Fear and Homoeopathy
Fear and Homoeopathy
Fear and Homoeopathy
Fear and Homoeopathy
Fear is probably the most prolific and predominant human emotion. That this is so is evident
from a study of history in the folk lore, myth, and human experience down the ages.
Fear is an underlying, motive in religion, in politics, in social customs and behaviour, stemming
from man's determined desire for survival.
Fear, the sensation, in its various forms and degrees, in the psychological component of response
to threat. Any kind of threat or menace calls forth an immediate response on the part of the
individual thus put at risk. The threat may be to the person, endangering life or limb; it may be
threat to the pocket, presaging financial loss or ruin;it may be a threat to prestige, involving
damage to reputation or social disgrace.
Faced by immediate threat the primitive reaction is a desire to run away, to escape, to take refuge
in flight. An alternative, when escape is not feasible, is to resist, to fight, to take counter action.
Perhaps neither course may be possible, but in any case the one threatened cannot but react to the
situation. The first response will almost certainly be one of fear, which may give place later to
anger. The threat may be real or imagined but if it persists, will give rise to anxiety, which has
been described as a state of chronic fear. A further outcome of fear is hate for it is natural to hate
what is feared and to desire its removal or destruction.
The response of threat has both a physical and a psychological component. The physical reason
is evidenced by endocrine activity giving rise to vasomotor and neuromuscular disturbance. The
countenance may blanch or blush - going white with fear or purple with rage. The eyes may
blaze with fury or dilate with horror. The skeletal muscles may tense in preparation for flight or
fight, or the limbs may become paralysed and powerless, causing the victim to become "rooted to
the spot". Sometimes this type of response may prove a protective manoeuvre, when any
movement is provocative of increased danger. On Occasion, as when faced by a cobra poised to
strike, it is safer to "freeze" than to flee.
Other physical concomitants of the reaction are gooseflesh - hair stands on end; increase in rate
of heart beat, palpitation; outpouring of cold sweat; acceleration of peristalsis - looseness of
bowels; aphonia or dysarthria; dryness of the mouth; loss of appetite. Accompanying these
physical signs and associated intimately with them is the psychological emotion of either anger
or fear, but initially, predominantly and most persistently that of fear. The persistence of fear is
not merely a matter of emotional distress; by reason of accompanying disturbance of
physiological function it is also inimical to health and well being. Fear is at the root of many
psychosomatic illness. It is true that the best eliminator of fear is faith, confidence that engenders
calm, but in as much as the physiological systems of the body are deeply involved suitable
medication is frequently called for.
Sedatives, narcotics, tranquillisers, hallucinogenic drugs are not the answer. At best they may
partially palliate, but often, they make things worse by suppression or by causing so-called "side-
effect". They may further give rise to the serious complication of drug-dependence or, even,
In the matter of allaying fear homoeopathy is of signal value; it possesses remedies capable of
replacing panic by calm and apprehension by confidence.
Fear of Death may be prominent symptom in sickness. The remedies which can alleviate here
are in the main violent poisons in the crude state which, therefore, hold the threat of death in the
symptoms they induce.
Aconitum (Monk’s Hood), known as the "most poisonous plant in Britain", is of special value
when the fear is sheer panic, accompanied by extreme impatience and frantic restlessness.
Arnica exhibits a horror of imminent death in association with unbearable pain and a great fear
of being touched or even approached.
Arsenicum Album, formerly the most popular weapon of the homicidal poisoner, is so sure he
is going to die that he refuses both medicine and food, despite his feeling of utter exhaustion.
Withal he is thirsty for sips of warm or hot water and incorrigibly restless in both mind and body.
Argentum Nitricum is a hurried, worried, apprehensive person who, when ill, adds fear of death
to his usual repertoire of fears and apprehensions; so that he may actually predict the hour or
even minute of his impending demise.
Gelsemium subjects when sick become so utterly low in mind and weak in body that the fear of
death readily obtrudes. Muscular weakness may be the almost paretic and tremulousness so acute
as to provoke a request to be held firmly or even to be sat on to control the shaking.
Phosphorus, naturally artistic, fearful, intensely imaginative almost inevitably becomes afraid of
dying when ill.
Secale, the rye-fungus ergot, a virulent neuro-muscular poison, includes anxiety and fear of
death in its alarming syndrome of burnings, haemorrhages, paraesthesias and tendency to
gangrene (St. Anthony's Fire).
Lack of Self-Confidence
Fear of failure.
This tormenting emotion or mental attitude does not denote any lack of ability; rather does it
derive from a basal lack of self confidence. Three remedies call for special mention in this
Anacardium, the Marketing- Nut, is characterised by sudden loss of memory, irresolution -
unable to come to a definite decision about anything - complete lack of self-confidence. A
feature of this remedy is a feeling of improved well- being while eating.
Lycopodium, the Club Moss, over conscientious, perfectionist, fearful of a new role lest he fail
to succeed, lacks self-confidence but generally does quite well when actually at grips with the
Pulsatilla, mild, amenable, anxious to please, is scared lest she fail to do so.
A Plethora of Fears.
Some unfortunates are fearful on several scores, may perhaps be afraid
of "they don't really know what". The rubric "full of fears" is found under quite a number of
remedies, notably Arsenicum Album, Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum, Graphites, Lac
Caninum, Medorrhinum, Phosphorus, Tuberculinum.
In a recent number of the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, Dr. F. K.
Bellokossy mentions a Medorrhinum patient who "has most of all fears in the repertory; fear if
disease, fire, pain, insanity, high places, flying, strangers, spiders, snakes, spending money
foolishly, trifles, appearing on stage". An extreme case, but Medorrhinum is a remedy of
Fear of Feathers, or anything which flutters and flaps may be met with. It may be associated
with a fear of cats or dogs, which would suggest Tuberculinum.
Fear of Someone Behind, like the snake lurking in the grass, impels the victim to seek the back
seat on the bus or get back to the wall at a party. The remedy is Lachesis.
Fear of Knives. This fortunately is not often encountered. It is a horrible fear lest seeing a knife
or other weapon lying handy it be picked up to inflict hurt on someone, perhaps even one's child.
Remedies suggested to counter this fear are Arsenicum Album, the "worried to distraction"
remedy and Nux Vomica, capable of outbreaks of sudden violence when exasperated beyond
measure. In one case, however, the remedy proved to be Coffea, chosen because aggravation
occurred quite irrationally when she was amongst others and everybody seemed gay and happy.