Grace-AST Module 10
Grace-AST Module 10
Grace-AST Module 10
1. Define a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) arrangements that is within the scope of IFRIC Interpretation
12 and SIC Interpretation 29.
Grantor controls
through ownership
*infrastructure that operators
*existing infrastructure to which
the grantor gives the operator
2. Differentiate the accounting procedures for a BOT arrangement depending on the type of consideration
received by the operator.
2. Fortunato Co., a private contractor, wins a bid to construct a car park for the government (with
completion period of 2 years), operate and maintain the car park for the succeeding 8 years and
turnover the car park to the government at the end of the 10th year. In exchange, the government
grants Fortunato Co. the right to collect fees from car park users during the operation period. At
contract inception, Fortunato Co. identifies s single performance obligation for the construction
services and makes the following estimates:
3. Fortunato Co., a private contractor, wins a bid to construct a railway for the government. The terms of the
arrangement are as follows:
Fortunato Co. (operator) shall construct the railway within 2 years and operate it for 8 years after the
In exchange, the government grants fortunate Co. the right to collects fees from the railroad users in
years 3 to 10.
The contract ends in year 10.
At contract inception, Fortunate Co. identifies a single performance obligation for the construction services.
Fortunate Co. makes the following estimates:
Construction cost 15M*120% = 18M
5. Quiz
I learned that in getting the carrying amount you have to use the amortization table.S