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Aeronautical Ad-Hoc Networking For The Internet-Above-The-Clouds

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Aeronautical Ad-Hoc Networking for the

Jiankang Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, Taihai Chen, Shida Zhong, Jingjing Wang, Wenbo Zhang, Xin Zuo,
Robert G. Maunder, Senior Member, IEEE, Lajos Hanzo Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The engineering vision of relying on the “smart expected to grow for years to come. For Europe as an example,
sky” for supporting air traffic and the “Internet above the it is predicted that there will be 14.4 million flights in 2035,
clouds” for in-flight entertainment has become imperative for
arXiv:1905.07486v1 [cs.NI] 17 May 2019

which corresponds to a 1.8% average annual growth compared

the future aircraft industry. Aeronautical ad hoc Networking
(AANET) constitutes a compelling concept for providing broad- to the flights in 2012 [1]. However, passenger aircraft remain
band communications above clouds by extending the coverage of one of the few places where ubiquitous data connectivity
Air-to-Ground (A2G) networks to oceanic and remote airspace cannot be offered at high throughput, low latency and low cost.
via autonomous and self-configured wireless networking amongst A survey by Honeywell [2] revealed that nearly 75% of airline
commercial passenger airplanes. The AANET concept may be passengers are ready to switch airlines to secure access to a
viewed as a new member of the family of Mobile ad hoc Networks
(MANETs) in action above the clouds. However, AANETs have faster and more reliable Internet connection on-board and more
more dynamic topologies, larger and more variable geographical than 20% of passengers have already switched their airline
network size, stricter security requirements and more hostile for the sake of better in-flight Internet access. Furthermore,
transmission conditions. These specific characteristics lead to in an effort to provide potentially more efficient air traffic
more grave challenges in aircraft mobility modeling, aeronautical management capabilities, “free flight” [3] has been developed
channel modeling and interference mitigation as well as in
network scheduling and routing. This paper provides an overview as a new concept that gives pilots the ability to change
of AANET solutions by characterizing the associated scenarios, trajectory during flight, with the aid of Ground Stations (GSs)
requirements and challenges. Explicitly, the research addressing and/or Air Traffic Control (ATC). These demands have in-
the key techniques of AANETs, such as their mobility models, spired both the academic and industrial communities to further
network scheduling and routing, security and interference are develop aeronautical communications. The joint European-
reviewed. Furthermore, we also identify the remaining challenges
associated with developing AANETs and present their prospective American research activities were launched in 2004 for further
solutions as well as open issues. The design framework of developing the future communication infrastructure [4], led
AANETs and the key technical issues are investigated along by the Next Generation air transportation (NextGen) in the
with some recent research results. Furthermore, a range of US and by the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management
performance metrics optimized in designing AANETs and a Research (SESAR) in Europe. However, they mainly focused
number of representative multi-objective optimization algorithms
are outlined. their attention on improving aeronautical communications for
Air Traffic Management (ATM) rather than on providing stable
Index Terms—Aeronautical ad hoc Network, Flying ad hoc Internet access during cross-continental flights. Nonetheless,
Network, air-to-ground communication, air-to-air communica-
tion, air-to-satellite communication, network topology, network- the ever-increasing interest in providing both Internet access
ing protocol. and cellular connectivity in the passenger cabin has led to the
emergence of in-flight Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) based both on
satellite connectivity and on the Gogo Air-to-Ground (A2G)
I. I NTRODUCTION network. However, they suffer from expensive subscription,
Trans-continental travel and transport of goods has become limited coverage, limited capacity and high end-to-end delay.
part of the economic and social fabric of the globe. Therefore, As a complement and/or design alternative, the Aeronautical
the number of domestic and international passenger flights is Ad-hoc Network (AANET) [5], [6] concept has been con-
ceived as a large-scale multi-hop wireless network formed by
J. Zhang, R. G. Maunder and L. Hanzo are with Electronics and Computer aircraft, which is capable of exchanging information using
Science, University of Southampton, U.K. (E-mails: jz09v@ecs.soton.ac.uk,
rm@ecs.soton.ac.uk, lh@ecs.soton.ac.uk) multi-hop Air-to-Air (A2A) radio communication links as
T. Chen is with AccelerComm Ltd., U.K. (E-mail: tai- well as integrating both the satellite networks and the ground
hai.chen@accelercomm.com) networks., as shown in Fig. 1. More explicitly, the middle layer
S. Zhong is with College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University,
China (E-mail: shida.zhong@szu.edu.cn) of objects is constituted by the aircraft of an AANET, which
J. Wang is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua are capable of exchanging information with the satellite layer
University, Beijing, 100084, China. (E-mail: chinaeephd@gmail.com) (top layer) and GS layer (bottom layer) via inter-layer links.
W. Zhang is with College of Information and Communication Engineering,
Beijing University of Technology, China. (E-mail: wenbozhang@bjut.edu.cn) Furthermore, AANETs are also beneficial for automatic node
X. Zuo is with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, China (E-mail: and route discovery as well as for route maintenance as aircraft
xinzuo cn@163.com) fly within the communications range of each other, hence
The financial support of the EPSRC projects EP/Noo4558/1, EP/PO34284/1
as well as of the European Research Council’s Advanced Fellow Grant allowing data to be automatically routed between aircraft and
QuantCom is gratefully acknowledged. to or from the GS. The representative benefits of AANET are

summarized as follows for preventing disasters and terrorist attacks. It also grants
access to the Internet and facilitates telephone calls above the
• Extended Coverage: AANETs extend the coverage of
clouds, as well as maintaining communications with airlines
A2G networks offshore to oceanic or remote airspace
for various purposes, such as engine performance or fuel
by establishing an ad hoc network among aircraft and
consumption reports.
GSs. The GSs may also communicate with each other
as part of an AANET or they may act as a gateway for A. Motivation
connecting with the Internet via a fixed line. More specif-
As a new breed of networking, AANET aims to establish
ically, AANETs are capable of substantially extending
an ad hoc network amongst aircraft for their direct communi-
the coverage range in the oceanic and remote airspace,
cation in high-velocity and high-dynamic scenarios, in order
without any additional infrastructure and without relying
to handle the increasing flow of data generated by aircraft
on satellites.
and to provide global coverage. AANETs have become an
• Reduced Communication Cost: Avoiding satellite links
increasingly important research topic in recent years, and
directly reduces the airlines’ cost of aeronautical com-
considerable progress has been made in conceiving the net-
munication, since the cost of a satellite link is usually
work structure [5], [6] and network topology [8]. However,
significantly higher than that of an A2G link [7].
the significant remaining challenges must be overcome before
• Reduced Latency: Another potential benefit of AANET is
they can be implemented in commercial systems. Airlines are
its reduced latency compared to geostationary satellite-
demanding the connectivity offered by AANETs to provide
based access, hence it is capable of supporting more
on-board WiFi, while governments need AANETs for im-
delay-sensitive applications such as interactive voice and
proving the operating capacity of the airspace. To motivate
video conferencing.
researchers both in the academic community and in the in-
The improvements that AANET offers to civil aviation dustrial community, as well as those who are concerned with
applications may be much appreciated by the passengers, the development of aeronautical communication, it is essential
operators, aircraft manufacturers and ATCs. More specifically, to understand the potential applications, requirements and
AANET allows aircraft to upload/download navigation data challenges as well as the existing aeronautical communication
and passenger service/entertainment data in a wireless live- systems/techniques. Despite these compelling inspirations, at
streaming manner. The congestion of the airspace at peak the time of writing there is a paucity of detailed comparative
times will be mitigated by the more punctual scheduling of surveys of aeronautical communication solutions designed for
takeoff/landing. Furthermore, AANET allows direct commu- commercial aircraft taking into account their specific charac-
nication among aircraft for supporting formation flight or teristics, scenarios, applications, requirements and challenges.

($ "

! "# $$! % &

* "
( ) $" Satellite
' Aircraft

Ground station






(a) Physical topology (b) Logical topology

Fig. 1. The AANET topology and the corresponding logical topology.


Hence, we aim to fill this gap by conceiving this survey of

AANETs. The objective of this survey is to offer an insight
for inquisitive readers into the current status and the future
directions of AANETs. We aim for motivating engineers in the I. Introduction
aviation industry and researchers in the academic community I−A. Motivation
to contribute to the development of AANETs. I−B. Our contributions
I−C. Organization
II. Comparison of existing ad−hoc networks
B. Our Contributions II−A. Comparison between AANETs and MANETs
More specifically, we compare the AANETs to the existing II−B. Comparison between AANETs and VANETs
family members of wireless ad hoc networks by identifying the II−C. Comparison between AANETs and FANETs
specific features of AANETs. Following this, we investigate III. Aircraft networking applications
different scenarios of AANETs, including airports as well as III−A. Fundamental applications
populated and unpopulated areas, which result in strict require- III−B. Enhanced applications
ments and impose challenges on the design of AANET. Before III−C. Summary
we scrutinize the remaining challenges, we comprehensively IV. Aircraft networking scenarios
review the field of aeronautical communications in terms of IV−A. Flight over an airport or near an airport
A2G communications, A2A communications, A2S commu- IV−B. Flight over populated areas
nications, in-cabin communications and multi-hop commu- IV−C. Flight over unpopulated areas
nications. Their capabilities in meeting the requirements as IV−D. Summary
well as in accommodating diverse fundamental and enhanced V. Aircraft networking requirements
aeronautical applications with the aid of Table IX. V−A. Coverage
V−B. Throughput
Then, the challenges associated with designing AANETs
V−C. Latency
are analyzed and the recent research progress in addressing
V−D. Security
these challenges is also discussed. To facilitate future re- V−E. Robustness
search in investigating AANETs, we provide a general design V−F. Cost
framework for AANETs and highlight some key technical V−G. Summary
issues in designing AANETs as well as present some of our VI. Aeronautical communications
recent experimental results. Moreover, we outline a range VI−A. A2G communication systems
of performance metrics in jointly optimizing the AANET VI−B. A2A communication systems
VI−C. A2S communication systems
design as well as a number of representative multi-objective
VI−D. In−cabin communications
optimization algorithms. Based on the lessons learned from VI−E. Multi−hop communications
prior research, we also suggest promising research directions
VII. Aircraft networking challenges
for AANETs, as well as highlight the open issues to be solved VII−A. Mobility
for implementing AANETs in practice. VII−B. Congestion
VII−C. Threats
C. Organization VII−D. Propagation
VII−E. Interference
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The com- VII−F. Standardization
parison between the family members of wireless ad hoc VIII. Existing research in addressing the AANET challenges
networks is presented in Section II. Section III is devoted to the VIII−A. Mobility solutions
description of aircraft networking applications, including flight VIII−B. Scheduling and routing
VIII−C. Security mechanisms
data delivery at airports, air traffic control, aircraft tracking, VIII−D. Aeronautical channel characterization
formation flight, free flight and passenger entertainment. The VIII−E. Interference mitigation
typical aircraft networking scenarios of airports, populated VIII−F. Efforts for standardization
areas and unpopulated areas will be discussed in Section IV. IX. Design guidelines for AANETs
In order to reliably operate in miscellaneous scenarios and ap- IX−A. Channel and PHY layer
plications, AANETs have to meet specific requirements, which IX−B. MAC layer
are discussed in Section V. In Section VI, we describe both IX−C. NET layer
existing and emerging aircraft communications systems and IX−D. Pareto−optimal perspective of AANET optimization
discuss their suitability to AANETs. We will also demonstrate X. Prospective Solutions and Open Issues
that there are still some challenges to be addressed, as dis- X−A. Prospective solutions for AANETs
cussed in Section VII. In Section VIII, we review the research X−B. Open challenges in the AANET implementation
efforts invested in addressing the open AANET challenges. XI. Conclusions and Recommendations
The relevant design guidelines and the key technologies are
illustrated in Section IX. The prospective solutions and open Fig. 2. The skeleton structure of this paper
issues of AANETs are discussed in Section X. Finally, our
conclusions are offered in Section XI. The organization of
this paper is shown at a glance in Fig. 2.

II. C OMPARISON OF EXISTING ad hoc NETWORKS AANETs typically travel at high speed along planned flight
The Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET) paradigm has been trajectories whilst exhibiting a much lower node density while
developed for providing direct network connections among en-route over the ocean. Thus, the mobility models for emulat-
wireless devices. During the earliest stage evolution the nodes ing the node behaviours are completely different for MANETs
were mobile users, later the nodes evolved to vehicles and and AANETs. Hence the random walk model designed for
then the nodes evolved to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) MANETs [14] is not applicable to AANETs, whereas the
and in this treatise the nodes evolve to airplanes. The acronym smooth semi-Markov model designed for AANETs is not
MANET constitutes a gereralised terminology, which includes directly usable for MANETs. Additionally, the power con-
ad hoc networks mobile users, vehicles and UAVs as well as sumption is also rather different for MANETs and AANETs.
airplanes. However, the specific terminologies of Vehicular ad The typically battery-powered nodes of MANETs have to
hoc Networks (VANETs), Flying ad hoc Networks (FANETs) utilise energy-efficient methods in order to extend the network
and AANETs refer to the networks constituted by vehicles, lifetime. On the other hand, aircraft are powered by jet engines,
UAVs and airplanes, respectively. In this section, we will which can provide ample power for communication systems.
compare the existing MANETs, VANETs and FANETs with Hence, the power consumption of AANETs does not impose
the AANETs in terms of their fundamental characteristics. challenges. Furthermore, radio propagation characteristics are
also different. MANETs operate on the ground and they often
suffer from Rayleigh fading. By contrast, a Line-Of-Sight
A. Comparison between AANETs and MANETs (LOS) path propagation exists for a pair of A2A commu-
The Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) concept was con- nicating aircraft. The above differences may also result in
ceived in the 1990s to enable nearby users to directly com- notable routing and forwarding differences at the network
municate with each other without the need for any central layer. Explicitly, the routing and forwarding methods assist in
network infrastructure. This is achieved by exploiting the user avoiding congestion by aiming for the maximum throughput
devices’ wireless interfaces in an ad hoc manner, in order to per aircraft, while maintaining the shortest possible end-to-
exchange data or relay traffic [9]. Given their high-velocity end delay from one continent to another. This is because
node mobility, dynamic topology, decentralised architecture both the throughput and the delay constitute key requirements
and limited transmission range, legacy Internet routing and for passengers accessing the Internet. On the other hand,
transport protocols do not work properly in MANETs, hence energy-aware routing as well as proactive and reactive routing
the recent research efforts have been focused on these ar- are favoured in MANETs, since they maximise the network
eas. More particularly, Abid et al. [10] present a survey lifetime and mitigate the effects of its unpredictable dynamic
of the distributed hash table based routing protocols that nature.
are capable of enhancing MANETs, whilst identifying their
features, strengths and weaknesses as well as the correspond-
ing research challenges. With the advent of the future Inter- B. Comparison between AANETs and VANETs
net architecture, relying on the information centric network AANET relies on ad hoc networking, which can disseminate
concept, the Internet is moving from the conventional host- information using multi-hop communication without a central
centric design to the content-centric philosophy. A new form infrastructure. ad hoc networks have already been developed
of MANETs termed as the information centric MANET has for ground-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) [15],
also emerged. In [11], the authors interpret the formation which constitute a subclass of MANET [16], [17]. For ex-
of information centric MANET and define the conceptual ample, VANETs have been successfully applied in collision
model of its content routing. Three types of schemes, namely warning [18], in road trains for allowing vehicles to be
proactive, reactive and opportunistic arrangements, are also driven in formation [19], as well as for providing Internet
described to exemplify the content routing procedure. Apart connectivity [20], [21] in vehicles. Although both AANET
from routing, surveys on important aspects such as security and VANET are forms of ad hoc networking, the transceivers,
and neighbour discovery have also been produced by the receivers and routers in AANET are carried by aircraft. These
MANET research community, which shows that the routing systems must be designed for exploiting all aircraft assets,
information and encryption defeating approaches [12] are the in order to connect with satellite- and ground-networks for
most effective MANET security solutions. Dorri et al. [12] the sake of constructing a seamless communications platform
have also characterized a range of energy-efficient neighbour across the air, space and terrestrial domains.
discovery protocols [13] in order to emphasize the need for Furthermore, AANETs have many different characteristics
connectivity maintenance and context awareness. compared to conventional VANETs. First of all, the speed of
AANETs constitute a new member of the MANETs family, nodes in VANETs is much lower, staying within the range
since they inherit some of the general mobility features of the of a few kilometers per hour (km/h) to tens of km/h for the
nodes, as well as the dynamic nature of the network topology, higher-speed VANETs [8]. But the nodes in AANETs, namely
and the self-organizing traits of the network. However, they aircraft, fly at velocities of 800 km/h to 1000 km/h. This
also differ quite significantly in a range of specific aspects. very high velocity leads to serious Doppler shift and highly
In terms of mobility, a mobile device of MANETs typically dynamic mobility, which results in the frequent setup and
travels at human walking speed in random directions and breakup of communication links between aircraft. Secondly,
exhibits varying node density. By contrast, the aircraft of aircraft may fly over a very large-scale range, spanning across


