Building and Environment: Min Hee Chung, Young Kwon Yang, Kwang Ho Lee, Je Hyeon Lee, Jin Woo Moon
Building and Environment: Min Hee Chung, Young Kwon Yang, Kwang Ho Lee, Je Hyeon Lee, Jin Woo Moon
Building and Environment: Min Hee Chung, Young Kwon Yang, Kwang Ho Lee, Je Hyeon Lee, Jin Woo Moon
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of this study was to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model that can predict the
Received 23 January 2017 amount of cooling energy consumption for the different settings of the variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
Received in revised form cooling system's control variables. Matrix laboratory (MATLAB) and its neural network toolbox were used
21 August 2017
for the ANN model development and test performance. For the model training and performance eval-
Accepted 22 August 2017
Available online 26 August 2017
uation, data sets were collected through the field measurement. Four steps were conducted in the
development process: initial model development, input variable selection, model optimization, and
performance evaluation. In the initial model development and input variable selection process, seven
Artificial neural network
input variables were selected as input neurons: TEMPOUT, HUMIDOUT, TEMPIN, LOADCOOL, TEMPSA,
Predictive controls TEMPCOND, and PRESCOND. In addition, the initial model was optimized to have 2 hidden layers, 15 hidden
Refrigeration evaporation temperature set- neurons in each hidden layer, a learning rate of 0.3, and a momentum of 0.3. The optimized model
point demonstrated its prediction accuracy within the recommended level, thus proved its potential for
Supply air temperature set-point application in the control algorithm for creating a comfortable indoor thermal environment in an energy-
Condenser fluid temperature set-point efficient manner.
Condenser fluid pressure set-point © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0360-1323/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
78 M.H. Chung et al. / Building and Environment 125 (2017) 77e87
and hotels that have a wide load variation. The VRF systems are are generally set as constant without considering the energy-
known to provide a more comfortable and stable indoor thermal efficiency. Thus, variable settings that are more energy-efficient
environment as well as to reduce the cooling energy consumption, need to be found and applied.
actively responding to the part load variation [8]. In addition, the The aim of this study is to propose a prediction model that can
VRF system is relatively simple to set up and install by reducing the be applied for an objective system control. The proposed prediction
need for ductwork installation. model was designed to calculate the cooling energy consumption
The VRF system is operated by an outdoor unit with multiple for the different settings of the system control variables. The arti-
indoor units. There are two types of VRF system e water and air ficial neural network (ANN) theory was applied for developing the
types. Fig. 1 shows the water type of VRF system which uses cooled prediction model, in which not only surrounding indoor and out-
water in the outdoor units. The VRF system controls the refrigerant door environmental conditions, but also values of a series of control
flow rate to the multiple indoor units by electronic expansion variables such as air handling unit supply air temperature set-point
valves, whereby each zone is able to operate individually by partial (TEMPSA, C), condenser fluid temperature set-point (TEMPCOND
cooling load. C), and condenser fluid pressure set-point (PRES 2
COND kg/cm )
Despite the significant advantages, the more advanced control were included as input variables for calculating the predicted total
method for the VRF system still needs to be addressed. The major energy consumption for the next 1 h (ENERGYTOT, kWh). The total
control variables of the VRF systems are determined by the heu- energy, ENERGYTOT, comprises the energy used by the outdoor units
ristics of the operators. The air handling unit supply air tempera- (ENERGYOUTUNT, kWh), the energy used by the cooling towers
ture set-point (TEMPSA), condenser fluid temperature set-point (ENERGYCT, kWh), the energy used by the pumps (ENERGYPUMP,
(TEMPCOND), and condenser fluid pressure set-point (PRESCOND) kWh), and the energy used by the fans in the air handling unit
M.H. Chung et al. / Building and Environment 125 (2017) 77e87 79
(AHU) (ENERGYFAN, kWh). As the prediction model included the different settings of the control variable. The algorithm will
environmental conditions as input variables, the model will be compare the cooling energy for the different settings and will
adaptively applied to the new environment. determine the optimal setting of the control variable. As the
The developed prediction model will be applied in the control optimal values for the control variables are applied, the cooling
algorithm. Fig. 2 shows the flow of the algorithm. The control al- system will create a thermally comfortable indoor environment
gorithm, which will be developed in the next study, will employ the with reduced energy consumption.
