Bbhi4103 Bi PDF
Bbhi4103 Bi PDF
Bbhi4103 Bi PDF
Industrial Relations
BBHI4103 Industrial Relations is one of the courses offered by OUM Business
School at Open University Malaysia (OUM). This course is worth 3 credit hours
and should be covered over 8 to 15 weeks.
This is an elective course for students undergoing Bachelor of Human Resource
As an open and distance learner, you should be able to learn independently and
optimise the learning modes and environment available to you. Before you begin
this course, please confirm the course material, the course requirements and how
the course is conducted.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend
120 study hours. Table 1 gives an estimation of how the 120 study hours could be
Study Activities
Briefly go through the course content and participate in initial discussion 3
Study the module 60
Attend 3 to 5 tutorial sessions 10
Online participation 12
Revision 15
Assignment(s), Test(s) and Examination(s) 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
2. Discuss the roles of the employees, trade unions, employers and the
government in the industrial relations system;
This course is divided into 12 topics. The synopsis for each topic is presented as
Topic 1 begins with a discussion on industrial relations and the factors that
influence it. This includes the roles of trade unions, employers and government.
Topic 3 discusses the concepts and values in industrial relations. For instance, it
explains the concepts of fairness and equality, the concepts of power and
authority, the concepts of individualism and collectivism, the concepts of rights
and responsibilities and the concepts of integrity and trust between workers and
employers in industrial relations.
Topic 6 describes the employer and employers union. It also explains the
differences between the trade unions and the employers association.
Topic 7 describes the roles and functions of the government and its agencies. This
includes the roles of the government and the Ministry of Human Resources.
Topic 10 deals with industrial actions. This includes trade disputes and industrial
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
Learners of this course are required to pass BBPB2103 Human Resource
Management course.
Please refer to myINSPIRE.
DÊCruz, M. N. (2000). A comprehensive guide to current Malaysian laws. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia: Leeds Publications.
Deery, S., Plowman, D., & Walsh, J. (2001). Industrial relations: A contemporary
analysis. Australia: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Salamon, M. (2001). Industrial relations: Theory and practice (4th ed.). London,
London: Prentice Hall.
In this introductory topic, we will discuss and identify the definition and
importance of industrial relations, the factors which influence the industrial
relations environment, the acts which are related to industrial relations and the
roles played by the parties involved in industrial relations. This topic also
discusses the industrial system practised in Malaysia, including the legal
framework which influences the industrial relations environment.
In other words, industrial relation is the relationship between the employee, the
employer and the union in the context of employment, based on the legal and
procedural systems laid down.
The relationship between the employee and the employer is actually derived
from the negotiations and collective agreement similar to the contents in the
contract of service. According to Kamal Halili Hassan (1994), a contract of service
has unique characteristics underlining the duties and responsibilities of the
employer towards the employee, and the employee towards the employer. The
said duties and responsibilities exist, whether interwoven in the common law or
provided by the written law. In short, the contract of service is an agreement
between the employer and the employee containing the terms and conditions of
employment. In other words, the rights and responsibilities of both parties exist
and are enforced by law, especially laws that are related to employment.
Apart from the contract of service, the legal system also forms a relationship
between the employer and the employee. The legal system here refers to the
written acts that are relevant to employment, for example:
This legal system outlines the various procedures and guidelines for all parties
involved in industrial relations. We will discuss the acts related to industrial
relations in Malaysia at the end of this topic.
Now let us look at two examples, as to how these factors can influence industrial
Example 1
Rapid and continual technological progress forces an organisation to make
certain changes to raise its competitiveness. The organisation must strive to meet
the increasing demand for skilled and experienced employees to achieve fixed
organisational goals. At the same time, the organisation must ensure that the
needs and welfare of the workers are always met in order to establish a
harmonious working environment.
Example 2
Another example of these influencing factors can be seen during the economic
depression around 1998, where the critical situation needed a closer
understanding and cooperation between the employees/trade unions and the
management (employer) in tackling the problems faced. Several matters in the
collective agreement were not implemented, for example wage increment, bonus
payment, etc. Some of the organisations affected were forced to take drastic
cost-cutting measures such as wage reduction, overtime reduction and job
termination. The government has taken the initiative in this issue by monitoring
List the factors which influence the relationship between you and your
employer in your workplace and the effects that these factors have on
the industrial relations in your organisation.
The involvement and relationships of the three parties are classified in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Classification of Involvement and Relationships of the Workers, Employer and
the Government
Classification Explanation
Unilateral (One Power to make decisions which are related to the worker lies
party) solely on the employer or the organisation.
The employee and the government are not involved in the
decision-making process.
Bilateral (Two The employee through the union is given the right to negotiate
parties) and make decisions on matters related to working conditions,
together with the employer.
Tripartite (Three All the three parties, that is; the employees, the employer and the
parties) government are involved in the negotiation and discussion on
matters related to work.
The government will create, and from time to time, revise the legal framework.
The government will also set up the machinery to settle trade disputes if the
employee and the employer fail to resolve the disputes at the organisational
level. The lowest level in settling a dispute is through direct negotiations between
the employer and the employee/union. If this process fails, the Ministry of
Human Resources will set up a conciliation service to assist the parties involved
in reaching a settlement. If this conciliation process also fails, the dispute will be
referred to the industrial court for arbitration. We will be exposed to more details
regarding the conciliation processes in the coming topics.
According to Section 2 of the Trade Unions Act (1959), trade unions are
any organisation or association of employees or employers, whether in
Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak.
This act states the purposes of the formation of a trade union, that is:
(a) The regulation of relations between employees and employers, for the
purposes of promoting good industrial relations between employees and
employers, improving working conditions or employees or enhancing their
economic and social status, or increasing productivity;
A trade unionÊs representation of workers is based on the industry they work for.
For example, the National Union of Bank Employees only represents their non-
officer workers in the finance industry. An employersÊ union is also known as an
employersÊ association. For example, the Malaysian Agricultural Producers
Association (MAPA) is a union for the producers of agricultural products.
In countries like Japan and Korea, the approach to the movement of trade unions
is more towards a concept of cooperation, whereby the unions assist the
employers in increasing production efficiency, so as to achieve good
performance. This approach enables the employees to receive higher wages and a
better working environment.
The employer is the party that provides jobs. The employer can be an individual,
a company, or any organisation or an association which gives jobs to the workers.
Just like the trade unions that protect the importance of workers collectively,
likewise, the employers also have their own organisation. However, an
employersÊ association is not only for the purpose of representing the employer
in trade disputes, but it also discusses important matters or issues that are of
common interest.
Section 5(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 states the following:
(b) Refuse to employ any person on the ground that he is or is not a member or
an officer of a trade union;
(c) Participant (the government is the biggest employer in the public sector).
(a) Ensuring that the Human Resources Policies drafted are of quality and can
be implemented practically;
(c) Ensuring that support services like the requirements of posts, finance and
the equipment for management and administration are sufficient, in
working condition and available for use at all times;
(g) Ensuring that every query and complaint is dealt with within 24 hours of
(a) Protect the welfare of the employees which includes their security, health
and rights;
(b) Encourage good relationships between the employers and the employees;
(c) Assist in using national manpower to its maximum level through planning
a workforce that is efficient and effective.
The principles that cover the relationships between the employer and worker in
Malaysia are derived from three main sources, that is:
If a law is passed by the legal body in Malaysia, it will block the use of common
law in legal affairs. However, this situation will depend on whether the
legislation is complete or otherwise. If it is complete, then common law will not
be used (Kamal Khalili Hassan, 1994).
The main labour acts in Malaysia are the Employment Act 1955, the Trade
Unions Act 1959, the Industrial Relations Act 1967 and the Occupational Safety
and Health Act 1994. An explanation of these labour acts are as follows:
The terms and conditions of employment must follow the Employment Act.
Any additions to the terms and conditions must be obtained from collective
negotiations between the employer and the workers. Additions to the terms
and conditions will then be entered in the collective agreement.
(i) Rules pertaining to the relationship between the employer and the
(ii) Procedures for settling disputes that occur in industrial relations; and
(iii) Work disputes and issues which arise from the matter.
This act was drawn up in 1967 as Act No. 35, 1967; revised in 1976 and
published as Act 177.
A trade union can be defined as a group formed by the employees with the
intention of collectively improving the terms and conditions of employment
or of raising their status in society.
The role of a trade union is to regulate the relations between employees and
employers. This is to promote good industrial relations between employees
and employers to enhance employeesÊ working conditions, economic and
social status and to increase productivity. Other roles of a trade union are to
represent either employees or employers in trade disputes and to promote,
organise and finance strikes or lock-outs in any trade or industry or to
provide pay or other benefits for its members during a strike or lock-out.
The basic reason that labour laws exist is to form an industrial environment
that is harmonious and balances the interests between the employees and
Administrator Participant
Civil court The Employment Act 1955
Common law The Industrial Relations Act 1967
Employee/Workman The Occupational Safety and Healthy
Act 1994
The Trade Unions Act 1959
Three-party system (Tripartite)
Industrial court
Trade union
Industrial relations
Written law
Legal framework
In Topic 1, we discussed the definition of industrial relations and the factors
influencing industrial relations. We also discussed the parties involved in the
industrial relations system and its environment in Malaysia.
In Topic 2, we will look at various perspectives and approaches which are used
by the organisation in forming harmonious industrial relations.
There is not one single approach that can describe industrial relations
completely. However, every approach can help clarify industrial relations. This is
because the industrial relations system is not influenced by any policy or
fundamental. The industrial relations system is an elective system.
Elective means that the parties involve in industrial relations have the right to
select an approach they feel is suitable for creating a harmonious working
The important thing in industrial relations is: any conflict that exists must be
resolved so as to produce a harmonious industrial relations environment.
In this perspective, the absolute right of the management is accepted by all and is
considered as rational. This is to say that the employer is considered to have
valid powers in matters related to management style, and in making
organisational decisions. The power used by the employer to resolve conflicts is
more autocratic and is known as coercion.
The management does not recognise the importance of the union because it
considers the union as a challenge to the employer. The union is not recognised
in this perspective because:
(b) Competition will occur between the management and the union with
regards to loyalty and commitment of the employees.
As such, the management does not recognise conflicts at work or in other words,
conflicts are considered irrational.
In brief, the main importance of this perspective is the stability and harmony in
the relationship between the employer and the workers without any interference
from other parties, especially the unions.
