CV90 Brochure Eng

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The key takeaways are that the CV90 is a versatile armored fighting vehicle that provides crew protection, lethality, mobility and C4ISTAR capabilities. It has been sold to several countries and continues to be developed and upgraded.

The CV90 provides crew protection through advanced armor and countermeasures. It has lethal firepower through its cannon and munitions. It is highly mobile both on- and off-road. It also provides intelligence, surveillance, targeting and network capabilities.

Countries that currently use the CV90 include Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and The Netherlands.


Strong. Agile.
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

CV90 The most versatile

vehicle for all military
missions, now and in the future.
Strong armoured for crew survivability
Agile performs across all terrain
Evolutionary designed for scalable upgrades

Survivability Lethality
The CV90 has one of the most advanced survivability solutions To be the first to fire is crucial. As a first class combat vehicle,
available in the world, providing flexible and modular solutions for the CV90 is compatible with a range of armaments to suit any
any mission requirements. The platform provides crew protection customer requirements. The vehicle is normally fitted with a two-
from heavy weaponry including IEDs and anti-tank mines. man turret equipped with the well proven 25-35 mm Bushmaster
The CV90 protects occupants from Chemical, Biological, Radio- cannon product range. The platform can support different confi-
logical, and Nuclear (CBRN) threats with its integrated CBRN/ gurations such as manned and unmanned turrets and integration
HVAC-system. of missile systems. The CV90 incorporates a Munition Programmer
for Air Burst Munition (ABM) and has a target-driven gunner Man
To meet modern battlefield threats, the vehicle can be fitted with Machine Interface (MMI) and excellent Anti-Aircraft capabilities.
further protection including:
The Fire Control System autonomously sets:
• Armour against shaped charge warheads for example RPG-s
• Type of ammunition
• Defensive Aid Suite (DAS) that classifies targets, gives threat
warnings, maneuvering instructions, while simultaneously • Lead- and super elevation angles
deploying countermeasures, for hit avoidance. • Fuse setting – air burst, impact or delayed detonation
• The CV90 DAS-system is up-scalable from soft-kill true • Burst- and dispersion patterns
jammers to highly capable hard-kill system achieving a high This significantly decreases operator workload allowing the gunner
degree of survivability even against an advanced opponent to focus and engage on commander determined targets, signifi-
• ADAPTIV camouflage, offering active multi-spectral cloaking, cantly reducing sensor to shooter time.
rendering the vehicle appearance to match its environment or The vehicle’s hunter-killer function features an independent sight
to mimic other objects to further increase crew survivability and system for the commander, enabling him to search, engage or
freedom to move. hand over targets to the gunner.

Mobility C4ISTAR
The CV90’s effective protection suite does not render in reduced The CV90 represents the future of Armoured Fighting Vehicles
mobility. Powered by a highly reliable, fuel-efficient high torque V8 (AFV), providing best-in-class, all-weather Intelligence, Surveillance,
diesel engine, the CV90 accomplishes agile sprints in challenging Target Acquisition and Recognition (ISTAR) capabilities. Its range
terrain and enduring long-range patrol missions. of variants will allow for conduct sustained, expeditionary, full-
The vehicle’s road range is constantly improving, with new variants spectrum and network-enabled operations with a reduced logistics
capable of travelling up to 900 km. footprint
The platform’s active damping increases the off-road speed and at CV90 is fully digitized and General Vehicle Architecture (GVA)-com-
the same time benefits to: pliant, providing accurate and timely information to support
decision-making at all levels. It integrates a range of leading-edge
• Increasing the gunner’s hit probability and ability to find targets technologies to provide an optimized and lethal ISTAR.
• Increased life expectancy for sub systems and components The open and GVA compliant electronic architecture can seamles-
• Higher all-terrain speeds sly integrate both current and future open C4ISTAR and communi-
• Reduced fatigue for crew and squad cation products.
The vehicle C4ISTAR capability can further be upgraded with Batt-
leview 360 which brings an advanced mix between Augmented
and Virtual Reality offering 360 degree see through armour with
conformal augmented battle management information.
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

CV90 is a proven solution, under continual development

• 1,280 sold to 7 European user nations, 4 NATO members
• 4,5 million R&D hours invested
• Combat proven in Afghanistan and Liberia
• 15 different CV90 variants in service
• Rubber tracks technology proven in theatre










CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

Combat Proven
CV90 is designed with a clear vision: to be a vehicle that provides high tactical and
strategic mobility, air defence, anti-tank capability, high survivability and protection
in any terrain or tactical environment. The CV90 family gives unrivalled performance
in the 20-35 tonne class. CV90 has a pedigree of successful worldwide operations
including UN and NATO collaborative missions.

