Astro Source
Astro Source
Astro Source
About Me
I am an Investment banker on Wall St. I do Equity Research or research into
the ‘real’ value of company’s stocks. Previously I have a BS & MS in Mechanical
Engineering and MBA in Finance in terms of educational qualifications.
I was born in India and came to the US shores in 2003, since when I have embarked
a journey full of experiences including education and jobs. Through years of
research in science and finance, a common thread in my passions has been research into Vedic astrology.
Idea of this blog is to dispel some rumors regarding astrology. Understanding what it is and what it isn’t. My
intention is to share some knowledge that I have amassed over the last 21 years of study and research into this
beautiful topic. I am by training and basic nature a person who believes in science and facts and would not take
anything presented to me prima facie, unless I can see the rationality behind it. The reason I wouldn’t believe in
astrology without understanding it was also the reason I didn’t dispel it completely without researching into it.
After all, how can I be sure of its non existence when I am oblivious to the subject?
My journey of astrology began in 1993. I was very good in school, especially in Mathematics and Science.
Numbers come naturally to me and I took keen interest in anything involving them. I was a curious reader since
a young age and skeptical of astrology as a subject. I wanted to dispel the belief my mother had in astrology and
for the same reason, decided to read up on the subject to be able to have an argument against it’s basic premises.
As a child with strong interests in maths, I was an ardent fan of the famous ‘human computer’ – the
late Shakuntala Devi. Surprised to find a book by her on astrology (“Astrology For You”) I enthusiastically read
and re-read the book. It was a simple treatise, yet elegantly written by someone whose skills were in the arena I
loved so much – Mathematics. Realizing how heavy and mathematically involved the astrology field was from
her book (especially before computers made the calculation part less cumbersome), I naturally wanted to read
more into it, now that I knew a legendary person of mathematics researched into it.
Looking back now, the book by the late Ms. Devi was written well and yet touching astrology very briefly.
Infact it barely scratched the surface of this field, which later to my amazement opened up a pathway for me
which took years of reading first and researching much later. Years 1994-2000 were spent mostly reading
different treatises in Vedic astrology. These included encyclopedic sized Bhrigu Parasara Hora Shashtra
(BPHS), the Jamini Sutras, Phaladeepika and the Lal Kitab, among others. My appetite grew with each reading
and the early skepticism I had while reading Devi’s book had changed into belief and passion to know more
about this field. In astrology, as some new students will understand, initial knowledge brings a struggle to apply
rules verbatim on all new horoscopes one comes across. I believe many give up in the initial months or years as
the thousands of rules and permutations/ combinations start to overwhelm a student. Many quit just because the
results in this field are never fast enough. For years early on, the effort far exceeds the fruits of correct
predictions. Takes a certain amount of insanity, if you will, to persevere during these initial years – or at least
for those who remain true to it in terms of a research area, as opposed to trying to make a quick business out of
Thankfully I had a good head for astrology since get go. Call it the strong abilities in mathematics, deep passion
and work into it or just beginner’s good luck, by the end of millennium, I had all but awestruck many of my
relatives and friends with very accurate predictions, sometimes years ahead of the actual events, down the date
or week. Following circa 2000, having exhausted the theory and a ‘practice set’ of 100 odd horoscopes early on,
I started diving into more case studies as I found out that even though all the theory was absolutely vital to
know, in itself it was insufficient to be a good astrologer. Brute force case studies and learning feedback loop
from these was absolutely vital. Over time, I have been through some 2000 – 3000 horoscopes if not more and
yet continue to learn this beautiful subject. I am a full time banker, a son, a friend too! So I keep putting in these
hours at late nights, weekends, off days as a passion which has kept alive over two decades now.
In this blog I will make an effort to clarify what astrology is and isn’t and perhaps as time evolves, this blog can
evolve and take its own course and shape.
PS: If you are looking for a reading, Don’t submit anything via contact Me, kindly read the article “if you
are looking for a reading” in the Blog section. Thanks!
What is Vedic Astrology
Even though there are umpteen schools of thought regarding astrology around the globe, this writeup deals with
only Vedic astrology. Arguably it is one of the oldest and the most comprehensive systems of astrology.
Astrology is NOT a deterministic science. It is a Probabilistic art. It was based of empirical
observations which the researchers and ‘rishis’ made literally thousands of years back. They related
events in a person’s life with their observations of the heavenly bodies they observed in the skies and
noted these down as ‘rules’ for prediction. Amazing considering that those were days with no
computers, calculators, telescopes and various technologies of contemporary times.
To generalize –
Astronomy (Science)+ Mathematics (Science) + empirical observation based rules = Astrology (Art)
In my researches, I have observed that astrology is deeply complicated even mathematically, which
tends to make sense as it is intended to portray the various aspects of life for an individual which in
general are complex too. Rarely in astrology is something purely ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but will have mixed
influences and shades of effects.
However, how astrology helps is by indicating potential in a person’s horoscope. These can be
potential good and bad times for the fructification of events in an individual’s life.
While thinking of astrology, a good analogy is weather prediction (which by the way utilizes
computational fluid dynamics – an area in which I did quiet a bit of research). Weather prediction is
not a perfect science, however that doesn’t qualify it as a contender in the field of metaphysics.
Weather prediction tends to be more accurate as the timeframe of prediction gets closer to the present
Another good analogy is Stock market predictions. Predictions related to the fair market value of a
particular equity (stock) or overall market indices (Dow, S&P500 etc.) As it happens I have experience
in Stock market research as well. As weather, Equity predictions are not a perfect science and yet they
are very rational and scientific.
In all these examples, the common thread is a data set which is observable. An analysis methodology
which is precise and rationally established. The output, although, is not repeatable under similar
conditions with 100% certainty. This is because not all the variables involved in the process can be
measured defined and predicted without uncertainty involved.
So you ask, what is astrology worth? The answer can be subjective. In my analysis, astrology can be
highly accurate, or not, depending on the accuracy of input parameters, the knowledge and experience
level of the astrologer and the understanding, or lack of, of the fact that it is eventually a probabilistic
art and hence any and all predictions are not ‘Final’ or Deterministic in nature.
Taurus is predicted to have a headache one day, do you think 584 million people will have the same?
Astrology is a highly specific mathematical art. Even at a highly simplified approach, there are 12
houses, 12 signs and 9 ‘planets’ considered within a horoscope. All of these permutations and
combinations have different significations and meanings of interaction with each other. Prima facie,
these 1296 combinations just form the most basic initial outlook of a person’s horoscope. At the
second level, which is still top level analysis, 108 divisions are for the signs themselves and soon the
potential combinations reach into millions. In other words the snapshot of the heavenly bodies at the
exact time and place of birth of an individual is the horoscope. This will be highly specific once you
start to peel the layers. Also these individual bodies interact with each other to produce the final
So now you don’t have just sun in say Taurus, but actually at a particular degree within Taurus and
this is itself at a specific location in your entire horoscope which will have 12 ‘houses’ which engulf the
360 degree orb of space. Also the other planetary bodies are interacting with this sun in very specific
ways to modify the effect of the sun at that degree in Taurus. Not meaning to get too technical (or
boring) the same sun at say 13.5 degrees in Taurus will give markedly different results for different
individuals born with a similar sun placement in their horoscope.
Only a holistic comprehensive study of this snapshot (horoscope chart) of an individual can
successfully predict both the attributes of an individual and various positive and negative events in
their life, all within a probability framework and not in a deterministic fashion. Thus, the ‘Sun sign’
predictions we all saw growing up tend to publicize astrology as a generic hoopla in the average
person’s mind and it gets a negative image due to the same.
