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Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for

HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate
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photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Xilinx. Any unauthorized use of the Design may violate copyright
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Xilinx does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the Design; nor does Xilinx convey any license under its patents,
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Xilinx reserves the right to make changes, at any time, to the Design as deemed desirable in the sole discretion of Xilinx. Xilinx assumes no
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The Design is not designed or intended for use in the development of on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-
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Copyright © 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks
of Xilinx, Inc. PowerPC is a trademark of IBM, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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ISE 8.1i

About this Guide

The Virtex-4™ Libraries Guide for HDL Designs is part of the ISE documentation
collection. A separate version of this guide is also available for users who prefer to
work with schematics in their circuit design activities. (See Virtex-4™ Libraries Guide
for Schematic Designs.)

Guide Contents
This guide contains the following:
• Information about additional resources and conventions used in this guide.
• A general introduction to the Virtex-4 primitives.
• A listing of the primitives and macros that are supported under the Virtex-4
architecture, organized by functional categories.
• Individual sections for each of the primitive design elements, including VHDL
and Verilog instantiation and inference code examples.

Additional Resources
To find additional documentation, see the Xilinx website at:
To search the Answer Database of silicon, software, and IP questions and answers, or
to create a technical support WebCase, see the Xilinx website at:

This document uses the following conventions. An example illustrates each

The following typographical conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning or Use Example

Courier font Messages, prompts, and program speed grade: - 100
files that the system displays
Courier bold Literal commands that you enter in ngdbuild design_name
a syntactical statement

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 3

ISE 8.1i

Convention Meaning or Use Example

Helvetica bold Commands that you select from a File →Open
Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C
Italic font Variables in a syntax statement for ngdbuild design_name
which you must supply values
References to other manuals See the Development System
Reference Guide for more
Emphasis in text If a wire is drawn so that it
overlaps the pin of a symbol,
the two nets are not connected.
Square brackets [ ] An optional entry or parameter. ngdbuild [option_name]
However, in bus specifications, design_name
such as bus[7:0], they are
Braces { } A list of items from which you lowpwr ={on|off}
must choose one or more
Vertical bar | Separates items in a list of choices lowpwr ={on|off}
Vertical ellipsis Repetitive material that has been IOB #1: Name = QOUT’
. omitted IOB #2: Name = CLKIN’
. .
. .
Horizontal ellipsis . . . Repetitive material that has been allow block block_name loc1
omitted loc2 ... locn;

Online Document
The following conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning or Use Example

Blue text Cross-reference link to a location See the section “Additional
in the current document Resources” for details.
Red text Cross-reference link to a location See Figure 2-5 in the Virtex-4
in another document Handbook.
Blue, underlined text Hyperlink to a website (URL) Go to http://www.xilinx.com for
the latest speed files.

This version of the Libraries Guide describes the primitive design elements that
comprise the Xilinx Unified Libraries for the Virtex-4 architecture, and includes
examples of instantiation and inference code for each primitive.
Xilinx maintains software libraries with hundreds of functional design elements
(primitives and macros) for different device architectures. New functional elements
are assembled with each release of development system software. In addition to a
comprehensive Unified Library containing all design elements, beginning in 2003,
Xilinx developed a separate library for each architecture. This Virtex-4 guide is one in
a series of architecture-specific libraries.

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ISE 8.1i

This guide describes the primitive elements available for Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA
devices. Common logic functions can be implemented with these elements and more
complex functions can be built by combining macros and primitives.

Functional Categories
The functional categories list the available design elements in each category along
with a brief description of each element that is supported under each Xilinx

Attributes and Constraints

The terms attribute and constraint have been used interchangeably by some in the
engineering community, while others ascribe different meanings to these terms. In
addition, language constructs use the terms attribute and directive in similar yet
different senses. For the purpose of clarification, the following distinction can be
drawn between these terms.
An attribute is a property associated with a device architecture primitive that affects
an instantiated primitive’s functionality or implementation. Attributes are typically
conveyed as follows:
• In VHDL, by means of generic maps.
• In Verilog, by means of defparams or inline parameter passing during the
instantiation process.
Constraints impose user-defined parameters on the operation of ISE tools. There are
two types of constraints:
• Synthesis Constraints direct the synthesis tool optimization technique for a
particular design or piece of HDL code. They are either embedded within the
VHDL or Verilog code, or within a separate synthesis constraints file.
• Implementation Constraints are instructions given to the FPGA implementation
tools to direct the mapping, placement, timing, or other guidelines for the
implementation tools to follow while processing an FPGA design.
Implementation constraints are generally placed in the UCF file, but may exist in
the HDL code, or in a synthesis constraints file.
Attributes are identified with the components to which they apply in the libraries
guide for those components. Constraints are documented in the Xilinx Constraints
Guide. Both resources are available from the Xilinx Software Manuals collection.

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Table of Contents
About this Guide
Guide Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Functional Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Attributes and Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Functional Categories
Arithmetic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Clock Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Config/BSCAN Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Gigabit Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
I/O Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Processor Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
RAM/ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Registers & Latches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Shift Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Slice/CLB Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

About the Virtex-4 Design Elements

BSCAN_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
BUFCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
BUFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
BUFGCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
BUFGCE_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
BUFGCTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
BUFGMUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
BUFGMUX_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
BUFIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
BUFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
DCIRESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
DCM_ADV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
DCM_BASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DCM_PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
DSP48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

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EMAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
FDCPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
FDRSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
FIFO16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
GT11_CUSTOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
GT11_DUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
GT11CLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
GT11CLK_MGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
IBUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
IBUFDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
IBUFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
IBUFGDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
ICAP_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
IDDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
IDELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
IDELAYCTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
IOBUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
IOBUFDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
ISERDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
KEEPER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
LDCPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
LUT1, 2, 3, 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
LUT1_D, LUT2_D, LUT3_D, LUT4_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
LUT1_L, LUT2_L, LUT3_L, LUT4_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
MULT_AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
MUXCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
MUXCY_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
MUXCY_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
MUXF5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
MUXF5_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
MUXF5_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
MUXF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
MUXF6_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
MUXF6_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
MUXF7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
MUXF7_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
MUXF7_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
MUXF8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
MUXF8_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
MUXF8_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

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OBUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
OBUFDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
OBUFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
OBUFTDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
ODDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
OSERDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
PMCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
PPC405_ADV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
PULLDOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
PULLUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
RAM16X1D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
RAM16X1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
RAM32X1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
RAM64X1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
RAMB16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
RAMB32_S64_ECC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
ROM16X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
ROM32X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
ROM64X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
ROM128X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
ROM256X1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
SRL16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
SRL16_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
SRL16E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
SRL16E_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
SRLC16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
SRLC16_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
SRLC16E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
SRLC16E_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
STARTUP_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
XORCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
XORCY_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
XORCY_L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

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ISE 8.1i

Arithmetic Functions

Functional Categories
This section categorizes, by function, the design elements that are described in detail
later in this guide. The design elements are listed in alphanumeric order under each
functional category.
Arithmetic Functions I/O Components Registers & Latches
Clock Components Processor Components Shift Registers
Config/BSCAN Components RAM/ROM Slice/CLB Primitives
Gigabit Transceivers

Arithmetic Functions
Design Element Description

DSP48 Primitive: 18x18 Signed Multiplier Followed by a Three-Input Adder with Optional Pipeline Registers

Clock Components
Design Element Description

BUFG Primitive: Global Clock Buffer

BUFGCE Primitive: Global Clock MUX with Clock Enable and Output State 0
BUFGCE_1 Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer with Clock Enable and Output State 1
BUFGCTRL Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer
BUFGMUX Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer with Output State 0
BUFGMUX_1 Primitive: Global Clock MUX with Output State 1
BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer
BUFIO Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O
BUFR Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O and CLB
DCM_ADV Primitive: Digital Clock Manager with Advanced Features
DCM_BASE Primitive: Digital Clock Manager with Basic Features
DCM_PS Primitive: Digital Clock Manager with Basic and Phase-Shift Features
PMCD Primitive: Phase-Matched Clock Divider

Config/BSCAN Components
Design Element Description

BSCAN_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Provides Access to the BSCAN Sites on Virtex-4 Devices

CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Virtex-4 Boundary Scan Logic Control Circuit
FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Reads a Single, Virtex-4 Configuration Frame and Computes a Hamming, Single-Error Correction, Double-Error
Detection "Syndrome"
ICAP_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Virtex-4 Internal Configuration Access Port

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ISE 8.1i

Gigabit Transceivers

STARTUP_VIRTEX4 Primitive: Virtex-4 User Interface to Configuration Clock, Global Reset, Global 3-State Controls, and Other Configuration
USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4 Primitive: 32-Bit Register with a 32-Bit DATA Bus and a DATAVALID Port

Gigabit Transceivers
Design Element Description

GT11_CUSTOM Primitive: RocketIO MGTs with 622 Mb/s to 11.1 Gb/s data rates, 8 to 24 transceivers per FPGA, and 2.5 GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, less
than 1ns RMS jitter
GT11_DUAL Primitive: RocketIO MGT Tile (contains 2 GT11_CUSTOM) with 622 Mb/s to 11.1 Gb/s data rates, 8 to 24 transceivers per FPGA,
and 2.5 GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, less than 1ns RMS jitter
GT11CLK Primitive: A MUX That Can Select Fom Differential Package Input Clock, refclk From the Fabric, or rxbclk to Drive the Two Vertical
Reference Clock Buses for the Column of MGTs
GT11CLK_MGT Primitive: Allows Differential Package Input to Drive the Two Vertical Reference Clock Buses for the Column of MGTs

I/O Components
Design Element Description

BUFIO Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O

DCIRESET Primitive: DCI State Machine Reset (After Configuration Has Been Completed)
IBUF Primitive: Single-Ended Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Standard and Capacitance
IBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
IBUFG Primitive: Dedicated Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
IBUFGDS Primitive: Dedicated Differential Signaling Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
IDDR Primitive: A Dedicated Input Register to Receive External Dual Data Rate (DDR) Signals into Virtex-4 FPGAs
IDELAY Primitive: Dedicated input variable-tap delay chain
IDELAYCTRL Primitive: IDELAY tap delay value control
IOBUF Primitive: Bi-Directional Buffer with Selectable I/0 Interface (multiple primitives)
IOBUFDS Primitive: 3-State Differential Signaling I/O Buffer with Active Low Output Enable
ISERDES Primitive: Dedicated I/O Buffer Input Deserializer
KEEPER Primitive: KEEPER Symbol
OBUF Primitive: Single-ended Output Buffer
OBUFT Primitive : 3-State Output Buffer with Active Low Output Enable and with Selectable I/O Interface
OBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Output Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
OBUFTDS Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Differential Signaling, Active-Low Output Enable, and Selectable I/O Interface
ODDR Primitive: A dedicated output registers to transmit dual data rate (DDR) signals from Virtex-4 FPGAs
OSERDES Primitive: Provides a way for the user to easily implement source synchronous interface by using the OSERDES module
PULLDOWN Primitive: Resistor to GND for Input Pads
PULLUP Primitive: Resistor to VCC for Input PADs, Open-Drain, and 3-State Outputs

Processor Components
Design Element Description

EMAC Primitive: Fully integrated 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet Media Access Controller (Ethernet MAC)
PPC405_ADV Primitive: Primitive for the Power PC Core

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ISE 8.1i


Design Element Description

FIFO16 Primitive: Virtex-4 Block RAM based built-in FIFO

RAM16X1D Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide Static Dual Port Synchronous RAM
RAM16X1S Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAMB16 Primitive: 16384-Bit Data Memory and 2048-Bit Parity Memory, Single-Port Synchronous Block RAM with Port Width (n)
Configured to 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36 Bits
RAMB32_S64_ECC Primitive: 512 Deep by 64-Bit Wide Synchronous, Two-Port, Block RAM with Built-In Error Correction
ROM16X1 Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM32X1 Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM64X1 Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM128X1 Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM256X1 Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide ROM

Registers & Latches

Design Element Description

FDCPE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset and Clear
FDRSE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Synchronous Reset and Set and Clock Enable
LDCPE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Clear and Preset and Gate Enable

Shift Registers
Design Element Description

SRL16 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT)

SRL16_1 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Negative-Edge Clock
SRL16E Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable
SRL16E_1 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Negative-Edge Clock and Clock Enable
SRLC16 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry
SRLC16_1 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry and Negative-Edge Clock
SRLC16E Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry and Clock Enable
SRLC16E_1 Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Negative-Edge Clock and Clock Enable

Slice/CLB Primitives
Design Element Description

BUFCF Primitive: Fast Connect Buffer

LUT1 Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT2 Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT3 Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT4 Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT1_D Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table with Dual Output
LUT2_D Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table with Dual Output
LUT3_D Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table with Dual Output
LUT4_D Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up Table with Dual Output
LUT1_L Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table with Local Output

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ISE 8.1i

Slice/CLB Primitives

Design Element Description

LUT2_L Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table with Local Output

LUT3_L Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table with Local Output
LUT4_L Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up Table with Local Output
MULT_AND Primitive: Fast Multiplier AND
MUXCY Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with General Output
MUXCY_D Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with Dual Output
MUXCY_L Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with Local Output
MUXF5 Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF5_D Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF5_L Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF6 Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF6_D Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF6_L Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF7 Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF7_D Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF7_L Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF8 Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF8_D Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF8_L Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
XORCY Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with General Output
XORCY_D Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with Dual Output
XORCY_L Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with Local Output

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About the Virtex-4 Design Elements

The remaining sections in this book describe each primitive design element that can
be used under the Virtex-4 architecture.
The design elements are organized in alphanumeric order, with all numeric suffixes in
ascending order. For example, FDR precedes FDRS, and ADD4 precedes ADD8,
which precedes ADD16.
The following information is provided for each library element, where applicable:
• Name of each element.
• Description of each element, including truth tables, where applicable.
• A description of the attributes associated with each design element, where
• Examples of VHDL and Verilog instantiation and inference code, where
• Referrals to additional sources of information.
Designers who prefer to work with schematics are encouraged to consult the Virtex-4
Libraries Guide for Designers Using Schematics.

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Primitive: Provides Access to the BSCAN Sites on Virtex-4 Devices
When the JTAG USER1/2/3/4 instruction is loaded, BSCAN_VIRTEX4 allows users
to monitor dedicated JTAG pins TCK, TMS, and TDI. Users are also granted the ability
CAPTURE to drive the TDO pin with user-specified data.
TDO Name Type Width Function

SHIFT CAPTURE Output 1 Active upon the loading of the USER instruction.
TDI Asserts High when the JTAG TAP controller is in the
DRCK Output 1 A mirror of the TCK pin when the JTAG USER
instruction is loaded and the JTAG TAP controller is in

the SHIFT-DR state.

RESET Output 1 Active upon the loading of the USER instruction. It
asserts High when the JTAG TAP controller is in the
SEL Output 1 Indicates when the USER1 instruction has been loaded
into the JTAG Instruction Register. Becomes active in the
UPDATE-IR state, and stays active until a new
instruction is loaded.
SHIFT Output 1 Active upon the loading of the USER instruction. It
asserts High when the JTAG TAP controller is in the
SHIFT-DR state.
TDI Output 1 A mirror of the TDI pin.
UPDATE Output 1 Active upon the loading of the USER1 or USER2
instruction. It asserts High when the JTAG TAP
controller is in the UPDATE-DR state.
TDO Input 1 Active upon the loading of the USER1 or USER2
instruction. External JTAG TDO pin will reflect data
input to the macro’s TDO1 pin.

Virtex-4 has four available BSCAN_VIRTEX4 primitives. Use the appropriate
attributes to target the desired primitive. To access these primitives, the JTAG USER
instruction must be loaded.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
JTAG_CHAIN INTEGER 1, 2, 3, or 4 1 Used to set the BSCAN
site in the device.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BSCAN_VIRETX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (BSCAN_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly reference and connect this
-- : function to the design. Delete or comment out inputs/outs
-- : that are not necessary.

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ISE 8.1i


-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BSCAN_VIRETX4: Boundary Scan primitve for connecting internal logic to

-- JTAG interface. Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
JTAG_CHAIN => 1) -- Value to set BSCAN site of device. Possible values: (1,2,3 or 4)
port map (
CAPTURE => CAPTURE, -- CAPTURE output from TAP controller
DRCK => DRCK, -- Data register output for USER functions
RESET => RESET, -- Reset output from TAP controller
SEL => SEL, -- USER active output
SHIFT => SHIFT, -- SHIFT output from TAP controller
TDI => TDI, -- TDI output from TAP controller
UPDATE => UPDATE, -- UPDATE output from TAP controller
TDO => TDO -- Data input for USER function
-- End of BSCAN_VIRETX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BSCAN_VIRETX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BSCAN_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BSCAN_VIRETX4: Boundary Scan primitive for connecting internal logic to
// JTAG interface. Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.JTAG_CHAIN(1) // Possible values: 1, 2, 3, or 4
) BSCAN_VIRETX4_inst (
.CAPTURE(CAPTURE), // CAPTURE output from TAP controller
.DRCK(DRCK), // Data register output for USER function
.RESET(RESET), // Reset output from TAP controller
.SEL(SEL), // USER active output
.SHIFT(SHIFT), // SHIFT output from TAP controller
.TDI(TDI), // TDI output from TAP controller
.UPDATE(UPDATE), // UPDATE output from TAP controller
.TDO(TDO) // Data input for USER function

// End of BSCAN_VIRETX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Fast Connect Buffer
BUFCF is a fast connect buffer used to communicate to the software tools the Slice
packing of logic. This buffer does not indicate any functionality for the design, but it
can be used to tell the software to place both the sourcing logic to the buffer and the
destination logic in the same Slice in order to minimize the routing delays for that
I O path.

X9444 The BUFCF must be instantiated. To connect this element to the design, connect the
input of the buffer to the output of Slice logic (such as a LUT4) and connect the output
to another piece of Slice logic (such as another LUT4). This will indicate to the tools
that both components connected to the logic should be placed into the same Slice. It is
generally suggested to use this component with instantiated logic since connecting it
to inferred logic may disrupt the optimization opportunities for the tools.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFCF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFCF_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFCF: Fast connect buffer used to connect the outputs of the LUTs
-- and some dedicated logic directly to the input of another LUT.
-- For use with all FPGAs.
-- Xilinx HDL Langauge Template version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Connect to the output of a LUT
I => I -- Connect to the input of a LUT

-- End of BUFCF_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFCF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFCF_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 19

ISE 8.1i


// BUFCF: Fast connect buffer used to connect the outputs of the LUTs
// and some dedicated logic directly to the input of another LUT.
// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Connect to the output of a LUT
.I(I) // Connect to the input of a LUT

// End of BUFCF_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock Buffer

BUFG, an architecture-independent global buffer, distributes high fan-out clock

I O signals throughout a PLD device. The Xilinx implementation software converts each
BUFG to an appropriate type of global buffer for the target PLD device.

This design element is supported for both schematics and instantiation. Synthesis
tools usually infer a BUFGP on any clock net. If there are more clock nets than
BUFGPs, the synthesis tool usually instantiates BUFGPs for the clocks that are most
utilized. The BUFGP contains both a BUFG and an IBUFG.
To use a BUFG in a schematic, connect the input of the BUFG symbol to the clock
source. The clock source can be an external PAD symbol, an IBUF symbol, or internal
logic. For a negative-edge clock input, insert an INV (inverter) symbol between the
BUFG output and the clock input. The inversion is implemented at the Configurable
Logic Block (CLB) or Input/Output Block (IOB) clock pin.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFG : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFG_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFG: Global Clock Buffer (source by an internal signal)

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

BUFG_inst : BUFG
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
I => I -- Clock buffer input

-- End of BUFG_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFG : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFG_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

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ISE 8.1i


// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFG: Global Clock Buffer (source by an internal signal)

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

BUFG BUFG_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.I(I) // Clock buffer input

// End of BUFG_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable and Output
State 0
BUFGCE is a clock buffer with one clock input, one clock output, and a clock enable
CE line. Its O output is "0" when clock enable (CE) is Low (inactive). When clock enable
(CE) is High, the I input is transferred to the O output.

Inputs Outputs
X 0 0
I 1 I

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGCE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFGCE_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFGCE: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable (active high)

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer ouptput
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
I => I -- Clock buffer input

-- End of BUFGCE_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGCE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGCE_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 23

ISE 8.1i


// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGCE: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable (active high)

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.I(I) // Clock buffer input

// End of BUFGCE_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

24 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable and Output
State 1

CE BUFGCE is a clock buffer with one clock input, one clock output, and a clock enable
line. Its O output is High (1) when clock enable (CE) is Low (inactive). When clock
enable (CE) is High, the I input is transferred to the O output.
BUFGCE_1 Inputs Outputs
X 0 1
I 1 I

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGCE_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFGCE_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFGCE_1: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable (active low)

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

BUFGCE_1_inst : BUFGCE_1
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer ouptput
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
I => I -- Clock buffer input

-- End of BUFGCE_1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGCE_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGCE_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 25

ISE 8.1i


// : connect this function to the design. All inputs

// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGCE_1: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable (active low)
// Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

BUFGCE_1 BUFGCE_1_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.I(I) // Clock buffer input

// End of BUFGCE_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

26 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Primitive: Global Clock Mux Buffer

BUFGCTRL primitive is a Virtex-4 global clock buffer that is designed as a
synchronous/asynchronous "glitch free" 2:1 multiplexer with two clock inputs.
I0 O

I1 Unlike global clock buffers that are found in previous generations of FPGAs, the

BUFGCTRL is designed with additional control pins to provide a wider range of
CE0 functionality and more robust input switching. BUFGCTRL is not limited to clocking


BUFGCTRL Ports (Detailed Description)


O – Clock Output Pin

The O pin represents the clock output pin.
I0 – Clock Input Pin
I1 - Clock Input Pin
The I pin represents the clock input pin.
CE0 – CE1 – Clock Enable Pins
The CE pins represent the clock enable pin for each clock input. It is also used to select
the clock inputs. When using the CE pin as input select, there is a setup/hold time
requirement. Failure to meet this requirement may result in a clock glitch.
S0 – S1 – Clock Select Pin
The S pins represent the clock select pin for each clock input. When using the S pin
select, there is a setup/hold time requirement. Unlike CE pins, failure to meet this
requirement will not result in a clock glitch. However, it may cause the output clock to
appear one clock cycle later.
IGNORE0 – IGNORE1 – Ignore Pin
The IGNORE pin is used whenever you want to bypass the switching algorithm
executed by the BUFGCTRL.

Name Type Width Function

O Output 1 Clock Output
I0 - I1 Input 1 (each) Clock Input
CE0 – CE1 Input 1 (each) Clock Enable Input
S0 – S1 Input 1 (each) Clock Select Input
IGNORE0 – IGNORE1 Input 1 (each) Clock Ignore Input

In order to properly select a BUFGCTRL input, you must assert both the S and CE
pins of the desired input. Failure to do so may cause the output to not switch with the
desired input or output signal toggling.
This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 27

ISE 8.1i


Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT_OUT INTEGER 0 or 1 0 Initializes the BUFGCTRL
output to the specified value
after configuration.
will use I0 input after
will use I1 input after

Note: Both PRESELECT attributes might not be TRUE at the same time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGCTRL : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (BUFGCTRL_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignemnt maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFGCTRL: Advanced Clock Primtive

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
INIT_OUT => 0, -- Inital value of 0 or 1 after configuration
PRESELECT_I0 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE set the I0 input after configuration
PRESELECT_I1 => FALSE) -- TRUE/FALSE set the I1 input after configuration
port map (
O => O, -- Clock MUX output
CE0 => CE0, -- Clock enable0 input
CE1 => CE1, -- Clock enable1 input
I0 => I0, -- Clock0 input
I1 => I1, -- Clock1 input
IGNORE0 => IGNORE0, -- Ignore clock select0 input
IGNORE1 => IGNORE1, -- Ignore clock select1 input
S0 => S0, -- Clock select0 input
S1 => S1 -- Clock select1 input

-- End of BUFGCTRL_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGCTRL : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGCTRL_inst) and/or the port declarations within the

28 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and

// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGCTRL: Advanced Clock MUX Primtive

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT_OUT(0), // Inital value of 0 or 1 after configuration
.PRESELECT_I0("FALSE"), // "TRUE" or "FALSE" set the I0 input after configuration
.PRESELECT_I1("FALSE") // "TRUE" or "FALSE" set the I1 input after configuration
) BUFGCTRL_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit output
.CE0(CE0), // 1-bit clock enable 0
.CE1(CE1), // 1-bit clock enable 1
.I0(I0), // 1-bit clock 0 input
.I1(I1), // 1-bit clock 1 input
.IGNORE0(IGNORE0), // 1-bit ignore 0 input
.IGNORE1(IGNORE1), // 1-bit ignore 1 input
.S0(S0), // 1-bit select 0 input
.S1(S1) // 1-bit select 1 input

// End of BUFGCTRL_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 29

ISE 8.1i


30 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer with Output State 0

BUFGMUX is a multiplexed global clock buffer that can select between two input
BUFGMUX clocks I0 and I1. When the select input (S) is Low, the signal on I0 is selected for
I0 output (O). When the select input (S) is High, the signal on I1 is selected for output.
BUFGMUX and BUFGMUX_1 are distinguished by which state the output assumes
when it switches between clocks in response to a change in its select input.
X9251 BUGFMUX assumes output state 0 and BUFGMUX_1 assumes output state 1.
Note: BUFGMUX guarantees that when S is toggled, the state of the output will remain in the
inactive state until the next active clock edge (either I0 or I1) occurs.

Inputs Outputs

I0 I1 S O
I0 X 0 I0
X I1 1 I1
X X ↑ 0
X X ↓ 0

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGMUX : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFGMUX_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFGMUX: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Clock MUX output
I0 => I0, -- Clock0 input
I1 => I1, -- Clock1 input
S => S -- Clock select input

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 31

ISE 8.1i


-- End of BUFGMUX_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGMUX : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGMUX_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGMUX: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Clock MUX output
.I0(I0), // Clock0 input
.I1(I1), // Clock1 input
.S(S) // Clock select input

// End of BUFGMUX_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

32 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer with Output State 1

BUFGMUX_1 is a multiplexed global clock buffer that can select between two input
BUFGMUX_1 clocks I0 and I1. When the select input (S) is Low, the signal on I0 is selected for
output (O). When the select input (S) is High, the signal on I1 is selected for output.
I1 BUFGMUX and BUFGMUX_1 are distinguished by which state the output assumes
when it switches between clocks in response to a change in its select input.
BUFGMUX assumes output state 0 and BUFGMUX_1 assumes output state 1.
Inputs Outputs

I0 I1 S O
I0 X 0 I0
X I1 1 I1
X X ↑ 1
X X ↓ 1

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGMUX_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (BUFGMUX_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- BUFGMUX_1: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX (inverted select)
-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Clock MUX output
I0 => I0, -- Clock0 input
I1 => I1, -- Clock1 input
S => S -- Clock select input

-- End of BUFGMUX_1_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 33

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGMUX_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGMUX_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGMUX_1: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX (inverted select)

// Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Clock MUX output
.I0(I0), // Clock0 input
.I1(I1), // Clock1 input
.S(S) // Clock select input

// End of BUFGMUX_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

34 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Global Clock MUX Buffer
BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 is a global clock buffer with two clock inputs, one clock output,
and a select line. This primitive is based on BUFGCTRL, with some pins connected to
O logic High or Low.

S This element uses the S pins as select pins. S can switch anytime without causing a
glitch. The Setup/Hold time on S is for determining whether the output wil pass an
extra pulse of the previously selected clock before switching to the new clock. If S
changes prior to the setup time TBCCCK_S, and before I/O transitions from High to
Low, then the output will not pass an extra pulse of I/O. If S changes following the
hold time for S, then the output will pass an extra pulse, but it will not glitch. In any
case the output will change to the new clock within three clock cycles of the slower
The Setup/Hold requirements for S0 and S1 are with respect to the falling clock edge
(assuming INIT_OUT = 0), not the rising edge, as for CE0 and CE1.
Switching conditions for BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 are the same as the S pin of
O – Clock Output Pin
The O pin represents the clock output pin.
I0 – Clock Input Pin
I1 - Clock Input Pin
The I pin represents the clock input pin.
Clock Select Pin
The S pin represents the clock select pin.
The port list and definitions for this element are as follows:

Name Type Width Function

O Output 1 Clock Output
I1 - I0 Input 1 Clock Input
S0 – S1 Input 1 Clock Select Input

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connect.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 35

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
INIT_OUT => 0, -- Inital value of 0 or 1 after configuration
PRESELECT_I0 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE set the I0 input after configuration
PRESELECT_I1 => FALSE) -- TRUE/FALSE set the I1 input after configuration
port map (
O => O, -- Clock MUX output
I0 => I0, -- Clock0 input
I1 => I1, -- Clock1 input
S => S -- Clock select input

-- End of BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4: Global Clock Buffer 2-to-1 MUX

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
.O(O), // Clock MUX output
.I0(I0), // Clock0 input
.I1(I1), // Clock1 input
.S(S) // Clock select input

// End of BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

36 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O
The BUFIO is a clock buffer available in Virtex-4 devices. It is simply a clock-in, clock-
out buffer. The BUFIO drives a dedicated clock net within the I/O column,
independent of the global clock resources. Thus, BUFIOs are ideally suited for source-
synchronous data capture (forwarded/receiver clock distribution). BUFIOs can only
X10099 be driven by clock capable I/Os located in the same clock region. They drive the two
adjacent I/O clock nets (for a total of up to three clock regions), as well as the regional
clock buffers (BUFR). BUFIOs cannot drive logic resources (CLB, block RAM, etc.)
because the I/O clock network only reaches the I/O column.
BUFIO Ports (Detailed Description)

Name Type Width Function

O Output 1 Clock output port
I Input 1 Clock input port

BUFIOs work in conjunction with I/O capable clocks, and represent an ideal solution
for source synchronous applications that require clock recovery.
This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFIO : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (BUFIO_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFIO: Clock in, clock out buffer

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
I => I -- Clock buffer input

-- End of BUFIO_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 37

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFIO : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFIO_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFIO: Local Clock Buffer

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.I(I) // Clock buffer input

// End of BUFIO_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

38 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Regional Clock Buffer for I/O and Logic Resources
The BUFR is a clock buffer available in Virtex-4 devices. BUFRs drive clock signals to
a dedicated clock net within a clock region, independent from the global clock tree.
Each BUFR can drive the two regional clock nets in the region in which it is located,
CE and the two clock nets in the adjacent clock regions (up to three clock regions). Unlike
BUFIOs, BUFRs can drive the I/O logic and logic resources (CLB, block RAM, etc.) in

the existing and adjacent clock regions. BUFRs can be driven by either the output
from BUFIOs or local interconnect. In addition, BUFRs are capable of generating
divided clock outputs with respect to the clock input. The divide values are an integer
between one and eight. BUFRs are ideal for source-synchronous applications
requiring clock domain crossing or serial-to-parallel conversion. There are two BUFRs
in a typical clock region (two regional clock networks). The center column does not
have BUFRs.
BUFR Ports (Detailed Description)
O – Clock Output Port
This port drives the clock tracks in the clock region of the BUFR and the two adjacent
clock regions. This port drives FPGA fabric and IOBs.
CE – Clock Enable Port
CLR – Counter Reset for Divided Clock Output
When asserted HIGH, this port resets the counter used to produce the divided clock
I – Clock Input Port
This port is the clock source port for BUFR. It may be driven by BUFIO output or local
The port list and definitions for this element are as follows:

Name Type Width Function

O Output 1 Clock output port
CE Input 1 Clock enable port. Cannot be used in
BYPASS mode.
CLR Input 1 Asynchronous clear for the divide
logic, and sets the output Low. Cannot
be used in BYPASS mode.
I Input 1 Clock input port

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
BUFR_DIVIDE STRING "BYPASS", "1", "2", "BYPASS” Defines whether the
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", output clock is a divided
"8 version of input clock.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 39

ISE 8.1i


This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- BUFR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (BUFR_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- BUFR: Regional (Local) Clock Buffer /w Enable, Clear and Division Capabilities
-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

BUFR_inst : BUFR
generic map (
BUFR_DIVIDE => "BYPASS") -- "BYPASS", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLR => CLR, -- Clock buffer reset input
I => I -- Clock buffer input

-- End of BUFR_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BUFR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (BUFR_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// BUFR: Regioanl Clock Buffer /w Enable, Clear and Division Capabilities

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.BUFR_DIVIDE("BYPASS") // "BYPASS", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"
) BUFR_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLR(CLR), // Clock buffer reset input
.I(I) // Clock buffer input
// End of BUFR_inst instantiation

40 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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Primitive: Virtex-4 Boundary Scan Logic Control Circuit
CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 provides user control over when to capture register (flip-flop
CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 and latch) information for readback. Virtex-4 devices provide the readback function
through dedicated configuration port instructions.
CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 Ports (Detailed Description)
CAP – Input
An asserted high CAP signal indicates that the registers in the device are to be
captured at the next Low-to-High clock transition. By default, data is captured after
every trigger (transition on CLK while CAP is asserted).
CLK – Input
Clock input pin
The port list and definitions for this element are as follows:

Name Type Width Function

CAP Input 1 Capture trigger pin
CLK Input 1 Clock input pin

Using the CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 primitive is optional. Without this primitive, readback
of the DFFs will be the initial set/preset value instead of the current value that DFFs
Virtex-4 devices allow for capturing register (flip-flop and latch) states only.
LUTRAM, SRL, and block RAM always have their current states readback once the
GLUTMASK bit is disabled. Refer to the Virtex-4 Configuration User Guide for more
information about readback.
This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

Available Attributes
Name Description Possible Values
ONESHOT Limits the readback operation to a single data capture TRUE (default), FALSE

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (CAPTURE_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outputs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used

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ISE 8.1i


-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- CAPTURE_VIRTEX4: Register State Capture for Bitstream Readback

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
port map (
CAP => CAP, -- Capture input
CLK => CLK -- Clock input
-- End of CAPTURE_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// CAPTURE_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (CAPTURE_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// CAPTURE_VIRTEX4: Register State Capture for Bitstream Readback
// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.CAP(CAP), // Capture input
.CLK(CLK) // Clock input

// End of CAPTURE_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

44 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: DCI State Machine Reset (After Configuration Has Been
The port list and definitions for this primitive are as follows:

Name Type Width Function

RST Input 1 Invokes the DCI state machine to start from initial state
LOCKED Output 1 Indicates that DCI state machine has achieved a stable state after


The DCIRESET primitive is used to reset the DCI state machine after configuration
has been completed. This design element is supported for schematics and
instantiations, but not for inference.

VHDL Template
-- DCIRESET : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (DCIRESET_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- DCIRESET: DCI reset component

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LOCKED => LOCKED, -- DCIRESET LOCK status output
RST => RST -- DCIRESET asynchronous reset input

-- End of DCIRESET_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// DCIRESET : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (DCIRESET_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

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ISE 8.1i


// DCIRESET: Digital Controlled Impedance (DCI) Reset Component

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i


// End of DCIRESET_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


Digital Clock Manager with Advanced Features
The Digital Clock Managers (DCM) provide a wide range of powerful clock

CLKFB CLK90 management features. In the case of DCM_ADV, these include:


PSINCDEC CLK270 • Phase Shifting


DADDR(6:0) CLKDV The three outputs driving the same frequency as CLK0 are delayed by a fourth, a


half, and then three-fourths of a clock period. An additional control signal
DEN LOCKED optionally shifts all of the nine clock outputs by a fixed fraction of the input clock
period (defined during configuration and described in multiples of the clock
DRDY period divided by 256).

The user can also dynamically and repetitively move the phase forwards or

backwards by one unit of the clock period divided by 256. Any phase shift is
always invoked as a specific fraction of the clock period, and is always
implemented by moving delay taps with a resolution of DCM_TAP.
• Dynamic Reconfiguration

The DADDR[6:0], DI[15:0], DWE, DEN, CCLK inputs and DO[15:0] and DRDY
outputs are available to dynamically reconfigure select DCM functions. With
dynamic reconfiguration, DCM attributes are changeable to select a different
phase shift, frequency, or frequency-mode setting from the currently configured

Port Descriptions
There are four types of DCM ports available in the Virtex-4 architecture:
1. Clock Input Ports
2. Control and Data Input Ports
3. Clock Output Ports
4. Status and Data Output Ports

Available Ports
Available Ports Port Names
Control and Data Input RST, PSINCDEC, PSEN, DADDR[6:0], DI[15:0], DWE, DEN
Clock Output CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, CLK270, CLK2X, CLK2X180, CLKDV,
Status and Data Output LOCKED, PSDONE, DO[15:0], DRDY

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Clock Input Ports

Source Clock Input - CLKIN
The source clock (CLKIN) input pin provides the source clock to the DCM. The
CLKIN frequency must fall in the ranges specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The
clock input signal comes from one of the following buffers:
1. IBUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

The DCM compensates for the clock input path with an IBUFG on the same edge
(top or bottom) of the device as the DCM is used.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

Any BUFGCTRL can drive any DCM in the Virtex-4 device using the dedicated
global routing. A BUFGCTRL can drive the DCM CLKIN pin when used to
connect two DCM in series.
3. IBUF – Input Buffer

When IBUF drives CLKIN input, the PAD to DCM input skew is not
Feedback Clock Input - CLKFB
The feedback clock (CLKFB) input pin provides a reference or feedback signal to the
DCM to delay-compensate the clock outputs, and align it with the clock input. To
provide the necessary feedback to the DCM, connect only the CLK0 DCM outputs to
the CLKFB pin and set the CLK_FEEDBACK attribute to 1X. When the CLKFB pin is
connected, CLK0, CLK2X, CLKDV, and CLKFX will be deskewed to CLKIN. When
the CLKFB pin is not connected, DCM clock outputs are not deskewed to CLKIN.
However, the phase relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
During internal feedback configuration, the CLK0 output of a DCM connects to a
global buffer on the same top or bottom half of the device. The output of the global
buffer connects to the CLKFB input of the same DCM.
During the external feedback configuration, the following rules apply:
1. To forward the clock, the CLK0 of the DCM must directly drive an OBUF or a
BUFG-to-DDR configuration.
2. External to the FPGA, the forwarded clock signal must be connected to the IBUFG
(GCLK pin) or the IBUF driving the CLKFB of the DCM.
The feedback clock input signal can be driven by one of the following buffers:
1. BUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

This is the preferred source for an external feedback configuration. When an

IBUFG drives a CLKFB pin of a DCM in the same (top or bottom) half of the
device, the pad to DCM skew is compensated for deskew.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

This is an internal feedback configuration.