Year Paper Focus/Main Contributions Object

2011 Bauer and Zitterbart [25] Protocols that support IP Mobility Airplanes
2013 Neji et al [4] Development activities from 2004 to 2009, PHY layer and MAC layer for L-DACS Airplanes
2013 Bekmezci et al [26] Applications, design considerations, communication protocols UAVs
2015 Saleem et al [27] Cognitive radio technology UAVs
2016 Gupta et al [28] Routing protocols, handover schemes, energy conservation UAVs
2016 Zafar and Khan [29] Societal concerns UAVs
2016 Hayat et al [30] Applications, network requirements UAVs
2017 Sharma and Kumar [31] Taxonomy of multi-UAVs, network simulators and test beds UAVs
2018 Khuwaja et al [32] Propagation characteristics of UAV channels UAVs
2018 Cao et al [33] LAPs, HAPs and integrated airborne communication networks UAVs, airships, balloons
2018 Liu et al [34] Integration of satellite systems, aerial networks, and terrestrial communications Satellites, UAVs, airships,
balloons, ground base
station and mobile users
Scenarios, applications, requirements, challenges, comprehensive survey of existing
This paper Passenger airplanes
aeronautical systems

oceans, deserts and continents. In unpopulated areas, such as most recent surveys of FANETs, accentuating the differences
the North Atlantic, the aircraft density is relatively low, but between the two.
the aircraft routes are planned and updated twice daily by
The insightful surveys [26]–[32], [34] have covered a wide
taking into account both the jet stream and the principal traffic
range of fundamental issues, such as channel modelling [32],
flow, leading to a very sparse but relatively stable network
radio frequency aspects [27], communication protocols [26],
topology. However, the route can be adjusted according to an
[28], simulators and testbeds [31], application issues [26], [30]
aircraft’s own specific circumstances, in order to reach the
as well as societal concerns [29]. In Table I, we summarize the
destination airport faster or to aim for a particular landing
most representative survey papers on FANETs from the past
slot. Furthermore, in continental airspace or near airports,
five years, which have focused on various subjects of research
aircraft move at random angles to each other, especially in
and challenges. More specifically, Bekmezci et al. [26] covers
the high-density European airspace [22]. Thirdly, the antenna
diverse application scenarios and design considerations for
employed by aircraft have the rigorous requirements of good
the physical layer as well as communication protocols up to
isolation, high efficiency and ease of integration with the air-
the transport layer of FANETs. Gupta et al. [28] focuses on
craft [23]. The suitable antenna installation sites on aircraft are
the three important issues in UAV communications networks,
typically limited to the wings, tail units or pertaining control
namely on existing and new routing protocols conceived for
flaps [24]. In addition, the implementation and deployment of
meeting various requirements, such as seamless handovers
communication systems may be overlooked in some research
to allow flawless communication, as well as energy con-
work, but it is of vital significance in aircraft communication
servation across different communications layers. Zafar et
systems. The lack of understanding of the economic value, the
al. [29] touches not only on the technical aspects of previous
security mechanisms and its added value for users may make
surveys, but also on the societal concerns in terms of privacy,
the deployment of AANET appear risky to manufacturers,
safety, security and psychology, plus on the military aspects.
airlines and regulatory organizations. Even once AANETs
Meanwhile, Hayat et al. [30] primarily focuses on the commu-
have been implemented and deployed in aircraft, they also
nication demands of FANETs from two unique perspectives,
face the challenges of meeting different regulations for aircraft
namely identifying the qualitative communication demands as
communication and Internet access in different countries.
well as quantitative communication requirements in the con-
Therefore, further significant challenges are faced by AANET.
text of four main applications. By contrast, Saleem et al. [27]
stresses the need for and potential applications of cognitive
C. Comparison between AANETs and FANETs radio technology designed for UAVs, as well as its integration
A relatively new research area of ad hoc networks has issues and future challenges. Sharma et al. [31] focuses on
gained significance in the wireless research community, the network architecture and, in particular, on the taxonomy
namely Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs). This is a type of multi-UAVs, as well as on network simulators/test beds
of ad hoc network that connects Unmanned Aerial Vehicles constructed for UAV network formation. Recently, Khuwajaet
(UAVs) allows them to autonomously conduct their tasks. al. [32] provided an extensive survey of the measurement
No doubt that AANETs and FANETs share some common methods of UAV channel modeling and discussed various
features in terms of their mobility and dynamic topology. channel characterization for UAV communications. Cao et
But UAVs are rather different in terms of their flying speed, al. [33] presented an overall view on research efforts in
flying altitude, trajectory and geographic coverage. Further- the areas of Low-Altitude Platforms (LAP)-based communi-
more, they also differ in terms of their technical specifica- cation networks, High-Altitude Platform (HAP)-based com-
tions, applications and requirements. This section identifies the munication networks, and integrated airborne communication
contributions of this survey on AANETs beyond some of the networks. Liu et al. [34] comprehensively surveyed the


Networks Objects Channel Speed (m/s) Altitude (m) Scale Power Density Security
MANET Mobile Rayleigh 0 ∼ 1.5 1 ∼ 250 0.25 Constraint Dense Medium
VANET Vehicles Rayleigh/ 4 ∼ 36 0.5 ∼ 5 1 Non-constraint City: dense Rural: Life critical
Rician sparse
FANET UAVs Rayleigh/ 8 ∼ 128 Upto 122 80 Constraint Mission dependent Medium
AANET Airplanes Rician 245 ∼ 257 9100 ∼ 740 Non-constraint Populated area: dense Life critical
13000 Unpopulated area:

integration of satellite systems, aerial networks and terrestrial by a rate of 2 Mbps for video streaming [30]. The total
communications, focusing on the aspects of cross layer op- throughput requirement of the most demanding applications in
eration aided system design, mobility management, protocol FANETs is still at least one or even two order(s) of magnitude
design, performance analysis and optimization. lower than that of AANETs. This huge difference leads to
Despite some similarities between AANETs and FANETs, significant design and implementational differences in their
however, there are also significant dissimilarities between architecture.
them. In terms of mobility, AANETs have to cope with a In contrast to the previous FANET surveys concentrating on
significantly higher velocity than FANETs, since commercial UAVs, there are also two valuable contributions on airplanes,
aircraft travel at cruise speeds of 880 to 926 km/h, while as summarized in Table I. However, the aeronautical networks
most UAVs typically travel at speeds of 30 to 460 km/h [26]1 . they considered were designed for ATM. Explicitly, Bauer and
Owing to this substantial difference in mobility patterns whilst Zitterbart [25] investigated the protocols that can be used to
flying, AANETs require mobility models characterizing high support IP Mobility for aeronautical communications amongst
Doppler wireless channel fluctuations as well as more prompt airplanes. Neji et al [4] gave an overview of aeronautical
topology changes than FANETs. communication infrastructure development activities spanning
Furthermore, because their size is of a completely different from 2004 to 2009 and focused their attention on the L-
scale, their antenna design considerations have to be different. band Digital Aeronautical Communication System (L-DACS)
In FANETs, the UAVs are generally not large, hence the type in terms of its PHYsical (PHY) characteristics and Media
and structure of the antenna is of grave concern. By contrast, Access Control (MAC) characteristics. However, given the
we have to avoid blocking the signal propagation path in more advanced solutions that we have a decade later, the time
AANETs, when installing antennas on aircraft. In addition to has come for us to focus our efforts on aeronautical com-
the antenna and aircraft size, the altitude also makes a differ- munication designed for commercial airplanes. Specifically,
ence. For AANETs, the flying altitude is typically 10.68 km, we offer insights into AANETs, covering their networking
while for FANETs the maximum flying altitude is generally scenarios, applications, networking requirements and real-life
regulated as 122 m (400 feet) [27]. More specifically, because communication systems designed for commercial aircraft, as
of the limitations of currently available sensors as well as the well as into the challenges to be addressed.
wind speed at higher altitudes and the weather conditions, A birds eye perspective of AANET, MANET, VANET
UAVs are constrained in terms of their altitudes. Therefore, and FANET is illustrated in Table II, where issues, such
the communication range and communication structure of as the propagation channel, speed, altitude, network scale,
FANETs is different from that of AANETs. power constraint, node density and security are considered.
One of the most substantial differences between AANETs Although, the MANET has initially been designed both for
and FANETs is their throughput requirement. Because of the mobile phones and for vehicles, we have classified vehicles
massive throughput demand of the ’Internet above the clouds’, into VANETs, which are specifically developed for connecting
the throughput requirements of AANETs have to satisfy the vehicles. AANET distinguishes itself from MANET, VANET
passengers’ needs in the aircraft. The recently developed and FANET in terms of its features, such as its flying speed,
GoGo@2Ku is capable of delivering 70 Mbps peak trans- network coverage and altitude, which directly result in new
mission rate for each aircraft and its next-generation version propagation characteristics and impose challenges both on the
aims for achieving a 200+ Mbps peak transmission rate [35]. data link layer and network layer design.
On the FANET side, although the throughput requirements
vary between applications, the one that requires the highest III. A IRCRAFT N ETWORKING A PPLICATIONS
throughput is visual tracking and surveillance, as exemplified
AANETs are capable of supporting various aviation appli-
1 Military UAVs can reach the speed of commercial planes or even exceed cations and services for their passengers. More specifically,
it, as exemplified by the RQ-4 Global Hark UAV reaching 640 km/h and AANETs are capable of enhancing the existing applications
the X-47B unmanned combat air system reaching Mach 0.9 subsonic speed,
i.e. roughly 1100 km/h. However, these UAVs are not designed for ad hoc of wireless communication in aviation, such as flight data de-
networking and so they are not considered in our discussions. livery at airports, air traffic control, aircraft tracking, satisfying

  security and robustness. As an extra benefit, AANETs

  Flight data delivery may allow a minimum safety separation of 5 Nautical

 1 Fundamental applications: Air traffic control

 Miles (NMs) in unpopulated areas, instead of the current

 
 Tracking of aircraft
safety separation requirement of 50 NMs.
  • Tracking of Aircraft: Almost 900 people lost their lives

  Formation flight

 in the aircraft disappearances and aircraft accidents that

 2 Enhanced applications: Free flight

  happened in 2014 [40]. This motivates an AANET-based
In-flight entertainment live-streaming solution for maintaining connection be-
tween aircraft and the rest of the world, especially in un-
Fig. 3. Applications of AANET
populated areas. Moreover, in the event of an emergency
or terrorist attack, the ATC may desire to take control
the emerging vision of formation flight and free flight, as well of the aircraft and take whatever action is necessary to
as entertainment, as shown in Fig. 3. maintain safety [41], such as engaging the autopilot [42]
and locking out any unauthorized access to the aircraft
controls. When the aircraft is flying over a populated area,
A. Fundamental Applications this could be achieved using GSs. However, when the air-
• Flight Data Delivery: In preparation for an aircraft’s craft is flying over an unpopulated area, such as an ocean
next flight, compressed navigation data and passenger or desert, the only option today is to use a satellite link .
service as well as entertainment data are typically up- However, the round-trip latency of satellite links can be as
loaded/downloaded to/from the aircraft at an airport. long as 250 ms [43], which may be considered unsuitable
Traditionally, this information is stored and transported for the delivery of emergency control signals. Moreover,
using a large-capacity physical disk. However, getting the during disasters and accidents, organizing, coordinating,
right disk to the right aircraft at the right time requires and commanding an aircraft are significant technical and
significant effort and resources [36], which is expensive. operational challenges, which require timely collection,
By contrast, AANETs allow the upload/download of processing and distribution of accurate information from
flight summary reports, raw flight data and passenger au- disparate systems and platforms.
dio/video files to/from the aircraft, whenever the aircraft These issues impose great challenges in the design of
is within communication range of an airport’s GSs [37]. a robust solution for tracking aircraft. However, by ex-
AANET can also allow those databases to be maintained ploiting direct A2A communication and multi-hop relays
in real time, while the aircraft is in flight. In this way, among aircraft, AANET may provide an efficient and
time and expense can be saved by uploading/downloading robust network that is capable of meeting these challenges
data not only while the aircraft is parked, but also while with low latency and high reliability.
it is landing, takeoff and even enroute.
• Air Traffic Control: Maintaining safety and high effi-
ciency are the main objectives of a communication system B. Enhanced Applications
supporting air-traffic, as it will be discussed in Section IV. • Formation Flight: As stated by the European Union’s
The current system relies on ground-based radar solutions 2020 Vision, the carbon dioxide footprint of aviation
for centralized surveillance, which allows the air traffic should decrease by 50% by the year 2050 compared to
service providers or airline operation centers to receive 2005. To achieve this goal, one of the promising solutions
reports sent by aircraft. However, it is expensive to deploy is formation flight. This approach is inspired by the
radar systems, which rely on very large antenna structures formation flight of birds, where a 71% increase in flying
and require costly regular maintenance [38]. Moreover, range can be observed [44]. In principle, aircraft could
radar-based solutions fail to achieve the ATC’s expecta- also save fuel by taking advantage of formation flight
tion of global coverage, since it is typically not possible during the enroute flight phase, thus leading to further
to deploy radars in unpopulated areas, owing to the cost reduction of CO2 emissions and costs. A case study of
and challenge of maintaining them. Furthermore, they are an aircraft design specifically optimized for formation
also impractical to implement on a large scale, since they flight was reported in [45], where an average of 54% fuel
require information from all aircraft to be relayed to the savings were observed over the most fuel-efficient long-
central facility. This problem will be exacerbated as the haul state-of-the-art Boeing 787-8 available in 2011.
traffic demand increases [38]. One of the key concerns in formation flight is collision
As a solution to this, AANETs can be used in both avoidance, which has rigorous requirements in terms of
congested regions and in low-density regions. This may latency, security and robustness. At the time of writing
be achieved by using self-organization and multi-hop the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), together
relaying for the aircraft to exchange their Global Posi- with the Inertial Navigation System (INS), is used for
tioning System (GPS) locations, instead of merely relying ensuring accurate and safe spacing between aircraft [45],
on GSs [39]. Owing to this, AANET is more capable [46]. However, satellite communications tend to be unre-
of meeting the requirements of achieving long range, liable and of high latency. Motivated by this, the Airbus
low latency, automated discovery/healing/control, strong 2050 vision for “Smarter Skies” [47] suggests that aircraft

Flight data delivery [36,37] In−flight entertainment [48] Air traffic control [38,39] Aircraft tracking [41,43,70] Free flight [47] Formation fly [45−47]
Short range latency

Airport coverage
Populated coverage Populated coverage
Long range latency
Unpopulated coverage

Fig. 4. Requirements imposed by the potential applications

should be able to communicate with each other for the communications [48] regardless of whether the aircraft is
purpose of collision avoidance, which will enable aircraft in a populated or unpopulated area.
to autonomously maintain the most beneficial separation However, the provision of a global airborne Internet
during formation flight. This requires low-latency com- service is only possible at the time of writing via satellite
munication to enable the real-time autonomous reaction links, which are costly and suffer from long round trip
of an aircraft to the movement of a neighbour aircraft dur- delays of up to several seconds [49]. This leads to
ing turbulence. This ad hoc inter-aircraft communication one of the bottlenecks for the future expansion of the
is one of the long-term applications of AANETs. aeronautic industry. AANETs would facilitate multi-hop
• Free Flight: Pilots now have to ask for permission from communications between aircraft and the ground, by
ATC for any deviation from the original flight path, as establishing an ad hoc network among aircraft within
required for example by poor weather conditions. ATC reliable communications range of each other. In this way,
responds to the pilots’ request according to its perception each aircraft will transmit or relay data packets to the next
of the air traffic conditions in the vicinity of the aircraft. aircraft or GS, potentially offering lower latency, lower
However, the ATC may not be able to accurately assess cost and higher throughput than satellite-aided relaying.
the surrounding conditions of the requesting aircraft, Finally, as a speculative but high-impact research topic, it
since it relies on off-site monitoring by a radar system, is worth investigating, whether the myriads of planes in the
for example. The recent aircraft crash of AirAsia flight air might be able to enhance the terrestrial coverage as mobile
QZ8501 had asked for permission to climb in order to Base Stations (BSs) for users on the ground.
avoid a storm cluster. However, its request was deferred
by ATCs owing to heavy air traffic, since there were seven
C. Summary
other aircraft in the vicinity. If aircraft in this situation
were able to form an AANET then they would be able Each application may impose particular requirements,
to adjust their heading, altitude and speed based on the as seen in Fig. 4. Explicitly, online flight data upload-
information shared by the other aircraft in the AANET. ing/downloading requires the network to have a global cov-
Free flight [47] has become a concept recommended erage, a high throughput and acceptable latency in the face
by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) of the multi-hop links invoked for delivering the information.
for future air traffic management. Although the concept The cost has to be low, since there is a requirement for
of free flight was first proposed about two decades ago, it abundant information to be delivered frequently. Air traffic
currently has no feasible technical solution, when relying control is safety-related, hence it has strict requirements in
on the traditional centralized technologies, which are un- terms of security and robustness. Meanwhile, air traffic control
available in unpopulated areas. However, free flight may also requires both global coverage and low latency of the
indeed be achieved by exploiting the self-discovering, multi-hop links. Furthermore, the networks have to have the
self-organizing and self-healing, as well as the distributed capability of self discovery/healing/control. Aircraft tracking
control of AANETs, which is capable of providing robust is generally required in unpopulated airspace, and again, low
A2A communication at a low latency. latency is required. Aircraft heading in the same direction
• In-Flight Entertainment: Design studies carried out by for a long trans-Atlantic journey for example may consider
airlines and market surveys of in-flight network providers formation flight, which will significantly reduce the fuel con-
demonstrate the necessity of high-data-rate communica- sumption [45]. Thus, the network should cover both populated
tions services for airliners, with an obvious trend toward and unpopulated areas. The short range latency must be very
in-flight entertainment, Internet applications and personal low for internal communications within the formation, and
the requirements of discovery/healing/control, security as well

en-route. Hence, characterizing AANETs with the aid of a

uniform model may not always be possible for different air-
craft scenarios, since the air traffic density, the mobility pattern
as well as the propagation environment varies significantly
both geographically and throughout the day. AANETs are
often categorized into three different geographical scenarios,
namely operation in the vicinity of an airport area, a populated
area and an unpopulated area. In Fig. 5 we capture the
aircraft pattern of the above-mentioned three representative
scenarios of airport, populated area, and unpopulated area,
(a) Heathrow airport
such as London’s Heathrow airport, the European airspace, and
the North Atlantic airspace, respectively. It can be observed
that the aircraft density and mobility patterns are distinctly
different. More specifically, in the rest of this section we will
characterize the aircraft networking scenarios of airports, pop-
ulated areas and unpopulated areas. The implications of these
characterizations will be further discussed as requirements in
Section V.

