Fluidization by A Liquid: Slugging Channeling Slugging
Fluidization by A Liquid: Slugging Channeling Slugging
Fluidization by A Liquid: Slugging Channeling Slugging
Fluidization by a liquid
When V,, increases, fluidization remains homogeneous and E~ decreases
regularly with V,, according to an empirical law established by Richardson
and Zaki:
v,, = (1 -Ep)n (7.22)
Y A ir’
Gas + Liquid
Gas Liquid
-Fixed catalyst
7.14 Various types o f fixed bed two-phase flow catalytic reactors.
y = - Pwater [- -
CLL (P;;er)’]”’
PL Pwater
In addition, Charpentier et al. have shown the influence that liquid foama-
bility can have.
- hv
7.15 Diagram of two-phase
cocurrent downflow
regimes through a
catalytic bed.
10-2 lo-' 1
G / h(kg/m'.s)
Note that industrial reactors work either in the pulsating or in the trickling
regime, while pilot plant reactors always work in the trickling regime. The pul-
sating regime is also often called the high interaction regime and in actual
practice an attempt is made t o approach these conditions which lead to bet-
ter contact between the fluids and the catalyst.
It is possible to estimate the minimum value of L required to achieve com-
plete wetting of the catalytic bed by using the relation proposed by Ng (1986):
Relations put forward by the same author can also be used t o estimate the
transition between the trickling and pulsating regimes.
2. Pressure drop and liquid hold-up
Since the research by Larkins in 1961, numerous pressure drop and liquid
hold-up results have been published, for example by Charpentier et al. (1978)
and more recently Wild et al. (1991). The Larachi correlation (1990) for calcu-
lating pressure drops in a two-phase downflow fixed bed was taken from the
review article published by Wild et al. This correlation employs the following
dimensionless groups:
K = XG(ReLWe,)0.25 (7.26)
- VSLdp
PL G L d p
PL 0
F L G = ~ - ' . ~ ( 3 1 . 317.5 X K-0'5) (7.28)
pL, the liquid saturation ratio, can be calculated from the same parameters by
means of the equations below:
pL = 1 - r = 1.22 xXeo.I5x ReL0.*x Wet15 (7.29)
Moreover, there are the following expressions for the reactor volume frac-
tions occupied by the liquid and the gas respectively:
eL= pL(l - cp) and E~ = (1 - pJ(1 - cp) (7.30)
Lastly, the pressure drop calculation per unit of bed length is obtained from
the following equation which contains one term due to friction and another
related to gravity:
Note that these correlations, like all those found in the literature, were
obtained in small diameter columns (less than 30 cm). Their validity for indus-
trial dimensions (diameter from 1 to 3 m) is therefore uncertain, and conse-
quently the values obtained with the formulas should be used with caution.
These reservations are, however, not overly troublesome in actual practice as
a comfortable safety margin is commonly kept t o take into account the
expected fouling of the catalytic bed and therefore the increase in pressure
drop with time.
3. Modelling
Given the uncertainty about the set of parameters describing two-phase
flow inside a catalytic bed, it is advisable to use the simplest model possible
t o attempt to describe the operation of this type of reactor.
As an initial approximation, the gas and liquid phases might be considered
to flow at linear velocities identical all over a cross-section (plug flow). The
possible influence of turbulent diffusion superimposed on plug flow must then
be considered.
Expressions are found in the literature that allow axial Peclet numbers to
be evaluated for both the gas and the liquid phase. The focus is generally on
the conversion of the reactant in the liquid phase, so the liquid phase Peclet
number will be more important. (Pe), usually ranges between 0.3 and 1.
If the criterion defined by Mears is applied, for considering that axial diffu-
sivity is negligible, i.e.:
with H the total height of the catalytic bed and C,, the key reactant concen-
tration in the liquid phase, for 99% conversion, i.e. for C,,(O)/C,,(H) = 100, the
result should be:
H 20
- > - 2 . 3 2~= 300 (7.33)
d,, 0.3
Cocurrent upflow
This type of fixed bed reactor where the liquid and gas phases pass
through the catalytic bed from bottom to top is only seldom employed on an
industrial scale. However, it is often used in small pilot plant units. The reason
is that it may be difficult to keep the catalytic bed stationary when the two-
phase mixture passes through it and any catalyst particle movement due to
flow leads to unacceptable attrition. In contrast, one of the advantages of the
technology can be to provide a simple and effective solution to the liquid dis-
tribution problem encountered in downflow reactors.