3. IBUF – Input Buffer

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This is an external feedback configuration. When IBUF is used, the PAD to DCM
input skew is not compensated.
Phase-Shift Clock Input - PSCLK
The phase-shift clock (PSCLK) input pin provides the source clock for the DCM phase
shift. The frequency of PSCLK is the same as, lower than, or higher than the frequency
of CLKIN. The phase-shift clock signal can be driven by any clock source (external or
internal), including:
1. IBUF - Input Buffer.
2. IBUFG - Global Clock Input Buffer.

To access the dedicated routing, the IBUFGs is on the same edge of the device (top
or bottom) as the DCM can be used to drive a PSCLK input of the DCM.
3. BUFGCTRL - An Internal Global Buffer.
4. Internal Clock - Any internal clock using general purpose routing.
The frequency range of PSCLK is defined by PSCLK_FREQ_LF/HF. This input must
be tied to ground when the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or
Dynamic Reconfiguration Clock Input - DCLK
The DCLK input pin provides the source clock for the DCM’s dynamic
reconfiguration circuit. The frequency of DCLK can be asynchronous (in phase and
frequency) to CLKIN. The dynamic reconfiguration clock signal is driven by any clock
source (external or internal), including:
1. IBUF - Input Buffer.
2. IBUFG - Global Clock Input Buffer.

Only the IBUFGs on the same edge of the device (top or bottom) as the DCM can
be used to drive a CLKIN input of the DCM.
3. BUFGCTRL - An Internal Global Buffer.
4. Internal Clock - Any internal clock using general purpose routing.
The frequency range of DCLK is described in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. When dynamic
reconfiguration is not used, this input must be tied to ground. For more information
on Dynamic Configuration, please see the Configuration User Guide.

Control and Data Input Ports

Reset Input - RST
The reset (RST) input pin resets the DCM circuitry. The RST signal is an active High
asynchronous reset. Asserting the RST signal asynchronously forces all DCM outputs
Low (the LOCKED signal, all status signals, and all output clocks within four source
clock cycles). Because the reset is asynchronous, the last cycle of the clocks can exhibit
an unintended short pulse, severely distorting duty-cycle, and no longer deskew with
respect to one another while deasserting Low. Only use the RST pin when
reconfiguring the device or changing the input frequency. Deasserting the RST signal
synchronously starts the locking process at the next CLKIN cycle.

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To ensure a proper DCM reset and locking process, the RST signal must be deasserted
after the CLKIN signal has been present and stable for at least three clock cycles.
The time it takes for the DCM to lock after a reset is specified as LOCK_DLL (for a
DLL output) and LOCK_FX (for a DFS output). See the LOCK_DLL timing parameter
in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The DCM locks faster at higher frequencies.
In all designs, the DCM must be held in reset until the clock is stable. During
configuration, the DCM will be held in reset until GWE is released. If the clock is
stable when GWE is released, DCM reset after configuration is not necessary.
Phase-Shift Increment/Decrement Input - PSINCDEC
The PSINCDEC input signal is synchronous with PSCLK. The PSINCDEC input
signal is used to increment or decrement the phase-shift factor. As a result, the output
clock will be phase shifted. The PSINCDEC signal is asserted High for increment, or
deasserted Low for decrement. This input must be tied to ground when the
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or FIXED.
Phase-Shift Enable Input - PSEN
The PSEN input signal is synchronous with PSCLK. A variable phase-shift operation
is initiated by the PSEN input signal. It must be activated for one period of PSCLK.
After PSEN is initiated, the phase change is effective for up to 100 CLKIN pulse cycles,
plus three PSCLK cycles, and is indicated by a High pulse on PSDONE. There are no
sporadic changes or glitches on any output during the phase transition. From the time
PSEN is enabled until PSDONE is flagged, the DCM output clock moves bit-by-bit
from its original phase shift to the target phase shift. The phase-shift is complete when
PSDONE is flagged. PSEN must be tied to ground when the
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or FIXED.
Dynamic Reconfiguration Data Input - DI[15:0]
The DI input bus provides reconfiguration data for dynamic reconfiguration. When
not used, all bits must be assigned zeros. Please see the dynamic reconfiguration
section of the Configuration User Guide for more information.
Dynamic Reconfiguration Address Input - DADDR[6:0]
The DADDR input bus provides a reconfiguration address for the dynamic
reconfiguration. When not used, all bits must be assigned zeros. The DO output bus
will reflect the DCM’s status. Please see the dynamic reconfiguration section of the
Configuration User Guide for more information.
Dynamic Reconfiguration Write Enable Input - DWE
The DWE input pin provides the write enable control signal to write the DI data into
the DADDR address. When not used, it must be tied Low. Please see the dynamic
reconfiguration section of the Configuration User Guide for more information.
Dynamic Reconfiguration Enable Input - DEN
The DEN input pin provides the enable control signal to access the dynamic
reconfiguration feature. To reflect the DCM status signals on the DO output bus, when
not used, it should be tied to High because if DEN is tied Low, DO will always output
a Low signal. Please see the dynamic reconfiguration section of the Configuration User
Guide for more information.

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Clock Output Ports

A DCM provides nine clock outputs with specific frequency and phase relationships.
When CLKFB is connected, all DCM clock outputs are deskewed to CLKIN. When
CLKFB is not connected, the DCM outputs are not deskewed. However, the phase
relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
1x Output Clock - CLK0
The CLK0 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
effective CLKIN frequency. By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the
CLKIN frequency, except when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
When CLKFB is connected, CLK0 is deskewed to CLKIN.
1x Output Clock, 90° Phase Shift - CLK90
The CLK90 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 90°.
1x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK180
The CLK180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 180°.
1x Output Clock, 270° Phase Shift - CLK270
The CLK270 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 270°.
2x Output Clock - CLK2X
The CLK2X output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to CLK0, with twice
the CLK0 frequency, and with an automatic 50/50 duty-cycle correction. Until the
DCM is locked, the CLK2X output appears as a 1x version of the input clock with a
25/75 duty cycle. This behavior allows the DCM to lock on the correct edge with
respect to the source clock.
2x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK2X180
The CLK2X180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK2X only phase-shifted by 180°.
Frequency Divide Output Clock - CLKDV
The frequency divide (CLKDV) output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to
CLK0 with a frequency that is a fraction of the effective CLKIN frequency. The
fraction is determined by the CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Output Clock - CLKFX
The frequency (CLKFX) output clock provides a clock with the following frequency
CLKFX Frequency = (M/D)x (Effective CLKIN Frequency)
In this equation, M is the multiplier (numerator) with a value defined by the
CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute. D is the divisor (denominator) with a value defined by
the CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute. Specifications for M and D, as well as input and output
frequency ranges for the frequency synthesizer, are provided in the Virtex-4 Data

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The rising edge of CLKFX output is phase aligned to the rising edges of CLK0,
CLK2X, and CLKDV. When M and D to have no common factor, the alignment occurs
only once every D cycles of CLK0.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Synthesis Output Clock, 180° - CLKFX180
The CLKFX180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLKFX only phase-shifted by 180°.

Status and Data Output Ports

Locked Output - LOCKED
The LOCKED output signals the status of the DCM circuitry by locking it to the
desired frequency or phase shift. To achieve lock, the DCM samples several thousand
clock cycles. After the DCM achieves lock, the LOCKED signal is asserted High. The
DCM timing parameters section of the Virtex-4 Data Sheet provides estimates for
locking times.
To guarantee an established system clock at the end of the start-up cycle, the DCM can
delay the completion of the device configuration process until after the DCM is
locked. The STARTUP_WAIT attribute activates this feature.
Until the LOCKED signal is activated, the DCM output clocks are not valid and can
exhibit glitches, spikes, or other spurious movement. In particular, the CLK2X output
can appear as a 1x clock with a 25/75 duty cycle.
Phase Shift Done Output - PSDONE
The PSDONE output signal is synchronous to PSCLK. It indicates, by pulsing High
for one period of PSCLK, the completion of a requested phase shift. This signal also
indicates that a change to the phase shift is available. The PSDONE output signal is
not valid if the phase shift feature is not being used or is in fixed mode.
Status of Dynamic Reconfiguration Data Output - DO[15:0]
The DO output bus provides DCM status when not using the dynamic
reconfiguration feature and a data output when using dynamic reconfiguration.
Further information on using DO as the data output is available in the dynamic
reconfiguration section of the Configuration User Guide.
If DEN, DWE, DADDR, DI, and DO are not used, using DCM_BASE or DCM_PS
instead of DCM_ADV is strongly recommended. Otherwise, all unused inputs and
output pins should be left unconnected or assigned to the previously recommended

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DCM Status Mapping to DO Bus

DO Bit Status Description

DO[0] Phase-shift overflow Asserted when the DCM is phase shifted beyond the
allowed phase shift value or when the absolute delay range
of the phase-shift delay line is exceeded.
DO[1] CLKIN stopped Asserted when the input clock is stopped (CLKIN remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). When CLKIN is
stopped, the DO[1] CLKIN stopped status will assert within
nine CLKIN cycles. When CLKIN is restarted, CLK0 will
start toggling and DO[1] will deassert within nine clock
DO[2] CLKFX stopped Asserted when CLKFX stops. The DO[2] CLKFX stopped
status will assert within 257 to 260 CLKIN cycles after
CLKFX stopped. CLKFX will not resume, and DO[2] will
not deassert until the DCM is reset.
DO[3] CLKFB stopped Asserted the feedback clock is stopped (CLKFB remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). The DO[3]
CLKFB stopped status will assert within six CLKIN cycles
after CLKFB is stopped. CLKFB stopped will deassert
within six CLKIN cycles when CLKFB resumes after being
stopped momentarily. An occasionally skipped CLKFB will
not affect the DCM operation. However, stopping CLKFB
for a long time can result in the DCM losing LOCKED.
When LOCKED is lost, the DCM needs to be reset to resume
DO[15:4] Not assigned

Dynamic Reconfiguration Ready Output - DRDY

The DRDY output pin provides ready status for the DCM’s dynamic reconfiguration
feature. The dynamic reconfiguration section of the Configuration User Guide provides
more details on using DO as a data output.

DCM Attributes
A handful of DCM attributes govern the DCM functionality. This section provides a
detailed description of each attribute. For more information on applying these
attributes in UCF, VHDL, or Verilog code, refer to the Xilinx Constraints Guide.

The CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute controls the CLKDV frequency. Since the source clock
frequency is divided by the value of this attribute, the possible values for
CLKDV_DIVIDE are: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, or 16. The default value is 2. In the low frequency mode, any CLKDV_DIVIDE
value produces a CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle. In the high frequency
mode, the CLKDV_DIVIDE value must be set to an integer value to produce a
CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle.

CLKDV_DIVIDE Value CLKDV Duty Cycle(High Frequency Mode)

1.5 1/3
2.5 2/5

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CLKDV_DIVIDE Value CLKDV Duty Cycle(High Frequency Mode)

3.5 3/7
4.5 4/9
5.5 5/11
6.5 6/13
7.5 7/15


The CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute sets the multiply value (M) of the CLKFX output.
The CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute sets the divisor (D) value of the CLKFX output. Both
control the CLKFX output making the CLKFX frequency equal the effective CLKIN
(source clock) frequency multiplied by M/D. The possible values for M are any
integer from two to 32. The possible values for D are any integer from one to 32. The
default settings are M = 4 and D = 1.

The CLKIN_PERIOD attribute specifies the source clock period (in nanoseconds). The
default value is 0.0 ns.

The CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute determines the effective CLKIN frequency
applied to the DCM circuitry. When set to False, the effective CLKIN frequency of the
DCM equals the source clock frequency driving the CLKIN input. When set to True,
the CLKIN frequency is divided by two before it reaches the rest of the DCM circuitry.
Thus, the DCM circuitry sees half the frequency applied to the CLKIN input and
operates based on this frequency. For example, if a 100 MHz clock drives CLKIN, and
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 is set to True; then the effective CLKIN frequency is 50 MHz.
Thus, CLK0 output is 50 MHz and CLK2X output is 100 MHz. The effective CLKIN
frequency must be used to evaluate any operation or specification derived from
CLKIN frequency. The possible values for CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 are True and False.
The default value is False.

The CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute indicates the mode of the phase shift applied
to the DCM outputs. The possible values are NONE, FIXED, VARIABLE_POSITIVE,
VARIABLE_CENTER, or DIRECT. The default value is NONE.
When set to NONE, a phase shift cannot be performed and a phase-shift value has no
effect on the DCM outputs. When set to FIXED, the DCM outputs are phase shifted by
a fixed phase from the CLKIN. The phase-shift value is determined by PHASE_SHIFT
attribute. If the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to FIXED or NONE, then the
PSEN, PSINCDEC, and the PSCLK inputs must be tied to ground.
When set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE, the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable
mode in the positive range with respect to CLKIN. When set to VARIABLE_CENTER,
the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable mode, in the positive and negative
range with respect to CLKIN. If set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE or VARIABLE_CENTER,
each phase shift increment (or decrement) will increase (or decrease) the phase shift
by a period of 1/256 x CLKIN.

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When set to DIRECT, the DCM output can be phase shifted in variable mode in the
positive range with respect to CLKIN. Each phase shift increment/decrement will
increase/decrease the phase shift by one DCM_TAP.
The starting phase in the VARIABLE_POSITIVE and VARIABLE_CENTER modes is
determined by the phase-shift value. The starting phase in the DIRECT mode is
always zero, regardless of the value specified by the PHASE_SHIFT attribute. Thus,
the PHASE_SHIFT attribute should be set to zero when DIRECT mode is used. A non-
zero phase-shift value for DIRECT mode can be loaded to the DCM using Dynamic
Reconfiguration Ports.

The CLK_FEEDBACK attribute determines the type of feedback applied to the
CLKFB. The possible values are 1X or NONE. The default value is 1X. When set to 1X,
CLKFB pin must be driven by CLK0. When set to NONE leave the CLKFB pin

The DESKEW_ADJUST attribute affects the amount of delay in the feedback path.
1, 2, 3, ... or 31. The default value is SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS.
For most designs, the default value is appropriate. In a source-synchronous design,
set this attribute to SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS. The remaining values should only be
used when consulting with Xilinx.

The DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies the frequency mode of the
frequency synthesizer (DFS). The possible values are Low and High. The default
value is Low. The frequency ranges for both frequency modes are specified in the
Virtex-4 Data Sheet. DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE determines the frequency range of

The DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies either the High or Low frequency
mode of the delay-locked loop (DLL). The default value is Low. The frequency ranges
for both frequency modes are specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet.

The DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute controls the duty cycle correction of the
1x clock outputs: CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, and CLK270. The possible values are True
and False. The default value is True. When set to True, the 1x clock outputs are duty
cycle corrected to a 50/50 duty cycle. It is strongly recommended to always set the
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute to True. Setting this attribute to False does
not necessarily produce output clocks with the same duty cycle as the source clock.

The DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute allows the choice of optimizing the
DCM either for high frequency and low jitter or for low frequency and a wide phase-
shift range. The attribute values are MAX_SPEED and MAX_RANGE. The default

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ISE 8.1i


value is MAX_SPEED. When set to MAX_SPEED, the DCM is optimized to produce

high frequency clocks with low jitter. However, the phase-shift range is smaller than
when MAX_RANGE is selected. When set to MAX_RANGE, the DCM is optimized to
produce low frequency clocks with a wider phase-shift range. The
DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE affects the following specifications: DCM input and
output frequency range, phase-shift range, output jitter, DCM_TAP,
CLKIN_CLKFB_PHASE, CLKOUT_PHASE, and duty-cycle precision. The Virtex-4
Data Sheet specifies these values.
For most cases, the DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute should be set to
MAX_SPEED (default). Only consider changing to MAX_RANGE in the following
• The frequency needs to be below the low frequency limit of the MAX_SPEED
• A greater absolute phase-shift range is required.

FACTORY_JF Attribute
The FACTORY_JF attribute affects the DCM's jitter filter characteristic. This attribute
is set the default value of F0F0 and should not be modified unless otherwise
instructed by Xilinx.

The PHASE_SHIFT attribute determines the amount of phase shift applied to the
DCM outputs. This attribute can be used in both fixed or variable phase-shift mode. If
used with variable mode, the attribute sets the starting phase shift. When
PHASE_SHIFT value range is -255 to 255. When CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT = DIRECT,
the PHASE_SHIFT value range is 0 to 1023. The default value is 0.

The STARTUP_WAIT attribute determines whether the startup cycle waits for DCM
to lock. The possible values for this attribute are True and False. The default value is
False. When STARTUP_WAIT is set to True, and the LCK_cycle BitGen option is used,
then the configuration startup sequence waits in the startup cycle specified by
LCK_cycle until the DCM is locked.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CLK_FEEDBACK STRING "1X" or "NONE “1X” Specifies the clock feedback of the
allowed value
CLKDV_DIVIDE FLOAT 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 2.0 Specifies the extent to which the
4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, CLKDLL, CLKDLLE, CLKDLLHF, or
6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, DCM clock divider (CLKDV output) is
10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, to be frequency divided.
14.0, 15.0 or 16.0
CLKFX_DIVIDE INTEGER 1 to 32 1 Specifies the frequency divider value for
the CLKFX output.
CLKFX_MULTIPLY INTEGER 2 to 32 4 Specifies the frequency multiplier value
for the CLKFX output.

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Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description

CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE Allows for the input clock frequency to
be divided in half when such a
reduction is necessary to meet the DCM
input clock frequency requirements.
CLKIN_PERIOD FLOAT 1.25 to 1000.00 0.0 Specifies period of input clock in ns
from 1.25 to 1000.00.
CLKOUT_PHASE_ STRING "NONE" or "NONE” Specifies the phase shift mode of
SHIFT "FIXED" or allowed value.
IVE" or
DCM_AUTOCALI- BOOLEAN TRUE, FALSE TRUE Specifies the additional circuitry
BRATION necessary to ensure proper DCM
operation. It is suggested that users
consult with Xilinx before changing this
DCM_PERFORMANCE STRING "MAX_SPEED" or "MAX_S Allows selection between maximum
_MODE "MAX_RANGE PEED” frequency and minimum jitter for low
frequency and maximum phase shift
DESKEW_ADJUST STRING "SOURCE_SYNCH "SYSTE Affects the amount of delay in the
RONOUS", M_SYNC feedback path, and should be used for
"SYSTEM_SYNCH HRONO source-synchronous interfaces.
RONOUS" or "0" to US"
DFS_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH” "LOW” Specifies the frequency mode of the
MODE frequency synthesizer.
DLL_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH” "LOW” Specifies the DLL's frequency mode.
DUTY_CYCLE_ BOOLEAN TRUE, FALSE TRUE Corrects the duty cycle of the CLK0,
CORRECTION CLK90, CLK180, and CLK270 outputs.
FACTORY_JF 16-Bit Any 16-Bit F0F0 The FACTORY_JF attribute affects the
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal value DCMs jitter filter characteristic. This
attribute is set the default value of F0F0
and should not be modified unless
otherwise instructed by Xilinx.
PHASE_SHIFT INTEGER -255 to 1023 0 Specifies the phase shift numerator. The
range depends on
STARTUP_WAIT BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE When TRUE, the configuration startup
sequence waits in the specified cycle
until the DCM locks.

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- DCM_ADV : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (DCM_ADV_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" declaration maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the

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-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- DCM_ADV: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
-- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 2 to 32
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.0, -- Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift mode of NONE, FIXED,
CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE or 1X
-- an integer from 0 to 15
DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
FACTORY_JF => X"F0F0", -- FACTORY JF Values Suggested to be set to X"F0F0"
PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
port map (
CLK0 => CLK0, -- 0 degree DCM CLK output
CLK180 => CLK180, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
CLK270 => CLK270, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
CLK2X => CLK2X, -- 2X DCM CLK output
CLK2X180 => CLK2X180, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
CLK90 => CLK90, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
CLKFX => CLKFX, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
CLKFX180 => CLKFX180, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
DO => DO, -- 16-bit data output for Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP)
DRDY => DRDY, -- Ready output signal from the DRP
LOCKED => LOCKED, -- DCM LOCK status output
PSDONE => PSDONE, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output
CLKFB => CLKFB, -- DCM clock feedback
CLKIN => CLKIN, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
DADDR => DADDR, -- 7-bit address for the DRP
DCLK => DCLK, -- Clock for the DRP
DEN => DEN, -- Enable input for the DRP
DI => DI, -- 16-bit data input for the DRP
DWE => DWE, -- Active high allows for writing configuration memory
PSCLK => PSCLK, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input
PSEN => PSEN, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input
PSINCDEC => PSINCDEC, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
RST => RST -- DCM asynchronous reset input

-- End of DCM_ADV_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// DCM_ADV : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (DCM_ADV_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
// : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// DCM_ADV: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.CLKDV_DIVIDE(2.0), // Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
// 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0

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.CLKFX_DIVIDE(1), // Can be any integer from 1 to 32

.CLKFX_MULTIPLY(4), // Can be any integer from 2 to 32
.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2("FALSE"), // TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
.CLKIN_PERIOD(10.0), // Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT("NONE"), // Specify phase shift mode of NONE, FIXED,
.CLK_FEEDBACK("1X"), // Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
// an integer from 0 to 15
.DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
.DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION("TRUE"), // Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
.FACTORY_JF(16'hf0f0), // FACTORY JF value suggested to be set to 16'hf0f0
.PHASE_SHIFT(0), // Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
.STARTUP_WAIT("FALSE") // Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
) DCM_ADV_inst(
.CLK0(CLK0), // 0 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK180(CLK180), // 180 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK270(CLK270), // 270 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK2X(CLK2X), // 2X DCM CLK output
.CLK2X180(CLK2X180), // 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
.CLK90(CLK90), // 90 degree DCM CLK output
.CLKFX(CLKFX), // DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
.CLKFX180(CLKFX180), // 180 degree CLK synthesis out
.DO(DO), // 16-bit data output for Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP)
.DRDY(DRDY), // Ready output signal from the DRP
.LOCKED(LOCKED), // DCM LOCK status output
.PSDONE(PSDONE), // Dynamic phase adjust done output
.CLKFB(CLKFB), // DCM clock feedback
.CLKIN(CLKIN), // Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
.DADDR(DADDR), // 7-bit address for the DRP
.DCLK(DCLK), // Clock for the DRP
.DEN(DEN), // Enable input for the DRP
.DI(DI), // 16-bit data input for the DRP
.DWE(DWE), // Active high allows for writing configuration memory
.PSCLK(PSCLK), // Dynamic phase adjust clock input
.PSEN(PSEN), // Dynamic phase adjust enable input
.PSINCDEC(PSINCDEC), // Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
.RST(RST) // DCM asynchronous reset input

// End of DCM_ADV_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide. For more information on applying these attributes in
UCF, VHDL, or Verilog code, refer to the Xilinx Constraints Guide.

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Primitive: Digital Clock Manager with Basic Features
The DCM_BASE primitive accesses the basic, frequently used, DCM features and

simplifies the user-interface ports.

The clock deskew, frequency synthesis, and fixed-phase shifting features are available
CLK2X to use with DCM_BASE.


CLKFX Clock Deskew


The DCM contains a delay-locked loop (DLL) to completely eliminate clock
distribution delays, by deskewing the DCM's output clocks with respect to the input
clock. The DLL contains delay elements (individual small buffers) and control logic.
The incoming clock drives a chain of delay elements, thus the output of every delay
element represents a version of the incoming clock delayed at a different point.
The control logic contains a phase detector and a delay-line selector. The phase
detector compares the incoming clock signal (CLKIN) against a feedback input
(CLKFB) and steers the delay line selector, essentially adding delay to the output of
DCM until the CLKIN and CLKFB coincide.

Frequency Synthesis
Separate outputs provide a doubled frequency (CLK2X and CLK2X180). Another
output, CLKDV, provides a frequency that is a specified fraction of the input
Two other outputs, CLKFX and CLKFX180, provide an output frequency derived
from the input clock by simultaneous frequency division and multiplication. The user
can specify any integer multiplier (M) and divisor (D) within the range specified in
the DCM Timing Parameters section of the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. An internal calculator
determines the appropriate tap selection, to make the output edge coincide with the
input clock whenever mathematically possible. For example, M = 9 and D = 5,
multiply the frequency by 1.8, and the output rising edge is coincident with the input
rising edge every five input periods equaling every nine output periods.
The DCM_BASE model will allow only NONE and FIXED CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT
MODES. If any other mode is used (e.g., VARIABLE), the model will give an error
message. If users must use the VARIABLE mode, they should use the DCM_PS model.

Port Descriptions
There are four types of DCM ports available in the Virtex-4 architecture:
1. Clock Input Ports
2. Control and Data Input Ports
3. Clock Output Ports
4. Status and Data Output Ports

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Following are the available ports and port names for this primitive

Available Ports Port Names

Clock Input CLKIN, CLKFB
Control and Data Input RST
Clock Output CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, CLK270, CLK2X,
Status and Data Output LOCKED

Clock Input Ports

Source Clock Input - CLKIN
The source clock (CLKIN) input pin provides the source clock to the DCM. The
CLKIN frequency must fall in the ranges specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The
clock input signal comes from one of the following buffers:
1. IBUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

The DCM compensates for the clock input path when an IBUFG on the same edge
(top or bottom) of the device as the DCM is used.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

Any BUFGCTRL can drive any DCM in the Virtex-4 device using the dedicated
global routing. A BUFGCTRL can drive the DCM CLKIN pin when used to
connect two DCM in series. This path can or cannot be compensated for deskew
depending on the component driving the BUFGCTRL and CLKFB pin.
3. BUF – Input Buffer
When IBUF drives CLKIN input, the PAD to DCM input skew is not compensated.
Feedback Clock Input - CLKFB
The feedback clock (CLKFB) input pin provides a reference or feedback signal to the
DCM to delay-compensate the clock outputs, and align it with the clock input. To
provide the necessary feedback to the DCM, connect only the CLK0 or CLK2X DCM
outputs to the CLKFB pin and set the CLK_FEEDBACK attribute to 1X. When the
CLKFB pin is connected, CLK0, CLK2X, CLKDV, and CLKFX will be deskewed to
CLKIN. When the CLKFB pin is not connected, DCM clock outputs are not deskewed
to CLKIN. However, the phase relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
During internal feedback configuration, the CLK0/CLK2X output of a DCM connects
to a global buffer on the same top or bottom half of the device. The output of the
global buffer connects to the CLKFB input of the same DCM.
During the external feedback configuration, the following rules apply:
1. To forward the clock, the CLK0 or CLK2X of the DCM must directly drive an
OBUF or a BUFG-to-DDR configuration.
2. External to the FPGA, the forwarded clock signal must be connected to the IBUFG
(GCLK pin) or the IBUF driving the CLKFB of the DCM.
The feedback clock input signal can be driven by one of the following buffers:
1. IBUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

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This is the preferred source for an external feedback configuration. When an

IBUFG drives a CLKFB pin of a DCM in the same (top or bottom) half of the
device, the pad to DCM skew is compensated for deskew.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

This is an internal feedback configuration.

3. IBUF – Input Buffer
This is an external feedback configuration. When IBUF is used, the PAD to DCM input
skew is not compensated.

Control and Data Input Ports

Reset Input - RST
The reset (RST) input pin resets the DCM circuitry. The RST signal is an active High
asynchronous reset. Asserting the RST signal asynchronously forces all DCM outputs
Low (the LOCKED signal, all status signals, and all output clocks within four source
clock cycles). Because the reset is asynchronous, the last cycle of the clocks can exhibit
an unintended short pulse, severely distorting duty-cycle, and no longer deskew with
respect to one another while deasserting Low. Only use the RST pin when
reconfiguring the device or changing the input frequency. Deasserting the RST signal
synchronously starts the locking process at the next CLKIN cycle.
To ensure a proper DCM reset and locking process, the RST signal must be deasserted
after the CLKIN signal has been present and stable for at least three clock cycles.
The time it takes for the DCM to lock after a reset is specified as LOCK_DLL (for a
DLL output) and LOCK_FX (for a DFS output). See the LOCK_DLL timing parameter
in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The DCM locks faster at higher frequencies.
In all designs, the DCM must be held in reset until the clock is stable. During
configuration, the DCM will be held in reset until GWE is released. If the clock is
stable when GWE is released, DCM reset after configuration is not necessary.

Clock Output Ports

A DCM provides nine clock outputs with specific frequency and phase relationships.
When CLKFB is connected, all DCM clock outputs are deskewed to CLKIN. When
CLKFB is not connected, the DCM outputs are not deskewed. However, the phase
relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
1x Output Clock - CLK0
The CLK0 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
effective CLKIN frequency. By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the
CLKIN frequency, except when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
When CLKFB is connected, CLK0 is deskewed to CLKIN.
1x Output Clock, 90° Phase Shift - CLK90
The CLK90 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 90°.

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1x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK180

The CLK180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 180°.
1x Output Clock, 270° Phase Shift - CLK270
The CLK270 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 270°.
2x Output Clock - CLK2X
The CLK2X output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to CLK0, with twice
the DCM’s effective CLKIN frequency, and with an automatic 50/50 duty-cycle
correction. By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN
frequency, except when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True. The
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute description provides further information. Until the
DCM is locked, the CLK2X output appears as a 1x version of the input clock with a
25/75 duty cycle. This behavior allows the DCM to lock on the correct edge with
respect to the source clock.
2x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK2X180
The CLK2X180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK2X only phase-shifted by 180°.
Frequency Divide Output Clock - CLKDV
The frequency divide (CLKDV) output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to
CLK0 with a frequency that is a fraction of the effective CLKIN frequency. The
fraction is determined by the CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Multiply Output Clock - CLKFX
The frequency multiply (CLKFX) output clock provides a clock with the following
frequency definition:
CLKFX frequency = (M/D) x (Effective CLKIN frequency)
In this equation, M is the multiplier (numerator) with a value defined by the
CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute. D is the divisor (denominator) with a value defined by
the CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute. Specifications for M and D, as well as input and output
frequency ranges for the frequency synthesizer, are provided in the Virtex-4 Data
The rising edge of CLKFX output is phase aligned to the rising edges of CLK0,
CLK2X, and CLKDV. When M and D to have no common factor, the alignment occurs
only once every D cycles of CLK0.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Multiply Output Clock, 180° - CLKFX180
The CLKFX180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLKFX only phase-shifted by 180°.

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Status and Data Output Ports

Locked Output - LOCKED
The LOCKED output signals the status of the DCM circuitry by locking it to the
desired frequency or phase shift. To achieve lock, the DCM samples several thousand
clock cycles. After the DCM achieves lock, the LOCKED signal is asserted High. The
DCM timing parameters section of the Virtex-4 Data Sheet provides estimates for
locking times.
To guarantee an established system clock at the end of the start-up cycle, the DCM can
delay the completion of the device configuration process until after the DCM is
locked. The STARTUP_WAIT attribute activates this feature.
Until the LOCKED signal is activated, the DCM output clocks are not valid and can
exhibit glitches, spikes, or other spurious movement. In particular, the CLK2X output
can appear as a 1x clock with a 25/75 duty cycle.
DCM Status Mapping to DO Bus

DO Bit Status Description

DO[0] Phase-shift overflow Asserted when the DCM is phase shifted beyond the
allowed phase shift value or when the absolute delay range
of the phase-shift delay line is exceeded.
DO[1] CLKIN stopped Asserted when the input clock is stopped (CLKIN remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). When CLKIN is
stopped, the DO[1] CLKIN stopped status will assert within
nine CLKIN cycles. When CLKIN is restarted, CLK0 will
start toggling and DO[1] will deassert within nine clock
DO[2] CLKFX stopped Asserted when CLKFX stops. The DO[2] CLKFX stopped
status will assert within 257 to 260 CLKIN cycles after
CLKFX stopped. CLKFX will not resume, and DO[2] will
not deassert until the DCM is reset.
DO[3] CLKFB stopped Asserted the feedback clock is stopped (CLKFB remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). The DO[3]
CLKFB stopped status will assert within six CLKIN cycles
after CLKFB is stopped. CLKFB stopped will deassert
within six CLKIN cycles when CLKFB resumes after being
stopped momentarily. An occasionally skipped CLKFB will
not affect the DCM operation. However, stopping CLKFB
for a long time can result in the DCM losing LOCKED.
When LOCKED is lost, the DCM needs to be reset to resume
DO[15:4] Not assigned

DCM Attributes
A handful of DCM attributes govern the DCM functionality. This section provides a
detailed description of each attribute. For more information on applying these
attributes in UCF, VHDL, or Verilog code, refer to the Xilinx Constraints Guide.

The CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute controls the CLKDV frequency. The source clock
frequency is divided by the value of this attribute. The possible values for

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CLKDV_DIVIDE are: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, or 16. The default value is 2. In the low frequency mode, any CLKDV_DIVIDE
value produces a CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle. In the high frequency
mode, the CLKDV_DIVIDE value must be set to an integer value to produce a
CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle.

CLKDV_DIVIDE Value CLKDV Duty Cycle(High Frequency Mode)

1.5 1/3
2.5 2/5
3.5 3/7
4.5 4/9
5.5 5/11
6.5 6/13
7.5 7/15


The CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute sets the multiply value (M) of the CLKFX output.
The CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute sets the divisor (D) value of the CLKFX output. Both
control the CLKFX output making the CLKFX frequency equal the effective CLKIN
(source clock) frequency multiplied by M/D. The possible values for M are any
integer from two to 32. The possible values for D are any integer from one to 32. The
default settings are M = 4 and D = 1.

The CLKIN_PERIOD attribute specifies the source clock period (in nanoseconds). The
default value is 0.0 ns.

The CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute determines the effective CLKIN frequency
applied to the DCM circuitry. When set to False, the effective CLKIN frequency of the
DCM equals the source clock frequency driving the CLKIN input. When set to True,
the CLKIN frequency is divided by two before it reaches the rest of the DCM circuitry.
Thus, the DCM circuitry sees half the frequency applied to the CLKIN input and
operates based on this frequency. For example, if a 100 MHz clock drives CLKIN, and
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 is set to True; then the effective CLKIN frequency is 50 MHz.
Thus, CLK0 output is 50 MHz and CLK2X output is 100 MHz. The effective CLKIN
frequency must be used to evaluate any operation or specification derived from
CLKIN frequency. The possible values for CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 are True and False.
The default value is False.

The CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute indicates the mode of the phase shift applied
to the DCM outputs. The possible values are NONE, FIXED, VARIABLE_POSITIVE,
VARIABLE_CENTER, or DIRECT. The default value is NONE.
When set to NONE, a phase shift cannot be performed and a phase-shift value has no
affect on the DCM outputs. When set to FIXED, the DCM outputs are phase shifted by

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a fixed phase from the CLKIN. The phase-shift value is determined by PHASE_SHIFT
attribute. If the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to FIXED or NONE, then the
PSEN, PSINCDEC, and the PSCLK inputs must be tied to ground.
When set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE, the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable
mode in the positive range with respect to CLKIN. When set to VARIABLE_CENTER,
the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable mode, in the positive and negative
range with respect to CLKIN. If set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE or VARIABLE_CENTER,
each phase shift increment (or decrement) will increase (or decrease) the phase shift
by a period of 1/256 x CLKIN.
When set to DIRECT, the DCM output can be phase shifted in variable mode in the
positive range with respect to CLKIN. Each phase shift increment/decrement will
increase/decrease the phase shift by one DCM_TAP.
The starting phase in the VARIABLE_POSITIVE and VARIABLE_CENTER modes is
determined by the phase-shift value. The starting phase in the DIRECT mode is
always zero, regardless of the value specified by the PHASE_SHIFT attribute. Thus,
the PHASE_SHIFT attribute should be set to zero when DIRECT mode is used. A non-
zero phase-shift value for DIRECT mode can be loaded to the DCM using Dynamic
Reconfiguration Ports.

The CLK_FEEDBACK attribute determines the type of feedback applied to the
CLKFB. The possible values are 1X or NONE. The default value is 1X. When set to 1X,
CLKFB pin must be driven by CLK0. When set to NONE leave the CLKFB pin

The DESKEW_ADJUST attribute affects the amount of delay in the feedback path.
0, 1, 2, 3, ... or 31. The default value is SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS.
For most designs, the default value is appropriate. In a source-synchronous design,
set this attribute to SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS. The remaining values should only be
used when consulting with Xilinx.

The DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies the frequency mode of the
frequency synthesizer (DFS). The possible values are Low and High. The default
value is Low. The frequency ranges for both frequency modes are specified in the
Virtex-4 Data Sheet. DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE determines the frequency range of

The DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies either the High or Low frequency
mode of the delay-locked loop (DLL). The default value is Low. The frequency ranges
for both frequency modes are specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet.

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The DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute controls the duty cycle correction of the
1x clock outputs: CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, and CLK270. The possible values are True
and False. The default value is True. When set to True, the 1x clock outputs are duty
cycle corrected to a 50/50 duty cycle. It is strongly recommended to always set the
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute to True. Setting this attribute to False does
not necessarily produce output clocks with the same duty cycle as the source clock.

The DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute allows the choice of optimizing the
DCM either for high frequency and low jitter or for low frequency and a wide phase-
shift range. The attribute values are MAX_SPEED and MAX_RANGE. The default
value is MAX_SPEED. When set to MAX_SPEED, the DCM is optimized to produce
high frequency clocks with low jitter. However, the phase-shift range is smaller than
when MAX_RANGE is selected. When set to MAX_RANGE, the DCM is optimized to
produce low frequency clocks with a wider phase-shift range. The
DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE affects the following specifications: DCM input and
output frequency range, phase-shift range, output jitter, DCM_TAP,
CLKIN_CLKFB_PHASE, CLKOUT_PHASE, and duty-cycle precision. The Virtex-4
Data Sheet specifies these values.
For most cases, the DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute should be set to
MAX_SPEED (default). Consider changing to MAX_RANGE in the following
• The frequency needs to be below the low frequency limit of the MAX_SPEED
• A greater absolute phase-shift range is required.

FACTORY_JF Attribute
The FACTORY_JF attribute affects the DCM's jitter filter characteristic. This attribute
is set the default value of F0F0 and should not be modified unless otherwise
instructed by Xilinx.

The PHASE_SHIFT attribute determines the amount of phase shift applied to the
DCM outputs. This attribute can be used in either NONE or FIXED phase-shift mode.
When the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT = FIXED, the PHASE_SHIFT value range is 0 to
range is -255 to 255. When CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT = DIRECT, the PHASE_SHIFT
value range is 0 to 1023. The default value is 0.
If you need to use the VARIABLE PHASE_SHIFT mode, you must use DCM_PS.

The STARTUP_WAIT attribute determines whether the startup cycle waits for DCM
to lock. The possible values for this attribute are True and False. The default value is
False. When STARTUP_WAIT is set to True, and the LCK_cycle BitGen option is used,
then the configuration startup sequence waits in the startup cycle specified by
LCK_cycle until the DCM is locked.

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Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CLK_FEEDBACK STRING "1X"or "NONE “1X” Specifies the feedback input
to the DCM (CLK0, or
CLKDV_DIVIDE FLOAT 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 2.0 Specifies the extent to which
4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, the CLKDLL, CLKDLLE,
6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, CLKDLLHF, or DCM clock
10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, divider (CLKDV output) is
14.0, 15.0 or 16.0 to be frequency divided.
CLKFX_DIVIDE INTEGER 1 to 32 1 Specifies the frequency
divider value for the CLKFX
CLKFX_MULTIPLY INTEGER 2 to 32 4 Specifies the frequency
multiplier value for the
CLKFX output.
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE Allows for the input clock
frequency to be divided in
half when such a reduction is
necessary to meet the DCM
input clock frequency
CLKIN_PERIOD FLOAT 1.25 to 1000.00 0.0 Specifies the period of input
clock in ns from 1.25 to
CLKOUT_PHASE_ STRING "NONE" or "FIXED "NONE” Specifies the phase shift
SHIFT mode of allowed value.
BRATION circuitry necessary to ensure
proper DCM operation. It is
suggested that users consult
with Xilinx before changing
this attribute.
DCM_PERFORMANCE_ STRING "MAX_SPEED" or "MAX_SPEED” Allows selection between
MODE "MAX_RANGE” maximum frequency and
minimum jitter for low
frequency and maximum
phase shift range
ONOUS", CHRONOUS" in the feedback path, and
"SYSTEM_SYNCHR should be used for source-
ONOUS" or "0" to "15 synchronous interfaces.
DFS_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH “LOW” Specifies the frequency
MODE mode of the frequency
DLL_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH "LOW” This specifies the DLL's
MODE frequency mode.
DUTY_CYCLE_ BOOLEAN TRUE, FALSE TRUE Corrects the duty cycle of the
CLK270 outputs.
FACTORY_JF 16-Bit Hexadecimal Any 16-Bit F0F0 The FACTORY_JF attribute
Hexadecimal value affects the DCMs jitter filter
characteristic. This attribute
is set the default value of
F0F0 and should not be
modified unless otherwise
instructed by Xilinx.
PHASE_SHIFT INTEGER -255 to 1023 0 Specifies the phase shift
numerator. The range
depends on
configuration startup
sequence waits in the
specified cycle until the
DCM locks.

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This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- DCM_BASE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (DCM_BASE_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" declaration maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- DCM_BASE: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
-- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 2 to 32
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.0, -- Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift mode of NONE or FIXED
CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE or 1X
-- an integer from 0 to 15
DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- LOW or HIGH frequency mode for frequency synthesis
DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
FACTORY_JF => X"F0F0", -- FACTORY JF Values Suggested to be set to X"F0F0"
PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
port map (
CLK0 => CLK0, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput
CLK180 => CLK180, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
CLK270 => CLK270, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
CLK2X => CLK2X, -- 2X DCM CLK output
CLK2X180 => CLK2X180, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
CLK90 => CLK90, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
CLKFX => CLKFX, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
CLKFX180 => CLKFX180, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
LOCKED => LOCKED, -- DCM LOCK status output
CLKFB => CLKFB, -- DCM clock feedback
CLKIN => CLKIN, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
RST => RST -- DCM asynchronous reset input

-- End of DCM_BASE_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// DCM_BASE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed

70 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name

// declaration : (DCM_BASE_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
// : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// DCM_BASE: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.CLKDV_DIVIDE(2.0), // Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
// 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
.CLKFX_DIVIDE(1), // Can be any integer from 1 to 32
.CLKFX_MULTIPLY(4), // Can be any integer from 2 to 32
.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2("FALSE"), // TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
.CLKIN_PERIOD(10.0), // Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT("NONE"), // Specify phase shift mode of NONE or FIXED
.CLK_FEEDBACK("1X"), // Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
// an integer from 0 to 15
.DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // LOW or HIGH frequency mode for frequency synthesis
.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
.DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION("TRUE"), // Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
.FACTORY_JF(16'hf0f0), // FACTORY JF value suggested to be set to 16'hf0f0
.PHASE_SHIFT(0), // Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
.STARTUP_WAIT("FALSE") // Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
) DCM_BASE_inst(
.CLK0(CLK0), // 0 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK180(CLK180), // 180 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK270(CLK270), // 270 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK2X(CLK2X), // 2X DCM CLK output
.CLK2X180(CLK2X180), // 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
.CLK90(CLK90), // 90 degree DCM CLK output
.CLKFX(CLKFX), // DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
.CLKFX180(CLKFX180), // 180 degree CLK synthesis out
.LOCKED(LOCKED), // DCM LOCK status output
.CLKFB(CLKFB), // DCM clock feedback
.CLKIN(CLKIN), // Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
.RST(RST) // DCM asynchronous reset input

// End of DCM_BASE_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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Primitive: Digital Clock Manager with Basic and Phase-Shift Features
The DCM_PS primitive access all DCM features and ports available in DCM_BASE

with additional ports used by the variable phase shifting feature. DCM_PS also has
CLKFB CLK180 these available DCM features: clock deskew, frequency synthesis, and fixed or

variable phase shifting.

DCM_PS also supports the following, powerful, clock management features:


Clock Deskew
DO(15:0) The DCM contains a delay-locked loop (DLL) to completely eliminate clock
distribution delays, by deskewing the DCM's output clocks with respect to the input

clock. The DLL contains delay elements (individual small buffers) and control logic.
The incoming clock drives a chain of delay elements, thus the output of every delay
element represents a version of the incoming clock delayed at a different point.
The control logic contains a phase detector and a delay-line selector. The phase
detector compares the incoming clock signal (CLKIN) against a feedback input
(CLKFB) and steers the delay line selector, essentially adding delay to the output of
DCM until the CLKIN and CLKFB coincide.

Frequency Synthesis
Separate outputs provide a doubled frequency (CLK2X and CLK2X180). Another
output, CLKDV, provides a frequency that is a specified fraction of the input
Two other outputs, CLKFX and CLKFX180, provide an output frequency derived
from the input clock by simultaneous frequency division and multiplication. The user
can specify any integer multiplier (M) and divisor (D) within the range specified in
the DCM Timing Parameters section of the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. An internal calculator
determines the appropriate tap selection, to make the output edge coincide with the
input clock whenever mathematically possible. For example, M = 9 and D = 5,
multiply the frequency by 1.8, and the output rising edge is coincident with the input
rising edge every five input periods equaling every nine output periods.

Phase Shifting
The three outputs driving the same frequency as CLK0 are delayed by a fourth, a half,
and then three-fourths of a clock period. An additional control signal optionally shifts
all of the nine clock outputs by a fixed fraction of the input clock period (defined
during configuration and described in multiples of the clock period divided by 256).
The user can also dynamically and repetitively move the phase forwards or
backwards by one unit of the clock period divided by 256. Any phase shift is always
invoked as a specific fraction of the clock period, and is always implemented by
moving delay taps with a resolution of DCM_TAP.

Port Descriptions
There are four types of DCM ports available in the Virtex-4 architecture:
1. Clock Input Ports

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2. Control and Data Input Ports

3. Clock Output Ports
4. Status and Data Output Ports
The following ports are available in the DCM_PS primitive:

Available Ports Port Names

Control and Data Input RST, PSINCDEC, PSEN
Clock Output CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, CLK270, CLK2X,
Status and Data Output LOCKED, PSDONE, DO[15:0]

Clock Input Ports

Source Clock Input - CLKIN
The source clock (CLKIN) input pin provides the source clock to the DCM. The
CLKIN frequency must fall in the ranges specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The
clock input signal comes from one of the following buffers:
1. IBUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

When an IBUFG drives a CLKFB pin of a DCM in the same (top or bottom) half of
the device, the pad to DCM skew is compensated for deskew.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

Any BUFGCTRL can drive any DCM in the Virtex-4 device using the dedicated
global routing. A BUFGCTRL can drive the DCM CLKIN pin when used to
connect two DCM in series. This path can or cannot be compensated for deskew
depending on the component driving the BUFGCTRL and CLKFB pin.
3. BUF – Input Buffer
When IBUF drives CLKIN input, the PAD to DCM input skew is not compensated.
Feedback Clock Input - CLKFB
The feedback clock (CLKFB) input pin provides a reference or feedback signal to the
DCM to delay-compensate the clock outputs, and align it with the clock input. To
provide the necessary feedback to the DCM, connect only the CLK0 or CLK2X DCM
outputs to the CLKFB pin and set the CLK_FEEDBACK attribute to 1X. When the
CLKFB pin is connected, CLK0, CLK2X, CLKDV, and CLKFX will be deskewed to
CLKIN. When the CLKFB pin is not connected, DCM clock outputs are not deskewed
to CLKIN. However, the phase relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
During internal feedback configuration, the CLK0/CLK2X output of a DCM connects
to a global buffer on the same top or bottom half of the device. The output of the
global buffer connects to the CLKFB input of the same DCM.
During the external feedback configuration, the following rules apply:
1. To forward the clock, the CLK0 or CLK2X of the DCM must directly drive an
OBUF or a BUFG-to-DDR configuration.

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2. External to the FPGA, the forwarded clock signal must be connected to the IBUFG
(GCLK pin) or the IBUF driving the CLKFB of the DCM.
The feedback clock input signal can be driven by one of the following buffers:
1. IBUFG – Global Clock Input Buffer

This is the preferred source for an external feedback configuration. When an

IBUFG drives a CLKFB pin of a DCM in the same (top or bottom) half of the
device, the pad to DCM skew is compensated for deskew.
2. BUFGCTRL – Internal Global Clock Buffer

This is an internal feedback configuration.

3. IBUF – Input Buffer
This is an external feedback configuration. When IBUF is used, the PAD to DCM input
skew is not compensated.
Phase-Shift Clock Input - PSCLK
The phase-shift clock (PSCLK) input pin provides the source clock for the DCM phase
shift. The frequency of PSCLK is the same as, lower than, or higher than the frequency
of CLKIN. The phase-shift clock signal can be driven by any clock source (external or
internal), including:
1. IBUF - Input Buffer.
2. IBUFG - Global Clock Input Buffer

To access the dedicated routing, only the IBUFGs on the same edge (top or
bottom) as the DCM can be used to drive a PSCLK input of the DCM.
3. BUFGCTRL - An Internal Global Buffer.
4. Internal Clock - Any internal clock using internal routing.
The frequency range of PSCLK is defined by PSCLK_FREQ_LF/HF. This input must
be tied to ground when the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or

Control and Data Input Ports

Reset Input - RST
The reset (RST) input pin resets the DCM circuitry. The RST signal is an active High
asynchronous reset. Asserting the RST signal asynchronously forces all DCM outputs
Low (the LOCKED signal, all status signals, and all output clocks within four source
clock cycles). Because the reset is asynchronous, the last cycle of the clocks can exhibit
an unintended short pulse, severely distorted duty-cycle, and no longer deskew with
respect to one another while deasserting Low. Only use the RST pin when
reconfiguring the device or changing the input frequency. Deasserting the RST signal
synchronously starts the locking process at the next CLKIN cycle.
To ensure a proper DCM reset and locking process, the RST signal must be deasserted
after the CLKIN signal has been present and stable for at least three clock cycles.
The time it takes for the DCM to lock after a reset is specified as LOCK_DLL (for a
DLL output) and LOCK_FX (for a DFS output). See the LOCK_DLL timing parameter
in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet. The DCM locks faster at higher frequencies.

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In all designs, the DCM must be held in reset until the clock is stable. During
configuration, the DCM will be held in reset until GWE is released. If the clock is
stable when GWE is released, DCM reset after configuration is not necessary.
Phase-Shift Increment/Decrement Input - PSINCDEC
The PSINCDEC input signal is synchronous with PSCLK. The PSINCDEC input
signal is used to increment or decrement the phase-shift factor. As a result, the output
clock will be phase shifted. The PSINCDEC signal is asserted High for increment, or
deasserted Low for decrement. This input must be tied to ground when the
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or FIXED.
Phase-Shift Enable Input - PSEN
The PSEN input signal is synchronous with PSCLK. A variable phase-shift operation
is initiated by the PSEN input signal. It must be activated for one period of PSCLK.
After PSEN is initiated, the phase change is effective for up to 100 CLKIN pulse cycles,
plus three PSCLK cycles, and is indicated by a High pulse on PSDONE. There are no
sporadic changes or glitches on any output during the phase transition. From the time
PSEN is enabled until PSDONE is flagged, the DCM output clock moves bit-by-bit
from its original phase shift to the target phase shift. The phase-shift is complete when
PSDONE is flagged. PSEN must be tied to ground when the
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to NONE or FIXED.

Clock Output Ports

A DCM provides nine clock outputs with specific frequency and phase relationships.
When CLKFB is connected, all DCM clock outputs are deskewed to CLKIN. When
CLKFB is not connected, the DCM outputs are not deskewed. However, the phase
relationship between all output clocks is preserved.
1x Output Clock - CLK0
The CLK0 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
effective CLKIN frequency. By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the
CLKIN frequency, except when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
When CLKFB is connected, CLK0 is deskewed to CLKIN.
1x Output Clock, 90° Phase Shift - CLK90
The CLK90 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 90°.
1x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK180
The CLK180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 180°.
1x Output Clock, 270° Phase Shift - CLK270
The CLK270 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK0 only phase-shifted by 270°.

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2x Output Clock - CLK2X

The CLK2X output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to CLK0, with twice
the DCM’s effective CLKIN frequency, and with an automatic 50/50 duty-cycle
correction. By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN
frequency, except when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True. The
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute description provides further information. Until the
DCM is locked, the CLK2X output appears as a 1x version of the input clock with a
25/75 duty cycle. This behavior allows the DCM to lock on the correct edge with
respect to the source clock.
2x Output Clock, 180° Phase Shift - CLK2X180
The CLK2X180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLK2X only phase-shifted by 180°.
Frequency Divide Output Clock - CLKDV
The frequency divide (CLKDV) output clock provides a clock that is phase aligned to
CLK0 with a frequency that is a fraction of the effective CLKIN frequency. The
fraction is determined by the CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Multiply Output Clock - CLKFX
The frequency multiply (CLKFX) output clock provides a clock with the following
frequency definition:
CLKFX Frequency = (M/D) x (Effective CLKIN frequency)
In this equation, M is the multiplier (numerator) with a value defined by the
CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute. D is the divisor (denominator) with a value defined by
the CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute. Specifications for M and D, as well as input and output
frequency ranges for the frequency synthesizer, are provided in the Virtex-4 Data
The rising edge of CLKFX output is phase aligned to the rising edges of CLK0,
CLK2X, and CLKDV. When M and D to have no common factor, the alignment occurs
only once every D cycles of CLK0.
By default, the effective CLKIN frequency is equal to the CLKIN frequency, except
when the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute is set to True.
Frequency Multiply Output Clock, 180° - CLKFX180
The CLKFX180 output clock provides a clock with the same frequency as the DCM’s
CLKFX only phase-shifted by 180°.

Status and Data Output Ports

Locked Output - LOCKED
The LOCKED output signals the status of the DCM circuitry by locking it to the
desired frequency or phase shift. To achieve lock, the DCM samples several thousand
clock cycles. After the DCM achieves lock, the LOCKED signal is asserted High. The
DCM timing parameters section of the Virtex-4 Data Sheet provides estimates for
locking times.

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To guarantee an established system clock at the end of the start-up cycle, the DCM can
delay the completion of the device configuration process until after the DCM is
locked. The STARTUP_WAIT attribute activates this feature.
Until the LOCKED signal is activated, the DCM output clocks are not valid and can
exhibit glitches, spikes, or other spurious movement. In particular, the CLK2X output
can appear as a 1x clock with a 25/75 duty cycle.
DCM Status Mapping to DO Bus

DO Bit Status Description

DO[0] Phase-shift overflow Asserted when the DCM is phase shifted beyond the
allowed phase shift value or when the absolute delay range
of the phase-shift delay line is exceeded.
DO[1] CLKIN stopped Asserted when the input clock is stopped (CLKIN remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). When CLKIN is
stopped, the DO[1] CLKIN stopped status will assert within
nine CLKIN cycles. When CLKIN is restarted, CLK0 will
start toggling and DO[1] will deassert within nine clock
DO[2] CLKFX stopped Asserted when CLKFX stops. The DO[2] CLKFX stopped
status will assert within 257 to 260 CLKIN cycles after
CLKFX stopped. CLKFX will not resume, and DO[2] will
not deassert until the DCM is reset.
DO[3] CLKFB stopped Asserted the feedback clock is stopped (CLKFB remains
High or Low for one or more clock cycles). The DO[3]
CLKFB stopped status will assert within six CLKIN cycles
after CLKFB is stopped. CLKFB stopped will deassert
within six CLKIN cycles when CLKFB resumes after being
stopped momentarily. An occasionally skipped CLKFB will
not affect the DCM operation. However, stopping CLKFB
for a long time can result in the DCM losing LOCKED.
When LOCKED is lost, the DCM needs to be reset to resume
DO[15:4] Not assigned

Phase Shift Done Output - PSDONE

The PSDONE output signal is synchronous to PSCLK. It indicates, by pulsing High
for one period of PSCLK, the completion of a requested phase shift. This signal also
indicates that a change to the phase shift is available. The PSDONE output signal is
not valid if the phase shift feature is not being used or is in fixed mode.
Status of Dynamic Reconfiguration Data Output - DO[15:0]
The DO output bus provides DCM status when not using the dynamic
reconfiguration feature and a data output when using dynamic reconfiguration.
Further information on using DO as the data output is available in the dynamic
reconfiguration section of the Configuration User Guide.
If DEN, DWE, DADDR, DI, and DO are not used, using DCM_BASE or DCM_PS
instead of DCM_ADV is strongly recommended. Otherwise, all unused inputs and
output pins should be left unconnected or assigned to the previously recommended

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DCM Attributes
A handful of DCM attributes govern the DCM functionality. This section provides a
detailed description of each attribute. For more information on applying these
attributes in UCF, VHDL, or Verilog code, refer to the Xilinx Constraints Guide.

The CLKDV_DIVIDE attribute controls the CLKDV frequency. Since the source clock
frequency is divided by the value of this attribute, the possible values for
CLKDV_DIVIDE are: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, or 16. The default value is 2. In the low frequency mode, any CLKDV_DIVIDE
value produces a CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle. In the high frequency
mode, the CLKDV_DIVIDE value must be set to an integer value to produce a
CLKDV output with a 50/50 duty-cycle.

CLKDV_DIVIDE Value CLKDV Duty Cycle(High Frequency Mode)

1.5 1/3
2.5 2/5
3.5 3/7
4.5 4/9
5.5 5/11
6.5 6/13
7.5 7/15


The CLKFX_MULTIPLY attribute sets the multiply value (M) of the CLKFX output.
The CLKFX_DIVIDE attribute sets the divisor (D) value of the CLKFX output. Both
control the CLKFX output making the CLKFX frequency equal the effective CLKIN
(source clock) frequency multiplied by M/D. The possible values for M are any
integer from two to 32. The possible values for D are any integer from one to 32. The
default settings are M = 4 and D = 1.

The CLKIN_PERIOD attribute specifies the source clock period (in nanoseconds). The
default value is 0.0 ns.

The CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute determines the effective CLKIN frequency
applied to the DCM circuitry. When set to False, the effective CLKIN frequency of the
DCM equals the source clock frequency driving the CLKIN input. When set to True,
the CLKIN frequency is divided by two before it reaches the rest of the DCM circuitry.
Thus, the DCM circuitry sees half the frequency applied to the CLKIN input and
operates based on this frequency. For example, if a 100 MHz clock drives CLKIN, and
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 is set to True; then the effective CLKIN frequency is 50 MHz.
Thus, CLK0 output is 50 MHz and CLK2X output is 100 MHz. The effective CLKIN
frequency must be used to evaluate any operation or specification derived from

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CLKIN frequency. The possible values for CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 are True and False.
The default value is False.

The CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute indicates the mode of the phase shift applied
to the DCM outputs. The possible values are NONE, FIXED, VARIABLE_POSITIVE,
VARIABLE_CENTER, or DIRECT. The default value is NONE.
When set to NONE, a phase shift cannot be performed and a phase-shift value has no
affect on the DCM outputs. When set to FIXED, the DCM outputs are phase shifted by
a fixed phase from the CLKIN. The phase-shift value is determined by PHASE_SHIFT
attribute. If the CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT attribute is set to FIXED or NONE, then the
PSEN, PSINCDEC, and the PSCLK inputs must be tied to ground.
When set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE, the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable
mode in the positive range with respect to CLKIN. When set to VARIABLE_CENTER,
the DCM outputs can be phase shifted in variable mode, in the positive and negative
range with respect to CLKIN. If set to VARIABLE_POSITIVE or VARIABLE_CENTER,
each phase shift increment (or decrement) will increase (or decrease) the phase shift
by a period of 1/256 x CLKIN.
When set to DIRECT, the DCM output can be phase shifted in variable mode in the
positive range with respect to CLKIN. Each phase shift increment/decrement will
increase/decrease the phase shift by one DCM_TAP.
The starting phase in the VARIABLE_POSITIVE and VARIABLE_CENTER modes is
determined by the phase-shift value. The starting phase in the DIRECT mode is
always zero, regardless of the value specified by the PHASE_SHIFT attribute. Thus,
the PHASE_SHIFT attribute should be set to zero when DIRECT mode is used. A non-
zero phase-shift value for DIRECT mode can be loaded to the DCM using Dynamic
Reconfiguration Ports.

The CLK_FEEDBACK attribute determines the type of feedback applied to the
CLKFB. The possible values are 1X or NONE. The default value is 1X. When set to 1X,
CLKFB pin must be driven by CLK0. When set to NONE leave the CLKFB pin

The DESKEW_ADJUST attribute affects the amount of delay in the feedback path.
0, 1, 2, 3, ... or 31. The default value is SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS.
For most designs, the default value is appropriate. In a source-synchronous design,
set this attribute to SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS. The remaining values should only be
used when consulting with Xilinx. For more information on the source synchronous
interface, reference XAPP259.

The DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies the frequency mode of the
frequency synthesizer (DFS). The possible values are Low and High. The default
value is Low. The frequency ranges for both frequency modes are specified in the

80 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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Virtex-4 Data Sheet. DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE determines the frequency range of


The DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE attribute specifies either the High or Low frequency
mode of the delay-locked loop (DLL). The default value is Low. The frequency ranges
for both frequency modes are specified in the Virtex-4 Data Sheet.

The DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute controls the duty cycle correction of the
1x clock outputs: CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, and CLK270. The possible values are True
and False. The default value is True. When set to True, the 1x clock outputs are duty
cycle corrected to a 50/50 duty cycle. It is strongly recommended to always set the
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION attribute to True. Setting this attribute to False does
not necessarily produce output clocks with the same duty cycle as the source clock.

The DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute allows the choice of optimizing the
DCM either for high frequency and low jitter or for low frequency and a wide phase-
shift range. The attribute values are MAX_SPEED and MAX_RANGE. The default
value is MAX_SPEED. When set to MAX_SPEED, the DCM is optimized to produce
high frequency clocks with low jitter. However, the phase-shift range is smaller than
when MAX_RANGE is selected. When set to MAX_RANGE, the DCM is optimized to
produce low frequency clocks with a wider phase-shift range. The
DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE affects the following specifications: DCM input and
output frequency range, phase-shift range, output jitter, DCM_TAP,
CLKIN_CLKFB_PHASE, CLKOUT_PHASE, and duty-cycle precision. The Virtex-4
Data Sheet specifies these values.
For most cases, the DCM_PERFORMANCE_MODE attribute should be set to
MAX_SPEED (default). Only consider changing to MAX_RANGE in the following
• The frequency needs to be below the low frequency limit of the MAX_SPEED
• A greater absolute phase-shift range is required.

FACTORY_JF Attribute
The FACTORY_JF attribute affects the DCM's jitter filter characteristic. This attribute
is set the default value of F0F0 and should not be modified unless otherwise
instructed by Xilinx.

The PHASE_SHIFT attribute determines the amount of phase shift applied to the
DCM outputs. This attribute can be used in both fixed or variable phase-shift mode. If
used with variable mode, the attribute sets the starting phase shift. When
PHASE_SHIFT value range is −255 to 255. When CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT =
DIRECT, the PHASE_SHIFT value range is 0 to 1023. The default value is 0.

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The STARTUP_WAIT attribute determines whether the startup cycle waits for DCM
to lock. The possible values for this attribute are True and False. The default value is
False. When STARTUP_WAIT is set to True, and the LCK_cycle BitGen option is used,
then the configuration startup sequence waits in the startup cycle specified by
LCK_cycle until the DCM is locked.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CLK_FEEDBACK STRING "1X" or "NONE "1X” Specifies the clock
feedback of allowed
CLKDV_DIVIDE FLOAT 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 2.0 Specifies the extent to
4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, which the CLKDLL,
6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, CLKDLLE, CLKDLLHF,
10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, or DCM clock divider
14.0, 15.0 or 16.0 (CLKDV output) is to be
frequency divided.
CLKFX_DIVIDE INTEGER 1 to 32 1 Specifies the frequency
divider value for the
CLKFX output.
CLKFX_MULTIPLY INTEGER 2 to 32 4 Specifies the frequency
multiplier value for the
CLKFX output.
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE Allows for the input clock
frequency to be divided in
half when such a
reduction is necessary to
meet the DCM input clock
frequency requirements.
CLKIN_PERIOD FLOAT 1.25 to 1000.00 0.0 Specifies the period of
input clock in ns from
1.25 to 1000.00.
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT STRING "NONE" or "NONE” Specifies the phase shift
"FIXED" or mode of allowed value.
IVE" or
BRATION circuitry necessary to
ensure proper DCM
operation. It is suggested
that users consult with
Xilinx before changing
this attribute.
DCM_PERFORMANCE_ STRING "MAX_SPEED" or "MAX_SPEED” Allows selection between
MODE "MAX_RANGE maximum frequency and
minimum jitter for low
frequency and maximum
phase shift range
RONOUS", RONOUS" delay in the feedback
"SYSTEM_SYNCH path, and should be used
RONOUS" or "0" to for source-synchronous
"15 interfaces.
DFS_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH "LOW” Specifies the frequency
MODE mode of the frequency
DLL_FREQUENCY_ STRING "LOW" or "HIGH "LOW” This specifies the DLL's
MODE frequency mode.
DUTY_CYCLE_ BOOLEAN TRUE, FALSE TRUE Corrects the duty cycle of
CLK180, and CLK270

82 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description

FACTORY_JF 16-Bit Hexadecimal Any 16-Bit F0F0 The FACTORY_JF
Hexadecimal value attribute affects the DCMs
jitter filter characteristic.
This attribute is set the
default value of F0F0 and
should not be modified
unless otherwise
instructed by Xilinx.
PHASE_SHIFT INTEGER -255 to 1023 0 Specifies the phase shift
numerator. The range
depends on
configuration startup
sequence waits in the
specified cycle until the
DCM locks.

This design element is supported for schematics and instantiations, but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- DCM_PS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (DCM_PS_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" declaration maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- DCM_PS: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

DCM_PS_inst : DCM_PS
generic map (
CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
-- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 2 to 32
CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.0, -- Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift mode of NONE, FIXED,
CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE or 1X
-- an integer from 0 to 15
DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
FACTORY_JF => X"F0F0", -- FACTORY JF Values Suggested to be set to X"F0F0"
PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE

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port map (
CLK0 => CLK0, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput
CLK180 => CLK180, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
CLK270 => CLK270, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
CLK2X => CLK2X, -- 2X DCM CLK output
CLK2X180 => CLK2X180, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
CLK90 => CLK90, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
CLKFX => CLKFX, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
CLKFX180 => CLKFX180, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
DO => DO, -- 16-bit data output for Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP)
LOCKED => LOCKED, -- DCM LOCK status output
PSDONE => PSDONE, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output
CLKFB => CLKFB, -- DCM clock feedback
CLKIN => CLKIN, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
PSCLK => PSCLK, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input
PSEN => PSEN, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input
PSINCDEC => PSINCDEC, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
RST => RST -- DCM asynchronous reset input

-- End of DCM_PS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// DCM_PS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (DCM_PS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
// : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// DCM_PS: Digital Clock Manager Circuit for Virtex-4

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.CLKDV_DIVIDE(2.0), // Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
// 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
.CLKFX_DIVIDE(1), // Can be any integer from 1 to 32
.CLKFX_MULTIPLY(4), // Can be any integer from 2 to 32
.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2("FALSE"), // TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
.CLKIN_PERIOD(10.0), // Specify period of input clock in ns from 1.25 to 1000.00
.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT("NONE"), // Specify phase shift mode of NONE, FIXED,
.CLK_FEEDBACK("1X"), // Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
// an integer from 0 to 15
.DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE("LOW"), // LOW, HIGH, or HIGH_SER frequency mode for DLL
.DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION("TRUE"), // Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
.FACTORY_JF(16'hf0f0), // FACTORY JF value suggested to be set to 16'hf0f0
.PHASE_SHIFT(0), // Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 1023
.STARTUP_WAIT("FALSE") // Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
) DCM_PS_inst(
.CLK0(CLK0), // 0 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK180(CLK180), // 180 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK270(CLK270), // 270 degree DCM CLK output
.CLK2X(CLK2X), // 2X DCM CLK output
.CLK2X180(CLK2X180), // 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
.CLK90(CLK90), // 90 degree DCM CLK output
.CLKFX(CLKFX), // DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
.CLKFX180(CLKFX180), // 180 degree CLK synthesis out
.DO(DO), // 16-bit data output for Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP)
.LOCKED(LOCKED), // DCM LOCK status output
.PSDONE(PSDONE), // Dynamic phase adjust done output
.CLKFB(CLKFB), // DCM clock feedback
.CLKIN(CLKIN), // Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
.PSCLK(PSCLK), // Dynamic phase adjust clock input
.PSEN(PSEN), // Dynamic phase adjust enable input
.PSINCDEC(PSINCDEC), // Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
.RST(RST) // DCM asynchronous reset input

84 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


// End of DCM_PS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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Primitive: 18x18 Signed Multiplier Followed by a Three-Input Adder with
Optional Pipeline Registers
A(17:0) DSP48 BCOUT(17:0)
The DSP48 slice has a 48-bit output and is primarily intended for use in digital-signal
B(17:0) PCOUT(47:0) processing applications. However, the flexibility of this component means that it can
C(47:0) P(47:0)
be applied to many more applications than a typical MACC unit.

SUBTRACT A basic DSP48 slice consists of a multiplier followed by an adder. The multiplier

accepts two, 18-bit, signed, two’s complement operands producing a 36-bit, signed,
CEA twos complement result. The result is sign extended to 48 bits. The adder accepts
CEB three, 48-bit, signed, twos’ complement operands producing a 48-bit, singed, twos’
complement result.

Possible operands for the adder include the multiplier output and external source or
CECARRYIN the registered output of the adder providing an accumulate function. The 48-bit
CECINSUB output allows for 4096 accumulations of 36-bit operands before overflow occurs.

RSTB DSP48 Input and Output Signals


Signal Name Direction Size Function

CLK I 1 The DSP48 clock

CLK A I 18 The multiplier's A input, can also be used as adder's

MSW input

B I 18 The multiplier's B input, can also be used as adder's

X10251 LSW input
BCIN I 18 The multiplier's cascaded B input, can also be used as
adder's LSW input
C I 48 The adder's C input
PCIN I 48 Cascaded adder's C Input from previous DSP slice
CARRYIN I 1 The adders carry input
SUBTRACT I 1 0= add, 1= (C, PCIN)-(mult,A:B)
OPMODE I 7 Controls input to adder in DSP48 slices- see OPMODE
CARRYINSEL I 2 Selects carry source - see CARRINSEL table
CEA I 1 Clock enable - 0=hold 1=enable AREG
CEB I 1 Clock enable - 0=hold 1=enable BREG
CEC I 1 Clock enable - 0=hold 1=enable CREG
CEP I 1 Clock enable - 0=hold 1=enable PREG

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18 B input to
18 18 Multiplier




RSTB X10176

B Input Logic

DSP48 Slice Output


RSTP X10168

P Output Logic

Synthesis Attributes Used to Define Pipeline Registers

The following table describes the synthesis attributes used to define the pipeline

Attribute Function
AREG 0=bypass, 1=single, 2=dual
BREG 0=bypass, 1=single, 2=dual
CREG 0=bypass, 1=single
PREG 0=bypass, 1=single
MREG 0=bypass, 1=single
SUBTRACTREG 0=bypass, 1=single
OPMODEREG 0=bypass, 1=single
CARRYINSELREG 0=bypass, 1=single

88 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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Twos’ Complement Signed Multiplier

The multiplier inside the DSP48 slice is an 18-bit x 18-bit twos’ complement multiplier
with a 36-bit signed twos’ complement result. Cascading of multipliers to achieve
larger products is supported. Applications such as signed-signed, signed-unsigned,
and unsigned-unsigned multiplication, logical, arithmetic, barrel-shifter, twos’
complement and magnitude return are easily implemented. There are two
independent dynamic data input ports. The input ports can represent 18-bit signed or
17-bit unsigned data.

X, Y, and Z Multiplexers
The Operational Mode (OpMode) inputs provide a way for the design to change its
functionality on the fly. For example, the loading of an accumulator to restart an
accumulation process. The OpMode bits can be optionally registered under the
control of the configuration RAM.
The following tables list the possible values of OpMode and resulting function at the
outputs of the three multiplexers supplying data to the adder/subtracter. The 7-bit
OpMode control can be further broken down into multiplexer select bits. Not all
possible combinations for the multiplexer select bits are allowed. If the multiplier
output is selected then both the X and Y multiplexer are consumed with the multiplier
OpMode Control Bit Select X, Y, and Z Multiplexer Outputs

X Multiplexer Output Fed to Add/Subtract
XXX XX 00 ZERO (Default)
XXX 01 01 Multiplier Output
XXX XX 11 A concatenated B

OpMode Control Bit Select X, Y, and Z Multiplexer Outputs

Y Multiplexer Output Fed to Add/Subtract
XXX 00 XX ZERO (Default)
XXX 01 01 Multiplier Output
XXX 10 XX Illegal selection

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OpMode Controls X, Y, and Z Multiplexer Outputs

Z Multiplexer Output Fed to Add/Subtract
00 XX XX ZERO (Default)
010 XX XX P
011 XX XX C
100 XX XX Illegal selection
101 XX XX Shift (PCIN)
110 XX XX Shift (P)
111 XX XX Illegal selection

Three Input Adder/Subtracter Control Logic

The adder/subtracter output is a function of control and data inputs. The OpMode, as
shown in the previous section, selects the inputs to the X, Y, Z multiplexer that are
directed to the three adder/subtracter inputs. It also described that when the
multiplier output is selected, both X and Y multiplexers are occupied. With the inputs
to the adder/subtracter specified the function of the adder/subtracter itself must be
examined. As with the input multiplexers, the OpMode bits specify a portion of this
function. The table below shows this function. The symbol ± in the table means either
add or subtract and is specified by the state of the subtract control.