A. Flight Over An Airport or Near An Airport

A high-density area of aircraft is typical in the vicinity
of airports, especially near the world’s busiest airports. For
(b) European airspace example, there are about 2544, 1623 and 1378 aircraft take-
offs/landings per day on average at Chicago O’Hare Inter-
national Airport, Beijing Capital International Airport and
London Heathrow Airport respectively, as reported by the
Airports Council International (ACI) in August, 2014 [50].
It was also reported that at Heathrow there is typically a flight
takeoff or landing every 45 seconds [51]. More specifically,
the number of landing/takeoff aircraft at Heathrow airport
during twelve hours of August 26th, 2018 is illustrated in
Fig. 6. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that there were 335 aircraft
takeoff/landing events during the peak hours between 13:00
and 14:00. Furthermore, during our observed period, there
(c) North Atlantic were up to 90 aircraft takeoff/landing events in a period of
5 minutes. The exhausted airspace capacity2 problems could
Fig. 5. Aircraft mobility patterns. potentially be overcome with the aid of efficient AANETs,
which would enable aircraft to directly communicate with each
other for self-organizing takeoff/landing. This presents an op-
as robustness are also fundamental to secure formation flying. portunity for establishing an ad hoc network amongst aircraft,
Free flight may be considered in the airspace over unpopulated but also imposes challenges in terms of both scheduling and
areas, which again imposes appropriate requirements on the interference management. In AANETs, GSs may be deployed
latency and self discovery/healing/control. Meanwhile, the at and around the airport, which allow the aircraft to directly
security and robustness of the network are also crucial for communicate with ATC or for messages to be relayed by other
guaranteeing flight safety. Passenger entertainment appeals to aircraft, for the sake of arranging their landing/takeoff, taxiing
a large potential market for the aeronautical industry, but and holding patterns [52], [53], as depicted in Fig. 7.
it requires a high throughput at low cost. Furthermore, the • Holding Pattern: The holding pattern phase is encoun-
passengers tend to expect that the connection is seamless over tered when the aircraft approaches the airport, but has
their entire journey, regardless of whether they are departing no clearance to land yet, which can be seen both from
from the airport, flying over populated areas or unpopulated the flight tracks of Fig. 5 and from the flight phases
areas. The requirements imposed by the potential applications of Fig. 7. Holding pattern procedures are designated to
will be detailed in Section V. absorb any flight delays that may occur along an airway,
during airport arrival and on missed approach. This phase
IV. A IRCRAFT N ETWORKING S CENARIOS results in a Rician distributed wireless communication
The potential applications supported by AANETs are channel, as shown in Table III, since a strong LOS
strictly coupled to the different phases of flight, such as 2 The airspace capacity represents the capability of accommodating aircraft
landing/takeoff, taxiing, parking, holding pattern and being within a given airspace in line with current safety separation.

Fig. 6. The number of aircraft arrival/departure events at London’s Heathrow airport observed on August 26th, 2018

communication path can always be expected due to the and traveling at a slow speed close to the terminal, before
proximity to the GS at the airport, together with multi- parking at the terminal. In this phase, the LOS path is
path reflections from the ground and the various airport often blocked, therefore the information contained in the
buildings. Frequency selective fading also takes place received signal has to be reconstructed from the echo
in the vicinity of airport owing to the delay spread of paths alone. The fading will be Rayleigh distributed and
these multi-path reflections. Note that a high Doppler frequency-selective, depending on the bandwidth of the
shift may be expected for the LOS path owing to the signal [52].
speed of the aircraft [52], leading to time selective fading.
In particular, while performing waiting rounds, it is very B. Flight Over Populated Areas
likely that the aircraft will fly over the GS, causing a
In populated areas, aircraft occupy the international airspace
rapid change of the Doppler shifts due to the Doppler
very heterogeneously. Some regions experience dense air
rate, which results in rapidly changing Rician fading
traffic, with the aircraft directions being largely uncorrelated,
channels [52].
as exemplified by the particular instantiation of the Euro-
• Landing and Takeoff : In the takeoff phase an aircraft
pean airspace shown in Fig. 5. Other regions remain only
becomes airborne and commences climbing under in-
sparsely populated, with aircraft typically flying parallel to
struction from ATC, whilst increasing its speed. By
each other. Moreover, the number of airborne aircraft in a
contrast, in the arrival phase, an aircraft reduces its
given region changes significantly throughout the day [22].
cruising speed and altitude, descending towards landing.
In order to ensure the aircraft are adequately separated when
These two phases result in a Rician distributed wireless
en-route, a minimal aircraft separation of 5 NMs is required
communication channel, due to the high likelihood of
for continental flights, which is managed by several ground
having a strong LOS communication path. As in the
based surveillance radars. GSs are typically deployed in
holding pattern scenario, frequency selective fading may
populated areas, and aircraft fly over GSs when en-route.
be expected owing to multi-path reflections. Furthermore,
Thus, satellites may constitute a less attractive solution for
a high Doppler shift may be expected because of the
relaying information between the GSs and aircraft. However,
speed of the aircraft [52].
they may be suitable for relaying information from aircraft
• Taxiing: Upon touchdown, the aircraft leaves the runway
to aircraft. In this scenario, the aircraft always engage in
via one of the available turn-off ramps toward the termi-
A2G communications or may engage in A2A communications,
nal, and vice versa for takeoff. The maximum Doppler
when they communicate with each other and act as relays.
and the maximum delay spread have been decreased
• A2A: In the en-route phase, the aircraft is typically
compared to the landing phase and the takeoff phase.
However, the LOS path can be expected to be weaker navigating a flight-planned route at ‘optimum’ altitudes
than the reflections from the ground and from surrounding for its specific weight and engine configuration. This
buildings, which results in a reduction of the Rician K phase will result in rapidly fluctuating frequency-selective
factor, leading to more severe fading of the signal [52]. fading [52]. The channel-induced dispersion is more
• Parking: In the parking phase, the aircraft is on the ground severe when compared to terrestrial channels due to the
high velocity of the aircraft [54], particularly when two

Taxiing Takeoff En−route Holding Landing Taxiing Parking

v = 0 ∼ 15 m/s v = 25 ∼ 150 m/s v = 17 ∼ 620 m/s v = 102 ∼ 136 m/s v = 25 ∼ 150 m/s v = 0 ∼ 15 m/s v = 0 ∼ 5.5 m/s
T ≈ 10 min T ≈ 8 min T ≥ 60 min T = 45 ∼ 90s T ≈ 8 min T ≈ 5 min T ≈ 5 min

Fig. 7. Phases of aircraft flight


Parameters Parking Taxiing Holding Landing/Takeoff En-Route (A2A) En-Route (A2G)

Aircraft velocity 0 − 5.5 0 − 15 102 − 136 25 − 150 245 − 257 245 − 257
Maximum delay 7 × 10−6 0.7 × 10−6 66 × 10−6 7 × 10−6 66 × 10−6 − 200 × 33 × 10−6 −
(s) 10−6 200 × 10−6
Number of echo 20 20 20 20 20 20
Rice factor (dB) / 6.9 9 − 20 (mean 15) 9 − 20 (mean 15) 2 − 20 (mean 15) 2 − 20 (mean 15)
fDLOS /fDmax / 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Lowest angle of 0 0 −90 −90 178.25 178.25
beam (◦ )
Highest angle of 360 360 181.75 90 181.75 181.75
beam (◦ )
Delay power Exponential Exponential Exponential / Exponential Two-ray Two-ray
spectrum Two-ray
Slope time1 1.0 × 10−6 1.09 × 10−7 1.0 × 10−6 1.0 × 10−6 / /
1 ‘Slope time’ is the rate of decay in the exponential function that describes the distribution function of delay.

aircraft are flying in opposite directions. In this case, journey [53]. Table III shows the channel characteristics of the
the LOS path is dominant, resulting in Rician distributed above-mentioned phases of landing, takeoff, taxiing, parking,
fading. holding pattern and en-route. The capacities of the aeronautical
• A2G: If an aircraft passes over a GS during the flight, channel in different phases are shown in Fig. 8. The achievable
the polarity of the associated Doppler shift will change. capacities of different flight-phases are simulated according to
However, the Doppler shift does not change its polarity the parameters of Table III. Explicitly, the Rician K-factor
abruptly, but rather it decreases gradually upon decreasing is set as 15 for landing/takeoff, en-route (A2A) and en-route
the projected distance of an aircraft, when flying over the (A2G), while it is set to K = 6.9 for the taxiing phase.
GS at altitude. Additionally, aircraft turns will also cause Observe from Fig. 8 that the parking phase has the lowest
a Doppler shift, but in general lead to lower values of the capacity, because it suffers from Rayleigh fading. However, the
frequency change [52]. capacities of the taxiing, landing/takeoff, en-route (A2A) and
en-route (A2G) phases are higher than that experienced during
The dynamic nature of aircraft motion will generate dif- parking, as a benefit of LOS propagation leading to Rician
ferent phases associated with diverse channel characteristics. fading. More specifically, the capacities of landing/takeoff, en-
These phases will be characterized by different types of route (A2A) and en-route (A2G) are almost the same, although
fading, Doppler shifts and delays endured by the system. they have different scattering characteristics, dependent on the
The A2G or A2A channel links will experience time-varying presence or absence of LOS. The capacity of the taxiing phase
conditions, depending on the specific state of the aircraft

Communication zone 
Transmitter q S = π 2Rh + h2
dA-A = 2 (R + h)2 − R2 Receiver
| {z }

h Geometric distance h

to horizon





Fig. 9. Geometrical area of the LOS communication zone S at flying altitude
Fig. 8. The capacity of aeronautical channel in different flight phases. The
Rice factor is set as 15 for landing/takeoff, en-route (A2A), en-route (A2G),
while the Rice factor is set as 6.9 for the taxiing phase ternational flights pass through the North Pacific Ocean or
the North Atlantic Ocean, which are areas where it is not
becomes a little lower, since its K-factor is lower than that of possible to build GSs. One of the solutions to this problem is to
the landing/takeoff and en-route phases. arrange aircraft flying above unpopulated areas to use satellites
The communications range of aircraft is affected by the as relays, albeit this solution is costly and suffers from long
aircraft altitude, antenna height of the GS, receiver sensitivity, round-trip delays [49]. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that a
transmitter power, antenna type, coax type and length as string of aircraft are heading towards the destination continent
well as the terrain details, especially in the presence of hills, following a similar route, which may be identified as a pseudo-
mountains, etc. Note that the aircraft type will directly affect linear mobile entity [8]. The group mobility feature of aircraft
both the antenna installment and the communications device flying over unpopulated airspace can be exploited for setting
deployment, which may also affect the communication range. up a large-scale mobile ad hoc network by establishing multi-
However, the two most crucial factors in determining the hop A2A links amongst the aircraft [56], where any aircraft
communications range are the aircraft altitude and the terrain can be viewed as a node communicating with its neighbor
characteristics. Since Very High Frequency (VHF) radio sig- aircraft for data routing.
nals propagate along the LOS path, aircraft that are behind The aircraft trajectories above an unpopulated area follow a
hills or beyond the radio horizon (due to the Earth’s curvature) limited set of predefined routes, and the aircraft density is low
cannot communicate with GSs, even if they experience favor- when compared to populated airspace [5]. It may be expected
able channel conditions. Considering the Earth’s curvature, the that many GSs and radars can be deployed in continental areas.
geometric distance of horizon However, these stations and radars are rare in unpopulated
q (A2G communication range) areas and they are totally absent in oceanic areas [57]. Thus,
dA-G is given by dA-G = (R + h) − R2 , where R is the in the oceanic areas that are outside of radar range, the safety
radius of the Earth and h is the altitude of the aircraft. More interval is required to be longer than the above-mentioned 5
specifically, given a typical cruising altitude of h = 10.68km, NMs. Specifically, they have to be as high as 50 NMs [56],
the maximum A2G communication range is approximately for the sake of avoiding mid-air collisions.
dA-G ≈ 200 NM, as shown in Fig. 9. Furthermore, the approxi- In order to create an AANET, at least the following two
mate geometrical area of the communication zone [55] covered criteria must be met [55]. Firstly, there has to be an adequate
by a GS can be defined as the circle having the radius of the number of aircraft in the airspace at any given time instant
geometric distance dA-G to the horizon, as shown in Fig. 9. in order for ad hoc networking among aircraft to become
Thus the achievable A2G communication
 zone is given by possible. Secondly, an aircraft must be within the commu-
SA-G = πd2A-G = π 2Rh + h2 . The investigation shows that nication range of at least one other aircraft, in order for a
for lower altitudes, the communication range is predominately link to be established and for multi-hop routing to become
limited by the geometric distance of the horizon, while at practical. The maximum geometrical communication range
higher altitudes it is limited by the signal strength [6]. of two aircraft (A2A communication range) at altitude h is
defined as dA-A = 2dA-G = 2 (R + h) − R2 . Specifically,
C. Flight Over Unpopulated Areas considering a cruising altitude of h = 10.68km, the A2A
With the development of a global economy, the number communication range is limited to a maximum of dA-A ≈ 400
of international flights has increased considerably. Most in- NM. The nominal communication range is likely to be smaller

1.0 unpopulated areas in terms of the associated flight phases,

h = 8 km
0.9 h = 9 km fading type of the channel propagation, aircraft density, re-
h = 10 km lated data links and potential applications. In Table IV, we
0.8 h = 11 km summarise some of the salient distinguishing features of the
three scenarios discussed in this section. Explicitly, the flight
phases of holding, takeoff/landing, taxiing and parking are
0.6 always performed at an airport or near an airport. The channel

propagation obeys Rician fading for holding, takeoff/landing,

taxiing, while the parking phase suffers from Rayleigh fading,
0.4 since the LOS path may be blocked by other parked aircraft
and airport buildings. Intuitively, the density of aircraft is very
high at an airport or near an airport, and the communications
0.2 are mainly A2G. During the flight phases of holding and
takeoff/landing, the air traffic control messages are the most
0.1 = 1.0 10
-5 important ones, while during the phases of taxiing and parking,
= 2.0 10
0.0 flight data may be delivered. In the populated continental
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
airspace, the flight phase is en-route and there is typically
Number of aircraft at different flight altitude
always LOS propagation for all the A2G, A2A and Air-to-
Satellite (A2S) data links. The continental air traffic is gen-
Fig. 10. Probability of at least n aircraft appearing in the communication erally busy associated with a high aircraft density heading in
zone S illustrated in Fig. 8
different directions. When the aircraft fly over the continental
airspace, offering on-board entertainment is attractive. In the
than the maximum communication range dA-A , depending on unpopulated airspace, the flight phase is en-route, but the
the transmit power, the specific characteristics of the antenna, data links are restricted to LOS A2A and A2S propagation,
the particular modulation used for transmission and the target owing to the absence of ground stations. In the unpopulated
Bit Error Rate (BER). Note that different types of aircraft airspace, formation flight and free flight may be applicable due
will have different antenna and communications device de- to the relative simplicity of their flight lanes in this airspace.
ployment, which may also affect the attainable communication Moreover, on-board entertainment is routinely expected during
range. these long periods of flight. In unpopulated areas, aircraft
Here we provide an example for the probability of having tracking is an important application which may prevent aircraft
n aircraft in a given A2A communication zone of area disappearance, such as that of the Malaysian Airline plane
SA-A = πd2A-A = 4π 2Rh + h2 , which is over the oceanic
airspace not covered by the GS service. The probability of the
number of aircraft n being within the given region SA-A may V. A IRCRAFT N ETWORKING R EQUIREMENTS
be estimated by [55] p (n, SA-A ) = (λSn!A-A )
e−λSA-A . Given the As discussed in Section III and Section IV, AANET is
practical aircraft densities of 900 aircraft and 1800 aircraft associated with specific characteristics and applications, which
over a SA-A = 9, 000, 000km2 area of the Atlantic ocean at lead to particular requirements, as shown in Fig. 4 and
any given time, the average aircraft densities are λ = 1×10−5 Table IX. This means that the system should treat various types
aircraft/km2 and λ = 2 × 10−5 aircraft/km2 , respectively. The of data differently, depending on the corresponding applica-
estimated number of aircraft at altitudes of h = 8 km, h = 9 tions. For example, latency and robustness must be prioritized
km, h = 10 km and h = 11 km within SA-A = 9000000km2 for safety-critical data. By contrast, in-flight entertainment
are illustrated in Fig. 10. It can be observed from Fig. 10 that requires a high throughput in order to service a large number
the probability of finding at least two or even as many as up of passengers. In this section, we focus our attention on some
to 52 aircraft within SA-A is close to 100%, when we have representative AANET requirements, which are crucial for
h = 9km and λ = 2 × 10−5 aircraft/km2 . Typically, dozens of designing a feasible and reliable ad hoc network for linking
aircraft may be expected to be within communication range up aircraft.
at any given time. Therefore, the A2G communication zone
will be extended by exploiting both multi-hop as well as A. Coverage
direct A2A communication via AANET. More particularly,
the communication zone of direct A2A communication will AANET requires global coverage, since aircraft traverse
be a circle having a radius of dA-A , which may be capable of both continents and oceans. However, the achievable AANET
achieving global coverage with the aid of multi-hop ad hoc coverage is affected by the aircraft mobility pattern, trans-
networking amongst aircraft. mission power [58] and propagation environment. Note that
the environmental factors also include the diverse effects of
the topography, of the physical obstructions, of the atmo-
D. Summary sphere and of the weather. These effects potentially introduce
In summary, we have compared the scenarios of flight propagation losses and delays, which have to be carefully
over airport areas, flight over populated areas and flight over considered, when designing an AANET. Nevertheless, it is


Scenarios Phase Fading Density Data links Applications

Holding Rician High A2G Air traffic control
takeoff/Landing Rician High A2G Air traffic control
Airport/near airport
Taxiing Rician High A2G Upload/Download
Parking Rayleigh High A2G Upload/Download
Populated En-route Rician High A2G/A2A/A2S Entertainment
Unpopulated En-route Rician Low A2A/A2S Formation fly/Free flight/Entertainment/Aircraft tracking


Services DL/UL Throughput in kBit/s Fixed channel rate in kBit/s Required number of channels
DL 870.41 20 44
UL 870.41 20 44
DL 809.17 64 13
UL 3.14 64 1
DL 197.60 64 4
Commercial Data
UL 197.60 64 4
DL 768.00 384 2
UL 0 384 0

still possible to achieve global coverage by falling back requirements for future aeronautical mobile systems. Their
upon satellite-aided relaying or upon hybrid satellite/AANET prediction was calculated by sharing the overall achievable
solutions. Furthermore, some additional factors, such as clutter throughput amongst 105 aircraft, which is predicted to be the
models and obstruction densities, need to be taken into account Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count (PIAC) for the airspace
when considering the coverage in airports. More particularly, sector in the year 2029. Furthermore, a fixed channel rate
the clutter models represent the density of obstructions in was selected for the different services in order to calculate
the deployment area. An airport surface may have relatively the number of channels required. Explicitly, the throughput
open runways and taxi areas, but congested terminal areas achieved by each aircraft for the services of voice, data and
may require the assistance of more fixed infrastructure GSs. video are summarized in Table V.
A plethora of parameters have to be considered for meeting Table V estimates the throughput required by a single
the coverage requirements of AANETs, such as the GS and aircraft. However, only two video channels are supported in
aircraft transmit/receive power, antenna gains, feeder losses this analysis, allowing only two passengers to perform video
and aircraft altitude. streaming simultaneously. Due to the ever increasing demand
of business/entertainment applications, this is insufficient. In
B. Throughput particular, flawless quality video conferencing of a video call
In general, the throughput requirement depends on that of requires a throughput of 900 kpbs, given that the video call
any other networked aircraft owing to the provision of relaying encodes high-quality voice alone at a throughput of around
service. Beside the traditional communication systems used 40 kbps [61], [62]. Therefore, much more channels and higher
for civil aviation, AANETs have to offer comparable or even throughput may be required in AANETs.
higher data rates for providing various services, for example, In airport scenarios, the highest throughput requirements for
voice+audio, data+security, commercial data and video. The AANETs emanate from airlines and port authorities, which
total bandwidth required depends on the number of passengers include communications with ground maintenance crews and
that are simultaneously using each service. Therefore, a suffi- airport security. According to a series of studies conducted
ciently high throughput is required in order to provide services for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the company
that meet the users’ expectations. The authors of [5] assessed MITRE CAASD estimated the potential bandwidth require-
the available throughput of an AANET assuming that the ments to the year 2020 and beyond for aeronautical com-
capacity of each relaying node was 1 Mbps. Their assessment munications [63]. The highest total aggregate data capacity
indicated that the achievable throughput of AANETs in the requirements for fixed and mobile applications are based
oceanic airspace was better than that attained in the continental on large airports relying on a Terminal Radar Approach
airspace, namely 68.2 kbps versus 38.3 kbps, respectively. CONtrol (TRACON) ATC facility, which is not collocated
Wang et al. [60] derived the upper bound of the throughput with an Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT). The estimated
and the closed-form average delay expression of a two-hop aggregate data rate requirement of mobile applications is close
aeronautical communication network. Furthermore, Schutz and to 20 Mbps [63], where the aeronautical operational control
Schmidt [59] provided the calculation of the required band- data services account for more than half of the 20 Mbps
width in their final report on the radio frequency spectrum throughput. The estimated aggregate data rate requirement for

WAY ) [67].