Then there are the ‘men of science’, no pun intended. These highly educated individuals claim to
reject astrology as a potential study as they have studied science and hence can theorize that astrology
is a pseudo-science. Importantly they have not read, studied or practiced anything related to astrology
at any level and yet they are sure of its non-existence. From my vantage point, nothing can be more
un-scientific than to reject a hypothesis without knowing its underlying premises, testing the theory
or making an effort to realize its parameters/ strengths & weaknesses. Unfortunately these men of
science might be the doctors, lawyers, engineers et al. of contemporary society who have done well in
their chosen fields and hence their word has a predisposition to carry a certain authority over their
friends and family and society in general. If they reject something, must be so. Interestingly the books
these men of science read to get their diplomas contained material which was more than likely
pseudo-science upto a few decades back. Scientific progress relies on open minds. Rejecting
something in a hurry is as wrong as accepting something without the necessary understanding of a
Finally, within the scriptures of Vedic astrology or “Jyotish” in Sanskrit implies a theme of being an
art to help guide individuals. Jyotish itself loosely translates into the Light or guiding light. Guidance
towards the potentials in a person in terms of their abilities, the potential time periods for occurrence
of events and perhaps the light at the end of the tunnel for someone suffering in any financial,
physical or mental way. Hence the initial intention was not to have a glamorized study and/ or
monetize it, but for the astrologer to help others as a guru/ teacher. In that regards the original
intention was definitely benign and altruistic, although very much like other fields in life, those willing
to quickly pocket gains from it couldnt be far away at any stage. These individuals helped to bring
disrepute to astrology over the passage of time which led to a further lack of understanding and
research into the field.
Empirical observations can sometimes be made by regular people (as opposed to only researchers) in
their day to day lives. For instance crime escalating on full moon days is something many of us have
heard of. The law enforcement authorities will admit that based on statistics, it is true. So in Vedic
astrology moon is the significator of intelligence, imagination and emotions among other things and
its placement and dignity in an individual’s horoscope has a strong bearing on a person’s mentality
and emotions and thus actions on a day to day level. Something along the same lines were the
observations made by some observant individuals who related events in day to day lives of people
with the movement of heavenly bodies and deciphered repetitive patterns over time.
Important discrimination here is the cause and effect. These planetary movements are not causing the
events. However in this art, their movement (relative to the snapshot at birth) has been correlated
with the timings of various events in an individual’s life. Thus even though future events are
unknown, the relative planetary movement is known via astronomy/ physics and hence the
correlation rules aim at predicting the events that are yet to unfold – the underlying synopsis of
5 Responses to So why does Vedic Astrology get Bad Press & Reasons for a Lack of Acceptance/
1. Rohiniranjan says:
April 7, 2015 at 5:43 pm
Three myths in the realm of Jyotish!
1) One has to sit at the feet of Masters in order to learn this craft of Vedic astrology.
2) Destiny is supreme in everything in life, and uniformly so in all that is good or bad!
3) Jyotish cannot rid itself of religious epithets and is constrained by theological boundaries.
There are more, but the above three are agonizing enough to many, so I will stop!
Case Studies
Starting out on some screencast Youtube videos as case studies.
This first one will be straight forward. As I upload more, I will focus more on the yogas Assuming that the
individual hearing the video is already at a significant level of understanding in terms of horoscopes.
These videos are going to be basic analysis and hence vital for a medium level to strong level beginner. In
reality, one has to focus on dozens, if not hundreds, of factors in a horoscope which I will skip mostly in the
videos but gradually over time the videos will become more technically involved than in the beginning.
Best way to learn is Case studies. So keep doing the homework and try to do as many case studies as
possible! 🙂
Here goes the first one (Bill Gates & the similarities of Bruce Springsteen as well as Steven Spielberg)
Generic Predictions
As I mentioned before, astrology is more meaningful when utilized for an individual horoscope where hundreds
of things have to be taken into consideration, leading to accurate personalized predictions.
However, due to people emailing me frequently regarding generic predictions, I will give them below in terms
of macro trends for given LUNAR signs (sign where your Moon is placed in).
As mentioned above, these are much more generic than personalized predictions but on the other hand will be
relatively much more accurate than just Sun sign predictions as they will take into account all planets and be
specific for your Lunar sign.
If you do not know your Moon Sign/ Ascendant lord, please download and install “Jagannatha Hora Version
7.66” online. It’s Free and later at some stage, I will make a video of how to start playing around with some
basics of it. Once you download it, you can plug in your date, place and time of birth (the software already has
an inbuilt atlas for co-ordinates for most cities on earth). Once it spits out your horoscope. Read the SIGN of
your Moon (Moon sign) & also your Ascendant sign. Read the generic trends below for Both of these signs you
Use the Trend Predictions below liberally and not literally for your Lunar sign and also for your
Ascendant sign (if you know it). Your individual horoscope, your natal planets and dasa periods will
greatly modify the effects below. Even then, these trends can still play out as per your sign, albeit at very
varied intensity levels (good or bad)
In case you do not wish to go through the process of finding your Moon sign or ascendant and wish to go
by the SUN sign only then kindly see you correct Sun sign below as per SIDEREAL astrology-
April 14th – May 14th (ARIES)
May 15th – June 14th (TAURUS)
June 15th – July 15th (GEMINI)
July 16th – August 15th (CANCER)
August 16th – September 16th (LEO)
September 17th – October 17th (VIRGO)
October 18th – November 16th (LIBRA)
November 17th – December 16th (SCORPIO)
December 17th – January 15th (SAGI.)
January 15th – February 13th (CAPRICORN)
February 14th – March 15th (AQUARIUS)
March 16th – April 14th (PISCES)
On the overlapping dates, the hour of birth will decide the sign and hence for quick and dirty analysis, a Cusp or
both signs can be considered.
Aries – The going might have been tough recently for many of you. Especially related to work/ job/ career since
November ’14. Many might have made changes to their jobs or even lost it. Some might be feeling pressure at
work and thinking of making changes soon. Either ways, the period is ripe for you to make changes and dust off
positions which were making you unhappy. From 2nd week of April itself, things which are seemingly stuck
recently will ease up and start progressing. If you have not already made this change and are trying to decide a
good time to do so, you have till the beginning of July 2015 to do so. Following middle of this year, things will
ease up due to sudden luck and windfalls for many. If you are trying to have a child, those 13 months from mid-
July ’15 onwards is the time you should target for. Those unmarried will get good opportunities to develop long
term romantic connections in the above period.
Taurus – Taureans have been most likely dealing with efforts related to relationships/ marriage since the last 3
to 4 months. Those in business might have been looking abroad or off-seas as well. Those already in wedlock
might get some gain or good luck through their spouses in this period, especially between April 8th – July 13th,
July ’15 to August ’16 is a period where the focus will shift to home. Both in terms of family, especially mother
and for those close to securing their own house/ property this entire period is good, especially August 16th –
September 15th 2015 when many Taureans will be either buying/ selling property or relocating/ shifting for
Gemini – November 2nd, ’14 onwards many Gemini have felt the heat related to health and finances. For those
undergoing negative dashas in their horoscope, the time till July is highly negative for health and many might
have gotten into accidents and even surgeries due to mishaps. This period is not abating till mid-July of this year
(2015) and so continue to be careful. July ’15 to August ’16, focus will shift to self-efforts and communications
with siblings and peers which will improve their circumstances relative to where they are currently. Parents
health, especially of mother also might come under the radar, especially till January 16th, 2016.
Cancer – Focus has recently been on Children/ progeny and relationships. Those married and trying for
children might be focusing on this right now and can get lucky from 2nd week of April till mid-July.
Relationships with younger siblings might be strained a little bit. Those still unmarried have a very good
window to be swept away in love for the next 3 months, especially May 15th – June 14th this year. Speculation
can give good results for some and this tendency will be enhanced for Cancer individuals currently. Many have
enjoyed good health lately and have become lax about their eating habits which should be watched to avoid
gaining weight. In general many Cancer individuals might have put on weight since the middle of 2014.
Leo – Focus has been on home, might be a potential upcoming relocation/ renovation or movement due to a
recent spat with the spouse. A bit of mental unrest since July 2014 probably worsened for many after Nov 3,
2014 and even led to some sickness for some around New years period. Health is under scanner right now till
middle of this year and should be watched, especially for those who have a known heart condition from before.
Many Leos had a great time for first 6 to 7 months of 2014 and then the period changed to slightly worse
starting July 2014 and worsened following Nov ’14. Those who have been eating/ drinking more than usual will
see a sudden shift to health following July and especially around August – September this year.