The employer recognises that conflicts are always caused by the organisational
structure, management style, working environment and compensation system.
Apart from these reasons, other outside influences can also cause conflict at
work, for example, economic influences. Conflicts are resolved through two
(a) The employer need not use their power to close the organisation but
instead must discuss with the union; and
(b) The social and political institutions must assist the employer in explaining
any changes occurring in the organisationÊs environment.
In this perspective, the employer recognises that there are conflicts. Therefore,
the employer will also recognise the union in bringing up any work-related
problems for discussions. Collective negotiation is the main method or main
channel that the employer and the union can use for discussion besides finding a
solution to the existing problems.
The Marxist (radical) perspective looks at the relationship that exists between
the employer and the employees in the organisation from the social, political
and economic points of view. This perspective emphasises the importance of
social changes for ensuring the progress and development of the organisation.
Changes will occur when conflict exists between groups in the organisation.
Conflicts occur in the organisation when the sharing of power, economy and
resources are imbalanced. As an example, if there is an imbalance in wage
distribution in the organisation, the union will take action to look after the
interests of the employees who are affected by the injustice perpetuated by the
(a) Group conflicts are agents for change. Without conflict, the organisation
will not change;
(c) The social conditions in a society and a political institution exist because of
the economic imbalance and pressure from the dominant group; and
(d) Social and political conflicts results from the conflicts occurring in society.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
In your workplace, which perspective in industrial relations is used to
overcome a conflict that exists between the management and the
The industrial relations approach produces results, as it sees the situation from
the different perspectives discussed earlier. There are two main approaches:
(b) The Approaches of Social Action, Labour Control Process and Human
Resources Management
These three approaches are products of the unitary and Marxist
perspectives. These approaches stress on the work activities of the
(c) If the conflict involves the whole company, industrial action such as
picketing and strikes will take place.
The following are the descriptions of the four aspects of the Dunlop system:
(a) Actors
These are parties involved in the industrial relations systems. These parties
are the employers, the employees or unions and the government.
(b) Context
Context is the environment which influences industrial relations. This
includes social, political and technological influences.
(c) Ideology
Ideology is a common set of beliefs in a group of actors. Therefore, an
organisation needs to integrate ideologies to achieve commitment and
stability in the organisation.
(d) Rules
A framework of rules is drawn up through a certain process, for example
collective negotiations, conciliations and arbitration. Rules are proposed in
However, this model is criticised because it emphasises more towards the roles
played by the actors, as compared to the individual who is the actor. This model
does not take into consideration behavioural variables such as motivation and
In addition, this model does not explain as to whether the context is part of the
system, or an external constraint. However, Wood (1975) explains that if the
context is related to the market, for example economy and technology, then it is
an external constraint. If the context is related to the power of the organisation,
for example culture and values, then it is part of the system.
This approach is about making strategic decisions. This system opposes the
Dunlop System approach, where the Dunlop system says that the environment
can influence the actors. But in the social action approach, the actors have the
ability to influence the social system. The actors will make decisions based on
their experience at the workplace.
This approach also states that the social relationships of the employees who
produce important products to be a labour capitalist process when their abilities
are fully used to make the products.
(a) This approach does not take into account any opposition from the
employees; and
(b) This approach does not take into consideration other mechanisms which
influences management control towards the employees.
The approach is focused more towards the concept of individualism and direct
manager and employeeÊs relationship. Negotiations with the union is avoided or
minimised. Policies and work procedures are formed and enforced so as to
influence the employeeÊs attitude by applying psychological pressure and
disciplinary action.
1. Describe the following industrial relations approaches:
(a) Input-output approach;
Both contexts take into consideration the changes in the contexts of economics
and the governmentÊs role.
The labour market environment has seen changes in the industrial nations due
(d) Employers and employees being more focused on work and less on career
development; and
(e) Changes in the strategy of the government that involves itself in controlling
the labour market with the intention of developing the economy.
The economic approach in the labour market stresses on the role of wages as
the determining factor on the supply and demand of labour. There are three
assumptions in the economics of the labour market:
(a) Wage expectation is a utility function. This means that the total supply of
labour derives from the wage level offered in the labour market;
(b) The organisational approach to wage level derives from the maximisation
of profit and marginal value of labour; and
(c) The supply and demand of labour takes place through a wage mechanism
that finds a point of balance where the employees work for the wages they
Besides the determination and allocation of wages, the labour market approach
also looks at the allocation of jobs among groups of employees. This approach
says that the employees who are involved in complex and difficult jobs will
become experts in their respective fields. This approach indicates that every job
has its own value.
There are two reasons why we must examine the industrial relations systems of
other nations, namely:
(b) This comparison method can be used to change the political, environmental
and economic system in industrial relations.
Factors that cause these differences are the market environment, the
technology used and the organisational culture.
Therefore, the management must take the proper perspective in dealing with
the conflict that arises.
The unitary perspective looks at the employer and the employees as having
similar goals or objectives. As such, the existence of a conflict is regarded as
irrational and the formation of a union is seen as unnecessary.
The pluralistic perspective says each party in the organisation has different
goals and interests. These differences will cause conflicts. As this perspective
allows the existence of conflicts, therefore the formation of a trade union is
deemed important to safeguard the welfare of the employees. Collective
negotiation is a channel to resolve differences.
Finally, in the Marxist perspective, the relationship that occurs between the
employer and the employees is seen from the social, political and economic
Harmonious industrial relations can bring prosperity and success to an
organisation. To achieve and perpetuate this situation, the organisation requires
tolerance and cooperation from all parties involved. Conflicts in industrial
relations can arise if the parties involved have different perceptions regarding
basic concepts and values that are important in industrial relations.
(e) Integrity and trust in the context of the relationships between the
employees, the union and the employer.
In this topic, all concepts will be explained technically. At the same time the
students must look at the concepts in a subjective manner, based on values or
value judgement. This is because there is no criterion in industrial relations
which can be universally accepted. Different individuals and groups will have
contrasting perceptions about good or bad and right or wrong.
Brown (1979) explains that this concept of fairness must be accepted and used in
order to create a rational situation. What is important here is that the employer
and the employees must be committed in practising the concept of fairness in
facing changes in the industrial relations environment.
(a) Every year, the management will announce the giving of bonuses to all
employees who have given their energy to achieve the profits set by the
company. The bonus is given to all employees based on a same rate, for
example, two monthsÊ salary. Just imagine if a group of employees is given
a bonus based on half monthÊs salary. Here, there is inequality in the
Equality is just one of the values or variables used to look at the existence of
fairness in an industrial relations system. The existence of inequality in
society cannot be avoided because of the differences in the quality of life of
individuals in a society. Inequality is considered fair in a capitalist society
where the dominant values are individual success and individual
competitiveness with other individuals in order to achieve success. This
situation can lead to inequality. However, in a capitalist society, inequality
that results from competition is considered fair.
This view differs from the Marxist perspective which places the importance
of equality on the rights, interests and opportunities available in society.
The Marxist perspective explains that if there is inequality at the macro
level, for example, in economic distribution, it will influence fairness at the
micro level.
(iii) Fairness must also be seen in distribution that is not in financial form,
for example, service and consideration towards different groups of
The concept of fairness is not streamlined. This means that when the
environment and situation change, the opinion of the society towards
fairness will also change. For example, in a normal situation, if the
management does not raise the annual salary of the workers, the
management is seen to be unfair. However, in an economic downturn
situation, the freezing of the annual salary by the employer is seen as
fair considering that the company cannot achieve the set profit.
(a) The level of power of the trade union in its relationship with the employer
and the government;
(b) The level of authority the trade union has in controlling its members; and
In practice, there are two concepts that are mutually related to each other,
3.2.1 Power
There is no one universal definition that can explain power. However, power can
be defined from various aspects:
(b) Power means the ability to influence and make changes as a result of action
by a certain group or individual.
In the negotiation process between the employer and union, two kinds of power
are used, namely:
(a) Strategic power ă with this power the employer or the union has all the
elements to influence other parties; and
(b) Tactical advantage ă according to the ability to use tactics to influence other
There are five sources of power which can influence industrial relations.
(a) Reward
Power is obtained when one party can control or influence the achievements
or interests that are desired by other parties.
For example the employer has a fixed standard of performance for each
worker through his or her job description. The management must control
the performance level of the workers to ensure it remains at the level
required. As such, the management has the power to control the workersÊ
job activities.
(b) Coercion
Power that exists when one party has the ability to take action against or
inflict punishment on another party.
(c) Valid
Power obtained by appointment from a legal point of view. For example, if
you are appointed as the manager in the human resource department, you
have the power to determine the human resources policies of the company.
(d) Reference
Power obtained by an individual who can use his personal ideas or status
to change the decisions or opinions of another. For example, if you are a
human resource manager of your company, whatever problems that exist
regarding the employee will be referred to you and you have the power to
make decisions because you are well-versed in the practices of human
resource management.
(e) Expert
Power obtained when an individual has a certain knowledge or experience.
For example, an expert in his field has the power to give his opinion to the
point that he can influence another party to change the decision that has
been taken.
Power can exist and be used only if there is acceptance of the principles of
power. This means that:
(i) The awareness of fairness in the use of power between the employer
and the employees will easily bring about an agreement between
(ii) The awareness that unfairness in the use of power will make
negotiations difficult; and
(iii) The awareness that unfairness in the use of great power will easily
bring about an agreement. However, there will be bias in the
agreement. For example, if the employees know that the employer
threatens to terminate them for not accepting a certain rule, they will
agree to follow the rule, but they may resort to something unexpected
such as sabotage.
There are two dimensions in the use of power and authority that is internal
dimension and external dimension. The management will use internal power and
authority on the employees to achieve the companyÊs objective. Without power
and authority, the process of controlling the employees will be difficult. The
external dimension of power and authority is seen when other elements outside
the company put pressure on the employer regarding the decision made. An
example of external power and authority are the national trade unions.
3.2.2 Authority
Authority is defined as the use of power. It is a right that is created for using
consideration to form, carry out and achieve the organisationÊs objectives.
Authority can also be defined as a right to direct a person to do something.
As authority is the use of power, we must also look at the rules and legislations
pertaining to authority. It can be seen in the process of socialisation, where on the
social level, the employee will follow an order because it comes from the head.
The head is an individual who controls the action of the employees and this
control is based on the rules and legislation that have been laid down.
