CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
Gravity Dam
A gravity dam derive its stability from the force of gravity of the materials in its
section, so it resists the hydraulic and other forces due to its weight, they are
usually made of cement concrete. The gravity dams are generally straight in
plan therefore they are called straight gravity dams, sometimes.
1-Gravity dams are strong, stable and durable.
2-Gravity dams are suitable for across moderately wide valleys and gorges
having steep slopes where earth dams might slip.
3-Gravity dams can be constructed to very great heights, provided good rock
foundations are available.
4-Gravity dams are well adapted for use as an overflow spillway section.
5-The maintenance cost of a gravity dam is very low.
6-The gravity dam does not fail suddenly.
7-Gravity dams can be constructed during all types of climatic conditions.
8-Outlets can be provided at various elevations.
1-Gravity dams require very sound rock foundations.
2-The initial cost of a gravity dam is usually more than that of an earth dam.
3-Gravity dams require more skilled labor and construction machinery.
4- Not desirable to locate in seismic zone.
- Definitions
1- Axis of the dam
It is the line passing through the vertical face.
3- Structural height of the dam
The vertical distance from the deepest point of foundation to the top of the dam,
in general, the height of dam means its structural height.
4- Hydraulic height of dam
The hydraulic height of the dam is equal to the difference in elevations of the
highest controlled water surface on the upstream of the dam and the lowest point
on the river bed.
5- Maximum base width of the dam
Is the maximum horizontal distance between the heel and the toe of the
maximum section of the dam in the middle of the valley.
6-Abutment: Is a substructure at the ends of a dam at the sides of the valley on
which the structure of the dam rest.
-Forces Acting on a Gravity Dam
The gravity dam is mainly subjected to the following main forces
1-Primary Loads:
a-Weight of Dam
The weight of dam can be computed by knowing unit weight of concrete. The
cross section of the dam may be divided into several triangles and rectangles and
the weight of each shape is computed (Figure 2). The weight of each shape will
act at its center of gravity.
(a) (b)
For overflowing sections of a gravity dam the water surface profile will be like in
(Figure 5). The water pressure diagram on the upstream face will be equal to the
trapezoid abcd. The tail water pressure depends upon whether a hydraulic jump has
occurred or not. If no jump has occurred then its pressure can be calculated like in
figure 4b. Otherwise, the pressure will be hydrodynamic that usually are neglected.
Figure 5 : Pressure diagram of an overflowing section of dam
c- Uplift Pressure
When water seeps through joints and discontinuities of foundation and dam
body itself, it imposes an upward force which is called uplift pressure. Because
this force acts upward, it reduces the weight of the dam. The intensity of uplift
pressure at the heel of a dam equals the U.S water level and at the toe it equals
the depth of tail water. The distribution of uplift pressure between heel and toe is
assumed to be linear. To reduce the uplift pressure drainage galleries are
provided near the heel.
Drainage Galleries
Galleries are openings provided within the body of a gravity dam to drain off
water seepage, providing access to the interior of dam to observe and control
behavior of dam structure, and for inspection of dam and doing any repairs.
Example 1: For the cross section of gravity dam shown below calculate the,
weight of dam, weight of water, uplift pressure in existence and non-existence of
drainage, and the horizontal hydrostatic pressure, per one meter length of dam.
Also find the line of action and direction of each force with respect to the toe, and
calculate the moments about the toe , freeboard is 4m, Sc=2.4 and γw=10 KN/m3.
b- Calculations with existence of drainage
Design Dimensions Force Vert. Force Hor. L from Moment
ation (KN) (KN) toe (m) about toe
(KN. m)
Weight of dam
WR 6*(289-205)*1*24 12096 53 641088
WT 0.5*50*75*1*24 45000 33.33 1499850
2- Secondary Loads
a- Silt Pressure
Silt deposits in the upstream face of a dam, thus it imposes a force on the dam. If
data is available about the silt then it is computed as follow:
hs, is the depth of silt above the bed
: submerged unit weight of silt
Ka: coefficient of active earth pressure
, is the angle of shearing resistance of the silt
Psv is equal to the weight of the submerged weight of silt in the area abcd over
the inclined surface ad.
b-Wave Pressure
Waves are generated on the surface of the reservoir by the winds, which causes
a pressure towards the downstream side. Wave pressure depends upon the wave
height, which can be calculated as follow:
hw: height of wave calculated from its peak to its trough (m)
V: wind velocity in Km/hr
F: Fetch or straight length of water expanse in Km (Figure 6).
