Mathematics: Least-Squares Solution of Linear Differential Equations
Mathematics: Least-Squares Solution of Linear Differential Equations
Mathematics: Least-Squares Solution of Linear Differential Equations
Least-Squares Solution of Linear
Differential Equations †
Daniele Mortari ID
Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA;;
Tel.: +1-979-845-0734
† This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Mortari, D. Least-squares Solutions of Linear
Differential Equations. In Proceedings of 27th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting Conference,
San Antonio, TX, USA, 5–9 February 2017.
Abstract: This study shows how to obtain least-squares solutions to initial value problems (IVPs),
boundary value problems (BVPs), and multi-value problems (MVPs) for nonhomogeneous linear
differential equations (DEs) with nonconstant coefficients of any order. However, without loss of
generality, the approach has been applied to second-order DEs. The proposed method has two
steps. The first step consists of writing a constrained expression, that has the DE constraints embedded.
These kind of expressions are given in terms of a new unknown function, g(t), and they satisfy
the constraints, no matter what g(t) is. The second step consists of expressing g(t) as a linear
combination of m independent known basis functions. Specifically, orthogonal polynomials are
adopted for the basis functions. This choice requires rewriting the DE and the constraints in terms
of a new independent variable, x ∈ [−1, +1]. The procedure leads to a set of linear equations in
terms of the unknown coefficients of the basis functions that are then computed by least-squares.
Numerical examples are provided to quantify the solutions’ accuracy for IVPs, BVPs and MVPs. In
all the examples provided, the least-squares solution is obtained with machine error accuracy.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this article is to provide a unified framework to obtain analytical, least-squares,
approximated solutions of nonhomogeneous linear differential equations (DEs) of order n ≥ 1 with
nonconstant coefficients subject to a set of n constraints:
dk y di y
(i )
f k (t) = f (t) subject to: = yj (1)
k =0 dtk dti
where f k (t) and f (t) can be any functions, continuous and nonsingular, within the range of integration,
(i )
and y j indicates the ith derivative specified at time t j . The proposed method unifies how to solve
initial value problems (IVPs), boundary value problems (BVPs), or multi-point value problems (MVPs).
While the proposed method works for linear DEs of any order, for brevity of exposition, the
method is presented to solve second-order DEs:
d2 y dy
f 2 (t) + f 1 (t) + f 0 (t) y = f (t) (2)
dt2 dt
This is because the proposed technique does not change if n increases, other than by adding
additional terms.
Collocation Techniques. In these techniques, the solution components are approximated by piecewise
polynomials on a mesh. The coefficients of the polynomials form the unknowns to be computed.
The approximation to the solution must satisfy the constraint conditions and the DEs at
collocation points in each mesh subinterval. We note that the placement of the collocation
points is not arbitrary. A modified Newton-type method, known as quasi-linearization, is then
used to solve the nonlinear equations for the polynomial coefficients. The mesh is then refined
by trying to equidistribute the estimated error over the whole interval. An initial estimate
of the solution across the mesh is also required. However, a common weakness of all these
collocation techniques (low-order Taylor expansion models) is that they are not effective in
enforcing algebraic constraints. Enforcing the DE constraints is the strength of the proposed
method, as the DE constraints are embedded in the searched solution expressions. This means
that the analytical solution obtained, even if completely wrong, perfectly satisfies all the DE
Spectral methods. Spectral methods are used to numerically solve DEs by writing the solution as
a sum of certain “basis functions” (e.g., Fourier series) and then choosing the coefficients in
the sum in order to satisfy the DEs as well as possible (e.g., by least-squares). Additionally, in
spectral methods, the constraints must then be enforced. This is done by replacing one (or more)
of the least-squares equations with the constraint conditions. The proposed method proceeds in
the reverse sequence. It first builds a special function, called a “constrained expression”, that
has the boundary conditions embedded, no matter what the final estimation is. Then, it uses
this expression to minimize the DE residuals by expressing the free function of the constrained
expression, g(t), as a sum of some basis functions (e.g., orthogonal polynomials). The resulting
estimation always perfectly satisfies the boundary conditions as long as they are linear. To
provide an example, a linear constraint involving four times (t1 , t2 , t3 and t4 ) can be:
π = 7y(t1 ) − e ẏ(t1 ) − 2 y(t2 ) − 5 ẏ(t3 ) + 3 ÿ(t3 ) − y(t4 )
It is not clear how the spectral methods can enforce this kind of general linear constraint.
Additionally, the spectral methods provide solutions approximating the constraints.