The same as for downflow, there are various flow regimes whose limits can
not yet be precisely predicted. The bubble regime with a continuous liquid
phase would seem to be the most common in actual practice. According to
a number of published data, this regime is established for low gas flow rates,
C > 1 kg/m2.s
The pulsating regime is believed to exist above this value.
A number of correlations have been suggested to calculate the pressure
drop. However, given the relative uncertainty of the formulas, it is undoubt-
edly preferable to calculate a pressure drop by excess in an initial approxima-
tion simply by taking the static height of liquid in the bed.
The liquid phase distribution does not pose any of the difficult problems
encountered in downflow. In contrast however, suitable distribution of the gas
phase will have to be achieved and the catalytic bed will have to be kept sta-
tionary in actual practice.
There are only very few industrial facilities implementing fixed bed cat-
alytic reactors with two fluid phases (gas and liquid) circulating counter-
currently. This technology can, however, afford certain advantages.
It should be noted that one of the constraints of this type of reactor is the
occurrence of the flooding phenomenon which limits the flow rate of each of
the phases that is to pass through the catalytic bed. Reference can be made to
Chapter 2 on this point, where these concepts are discussed regarding packed
columns. In order to increase the range of allowable flow rates, larger catalyst
particles than those generally selected for fixed beds will have to be used.
Ideally, catalyst particles would be in the shape of conventional packing ele-
ments such as Berl saddles or Raschig rings. The consequence of larger sized
catalyst particles could be lower efficiency.
In contrast, working with counter-current flow can be advantageous for cer-
tain reactions, reversible reactions for example. In the gas phase, a reaction
product can in fact be eliminated and the equilibrium can be shifted. This is
taken advantage of in reactive distillation as used in producing MTBE (see
VOl. 3).
b. Three-phaseFluidized Beds
Three-phase or ebullating bed reactors can be schematically represented as
shown in Figure 7.16. The liquid and gas phases pass through the reactor from
bottom to top and keep the catalytic solid in suspension. The catalyst parti-
1 1 ) Catalyst level
* i ** ) * ) 1
**) )** * ) * )
;* )
) * 2 + L,Q I UD
Fi * * * )* * ) )*
Sketch of a three-phase 7 * * * *1 ) catalyst (*)
1 )
) * in suspension
fluidized bed or :>** * )*)*)*
ebullating bed. * I * ) * ,* ) >
~ ) * )* * * ) *
*f,’* I * ) *
cles generally range from 1 to 5 mm in size. The two fluid phases exit at the
upper part of the reactor without entraining the solid which remains inside the
reactor in the form of a fluidized layer.
It should be noted first of all that the understanding of three-phase flu-
idized beds is still incomplete. The following section gives some of the infor-
mation in the literature that can be used for an initial description of these sys-
tems. The correlations reported were generally obtained with air-water
systems and in small sized apparatuses, so they should be applied to indus-
trial cases only with extreme care.
Flow regimes
In an initial approximation, the three-phase systems could be described as
a bed fluidized by the liquid in which the gas phase flows the same as in a bub-
ble column. This is just about true when the liquid velocity is relatively high
and the gas velocity remains low. However, when the gas velocity is high and
the liquid velocity is low the situation is completely different, with occurrence
of a pulsating type regime. For intermediate gas and liquid velocities, a grad-
ual transition from the fixed bed to the completely fluidized bed can be
Minimum fluidization velocity
There are in fact two minimum fluidization velocities, each one corre-
sponding to the flow of a single fluid phase (gas or liquid). In Section,
the part headed “Minimum superficial fluidization velocity” explains how to
calculate these values. Here, the focus is on determining the interaction
between the two fluid flows and the onset of the fluidization phenomenon.