Hex OpMode Binary OpMode Output of

Operation Description
[6:0] ZYX Adder/Subtracter

0x00 000 00 00 ±CIN Zero

0x02 000 00 10 ±(P + CIN) Hold P
0x03 000 00 11 ±(A:B + CIN) A:B select
0x05 000 01 01 ± (A ×B+CIN) Multiply
0x0c 000 11 00 ± (C + CIN) C select
0x0e 000 11 10 ± (C + P + CIN) Feedback add
0x0f 000 11 11 ± (A:B +C +CIN) 36-bit adder
0x10 001 00 00 PCIN ± CIN P cascade select
0x12 001 00 10 PCIN ± (P + CIN) P cascade feedback add
0x13 001 00 11 PCIN ±(A:B+CIN) P cascade add
0x15 001 01 01 PCIN ±(A ×B+CIN) P cascade multiply add
0x1c 001 11 00 PCIN ±(C+CIN) P cascade add
0x1e 001 11 10 PCIN ±(C+P+ CIN) P cascade feedback add add
0x1c 001 11 11 PCIN ±(A:B+C + CIN) P cascade add add
0x20 010 00 00 P±CIN Hold P
0x22 010 00 10 P±(P +CIN) Double feedback add
0x23 010 00 11 P±(A:B +CIN) Feedback add
0x25 010 01 01 P±(A ×B+ CIN) Multiply-accumulate

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Hex OpMode Binary OpMode Output of

Operation Description
[6:0] ZYX Adder/Subtracter

0x2c 010 11 00 P±(C +CIN) Feedback add

0x2e 010 11 10 P±(C +P+CIN) Double feedback add
0x2f 010 11 11 P±(A:B +C+CIN) Feedback add add
0x30 011 00 00 C±CIN C Select
0x32 011 00 10 C±(P +CIN) Feedback add
0x33 011 00 11 C±(A:B + CIN) 36-bit adder
0x35 011 01 01 C±(A ×B+CIN) Multiply add
0x3c 011 11 00 C±(C + CIN) Double
0x3e 011 11 10 C ± (C +P +CIN) Double add feedback add
0x3f 011 11 11 C±(A:B + C+ CIN) Double add
0x50 101 00 00 Shift(PCIN)± CIN 17-bit shift P cascade select
0x52 101 00 10 Shift(PCIN)±(P +CIN) 17-bit shift P cascade feedback
0x53 101 00 11 Shift(PCIN)±(A:B +CIN) 17-bit shift P cascade add
0x55 101 01 01 Shift(PCIN)± (A ×B+ 17-bit shift P cascade multiply
CIN) add
0x5c 101 11 00 Shift(PCIN)±(C +CIN) 17-bit shift P cascade add
0x5e 101 11 10 Shift(PCIN)±(C 17-bit shift P cascade feedback
+P+CIN) add add
0x5c 101 11 11 Shift(PCIN) ±(A:B+C 17-bit shift P cascade add add
0x60 110 00 00 Shift(P) ± CIN 17-bit shift feedback
0x62 110 00 10 Shift(P) ± (P + CIN) 17-bit shift feedback feedback
0x63 110 00 11 Shift(P) ± (A:B + CIN) 17-bit shift feedback add
0x65 110 01 01 Shift(P) ± (A ×B+CIN) 17-bit shift feedback multiply
0x6c 110 11 00 Shift(P) ± (C + CIN) 17-bit shift feedback add
0x6e 110 11 10 Shift(P) ± (C + P + CIN) 17-bit shift feedback feedback
add add
0x6f 110 11 11 Shift(P) ± (A:B + C + 17-bit shift feedback add add

Rounding Modes Supported by Carry Logic

In addition to the OpMode inputs, the data inputs to the three input adder/subtracter,
and the subtract control bit, the adder/subtracter output is a result of the carry-input
CarryInSel signals, the Subtract control signal, and the OpMode control signals can be
optionally registered under the control of the configuration RAM (denoted by the
grey colored multiplexer symbol). This allows the control signals pipeline delay to
match the pipeline delay for data in the design. The CarryInSel signals, the Subtract
control signal, and the OpMode control signals share a common reset signal
(RSTCTRL) and the Subtract control signal, and the OpMode control signals share a

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common clock enable signal. The clock enable allows control signals to stall along
with data when needed.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
AREG INTEGER 0, 1, or 2 1 Number of pipeline registers on
the A input, 0, 1 or 2
B_INPUT STRING "DIRECT" or "DIRECT” "DIRECT”=multiplicand is B;
"CASCADE” “CASCADE”=multiplicant is
BREG INTEGER 0, 1, or 2 1 Number of pipeline registers on
the B input, 0, 1 or 2.
CARRYINREG INTEGER 0 OR 1 1 Number of pipeline registers
for the CARRYIN input.
CARRYINSELREG INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Number of pipeline registers
CREG INTEGER 0, 1, or 2 1 Number of pipeline registers on
the C input, 0 or 1.
LEGACY_MODE STRING "NONE", "MULT18X18" "MULT18X18S” An internal attribute setting for
or "MULT18X18S” the DCM. It should not be
modified from the default
value unless instructed by
MREG INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Number of multiplier pipeline
registers, 0 or 1
OPMODEREG INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Number of pipeline regsiters on
OPMODE input, 0 or 1.
PREG INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Number of pipeline registers on
the P output, 0 or 1.
SUBTRACTREG INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Number of pipeline registers on
the SUBTRACT input, 0 or 1.

This design element is supported for schematics, instantiations, and inference. It is
suggested that you use the Architecture Wizard in order to properly create
instantiation code for the DSP48 block.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- DSP48 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
-- declaration : (DSP48_inst) and/or the port declarations after the
-- code : "=>" declaration maybe changed to properly reference and
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : and outputs can be commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- DSP48: DSP Function Block

-- Virtex-4

92 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

DSP48_inst : DSP48
generic map (
AREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers on the A input, 0, 1 or 2
BREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers on the B input, 0, 1 or 2
B_INPUT => "DIRECT", -- B input DIRECT from fabric or CASCADE from another DSP48
CARRYINREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYIN input, 0 or 1
CARRYINSELREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYINSEL, 0 or 1
CREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers on the C input, 0 or 1
LEGACY_MODE => "MULT18X18S", -- Backward compatibility, NONE, MULT18X18 or MULT18X18S
MREG => 1, -- Number of multiplier pipeline registers, 0 or 1
OPMODEREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline regsiters on OPMODE input, 0 or 1
PREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers on the P output, 0 or 1
SUBTRACTREG => 1) -- Number of pipeline registers on the SUBTRACT input, 0 or 1
port map (
BCOUT => BCOUT, -- 18-bit B cascade output
P => P, -- 48-bit product output
PCOUT => PCOUT, -- 48-bit cascade output
A => A, -- 18-bit A data input
B => B, -- 18-bit B data input
BCIN => BCIN, -- 18-bit B cascade input
C => C, -- 48-bit cascade input
CARRYIN => CARRYIN, -- Carry input signal
CARRYINSEL => CARRYINSEL, -- 2-bit carry input select
CEA => CEA, -- A data clock enable input
CEB => CEB, -- B data clock enable input
CEC => CEC, -- C data clock enable input
CECARRYIN => CECARRYIN, -- CARRYIN clock enable input
CECINSUB => CECINSUB, -- CINSUB clock enable input
CECTRL => CECTRL, -- Clock Enable input for CTRL regsitersL
CEM => CEM, -- Clock Enable input for multiplier regsiters
CEP => CEP, -- Clock Enable input for P regsiters
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
OPMODE => OPMODE, -- 7-bit operation mode input
PCIN => PCIN, -- 48-bit PCIN input
RSTA => RSTA, -- Reset input for A pipeline registers
RSTB => RSTB, -- Reset input for B pipeline registers
RSTC => RSTC, -- Reset input for C pipeline registers
RSTCARRYIN => RSTCARRYIN, -- Reset input for CARRYIN registers
RSTCTRL => RSTCTRL, -- Reset input for CTRL registers
RSTM => RSTM, -- Reset input for multiplier registers
RSTP => RSTP, -- Reset input for P pipeline registers

-- End of DSP48_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// DSP48 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (DSP48_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// DSP48: DSP Function Block

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

DSP48 #(
.AREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers on the A input, 0, 1 or 2
.BREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers on the B input, 0, 1 or 2
.B_INPUT("DIRECT"), // B input DIRECT from fabric or CASCADE from another DSP48
.CARRYINREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYIN input, 0 or 1
.CARRYINSELREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYINSEL, 0 or 1
.CREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers on the C input, 0 or 1
.LEGACY_MODE("MULT18X18S"), // Backward compatibility, NONE, MULT18X18 or MULT18X18S
.MREG(1), // Number of multiplier pipeline registers, 0 or 1
.OPMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline regsiters on OPMODE input, 0 or 1
.PREG(1), // Number of pipeline registers on the P output, 0 or 1
.SUBTRACTREG(1) // Number of pipeline registers on the SUBTRACT input, 0 or 1
) DSP48_inst (

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 93

ISE 8.1i


.BCOUT(BCOUT), // 18-bit B cascade output

.P(P), // 48-bit product output
.PCOUT(PCOUT), // 48-bit cascade output
.A(A), // 18-bit A data input
.B(B), // 18-bit B data input
.BCIN(BCIN), // 18-bit B cascade input
.C(C), // 48-bit cascade input
.CARRYIN(CARRYIN), // Carry input signal
.CARRYINSEL(CARRYINSEL), // 2-bit carry input select
.CEA(CEA), // A data clock enable input
.CEB(CEB), // B data clock enable input
.CEC(CEC), // C data clock enable input
.CECARRYIN(CECARRYIN), // CARRYIN clock enable input
.CECINSUB(CECINSUB), // CINSUB clock enable input
.CECTRL(CECTRL), // Clock Enable input for CTRL regsitersL
.CEM(CEM), // Clock Enable input for multiplier regsiters
.CEP(CEP), // Clock Enable input for P regsiters
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.OPMODE(OPMODE), // 7-bit operation mode input
.PCIN(PCIN), // 48-bit PCIN input
.RSTA(RSTA), // Reset input for A pipeline registers
.RSTB(RSTB), // Reset input for B pipeline registers
.RSTC(RSTC), // Reset input for C pipeline registers
.RSTCARRYIN(RSTCARRYIN), // Reset input for CARRYIN registers
.RSTCTRL(RSTCTRL), // Reset input for CTRL registers
.RSTM(RSTM), // Reset input for multiplier registers
.RSTP(RSTP), // Reset input for P pipeline registers

// End of DSP48_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the XtremeDSP Design Considerations User Guide.

94 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Primitive: Fully integrated 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet Media Access

Controller (Ethernet MAC)

The Virtex-4 Tri-mode Ethernet Media Access Controller (Ethernet MAC) provides
Ethernet connectivity to the Virtex-4 PowerPC™ Processor. The Ethernet MAC
(EMAC) supports the following feature:
• Fully integrated 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet MAC
• Complies with the IEEE 802.3-2002 specification
• Configurable full- or half-duplex operation
• Media Independent Interface (MII) Management (MDIO) interface to manage
objects in the Physical (PHY) layer
• User accessable raw statistics vector outputs
• Supports VLAN frames
• Configurable inter-frame gap adjustment
• Configurable in-band Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field passing on both transmit
and receive paths
• Provides auto pad on transmit and FCS field stripping on receive
• Configured and monitored through a host interface
• Hardware selectable Device Control Register (DCR) bus or 1G Ethernet MAC bus
host interface
• Configurable flow control through Ethernet MAC Control PAUSE frames;
symmetrically or asymmetrically enabled
• Configurable support for jumbo frames of any length
• Configurable receive address filter for unicast, multicast, and broadcast addresses
• Media Independent Interface (MII), Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII),
and Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII)
• Includes a 1000BASE-X Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and a Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer for use with the Multi-gigabit Transceiver (MGT) to
provide a complete on-chip 1000BASE-X implementation
• Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (SGMII) supported through MGT
interface to external copper PHY layer
For complete information about the Ethernet MAC in Virtex-4 devices, see the
following documents:
• Virtex-4 Datasheet
• Virtex-4 Tri-mode Ethernet Media Access Controller (Ethernet MAC) User Guide

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ISE 8.1i


Port List and Definitions

Inputs Outputs

96 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs

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ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs

Refer to the Embedded Tri-mode Ethernet MAC Wrapper from the CORE Generator
Tool for information regarding the use of this component.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Tri-Mode Ethernet Media Access Controller (Ethernet MAC) User

98 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset and
FDCPE is a single D-type flip-flop with data (D), clock enable (CE), asynchronous
preset (PRE), and asynchronous clear (CLR) inputs and data output (Q). The
asynchronous (PRE), when High, sets the (Q) output High; (CLR) , when High, resets
the output Low. Data on the (D) input is loaded into the flip-flop when (PRE) and
D (CLR) are Low and (CE) is High on the Low-to-High clock (C) transition. When (CE)
is Low, the clock transitions are ignored.
The flip-flop is asynchronously cleared, output Low, when power is applied.
ForVirtex-4 devices, the power on condition can be simulated by applying a High-
X4389 level pulse on the GSR net.
The active level of the GSR defaults to active-High but can be inverted by adding an
inverter in front of the GSR input of the STARTUP_VIRTEX4 symbol.

Inputs Outputs

1 X X X X 0
0 1 X X X 1
0 0 0 X X No Change
0 0 1 0 ↑ 0
0 0 1 1 ↑ 1

This design element is inferred in the design code; however, the element can be
instantiated for cases where strict placement control, relative placement control, or
initialization attributes must be applied.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- FDCPE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (FDCPE_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- FDCPE: Single Data Rate D Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Clear, Set and

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 99

ISE 8.1i


-- Clock Enable (posedge clk). All families.

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0' or '1')
port map (
Q => Q, -- Data output
C => C, -- Clock input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLR => CLR, -- Asynchronous clear input
D => D, -- Data input
PRE => PRE -- Asynchronous set input

-- End of FDCPE_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// FDCPE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (FDCPE_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// FDCPE: Single Data Rate D Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Clear, Set and
// Clock Enable (posedge clk). All families.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT(1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1)
) FDCPE_inst (
.Q(Q), // Data output
.C(C), // Clock input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLR(CLR), // Asynchronous clear input
.D(D), // Data input
.PRE(PRE) // Asynchronous set input
// End of FDCPE_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

100 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Synchronous Reset and Set and Clock
FDRSE is a single D-type flip-flop with synchronous reset (R), synchronous set (S),
and clock enable (CE) inputs and data output (Q). The reset (R) input, when High,
S overrides all other inputs and resets the Q output Low during the Low-to-High clock
transition. When the set (S) input is High and R is Low, the flip-flop is set, output
D Q High, during the Low-to-High clock (C) transition. Data on the D input is loaded into
the flip-flop when R and S are Low and CE is High during the Low-to-High clock
R X3732 The flip-flop is asynchronously cleared, output Low, when power is applied.
For Virtex-4 devices, the power on condition can be simulated by applying a High-
level pulse on the GSR net.
The active level of the GSR defaults to active-High but can be inverted by adding an
inverter in front of the GSR input of the STARTUP_VIRTEX4 symbol.

Inputs Outputs

1 X X X ↑ 0
0 1 X X ↑ 1
0 0 0 X X No Change
0 0 1 1 ↑ 1
0 0 1 0 ↑ 0

This design element is inferred in the design code; however, the element can be
instantiated for cases where strict placement control, relative placement control, or
initialization attributes must be applied.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Default Description
INIT 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Sets the initial value of Q output after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- FDRSE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (FDCRS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 101

ISE 8.1i


-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used

-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- FDRSE: Single Data Rate D Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Set and
-- Clock Enable (posedge clk). All families.
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0' or '1')
port map (
Q => Q, -- Data output
C => C, -- Clock input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
D => D, -- Data input
R => R, -- Synchronous reset input
S => S -- Synchronous set input

-- End of FDRSE_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// FDRSE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (FDCRS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// FDRSE: Single Data Rate D Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Set and
// Clock Enable (posedge clk). All families.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT(1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1)
) FDRSE_inst (
.Q(Q), // Data output
.C(C), // Clock input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.D(D), // Data input
.R(R), // Synchronous reset input
.S(S) // Synchronous set input

// End of FDRSE_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

102 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Virtex-4 Block RAM based built-in FIFO
A large percentage of FPGA designs implement FIFOs using block RAMs. In the
ALMOSTFULL Virtex-4 architecture, additional dedicated logic in the block RAM enables users to
easily implement synchronous or asynchronous FIFOs. This eliminates the need to
use additional CLB logic for counter, comparator, or status flag generation and uses
just one block RAM resource per FIFO. Both standard and first-word fall-through
(FWFT) modes are supported.
The supported configurations are 4K x 4, 2K x 9, 1K x 18, and 512 x 36.
The block RAM can be configured as an asynchronous first-in/first-out (FIFO)
X10106 memory with independent read and write clocks for either synchronous or
asynchronous operation. Port A of the block RAM is used as a FIFO read port, and
Port B is a FIFO write port. Data is read from the FIFO on the rising edge of read clock
and written to the FIFO on the rising edge of write clock. Independent read and write
port width selection is not supported in FIFO mode.
The available status flags are:
• Full (FULL): Synchronous to WRCLK
• Empty (EMPTY): Synchronous to RDCLK
• Almost Full (AFULL): Synchronous to WRCLK
• Almost Empty (AEMPTY): Synchronous to RDCLK
• Write Count (WRCOUNT): Synchronous to WRCLK
• Write Error (WRERR): Synchronous to WRCLK
• Read Count (RDCOUNT): Synchronous to RDCLK
• Read Error (RDERR): Synchronous to RDCLK
The following table shows the FIFO capacity in the two modes:

FIFO Capacity Standard Mode FWFT Mode

4k+1 entries by 4 bits 4k+2 entries by 4 bits
2k+1 entries by 9 bits 2k+2 entries by 9 bits
1k+1 entries by 18 bits 1k+2 entries by 18 bits
512+1 entries by 36 bits 512+2 entries by 36 bits

Port Descriptions

FIFO I/O Port Names and

Direction Description
Descriptions Port Name

DI Input Data input

DIP Input Parity-bit input
WREN Input Write enable. When WREN = 1, data will be written to memory. When WREN =
0, write is disabled.
WRCLK Input Clock for write domain operation.
RDEN Input Read enable. When RDEN = 1, data will be read to output register. When RDEN
= 0, read is disabled.
RDCLK Input Clock for read domain operation.
RESET Input Asynchronous reset of all FIFO functions, flags, and pointers.

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ISE 8.1i


FIFO I/O Port Names and

Direction Description
Descriptions Port Name

DO Output Data output, synchronous to RDCLK

DOP Output Parity-bit output, synchronous to RDCLK
FULL Output All entries in FIFO memory are filled.
ALMOSTFULL Output Almost all entries in FIFO memory have been filled. Synchronous to WRCLK.
The value is user configurable.
EMPTY Output FIFO is empty. No additional read can be performed. Synchronous to RDCLK.
ALMOSTEMPTY Output Almost all valid entries in FIFO are read. Synchronous with RDCLK. The value is
user configurable.
RDCOUNT Output The FIFO data read pointer. It is synchronous with RDCLK. The value will wrap
around if the maximum read pointer value has been reached.
WRCOUNT Output The FIFO data write pointer. It is synchronous with WRCLK. The value will
wrap around if the maximum write pointer value has been reached.
WRERR Output When the FIFO is full, any additional write operation generates an error flag.
Synchronous with WRCLK.
RDERR Output When the FIFO is empty, any additional read operation generates an error flag.
Synchronous with RDCLK.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSE 12-Bit 12-Bit 12'h080 Sets the almost empty
T Hexadecimal Hexadecimal threshold.
ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET 12-Bit 12-Bit 12'h080 Sets almost full threshold.
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal
DATA_WIDTH INTEGER 4, 9, 18, 36 36 Sets data width to allowed

This design element is supported for schematics or instantiation, but is not currently
supported for inference.
Operating Mode
There are two operating modes in FIFO functions. They differ only in output behavior
after the first word is written to a previously empty FIFO.
Standard Mode
After the first word is written into an empty FIFO, the Empty flag deasserts
synchronously with RDCLK. After Empty is deasserted Low and RDEN is asserted,
the first word will appear at DOUT on the rising edge of RDCLK.

104 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


First Word Fall Through Mode

After the first word is written into an empty FIFO, it automatically appears at DOUT
after a few RDCLK cycles without asserting RDEN. Subsequent Read operations
require Empty to be Low and RDEN to be High.
Status Flags
Full Flag
The Full flag is asserted when there are no more available entries in the FIFO queue.
When the FIFO is full, the write pointer will be frozen. This ensures the read and write
pointers point to the same entry and no overflow will occur. The Full flag is registered
at the output and takes one write cycle to assert. The Full flag is deasserted three clock
cycles after the last entry is read, and it is synchronous to WRCLK.
Write Error Flag
Once the Full flag has been asserted, any further write attempts will trigger the Write
Error flag. The Write Error flag is deasserted when Write Enable or Full is deasserted
Low. This signal is synchronous to WRCLK.
Almost Full Flag
The Almost Full flag is set when the FIFO has fewer than the number of available
empty spaces specified by the ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET value. The Almost Full flag
warns the user to stop writing. It deasserts when the number of empty spaces in the
FIFO is greater than the ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET value, and is synchronous to

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- FIFO16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (FIFO16_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- FIFO16: Virtex-4 512 deep x 36 wide BlockRAM Asynchrnous FIFO

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

FIFO16_inst : FIFO16
generic map (
ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET => X"080", -- Sets almost full threshold
ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET => X"080", -- Sets the almost empty threshold
DATA_WIDTH => 36, -- Sets data width to 4, 9, 18, or 36
port map (
ALMOSTEMPTY => ALMOSTEMPTY, -- 1-bit almost empty output flag
ALMOSTFULL => ALMOSTFULL, -- 1-bit almost full output flag
DO => DO, -- 32-bit data output
DOP => DOP, -- 4-bit parity data output
EMPTY => EMPTY, -- 1-bit empty output flag

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 105

ISE 8.1i


FULL => FULL, -- 1-bit full output flag

RDCOUNT => RDCOUNT, -- 12-bit read count output
RDERR => RDERR, -- 1-bit read error output
WRCOUNT => WRCOUNT, -- 12-bit write count output
WRERR => WRERR, -- 1-bit write error
DI => DI, -- 32-bit data input
DIP => DIP, -- 4-bit partity input
RDCLK => RDCLK, -- 1-bit read clock input
RDEN => RDEN, -- 1-bit read enable input
RST => RST, -- 1-bit reset input
WRCLK => WRCLK, -- 1-bit write clock input
WREN => WREN -- 1-bit write enable input

-- End of FIFO16_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// FIFO16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (FIFO16_512x36_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// FIFO16: Virtex-4 BlockRAM Asynchrnous FIFO configured for 512 deep x 36 wide
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

FIFO16 #(
.ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET(12'h080), // Sets almost full threshold
.ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET(12'h080), // Sets the almost empty threshold
.DATA_WIDTH(36), // Sets data width to 4, 9, 18, or 36
) FIFO16_512x36_inst (
.ALMOSTEMPTY(ALMOSTEMPTY), // 1-bit almost empty output flag
.ALMOSTFULL(ALMOSTFULL), // 1-bit almost full output flag
.DO(DO), // 32-bit data output
.DOP(DOP), // 4-bit parity data output
.EMPTY(EMPTY), // 1-bit empty output flag
.FULL(FULL), // 1-bit full output flag
.RDCOUNT(RDCOUNT), // 12-bit read count output
.RDERR(RDERR), // 1-bit read error output
.WRCOUNT(WRCOUNT), // 12-bit write count output
.WRERR(WRERR), // 1-bit write error
.DI(DI), // 32-bit data input
.DIP(DIP), // 4-bit partity input
.RDCLK(RDCLK), // 1-bit read clock input
.RDEN(RDEN), // 1-bit read enable input
.RST(RST), // 1-bit reset input
.WRCLK(WRCLK), // 1-bit write clock input
.WREN(WREN) // 1-bit write enable input

// End of FIFO16_512x36_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

106 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Primitive: Reads a Single, Virtex-4 Configuration Frame and Computes

a Hamming, Single-Error Correction, Double-Error Detection

The FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4 module reads a single Virtex-4 configuration frame of

1312-bits, 32-bits at a time. It will then compute a Hamming single error correction,
double error detection "syndrome." This identifies the single frame bit (if any), which
SYNDROME(11:0) is in error and should be corrected. It also indicates the presence of two bit errors,
which cannot be corrected. Note that the FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4 primitive does not
repair changed bits.

Port List and Definitions

Name Type Width Function
ERROR Output 1 Error Output
SYNDROME Output 12 Indicates the location of the erroneous bit
SYNDROMEVALID Output 1 When value is High, indicates the presence of zero,
one or two bit errors in the frame

ERROR – Output
Indicates whether an error exists or not.
Provides the bit location of the error and whether zero, one, or two erroneous bits are
When asserted HIGH, SYNDROMEVALID indicates that the end of a frame readback.

In order to use the FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4, this primitive must be instantiated in a
design. Any readbacks must be performed through the SelectMAP, JTAG, or ICAP.
At the end of each frame readback, the SYNDROME_VALID pin will be asserted
HIGH for one cycle of the readback clock (CCLK, TCK, or ICAP_CLK). The number of
cycles required to read back a frame varies with the interface used.
When SYNDROME_VALID is asserted HIGH, the value on the SYNDROME pin
indicates the presence of zero, one, or two bit errors in the frame. The following table
summarizes the relationship of various SYNDROME value and error status.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 107

ISE 8.1i


Syndrome Value and Corresponding Error Status

Syndrome bit 11 Syndrome bit 10 to 0 Error Status
0 All 0s No bit errors
0 Not equal to 0 One bit error, and syndrome value identifies the position of the erroneous bit
1 All 0s Two bit errors, not correctable

Note: SYNDROME_VALID must be HIGH for the values on the table above to be useful.
This design element is supported for instantiation and schematics but not for

VHDL Instantiation Template

--FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4: In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4: Configuration Frame Error Correction Circuitry

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i

port map (

-- End of FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4: Configuration Frame Error Correction Circuitry

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.ERROR(ERROR), // 1-bit output indicating an error
.SYNDROME(SYNDROME), // 12-bit output location of erroroneous bit
.SYNDROMEVALID(SYNDROMEVALID) //- 1-bit output indicating 0, 1 or 2 bit errors in frame

108 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



// End of FRAME_ECC_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 109

ISE 8.1i


110 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: RocketIO MGTs with 622 Mb/s to 11.1 Gb/s Data Rates, 8 to
24 Transceivers per FPGA, and 2.5 GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, Less Than
1ns RMS Jitter

RocketIO MGTs have flexible, programmable features that allow a multi-gigabit serial
transceiver to be easily integrated into any Virtex-4 design. The RocketIO MGTs
support the following features:
• 10.3 Gb/s data rates
• 8to 24 transceivers per FPGA
• 2.5 GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, less than 1ns RMS jitter
• Transmitter pre-emphasis
• Receiver continuous time equalization
• On-chip AC coupled receiver, with optional by-pass
• Receiver signal detect and loss of signal indicator, out of band signal receiver
• Transmit driver idle state for out of band signaling-both outputs at Vcm
• 8B/10B or 64B/66B encoding, or no data encoding (pass through mode)
• Channel bonding
• Flexible Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) generation and checking
• Pins for transmitter and receiver termination voltage
• User reconfiguration using secondary (dynamic) configuration bus
• Multiple loopback paths including PMA RX-TX path

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 111

ISE 8.1i


Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Outputs
DI [15:0] RXLOCK
RXCRCIN [63:0] RXDATA [63:0]

112 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs
TXCRCIN [63:0]
TXDATA [63:0]

Refer to the Architecture Wizard in the ISE software for information regarding the use
of this component. If the Architecture Wizard is not used, two GT11 primitives should
be instantiated with the combusout port connected t othe compbusin of the other
GT11 instance.

VHDL and Verilog Instantiation

It is suggested that you use the Architecture Wizard in order to properly create
instantiation code for the GT11_CUSTOM block.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Data Sheet and the Virtex-4 RocketIO Transceiver User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 113

ISE 8.1i


114 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: RocketIO MGT Tile (contains 2 GT11_CUSTOM) with · 622
Mb/s to 11.1 Gb/s data rates, · 8 to 24 transceivers per FPGA, and · 2.5
GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, less than 1ns RMS jitter

RocketIO MGTs have flexible, programmable features that allow a multi-gigabit serial
transceiver to be easily integrated into any Virtex-4 design. The RocketIO MGTs
support the following features:
• 622 Mb/s to 11.1 Gb/s data rates
• 8 to 24 transceivers per FPGA
• 2.5 GHz – 5.55 GHz VCO, less than 1ns RMS jitter
• Transmitter pre-emphasis (pre-equalization)
• Receiver continuous time equalization
• On-chip AC coupled receiver
• Digital oversampled receiver for data rates up to 2.5 Gb/s
• Receiver signal detect and loss of signal indicator, out-of-band signal receiver
• Transmit driver idle state for out-of-band signaling, both outputs at Vcm
• 8B/10B or 64B/66B encoding, or no data encoding (pass through mode)
• Channel bonding
• Flexible Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) generation and checking
• Pins for transmitter and receiver termination voltage
• User reconfiguration using secondary (dynamic) configuration bus
• Multiple loopback paths including PMA RX-TX path
For complete information about the RocketIO MGTs in Virtex-4 devices, see the
following documents:
• Virtex-4 Data Sheet
• Virtex-4 RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User Guide

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 115

ISE 8.1i


Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Outputs
[1:0] RXDATAWIDTH_A; [15:0] DO_A;
[1:0] RXDATAWIDTH_B; [15:0] DO_B;
[15:0] DI_A; [5:0] RXSTATUS_A;
[15:0] DI_B; [5:0] RXSTATUS_B;
[63:0] RXCRCIN_A; [7:0] RXDISPERR_A;
[63:0] RXCRCIN_B; [7:0] RXDISPERR_B;
[63:0] TXDATA_A; [7:0] RXRUNDISP_A;
[63:0] TXDATA_B; [7:0] RXRUNDISP_B;
[7:0] DADDR_A; [7:0] TXKERR_A;
[7:0] DADDR_B; [7:0] TXKERR_B;

116 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 117

ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs

118 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Inputs Outputs

It is recommended that the GT11_DUAL is instantiated instead of the GT11_CUSTOM
for all usages. It must be used if multiple GT11s are used in a design, or if the dynamic
configuration bus is implemented. If the Architecture Wizard is not used, two GT11
primitives should be instantiated with the combusout port connected t othe
compbusin of the other GT11 instance.

VHDL and Verilog Instantiation

It is suggested that you use the Architecture Wizard ISE 8.1 in order to properly create
instantiation code for the GT11_DUAL block.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 RocketIO Transceiver User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 119

ISE 8.1i


120 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: A MUX That Can Select Fom Differential Package Input
Clock, refclk From the Fabric, or rxbclk to Drive the Two Vertical
Reference Clock Buses for the Column of MGTs
This block needs to be instantiated when using the dedicated package pins for
GT11CLK RocketIO clocks. There are two available per MGT column.The attributes allow this

package input to drive one or both SYNCLK clock trees. Please see the Virtex-4
SYNCLK1IN RocketIO MGT User Guide for more details.

The attribute REFCLKSEL allows more clocking options. These options include:

Inputs and Outputs


VHDL and Verilog Instantiation

It is suggested that you use the Architecture Wizard in order to properly create
instantiation code for the GT11CLK block.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 RocketIO Transceiver User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


122 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Allows Differential Package Input to Drive the Two Vertical
Reference Clock Buses for the Column of MGTs

This block needs to be instantiated when using the dedicated package pins for
SYNCLK1OUT RocketIO clocks. There are two available per MGT column.The attributes allow this
package input to drive one or both SYNCLK clock trees. Please see the Virtex-4
RocketIO MGT User Guide for more details.
GT11CLK is also available and has an attribute REFCLKSEL, with the following

This block allows more clocking options for MGTs.

Inputs and Outputs


VHDL and Verilog Instantiation

It is suggested that you use the Architecture Wizard in order to properly create
instantiation code for the GT11CLK_MGT block.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 RocketIO Transceiver User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


124 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Single-Ended Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Standard and
Input Buffers are necessary to isolate the internal circuit from the signals coming into
IBUF the FPGA. IBUFs are contained in input/output blocks (IOB). IBUFs allow the
specification of the particular I/O Standard to configure the I/O. In general, an IBUF
I O should be used for all single-ended data input or bi-directional pins.

Inputs (I) Outputs (O)

X9442 0/L 0
1/H 1

IBUFs are automatically inserted (inferred) to any signal directly connected to a top
level input or inout port of the design by the synthesis tool. It is generally
recommended to allow the synthesis tool to infer this buffer however if so desired, the
IBUF can be instantiated into the design. In order to do so, connect the input port, I, of
the component directly to the associated top-level input or in-out port and connect the
output port, O, to the FPGA logic to be sourced by that port. Modify any necessary
generic maps (VHDL) or named parameter value assignment (Verilog) in order to
change the default behavior of the component.

Available Attribute
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DON'T CARE” Specifies whether it is desired to
"NORMAL", use an I/O with lower or normal
"DON'T CARE” intrinsic capacitance.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to
an I/O primitive.

Note: Consult the device user guide or databook for the allowed values and the default value.

VHDL Instantiation Templates

-- IBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 125

ISE 8.1i


-- IBUF: Single-ended Input Buffer

-- All devices
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

IBUF_inst : IBUF
generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Buffer output
I => I -- Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of IBUF_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Templates

// IBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IBUF: Single-ended Input Buffer

// All devices
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst (
.O(O), // Buffer output
.I(I) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of IBUF_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

126 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Differential I/O Input Buffer with Differential Outputs

IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT is a differential I/O input buffer with differential outputs. The
differential output pair (O&OB) maintains the relation of its differential input pair.
This element is instantiated rather than inferred.

VHDL Instantiation Code

-- IBUFDS: Differential Input Buffer /w Differential Outputs
-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i
generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Diff_p buffer output
OB => OB, -- Diff_n buffer output
I => I, -- Diff_p buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => IB -- Diff_n buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// IBUFDS: Differential Input Buffer /w Differential Outputs
// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i
.IOSTANDARD("LVDS_25") // Specify the input I/O standard
.O(O), // Diff_p buffer output
.OB(OB), // Diff_n buffer output
.I(I), // Diff_p buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IB(IB) // Diff_n buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


128 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
and Optional Delay
IBUFDS is an input buffer that supports low-voltage, differential signaling. In
I IBUFDS, a design level interface signal is represented as two distinct ports (I and IB),
O one deemed the "master" and the other the "slave." The master and the slave are
opposite phases of the same logical signal (for example, MYNET and MYNETB). The
IBUFDS component allow the specification of the particular I/O Standard to
X9255 configure the IOBs as well as the specification of added delay for the incoming paths
to properly align incoming data with the associated clock source. In general, an
IBUFDS should be used for all differential data input or bi-directional pins.

Inputs Outputs
0 0 -*
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 -*

* The dash (-) means No Change.

The IBUFDS must be instantiated in order to be incorporated into the design. In order
to do so, connect the input ports, I and IB, of the component directly to the associated
top-level input or inout ports and connect the output port, O, to the FPGA logic to be
sourced by that port. Modify any necessary generic maps (VHDL) or named
parameter value assignment (Verilog) in order to change the default behavior of the

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DONT CARE” Specifies whether it is desired to
"NORMAL", use an I/O with lower or normal
"DONT CARE” intrinsic capacitance.
DIFF_TERM Boolean FALSE, TRUE FALSE Enables the built-in differential
termination resistor.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” "Use to assign an I/O standard
to an I/O primitive.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 129

ISE 8.1i


VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IBUFDS: Differential Input Buffer

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
I => I, -- Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => IB -- Diff_n clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of IBUFDS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IBUFDS: Differential Input Buffer

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.DIFF_TERM("FALSE"), // Differential Termination (Virtex-4 only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
) IBUFDS_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.I(I), // Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IB(IB) // Diff_n clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of IBUFDS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

130 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Dedicated Input Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
The IBUFG is an input buffer that connects to one of the dedicated clock pins of the
device. Its purpose is to connect external clock source to the CLKIN or CLKFB pin of
I O the DCM. It may also be used to connect directly to the low-skew clock routing
resource in the device limiting the amount of clock delay incurred. Via attributes, the
desired I/O standard for this clock pin may be specified. .
Input (I) Outputs (O)

0/L 0
1/H 1

Synthesis tools can infer IBUFGs automatically by detecting ports that are connected
to clock sources. In general, this is the preferred manner to use this buffer however if
desired, it may be instantiated into the design. In order to do so, connect the input
port, I, of the component directly to the associated top-level clock port and connect
the output port, O, to either the DCM input pin or to all associated clocks in the
design. Modify any necessary generic maps (VHDL) or named parameter value
assignment (Verilog) in order to change the default behavior of the component. If a
location constraint (LOC) is used for this port or buffer, ensure the location used is one
of the dedicated clock pins for the device.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "NORMAL", "DONT CARE” Specifies whether it is desired
"DONT CARE” to use an I/O with lower or
normal intrinsic capacitance.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard
to an I/O primitive.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IBUFG : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IBUFG_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 131

ISE 8.1i


-- IBUFG: Single-ended global clock input buffer

-- All FPGA
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
I => I -- Clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of IBUFG_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IBUFG : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IBUFG_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IBUFG: Global Clock Buffer (sourced by an external pin)

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

) IBUFG_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.I(I) // Clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of IBUFG_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

132 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Differential Signaling Dedicated Input Clock Buffer with
Selectable I/O Interface and Optional Delay
The IBUFGDS is an input buffer that connects to one of the dedicated differential
I clock pin pairs of the device. Its purpose is to connect an external input differential
IB clock to the CLKIN or CLKFB pin of the DCM. It may also be used to connect directly
to the low-skew clock routing resource in the device limiting the amount of clock
delay incurred. Via attributes, the desired I/O standard for this clock pin may be
X9255 specified.

Inputs Outputs
0 0 No Change
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 No Change

The IBUFGDS buffer must be instantiated in order to incorporate this into a design. In
order to do so, connect the input port, I, of the component directly to the associated
top-level clock port and connect the output port, O, to either the DCM input pin or to
all associated clocks in the design. Modify any necessary generic maps (VHDL) or
named parameter value assignment (Verilog) in order to change the default behavior
of the component. If a location constraint (LOC) is used for this port or buffer, ensure
the location used is one of the dedicated clock pins for the device.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DON'T CARE” Specifies whether it is desired to
"NORMAL", use an I/O with lower or normal
"DON'T CARE” intrinsic capacitance.
DIFF_TERM Boolean FALSE, TRUE FALSE Enables the built-in differential
termination resistor.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to
an I/O primitive.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 133

ISE 8.1i


VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IBUFGDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IBUFGDS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IBUFGDS: Differential Global Clock Input Buffer

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
DIFF_TERM => "FALSE", -- Differential Termination (Virtex-4 only)
port map (
O => O, -- Clock buffer output
I => I, -- Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => IB -- Diff_n clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of IBUFGDS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IBUFGDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IBUFGDS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IBUFGDS: Differential Global Clock Buffer (sourced by an external pin)

// Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

) IBUFGDS_inst (
.O(O), // Clock buffer output
.I(I), // Diff_p clock buffer input
.IB(IB) // Diff_n clock buffer input
// End of IBUFGDS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

134 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Virtex-4 Internal Configuration Access Port
ICAP_VIRTEX4 provides user access to the Virtex-4 internal configuration access port
I(7:0) O(7:0)

Port List and Definitions


Name Type Width Function

BUSY Output 1 Busy signal
O Output 32 32-bit data bus output
CE Input 1 Clock enable pin
CLK Input 1 Clock input
WRITE Input 1 Write signal
I Input 32 32-bit data bus input

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
ICAP_WIDTH STRING "X8" or "X32” "X8” Specifies the data width
for the ICAP component.