This socialisation process has created the absolute rights of the management to
control the actions of the employees and the achievement of the objective of the
companyÊs production level. Refer to Section 13(3) of the Industrial Relations Act
1967 for matters that are listed as the absolute rights of the management. The
absolute rights of the management are activities of the employer which cannot be
questioned by the workers more so if the activities are done in good faith (bona
fide). According to Torrington & Chapman (1983), when an employee faces the
absolute rights of the management, the employee will lower his relative
(a) The Use of Power is Seen as Unacceptable while the Use of Authority is
This can be seen when power is used for guaranteeing the peaceful living
conditions of the whole of society. For example, the trade unions must
ensure that the demands of their members are not detrimental to society.
Here, the use of power by the trade union is not acceptable to the members
because the union does not fulfil the memberÊs demands. However the
authority of the trade union is acceptable to society as a whole because it
ensures the demands of the members are not detrimental to society.
(b) There is Conflict of Loyalty of the Workers to their Jobs and as Members of
the Trade Union
When a worker signs a contract of employment, they are ready to be a
worker and must abide by all the set terms and conditions. When a worker
becomes a member of a union, he is ready to abide by all the decisions that
are made and agreed upon at the union level. If there is a dispute between
the union and the employer which leads to an industrial action, such as a
strike, the employee will have a conflict of interest as to whether to support
the union strike or be loyal to the employer by not joining in the strike.
(c) Rights of the Workers are in Line with the Use of Power and Authority or
its Control
The employees have the right to demand that the employer prepares
a safe workplace via collective negotiation. In collective negotiation, the
managementÊs use of power and authority depends on the agreement of the
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
With your own words, describe power and authority. Give examples in
the context of your working environment.
On the whole, the relationship of the employer and the employee is via
individualism, and the relationship of the employer and the trade union is via
collectivism. As such, the balance of individualism and collectivism is not seen
up to the level of freedom or pressure on the employees. The level of
individualism is seen up to:
(a) The employer is free to deal with the employee as he sees fit without the
need of a third party such as a trade union;
(b) Each employee is dealt with separately as he/she is given a salary based on
his/her ability and performance;
(c) Employees are treated fairly if they do the same jobs. Salaries are based on
the same terms and conditions of employment without consideration of
their employeesÊ ability and performance; and
(d) Employees assume that economic and social factors are personal matters
and do not depend on the group. But at the same time, the employees
assume that they are mutually dependent on one another and their needs
are obtained from collective action.
In the aspect of work, if an individual gets a job, he must accept the objectives,
rules and decisions of the management. As such the employee is not free to act
on his own. If the worker cannot accept the decisions of the management, he can
choose to continue with the organisation or leave.
In collectivism, both parties, that is the employer and the trade union is
responsible for controlling the actions of the employees from opposing the
authority of the collective system. Thus, a collective agreement is formed.
(a) A concept that has a positive approach is where a right is made into a basis
of culture and is accepted by everyone in society. An example is the right to
In Britain, workers have the right to strike and those who go on strike have
immunity from prosecution for any damage that occurs as a result of the strike.
In industrial relations, the issue that is always being spoken about is the absolute
right of the management.
Rights and responsibilities in social relations are not solely determined by one
role only (unilateral). They are also determined through the interaction of roles.
The interaction of rights and responsibilities shows the social value and trust of
an individual in a relationship with other individuals, their level of freedom and
what is needed by the individuals through that interaction.
There are four issues regarding the relationship between rights and
responsibilities, normally:
This view is based on the belief that a right can be cast aside if the result of
an action of exercising the right is unacceptable to society.
(b) Does the Existence of a Right Make Another Party Responsible for Ensuring
that the Right is Used Effectively?
An employee is given the right to negotiate with the employer and it is the
responsibility of the union to demand the right of the worker. Therefore,
the employee is not afraid to negotiate and if the negotiation leads to a
deadlock the employee is not afraid to proceed with industrial actions.
(c) Can Responsibility be Given to a Party who has the Right to Perform the
Function of Control?
The management is responsible for the survival of the organisation.
Therefore, the management has the right to determine the strategies for
managing the organisation.
(d) Are Rights and Responsibilities Used to Evaluate Certain Perceptions and
The trade union has the right and responsibility to represent the employees
during collective negotiation with the management. The unionÊs objectives
and constitution must reflect the opinions of the members as a whole.
Integrity can be seen from the words and behaviour of an individual based on a
consistent set of values. Problems will occur if there are differences in trust and
values among individuals. If the values and trustworthiness of an individual
now contradict with what had been promised previously, society will not trust
that individual. What is important in industrial relations is that the integrity of
the employee or the organisation must be consistent.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
(a) High trust in an organisation occurs when the employer and the workers
are ready to accept opinions as a basis for good relationship between them;
(b) Low trust exists when there is formal control in the relationship between
employer and employees; and
(c) Interpersonal trust exists when employee feels confident and can trust one
In order to build trust, an individual must not destroy the status of other
individuals and their relationship with a third party. They must also uphold the
promises which were agreed upon, and honour the roles and objectives of other
We have already seen that in order to practise fairness and equality, we must
evaluate various factors that are involved in the situation.
We have also seen that fairness and equality are not necessarily on the same
level. This is because of the differences that exist between one worker and
A right can be seen from two approaches, that is, the right of freedom which
is given to an employee, and the special right which is given to one party and
not to another.
Trust will appear among individuals if their set of values and trust are
accepted by all.
Authority Power
Coercion Power and authority
Collectivism Reference
Control Reward
Expert Rights and responsibilities
Fairness and equality Valid
Individualism Values
Integrity and trust
The industrial community is complex and dynamic in its variety of groups,
activities and institutions and their behaviour and assumptions. Therefore, the
social phenomenon of employees such as industrial relations must be seen from a
wider perspective and context.
(b) The increase in the number of female workers is influenced by the changes
in social patterns, the increase in the educational level of women, changes
in the economy and the changes in legislation related to gender
discrimination at work.
4.1.3 Time
Time plays an important role. The present may be influenced by past incidents or
assumed incidents in the future. For example, conflicts faced by the organisation
now may have started from a past incident and any decision made by the
employer in resolving the conflict. This can influence the workersÊ objective.
(a) An existing problem and its solution will become a problem in the future;
(b) The behaviour, objectives and relationships that exist between the parties
involved are the result of their past experiences.
At the macro level, industrial relations is influenced by the changes and the
development of society with regard to economic, social and political
development (see Figure 4.1). It also includes the changes in the parties involved
in industrial relations themselves.
The relationship between the employer and the workers is influenced by the
internal and external environments.
After the Second World War, restructuring was done, not only to develop the
economy but also for social purposes. This has created the modern welfare state,
whereby the strengths in society can help to compensate the weaknesses in
society and the government must be responsible for providing education, health
and other social services systems.
These factors have changed the industrial relations environment. For example,
the recruitment strategy and development of the movement of the trade unions
especially, have improved the terms and conditions of employment of workers,
especially for women.
(a) The power and authority which is used by an organisation for the decision-
making process. This involves the parties and actions of the parties who are
part of this process; and
Political differences from the aspects of policy and action are the result of
differences in opinions regarding various matters occurring in a society. In the
19th and 20th century, changes in ideology were clearly seen, especially in the
19th century when the liberalist or laissez-faire ideology dominated the
formation of society. The liberalist ideology looks towards capitalism. In this
ideology, economy is based more on the concept of individualism, that is,
economic division and social welfare are on the same level and individuals are
free to decide their own future. In order to have power, individuals will group
Differences in political ideology can cause political issues. Political issues arise
when there are differences in opinions related to:
(c) The powers given to trade unions regarding issues in the industries;
(d) Legislations and their amendments and also the roles of the authorities
regarding industrial actions such as pickets and strikes; and
There are three important elements in the context of industrial relations, that
is, the industrial relations system, other segments in social activities and time.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe the meaning of „trade union‰ according to the Trade
Unions Act 1959;
2. Discuss the development of the trade union movement in Malaysia
from early 20th century until now;
3. Evaluate the functions of the trade unions in the West and in
4. Examine the meaning of „structure‰ and „congress‰ in the context
of trade unions;
5. Differentiate between the types of trade unions in Malaysia;
6. Explain the classifications of trade unions practised in Malaysia; and
7. Review the movement of the trade union affiliates such as
Trade unions are organisations which represent employees in their struggle and
take care of the interests of their members. The history of trade unions started
among the workers in the West. The effect of the Industrial Revolution in the
18th century in Europe and in the 19th century in the US, witnessed the economic
transitions in the West from an agricultural-based economy to a manufacturing-
based economy. Employees in the manufacturing industries are divided into two
parties, the management and the employees with each having their own work
objectives. The management desires business profits through the optimum use of
workers, whereas the employees want rewards and treatment which in their
It is very clear that the development of trade unions in most countries including
Malaysia is patterned by history and local needs even though trade unions had
its beginnings in the West. Actually, the framework of industrial relations in
Malaysia is inherited from the British Colonial Government.
(iii) The conducting of, or dealing with, trade disputes and matters
related thereto; or
Maimunah Aminuddin (1990) says that the definition of a union as written in the
Trade Unions Act 1959 has the following effects:
(a) Trade Unions in Malaysia need not necessarily be called unions. There are
also trade unions that called themselves „associations‰;
(b) The two parties, namely, the employer and the employees have the right to
form or be a member of a union as long the unions are separated from each
other but at the same time fulfilling the conditions stated above, that is, the
members must be in the same job, business or industry for any one union;
(d) Unions in a general form cannot exist. In fact, union members must be
uniform, that is, of the same type; where they work in the same job,
business or industry; and they also have the same priorities and interest. If
there is uncertainty or doubt related to a type of work, business or industry,
a determination will be made by the Director of the Trade Union; and
(e) Any organisation or a group of workers having one or more objectives that
are written in the Trade Unions Act 1959 can be considered a union and
with that, must comply with the required legislations of trade unions.
List the effects of the definition of trade unions as found in the Trade
Unions Act 1959.
Based on the definition of trade unions, are trade unions suitable for all
types of businesses regardless of the size of the organisation or
industry? Look at your own organisation; will the presence of a union
be helpful or problematic?
Since 1946, the government had taken two important steps in ensuring
additional activities of the unions (Maimunah Aminuddin, 1999):
(i) The Trade Unions Advisory Department was formed with the
appointment of a Registrar of Trade Unions; and
Union officers must consist of those who have been working for at
least three years in the industry that they represent.
