,321
122 Fruit : Jacafruit : - - - - 9,075 8,317 7,165 - - - - - 8,186
123 ,, ,, Small - - - - 5,511 4,323 3,375 - - - - - 4,403
124 ,, Green 1,135 1,200 1,338 1,407 1,465 1,466 1,445 1,568 1,535 1,499 1,406 1,383 1,404
125 ,, Batabi - - - - - - - - 895 985 1,171 - 1,017
126 ,, Alachi 236 261 283 264 200 150 152 185 190 212 245 264 220
127 ,, Cagoji 261 277 307 275 195 148 150 180 191 209 245 263 225
128 ,, Guava - - - - - - - 163 - - - - 163
129 ,, Amra - - - - - - - 175 203 266 - - 215

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2011
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
130 ,, Orange 966 979 1,035 - - - - - - - 893 873 949
131 ,, Apple 9,453 9,275 10,054 10,478 10,890 10,993 11,186 11,809 11,789 11,260 11,372 10,880 10,787
132 “ Tormuj - - 5,430 6,122 6,315 - - - - - - - 5,956
133 ,, Bangi - - 3,083 2,847 2,413 - - - - - - - 2,781
134 ,, Ripe 2,606 2,928 3,325 3,352 3,358 3,339 3,222 3,526 3,721 3,279 3,170 3,116 3,245
135 ,, Lychee - - - - 1,210 2,039 - - - - - - 1,625
136 ,, Benana : 124 120 125 137 137 137 144 165 170 157 161 174 146
137 ,, ,, Sabri 186 184 183 186 226 233 233 247 242 240 230 218 217
138 ,, ,, Sagar 158 155 152 157 178 196 194 220 200 192 193 187 182
139 ,, Paineapple - - - - - - 1,972 2,035 - - - - 2,004
140 ,, ,, Jaldub - - - - - - 1,803 2,455 - - - - 2,129
141 ,, Coconut 1,866 2,026 1,999 2,038 2,028 2,104 2,090 2,253 2,175 2,191 2,193 2,118 2,090
142 Fruit : ,, Khejur - - - - - - 7,989 7,097 7,534 7,756 7,730 7,863 7,662
143 ,, Kismis - - - - - - 20,929 26,875 27,482 27,804 27,970 28,748 26,635
144 ,, Tamarind 4,917 4,438 4,221 4,709 5,039 5,328 5,763 6,061 5,967 5,864 6,040 6,500 5,404
145 Vegetable Potato : 1,320 900 943 984 998 1,039 1,210 1,364 1,455 1,394 1,204 861 1,139
146 ,, ,, Holland 983 600 626 662 690 767 985 1,128 1,178 1,098 961 763 870
147 ,, ,, ,, 1,223 763 834 840 876 939 1,341 1,332 1,324 1,256 1,089 754 1,048
148 ,, Brinjal 1,634 1,335 1,231 1,501 1,368 1,590 2,270 1,884 2,638 2,424 1,585 1,122 1,715

10.2 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2012

Table:10.2 Monthly Average Wholesale Price- 2012
(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
01 Paddy Fine 1,827 1,777 1,770 1,755 1,809 1,851 - - - 1350 1690 1,641 1,719
02 ,, Medium 1,641 1,651 1,645 1,623 1,622 1,558 - - 1350 1245 1476 1,456 1,527
03 ,, Coarse 1,514 1,510 1,493 1,488 1,535 1,500 1,600 1050 1208 1289 1332 1,323 1,404
04 ,, Pajam 2,127 2,061 2,035 2,088 2,025 2,025 1,887 1741 1781 1779 1804 1,759 1,926
05 ,, Aromatic 3,111 3,354 4,440 4,795 4,775 - - - - - - 3,832 4,051
06 Paddy Medium - - - - - - - 1,220 1,126 1,269 1,472 1,700 1,357
Aus :
07 ,, Coarse 1,601 - 1,425 - - - - 1133 1122 1190 1323 1,262 1,294
08 Paddy Fine 2,166 2,109 2,038 1,950 1,636 1,546 1,560 1553 1571 1646 1830 1,808 1,784
Boro :
09 ,, Medium 1,882 1,885 1,767 1,691 1,442 1,441 1,443 1433 1430 1487 1655 1,672 1,602
10 ,, Coarse 1,683 1,542 1,489 1,391 1,286 1,318 1,325 1312 1310 1350 1426 1,395 1,402
11 ,, Pajam - - - - 1,396 1,560 1,363 - 1812 - - 1,965 1,619
12 Rice Fine 4,025 4,010 4,012 3,950 3,881 3,820 3,845 3865 3837 3796 3850 3,738 3,886
Aman :
13 ,, Medium 3,016 3,004 2,962 2,932 2,902 2,886 2,950 2946 2875 2826 2839 2,759 2,908
14 ,, Coarse 2,548 2,518 2,444 2,418 2,423 2,415 2,396 2406 2421 2318 2351 2,287 2,412
15 ,, Pajam 3,908 3,853 3,837 3,804 3,767 3,750 3,792 3743 3703 3716 3688 3,576 3,761
16 Rice Aus Medium - - - - - - - 2550 2224 2569 2267 2,550 2,432
17 ,, Coarse 2,568 - - - - - - - 2352 2185 2203 1,850 2,232
18 Rice Fine 3,939 3,949 3,892 3,894 3,761 3,566 3,481 3453 3389 3362 3468 3,504 3,638
Boro :
19 ,, Medium 3,178 3,199 3,164 3,138 2,932 2,776 2,755 2737 2722 2734 2862 2,901 2,925
20 ,, Coarse 2,599 2,730 2,530 2,455 2,380 2,296 2,293 2251 2219 2231 2341 2,328 2,388
21 ,, Pajam 4,100 4,210 4,150 4,078 3,890 3,702 3,614 3594 3694 3719 3817 3,965 3,878
22 Rice O. 2,404 2,462 2,376 2,406 2,397 2,355 2,367 2318 2234 2199 2237 2,079 2,320
M. S

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
23 Rice Chinigura 5,977 5,658 6,539 7,810 8,144 8,294 8,521 8666 8751 8869 8984 8,872 7,924
24 “ Kalojira 5,631 5,658 6,087 7,274 7,674 7,779 7,959 8029 8078 8231 8374 8,208 7,415
25 “ Kataribhog 5,177 5,251 5,398 5,879 6,127 6,056 6,299 6200 6264 6510 6553 6,412 6,010
26 Wheat : Red 2,092 2,116 2,161 1,912 1,929 1,926 1,945 2014 2161 2177 2285 2,318 2,086
27 Whea White 2,208 2,306 2,201 1,990 2,011 2,034 2,044 2149 2365 2413 2517 2,566 2,234
28 Import Red 2,186 2,129 2,600 - 2,221 2,075 - - - - - - 2,242
29 ,, White 2,325 2,798 2,419 2,422 2,414 2,250 2,393 2376 2505 2412 2553 2,637 2,459
30 Ata : Loose 2,513 2,666 2,757 2,673 2,555 2,472 2,418 2501 2693 2761 2908 2,948 2,655
31 ,, Packet 3,034 3,148 3,369 3,352 3,216 3,099 3,054 3073 3281 3404 3467 3,484 3,248
32 Flour : Loose 3,499 3,532 3,611 3,609 3,568 3,464 3,435 3458 3574 3612 3671 3,725 3,563
33 ,, Packet 4,135 4,190 4,255 4,285 4,198 4,041 3,992 4019 4224 4318 4365 4,397 4,201
34 Maize 1,976 2,077 2,067 1,884 1,529 1,414 1,344 1384 1740 1778 1837 1,893 1,744
35 Pulses : Mash 6,465 6,157 6,078 6,334 6,422 6,585 6,245 6,313 6,489 6,573 6,602 6,372 6,386
36 ,, Masur 5,301 5,310 5,277 5,589 6,399 6,669 6,891 7,453 8,029 8,183 8,784 8,916 6,900
37 ,, Mugh 6,481 6,687 6,667 6,753 6,935 7,342 7,292 7,346 7,414 7,860 7,785 7,952 7,210
38 ,, Gram 5,798 5,861 5,885 5,961 6,141 6,348 7,293 7,596 7,951 7,927 7,987 8,018 6,897
39 ,, Motor Local 5,642 5,793 3,600 3,940 4,205 4,380 4,699 4,848 4,907 4,808 5,246 5,181 4,771
40 ,, Motor 3,499 3,524 3,592 3,731 4,006 4,147 4,253 4,306 4,240 4,262 4,484 4,533 4,048
41 ,, Khesari 2,081 2,238 2,307 2,718 3,251 3,422 3,579 3,768 4,007 4,229 4,548 4,981 3,427
42 Dall : Mash Gota 8,592 8,537 8,466 8,619 8,748 8,767 8,762 8,658 8,774 8,817 8,731 8,697 8,681
43 ,, ,, Broken 8,290 7,795 7,767 7,950 8,345 8,546 8,468 8,337 8,314 8,279 8,233 8,091 8,201
44 Dall : Masur 8,145 8,200 8,171 8,499 9,337 9,553 9,904 10,308 11,059 11,256 11,601 12,039 9,839
Local Gota
45 ,, ,, Broken 6,625 6,528 6,438 6,892 7,592 7,904 8,117 8,274 8,333 8,246 8,258 8,142 7,612
46 ,, ,, Import 7,959 8,003 8,032 8,295 9,061 9,298 9,511 9,946 10,434 10,792 11,301 11,359 9,499
47 ,, Mugh Local 9,426 10,455 10,171 10,075 10,363 10,520 10,598 10,666 10,864 11,023 11,041 10,995 10,516
48 ,, Gram Gota 7,463 7,293 7,332 7,305 7,564 7,778 8,160 8,372 8,826 8,995 9,095 8,890 8,089
49 ,, ,, Broken 7,115 6,739 6,809 6,914 7,268 7,545 8,166 8,485 8,985 9,188 8,991 8,710 7,910
50 ,, Motor Local 5,452 5,137 5,425 5,540 6,341 6,455 6,666 7,005 7,157 7,461 7,559 7,490 6,474

