Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris

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Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris (Contraction)

Contraction merupakan gabungan kata yang terbentuk dari sebagian pengucapan kata yang menyusun
gabungan tersebut. Contohnya:

Contractions yang sangat umum:

Contraction Words Contraction Words
I'd I would / I had Can't Can not
I'll I will Couldn't Could not
I've I have Didn't Did not
I'm I am Doesn't Does not
She'd She would / she had Don't Do not
She'll She will Hadn't Had not
She's She is Hasn't Has not
He's He is Isn't Is not
You're You are Shouldn't Should not
They'll They will Wasn't Was not
They're They are Won't Will not
They've They have Wouldn't Would not
We'd We would / we had Could've Could have
We'll We will Might've Might have
We're We are Must've Must have
We've We have Should've Should have
It'll It will Would've Would have
It's It is How'd How did/how would
That's That is How're How are
There's There is How'll How will
Where's Where is How's How is/how has/how does
Who's Who is Etc...
Contractions yang jarang diketahui:
Contractions Words Contractions Words
Ya You E'er Ever
Ain't Am not/is not/are not Finna Fixing to
Lotta Lot of Gimme Give me
I'mma I'm going to Gon't Got not
Dunno Don't know/doesn't know Let's Let us
Cmon Come on 'tis It is
S'more Some more 'twas It was
Musta Must have Y'all You all
Mighta Might have A lotta A lot of
Hafta Have to Kinda Kind of
Hasta Has to Needa Need to
Contractions Words Contractions Words
D'you Do you Lemme Let me
Gotta Got to Outta Out of
Gonna Going to Sorta Sort of
Wanna Want to/want a Cuppa Cup of
O'clock Of the clock Tellem Tell them
O' Of Whatcha What are/have you
Useta Used to Dontcha Don't you
Supposeta Supposed to Didntcha Didn't you
I'da I would have Wontcha Won't you
He'da He would have Gotcha Got you
She'da She would have Betcha Bet you
You'da You would have Shouldna Shouldn't have
They'da They would have Wouldna Wouldn't have
It'da It would have Couldna Couldn't have

Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris (Abbreviation) dan

Abbreviation merupakan singkatan bahasa inggris yang dibentuk dengan menggunakan inisial huruf dari
suatu kata, atau kadang dari pengucapan kata tersebut. Dan singkatan ini hanya digunakan untuk writing
saja seperti chattingan dengan teman, untuk caption media sosial, dan lain-lain, karena kalau untuk
speaking juga akan sulit dalam pengucapan.