ICAP_VIRTEX4 provides the same config user interface as the SelectIO map interface.
The ICAP port can be connected to external pins or internal signals. This device is
supported for schematics and instantiation only.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ICAP_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ICAP_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- ICAP_VIRTEX4: Internal Configuration Access Port

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
ICAP_WIDTH => "X8") -- "X8" or "X32"

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 135

ISE 8.1i


port map (
BUSY => BUSY, -- Busy output
O => O, -- 32-bit data output
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
I => I, -- 32-bit data input
WRITE => WRITE -- Write input

-- End of ICAP_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// ICAP_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ICAP_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ICAP_VIRTEX4: Internal Configuration Access Port

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
.ICAP_WIDTH("X8") // "X8" or "X32"
) ICAP_VIRTEX4_inst (
.BUSY(BUSY), // Busy output
.O(O), // 32-bit data output
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.I(I), // 32-bit data input
.WRITE(WRITE) // Write input
// End of ICAP_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

136 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: A Dedicated Input Register to Receive External Dual Data
Rate (DDR) Signals into Virtex-4 FPGAs
The IDDR primitive is a dedicated input registers to receive external dual data rate
Q1 (DDR) signals into Virtex-4 FPGAs. Unlike previous generations of Xilinx FPGAs,
IDDR primitive is not limited to recovering the data for the FPGA fabric for
processing at opposite edges. IDDR is available with modes that present the data to
the FPGA fabric at the same clock edge. This feature allows designers to avoid
additional timing complexities and CLB usage. In addition, IDDR will work in
R Q2 conjunction with SelectIO features of Virtex-4 architecture.

IDDR Ports
Q1 – Q2 – Data These pins are the IDDR output that connects to the FPGA fabric. Q1 is
Output the first data pair while, Q2 is the second data pair.
C – Clock Input Port The C pin represents the clock input pin.
CE – Clock Enable When asserted LOW, this port disables the output clock at port O.
D – Data Input This pin is where the DDR data is presented into the IDDR module.
(DDR) This pin connects to the IOB pad.
R - Reset Depends on how SRTYPE is set.
S - Set Asynchronous set pin. Set is assert HIGH.

Port List and Definitions

Name Type Width Function

Q1 – Q2 Output 1 (each) Data Output
C Input 1 Clock input
CE Input 1 Clock enable input
D Input 1 Data Input (DDR)
R Input 1 Reset
S Input 1 Set

IDDR Modes
The following section describes the functionality of various modes of IDDR. These
modes are set by the DDR_CLK_EDGE attribute.
In the OPPOSITE_EDGE mode, data is recovered in the classic DDR methodology.
Given a DDR data and clock at pin D and C respectively, Q1 will change after every
positive edge of clock C, and Q2 will change after every negative edge of clock C.
In the SAME_EDGE mode, data is still recovered by opposite edges of clock C.
However, an extra register has been placed in front of the negative edge data register.
This extra register is clocked with positive clock edge of clock signal C. As a result
DDR data is now presented into the FPGA fabric at the same clock edge. However,
because of this feature the data pair appears to be "separated." Q1 and Q2 no longer

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 137

ISE 8.1i


have pair 1 and 2. Instead, the first pair presented is pair 1 and don’t care, followed by
pair 2 and 3 at the next clock cycle.
The SAME_EDGE_PIPELINED mode recovers data in a similar fashion as the
SAME_EDGE mode. In order to avoid the "separated" effect of the SAME_EDGE
mode, an extra register has been placed in front of the positive edge data register. A
data pair will now appear at the Q1 and Q2 pin at the same time. However, using this
mode, cost the user an additional cycle of latency for Q1 and Q2 signals to change.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
"SAME_EDGE", mode selection
INIT_Q1 INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Q1 initialization value
INIT_Q2 INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Q2 initialization value
SRTYPE STRING "SYNC" or "ASYNC” "SYNC” Set/Reset type selection

This device is supported for inference and instantiation.

138 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


VHDL Template
-- IDDR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IDDR_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IDDR: Double Data Rate Input Register with Set, Reset

-- and Clock Enable. Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

IDDR_inst : IDDR
generic map (
INIT_Q1 => '0', -- Initial value of Q1: '0' or '1'
INIT_Q2 => '0', -- Initial value of Q2: '0' or '1'
SRTYPE => "SYNC") -- Set/Reset type: "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
port map (
Q1 => Q1, -- 1-bit output for positive edge of clock
Q2 => Q2, -- 1-bit output for negative edge of clock
C => C, -- 1-bit clock input
CE => CE, -- 1-bit clock enable input
D => D, -- 1-bit DDR data input
R => R, -- 1-bit reset
S => S -- 1-bit set

-- End of IDDR_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// IDDR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IDDR_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IDDR: Input Double Data Rate Input Register with Set, Reset
// and Clock Enable. Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT_Q1(1'b0), // Initial value of Q1: 1'b0 or 1'b1
.INIT_Q2(1'b0), // Initial value of Q2: 1'b0 or 1'b1
.SRTYPE("SYNC") // Set/Reset type: "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
) IDDR_inst (
.Q1(Q1), // 1-bit output for positive edge of clock
.Q2(Q2), // 1-bit output for negative edge of clock
.C(C), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(CE), // 1-bit clock enable input
.D(D), // 1-bit DDR data input
.R(R), // 1-bit reset

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 139

ISE 8.1i


.S(S) // 1-bit set


// End of IDDR_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

140 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Startup calibration module for IDELAY elements
Virtex-4 modules have an IDELAY module in the input path of every user I/O.

IDELAY allows the implementation of deskew algorithms to correctly capture
C incoming data. IDELAY can be applied to data signals, clock signals, or both. IDELAY

RST features a fully-controllable, 64-tap delay line. Each tap delay is carefully calibrated to
provide an absolute delay value of 78 ps independent of process, voltage, and
temperature variations. Three modes of operation are available:
• Zero hold time delay mode

This mode of operation allows backward compatibility for designs using the zero-
hold time delay feature in Virtex-II and Virtex-II Pro devices. When used in this
mode, the IDELAYCTRL primitive does not need to be instantiated.
• Fixed tap-delay mode

In the fixed tap-delay mode, the delay value is set to the number determined by
the attribute IOBDELAY_VALUE. This value cannot be changed during run-time.
When used in this mode, the IDELAYCTRL primitive must be instantiated.
• Variable tap-delay mode

In the variable tap-delay mode, the delay value can be changed at run-time by
manipulating the control signals CE and INC. When used in this mode, the
IDELAYCTRL primitive must be instantiated.
The following figure shows the block diagram of the IDELAY module.
Delay for Zero Hold Time

64 Tap Delay Line







IDELAY Module Block Diagram

The following figure shows the IDELAY primitive.

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ISE 8.1i


IDELAY Primitive
The following table lists the availale ports in the IDELAY primitive.

AvailablePorts Direction Size Function

I Input 1 Serial input data from IOB
C Input 1 Clock input
INC Input 1 Increment/decrement number of tap delays
CE Input 1 Enable increment/decrement function
RST Input 1 Reset delay chain to pre-programmed value. If no value
programmed, reset to 0.
O Output 1 Combinatorial output


Data Input and Output - I and O

IDELAY primitives are located in general purpose IOB locations. The input and
output connectivity differs for each type of IOB location.

General Purpose IOBs

The input of IDELAY in a general-purpose IOB comes directly from the input buffer,
IBUF. The output of IDELAY (O) is connected directly to the user logic. The input and
output data path is combinatorial and is not affected by the clock signal (C). However,
the user can choose to register the output signal (O) in the IOB.

Regional Clock-Capable IOBs

Regional clock-capable IOBs are located in one I/O pair directly above and below an
HCLK IOB. The input of IDELAY in a regional clock-capable IOB comes directly from
the input buffer, IBUF. The output of IDELAY in a regional clock-capable IOB can go
to one of the following locations:
1. Directly to the user logic
2. BUFIO (in the case of a regional clock signal)
The regional clock buffer, BUFIO, connects the incoming regional clock signal to the
regional I/O clock tree, IOCLK. BUFIO also connects to the regional clock buffer,
BUFR to connect to the regional clock tree, rclk. The input and output data path is
combinatorial and is not affected by the clock signal (C). However, the user can
choose to register the output signal (O) in the IOB.

Global Clock-Capable IOBs

The global clock-capable IOBs are located in the center I/O column. The input of the
IDELAY module in a global clock-capable IOB comes directly from the input global
clock buffer, IBUFG. The output of the IDELAY module in a global clock-capable IOB
can go to one of the following locations:
1. Directly to the user logic
2. BUFG (in the case of a global clock signal)

142 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


The global clock buffer, BUFG, connects the incoming regional clock signal to the
global clock tree, gclk. The input and output data path is combinatorial and is not
affected by the clock signal (C). However, the user can choose to register the output
signal (O) in the IOB.

Clock Input - C
All control inputs to IDELAY (RST, CE and INC) are synchronous to the clock input
(C). The data input and output (I and O) of IDELAY is not affected by this clock signal.
This clock input is identical to the CLKDIV input for the ISERDES. All the clock
sources used to drive CLKDIV can therefore drive the IDELAY clock input (C). The
clock sources that can drive the clock input (C) are:
• Eight gclk (global clock tree)
• Two rclk (regional clock tree)

Module Reset - RST

The IDELAY reset signal, RST, resets the tap-delay line to a value set by the
IOBDELAY_VALUE attribute. If the IOBDELAY_VALUE attribute is not specified, the
tap-delay line is reset to 0.

Increment/Decrement Signals - CE, INC

The increment/decrement enable signal (CE) determines when the
increment/decrement signal (INC) is activated. INC determines whether to increment
or decrement the tap-delay line. When CE = 0, the tap delay remains constant no
matter what the value of INC. When CE = 1, the tap-delay value increments or
decrements depending on the value of INC. The tap delay is incremented or
decremented synchronously with respect to the input clock (C). As long as CE = 1, the
tap-delay increments or decrements by one every clock cycle. The
increment/decrement operation is summarized in the following table:

Operation RST CE INC

Reset to configured value of tap count 1 x x
Increment tap count 0 1 1
Decrement tap count 0 1 0
No change 0 0 x

1. RST resets delay chain to tap count specified by attribute IOBDELAY_VALUE. If
IOBDLEAY_VALUE not specified, tap count reset to 0.
2. RST, CE, and INC are synchronous to the input clock signal (C).
When CE is raised, the increment/decrement operation begins on the next positive
clock cycle. When CE is lowered, the increment/decrement operation ceases on the
next positive clock cycle.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 143

ISE 8.1i


Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
IOBDELAY_TYPE String “DEFAULT”, “DEFAULT” This attribute sets
“FIXED”, or the type of tap
“VARIABLE” delay.
IOBDELAY_VALUE Integer 0 to 63 0 This attribute
specifies the initial
number of tap

The IOBDELAY_TYPE attribute sets the type of delay used. The attribute values are
DEFAULT, FIXED, and VARIABLE. The default value is DEFAULT. When set to
DEFAULT, the zero-hold time delay element is selected. This delay element eliminates
pad-to-pad hold time. The delay is matched to the internal clock-distribution delay of
the Virtex-4 device. When used, it guarantees a pad-to-pad hold time of zero.
When set to FIXED, the tap-delay value is fixed at the number of taps determined by
the IOBDELAY_VALUE attribute. This value is preset and cannot be changed
When set to VARIABLE, the variable tap delay is selected. The tap delay can be
incremented by setting CE = 1and INC = 1 or decremented by setting CE = 1 and INC
= 0. The increment/decrement operation is synchronous to C, the input clock signal.

The IOBDELAY_VALUE attribute specifies the initial number of tap delays. The
possible values are any integers from 0 to 63. The default value is 0. When set to 0, the
total delay becomes the delay of the output MUX which is approximately 400 ps.
The value of the tap delay reverts to IOBDELAY_VALUE when the tap delay is reset
(RST = 1), or the IOBDELAY_TYPE is set to FIXED.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IDELAY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IDELAY_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : or outputs may be removed or commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IDELAY: Input Delay Element

-- Virtex-4

144 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0) -- Any value from 0 to 63
port map (
O => O, -- 1-bit output
C => C, -- 1-bit clock input
CE => CE, -- 1-bit clock enable input
I => I, -- 1-bit data input
INC => INC, -- 1-bit increment input
RST => RST -- 1-bit reset input

-- End of IDELAY_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IDELAY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IDELAY_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IDELAY: Input Delay Element

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.IOBDELAY_VALUE(0) // Any value from 0 to 63
) IDELAY_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit output
.C(C), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(CE), // 1-bit clock enable input
.I(I), // 1-bit data input
.INC(INC), // 1-bit increment input
.RST(RST) // 1-bit reset input

// End of IDELAY_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 145

ISE 8.1i


146 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: IDELAY tap delay value control
The IDELAYCTRL module must be instantiated when using the tap-delay line. This

occurs when the IDELAY or ISERDES primitive is instantiated with the
IOBDELAY_TYPE attribute set to Fixed or Variable. The IDELAYCTRL module
provides a voltage bias, independent of process, voltage, and temperature variations
to the tap-delay line using a fixed-frequency reference clock, REFCLK. This enables
very accurate delay tuning.

The most efficient way to use the IDELAYCTRL module is to define and lock down
the placement of every IDELAYCTRL instance used in a design. This is done by
instantiating the IDELAYCTRL instances with location (LOC) constraints.
Instantiating IDELAYCTRL instances without LOC constraints cause the
implementation tools to replicate IDELAYCTRL instances throughout the device,
even in HCLK regions not using the tap-delay line. This increases the power
consumption, uses more global clock resources in every HCLK region, and increases
the use of routing resources.
When instantiating IDELAYCTRL instances with defined LOC constraints, you must
define and lock placement of all ISERDES and IDELAY components using the tap-
delay line (IOBDELAY_TYPE attribute set to Fixed or Variable).

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IDELAYCTRL : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IDELAYCTRL_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IDELAYCTRL : Input Delay Element Control

-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
RDY => RDY, -- 1-bit output indicates validity of the REFCLK
REFCLK => REFCLK, -- 1-bit reference clock input
RST => RST -- 1-bit reset input

-- End of IDELAYCTRL_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 147

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Template

// IDELAYCTRL : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IDELAYCTRL_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IDELAYCTRL: Input Delay Control Element (Must be used in conjunction with the IDELAY
// when used in FIXED or VARIABLE tap-delay mode)
// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.RDY(RDY), // 1-bit ready output
.REFCLK(REFCLK), // 1-bit reference clock input
.RST(RST) // 1-bit reset input

// End of IDELAYCTRL_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

148 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Bi-Directional Buffer with Selectable I/O Interface
Virtex-4 IOBUFs are bi-directional buffer. The I/O interface corresponds to a specific
T I/O standard. You can attach an IOSTANDARD attribute to an IOBUF instance.
IOBUF components that use the LVTTL, LVCMOS15, LVCMOS18, LVCMOS25, and
I IO LVCMOS33 signaling standards have selectable drive and slew rates using the DRIVE
and FAST or SLOW constraints. The defaults are DRIVE = 12 mA and SLOW slew.
IOBUFs are composites of IBUF and OBUFT elements. The O output is X (unknown)
X8406 when IO (input/output) is Z. IOBUFs can be implemented as interconnections of their
component elements.

Inputs Bidirectional Outputs

1 X Z X
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0

These design elements are instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "NORMAL", "DONT CARE” Specifies whether it is desired to
"DONT CARE” use an I/O with lower or normal
intrinsic capacitance.
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 12 Selects output drive strength
(mA) for the SelectIO buffers that
use the LVTTL, LVCMOS12,
interface I/O standard.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to
an I/O primitive.
SLEW INTEGER "SLOW" or "FAST” "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IOBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IOBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 149

ISE 8.1i


Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- IOBUF: Single-ended Bi-directional Buffer
-- All devices
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map
(DRIVE => 12,
port map (
O => O, -- Buffer output
IO => IO, -- Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I, -- Buffer input
T => T -- 3-state enable input

-- End of IOBUF_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IOBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IOBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IOBUF: Single-ended Bi-directional Buffer
// All devices
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst (
.O(O), // Buffer output
.IO(IO), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I), // Buffer input
.T(T) // 3-state enable input

// End of IOBUF_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

150 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 3-State Differential Signaling I/O Buffer with Active Low
Output Enable
IOBUFDS is a single 3-state, differential signaling input/output buffer with active
T Low output enable.

Inputs Bidirectional Outputs
X 1 Z Z No Change

0 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1

This design element is instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attibutes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 12 Selects output drive strength (mA)
for the SelectIO buffers that use the
LVCMOS33 interface I/O standard.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to an
I/O primitive.
SLEW STRING "SLOW" or "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- IOBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (IOBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- IOBUFDS: Differential Bi-directional Buffer

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 151

ISE 8.1i


port map (
O => O, -- Buffer output
IO => IO, -- Diff_p inout (connect directly to top-level port)
IOB => IOB, -- Diff_n inout (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I, -- Buffer input
T => T -- 3-state enable input

-- End of IOBUFDS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IOBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (IOBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// IOBUFDS: Differential Bi-directional Buffer

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the I/O standard
) IOBUFDS_inst (
.O(O), // Buffer output
.IO(IO), // Diff_p inout (connect directly to top-level port)
.IOB(IOB), // Diff_n inout (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I), // Buffer input
.T(T) // 3-state enable input

// End of IOBUFDS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

152 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Dedicated I/O Buffer Input Deserializer
The Virtex-4 architecture provides a way for the user to easily implement source
synchronous solutions by using the ISERDES module. Unlike previous generations of

FPGAs, ISERDES is a dedicated source synchronous I/O architecture. This module
helps user by saving logic resources in the FPGA fabric for source synchronous

CLKDIV Q4 applications. Furthermore, ISERDES also avoids additional timing complexities that

Q5 may be encountered when designing such solution in the FPGA fabric. ISERDES
DLYINC Q6 module is present in all Virtex-4 family of FPGA.

The ISERDES module contains or works in conjunction with the following modules:
SHIFTIN2 serial to parallel converters, serial delay chains, a word alignment unit (BITSLIP), and
a clock enable (CE) module. In addition, ISERDES contains multiple clock inputs to
accommodate various applications and will work in conjunction with the SelectIO
features in Virtex-4 family.
ISERDES Ports (Detailed Description)
O – Combinatorial Output
This port is an unregistered output of the ISERDES module. It is the unregistered
output of the delay chain. In addition, this output port can also be configured to
bypass all the submodules within ISERDES module. This output can be used to drive
the BUFIOs.
Q1 to Q6 – Registered Outputs
This port is a registered output of the ISERDES module. Using these outputs, the user
has a selection of the following combination of ISERDES submodules path as the
1. Delay chain to serial to parallel converter to bitslip module.
2. Delay chain to serial to parallel converter.
These ports can be programmed from 2 to 6 bits. In the extended width mode, this
port can be expanded up to 10 bits.
SHIFTOUT 1-2 – Data input expansion (master)
Carry out for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTIN1/2 of slave.
This pin allows the ISERDES to perform a BITSLIP operation when logic HIGH is
given and the BITSLIP module is enabled.
CE 1-2 – Clock Enables
Clock Enables input that feeds into the CE module.
CLK – High Speed Forwarded Clock Input
This clock input is used to drive the Serial to Parallel Converter and the BITSLIP
module. The possible source for the CLK port is from one of the following clock
1. Eight global clock lines in a clock region
2. Two regional clock lines

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 153

ISE 8.1i


3. Six clock capable I/Os (within adjacent clock region)

4. Fabric (through bypass)
CLKDIV – Divided High Speed Forwarded Clock Input
This clock input is used to drive the Serial to Parallel Converter, Delay Chain, the
BITSLIP module, and CE module. This clock has to have slower frequency than the
clock connected to the CLK port. The possible source for the CLKDIV port is from one
of the following clock resources:
1. Eight global clock lines in a clock region
2. Two regional clock lines
D – Serial Input Data from IOB
The D is where all the incoming data enters the ISERDES module. This port works in
conjunction with SelectIO features for Virtex-4 architecture to accommodate the
desired I/O standards.
DLYCE – Delay Chain Enable Pin
This pin allows the user to increment/decrement the delay chain tap value by setting
it to logic HIGH.
DLYINC – Delay Chain Increment/Decrement Pin
When the DLYCE pin is asserted HIGH, the value at DLYINC pin
increments/decrements the delay chain value. Logic HIGH increments the tap value,
while logic LOW decrements the tap value.
DLYRST – Delay Chain Reset Pin
Asserting this pin to logic HIGH sets the delay chain value to the IOBDELAY_VALUE.
OCLK – High Speed Clock for Memory Interfaces Applications
This clock input is used to drive the serial to parallel converter in the ISERDES
module. The possible source for the OCLK port is from one of the following clock
1. Eight global clock lines in a clock region
2. Two regional clock lines
3. Six clock capable I/Os (within adjacent clock region)
4. Fabric (through bypass)
This clock is an ideal solution for memory interfaces in which strobe signals are
OFB – OQ Internal Feedback
Internal feedback loop from OQ the output of OSERDES. For internal testing
REV - Reverse SR pin
When SR is used, a second input, REV forces the storage element into the opposite
state. The reset condition predominates over the set condition.
SR - Set/Reset Input

154 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


The set/reset pin, SR forces the storage element into the state specified by the SRVAL
attribute, set through the user constraints file (UCF). SRVAL = “1” forces a logic 1.
SRVAL = “0” forces a logic "0." When SR is used, a second input (REV) forces the
storage element into the opposite state. The reset condition predominates over the set
condition. The following truth tables describes the operation of SR in conjunction
with REV.
Truth Table When SRVAL = “0” (Default Condition)

SR REV Function
0 0 NOP
0 1 Set
1 0 Reset
1 1 Reset

Truth Table When SRVAL = “1”

SR REV Function
0 0 NOP
0 1 Reset
1 0 Set
1 1 Reset

SHIFTIN 1-2 – Data input expansion (slave)

Carry input for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTOUT1/2 of master.
TFB – TQ Internal Feedback
Internal feedback loop from TQ output of OSERDES. For internal testing purposes.
ISERDES Submodules
Delay Chains Module
The Delay Chains module is a dedicated architecture that provides an adjustable or
fixed timing relationship between input data and forwarded clock. This solution is
achieved by placing delays in the ISERDES module that de-skew the inputs. The
input delay chains can be preprogrammed (fixed) or dynamically changed (variable).
In addition this module works in conjunction with IDELAYCTRL, a primitive
available in Virtex-4 devices.
A number of attributes being required in order to use the Delay Chains module. The
attributes are as follow:
IOBDELAY_VALUE can take values between 0 and 63. This attribute defines the
number of delay taps used. Default value for this attribute is 0.
Setting the IOBDELAY attribute to "IBUF," "IFD," and "BOTH" allows the Delay
Chains to be used in the combinatorial output (O output), registered output (Q1-Q6
output), and both respectively. Setting the IOBDELAY attribute to "NONE" bypasses
the delay chains module.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 155

ISE 8.1i


The IOBDELAY_TYPE can take three different values: "DEFAULT," "FIXED," or

"VARIABLE." The "DEFAULT" allows the user to use the 0 hold time value. Using the
"FIXED" mode, the delay taps equal to value defined by IOBDELAY_VALUE. In this
mode, the value can’t be changed after the device is programmed. In the last mode,
"VARIABLE," the delay value is set to an initial value defined by IOBDELAY_VALUE
and adjustable after the device is programmed.
The Delay Chains module is controlled by DLYRST, DLYCE, and DLYINC pins. Each
of the operations performed with these pins are synchronous to the CLKDIV clock
signal. Asserting DLYRST to logic HIGH configures the delay tap to the value defined
in IOBDELAY_VALUE. To increment/decrement the delay tap value, the user will
need to use both DLYCE and DLYINC. For this operation to proceed, the DLYCE must
be asserted to logic HIGH. Setting DLYINC to 1 will increment and setting DLYINC to
0 will decrement the delay tap value.
The following table identifies the Delay Chains Controls:


Increment tap value 0 1 1
Decrement tap value 0 1 0
No change 0 0 X

Note: All Delay Chains operations are synchronous to CLKDIV.

Serial to Parallel Converter
The serial to parallel converter in the ISERDES module takes in serial data and
convert them into data width choices from 2 to 6. Data widths larger than 6 (7,8, and
10) is achievable by cascading two ISERDES modules for data width expansion. In
order to do this, one ISERDES must be set into a MASTER mode, while another is set
into SLAVE mode. The user will also need to connect the SHIFTIN of "slave" and
SHIFTOUT of "master" ports together. The "slave" will only use Q3 to Q6 ports as its
output. The serial to parallel converter is available for both SDR and DDR modes.
This module is primarily controlled by CLK and CLKDIV clocks. The following table
describes the relationship between CLK and CLKDIV for both SDR and DDR mode.
The following table illustrates the CLK/CLKDIV relationship of the serial to parallel

SDR Data Width DDR Data Width CLK CLKDIV

2 4 2X X
3 6 3X X
4 8 4X X
5 10 5X X
6 - 6X X
7 - 7X X
8 - 8X X

CE Module
CE Module is essentially a 2:1 parallel to serial converter. This module is controlled by
CLKDIV clock input and is used to control the clock enable port of the Serial to
Parallel Converter module.

156 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


The BITSLIP module is a "Barrel Shifter" type function that reorders an output
sequence. An output pattern only changes whenever the BITSLIP is invoked. The
maximum number of BITSLIP reordering is always equal to the number of bits in the
pattern length minus one (DATA_WIDTH – 1). BITSLIP is supported for both SDR
and DDR operations. However, note that the output reordering for SDR and DDR
greatly differs.
In order to use the BITSLIP, the attribute "BITSLIP_ENABLE" must be set to "ON."
Setting this attribute to "OFF" allows the user to bypass the BITSLIP module.
The BITSLIP operation is synchronous to the CLKDIV clock input. In order to invoke
the BITSLIP module, the BITSLIP port must be asserted HIGH for one and only one
CLKDIV cycle. After one CLKDIV cycle the BITSLIP port is asserted HIGH, the
BITSLIP operation is completed. For DDR mode, a BITSLIP operation may not be
stable until after two CLKDIV cycles. All outputs of the BITSLIP appear in one of the
registered output ports (Q1 to Q6) BITSLIP operations are synchronous to CLKDIV.
Additional Features
Width Expansion
It is possible to use the ISERDES modules to recover data widths larger than 6. In
order to use this feature, two ISERDES modules need to be instantiated. Both the
ISERDES must be an adjacent master and slave pair. The attribute SERDES_MODE
must be set to either "MASTER" or "SLAVE" in order to differentiate the modes of the
ISERDES pair. In addition, the user must connect the SHIFOUT ports of the MASTER
to the SHIFTIN ports of the SLAVE. This feature supports data widths of 7, 8, and 10
for SDR and DDR mode. The table below lists the data width availability for SDR and
DDR mode.

Mode Widths

SDR Data Widths 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

DDR Data Widths 4,6,8,10

Port List and Definitions

Name Type Width Description

O Output 1 Combinatorial Output
Q1 – 6 Output 1 (each) Registered Outputs
SHIFTOUT1 – 2 Output 1 (each) Carry out for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTIN1/2 of slave.
BITSLIP Input 1 Invokes the ISERDES to perform a BITSLIP operation when logic HIGH is given and the
BITSLIP module is enabled.
CE1 – 2 Input 1 (each) Clock enables inputs.
CLK Input 1 High speed forwarded clock
CLKDIV Input 1 Divided clock input.
D Input 1 Serial input data from IOB
DLYCE Input 1 Enable delay chain to be incremented or decremented
DLYINC Input 1 If 1/0, increment/decrement delay chain 1 tap for every CLKDIV cycle.
DLYRST Input 1 Resets delay line to programmed value of IOBDELAY_VALUE (=Tap Count). If no value
programmed, resets delay line to 0 taps.
OCLK Input 1 High-speed clock input for memory applications.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 157

ISE 8.1i


Name Type Width Description

OFB Input 1 Internal feedback loop from OQ output of OSERDES. For internal testing purposes.
REV Input 1 Reverse SR
SR Input 1 Set/Reset Input
SHIFTIN1 – 2 Input 1 (each) Carry input for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTOUT1/2 of master.
TFB Input 1 Internal feedback loop from TQ output of OSERDES. For internal testing purposes.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
BITSLIP_ENABLE BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE 0 Allows the user to enable the bitslip
DATA_RATE STRING "SDR" or "DDR” "DDR” Specify data rate of either allowed
DATA_WIDTH STRING If DATA_RATE = 4 Defines the serial to parallel
"DDR", value is converter width. This value also
limited to 4,6,8, or depends on the SDR vs. DDR and
10. If DATA_RATE the Mode of the ISERDES
= "SDR", value is
limited to
2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8.
INIT_Q1 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the intial value of Q outputs
INIT_Q2 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the intial value of Q outputs
INIT_Q3 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the intial value of Q outputs
INIT_Q4 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the intial value of Q outputs
"NETWORKING” model is used.
IOBDELAY STRING "NONE", "IBUF", "NONE” Defines where the at the ISERDES
"IFD", "BOTH outputs the Delay Chains will be
IOBDELAY_TYPE STRING "DEFAULT", "DEFAULT” Defines whether the Delay Chains
"FIXED", or is in fixed or variable mode
IOBDELAY_VALUE INTEGER 0 to 63 0 Set initial tap delay to an integer
from 0 to 63.
NUM_CE INTEGER 1 or 2 2 Define number or clock enables to
an integer of 1 or 2.
"SLAVE” module is a master or slave when
width expansion is used
SRVAL_Q1 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Define Q1 output value upon SR
assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0.
SRVAL_Q1 to SRVAL_Q4 BINARY 1^b0 or 1^b1 1'b0 Defines the value of Q outputs
when reset is invoked
SRVAL_Q2 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Define Q2 output value upon SR
assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0.
SRVAL_Q3 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Define Q3 output value upon SR
assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0.
SRVAL_Q4 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Define Q4 output value upon SR
assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0.

VHDL Template
-- ISERDES : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ISERDES_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment

158 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->


-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
BITSLIP_ENABLE => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable bitslip controller
DATA_RATE => "DDR", -- Specify data rate of "DDR" or "SDR"
DATA_WIDTH => 4, -- Specify data width - For DDR 4,6,8, or 10
-- For SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
INIT_Q1 => '0', -- INIT for Q1 register - '1' or '0'
INIT_Q2 => '0', -- INIT for Q2 register - '1' or '0'
INIT_Q3 => '0', -- INIT for Q3 register - '1' or '0'
INIT_Q4 => '0', -- INIT for Q4 register - '1' or '0'
IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- Specify outputs where delay chain will be applied
-- "NONE", "IBUF", "IFD", or "BOTH"
IOBDELAY_VALUE => 0, -- Set initial tap delay to an integer from 0 to 63
NUM_CE => 2, -- Define number or clock enables to an integer of 1 or 2
SRVAL_Q1 => '0', -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
SRVAL_Q2 => '0', -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
SRVAL_Q3 => '0', -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
SRVAL_Q4 => '0') -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
port map (
O => O, -- 1-bit output
Q1 => Q1, -- 1-bit output
Q2 => Q2, -- 1-bit output
Q3 => Q3, -- 1-bit output
Q4 => Q4, -- 1-bit output
Q5 => Q5, -- 1-bit output
Q6 => Q6, -- 1-bit output
SHIFTOUT1 => SHIFTOUT1, -- 1-bit output
SHIFTOUT2 => SHIFTOUT2, -- 1-bit output
BITSLIP => BITSLIP, -- 1-bit input
CE1 => CE1, -- 1-bit input
CE2 => CE2, -- 1-bit input
CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit input
CLKDIV => CLKDIV, -- 1-bit input
D => D, -- 1-bit input
DLYCE => DLYCE, -- 1-bit input
DLYINC => DLYINC, -- 1-bit input
DLYRST => DLYRST, -- 1-bit input
OCLK => OCLK, -- 1-bit input
REV => REV, -- 1-bit input
SHIFTIN1 => SHIFTIN1, -- 1-bit input
SHIFTIN2 => SHIFTIN2, -- 1-bit input
SR => SR -- 1-bit input

-- End of ISERDES_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// ISERDES : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ISERDES_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 159

ISE 8.1i


// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment

// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ISERDES: Source Synchronous Input Deserializer
// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.BITSLIP_ENABLE("FALSE"), // TRUE/FALSE to enable bitslip controller
.DATA_RATE("DDR"), // Specify data rate of "DDR" or "SDR"
.DATA_WIDTH(4), // Specify data width - For DDR 4,6,8, or 10
// For SDR 2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
.INIT_Q1(1'b0), // INIT for Q1 register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.INIT_Q2(1'b0), // INIT for Q2 register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.INIT_Q3(1'b0), // INIT for Q3 register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.INIT_Q4(1'b0), // INIT for Q4 register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.IOBDELAY("NONE"), // Specify outputs where delay chain will be applied
// "NONE", "IBUF", "IFD", or "BOTH"
.IOBDELAY_VALUE(0), // Set initial tap delay to an integer from 0 to 63
.NUM_CE(2), // Define number or clock enables to an integer of 1 or 2
.SRVAL_Q1(1'b0), // Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.SRVAL_Q2(1'b0), // Define Q2 output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.SRVAL_Q3(1'b0), // Define Q3 output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.SRVAL_Q4(1'b0) // Define Q4 output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
) ISERDES_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit combinatorial output
.Q1(Q1), // 1-bit registered output
.Q2(Q2), // 1-bit registered output
.Q3(Q3), // 1-bit registered output
.Q4(Q4), // 1-bit registered output
.Q5(Q5), // 1-bit registered output
.Q6(Q6), // 1-bit registered output
.SHIFTOUT1(SHIFTOUT1), // 1-bit carry output
.SHIFTOUT2(SHIFTOUT2), // 1-bit carry output
.BITSLIP(BITSLIP), // 1-bit Bitslip input
.CE1(CE1), // 1-bit clock enable input
.CE2(CE2), // 1-bit clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // 1-bit clock input
.CLKDIV(CLKDIV), // 1-bit divided clock input
.D(D), // 1-bit serial data input
.DLYCE(DLYCE), // 1-bit delay chain enable input
.DLYINC(DLYINC), // 1-bit delay increment/decrement input
.DLYRST(DLYRST), // 1-bit delay chain reset input
.OCLK(OCLK), // 1-bit high-speed clock input
.REV(REV), // 1-bit reverse SR input
.SHIFTIN1(SHIFTIN1), // 1-bit carry input
.SHIFTIN2(SHIFTIN2), // 1-bit carry input
.SR(SR) // 1-bit set/reset input

// End of ISERDES_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

160 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: KEEPER Symbol
KEEPER is a weak keeper element that retains the value of the net connected to its
bidirectional O pin. For example, if a logic 1 is being driven onto the net, KEEPER
drives a weak/resistive 1 onto the net. If the net driver is then 3-stated, KEEPER
continues to drive a weak/resistive 1 onto the net.

X8718 This design element is instantiated rather than inferred.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- KEEPER : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (KEEPER_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- KEEPER: I/O Buffer Weak Keeper

-- All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
port map (
O => O -- Keeper output (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of KEEPER_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// KEEPER : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (KEEPER_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// KEEPER: I/O Buffer Weak Keeper

// All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Keeper output (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of KEEPER_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 161

ISE 8.1i


For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

162 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Clear and Preset
and Gate Enable
LDCPE is a transparent data latch with data (D), asynchronous clear (CLR),
asynchronous preset (PRE), and gate enable (GE). When CLR is High, it overrides the
other inputs and resets the data (Q) output Low. When PRE is High and CLR is Low, it
presets the data (Q) output High. Q reflects the data (D) input while the gate (G) input
and gate enable (GE) are High and CLR and PRE are Low. The data on the D input
during the High-to-Low gate transition is stored in the latch. The data on the Q output
remains unchanged as long as G or GE remains Low.
X8371 The latch is asynchronously cleared, output Low, when power is applied, or when
global reset is active.
GSR defaults to active-High but can be inverted by adding an inverter in front of the
GSR input of the Virtex-4 symbol.

Inputs Outputs

1 X X X X 0
0 1 X X X 1
0 0 0 X X No Change
0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 X No Change
0 0 1 ↓ D D

This design element is inferred in the design code; however, the element can be
instantiated for cases where strict placement control, relative placement control, or
initialization attributes must be applied.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 1-Bit 1 or 0 0 Sets the initial value of Q
output after configuration

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- LDCPE: Transparent latch with with Asynchronous Reset, Preset and
-- Gate Enable. All families.
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i
generic map (
INIT => '0') -- Initial value of the latch
port map (
Q => Q, -- Data output
CLR => CLR, -- Asynchronous clear/reset input
D => D, -- Data input
G => G, -- Gate input

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 163

ISE 8.1i


GE => GE, -- Gate enable input

PRE => PRE -- Asynchronous preset/set input

-- End of LDCPE_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// LDCPE : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LDCPE_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LDCPE: Transparent latch with with Asynchronous Reset, Preset and

// Gate Enable. All families.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT(1'b0) // Initial value of latch (1'b0 or 1'b1)
) LDCPE_inst (
.Q(Q), // Data output
.CLR(CLR), // Asynchronous clear/reset input
.D(D), // Data input
.G(G), // Gate input
.GE(GE), // Gate enable input
.PRE(PRE) // Asynchronous preset/set input

// End of LDCPE_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

164 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4

LUT1, 2, 3, 4
Primitive: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT1, LUT2, LUT3, and LUT4 are, respectively, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-bit look-up-tables
(LUTs) with general output (O).
A mandatory INIT attribute, with an appropriate number of hexadecimal digits for
the number of inputs, must be attached to the LUT to specify its function.
LUT1 provides a look-up-table version of a buffer or inverter.