Virgo – Many might have been making an effort to have a child since the last few months. Period which started
to feel good since July last yr. improved even further towards the end of 2014. New job opportunities came
easily for those trying to make a shift. But thing slowed down after New years and especially since the last one
month. They will heat up again before the end of this month. If you have been feeling very indecisive since
almost August of 2014, then perhaps take good advice from mentors before making big life decisions before Jan
16th 2016. Any impulsive decisions will boomerang. There will be a tendency for sudden mood changes
enhanced all through 2015 and will worsen more towards the negative side after August this yr. So keep your
spirits high. Many will turn spiritual after July this year and those looking to move abroad will get that
opportunity and change after Sep 6th this year. Those who have been making a windfall (good money) since the
last 8 to 10 months now, you have 2 to 3 months to start being careful about your investments else the losses
can hit hard starting July this year.
Libra – Family, home and house and even vehicles has been the recent theme for many. Relocation will be on
the cards for many within the next 2 to 3 months this yr. Those in Government jobs will get gains after mid-July
and in general most Librans will enjoy their social life after July this yr. for the next 13 months. Mother’s health
will be in focus for many and care should be taken not to ignore any medical symptoms that developed after
December ’14. Period turns very good for speculative gain and new investments starting Jan 2016 and for 6
months after that. Currently if you have something related to Job/ Career painfully stuck, it is about to release
very soon, within the next couple of weeks in a positive direction. Be careful not to become lazy at work which
can damage your job prospects.
Scorpio – Many have been making an effort to improve their health by actively taking care of their diets and
exercise since the last 5 months. This effort has recently decreased and will continue shortly. Those in
communication fields like IT, Journalism etc. might have made some changes in their career. Relations with
younger siblings have been under the scanner and if historically negative, it’s a good time to make effort in that
area. New business ventures will give gain. Many scorpions started to feel a sudden mental pressure since Nov
’14 due to the Saturn transit. This will not go away unless you deal with the issues which are giving the
pressure. Without fail a good time to make big changes in life. If you have been unhappy with work since the
last 3 yrs., the time has come to make the changes. Students will do well and focus will shift from education to
work starting July 13, 2015.
Sagittarius – It has been emotionally difficult time for Sagittarius since July 2014 and this will abate only after
July this year. Many might have started eating more than usual as a comfort food in the process, gaining weight
and on and off getting immunity related health issues. Finances might also not have been good with many
feeling expenses trumping their income and savings. Especially since November ’14 many might be feeling that
their life has taken a couple of steps in the negative direction for multiple areas in life. Well worry not as the
cycle of time changes and so it will for you from August this year. Those who can wait that long are advised to
do so before making major changes in life. Those willing to go to school after a job loss or even otherwise will
have the 13 months following July-Aug this yr. as a very good window. If you are having lack of progress at
work, many Saggis are advised to take this step of going to school this Fall.
Capricorn – Health is in focus and might have improved for many over the last 2 to 3 months relative to
before. Job progress and income was good over the last half a yr. but slowed down after January and then after
March. This will pick up again in a couple of weeks and pick up 100% by September this yr. Changes and
relocation will come to many in the second half of the year. Those abroad or in higher education will have
hurdles and these will continue with varying intensity till January of 2016. Brace yourself for a period of
introspection and possible slow growth at work for 13 months starting July this year.
Aquarius – Job/ Career and expenses has been the recent theme for many. Those who had issues with their
boss/ authority might have lost their jobs after November ’14 and might be feeling frustrated on lack of new
prospects. This will pick up after mid-April, so don’t hang up your boots yet. Do not indulge into the negative,
short term pleasure seeking activities like alcohol/ drugs etc. in case you feel the sudden urge. This urge will
hang around till the end of this year. Career will remain in focus and there is a need to work hard till January
2017. Relationships/ marriage too will need attention from January ’16 onwards. Period of January ’16 –
August ’16 will be very vital for those already in relationship issues. Depending on the individual horoscope,
these 7 months will have focus on relationships and partnerships for Aquarians.
Pisces – Many Pisceans are enjoying relief since the last 5 months or so. Previous to November ’14, many
Pisceans had many issues in multiple areas of life. Period of January 2013 – July 2014 was particularly
upsetting for many Pisceans and would have brought about job loss, grief, agony and hopelessness for many.
Thankfully that’s behind you, so keep looking ahead and working towards long term goals. Period till July this
year is apt for making long term life decisions. May 15 – June 14 this year is especially good. Don’t waste any
time till July this year and put in your 100% in repairing any residual damage from the last couple of years.
Good times area ahead but will need effort from your side. Many will also be blessed with children in the next 3
months and focus will shift to job and health for the 13 months following July 2015.
This section will have technical posts, which are not for the casual reader. These posts will assume a very basic
knowledge of vedic astrology, but to a complete beginner, it might be overwhelming.
I will start with relatively basic concepts and then write on more complicated matters and topics in astrology.
Consider these to be in order of learning the abc of astrology first and later, more complex topics and being able
to look at one’s own horoscope will filter in.
The written articles are purely my own thoughts. They are, what I believe, condensed pages of relevant
information for starters of this art. Rest assured, these are powerful summarized versions of knowledge from
various texts of astrology. These include, but not limited to, Parasara Hora Shastra, Jamini Sutras, KP
system, Jatak Parijata, Deva Keralam, Phaladeepika, Lal Kitab and others.
Over time, I have found that no one school of thought is completely comprehensive (Parasara comes close) and
no school of thought is obselete in relevance either. They all converge at a definitive level of understanding.
NOTE – All material here is completely in my words, Please feel free to reproduce with permission and not
otherwise. (click on pictures to see them bigger) Thanks!
Analyzing Basics – I
Now you have your horoscope, you know the planets, houses, signs and dignities. You also know a bit about
divisional charts and the fact that Navamsa or D9 is always studied in parallel to the D1 chart. You also know
about real physical manifestation vs. “Arudha Pads” a little bit.
Things to be noted at this juncture are below –
1) Special Lagnas – You will also see much more data as of now that you wont understand including many
lagnas like Hora Lagna (HL), Sree Lagna (SL), Indu Lagna (IL) etc. All you should know as of now is that
these are ‘special ascendants’ which like divisionals are used for analyzing particular areas of life. Example
Indu Lagna and the chart with respect to Indu Lagna is to be studied with respect to Finances or Money
prospects in a chart. At this juncture, their understanding in detail is not needed.
1b) Gulika & Maandi – Even though not in the main 9 planets, these ‘sub-bodies’ which are actually satellites
of Saturn are considered in Vedic Astrology with somewhat of lesser importance than the main 9 planets. These
are highly malefic entities and usually cause problems and delays/ tragedies in the houses they sit in. Typically
they are considered good only in the 3rd and 11th houses and negative in all others. That’s all you need to know
about them for now.
2) Moon, Sun & Lagna (Ascendant) – The ascendant is most specific for each horoscope and is the Pivotal
point of the horoscope. However each horoscope should be analyzed with respect to the Moon and Sun as well
and from Arudha Lagna (AL) as well. Basic rules don’t change. Just think of the sign where Moon is placed as
the lagna and analyze the horoscope as you would from Lagna and same for Sun and Arudha Lagna. In some
cases 2 or more can overlap. Lets say if a person has Virgo rising and Moon and Sun in Virgo. Now 3 of the
Lagnas become one and your job becomes easier. As a matter of fact, in such horoscopes, the predictions will
get more accurate in general as all 3 lagnas will indicate results in one direction
3) Dignity of Planets – Before you do anything else, take a pen and paper and right down points for each of
your 9 planets and their dignities in detail. Follow the rules of Dignities of planets in detail. Over time this
become 2nd nature and takes much less time, but for now take painstaking time to find the dignity of each
4) Ashtakvarga – This is a somewhat advanced concept but since you will be looking on the bottom right of
your screen at some terminology which says BAV or SAV, it is worth mentioning about some basics related to
Ashtakvarga means 8 divisions. Basically the support a planet gets from other planets and the lagna is what is
being quantified here. Support implies relative positioning. So lets say we take Mercury which is placed in 9th
house in a horoscope. Now relative to lagna and 7 other planets (excluding Rahu & Ketu) mercury either gets 1
point or 0 for its relative placement from that planet. If its 0, say from Saturn, then basically Saturn is not
supportive of where mercury is sitting and will not help it in its agenda. Calculations and logic behind this is
beyond the scope right now but do know that this is very important in addition to the #3 above.