This is generally expressed in the form of a minimum velocity of the liquid,
VsLm, for a certain gas flow rate, such as in the Begovich and Watson equation
for example:
(Fr), = -
V2SG (Froude number)
The above relation is not applicable for low gas flow rates.
( E ~ E ~ =) 1.40 (Fr)p'7(We)0.078= 1 - E P (7.35)
and is valid for beds that undergo no initial contraction.
In the expression above the Froude and Weber numbers are defined as fol-
V2SL We= -
(Fr),= -
The liquid phase bed hold-up can be calculated by means of a formula
established by the same authors:
E~ = 1.504 (Fr)~0.086(Fr)~234(Re)~0.082(We)0.092
Pressure drop
The pressure drop through the bed alone can be calculated simply based
on the static pressure, i.e.:
AP = + PLEL + pcE3Hg
with H being the height of the fluidized layer. The AP due to the distributors,
which have to be designed with care, must be added to the AP value above.
c :
+ t
7.18 Different types of tubes used in steam cracking.
A. Horizontal tube. B. Vertical tube with uniform diameter. C. Multiple inlet
Inside Length Residence Ethylene
Designation diameter time capacity Type Constructor
(see Fig. 7.18)
(mm) (m) (s)
Some constructors such as Kellogg (Ennis et al., 1975), have taken this
development to an extreme, producing very short (10-12 m) small diameter
tubes to obtain very short residence times of approximately one one-hun-
dredth of a second (Fig. 7.18F).
Furnaces are designed to have the most uniform heat flux distribution pos-
sible in the radiation section. The tubes are placed vertically in the center of
the radiation section and are heated by burners along the walls and sometimes
a few burners on the furnace hearth or midway up the walls (Fig. 7.19).
Combustion gases ordinarily circulate from bottom to top with the convection
section located at the top of the furnace. The reverse is also possible
(Fig. 7.19D). However, the quenching exchanger (TLX) is usually located above
the radiation section. The radiation sections are sometimes laid out in parallel
in the same furnace and the combustion gases are grouped together in the
same convection section (Fig. 7.20).
Tubes are either placed on the same plane (Fig. 21A) or arranged in a stag-
gered pattern in two parallel planes close to the center of the radiation cham-
ber (Fig. 7.21B). For tubes of the multi-inlet variable diameter type, the two lay-
outs will coexist as shown in Figure 7.21C. The advantage of placing the tubes
in the same plane is that it leads to much more homogeneous heat flux distri-
bution at the circumference of the tubes. Thus, for the same average flux of
70 kW/m2,the local flux varies from 75 to 122% of the average flux at the sur-
face of a tube placed on the same median plane. Meanwhile, if the tube is
placed in a staggered pattern, the local flux varies from 64 to 147% of the aver-
age flux (see Chapter 5). The advantage of the staggered layout is that it
requires a smaller radiation section, with a gain in size of up to 20%.
Complementary to the cracking tube where the reaction occurs at high
temperature, the quenching exchanger at the furnace outlet is also very impor-
tant. All the chemical reactions must in fact be stopped as rapidly as possible,
in particular the side reactions leading to heavy products. As soon as the efflu-
ent exits the furnace, it goes through an exchanger specially designed to lower
the temperature to around 600°C in a fraction of a second. Then it is cooled
further by mixing with a heavy fraction (quenching oil) recycled from the pri-
mary fractionating column. The function of the TLX is also to generate HP
steam at high temperature. Figure 7.22 gives an example of the structure of
such an exchanger which is often seen in actual practice. This type of equip-
ment is used to generate steam between 100 and 140 bar (Schmidt, 1994).
Research has also been done on further shortening the residence time
while at the same time increasing the temperature, hitherto limited by tube
resistance. This is possible only by implementing new ceramic materials.
Other attempts have been made to increase the surface area available for heat
transfer by providing the tubes with internal fins or by giving the tubes non-
circular cross-sections of a varying degree of complexity. Nevertheless, this
aspect is not the only one to be considered given all the constraints of the sys-
tem. In fact although reactor optimization is an important factor, the prof-
itability of the process overall also depends on factors related to operation,
such as decoking frequency.