LUTs are the basic Virtex-4 building blocks. Two LUTs are available in each CLB slice;
four LUTs are available in each CLB. The variants, “LUT1_D, LUT2_D, LUT3_D,
I1 LUT2 LUT4_D” and “LUT1_L, LUT2_L, LUT3_L, LUT4_L” provide additional types of
O outputs that can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout
I0 timing estimation.

LUT3 Function Table

Inputs Outputs

LUT3 I2 I1 I0 O
I1 0 0 0 INIT[0]
I0 O
0 0 1 INIT[1]
X8382 0 1 0 INIT[2]
0 1 1 INIT[3]
1 0 0 INIT[4]
1 0 1 INIT[5]
I1 1 1 0 INIT[6]
1 1 1 INIT[7]
INIT = binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number assigned to the INIT attribute

LUTs are generally inferred with the logic portions of the HDL code. Xilinx suggests
that you instantiate LUTs only if you have a need to implicitly specify the logic
mapping, or if you need to manually place or relationally place the logic.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 165

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8'h00 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT1

-- LUT1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT1: 1-input Look-Up Table with general output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1_inst : LUT1
generic map (
INIT => "00")
port map (
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT1

// LUT1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT1: 1-input Look-Up Table with general output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1 #(
.INIT(2'b00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT1_inst (
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0) // LUT input
// End of LUT1_inst instantiation

166 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4


VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT2

-- LUT2 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT2_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- LUT2: 2-input Look-Up Table with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2_inst : LUT2
generic map (
INIT => X"0")
port map (
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT2_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT2

// LUT2 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT2_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT2: 2-input Look-Up Table with general output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2 #(
.INIT(4'h0) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT2_inst (
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1) // LUT input

// End of LUT2_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT3

-- LUT3 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT3_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 167

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4

-- : reference and connect this function to the design.

-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT3: 3-input Look-Up Table with general output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3_inst : LUT3
generic map (
INIT => X"00")
port map (
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT3_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT3

// LUT3 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT3_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT3: 3-input Look-Up Table with general output
// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3 #(
.INIT(8'h00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT3_inst (
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2) // LUT input

// End of LUT3_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT4

-- LUT4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT4_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

168 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT4: 4-input Look-Up Table with general output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT4_inst : LUT4
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2, -- LUT input
I3 => I3 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT4

// LUT4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT4: 4-input Look-Up Table with general output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT4 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT4_inst (
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2), // LUT input
.I3(I3) // LUT input
// End of LUT4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 169

ISE 8.1i

LUT1, 2, 3, 4

170 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Primitive: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-Bit Look-Up Table with Dual Output
LUT1_D, LUT2_D, LUT3_D, and LUT4_D are, respectively, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-bit look-
LUT1_D LO up-tables (LUTs) with two functionally identical outputs, O and LO. The O output is a
general interconnect. The LO output is used to connect to another output within the
I0 O
same CLB slice and to the fast connect buffer.
A mandatory INIT attribute, with an appropriate number of hexadecimal digits for
the number of inputs, must be attached to the LUT to specify its function.

LUT1_D provides a look-up-table version of a buffer or inverter.

I0 O
See also “LUT1, 2, 3, 4” and “LUT1_L, LUT2_L, LUT3_L, LUT4_L.”
LUT3_D Function Table

Inputs Outputs

I2 I1 I0 O LO
I1 0 0 0 INIT[0] INIT[0]
I0 O
0 0 1 INIT[1] INIT[1]
X8383 0 1 0 INIT[2] INIT[2]
0 1 1 INIT[3] INIT[3]
1 0 0 INIT[4] INIT[4]
1 0 1 INIT[5] INIT[5]
I1 O 1 1 0 INIT[6] INIT[6]
1 1 1 INIT[7] INIT[7]
INIT = binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number assigned to the INIT attribute

LUTs are generally inferred with the logic portions of the HDL code. Xilinx suggests
that you instantiate LUTs only if you have a need to implicitly specify the logic
mapping, or if you need to manually place or relationally place the logic.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8'h00 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 171

ISE 8.1i


Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT1_D

-- LUT1_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT1_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT1_D: 1-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1_D_inst : LUT1_D
generic map (
INIT => "00")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT1_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT1_D

// LUT1_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT1_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT1_D: 1-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1_D #(
.INIT(2'b00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT1_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0) // LUT input

// End of LUT1_D_inst instantiation

172 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT2_D

-- LUT2_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT2_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT2_D: 2-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2_D_inst : LUT2_D
generic map (
INIT => X"0")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT2_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT2_D

// LUT2_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT2_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT2_D: 2-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs
// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2_D #(
.INIT(4'h0) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT2_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1) // LUT input

// End of LUT2_L_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT3_D

-- LUT3_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT3_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 173

ISE 8.1i


-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT3_D: 3-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3_D_inst : LUT3_D
generic map (
INIT => X"00")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT3_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT3_D

// LUT3_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT3_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT3_D: 3-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs
// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3_D #(
.INIT(8'h00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT3_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2) // LUT input

// End of LUT3_D_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT4_D

-- LUT4_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT4_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used

174 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT4_D: 4-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT4_D_inst : LUT4_D
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
O => O, -- LUT general output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2, -- LUT input
I3 => I3 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT4_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT4_D

// LUT4_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT4_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT4_D: 4-input Look-Up Table with general and local outputs
// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT4_D #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT4_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.O(O), // LUT general output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2), // LUT input
.I3(I3) // LUT input

// End of LUT4_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 175

ISE 8.1i


176 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



Primitive: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-Bit Look-Up Table with Local Output
LUT1_L, LUT2_L, LUT3_L, and LUT4_L are, respectively, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4- bit look-up-
LUT1_L LO tables (LUTs) with a local output (LO) that is used to connect to another output within
the same CLB slice and to the fast connect buffer.

A mandatory INIT attribute, with an appropriate number of hexadecimal digits for

the number of inputs, must be attached to the LUT to specify its function.
LUT1_L provides a look-up-table version of a buffer or inverter. See also “LUT1, 2, 3,
4” and “LUT1_D, LUT2_D, LUT3_D, LUT4_D.”
LUT3_L Function Table

Inputs Outputs

I2 I1 I0 LO
0 0 0 INIT[0]
I2 LO 0 0 1 INIT[1]
0 1 0 INIT[2]
0 1 1 INIT[3]
1 0 0 INIT[4]
1 0 1 INIT[5]
1 1 0 INIT[6]
1 1 1 INIT[7]
I0 INIT = binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number assigned to the INIT attribute

LUTs are generally inferred with the logic portions of the HDL code. Xilinx suggests
that you instantiate LUTs only if you have a need to implicitly specify the logic
mapping, or if you need to manually place or relationally place the logic.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2-Bit Hexadecimal 2'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4-Bit Hexadecimal 4'h0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8-Bit Hexadecimal 8'h00 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 177

ISE 8.1i


Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers,
and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT1_L

-- LUT1_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT1_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT1_L: 1-input Look-Up Table with local output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1_L_inst : LUT1_L
generic map (
INIT => "00")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
I0 => I0 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT1_L_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT1_L

// LUT1_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT1_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT1_L: 1-input Look-Up Table with local output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT1_L #(
.INIT(2'b00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT1_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.I0(I0) // LUT input

// End of LUT1_L_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT2_L

-- LUT2_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed

178 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The

-- declaration : instance name (LUT2_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT2_L: 2-input Look-Up Table with local output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2_L_inst : LUT2_L
generic map (
INIT => X"0")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT2_L_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT2_L

// LUT2_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT2_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT2_L: 2-input Look-Up Table with local output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT2_L #(
.INIT(4'h0) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT2_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1) // LUT input

// End of LUT2_L_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT3_L

-- LUT3_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT3_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 179

ISE 8.1i


-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- LUT3_L: 3-input Look-Up Table with local output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3_L_inst : LUT3_L
generic map (
INIT => X"00")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT3_L_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT3_L

// LUT3_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT3_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT3_L: 3-input Look-Up Table with local output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT3_L #(
.INIT(8'h00) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT3_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2) // LUT input

// End of LUT3_L_inst instantiation

VHDL Instantiation Template for LUT4_L

-- LUT4_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (LUT4_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

180 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


-- LUT4_L: 4-input Look-Up Table with local output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

LUT4_L_inst : LUT4_L
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
LO => LO, -- LUT local output
I0 => I0, -- LUT input
I1 => I1, -- LUT input
I2 => I2, -- LUT input
I3 => I3 -- LUT input

-- End of LUT4_L_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code for LUT4_L

// LUT4_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (LUT4_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// LUT4_L: 4-input Look-Up Table with local output

// For use with all FPGAs.
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
LUT4_L #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Specify LUT Contents
) LUT4_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // LUT local output
.I0(I0), // LUT input
.I1(I1), // LUT input
.I2(I2), // LUT input
.I3(I3) // LUT input

// End of LUT4_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 181

ISE 8.1i


182 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Fast Multiplier AND
MULT_AND is a logical AND gate component that can be used to reduce logic and
improve speed when users are building soft multipliers within the device fabric. It can
also be used in some carry-chain operations to reduce the needed LUTs to implement
I1 some functions. The I1 and I0 inputs must be connected to the I1 and I0 inputs of the
I0 associated LUT. The LO output must be connected to the DI input of the associated
Inputs Output

I1 I0 LO
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

0 1

B1 I3
A1 I2
B0 I1 O O



Example Multiplier Using MULT_AND

For HDL, this design element is instantiated rather than inferred.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MULT_AND : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MULT_AND_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 183

ISE 8.1i


-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- MULT_AND: 2-input AND gate connected to Carry chain

-- All FPGA
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LO => LO, -- MULT_AND output (connect to MUXCY DI)
I0 => I0, -- MULT_AND data[0] input
I1 => I1 -- MULT_AND data[1] input

-- End of MULT_AND_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// MULT_AND : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MULT_AND_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MULT_AND: 2-input AND gate connected to Carry chain

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.LO(LO), // MULT_AND output (connect to MUXCY DI)
.I0(I0), // MULT_AND data[0] input
.I1(I1) // MULT_AND data[1] input

// End of MULT_AND_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

184 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with General Output
MUXCY is used to implement a 1-bit high-speed carry propagate function. One such
function can be implemented per slice for a total of 4-bits per configurable logic block
O (CLB) for Virtex-4 devices.
S MUXCY The direct input (DI) of a slice is connected to the (DI) input of the MUXCY. The carry
0 1 in (CI) input of an LC is connected to the CI input of the MUXCY. The select input (S)
of the MUXCY is driven by the output of the lookup table (LUT) and configured as a
DI CI MUX function. The carry out (O) of the MUXCY reflects the state of the selected input
X8728 and implements the carry out function of each LC. When Low, S selects DI; when
High, S selects CI.
The variants, “MUXCY_D” and “MUXCY_L” provide additional types of outputs that
can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout timing

Inputs Outputs

0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXCY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXCY_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXCY: Carry-Chain MUX with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- Carry output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
DI => DI, -- Data input signal

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 185

ISE 8.1i


S => S -- MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out


-- End of MUXCY_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// MUXCY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXCY_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs and
// : and outputs of this primtive should be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXCY: Carry-Chain MUX with general output

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Carry output signal
.CI(CI), // Carry input signal
.DI(DI), // Data input signal
.S(S) // MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out

// End of MUXCY_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

186 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with Dual Output
MUXCY_D implements a 1-bit high-speed carry propagate function. One such
function is implemented per logic cell (LC), for a total of 4-bits per configurable logic
LO O block (CLB). The direct input (DI) of an LC is connected to the DI input of the
MUXCY_D. The carry in (CI) input of an LC is connected to the CI input of the
S MUXCY_D MUXCY_D. The select input (S) of the MUX is driven by the output of the lookup
0 1 table (LUT) and configured as an XOR function. The carry out (O and LO) of the
MUXCY_D reflects the state of the selected input and implements the carry out
DI CI function of each LC. When Low, S selects DI; when High, S selects CI.
Outputs O and LO are functionally identical. The O output is a general interconnect.
The LO outputs is used to connect to other inputs within the same slice.
See also “MUXCY” and “MUXCY_L”

Inputs Outputs

0 1 X 1 1
0 0 X 0 0
1 X 1 1 1
1 X 0 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXCY_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXCY_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXCY_D: Carry-Chain MUX with general and local outputs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LO => LO, -- Carry local output signal
O => O, -- Carry general output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
DI => DI, -- Data input signal

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 187

ISE 8.1i


S => S -- MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out


-- End of MUXCY_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// MUXCY_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXCY_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXCY_D: Carry-Chain MUX with general and local outputs

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.LO(LO), // Carry local output signal
.O(O), // Carry general output signal
.CI(CI), // Carry input signal
.DI(DI), // Data input signal
.S(S) // MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out

// End of MUXCY_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

188 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Multiplexer for Carry Logic with Local Output
MUXCY_L implements a 1-bit high-speed carry propagate function. One such
function can be implemented per slice, for a total of 4-bits per configurable logic block
LO (CLB). The direct input (DI) of an LC is connected to the DI input of the MUXCY_L.
The carry in (CI) input of an LC is connected to the CI input of the MUXCY_L. The
S MUXCY_L select input (S) of the MUXCY_L is driven by the output of the lookup table (LUT)
0 1 and configured as an XOR function. The carry out (LO) of the MUXCY_L reflects the
state of the selected input and implements the carry out function of each slice. When
DI CI Low, S selects DI; when High, S selects CI.
See also “MUXCY” and “MUXCY_D”

Inputs Outputs

0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

For HDL, this design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXCY_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXCY_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXCY_L: Carry-Chain MUX with local output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LO => LO, -- Carry local output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
DI => DI, -- Data input signal
S => S -- MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out

-- End of MUXCY_L_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 189

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Template

// MUXCY_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXCY_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXCY_L: Carry-Chain MUX with local output

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.LO(LO), // Carry local output signal
.CI(CI), // Carry input signal
.DI(DI), // Data input signal
.S(S) // MUX select, tie to '1' or LUT4 out

// End of MUXCY_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

190 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF5 provides a multiplexer function in a CLB slice for creating a function-of-5
lookup table or a 4-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup tables.
The local outputs (LO) from the two lookup tables are connected to the I0 and I1
I0 inputs of the MUXF5. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects
I0. When High, S selects I1.
I1 The variants, “MUXF5_D” and “MUXF5_L”, provide additional types of outputs that
S can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout timing
X8431 estimation.

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O
0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF5 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF5_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF5: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5_inst : MUXF5
port map (
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF5_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 191

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF5 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF5_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF5: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with general output
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5 MUXF5_inst (
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF5_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

192 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF5_D provides a multiplexer function in a CLB slice for creating a function-of-5
lookup table or a 4-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup tables.
I0 The local outputs (LO) from the two lookup tables are connected to the I0 and I1
inputs of the MUXF5. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects
O I0. When High, S selects I1.
S Outputs O and LO are functionally identical. The O output is a general interconnect.
X8432 The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
See also “MUXF5” and “MUXF5_L”

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O LO
0 1 X 1 1
0 0 X 0 0
1 X 1 1 1
1 X 0 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF5_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF5_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF5_D: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with general and local outputs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5_D_inst : MUXF5_D
port map (
LO => LO, -- Ouptut of MUX to local routing
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF5_D_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 193

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF5_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF5_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF5_D: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with general and local outputs
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5_D MUXF5_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // Ouptut of MUX to local routing
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF5_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

194 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF5_L provides a multiplexer function in a CLB slice for creating a function-of-5
lookup table or a 4-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup tables.
The local outputs (LO) from the two lookup tables are connected to the I0 and I1
I0 inputs of the MUXF5. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects
I0. When High, S selects I1.
I1 The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
S See also “MUXF5” and “MUXF5_D”.
Inputs Output

S I0 I1 LO
0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF5_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF5_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF5_L: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with local output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5_L_inst : MUXF5_L
port map (
LO => LO, -- Output of MUX to local routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF5_L_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 195

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF5_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF5_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF5_L: Slice MUX to tie two LUT4's together with local output
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF5_L MUXF5_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // Output of MUX to local routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie directly to the output of LUT4)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie directoy to the output of LUT4)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF5_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

196 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF6 provides a multiplexer function in one half of a Virtex-4 CLB (two slices) for
creating a function-of-6 lookup table or an 8-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the
associated four lookup tables and two MUXF5s. The local outputs (LO) from the two
I0 MUXF5s in the CLB are connected to the I0 and I1 inputs of the MUXF6. The S input is
driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects I0. When High, S selects I1.
I1 The variants, “MUXF6_D” and “MUXF6_L”, provide additional types of outputs that
can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout timing
S estimation.
Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O
0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF6 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF6_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF6: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6_inst : MUXF6
port map (
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF6_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 197

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF6 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF6_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF6: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with general output
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6 MUXF6_inst (
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF6_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

198 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF6_D provides a multiplexer function in a full Virtex-4 CLB, or one half of a
Virtex-4 CLB (two slices) for creating a function-of-6 lookup table or an 8-to-1
multiplexer in combination with the associated four lookup tables and two MUXF5s.
LO The local outputs (LO) from the two MUXF5s in the CLB are connected to the I0 and
I1 inputs of the MUXF6. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S
O selects I0. When High, S selects I1.
Outputs O and LO are functionally identical. The O output is a general interconnect.
The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
See also “MUXF6” and “MUXF6_L”

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O LO
0 1 X 1 1
0 0 X 0 0
1 X 1 1 1
1 X 0 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF6_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF6_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF6_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with general and local outputs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6_D_inst : MUXF6_D
port map (
LO => LO, -- Ouptut of MUX to local routing
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 199

ISE 8.1i


-- End of MUXF6_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF6_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF6_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF6_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with general and local outputs
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6_D MUXF6_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // Ouptut of MUX to local routing
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF6_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

200 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF6_L provides a multiplexer function in half of a Virtex-4 CLB (two slices) for
creating a function-of-6 lookup table or an 8-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the
associated four lookup tables and two MUXF5s. The local outputs (LO) from the two
I0 MUXF5s in the CLB are connected to the I0 and I1 inputs of the MUXF6. The S input is
driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects I0. When High, S selects I1.
I1 The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
S See also “MUXF6” and “MUXF6_D”.
Inputs Output

S I0 I1 LO
0 1 X 1
0 0 X 0
1 X 1 1
1 X 0 0

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF6_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF6_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF6_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with local output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6_L_inst : MUXF6_L
port map (
LO => LO, -- Output of MUX to local routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF6_L_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 201

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF6_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF6_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF6_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF5's together with local output
// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF6_L MUXF6_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // Output of MUX to local routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF5 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF6_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

202 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF7 provides a multiplexer function in a full Virtex-4 CLB for creating a function-
of-7 lookup table or a 16-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup
tables. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF6 are connected to the I0 and I1 inputs of the
MUXF7. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects I0. When
High, S selects I1.
I1 The variants, “MUXF7_D” and “MUXF7_L”, provide additional types of outputs that
S can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout timing
X8431 estimation.

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O
0 I0 X I0
1 X I1 I1
X 0 0 0
X 1 1 1

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF7 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF7_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF7: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7_inst : MUXF7
port map (
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF7_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 203

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF7 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF7_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF7: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with general output
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7 MUXF7_inst (
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF7_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

204 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF7_D provides a multiplexer function in one full Virtex-4 CLB for creating a
function-of-7 lookup table or a 16-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated
I0 lookup tables. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF6 are connected to the I0 and I1 inputs of
LO the MUXF7. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects I0. When
O High, S selects I1.
Outputs O and LO are functionally identical. The O output is a general interconnect.
S The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
See also “MUXF7” and “MUXF7_L”.

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O LO
0 I0 X I0 I0
1 X I1 I1 I1
X 0 0 0 0
X 1 1 1 1

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF7_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF7_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF7_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with general and local outputs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7_D_inst : MUXF7_D
port map (
LO => LO, -- Ouptut of MUX to local routing
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF7_D_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 205

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF7_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF7_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF7_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with general and local outputs
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7_D MUXF7_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // Ouptut of MUX to local routing
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF7_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

206 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF7 provides a multiplexer function in a full Virtex-4 CLB for creating a function-
of-7 lookup table or a 16-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup
tables. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF6 are connected to the I0 and I1 inputs of the
LO MUXF7. The S input is driven from any internal net. When Low, S selects I0. When
High, S selects I1.
I1 The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
S See also “MUXF7” and “MUXF7_D”.
Inputs Output

S I0 I1 LO
0 I0 X I0
1 X I1 I1
X 0 0 0
X 1 1 1

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF7_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF7_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF7_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with local output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7_L_inst : MUXF7_L
port map (
LO => LO, -- Output of MUX to local routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF7_L_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 207

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF7_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF7_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF7_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF6's together with local output
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF7_L MUXF7_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // Output of MUX to local routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF6 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF7_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

208 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF8 provides a multiplexer function in full Virtex-4 CLBs for creating a function-
of-8 lookup table or a 32-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated lookup
I0 tables, MUXF5s, MUXF6s, and MUXF7s. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF7 are connected
to the I0 and I1 inputs of the MUXF8. The (S) input is driven from any internal net.
O When Low, (S) selects I0. When High, (S) selects I1.
The variants, “MUXF8_D”and “MUXF8_L”, provide additional types of outputs that
S can be used by different timing models for more accurate pre-layout timing
X8434 estimation

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O
0 I0 X I0
1 X I1 I1
X 0 0 0
X 1 1 1

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF8 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF8_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF8: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with general output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8_inst : MUXF8
port map (
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF8_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 209

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF8 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF8_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF8: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with general output
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8 MUXF8_inst (
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF8_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

210 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Dual Output
MUXF8_D provides a multiplexer function in two full Virtex-4 CLBs for creating a
function-of-8 lookup table or a 32-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated
four lookup tables and two MUXF8s. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF7 are connected to
I0 the I0 and I1 inputs of the MUXF8. The (S) input is driven from any internal net. When
Low, (S) selects I0. When High, (S) selects I1.
I1 Outputs O and LO are functionally identical. The O output is a general interconnect.
The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
X8434 See also “MUXF8” and “MUXF8_L”.

Inputs Outputs

S I0 I1 O LO
0 I0 X I0 I0
1 X I1 I1 I1
X 0 0 0 0
X 1 1 1 1

This design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF8_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF8_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF8_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with general and local outputs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8_D_inst : MUXF8_D
port map (
LO => LO, -- Ouptut of MUX to local routing
O => O, -- Output of MUX to general routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF8_D_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 211

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF8_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF8_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF8_D: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with general and local outputs
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8_D MUXF8_D_inst (
.LO(LO), // Ouptut of MUX to local routing
.O(O), // Output of MUX to general routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF8_D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

212 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 2-to-1 Lookup Table Multiplexer with Local Output
MUXF8_L provides a multiplexer function in two full Virtex-4 CLBs for creating a
function-of-8 lookup table or a 32-to-1 multiplexer in combination with the associated
four lookup tables and two MUXF8s. Local outputs (LO) of MUXF7 are connected to
LO the I0 and I1 inputs of the MUXF8. The S input is driven from any internal net. When
Low, S selects I0. When High, S selects I1.
I1 The LO output connects to other inputs in the same CLB slice.
S See also “MUXF8” and “MUXF8_D”.
Inputs Output

S I0 I1 LO
0 I0 X I0
1 X I1 I1
X 0 0 0
X 1 1 1

FThis design element can only be instantiated.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- MUXF8_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (MUXF8_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- MUXF8_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with local output
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8_L_inst : MUXF8_L
port map (
LO => LO, -- Output of MUX to local routing
I0 => I0, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
I1 => I1, -- Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
S => S -- Input select to MUX

-- End of MUXF8_L_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 213

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// MUXF8_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (MUXF8_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// MUXF8_L: CLB MUX to tie two MUXF7's together with local output
// For use with Virtex-II/II-Pro and Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

MUXF8_L MUXF8_L_inst (
.LO(LO), // Output of MUX to local routing
.I0(I0), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.I1(I1), // Input (tie to MUXF7 LO out)
.S(S) // Input select to MUX

// End of MUXF8_L_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

214 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Single-ended Output Buffer
Output buffers are necessary for all output signals because they isolate the internal
circuit and provide drive current for signals leaving a chip. The OBUF is a constantly
OBUF enabled output buffer that is generally used for specifying a single-ended output
when a 3-state is not necessary for the output. The output (O) of an OBUF should be
I O connected directly to the top-level ouput port in the design.

X9445 OBUFs are optional for use in the schematic since they will automatically be inserted
into the design, if necessary. If you want to manually add this component, however,
the component should be placed in the top-level schematic connecting the output
directly to an output port marker.
OBUFs are available in bundles of 4, 8, or 16 to make it easier for you to incorporate
them into your design without having to apply multiples of them one at a time. (The
bundles are thus identified as OBUF4, OBUF8, and OBUF16.)

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 12 Selects output drive strength (mA) for
the SelectIO buffers that use the
LVCMOS33 interface I/O standard.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to an
I/O primitive.
SLEW STRING "SLOW" or "FAST” "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- OBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (OBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- OBUF: Single-ended Output Buffer

-- All devices
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

OBUF_inst : OBUF
generic map (
DRIVE => 12,

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 215

ISE 8.1i



port map (
O => O, -- Buffer output (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I -- Buffer input

-- End of OBUF_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// OBUF : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (OBUF_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// OBUF: Single-ended Output Buffer

// All devices
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the output I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) OBUF_inst (
.O(O), // Buffer output (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I) // Buffer input

// End of OBUF_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

216 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Differential Signaling Output Buffer with Selectable I/O
OBUFDS is a single output buffer that supports low-voltage, differential signaling (1.8
CMOS). OBUFDS isolates the internal circuit and provides drive current for signals
O leaving the chip. Its output is represented as two distinct ports (O and OB), one
OB deemed the "master" and the other the "slave." The master and the slave are opposite
phases of the same logical signal (for example, MYNET and MYNETB).
OBUFDS Inputs Outputs

X9259 I O OB
0 0 1
1 1 0

This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes

CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DONT CARE” Specifies whether it is desired to use an

"NORMAL", I/O with lower or normal intrinsic
"DONT CARE” capacitance.
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 12 Selects output drive strength (mA) for
the SelectIO buffers that use the
LVCMOS33 interface I/O standard.
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to an
I/O primitive.
SLEW STRING "SLOW" or "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- OBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (OBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 217

ISE 8.1i


-- OBUFDS: Differential Output Buffer

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Diff_p output (connect directly to top-level port)
OB => OB, -- Diff_n output (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I -- Buffer input

-- End of OBUFDS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// OBUFDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (OBUFDS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// OBUFDS: Differential Output Buffer

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the output I/O standard
) OBUFDS_inst (
.O(O), // Diff_p output (connect directly to top-level port)
.OB(OB), // Diff_n output (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I) // Buffer input

// End of OBUFDS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

218 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Active-Low Output Enable
Output buffers are necessary for all output signals because they isolate the internal
circuit and provide drive current for signals leaving a chip. The OBUFT is a 3-state
OBUFT output buffer with input I, output O, and active-Low output enables (T). When T is
Low, data on the inputs of the buffers is transferred to the corresponding outputs.
T When T is High, the output is high impedance (off or Z state).
I O An OBUFT output should be connected directly to the top-level output or inout port.
OBUFTs are generally used when a single-ended output is needed with a tri-state
capability, such as the case when building bi-directional I/O.
Inputs Outputs

1 X Z
0 1 1
0 0 0

OBUFTs should be placed in the top-level schematic connecting the output directly to
an output or bi-directional port marker.
OBUFTs are available in bundles of 4, 8, or 16 to make it easier for you to incorporate
them into your design without having to apply multiples of them one at a time. (The
bundles are thus identified as OBUFT4, OBUFT8, and OBUFT16.) The bundles are
discussed in the schematics version of the Virtex-4 Libraries Guide.

Available Attributes

CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DONT Specifies whether it is desired to use an I/O

"NORMAL", CARE” with lower or normal intrinsic capacitance.
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 12 Selects output drive strength (mA) for the
24 SelectIO buffers that use the LVTTL,
LVCMOS25, or LVCMOS33 interface I/O
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to an I/O
SLEW STRING "SLOW" or "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- OBUFT : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (OBUFT_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 219

ISE 8.1i


-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library

-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- OBUFT: Single-ended 3-state Output Buffer

-- All devices
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
DRIVE => 12,
port map (
O => O, -- Buffer output (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I, -- Buffer input
T => T -- 3-state enable input

-- End of OBUFT_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// OBUFT : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (OBUFT_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// OBUFT: Single-ended 3-state Output Buffer
// All devices
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the output I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) OBUFT_inst (
.O(O), // Buffer output (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I), // Buffer input
.T(T) // 3-state enable input

// End of OBUFT_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

220 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 3-State Differential Signaling Output Buffer with Active Low
Output Enable and Selectable I/O Interface
OBUFTDS is a single 3-state, differential signaling output buffer with active Low
enable and a SelectIO interface.
When T is Low, data on the input of the buffer is transferred to the output (O) and
O inverted output (OB). When T is High, both outputs are high impedance (off or Z
OB state).

OBUFTDS Inputs Outputs

X9260 I T O OB
X 1 Z Z
0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0

These design elements are instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes

CAPACITANCE STRING "LOW", "DONT Specifies whether it is desired to use an I/O

"NORMAL", CARE” with lower or normal intrinsic capacitance.
DRIVE INTEGER 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 12 Selects output drive strength (mA) for the
24 SelectIO buffers that use the LVTTL,
LVCMOS25, or LVCMOS33 interface I/O
IOSTANDARD STRING "DEFAULT” "DEFAULT” Use to assign an I/O standard to an I/O
SLEW STRING "SLOW" or "SLOW” Sets the output rise and fall time.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- OBUFTDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (OBUFTDS_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 221

ISE 8.1i


-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- OBUFTDS: Differential 3-state Output Buffer

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
port map (
O => O, -- Diff_p output (connect directly to top-level port)
OB => OB, -- Diff_n output (connect directly to top-level port)
I => I, -- Buffer input
T => T -- 3-state enable input

-- End of OBUFTDS_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// OBUFTDS : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (OBUFTDS_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// OBUFTDS: Differential 3-state Output Buffer

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the output I/O standard
) OBUFTDS_inst (
.O(O), // Diff_p output (connect directly to top-level port)
.OB(OB), // Diff_n output (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(I), // Buffer input
.T(T) // 3-state enable input

// End of OBUFTDS_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

222 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: A Dedicated Output Register to Transmit Dual Data Rate
(DDR) Signals From Virtex-4 FPGAs
ODDR primitives are dedicated output registers used in transmitting dual data rate
D2 (DDR) signals from Virtex-4 FPGAs. The ODDR primitive’s interface with the FPGA
fabric is not limited to opposite edges. ODDR is available with modes that allow data

to be presented from the FPGA fabric at the same clock edge. This feature allows
R designers to avoid additional timing complexities and CLB usage. In addition, ODDR
will work in conjunction with SelectIO features of Virtex-4 architecture.
ODDR Ports (Detailed Description)
Q – Data Output (DDR)
This pin connects to the IOB pad.
C – Clock Input Port
The C pin represents the clock input pin.
CE – Clock Enable Port
When asserted LOW, this port disables the output clock at port O.
D1 – D2 – Data Input
This pin is where the DDR data is presented into the ODDR module.
R - Reset
Depends on how SRTYPE is set.
ODDR Modes
The following section describes the functionality of various modes of ODDR. These
modes are set by the DDR_CLK_EDGE attribute.
In the OPPOSITE_EDGE mode, data transmit interface uses the classic DDR
methodology. Given a data and clock at pin D1-2 and C respectively, D1 will be
sampled at every positive edge of clock C, and D2 will be sampled at every negative
edge of clock C. Q changes every clock edge.
In the SAME_EDGE mode, data is still transmitted by opposite edges of clock C.
However, both register are clocked with positive clock edge C and an extra register
has been placed in front of the D2 input data register. The extra register is clocked
with negative clock edge of clock signal C. Using this feature, DDR data can now be
presented into the ODDR at the same clock edge.
Port List and Definitions

Name Type Width Function

Q Output 1 Data Output (DDR)
C Input 1 Clock Input
CE Input 1 Clock Enable Input

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 223

ISE 8.1i


Name Type Width Function

D1 – D2 Input 1 (each) Data Input
R Input 1 Reset
S Input 1 Set

Available Attributes


"SAME_EDGE", EDGE” selection
INIT INTEGER 0 or 1 1 Q initialization value
SRTYPE STRING "SYNC" or "ASYNC” "SYNC” Set/Reset type selection

This design element is available for schematics and instantiation only.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ODDR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ODDR_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- ODDR: Output Double Data Rate Output Register with Set, Reset
-- and Clock Enable. Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ODDR_inst : ODDR
generic map(
INIT => '0', -- Initial value for Q port ('1' or '0')
SRTYPE => "SYNC") -- Reset Type ("ASYNC" or "SYNC")
port map (
Q => Q, -- 1-bit DDR output
C => C, -- 1-bit clock input
CE => CE, -- 1-bit clock enable input
D1 => D1, -- 1-bit data input (positive edge)
D2 => D2, -- 1-bit data input (negative edge)
R => R, -- 1-bit reset input
S => S -- 1-bit set input

-- End of ODDR_inst instantiation

224 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// ODDR : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ODDR_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ODDR: Output Double Data Rate Output Register with Set, Reset
// and Clock Enable. Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.INIT(1'b0), // Initial value of Q: 1'b0 or 1'b1
.SRTYPE("SYNC") // Set/Reset type: "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
) ODDR_inst (
.Q(Q), // 1-bit DDR output
.C(C), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(CE), // 1-bit clock enable input
.D1(D1), // 1-bit data input (positive edge)
.D2(D2), // 1-bit data input (negative edge)
.R(R), // 1-bit reset
.S(S) // 1-bit set
// End of ODDR_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


226 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Dedicated IOB output serializer
The Virtex-4 architecture provides a way for the user to easily implement source

D2 synchronous interface by using the OSERDES module. Unlike previous generations of


FPGAs, OSERDES is an output architecture that contains a parallel to serial converter
D5 resources for both data and tristate. This module helps user by saving logic resources

that is otherwise implemented in the FPGA fabric. Furthermore, OSERDES also

avoids additional timing complexities that may be encountered when designing such
T4 circuitry in the FPGA fabric. OSERDES module is present in all Virtex-4 family of

FPGA. In addition, OSERDES contains multiple clock inputs to accommodate various
TCE applications and will work in conjunction with the SelectIO features of Virtex-4

REV family.

SHIFTOUT2 OSERDES Ports (Detailed Description)

OQ – Data Path Output
This port is the data output of the OSERDES module. This port connects the output of
the data serial to parallel converter to the data input of the IOB pad. In addition, this
output port can also be configured to bypass all the submodules within OSERDES
SHIFTOUT 1-2 – Data input expansion (slave)
Carry out for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTIN1/2 of master.
TQ – 3-state Path Output
This port is the 3-state output of the OSERDES module. This port connects the output
of the 3-state serial to parallel converter to the control input of the IOB pad.
CLK – High Speed Clock Input
This clock input is used to drive the parallel-to-serial converters. The possible source
for the CLK port is from one of the following clock resources:
1. Eight global clock lines in a clock region
2. Two regional clock lines
3. Six clock capable I/Os (within adjacent clock region)
4. Fabric (through bypass)
CLKDIV – Divided High Speed Clock Input
This clock input is used to drive the parallel-to-serial converters. This clock has to
have slower frequency than the clock connected to the CLK port. The possible source
for the CLKDIV port is from one of the following clock resources:
1. Eight global clock lines in a clock region
2. Two regional clock lines
D1-D6 – Parallel Data Inputs
Ports D1 to D6 are the location in which all incoming parallel data enters the
OSERDES module. This port is connected to the FPGA fabric, and can be configured
from 2 to 6 bits. In the extended width mode, this port can be expanded up to 10 bits.
OCE – Output Data Clock Enable

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ISE 8.1i


This port is used to enables the output of the data serial to parallel converter when
asserted HIGH.
REV - Reverse SR pin
When SR is used, a second input, REV forces the storage element into the opposite
state. The reset condition predominates over the set condition. See “Set/Reset Input –
SR” for the truth table that describes the REV operation with respect to SR.
SR - Set/Reset Input
The set/reset pin, SR forces the storage element into the state specified by the SRVAL
attribute. SRVAL = “1” forces a logic 1. SRVAL =”0” forces a logic "0." When SR is
used, a second input (REV) forces the storage element into the opposite state. The
reset condition predominates over the set condition. The following truth tables
describe the operation of SR in conjunction with REV.
The Truth Table when SRVAL = ”0” (Default Condition)

SR REV Function
0 0 NOP
0 1 Set
1 0 Reset
1 1 Reset

The Truth Table when SRVAL = “1”

SR REV Function
0 0 NOP
0 1 Reset
1 0 Set
1 1 Reset

SHIFTIN 1-2 – Data input expansion (master)

Carry input for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTOUT1/2 of slave.
T1-T4 – Parallel 3-state Inputs
Ports T1 to T4 are the location in which all parallel tristate signals enters the OSERDES
module. This port is connected to the FPGA fabric, and can be configured from 1 to 4
bits. This feature is not supported in the extended width mode.
TCE – 3-state Signal Clock Enable
This port is used to enables the output of the tristate signal serial to parallel converter
when asserted HIGH.

Parallel-to-Serial Converter (Data)
The data parallel to serial converter in the OSERDES module takes in 2 to 6 bit of
parallel data and convert them into serial data. Data input widths larger than 6 (7,8,
and 10) is achievable by cascading two OSERDES modules for data width expansion.
In order to do this, one OSERDES must be set into a MASTER mode, while another is
set into SLAVE mode. The user will also need to connect the SHIFTOUT of "slave" and

228 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


SHIFTIN of "master" ports together. The "slave" will only use D3 to D6 ports as its
input. The parallel to serial converter is available for both SDR and DDR modes.
This module is designed such that the data input at D1 port is the first output bit. This
module is controlled by CLK and CLKDIV clocks. The following table describes the
relationship between CLK and CLKDIV for both SDR and DDR mode.