Average SAV of any house is 27 points. Anything above 30 is good. Below 24 is low and 24-29 is somewhat
average. SAV is the total sum for all planets in any house
BAV is planet specific as described above. Even though each planet has a different average, roughly speaking 4
or above in any house is good and 3 or below is low. If a planet has say 1 point in a house, then it is not really
supported by other planets in that house at all.
These concepts are more important in transit (even though used a little in basic horoscope also). So if Saturn is
transiting in a house which has say 36 SAV and Saturn BAV of 6 then Saturn will give excellent results in that
house as both these numbers are high and vice versa.
5) Placements – This is the essence of astrology. Take a long time in addition to dignities, to actually look at
placement of planets in different houses. You will have to keep reading the house and planet indications
repeatedly to get a good idea. Initially you might feel blank often, keep at it, there is no other way. Example see
horo below.
You see Capricorn is ascendant. Saturn rules it. Where is Saturn sitting? In 9th house of Virgo. So person
himself (as Saturn is lagna lord) is in 9th house of luck/ destiny/ higher education/ foreign travel etc. 2nd bhaav
is Aquarius. Lord Saturn again in 9th house. So concepts related to Money/ assets/ speech/ family etc. in 9th
house. Keep going for all 9 planets while keeping in mind the dignity of the planets. Strong planets will do good
to their houses and hence significations. So in this example if Saturn is strong in dignity (which it is) it will
protect and enhance the concepts of 1st and 2nd house as well as 9th house. Likewise a weak dignity planet will
show issues related to those areas of life.
Even though good and bad is relative and not absolute. Keep in mind the concepts from the Bhaav write-up.
6th, 8th and 12th houses will show problems. Planets sitting in them, unless good dignity will show problems as
well, especially related to the areas those planets rule by houses.
1, 5 and 9 are benefic houses and planets in these will get ‘lucky’ and stronger and will do good to their
4, 7 and 10 are KENDRA or central places and planets in 1,4, 7 or 10 are generally strong to easily manifest the
results they promise in a horoscope.
11th house is one house where materialistically speaking all planets give good results. Its the house of gain,
income, wealth, social circle and friends.
A planet in its own karaka house enhances its results. So if Jupiter is karaka (significator) of 9th house, its
position in the 9th house will enhance the 9th house results as Jupiter feels comfortable in that area as if it
“knows what to do” in that domain of life.
6) Combustion – One concept that is important is combustion. When a planet comes too close to the sun, it
becomes invisible or so to speak. Its burnt from the heat and glare of sun and fails to properly protect its
significations. Implying the the houses it rules, will suffer. Even though this is a detailed discussion topic, for
the sake of brevity consider any planet +/ – 6 degrees from Sun as strong combust and any planet + / – 12
degrees of Sun as combust. Beyond that the planet is no longer combust, even though it might still be more
‘agitated’ due to its closeness to Sun upto even 20 degrees.
Analyzing Basics – II
NOTE – All material here is completely in my words, Please feel free to reproduce with permission and not
otherwise. (click on pictures to see them bigger) Thanks!
7) Aspects
This is vital. Every planet aspects the house exactly opposite to it or in other words the 7th house. The exact
aspect is at a point 180 degrees from the planet. Example Mercury in Virgo at 17 degrees will aspect Pisces.
More specifically Pisces at 17 degrees but to some extent the entire sign of Pisces. As a rule, as you learn to see
aspects, try to mentally keep the aspect to + and – 5 degrees from exact aspect. This implies that the above
Mercury will aspect Pisces between 17+5 and 17-5 or between 12 and 22 degrees most strongly. For Sun take
+/- 10 degrees
An aspect means the planet will have an effect in that area like a PARTIAL presence in that area as opposed to
actually being deposited in that spot. Also if in the above example say Jupiter sits in Pisces at 12 degrees, then
you can say that Mercury – Jupiter are aspecting each other and hence forming sort of a combination. They will
affect each other both functionally and generically. That means say mercury is in virgo in 9th and Jupiter hence
in 3rd house in pisces. Mercury owns and sits in the house of knowledge, education etc and also a significator of
it. Likewise Jupiter sits in 3rd house of communication and action. In this case mercury rules 6th and 9th house
and Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th houses. SO 3,6,9 and 12 houses are related this is Functional relation (what
planets rule) and the Generic relation is the general characteristics of Jupiter and Mercury are now related. So
since both represent reading/ writing/ education etc, they will increase each other’s effect in that area or work
together so to speak.
So all planets aspect the 7th house. Some planets aspect other houses as following-
Mars – aspects 4th, 7th and 8th
Saturn – aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th
Jupiter – aspects 5th,7th and 9th
Rahu & Ketu aspect 5th and 9th from their respective positions.
8) Exchanges
When two planets sit in each other’s houses, its called a Sign interchange. Example in the above case say
Jupiter was in Virgo and Mercury in Pisces. They are now sitting in each others signs. Astrological significance
is that they get heavily related to each other and merge each other’s qualities together. Also the houses get
heavily related to each other in this case. They sort of ‘work together’ and in tandem and none wants to destroy
the other’s house as it knows the other planet is in its house (good way to think about it)
Then can be Nakshatra (lunar asterism) interchange called as ‘Sookshama’ interchange. This works only in each
other’s dasas (we haven’t talked about Dasas or planetary periods yet, so this is beyond the scope right now).
But the above point of sign exchange is very important. In some way when 2 planets interchange signs, they
are ‘sort of’ actually sitting in their own respective houses for predictive purposes and hence tend to give good
9) Think of Planet Karakatvas
Already discussed before. When you see a planet, think of what it represents and what is COMMON in the
house and planet. The common part will show results floridly depending on dignity and strength of planet.
Example in Capricorn ascendant Jupiter rules 12th house and 3rd house. Now 12th among other things =
foreign journeys etc. Say Jupiter sits in 9th house in Virgo. Now this Jupiter will not only give effects of 12th
and 3rd house in 9th but also think Jupiter = guru, religion, higher education, Luck/ destiny and 9th house also
represents Luck, guru, destiny etc. So Jupiter in 9th will give results of both.
Below is a table I compiled to help you think. This is not comprehensive but is a very good starting point to
help you in learning-
10) Positive/ Negative Houses
Trying to summarize a very vast topic in a few points below-
As I mentioned before 1,5,9 are lucky and good/ auspicious houses
1,4,7 and 10 are Kendra or central houses and good
11th house is house of gain and generally any planet in 11th is good
6,8 and 12 are negative houses and cause delay, pain, agony and blockages/ endings, debts etc.
3rd house is relatively neutral but tending to negative in results
Rulers of 3, 6 and 11th houses can be Evil in their results even if on surface the results don’t look evil,
they have a predisposition to do damage
Rulers of 2nd house and 12th house will give the result of the other house they rule as these are Neutral
houses. If the house is of Sun or Moon (leo or cancer) then the planet owns just one house. In this case
the place where sun or moon sit and the planets they sit close to, they give the effects of those planets
more (like Rahu and Ketu the shadow planets do)
A generic Malefic Planet owning a Kendra loses its negativity (generic Malefics are – Saturn, Mars, Sun
& Rahu/ Ketu). A generic benefic planet ruling a Kendra loses its benefic nature (Jupiter, Venus, Moon
& Mercury) unless it also own a Kona house (1,5 or 9th)
Lagna lord or ascendant lord is always auspicious
Planets good in Shadbala and other dignities protect the houses they rule and weak planets give
problems in the areas of houses they rule
When a planet rules both a Kona (1,5 or 9th) and Kendra (1,4,7 and 10th) it becomes a Yoga Karaka or a
planet that does extremely good
Mercury and Moon are impressionable planets. Even though they are generally considered Benefic by
general nature, they give results as per their association. If mercury sits with benefics Jupiter and/ or
venus, it will be benign. If it sits with Saturn, Mars, Rahu/ Ketu it becomes malefic in nature too. Moon
is good when far from sun and Waxing and negative when its dark (close to the sun) darkest is when its
a no Moon night, brightest on full moon when moon is 180 degress away from Sun
When a planet owns 2 houses, the one which is the MK (Mooltrikona) sign is to be given more
Ruler of 2nd house and 7th house is a Maraka or Killer planet as it has potential to end the life (being
12th to 3rd and 8th house respectively which are houses representing the life force in an individual).