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
51 ,, ,, Import 3,669 3,612 3,684 3,866 4,202 4,303 4,483 4,521 4,448 4,454 4,771 4,794 4,234
52 ,, Khesari 3,068 3,102 3,190 3,667 4,309 4,481 4,815 4,940 5,155 5,369 6,041 6,477 4,551
53 Oil Mastard 5,425 5,106 5,101 5,418 5,483 5,588 5,711 5,870 5,914 6,003 5,999 6,104 5,644
Seeds :
54 ,, Tisi 5,355 5,255 5,407 5,231 5,313 5,322 5,333 5,384 6,065 6,580 6,650 8,425 5,860
55 ,, Til 4,413 3,915 5,847 5,826 5,200 4,559 4,461 4,643 4,865 5,126 5,250 5,565 4,972
56 ,, Groundnut 6,611 7,406 7,770 8,524 8,685 6,873 7,163 6,918 7,296 7,466 7,830 7,803 7,529
57 Oil : Mustard 14,160 14,177 14,082 14,190 14,345 14,516 14,651 14,681 14,837 14,833 14,793 15,051 14,526
58 ,, Soyabean 11,967 11,895 11,907 12,224 12,013 11,878 11,957 11,958 11,856 11,703 11,662 11,548 11,881
59 ,, Pump 9,356 9,448 9,933 10,175 10,183 9,756 9,757 9,402 9,320 8,748 8,469 8,181 9,394
60 ,, Dalda 10,759 10,627 10,662 10,952 10,941 10,870 10,848 10,985 10,735 10,586 10,514 13,309 10,982
61 ,, Butter oil 37,104 36,250 12,894 26,200 26,300 37,500 38,500 36,800 35,833 38,800 38,500 39,000 33,640
62 ,, Coconut 19,232 18,955 19,237 19,190 19,515 19,706 19,596 19,795 19,575 19,361 19,319 19,567 19,421
63 Oil cick Mustard 2,373 2,350 2,367 2,391 2,550 2,620 2,706 2,885 3,138 3,250 3,259 3,221 2,759
64 ,, Til 2,169 2,173 2,204 2,292 2,433 2,407 2,331 2,388 2,568 2,704 2,720 2,774 2,430
65 ,, Others 2,413 2,628 3,042 3,300 3,410 3,338 3,300 3,480 3,621 3,666 3,850 3,608 3,305
66 Spices Onion Local 1,084 1,262 1,770 1,609 1,985 2,164 2,607 2,589 2,552 2,839 3,976 4,149 2,382
67 ,, ,, Import 1,528 1,557 1,633 1,432 1,601 1,588 1,902 1,833 1,867 2,272 2,811 3,362 1,949
68 ,, Garlic Local 3,434 3,939 2,908 3,048 3,271 3,153 3,228 3,067 3,019 3,173 3,250 3,087 3,215
69 ,, ,, Import 4,945 5,823 5,643 6,572 7,976 8,388 8,674 8,601 8,891 10,192 10,007 8,235 7,829
70 ,, Dry Chili 16,126 16,320 15,334 14,399 13,391 13,097 13,441 13,157 13,143 13,270 13,263 13,031 13,998
71 ,, Green Chili 4,468 3,729 2,541 2,216 2,170 3,122 5,312 3,614 4,634 4,851 3,521 3,659 3,653
72 ,, Ginger 4,226 4,567 4,452 4,638 4,825 5,153 5,776 6,202 6,737 7,089 6,102 6,046 5,484
73 Spices Ginger 5,395 5,238 4,715 4,728 5,111 5,415 5,701 5,283 5,272 5,348 5,131 5,216 5,213
74 ,, Turmaric 11,300 11,655 10,098 9,450 8,644 7,801 7,764 7,231 6,454 6,755 6,791 6,916 8,405
75 ,, ,, Long 11,888 10,800 9,429 8,808 8,143 7,742 7,490 7,267 7,142 7,091 6,965 6,871 8,303
76 ,, Coriandder 5,311 5,293 5,352 5,314 5,348 5,266 5,337 5,116 5,227 5,239 5,184 5,109 5,258

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
77 ,, ,, new 4,860 4,692 4,893 4,782 4,982 5,123 5,222 5,462 4,929 4,650 4,681 4,825 4,925
78 Jute White/Tosa 1,813 2,668 3,094 3,000 - - - - - - - - 2,644
79 ,, Middle 2,375 2,375 3,125 - - - - - - - 3,625 2,679 2,836
80 ,, B- Bottom 2,500 2,875 2,875 - - - - 3,000 - - - 2,600 2,770
81 ,, C- Bottom 2,775 3,500 4,450 4,450 4,500 4,500 - 4,500 3,194 3,400 3,338 2,906 3,774
82 ,, Crass- - - - - - - - - 1,225 1,225 - - 1,225
83 ,, SMR 2,875 - - - - - - 3,900 2,750 - - - 3,175
84 ,, Gorsat 2,457 2,965 3,387 3,340 3,361 3,306 3,275 3,091 2,762 2,775 2,909 2,969 3,050
85 ,, Mesta 2,109 2,143 2,228 2,381 2,700 - 3,275 2,576 2,469 2,032 - - 2,435
86 Cotton Shimul 26,293 27,133 26,725 26,405 26,428 27,478 28,242 28,897 28,894 29,002 28,919 28,128 27,712
87 ,, Carpash 14,085 13,726 13,405 13,220 12,494 11,866 12,288 12,373 12,381 12,555 12,518 12,790 12,808
Wetsalf- Calf 79,175 80,073 79,388 79,007 78,870 79,223 79,123 78,116 78,398 72,488 68,749 67,112 76,643
mix Cow
89 ,, Calf 116,979 121,384 120,901 122,000 121,314 119,250 118,216 116,580 115,833 109,662 104,692 103,750 115,880
90 ,, Heavy 165,471 172,704 172,487 173,586 173,452 171,603 169,310 164,147 161,543 151,544 146,316 158,551 165,059
91 ,, Katasera 71,643 49,042 49,348 49,983 49,339 47,679 49,361 50,258 45,906 42,527 45,348 42,330 49,397
92 Buffalo Heavy 115,394 124,236 127,375 130,500 129,016 128,000 127,125 126,700 122,213 126,022 113,837 116,372 123,899
93 ,, Medium 17,720 15,028 15,203 14,635 14,649 14,422 14,269 16,227 17,750 16,983 20,149 17,973 16,251
94 ,, Katasera 1,080 1,069 1,063 1,064 1,064 1,063 1,065 1,024 1,064 1,062 1,066 1,066 1,062
95 Leather Goat 14,416 15,492 16,037 15,763 15,820 15,401 15,300 14,968 15,276 15,715 16,099 16,028 15,526
96 Fertilizer Urea 980 973 970 969 970 969 969 969 969 971 972 973 971
97 ,, TSP 1,080 1,069 1,063 1,064 1,064 1,063 1,065 1,064 1,064 1,062 1,066 1,066 1,066
98 ,, DAP 1,327 1,324 1,321 1,321 1,318 1,316 1,315 1,315 1,315 1,316 1,318 1,315 1,318
99 ,, MP 735 728 725 721 721 721 721 721 722 723 724 725 724
100 Compost Cow Dung 850 850 - - - - - - - - - - 850
101 Milk Bag 35,575 43,238 46,638 48,275 51,550 51,550 51,550 51,550 51,550 48,553 47,874 44,121 47,669

