U L T R A: Ultimate Long-Term Resistance and Aerobic System
U L T R A: Ultimate Long-Term Resistance and Aerobic System
U L T R A: Ultimate Long-Term Resistance and Aerobic System
1 2 - M O N T H S Y S T E M
Transition Phase
By the end of last month, your workouts
were becoming pretty intense, as you added
both weight and exercises and used 90- second
rest periods. Well the times, they are a- changin’!
Before training for maximal strength, we’ll take
you through a week of transitional workouts. No
secret, really, to why it’s called a transition phase — it allows
you to progressively alter your training from one phase to the
next, instead of incurring an abrupt change. Harvey Newton, MA,
CSCS, executive director of the National Strength and Conditioning
Association ( NSCA ) and former national coach for the U.S. Olympic
Weightlifting Team (1981– 84 ), says: “The goal of the transition phase
is to ease the shock to the body, but still allow enough of a shock so the
body will adapt. It’s generally a mix of a little bit of what you were doing
and a little bit of what you’re going to do.” Robert Reiff
day than is necessary to sustain your outs for whatever reason and need to
level of activity. catch up. Doing so will make your
2 ) Want even greater increases in maximal strength? workouts a bit longer and you’ll likely find it helpful to sip on a
As long as you have a spotter and are fully prepped in 1RM carbo drink while you train, especially if your workouts begin to
training, disregard Week 3’s program and move both Weeks 4 run over 1 1 ⁄ 2 hours in duration.
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Nine Stretches for Better Flexibility The same rules apply from last
month’s program, but in case you
skipped class, let’s recap.
Tips for Better Stretching
1) Perform your cardio warm-up or workout before stretching. Unless Stated Otherwise
2) Stretch your muscle(s) to a point where you feel only minor discomfort 1) Your workout intensities are
— don’t overdo it. based on a percentage of your one-
3) With each repetition, try to stretch slightly beyond what you were able rep max ( 1RM). If you aren’t 100%
to accomplish with the previous rep. certain of your 1RM, then guesstimate.
4) Hold the stretched position for the prescribed period; don’t bounce If you can’t complete the prescribed
or perform any ballistic-type movements. number of repetitions, adjust the
5) Refer to the accompanying photos to aid your form. weight accordingly.
6) When, how often, which stretches and for how long you should hold 2) Begin each workout with a
each stretch can be found within the ULTRA system training log. 7–10 -minute cardio warm-up, getting
your heart rate up to about 65% of your
Shoulder Lats Triceps maximal heart rate. ( To find that num-
& External ber, subtract your age from 220 and
Rotators multiply by 0.65.)
3) Precede the first exercise of a
given bodypart with two warm-up sets.
First, perform about 12–15 reps using a
weight that represents about 35%–40%
of your 1RM. Then increase the weight
by about 10% –15% for another 10-rep
warm-up set. Don’t count these two sets
as part of your workout.
4) Perform a full-body stretching
Biceps routine at the end of each workout.
& Chest
You’ll find the stretching routine listed
Hip Flexor in the Day 1 workout of Week 1.
Jumpin’ In
If you missed last month’s Prepar-
atory and Growth phases, you can
still make significant gains without
starting at step one.
• If you’re a well-conditioned
athlete or elite bodybuilder, go ahead
and jump right into the Transition Phase,
Week 1.
• If you’re a beginner or intermedi-
ate bodybuilder, significantly reduce
the training volume and intensity of
Week 1 and gradually build up to what’s
prescribed. This may mean starting with
Side Bend only one exercise per bodypart and using
a low intensity, but it’s a much safer and
smarter way to attack this program. If
Hamstrings you begin to feel like you’re overtraining
or working beyond your capabilities,
don’t hesitate to back off a bit.
Low Back
& Glutes
Taking Measurements
If you started with us last month, you
don’t need to redo your measurements.
First-timers, though, need to get
some baseline measurements. Refer
to last month’s extensive discussion of
body measurements so you can more
accurately gauge your progress.
Photos of Lena Johannesen by Robert Reiff August 1999 MUSCLE & FITNESS 141
Optional set
Week 1 Week 2
Sets per exercise: 3 – 4 Sets per exercise: 3–4
Take this set to muscle failure Reps: 8–10 Reps: 6– 8 multijoint;
Intensity: 75% 1RM 8–10 single-joint
Rest between sets: 2–3 minutes Intensity: 75%–80% 1RM
Optional set & take to failure The catch: Work on progressively Rest between sets: 3 minutes
increasing the weight from set The catch: Take only the last set of
Do not do this exercise to set, taking each set about each exercise to failure; for all others,
on this day 2– 4 reps shy of failure. push yourself to about 2 reps shy of
How to fill in: Write your weight used and reps completed. 80 / 10 is 80 pounds for 10 reps.