Keep in mind a Maraka planet can still give other gains and riches in life as per its aspects, strengths and
placement etc. But it will still have the potential to kill. however if this planet also rules a Kona house
(1,5 or 9th) it loses it potential to kill to a large extent as 5th and 9th are highly benefic houses.
A planet ruling only 8th or 12th and no other sign (which can happen when Sun or Moon) rule these
generally negative houses, will become Neutral in its functionality
Combining all rules above, you will notice that Saturn/ Venus/ Mercury/ Rahu form one subgroup and
Mars/ Sun/ Moon/ Jupiter/ Ketu the other group as per natural friendships and rulerships as follows-
11) Planet Functionality Chart (Important!)
This is for quick reference. Again keep in mind, this is just as per rulership and hence if Venus is good for
Capricorn ascendant, its good for all of them. But in an individual horoscope, depending on where Venus is
placed and its strength/ aspects and dignities, the results will be modified of course-
So as an example for a Taurus Moon sign, Saturn will be good while transiting Cancer, Libra and Pisces
and negative in others (in the 3rd, 6th and 11th bhaav respectively)
Saadhe- Satti (Meaning 7 ½ yrs) this (in)famous concept comes from the fact that when Saturn transits
the 12th, 1st and 2nd from Moon, a 7 ½ period of stress, misery and negative events can dictate onto a
person. Likewise Saturn transiting 4th and 8th from Moon are called Dhaiyas of 2 ½ yrs of misery like
the Saadhe- Satti. It is important to note that not all this time is equally bad or good. The dasas, other
transits are also vital before judging the period good or bad
Another important point is functionality which you already know. If you refer to the readings above,
Saturn is a highly benefic planet for say Taurus and Libra moon sign/ ascendant. When these signs have
Saadhe- satti or dhaiyas, they will face some stress and negative issues but overall the period will be
functionally good for them and give them progress
Double Transit phenomenon (Important!)
The signs which both Jupiter and Saturn aspect in their transits are “activated” so to speak. This is because
Saturn is the Karmakaraka or significator of our actions/ karma and destiny whereas Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka
showing where our intentions/ blessings and fruits lay. So when both aspect one sign, that sign gets Activated or
turned ON. For example currently Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio. Thus Jupiter is affecting Cancer,
Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces (remember the 5, 7, 9 aspects?) and Saturn is affecting Scorpio, Capricorn,
Taurus and Leo (3, 7, 10 aspects). Common in all this is Scorpio and Capricorn. Hence these signs will be
activated. So say Taurus Moon sign (or ascendant) the 7th bhaav (Scorpio) and 9th Bhaav (Capricorn) is
activated. So now you know which areas are in focus to these individuals and what the bhaavas signify you
know from the earlier chapters
Rahu-Ketu axis will show the problem area, if you will, during any given time. So as an example for
Gemini moon sign currently, Rahu-Ketu are in the 4th-10th axis and hence the axis, which among other
things, governs peace, happiness, private life, emotions and career, job, social image etc. Also to be kept
in mind is that Rahu even though malefic in general also tends to at times open some hidden doors in
terms of sudden opportunities governing the area it transits in, especially if Jupiter is also aspecting that
sign. Example if Rahu is transiting the 10th bhaav and Jupiter is also aspecting 10th bhaav during transit,
then sudden opportunities in career can open up, but Rahu will also tend to give stress and obstacles in
the process.
Rahu- Saturn together aspecting a sign during transit and with no aspect of Jupiter on that sign calls for
heavy Karmic testing of that area of life and possible separation from relatives/ people ruled by that sign
also. Example if Saturn and rahu both transit the 9th house, the person can face bad luck situations and
also get separated temporarily or permanently from father or Guru or mentor/ boss/ employer (which 9 th
house represents)
Jupiter transit over any house or planet will tend to expand, easen and smoothen the results the bhaav or
planet represents. Example if Sun rules the 10th house, then Jupiter transiting over natal Sun degree
(even the entire sign where Sun is) will tend to expand or improve results related to job/ career
Saturn transit will bring out the results of the sign or planet it transits over into FOCUS. You cannot
escape those topics of life in that time (even if you were earlier). Saturn by itself is not positive or
negative but has a general tone of slowing things down as it takes 30 months in one sign. It will JUDGE
you as per your efforts and caliber and karma in that area and give results accordingly. These can be
negative or positive as per the planet’s strength and dignities. Saturn will keep that area of life in focus
till it transits to the next sign. By that time it would have deemed that the native has learnt the required
lessons (good or bad) and time is now to focus on things represented by the next sign.
Ashtakvarga (Vital)
I have talked about this before. A small recap-
Each planet can have 0 to 8 BAV score in each sign, the more it gets in a sign, the better its result in the sign.
The software will calculate this for you. Likewise SAV scores is for the entire sign (combination of all planets
BAVs in that house) Average for this is about 27. Higher the better. If a sign has say 42 SAV bindus, most
planets will give very good results there. By the same token say 8 th bhaav from Moon has 42 SAV score and 6
BAV score for Saturn. Now 8th from Moon is generally negative for Saturn transit. But in this case due to so
high SAV and BAV scores in that sign, Saturn will actually not harm at all and perhaps give some sudden gain
related to say inheritance or protect you in an accident etc. (significations of 8th house)
Moon transit during Transit start This concept is important, especially for slow moving transits of
Saturn, Jupiter and the nodes.
Consider the bhaav (relative to Moon sign) where Moon is at the moment a bigger transit is happening (example
Saturn transit). Although this can be used for smaller transits of Sun, Mars etc. also, its significance is higher for
slower moving transits as they stick around much longer. Now once you have noted this, see table below.
Example Saturn is transiting into 6th bhaav (from 5th). This is a great transit. On exact time of transit, if moon is
placed 4,8 or 12 from its original position in horoscope, then the transit occurred on “Iron feet” and the good
results of transit will not be fully felt. Likewise even if the transit is negative but starts with Gold or Silver feet,
the results will be less bad than otherwise anticipated
Vedha & Vipreet- Vedha
A more advanced topic, not fully discussed for now. ‘Vedha’ means an “obstruction”. When planets transit
auspicious places (as per table above) but there is another planet transiting a ‘Vedha’ location, then the
auspicious results are put on HOLD due to this other planet. ‘Vipreet’ means reverse and Vipreet Vedha is the
opposite of Vedha. An example will make it clear. Saturn transit in 3rd from Moon is auspicious as discussed
above. Its Vedha location is 12th from Moon. So when Saturn is transiting 3rd from Moon, if another planet
transits in the 12th from Moon (except Sun) then the Positive effects of Saturn are put on HOLD and don’t show
up and the effects of that planet in 12 th take prominence. Likewise if Saturn is transiting 12th (a negative
location) but another planet transits the 3rd house, then there is Vipreet Vedha- implying Negative effects of
Saturn are on Hold now due to the focus being on the effects of this planet in 3 rd from Moon. Not all positions
have a Vedha and hence Vipreet Vedha, the positions are tabulated in various textbooks and astrological
literature. Understanding the concept is of importance at this stage
Transit of Dasha Planets
Even though transits of all 9 planets are important, the transits of the 4 slower planets are more important as
explained above. In addition, the transit of planets who’s Maha Dasa, Antar dasa is operating (concepts not yet
discussed) will be also prime importance. Example if a person is in the Major period (Maha Dasa) of Venus,
then the transit of Venus will ofcourse gain high importance along with the 4 slower planets, etc.
The reader might at this stage realize that this is time intensive and complicated mathematically. This example
is just meant to be a thought exercise. In regular practice, one will not have the time or energy to go through all
these details, but with experience a lot of them will come to an astrologer intuitively. You have to take my word
for it now. But for a beginner, it is always a good practice to know the minions that make the gears turn and
understand that over simplifying this art will also tend to give incomplete results in general and hence should
not be done so.