The solution of the proposed method is an analytical function fully complying with the DE
constraints, and it approximates the DE by minimizing the residuals in a least-squares sense.
with an embedded set of n linear constraints. These expressions are found using the following
general form:
y(t) = g(t) + ∑ ηk h k ( t ) = g ( t ) + η h ( t )
k =1
where hk (t) are n assigned functions and g(t) is an unknown function, independent from the h(t)
functions; ηk are n coefficients that are derived by imposing the n linear constraints on the y(t) function.
The linear constraints considered in the theory of connections [8] are any linear combination of the
function and/or its derivatives evaluated at specified values of the independent variable, t. For an
assigned set of n independent functions, hk (t), the n constraints of the DE allow us to derive the
unknown vector of coefficients, η. By substituting this expression into Equation (3), we obtain an
equation satisfying all the constraints, no matter what g(t) is. The problem of solving the DE is,
therefore, to find the function g(t). Because the DE is linear in y(t) and y(t) is linear in g(t), then, by
substituting Equation (3) into the DE, we obtain a new DE, linear in g(t). In this paper, the solution,
g(t), is then expressed as a linear combination of orthogonal polynomials. The coefficients of this
linear combination constitute the solution of the problem.
Orthogonal polynomials are excellent basis sets to describe the g(t) free function appearing
in Equation (3). However, most of these orthogonal polynomials, such as Chebyshev or
Legendre orthogonal polynomials, are defined in some specific defined range, x ∈ [ x0 , x f ].
(Specifically, Chebyshev and Legendre orthogonal polynomials are defined in x ∈ [−1, +1].) Therefore,
in order to adopt them, the DE must be rewritten in terms of the new variable, x, linearly related to
t ∈ [t0 , t f ] as:
x f − x0 t f − t0
x= ( t − t0 ) + x0 ←→ t= ( x − x0 ) + t0
t f − t0 x f − x0
x f − x0
and by introducing the integration range ratio, c = , these relationships become:
t f − t0
x − x0
x = c ( t − t0 ) + x0 ←→ t= + t0
where t f is specified in BVPs while in IVPs it is the integration upper limit. This change of variable
also affects the derivatives. Using the notation ẏ for the derivative with respect to t and y0 for the
derivative with respect to x, we obtain:
dy dx
ẏ = · = c y0 and ÿ = c2 y00 (4)
dx dt
By changing the integration variable, particular attention must be given to the constraints specified
in terms of derivatives. In fact, the constraints provided in terms of the first and/or second derivatives
also need to comply with the rules given in Equation (4), meaning that the constraints on the derivatives
in terms of the new x variable depend on the integration time range, through the integration range
ratio, c.
Functions f 2 (t), f 1 (t), f 0 (t) and f (t) are also rewritten in terms of x, where, for instance,
f 0 (t) = f 0 [t0 + ( x + 1)/c], which can be indicated by f 0 ( x ). This means that, using the new variable,
we can write f 2 (t) = f 2 ( x ), f 1 (t) = f 1 ( x ), f 0 (t) = f 0 ( x ), and f (t) = f ( x ). Therefore, Equation (2) can
be rewritten as:
c2 f 2 ( x ) y00 ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) y0 ( x ) + f 0 ( x ) y( x ) = f ( x ) (5)
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 4 of 18
y ( x ) = g ( x ) + η1 p ( x ) + η2 q ( x ) (6)
y( x ) = g( x ) − α( x ) g0 − β( x ) g00 + Y0 p( x ) + Y00 q( x )
2 00 0
m1 ( x ) = c f 2 ( x ) α ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) α ( x ) + f 0 ( x ) α ( x )
m2 ( x ) = c f 2 ( x ) β ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) β 0 ( x ) + f 0 ( x ) β ( x )
2 00 (8)
b( x ) = f ( x ) − c2 f ( x )[Y p00 + Y 0 q00 ] − c f ( x )[Y p0 + Y 0 q0 ] − f ( x )[Y p + Y 0 q]
2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Equation (9), for any value of x, is linear in terms of the unknown coefficients (ξ). Therefore, this
equation can be specified for a set of N values of x ranging from the initial value, x = x0 , to the final
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 5 of 18
value, x = x f . This can be done, for instance, by a uniform ∆x step. This set of N equations in m
unknowns (usually, N m) can be set in the matrix form:
a11 a12 ··· a1m
ξ1 b1
a22 ··· a2m
ξ2 b2
Aξ =
.. .. .. .. .. .. = b
= (10)
. . . . . .