Crew survivability is of primary importance to

every force. Each aspect of the CV90, from its
armour to its driving dynamics, is dedicated to
protecting personnel.
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

Danish Army Swedish Army in Norwegian Army

in Afghanistan Liberia and Afghanistan in Afghanistan
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

BAE Systems Hägglunds, in response to customer demand, has
created a family of specialist variants designed for specific mission
and customer requirements. CV90 is versatile and scalable with
new capabilities like ADAPTIV, rubber tracks, active damping,
BattleView360 and integrated Active Protection Systems (APS).
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

The CV90 family

Ready for any mission, the modular CV90, ensures
freedom of design for a wide variety of variants.
The CV90 family includes:

✓ IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) – 30mm,
35mm & 40mm
✓ RECCE (Reconnaissance)
✓ C2 (Command & Control)
✓ AAV (Anti-Aircraft Vehicle)
✓ Mortar – AMOS 2x120mm & Mjölner 2x120mm
✓ Combat Repair
✓ Forward Observer

✓ APC & VIP transport
✓ Combat Engineer
✓ ARV (Armoured Recovery Vehicle)
✓ LOG – (Logistic carrier)
✓ EW (Electronic Warfare)
✓ DTV (Driver Training Vehicle)
✓ Mortar – 81mm

Coming attractions…
✓ Direct Fire – 105mm & 120mm
✓ Engineer
✓ Bridge layer
✓ Artillery – 155mm

Equipped with sensor-based protection
The CV90120 provides crews with greater lethality,
higher mobility, advanced identification capability and
state-of-the-art stealth protection.
With its lightweight design, the CV90120 is more
manoeuvrable on the battlefield than traditional tanks;
however it can still match them in terms of firepower.
The CV90120 is equipped with a modern 120 mm gun
which enables it to handle any contemporary battlefield
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

In country set up CV90

Real partnership – real advantage

Tailorised industrial set up

depending on customer requirements Local Integration

and technology transfer

To BAE Systems, industrial cooperation is a vital part of the partnerships we are building with
our customers – a strong partnership that provides each party with long-term-, and strategic
advantages. We have developed a creative and innovative approach toward industrial
cooperation including technology transfer, marketing support and support to SME
companies. Given the requirements, full development and assembly can be done in
the country locally so performed correctly, these are outstanding tools for the
development of all involved parties: local industries, the economy in the customer’s
countries and the customer themselves, as well as BAE Systems Hägglunds. For
more than 20 years we have fulfilled our industrial cooperation commitments
on time ahead of schedule. Industrial cooperation projects have been
successfully performed with the following countries: Canada, Denmark,
Finland, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland,
The Netherlands, United Kingdom.

The 144 CV90 vehicles for Norway –
contract signed in June 2012 - are designed to
operate in five configurations, 74 for infantry
fighting, 21 for reconnaissance, 15 for command
and control, 16 for engineering support, 16 in
a multi-role configuration, and two for driver Infantry fighting vehicle
training. BAE Systems Hägglunds has developed
a comprehensive partnership with Norwegian
industry to develop, produce, and deliver these
vehicles. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace,
Nammo Raufoss AS, CHSnor AS, Moelv,
Tamek and Ritek AS Levanger are among
the companies playing a key role in
delivering on the contract.
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

CV90 industrial
co-operation track record
Across the group of nations operating the CV90, BAE Systems Hägglunds has successfully has
successfully fulfilled all industrial requirements. BAE Systems’ well-proven industrial model
has been implemented for CV90 industrial commitments in Norway, Finland, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and Denmark. The value of completed industrial co-operation BAE Systems
Hägglunds has successfully programmes delivered by BAE Systems as part of CV90
procurements is as follows;