Benefics/ Malefics
In order to ascertain the benefic/ malefic nature of a planet:-
o We look at the functional nature of planets as explained in an article before and repeated here for
reference –
General Nature of planets is important though Functional Nature above will take the front seat always.
General Nature is-
Benefics- Jupiter, Venus, Bright or Waxing Moon & Well associated Mercury
Malefics – Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Sun, Ill associated Mercury and Weak/ dark Moon
Dignity of planets as explained in detail before. Strong planets are Benefic whereas Weak planets give
problems related to areas of life they rule in the horoscope along with their general characteristics.
Example if Sun is weak and rules 10th house, it will damage not just career/ job (10th) but also general
things it signifies (from list before) like father, government etc.
Planets sitting in Kona (1, 5, 9) will improve their already existing nature and planets in 6, 8 or 12th
bhaavs will worsen their nature
Even though this topic is already discussed in detail before, it is important to note that many other things
can help quantify the actual nature of planets involved. Just to give you a taste of quantifiable factors,
take a look at the example below. Again this much detail is not required as of now, much of this will
become intuitive with experience, but a peek into the possibilities is shown as below (quantified in a
spread sheet)
In this analysis one can consider factors like – Type of Nakshatra or star (lunar asterism), functional
nature of depositing star, functional nature of depositing sign, generic nature of depositing star, generic
nature of depositing sign, positions in various divisionals especially D9, aspects from natural or
functional benefics & malefics etc.
The example is same horoscope you have seen in some other examples –
Quantifying the Benefic/ Malefic Nature of planets –
Results are as below (average score is about 14 where the straight line is). Higher the score, more benefic the
planet will be in its Dasa periods-
Yogas – Part I
Another immensely crucial topic which needs to be addressed before doing some case studies.
There is no possible way to ‘short cut’ through this topic, which is immensely wide as well as deep. There is,
however, a way to jump start the process for a learner, who can then graduate to advanced books on the same
including 300 Important Combinations by Dr. B.V. Raman, which is a book i recommend for this topic.
Yoga, as mentioned earlier, is a combination of 2 or more planets which can have a positive or negative effect
as per the functional and generic nature of the planets involved. This is the essence of Vedic astrology and a
topic which takes years to master, but that said, some basics can be grasped quickly. Most detailed softwares
will spit out the various combinations present in a horoscope. However, keep in mind – a mere presence of a
Yoga does not imply actual manifestation of its positive or negative results, as might be, to a full extent. Other
factors including strength and dignity of planets involved in the Yoga, the closeness in terms of longitudes the
planets are separated from each other as well as the strength/ dignity of the owners of the rashi, nakshatra
depositors of the involved planets will dictate the intensity of a Yoga.
Another vital parameter to be considered is the closeness from the Bhaav Madhya as discussed before. The
closer the combination occurs to the middle of a bhaav, the stronger the effects in that particular bhaav and vice-
I hereby give some important Positive Yogas below in a very generic fashion for a beginner and hence focus on
the concept behind the Yoga and not perhaps the specific Yoga or its nomenclature, which will confuse learners
in the field.
I) Raj Yogas – A wide class of Yogas which are positive by definition and aid in the financial and mental well
being of the individual in whose horoscope they form. They are are of many kinds.
a) However get into a habit of looking at the owners of the 1st, 5th and 9th houses. These form the Bhagya
Trikona or the Fortune triangle. The owners of the houses will always be friendly to each other and 2 or all 3 of
them are connected via conjunction or mutual aspect, they form a Raj Yoga or combination of good luck/
fortune. If this occurs in the 1st, 5th or 9th house itself, it is even better. It is also great to form in a Kendra
house -1st, 4th, 7th or 10th
b) Likewise a combination of a lord of 1/5/9 with a Kendra lord or 1/4/7/10 is also a Raj Yoga as long as the
planets involved are functional benefics for the ascendant. Keep in mind 1/5/9 are always functionally benefic.
However the lords of 4/7/10 can be positive, neutral or even negative in some cases. Refer to the functional
nature of planets article earlier.
II) Panch Mahapurush Yogas – or 5 great men (literal translation) These Yogas are formed when one of the 5
non luminary planets – Mars, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter or Mercury are in their own sign or exalted sign while
being in a Kendra house (1/4/7/10 bhaav). This is a very good Yoga to have and the functional as well as
generic nature of the planet becomes enhanced to a large extent. Example when Venus is in Libra in 10th house
for Capricorn, it forms ‘Malavya’ Yoga which will enhance the functional nature of Venus (rulership of 5th and
10th bhaav in this case) as well as give wealth/ luxuries (general significations of venus) to the individual
III) Vipreet RajYogas – These are formed when 2 negative lords combine. Namely lords of 6th, 8th or 12th
houses (which are considered functionally negative) combine in any bhaav. This Yoga is more powerful if it
occurs in a dusthana house itself – i.e. 6th or 8th or 12th bhaav and does NOT involve lords of good places
especially of 1,2,5 or 9th house. This combination typically portrays a -ve with -ve turning into very positive
effect. When correctly formed, such a yoga can give massive riches and a steep rise in a person’s career/ job/
social status.
IV) Parivartana Yogas – Parivartana means exchange. When two planets are placed in the other’s sign
respectively, they are swapped and will ‘work with each other’ or in tandem. They exchange each other’s
properties and to some extent, the planets behave functionally as if they are sitting in their own signs
Example for Leo rising, Mars is in Leo while Sun is in scorpio. This forms an exchange of the 1st and 5th lords
Again, like in Raj Yogas, remember that an exchange between 1 trikona lords is extremely auspicious. Meaning
if 1/5/9 exchange with each other, a strong Raj Yoga results. Likewise a swap of a Kendra (1/4/7/10) ruler with
a Trikona (1/5/9) ruler or a Kendra lord with another Kendra lord are very positive as well.
However the exchange of a Kendra or Kona lord with a dusthana lord (6/8/12) is a negative Yoga and causes
miseries. Example for Aries rising, Mars is in Virgo (6th bhaav) and Mercury is in Aries so a Trikona (1st) lord
exchanges with a dusthana lord (6th)
V) Neecha Bhang RajYoga – Another category of potent Yoga is Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga is Neecha Bhang
Yoga (NBY). This occurs if a debilitated planet sits in a kendra bhaav (1/4/7/10) and its depositor is either
sitting in conjunction with the planet or in a Kendra from it. It also occurs if the depositor is in exaltation as
well as if an exalted planet sits in the same sign as the debilitated planet while the debilitated planet sits in a
Kendra bhaav (1/4/7/10)
Typically this is a potent strong Yoga and will give strong benefits related to the rulership of houses of the
planet involved, but only after some initial setbacks/ failures or delays.
Example is Capricorn rising with Mars in 7th house in Cancer conjunct with Moon in cancer. In this case Mars
gets NBY and will become a strong benefic as long as its strong in shadbal and has good aspects on it. Such a
Mars will give initial pressures in its dasas but ultimately cause great strides in the life of the individual,
especially related to the houses in rules – in this example 4th as well as 11th
VI) Mridanga – When exalted planets or planets in their own sign sit in a Trikona or Kendra Bhaav, they cause
great positive results related to the houses they rule and also their generic significations. Typically such planets
elevate the entire life/ status of an individual in their dasas if they are in good dignity as per the many scores of
quantifying dignity of a planet as discussed in other articles
VII) Dhan Yogas – When the rulers of 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th bhaavs combine with good dignity, they cause a
Yoga which gives wealth. If the combination occurs in 2/5/9/11 or any Kendra house (1/4/7/10) then this Yoga
is stronger (as opposed to occuring in 3,6,8,12 bhaavs). The logic is that the 2/5/9/11 bhaavs rule over wealth in
one way or the other and hence when 2 or more such lords combine, a combination for wealth creation is made.
Typically good to have the ascendant lord also in this mix for this Yoga to be stronger.