Period Event
Early 20th The influx of foreign workers to the Federation of Malaya to fulfil the
century manpower requirements of the booming rubber and tin ore industries. In
general, the workers for the rubber industries were brought in from India,
and workers from China were brought in for the tin mining industry.
1920s The formation of various unions to look after the welfare of the workers
and the emergence of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) that planned
to develop the labour union movement by encouraging the formation of
unions of unskilled workers.
1930s MCP succeeded in instigating the new unions to launch a campaign of
strikes that have the elements of aggression and militancy. Around 1939,
there were about 40 unions that have the characteristics of trade unions
although they were not called as such as there was no legislation to control
their activities.
1940 Following the pressure from the employers who were worried about the
aggressive activities of the unions, the British government enacted the
Trade Unions Ordinance 1940. This was among the early legislations
concerning the workers.
However, this was legislated just as World War II began and the country
was in chaos. Thus, it was only enforced after the country experienced the
situation of low wage payments, insufficiency of the supply of rice and the
high prices of commodities. This situation stimulated the development of
the activities of the workers through the unions. The Trade Union
Ordinance 1940 was an inheritance for the union movement after the War.
1945 till MCP, which was allowed to operate legally by the British government,
1948 operated several types of general labour unions (GLU) under the
patronage of the Pan Malaysian General Labour Union (PMGLU).
To handle the development, the British government formed the Trade
Unions Advisory Department to be responsible for preparing a network of
trade unions that is democratic and committed and that complies with the
conditions of the Trade Unions Ordinance 1940. At the same time, the
employersÊ association for the mining and plantation industries were also
formed, for example, the Malayan Mining EmployersÊ Association and the
Malayan Planting Industry EmployersÊ Association. These were among
the earliest employersÊ unions formed in Malaya. The governmentÊs policy
on trade unions was based on the principle of complete separation of the
struggle of the trade union from that of politics.
With the beginning of a new era, the GLUs under the sponsorship of the
communist which were formed based on various trades or industries were
replaced by trade unions which were recognised by the government. These
trade unions operated on the basis of the same type of work or industry.
Finally, in 1959, the government at that time passed the Trade Unions Act
which constitutes the Act for administrating the trade unions movement in
the country. This Act was amended twice, in 1989 and 1991.
Can you explain the influence of the Malayan Communist Party on the
trade unions movement in Malaysia in the 1930s?
However, these are not absolute rights because it relies on the provisions of
the Industrial Relations Act 1967 and the Trade Unions Act 1959. Any
activity which is classified as aggressive according to the provisions of both
Acts by the union will result in the union being deregistered by the
Registrar of Trade Unions. As displayed in Table 5.2, there has been an
overall large increase in the number of unions and members especially in
the private sector. Nevertheless, there is a decrease in the number of
employersÊ union.
The latest development in the number of unions can be seen in the previous
table. Tables 5.3 to 5.5 show the latest statistics on the number of membership
and trade unions, by sector and industry in Malaysia.
Why is there a decrease in the number of unions and members of the
employersÊ unions based on the statistics from the Department of Trade
Union Affairs? Explain in your own words.
Table 5.3: Number of Membership and Trade Unions in Malaysia, Year 2002ăJuly 2009
Table 5.4: Number of Trade Union by Sector in Malaysia, Year 2002ăJuly 2009
Table 5.5: Number of Trade Union by Industry in Malaysia, Year 2002ăJuly 2009
Industry 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 July 2009
Agriculture, 48 55 54 54 55 55 58 58
forestry and fishery
Mining and quarry 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Production 149 145 144 146 150 154 159 159
Electricity, gas and 28 39 39 39 39 40 40 40
Construction 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Commerce 12 18 18 18 19 21 24 29
Transportation and 53 58 61 61 61 62 63 64
Services 278 281 283 291 295 298 303 305
Total 581 609 611 621 631 642 659 667
You can visit the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia,
at for more information. Look at the
latest data and information regarding trade unions via the website of the
Department of Trade Union Affairs.
(b) To build the relationships between the employees and the employer;
(d) To represent the employees in trade disputes with the employer regarding
disciplinary affairs;
(e) To represent the employees in the industrial court, labour court and so on;
(f) To organise social, recreational and cultural activities among the members.
Therefore, the fate and welfare of the workers will be protected because the
voice of a group will be more effective and clear compared to the voice of an
Certainly, the objectives, procedures, policies and actions of a union are formed
based on the perception of its leader regarding the actual functions of trade
unions. However they may differ in the perception of the members of the union.
Nevertheless the basic purpose of forming a trade union is to look after the
interests of its members. If we refer to Salamon (2001), the functions of an
organisation are defined as the roles or duties which must be performed and the
methods used to carry them out. However, they are still influenced by the
characteristics of the organisation itself.
Salamon (2001) furthermore divided the functions of the trade unions into six as
1. Why is the membership size of the union more important than the
number of unions?
As we all know from past topics, that even though a trade union represents its
workers in an industry or in the same work, nevertheless, in general the union is
still less solid especially if they have a small number of members. To strengthen
any union, it must be the practice of unions in any country to unite under a main
combined organisation of affiliates.
„A main body that combines the trade unions from various fields according to
This congress of unions is divided into two groups, and they are the public sector
and the private sector. This is seen in Malaysia. The unions from the public sector
are affiliated to the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil
Sectors (CUEPACS) and the unions from the private sector are affiliated to the
Malaysia Trade Union Congress (MTUC).
The Trade Unions Act 1959 has a proviso that employees in the public sector can
only form and be a member of a union in a ministry, department or a same
occupation. The formation of a union in the public sector also refers to the union
exemptions according to the Public Officers Directive 1971.
The proviso is to ensure that discussions carried out with the employers have a
proper basis. This is because the size of the public sector is large and the
problems faced by the employees generally pertain only to a particular ministry
or department. Perhaps the only similarity in the ministries and the departments
of the public sector is the salary system. Any issue on salary that arises will be
referred to and discussed at national level through the Congress of the Union of
Employees of the Public and Civil Services (CUEPACS).
We have mentioned the technical term „internal trade union‰ earlier. Internal
trade unions are trade unions whose members work under the same employer.
An internal trade union is formed with the permission of and only after being
recognised by the employer. The members can be from various occupations in
the organisation. Nevertheless, it has been the policy of the government to
encourage the formation and the development of such unions even though the
validity of their registration can be questioned.
However, there are parties which oppose in-house unions. They say that the
close relationship of the in-house union with the employer will make it difficult
for the union to fight more meaningfully for its members.
The rules for forming and joining a trade union are the same for both the
workersÊ union and the employersÊ union. Therefore, if any group of employers
wants to form a union they must make an application to the Director General of
Trade Unions and its members must be from the same industry. Examples of
national level employersÊ unions are the Malayan Producers Association (MAPA)
in the agricultural sector and the Mining Employers Association (MEA) in the
mining sector.
You can visit the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources,
Malaysia, at for further information on
EmployerÊs Union. Discuss in your tutorial class.
Next, let us look at the objectives of CUEPACS as the trade union congress that
fights for the welfare of its members at the national level. The objectives are to:
(a) Carry out what is needed to raise the importance of or improve the way for
all or any members of the trade unions;
(b) Protect the interests of the affiliated trade unions and their members;
(c) Undertake the task of improving the work conditions of the members of the
affiliated trade unions; and
(d) Improve the legislations regarding the interests of the members in the
union in particular and in general.
CUEPACS membership is open to all trade unions registered with the civil
service in Peninsular Malaysia. Even so, any trade union that wishes to join and
become a member of CUEPACS must conduct a secret ballot among its members
to decide whether the members agree or disagree to do so. The administration of
CUEPACS is run by a board selected at a convention held every three years.
to the unions in any disputes whenever they need assistance. Besides this, MTUC
also runs training programmes to assist union leaders to understand their roles
and responsibilities.
Next, we will look at the objectives of the MTUC. They are to:
(c) Present the views of the employees on national issues such as planning,
development and education;
(g) Carry out research on matters which are of interest to the workers.
As a vocal organisation, it cannot be denied that from time to time, debates will
arise regarding the effectiveness of MTUC as a representative of the interests of
the workers and the union.
MEF is a registered association, similar to MTUC. The objectives of MEF are to:
(a) Ensure that the interests of the employersÊ organisation are safeguarded;
(b) Coordinate and bring forward the views of employers with regards to
labour issues;
(d) Inform and advise its members regarding the implementation of labour
laws; and
(e) Give advisory service to its members regarding the resolving of industrial
(a) Carry out research needed by the members especially for the purpose of
collective negotiation, to study salaries and wages and keep a close watch
on the Consumer Price Index (CPI);
(b) Organise training for the members by holding seminars and lectures on
topics related to labour laws and other matters concerned with industrial
(d) Give advice to the members while during collective negotiation and
provide assistance to members who need assistance.
MEF also publishes a monthly bulletin called „The Malaysian Employer‰ which
contains current issues regarding the decisions of the industrial court.
Topic 5 has explained in detail the meaning of a trade union according to the
Trade Unions Act 1959 as well as discussed the development in the trade
union movement in Malaysia.
The Trade Unions Act 1959 determines the structure of the local trade unions.
This act gives the right to the workers and also to the employer to form a
union to represent their interests.
In addition, you were also exposed to the general functions of a trade union.
Next, the difference between „structure‰ and „congress‰ of trade unions was
explained with examples of the union affiliates as follows; Union in the
public sector: Congress of the Union of Employees of the Public and Civil
Services (CUEPACS); union in the private sector: Malaysian Trade Union
Congress (MTUC); and employers union: Malaysian Employers Federation
The Trade Unions Act 1959 provides the employer the right to form a union or an
association and the employers association has similar rights as the trade unions
under the Industrial Relations Act 1967. In this topic, we will discuss the unions
for employers and their functions in industrial relations. As we have discussed
earlier, the employer also has the right to form unions which are normally known
as employers associations. In the Malaysian context, most employers associations
formed are based on industry and are affiliated for the purpose of handling
industrial disputes at the national level. The employers association acts as a
negotiator in facing the claims of the trade union and the labour laws.
It is very clear that the development of trade unions in most countries including
Malaysia is patterned by history and local needs even though trade unions had
its beginnings in the West. Actually, the framework of industrial relations in
Malaysia is inherited from the British Colonial Government.