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
102 Cow Milk Liquid 4,105 4,155 4,180 4,126 4,182 4,184 4,188 4,340 4,321 4,448 4,567 4,481 4,273
103 ,, MilkVita 2,900 - 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - - 7,300 5,050
104 Ghee 47,621 48,503 52,025 53,117 53,700 47,660 53,300 52,840 51,775 52,230 51,704 46,795 50,939
105 Dano 7,293 7,302 7,815 8,465 - - - - - 10,600 10,700 9,791 8,852
106 Redcow 5,700 5,700 5,700 - - - - - - - - - 5,700
107 Anchor 5,767 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,706
108 Condest (1 Cartun) 2,448 2,448 2,448 2,448 2,448 2,444 2,500 2,470 2,500 2,425 2,500 2,423 2,459
109 Cow Milk Liquid 21,630 22,843 24,849 25,773 26,769 27,341 26,676 26,805 26,388 25,901 24,976 24,510 25,372
110 Dano - 22,020 23,443 25,772 26,471 27,344 27,998 27,331 27,374 26,831 26,279 25,527 24,749 25,928
111 Hen Alive : Big 22,694 24,136 26,427 27,503 28,362 28,681 27,982 28,240 27,511 26,752 26,187 25,618 26,674
112 ,, Middum 12,195 13,274 13,708 13,701 14,181 15,616 13,718 13,994 13,943 12,416 11,604 12,422 13,398
113 Hen Small 16,313 17,150 17,375 17,250 17,600 18,000 18,313 17,750 17,750 17,500 17,813 17,875 17,557
114 ,, Farm 23,873 23,920 24,096 24,297 24,606 24,661 24,498 24,278 24,607 24,921 25,001 24,701 24,455
115 Duck 37,313 37,506 37,891 38,688 39,188 39,188 38,703 37,991 38,412 39,325 40,007 40,007 38,685
116 Egg : Hen 748 809 810 855 841 886 872 867 1,056 927 894 907 873
117 ,, Farm 649 697 723 782 779 857 807 783 903 873 779 803 786
118 ,, Duck 727 781 833 834 807 867 854 846 937 922 861 878 846
119 Fish : Ruhi Big 18,000 18,000 18,000 - - - - - 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 29,143
120 ,, ,, Medium 23,500 24,216 24,986 25328 25,926 26,822 27,271 27,330 26,774 26,826 26,109 26,489 25,965
121 ,, ,, Small 18,838 19,101 19,379 19,702 20,355 20,904 24,084 21,815 21,576 21,460 21,016 21,170 20,783
122 ,, ,, Import 18,028 17,820 18,750 18,787 18,667 19,069 19,146 18,796 18,660 19,463 19,260 20,135 18,882
123 ,, ,, Import 15,775 16,169 16,713 16,374 16,705 16,987 17,056 17,452 17,740 17,921 17,920 17,981 17,066
124 ,, Katla big - 20,250 - - - - 31,000 28,333 26,000 - - - 26,396
125 ,, ,, Medium 21,532 22,016 22,215 22,605 23,913 25,065 25,161 25,001 24,574 24,742 24,740 23,980 23,795
126 ,, ,, small 17,113 16,971 16,993 17,492 18,113 18,525 18,840 19,244 19,649 19,509 18,918 18,754 18,343
127 ,, Mregal big 13,782 13,971 14,577 14,895 15,781 16,047 16,536 17,217 17,729 16,290 17,149 17,089 15,922
128 ,, ,, small 11,452 10,714 10,971 11,354 11,737 12,155 12,885 13,578 13,529 12,890 12,709 12,512 12,207

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
129 ,, Ahire big 51,250 54,600 52,500 49,583 51,000 54,500 53,000 58,700 60,313 55,000 60,625 58,125 54,933
130 ,, ,, small 31,794 33,005 33,344 31,344 31,100 35,375 31,938 40,450 43,667 37,507 34,346 34,400 34,856
131 ,, Boal big 36,438 38,350 38,042 39,083 38,633 33,333 28,528 34,500 38,438 37,072 30,604 29,167 35,182
132 ,, ,, small 24,667 26,883 25,994 27,308 30,600 29,375 28,292 31,558 28,328 28,271 25,527 25,125 27,661
133 ,, Chitol big - 28,500 65,000 - - - - 65,000 - - 65,000 65,000 57,700
134 ,, ,, small - 41,000 45,000 - - - - 45,000 - - 30,583 43,563 41,029
135 ,, Pangas Big 10,186 9,941 9,788 9,846 10,072 10,241 10,295 10,346 10,303 10,256 10,194 10,195 10,139
136 ,, ,, Small 7,161 7,386 7,710 8,028 8,382 8,396 9,391 9,291 9,922 8,598 8,555 8,605 8,452
137 ,, Hilsha 42,775 46,407 51,301 51,545 49,670 53,786 63,001 63,159 49,791 46,837 44,524 47,122 50,826
138 ,, Shrimp 45,281 45,500 45,344 49,578 49,683 50,021 47,917 50,170 49,583 47,655 50,932 51,920 48,632
139 ,, ,, Golda 39,525 36,620 36,100 36,375 38,688 38,891 43,050 49,777 46,229 44,440 44,934 44,175 41,567
140 ,, ,, small 20,123 20,000 21,288 22,714 23,976 24,122 23,964 27,920 25,496 23,250 21,892 22,001 23,062
141 ,, Koi 21,125 22,888 24,144 23,363 21,677 19,925 19,969 19,132 18,242 27,010 31,756 28,606 23,153
142 ,, Magur 43,333 43,637 49,600 46,350 41,011 46,007 45,661 48,138 39,439 48,567 45,313 46,406 45,288
143 ,, Shingh 42,951 43,733 45,197 44,179 48,095 49,152 46,265 47,362 48,875 52,670 49,851 45,738 47,006
144 ,, Silver Curp 9,125 9,272 9,483 9,814 10,399 10,627 10,828 10,987 10,839 10,720 10,507 11,550 10,346
145 ,, Glass Curp 11,103 11,372 11,507 11,697 12,392 12,468 12,531 12,473 12,470 12,222 12,275 12,504 12,084
146 ,, Telapia - 10,283 10,394 10,585 10,979 11,254 11,865 12,232 11,817 11,703 11,562 11,512 11,290
147 ,, Rupchanda - 40,000 40,000 53,500 52,100 43,250 43,250 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 51,100
148 Betel Nut 23,431 22,531 21,451 21,293 21,399 21,178 21,067 20,410 20,090 20,047 20,079 20,219 21,100
149 Betel Leaf Big 5,961 6,401 6,822 6,743 6,129 5,351 4,878 4,768 4,451 4,410 4,719 4,924 5,463
150 ,, Medium 4,006 4,627 4,831 4,703 4,096 3,884 3,157 2,949 2,844 2,795 3,099 3,181 3,681
151 ,, Small 2,112 2,546 2,767 2,673 2,397 2,110 2,031 1,711 1,574 1,551 1,689 1,732 2,074
152 ,, Sachi 5,875 6,733 6,725 6,425 6,167 5,800 5,406 5,650 5,250 5,500 5,200 5,200 5,828
153 Fruit : Mango : - - - - - 3,616 3,563 - - - - - 3,590
154 Fruit : ,, - - - - - 5,452 6,095 5,625 - - - - 5,724


(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
155 ,, ,, - - - - - 5,609 6,505 7,500 - - - - 6,538
156 ,, ,, - - - - - 5,815 7,384 8,254 - - - - 7,151
157 ,, ,, Fazli - - - - - 6,150 7,218 9,660 10,875 - - - 8,476
158 ,, ,, - - - - - - 4,892 6,282 8,541 - - - 6,572
159 ,, Jacafruit : - - - - - 10,555 9,612 14,139 - - - - 11,435
160 ,, ,, Small - - - - - 4,735 4,236 5,786 - - - - 4,919
161 ,, Green 1,329 1,389 1,495 1,628 1,765 1,893 1,866 1,940 1,940 1,980 1,904 1,834 1,747
162 ,, Batabi - - - - - - 1,908 1,366 1,186 1,475 1,634 2,090 1,610
163 ,, Alachi 297 342 407 423 280 206 202 266 290 304 310 295 302
164 ,, Cagoji 275 286 318 323 248 210 201 236 259 269 259 270 263
165 ,, Guava - - - - - - 2,100 1,493 2,709 1,710 1,200 - 1,842
166 ,, Amra 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 2,463 918 2,062 2,561 2,127 - 1,712
167 ,, Orange 1,662 1,802 1,763 2,029 2,418 2,359 2,036 1,213 - 1,295 1,470 1,329 1,761
168 ,, Apple 10,655 10,390 10,464 10,894 11,765 12,569 12,959 14,377 13,148 13,251 13,374 12,754 12,217
169 ,, Boroi 5,383 4,216 4,396 4,563 - - - - - - - - 4,640
170 ,, Tormuj - - 10,347 7,473 7,383 9,283 8,711 8,250 - - - - 8,575
171 ,, Bangi - - 3,616 3,551 3,558 2,729 2,375 2,250 - - - - 3,013
172 ,, Ripe 3,426 3,588 3,368 3,592 4,113 4,331 3,646 2,921 3,265 3,616 3,374 3,330 3,548
173 ,, Lychee - - - - 1,753 2,803 2,719 2,475 - - - - 2,438
174 ,, Benana : 169 173 178 182 192 202 202 209 199 186 189 174 188
175 ,, ,, Sabri 255 217 233 249 309 323 316 331 290 281 267 259 277