Combustion gases
Furnace feed
7.19 Differenttypes o f Furnaces.
A. Burners solely on the walls o f the radiation section (Selas, Lummus, Stone
Perspective view of a
“Millisecond’’ furnace
(Ke llogg).
B &&oooooooooooy
7.2 1 Tube layout inside the radiation section.
A. Two staggered tubes. B. A single layer of tubes. C. Variable diameter tubes
Furnace effluent - Water + steam
7.22 “Schmidt” type quenching exchanger (Twr).
A. Close up ofthe head ofthe dual tubes making up the exchanger between the
The problem of furnace and quenching exchanger coking has been more
particularly a subject of attention in the past ten years. New materials have
been sought for furnace tubes in order to reduce the coke deposition rate.
Moreover, new designs for quenching systems at the furnace outlet have
helped overcome the problems of using heavy feeds such as vacuum gas oils.
Here it should be noted that the trend is to allow for the possibility of using
varied feeds in the future, given the uncertainty as to feedstock availability
and price.
In order to keep up with these developments and reinforce them, important
research has been done on the kinetics of the numerous reactions involved in
steam cracking. The aim is to simulate the reactor as a whole and in particu-
lar predict the influence of feed characteristics (Froment, 1992).
As mentioned earlier, the uncertainty about the future mainly concerns the
feedstocks that will be available and their price. New technologies are already
being studied so as to be able to use the feeds available at the lowest cost,
such as petroleum residues if necessary (Duncan et al., 1992).
7.2.2 Dimerization
In Volume 3, Chapter 9, oligomerization processes were presented and among
them the Dimersol process of olefin dimerization by homogeneous catalysis. It
is a homogeneous liquid phase process whose technology is a good example
of a continuous stirred tank reactor. In the case of propylene dimerization to
produce a mixture of hexenes to be added to the gasoline pool, the reaction
can written in simplified form as follows:
The reaction is exothermic (AH= -20 kcal/mol) and second order versus
the propylene concentration.
The catalyst consists of an organo-metallic complex with a nickel base that
is soluble in the liquid hydrocarbon phase. It is injected at a very low concen-
tration at the same time as the feed containing the propylene. The reaction
temperature is moderate, between 40 and 50°C. The operating pressure is
adjusted to have a liquid phase in the reactor (between 10 and 30 bar). Under
these conditions the reaction is relatively slow and requires residence times of
several hours to obtain a conversion of approximately 90%.
A tubular reactor would be more efficient than a stirred tank reactor, since
the reaction is second order. However, given the large reaction volume
required and the heat exchange that has to be accomplished, the stirred tank
reactor proves to be the most economical, even if several stages need to be
placed in series in order to reduce the total reaction volume.
The reactor is made up of a vertical cylindrical drum with external circula-
tion via a heat exchanger (Fig. 7.23). Several reactors of this type are generally
placed in series. The volume of each drum is determined from the desired
overall conversion, which will be distributed in each stage.
+ Hexenes
I Water
Volume = V
/-I Recycle
Propylene feed
7.23 Sketch o f the reactor for hexene production by propylene dimerization.
The recirculation flow rate of each stage must meet two objectives:
(1) Eliminate the heat produced by the reaction by passing through an
external exchanger. The temperature difference that the recycle undergoes
through the exchanger must be only a few degrees (less than l0.C).
(2) Assure mixing inside the reactor so as to approach perfect mixing. It is
accepted that t o do so, the recirculation time must be approximately ten times
shorter than the residence time 8.
Thus the following equations link the different variables of the system, with
the subscript i corresponding to the number of the reaction stage.
-7Comparison o f various
CO, absorption solvents.
B. N-methylpyrrolidone
C Aqueous solution o f
S2 SI 50 C O content
~ in 15% wt MEA (40°C).
theliquid phase D. Sulfinol process
(free + combined) solvent (sulfolane).