ANN model for acquiring the cooling energy consumption for the
LOADCT ¼ (TEMPCTS TEMPCTR) FRCT cp r (2) measurement data, indicating that required electric energy input to
meet the load is computed based on the data from field measure-
where LOADCOOL: cooling load of DX coil; LOADCT: load of cooling ment. Therefore, COP of the outdoor units dynamically change
tower; ENERGYOUTUNT: energy used by the outdoor units; TEMPCTS: under various conditions, based on the field measurement data.
is condenser water temperature supplied from cooling tower; Inlet air set-bulb temperature (X) entering the DX coil was
TEMPCTR: condenser water return temperature entering cooling excluded from the ANN model input variables because R2 of X-inlet
tower; FRCT: condenser water volume flow rate; cp: specific heat for air wet-bulb temperature entering the DX coil showed very weak
water; and r: density of water. relationship. It may be due to the fact that inlet wet-bulb temper-
The settings of the system variables are related to the outdoor ature is directly affected by the return air temperature and hu-
unit, the cooling tower fan, the pumps for circulating condenser midity from rooms, which are maintained constant during the
fluids, and the fans in the AHU. Equations (3)e(6) present the system operation. Therefore, there was no noticeable fluctuation of
electric energy consumption by the outdoor units [9,10], cooling X-inlet air wet-bulb temperature entering the DX coil during the
tower fan [11], pumps [12], and fans in the AHU [13,14], system operation. While, entering condenser fluid temperature (Y)
respectively. was selected as an input variable represented by TEMPCOND.
Coefficients in Equation (3)-1e(3)-4 are derived from both The part load ratio (PLR) is related to current cooling load of DX
technical data book and data from field measurement. Similarly, coil and current cooling capacity. However, it is not the variable that
coefficients in Equations (5) and (6)-1 are derived from field mea- can be directly measured. On the other hand, LOADCOOL can be
surement data. It should be noted that those coefficients that can directly measured by multiplying enthalpy difference between
only be applied to specific system used in the test building. The field inlet and outlet of DX coil and is can be used to represent PLR.
measurements for deriving the Coefficients were performed from Therefore, LOADCOOL is selected as an input variable instead of PLR.
June 1 to October 31, 2016 in the office building located in Seoul,
South Korea (Detailed description is given in Section 3.2.1). During CTEP ¼ TTFE deltim/3600 compCoef (4)
the measurement, AHU discharge air temperature, the flow rate of
the condenser fluid, the condenser fluid temperature, evaporative where CTEP: current electric power of fan in the cooling tower;
temperature of refrigerant, outdoor temperature and humidity ra- TTFE: design electric power of constant-speed fan in the cooling
tio, DX coil cooling load, average indoor air temperature and solar tower (37 kW); deltim: duration of each time step; compCoef:
radiation varied to acquire the training data to be used in ANN cooling tower fan power correction coefficient.
model development. The duration of each time step (deltim) is not the input variable
of ANN model. It is simply the duration of each time-step which is
POUTUNT ¼ QOUTUNT 1/ 5 min in this study. It is used for the unit conversion between power
¼ 1.14607075335381 þ 0.149815443534369X where PCT: electric power of the pump; gwlpm: amount of
0.00182406636707112X2 0.000020998788531433Y2 condenser fluid, which is selected as input variable represented by
0.000594965675057201XY, When X 35 C (3)-1 PRESCOND.
ratio, and condenser fluid temperature set-point, and is indirectly temperature, indoor occupancy rate, and opening conditions. These
affected by the DX coil load. The electricity consumption of AHU fan models could respond to any external and internal environment
is indirectly affected by the AHU discharge air temperature, which changes and maintain indoor thermal comfort to control the
has a direct impact on the supply air flow through the AHU fans. heating or cooling systems.