SDR Data Width DDR Data Width CLK CLKDIV

2 4 2X X
3 6 3X X
4 8 4X X
5 10 5X X
6 - 6X X
7 - 7X X
8 - 8X X

Output of this block is connected to the data input of an IOB pad of the FPGA. This
IOB pad can be configured to a desired standard using SelectIO.
Parallel-to-Serial Converter (3-state)
The 3-state parallel-to-serial converter in the OSERDES module takes in up to 4 bits of
parallel 3-state signals and converts them into serial3-state signals. Unlike data
parallel-to-serial converters, the 3-state parallel-to-serial converters are not extendable
to more than 4-bit 3-state signals. This module is primarily controlled by CLK and
CLKDIV clocks. In order to use this module, the following attributes must be
declared: DATA_RATE_TQ and TRISTATE_WIDTH. In certain cases, the user may
also need to declare DATA_RATE_OQ and DATA_WIDTH. The following table lists
the attributes needed for the desired functionality.


4-bit DDR* DDR 4
2-bit DDR DDR 2
1-bit SDR SDR 1
Buffer BUF 1

Note: If 4-bit DDR is chosen, then the constraints DATA_RATE_OQ and DATA_WIDTH must
be {SDR,2} or {DDR,4} for proper operation.
Output of this block is connected to the tristate input of an IOB pad of the FPGA. This
IOB pad can be configured to a desired standard using SelectIO.
Width Expansion
It is possible to use the OSERDES modules to transmit parallel data widths larger than
six. However, the tristate output is not expandable. In order to use this feature, two
OSERDES modules need to be instantiated. Both the OSERDES must be an adjacent
master and slave pair. The attribute MODE must be set to either "MASTER" or
"SLAVE" in order to differentiate the modes of the ISERDES pair. In addition, the user
must connect the SHIFTIN ports of the MASTER to the SHIFTOUT ports of the
SLAVE. This feature supports data widths of 7, 8, and 10 for SDR and DDR mode. The
table below lists the data width availability for SDR and DDR mode.

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ISE 8.1i


Mode Widths
SDR Data Widths 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
DDR Data Widths 4,6,8,10

Port List and Definitions

Name Type Width Function

OQ Output 1 Data path output
SHIFTOUT1-2 Output 1 (each) Carry out for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTIN1/2 of master.
TQ Output 1 Tristate path output
CLK Input 1 High speed clock input
CLKDIV Input 1 Divided high speed clock input
D1-D6 Input 1 Data path inputs
OCE Input 1 Parallel to serial converter (data) clock enable
REV Input 1 Reverse SR
SR Input 1 Set/Reset
SHIFTIN1-2 Input 1 (each) Carry input for data input expansion. Connect to SHIFTOUT1/2 of slave.
T1 – T4 Input 1 (each) Tristate inputs
TCE Input 1 Parallel to serial converter (tristate) clock enable

Available Attributes

DATA_RATE_OQ STRING "SDR" or "DDR” "DDR” Defines whether the data changes at
every clock edge or every positive clock
edge with respect to CLK.
DATA_RATE_TQ STRING "BUF", "SDR", "DDR” Defines whether the 3-state changes at
"DDR” every clock edge, every positive clock
edge, or buffer configuration with
respect to CLK.
DATA_WIDTH STRING If 4 Defines the parallel to serial data
DATA_RATE_O converter width. This value also
Q = "DDR", depends on the DATA_RATE_OQ value
value is limited of the OSERDES
to 4,6,8, or 10. If
Q = "SDR", value
is limited to
2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8.
INIT_OQ 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the initial value of OQ output
INIT_TQ 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the initial value of TQ output
SERDES_MODE STRING "MASTER" or "MASTER” Defines whether the OSERDES module
"SLAVE” is a master or slave when width
expansion is used
SRVAL_OQ 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the value of OQ output when
reset is invoked

230 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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SRVAL_TQ 1-Bit Binary 1-Bit Binary 1'b0 Defines the value of TQ output when
reset is invoked
TRISTATE_WIDTH STRING If 4 Specify parallel to serial converter
Q = "DDR", 2 or 4. When DATA_RATE_TQ = SDR or
value is limited BUF: 1.
to 2 and 4. If
Q = "SDR" or
"BUF", value is
limited 1.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- OSERDES : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (OSERDES_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->


-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

generic map (
DATA_RATE_OQ => "DDR", -- Specify data rate to "DDR" or "SDR"
DATA_RATE_TQ => "DDR", -- Specify data rate to "DDR", "SDR", or "BUF"
DATA_WIDTH => 4, -- Specify data width - For DDR: 4,6,8, or 10
-- For SDR or BUF: 2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
INIT_OQ => '0', -- INIT for Q1 register - '1' or '0'
INIT_TQ => '0', -- INIT for Q2 register - '1' or '0'
SRVAL_OQ => '0', -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
SRVAL_TQ => '0', -- Define Q1 output value upon SR assertion - '1' or '0'
TRISTATE_WIDTH => 4) -- Specify parallel to serial converter width
-- When DATA_RATE_TQ = DDR: 2 or 4
-- When DATA_RATE_TQ = SDR or BUF: 1 "
port map (
OQ => OQ, -- 1-bit output
SHIFTOUT1 => SHIFTOUT1, -- 1-bit output
SHIFTOUT2 => SHIFTOUT2, -- 1-bit output
TQ => TQ, -- 1-bit onput
CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit input
CLKDIV => CLKDIV, -- 1-bit input
D1 => D1, -- 1-bit input
D2 => D2, -- 1-bit input
D3 => D3, -- 1-bit input
D4 => D4, -- 1-bit input
D5 => D5, -- 1-bit input
D6 => D6, -- 1-bit input
OCE => OCE, -- 1-bit input
REV => REV, -- 1-bit input
SHIFTIN1 => SHIFTIN1, -- 1-bit input
SHIFTIN2 => SHIFTIN2, -- 1-bit input
SR => SR, -- 1-bit input

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T1 => T1, -- 1-bit input

T2 => T2, -- 1-bit input
T3 => T3, -- 1-bit input
T4 => T4, -- 1-bit input
TCE => TCE -- 1-bit input

-- End of OSERDES_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// OSERDES : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (OSERDES_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// OSERDES: Source Synchronous Output Serializer

// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
.DATA_RATE_OQ("DDR"), // Specify data rate to "DDR" or "SDR"
.DATA_RATE_TQ("DDR"), // Specify data rate to "DDR", "SDR", or "BUF"
.DATA_WIDTH(4), // Specify data width - For DDR: 4,6,8, or 10
// For SDR or BUF: 2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
.INIT_OQ(1'b0), // INIT for OQ register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.INIT_TQ(1'b0), // INIT for OQ register - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.SRVAL_OQ(1'b0), // Define OQ output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.SRVAL_TQ(1'b0), // Define TQ output value upon SR assertion - 1'b1 or 1'b0
.TRISTATE_WIDTH(4) // Specify parallel to serial converter width
// When DATA_RATE_TQ = DDR: 2 or 4
// When DATA_RATE_TQ = SDR or BUF: 1
) OSERDES_inst (
.OQ(OQ), // 1-bit data path output
.SHIFTOUT1(SHIFTOUT1), // 1-bit data expansion output
.SHIFTOUT2(SHIFTOUT2), // 1-bit data expansion output
.TQ(TQ), // 1-bit 3-state control output
.CLK(CLK), // 1-bit clock input
.CLKDIV(CLKDIV), // 1-bit divided clock input
.D1(D1), // 1-bit parallel data input
.D2(D2), // 1-bit parallel data input
.D3(D3), // 1-bit parallel data input
.D4(D4), // 1-bit parallel data input
.D5(D5), // 1-bit parallel data input
.D6(D6), // 1-bit parallel data input
.OCE(OCE), // 1-bit clock enable input
.REV(REV), // 1-bit reverse SR input
.SHIFTIN1(SHIFTIN1), // 1-bit data expansion input
.SHIFTIN2(SHIFTIN2), // 1-bit data expansion input
.SR(SR), // 1-bit set/reset input
.T1(DLYINC), // 1-bit parallel 3-state input
.T2(DLYRST), // 1-bit parallel 3-state input
.T3(OCLK), // 1-bit parallel 3-state input
.T4(REV), // 1-bit parallel 3-state input
.TCE(TCE) // 1-bit 3-state signal clock enable input
// End of OSERDES_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

232 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Phase-Matched Clock Divider
The Phase-Matched Clock Dividers (PMCDs) are one of the clock resources available

in the Virtex-4 architecture. PMCDs provide the following clock management
CLKC CLKA1D4 features:

REL CLKB1 • Phase-Aligned Divided Clocks



The phase-aligned divided clocks create up to four frequency-divided and phse-

aligned versions of an input clock, CLKA. The output clocks are a function of the
input clock frequency: divided-by-1 (CLKA1), divided-by-2 (CLKAD2), divided-
by-4 (CLKA1D4), and divided-by-8 (CLKA1D8). CLKA1, CLKA1D2, CLKA1D4,
CLKA1D8 output clocks are rising-edge aligned.
• Matched-Clock Phase

The matched-clock phase preserves edge alignments, phase relations, or skews

between the input clock CLKA and other PMCD linput clocks. Three additional
input clocks (CLKB, CLKC, and CLKD) and three corresponding delayed output
clocks (CLKB1, CLKC1, and CLKD1) are available. The same delay is inserted to
CLKA, CLKB, CLKC, and CLKD; thus, the delayed CLKA1, CLKB1, CLKC1, and
CLKD1 clock outputs maintain edge alignments, phase relations, and the skews
of the respective inputs.
A PMCD can be used with other clock reosurces, including global buffers and the
digital clock management feature. Together, these clock resources provide flexibility
in managing complex clock networks in designs.

Port Descriptions
PMCD Port Description

Port Name Direction Description

CLKA Input CLKA is a clock input to the PMCD. The CLKA
frequency can be divided by 1, 2, 4, and 8.
CLKB CLKC CLKD Input CLKB, CLKC, and CLKD are clock inputs to the PMCD.
These clock are not divided by PMCD, however, they are
delayed by the PMCD to maintain the phase alignment
and phase relationship to CLKA.
RST Input RST is the reset input to the PMCD. Asserting the RST
signal asynchronously forces all outputs Low.
Deasserting RST synchronously allows all outputs to
REL Input REL is the release input to the PMCD. Asserting the REL
signal releases the divided output synchronous to CLKA.
CLKA1 Output The CLKA1 output has the same frequency as the CLKA
input. It is a delayed version of CLKA.
CLKA1D2 Output The CLKA1D2 output has the frequency of CLKA
divided by two. CLKA1D2 is rising-edge aligned to

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Port Name Direction Description

CLKA1D4 Output The CLKA1D4 output has the frequency of CLKA
divided by four. CLKA1D4 is rising-edge aligned to
CLKA1D8 Output The CLKA1D8 output has the frequency of CLKA
divided by eight, CLKA1D8 is rising-edge aligned to
CLKB1 CLKC1 CLKD1 Output The CLKB1 output is has the same frequency as the
CLKB input, a delayed version of CLKB. The skew
between CLKB1 and CLKA1 is the same as the skew
between CLKB and CLKA inputs. Similarly, CLKC1 is a
delayed version of CLKC, and CLKD1 is a delayed
version of CLKD.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
EN_REL BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE 0 This attribute allows for CLKA1D2,
CLKA1D4, and CLKA1D8 outputs to
be released at REL signal assertion.
Note: REL is synchronous to CLKA
RST_DEASSERT_CLK STRING "CLKA", "CLKB", "CLKA” This attribute allows the deassertion
"CLKC", or of the RST signal to be synchronous
"CLKD” to a selected PMCD input clock.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- PMCD : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (PMCD_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
-- : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- PMCD: Phase-Matched Clock Divider Circuit for Virtex-4

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

PMCD_inst : PMCD
generic map (
EN_REL => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to allow synchronous deassertion of RST
RST_DEASSERT_CLK => "CLKA") -- Reset syncronization to which clock: CLKA, CLKB, CLKC or CLKD
port map (
CLKA1 => CLKA1, -- Output CLKA divided by 1
CLKA1D2 => CLKA1D2, -- Output CLKA divided by 2
CLKA1D4 => CLKA1D4, -- Output CLKA divided by 4
CLKA1D8 => CLKA1D8, -- Output CLKA divided by 8
CLKB1 => CLKB1, -- Output phase matched CLKB
CLKC1 => CLKC1, -- Output phase matched CLKC
CLKD1 => CLKD1, -- Output phase matched CLKD
CLKA => CLKA, -- Input CLKA
CLKB => CLKB, -- Input CLKB

234 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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CLKC => CLKC, -- Input CLKC

CLKD => CLKD, -- Input CLKD
REL => REL, -- PCMD release input
RST => RST -- Active high reset input

-- End of PMCD_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// PMCD : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (PMCD_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Unused inputs
// : and outputs may be removed or commented out.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// PMCD: Phase-Matched Clock Divider Circuit for Virtex-4

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.EN_REL("FALSE"), // TRUE/FALSE to allow synchronous deassertion of RST
.RST_DEASSERT_CLK("CLKA") // Reset syncronization to which clock: CLKA, CLKB, CLKC or CLKD
) PMCD_inst (
.CLKA1(CLKA1), // Output CLKA divided by 1
.CLKA1D2(CLKA1D2), // Output CLKA divided by 2
.CLKA1D4(CLKA1D4), // Output CLKA divided by 4
.CLKA1D8(CLKA1D8), // Output CLKA divided by 8
.CLKB1(CLKB1), // Output phase matched CLKB
.CLKC1(CLKC1), // Output phase matched CLKC
.CLKD1(CLKD1), // Output phase matched CLKD
.CLKA(CLKA), // Input CLKA
.CLKB(CLKB), // Input CLKB
.CLKC(CLKC), // Input CLKC
.CLKD(CLKD), // Input CLKD
.REL(REL), // PCMD release input
.RST(RST) // Active high reset input

// End of PMCD_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

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ISE 8.1i


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ISE 8.1i



Primitive: For the Power PC Core

The PowerPC 405 is a 32-bit implementation of the PowerPC embedded environment
architecture that is derived from the PowerPC architecture. Specifically, the PowerPC
405 is an embedded PowerPC 405F6, for Virtex-4 devices, processor core. The
processor core also contains on-chip memory logic (OCM), an APU controller (Virtex-
4 only), and the gasket logic and interface.
The PowerPC architecture provides a software model that ensures compatibility
between implementations of the PowerPC family of microprocessors. The PowerPC
architecture defines parameters that guarantee compatible processor implementations
at the application-program level, allowing broad flexibility in the development
derivative PowerPC implementations that meet specific market requirements.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 237

ISE 8.1i







PPC405_ADV Schematic

238 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Outputs

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 239

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Inputs Outputs

240 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

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Inputs Outputs

Refer to the EDK software for information regarding the use of this component.

VHDL/Verilog Instantiation
Use the Embedded Development Kit (EDK) in order to generate and instantiate these

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 241

ISE 8.1i


For More Information

For complete information about the PowerPC 405 in Virtex-4 devices, see the
following documents:
• Virtex-4 Data Sheet
• PowerPC 405 Processor Block Reference Guide (for Virtex-4).
More information about this element can be found in the Virtex-4 User Guide.

242 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Resistor to GND for Input Pads
PULLDOWN resistor elements are connected to input, output, or bidirectional pads
to guarantee a logic Low level for nodes that might float.

For HDL, the PULLDOWN design element is instantiated rather than inferred.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- PULLDOWN : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (PULLDOWN_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- PULLDOWN: I/O Buffer Weak Pull-down

-- All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
port map (
O => O -- Pulldown output (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of PULLDOWN_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// PULLDOWN : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (PULLDOWN_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// PULLDOWN: I/O Buffer Weak Pull-down

// All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
.O(O), // Pulldown output (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of PULLDOWN_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 243

ISE 8.1i


For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

244 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Resistor to VCC for Input PADs, Open-Drain, and 3-State
The pull-up elements establish a High logic level for open-drain elements and macros
(DECODE, WAND, WORAND) or 3-state nodes (TBUF) when all the drivers are set to
The buffer outputs are connected together as a wired-AND to form the output (O).
When all the inputs are High, the output is off. To establish an output High level, a
PULLUP resistor is tied to output (O). One PULLUP resistor uses the least power, two
pull-up resistors achieve the fastest Low-to-High speed.
X3861 To indicate two PULLUP resistors, append a DOUBLE parameter to the pull-up
symbol attached to the output (O) node.

This design element is instantiated rather than inferred.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- PULLUP : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (PULLUP_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- PULLUP: I/O Buffer Weak Pull-up

-- All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O -- Pullup output (connect directly to top-level port)

-- End of PULLUP_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// PULLUP : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (PULLUP_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 245

ISE 8.1i


// PULLUP: I/O Buffer Weak Pull-up

// All FPGA, CoolRunner-II
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // Pullup output (connect directly to top-level port)

// End of PULLUP_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

246 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide Static Dual Port Synchronous RAM
RAM16X1D is a 16-word by 1-bit static dual port random access memory with
synchronous write capability. The device has two separate address ports: the read
address (DPRA3 – DPRA0) and the write address (A3 – A0). These two address ports
D are completely asynchronous. The read address controls the location of the data
WCLK DPO driven out of the output pin (DPO), and the write address controls the destination of a
valid write transaction.
When the write enable (WE) is Low, transitions on the write clock (WCLK) are
DPRA0 ignored and data stored in the RAM is not affected. When WE is High, any positive
DPRA1 transition on WCLK loads the data on the data input (D) into the word selected by the
4-bit write address. For predictable performance, write address and data inputs must
be stable before a Low-to-High WCLK transition. This RAM block assumes an active-
X4950 High WCLK. WCLK can be active-High or active-Low. Any inverter placed on the
WCLK input net is absorbed into the block.
Mode selection is shown in the following truth table.

Inputs Outputs


0 (read) X X data_a data_d
1 (read) 0 X data_a data_d
1 (read) 1 X data_a data_d
1 (write) ↑ D D data_d
1 (read) ↓ X data_a data_d
data_a = word addressed by bits A3-A0
data_d = word addressed by bits DPRA3-DPRA0

The SPO output reflects the data in the memory cell addressed by A3 – A0. The DPO
output reflects the data in the memory cell addressed by DPRA3 – DPRA0.
Note: The write process is not affected by the address on the read address port.

Specifying Initial Contents of a RAM

You can use the INIT attribute to specify an initial value directly on the symbol if the
RAM is 1 bit wide and 16, 32, 64, or 128 bits deep. The value must be a hexadecimal
number, for example, INIT = ABAC. If the INIT attribute is not specified, the RAM is
initialized with zero.
See the "INIT" section of the Constraints Guide for more information on the INIT
For Virtex-4 wide RAMs (2, 4, and 8-bit wide single port synchronous RAMs with a
WCLK) can also be initialized. These RAMs, however, require INIT_xx attributes.

This design element can be inferred or instantiated. The instantiation code is shown
below. For information on how to infer RAM, see the XST User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 247

ISE 8.1i


Available Attributes.
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 64-Bit Hexadecimal 64-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000000000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs,
000000 registers, and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAM16X1D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (RAM16X1D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAM16X1D: 16 x 1 positive edge write, asynchronous read dual-port distributed RAM

-- All FPGAs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM16X1D_inst : RAM16X1D
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
DPO => DPO, -- Port A 1-bit data output
SPO => SPO, -- Port B 1-bit data output
A0 => A0, -- Port A address[0] input bit
A1 => A1, -- Port A address[1] input bit
A2 => A2, -- Port A address[2] input bit
A3 => A3, -- Port A address[3] input bit
D => D, -- Port A 1-bit data input
DPRA0 => DPRA0, -- Port B address[0] input bit
DPRA1 => DPRA1, -- Port B address[1] input bit
DPRA2 => DPRA2, -- Port B address[2] input bit
DPRA3 => DPRA3, -- Port B address[3] input bit
WCLK => WCLK, -- Port A write clock input
WE => WE -- Port A write enable input

-- End of RAM16X1D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAM16X1D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAM16X1D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAM16X1D: 16 x 1 positive edge write, asynchronous read dual-port distributed RAM

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM16X1D #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial contents of RAM
) RAM16X1D_inst (

248 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


.DPO(DPO), // Port A 1-bit data output

.SPO(SPO), // Port B 1-bit data output
.A0(A0), // Port A address[0] input bit
.A1(A1), // Port A address[1] input bit
.A2(A2), // Port A address[2] input bit
.A3(A3), // Port A address[3] input bit
.D(D), // Port A 1-bit data input
.DPRA0(DPRA0), // Port B address[0] input bit
.DPRA1(DPRA1), // Port B address[1] input bit
.DPRA2(DPRA2), // Port B address[2] input bit
.DPRA3(DPRA3), // Port B address[3] input bit
.WCLK(WCLK), // Port A write clock input
.WE(WE) // Port A write enable input

// End of RAM16X1D_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 249

ISE 8.1i


250 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM16X1S is a 16-word by 1-bit static random access memory with synchronous
write capability. When the write enable (WE) is Low, transitions on the write clock
(WCLK) are ignored and data stored in the RAM is not affected. When WE is High,
any positive transition on WCLK loads the data on the data input (D) into the word
WCLK selected by the 4-bit address (A3 – A0). For predictable performance, address and data
A0 inputs must be stable before a Low-to-High WCLK transition. This RAM block
A1 assumes an active-High WCLK. However, WCLK can be active-High or active-Low.
A2 Any inverter placed on the WCLK input net is absorbed into the block.
The signal output on the data output pin (O) is the data that is stored in the RAM at
the location defined by the values on the address pins.
You can initialize RAM16X1S during configuration using the INIT attribute. See
“Specifying Initial Contents of a RAM” in the RAM16X1D section.
Mode selection is shown in the following truth table.

Inputs Outputs

WE(mode) WCLK D O
0 (read) X X Data
1 (read) 0 X Data
1 (read) 1 X Data
1 (write) ↑ D D
1 (read) ↓ X Data
Data = word addressed by bits A3 – A0

This design element can be inferred or instantiated. The instantiation code is shown
below. For information on how to infer RAM, see the XST User Guide.

Available Attributes.
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 64-Bit Hexadecimal 64-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000000000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs,
000000 registers, and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAM16X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (RAM16X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 251

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAM16X1S: 16 x 1 posedge write distributed => LUT RAM

-- All FPGA
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM16X1S_inst : RAM16X1S
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
O => O, -- RAM output
A0 => A0, -- RAM address[0] input
A1 => A1, -- RAM address[1] input
A2 => A2, -- RAM address[2] input
A3 => A3, -- RAM address[3] input
D => D, -- RAM data input
WCLK => WCLK, -- Write clock input
WE => WE -- Write enable input

-- End of RAM16X1S_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAM16X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAM16X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAM16X1S: 16 x 1 posedge write distributed (LUT) RAM

// All FPGA
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM16X1S #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial contents of RAM
) RAM16X1S_inst (
.O(O), // RAM output
.A0(A0), // RAM address[0] input
.A1(A1), // RAM address[1] input
.A2(A2), // RAM address[2] input
.A3(A3), // RAM address[3] input
.D(D), // RAM data input
.WCLK(WCLK), // Write clock input
.WE(WE) // Write enable input

// End of RAM16X1S_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

252 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S is a 32-word by 1-bit static random access memory with synchronous
write capability. When the write enable is Low, transitions on the write clock (WCLK)
WE RAM32X1S O are ignored and data stored in the RAM is not affected. When (WE) is High, any
D positive transition on WCLK loads the data on the data input (D) into the word
A0 selected by the 5-bit address (A4 – A0). For predictable performance, address and data
A1 inputs must be stable before a Low-to-High WCLK transition. This RAM block
assumes an active-High WCLK. However, WCLK can be active-High or active-Low.
A4 Any inverter placed on the WCLK input net is absorbed into the block.
X4943 The signal output on the data output pin (O) is the data that is stored in the RAM at
the location defined by the values on the address pins.
You can initialize RAM32X1S during configuration using the INIT attribute. See
“Specifying Initial Contents of a RAM” in the RAM16X1D section.
Mode selection is shown in the following truth table.

Inputs Outputs

WE (mode) WCLK D O
0 (read) X X Data
1 (read) 0 X Data
1 (read) 1 X Data
1 (write) ↑ D D
1 (read) ↓ X Data
Data = word addressed by bits A4 – A0

For HDL, this design element can be inferred or instantiated. The instantiation code is
shown below. For information on how to infer RAM, see the XST User Guide.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT_00 To INIT_07 INTEGER 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 0 Initializes ROMs, RAMs, registers, and
look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAM32X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (RAM32X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 253

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAM32X1S: 32 x 1 posedge write distributed => LUT RAM

-- All FPGA
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM32X1S_inst : RAM32X1S
generic map (
INIT => X"00000000")
port map (
O => O, -- RAM output
A0 => A0, -- RAM address[0] input
A1 => A1, -- RAM address[1] input
A2 => A2, -- RAM address[2] input
A3 => A3, -- RAM address[3] input
A4 => A4, -- RAM address[4] input
D => D, -- RAM data input
WCLK => WCLK, -- Write clock input
WE => WE -- Write enable input

-- End of RAM32X1S_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAM32X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAM32X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAM32X1S: 32 x 1 posedge write distributed (LUT) RAM
// All FPGA
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM32X1S #(
.INIT(32'h00000000) // Initial contents of RAM
) RAM32X1S_inst (
.O(O), // RAM output
.A0(A0), // RAM address[0] input
.A1(A1), // RAM address[1] input
.A2(A2), // RAM address[2] input
.A3(A3), // RAM address[3] input
.A4(A4), // RAM address[4] input
.D(D), // RAM data input
.WCLK(WCLK), // Write clock input
.WE(WE) // Write enable input

// End of RAM32X1S_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

254 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S is a 64-word by 1-bit static random access memory with synchronous
write capability. When the write enable is Low, transitions on the write clock (WCLK)
WE RAM64x1S are ignored and data stored in the RAM is not affected. When WE is High, any
positive transition on WCLK loads the data on the data input (D) into the word
selected by the 6-bit address (A5 – A0). For predictable performance, address and data
A1 inputs must be stable before a Low-to-High WCLK transition. This RAM block
A2 assumes an active-High WCLK. However, WCLK can be active-High or active-Low.
A3 Any inverter placed on the WCLK input net is absorbed into the block.
A5 The signal output on the data output pin (O) is the data that is stored in the RAM at
the location defined by the values on the address pins.
You can initialize RAM64X1S during configuration using the INIT attribute. See
“Specifying Initial Contents of a RAM” in the RAM16X1D section.
Mode selection is shown in the following truth table.

Inputs Outputs

WE (mode) WCLK D O
0 (read) X X Data
1 (read) 0 X Data
1 (read) 1 X Data
1 (write) ↑ D D
1 (read) ↓ X Data
Data = word addressed by bits A5 – A0

For HDL, this design element can be inferred or instantiated. The instantiation code is
shown below. For information on how to infer RAM, see the XST User Guide.

Available Attributes.
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 64-Bit Hexadecimal 64-Bit Hexadecimal 64'h000000000 Initializes ROMs, RAMs,
0000000 registers, and look-up tables.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAM64X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (RAM64X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 255

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAM64X1S: 64 x 1 positive edge write, asynchronous read single-port distributed RAM

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM64X1S_inst : RAM64X1S
generic map (
INIT => X"0000000000000000")
port map (
O => O, -- 1-bit data output
A0 => A0, -- Address[0] input bit
A1 => A1, -- Address[1] input bit
A2 => A2, -- Address[2] input bit
A3 => A3, -- Address[3] input bit
A4 => A4, -- Address[4] input bit
A5 => A5, -- Address[5] input bit
D => D, -- 1-bit data input
WCLK => WCLK, -- Write clock input
WE => WE -- Write enable input
-- End of RAM64X1S_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAM64X1S : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAM64X1S_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAM64X1S: 64 x 1 positive edge write, asynchronous read single-port distributed RAM

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAM64X1S #(
.INIT(64'h0000000000000000) // Initial contents of RAM
) RAM64X1S_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit data output
.A0(A0), // Address[0] input bit
.A1(A1), // Address[1] input bit
.A2(A2), // Address[2] input bit
.A3(A3), // Address[3] input bit
.A4(A4), // Address[4] input bit
.A5(A5), // Address[5] input bit
.D(D), // 1-bit data input
.WCLK(WCLK), // Write clock input
.WE(WE) // Write enable input

// End of RAM64X1S_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

256 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16384-Bit Data Memory and 2048-Bit Parity Memory, Single-
Port Synchronous Block RAM with Port Width (n) Configured to 1, 2, 4,
9, 18, or 36 Bits
In addition to distributed RAM memory, Virtex-4 devices feature a large numberof 18
ADDRB(14:0) Kb block RAM memories. The block RAM memory is a True Dual-Port™ RAM,

offering fast, discrete, and large blocks of memory in the device. The memory is
CLKA organized in columns, and the total amount of block RAM memory depends on the
DIA(31:0) DOA(31:0) size of the Virtex-4 device. The 18 Kb blocks are cascadable to enable a deeper and

wider memory implementation, with a minimal timing penalty incurred through
DIPB(3:0) DOB(31:0) specialized routing resources.



Available Attributes

Table 4-4: Block RAM
WEA(3:0) Memory Cell
WEB(3:0) Initialization Attributes
X10119 from to
INIT_00 255 0
INIT_01 511 256
INIT_02 767 512
… … …
INIT_0E 3839 3584
INIT_0F 4095 3840
INIT_10 4351 4096
… … …
INIT_1F 8191 7936
INIT_20 8447 8192
… … …
INIT_2F 12287 12032
INIT_30 12543 12288
.. … …
INIT_3F 16383 16128

Content Initialization - INIT_xx

INIT_xx attributes define the initial memory contents. By default block RAM memory
is initialized with all zeros during the device configuration sequence. The 64
initialization attributes from INIT_00 through INIT_3F represent the regular memory
contents. Each INIT_xx is a 64-digit hex-encoded bit vector. The memory contents can
be partially initialized and are automatically completed with zeros.
Content Initialization - INITP_xx
INITP_xx attributes define the initial contents of the memory cells corresponding to
DIP/DOP buses (parity bits). By default these memory cells are also initialized to all
zeros. The eight initialization attributes from INITP_00 through INITP_07 represent
the memory contents of parity bits. Each INITP_xx is a 64-digit hex-encoded bit vector

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 257

ISE 8.1i


with a regular INIT_xx attribute behavior. The same formula can be used to calculate
the bit positions initialized by a particular INITP_xx attribute.
Output Latches Initialization - INIT (INIT_A & INIT_B)
The INIT_A and INIT_B (dual-port) attributes define the output latches values after
configuration. The width of the INIT (INIT_A & INIT_B) attribute is the port width, as
shown in Table 4-5. These attributes are hex-encoded bit vectors and the default value
is 0.
Output Latches Synchronous Set/Reset - SRVAL (SRVAL_A & SRVAL_B)
The SRVAL_A and SRVAL_B (dual-port) attributes define output latch values when
the SSR input is asserted. The width of the SRVAL (SRVAL_A and SRVAL_B) attribute
is the port width, as shown in the following table:

Table 4-5: Port Width Values Port Data Width DOP Bus DO Bus INIT / SRVAL
1 NA <0> 1
2 NA <1:0> 2
4 NA <3:0> 4
9 <0> <7:0> (1 + 8) = 9
18 <1:0> <15:0> (2 + 16) = 18
36 <3:0> <31:0> (4 + 32) = 36

Optional Output Register On/Off Switch - DO[A/B]_REG

This attribute sets the number of pipeline register at A/B output of RAMB16. The
valid values are 0 (default) or 1.
Clock Inversion at Output Register Switch - INVERT_CLK_DO[A/B]_REG
When set to TRUE, the clock input to the pipeline register at A/B output of RAMB16
is inverted. The default value is FALSE.
Extended Mode Address Determinant - RAM_EXTENSION_[A/B]
This attribute determines whether the block RAM of interest has its A/B port as
UPPER/LOWER address when using the cascade mode. When the block RAM is not
used in cascade mode, the default value is NONE.
Read Width - READ_WIDTH_[A/B]
This attribute determines the A/B read port width of the block RAM. The valid values
are: 0 (default), 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, and 36.
Write Width - WRITE_WIDTH_[A/B]
This attribute determines the A/B write port width of the block RAM. The valid
values are: 0 (default), 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, and 36.
Write Mode - WRITE_MODE_[A/B]
This attribute determines the write mode of the A/B input ports. The possible values

258 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


RAMB16 Location Constraints

Block RAM instances can have LOC properties attached to them to constrain
placement. Block RAM placement locations differ from the convention used for
naming CLB locations, allowing LOC properties to transfer easily from array to array.
The LOC properties use the following form:
The RAMB16_X0Y0 is the bottom-left block RAM location on the device.

Read Operation
The read operation uses one clock edge. The read address is registered on the read
port, and the stored data is loaded into the output latches after the RAM access
interval passes.
Write Operation
A write operation is a single clock-edge operation. The write address is registered on
the write port, and the data input is stored in memory.
Operating Modes
There are three options for the behavior of the data output during a write operation
on its port. The "read during write" mode offers the flexibility of using the data output
bus during a write operation on the same port. Output behavior is determined by the
configuration. This choice increases the efficiency of block RAM memory at each clock
cycle and allows designs that use maximum bandwidth.
Three different modes are used to determine data available on the output latches after
a write clock edge.
WRITE_FIRST or Transparent Mode (Default)
In WRITE_FIRST mode, the input data is simultaneously written into memory and
stored in the data output (transparent write).
READ_FIRST or Read-Before-Write Mode
In READ_FIRST mode, data previously stored at the write address appears on the
output latches, while the input data is being stored in memory (read before write).
In NO_CHANGE mode, the output latches remain unchanged during a write
Mode selection is set by configuration. One of these three modes is set individually for
each port by an attribute. The default mode is WRITE_FIRST.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 259

ISE 8.1i


Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DOA_REG INTEGER 0 or 1 0 Optional output registers on A
port .
DOB_REG INTEGER 0 or 1 0 Optional output registers on B
INIT_00 to INIT_39 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 To change the initial contents of
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000 the RAM to anything other
000000000000000000 than all zero's.
INIT_0A to INIT_0F 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 To change the initial contents of
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000 the RAM to anything other
000000000000000000 than all zero's.
INIT_1A to INIT_1F 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 To change the initial contents of
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000 the RAM to anything other
000000000000000000 than all zero's.
INIT_2A to INIT_2F 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 To change the initial contents of
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000 the RAM to anything other
000000000000000000 than all zero's.
INIT_3A to INIT_3F 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 To change the initial contents of
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000 the RAM to anything other
000000000000000000 than all zero's.
INIT_A 36-Bit 36-Bit 36'h0 Initial values on A output port.
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal
INIT_B 36-Bit 36-Bit 36'h0 Initial values on B output port.
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal
INITP_00 to 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h00000000000000 Applied for the parity bits.
INITP_07 Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 000000000000000000
INVERT_CLK_DOA BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE Invert clock on A port output
_REG registers.
INVERT_CLK_DOB_ BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE FALSE Invert clock on A port output
REG registers.
RAM_EXTENSION_ STRING "LOWER", "NONE” Allowed value when cascaded.
A "NONE" or
RAM_EXTENSION_ STRING "LOWER", "NONE” Allowed value when cascaded.
B "NONE" or
READ_WIDTH_A INTEGER 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 18 or 0 Set/Reset for the allowed
36 value.
READ_WIDTH_B INTEGER 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 18 or 0 Set/Reset for the allowed
36 value.
SIM_COLLISION_ STRING "ALL", "NONE", "ALL” Collision check enable for the
CHECK "WARNING_ONL allowed value.
Y" or
SRVAL_A 36-Bit 36-Bit 36'h0 Use to set/reset value for A
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal port output.
SRVAL_B 36-Bit 36-Bit 36'h0 Use to set/reset value for B port
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal output.
"READ_FIRST" or dual port RAMB16 to support
"NO_CHANGE” one of three write modes.
"READ_FIRST" or dual-port RAMB16 to support
"NO_CHANGE” one of three write modes.