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
176 Fruit : ,, Sagar 210 209 212 219 265 270 268 273 248 206 209 210 233
177 ,, Paineapple - - - - - - 2,376 2,426 2,801 3,023 3,583 3,000 2,868
178 ,, ,, Jaldub - - - - - 2,450 2,002 2,031 2,900 3,250 3,100 - 2,622
179 ,, Coconut 2,202 2,414 2,297 2,277 2,206 2,162 2,187 2,261 2,133 2,164 2,170 2,202 2,223
180 ,, ,, Khejur 6,800 7,650 7,750 7,750 7,746 9,056 9,073 9,185 9,808 10,756 9,411 9,000 8,665
181 ,, Tamarind with 6,619 6,653 7,847 6,383 6,566 6,743 6,493 7,322 7,039 10,100 6,145 5,589 6,958
182 ,, ,, without 9,625 8,773 9,535 10,300 10,526 10,390 9,265 9,679 10,980 11,590 11,211 12,998 10,406
183 Vegetable : Potato : Local 1,117 1,082 1,128 1,581 1,957 2,072 2,248 2284 2238 2236 2335 2,291 1,881
184 ,, ,, Holland 860 854 918 1,296 1,619 1,742 1,946 1964 1908 1819 1896 1,855 1,556
185 ,, ,, ,, Red 969 963 1,002 1,413 1,738 1,865 2,039 2038 1997 1968 2137 2,106 1,686
186 ,, Brinjal 1,461 1,838 1,245 1,767 1,793 2,097 2,327 2064 2724 2849 2320 2,646 2,094
187 ,, Patal 2,416 5,692 3,338 3,125 2,480 1,916 1,975 1686 2095 2185 1834 2,186 2,577
188 ,, Chalcumra 1,164 1,307 1,150 1,250 1,243 1,147 1,232 1131 1223 1289 1293 1,666 1,258
189 ,, Pumpkin 1,302 1,300 1,155 1,047 1,127 1,124 1,217 1221 1443 1824 1887 1,988 1,386
190 ,, Lao 1,091 1,171 942 896 1,057 1,163 1,313 1258 1305 1345 1364 1,542 1,204
191 ,, Uchehhe 3,469 5,048 3,224 2,654 2,528 2,703 2,516 2250 2405 3969 4243 4,903 3,326
192 Vegetable : Karalla 2,591 3,654 3,214 2,692 2,232 2,180 2,269 1862 2469 3274 3282 3,877 2,800
193 ,, Green Papaya 960 1,061 1,096 1,310 1,779 2,097 1,924 1481 1181 1154 1100 1,203 1,362
194 ,, Mukhi cachue 2,038 3,000 - 2,438 3,983 2,802 2,335 1844 1648 1586 1595 1,751 2,275
195 ,, Water Aroid 1,788 1,950 - 3,500 1,918 1,789 1,439 1383 1365 1447 1264 650 1,681
196 ,, Kachur Loti 1,769 - 3,161 2,847 2,307 1,829 1,829 1617 1815 2018 2070 1,226 2,044
197 ,, Kakroll - - - 5,508 3,748 2,408 2,188 1666 2078 2474 1805 - 2,734
198 “ Lady's Finger 2,765 3,512 2,623 2,472 1,799 1,584 1,744 1731 2302 2647 2581 2,929 2,391
199 ,, Sosha 1,789 1,911 1,818 1,704 1,514 1,486 1,767 1718 2871 2952 2098 2,541 2,014
200 ,, Khirai 1,539 1,680 1,361 1,327 1,219 1,568 1,827 1681 2438 2638 2142 2,543 1,830
201 ,, Beans 1,939 1,969 1,453 1,728 - - - - - 4908 3262 3,108 2,624
202 ,, Barbati 2,122 2,598 3,078 3,125 2,261 2,072 2,172 1892 2672 3089 2771 2,982 2,569

(Per Quintal/Taka)
Sl Year-2012
Name of Commodity
no January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
203 Vegetable : Tomato Ripe 1,597 1,195 1,089 1,526 2,380 3,008 5,782 6764 6002 6468 6356 4,757 3,910
204 ,, Motorshooti 4,161 4,361 3,538 4,000 - - - - - - - - 4,015
205 ,, Jinga 2,413 4,125 3,624 3,255 2,316 1,866 1,882 1622 2065 2405 2122 1,949 2,470
206 ,, Chichinga 2,100 2,782 2,779 2,608 1,935 1,494 1,484 1251 1842 2350 2076 2,310 2,084
207 ,, Dundol 1,200 - - 2,561 1,672 1,463 1,501 1192 1549 1731 1351 1,100 1,532
208 ,, Radish 787 617 700 - - - 2,100 1652 1214 1449 1044 1,011 1,175
209 ,, Red Spinach 1,127 1,263 1,183 1,158 1,185 1,230 1,443 1424 1625 1728 1492 1,525 1,365
210 ,, Palongsak 842 902 950 879 1,032 1,238 1,183 700 2456 2178 1667 1,473 1,292
211 ,, Puisak 989 1,199 1,208 1,121 1,001 859 876 856 939 1017 992 992 1,004
212 ,, Danta 991 1,024 1,181 1,089 1,021 1,056 988 956 1128 1609 1599 1,367 1,167
213 ,, Cauliflower 882 1,068 1,134 1,038 - - - - - 3296 2656 2,596 1,810
214 ,, Cabbage 552 543 510 1,001 - - - - - 2497 2069 2,802 1,425
215 ,, Olcopy 708 765 1,077 - - - - - - 2300 2113 1,743 1,451
216 Vegetable : Carrot 1,663 1,322 1,270 1,523 2,195 2,575 3,058 3486 3564 4012 3699 2,902 2,606
217 ,, Greenbanana 332 178 128 144 162 191 215 214 215 233 224 230 206
218 ,, Radish 375 472 530 550 - - 2,250 1750 - 2130 1428 1,340 1,203
219 Others : Sugar Local 5,644 5,519 5,484 5,466 5,244 5,069 5,182 5176 5105 4897 4788 4,732 5,192
220 ,, Sugar Import 5,457 5,532 5,467 5,435 5,202 5,008 5,119 5140 5072 4855 4699 4,593 5,132
221 Gur : Akher Gur 5,361 5,416 5,479 5,789 5,880 5,864 5,884 5875 5762 5646 5495 5,169 5,635
222 ,, Khajur Gur 7,045 7,049 6,862 7,085 7,074 6,794 6,832 6693 6364 7685 7474 6,860 6,985
223 Salt : Iodin 1,640 1,736 1,824 1,890 2,075 2,309 2,363 2369 2335 2340 2345 2,362 2,132
224 ,, Ordinary 937 1,032 1,003 1,046 1,177 1,269 1,295 1308 1292 1265 1255 1,244 1,177
225 Bhushi Masur Husk 1,857 1,795 1,807 1,840 1,878 1,907 1,906 1888 2026 2236 2265 2,228 1,970
226 ,, Gram 2,201 2,219 2,223 2,227 2,223 2,195 2,274 2316 2442 2611 2754 2,770 2,371
227 ,, Khesari 2,245 2,141 2,167 2,198 2,246 2,271 2,303 2373 2505 2632 2769 2,764 2,385
228 ,, Wheat 2,125 2,140 2,177 2,196 2,213 2,233 2,216 2353 2543 2656 2633 2,532 2,335
229 ,, Paddy Husk 788 697 712 700 705 701 706 709 736 744 752 770 727
230 Firewood Mango 402 406 412 422 426 426 424 424 427 431 432 432 422