Without automatic execution service2 With automatic execution service

Scenarios TT95-1 way (s) Connectivity (%) TT95-1 way (s) Connectivity (%)
Airport 1.4 99.96 / 99.99
Terminal Maneuvering Area 1.4 99.96 0.74 99.99
En Route 1.4 99.96 0.74 99.99
Oceanic/Remote/Polar 5.9 99.96 / 99.99
Autonomous Operations Area 1.4 99.96 / 99.99
1 The lose terminology of ‘connectivity’ was introduced to indicate that a specific service request was indeed satisfied according to the
specification discussed in [67].
2 The automatic execution service is capable of automatically capturing situations where encounter-specific separation is being used and a
non-conformance event occurs with minimal time remaining to solve the conflict.

these fixed applications is over 52 Mbps [63]. The combination Thus, in addition to the above requirements, an aircraft
of video surveillance and sensory information, as well as that network has to support additional security, for maintaining the
of the associated TRACON-to-ATCT data communications separation amongst various network segments. Any security
account for about 80% of the total. breach within the control network may result in serious conse-
quences for flight safety. Hence, it is vital to maintain isolation
C. Latency between the control network and the passenger network [68],
The applications of AANETs having the highest sensitivity [69].
to latency are real-time interactive telephony and safety/control Table VII shows the security requirements of different
applications. For voice telephony, the maximum acceptable AANET applications. In the control network, only the authen-
latency in a Voice over IP (VoIP) network is 250 millisec- tication requirement is necessitated for the upload/download
onds [64]. Although a user may tolerate seconds of buffering data-transmission services, while the security has to meet all
delay in broadcast video streaming, such a long delay would of the requirements imposed by air traffic control, aircraft
seriously impair the user’s Quality-of-Experience (QoE) in tracking, free flight and formation flight. In the passenger
interactive video conferencing [61], [65]. However, the current network, the extreme integrity of data may not be required for
latency specification of aircraft VHF Data Link (VDL) is passenger entertainment, but all the other requirements have
limited to delays below 3.5 seconds for 95% of the time to be met to protect user safety.
for data packets [66]. Naturally, this is not suitable for real-
time interactive services. Thus, AANETs must be able to
offer an order of magnitude improvement in latency, while
E. Robustness
overcoming the challenges associated with multi-hop scenar-
ios. More specifically, EUROCONTROL/FAA has defined the The dynamic nature of the AANET topology has been
Quality-of-Service (QoS) in form of the distribution of one- considered in [5], which may result in interrupted connectivity
way transmission latency designated by the acronym “TT95- or even node drop-out in the network. In order to maintain con-
1 way” [67] in aeronautical terminology. This terminology nectivity, AANETs must employ specific disruption prevention
becomes explicit in Table VI. For example, observe in the mechanisms to make them robust. Hence self-healing relying
first row of Table VI that the one-way delay has to be lower on distributed and adaptive techniques is desired by AANETs.
than 1.4 s in 99.96% of the scenarios at the airport. However, the highly dynamic nature of AANETs results in
a potentially intermittent connectivity [71]. To elaborate, the
D. Security connectivity of the aircraft network is primarily a function of
An AANET has to guarantee a high level of information velocity, position, direction and communication range of the
security, so that the control network can maintain the safety of aircraft, which is highly dependent on their mobility. There-
the flight, while the passenger network can protect the personal fore, a realistic mobility model is required for reflecting the
data of the passengers. Any networked system must address typical movement of the aircraft. The transmitter and receiver
the following basic security requirements: confidentiality for of the AANETs have to be robust against both interference and
ensuring the privacy of the end users and for protecting their latency, hence requiring sophisticated coding and modulation
data from spoofing; authentication for ensuring that only valid schemes [4], [72]. The routing of the network has to use
users have access to the network’s resources; privacy for redundant multi-hop paths and be capable of prompt self-
providing long-term anonymity and for preventing tracking healing in order to guarantee sustained connectivity [5]. The
of passengers; traceability and revocation for ensuring that aircraft in the system are envisioned to participate as intelligent
malicious use of on-board units is traced and disabled in a nodes in a global network of aerial, satellite and ground
timely manner; and integrity for ensuring that the data sent by systems for ensuring that all information reliably reaches the
the end user is not modified by any malicious element in the right place at the right time for both processing and decision
network [68]. making [73].


Confidentiality Authentication Privacy Revocation Integrity
Applications √ √
Flight data delivery at airport [36], [37] √ √ √ √ √
Air traffic control [38], [39] √ √ √ √
CN Aircraft tracking [41], [43], [70] √ √ √ √ √
Free flight [47] √ √ √ √ √
Formation fly [45]–[47] √ √ √ √ √
PN In-flight entertainment [48]
CN: Control Network.
√ Passenger Network.
: Required.

F. Cost authentication, privacy, revocation and integrity. Due to the

The cost of manufacturing the AANETs hardware and highly dynamic nature of AANETs, the communication must
deploying it within the aircraft will affect how widely it is be robust to delays or link failures. The data routing in
adopted. Intuitively, an airline will prudently consider the AANETs must be intelligent, in order to ensure that all
social and economical implications of introducing the function information reaches the right place at the right time for both
of AANETs. Furthermore, as discussed in Section IV, the first processing and decision making [73]. The last requirement
criterion for creating an ad hoc network among aircraft is that identified in this section for AANETs is the manufacturing
there has to be an adequate number of compatible aircraft in a cost, since this will affect how widely AANETs are adopted.
given area. Thus, the adoption rate of the AANETs will affect It may be necessary to strike tradeoffs between the cost and
the total value of the network. other quality criteria, such as the throughput.
Overall, AANETs are required for reliable operation under
different channel conditions, diverse network topologies and VI. A ERONAUTICAL C OMMUNICATIONS
various scenarios, both with and without the support of GSs In this section, we will describe a range of existing aircraft
and satellites. It may be impossible to simultaneously satisfy communication systems and discuss future techniques [74],
all the requirements and applications. For example, improving [75] considered for mitigating the increasing congestion and
the safety may gravely erode the capacity and efficiency of the for meeting the future demands of sustainable air traffic
system. The conflicting requirements will impose challenges, worldwide [74]. As shown in Fig. 11, the aircraft commu-
which must be carefully considered for achieving tradeoffs nication systems and technologies are categorized as A2G,
among various criteria. A2A and A2S. Meanwhile, existing and potential in-cabin
communication techniques are also included in this section.
G. Summary
A. A2G Communication Systems
In this section, we discussed the requirements of the dif-
ferent applications of AANETs shown in Fig. 1. As shown in A2G communication is the means by which people and
Fig. 4 and Table IX, the requirements vary depending on the systems on the ground, such as air traffic control or the aircraft
corresponding applications. In order to cater for various appli- operating agency, communicate with those in the aircraft,
cations, the coverage of aeronautical communication has to be which may be outfitted with radio frequency, GPS, Internet
global, although this is challenging due to the high-velocity and video capabilities. Most commercial aircraft carry a device
aircraft mobility, and the associated propagation environment, known as a transponder, which acts as an identification tool
which introduces propagation losses and delays. Therefore, for the aircraft, allowing ATC towers to immediately recognize
multi-hop AANETs are required for meeting the global cov- the identity of each aircraft.
erage requirement. Table V characterizes the different data • Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting Sys-
throughput requirements of diverse services. Latency is a tem (ACARS): ACARS [76] defines a digital data link for
critical requirement of AANETs because of their safety/control transmitting messages between the aircraft and the GSs,
applications, but also for real-time interactive telephony. Ta- which has been in use since 1978. It was developed to re-
ble VI summarizes the associated latency requirements [67]. duce the pilot’s workload by using computer based tech-
AANETs must provide resilient end-to-end delivery of data, nology for exchanging routine reports, as well as ATC,
requiring a network relying on self-discovery/healing and aeronautical operational control and airline administrative
reliable control of the communications network. AANETs are control information between the aircraft and the GSs,
also required to decentralize the communication, when the which is now widely used near airports and in populated
associated aircraft are ready to land and leave the network. areas. ACARS permits the secure, authenticated exchange
Another essential requirement for AANETs is information of messages between the aircraft and the ground systems
security. Table VII shows the security requirements of different by using the security framework of ICAO and safe public
AANET applications in terms of their grade of confidentiality, key infrastructure cryptographic algorithms. However, the

# #1 # # # # " #!
/ / '+(&'+$ $%&'(%
" '+ &''+
/ 2 2
/ / '+% " ''( '( #'()
2#3 /' ( '+ , ''* '( #'$
3/ )'&'(*
! ! '+ -./ . ''% ! '*+#'*(
- ))
2#3 / (&) - ./ ''
0 / , ''
, 1 ., '++ '(+

Fig. 11. Aeronautical communication systems and techniques.

ACARS system only supports the transmission of short pendently of the target aircraft, since no action is required
messages between the aircraft and the GSs via High from the aircraft for providing a response. However, the
Frequency (HF), VHF or satellite links [56], which is PSR requires enormous amounts of power to be radiated,
not sufficient for supporting applications requiring high in order to receive a sufficiently high power from the
throughput, low latencies as well as long-range multi-hop target, which would be a health hazard if deployed in the
routing via a self-organizing mesh network. vicinity of populated areas. In addition, the PSR requires
• SELective CALling (SELCAL): The SELCAL system [77] a significant effort and financial investment to install and
was introduced in civil aviation as early as 1957, which maintain, owing to the mechanical nature of the rotating
allows the operator of a GS to alert the aircrew that antenna.
the GS wishes to communicate with them. This service By contrast, the SSR systems [79] rely on targets
is robust in the vicinity of airports and in populated equipped with a radar transponder, which replies to each
areas where the GSs have been well deployed. However, interrogation signal by transmitting a response containing
its service is poor in unpopulated areas. The SELCAL encoded data. There are three main advantages of SSR.
system is often employed for reducing the burden on Firstly, since the reply is transmitted from the aircraft,
the flight crew, owing to the intermittent nature of voice it is much stronger when received at the GS, hence
communication on long oceanic routes [78]. However, providing a much higher range than the PSR. Secondly,
SELCAL is inadequate in latency-sensitive applications. the transmission power required by the GS for a given
This is because the aircraft receives and decodes the audio range is substantially reduced, together with the asso-
signal broadcast by a ground-based radio transmitter, ciated cost. Thirdly, since the signals are electronically
where the transmission consists of a combination of four coded, additional information can be transmitted between
pre-selected audio tones whose transmission requires ap- the aircraft and the GS, such as the aircraft’s position,
proximately two seconds [77]. The frequency employed heading direction and speed. However, the disadvantage
is either in the HF or VHF range, where the GS and the of SSR is that it requires the target aircraft to carry
aircraft must be operated on the same frequency. a compatible transponder. Hence, SSR is a so-called
• Radar Systems: Radar systems were originally designed ‘dependent’ surveillance system.
for military applications, but are now widely used also in Passive radar is also a family member of radar systems,
civilian applications for the surveillance of aircraft. There which is capable of opportunistically exploiting a variety
are two types of radar systems used for the detection of of transmitters [80], i.e. Frequency Modulation (FM)
aircraft: the so-called Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) radio, digital audio broadcast, digital video broadcast,
and Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) systems [79]. global navigation satellite systems and cell-phone base-
The PSR system measures only the range and the bearing stations for object detection. Explicitly, the time differ-
of targets by detecting the radio signals that they reflect. ence of arrival between the signal arriving directly from
In this way, the PSR is capable of operating totally inde- the transmitter and the signal arriving via reflection from

the object are measured for calculating the location, speed Moreover, ADS-B systems are to be deployed on most
and even the bearing of the objects. aircraft by 2020 [87].
Radar systems are capable of providing coverage in • Wide-Area Multilateration (WAM): WAM [88] constitutes
airports and in populated areas at a low latency, whilst a surveillance technique that exploits the various trans-
ensuring robust operation. Owing to this, they constitute missions broadcast from the aircraft. The WAM relies
the main solutions invoked for discovering and monitor- on a number of relatively simple GSs deployed over
ing aircraft. However, radar systems cannot deliver data the terrain for triangulating an aircraft’s position, which
between the GSs and aircraft, hence they are incapable of is capable of providing accurate localization and robust
data upload/download and of the provision of passenger tracking in its coverage. If a compatible transponder is
entertainment. installed on the aircraft, WAM is capable of tracking var-
• Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS): The ADS sys- ious aircraft parameters, such as identification, position,
tem relies on a technique, in which the aircraft uses a altitude, etc. This system has the advantage of requiring
data link for automatically providing data derived from a much simpler and thus cheaper ground installation than
onboard navigation and position-fixing systems, includ- the conventional SSR, while not necessarily requiring the
ing aircraft identification, position and any additional installation of expensive aircraft equipment, as required
information as appropriate. This system is automatic, in ADS. Although WAM is capable of tracking and
because it requires no pilot or controller input for its maintaining aircraft for the applications of ATC, it cannot
operation (other than turning the equipment on and log- provide data-transmission services, such as passenger
ging in to the system). Furthermore, it is referred to as entertainment and upload/download. Furthermore, WAM
being dependent, because it requires compatible airborne is not suited to latency-sensitive applications, such as
equipment, such as an SSR. The original ADS system formation flight and free flight, since it relies on GSs
is known as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract and does not support A2A communication.
(ADS-C), because reports from the aircraft are generated • L-band Digital Aeronautical Communication System (L-
in compliance with a contract set up with the ground DACS): The L-DACS [72], [89] is one of the most
system. important data links of the Future Communications
Furthermore, in order to improve the performance of Infrastructure (FCI). It is designed for mitigating the
the ADS system, Automatic Dependent Surveillance- saturation of the current continental A2G aeronautical
Broadcast (ADS-B) [81] has been designed, which uses a communication systems that operate in the VHF band.
combination of satellites to provide both flight crews and Furthermore, L-DACS is capable of providing secure and
ground control personnel with very specific information robust data services in populated areas. The ICAO has
about the location and speed of airplanes [82]. As an recommended the further development and evaluation of
element of SESAR [83] in Europe and the NextGen [84] two L-DACS technology candidates, L-DACS1 [90] and
in the United States (US), ADS is being rolled out in L-DACS2 [91].
support of a variety of applications for oceanic, domestic
– L-DACS1 is a combination of the P34 solution
en-route and terminal area flight operations, as well as
(TIA 902 standard) [92], of the Broadband Aeronau-
to provide collision avoidance protection, when operat-
tical Multi-carrier Communications (B-AMC) sys-
ing in-flight and on the airport ground [39]. A natural
tem [93] and of the Worldwide interoperability for
limitation of ADS-B is that only the aircraft equipped
Microwave Access (WiMAX) [94], as illustrated in
with the same type of transceiver can exchange their
Table VIII. The L-DACS1 system is based on the
position reports, and there are a variety of different
classic Frequency-Duplex Division (FDD) technique,
kinds of transceivers, which are designed for diverse
where the GS and the airborne equipment transmit
aircraft types, regions, locations, etc. Furthermore, the
simultaneously using distinct frequency bands [95].
broadcast aircraft remains unaware, as to whether its
– L-DACS2 relies on a combination of the Global
report has or has not been received, since there is no
System for Mobile communications (GSM), of the
further broadcast from the receiving aircraft. Moreover,
Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) and of the
ADS-B may be unsuited for delivering large amounts
All-purpose Multi-channel Aviation Communication
of data for passenger entertainment, since its data link
System (AMACS). It uses the GSM physical layer
throughput is only about 1 Mbps [85]. Explicitly, ADS-
and the AMACS MAC, as shown in Table VIII.
B replies/broadcasts are encoded by a certain number
The L-DACS2 system is a narrowband single carrier
of pulses with Pulse-Position Modulation (PPM), each
system utilizing the Time-Division Duplex (TDD)
pulse being 1 µs long. Owing to this, ADS is mainly
technique, where both the GS and the airborne
used by ATC for air traffic management. However, its
equipment transmit using the same carrier frequency
security mechanisms are challenged by the lack of entity
during distinct time intervals [95], [96].
authentication, message signatures and message encryp-
tion [85], which is requiring more research efforts in Overall, L-DACS1 associated with Orthogonal
such issues. According to the OpenSky report 2016 [86], Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is more
about 70% of all Mode S transponders in Europe and the scalable, more spectrally-efficient and more flexible than
US have already benn upgraded with ADS-B capabilities. L-DACS2, which relies on single-carrier modulation.