The procedures and conditions to form an employers union are the same as a
workers union. The formation of an employers association covers a vast
occupation or industry. Employers who desire to form an association must be
from the same industry or occupation, for example, the banking and plantation
industries. Nevertheless, in the Malaysian context, employers associations are
divided into two types. They are:
(a) Employers associations registered under Trade Unions Act 1959; and
(a) It is similar to the workers trade union and normally the employers
association is formed in the same industry or occupation. Furthermore, it
acts as a valid representative for its members in collective negotiation and
collective agreement; and
(b) Through their affiliates, the employers which have the same occupation or
industries can legally form a national employers association. With this, the
employers association is qualified to act as representative for its employers
involved in industrial disputes.
The National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW) is one of the national unions
which have long been active in fighting for issues related to the welfare of the
plantation workers. Thus, to counter the claims of NUPW, the employers
association known as the Malayan Agricultural Producers Association (MAPA)
acts as the representative of the employers in discussing problems involving the
plantation workers in Malaysia.
The example above clearly shows the two parties, NUPW and MAPA are acting
as representatives in the process of bargaining concerning the plantation workers
in Malaysia. With that, the two parties can form one collective agreement
which covers all the employees and the employers in the agricultural industry in
the country. For the employers, this approach is more comprehensive and
professional as compared to taking personal action against the NUPW in the long
The main objectives for the formation of an employers association are to:
(a) Struggle for, defend and protect the rights and interests of the employers in
the same industry;
(c) Get group support from all members in resolving claims in industrial
disputes; and
Apart from NUPW, list two employers associations which are
registered under the Trade Unions Act 1959 and based in Peninsular
Besides this, the objective of the association is to defend the rights and interests
of the employers in the drafting of acts and rules in industrial relations. In
Malaysia, most business firms and business associations are members of this
association. For example, the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) which
was formed in 1978, consists of five national employers association and 750
individual firms. Membership is open to any employer, whether individually or
as an affiliate of the employers association. With that, MEF acts as the main
association for the employers and is the association most qualified to represent
the interests of the employers. The objectives of the Malaysian Employers
Association are to:
(b) Coordinate the views of the employers regarding affairs related to the
labour system;
(c) Fight for, protect and defend the rights and interests of the employers;
(d) Give advice and consultation about matters of manpower and legal
List three out of the six objectives for the formation of an employers
association under the Societies Act 1966.
Function Area
Representative Collective negotiation and collective agreement
Reference consultant Industrial relations and industrial disputes
Organiser Workers management training programme
Spokesperson Resolving salary and wage claims
(d) Spokesperson in Resolving the Salary and Wage Claims of the Workers
With the resources of knowledge and experience and also a big influence,
the employers association can act as a spokesperson in handling current
issues related to the legal control, the interests of the employers and the
salary demands of the workers. Moreover, in the Malaysian context, the
government always consider the views of the employers association before
taking any action or drafting the legislation which involves the workers and
the employers.
Explain two distinct differences between the National Union of
Plantation Workers (NUPW) and the Malaysian Employers Federation
Besides that, we have listed the functions of the employers association under
these two acts.
In Topics 1 to 4, we have discussed the concept of industrial relations in
Malaysia. One of these concepts has three components, involving three parties,
the trade union, the employer and the government. In Topics 5 and 6, we have
discussed the relationships between the employees and the employers, as well as
the formation of the employersÊ union and its functions. In this topic, we will
look at the governmentÊs role in industrial relations in Malaysia.
The duties and the area of power of the government differ from one country to
another. This difference is influenced by the political structures and the
approaches which are practised. In Malaysia, the government has three
important roles in industrial relations, which are, as the:
In other words, in Malaysia the government acts as the controller and arbitrator
between the employer and the workers. It is different compared to Western
countries where governments do not interfere very much in the activities of the
industrial relations movement. For example, in the UK, the government only
supports the principles of voluntarism in industrial relations.
(b) Look after the interests of the workers, create and maintain a harmonious
industrial relations environment based on the countryÊs tripartite principle;
(d) Use the tripartite mechanism, meetings, dialogs and other innovative
approaches to improve the welfare, worker security, social security and the
quality of life of the workers as well as to increase their awareness of the
labour laws;
(e) Form a collective bargaining committee at the enterprise level and nurture a
union movement which is progressive and responsible and use it to nurture
the harmonious relationship between the workers and the management as
well as implement the wage system related to productivity; and
(f) Negotiate with the employers and the employees through the National
Labour Advisory Council regarding the drafting of policies and labour
laws which are dynamic and flexible towards improving productivity,
competitiveness and profit.
(i) Look after the social and economic interests of the workers through
the implementation of labour standards and protective steps laid
down under the nationÊs labour laws and policies;
(v) Assist in improving the quality of life and welfare of workers in the
plantation sector;
(viii) Monitor and keep track of the labour and wage situations so as to
assist the government in setting new policies and laws in the labour
and social areas through the analysis of current information and data.
(i) Enforce labour laws so that the interests and welfare of the workers in
the state are always protected and looked after;
(iii) Protect and look after the job opportunities of local workers through
the wage control on foreign employees.
(i) Ensure that the rights, interests and welfare of the employees are
always protected;
(iii) Ensure that job opportunities for local employees are not threatened
as the result of the foreign workersÊ salaries; and
(i) Amend and study from time to time through the tripartite process, the
policies, laws, code of practice and guidelines related to safety, health
and welfare of the workers as bases for ensuring a safe and healthy
(iii) Assist and give consultancy and expert services in the form of
training, dissemination of information, and research organised by
government and non-government agencies, institutions of higher
learning, employers associations, workers and professionals in the
effort to further improve the level of safety, health and welfare of the
(i) Advise the Minister on all matters related to industrial relations and
the relevant laws including matters referred to the industrial court;
(ii) Advise the employers, employees, and their unions and other
organisations on matters relating to industrial relations in general;
(i) Coordinate and monitor affairs related to trade unions in this country;
(ii) Check and consider applications for the registration of trade unions
and employers associations which are formed by the employees and
(iii) Ensure that the registered unions abide by the trade union laws, the
constitutions and their own union rules; and
(iv) Advise the officers and their members about the aspects of
management, finance and the trade union laws.
(i) Set the principles and guides for labour laws in the private sector
through the decision or the award of the court, which as a result will
become a recognisance, example or guide in the labour laws and the
industrial relations system;
(ii) Hear trade dispute cases and give decisions or awards regardless of
whether the cases were referred by the Minister or directly by the
parties involved in the dispute; and
(a) Employer
As an employer, the government has the power to decide policies which
are in line with the nationÊs development policies. Furthermore, the
government has the right to keep intervening in order to control trade
disputes. This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Human Resources and
the departments mentioned earlier, for example, the recognition and
cancellation of the registration of unions or associations.
(b) Legislator
The government has drafted various acts and rules related to labour laws.
With that, the employers and the workers are tied to their respective rights
and responsibilities. Furthermore, these two parties must have a positive
attitude towards industrial relations that are both harmonious and
(c) Arbitrator
The government also acts as an arbitrator between the employer and the
employees. If one of the parties fails to give the appropriate feedback and
acknowledgement, the problem can be referred to the Director General of
Trade Unions to act as an arbitrator. For instance, if the union decides to
have collective negotiations with the employer, but the employer refuses to
acknowledge the claim within a period of seven days, the union can refer
this problem to the government to take action against the employer.
(d) Conciliator
If at all a dispute reaches a deadlock, the last resort is to refer the case to the
industrial court which will act as a conciliator.
In this topic, we have learned about the three roles of the government in
industrial relations, which is as a legislator (parliament), administrator and
conciliator (Ministry of Human Resources) and employer to the unions and
associations in the public sector.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Define collective bargaining;
2. Discuss the process of collective bargaining; and
3. Review the contents in collective bargaining.
The bargaining process involves communication skills and it has also become
part of our daily lives. When we go to the market, for example in order to buy
fish or vegetables, the process of bargaining will take place. Similarly, as in the
case of purchasing a vehicle or a house for example, bargaining will take place.
Therefore, from a small transaction to a big transaction, the process of bargaining
is involved. This topic will discuss the process of collective bargaining between
the management and the workers or the trade union.
Salamon (2001) defines collective bargaining as:
Bohlander, Snell & Sherman (2000) on the other hand define collective bargaining
Negotiation process for labour agreement which includes the use of economic
pressure by both parties; the workers and the management.
The discussions on collective bargaining in this topic are based on the two
definitions mentioned.
Before we proceed with the discussions, it is best that we know two preliminary
conditions to make the bargaining process more effective, namely:
(a) The workers must have the right to form unions collectively; and
Being financially strong can also play an important role in the process of
collective bargaining. If the union has a large membership, then it will definitely
have bigger revenue from the membersÊ subscriptions. Why would the union
need a lot of money? It is because when a union is confronting management
If you are faced with an employer who always refuses to hear your
grouses, what steps will you take to ensure that the negotiation process
mentioned is successive and effective? Your answers can act as a guide
in studying this topic in further detail.
The number of members in the negotiation team depends on the practice of both
negotiating parties. Normally, each party sends between four to six representatives
to the negotiation table. The head of negotiation for the management normally is
the vice president or the manager of human relations, whereby the head of
negotiation for the union is normally the president of the union.
The factors that can influence the success of a negotiation are explained as
In order to get confirmation of the agreement from the Industrial Courts, it must
fulfil several conditions as follows:
(b) It must specify the time frame whereby it must not be less than three years;
(c) It must include the procedure for the review and termination of the
(d) It must specify the procedure to be used to resolve any dispute about the
implementation of the agreement; and
(e) It must not include matters which are considered as the managementÊs
special rights. Those rights according to the Industrial Relations Act 1967
[Section 13(3)] includes promotions, transfers, recruitment and dismissal/
termination of work.
On the point of details of the agreement, it can differ depending on the particular
agreement. Nevertheless, among the subjects normally stated in the collective
agreement are:
(a) Recognition
This section is normally stated in the initial stages of the collective
agreement. The purpose is to identify the union that is recognised as a
representative in the collective bargaining and to explain the unit or group
that they are representing, that is, the workers. An example of a text in this
section is as follows:
„ABC Company recognises XYZ union as the party who will represent the
workers in a collective bargaining related to wages, overtime and other
work conditions.‰
Explain the steps in the process of collective bargaining. You can make
illustrations in the form of diagrams to explain your answers.
