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University of Zimbabwe


Chapter 1
Mathematics And
Mr T.V. Mupedza
Computational Sciences

October 21, 2020


Calculus is one of the milestones of Western thought. Building on ideas of Archimedes, Fermat,
Newton, Leibniz, Cauchy, and many others, the calculus is arguably the cornerstone of modern
science. Any well-educated person should at least be acquainted with the ideas of calculus, and a
scientifically literate person must know calculus solidly. Calculus has two main aspects: differential
calculus and integral calculus. Differential calculus concerns itself with rates of change. Various
types of change, both mathematical and physical, are described by a mathematical quantity called
the derivative. Integral calculus is concerned with a generalized type of addition, or amalgamation,
of quantities. Many kinds of summation, both mathematical and physical, are described by a
mathematical quantity called the integral.

Calculus is one of the most important parts of mathematics. It is fundamental to all of modern
science. How could one part of mathematics be of such central importance? It is because calculus
gives us the tools to study rates of change and motion. All analytical subjects, from biology to
physics to chemistry to engineering to mathematics, involve studying quantities that are growing
or shrinking or moving, in other words, they are changing. Astronomers study the motions of the
planets, chemists study the interaction of substances, physicists study the interactions of physical
objects. All of these involve change and motion. 1 2

To Archimedes, Pierre de Fermat, Isaac Newton, and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, the fathers of calculus
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination—— Albert Einstein
The Basics

0.1 Number Systems

Mathematics has its own language with numbers as the alphabet. The language is given structure
with the aid of connective symbols, rules of operation, and a rigorous mode of thought (logic). The
number systems that we use in calculus are the natural numbers, the integers, the rational numbers,
and the real numbers. Let us describe each of these :

1. The natural numbers are the system of positive counting numbers 1, 2, 3 . . . . We denote the
set of all natural numbers by N.

N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, . . . }.

2. The integers are the positive and negative whole numbers and zero, . . . , −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .
We denote the set of all integers by Z.

Z = {. . . , −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . }.

3. The rational numbers are quotients of integers or fractions, such as 32 , − 54 . Any number
of the form , with p, q ∈ Z and q 6= 0, is a rational number. We denote the set of all rational
numbers by Q.  
Q= p, q ∈ Z, q 6= 0 .

4. The real numbers are the set of all decimals, both terminating and non-terminating. We
denote the set of all real numbers by R. A decimal number of the form x = 3.16792 is actually
a rational number, for it represents
x = 3.16792 = .
A decimal number of the form

m = 4.27519191919 . . . ,

with a group of digits that repeats itself interminably, is also a rational number. To see this,
notice that
100 · m = 427.519191919 . . .
and therefore we may subtract

100m = 427.519191919 . . .
m = 4.27519191919 . . .

Subtracting, we see that

99m = 423.244
m= .
So, as we asserted, m is a rational number or quotient of integers. To indicate recurring
decimals we sometimes place dots over the repeating cycle of digits, e.g., m = 4.2751̇9̇,
= 3.16̇.
Another kind of decimal number is one which has a non-terminating decimal expansion that
does not keep repeating. An example is π = 3.14159265 . . . . Such a number is irrational, that
is, it cannot be expressed as the quotient of two integers.
In summary : There are three types of real numbers : (i) terminating decimals, (ii) non-
terminating decimals that repeat, (iii) non-terminating decimals that do not repeat. Types
(i) and (ii) are rational numbers. Type (iii) are irrational numbers.
The geometric representation of real numbers as points on a line is called the real axis. Between
any two rational numbers on the line there are infinitely many rational numbers. This leads
us to call the set of rational numbers an everywhere dense set.
Real numbers are characterised by three fundamental properties :

(a) algebraic means formalisations of the rules of calculation (addition, subtraction, multi-
plication, division). Example : 2(3 + 5) = 2 · 3 + 2 · 5 = 6 + 10 = 16.
3 1
(b) order denote inequalities. Example : − < .
4 3
(c) completeness implies that there are “no gaps” on the real line.

Algebraic properties of the reals for addition (a, b, c ∈ R) are :

(A1) a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c. associativity
(A2) a + b = b + a. commutativity
(A3) There is a 0 such that a + 0 = a. identity
(A4) There is an x such that a + x = 0. inverse

Why these rules? They define an algebraic structure (commutative group). Now define anal-
ogous algebraic properties for multiplication :

(M1) a(bc) = (ab)c.

(M2) ab = ba.
(M3) There is a 1 such that a · 1 = a.
(M4) There is an x such that ax = 1 for a 6= 0.

Finally, connect multiplication and addition :

(D) a(b + c) = ab + ac. distributivity

These 9 rules define an algebraic structure called a field.