However, the TDD structure of L-DACS2 is more future A2A communication, namely Airborne Collision Avoid-
suitable for asymmetric data traffic, whilst the FDD of ance System (ACAS), Airborne Separation Assurance System
L-DACS1 is more suitable for symmetric voice traffic, (ASAS), L-DACS1 A2A mode and Free-Space Optical (FSO)
but less suitable for data. communications.
• European Aviation Network: Inmarsat and Deutsche
Telekom are powering Europe’s aviation connectivity via • ACAS: The ACAS [102], [103] operates independently of
the European Aviation Network (EAN) [97], which con- any ground-based equipment and air traffic control, which
sists of S-band satellite and Long-Term Evolution (LTE)- allows low-latency direct A2A communication among
based GSs. Explicitly, Inmarsat provides the satellite ac- aircraft. It is capable of warning pilots of approaching
cess service, while Deutsche Telekom build and manage other aircraft that may present a threat of collision.
approximately 300 GSs across all the 28 European Union Specifically, the only commercial version of ACAS-II
member states based on a 4G-LTE mobile terrestrial relies on SSR transponder signals and it will generate
network that seamlessly works together with Inmarsat’s a Resolution Advisorie (RA) to warn the pilot if a risk
satellites. Note that the LTE-based GSs built for EAN of collision is established by ACAS-II. The ACAS is
are different from the ‘standard’ LTE system designed a short-range system designed for preventing metal-on-
for terrestrial networks, since they cater for speeds of metal collisions by providing secure and robust A2A
up to 1200 km/h at cruising altitudes, requiring a cell communication between pilots. There are three types
diameter of up to 150 km [98]. Furthermore, EAN is of ACAS [102], namely ACAS-I which gives Traffic
capable of providing as high as 50Gbps total network Advisorie (TA) but does not recommend any maneu-
capacity, which allows on-board passengers to enjoy vers, ACAS-II which gives TAs and RAs in the vertical
broadband Internet access in the air just as well as on direction and ACAS-III which gives TAs and RAs in
the ground. However, LTE-based A2G communications vertical and/or horizontal directions, respectively. More
still suffer from the major challenges imposed by the specifically, the implementation of ACAS-II is referred
uplink/downlink interference, high-Doppler mobility and to as the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)-II
hostile channel effects [99]. version 7.0 and version 7.1 [104], but ACAS-III has not as
• Gogo ATG Network: The US provider Gogo has built yet been rolled out. All the three types of ACAS provide
an Air-To-Ground (ATG) network comprising about only emergency communication between pilots, without
200 GSs in the continental area of USA, Alaska and supporting data transmission for passenger applications.
Canada [100]. Explicitly, Gogo exploits the existing Air- • ASAS: The ASAS enables pilots to maintain separa-
fone ATG phone relay stations and the newly built towers tion from one or more other aircraft, while provid-
operating in the 850 MHz frequency band, in order to ing flight information concerning the surrounding traf-
provide 3.1 Mbps data rate for in-flight WiFi for on- fic [105]. Against the background of the “free flight”
board passengers. In order to meet the growing demand concept, ASAS was developed to assist pilots in self-
for bandwidth, Gogo developed its second-generation separation, facilitating the flexible use of airspace along
ATG technology ATG4, which exploits advanced multiple user-preferred trajectories, hence allowing direct routing.
antenna technology on the aircraft. Explicitly, the aircraft Similar to the ACAS, ASAS does not support any ser-
is equipped with four omni-directional antennas for ex- vices for the passengers, since it only allows the exchange
changing data information with the GSs. ATG operates in of flight information among aircraft at a low data rate.
the 800 MHz frequency band based on the CDMA2000 Explicitly, airborne surveillance and separation assurance
standard and it is capable of providing up to 9.8 Mbps processing equipment is used for processing surveillance
data rate [101]. reports from one or more sources, which has to assess the
As shown in Table VIII, we compare the above-mentioned target data according to pre-defined criteria for assisting
A2G communication systems in terms of their duplexing pilot-controlled self separation or self maneuver.
mode, modulation type, spectral efficiency, throughput and • L-DACS1 A2A Mode: L-DACS1 A2A mode has been de-
served domain as well as their applications. signed for the periodic transmission of A2A surveillance
data, while supporting the transmission of a low volume
of non-periodic A2A messages [106]. The system relies
B. A2A Communication Systems on a self-adaptive slotted Time Division Multiple Access
Aircraft are routinely equipped with GPS for navigation (TDMA) protocol for providing A2A data communica-
purposes and for A2A communications between pilots. This tion services, using the so-called paired approach, self
provides a global time reference that can be exploited for syn- separation and ATC surveillance. The maximum net user
chronization among network nodes, for example, for schedul- data rate is up to 273 kbps [106]. However, the delivery
ing contention-free transmissions [6]. Furthermore, A2A com- of passenger data is not supported in the current stage
munication is a key technology in future aeronautical com- of L-DACS, although this will be developed in future
munication systems, which aims for separation assurance and versions.
collision avoidance, as well as Internet surfing for passenger • Free Space Optical: FSO [107] communication consti-
entertainment. In this section, we will discuss three main tutes a promising technique that adopts Light Diodes
technologies used in A2A and a potential technology for (LDs) as transmitters to communicate, for example be-


System Duplex Combinations Modulation / Spectrum Throughput Served Communication Applications

Mode Type Domain Distance
ACARS [76] Full- Telex Amplitude 3MHz—30MHz(HF), 2400 bps Airport/ Upto 200NM Data
duplex System Modulation- 129.15 MHz—136.90 Continent/
Minimum MHz (VHF) Oceanic
Shift Keying
SELCAL [77] FDD / TDMA 3MHz—30MHz(HF), Up to 120 kbps Airport/ Upto 200NM Voice
129.15 MHz—136.90 Continent/
MHz (VHF) Oceanic
PSR [79] / / / 2700 MHz—2900 MHz / Airport/ Upto 220NM Surveillance
SSR [79] / / Mode A, 1030 MHz—1090 MHz UL 0 bit/s/DL Airport/ Upto 250NM Surveillance
Mode C, 23 bps Continent
Mode S
ADS-B [81] TDD UAT/VDL4 PPM 960 MHz — 1215 MHz 1 Mbps Airport/ Upto 250NM Surveillance
(UAT)/117.975 MHz Continent/
137 MHz (VDL4) Oceanic
WAM [88] / / Mode A/C, Depend on the mode / Airport Determined Surveillance
Mode S, and employed by the
Mode S ES geometry of
(work with the GS
L-DACS1 [90] FDD P34, OFDM 960 MHz — 1164 MHz Upto 1373 kbps Continent Upto 20 NM Data
B-AMC & (forward link),
WiMAX upto 1038 kbps
(reverse link)
L-DACS2 [91] TDD GSM, UAT CPFSK/GMSK 960 MHz — 1164 MHz 273 kbps Continent Upto 200NM Data
& AMACS (forward
link/reverse link)
EAN [97] FDD LTE OFDM 2 GHz — 4 GHz 75 Mbps (peak Continent/ Upto 81NM Data
rate) Oceanic
GoGo ATG FDD CDMA2000 CDMA 4 MHz of spectrum in 9.8 Mbps per Continent Upto 81NM Data
[100] the 850MHz band aircraft

tween aircraft as well as between aircraft and a satellite, great promise in future aircraft communications.
at high rates of up to 600 Mbps for MANET applica-
tions [108]. Since FSO signals are very directional and
limited to a small diameter, it is virtually impossible C. A2S Communication Systems
to intercept FSO signals from a non-desired destination. Satellite systems are especially important for enabling com-
This feature can meet the very high security require- munications to aircraft in oceanic and other unpopulated areas,
ments of aeronautical communications. Establishing their since they are capable of providing global coverage, as well as
applicability to A2G communications requires further global discovery and control for other communication systems.
studies owing to eye-safety concerns. The directional and A2S communication also complements A2G communication
license-free features of FSO are appealing in aeronautical where appropriate [72], for example, for locating the position
communication, since the conventional radio-frequency of aircraft. However, apart from having a high cost, aeronauti-
communication is fundamentally band-limited. However, cal communication relying on satellites suffers from very long
FSO communications are vulnerable to mobility, because end-to-end propagation delays of approximately 250 ms [43],
LOS alignment must be maintained for high-integrity which prevent its use in latency-sensitive applications, such
communication. In order to solve the associated problem as formation flight. Additionally, the achievable throughput
of pointing and tracking accuracy, a feasible solution is relatively low in the operational satellite systems, making
is to rely on the built-in GPS system of the aircraft, them incapable of meeting the requirements of high throughput
along with the FSO system’s low transmission latency, applications, such as online video entertainment via Internet
which can also assist in formation-light. Furthermore, access. In the following discussions, we will briefly consider
since there are no obstacles in the stratospheres, the six existing and emerging satellite systems.
main disadvantage of FSO links in terms of requiring a
LOS channel becomes less of a problem. Thus, the FSO • Iridium: The Iridium network [109] consists of 66 active
communication links between aircraft have a promising satellites used for worldwide voice and data communica-
potential in terms of constructing an AANET for aircraft tion from hand-held satellite phones to other transceiver
tracking and collision avoidance. Finally, since FSO units. Although the Iridium system was primarily de-
and Radio Frequency (RF) links exhibit complementary signed for supporting personal communications, aero-
strengths and weaknesses, a hybrid FSO/RF link offers nautical terminals having one to eight channels have
been developed for the Iridium system by AlliedSignal

Aerospace, which are also used for military transport satellite-based augmentation system improves the relia-
aircraft [110]. bility and accuracy of GPS via MTSAT for aircraft uti-
As an improved version, Iridium NEXT [111] began to lizing the GPS position information for their navigation.
launch in 2015, maintaining the existing Iridium constel- Unlike the conventional navigational means such as VHF
lation architecture of 66 cross-linked low-earth orbit satel- omnidirectional range or distance measuring equipment,
lites covering 100 percent of the globe. It dramatically it is able to cover a wide range of oceanic and ground
enhances Iridium’s ability to meet the rapidly-expanding areas making it possible to set up flexible flight routes.
demand for truly global mobile communications on land, • Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test
at sea and in the skies. Satellites (COMETS): As a collaboration between the
• Inmarsat: Inmarsat [112] is a British satellite telecom- Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) of the Min-
munications company, offering global mobile services. It istry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Na-
provides telephone and data services for users worldwide, tional Space Development Agency (NASDA) in Japan,
via portable or mobile terminals, which communicate the Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test
with GS through eleven geostationary telecommunica- Satellites (COMETS) [116] system was developed for fu-
tions satellites. Inmarsat provides voice/fax/data services ture communications and broadcasting. It relies on a two-
for aircraft, employing three levels of terminals: Aero- ton geostationary three-axis stabilized satellite. Particu-
L (low gain antenna) primarily for packet data includ- larly, it carries three payloads: advanced mobile commu-
ing ACARS and ADS, Aero-H (high gain antenna) for nications equipment developed by CRL for the Ka-band
medium-quality voice and fax/data at up to 9600 bit/s, (31/21 GHz) and the millimeter-wave band (47/44 GHz);
and Aero-I (intermediate gain antenna) for low-quality 21-GHz-band advanced satellite broadcasting equipment
voice and fax/data at up to 2400 bit/s. developed by CRL and NASDA; and inter-orbit com-
In order to enhance the capacity of the Inmarsat munication equipment developed by NASDA [117]. The
system, Inmarsat signed a contract with Boeing to build broadcasting experiments conducted for high-definition
a constellation of three Inmarsat-5 satellites, as part of a television [118] showed that it was capable of providing
US $1.2 billion worldwide wireless broadband network a transmission rate of up to 140 Mbps.
referred to as Inmarsat Global Xpress [113]. The satellites • ViaSat Global Network: ViaSat’s airborne satellite com-
operate in the Ka-band in the range of 20-30 GHz. munications services offer worldwide access and a range
Each Inmarsat-5 carries a payload of 89 small Ka-band of service levels, providing connectivity and performance
beams, with the objective that a global Ka-band spot options tailored to meeting a variety of needs, including
coverage can be offered with the aid of all three Inmarsat- office-in the-sky, real-time broadcasting HD TV, commu-
5 satellites [113]. There are plans to offer high-speed nications on-the-move and air traffic control. The data
in-flight broadband on airliners through Inmarsat Global rate is expected to range from 512 kbps to 10 Mbps [119].
Xpress [113]. The network’s performance is optimized for reliable
• GlobeStar: The GlobeStar system [114] is the world’s and secure two-way mobile broadband communications.
largest provider of mobile satellite voice and data ser- Therefore, airborne operators have the capability of send-
vices. The GlobeStar system consists of 52 satellites, ing full-motion video, making secure phone calls, con-
of which 48 satellites provide full commercial service ducting video conferences, accessing classified networks,
for users, while the other four satellites are in-orbit as and even to perform mission-critical communications in
spares, ready to be activated when needed. GlobeStar flight.
uses a version of classic Code Division Multiple Access • OneWeb Satellite Constellation: The OneWeb satellite
(CDMA) technology based upon the Pan-American IS- constellation [120] was started by telecommunications
95 CDMA standard, which has made GlobeStar well entrepreneur Greg Wyler with the support of Google.
known for its crystal clear, “land-line quality” voice It comprises approximately 648 satellites. The OneWeb
service to commercial and recreational users in more satellite constellation is aiming for providing global Inter-
than 120 countries around the world. In 2013, GlobeStar net broadband access for ground users, but it can also be
successfully completed launching its constellation of sec- exploited for providing global Internet access for airborne
ond generation satellites, which support the company’s users via A2S links. The OneWeb satellites operate at
current line-up of voice, as well as duplex and simplex approximately 1200 km altitude [121], and the frequency
data products and services. spectrum used for providing broadband access service
• Multi-functional Transport SATellite (MTSAT): The MT- is the Ku band [122] spanning from 11.7 to 12.7 GHz
SAT system [115] relies on a series of weather and (downlink transmission) and from 14 to 14.5 GHz (uplink
aviation-control satellites. They are geostationary satel- transmission). Each satellite is capable of supporting
lites owned and operated by the Japanese Ministry of 6 Gbps throughput, while the user is capable of accessing
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Japan the Internet at 50 Mbps rate using a phased array based
Meteorological Agency. Operating in L-band, the MTSAT antenna measuring approximately 36 by 16 cm [123].
system provides both communications and navigational While the Ku band suffers from rain-induced attenuation
services for aircraft, and gathers weather data for users proportional to the amount of rainfall, this problem may
throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. The MTSAT be solved by appropriate link budget design and power


√ √ √ √ √ √
In-fliht entertainment [48] − − −
√ √ √ √
Free flight [47] − − − − −
√ √ √ √ √
Formation fly [45]–[47] − − − −
√ √ √ √ √
Aircraft tracking [41], [43], [70] − − − −
√ √ √ √ √ √
Air traffic control [38], [39] − − −
√ √ √ √ √ √
Flight data delivery [36], [37] − − −


Unpopulated coverage

Short range latency1

Long range latency2

Populated coverage

Airport coverage



Low cost

A2X AANET [5], [6] ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼

ACARS [76] ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ / ↑ ↓ ↓
SELCAL [77] ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ∼
Radar Systems [79] ↑ ∼ ↓ / ↑ / / ↑ ↓
ADS [81], [124] ↑ ↑ ∼ ↓ ∼ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↓
A2G WAM [88] ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ / ∼ ↓ ↓
L-DACS [72], [89] ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓
EAN [97] ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↓
Gogo ATG [100] ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↓
ACAS [102], [103] ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓
ASAS [105] ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ / ↑ ↓ ↓
A2A L-DACS1 A2A mode [106] / ∼ ↓ ↓ ∼ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓
Free space optical [107] ∼ ∼ ∼ ↑ ∼ / ↑ ↓ ↓
Satellite systems [109], [111], ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ∼ ∼ ↑ ↓
[112], [114]–[116], [119]

A crucial requirement.
− Not a crucial requirement.
↑ Achieves the requirement to a greater degree than AANET.
∼ Achieves the requirement to the same degree as AANET.
↓ Achieves the requirement to a less degree than AANET.
/ Not applicable.
’1’ Short range latency refers to the latency of single hop links.
’2’ Long range latency refers to the latency of multiple-hop links.