IC delivered Country
• USD 999 M The Netherlands (2013)
• USD 278 M Denmark (2009)
• USD 204 M Finland (2009)
• USD 555 M Switzerland (2006)
• USD 204 M Norway (2001)

THALES Command

The Netherlands
control vehicle

In 2004, BAE Systems Hägglunds secured the sale of 184 CV90 ve-
hicles to the Dutch Ministry of Defence. In 2005 this was followed up
with the sale of 74 BvS10 vehicles. As part of these supply contracts,

VINGHØG BAE Systems Hägglunds delivered an Industrial Cooperation package

to the Netherlands between 2004 and 2011. We fulfilled 100 percent
of the contract originally worth more than EUR 800 million, the largest
industrial cooperation contract in the country.
Reconnaissance BAE Systems Hägglunds evaluated over 200
local companies to find suitable partners to
assist in the completion of the contract.
More than 50 were chosen to fulfill a
RITEK AS variety of roles.

Multi-role vehicle

CHSnor AS • Location of Dutch

suppliers of partner

Engineering vehicle
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB


CV90 history
and development

Norwegian contract signed The CV9030 MkII, is delivered Denmark orders 45

for 104 vehicles. to the Swiss Army. Between CV9035 vehicles
2002 and 2005, over 186
vehicles are supplied.

1994 2002 2005

1993 2000 2004 2007

In December 2004, The
Netherlands signs a contract The CV90 is engaged in
for 184 CV9035 MkIII and combat operations for
Production of the CV90 eight CV9035 instruction the first time when the
begins for the Swedish vehicles. Finland orders more Norwegian Army deploys
Armed Forces, with the Contract signed with units, bringing the overall units with 2nd Battalion.
following deliveries. Today Switzerland for 185 CV9030 quantity to 102. As part of The vehicles are used during
the Swedish Armed Forces vehicles. Finland orders 57 a UN contingent, 13 Swedish Operation Harekate Yolo and
has 549 CV90 vehicles. CV9030 vehicles. CV90s are sent to Liberia. when Norwegian commandos
respond to a Taliban attack on
Afghan National Army forces
in the Ghowrmach district.
CV90 I BAE Systems Hägglunds AB


The Swedish government contracts BAE

Denmark deploys 10 Systems to refurbish 262 CV90 for the
CV9035 DK to Afghanistan Swedish Army and to install the vehicle
CV90s are used by ISAF- Norway decides to modernize
as reinforcements in mounted mortar system “Mjölner” on
forces of the Norwegian their CV90 fleet, giving
Helmand Province. The 40 CV90s in the Swedish Army fleet. The
Army’s Telemark Norway 144 state-of-the-art
units are from the Danish Dutch government contracts BAE Systems
Battalion during combat vehicles. A smart long
Royal Lifeguard Regiment, Hägglunds for testing and verification of
Operation Karez in the term programme including
based in the Northern part Active Protection Systems on its CV90
Badghis Province. both new and used vehicles.
of Seeland. Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

2008 2010 2012 2016

2009 2011 2012 JUNE 20XX

Sweden deploys CV9040s ”ADAPTIV” is launched, a patented

technology based on sheets of Development of CV90 will
to Afghanistan. continue.
hexagonal ”pixels” that can The Norwegian Defence Logistics
change temperature very rapidly Organisation and BAE Systems
and allows a vehicle to blend signs a contract for the production
into its surroundings. On-board of the 41 new vehicles as well as
cameras pick up the background upgrades to 103 of the Army’s
scenery and display that infra-red existing fleet of CV9030s. The
image on the vehicle, allowing upgrades include enhanced
even a moving tank to match its capabilities for protection,
surroundings. The Swedish Defence survivability, situational awareness,
Materiel Administration (FMV) intelligence, and interoperability.
funds part of the work.






70 000 COMBAT

For more information contact: © BAE Systems Hägglunds AB. May 2017.
BAE Systems Hägglunds We reserve all rights in this document and the information
SE-891 82 Örnsköldsvik, Sweden contained therein.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without written
T: +46 (0)660 800 00 authorzation is strictly forbidden. Disclosure to third parties
E: without written authorization is forbidden unless disclosure is
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