This document appears to be the cover of a grammar textbook titled "Fundamentals of Grammar" by Betty Schrampfer Azar. It is the third edition published by Longman. The cover directs readers to online resources for teachers and students on grammar and English learning provided by the Longman publishing company on their website.
This document appears to be the cover of a grammar textbook titled "Fundamentals of Grammar" by Betty Schrampfer Azar. It is the third edition published by Longman. The cover directs readers to online resources for teachers and students on grammar and English learning provided by the Longman publishing company on their website.
This document appears to be the cover of a grammar textbook titled "Fundamentals of Grammar" by Betty Schrampfer Azar. It is the third edition published by Longman. The cover directs readers to online resources for teachers and students on grammar and English learning provided by the Longman publishing company on their website.
This document appears to be the cover of a grammar textbook titled "Fundamentals of Grammar" by Betty Schrampfer Azar. It is the third edition published by Longman. The cover directs readers to online resources for teachers and students on grammar and English learning provided by the Longman publishing company on their website.
Visit us at for online resources for teachers and students. For the Azar Companion Website, visit longmanxom/gmmmanxchanga. Longman English Success (englishsucnrsxom) offers online courses covering General English, Business English, and Exam Preparation.