allocation for the satellite network. passengers’ demand, in-flight WiFi is now accessible
on about 40% of US flights and on international long-
D. In-Cabin Communications haul flights via companies such as American Airline,
Lufthansa, Emirates and Qatar Airways.
Although aircraft constitute the end-points of AANETs, Since high speed data communications are both desir-
passengers on-board the aircraft desire access to the provided able and important to society, enhanced WiFi techniques
throughput. Thus, the existing and potential techniques used are being developed by upgrading the WiFi capacity
for in-cabin communications will be elaborated on as potential with the aid of using hybrid technology, such as GoGo’s
extensions. hybrid ground to orbit technology [125]. The recently
• WiFi: The popular WiFi system is a local area wireless developed GoGo@2Ku is capable of providing 70 Mbps
networking technology, which allows an electronic device peak transmission rate for each aircraft, and its next
to exchange data or to connect to the Internet using generation version aims for achieving a 200+ Mbps peak
the 2.4 GHz Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band and the transmission rate [35]. However, the service is expensive,
5 GHz Super High Frequency (SHF) radio waves, finding one-hour pass plan is $ 7.00 or monthly airline plan is $
widespread employment in wireless Internet access. This 49.95 at the time of writing.
technology can be exploited for the low-cost wireless • Cellular Systems: There is an increasing interest for
uploading/downloading of flight information at a high the passengers to be able to use their smart phones
throughput at airports. Furthermore, in response to the

and laptops on aircraft. More and more firms aim for

satisfying the public’s urge of mobile communication
and surfing the web above the clouds. US and Europe
are leading the development of wireless communications
onboard of aircraft.
For example, AeroMobile [126] enables Virgin Atlantic
passengers to use their mobile phones during flights
over the UK airspace, while OnAir [127] enables airline
passengers to use their personal mobile devices for calls,
text messaging, emails and Internet browsing.
Additionally, passengers are offered the opportunity to
use their mobile phones onboard via the Mobile Com-
munication services on Aircraft (MCA services) [128] in
Europe. More specifically, mobile phones may connect to
a miniature cellular network installed inside the aircraft.
The voice and data traffic is then transmitted to a satellite, Fig. 12. Multi-hop aeronautical communication via WiMAX.
which routes the traffic to a GS for connecting to the con-
ventional telephone network or to the Internet. However,
the reliance on satellites results in a low throughput and asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM based and direct-
a high latency. Furthermore, the MCA services are only current offset optical OFDM based cellular optical wire-
allowed for use at altitudes above 3000 m in the European less networks were compared in [137]. Zhang et al. [138]
airspace, in order to avoid interference with the terrestrial proposed a Fiber-Wireless (Fi-Wi) network for in-cabin
cellular networks. communication by considering the tunnel-shape of the
• Power Line Networks: Power line networks already exist cabin, while Krichene et al. [139] proposed to exploit
throughout most aircraft. Thus, Jones et al. [129] pro- the deployment of LEDs in the cabin for designing
posed to transmit mobile multimedia signals and to offer an in-cabin network architecture. These investigations
Internet access over the aircraft power lines by plugging demonstrated that having an optical wireless network in
in devices, in order to reduce both the installation costs the cabin is feasible for providing high-data-rate in-flight
and the ‘tetherless’ challenges. The transfer function entertainment services.
between the input and the output port on a power line of a
transport aircraft was modeled for the sake of optimizing
the communication parameters. In [130], preliminary E. Multi-Hop Communications
theoretical results were presented for a common-mode At the time of writing, there is increasing demand for
configuration, whereas in [131] the emphasis was on the in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity to the Internet, but the existing
electromagnetic compatibility aspects, such as reducing solutions do not provide value for money. The Institute of
the effects of coupling between wires within the bundle. Communications and Navigation of the German Aerospace
Degardin et al. [132] modelled the channel propagation Center (DLR) conceived the concept of networking in the
and investigated the achievable performance under the sky for civilian aeronautical communications [140], which
tree-shaped architecture of a power line network in an enables the aircraft to communicate with GSs via multi-hop
aircraft, and they extended the common-mode prelimi- transmission. As studied by Mahmoud etc. [141], even when
nary results of [130]. They also estimated the expected only a minority of aircraft are directly connected with GSs,
throughput of different links [133]. Furthermore, field- the system is capable of connecting most of the remaining
programmable gate array-based modems were designed, aircraft within 3 hops. Explicitly, given the communication
and the performance of the links was investigated by range of 150 km for the continental airspace and 300 km for
Degardin et al. in [134], who showed that the BER does the oceanic airspace, even if 29.9% of aircraft and 41.7% of
not exceed 2 × 10−4 at a bit rate below 91 Mbps. aircraft were connected via a single hop, links of up to 3 hops
• Optical Wireless Networks: Optical wireless networking are able to connect the remaining 70.1% and 58.3% of aircraft
offers the potential of exploiting a relatively untapped flying within the continental airspace and oceanic airspace,
region of the electromagnetic spectrum for communica- respectively.
tion, by exploiting Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for As an essential solution for providing additional coverage
information transmission [135]. Optical wireless network- and/or enhancing the capacity of the aircraft network, multi-
ing has the advantage of being free from regulation, hop links are indispensable for providing Internet access to on-
being untapped, having low-cost front ends and of de- board passengers. Another example of multi-hop networking
livering high data rates. This approach was proposed for is illustrated in Fig. 12, where WiMAX operated in the multi-
intra-cabin communication in [136]. The wireless path hop scenario has been invoked for providing broadband access
loss distribution within an aircraft cabin was obtained to networks on the ground for on-board passengers [142].
by performing Monte Carlo ray-tracing for the infrared Explicitly, the commercial aircraft is equipped with a WiMAX
range. Furthermore, the throughput and cell coverage of router, which is capable of communicating with a land-based









Fig. 13. The challenges of AANET imposed by the requirements.

WiMAX network station. The on-board passengers access the and formation flying. However, numerous challenging open
Internet with the aid of the WiMAX router deployed in the issues have to be addressed in AANETs, as shown in Fig. 13.
Particularly, meeting the requirement of global coverage is
highly dependent on the frequency band used, the transmit
VII. A IRCRAFT N ETWORKING C HALLENGES power and network topology management, which will im-
pose challenges in terms of mobility modelling, propagation
Due to the passengers’ desire of establishing an “Internet characterization and interference management in AANETs.
above the clouds” and driven by handling the continuously The throughput of AANETs is directly affected by the mo-
increasing air traffic [39], [48], both airlines and aeronautical bility management, interference mitigation, propagation char-
organizations are motivated to develop and establish broad- acteristics and network congestion control. AANETs should
band aeronautical communications among in-flight aircraft. accurately model the aircraft mobility for managing rout-
Extensive efforts have been dedicated to building a set of ing, for providing connectivity and for avoiding congestion.
protocols meeting the demanding requirements and applica- As illustrated in Fig. 13, network discovery/healing is also
tions of future aircraft communications. Different applications challenging in AANETs, owing to congestion and mobility,
of aircraft networks have different requirements, as shown in resulting in some nodes disappearing from a local network and
Table IX. Note that the extensional techniques for in-cabin joining another ad hoc network. The security requirements are
communication are not included in Table IX. However, all the very strict for AANETs, since commercial aircraft constitute
existing aeronautical communication systems can only meet safety critical systems. Although the highly dynamic nature of
part of the requirements of each application. For example, AANETs imposes challenges in term of robustness, AANETs
passenger entertainment requires the network to cover un- must be highly reliable and robust, in order to protect the
populated areas at a low cost. However, none of the existing safety of hundreds of passengers. Thus, AANETs will face
aeronautical communication systems are able to achieve these great challenges in terms of security threats and robustness.
requirements at the same time, as also seen in the lower part AANETs are a relatively low-cost solution of exchanging in-
of Table IX. By contrast, AANETs are capable of fulfilling all formation via an ad hoc network established amongst aircraft,
the requirements and support various applications, including which is mainly dependent on the communication protocol
those of the emerging aircraft applications, such as free flight design and on software development, without dependence

on large-scale infrastructure deployments. However, global to be jointly optimized, which is a challenging non-convex
standardization is required to ensure global interoperability, optimization problem.
but this must also be harmonized with the country-by-country
standards and their own interests. In the following discussion, C. Threats
we elaborate on the challenges imposed by the requirements
of aeronautical applications, which must be overcome before It is extremely critical to secure AANETs from every
AANETs can be considered for practical deployment. conceivable threat, since any threat may result in aviation
accidents and incidents involving the lives of hundreds of
passengers. Therefore, the precautionary measures should be
A. Mobility
thoughtful and proactive. Generally, the security threats to
There is a strong need for providing connectivity for pas- aircraft networks may be categorized into internal and external
sengers in aircraft, so that they can continuously communicate ones. Internal security threats originate from the in-cabin
with other devices attached to the Internet, at any time and passenger network, where a malicious user may attempt to gain
anywhere. However, the connectivity of the network may be access to the control network and cause service impairments
frequently interrupted due to the high velocity of aircraft [25] and/or attempt to take control of the flight. On the other
and occasionally interrupted by weather. This is also an issue hand, the external security threat is caused by the security
for FANETs, owing to their time-variant scenarios governed by vulnerabilities of the communication links [69].
their high mobility. Hence Cognitive Radio (CR) technologies
based UAVs suffer from the fluctuation of link quality and
D. Propagation
link outages [27]. Moreover, owing to the three-dimensional
terrain changes, UAVs have to cope with highly-dynamic In the future, available radio spectrum will become more
wireless channel fluctuations as well as topology changes [30]. scarce. However, the signal transmissions in AANETs take
Hence, the network protocols of FANETs and AANETs have place over A2A, A2G and A2S across airports, populated
to be more flexible than those of VANETs [30]. Therefore, and unpopulated areas, each having different bandwidth re-
the investigation of the mobility characteristics of aircraft quirements. The different environments encountered during the
is a critical issue for designing and evaluating AANETs, flight of an aircraft may lead to different propagation scenarios.
so that they can provide robust solutions for connectivity As shown in Fig. 14, an AANET may rely on multiple bands,
at high velocity. Furthermore, other challenges include the when it exchanges information with a gateway deployed on the
trade-off between the mobility model’s accuracy as well as ground or a satellite for relaying its information. In order to
its simplicity for analysis [143], and those associated with characterize the channel illustrated in Table III, we present the
a high degree of mobility. The inevitable delay problems received Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and the corresponding
due to routing over large geographical distances [25] and the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of
connectivity problems due to the frequent setup and breakup of different mobility scenarios by considering multiple antennas
communication links among aircraft require extremely robust deployed on aircraft. As illustrated in Fig. 15 and Fig. 16, the
solutions to support high mobility. aeronautical channel characteristics are significantly different
for different scenarios, which impair the transmission signal
B. Congestion quality. It is challenging to design transmission schemes,
which can adapt themselves to various propagation modes.
Since AANETs are intended for providing Internet access, Furthermore, it is also a great challenge to accurately model
hence requiring practically all multi-hop traffic to flow through these propagation characteristics, consisting of the signal at-
the GSs, gateway congestion may be caused at or among the tenuation and phase variation statistics, the fading rate, the
aircraft near these GSs. Liu et al. [144]–[146] investigated the Doppler spread and the delays during wave propagation [52],
impact of gateway placement on the integrated 5G-satellite [148]. There are prohibitive cost constraints in the way of
networks reliability and latency. Similar investigations also extensively measuring the aeronautical channel characteristics,
have to be applied to aircraft networking for optimizing the especially for multiple access channels that suffer from inter-
gateway selection and/or placement. Wang et al. [60] demon- ference amongst aircraft.
strated that the two-hop model of aeronautical communication
networks was capable of achieving the best throughput without
long delays. Moreover, by efficiently allocating flows, the traf- E. Interference
fic may be balanced amongst the gateways to avoid congestion. Another significant challenge is imposed by preventing
Furthermore, this problem is strongly coupled with the routing mutual interference between aeronautical communications and
of packets in the network, since the path between an aircraft terrestrial wireless communications, when an aircraft is flying
and a gateway determines the service that the gateway can over populated areas, especially near an airport [96]. The
provide to the aircraft. Additionally, if the wireless channel is potential mutual interference must be mitigated, so that the
shared by all nodes in a wireless network, the transmission AANETs can adapt to diverse international standards and
of one node may interfere with others, which results in the specific implementations across the global airports. The
congestion of the network [147]. Therefore, the processes detrimental effects of both multipath interference and of co-
of Internet gateway allocation, routing and scheduling whilst channel interference tend to increase the noise floor, hence
minimizing the average packet delay in the network have reducing the capacity of the communication system, especially

Fig. 14. The spectrum used for various aircraft communication systems.

PDF of received SNR when Pt = 2 mW, B = 2.5 MHz, T = 1 ms CCDF of received SNR when Pt = 2 mW, B = 2.5 MHz, T = 1 ms
0.003 1.0
Parking (A2G) dP arking(A2G) = 2100m Tx = 1, Rx = 1
Taxiing (A2G) dT axiing(A2G) = 210m Tx = 1, Rx = 2 0.9
0.0026 Arrival (A2G) dArrival(A2G) = 2100m Tx = 1, Rx = 4
0.0024 En-route (A2G) dEn−route(A2G) = 10000m 0.8
En-route (A2A) dEn−route(A2A) = 20000m
Probability density

P r(SN R > x)

0.0018 0.6
0.0012 0.4
0.0006 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
Reveived SNR (dB) Reveived SNR (dB)

Fig. 15. The probability density of received SNR for different flight phases. Fig. 16. The CCDF of the received SNR for different flight phases. Both
Both the large-scale fading and small-scale fading have been considered. The the large-scale fading and the small-scale fading have been considered. The
channel parameters are set according to Table. III. channel parameters are set according to Table. III.

to maintain high-integrity transmission, especially in safety-

in the high traffic density environments near airports. Addi- critical aeronautical applications [149].
tionally, multipath interference may occur due to propagation
through frequency selective fading channels, while co-channel
interference may arise when signals are mapped to the same F. Standardization
carrier frequency. Therefore, it is desirable to characterize Various existing wireless standards defined for aircraft com-
the behavior of the various sources of interference, in order munications [96] have already existed for decades. However,

there are more disparate requirements for A2A, A2G, A2S solution may be host identity protocol, considering its flex-
communications, as mentioned in Section V. It is expected ible interoperability, since it could smoothly connect to the
that AANETs will require a new global standard for seamless Internet and support mobility, as well as provide security and
aeronautical communications [150]. Therefore, multinational privacy [160].
cooperation will be necessary and the system has to be
sufficiently flexible. In the light of the associated risks, it
is challenging to gain regulatory approval from the various B. Scheduling and Routing
countries for such a safety-critical system and to persuade Given the multihop nature of AANETs, the packets have
airlines to install the system on their aircraft. It is also a to follow multiple wireless paths to arrive at their final
vital prerequisite that sufficient aircraft join the AANETs, so destination. As discussed in Section VII, the scheduling and
that multi-hop relaying of other aircraft transmissions becomes routing strategy has to be investigated for avoiding congestion
feasible. and for achieving the maximum throughput per aircraft. Luo
et al. [161] proposed a reliable user datagram protocol relying
VIII. E XISTING R ESEARCH IN A DDRESSING THE AANET on fountain codes. Furthermore, they have also developed a
C HALLENGES reliable multipath routing protocol [162] relying on multiple
In this section, we will review the proposals and techniques aeronautical networks capable of operating under challenging
devoted to addressing the challenges of aircraft networking. networking conditions. Furthermore, a number of research
The proposals and techniques discussed may simultaneously projects have investigated scheduling and routing algorithms
address several challenges. conceived for AANETs. Sakhaee et al. [8], [55] proposed a
routing protocol by taking into account the Doppler frequency
in the routing procedure. Furthermore, Sakhaee [8] integrated
A. Mobility Solutions a QoS constraint into the cost metric of the routing protocol
Since FANETs support high-mobility nodes and often are in his PhD dissertation. Luo et al. [163] further developed
mission-oriented, their mobility model has to be flexible to a QoS-based routing protocol by taking into account the
have paths planned in advance or adapted online during path availability period, the residual path capacity and the
the mission, in order to maximize the coverage or avoid path latency in their route selection. Iordanakis et al. [164]
collision [151]. Similarly, due to the high mobility of the proposed an ad hoc routing protocol for aeronautical mobile
aircraft, their mobility characteristics have a significant effect ad hoc networks by combining the proactive function of ad
on the AANETs’ mobility model. However, aircraft usually hoc on-demand distance vector and the reactive function of
fly at a high velocity, and along a pre-designed route, which topology broadcast based on reverse-path forwarding [165].
specifies the corresponding mobility model [152], as shown in Medina et al. [22], [70] proposed to exploit the position infor-
Fig. 7. Explicitly, the large-scale mobility pattern is randomly mation for assisting routing, and they assessed the proposed
distributed for the case of aircraft above continents, since position-based greedy forwarding algorithm, which demon-
the airports are randomly distributed over the continent. By strated that all packets were delivered to their destination
contrast, aircraft flying over oceans and other unpopulated with a minimum hop count. A sophisticated routing scheme
areas can be identified as pseudo-linear, rapidly moving mobile was proposed by Gankhuyag et al. [166], which exploited
entities [8], [153], since they are all headed for particular both location-related and trajectory-related information for
populated regions, as seen in the scenario of the North Atlantic establishing their utility function, taking into account both the
from Fig. 5. Additionally, a clustering mobility model was es- minimum expected connection duration and the hop count.
tablished in [8], [153] by considering aircraft originating from Meanwhile, the authors of [167] and [168] also designed their
the same source and heading in the same general direction. geographical routing protocols based on the knowledge of
Furthermore, Ghosh et al. [154] considered the 3D aircraft location information, which is assumed to be provided by
topology in 3D airspace for mitigating the effects of network ADS-B. Considering the balance between the capacity and
disruption. Taking into the account specific flight phases and traffic load of each A2G link, Medina et al. [43], [49] also
the speed of the aircraft, Li et al. [155] proposed a smooth developed a geographic routing strategy by forwarding packets
semi-Markov mobility model, which divided the motion of to a set of next-hop candidates and spreading traffic among
aircraft into flight phases, as shown in Fig. 7. Petersen et the set based on queue dynamics. Furthermore, Hoffmann et
al. [156] further developed the Markov mobility model by al. [147] developed a joint routing and scheduling scheme for
taking into account the traffic demand in a certain area, where AANETs, which sequentially minimized the weighted hop-
they modelled both the arrival and departure of an aircraft count subject to scheduling constraints and minimized the
in any of the states as a Poisson distribution in the developed average delay for the previously computed routes. Similar to
Markov mobility model. In order to allow passengers to access the solutions of [22], [70], the authors of [169] proposed
the Internet, the architecture of AANETs has to support high- a mobility-aware routing protocol by exploiting the known
velocity mobility. The Internet is based on the Internet Protocol trajectories of the aircraft to enhance the attainable routing
(IP) to deliver information, thus the potential solutions con- performance. Furthermore, Vey et al. [170] proposed a node
ceived for providing Internet connectivity include the so-called density and trajectory based routing scheme, which exploited
network mobility basic support protocol of TCP/IPv6 [157], the knowledge of the geographic path between the source
[158] and the host identity protocol [159]. The preferred aircraft and the destination aircraft and considered the actual