Table 8.1: Explanation of Various Economic Factors in the Substantive Terms and
Conditions of Employment
The main issue in work organisation is related to control, which refers to the
question as to who will control the employees and for what purpose? The
organisation must think about whether the flexibility of the employees is for
the benefit of the employees, or to fulfil the need of the organisation. Take for
example, if an organisation practises flexible hours, is it for the benefit of the
employees or to fulfil the organisationÊs needs? The reverse situation is if the two
parties benefit from the work organisation mentioned above.
Have you ever participated in any activity in the workplace? Certainly, the
answer would most likely be „yes‰. Each individual certainly does not want to
isolate themselves from others. Each individual would require others to
communicate and to be together with each other in a particular activity. Have
you ever participated in making decisions for your organisation? Again, most
probably the answer would be „yes‰. In this topic, you will have a better
understanding of what is meant by worker involvement and worker
participation, particularly in the workplace. To get further details, continue
reading the following sections.
However, to understand and differentiate between the two terms, refer to the
following definitions:
Approach Description
Method and level Method can be divided into two forms, namely, direct and
indirect forms. The direct form allows the employee to
participate individually and actively in decision making in the
organisation, whereas the indirect form only allows a
representative of the employees to participate actively in
decision making in the organisation and not the involvement
of the employee as an individual. The employees play a
passive role only.
Level in the hierarchy The decision making process can occur at all levels in the
of the organisation organisation, that is, from the bottom to the top levels.
Objective or scope Objective or scope can be divided into two, that is, based on
task or based on power. Scope based on task focuses on
structure and performance for a work situation, whereas
power focuses more on the authority of the management and
decision making.
Quality of interaction This refers to the internal level of interaction between the
between workers and employees and the management.
McShane and Von Glinow (2002) divide worker involvement and participation
into three main forms such as shown in Table 9.2. It includes formality, legal
mandate and directness.
Form Description
9.3.1 Empowerment
The purpose of empowerment of employees is to get them involved individually
so that they feel a sense of belonging in their work. This will make them feel
pleased and satisfied with their work. In many organisations, empowerment
occurs as a result of the delegation of decision making to the worker through the
following methods:
What can be done to make the worker at a toll booth of the North-South
Expressway participate more in the decision making of the
9.3.2 Teamwork
Teamwork has become the practice that is frequently used in organisations due
to its effectiveness in group setting. What is meant by a team? A team is a group
of two or more employees who interact and mutually influence one another in
order to achieve the goal of the organisation. In an organisation, teamwork gives
the opportunity to the employee to influence and lead through the distribution of
tasks to team members. The distribution of tasks will form team responsibility in
two main matters:
(a) The fixing of goals, objects or aims to be achieved, quality and performance,
budget and cost control, and also coordination with other teams; and
Quality Circles
In a team-based organisation, the formation of a team called a self-directed work
team is always carried out. A quality circle is included in this team. The quality
circle consists of small groups of workers who voluntarily meet regularly to
identify, analyse and solve problems connected with their work. This group is
usually a permanent group consisting of workers in the same section.
(a) The plan and strategy of worker involvement and participation must be
done early according to the high interest and interdependency between the
employer and workers; and
(b) The main basis for the programme of employee involvement and
participation is to increase the profit and success of the organisation.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the view of the management is to improve the
harmony, efficiency and productivity of the organisation.
The union too has its own view that the organisation is pluralistic and it requires
formal rules involving both parties. For the union, participation will mean the
increased influence of the worker in the organisationÊs decision making,
especially in the system of employee representation for collective bargaining.
It is hoped that you can make the connection between the importance
of communication, collective bargaining and worker involvement and
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Explain trade disputes;
2. Discuss industrial actions;
3. Describe forms of industrial action; and
4. Review the functions of an industrial action.
Problems or arguments are an inevitable part of daily life. For example in a
household, misunderstandings and conflicts, regardless of whether they are
big or small, will occur between husband and wife. The same is true for an
organisation involving the employer and the employees. Sometimes, disputes
happen because of matters that are unpleasant for one or both parties involved.
This topic will discuss the solution of disputes through industrial action.
Industrial action is usually the last resort of the parties involved in the dispute.
The Industrial Relations Act 1967 defines a trade dispute as any dispute
between the employer and his workmen which is connected with the
employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or the
conditions of work of any such workmen.
From here, it is clear to us that any dispute between an employer and the
employees is a trade dispute and can result in industrial action. According to
Maimunah Aminuddin (1999) disputes occur because of several matters, for
(c) In the event that the employer or employee did not carry out the provision
contained in the collective agreement.
However, their joy did not last long as the employer threatened to cut their
wages in order to pay for the water. Finally the employees of Ladang Abagoo
summoned up enough courage to lodge a complaint to the Department of
Labour. In the complaint, the representatives of the union consisting of six
workers requested the Department of Labour to take immediate action with
regard to their complaint. For reference, the following is an extract from the
letter of complaint from the Ladang Abagoo Action Committee in the trade
Labour complaint against employer Bin Giat Hin Realty Sdn. Bhd. for
With due respect, we refer to the above matter. We, the employees of Ladang
Abagoo, Beranang wish to make a complaint against Bin Giat Hin Realty Sdn.
Bhd., that is, our employer with regard to the following matters:
(a) The WorkersÊ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990
Section 6(1a)
We, the residents of Ladang Abagoo only enjoyed sufficient clean water
since April 2002, that is, when the Department of Labour took our
employer to court because of the failure of our employer to supply
sufficient clean water to us for more than 10 years. The intervention by
the Department of Labour resulted in every house in our estate being
fitted with a water meter by the Water Supply Department JBA. The
employer then deducted RM25 from our wages for three months
successively as payment for the fitting of the water meters.
However, on 23 July 2002, the employer ordered us to pay for the water
used for the three months without giving us any bill. We were shocked
by the total payment that we need to pay. When we requested for the
water bill, only a piece of paper was given. We are very dissatisfied with
the action of the employer who asked us to pay, when in actual fact it is
the employer who should supply sufficient clean water to us free of
charge as stated in the Workers Minimum Standards of Housing and
Amenities Act 1990 ă No. 6(1a).
Furthermore, our employer has violated the same act on several other
issues. These issues have been brought to the attention of the Ministry of
Human Resources. Among the issues that were not resolved include
failure to repair the workersÊ houses whose planks are rotting, no toilet
facilities in most houses and the main road of the estate that is still not
(iiv) Others...
We strongly disagree with the action of the employer for wanting to deduct
the payment for the water bill from our wages because this is against the
Employment Act, 1955 Section 24(2). We, the residents of Ladang Abagoo
have met on 28 July 2002 and made the decision to submit this labour report
containing a list of our demands, which are as follows:
We want the employer to give us the original bills from JBA just like the
electric bills that we are receiving from TNB all along;
We request the employer to bear part/full cost of the workersÊ water bill;
Other than that, we disagree with the employer for making deductions for
the water bill from our wages that do not reach RM300 per month. We can
make our own payment to JBA if we are given the original bill for a
reasonable total payment.
Based on this definition, there are several important elements that make up an
industrial action:
(a) „Temporary suspension‰, for example in the form of pickets and strikes;
(c) Action taken by „management‰, for example, not allowing the workers to
work; and
(d) With „putting pressure„ as the goal, any party will feel pressured and will
fulfil the request.
From the above definition, industrial action can be taken by the employees or the
(a) Picket
Picketing is an action that is most commonly used by employees to
demonstrate their dissatisfaction (refer to Figure 10.1). The Industrial
Relations Act 1967 (Section 40) allows the workers to picket when they
have a trade dispute issue with the purpose of informing the public and
other employees in their effort to persuade the management to fulfil the
employeesÊ demands. In order to ensure that the picketing is not against the
law, several conditions must be met:
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(i) A trade dispute has occurred between the employees and the
(ii) Picketing is carried out near or at the workplace but it is not allowed
to block the entrance and exit to the workplace; and
(b) Strike
A strike is an action of the union members who refuse to work for the
purpose of putting pressure on the management (Mondy & Noe, 1996).
There are four types of strikes that can be carried out by workers, as shown
in Table 10.1.
When the decision to strike has been made by the employees, they need to
make detailed planning. Please refer to Table 10.2 for guidelines when
planning a strike.
Ensure the safety of the premises where picketing will be carried out;
Inform all parties involved, for example, the customers of the company;
Take pictures/recording before, during and after the strike. This is for the
purpose of monitoring any misconduct from all parties (workers, employer
and media) during the strike; and
Collect evidence such as the number of picketing employees and their
names, time and date of the strike, the words on the posters and banners
and other important information.
The strike can only be carried out if two thirds of the qualified
members vote to go ahead with the action and after waiting seven
days after the result of the ballot has been delivered to the Director
General of the Trade Union. The period of seven days is for the
purpose of giving time for the Director General of the Trade
Union to check the validity of the ballot and also to give time for
the union to reconsider the proposal to strike or to change their
minds. This period also allows the Minister of Human Resources
to intervene and refer the dispute to the Industrial Court or a
mediator. This section will be discussed later on in this module.
The secret ballot is only valid for a period of 90 days. If the union
does not carry out the strike within this period, a new ballot is
needed if the union still intends to go ahead with the strike.
Unlike an ordinary strike, a wildcat strike as explained earlier is a
strike that is carried out while the bargaining process is still going
on. The workers decide to strike, and would immediately carry
out the strike. This kind of strike is normally not supported by the
trade union and is strongly discouraged. In Malaysia, wildcat
strikes are invalid and unlawful.
Workers who are involved in an illegal strike also have to face the risk
of being detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) that allows
detention without trial for a fixed period of time. Besides this, there
are other situations where strikes are not allowed, and they are:
After the trade dispute has been referred to the industrial court for
When the Yang di-Pertuan Agong does not permit the trade
dispute in the public sector to be referred to the industrial court.
Alternative Industrial
Boycott This is an action by the workers or other parties such as the
customers of the company who refuse to buy or use the products
of the employer.
Work to rule The employees will interpret the tasks that need to be done
exactly as they were written in the contract of employment,
collective agreement, job description and other rules.
Refuse to work on This is the action taken where the workers refuse to work outside
normal hours. This can disrupt the productivity rate of the
Slow down of work The employees work without enthusiasm and exhibit low
performance and productivity.
Work-in/sit-in The employees continue to work as usual but deny the right of
the management to control them.