Contoh abbreviation:
Abbreviation Words Arti
B/c Because Karena
A.K.A As know as Alias
NSFW Not safe for work Tidak aman untuk digunakan/bekerja (mengandung kekerasan atau
NSFL Not safe for life Tidak aman untukmu (candaan)
ASAP As soon as possible Sesegera mungkin
CMIIW Correct me if i'm wrong Koreksi jika saya salah
RIP Rest in peace Meninggal, istirahat dengan tenang
TGIF Thanks God, it's friday Terimakasih Tuhan, ini Jumat (semangat menyambut akhir pekan)
4EAE Forever and ever Selama-lamanya
BRB Be right back Segera kembali
CYA See you again/see ya Sampai jumpa kembali
IDK I don't know Aku tidak tahu
J/K Just kidding Bercanda
Abbreviation Words Arti
IMHO In my humble opinion Menurut pendapat saya
IYKWIM If you know what I mean Jika/andai kamu tahi yang ku maksud
LMAO Laughing my ass off Tertawa lepas/ngakak
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing Tertawa sampai guling-guling
SYS See you soon Sampai jumpa lagi
NvM Nevermind Lupakan saja
COD Cash on delivery Bayar ditempat
2moro Tomorrow Besok
2nite Tonight Malam ini
143 I love you Aku cinta kamu
4ever Forever Selamanya
BTW By the way Omong-omong
B4N Bye for now Sekian dulu
BCNU Be seeing you Ingin bertemu denganmu
BFF Best friend forever Teman terbaik untuk selamanya
DBEYR Don;t believe everything you read Jangan percaya dengan semua yang kau baca
DILLIGAS Do I look like I give a sh*t Masa bodo/aku gak peduli
FUD Fear, uncertainty, and disinformation Takut, khawatir, dan salah informasi
FWIW Forgot where I was Lupakan saja
GR8 Great Hebat
ILY I love you Aku cinta kamu
IRL In real life Dalam kenyataannya
ISO In search of Sedang mencari
L8R Later Nanti
AFAIK As fas as I know Sejauh yang aku tahu
AIMP Always in my prayers Selalu dalam doa-doaku
AML All my love Seluruh cintaku
ASL Age, sex, location Umur, jenis kelamin, dan lokasi
ATM According to me Menurut saya
ATTN Attention Perhatian
AYK As you know Seperti yang kamu tahu
B4 Before Sebelum
BTN Better than nothing Lebih baik daripada tisak sama sekali
BW Best wishes Harapan terbaik
BZ Busy Sibuk
CM Call me Telpon aku
CU See you Sampai jumpa
CUZ/COZ Because Karena
CYL See you later Sampai jumpa lagi nanti
Abbreviation Words Arti
FYI For your information Untuk informasimu/ sebagai informasi
GWS Get well soon Cepat sembuh/segera pulih
IC I see Aku mengerti
ICW I can't wait Aku tak bisa menunggu
IDC I don't care Aku tidak peduli
JUZKID Just kidding Bercanda
LOL Laughing out loud/lots of luck Tertawa terbahak-bahak
LTNS Long time no see Lama tidak berjumpa
LUSM Love you so much Mencintaimu dengan sangat
MO Move on Berpindah
NP No problem Tidak masalah
OIC Oh, i see Oh, aku mengerti
OMG Oh my God Ya Tuhan/ya ampun
PLZ Please Mohon/silahkan
PM Private message Pesan pribadi
PVT Private Pribadi
S2U Same to you Sama denganmu
TY Thank you Terimakasih
TTYL Talk to you later Bicara denganmu nanti
TYVM Thank you very much Terimakasih banyak
TXT MSG Text message Pesan text
U2 You too Kamu juga
YW You're welcome Terimakasih kembali/sama-sama
YTB You're the best Kamu yang terbaik
W8 Wait Tunggu
WB Welcome back Selamat datang kembali
WE Whatever Apapun
WTF What the fu*k
WUZUP What's up? Apa kabar?
WYWH Wish you were here Berharap kamu disini
XD Tertawa sambil menutup mata
XME Excuse me Permisi
XOXO Hugs and kisses Peluk dan cium
XX Kisses Ciuman
YAAG You are a genius Kamu pintar/cerdas/jenius
LYLAS Love you like a sister Menyayangimu seperti adik
MHOTY My hats off to you Angkat topi untukmu/menyanjung
NIMBY Not in my back yard Tidak di wilayahku (atas izinku)
YRR You're right Kamu benar
Abbreviation Words Arti
NUB New person (in site or a game or Orang baru/pemain baru
OT Off topic Keluar topik
POV Point of view Sudut pandang
RBTL Read between the lines
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my ass Tertawa ngakak sampai guling-guling
RT Real time Sungguhan/nyata
SITD Still in the dark Masih di kegelapan
SOL Sooner or later Cepat atau lambat
STBY Sucks to be you Malangnya kamu
SWAK Sealed (sent) with a kiss Dengan ciuman
RTM Read the manual Baca petunjuknya
TLC Tender loving care Dengan penuh cinta
TMI Too much information Terlalu banyak informasi
VBG Very big grin Seringai yang besar
WEG Wicked evil grin Seringan iblis
ADN Any day now Kapanpun
AFK Away from keyboard Jauh dari keyboardm (pergi dari permainan)
BF Boyfriend Pacar
GF Girlfriend Pacar
BOL Be on later Nantinya
DM Direct message Pesan langsung
DWBH Don't worry be happy Jangan kuatir, bersenangsenanglah
FTF Face to face 4 mata (berhadapan langsung)
FYEO For your eyes only Hanya untukmu
GLHF Good luck have fun Semoga beruntung dan bersenang-senanglah
HAK Hugs and kisses Peluk dan cium
HAND Have a nice day Semoga harimu menyenangkan
HTH Hope this helps/happy to help Semoga membantu
IMO In my opinion Menurut pendapatku
J4F Just for fun Hanya untuk senang-senang saja
LMK Let me know Kasih tahu aku
NAGI Not a good idea Bukan ide yang bagus
PAW Parents are watching Orang tua sedang mengawasi (butuh pantauan orang tua)
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing Tertawa sampai guling-guling
SWYP So, what's your problem? Jadi, apa masalahmu?
WYCM Will you call me? Will you call me?
WTH What the heck? Apa-apaan ini?

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