Order properties of the reals are :

(O1) for any a, b ∈ R, a ≤ b or b ≤ a. totality of ordering I

(O2) if a ≤ b and b ≤ a, then a = b. totality of ordering II
(O3) if a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c. transitivity
(O4) if a ≤ b, then a + c ≤ b + c. order under addition
(O5) if a ≤ b and c ≥ 0, then ac ≤ bc. order under multiplication

Some useful rules for calculations with inequalities are : If a, b, c are real numbers, then :

(a) if a < b and c < 0 ⇒ bc < ac.

(b) if a < b ⇒ −b < −a.
(c) if a > 0 ⇒ > 0.
1 1
(d) if a and b are both positive or negative, then a < b ⇒ < .
b a
The completeness property can be understood by the following construction of the real
numbers : Start with the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . .

ˆ N = {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . } natural numbers ⇒ Can we solve a + x = b for x?

ˆ Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . . } integers ⇒ Can we solve ax = b for x?
ˆ Q = { pq |p, q ∈ Z, q 6= 0} rational numbers ⇒ Can we solve x2 = 2 for x?

ˆ R real numbers, for example : The positive solution to the equation x2 = 2 is 2. This
is an irrational number whose decimal representation is not eventually repeating.

⇒ N⊂Z⊂Q⊂R
In summary, the real numbers R are complete in the sense that they correspond to all points on
the real line, i.e., there are no “holes” or “gaps”, whereas the rationals have “holes” (namely
the irrationals).
You Try It : What type of real number is 3.41287548754875 . . . ? Can you express this
number in more compact form?

0.2 Intervals

Definition 0.2.1. A subset of the real line is called an interval if it contains at least two numbers
and all the real numbers between any of its elements.

Examples :

1. x > −2 defines an infinite interval. Geometrically, it corresponds to a ray on the real line.

2. 3 ≤ x ≤ 6 defines a finite interval. Geometrically, it corresponds to a line segment on the real


Finite Intervals. Let a and b be two points such that a < b. By the open interval (a, b) we mean
the set of all points between a and b, that is, the set of all x such that a < x < b. By the closed
interval [a, b] we mean the set of all points between a and b or equal to a or b, that is, the set of all
x such that a ≤ x ≤ b. The points a and b are called the endpoints of the intervals (a, b) and [a, b].

By a half-open interval we mean an open interval (a, b) together with one of its endpoints. There
are two such intervals : [a, b) is the set of all x such that a ≤ x < b and (a, b] is the set of all x such
that a < x ≤ b.

Infinite Intervals. Let a be any number. The set of all points x such that a < x is denoted by
(a, ∞), the set of all points x such that a ≤ x is denoted by [a, ∞). Similarly, (−∞, b) denotes the
set of all points x such that x < b and (−∞, b] denotes the set of all x such that x ≤ b.

0.3 Solving Inequalities

Solve inequalities to find intervals of x ∈ R. Set of all solutions is the solution set of the inequality.


2x − 1 < x + 3
2x < x + 4
x < 4.

2. For what values of x is x + 3(2 − x) ≥ 4 − x?

x + 3(2 − x) ≥ 4 − x when
x + 6 − 3x ≥ 4−x
6 − 2x ≥ 4−x
2 ≥ x ⇒ x ≤ 2.

3. For what values of x is (x − 4)(x + 3) < 0?

Case 1: (x − 4) > 0 and (x + 3) < 0, =⇒ x > 4 and x < −3.
Impossible since x cannot be both greater than 4 and less than −3.
Case 2: (x − 4) < 0 and (x + 3) > 0, =⇒ x < 4 and x > −3 =⇒ −3 < x < 4.

2 3
You Try It: Solve the inequality < .
x−1 2x + 1

0.4 The Absolute Value

It is a quantity that gives the magnitude or size of a real number. The absolute value or modulus
of a real number x, denoted by |x|, is given by

x, if x ≥ 0
|x| =
−x, if x < 0.

Geometrically, |x| is the distance between x and 0. For example, | − 6| = 6, |5| = 5, |0| = 0.

0.4.1 Properties of the Absolute Value

1. The absolute value of a real number x is non-negative, that is, |x| ≥ 0.

2. The absolute value of a real number x is zero if and only if x = 0, that is, |x| = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0.

3. In general, if x and y are any two numbers, then

(a) −|x| ≤ x ≤ |x|.
(b) | − x| = |x| and |x − y| = |y − x|.
(c) |x| = |y| implies x = ±y.

x |x|
(d) |xy| = |x| · |y| and = if y 6= 0.
y |y|
(e) |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y|. (Triangle inequality)
4. If a is any positive number, then
(a) |x| = a if and only if x = ±a.
(b) |x| < a if and only if −a < x < a.
(c) |x| > a if and only if x > a or x < −a.
(d) |x| ≤ a if and only if −a ≤ x ≤ a.
(e) |x| ≥ a if and only if x ≥ a or x ≤ −a.

Example: Show that for all real numbers x, | − x| = |x|.