E. Aqueous caustic soda.
The reaction that takes place during CO, absorption can be written as fol-
As long as the number of moles of CO, absorbed is smaller than half the
number of moles of amine present in the solution before the onset of absorp-
tion, it can be considered that only the above reaction takes place. The reac-
tion rate can be expressed by:
r = k[CO,J.[RNH,J
Due to the reaction stoichiometry (1 mole of sour compound for 2 moles of
amine), the recommended amine circulation flow rates are such that the molar
ratio of sour gas to amine is between 0.3 and 0.4. This constraint is often
expressed in percent of approach to equilibrium in the amine solution exiting
the absorber, between 65 and 75%.
The kinetic constant k varies considerably depending on the amine. The
following relative values can be noted:
MEA 30
DEA 15
Operation is therefore conducted in such a way that the reaction can be
considered instantaneous. Under these conditions the flux of A, (CO, or H2S)
can be expressed as follows (Fig. 7.3):
"1Ix=0 = ~ I L E C ~ L (7.38)
or expressing the acceleration factor E for an instantaneous reaction:
VIA, + vZA, *A,
Chapter 7 CHEMlCAL REACTOR 443
For the same equipment it will thus be advantageous to increase C;, and
c,,b. Although c,,b can be fixed freely (the amine concentration for example),
it should not be forgotten that when the viscosity increases, the transfer coef-
ficient k , , decreases. As a result, an optimum value of C,, will have to be cho-
sen, which is approximately 15 to 30%weight for MEA or DEA in an aqueous
solution. Moreover, it should be noted that to obtain the same value of C2Lbl
less weight of MEA is required than of DEA or MDEA. However, because of the
higher reactivity of MEA (reaction with COS and corrosion), DEA or MDEA are
often preferred.
It may be advantageous to use a solvent other than water in order to
increase the value of CTL The Sulfinol process utilizes sulfolane as a solvent,
in which CO, is over three times more soluble.
The technologies employed for both absorption and desorption are of the
counter-current column type (with plates or packing), similar to those
described in Chapters 1 and 2. Plate columns are generally chosen for large
sizes. The diameter is conventionally calculated based on the superficial
velocity uG.It is recommended to apply a safety coefficient of 80% to the value
of uG to take any foaming into account. The number of plates is generally cal-
culated on the basis of the equilibrium curves, taking the thermal effect
related to the reaction into account. For packed columns the diameter is cal-
culated from the flooding correlations. Meanwhile, the packing height is cal-
culated on the basis of gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients, taking into
account the acceleration due to the reaction.
A number of precautions must be taken concerning materials because of
the aggressivity of the gas or liquid phase, especially in the hottest sections.
Generally speaking the column shells are made of carbon steel, whereas the
plates, reboilers and some pumps are made of stainless steel alloy. Packings
may be made of ceramic or preferably of polypropylene which is lighter.
SO, and H2S concen-
tration profiles during
simultaneous absorp
tion in a liquid phase
containing a dissolved
catalyst (Clauspol pro-
k pseudo-first order kinetic constant
gBn diffusivity of butenes in the acid
CBH concentration of butenes in the hydrocarbon phase
CBA concentration of butenes in the acid phase
x distance from the interface
According to recent estimates (Christensen et al., 1993), the ratio k / 9 B Acan
be taken as equal to 7 x lOI3 m-*. CBH is approximately 3.6 x lo3 mol/m3 at the
reactor inlet. As such, for x = 1 ym, the butene concentration is reduced by a
factor of approximately 4000. The butenes are therefore totally consumed in
the film near the interface and consequently do not take part in side reactions
in bulk of the acid phase.
Hence the total butene absorption flux, NB,which controls the main reac-
tion rate can be expressed by the relation below:
1 - 1 - 1 1
I I1 1 II1
7.27 Isobutane and butene concentration profile near the interface.
Several reactors are often coupled with the same settler whose volume is
calculated to give a settling time between 30 min and 1 h. The higher the acid
ratio, the slower the settling related to the emulsion viscosity. Recycling the
organic phase in the settler allows the settling time to be shortened and sec-
ondary products (soluble oils) to be reduced at the same time.