The maximum pressure intensity due to wave action is given by:
This maximum pressure intensity acts at hw/8 above the still water level
(Figure 7), the force due to wave pressure acts at 3hw / 8 and is given by:
Figure 7: Diagram of wave pressure
c- Ice Pressure
The ice pressure is more important for dams constructed in cold countries or at
height elevation. The ice formed in the water surface of the reservoir subject to
expansion and contraction due to temperature variation. Its magnitudes varies
between (250 – 1500) KN/m2 depending upon temperature variations, an
average of 500 KN/m2 may be taken as pressure acting linearly along length of
the dam under ordinary conditions.
d- Wind Pressure
It is a minor force and required to be considered only on the portion of structure
which exposed to the action of wind, it is taken as (1-1.5) KN / m2 for the area
exposed to wind.
Example 2:
For the dam cross section shown below calculate the force due to sedimentation,
force due to water waves, and their locations, if the expected sediment R.L. after
50 years is 225 m, the fetch equals to 35 Km and maximum wind velocity is 160
Km / hr , γsub =3.6 KN/ m3 .
( )
Earthquake Force
An earthquake wave is capable of shaking the foundation of a dam with the
impounded water at any direction. For design purpose, the wave is resolved into
a horizontal and a vertical component. Thus earthquakes have a horizontal
acceleration αh and a vertical acceleration αv.
The effect of earthquakes is not considered always. If a dam is located in a
seismic region, it should be designed for earthquake forces. (Figure 8) can be
used to decide on considering the force caused by earthquakes.
Figure 8: Need for earthquake analysis based on Richter and distance from
causative faults
Effect of vertical acceleration
A vertical acceleration may either act downward or upward. When it is acting in
the upward direction, inertia force in the dam will be generated opposite to the
acceleration, thus the weight of the dam will be increased. However, when the
acceleration is moving downward, inertia force will be directed upward and
decreasing the weight of the dam and the stability of the structure will be at risk.
The magnitude of the vertical inertia force is equal to the product of weight and
the vertical seismic coefficient:
[ ( ) ( ( )) ]
( )
Pey: hydrodynamic pressure at depth y below water surface
C: a dimensionless coefficient giving the distribution and magnitude of
pressures at depth y
αh: horizontal acceleration of the earthquake
h: total water depth of reservoir
y: vertical distance from the reservoir surface to the elevation needed, will be
given in the question
θ: the angle that U.S face makes with horizontal
Cm: maximum value of pressure coefficient for a constant slope
The hydrodynamic force and moment about the toe, caused by Pey are given by:
Two different cases of considering or disregarding slope of the U.S face of the
dam for calculating are shown in (Figure 10).
2-Horizontal inertia force (Body force):
The horizontal acceleration of earthquake becomes sever at two cases of full and
empty reservoir. When reservoir is full the worst case occurs when the wave of
earthquake moves towards upstream then a horizontal inertial force due to dam’s
weight will act oppositely and toward downstream, this force also will
contribute in overturning the dam. When reservoir is empty the worst case is
when the horizontal acceleration acts toward downstream. Then inertia force
will act oppositely and trying to overturn the dam about its heel.
The horizontal inertia force is computed using the following equation:
Example 3:
For the dam cross section shown below (free board =2m),
(a) Calculate hydrodynamic force and its moment about the toe due to
horizontal acceleration of earthquake at the section of a-a 30m below water
surface and at the base . Use αh=0.1
(b) Calculate the horizontal and vertical inertia force, their lines of actions with
respect to toe and their direction due to earthquake, Sc=2.4, αv=0.05
(c) Calculate the force that silt exerts on the dam, if the maximum level that
sedimentation will reach is 30 m, Ss is 1.5 and φ is 30o.
Example 4:
In the dam cross section shown below FB is 4 m, Calculate:
(a) The exerted force and moment by a seismic wave of horizontal acceleration
of 0.15 toward U/S and an upward acceleration of 0.1.
(b) Check the sufficiency of FB if wind velocity is 50 m/s and the length of
fetch is55 Km .
a) 1- Hydrodynamic force.
Straight portion of U/ S face =75-20 =55 > (75/2) therefore, ignore the inclined
portion and consider the whole face as vertical
2- Horizontal inertia force
The failure may occur at the foundation plane (i.e. at the base of the dam) or at
any other plane at higher level.