260 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description

WRITE_WIDTH_A INTEGER 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 18 or 0 Set/Reset for the allowed
36 value.
WRITE_WIDTH_B INTEGER 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 18 or 0 Set/Reset for the allowed
36 value.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAMB16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : (RAMB16_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAMB16: Virtex-4 16k+2k Parity Paramatizable BlockRAM

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAMB16_inst : RAMB16
generic map (
DOA_REG => 0, -- Optional output registers on the A port (0 or 1)
DOB_REG => 0, -- Optional output registers on the B port (0 or 1)
INIT_A => X"000000000", -- Initial values on A output port
INIT_B => X"000000000", -- Initial values on B output port
INVERT_CLK_DOA_REG => FALSE, -- Invert clock on A port output registers (TRUE or FALSE)
INVERT_CLK_DOB_REG => FALSE, -- Invert clock on B port output registers (TRUE or FALSE)
RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", -- "UPPER", "LOWER" or "NONE" when cascaded
RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", -- "UPPER", "LOWER" or "NONE" when cascaded
READ_WIDTH_A => 0, -- Valid values are 1,2,4,9,18 or 36
READ_WIDTH_B => 0, -- Valid values are 1,2,4,9,18 or 36
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", -- Collision check enable "ALL", "WARNING_ONLY", "GENERATE_X_ONLY"
-- or "NONE"
SRVAL_A => X"000000000", -- Port A ouput value upon SSR assertion
SRVAL_B => X"000000000", -- Port B ouput value upon SSR assertion
WRITE_WIDTH_A => 0, -- Valid values are 1,2,4,9,18 or 36
WRITE_WIDTH_B => 0, -- Valid values are 1,2,4,9,18 or 36
INIT_00 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_01 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_02 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_03 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_04 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_05 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_06 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_07 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_08 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_09 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_0F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_10 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_11 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_12 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_13 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_14 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_15 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 261

ISE 8.1i


INIT_16 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

INIT_17 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_18 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_19 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_1F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_20 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_21 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_22 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_23 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_24 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_25 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_26 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_27 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_28 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_29 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_2F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_30 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_31 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_32 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_33 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_34 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_35 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_36 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_37 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_38 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_39 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_3F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_00 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_01 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_02 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_03 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_04 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_05 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_06 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_07 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
port map (
CASCADEOUTA => CASCADEOUTA, -- 1-bit cascade output
CASCADEOUTB => CASCADEOUTB, -- 1-bit cascade output
DOA => DOA, -- 32-bit A port Data Output
DOB => DOB, -- 32-bit B port Data Output
DOPA => DOPA, -- 4-bit A port Parity Output
DOPB => DOPB, -- 4-bit B port Parity Output
ADDRA => ADDRA, -- 15-bit A port Address Input
ADDRB => ADDRB, -- 15-bit B port Address Input
CASCADEINA => CASCADEINA, -- 1-bit cascade A input
CASCADEINB => CASCADEINB, -- 1-bit cascade B input
CLKA => CLKA, -- Port A Clock
CLKB => CLKB, -- Port B Clock
DIA => DIA, -- 32-bit A port Data Input
DIB => DIB, -- 32-bit B port Data Input
DIPA => DIPA, -- 4-bit A port parity Input
DIPB => DIPB, -- 4-bit B port parity Input
ENA => ENA, -- 1-bit A port Enable Input
ENB => ENB, -- 1-bit B port Enable Input
REGCEA => REGCEA, -- 1-bit A port register enable input
REGCEB => REGCEB, -- 1-bit B port register enable input
SSRA => SSRA, -- 1-bit A port Synchronous Set/Reset Input
SSRB => SSRB, -- 1-bit B port Synchronous Set/Reset Input
WEA => WEA, -- 4-bit A port Write Enable Input
WEB => WEB -- 4-bit B port Write Enable Input

-- End of RAMB16_inst instantiation

262 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAMB16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAMB_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAMB16: Virtex-4 16k+2k Parity Paramatizable BlockRAM

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAMB16 #(
.DOA_REG(0), // Optional output registers on A port (0 or 1)
.DOB_REG(0), // Optional output registers on B port (0 or 1)
.INIT_A(36'h000000000), // Initial values on A output port
.INIT_B(36'h000000000), // Initial values on B output port
.INVERT_CLK_DOA_REG("FALSE"), // Invert clock on A port output registers ("TRUE" or "FALSE")
.INVERT_CLK_DOB_REG("FALSE"), // Invert clock on A port output registers ("TRUE" or "FALSE")
.RAM_EXTENSION_A("NONE"), // "UPPER", "LOWER" or "NONE" when cascaded
.RAM_EXTENSION_B("NONE"), // "UPPER", "LOWER" or "NONE" when cascaded
.READ_WIDTH_A(0), // Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36
.READ_WIDTH_B(0), // Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36
.SIM_COLLISION_CHECK("ALL"), // Collision check enable "ALL", "WARNING_ONLY",
.SRVAL_A(36'h000000000), // Set/Reset value for A port output
.SRVAL_B(36'h000000000), // Set/Reset value for B port output
.WRITE_WIDTH_A(2), // Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36
.WRITE_WIDTH_B(0), // Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36
// The following INIT_xx declarations specify the initial contents of the RAM

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 263

ISE 8.1i



// The next set of INITP_xx are for the parity bits

) RAMB16_inst (
.CASCADEOUTA(CASCADEOUTA), // 1-bit cascade output
.CASCADEOUTB(CASCADEOUTB), // 1-bit cascade output
.DOA(DOA), // 32-bit A port data output
.DOB(DOB), // 32-bit B port data output
.DOPA(DOPA), // 4-bit A port parity data output
.DOPB(DOPB), // 4-bit B port parity data output
.ADDRA(ADDRA), // 15-bit A port address input
.ADDRB(ADDRB), // 15-bit B port address input
.CASCADEINA(CASCADEINA), // 1-bit cascade A input
.CASCADEINB(CASCADEINB), // 1-bit cascade B input
.CLKA(CLKA), // 1-bit A port clock input
.CLKB(CLKB), // 1-bit B port clock input
.DIA(DIA), // 32-bit A port data input
.DIB(DIB), // 32-bit B port data input
.DIPA(DIPA), // 4-bit A port parity data input
.DIPB(DIPB), // 4-bit B port parity data input
.ENA(ENA), // 1-bit A port enable input
.ENB(ENB), // 1-bit B port enable input
.REGCEA(REGCEA), // 1-bit A port register enable input
.REGCEB(REGCEB), // 1-bit B port register enable input
.SSRA(SSRA), // 1-bit A port set/reset input
.SSRB(SSRB), // 1-bit B port set/reset input
.WEA(WEA), // 4-bit A port write enable input
.WEB(WEB) // 4-bit B port write enable input

// End of RAMB16_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

264 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 512 Deep by 64-Bit Wide Synchronous, Two-Port, Block RAM
with Built-In Error Correction
Two vertically adjacent block RAMs can be configured as a single 512 x 64 RAM with
DI(63:0) RAMB32_S64_ECC DO(63:0)
built in Hamming error correction, using the extra eight bits in the 72-bit wide RAM.
RDADDR(8:0) The operation is transparent to the user. The eight protection bits are generated
during each write operation, and are used during each read operation to correct any
single error, or to detect (but not correct) any double error. Two status outputs indicate
the three possible read results: No error, single error corrected, double error detected.
SSR The read operation does not correct the error in the memory array, it only presents
WRADDR(8:0) corrected data on DOUT.
This error correction code (ECC) configuration option is available with any block
RAM pair, but cannot use the one block RAM immediately above or below the Virtex-
4 PowerPC™ blocks.

Port Names and Descriptions

Port Name Direction Signal Description
DIN<63:0> Input Data input bus
WRADDR<8:0> Input Write address bus
RDADDR<8:0> Input Read address bus
WREN Input Write enable. When WREN = 1, data
will be written into memory. When
WREN = 0, write is disabled.
RDEN Input Read enable. When RDEN = 1, data
will be read from memory. When
RDEN = 0, read is disabled
SSR Input Set/Reset output registers (not the
memory content)
WRCLK Input Clock for write operations
RDCLK Input Clock for read operations
DOUT<63:0> Output Data output bus
STATUS<1:0>(1) Output Error status bus
Note: Hamming code implemented in the block RAM ECC logic detects one of three
conditions: no detectable error, single-bit error detected and corrected on DOUT (but not
corrected in the memory), and double-bit error detected without correction. The result of
STATUS<1:0> indicates these three conditions.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 265

ISE 8.1i


Status Bit Truth Table

STATUS[1:0] Description
00 No bit error.
01 Single-bit error. The block RAM ECC macro detects and automatically
corrects a single-bit error.
10 Double-bit error. The block RAM ECC macro detects a double-bit error.
11 Indeterminate state. The Hamming code implemented in the block
RAM ECC cannot generate a predictable status if STATUS<1:0> is equal
to three. Designers must ensure that the data has at most double-bit
errors for the STATUS<1:0> to generate the proper indicator.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DO_REG INTEGER 0 or 1 0 Optional output
registers on A port .
SIM_COLLISION_ STRING “ALL”, "NONE", "ALL” Collision check
CHECK "WARNING_ONLY" enable for the
or "GENERATE_X_ allowed value.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- RAMB32_S64_ECC : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. All inputs
-- : and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- RAMB32_S64_ECC: Virtex-4 512 x 64 Error Correction BlockRAM

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst: RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst (
port map (
DO => DO, -- 64-bit output data
STATUS => STATUS, -- 2-bit status output
DI => DI, -- 64-bit data input
RDADDR => RDADDR, -- 9-bit data address input
RDCLK => RDCLK, -- 1-bit read clock input
RDEN => RDEN, -- 1-bit read enable input
SSR => SSR, -- 1-bit synchronous reset
WRADDR =>WRADDR, -- 9-bit write address input
WRCLK => WRCLK, -- 1-bit write clock input
WREN => WREN -- 1-bit write enable input

-- End of RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst instantiation

266 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// RAMB32_S64_ECC: In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// RAMB32_S64_ECC: Virtex-4 512 x 64 Error Correction BlockRAM

// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

RAMB32_S64_ECC RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst (
.DO(DO), // 64-bit output data
.STATUS(STATUS), // 2-bit status output
.DI(DI), // 64-bit data input
.RDADDR(RDADDR), // 9-bit data address input
.RDCLK(RDCLK), // 1-bit read clock input
.RDEN(RDEN), // 1-bit read enable input
.SSR(SSR), // 1-bit synchronous reset
.WRADDR(WRADDR), // 9-bit write address input
.WRCLK(WRCLK), // 1-bit write clock input
.WREN(WREN) // 1-bit write enable input

// End of RAMB32_S64_ECC_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 267

ISE 8.1i


268 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM16X1 is a 16-word by 1-bit read-only memory. The data output (O) reflects the
word selected by the 4-bit address (A3 – A0). The ROM is initialized to a known value
during configuration with the INIT=value parameter. The value consists of four
A0 ROM16X1 O hexadecimal digits that are written into the ROM from the most-significant digit
A1 A=FH to the least-significant digit A=0h. For example, the INIT=10A7 parameter
A2 produces the data stream:
A3 0001 0000 1010 0111
An error occurs if the INIT=value is not specified.
This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Specifies the contents after
Hexadecimal configuration.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ROM16X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ROM16X1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- ROM16X1: 16 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed => LUT ROM

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM16X1_inst : ROM16X1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
O => O, -- ROM output
A0 => A0, -- ROM address[0]
A1 => A1, -- ROM address[1]
A2 => A2, -- ROM address[2]
A3 => A3 -- ROM address[3]
-- End of ROM16X1_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 269

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// ROM16X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ROM16X1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ROM16X1: 16 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed (LUT) ROM

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM16X1 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Contents of ROM
) ROM16X1_inst (
.O(O), // ROM output
.A0(A0), // ROM address[0]
.A1(A1), // ROM address[1]
.A2(A2), // ROM address[2]
.A3(A3) // ROM address[3]

// End of ROM16X1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

270 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM32X1 is a 32-word by 1-bit read-only memory. The data output (O) reflects the
word selected by the 5-bit address (A4 – A0). The ROM is initialized to a known value
ROM32X1 during configuration with the INIT=value parameter. The value consists of eight
A0 O hexadecimal digits that are written into the ROM from the most-significant digit
A1 A=1FH to the least-significant digit A=00h. For example, the INIT=10A78F39
A2 parameter produces the data stream:
0001 0000 1010 0111 1000 1111 0011 1001
An error occurs if the INIT=value is not specified.

This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes.
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 32-Bit 32-Bit Hexadecimal 32'h00000 Specifies the contents after
Hexadecimal 000 configuration.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ROM32X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ROM32X1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- ROM32X1: 32 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed => LUT ROM

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM32X1_inst : ROM32X1
generic map (
INIT => X"00000000")
port map (
O => O, -- ROM output
A0 => A0, -- ROM address[0]
A1 => A1, -- ROM address[1]
A2 => A2, -- ROM address[2]
A3 => A3, -- ROM address[3]
A4 => A4 -- ROM address[4]
-- End of ROM32X1_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 271

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// ROM32X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ROM32X1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ROM32X1: 32 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed (LUT) ROM

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM32X1 #(
.INIT(32'h00000000) // Contents of ROM
) ROM32X1_inst (
.O(O), // ROM output
.A0(A0), // ROM address[0]
.A1(A1), // ROM address[1]
.A2(A2), // ROM address[2]
.A3(A3), // ROM address[3]
.A4(A4) // ROM address[4]
// End of ROM32X1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

272 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM64X1 is a 64-word by 1-bit read-only memory. The data output (O) reflects the
word selected by the 6-bit address (A5 – A0). The ROM is initialized to a known value
A0 ROM64X1 O during configuration with the INIT=value parameter. The value consists of 16
A1 hexadecimal digits that are written into the ROM from the most-significant digit
A2 A=Fh to the least-significant digit A=0h.
A3 An error occurs if the INIT=value is not specified.
This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes.
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 64-Bit 64-Bit Hexadecimal 64'h00000 Specifies the contents after
Hexadecimal 000000000 configuration.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ROM64X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ROM64X1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- ROM64X1: 64 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed => LUT ROM

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM64X1_inst : ROM64X1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000000000000000")
port map (
O => O, -- ROM output
A0 => A0, -- ROM address[0]
A1 => A1, -- ROM address[1]
A2 => A2, -- ROM address[2]
A3 => A3, -- ROM address[3]
A4 => A4, -- ROM address[4]
A5 => A5 -- ROM address[5]

-- End of ROM64X1_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 273

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// ROM64X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ROM64X1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ROM64X1: 64 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed (LUT) ROM

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM64X1 #(
.INIT(64'h0000000000000000) // Contents of ROM
) ROM64X1_inst (
.O(O), // ROM output
.A0(A0), // ROM address[0]
.A1(A1), // ROM address[1]
.A2(A2), // ROM address[2]
.A3(A3), // ROM address[3]
.A4(A4), // ROM address[4]
.A5(A5) // ROM address[5]

// End of ROM64X1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

274 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM128X1 is a 128-word by 1-bit read-only memory. The data output (O) reflects the
word selected by the 7-bit address (A6 – A0). The ROM is initialized to a known value
ROM128X1 O
during configuration with the INIT=value parameter. The value consists of 32
hexadecimal digits that are written into the ROM from the most-significant digit
A=Fh to the least-significant digit A=0h.
A3 An error occurs if the INIT=value is not specified.
This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 128-Bit 128-Bit Hexadecimal 128'h0000 Specifies the contents after
Hexadecimal 000000000 configuration.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ROM128X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ROM128X1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- ROM128X1: 128 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed => LUT ROM
-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM128X1_inst : ROM128X1
generic map (
INIT => X"00000000000000000000000000000000")
port map (
O => O, -- ROM output
A0 => A0, -- ROM address[0]
A1 => A1, -- ROM address[1]
A2 => A2, -- ROM address[2]
A3 => A3, -- ROM address[3]
A4 => A4, -- ROM address[4]
A5 => A5, -- ROM address[5]
A6 => A6 -- ROM address[6]

-- End of ROM128X1_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 275

ISE 8.1i


Verilog Instantiation Code

// ROM128X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ROM128X1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ROM128X1: 128 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed (LUT) ROM

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM128X1 #(
.INIT(128'h00000000000000000000000000000000) // Contents of ROM
) ROM128X1_inst (
.O(O), // ROM output
.A0(A0), // ROM address[0]
.A1(A1), // ROM address[1]
.A2(A2), // ROM address[2]
.A3(A3), // ROM address[3]
.A4(A4), // ROM address[4]
.A5(A5), // ROM address[5]
.A6(A6) // ROM address[6]

// End of ROM128X1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

276 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM256X1 is a 256-word by 1-bit read-only memory. The data output (O) reflects the
word selected by the 8-bit address (A7– A0). The ROM is initialized to a known value
during configuration with the INIT=value parameter. The value consists of 64
A0 ROM256X1 O
hexadecimal digits that are written into the ROM from the most-significant digit
A2 A=Fh to the least-significant digit A=0h.
An error occurs if the INIT=value is not specified.
X9732 This design element should be instantiated rather than inferred.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Default Description
INIT 256-Bit 256-Bit 256'h000000000000000 Specifies the contents after
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal 0000000000000000000 configuration.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- ROM256X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (ROM256X1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.
-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use
-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->
-- ROM256X1: 256 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed => LUT ROM
-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM256X1_inst : ROM256X1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
port map (
O => O, -- ROM output
A0 => A0, -- ROM address[0]
A1 => A1, -- ROM address[1]
A2 => A2, -- ROM address[2]
A3 => A3, -- ROM address[3]
A4 => A4, -- ROM address[4]
A5 => A5, -- ROM address[5]
A6 => A6 -- ROM address[6]
A7 => A7 -- ROM address[7]

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 277

ISE 8.1i


-- End of ROM256X1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// ROM256X1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (ROM256X1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connect.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// ROM256X1: 256 x 1 Asynchronous Distributed (LUT) ROM

// Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

ROM256X1 #(
.INIT(256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Contents of ROM
) ROM256X1_inst (
.O(O), // ROM output
.A0(A0), // ROM address[0]
.A1(A1), // ROM address[1]
.A2(A2), // ROM address[2]
.A3(A3), // ROM address[3]
.A4(A4), // ROM address[4]
.A5(A5), // ROM address[5]
.A6(A6) // ROM address[6]
.A7(A7) // ROM address[7]
// End of ROM256X1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

278 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT)
SRL16 is a shift register look-up table (LUT). The inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select the
output length of the shift register. The shift register may be of a fixed, static length or
it may be dynamically adjusted.
The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A1 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A2 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
(0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
X8420 The data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the Low-to-High
clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent Low-to-High clock transitions data shifts
to the next highest bit position while new data is loaded. The data appears on the Q
output when the shift register length determined by the address inputs is reached.

Static Length Mode

To get a fixed-length shift register, drive the A3 through A0 inputs with static values.
The length of the shift register can vary from 1 bit to 16 bits, as determined by the
following formula:
Length = (8 x A3) +(4 x A2) + (2 x A1) + A0 +1
If A3, A2, A1, and A0 are all zeros (0000), the shift register is one bit long. If they are
all ones (1111), it is 16 bits long.

Dynamic Length Mode

The length of the shift register can be changed dynamically by changing the values
driving the A3 through A0 inputs. For example, if A2, A1, and A0 are all ones (111)
and A3 toggles between a one (1) and a zero (0), the length of the shift register changes
from 16 bits to 8 bits.
Internally, the length of the shift register is always 16 bits and the input lines A3
through A0 select which of the 16 bits reach the output.

Inputs Output

Am X X Q(Am)
Am ↑ D Q(Am - 1)
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 279

ISE 8.1i


Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of Q output
Hexadecimal after configuration

VHDL Instantiation Templates

-- SRL16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRL16_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRL16: 16-bit shift register LUT operating on posedge of clock

-- All FPGAs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRL16_inst : SRL16
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRL16_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRL16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRL16_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRL16: 16-bit shift register LUT operating on posedge of clock

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
SRL16 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRL16_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input

280 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


.D(D) // SRL data input


// End of SRL16_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 281

ISE 8.1i


282 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Negative-Edge
SRL16_1 is a shift register look-up table (LUT). The inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select
the output length of the shift register. The shift register may be of a fixed, static length
D SRL16_1 Q or it may be dynamically adjusted. See “Static Length Mode” and “Dynamic Length
CLK Mode” in “SRL16”.
A1 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A2 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A3 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
(0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
The data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the High-to-Low
clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent High-to-Low clock transitions data shifts
to the next highest bit position as new data is loaded. The data appears on theQ
output when the shift register length determined by the address inputs is reached.

Inputs Output

Am X X Q(Am)
Am ↓ D Q(Am - 1)
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of Q output
Hexadecimal after configuration

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRL16_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRL16_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 283

ISE 8.1i


-- SRL16_1: 16-bit shift register LUT operating on negedge of clock

-- All FPGAs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRL16_1_inst : SRL16_1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRL16_1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRL16_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRL16_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRL16_1: 16-bit shift register LUT operating on negedge of clock

// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
SRL16_1 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRL16_1_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input
// End of SRL16_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

284 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable
SRL16E is a shift register look-up table (LUT). The inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select
the output length of the shift register. The shift register may be of a fixed, static length
D SRL16E Q or dynamically adjusted. See “Static Length Mode” and “Dynamic Length Mode” in
CE “SRL16”.
A0 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A3 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
(0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
When CE is High, the data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the
Low-to-High clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent Low-to-High clock
transitions, when CE is High, data shifts to the next highest bit position as new data is
loaded. The data appears on the Q output when the shift register length determined
by the address inputs is reached.
When CE is Low, the register ignores clock transitions.

Inputs Output

Am 0 X X Q(Am)
Am 1 ↑ D Q(Am - 1)
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRL16E : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRL16E_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 285

ISE 8.1i


use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRL16E: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on posedge of clock
-- All FPGAs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRL16E_inst : SRL16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRL16E_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRL16E : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRL16E_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRL16E: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on posedge of clock
// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRL16E #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRL16E_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

286 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i



// End of SRL16E_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 287

ISE 8.1i


288 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Negative-Edge
Clock and Clock Enable
SRL16E_1 is a shift register look-up table (LUT) with clock enable (CE). The inputs A3,
A2, A1, and A0 select the output length of the shift register. The shift register may be
D SRL16E_1 Q of a fixed, static length or dynamically adjusted. See “Static Length Mode” and
CE “Dynamic Length Mode” in the “SRL16”.
A0 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A3 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
(0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
When CE is High, the data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the
High-to-Low clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent High-to-Low clock
transitions, when CE is High, data shifts to the next highest bit position as new data is
loaded. The data appears on the Q output when the shift register length determined
by the address inputs is reached.
When CE is Low, the register ignores clock transitions.

Inputs Output

Am 0 X X Q(Am)
Am 1 ↓ D Q(Am - 1)
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRL16E_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRL16E_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 289

ISE 8.1i


Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRL16E_1: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on negedge of clock
-- All FPGAs
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRL16E_1_inst : SRL16E_1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRL16E_1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRL16E_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRL16E_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRL16E_1: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on negedge of clock
// All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
SRL16E_1 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRL16E_1_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

// End of SRL16E_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

290 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry
SRLC16 is a shift register look-up table (LUT) with Carry. The inputs A3, A2, A1, and
A0 select the output length of the shift register. The shift register may be of a fixed,
static length, or it may be dynamically adjusted.
The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A0 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A1 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
(0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.

The data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the Low-to-High
clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent Low-to-High clock transitions data shifts
to the next highest bit position as new data is loaded. The data appears on the Q
output when the shift register length determined by the address inputs is reached.
The Q15 output is available for the user to cascade multiple shift register LUTs to
create larger shift registers.
For information about the static length mode, see “Static Length Mode” in “SRL16”.
For information about the dynamic length mode, see “Dynamic Length Mode” in

Inputs Output

Am X X Q(Am)
Am ↑ D Q(Am - 1)
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRLC16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRLC16_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 291

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRLC16: 16-bit cascadable shift register LUT operating on posedge of clock

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16_inst : SRLC16
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
Q15 => Q15, -- Carry output (connect to next SRL)
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRLC16_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRLC16 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRLC16_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRLC16: 16-bit cascadable shift register LUT operating on posedge of clock

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRLC16_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.Q15(Q15), // Carry output (connect to next SRL)
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

// End of SRLC16_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

292 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry and
Negative-Edge Clock
SRLC16_1 is a shift register look-up table (LUT) with carry and a negative-edge clock.
The inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select the output length of the shift register. The shift
D SRLC16_1 register may be a fixed-length, static length, or it may be dynamically adjustable. See
Q “Static Length Mode” and “Dynamic Length Mode” in “SRL16”.
A0 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A1 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A2 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
A3 (0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
The data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the High-to-Low
X9297 clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent High-to-Low clock transitions data shifts
to the next highest bit position as new data is loaded. The data appears on the Q
output when the shift register length determined by the address inputs is reached.
The Q15 output is available for the user to cascade multiple shift register LUTs to
create larger shift registers.

Inputs Output

Am CLK D Q Q15
Am X X Q(Am) No Change
Am ↓ D Q(Am - 1) Q14
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can also be inferred.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRLC16_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRLC16_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 293

ISE 8.1i


Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRLC16_1: 16-bit cascadable shift register LUT operating on negedge of clock

-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16_1_inst : SRLC16_1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
Q15 => Q15, -- Carry output (connect to next SRL)
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRLC16_1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRLC16_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRLC16_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRLC16_1: 16-bit cascadable shift register LUT operating on negedge of clock

// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
SRLC16_1 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRLC16_1_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.Q15(Q15), // Carry output (connect to next SRL)
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

// End of SRLC16_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

294 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry and
Clock Enable
SRLC16E is a shift register look-up table (LUT) with carry and clock enable. The
inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select the output length of the shift register. The shift
D SRLC16E register may be of a fixed, static length or it may be dynamically adjusted.
CLK Q15 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A0 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A1 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
A2 (0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.
The data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the Low-to-High
clock (CLK) transition. When CE is High, during subsequent Low-to-High clock
transitions, data shifts to the next highest bit position as new data is loaded. The data
appears on the Q output when the shift register length determined by the address
inputs is reached.
The Q15 output is available for the user to cascade multiple shift register LUTs to
create larger shift registers.
For information about the static length mode, see “Static Length Mode” in “SRL16”.
For information about the dynamic length mode, see “Dynamic Length Mode” in

Inputs Output

Am X 0 X Q(Am) Q(15)
Am X 1 X Q(Am) Q(15)
Am ↑ 1 D Q(Am - 1) Q15
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRLC16E : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRL16E_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 295

ISE 8.1i


-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be

-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRLC16E: 16-bit cascable shift register LUT with clock enable operating on posedge of clock
-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16E_inst : SRLC16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
Q15 => Q15, -- Carry output (connect to next SRL)
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRLC16E_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRLC16E : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRL16E_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.
// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRLC16E: 16-bit cascable shift register LUT with clock enable operating on posedge of clock
// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16E #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRLC16E_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.Q15(Q15), // Carry output (connect to next SRL)
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

// End of SRLC16E_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

296 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Carry,
Negative-Edge Clock, and Clock Enable
SRLC16E_1 is a shift register look-up table (LUT) with carry, clock enable, and
negative-edge clock. The inputs A3, A2, A1, and A0 select the output length of the
shift register. The shift register may be of a fixed, static length or it may be
dynamically adjusted. See “SRLC16” and “Dynamic Length Mode” in “SRL16”.
A0 The shift register LUT contents are initialized by assigning a four-digit hexadecimal
A1 number to an INIT attribute. The first, or the left-most, hexadecimal digit is the most
A2 significant bit. If an INIT value is not specified, it defaults to a value of four zeros
A3 (0000) so that the shift register LUT is cleared during configuration.

X9299 When CE is High, the data (D) is loaded into the first bit of the shift register during the
High-to-Low clock (CLK) transition. During subsequent High-to-Low clock
transitions data shifts to the next highest bit position as new data is loaded when CE is
HIgh. The data appears on the Q output when the shift register length determined by
the address inputs is reached.
The Q15 output is available for the user to cascade multiple shift register LUTs to
create larger shift registers.

Inputs Output

Am 0 X X Q(Am) No Change
Am 1 X X Q(Am) No Change
Am 1 ↓ D Q(Am -1 ) Q14
m= 0, 1, 2, 3

This design element can be inferred or instantiated.

Available Attributes
Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
INIT 16-Bit 16-Bit Hexadecimal 16'h0000 Sets the initial value of content
Hexadecimal and output of shift register after

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- SRLC16E_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (SRLC16E_1_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 297

ISE 8.1i


-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- SRLC16E_1: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on negedge of clock
-- Virtex-II/II-Pro, Spartan-3/3E
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16E_1_inst : SRLC16E_1
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
Q => Q, -- SRL data output
Q15 => Q15, -- Carry output (connect to next SRL)
A0 => A0, -- Select[0] input
A1 => A1, -- Select[1] input
A2 => A2, -- Select[2] input
A3 => A3, -- Select[3] input
CE => CE, -- Clock enable input
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input
D => D -- SRL data input

-- End of SRLC16E_1_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// SRLC16E_1 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (SRLC16E_1_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// SRLC16E_1: 16-bit shift register LUT with clock enable operating on negedge of clock
// Virtex-II/II-Pro/4, Spartan-3/3E
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

SRLC16E_1 #(
.INIT(16'h0000) // Initial Value of Shift Register
) SRLC16E_1_inst (
.Q(Q), // SRL data output
.Q15(Q15), // Carry output (connect to next SRL)
.A0(A0), // Select[0] input
.A1(A1), // Select[1] input
.A2(A2), // Select[2] input
.A3(A3), // Select[3] input
.CE(CE), // Clock enable input
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input
.D(D) // SRL data input

// End of SRLC16E_1_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 User Guide.

298 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: Virtex-4 User Interface to Configuration Clock, Global Reset,
Global 3-State Controls, and Other Configuration Signals
The STARTUP_VIRTEX4 primitive is used for Global Set/Reset, global 3-state control,

and the user configuration clock. The Global Set/Reset (GSR) input, when High, sets

EOS or resets all flip-flops, all latches, and every block RAM output register in the device,
USRCCLKTS depending on the initialization state (INIT=1 or 0) of the component.
Note: Block RAM content, LUT RAMs, the Digital Clock Manager (DCM), and shift register
LUTs (SRL16, SRL16_1, SRL16E, SRL16E_1, SRLC16, SRLC16_1, SRLC16E, and
SRLC16E_1) are not set/reset.
Following configuration, the global 3-state control (GTS), when High—and BSCAN is
not enabled and executing an EXTEST instruction—forces all the IOB outputs into
high impedance mode, which isolates the device outputs from the circuit but leaves
the inputs active.
Port List and Definition

Name Type Width Function

EOS Output 1 EOS signal
CLK Input 1 Clock input
GTS Input 1 Global 3-state control
GSR Input 1 Global Set/Reset

Including the STARTUP_VIRTEX4 primitive in a design is optional. You must include
the primitive under the following conditions.
To exert external control over global set/reset, connect the GSR pin to a top level port
and an IBUF, as shown below.
To exert external control over global 3-state, connect the GTS pin to a top level port
and IBUF, as shown below.
To synchronize startup to a user clock, connect the user clock signal to the CLK input,
as shown below. Furthermore, "user clock" must be selected in the BitGen program.
You can use location constraints to specify the pin from which GSR or GTS (or both) is

VHDLInstantiation Template
-- STARTUP_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (STARTUP_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
-- : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 299

ISE 8.1i


-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- STARTUP_VIRTEX4: Startup primitive for GSR, GTS or startup sequence

-- control. Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i
port map (
EOS => EOS, -- End of Startup 1-bit output
CLK => CLK, -- Clock input for start-up sequence
GSR => GSR_PORT, -- Global Set/Reset input (GSR cannot be used for the port name)
GTS => GTS_PORT, -- Global 3-state input (GTS cannot be used for the port name)

-- End of STARTUP_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// STARTUP_VIRTEX4 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (STARTUP_VIRTEX4_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. Delete or comment
// : out inputs/outs that are not necessary.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// STARTUP_VIRTEX4: Startup primitive for GSR, GTS or startup sequence
// control. Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.EOS(EOS), // End Of Startup 1-bit output
.CLK(CLK), // Clock input for start-up sequence
.GSR(GSR_PORT), // Global Set/Reset input (GSR can not be used as a port name)
.GTS(GTS_PORT), // Global 3-state input (GTS can not be used as a port name)

// End of STARTUP_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

300 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: 32-Bit Register with a 32-Bit DATA Bus and a DATAVALID
The User Access Register (USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4) module is a 32-bit register that
USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4 DATA[31:0] allows data from the bitstream to be directly accessible by the FPGA fabric. This
DATAVALID module has two outputs: the 32-bit DATA bus and DATAVALID.

The configuration data source clock can be CCLK or TCK. The use model for this
block is that it allows data from a bitstream data storage source (e.g., PROM) to be
accessed by the fabric after the FPGA has been configured. To accomplish this the
STARTUP_VIRTEX4 block should also be instantiated. The STARTUP_VIRTEX4
block has inputs that allow the user to take over the CCLK and DONE pins after the
EOS (End-Of-Startup) signal has been asserted. These pins are USR_CCLK_O,
USR_CCLK_TS, USR_DONE_O, and USR_DONE_TS. The bitgen option –g
DONE_cycle: 7 should be used to prevent the DONE pin from going high since that
would reset the PROM. The USR_CCLK_O pin should be connected to a controlled
clock in the fabric. The PROM should contain a packet of data with the USR_ACCESS
register as the target. After EOS has been asserted, the data packet can be loaded by
clocking the USR_CCLK_O pin while keeping USR_CCLK_TS low (it can be tied low
in this usage).
Alternatively, the USR_ACCESS register can be used to provide a single 32-bit
constant value to the fabric as an alternative to using a BRAM or LUTRAM to hold the

Name Type Function
DATA Output 32 32-bit data bus
DATAVALID Output 1 Indicates whether the value at the DATA bus is valid or new

DATA – Output
DATA output port is the 32-bit register that allows the FPGA fabric to access data
from bitstream data storage source.
DATAVALID port indicates whether the value in the DATA bus is new or valid. When
this condition is true, this port is asserted HIGH for one cycle of the configuration
data source clock.
Whenever a new value accessed by USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4 appeared in the DATA
bus, the DATAVALID signal is asserted for one cycle of the configuration data source
clock. There are many sources for the configuration data source clock. They can be
either CCLK or TCK.
When using this module to access data from bitstream data storage source (e.g.,
PROM) to FPGA fabric after configuration, the STARTUP_VIRTEX4 block should also
be instantiated. The STARTUP_VIRTEX4 module contains inputs that allow the
designer to utilize the CCLK and DONE pins after the EOS (End-Of-Startup) signal
have been asserted. These pins are USR_CCLK_O, USR_CCLK_TS, USR_DONE_O,
and USR_DONE_TS. The USR_CCLK_O pin should be connected to a controlled

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 301

ISE 8.1i


clock in the fabric. The data storage source should contain a packet of data with the
USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4 register as the target. After EOS has been asserted, the data
packet can be loaded by clocking the USR_CCLK_O pin while keeping
USR_CCLK_TS to logic Low. The USR_CCLK_TS can be tied to logic LOW when
using this application.
In addition, when using this module, the bitgen option –g DONE_cycle: 7 should be
used to prevent the HIGH assertion of DONE pin. Should the DONE pin be asserted
HIGH, the PROM will be reset.

VHDL Instantiation Template

-- USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4: 32-bit register that allows data from the
-- bitstream
-- to be directly accessible by the FPGA fabric.
-- Virtex-4
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i

port map (
DATA => DATA, -- 32-bit data output
DATAVALID => DATAVALID -- 1-bit data valid signal

// End of USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

Verilog Template
// USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4: 32-bit register that allows data from the
// bitstream
// to be directly accessible by the FPGA fabric.
// Virtex-4
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide version 8.1i

.DATA(DATA), // 32-bit data output
.DATAVALID(DATAVALID) // 1-bit data valid signal

// End of USR_ACCESS_VIRTEX4_inst instantiation

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

302 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with General Output
XORCY is a special XOR with general O output that generates faster and smaller
arithmetic functions.

O Usage
Its O output is a general interconnect. See also “XORCY_D” and “XORCY_L”.
VHDL Instantiation Code
-- XORCY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (XORCY_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- XORCY: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with general output

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
O => O, -- XOR output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
LI => LI -- LUT4 input signal
-- End of XORCY_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// XORCY : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (XORCY_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// XORCY: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with general output

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.O(O), // XOR output signal
.CI(CI), // Carry input signal
.LI(LI) // LUT4 input signal

// End of XORCY_inst instantiation

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 303

ISE 8.1i


For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

304 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with Dual Output
XORCY_D is a special XOR that generates faster and smaller arithmetic functions.
O Usage
XORCY_D has two functionally identical outputs: O and LO. The O output is a
X8409 general interconnect. The LO output connects to another output within the same CLB
See also “XORCY” and “XORCY_L.”

VHDL Instantiation Code

-- XORCY_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (XORCY_D_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- XORCY_D: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with local and general outputs

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LO => LO, -- XOR local output signal
O => O, -- XOR general output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
LI => LI -- LUT4 input signal

-- End of XORCY_D_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// XORCY_D : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (XORCY_D_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// XORCY_D: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with local and general outputs

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.LO(LO), // XOR local output signal
.O(O), // XOR general output signal

Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs www.xilinx.com 305

ISE 8.1i


.CI(CI), // Carry input signal

.LI(LI) // LUT4 input signal

// End of XORCY_D_inst instantiation.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

306 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i


Primitive: XOR for Carry Logic with Local Output
XORCY_L is a special XOR with local LO output that generates faster and smaller
LO arithmetic functions.
CI Usage
X8404 The LO output connects to another output within the same CLB slice.
See also “XORCY” and “XORCY_D.”

VHDL Instantiation Code

-- XORCY_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
-- VHDL : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
-- instance : in the architecture body of the design code. The
-- declaration : instance name (XORCY_L_inst) and/or the port declarations
-- code : after the "=>" assignment maybe changed to properly
-- : reference and connect this function to the design.
-- : All inputs and outputs must be connected.

-- Library : In addition to adding the instance declaration, a use

-- declaration : statement for the UNISIM.vcomponents library needs to be
-- for : added before the entity declaration. This library
-- Xilinx : contains the component declarations for all Xilinx
-- primitives : primitives and points to the models that will be used
-- : for simulation.
-- Copy the following two statements and paste them before the
-- Entity declaration, unless they already exists.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

-- XORCY_L: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with local => direct-connect ouput

-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

port map (
LO => LO, -- XOR local output signal
CI => CI, -- Carry input signal
LI => LI -- LUT4 input signal

-- End of XORCY_L_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Code

// XORCY_L : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
// Verilog : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
// instance : in the body of the design code. The instance name
// declaration : (XORCY_L_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
// code : parenthesis maybe changed to properly reference and
// : connect this function to the design. All inputs
// : and outputs must be connected.

// <-----Cut code below this line---->

// XORCY_L: Carry-Chain XOR-gate with local (direct-connect) ouput

// For use with All FPGAs
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide Version 8.1i

.LO(LO), // XOR local output signal
.CI(CI), // Carry input signal
.LI(LI) // LUT4 input signal

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ISE 8.1i


// End of XORCY_L_inst instantiation.

For More Information

Consult the Virtex-4 Configuration Guide.

308 www.xilinx.com Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs

ISE 8.1i

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