Dumbbell Bench Press 80 10 85 10 90 9 95 8 95 8 100 6 100 / 6 110 / 6
/ / / / / /
DAY 1 Week 1 Week 2
Cardio Warm-Up: 7–10 minutes at 65% MHR (every week)
Dumbbell Bench Press / / / / / / / /
Incline Barbell Press / / / / / / / /
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye / / / / / / / /
Bent-Over Barbell Row (pronated grip) / / / / / / / /
Pull-Up (pronated grip) / / / / / / / /
Straight-Arm Pull-Down / / / / / / / /
Good Morning / / / / / / / /
Back-Extension Machine / / / / / / / /
Cardio: 30 minutes at 75% MHR 25 minutes at 80% MHR
Stretch: All nine stretches (see page 141) three times, holding the stretched position 10 –15 seconds
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/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
20 minutes at 80 %– 85% MHR 20 minutes at 85% MHR 20 minutes at 85% MHR
All nine stretches (see page 141) three times, holding the stretched position 10 –15 seconds
Squat / / / / / / / /
Barbell Lunge / / / / / / / /
Hack Squat / / / / / / / /
Romanian Deadlift (barbell) / / / / / / / /
Decline Lying Leg Curl with Dumbbell / / / / / / / /
Seated Leg Curl / / / / / / / /
Standing Calf Raise / / / / / / / /
Seated Calf Raise / / / / / / / /
Cardio: None today
Stretch: All nine stretches (see page 141) three times, holding the stretched position 10 –15 seconds
Cable Crunch / / / / / / / /
Decline Reverse Crunch / / / / / / / /
Oblique Crunch on Back-Extension Bench / / / / / / / /
Full-Range Crunch / / / / / / / /
Cardio: 25 minutes at 75% – 80% MHR 20 minutes at 80% – 85% MHR
Stretch: All nine stretches (see page 141) five times, holding the stretched position 20 seconds
144 MUSCLE & FITNESS August 1999
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See previous page for sets, reps, intensity, rest between sets
and “the catch” for each week.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
25 minutes at 80% –85% MHR 20 minutes at 85% MHR 25 minutes at 85% MHR
All nine stretches (see page 141) three times, holding the stretched position 10 –15 seconds
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Cardio: None today
All nine stretches (see page 141) three times, holding the stretched position 10 –15 seconds
NUTRITION By Chris Aceto
M0457P139-49CX 5/16/99 10:00:14 AM 1178654269
approach your target caloric figure. grams before and 2– 4 grams after you train.
Determine that by doing the calcu- Glutamine can potentially be tapped as fuel
lations below, then adding some extra calories to aid you in your strength (sparing muscle tissue), may enhance glycogen
gaining. Remember, this month we’re aiming for more protein, so don’t storage and can support your body’s immune
follow last month’s meal planner. system, which can be severely blunted from this
phase of hard training.3 –5
The new supplement to add is HMB (B-
hydroxy-B-methylbutyrate), a derivative of
How Many Calories Do You Need? leucine, one of the most important branched-
To establish how many calories you need each day, chain amino acids. Some studies show it to be
follow this three-step method: a promising nutrient to prevent muscle break-
down and improve mass gains.6 Include 3
1) Estimate your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
grams a day, split into before-and-after train-
BMR is the energy (calories) your body needs in a day
ing dosages. Of course, continue with your
with no activity — at complete rest.
multivitamin/mineral complex, taken once
BMR = your bodyweight (in pounds) x 12 = ____________ daily with breakfast.
Example for a 200-pound male: BMR = 200 x 12 = 2,400. REFERENCES
1. Greenhaff, P.L., et al. Influence of oral creatine supple-
2) Energy cost of exercise. Determine the approximate number mentation of muscle torque during repeated bouts of max-
imal voluntary exercise in man. Clinical Science
of calories burned during exercise. Use the following chart. 84(5):565– 571, 1993.
2. Greenhaff, P.L., et al. Effect of oral creatine supplementa-
Exercise cost = tion on skeletal muscle phosphocreatine synthesis.
A) Your bodyweight (in pounds) = ____________ American Journal of Physiology 266:E725–730, 1994.
3. Jungas, R.L., Halperin, M.L., Brosnan, J.T. Quantitative
analysis of amino acid oxidation and related gluconeogen-
B) A x [(weightlifting cost x minutes of exercise)] = ____________ esis in humans. Physiology Review 72:419– 448, 1992.