Finally, the outdoor unit electricity is directly affected by the flow The ANN-based model can also reduce the modeling size or the
rate of the condenser fluid, condenser fluid temperature, DX coil number of monitoring sensors needed to control the comfort of an
cooling load, and the indoor air temperature. indoor environment. Song et al. [22] proposed a velocity propaga-
tion method based on a dynamic compact zonal model for a data
3. Development of ANN model center and compared the results from a VPM zonal model and
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation in a full-scale data
3.1. Previous ANN applications for building thermal controls center. The results showed that the air flow and temperature dis-
tributions were in good agreement with those obtained using the
The ANN model is based on the way in which the human brain zonal method and the CFD simulation results. Using the zonal
performs computations. ANNs are empirical models that learn from model, it is possible to provide effective thermal control with
experience and generalized data for prediction, pattern recogni- limited monitoring of zonal temperature and air flow. Castilla et al.
tion, function approximation, optimization, and association [15]. [23] stated that the ANN-based model for approximated thermal
Various researchers have proposed many different ANN models. comfort evaluation has economic benefits by reducing the network
One of the most popular and widely used is the multi-layer feed- sensor size for the real-time control of HVAC systems.
forward network [16]. This model typically organizes data in mul- ANN-based models are data driven and do not require a limiting
tiple layers of modes, in which inputs enter the first layer and the assumption about the form of the modeling algorithm. Hence, they
last layer produces outputs. The middle layers, called hidden layers, predict accurate data for controlling a complex thermal environ-
separate the input layer from the output layer. Each node in one ment with efficient monitoring sensors in real time.
layer is connected to every node on the next layer. Each connection
is associated with a numeric number called a weight. The weights
3.2. Process of ANN model development
of each connection, the best number of hidden layers, and the
number of nodes in a hidden layer are determined by many trials
Fig. 3 shows the four major steps for developing the ANN model
using different samples in the training process. The performance of
in this study. The first step was conducted to develop an initial
the model is checked on a validation set. The optimal model is
model. The ANN model was organized with an initial composition
selected with the smallest validation error. The test set for finally
and learning methods. The second step was performed to deter-
checking the overall performance is used to estimate the accuracy
mine the meaningful input variables. The relationship between the
of the selected model. These processes have a significant impact on
input and output variables was statistically analyzed to find the
the accuracy of the prediction.
input variables that have a strong relationship with the output
Numerous successful practical applications of ANNs have been
variables. Input variables with a strong relationship with the output
found in diverse fields. The application of ANNs for building ther-
variables were chosen as input neurons of the model.
mal engineering has become increasingly more common in recent
The third step was performed for optimizing the ANN model.
years. Various authors have applied ANNs to control heating,
Model parameters such as the number of hidden layers (NHL), the
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems to improve in-
number of hidden neurons (NHN), the learning rate (LR), and mo-
door thermal comfort and to reduce energy consumption. Ferreira
mentum (MO) were optimized to produce accurate outputs. Opti-
et al. [17] achieved energy saving and constant thermal comfort
mization was performed in a coupled fashion, so that a series of
from an existing HVAC system control experiment using a model
NHL and NHN were tested together, followed by a series of LR and
based predictive control methodology. The energy savings were
MO together. The ANN model was revised to employ parameter
over 50%. Moon and Jung used an ANN-based model to improve the
values by which the most accurate outputs were produced. The
thermal comfort and energy efficiency of accommodation buildings
final step was conducted to evaluate the prediction performance of
[18]. Two ANN model based algorithms were proposed to control
the optimized model. The applicability of the proposed model was
the set point temperature for external climate and to determine the
setback value and period for an unoccupied period. These proposed
algorithms showed better performance in terms of energy effi-
ciency and thermal comfort than the conventional control
The ANN-based model is not sequential or necessarily deter-
ministic as a building control method. In other words, it can
respond to unexpected changes in real time but cannot execute
programmed instructions. Li et al. [19] developed the ANN-based
control strategy for a direct expansion air conditioning system
that simultaneously considers indoor air temperature and humid-
ity. A command following and disturbance rejection test were
conducted to examine the performance of the proposed controller.