Solution: If x ∈ R, then either x > 0, x = 0 or x < 0. If x > 0, then −x < 0. Thus,
| − x| = −(−x) = x = |x|, that is, | − x| = |x|.
If x = 0, then | − x| = | − 0| = |0| = 0, that is, | − x| = |x|.
If x < 0, then −x > 0. Now |x| = −x = | − x| since −x > 0.
Therefore in all cases | − x| = |x|.

Solving an Equation with Absolute Values: Solve the equation |2x − 3| = 7.

Solution: Hence 2x − 3 = ±7, so there are two possibilities,

2x − 3 = 7 2x − 3 = −7
2x = 10 2x = −4
x = 5 x = −2

The solutions of |2x − 3| = 7 are x = 5 and x = −2.

Solving Inequalities Involving Absolute values: Sole the inequality 5 − < 1.

Solution: We have

5 − 2 2
< 1 ⇐⇒ −1 < 5 − < 1
x x
⇐⇒ −6 < − < −4
⇐⇒ 3 > > 2
1 1
⇐⇒ <x< .
3 2
Solve the inequalities and show the solution set on the real line. (a) |2x − 3| ≤ 1 (b) |2x − 3| ≥ 1.

Solution: (a)

|2x − 3| ≤ 1 ⇐⇒ −1 ≤ 2x − 3 ≤ 1
⇐⇒ 2 ≤ 2x ≤ 4
⇐⇒ 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

The solution set is the closed interval [1, 2].


|2x − 3| ≥ 1 ⇐⇒ 2x − 3 ≥ 1 or 2x − 3 ≤ −1
⇐⇒ x ≥ 2 or x ≤ 1.

The solution set is (−∞, 1] ∪ [2, ∞).

You Try It: Solve the inequality 4|x| < 7x − 6.

0.5 The Principle of Mathematical Induction

It is an important property of the positive integers (natural numbers) and is used in proving state-
ments involving all positive integers when it is known for, for example, that the statements are valid
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . but it is suspected or conjectured that they hold for all positive integers.

0.5.1 Steps

1. Prove the statement for n = 1 or some other positive integer. (Initial Step)

2. Assume the statement true for n = k, where k ∈ Z+ . (Inductive Hypothesis)

3. From the assumption in 2 prove the statement must be true for n = k + 1.

4. Since the statement is true for n = 1 (from 1) it must (from 3) be true for n = 1 + 1 = 2 and
from this for n = 2 + 1 = 3, and so on, so must be true for all positive integers. (Conclusion)

Example: For any positive integer n,

n(n + 1)
1 + 2 + ··· + n = .

1(1 + 1) 2
1. Prove for n = 1, 1 = = = 1, which is clearly true.
2 2
2. Assume that the statement holds for n = k, that is,

k(k + 1)
1 + 2 + ··· + k = .

3. Prove for n = k + 1. So
k(k + 1)
1 + 2 + · · · + k + (k + 1) = + (k + 1) (by inductive hypothesis)
k(k + 1) + 2(k + 1)
k + 3k + 2
(k + 1)(k + 2)
so holds for n = k + 1.
n(n + 1)
4. Hence by induction, 1 + 2 + · · · + n = is true for any positive integer n.

Example: Prove that for any natural number

1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2n − 1 = n2 .


1. Prove for n = 1, 1 = 12 = 1, so it is true.

2. Assume that the statement holds for n = k, that is,

1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2k − 1 = k 2 .

3. Prove for n = k + 1. We have

1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + (2k − 1) + 2(k + 1) − 1 = k 2 + 2k + 1 (by inductive hypothesis)

= (k + 1)2 .

So it is true for n = k + 1.

4. Hence by induction 1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2n − 1 = n2 is true for all natural numbers n.

Example: Prove that 3n > 2n for all natural numbers n.


1. Prove for n = 1 =⇒ 31 = 3 > 21 = 2, which is true.

2. Assume the statements holds for n = k, that is, 3k > 2k .

3. Prove for n = k + 1.

3k+1 = 3k · 3
> 2k · 3 by inductive hypothesis
> 2k · 2 since 3 > 2
> 2k+1 ,

which is true.

4. Hence, by induction 3n > 2n for all natural numbers n.

Example: Prove that for any integer n ≥ 1, 22n − 1 is divisible by 3.


1. Prove for n = 1 =⇒ 22 − 1 = 3 and is divisible by 3, hence its true.

2. Assume that the statement holds for n = k, that is, for k ≥ 1, 22k − 1 is divisible by 3, i.e.,
22k − 1 = 3l, for some l ∈ Z.

3. Prove for n = k + 1.

22(k+1) − 1 = 4 · 22k − 1 but 22k = 3l + 1 by the inductive hypothesis

= 4(3l + 1) − 1
= 12l + 4 − 1
= 12l + 3
= 3(4l + 1),

which is true.

4. Hence, by induction 22n − 1 is divisible by 3 for all n ≥ 1.

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