ξ b
a N1 a N2 ··· a Nm m N
aij = c2 f 2 ( xi ) h00j ( xi ) + c f 1 ( xi ) h0j ( xi ) + f 0 ( xi ) h j ( xi ) − m1 ( xi ) h0 − m2 ( xi ) h00
The linear system of Equation (10) allows us to compute the solution (coefficient vector ξ) by
The simplest way to write a constrained expression subject to y( x0 ) = y0 and y0 ( x0 ) = y00 = ẏ0 /c
is to select p( x ) = 1 and q( x ) = x. This provides the values of η1 and η2 by inverting a 2 × 2 matrix
with its determinant equal to 1. For the variety of constraints considered in this paper, this property
can be obtained by selecting the functions p( x ) and q( x ) to be those provided in Table 1.
Table 1. Simplest selection of p( x ) and q( x ) for various initial value problem and boundary value
problem constraints.
[y000 , y00f ] x2 /2 x3 /3
whose general solution is y(t) = 2 − et−1 t. We consider solving this IVP using Chebyshev
orthogonal polynomials. This implies that, in terms of the new variable, the constraint derivative
becomes y00 = ẏ0 = 0. Equation (11) has been solved using the proposed least-squares approach with
m = 18 basis functions and a discretization made of N = 100 points, and it has been integrated using
the MATLAB function ode45 (The numerical comparisons made in this paper are limited to ode45
because it is the most widely used method in commercial applications.), implementing a Runge–Kutta
variable-step integrator formula [1].
The results obtained are shown in Figure 1. In the top-left plot, the L2 norm of (Aξ − b) is shown
as a function of the number of basis functions, while the bottom-left plot provides the condition
number to solve the least-squares. If the solution requires just m = 9 basis functions and m = 18 is
used, then the coefficients from m ∈ [10, 18] are all zeros. The values of the L2 norm of the least-squares
residuals identify the minimum number of basis functions. The accuracies obtained using MATLAB’s
ode45 [1] integrator and using the least-squares solution (The least-squares problem has been solved
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 6 of 18
by QR decomposition of a scaled A matrix.) with m = 18 basis functions and N = 100 points are
shown in the right plot. The least-squares solution shows about 9 orders of magnitude of accuracy
In the following subsections, the constrained expressions for two other kinds of
IVP—known-function and first-derivative and known first- and second-derivative—are provided.
x2 + x
2x + 1
c2 f 2 ( g00 − g000 ) + c f 1 g0 + g0 − g000
+ f 0 g + g0 x − g000
2 2
2x + 1
x 2 + x
= f − c2 f 2 y000 − c f 1 −y0 + y000 − f 0 −y0 x + y000
2 2
and the least-squares solutions follows the same steps provided in Equations (7)–(10).
We note that, if y0 and y000 are known, then y00 can be derived using Equation (5) evaluated at x0 :
provided that f 1 (t0 ) 6= 0. Therefore, the least-squares solution of the DE given in Equation (5) with
constraints y0 and y000 can be solved as in the previous section with constraints y0 and y00 .
y( x ) = g( x ) + x (y00 − g00 ) + + x (y000 − g000 )
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and the least-squares solution follows the same steps provided in Equations (7)–(10).
Again, if y00 and y000 are known, then y0 can also be computed by specializing Equation (5) at x0 :
Therefore, the solution of the DE given in Equation (5) with constraints y00 and y000 can also be
solved as in the previous section with constraints y0 and y00 .
that is,
y( x ) = g( x ) − α( x ) g0 − β( x ) g f + Y0 p( x ) + Y f q( x )
c2 f 2 ( x ) y00 ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) y0 ( x ) + f 0 ( x ) y( x ) = f ( x )
and we obtain:
2 00 0
m1 ( x ) = c f 2 ( x ) α ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) α + f 0 ( x ) α ( x )
2 00
m2 ( x ) = c f 2 ( x ) β ( x ) + c f 1 β̇( x ) + f 0 ( x ) β( x ) (13)
b( x ) = f ( x ) − c2 f ( x )[Y p00 + Y q00 ] − c f [Y p0 + Y q0 ] − f [Y p + Y q]
2 0 f 1 0 f 0 0 f
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 8 of 18
Therefore, the procedures to solve IVPs and BVPs have little differences. In fact, for BVPs, we
obtain the linear equation:
h iT
aT ( x ) ξ = c2 f 2 ( x ) h00 ( x ) + c f 1 ( x ) h( x ) + f 0 ( x ) h( x ) − m1 ( x ) h0 − m2 ( x ) h f ξ = b( x ) (14)
Once the least-squares has been solved and, therefore, the coefficients vector ξ has been computed,
then the solution is:
y ( x ) = ξ h ( x ) + η1 p ( x ) + η2 q ( x )
y ( x ) = ξ T h 0 ( x ) + η1 p 0 ( x ) + η2 q 0 ( x )
0 (15)
y00 ( x ) = ξ T h00 ( x ) + η p00 ( x ) + η q00 ( x )
1 2
whose solution is y(t) = e−t + (3e − 1)te−t , with derivatives ẏ(t) = −e−t (3et − t − 3e + 2) and
ÿ(t) = e−t (3et − t − 6e + 3).