4. Calder, P.C., Newsholme, E.A. Glutamine promotes inter-
leukin-2 production by concanavalin A-stimulated lympho-
C) B + (cardio cost x minutes of exercise)] = ____________ cytes. Proc Nutr Soc 51:105A, 1992.
5. Rowbottom, D.G., et al. The emerging role of glutamine as
Weightlifting Cardio an indicator of exercise stress and overtraining. Sports
Phase cost per min. cost per min. Medicine 21:80–97, 1996.
Strength .05 .09 6. Nissen, S., et al. Effect of leucine metabolite B-hydroxy B-
Methylbutyrate on muscle metabolism during resistance-
Growth .06 .09 exercise training. Journal of Applied Physiology
Shredding .06 .10 81(5):2,095–2,104, 1996.
MEALS Cals Carb Pro Fat MEALS Cals Carb Pro Fat
5 large egg whites & 1 whole egg, 6 oz. can tuna, water packed 186 0 39 3.3
scrambled 141 0 24 5 2 slices whole-grain bread 146 26 6 2
8 oz. nonfat/sugar-free vanilla yogurt 108 18 9 0 4 Tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise 48 12 0 0
4 slices whole-wheat bread 292 52 12 4 1 slice fat-free cheese 28 2 5 0
4 tsp. no-sugar fruit spread 37 9 0.3 0 Small green salad with 2 Tbsp.
Totals 578 79 45.3 9 low-cal dressing 122 14 3 6
1 banana 100 25 0 0
5 large egg whites, scrambled 70 0 17.5 0 Totals 630 79 53 11.3
1 1 ⁄ 2 large onion bagel 342 69 12 2
3 Tbsp. fat-free cream cheese 96 6 18 0
t io G o a l
‘If strength athletes don’t eat
Totals 508 75 47.5 2 Ra enough total calories from
20% carbs and dietary fat, they’ll
4 large egg whites, scrambled 56 0 14 0 Fat end up wasting some of the
5 oz. flank steak, grilled 191 0 23 11 50%
protein they eat. With insuffi-
2 cups shredded potatoes, 30%
grilled (using nonstick spray) 233 50 6 1 Protein cient calorie consumption,
1 cup orange juice 100 24 1 0 protein is used as fuel, leaving
Totals 580 74 44 12 less available to build muscle.’
— Bonnie Modugno, MS, RD
6 oz. chicken breast, grilled 183 0 39 3
2 oz. cooked angel hair pasta 218 46 4 2
⁄ 2 cup tomato sauce 71 9 2 3 SNACKS Cals Carb Pro Fat
1 cup peas and carrots, steamed 122 22 7.2 0.6 3 oz. sliced turkey breast 91 1 15 3
Totals 594 77 52 8.6 1 slice fat-free cheese 28 2 5 0
1 pita pocket 183 31 5 1
Grilled chicken on bun, dry 361 37 24 13 2 slices each tomato and onion 20 5 0 0
Small green salad w/ nonfat dressing 60 12 3 0 1 Tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise 12 3 0 0
Totals 421 49 27 13 Totals 334 42 25 4
Nutrition information from Art Ulene’s The Nutra Base: Nutrition Facts Desk Reference, Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing, 1995.
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1 2 - M O N T H S Y S T E M
WANTED the first week of next month’s training program. Once your muscles have recu-
perated, we’ll jump-start your workouts back into a growth phase to pack on
even more muscle than before. To guide you down the road to more muscle,
pro bodybuilder Eddie Robinson will be on board to
U.L.T.R.A. help design a workout that’ll have your muscles
screaming, “Rock ’n’ roll, baby!”
Success As for your nutrition, Aceto will have Bob
Murray, PhD, and Craig Horswill, PhD, of the
Stories Gatorade Exercise Physiology Lab, give you
the lowdown as to why you need to bump
up your carbs when you train for more
& FITNESS muscle. As always, he’ll give you
another month’s worth of
his yearlong training system
ULTRA Meal Planning
is designed so that you have options that you can
11 more months to reach add to your Betty
Crocker arsenal.
your peak shape by next summer, and See ya next
M&F wants to see you do it. If you month! M&F
missed last month’s installment, take
a picture of yourself now, then three
more that coincide with our quarterly
fitness checkups. At the end of the
program, send us your pictures,
copies of your fitness evaluations and
a letter detailing any improvements or
benefits you’ve gained from the pro-
gram. We’ll choose several of the best
fitness improvements and metamor-
phosized physiques, feature them in a
future issue of M&F and include a
short bio detailing some of the win-
ners’ most significant gains. This isn’t
a beauty contest, but an opportunity
for you to show the world that you
Robert Reiff