After the lock-out action has been taken by the employer, the employees cannot
work and as a result will not be paid for the period of not working. Even though
this action is seldom taken by the employer, the fear of the possibility that
the employer will take the lock-out action will normally bring both parties to the
negotiation table. A lock-out is very effective if the employer faces a weak trade
union, a trade union with deteriorating financial status and also when the
company has a large inventory.
One more step that can be taken by the management if the workers keep striking
is to replace the striking workers with employees that are not on strike. With this
method, the operation of the company will not be disrupted. If the company
cannot find non-union workers, the employer can borrow or lease other workers
on a temporary or permanent basis to run the companyÊs operation.
Take any newspaper in Malaysia and search for news regarding
industrial action. Identify the workers involved, the issues in the trade
dispute, the type of industrial action taken and what the solution is. Fill
in the details in the space provided.
(a) The expression of the idea of conflict represents a direct challenge to the
internal direction and stability of a social system;
(b) Conflicts are necessary for the development of new social directions; and
The expression of conflict and how to manage conflict in the appropriate manner
is seen as a challenge that has to be faced by the management in particular.
Ć Industrial action is usually the last resort to resolve the conflict between the
two parties.
The Industrial Relations Act 1967 defines a trade dispute as a dispute between
an employer and the employees. Disputes usually involve matters relating to
the recruitment of workers or the terms and conditions in the contract of
employment for a worker or a group of workers.
(a) The union representing a worker who has a grievance against the employer
and the grievance has undergone the grievance process but the union and
the employee are still not satisfied with the decision given;
(b) A difference in opinion occurs between the union and the worker regarding
the terms and conditions of employment that is rightly accepted by the
(d) Any of the parties fails to carry out the promise that was agreed upon or the
award that had been decided by the industrial court.
Trade disputes can normally be resolved through negotiation methods where the
disputing parties can meet directly, discuss, propose alternative solutions and
resolve the problem that they are facing.
In the event that the disputing parties fail to resolve the problem through direct
negotiation, the assistance of a third party is required. The method of resolving
disputes by using a third party can be divided into three forms:
(a) Conciliation or peace-making where the third party appointed takes action
as a middleman to assist the disputing parties to reach a collective
(b) Arbitration that requires the assistance of a third party but the third party
has the power or authority to decide the judgement on the dispute; and
(c) Mediation, that is, the used of a third party such as in conciliation but not in
the presence of an officer of the Industrial Relations Department.
In the context of the relations between the employer and employees, it cannot be
denied that conflicts can occur due to the dissatisfaction regarding the terms and
conditions of employment, the work environment and also the decisions made
by the management.
Conflicts between the employer and employees will always occur because the
two parties have differences in what they consider to be important, especially
concerning salaries and wages. The employer hopes to maximise profit and has
the right to control and limit cost to the lowest figure. On the other hand, the
workers would consider it important to raise their standard of living to a better
and more comfortable one. The employees want higher wages, better working
facilities in addition to a more comfortable working environment.
Apart from economic factors, other things can also cause conflict. For example,
unfair disciplinary action including situations that renders the employees as
„victims‰ of the decisions and actions of the employer.
11.1.1 Negotiation
Negotiation is considered the most ideal and effective method for resolving
disputes between disputing parties. Through negotiation, the parties involved in
the dispute can face each other directly concerning the problem and make an
effort to find the best solution to the problem. The disputing parties will have to
compromise in order to get the most agreeable solution to both parties. Refer to
Figure 11.1 for an example.
Thus, based on this definition, the main features of a negotiation can be stated as
(a) A process that is open and clear for the purpose of achieving a certain goal;
(d) The result and solution obtained depend on the relative relationship of
power between the parties involved.
If we assess the provisos of the Industrial Relations Act 1967, we can say that
the Act strongly encourages the dispute to be resolved voluntarily through
negotiation. For example, the Act does not allow the Director of the Industrial
Relations Department to intervene in any dispute by deciding on a solution
through compulsory conciliation until it is certain that the negotiation process
have failed.
11.1.2 Conciliation
Conciliation is the use of a third party (conciliator). It is another method for
resolving industrial disputes besides negotiation. The conciliator is used if the
disputing parties cannot resolve the dispute through negotiation and require the
intervention of a third party to settle the problem.
In the case of a trade dispute, conciliation can be initiated through the request of
any of the parties involved.
(a) Definition
The support of the third party is in the form of assistance to the disputing
parties to identify the cause and level of differences existing between the
disputing parties. Besides that, the third party is also required to assist the
disputing party to find alternative solutions and to discuss the effects of
carrying out each alternative as well to form a collective solution.
The goal of conciliation is so that the parties involved in the dispute get to
identify the issues involved. By having a facilitator, the disputing parties
may get to reassess the problem that they are facing from different
perspectives. Besides this, conciliation also tries to minimise or close up the
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The conciliator also helps the disputing parties to form a solution that is
agreeable to both parties. Thus, the required result in the conciliation
process is that the disputing parties get to resolve the dispute by
reassessing the problem, proposing alternative solutions and hence forming
a collective agreement.
Even so, in the conciliation process, the officer responsible does not have
the power to force the disputing parties to accept any proposed solution.
What is meant here is that the officer can only assist and support the
disputing parties, and does not have the power to decide on the solution to
the dispute. The disputing parties still have the power to determine the
form of the solution that they desire. The summary for the conciliation
process is shown in Figure 11.2.
11.1.3 Arbitration
When the disputing parties fail to find a solution to the problem that they are
facing even after getting assistance from the Department of Industrial Relations,
that is, through the conciliation process, then arbitration will be used to resolve
the dispute.
In arbitration, a third party will be used and this party has the authority to decide
on the solution to the dispute. The third party appointed is a free or neutral
entity, that is, it is not biased towards any of the disputing parties.
The third party appointed, or the arbitrator, will give a judgement based on the
information given by the disputing parties. In Malaysia, only the industrial court
has the power of arbitration in resolving cases of industrial disputes. The
arbitration process is shown in Figure 11.3.
The third party, or the arbitrator, is given the power to determine the form
of the solution or award for the disputed issue. Thus, the award decided in
the arbitration process must be accepted by the disputing parties. In other
words, it is compulsory for the disputing parties to accept the decision
made by the arbitrator. In this method, the disputing parties lose their
power to resolve the problem that they face.
For a dispute that involves the matters stated above, if the dispute is not
resolved by other methods, that is, negotiation and conciliation, the
Minister of Human Resources will refer the case to the industrial court. The
Minister can also refer the cases of a workerÊs grievance represented by the
union or the union disputing with the employer over the terms and
conditions of employment to the Industrial court after receiving written
requests from both parties involved in the dispute. In a case that involves
public interest, permission from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is required
before the Minister can refer the case to the industrial court.
For a case that is brought to the industrial court, an award, i.e. a decision
will made by the Court President. The parties involved in collective
bargaining needs to understand the award of the court clearly because the
court is very consistent with the decisions that it makes.
1. Explain what is meant by arbitration process.
3. State the situations in which the industrial court will act as the
11.1.4 Mediation
Mediation is a method of resolving disputes that is seldom used compared to the
above two methods. As in conciliation, mediation also uses a third party to assist
the disputing parties to reach a solution to the issues disputed. This differs from
a conciliator who is appointed from the Department of Industrial Relations in
that a mediator is appointed from a non-government party. Like a conciliator, a
mediator also does not have or is not given the power to direct or force the
disputing parties to accept their proposal.
The party appointed as mediator must be accepted by both disputing parties. The
mediator must be fair, that is unbiased, and is respected and trusted by both
parties. These characteristics have to be present in the mediator in order to
ensure an effective mediation process exists.
1. How may a dispute involving workers and employer occur?
11.2.1 Definition
Complaints that were made by a worker are referred to as grievances. Grievances
that were represented by a trade union on behalf of the individual worker are
known as trade disputes.
It can be said that a large number of companies involved with trade unions have
their own grievance procedure. The company concerned may also include the
grievance procedure as a condition in the collective agreement with the trade
Have you ever made a complaint in your work environment? Why did
you make the complaint?
As we have studied earlier, the Industrial Relations Act defines a trade dispute
as a dispute between employer and worker. The dispute usually involves
matters connected with worker recruitment or the terms and conditions of the
employment contract for a worker or a group of workers.
(a) The union representing a worker who has a grievance against the employer
and the grievance has undergone the grievance process but the union and
the worker are still not satisfied with the decision given;
(b) A difference in opinion occurs between the union and the worker regarding
the terms and conditions of employment that is rightly accepted by the
employee; and
From the previous discussion, it can be said that grievances and disputes
arise from the dissatisfaction of the employees concerning the decision of the
management, the terms and conditions of employment and the working
environment. An example is when the employees are not satisfied with the
employment facilities package offered by the company because there is no provision
for free medical treatment at the panel clinics. Thus, matters regarding medical
facilities in the panel clinics become grievances to the employees in the organisation.
Table 11.1 lists the causes that brought about trade disputes in Malaysia together
with the statistics compiled on the number of cases involved for each cause.
According to Table 11.1, the most cases of disputes are regarding the terms and
conditions in the collective agreement or other contracts. For the year 1993, 219
cases were reported. The year 1994 saw an increase to 254 cases and in 1995, cases
concerning disputes about terms and conditions dropped to 223 cases. Other
than disputes about terms and conditions in the collective agreement and
contracts, the second most important cause is the failure of the negotiating
parties to reach an accord in collective bargaining. The total number of such cases
recorded is 108 cases, 131 cases and 112 cases respectively in 1993, 1995 and 1997.
Cause of Dispute
1993 1995 1997
1. Refusal to participate in collective bargaining 44 25 12
2. Failure of negotiating parties to reach an accord in 108 131 112
collective bargaining
3. Dispute concerning terms and conditions of service in 219 254 223
collective agreement and other service contracts
4. Promotions, allocation of tasks, dismissals, transfers and 33 18 21
other management prerogatives
5. Demotions, suspensions, warning letters and other 48 16 17
disciplinary actions
6. Not keeping with labour standards and legal provisos 10 10 7
concerning amenities and facilities as well as non-
financial benefits
7. Violating rights of workers/Unfair labour practices 29 9 3
8. Others 34 48 68
There are three factors that need to be considered or clarified before we can
define grievance and dispute. These three factors are:
(a) The issue that needs to be resolved whether it is a matter concerning a right
or a matter concerning an interest. A matter concerning a right is about the
interpretation and use of available rules and conditions. A matter
concerning an interest is regarding the difference in the determination of
the new terms and conditions of employment;
(c) The ways in which the dissatisfaction is stated or shown. The employees
may state their dissatisfaction informally by voicing their dissatisfaction to
the supervisor only. Other than that, the workers also have the choice of
stating their dissatisfaction through a formal channel, that is, by
channelling their dissatisfaction through an available grievance procedure
and then through the demand of a trade union according to the provisos in
a recognised process of negotiation.