It has been reported that, in a direct expansion air conditioning
system, the ANN-base controller can be used to control the indoor
air temperature and humidity by changing the compressor speed
and supply fan speed. Morel et al. [20] proposed a heating
controller for predicting the external climate conditions, including
the air temperature, solar radiation, and indoor temperature. Moon
et al. [21] used an ANN-based model for optimum control of a
double skin façade depending on the external climate, indoor air Fig. 3. Development process of the ANN model.
82 M.H. Chung et al. / Building and Environment 125 (2017) 77e87
3.2.1. Initial model development (1st step)
The initial structure of the ANN model consists of three layers: TEMPIN 15e30 C
the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer, as shown in SOLAR 0e1000w/m2
Fig. 4. The inputs were selected as variables relevant to the amount LOADCOOL 0e3000 kWh
of energy consumption, as mentioned in Section 2. The initial input TEMPSA 8e20 C
neurons comprise eight variables: (1) average outdoor dry-bulb
PRESCOND 0.25e1.25 kg/cm2
temperature for last 1 h (TEMPOUT, C); (2) average outdoor rela-
tive humidity for last 1 h (HUMIDOUT, %), (3) average indoor dry-
bulb temperature for last 1 h (TEMPIN, C), (4) average solar radi-
The Levenberg-Marquart algorithm was used as the learning
ation for last 1 h(SOLAR, w/m2), (5) cooling load for last 1 h
method. The initial LR and MO used 0.6 and 0.2, respectively, which
(LOADCOOL, kWh), (6) air handling unit supply air temperature set-
concurred with those obtained in a previous study [26]. The ANN
point (TEMPSA, C), (7) condenser fluid temperature set-point
model was developed using the Neural Network toolbox in MAT-
(TEMPCOND, C), and (8) condenser fluid pressure set-point (PRE-
LAB. A total of 200 training data sets were applied in this model
SCOND, kg/cm2). The last variable, PRESCOND, is related to the amount
based on Equation (8).
of condenser fluid. All inputs and outputs in the initial model were
normalized to the measured data range as listed in Table 1.
Nd ¼ (NHN (NIN þ NON)/2)2 [27] (8)
In the initial model, one hidden layer was used, employing 17
hidden neurons based on Equation (7), which suggests the normal
¼ (17-(8 þ 1)/2)2
number of hidden neurons [24,25]. NHN is the number of hidden
neurons and NIN is the number of input neurons.
¼ 158 sets
NHN ¼ 2NIN þ 1 (7)
The sliding-window method was used for the data management
of the training data sets; advanced data elements expire at a time
The output neuron represents the predicted total energy con-
based on the runoff time series. The sliding-window method can
sumption for the next 1 h (ENERGYTOT, kWh) in a cooling system.
prevent a multiplicative overhead of data [28] and maintain more
The ENERGYTOT refers tothe sum of energy used by the outdoor
flexible data queries without any loss in accuracy [29].
units (ENERGYOUTUNT, kWh), the energy used by the cooling towers
All data sets were obtained from an office building as the test
(ENERGYCT, kWh), the energy used by the pumps (ENERGYPUMP,
building, as shown in Fig. 5. The test building is located in Seoul,
kWh), and the energy used by the fans in the AHU (ENERGYFAN,
South Korea and has a gross floor area of 22,660 m2. This 10-story
office building was constructed in 2015. The monitoring period
The sigmoid function for hidden neurons and the pure-linear
was from June 1 to October 31, 2016. The VRF system was used as a
function for the output neuron were chosen as transfer functions.
cooling system. One CT, 11 AHUs, and 27 OUs composed the VRF
system for covering the whole building.