aircraft density as well as Zhong et al. [171] also exploited the triple-level hierarchical identity-based signature scheme
the density of aircraft as well as the geographic path between of [187] for practical deployment. A range of further security
the source node and the destination node for routing. Peters et protocols designed for ADS-B systems may be found in the
al. [172] developed a geographic routing protocol termed as excellent survey of [87].
aeronautical routing protocol for multihop routing in AANET,
which delivers packets to their destinations in a multi-Mach D. Aeronautical Channel Characterization
speed environment using velocity-based heuristics. By con-
Aeronautical communications involve A2G, A2A and A2S
trast, the authors of [173] proposed a topology-based routing
communications at airports, populated areas and unpopulated
mechanism for AANETs, which can effectively decrease the
areas. The accurate knowledge of the channel characteristics
probability of routing path breakup, regardless of how high
is important for carefully designing and assessing the perfor-
the aircraft density is.
mance of aeronautical communication protocols, which moti-
vates the research devoted to characterizing the aeronautical
C. Security Mechanisms channel.
Explicitly, Bello [188] investigated the aeronautical chan-
In order to guarantee the security of the aviation network,
nel between aircraft and satellites, focusing on the effects
whilst providing Internet connectivity for the passengers, the
of indirect paths reflected from and scattered by the sur-
separation of the passenger, crew and control networks has
face of the Earth. His work was then further developed
been widely recommended [68], [69], [174]. However, there
by Walter et. al [189] by characterizing the A2A propaga-
is still a high risk of ‘cyber-physical’ security breaches [175],
tion characteristics, whilst the scattered components of an
since the safety of air flight depends on data communication,
aeronautical channel were investigated in terms of its delay
which may suffer from attacks both by remote and onboard
and Doppler frequency in [189]. In contrast to investigating
devices [73].
the A2A channel, Haas [52] devoted his efforts to A2G
Research efforts have been launched for addressing the
aeronautical channel models. As a further development, the
security issues in AANETs. Sampigethaya et al. [176] pre-
A2G aeronautical channel at 5.2 GHz radio frequency was
sented some security standards developed for in-aircraft net-
measured by Gligorevic [190] at Munich airport. The A2G
working [177], for electronic distribution of software [178],
aeronautical channel over the ocean’s surface was measured
for onboard health management [179] and for ATC [39].
by Lei et. al [191] at 8.0 GHz and by Meng et. al [192]
Mahmoud et al. [180] reviewed security mechanisms designed
at 5.7 GHz, respectively. Facilitated by the development of
for aeronautical data link communications. Moreover, an IP-
multiple-antenna technologies in wireless communications, the
based architecture has been recommended for future aeronau-
corresponding radio propagation characteristics were analyzed
tical communications in [25], [150], and security architectures
in [193] for Alamouti’s Space-Time Block Coding (STBC)
conceived for the IP have received a significant amount of
scheme in [194].
attention by the SESAR. IP security [181] is one of the most
Moreover, research efforts have been invested in analyzing
popular solutions, since it operates at the network layer, which
the channel capacity of aeronautical channels and the per-
makes it suitable for different applications employing different
formance of diverse modulation schemes over aeronautical
transport layer protocols [69]. However, the investigation of
channels [195] as well as in mitigating the effects of Doppler
[69] indicated that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport
shifts [196].
Layer Security (TLS)-based security mechanisms are capable
of providing a level of security almost equivalent to IP
security without reducing the QoS. Furthermore, AANETs E. Interference Mitigation
may have to exchange information among aircraft belonging A mature aircraft communication system has to be able to
to different airlines for maximizing the aircraft connectivity, mitigate interference, since this limits the achievable capacity,
which imposes airline confidentiality issues. In order to resolve hence also imposing safety risks. In the case of FANETs,
these security issues, the authors of [182] proposed a secure awareness of the primary and the associated spectrum reuse
geographical routing protocol by exploiting the benefits of the relying on spectrum sensing is extremely crucial for inter-
greedy perimeter stateless routing of [183] and of the ADS- ference avoidance between the primary users and secondary
B protocol. Nijsure et al. [184] developed Angle-Of-Arrival users [197].
(AOA), Time-Difference-Of-Arrival (TDOA) and Frequency- Extensive efforts have been devoted to mitigating the mul-
Difference-Of-Arrival (FDOA) techniques in order to provide tipath interference [198], the co-channel interference [149],
additional safeguards against ADS-B security threats and for [199], [200], the multiple access interference [49], [201], [202]
aircraft discrimination. Furthermore, Nijsure et al. also imple- and the mutual interference between different wireless commu-
mented a software-defined-radio-based hardware prototype for nication systems [57], [73], [203]. More specifically, Popescu
facilitating AOA/TDOA/FDOA. Since the ADS-B messages et al. [198] proposed a linear equalizer based on Kalman
can be received by any individual ADS-B receiver, this results filtering theory for mitigating the multipath interference and
in substantial security concerns for ADS-B-based communi- adjacent-channel interference. The co-channel interference
cation systems. Baek et al. [185] proposed an identity-based characteristics encountered in a high-density traffic environ-
encryption scheme by modifying the original identity-based ment were analyzed in [149] by using computer simulations,
encryption of Boneh and Franklin [186]. He et al. developed and a multi-user detection scheme was recommended for

Recovered Source data Key technologies

source data APP layer

Buffer Buffer
NET layer
Depacketize Packetize

Data packet Data packet

Depacketize Packetize MAC layer
Channel access control
Data packet Data packet
Adaptive coding and modulation
Receiver Transmitter PHY layer Smart antenna technique
Interference management
Power budget design

Channel measurement
.. .. Channel
. . Channel modeling

Fig. 17. The design guideline for AANETs.

mitigating co-channel interference. By contrast, Tu et al. [201] System (AeroMACS) into MSS feeder link in an airport envi-
characterized the multiple access interference in a sparse ronment, recommending the adaptive allocation of frequencies
air traffic environment, judiciously managing the interference to different cells using a variable frequency reuse factor. By
power with the aid of feedback information. Medina et al. [49] contrast, the interference imposed both by passenger devices
recommended sophisticated scheduling for channel access in a and by intentional jamming were discussed in [73], with an
TDMA regime for mitigating the multiple access interference. emphasis on the aviation safety.
As a further development, Fang et al. [204] proposed a hybrid
MAC protocol based on pre-allocation of the transmission time
slots carefully combined with random access for mitigating the F. Efforts for Standardization
collision probability. Besse et al. [202] developed an optimized As discussed in Section VII, the standardization of air-
network engineering tool model to analyze the impact of craft communication is more complex than a pure technical
multiple access interference on the packet delivery probability, challenge, since it has to balance many other factors, as
concluding that the solution could be either to reduce the well such as numerous practical issues, spectrum regulation
transmission rate in order to reduce the interference effects and national security. Owing to this, it cannot be achieved
or to use a dedicated channel whilst having severe co-channel by a single community or country. At the time of writing,
interference. In order to reduce the interference imposed on the standards for aeronautical communications are mainly
HF communications by other communication systems and that issued by the ICAO and FAA in the US, and by the EURO-
imposed on the communications between ATC controllers and CONTROL in Europe, given their leading roles in aviation.
pilots, Tu and Shimamoto [57] proposed a TDMA-based mul- More specifically, the FAA has funded NextGen [205] for
tiple access scheme for transmitting an aircraft’s own packets conceiving the future national airspace system in the US.
and for relaying the neighboring aircraft’s packets. Kamali Meanwhile, the European Commission and EUROCONTROL
and Kerczewski [203] investigated the potential interference have jointly funded SESAR [206] for improving the future
imposed by the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication air traffic management in Europe. However, the flourishing
development of aviation in recent decades has inspired more

Path loss Throughput

Longitude -60
Path loss for different scenarios

Around airport
Free-space loss

Communication distance

-120 4.0

Capacity/Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

Path loss (dB)



Latitude Mobility -220


5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 3.0
Flight phase Distance d (m)

Altitude 2.0

Theoretical results
1.0 Approximate results
Noise power Simulation results
Thermal nosie at different altitudes

Thermal noise at ground

Thermal noise at altitude of 381m
104 105
Thermal noise at altitude of 762m

5 2 5 2 5


Distance dab∗ (m)

Noise power

Transmit power -1e-006


0.0 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008

Time (s)
0.0001 0.00012 0.00014 0.00016 0.00018
Capacity CCDF
Bandwidth 1.0 ∗
dab∗ = 5 km

dab∗ = 10 km
Time duration 0.8 ∗
dba∗ = 100 km
a ∗
Fading db ∗ = 300 km

P r(C > c)
0.6 dab∗ = 500 km
Number of receive antenna Arrival phase


3.4 0.4

Envelope (dB)

Number of transmit antenna



1 2.098
2.1 0.2
0.5 2.096 ×109
Time index (s) 0 2.094 Frequency index (Hz)

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Capacity c (bps/Hz)

Input Processing Output

Fig. 18. Aeronautical channel propagation.

nations to devote research to aviation. Motivated by this, Neji d

8 6
d5 d4 d3 d2 d1
et al. [4] appealed for multinational cooperation for the sake
Capacity/Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

of establishing international standards. Along these lines, FAA 7 RZF-TPC

and EUROCONTROL initiated a joint study in the framework 6
of Action Plan 17 [89] to investigate applicable techniques and
to provide recommendations for future aircraft communica- 5
tions [106], which paves the way for an international standard 4
to be accepted by both the US and Europe.
In this section, we outline the key techniques of AANETs 1
along with our design guidelines for the four-layer protocol
stack, namely for the PHY layer, MAC layer, NET layer and 0
5 104 2 105 2 5 5
APP layer, as shown in Fig. 17.
Distance (m)
Mode 1: SE = 1.322 Mode 2: SE = 1.809
A. Channel and PHY Layer Mode 3: SE = 2.194 Mode 4: SE = 2.655
Mode 5: SE = 3.197 Mode 6: SE = 3.895
Explicitly, the propagation channel of aeronautical commu- Mode 7: SE = 4.944
nication is intricately linked to the aircraft mobility, which
captures the physical movement patterns of aircraft. Since field Fig. 19. The illustration of designing the RZF-TPC aided and distance-based
measurements would be extremely expensive for passenger ACM scheme.
planes engaged in different maneuvers in different network
scenarios, stochastic and/or semi-stochastic mobility modeling
may be more realistic solutions. However, random mobility en-route. Given the transmit power, the position information,
modeling [207] typically used in FANETs may fail to accu- bandwidth, the number of transmit antennas and the number
rately characterize AANETs, since the passenger airplanes’ of receive antennas and a number of other parameters seen
routes are typically pre-planned, hence pre-planned semi- at the left of Fig. 18, we can characterize the corresponding
stochastic mobility models may be developed for AANETs. aeronautical channel, which directly determines the achievable
The wireless channel characterized in the middle of Fig. 18 throughput, as illustrated in the right-hand section of Fig. 18.
imposes distance-dependent path loss effects as well as To elaborate a little further in technical terms, based on the
from small-scale fading owing to reflections/scattering and channel characterization and on our regularized zero-forcing
Gaussian-distributed the background noise. Explicitly, apart transmit precoding (RZF-TPC) scheme of [200], we could
from the communication distance, the path loss also depends design an distance-based adaptive coding and modulation
on the specific flight phase of takeoff/arrival, parking and (ACM) [199] for A2A aeronautical communications system


Mode k Modulation Code rate Spectral efficiency Switching threshold Data rate per Total data rate Routing cost
(bps/Hz) dk (km) receive antenna (Mbps) Q (s·Hz/bit)
1 QPSK 0.706 1.323 500 7.974 31.895 0.76
2 8-QAM 0.642 1.813 400 10.876 43.505 0.55
3 8-QAM 0.780 2.202 300 13.214 52.857 0.45
4 16-QAM 0.708 2.665 190 15.993 63.970 0.38
5 16-QAM 0.853 3.211 90 19.268 77.071 0.31
6 32-QAM 0.831 3.911 35 23.464 93.854 0.26
7 64-QAM 0.879 4.964 5.56 29.783 119.130 0.20

having seen different-rate ACM modes, as shown in Table X. when a node leaves the ring, its predecessor node and suc-
The corresponding system capacity versus distance is shown in cessor node must update the identity of their successor and

Fig. 19. Explicitly, based on the distance dab∗ between aircraft predecessor nodes accordingly. A large amount of coordination
∗ ∗
a and b measured by its distance measuring equipment, air- and control information must be passed around the network,
craft a∗ selects an ACM mode for data transmission according hence resulting in a high overhead and low efficiency, when the
to network topology varies rapidly with nodes joining and leaving
∗ frequently, which imposes challenges on AANETs, especially
If dk ≤ dab∗ < dk−1 : choose mode k, k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , K}.
because the aircraft nodes have high velocities, leading to a
Assuming that the maximum communication range is Dmax , dynamically evolving topology.
which can be determined by the parameters in the left- Given the unique features of AANETs, we may advocate
hand section of Fig. 18, no communication is provided for a mesh topology-aware token passing management with an

dab∗ ≥ Dmax , since the two aircraft are beyond each oth- associated link quality table, as shown in Fig. 20, where
ers’ communication range. Moreover, the minimum flight- the color represents the link quality as illustrated in Fig. 19,
safety based separation must be obeyed, hence the minimum whilst the value in the table is the routing cost. To elaborate
communication distance Dmin obeys the minimum separation a little further, the routing cost may be quantified in terms
according to the international civil aviation organization’s of many different metrics for evaluating a routing protocol,
regulations. such as the number of hops, delay, reliability and through-
put, just to name a few. In general, this multi-component
B. MAC Layer optimization problem becomes quite complex, especially for
The MAC layer takes care of the channel access control networks having many nodes. The best approach is to find
mechanisms that make it possible for several nodes to commu- the Pareto-front of all optimal solution. More explicitly, the
nicate using a shared medium, without suffering from packet Pareto-front is the collection of all the operating points, which
collisions transmitted by different nodes. In AANET scenarios, either have the minimum BER, delay, power-consumption etc.
the combination of having limited wireless spectrum, low None of the Pareto-optimal solutions may be improved, say in
latency requirements and high mobility impose significant terms of the BER without degrading either the delay, or the
challenges on the MAC layer. Furthermore, the MAC protocol power-efficiency, or the complexity etc. Nevertheless, here we
is expected to support diverse network topologies, that vary consider the single-component spectral efficiency optimization
dynamically owing to the high velocities of aircraft nodes. for establishing the routing cost table for exemplifying the
The MAC layer also has to avoid relying on an excessive basic philosophy of our proposed mesh topology-aware token
number of Radio Frequency (RF) chains operating on different passing management. Consider the four-node mesh network
frequencies in a FDD manner, which would be unsuitable for of Fig. 20 as an example, where the routing cost table is
aircraft installation. Alternatively, TDD may facilitate multiple a (4 × 4)-element table, where the element in the i-th row
nodes to access a shared medium [208]. Explicitly, only a and the j-th column identifies the quality of the link spanning
single node having the token at any instant is allowed to from the i-th node to the j-th node, where the color represents
transmit data and then it has to pass the token to another node the link’s spectral efficiency, as seen in Fig. 19. The routing
for avoiding collisions of different nodes transmitting at the cost Q is defined as the reciprocal of the spectral efficiency.
same time. This approach maintains reliable and fair access to For example, the link leading from node 1 to the node
the network, as well as achieving a high degree of efficiency, 2 in the routing cost table of Fig. 20 has a link quality
flexibility and robustness in the medium access control and represented by blue color, which results in a routing cost of
topology management. Q = 1/3.197 = 0.31. Note that the links between the nodes
However, in traditional token-based MAC protocols, when a are bidirectional and may be asymmetric, resulting in different
node joins the ring, it is required to negotiate a position in the link quality marked by different colors between the elements
ring in order to identify a predecessor and a successor node, having the indices (i, j) and (j, i) in the link quality table.
which are also required to accordingly update the identity of However, in our example we assume simplicity that the link
their successor and predecessor node, respectively. Likewise, quality of two nodes is symmetric based on the fact that the

(E4 , t4 , η4 )
(E3 , t3 , η3 )(E2 , t2 , η2 )
(E3 , t3 , η3 ) (E1 , t1 , η1 )

(E2 , t2 , η2 )

(E1 , t1 , η1 )

l og


Q1→4 Fr To
om 1 2 3 4 ···
Q1→2 Q2→4 1 0.31 0.26 0.46 ···
1 Q2→3
Q4→2 2 0.31 0.20 0.26 ···
Q3→1 Q3→2
Q1→3 3 Q4→3 4 3 0.26 0.20 0.38 ···

Q3→4 4 0.46 0.26 0.38 ···

.. .. .. .. ..
Q4→1 . . . . .
(a) Topology (b) Link quality

Fig. 20. An example topology of AANET consists of four nodes and their corresponding routing cost table. ”· · · ” means the routing cost table is expandable
according to the number of nodes.

link quality in A2A aeronautical communication is dominated ing improves the network’s robustness to rapidly changing
by the communication distance. topologies, which is one of the main challenges for routing
The link quality table will then be used both by the MAC in AANETs.
layer and by the NET layer. In the MAC layer, the link quality The cost of a multi-hop path is given by the sum of the
table is used in conjunction with the token roll count to select costs of its constituent links. For example, the path in Fig. 20
which particular node will pass the token to the next one. starting from Node 1 and passing through Node 3 on to Node
When a node’s MAC layer has a token, it will ask he NET 4 is denoted as 1 → 3 → 4, which has a cost calculated
layer to provide a set of data packets and to specify the spectral as Q1→3→4 = Q1→3 + Q3→4 = 0.26 + 0.38 = 0.64.
efficiency used. Alternatively, there are also other routing paths from node 1
to node 4, such as Q1→2→4 , Q1→2→3→4 , Q1→3→2→4 , Q1→4 .
C. NET Layer Nevertheless, given the link quality table of Fig. 20, graph
theory [209], relying for example on tree algorithms, shortest-
In the network (NET) layer, scheduling and routing de-
path algorithms, minimum-cost flow algorithms, etc may be
termine the multi-hop paths to be followed by the packets
exploited for solving the problem of finding the lowest-cost
between their source and destination nodes. More specifically,
multi-hop path spanning from the source node all the way to
each hop to be taken by the data packets is decided dynami-
the destination node.
cally and opportunistically at each stage of the multi-hop path,
rather than being decided by the source node. In particular, Still referring to Fig. 20, we further investigate the routing
each packet may be received by more than one node and then optimization problems. The mesh network consist of the four
forwarded by whichever has the first opportunity to transmit. airplanes circled by the green dashed ellipse should have a
This dynamic, opportunistic and redundant approach to rout- complete connected path all the way to the control tower at

London’s Hearthrow airport for our example. To elaborate a as jointly addressing a few objectives, as we have discussed
little further, transmission between a pair of nodes is assumed in Section VIII. However, with the rapid improvement of
to incur an energy cost of Ei , to impose a delay of ti and to the computational capability of cloud computing [210] and
have a spectral efficiency of ηi . The cost function associated quantum computing [211], it enables us to systematically
with a specific P routing path contains the aggregate energy conceive cross-layer design and optimization with the aid
consumption Ei , the aggregate delay ti and the end-to- of multi-objective optimization algorithms, as illustrated in
end spectral efficiency of min{ηi |i = 1, 2, 3, · · · }, which is a Fig. 22. More detailed comparison between different multi-
multi-objective optimization problem determined by diverse objective optimization algorithms could refer to [212], [213]
factors. The multi-objective optimization problem can be and in the references therein.
solved using Pareto optimization techniques, which generate a
diverse set of Pareto optimal solutions so that a compelling X. P ROSPECTIVE S OLUTIONS AND O PEN I SSUES
trade-off might be struck amongst different objectives. An AANETs aim for building communication links among
example of a twin-parameter Pareto-optimization problem aircraft. However, they cannot be operated in isolation without
is shown in Fig. 21, where all circles represent legitimate satellites and GSs, which provide GPS signals or backhaul.
operating points and all blue circles represent Pareto optimal Thus, the practical AANETs rely on multiple layers consisting
points, which are not dominated by any other solutions. of satellites, GSs and aircraft, while handling information
dissemination across the multiple layers in heterogeneous
environments, with the objective of meeting the stringent
requirements of aeronautical communication in time-sensitive
as well as mission-critical applications. The challenges were
discussed in Section VII, and the state-of-the-art research
contributions devoted to addressing these challenges were
discussed in Section VIII. Nonetheless, there are many open
issues and prospective solutions to be investigated.