(a) Grievance
(b) Dispute
The discussion of the grievance and dispute process will not be complete if we do
not attempt to understand the relationship between the process and collective
bargaining. Salamon (2001) stressed that the grievance and dispute process
complements the collective bargaining process. This is because the grievances
and disputes process gives space to the employees and also the management to
formulate collective rules to handle various problems in the work situation. In
most collective agreements, words like „is considered reasonable‰ and „may‰ are
frequently been used. Thus, in any situation, an accurate explanation has to be
made regarding certain conditions and terms in the collective agreement. With
this, we can say that the grievance and dispute process is for determining the
rules and interpretation as well as the adoption of the rules.
The grievance and dispute process usually involves financial issues such as
wages and salaries as well as annual bonus payments. Apart from financial
issues, grievances and disputes also involve work-related issues such
promotions, transfer of workers and condition of the workplace. We should
remember that issues that become grievances or disputes may be restricted to
apparent issues and may be symptoms of a problem. Thus, in order to handle an
issue effectively, we need to identify the fundamental or basis of the issue. There
are four aspects that can be discussed in our effort to identify the fundamental or
basic issue of a problem. These are:
When employees are dissatisfied with their work, the main cause might
not be a low salary but by a more fundamental problem such as the
implementation of an ineffective performance evaluation system. Thus, the
determination of the fundamental problem is of vital importance so that the
management can take action that can really resolve the grievances of the
In the grievances and disputes process, apart from identifying the fundamental
problem that caused the grievances and disputes, we also need to understand
how worker dissatisfaction changes into action. The change from hidden to
obvious form is influenced by the perception factor of the employees regarding
the effectiveness of the formal process laid down by the organisation. Apart from
that, how far the employees accept the process as valid can also influence the
form of action taken by them. What it means is that if they are confident that the
grievances and disputes process of the organisation is valid and effective in
resolving their grievances, then they will channel their grievances through the
formal process of the organisation. However, if the employees are not confident
that the formal process can help them resolve their grievances, they may take
another course of action such as reducing the level of productivity at the
The solution phase in the grievance and dispute process requires the dialogue
between the employees and the management. In this phase, the decision made
by the management will be influenced by the perception and observation of
the management regarding worker dissatisfaction. Apart from that, the
managementÊs decision also depends on how the management assesses the
implications or the effects of a particular form of solution to the organisationÊs
strategy and objective. Suppose that the solution is taken only to satisfy the
workers and bring about a collective agreement but it prevents the implementation
of the organisationÊs strategy and achievement of the objective, then the solution
may not be taken.
In brief, the grievances and disputes process involves three main phases such as
shown in Table 11.2.
Phase Description
Beginning Identify the issue that is fundamental to the problem that is brought up as a
grievance by the employees.
Middle Understand the process of transformation of employeesÊ dissatisfaction from a
hidden to an obvious form, that is, the action taken by them to resolve the
End The ensuing grievances and disputes process involves the solution phase that
has the purpose of reaching a collective agreement between the management
and the employees.
1. What is the purpose of having a grievance and dispute procedure?
3. State the three main phases involved in the grievance and dispute
This matter continues until the grievance is resolved or taken over by the trade
union as a dispute. In the grievance procedure, a fixed period of time is given for
each level.
When a grievance is brought up to the supervisor, the supervisor is given a
period of only one week to resolve the problem. If the employee is still not
satisfied and the period is over, the grievance is then brought up to the manager
of the department. The manager may be given up to two weeks to resolve the
problem before it is referred to the union by the worker.
A trade dispute only occurs if the union is able to represent the employee who
has the grievance. However, there are exceptions to this rule, namely:
(a) When the grievance concerns the intervention of the employer in the
workerÊs right to join the union.
In this situation, the worker can make his complaint to the Director of
Industrial Relations. If the Director fails to resolve the complaint, it will be
referred to the industrial court for a solution.
3. List the factors that can be used to define grievance and dispute.
Ć Arbitration uses a third party who has the power or authority to determine
the award or the solution to the dispute.
Ć For mediation, the use of a third party is the same as conciliation but the third
party selected is not from the government.
Ć The conflict between employer and employee will always exist because of the
differences in interests regarding the terms and conditions of employment as
well as matters related to the decision of the management and the working
Arbitration Grievances
Conciliation Mediation
Disputer Negotiation
One of the important mechanisms for ensuring the smooth running of an
organisation in order to reach its goals is the element of discipline. An
organisation fixes its rules and procedures in order to create an orderly
environment for the workers to achieve the goals of the organisation while
fulfilling the personal goals of the workers.
This situation can cause the employee involved to report the dispute to the
Labour Department and the Industrial Relations Department and sometimes the
dispute can drag on to the Industrial Court. This is not good for the organisation
not only in terms of the time and the cost involved but also in terms of the
negative effects it can have on the reputation of the organisation.
Discipline can be defined as the rule that controls the activities of a group of
human beings in order to produce a controlled performance (Salamon, 2001).
(b) The measurement of the behaviour and performance of the employees and
hence the comparison of the measurement with the prescribed standards;
(c) The carrying out of corrective action (disciplinary procedure) when the
employeeÊs performance or action does not conform to the prescribed
standards; and
(d) The feedback regarding the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
If the action taken is effective, the behaviour and performance of the
employee will conform to the standards.
Before we look in greater detail into discipline and the procedures involved
in disciplining an employee, we need to discuss the matters that can cause
disciplinary action to be taken against an employee. Thus, the following section
will define misconduct and discuss the classification of misconduct as well as
examples of misconduct.
Is the unsatisfactory performance was due to the employee not having the
required knowledge to perform the task properly, that is, training problem and
the failure of the organisation itself to provide the equipment and training to
prepare the employee?
Factors such as these have to be evaluated in depth to prevent the employee from
taking disciplinary action on them for unsatisfactory performance when in actual
fact, the performance was influenced by factors outside the control of the
employee concerned.
In your opinion, is the action of transferring a problem worker to
another unit a wise one? What are the implications on (i) the worker (ii)
the head of the unit where the worker is transferred?
(a) A firm that intends to carry out an internal investigation of a case involving
an offence committed by a worker must inform the worker concerned in
writing stating the date, time and place where the investigation will be
carried out. If the internal investigation concerned permits the worker to be
represented by the union, then a copy of the charge also needs to be given
to the union. After the investigation process, the company can take the
following disciplinary action:
(ii) Suspend the worker from work without pay for not exceeding one
week; or
(b) For the purpose of investigation, the company can suspend the employee
for a period of time not exceeding two weeks by only paying half the salary
to the employee concerned. If after the investigation, there is no evidence to
show that he has committed the offence, the company has to pay back the
balance or the full salary to the employee concerned.
Section 14 of the same Act lists the situations where suspension from work
is required. The situations are as follows:
(i) When the presence of the worker can threaten the work situation;
(iii) When it is felt that the worker must be prevented from having the
opportunity to commit the same offence such as in a cheating case; or
(iv) When a suspicion arises that the worker involved may try to destroy
or alter evidence or threaten the witnesses in the case.
(c) During the period of suspension for the period of investigation, the
employee must be informed in writing to report to the normal workplace
for certain fixed days and at certain times as required by the company.
(d) The employee who is being suspended from work and is holding things
and equipment belonging to the company must return the aforesaid items
when requested by the company. The period for returning the items is
within the stipulated period of suspension from work.
(e) When a company gives a written warning to the employee as stated in the
Article, a copy of the warning letter must be given to the trade union.
An employee upon which disciplinary action has been taken has the right
to make an appeal such as that stated under Article 5(2) regarding
Grievance Procedure. Article 5(2) has the proviso for the worker to voice
their dissatisfaction. In addition, the Article also stresses on the need of the
disputing parties to ensure that all possible efforts have been taken to
resolve any misunderstanding and to maintain industrial harmony.
(b) The action taken must be one that is expected. This means the employees
must know the rules of the organisation and the consequences they will
have to face if they break the rules. To ensure that they really understand
the rules of the organisation, the management, especially the human
resources management section, must ensure that they know and
understand the rules of the organisation and the action that can be taken on
them if they break the rules by giving a copy of the rules of the organisation
to each employee. In addition, the management must also explain verbally,
if necessary, to enable employees to understand the rules of the
organisation and the penalty that may be imposed.
The management must be serious about the rules of the organisation and
ensure the employees know and understand the rules. This is to prevent
them from saying that they were not aware of the rules and hence making
the process of taking disciplinary action on them difficult when they break
the rules. Thus, information concerning the rules of the organisation must
be given to them the moment they are recruited by the organisation, that is,
during their induction. Any change in the rules of the organisation must be
notified to the employees from time to time.
(c) The action taken must be consistent. This matter is one that must be carried
out carefully. The meaning of being consistent in taking disciplinary action
is when two employees commit a similar misconduct, the action taken and
the penalty imposed must also be the same for both employees. Besides
that, different supervisors must also impose the same penalty on the
employee who breaks the rules.
(ii) Whether there was any provocation that caused the misconduct such
as a worker punching another worker after being threatened by the
worker who was punched; and
(iii) The cause of the misconduct, that is, the motive that prompted the
worker to break the rules of the organisation. For example, an
employee who commits a breach of trust because he was forced by a
third party has a motive that is different from an employee who
commits a breach of trust for his own gain.
An employee used office facilities for his personal purpose. To handle this
disciplinary problem progressively, for the first offence, the employee is only
given a verbal warning. If the offence is repeated, a written warning may be
given to the employee. If the misconduct is repeated still and becomes more
serious, the organisation after giving a final warning to the offender should
dismiss him.
Ć An organisation must fix its rules and procedures in order to ensure that the
objectives of the organisation are achieved effectively and accurately.
Ć Discipline, that is, the rules that control the activity of a group of humans in
order to produce a controlled performance can ensure that the employees
agree with the standards of behaviour and performance that are fixed by the
Ć Misconduct can be categorised into two: gross misconduct that can result in
dismissal and minor misconduct are misconducts that can result in a light
penalty imposed on the employee such as a verbal warning.
Thank you.