10.3 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops

Table: 10.3.1 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops 2007-08 to 2011-12.
(Per Quintal/100 Pieces in Taka)
SL Name of crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 Paddy Aman Local 1710 1426 1574 2082 1650
2 Paddy Aman H Y V 1796 1441 1699 2201 1521
3 Paddy Aman Pajam - - - - -
4 Paddy Aus Locall - - - - -
5 Paddy Aus HYV - - - - -
6 Paddy Aus Pajam - - - - -
7 Paddy Boro Locak 1481 1460 1442 1776 1371
8 Paddy Boro HYV 1338 1301 1305 2005 1526
9 Paddy Boro Pajam - - - - -
10 Wheat 2889 1446 1739 2056 1975
11 Mustard 3567 - 3496 3618 4563
12 Masur 4904 6066 6221 4926 5471
13 Mung 4273 3453 6845 6677 5338
14 Gram - 3197 4031 4256 5034
15 Motor 3768 4086 5484 3685 3421
16 Kheshari 2795 2822 3021 2145 2356
17 Mustard 4034 3455 3496 3618 4563
18 Lin seeds - - 3174 - 5049
19 Til 3208 2195 2875 2965 3702
20 Groundnut - - 3249 4716 5260
21 Onion 2952 2395 2281 2751 1573
22 Garlic 2729 2357 6435 8868 2806
23 Chillies (dry) 10447 6968 11353 12377 15895
24 Chillies (green) 3947 3310 2629 2675 5000
25 Zinger 2725 3476 6146 7046 3523
26 Turmeric 4103 6276 13042 19332 10038
27 Corriander seeds 3746 - 4996 4425 4197
28 Betel nut 9415 - 6763 9998 10500
29 Betwl leaves 1680 2698 3821 3522 4192
30 Jute (tossa) 1690 - 2617 4314 2934
31 Jute (masta) 1661 2450 1550 4100 2279
32 Tobacco(jati) - - - - -
33 Tobacco(Matihari) - - - - -
34 Arum - 814 1387 1387 1842
35 karala 873 1769 1488 1760 2385
36 Jhinga 990 1207 1263 1404 1801
37 Ladys Finger 1098 1422 1363 1592 1977
38 Cabbage 546 707 552 754 552
39 Pumkin 837 960 1013 1011 1252
40 Beans 1153 1398 1171 1744 1487

(Per Quintal/100 Pieces in Taka)

SL Name of crops 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
41 Punkin 649 683 562 590 921
42 Cucumber 906 1201 1229 1338 1385
43 Patol 1126 1496 1275 1136 2067
44 Caulifower 907 1045 807 1279 941
45 Brinjal 1222 1576 1458 1767 1775
46 Radish 574 709 - 860 739
47 Water gourd 1098 1137 1113 1387 1205
48 Chichinga 924 1053 976 1091 1675
49 Tomato 1086 1225 944 1912 1592
50 Chalkumra 873 938 937 938 1295
51 Potato (local) 1502 1461 1180 922 1077
52 Potato (Holand) 1244 1444 992 757 825
53 S.Potato 675 715 699 932 1237
54 Banana(Chapa) 90 - 98 154 149
55 Banana(Sabri) 130 - 184 179 232
56 Banana(Shaghar) 106 - 145 137 201
57 Pine Apple (local) - - - - -
58 Pine (jul Doog) 1270 - 1550 - 1782
59 Pine (Kelenda) - - - - -
60 Lamon 100 91 155 - 166
61 Jack Fruit 1253 3892 4708 - 5586
62 Water melon 4274 4014 4310 6303 6137
63 Litchi 126 125 227 - 251
64 Orange 1126 - - - 500
65 Mongo (Guti) 2011 2211 1538 5445 2754
66 Mango (Langra) 3626 5178 6000 - 5293
67 Mango (fajli) 4765 7290 4750 7375 7141
68 Mango (Gopalvog) 4083 4158 - 5250 4983
69 Mango (Ashini) 2630 4500 6400 3471 6300
70 Coconut 962 1381 1373 1391 2056

Chapter 11




11.1 Export of Agricultural Products

Table: 11.1.1 Export of Jute Goods, Raw Jute and Mesta 2008-09 to 2011-12.

Jute goods
Total Raw Jute Mesta
Year Quantity ‘000’ Metric Ton value
Hessian Saking Others Total ’000’ Taka Quantity Value in Quantity Value in
(000’M.Ton) ‘000’Tk (000’M.Ton) ‘000’Tk
2008-09 - - 496 496 23991089 474 9681726 9 225151
2009-10 - - 787 787 41691511 296 12091312 4 178457

2010-11 - - 32 32 3329512 460 23518456 41 1844460

2011-12 - - 4 4 3361181 48 17971241 3 1041521

Table: 11.1.2 Export of Selected Agriculture Products (Others than Jute Goods,
Raw Jute and Mesta) in the Years 2008-09 to 2011-12.
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Products Quantity Value in Quantity Value in Quantity Value in Quantity Value in
(M.Ton) ‘000’Tk (M.Ton) ‘000’Tk (M.Ton) ‘000’Tk (M.Ton) ‘000’Tk
Tea 8214 844210 2306 391168 1220 227591 154 226926

Fish 68673 30175067 53109 28678825 90837 43568895 8113 42102381

Raw Cotton 1520 74904 282 25784 60 13078 - -

Spices 5691 355028 2893 584902 2412 356012 421 1008283

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Table: 11.1.3 Export of Selected Agricultural Products and Requisites 2008-09 to 2011-12.
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Unit Value
Commodity Quantity Value Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0105- Livefowl domestic No. - - 30 104 - - - -
Spices - other

Meat of bovine animal Kg - - 31455 8926 49000 12781 5396 8976

0303-Eels fish frozen Kg 222152 28150 81400 14170 3132 875 1611926 4138023

03037-Fish, other frozen Kg 5102081 982957 6054979 1318032 9606397 2600031 417177 1163763

Livers and roes frozen Kg - - - - - - - -

03052-Liver/roe dry smoked Kg 202078 98411 1073950 119788 649936 154448 10777 38204
sltd in brine

03053- Fish filet dry sltd in Kg 273166 148356 338015 204615 915728 319414 67930 257433
brine not smoked

030549-Sharkfins, smoked Kg 8702 3046 - - 100003 61879 15445 115773

cooked or not salted

030559- Fish dry salted/ in Kg 27086 6771 26822 16297 47700 32123 7921 27529
brine not smoked

030559- Fish dry unsalted, Kg 291947 85515 233238 76089 205357 97273 21884 96949
not smoked
030569- Fish salted, not Kg - - - - - - 11214 45224
dried/smoked and fish in
brine, other.
Kg 43435095 24338288 39490290 2266459 51717855 33506376 4493483 33214009
030613- Shrimps, frozen 3
030614- Crabs, frozen Kg 175217 39795 237458 45890 413554 71991 29056 50925

030629- Crustaceans, Kg 1000 94 13030 1471 16000 832 - -

other, not frozen

0402- Milk powder Kg 68675 12878 19468 1714 378 264 23580 26134
0501- Human hair Kg 3587 1970 7386 3463 2019 1683 1107 6500
unworked wash or not &

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit Value
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0504-Bladder and gut of Kg 445635 81704 624301 157444 595577 195324 88730 225679
animal not fish

0505- Feathers used for Kg 95550 19386 131850 26846 128400 32142 10505 27361
stuffing; down

0506- Bones (uncrushed) Kg - - 20000 405 372010 14467 136500 29328

Valu 1495719 31507 578300 18899 2093352 55807 156086 48324
05069- Unworked other e

05079- Horn antler & similar Kg 387000 8023 - - 44000 2197 6200 3093
pcs of animals

0709- Vegetable, fresh or Kg 22252752 2565696 14214743 2463399 16958935 3169859 1954689 3946629
chilled other

081090- Fruits, fresh, other Kg 1868649 419694 2667258 617583 2458140 609512 213339 524366

09021- Green tea, packing Kg 95455 18112 23349 6543 16912 5860 168 330

09022- Green tea, other(not Kg 174105 37076 101043 23974 143384 39005 16022 47943

090290- Black tea packing not Kg 402386 69876 57868 114363 372930 98359 19726 55133
exceeding 3 kg
090240- Tea nec Kg 7542195 719145 1602775 246289 686893 84366 118405 123519

0904- Chillies, dry Kg 100079 23870 164237 35149 161967 330358 43008 87164

0909- Black cumin seeds Kg 25000 885 - - 70091 17010 29958 51987
091030- Turmeric (curcuma) Kg 89639 13976 75721 11207 18957 3930 34222 71196

Mixtures of two/more spices, Kg 116768 21581 25469 4436 50178 10175 1684 3952

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit Value
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rice medium quality mton 23852 723804 2128 203297 1470 60429 730 34909

120991- Vegetable seeds for Kg 21735 3213 24945 7650 22627 13251 4451 17771

Seeds, for sowing,other Kg - - 780 107 - - - -

121190- Plant & part etc., Kg 73376 2615 139589 3853 129750 3036 17990 4454
used in perfumery

121190- Plant & part herb Kg 108 106 17272 741 1501 173 44 170
etc., for medicine

