Network Hardware Activity 1: 1. What Is A Twisted Pair Cable, and Where Do We Usually See Them?
Network Hardware Activity 1: 1. What Is A Twisted Pair Cable, and Where Do We Usually See Them?
Network Hardware Activity 1: 1. What Is A Twisted Pair Cable, and Where Do We Usually See Them?
Activity 1
Part I
Part II. Explain why communication medium depend or are based on the following
1. Distance
Short distances are required for wireless, compressed video, and coaxial cable
systems and for longer distances are required fiber optics, telephone lines and satellite
2. Amount of data transfer
Small amount of data is best handled through twisted pair copper wire and optical
fiber. On the other hand, larger amount of data is best handled with coaxial cables,
compressed video and through satellite communications.
3. How often the transfer is needed
For locally wired networks that are used by a very limited number of users, coaxial
cable best work for it. While for high-usage public networks, telephone wires are best
work for it but it overloaded when many users use the system at the same time.
4. Availability
Availability depends on cost, transmission speed, number of users, weather
conditions and so on.
Activity 2
Part 1
1. How many meters does 1 communication medium specifically your UTP cable
support and why?
90-100 meters is long enough for 1 communication medium to avoid connection loss.
2. What are servers?
Servers are computer programs that provide services to other computer programs in
the same computer or in other computers in a network.
3. We discussed about modems during our past lessons. In your own words, how does
it work?
Modem converts an analog signal to a digital signal for the purpose of granting access
to broadband Internet. It modulates the digital signals to analog for transmission and
demodulates it back and to get the transmitted information. It produces signals that
can be easily transmitted and decode to produce original data.
4. What are the differences between modem, router and switch?
Modem produces signal that can easily transmitted and decode to produce original
data. Router is used to join networks together and routes traffic between them. Switch
allows connections to multiple devices, manages ports and manage VLAN security
5. What is the token ring on the Ring Topology?
Token rings work by having the server pass amarker, or “token”, to the computer that
is next in line to communicate. No computer can send receive data unless it is the
target of the token. Collisions between two workstations that wish to transmit
information at the same time are avoided. The token is passed so rapidly that the LAN
users may never know they had to wait. A token ring structure ca support networks in
which the computers are up to 124 miles apart.
Activity 3
Part 1
Activity 4
Part 1
Activity 5
Part 1.
Activity 6
Part 1
1. What was the name of first computer designed by Charles Babbage? Analytic
2. What was the first electronics digital programmable computing device? Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer
3. EDSAC stands for and function. Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
(EDSAC) was an early British computer. The EDSAC is a large-scale electronic
calculating machine in which ultrasonic delay units are used for storage of orders and
numbers. It is serial in operation and works in the scale of two. Punched tape is used for
input and a teleprinter for output.
4. EDVAC stands for and its function. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.
EDVAC was a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction,
multiplication, programmed division and automatic checking with an ultrasonic serial
memory capacity of 1,000 34-bit words.
5. Which was the first commercial computer? ENIAC
6. UNIVAC stands for and its function. Universal Automatic Computer. was used for
general purpose computing with large amounts of input and output.
7. ENIAC stands for and its function. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It
was designed primarily to calculate artillery firing tables to be used by the United States
Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory to help US troops during World War II.
8. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of what computer? Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
9. Who invented the punch card? Herman Hollerith
10. In the late 1880’s, Herman Hollerith invented data storage on punched cards that
could then be read by a machine.
Activity 7
Part 1