1-Overturning about the toe
A dam fails in overturning when total horizontal forces acting on the dam
section are quite great in comparison with total vertical forces. In such cases the
resultant of two, passes outside the base of the dam. There is a factor of safety to
check the resistance against overturning.
2- Sliding on base
Sliding or shear failure will occur at dam base or any other horizontal plane if
the summation of all the horizontal forces above that plane is greater than the
resisting friction force.
µ: Coefficient of friction between two planes and it varies from 0.65-0.8
∑V: The summation of all the vertical forces (upward and downward).
In order to not permit sliding, the ratio of horizontal forces must be less than
shear resistance:
The above equation ignores the shear strength between two planes, for low dams
the above equation is used, but for higher dams, the shear between planes is also
: Factor of safety against sliding and shear together
B: width of the planes
q: Shear strength between planes
3-Crushing of material
A dam may fail by the failure of its materials i.e. the compressive stresses
produced may exceed the allowable stresses and the dam material may get crushed.
The vertical direct stress distributing at the base is given by:
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
[ ]
[ ]
e: Eccentricity of the resultant force from the center of the base
∑V: Total vertical force, B: Base width
The maximum normal stress will be at the end that is closer to the resultant force
If the reservoir is full then pmax will be at the toe and pmin at the heel and
conversely when reservoir is empty.
If pmax is larger than the allowable stress of the concrete then the material will
crush. When p becomes negative then tensile stresses are generated.
Figure 11: Vertical stress diagram for a full and empty reservoir conditions
4-Development of tension, causing ultimate failure by crushing
Concrete gravity dams are usually designed in such a way that no tension is
developed anywhere, because these materials cannot withstand tensile stresses.
If subjected to such stress, it might finally get cracked. To ensure that tensile
stresses does not occur, it is necessary to make pmin equals zero:
[ ]
[ ]
* +
This means that the resultant force must lie within the middle one third of the
width of the dam. If the value of e > B/6 then tensile stresses will occur.
Example 5: For the dam cross section shown below, check:
c- The stability of the dam against sliding and shear, if the shear strength
between concrete and the foundation is 150 ton/m2
Uplift pressure
U1 4*16 -64 30 -1920
U2 0.5*16*28 -224 18.67 -4182
U3 8*4*24 -48 30.67 -1472
Inertia force
FR 0.1* 528 -52.8 22 -1162
FT 0.1*1094 -109.4 11.25 -1231
Hydrodynamic force
Peh 0.735*0.1*1*40=2.94
Feh 0.722*2.94*40 - 85
Meh 0.299*2.94*402 -1406
Sum 1622 -1047 35259
-336 -22036
a- Factor of safety against overturning
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
Principal Stress
The which has been founded earlier is not the maximum or minimum
stress that occurs within the body of the dam. To find the maximum stress that
occurs, principal stresses should be found.
Consider an elementary triangular section at either the heel or the toe of the dam
section such that stress intensities may be assumed to be uniform on its faces.
The face of the dam will be a principal plane as water pressure acts on it in the
perpendicular direction, with no accompanying shear stress.
Therefore u/s and d/s faces of the dam are the principal stress planes. (Figure 12)
shows a dam cross section with principal planes. Figure 12(ii) shows a small
element from d/s for the case of full reservoir. Derivation of an expression for σd
is included below for the case of full reservoir:
Pd = pressure intensity of water
= principal stress
= maximum normal stress
= shear stress
If tail water does not exist or it is ignored then the major d/s principal stress is:
The d/s face of the dam in full reservoir conditions is the plane of the major
principal stress, and the u/s face plane is the minor principal stress and is given
by (considering the hydrodynamic pressure due to earthquake):
Example 6:
For the dam cross section in Example 5, find the major and minor principal
stresses and shear stresses at toe and heel.
( )
( =0)
1-Base width for no-tension
To avoid the development of tensile stresses at heel of dam when the reservoir is
full, the resultant must pass through the outer middle third (B/3), point A in
Figure 13.
∑ ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
H: depth of water
Sgc: specific gravity of concrete
c: uplift pressure intensity
2-Base width for no-sliding
For elementary profile to be safe against sliding, the resisting force of friction
only is considered.