12129- Betel leaves Kg - - 1500 209 - - - -

Balsam Mucilages & Kg - - - - - - 11300 3368


14011- Bamboo Kg 875599 7935 622693 5464 84300 1040 22285 2971

Veg mtrl use for plaiting: Kg - - 5310 860 36975 607 28774 6331
170199- Sugarcane/beet M.ton 7966 166906 5096 189061 - - - -
chem pure/solid other

17031- Molasses, cane M.ton 50 5639 54 3526 31 3239 6 6324

flavoured coloured
190410- Rice, beaten Kg 489867 51956 217556 21953 4316332 475369 439050 480252

Prepared food: other Kg 2500412 254552 1354884 147018 2081405 234221 758576 981938

Pineapple prep/presv Kg - - - - - - - -
w/sugar or not
Food preparations, other Kg 405663 41105 40116 10327 51643 6154 28219 39815

Non-alcoholic beverage, Liter 203236 6398 2880 69 950 45 49 78

other nec

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2203- Beer made Liter 96915 9703 57330 6210 75656 23617 2842 13996
from malt

22083- Whiskies Liter 12842 5823 16550 4120 1358 813 1032 4584

240110- Tobaco Kg 4184485 868407 3851268 731531 1532235 267815 453920 547475
F/cure N/virgna

240120Tobacco Kg 9442240 1697266 13412635 2689324 22871800 4471772 2307636 4352943

stem/strip virgna

24021Cigar Kg. - - 100 7 83 18782 22561 68003

cigarete other

Cigarette tobacco kg 5259 1315 10368 682 132686 30042 30155 56080
cont subs or not

31021000- Urea M.ton 492700 7390504 142701 2453539 121351 2813429384 51 1263562
Aqueous solution
or not

41039- Raw Kg 358004 44193 296256 33235 197473 26423 20494 19539
hides and skins

410411- Calf Kg - - - - 3075 5937


Leather, bovine Kg 6020 1178 4810 1122 4023512 621936 390612 607626

Leather, semi Kg - - - - - -
finished sheep


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4107- Leather of Kg 6714252 5311319 9961662 6697203 7161918 7504521 316601 6272945
other animal (not
hair on)

Cotton, M.ton - - 60 13078 - -

Bangladesh Sg

Jute, raw white A M.ton 431574 8631482 266770 26846432 460879 23518456 48496 17971241

Jute, raw white, M.ton 40698 1029592 29403 1244880 41952 1844460 3216 1041521
grades B,C,D or E

Mesta (kenaf) Kg 1347328 47594 4300402 178457 49089 3559 53970 21590

11.2 Import of Agricultural Products and Requistes

Table: 11.2 Import of Agricultural Products and Requistes.
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fowl, domestic No. - - - - - - - -

weight<=185 gram

Live poultry other weight No. 169243 496503 96508 875227 16236 189965 37403 433329
<=185 gram

Live poultry-other No. - - 1749 10220 73386 640995 33450 414011

Live animals, other for No. 564 828 2232 1880 26750 8577 17217 25658
human food

020230- Meat bovine Kg 7063 1934 35036 3824 27365 3727 45979 10633
animals boneless, frozen

0401- Milk & cream other fat Liter 407063 15138 233608 11569 592045 17132721 401208 28552
1% + <=6%

Skim milk powder fat Kg - - - - - - - -

<=1.5% w/sugar

Milk powder fat <=1.5% Kg 73907389 17842343 47561279 9000240 67580066 16176200 65916365 18783244

Milk powder not sugar fat Kg - - - - - - - -

1.5% +

Cream powder not sugar fat Kg - - - - - - - -

1.5% +

Milk/cream powder etc. Kg - - - - - - - -

Milk/cream other not Kg - - - - - - - -
containing sugar

Milk and cream with sugar, other Kg - - - - - - - -

0404- Whey containing Kg 4003137 189995 3263690 172220 6849866 452602 5453051 451521
sugar/ sweet or not

Butter, canned, fresh/ frozen Kg - - -- - - - - -

Butter, melted (ghee) Kg - - -- - - - - -

040510- Butter oil Kg 52887 11126 115757 25249 87156 43615 431148 144204

040690- Cheese-other Kg 41544 8905 86546 12971 103906 21187 151599 15208

0409- Natural honey Kg 82246 11240 282390 43938 13739 27118 242665 42458

0505-Feathers used for Kg 203908 585846 221069 686340 33641 95092 331123 799238
stuffing: down
Coral & similar material Kg 288221 73942 191767 61903 360605 156842 323184 64064


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Natural sponges of Kg - - - - - - - -
animal origin

Bovine animal semen Kg 11 2751 40800 7359 1421 13949 3129 9388

Pot fish/crustacean etc Kg - - 332220 10556 425000 13764 - -

N/for human

06011- Live plants, other Kg - - - - - - - -

incl. their roots

Potatoes fresh or chilled Kg 501050 35100 9008516 702018 4527171 331464 4964620 381148

Potatoes fresh or chilled: Kg - - 7356960 62584 102070 3434 107780 5561


Tomatoes, fresh or chilled Kg 128978 3016 662433 18774 1882981 52817 722788 21613

Onion and shallots Kg 113468016 2223081 73587378 1515190 16098030 445145 22883683 822700534

0703-Garlic Kg 63990624 1483791 56520176 2989207 34316235 3872242 48728552 3217971777

0707-Cucumber gherkin Kg - - 500 7 - - 763 64


0708-Peas (pisum Kg 262 22 1129 46 120 101 4038 175

sativum) fresh/chill

0709-Vegetable, fresh or Value 666175 25531 614305 26341 307434 22774 212963 18291
chilled: other

0713-Peas shelled, Kg 263351224 6038935 252037423 5538503 555850 25453 291656537 10293489
skinned or not

071320-Chick peas Kg 85985233 2899085 136207153 4905664 280361684 3779001 141502078 7316700
shelled, skinned or not

Beans dry shelled, skinned Kg 359058 12499 242235 9085 38765 1870 2932924 141438
or not

07134-Lentils, dried, Kg 55019774 3460733 162094732 10149811 82657489 5061571 78297023 4194450
skin or not

07139-Leguminous Veg Kg - - - - - - 239256 11246

seeds, dry shelled

080131-Cashew nut fresh/ Kg 3302 432 385 25 119 14 3080 577

dry shelld or not

080211-Almonds, in shell Kg 67089 17658 24671 6170 1240 140 41722 7361

080212-Almonds, shelled Kg 85441 21999 180253 36379 154215 26705 343842 29972

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1205 Rape seed Kg 145053591 3481286 218434179 47003220 89970079 3718457 31967920 3486207
broken or not

12075 Mustard Kg 2779 114 30000 2655 26860088 1240768 34370126 16526909
seeds broken or not

120799 Oil seeds, Kg - - - - 3600 901 - -


Flours/meal of Kg 3 1 30 4 - - 414 86
other oil seeds

Beet seed for Kg 38010 10687 601000 23108 11540 3347 3068 1030
sowing, other

Vegetable seeds Kg 721968 452214 1095629 589729 1044215 595472 1277825 793438
for sowing

Seeds, for sowing other Kg 993252 169011 2944985 275391 2865292 500752 4173608 261578

Plant & part etc Kg 2976 119 204 12 - - 1280 2049

use in perfumery

Plant & part herb Kg - - 18000 664 351 600 14928 2479
etc for medicine

Plant & part for Value 301316 21577 4324 845 1371 305 1472 267
insecticidal etc

1302190Vegetablesaps Kg 10805 6997 32890 20289 32453 24746 33620 26896

& extract: other

Kg 4394 4224 7404 6320 7360 6752 27315 25945

Mucilages &

kg 1789 610 115 51 20993 1713 2217144 105254


kg 457084487 27882153 689473464 41987915 799843075 61536310 878286951 86770890

other, nec
degummed or not

Kg 1278673 112769 339957 34886 850120 68009 573627 64352

Soyabean oil/
fractions other

Groundnut Kg 112769 47697 9730 46098 10925 45131 12819


other Olive oil, Kg 34219 10401 32014 8453 130111 31532 127639 32026

Olive oil/fraction: Kg 184272 56951 108039 23720 326774 57800 178369 38964

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

ommodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Palm oil crude Kg 1586712795 84095776 1628613543 82752750 1498196839 102595551 2114766600 188156518
Palm Kg 279856539 12229735 214920049 11038903 304686666 22148027 1159779725 10262817

Coconut (copra) oil/

Kg 7831883 657248 4622866 340839 4830800 598084 2731714 345317

fraction other

Palm kernel or Kg 11537982 810444 17799432 992489 18581234 2016197 18305356 2077005
babassu oil,