A. Prospective Solutions for AANETs

• Large-Scale Antenna Arrays: Large-scale MIMO [214]
systems employ hundreds of antennas for serving typi-
cally a few dozen terminals, while sharing the same time-
frequency resources. This technique achieves a hitherto
unprecedented spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency as
Fig. 21. An example of optimal Pareto front for two objective optimization well as low latency. Hence it is widely accepted as
one of the key 5G techniques. Aircraft typically have a
large airframe, which may be capable of accommodating
dozens of antennas. However, the deployment of large-
D. Pareto-Optimal Perspective of AANET Optimization scale MIMOs is not straightforward due to the form-
Again, the design of ANNETs includes that of the PHY factor limitation discussed in Section VII. It remains
layer, MAC layer, NET layer and APP layer, which faces a challenge to fit dozens of antennas on commercial
substantial challenges in terms of meeting diverse objectives. aircraft. The VHF band is widely used for existing
Traditional single-objective may be still used by iteratively aeronautical communication systems, but at these wave-
optimizing each metric, however, it can only find a local lengths, the required antenna spacing is high, which will
optimum at a potentially excessive computational complexity, limit the number of antennas that can be installed on
signal processing delay and energy consumption. Moreover, the aircraft. Thus, the centimeter-wave carriers having
the diverse optimization metrics of AANETs are typically a frequency ranging between 3 GHz and 30 GHz has
not independent of each other, they are mutually linked with attracted intense investigations in aeronautical communi-
each other in terms of influencing the overall system-level cation [52]. However, the antenna design is crucial due to
performance. It is also a challenge to provide an ultimate the limited opportunity for their deployment and fuselage
comparison among different locally optimal solutions based on blocking. Motivated by this, conformal antennas3 [215],
different metrics, since the objectives involved ten to conflict [216] may be considered for the antenna design of
with each other, hence requiring a trade-off. aeronautical communications. Furthermore, to accommo-
In contrast to the single-objective optimization, multi- date different scenarios, having diverse flight velocities
objective optimization is capable of finding the global Pareto- and required throughput, both adaptive coherent/non-
optimal solutions by striking a tradeoff amongst conflicting coherent and adaptive single/multiple-antenna aided so-
objectives. Explicitly, we summarize a range of popular met- lutions [217] may also be conceived for aeronautical
rics in Fig. 22 typically exploited in designing AANETs. communications.
Over the past decades, a number of research contributions 3 Conformal antennas are flat radio antennas which are designed to conform
have focused on addressing one or more objectives as well or follow some prescribed shape upon which they will be mounted.

Optimization metrics optimization algorithms
Security Fuzzy logic

Latency Utility theory

QoS/QoE ε-constraint

Reliability Deep learning

Hop count Weighted sum

Packet loss Machine learning

Throughput Genetic algorithm

Bit error ratio Goal programming
cost functions
Network lifetime Simulated annealing

Energy efficiency Differential evolution

Network coverage Bayesian optimization

Channel utilization Evolutionary algorithm

Power consumption Reinforcement learning

Network availability Artificial neural network

Network connectivity Particle swarm optimization

Computational complexity Normal boundary interaction

Fig. 22. Potential metrics that may be used for optimizing AANETs and the multi-objective optimization algorithms that may be invoked.

• Free Space Optical Communications: FSO [107] commu- high-speed aircraft, a feasible solution is to rely on
nications constitute a promising technique which adopts the built-in GPS system of the aircraft, along with the
LDs as transmitters to communicate, for example, be- FSO system’s low transmission latency, which can also
tween aircraft as well as between aircraft and a satel- assist in formation-flying. Furthermore, since there are
lite at a high rate. Establishing their applicability to no obstacles in the stratosphere, the main disadvantage
aircraft-ground communications requires further studies of terrestrial FSO links in terms of requiring a LOS
owing to its eye-safety concerns. The directional and channel becomes less of a problem. Thus, the FSO
license-free features of FSO are appealing in aeronautical communication links among aircraft have a promising
communications, because conventional radio-frequency potential in terms of constructing an AANET for air-
communications are fundamentally band-limited. FSO craft tracking and collision avoidance. Alternatively, the
communications have also been planned for the provision AANETs could also rely on FSO for the backhaul with
of connectivity for sub-urban/remote areas in Facebook’s the aid of GSs or satellites. Finally, since FSO and RF
forthcoming project [218], as well as for connectivity links exhibit complementary strengths and weaknesses, a
between the Moon and Earth in NASA’s Lunar laser hybrid FSO/RF link has a substantial promise in large-
communication demonstration project [219]. Advanced scale MIMOs.
steered laser transceivers [220], which were originally • Heterogeneous Networks: As seen in Fig. 1, an AANET
designed for nano-satellites, may also be deployed on consists of three individual layers, which may be viewed
aircraft, GSs and satellites for providing FSO commu- as a Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) that is composed
nications between them. of satellites, aircraft and Internet subnetworks. It is quite
However, FSO communications are vulnerable to mo- a challenge to manage and optimize the whole plethora
bility, because LOS alignment must be maintained for of metrics across multiple layers. The architecture of
high-integrity communications. In order to solve the HetNets shifts the design paradigm of the traditional
associated pointing and tracking accuracy problems for centrally-controlled cellular network to a user-centric dis-

tributed network paradigm, which is suitable for emerging will enhance the flight safety by the prompt provision
AANETs. To elaborate a little further, AANETs are of precautionary information for collision avoidance and
capable of self-organization. They are autonomous and for storm/airflow warning. Moreover, efficient caching
rely on diverse protocols as well as on potentially-hostile and sharing strategies are capable of supporting the cre-
communication links. In a HetNet of aircraft, different ation of temporary social networks in and around airport
applications have different QoS requirements, security lounges, aircraft, etc.
requirements and user/operator preferences, which may • Cognitive Radio Communications: The existing air traffic
require carefully designed data link selection [221], which systems typically communicate in the VHF band (108-
is cognizant of to the particular transmission character- 137 MHz) and the HF band (2.85-23.35 MHz). Apart
istics, when constructing the sophisticated Multi-Layered from surveillance radar and aeronautical navigation sys-
space-terrestrial integrated network of the future [222]. tems, the UHF band has almost entirely been allocated
This can provide diverse communication services, such to television broadcasting and cellular telephony. It is
as safety-critical or non-safety-critical communication crucial to guarantee interference-free access for these
services, or a combination of both. aeronautical communication systems due to safety-of-life.
AANETs are also expected to support automatic node However, it can be foreseen that the wireless tele-traffic
discovery and route-repair as well as to exchange cross- of aeronautical communications will rapidly be increasing
layer information amongst aircraft, satellites and ATCs, due to the tremendous growth of the aviation industry,
which may be optimized by cross-layer gateway se- which imposes pressures due to the scarcity of spectrum.
lection, as pioneered by Shi et al. [223] in the inte- Furthermore, unmanned aerial systems also aggravate
grated satellite-aerial-terrestrial networks. This concept the spectrum scarcity in the aeronautical domain [234].
was further optimized by Kato et al. [224] using ef- Yet, no new aeronautical spectrum assignments can be
ficient artificial intelligence techniques. However, the expected within the immediate future due to the limited
high-mobility-induced dynamics of the aircraft topol- availability of wireless spectrum.
ogy impose challenges upon the design of the routing, AANETs mainly exchange information via multi-hop
scheduling, security protocols and on IP management, A2A communication, which may rely on the SHF band
as well as on cross-layer optimization [225] among the spanning from 3 GHz to 30 GHz [199]. Historically,
physical, MAC, network and transport layers. All these separate allocations have also been made for aeronautical
sophisticated, high-flexibility HetNet features should be surveillance systems and aeronautical navigation systems.
evaluated in realistic scenarios, including typical airport However, it remains quite a challenge to support the ever-
scenarios as well as both populated and unpopulated increasing demand for wireless access in aeronautical
areas, which requires substantial efforts from the entire communications without conceiving efficient techniques
research community [226]. for spectrum reuse. Thus, there is growing tendency and
• Cooperative Relay Communications: Relaying messages impetus towards sharing radio spectrum between radio
among aircraft is a pivotal operation in AANETs, which services, provided that there is no excessive interfer-
is capable of increasing the coverage, throughput and ca- ence. Cognitive Radio (CR) [235], [236] is an emerging
pacity of the AANETs. However, the optimization of the paradigm for efficiently exploiting the limited spectral
multi-hop routing is crucial for maximising the achievable resources. CR offers an efficient solution to reuse the
relay performance [221], [227]. Cooperative relay-aided existing spectrum without license, which has attracted
communication [228] is easier to achieve among aircraft wide attention in aeronautical communications [237],
than amongst mobile phones, since a mutually beneficial [238].
agreement might be easier to strike between airlines. However, robust spectrum sensing is required in aero-
Thus, cooperation constitutes a promising method to nautical communications, since packet collisions in spec-
offer extra spatial diversity without requiring physical trum usage may lead to catastrophic consequences during
antenna arrays. Moreover, storing packets and retrans- landing/takeoff [234]. Thus the probability of missed
mitting them when there are favorable communication detection must tend to zero. Furthermore, the lifetime
links is capable of improving the network’s resilience, of the just detected available spectrum should also be
throughput and diversity [229], which has motivated the carefully investigated, since the speed of aircraft is high
research of buffer-aided relaying [230]–[232]. Aircraft, as they can fly at about 16 km per minute. Moreover,
especially those belonging to the same airline or airline integrating and exploiting non-contiguous frequencies is
alliance, could exploit the buffer-aided relaying technique crucial for providing high throughput broadband Inter-
for improving their connectivity and throughput. As a net access for aircraft. Additionally, a robust handover
further development of the buffer-aided idea, ‘Cache in strategy between frequencies should be designed in order
the air’ [233] can cache popular video/audio contents in to provide smooth and continuous service, especially for
intermediate servers, such as local servers, gateways or mission-critical communications.
routers. The concept of caching in the air can also benefit
the aircraft network by significantly reducing the asso- B. Open Challenges in the AANET Implementation
ciated response latency and by sharing their navigation • High Data Rate: Providing high-rate Internet access for
information as well as their weather conditions, which hundreds of passengers in the cabin of a commercial

aircraft remains a significant challenge, since it demands Moreover, it also faces the challenge of the high cost
extremely high data volume per aircraft. Existing sys- of developing the testbed. Both the NASA research
tems mainly use satellite-based solutions, in order to center [239] and the German aerospace center [158] have
provide global connectivity, although this suffers from invested significant efforts in developing their testbeds.
a low data rate and high cost. A2G stations have been However, these testbeds have not been opened for public
widely deployed both in the USA and in Europe, which use, not even for academic research.
have provided faster Internet access and lower cost, but • Global Harmonization: Various proposals have been con-
their coverage is limited to the European/North Amer- ceived for aeronautical communications by individual
ica airspace and the total data volume still remains countries, which have obtained ICAO approval inde-
low. AANETs are capable of extending the coverage of pendently of each other. However, none of them have
the A2G stations designed for aeronautical communica- achieved global endorsement. In order to achieve seam-
tions, but the aircraft have to employ radically improved less aeronautical communications among aircraft orig-
transceivers for facilitating high data rates. The above- inating from different countries/airlines, an evolution-
mentioned large-scale MIMO aided adaptive modulation ary approach towards global interoperability has to be
scheme is capable of providing up to 76.7 Mbps A2A developed. For this reason, multi-national cooperation
data rate, using a configuration of 4 receive antennas will be necessary for pre-screening, investigation and
and 32 transmit antennas [199]. Thus large-scale MIMO harmonization of the shortlist of competing technologies.
schemes constitute a promising solution of providing high • Compatibility: An AANET is capable of supporting direct
data rates for aeronautical communications. Moreover, A2A communication among aircraft without the assis-
FSO communication is also a competitive solution for tance of GSs/satellites and ATCs, which reduces the tele-
providing high data rates, but the laser safety and steering traffic pressure imposed on them and significantly reduces
accuracy issues must be addressed [107]. the latency of critical-mission communication as well.
• Stable Connectivity: Maintaining reliable connectivity is Nonetheless, the aircraft should regularly communicate
fundamental for AANETs to achieve data delivery. The with ATCs. Thus, AANETs must be capable of operating
connectivity amongst aircraft is a function of velocity, in the presence of interference, whilst imposing only an
position, direction of flight, range of communication acceptable level of interference on the legacy aviation
and congestion [71]. Due to the highly dynamic nature systems to avoid jeopardizing flight safety. Hence, it is
and larger-scale geographic distribution of high-speed necessary to evaluate the radio-frequency compatibility
aircraft in contrast to terrestrial wireless communica- of the AANETs of the future with the systems already in
tions, AANETs are facing a great challenge in terms operation both in A2G and in A2S communications.
of establishing stable multi-hop connectivity amongst • Deployment: There has to be a certain minimum number
aircraft [153]. This challenge is further aggravated by the of aircraft in the air in order to make the network usable.
often unpredictable mobility patterns, the high velocity Thus, a certain minimum number of aircraft has to partic-
and the potentially high number of aircraft within a ipate in the AANET before its benefits may be quantified.
communication range, as discussed in Section VII-A and The gestation period of aircraft from a new technology
Section IV-C, respectively. launch to its entry into service is typically 10-15 years,
Thus, the routing protocols designed for aeronautical which is significantly longer than that of the 2.5 years
communications should cater for the specific require- typical for cars. Moreover, the aviation industry is more
ments of AANETs and exploit the distinct characteristics meticulous in critically appraising any new technologies,
of AANETs, as discussed for example by Sakhaee et. since its safety issues are under the spotlight right across
al [153] and Medina et. al [6], [7]. New strategies, con- the globe and they are strictly regulated by governments.
cepts and metrics are required for designing the network Moreover, field tests also prolong the deployment cycle,
protocols, which remains an open research challenge. since it is a challenge to organize dozens of aircraft
For example, the probability of an aircraft becoming for evaluation in a real-word scenario and it is also
isolated can be considered for analyzing the connectivity difficult to get permission to carry out evaluations on
of AANETs. passenger flights due to safety of life. Hence, joint efforts
• Testbed Sharing: Aeronautical communications are are necessary from both the academic and industrial
safety-related, especially in the context of ATC, formation communities for developing and sharing testbeds and for
flight and free flight, which requires strict validation of ensuring the security of AANETs in order to meet the
any developed function and technique of AANETs. Thus, critical market entry requirements of the aviation industry.
creating testbeds representing a proof-of-concept proto-
type is essential for maturing the technique of AANETs.
Having an open testbed would be beneficial for both the
academic research community and for the commercial The emerging demands imposed by the ever-increasing air
development of AANETs. However, it is challenging to traffic and by the desire to enhance the passengers’ in-flight
develop an integrated and robust testbed for AANETs, entertainment have stimulated the research efforts of both
which relies on an aircraft mobility simulator, physical the academic and of the industrial communities, invested in
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LAP Low-Altitude Platforms

L-DACS L-band Digital Aeronautical
Communication System
LED Light Emitting Diode
LOS Line-Of-Sight
LTE Long-Term Evolution
MAC Media Access Control
MANET Mobile ad hoc Network
MCA services Mobile Communication services on
MHz MegaHertz
MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MTSAT Multi-functional Transport SATellite
NASDA National Space Development Agency
NextGen Next Generation air transportation
NET Network
NM Nautical Mile
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division
PHY PHYsical
PPM Pulse-Position Modulation
PSR Primary Surveillance Radar
QoE Quality-of-Experience
QoS Quality-of-Service
RA Resolution Advisorie
SELCAL SELective CALling
SESAR Single European Sky Air Traffic
Management Research
SHF Super High Frequency
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
STBC Space-Time Block Coding
TA Traffic Advisorie
TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
TDD Time-Division Duplex
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TDOA Time-Difference-Of-Arrival
TLS Transport Layer Security
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol
UAT Universal Access Transceiver
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UL UpLink
US United States
VANET Vehicular ad hoc Network
VDL VHF Data Link
VHF Very High Frequency
VoIP Voice over IP
WAM Wide-Area Multilateration
WiFi Wireless Fidelity
WiMAX Worldwide interoperability for Microwave

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