Brand Positioning - The Student Hotel - Simon Harrington
Brand Positioning - The Student Hotel - Simon Harrington
Brand Positioning - The Student Hotel - Simon Harrington
Creat e (and write) a full brand With the br ief ca m e a seri es of Wit h a c on crete brand p osi ti oni ng
positi oning for The Student Hotel challenges: in plac e, we were able t o trans lat e
that capt ures the company’s rapid th is int o a seri es of effec t ive bran d
evolut ion from student • A cl ear vision ha s never been com muni cat ions , inc ludin g:
acc ommodation to hybrid created for the comp any
hos pit alit y conce pt, while • The brief focused on a n emoti ve • Brand man ifest o movi e (wi nni ng
explaini ng the company name a nd positioning , g rou n ded i n exi s tin g bronze at ADCN 2020)
origins of the brand and founder.
valu es an d am bitions • Brand exp erien ce book ,
• Expla in in g the evolu ti on of The dis tri bu ted in ou r hot el rooms
Use this to create: Stu den t Hotel na me and con cep t • New mess agin g for ou r new
• Posi ti oni ng docume nt (it ’s not ju st for stu dents ) webs ite
• Brand book • Sta keholder s were numerous and • Post ers, exhibit ions an d other
• Written manifesto ea ch ha d a person al inves tment ph ys ica l ass et s an d experi ences
• Mani festo film in the bra nd built from our posi t ioni ng.
Our tale begins with one simple observation: students As our people became more diverse, so did we – building
deserve better.
boundary blurring spaces, hosting cultural events and
leading change initiatives, growing into a complete
This is what a 26-year-old Charlie MacGregor put to some connected community; attracting the adventurous and
of the biggest investors, property developers and suited venturesome, the anarchic and playful.
big-shots across Europe. It didn’t go well.
And so, our purpose evolved. It evolved from ‘students
No one cared about quality student accommodation. In deserve better’ to ‘we all deserve better.’ It grew to
fact, no one really cared about students at all. But he did. include people from all walks of life with an open mind,
They were the future and deserved an inspiring space to love of learning and curious nature. Truly, to everybody
realise their potential. So, he didn’t take ‘no’ for an with a student spirit.
And something incredible is happening. Our community
In 2008, Charlie checked his first guests into The Student is changing the world. People are exploring their purpose.
Hotel. Amidst teary ‘goodbyes’, excited ‘hellos’ and sincere They’re making a difference. It all started with caring for
‘thank-yous’, he began to understand that this wasn’t students, but it’s become about caring for everyone –
going to be any ordinary hotel. This was going to be a connecting, growing, learning. It’s become about crafting
place with purpose; somewhere that transformed lives. It a better future together. And this is just the beginning.
quickly started happening, blossoming into an inclusive
community with a fun-loving, ever-disruptive attitude. Because, at The Student Hotel, we’re as unfinished as
you are.
OUR place
in the world
We’re a work-in-progress and
encourage learning from failure
We make responsible, purposeful decisions that have a
positive impact on people and places
We take the initiative, challenge
the status quo and question things
OUR call
to action
Let’s check in and stand out. Open
Without curiosity and connection, eyes and close doors to boredom and
there’s no change.
routine; smash personal records and
There’s no ‘I have a dream’, no ‘tear
down this wall’ and no ‘giant leap for For the impassioned and ever-
mankind.’ questioning, the unrestricted and
unfinished: let’s explore.
So, let’s be curious. Let’s connect.
Today. Now. Because change shouldn’t
Let’s build a world that raises glasses wait, and neither should we.
and questions together; shares
wisdom and foolishness, ideas and Stay curious.
high fives.
- The Student Hotel -