Palm Kg 2537596 172823 2103842 125912 2361660 277103 3676864 437085

oil/frcton other

Castor oil and its Kg 46921 10123 46885 14713 58190 23657 27909 13929

Sesame oil and Kg 3499 639 1270 401 5810 847 2385 518
its fraction

Veg fat Kg 25000 1058 4880003 268178 6420020 419355 6289643 521404

Animal/veg oil fat Kg 310185 37103 440644 44063 686568 71584 847628 113162
boil oxid other
Glycerol Liter 36887 831 - - 6 1 20000 891
(glycerine) crude

Vegetable waxes Kg 341 273 6050 3808 6325 3467 20400 11965
refine/colour or not

Beeswax and Kg 1400 820 - - - - 3297 2184

other insect waxs

Cane sugar raw M.ton 954981 22430354 1178112721 43592659 1093016205 46543208 1679750 89470381
not add flavor/color
Beet sugar raw not M.ton - - 64509 2930 20092 804 86 9146
add flavor/color

Sugar cane/beet M.ton 57865 1669994 107449127 4677431 108512420 5793138 291057 16843283
chem pure/solid

Sugar: Lactose, kg 4181542 188168 1468297 147946 1910560 255538 2045044 443011
solid form

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sugar glucose solid Kg 5838785 273067 5296880 523734 5254799 299490 5846679 405719
<20% fructose

Sugar: glucose syrup Kg 2220817 56720 3747595 111141 4343227 140619 4020303 159506
<=20% fructose

Sugar: fructose/syrup Kg 25549 5357 2099 245 53500 5700 157500 16451
50% + other

Chewing gum (sugar coated Kg 909110 47028 246150 12921 187957 10471 131300 15140
or not)

Cocoa powder not Kg 260984 24496 308251 23990 410394 45000 545342 83702
added sugar/sweet

Chocolate/food prep Kg 305033 27318 871833 81235 726969 76282 603952 123472
contain coca

Malt/other prep for Kg 2066539 666931 3539636 1113984 5113368 1678916 5532936 2171711

Malt extract not for Kg 1031454 265187 981613 247447 375339 89257 83248 17599
retail sale
Tapioca subst from Kg 7366412 189245 6725319 164615 8274227 310367 5224811 263517
potato, other

Sweet biscuits,waffles & Kg 817582 152657 95720 20040 1728791 167984 92544 22364

Fruit nut fruit peel prsrv Kg 23404 1966 18938 7566 18899 8574 23937 5178
by sugr

Jam fruit jelly marma- Kg 106675 7778 133266 8210 146040 10497 153853 19705
led fruit cook

20084-Pears prep/prsrv /sugar Kg 4275 189 926 37 2822 149 5168 369
or not

Orange juice other nec Liter 120165 3451 88883 2191 50559 1818 109679 7212

Mixture of fruit juice Liter 174233 5094 162714 5015 270405 12525 255597 13962

Active yeasts Kg 2388584 368410 2302135 362518 3345838 535451 3181514 537079

Prepared baking Kg 10930 618 32631 2452 39525 2461 44413 2327

Sauces and Kg 992257 95598 1794940 176421 2292478 281746 2140983 313253
preparation, other


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soup homogenise Kg - - - - 21630 2682 245828 59085
composite food

Ice cream/Ice Kg 53873 17340 45660 19337 47674 23225 76977 41854
cont cocoa or not

Food preparation, Kg 6625203 1315899 6132793 1820221 6101394 1980207 6587875 2735879

22019000-Water, Liter 16812 669 5792 869 26076 865 97171 4459

22021000-Mineral Liter 119613 6018 292513 20065 535683 48677 320840 40547
water cont

2203000-Beer Liter 2509896 257855 3919154 413353 4506927 463479 3671529 392878
made from malt

Liter 86926 34136 96439 45509 55328 25515 116843 58532

Sparkling wine

Liter 43089 15400 36344 9210 67779 19705 77916 24069

other grape must
cont <=2 liter
22051000- Liter - - 175 82 84 44
wine cont <=2 liter

22060000- Liter 19099 7134 4695 910 24810 4322 41698 14745
beverage, other
not cider

Ethyl alchol/other Liter - - - - 38312 15852

spirit denatured

22083000- Liter 237293 90980 273201 155137 337614 164146 551707 267473

22084000-Rum Liter 308 122 585 235 753 347 659 363
and Tafia

22071000- Liter 35507 4799 182627 22289 102753 14625 218673 38849
ethyl alcohol other

22090000- Liter 8478 458 7597 348 12245 700 19676 1463
Vinegar/substi from

23040000- Kg 2901520 52227 5843223 184827 42291373 1351074 20357333 694751

Soyabean oil-

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
23091000- Kg 155243037 5143622 216830463 7331814 316413556 11602836 161183868 8511429
Preparations use in
animal feed nec

24011000-Tobacco Kg 499646 147415 2043060 311020 48965 79480 241040 43188

N/stem/strip flucure

24012000-Tobacco Kg 2384053 715217 1690112 703945 1827728 704481 1987816 818095

stem/strip virg

31021000-Urea M.ton 1155820 36292759 851881388 19872952 1879594 53406430 787486 35184505
Aqueous solution or

31022100- M.ton 1695 32961 2994966 54148 5409 82904 1041 26102
Ammonium sulphate

31031020-Super M.ton 294244 11181289 525679455 1057892 588498 22366114 462467 22675530
phosphate fertilizer

31039000- M.ton - - 618 277 23 1894 117 7016

fertilizer nec

310420000- M.ton 297712 10241324 341008023 11914751 389311 13532106 506365 20263164
Potassium chloride

310430000- M.ton 4263 379690 6332299 297627 3867 249821 8015 400813
Potassiam sulphate

38081010-Malathion, Kg - - - - - - - -

38089091- Kg - - - - - - - -
Insecticides, nec

38082011- Kg - - - - 14053294 2463457 14958405 2492091

Fungicides for
agricultural purpose

3808401- Kg - - - - - - - -

40011000-Nturl Kg 1969102 173282 998434 152885 1096148 260837 941117 251368

rubber latex vulcan
or not

Smoked sheet of Kg 235990 22543 127191 23870 383310 91079 61000 20125
natural rubber

40013000-Balata Kg 347 171 36 13 69 40 170 102

guavule chicle


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Unit
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
440320000-Wood in the Cu-Mtr 3646000 87520 4916005 130416 5116030 139856 6281183 204248
rough, other

45031000-Corks and Kg 13430 2054 769 292 5500 524 20777 5264
stoppers, natural

47020000-Wood pulp Kg 1601104 57055 600 380 12453 918 760543 31056
chemical dissolving grade

Wood pulp chem Kg - - 22139009 1299003 57233045 3110935 78467835 4212845

semiblch/blch coni

Wood pulp chem Kg 350604 25030 375458 23825 79101824 4172604 96709700 4788598
semiblch/blch N/coni

Wood pulp chem sulphite Kg - - - - - -

blech conifer

Wood pulp chem sulphite Kg - - - - - -

blch N/conifer

5002-Raw silk (not thrown) Kg 747401 323201 722782 397529 617412 370447 462355 286661

5105-Wool top Kg 95991 57599 33775 11676 12400 5753 8 5

Cotton American RG(rolled M.ton 811921 77944445 874074 98185411 933730 193966652 729664 154684713

Agri pistonengine No. - - 48 357 1725 44016 1829 1093


84089090 No - - 314 274861 4091 366414 4967 447168

Internal piston engine comp
igni other

Rotary pumps No. 14802 278022 - - 51153 1381412 361734 1099394

84248190 No. 12305 27149 26535 65799 22218 81770 26064 92432
Appliance other

8424811-Spraying No. 35694 217706 41700 291855 250843 24077 192715

machine used in Agri 35835

8432-Ploughs No. 100 3529 165 3814 3070 122723 11738 442273

Disc harrows No. 99 4303 19 868 21 1194 150 4639


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Commodity Value
t Quantity Value Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value
'000' Tk '000' Tk '000' Tk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
84329000 KG 151060 3077468 207126 166361 119358 2247050 139028
Parts, Agri horti 0
mchnry exel

84361000 No. - 2041 704415 4632 1599515 3381 1519983

Mchnry preparing
animal feed stuff

1843621000 No. - - 338 198482 503 300928 11133 669473

mchnry incubator

843621-Poultry No. 304 176508 383 142911 705 236469 90 53362

farming machinery

84378020-Machry No. 2186 1020164 - - - - - -

other for the
working of rice

84379010--Parts Kg 2224778 174531 2662689 209810 2379130 170334 2305037 163509

nec of mchnry for
rice huller

84379090-Parts Kg 660557 58210 986132 194093 961370 182123 988513 120504

nec of grain milling

8701-Tractor No. 2 904687 1 11 - - 162888 5539478

pedestrian control
Agri, wheel
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Chapter 12




Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
The need for a set of principles governing official statistics became apparent at the end of
the 1980s when countries in Central Europe began to change from centrally planned
economies to market- oriented democracies. It was essential to ensure that national
statistical systems in such countries would be able to produce appropriate and reliable data
that adhered to certain professional and scientific standards. Towards this end, the
Conference of European Statisticians developed and adopted the Fundamental Principles of
Official Statistics in 1992. Statisticians in other parts of the world soon realized that the
principles were of much wider, global significance. Following an international consultation
process, a milestone in the history of international statistics was reached when the United
Nations Statistical Commission at its Special Session of 11-15 April 1994 adopted the very
same set of principles – with a revised preamble- as the United Nations Fundamental
Principles of Official Statistics.