Inside the reactor, whose volume is approximately 35 m3 (for production of
approximately 15 m3/h of alkylate), the high circulation flow rate induced by
the propeller would normally make concentrations homogeneous throughout
the volume. However, due to the rate of reaction, olefins disappear apprecia-
bly between the inlet in the turbine and the arrival in the tube bundle where
partial coalescence of the emulsion is promoted. The emulsion residence time
in the peripheral reactor zone between the turbine and the exchanger is
approximately 30 s. The average residence time in the reactor is approxi-
mately 1000 s.
Due to the mechanical power input by the turbine, approximately
7.5 kW/m3 of reaction mixture, the mixture constitutes an emulsion of fine
hydrocarbon droplets within the acid phase. Based on the recent results
obtained by Am Ende et al. (1995), the size of the hydrocarbon droplets can be
estimated at between 50 and 100 pm. From the calculation of olefin depletion
in these droplets presented by Christensen et al. (1993), the following is
obtained by combining equations (7.40) and (7.41):
b. Exxon/Kellogg Pvocess
The Exxon process uses cascade type reactors originally designed by Kellogg.
In series mechanical mixers are placed in neighboring compartments incorpo-
rated in a horizontal drum (Fig. 7.30). One of the characteristics of this process
is the fact that the heat of reaction is eliminated by evaporation of part of the
excess isobutane, feeding the cascade of mixers. Like the isobutane, the sulfu-
ric acid is introduced at the cascade inlet and circulates from one compart-
t Peripherical zone
Tube bundle zone
Olefin concentration
L Contactor length 0
Schematic variation in olefin concentration in the hydrocarbon phase inside
the Stratco contactor.
ment to the next by overflowing. The olefin plus isobutane mixture is divided
up into aliquot parts which are introduced in each compartment in parallel.
Each compartment is vigorously stirred to generate the interfacial area
required for mass transfer and disperse the olefins within the hydrocarbon
phase. The phases to be mixed are introduced just below the turbine which
also draws the acid-rich emulsion back in. A gas phase consisting essentially
of evaporated isobutane exits at the top of each compartment. At the gas-liq-
uid interface, partial settling of the emulsion has already taken place and the
overflow to the next compartment is therefore richer in hydrocarbons than
the emulsion produced in the turbine. This partial settling allows a higher
ratio in each compartment between the acid and hydrocarbon phases than the
ratio that would be dictated by the respective flow rate of the phases.
The same process as described earlier operates at the hydrocarbon-acid
interface, causing the feed olefins to disappear rapidly. Here circulation times
are shorter than in the Stratco contactor, but olefin concentrations are also
lower in the hydrocarbon phase.
A Cooling fluid - Vapor compressor Debutanizer
recycle Acid recycle
7.30 I Diagram of the Exxon sulfuric acid alkylation reactor (Albright, 1990).
A. Overall view of the reactor. 8.Close up of the contact cells.
a. Phillips Process
This process flow scheme was given in Volume 3, so the reactor alone will be
considered here. It is a tubular reactor with two liquid phases (Fig. 7.31). The
reaction mixture is introduced at the base of the vertical tube at high velocity
by several injectors. The kinetic energy provided by the injected hydrocar-
bons allows the phase to be finely dispersed in the acid which is recycled by
1 Figure
7.31 Sketch of the Phillips HF alkylation reactor.
gravity from the settler located in the upper part of the reactor. The hydro-
carbon phase is kept dispersed throughout the reactor by means of perforated
plates. The circulation of the phases is thus the result of injecting the organic
phase and of the difference in specific gravity between the emulsion and the
recycled acid.
The acid to hydrocarbon volume ratio can vary from 1 to 4, depending on
operating conditions. Due to olefin dilution by a significant isobutane recycle,
the reactor is practically isothermal. The contact time in the reactor is approx-
imately 20 to 40 s.
