Social Media Can Increase Student Collaboration
Social Media Can Increase Student Collaboration
Social Media Can Increase Student Collaboration
Students spend more time on social media than they do do using personnel email. Even Though, there is
loss of privacy and safety, social media provides opportunities for connecting with friends, classmates,
and people with shared interest. Today, the main aim of the student should be education and their
future career. However, many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media. That
means reduced focus on learning and retaining information. The study also points out the popularity of
social networking sites among students community. The social networking sites and social media have
revolutionized the world, bringing us closer than ever before. However, students can exploit this and use
it for a better life, a better tomorrow. It should be used to connect, stay in touch, share views but not
waste time on.
Advantages: (knowledge)Social media users share among themselves day in and day out, giving and
receiving information at rapid speeds. This information is more than funny cat videos; they share
views and opinions; tips, tricks, and even DIY projects; and, among students, helpful information for
classes.2) Social
Media can increase student collaboration. Students become
friends with their classmates on social media and are more likely to
collaborate on projects.
Disadvantages: Students can get distracted and start using the social
media for their purposes and not pay attention to the educational content.
Distraction is going to happen to a certain extent, and there is not a lot the
faculty member can do to prevent it.
Lack of control for inappropriate content