At its forty-second session in 2011, the Statistical Commission discussed the Fundamental
principles of Official Statistics and acknowledged that the Principles were still as relevant
today as they had been in the past and that no revision of the 10 Principles themselves was
necessary. The Commission recommended, however, that Friends of the Chair group revise
and update the preamble of the Fundamental Principles in order to take into account new
developments since the time when the Principles were first formulated. At its forty-fourth
sessions in 2013, the Statistical Commission adopted the revised preamble.

On 24 July 2013, the Economic and Social Council endorsed the Fundamental Principles
of official Statistics as they had been originally adopted by the Statistical Commission
almost 20 years ago in 1994, and recently reaffirmed by the Commission with a new
preamble. Endorsement by ECOSOC marks the first time the Fundamental Principles have
received such high recognition at the global political level. ECOSOC further recommended
that the General Assembly also endorse the Principle.
Principle 1: Relevance, impartiality and equal access
. Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a
demographic society serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about
the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this end, official

statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an
impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honor citizens’ entitlement to public
Principle 2: Professional standards and ethics
To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to
strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics,
on the methods and procedures for the collection, processing, storage and presentation of
statistical data.
Principle 3: Accountability and transparency
To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present
information according to scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the
Principle 4: Prevention of misuse
The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of
Principle 5: Sources of Official Statistics
Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all types of sources, be they statistical
surveys or administrative records. Statistical agencies are to choose the source with regard
to quality, timeliness, costs and the burden on respondents.
Principle 6: Confidentiality
Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they
refer to natural or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for
statistical purposes.
Principle 7: Legislation
The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be
made public.
Principle 8: National coordination
Coordination among statistical agencies within countries is essential to achieve
consistency and efficiency in the statistical system.
Principle 9: Use of international standards
The use by statistical agencies in each country of international concepts, classifications
and methods promotes the consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official
Principle 10: International cooperation
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contributes to the improvement of
systems of official statistics in all countries.


Bearing in mind that statistics are essential for sustainable economic, environmental and social
development and that public trust in official statistics is anchored in professional independence and
impartiality of statisticians, their use of scientific and transparent methods and equal access for all
to official statistical information, the Chief Statisticians or coordinators of statistical activities of
United Nations agencies and related organizations, agree that implementation of the following
principles will enhance the functioning of the international statistical system.

In doing so, they note the endorsement of these principles by the Committee for the Coordination of
Statistical Activities on 14 September, 2005; they further recall the adoption by the United Nations
Statistical Commission of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in its Special Session of
11-15 April 1994, and the endorsement of the Declaration of Good Practices in Technical
Cooperation in Statistics in its 30th Session of 1-5 March 1999.
1. High quality international statistics, accessible for all, are a fundamental element of global
information systems
Good practices include:
 Having regular consultations with key users both inside and outside the relevant
organization to ascertain that their needs are met
 Periodic review of statistical programmes to ensure their relevance
 Compiling and disseminating international statistics based on impartiality
 Providing equal access to statistics for all users
 Ensuring free public accessibility of key statistics
2. To maintain the trust in international statistics, their production is to be impartial and
strictly based on the highest professional standards
Good practices include:
 Using strictly professional considerations for decisions on methodology, terminology and
data presentation
 Developing and using professional codes of conduct
 Making a clear distinction, in statistical publications, between statistical and analytical
comments on the one hand and policy-prescriptive and advocacy comments on the other
3. The public has a right to be informed about the mandates for the statistical work of the
Good practices include:
 Making decisions about statistical work programmes publicly available
 Making documents for and reports of statistical meetings publicly available

4. Concepts, definitions, classification, sources, methods and procedures employed in the

production of international statistics are chosen to meet professional scientific standards and
are made transparent for the users

Good practices include

 Aiming continuously to introduce methodological improvements and systems to manage
and improve the quality and transparency of statistics
 Enhancing the professional level of staff by encouraging them to attend training course, to
do analytical work, to publish scientific papers and to participate in seminars and
 Documenting the concepts, definitions and classification, as well as data collection and
processing procedures used and the quality assessments carried out and making this
information publicly accessible
 Documenting how data are collected, processed and disseminated, including information
about editing mechanisms applied to country data
 Giving credit, in the dissemination of international statistics, to the original source and
using agreed quotation standards when re-using statistics originally collected by others
 Making officially agreed standards publicly available
5. Sources and methods for data collection are appropriately chosen to ensure timeliness and
other aspects of quality, to be cost- efficient and to minimize the reporting burden for data
Good practices include:
 Facilitating the provision of data by countries
 Working systematically on the improvement of the timeliness of international statistics
 Periodic review of statistical programmes to minimize the burden on data providers
 Sharing collected data with other organizations and collecting data jointly where
 Contributing to an integrated presentation of statistical programmes, including data
collection plans, thereby making gaps or overlaps clearly visible
Ensuring that national statistical offices and other national organizations for official statistics are
duly involved and advocating that the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are applied
when data are collected in countries
6. Individual data collected about natural persons and legal entities, or about small
aggregates that are subject to national confidentiality rules, are to be dept strictly confidential
and are to be used exclusively for statistical purposes or for purposes mandated legislation
Good practices include:
 Putting measures in place to prevent the direct or indirect disclosure of data on persons,
households, businesses and other individual respondents
Developing a framework describing methods and procedures to provide sets of anonymous micro-
data for further analysis by bona fide researchers, maintaining the requirements of confidentiality
7. Erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics are to be immediately appropriately
Good practices include:
 Responding to perceived erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics
 Enhancing the use of statistics by developing educational material for important user groups
8. Standards for national and international statistics are to be developed on the basis of sound
professional criteria, while also meeting the test of practical utility and feasibility

Good practices include:

 Systematically involving national statistical offices and other national organizations for
official statistics in the development of international statistical programmes, including the
development and promulgation of methods, standards and good practices
 Ensuring that decisions on such standards are free from conflicts of interest, and are
perceived to be so
 Advising countries on implementation issues concerning international standards
 Monitoring the implementation of agreed standards

9. Coordination of international statistical programmes is essential to strengthen the quality,

coherence and governance of international statistics, and avoiding duplication of work

Good practices include:

 Designating one or more statistical units to implement statistical programmes, including one
unit that coordinates the statistical work of the organization and represents the
organization in international statistical meetings
 Participating in international statistical meetings and bilateral and multilateral consultations
wherever necessary
 Working systematically towards agreements about common concepts, classifications,
standards and methods
 Working systematically towards agreement on which series to consider as authoritative for
each important set of statistics
Coordinating technical cooperation activities with countries between donors and between different
organizations in the national statistical system to avoid duplication of effort and to encourage
complementarities and synergy

10. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contribute to the professional growth of
the statisticians involved and to the improvement of statistics in the organizations and in
Good practices include:

 Cooperating and sharing knowledge among international organization and with countries
and regions to further develop national and regional statistical systems
 Basing cooperation projects on user requirements, promoting full participation of the main
stakeholders, taking account of local circumstances and stage of statistical development
 Empowering recipient national statistical systems and governments to take the lead
 Advocating the implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in

Setting cooperation projects within a balanced overall strategic framework for national
development of official statistics



List of personnel participated in the preparation

and compilation of the yearbook -2012

1. Mr. Bidhan Baral, Deputy Director.

2. Mr. Md. Abdul Wadud, Deputy Director.
3. Mr. Md. Akhter Hassan Khan, Deputy Director.
4. Mosammat Sayeeda Begum, Programmer.
5. Md. Saidur Rahman, Deputy Director.
6. Ms. Ashrafun Naher, Statistical Officer.
7. Mr. Md. Shahajan Miah, Statistical Investigator.
8. Mr. Md. Adul Malek Nuri, Enumerator.
9. Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Enumerator.
10. Mr. Md. Monnu Miah, DDO.
11. Mr. Md. Nurul Huda, Computer Operator/Typist.
12. Mr. A. K. M. Akther Hossain, Steno-Typist/Computer Operator.

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