The 11 monitoring zones were selected among low, middle, and
high floors. Monitored variables are listed in Table 2. The data
measured at 1-min intervals are averaged for 1 h. In particular, the
environmental data such as outdoor dry-bulb temperature and
outdoor relative humidity was measured at the weather station
located in the test building site and data for solar radiation was
collected on the roof of the test building. The indoor temperature
data was collected from the 11 sensors installed in the entrance of
the return duct of each AHU. Measured from the actual site and
building, data was supported to represent the actual environmental
conditions of the building.
Table 2
Measurement variables and the unit of measuring time.
Fig. 7. Coefficients of determination (R2) between the five input variables and one output variable.
M.H. Chung et al. / Building and Environment 125 (2017) 77e87 85
1 O O O O O 21.35
4.2. Model optimization 2 O O O O X 21.84
3 O O O X X 15.93
4 O O O X O 15.49
Table 4 summarizes the CVRMSE (%) results between the Pi and
Si for the different combinations of NHL and NHN. The CVRMSE for
a different NHL (1 … 5) and NHN (10 … 20) ranged between 12.31
Table 4
and 24.64. The case for the model employing 2 NHL and 15 NHN
CVRMSE (%) between the Pi and Si for various NHL and NHN.
presented the least CVRMSE. Therefore, the optimal composition
regarding NHL and NHN was determined to be 2 and 15, CVRMSE (%) NHL
respectively. 1 2 3 4 5
Table 5 summarizes the CVRMSE results for the different LRs (0.1 NHN 10 14.89 14.13 18.16 15.34 24.64
… 1.0) and MOs (0.1 … 1.0). The values for NHL and NHN were fixed 11 16.78 13.67 14.39 14.08 17.66
as 2 and 15, as determined in the previous step. The least RMSE was 12 13.24 17.55 14.57 13.48 24.43
presented by a model with 0.3LR and 0.3MO with 11.28% CVRMSE. 13 13.09 14.16 12.49 15.44 20.03
14 14.44 14.34 13.93 15.63 13.12
Thus, the optimized ANN model employed these values, 0.3 and 0.3,
15 12.72 12.31 12.83 18.91 13.08
for the learning rate and momentum, respectively. 16 21.64 15.06 14.47 12.61 13.76
Fig. 8 shows the ANN model after input variable selection and 17 15.58 14.38 16.22 12.69 14.00
optimization. The final model had seven input neurons: TEMPOUT, 18 13.19 13.36 13.59 15.75 12.95
HUMIDOUT, TEMPIN, LOADCOOL, TEMPSA, TEMPCOND, and PRESCOND, 19 16.24 13.93 15.96 13.72 13.66
20 14.20 13.85 14.63 14.36 14.32
with NHL of 2; NHN of 15; LR of 0.3; and MO of 0.3.
86 M.H. Chung et al. / Building and Environment 125 (2017) 77e87
Table 5
CVRMSE (%) between the Pi and Si for various numbers of LR and MO.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
MO 0.1 15.90 17.58 16.41 14.20 13.84 16.00 15.25 15.25 12.94 12.32
0.2 12.79 14.36 15.63 12.27 15.18 12.31 12.85 13.36 12.91 13.30
0.3 15.78 13.95 11.28 14.16 12.79 13.71 18.32 15.86 14.54 15.08
0.4 12.94 13.58 15.09 14.81 16.33 13.04 14.38 14.15 17.00 15.40
0.5 13.30 12.58 12.93 13.82 13.14 16.97 16.57 11.99 17.40 12.21
0.6 13.88 12.51 11.67 13.57 13.10 15.06 15.42 13.03 15.22 13.36
0.7 13.09 11.71 14.81 15.42 14.28 12.98 12.88 13.29 14.93 13.72
0.8 12.93 14.57 13.69 15.62 13.31 12.57 13.20 13.05 15.33 14.98
0.9 16.08 15.53 14.11 15.39 13.89 14.36 13.97 13.48 13.04 13.31
1.0 13.66 13.53 11.99 12.68 13.07 11.38 16.34 15.27 12.30 14.30
Fig. 9. Coefficient of determination (R2) between Pi and Si from the optimized ANN