Grace-AST Module 10

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1. Define a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) arrangements that is within the scope of IFRIC Interpretation
12 and SIC Interpretation 29.


Grantor-regulates or Service concession

control arrangement

SPP Operator and a grantor disclose in

What services the notes to the financial
Whom it must provide statements
What price

Grantor controls
through ownership

*infrastructure that operators
*existing infrastructure to which
the grantor gives the operator
2. Differentiate the accounting procedures for a BOT arrangement depending on the type of consideration
received by the operator.

Consideration in the form of financial asset

Terms of arrangement (RMC)

Resurface Maintain and operate Construct a road

Government pays the operator

Asset is turned-over to the government

at the end of the year.

Consideration in the form of intangible asset

Terms of arrangement (RMC)

Resurface Maintain and operate Construct a road

When the original surface has deteriorated below a

specified condition

Government grants the operator the right to

collect toll fees from users.

Contract ends in the year end of contract

Partly by a financial asset and intangible asset

Terms of arrangement (RMC)

3. Account for BOT arrangements.

ResurfaceHappy Co., a private
1. Problem: Maintain andenters
entity, operate Constructarrangement
into a service concession a road whereby Happy
Co. undertakes to build an airport for the government (with completion period of 2 years), operate
and maintain the airport for 8 years after completion, and transfer the airport to the governmen
t at the end ofWhen
year 10.
exchange, the has
surface government pays below
deteriorated happy aco. P300M per year in years 3 to 10.
Happy Co. makes the following estimates
specified at contract inception:

year Contract cost Stand-alone selling price

Construction servicesGovernment 1 grants the operator400M
the right to Forecast cost + 30%
2 400M
collect toll fees from users. Forecast cost + 30%
Operation services 3-10 10M Forecast cost + 10%
The imputed rate of interest in the contract is 19.10%. all cash flows take place at the end of each year.
Contract ends in the year end of contract
What is the carrying amount if the asset reconized on the contract at the end of year 3?

year Performance obligation Revenue

1 400M * 130% 520
2 400M*130% 520
3 10M *110% 11

Date collection Int. income amortization Revenue PV

1/1/x1 -
12/31/x1 520 520
12/31/x2 99 (99) 520 1,139
12/31/x3 300 218 82 11 1,068

2. Fortunato Co., a private contractor, wins a bid to construct a car park for the government (with
completion period of 2 years), operate and maintain the car park for the succeeding 8 years and
turnover the car park to the government at the end of the 10th year. In exchange, the government
grants Fortunato Co. the right to collect fees from car park users during the operation period. At
contract inception, Fortunato Co. identifies s single performance obligation for the construction
services and makes the following estimates:

year Contract cost Stand-alone selling price

Construction services 1 400M Forecast cost + 30%
2 400M Forecast cost + 30%
Operation services 3-10 10M N/A
At the start of year 1, FURTONATO co. obtains a 5-year, 10%, P100M bank loan to help finance the
arrangement. The principla on the loan matures in lump sum but interest are due annually every year – end.

How much profit (loss) is recognized in year 2?

Year 1 Construction services (400M x 130%) 520M
Borrowing costs (100M x 10%) 10M
Year 2 Construction services (400M x 130%) 520M
Borrowing costs (100M x 10%) 10M
CA of intangible asset at the end of Year 2 1,060B/8 = 132.5M
Amortization expense

Revenue (400m*130%) 520M

Contract cost (400M)
Amortization expense (132.5M)
Loss (12.5M)

3. Fortunato Co., a private contractor, wins a bid to construct a railway for the government. The terms of the
arrangement are as follows:
 Fortunato Co. (operator) shall construct the railway within 2 years and operate it for 8 years after the
 In exchange, the government grants fortunate Co. the right to collects fees from the railroad users in
years 3 to 10.
 The contract ends in year 10.

At contract inception, Fortunate Co. identifies a single performance obligation for the construction services.
Fortunate Co. makes the following estimates:

years Contract cost Stand-alone selling price

Construction services 1-2 15M per year Forecast cost + 20%
Operation services 3-10 5M per year N/A
Fortunate Co. forecasts that the number of railways users will remain constant over the duration of the contract
and that railway fess of P20M will be collected in each of Tears 3-10.

How much revenue from the services is recognized in year 1?

Construction cost 15M*120% = 18M

4. Nourish your souls

Building assets for publicity
Is one way to benefit our community
And such as building for your own futurity
Is one way to lead your life to prosperity

Operating on new projects isn't quite an easy assignment

Trials and temptations are always our inner opponent
To overcome requires full responsibility and management
To defeat the jaws of life's most dangerous experiment
Transferring is the final and achievable task of all
It is the after of the results of your life's common battle
But one should never forget their assigned role
That we should always in God be forever thankful

5. Quiz
I learned that in getting the carrying amount you have to use the amortization table.S

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