The calculation performed earlier for sulfuric acid can be applied by adapt-
ing the values of the physical constants. Few details are given on this subject
in the literature. However, it can be assumed that reaction rates are approxi-
mately the same a s with sulfuric acid if not higher, since the temperature and
the isobutane concentration in the acid phase are higher. In addition, butene
diffusivity in HF is much greater because of the viscosity, which is 130 times
lower than that of sulfuric acid.
Sketch of the UOP HF
alkylation reactor with
one reaction stage.
lsobutane recycle
+ lsobutane
b. UOP Process
In this process the reactor consists of the shell part of a heat exchanger in a
vertical position (Fig. 7.32). The hydrocarbon mixture is introduced at differ-
ent levels in the exchanger by nozzles, which assure fine dispersion. The acid
returning from the settler, by gravity similar to the previous case, enters the
lower part of the reactor.
The principle therefore remains the same as for the Phillips process, except
that the temperature is controlled by heat exchange inside the reactor itself.
Depending on the capacity of the unit, one or two reactors may be used.
When there are two reactors, they work in series with settlers associated with
each one (Fig. 7.33). The acid and hydrocarbons exiting from the first settler
are sent to the second reactor. In contrast, the fresh feed is divided up between
the first and the second reactor, thereby increasing the isobutane to olefin
ratio in each reactor.
Alkylation by HF has also been proposed in Stratco contactors.
8 Settler
stage 2
Sketch of the UOP HF
alkylation reactor with L
two reaction stages.
stage 1
A -
Olefins -
sist of catalytic reactors. Some of these steps will be taken as examples of cat-
alytic reactors: steam reforming, CO conversion and methanation, and their
essential technological elements will be presented.
7.34 Common shapes o f steam reforming catalysts: rings or pellets perforafed with
The catalyst is loaded in vertical tubes placed inside the radiation chamber
of a furnace (see Chapter 5). The types of furnace found in actual practice are
similar to those described for steam cracking with a vertical cracking tube,
since with the catalyst this is the only acceptable tube position.
The special steel tubes have an inside diameter of between 80 and 130 mm
and a length of between 10 and 15 m. They can be arranged in one or two ver-
tical planes inside the radiation chamber. The furnaces differ mainly in the lay-
out of the burners along the furnace walls or at the bottom or top of them. The
resulting temperature profiles depend evidently on burner distribution in
space (Meyers, 1997). Burners regularly arranged along the vertical walls of
the combustion chamber would seem to give the best temperature profile
along the tube (Dybkaer, 1995). The tube skin temperature, which may exceed
900°C, controls the heat flux supplied to the catalyst for the reaction. The flux
must be especially high in the part of the tube located between 20 and 40% of
its length as this is where the rate of reaction is the fastest.
Next Page
Tubes filled
with catalyst
Sketch o f a steam
reforming furnace with
side burners (called a
terrace furnace)
(Meyers, 1997). Burners
Outlet collector
Because of the high temperatures at which the tubes work, care must be
taken to eliminate excessive mechanical stress. The expansion in tube length
is in fact approximately 25 cm at the working temperature. So that this elon-
gation can occur, the tubes are supported at the bottom where they are con-
nected to a collector (Fig. 7.35). Most of the tube weight is supported by a
spring connected to the upper flange in order to reduce buckling risks. The
tubes are fed from the top by flexible lines to allow them to expand freely.
Sometimes the bottom of the tubes is connected to the collector by flexible
lines as well (Dybkaer, 1995).
The catalyst is loaded inside the tubes with the greatest care. Because of
the large number of tubes in parallel, it is crucial for the pressure drop in each
tube to be exactly the same so as to obtain uniform flow rate distribution. This
means loading the same amount of catalyst in each tube and producing no cat-
alyst fines during the loading procedure. This is made possible by weighing
exactly the same amount of catalyst placed in each tube and filling it by means
of a cloth sleeve (sock) that allows the catalyst to be introduced gently into
each tube. It should be noted that the ratio between the inside tube diameter
and the characteristic catalyst dimension does not always meet the criterion
given in Section in the part on “Sizing the catalyst bed”, i.e. d,/d,, > 20.
As a consequence, the formulas presented for calculating the pressure drop or
mass transfer coefficients must be used with care. The Ergun formula allows