Another strong Dhan Yoga occurs when the 5th lord is in 5th and 11th lord in 11th, hence aspecting each other
fully in great dignity. Even when 5-11 lords exchange, the same occurs as long as the planets are in good
VIII) Laxmi Yoga – When the lord of 9th house is exalted in a Kendra house or is sitting in its own house in
great dignity, Laxmi Yoga results which blesses the native with great fortune, wealth and intelligence as these
are the significations of the 9th house of destiny/ fortune and crystallized intelligence/ higher education
IX) Jamini Yogas – These are of many types. However a good practice is to look at the placement and dignity
of Atmakaraka (AK), Amatyakaraka (AmK). When these 2 lords combine, especially in a Trikona or Kendra
house, a RajYoga results
The above are some of the very important positive combinations. Hundreds of other kinds exist and are
important to know. However the above are absolutely crucial to know well for any astrologer. In part II of this
article, I will cover some more positive as well as negative yogas to watch out for. Beyond that, the beginner is
set with all necessary tools to start looking at horoscopes and we will look at some case studies of well known
Yogas – Part II
In continuation for Yogas Part I, below are some more positive as well as negative Yogas-
X) Kahala Parivartana – A kind of Parivartana (exchange) Yoga where a non-dusthana bhav lord (dusthana is
6,8 and 12) interchanges signs with the lord of the 3rd house. This Yoga brings out fluctuations in destiny and
success of an individual and rise and falls fluctuate in life. The 3rd house represents self effort and will power,
but is a partial dusthana house as well. So as an example when the lord of 10th and 3rd interchange, either the
profession/ career of the native will see many ups and downs OR the person will have to make a lot of effort
with minimal success in the beginning and true rewards for the efforts will come much later in life.
XI) Dainya Parivartana – A kind of Parivartana yoga where a non dusthana lord exchanges signs with a
dusthana lord. Example lord of 5th house interchanges signs with the lord of the 6th house. This is a negative
Yoga and the manifestation is typically struggles and problems related to the 2 houses involved.
XII) Kartari Yogas – Kartari = scissors. These can be both Negative and Positive depending on the involved
planets. For these Yogas, consider ONLY the Generic nature of planets and not the Functional nature. Meaning
for this analysis Jupiter, Venus are always positive. Mercury and Moon are positive when bright and sitting with
benefics. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Sun are always Negative.
When a particular house is surrounded by malefics on both sides, Paap Kartari Yoga is formed (Paap = sin) and
is a negative Yoga which will damage and delay the significations of the affected house.
Inversely when a given bhaav is surrounded by 2 benefics, a Shubha Kartaari Yoga is formed. This enhances
and amplifies the positive significations of the involved house and helps the bhaav prosper and flourish without
many problems.
Example Sun in 6th, saturn in 7th and Rahu in 8th bhaav. In this example the 7th bhaav is battered because it
has a natural malefic saturn and is also surrounded on both sides (6th and 8th bhaav respectively) by natural
malefics. This forms a Paap Kartari Yoga. This will damage the marital prospects of the individual, even though
the final outcome will depend on the strength of the 7th bhaav along with its lord.
XIII) Daridra Yogas – Daridra = poverty. This is not to be taken literally everytime this Yoga forms in a
horoscope. However this yoga generally indicates struggles in the field of finances for the individual. It forms
when ascendant is occupied and aspected ONLY by Natural malefics (not functional malefics) and the
exception is that the natural malefics should NOT rule either the 9th bhaav or the 10th bhaav. If they do, the
negative Yoga does not occur.
Example – Leo rising with Lagna having saturn and Ketu and Jupiter, mercury and venus do not aspect the
ascendant. Daridra Yoga occurs. In case Leo has only Sun and Mars (even though both natural malefics) daridra
Yoga is Not formed as in this case the ascendant has the 9th lord in it as well as the ascendant lord itself. This
infact is a strong RajYoga.
XIV) Kemadruma Yoga – This occurs when there is no planet on either side of Moon as well as in conjunction
with the moon (Rahu and Ketu do not count). Further Moon should not be in Kendra (1,4,7,10). It is a negative
Moon is the mind and is impressionable and emotional by nature. If no planet is near Moon and Moon is also
not in a Kendra bhaav, it will feel lonely and confused. Typically such individuals are socially shy and/ or
awkward and can be introverts or misfits in general life. They feel lonely even when in company of others as
they constantly feel they are not understood by others.
I feel if the above conditions are met, Kemadruma Yoga occurs to some extent. However a 100% kemadruma
Yoga occurs only when the above conditions are met and also no planet sits in kendra bhaav from the ascendant
as well.
Either ways, usually in the 2nd half of life, such individuals improve their depressive/ lonely tendencies and
they become more (relative to before) social and ‘normal’.
XV) Shraapit Yoga – Shraapit = cursed. This Yoga occurs when Saturn and Rahu reside in the same sign in a
horoscope. Further if they are also in the same Nakshatra, then it will be even stronger in manifestation. If they
are more than 15 degrees apart, the Yoga is formed only mildly.
Typically the actions of the individual (saturn) can be shady or hidden (rahu) and the destiny of the person can
be very delayed in manifestation in life. Such individuals might have to struggle quiet a bit for minimal reward
of their efforts.
However, for Venus ruled ascendants or Saturn ruled ascendants, Rahu and Saturn become functional benefics
and hence the Yoga does not cause too much damage. Also if this occurs in the 3rd house or 11th house, the
Yoga can give much material success to the individual in addition to some blockages in progress. It is the worst
to be formed in the 8th, 12th, 1st or 2nd house of a horoscope. Dignity of saturn and rahu and aspects on the
combination are vital to be considered before giving blanket predictions of disaster related to the bhaav where
both these planets are situated together
XVI) Gaj-Kesari Yoga – This yoga is a positive one. It is formed when Moon and Jupiter are in Angles to each
other. This implies when Moon and Jupiter are in positions which are 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th from each other in the
horoscope. In this case the individual gets strength to moon (mind) and Jupiter (luck and growth) and is lucky
and successful due to good judgement and emotional status. The person might be spiritually inclined and be
lucky to have blessings from some mentor/ guru in life. However the dignity of moon and jupiter is vital to be
seen as well as the functional nature of moon and jupiter in the horoscope as per the ascendant.
XVII) Guru- Mangal Yoga – When mars and Jupiter either conjunct or are in opposition to each other (1st or
7th from each other) and both have good dignity in the horoscope, the actions of the individual are energetic and
righteous more often than not. This is as Mars represents actions/ energy and Jupiter is righteous and expansive
by nature
XVIII) Visha Yoga – Visha = poison. When Saturn is deep conjunct with Moon in the basic horoscope, this
negative yoga is formed. Such a person has a tendency to depression as well as psychological issues in life,
especially if moon is low in dignity/ shadbal. They seem to be very serious in nature and will easily get upset
and sad over trivial issues. However if both planets are in good dignity, then the person can get mass fame as
well. This is because saturn represents the masses (general people) and Moon represents fame
XIX) Angaarak Yoga – When Mars and Rahu conjunct in a horoscope, the person is prone to anger and
violence. Such individuals can have a big ego or anger issues and can go off the handle in a second. They can be
normal one minute and violent the next. Typically this will affect the bhaav such a yoga is placed in very
negatively. However the damage is much lower in the 3rd or 11th bhaavs where such a combination can give
great material benefits to the person. On the positive side, if the planets are in good dignity, such a person has a
never ending fighting spirit and can do wonders as sportsmen, army or police personnel or fields where great
courage and activity is required
XX) Chandra Mangal Yoga – When Moon and Mars are in conjunction or opposition, this Yoga is formed. By
itself it is a positive yoga which gives a sharp mind and powers of concentration to the person. It makes the
person logical and ‘street wise’ which in turn gives them a good ability to make money. However if the planets
involved are low in dignity and/ or afflicted, the person will have anger issues along with blood disorders as
well as bad relations with one’s mother
I will discuss more positive and negative yogas in part III. The idea is not to cover the entire list of 1000s of
yogas. But to give a good taste for the few important ones which will get a student’s mind thinking about Yogas
in the right direction
Saadhe- Satti
One of the most dreaded words in Vedic astrology, heard by almost everyone in India is Saadhe Satti and its
(supposedly) debilitating effects on an individual’s life. Hopefully this article can serve to explain the meaning,
implication and dispel some rumors regarding it.