∑ ∑
( )
( )
High and Low Gravity Dam
The principal stress at the toe of an elementary profile for reservoir full
condition is given by:
( )
The maximum value of the principal stress should not exceed the allowable
stress fa for the material of the dam. Thus,
( )
( )
Critical Height Hcr is the limit between a high and a low gravity dam. If the
height of a proposed dam is larger than Hcr then it will be designed as a high
dam otherwise it will be considered a low dam .
H > Hcr
1-Upstream batter is not always provided such as in Figure 15. There are cases
that a slope of 1H:16 V starting at 2a√Sc is provided.
2-The downstream slope usually has a slope of 0.7H-0.9H:1 V.
3-According to the existing concrete gravity dams, B=(0.8-0.9)H
Example 7:
It is desired to design a concrete gravity dam where the normal water depth in
the reservoir is 50 m. The coefficient of friction between concrete and the rock
foundation is 0.7, and Sc = 2.4. Design an elementary profile and check its
stability against overturning for the following conditions,( ).
(a)No drainage is considered.
(b) An uplift pressure reduction of 0.6 is achieved.
√ √
( )
Adopt B as 52 m.
√ √
( )
Adopt B=36 m.
Example 8:
Design a practical profile for the gravity dam in Example 7 when 60% uplift
relief is achieved. Compute the principal and shear stresses at toe and heel. The
compressive strength of concrete is 450 ton/m2, shear strength is 320 ton/m2 and
the permissible tensile stress is 75 ton/m2.
B=36 m and H=50 m.
( )
Use a freeboard of 3 m
Two alternatives are there. The first one is the provision of an u/s batter and the
second is the provision of a slope of 1:16.
√ √
It ends at
√ √
All the forces and the corresponding moments are tabulated below
( )
( )
( ( ) )
The second alternative is to provide a slope that starts 21.6 m below water depth
and its magnitude is 1H:16 V.
( )
( )
( ( ) )
( ( ) ) ( )
Design of High Gravity Dam
The portion of dam height that is in excess of Hcr is designed with a different
procedure. This portion is divided into a number of strips and each strip is
designed separately. (Figure 16) shows the strips.
Exact width of each strip is given by the following equation. In this equation it is
considered that principal stress does not exceed maximum allowable stress and
the section remain economical as well.
√ * +
[ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
B1: base width of low dam
B2: the base width required at the bottom of the 1st strip
H2: height of dam portion from M.W.L to the bottom of the strip
f: allowable compressive stress of the dam material
W1: total vertical weight of dam and water above the top of the strip
W2: total weight of dam portion and water above the bottom of the strip
Example 9:
Design a concrete gravity dam for the following data:
Maximum allowable compressive stress in concrete=3000 KN/m2
Maximum reservoir level=200 m, R.L of bottom of river=100 m, Specific
gravity of concrete=2.4, Unit weight of water =10 KN/m3, Top width =5.18 m
No uplift pressure exist (i.e. c = 0).
-Calculating height of dam:
R.L of top of dam=200+3=203 m
Height of dam=103 m
To decide whether the dam is a low or high gravity dam:
( )
Design the dam as a low gravity dam from R.L of 200 up to 111.8 m and for the
rest follow high gravity dam design procedure.
Design of dam from R.L of 200 m to 111.8 m:
√ √ √
[ ]
Approximate width of strip one:
√ * +
√ * +
[ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
Figure 17: Provision of a channel or tunnel for river diversion
2.Constructing dam in two stages: A dam can be constructed in two stages. A
portion is freed from water by means of a semi-circular coffer dam and the
construction will be performed there. Then the other half will be constructed in
the same manner.
4-Shear Keys
When it is expected that differential settlement might occur, shear keys are
provide along vertical joints so as to transfer shear stress to adjacent blocks. In
this way the whole structure will act together. (Figure 20) shows different types
of such keys.
Figure 20: Shear keys in vertical joints
5-Foundation Treatment
Failure of many dams has been attributed to a failure in foundation. Therefore it
is very important that foundation be investigated and proper treatment applied.
The foundation treatment falls into two steps:
1- Surface preparation
Preparation of surface includes removal of the whole loose soil that lies above
the rock foundation. In addition, the following points must be considered:
(a)The excavation should not damage the rock foundation.
(b)The rock foundation is stepped and keyed so as to increase the safety against
sliding (Figure 21).
Figure 21: Stepping and shear key at rock foundation
7-Rolled Compacted Concrete (RCC)
*( )( )+
√ √
* ( ) ( ( )) + ( )
∑ ∑
* +
( )
( ) ( )
√ * +
[ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]