What is Saadhe-Satti?
The transit of Saturn in a house before moon, then over the natal moon and consequently one sign after moon
(in total 3 houses) is a period called as Saadhe-satti. Or in other words, transit of Saturn in the 12th house, 1st
house and 2nd house as reckoned from the natal Moon is a period called Saadhe-satti.
Saadhe-satti translates from Hindi as 7 1/2 which is the number of years this transit last roughly as Saturn takes
approximately 2 1/2 years to transit in one sign. Hence to cover 3 signs it will take 3 x 2 1/2 = 7 1/2 yrs
Technically speaking, Saadhe satti starts when Saturn transits 45 degrees before Moon and continues till 45
degrees after the longitude of Moon in a person’s horoscope. However as a generalization, the degrees are
ignored and the signs are considered. As an example currently Saturn is transiting scorpio. Hence saadhe satti is
running for individuals with the following moon signs – Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Also related is the transit called is ‘Dhaiya’ which occurs when Saturn transits the 4th sign or 8th sign from
moon. Dhaiya means 2 1/2 yrs and this period is also reputed to be in results similar to the saadhe-satti period.
What are the Effects of Saadhe- Satti as per common belief? (Why the fear regarding the same?)
As per rumor/ belief or partial knowledge, Saadhe satti brings about misery of all kinds in a person’s life in the
form of physical, financial, professional and mental agony. A person suffers in all areas of life and progress in
career or education becomes very hard and sometimes impossible. Obstacles occur in any area the person
touches and delays, denials and misfortunes occur regularly. As per further belief, barring some relief from
remedies, life becomes a drag/ pain and this period can cause deep frustrations and/ or depression in an
individual. For those who are very old in age, this period can even cause death.
What is the Reality of Saadhe-Satti?
This transit of Saturn is NOT always bad. Further bad or good are relative words and hence generalizing
something as bad is by itself, a fallacy.
Saturn by nature is a hard task master. The planet does not easily give results and neither does it give anything
in a hurry. It demands hard work, discipline and honesty in any activity before it awards the person with any
desired results. It does have a tendency to ‘delay’ results in general, especially if one wishes quick returns on
their effort or sometimes returns without any effort.
Having said this, this transit can sometimes be the best period of someone’s life. It can be constructive,
progressive and full of professional, personal or educational achievements for particular natives. It depends on
their basic horoscope. Strength and dignity of Saturn in the horoscope of the native along with its functional
nature. Also since this transit is defined around Moon, the placement, strength/ dignity of Moon and aspects on
Moon in the basic horoscope are vital to consider as well.
Further, most important to remember is that this is just transit, that too of just one of the 9 planets. Hence it is
not a be-all/ do-all situation and not the end of the world even if Saturn is negative in one’s horoscope.
The operating dasas and other transits also contribute their own positive/ negative results as be and the net result
is a combination of the entire horoscope, its Yogas, dasas and overall transits. Saadhe-satti, hence, is just one of
the 100’s of factors to be considered for a final reading for any given time for any given individual.
During Saadhe satti, in general a person has to work hard in life to get success. Success can be achieved all
right, but not without effort and a dedicated effort towards the chosen area of the native. For students, hard work
is needed to get good grades and to attain the diplomas. In general the more disciplined life a person leads
during Saadhe satti, the more constructive the results over the period.
Factors to be considered for Saadhe- Satti (SS) analysis-
1) SS is not negative for Moon signs of – Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. The latter 2 as Saturn is the
owner of the moon sign and hence a functional benefic and in case of Taurus or Libra moon signs, Saturn
becomes a Yoga Karaka or a highly benefic planet
2) SS is relatively more negative but still not too negative for the Mercury owned signs of Moon – Gemini and
Virgo. For both these signs, Saturn considers the ruler Mercury as its friend and in addition owns one good and
one not so good house and hence neutral in functionality for these signs
3) SS is worst, in general, for signs of Cancer and Leo. This is because Saturn is enmical to the rulers of these
signs and in addition rules negative houses from these signs
4) SS will be felt more intensely when the maha dasa or antar dasa of Saturn is also operating in addition to the
SS transit in the context of Vimshottari dasa
5) Functional nature of Saturn is the most important from both the Lagna and Moon sign. If Saturn is a
functional benefic from both the signs, SS can be a very constructive period.
6) Look at the signs Saturn rules from the Moon sign, these houses will be activated during this transit. Example
for Taurus moon, Saturn rules 9th and 10th house. So effects related to the 9th and 10th house will be felt
strongly during a SS period for the Taurus natives
7) Along the same lines, look at the signs Saturn rules from Lagna, these will also be activated during SS period
8) SS is much more harshsly felt when Saturn is conjunct Moon, Mars, Ketu or Rahu in the natal horoscope.
(Especially if the conjunction is less than 5 degrees)
9) SS is less malefic when Saturn conjuncts Jupiter or Venus in the natal horoscope
10) Even when SS gives constructive results, the ‘Generic’ effects of Saturn will also be felt. Saturn is a
generically a malefic planet. Hence its effects, even when functionally benefic, will not be devoid of some level
of delay/ stress and anxiety in the process. However, remember that Functional effects are always predominant
and over-rule generic effects. Hence when functionally benefic, the results of SS will be constructive long term
for the native
11) When Saturn sits in 3rd, 6th or 11th in the natal horoscope SS is usually constructive in overall effects
12) When Saturn sits in 1st, 4th, 8th or 12th houses in the natal horoscope, SS results will be more negative in
13) Very important is BAV (ashtakvarga) bindus of Saturn in the signs during SS. If Saturn has 4 or
more bindus (dots/ points) in any sign, the malefic effects, if any, are greatly reduced. With 3 points, the
results are average. For 0, 1 or 2 points, the results are negative
14) Likewise observe the SAV bindus for the signs where SS or dhaiya is occurring. If the sign has between 25
to 29 points, the results will be average. Below 25 will be bad (lower the worse). Above 30 will be good (the
higher the score, the better the result)
15) If the BAV score of Saturn is high (say 5) but SAV score of sign is average or low (say 24) then BAV effect
will dominate and in this example, results will be good
16) While SS, if Rahu/ Ketu also transit in conjunction with Saturn or over the natal moon, the effects are more
negative ofcourse as now more general malefics are combining at the same time
17) Likewise when Jupiter aspects Saturn during SS, the malefic/ delaying effects of Saturn are reduced
18) Keep Vipreet Vedha in mind as well. When Saturn transits 12th from moon, SS is active. However if
any planet (except Sun) transits in the 3rd house from Moon. It puts a Vipreet Vedha (reverse block) on
Saturn. This implies the negative effects of Saturn are reduced or diverted during such a transit and
hence SS effects will be temporarily abated
19) If Saturn is causing SS and problems for a native, typically during the retrograde periods of Saturn, the
negative results will take a back seat. They don’t go away – just get into a limbo mode. Meaning the intensity of
negative events abates for some time and gives the native a breather during the roughly 5 months per every 12
months when Saturn is retrograde
20) During SS, when Saturn transits the 3rd, 5th or 7th Nakshatra from Moon, the negative effects are amplified
21) When Saturn transits in the 2nd, 6th or 8th Nakshatras from Moon, the negative effects are reduced
22) During SS, when Mars conjuncts or aspects Saturn in transit, stress, anger and frustration sort of results are
23) Effects of SS are most intense when Saturn is transiting within 6 degrees before and after the natal
Moon degree. Also important is the natal Moon’s brightness and strength in the horoscope. A Moon that
is bright and strong in the natal horoscope will be affected much less than a dark and weak moon. In the
latter case, there will be a tendency to depression during such Saturn transits
Finally, suffice to say, that despite its highly feared reputation, SS is NOT always bad. It can be a constructive
period as well depending on an individual horoscope. However, keep in mind that the main lesson of Saturn is
discipline and perseverance. During SS, one must learn to inculcate these qualities, else Saturn will teach those
lesson anyways and it will feel harsh to the native.