Figure 2 shows the least-squares-approach results for this test in terms of the L2 norm of (A ξ − b)
residuals (top-left) and the condition number of matrix AT A (bottom-left) as a function of the number
of basis functions considered. The errors with respect to the true solution obtained with m = 14 basis
functions (Legendre orthogonal polynomials) and N = 100 points (discretization) are provided in
the right plot. These plots clearly show that the machine error precision is obtained with excellent
numerical stability (low condition number).
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 9 of 18
subject to y(0) = 2 and y(1) = 2. In this case, the least-squares-solution results are given in the plots of
Figure 3 with the same explanation as for those provided in Figure 2. The L2 norm of the residuals
(top-left plot) decreases up to m = 31-degree basis functions (Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials of
the first kind) while the condition number remains at good values (bottom-left plot). The machine
error values of the residuals, obtained for m = 31-degree basis functions and N = 100 points, are
shown in the right plot.
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In fact, the general solution of Equation (17) is y(t) = [ a cos(4 t) + b sin(4 t)] e3 t , where the
constraint y(0) = 1 gives a = 1, while the constraint y(π ) = 2 gives 2 = e3 π , a wrong identity.
Figure 4 shows the results when trying to solve, by least-squares, the problem given in
Equation (17). For this example, the number of orthogonal polynomials has been increased up
to that for which the condition number of the matrix AT A becomes too large (numerical instability), at
an upper bound of 108 . The number of basis functions has been increased up to m = 20 by keeping the
number of points to N = 100. By increasing the number of basis functions, the L2 norm of (A ξ − b)
does not converge, and the condition number of AT A becomes huge. These are two potential indicators
that the problem has no solution. However, even in this no-solution case, the proposed least-squares
approach provides a “solution” complying with the DE constraints.
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In fact, the general solution of Equation (18) is y(t) = a cos(2 t) + b sin(2 t), consisting of infinite
solutions, as b can have any value. The results of the least-squares approach are given in Figure 5,
showing the convergence, but not at machine-level accuracy.
Figure 5 shows the results obtained for this infinite-solutions case. The main difference with
respect to the no-solution case is in the unstable convergence of the L2 norm of (A ξ − b). In fact,
by increasing the number of basis functions from m = 20 to m = 25, the L2 norm actually increases.
This unusual behavior is still under analysis, and no explanation is currently available. The instability
may be explained by several (infinite) solutions being possible, and some of these may be “close” from
a convergence numerical point of view. In this infinite-solutions case, as in the no-solution case, the
value of the condition number increases to very high values. In this example, an upper bound has been
defined for the number of basis functions (m = 30), while there is no upper bound for the condition
number value.
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(1) The first constraints considered are the function at the initial time, y(t0 ) = y0 , and the first
derivative at the final time, ẏ(t f ) = ẏ f . For this case, the final constraint in terms of the new
variable, x ∈ [−1, +1], becomes y0f = ẏ f /c, and the constrained expression:
Then, the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by
Equations (12)–(15). Equation (19) has been tested, providing excellent results, which are not
included here for sake of brevity.
(2) The second constraints are the function at the initial time, y(t0 ) = y0 , and the second derivative
at the final time, ÿ(t f ) = ÿ f . For this case, the final constraint in terms of the new variable is
y00f = ÿ f /c2 , and the constrained expression is:
x2 + x 00
y ( x ) = g ( x ) − x ( y 0 − g0 ) + (y f − g00f )
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 13 of 18
x2 + x
2x + 1
c2f2 − ( g00 g00f ) + c f 1
+ g0 − g0 g00f
+ f 0 g + g0 x − g f00
2 2
2x + 1
x 2 + x
= f − c2 y00f f 2 − c f 1 −y0 + y00f − f 0 −y0 x + y00f
2 2
y( x ) = g( x ) + (y f − g f ) + ( x − 1)(y00 − g00 )
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
(4) The fourth constraints are the first derivative at the initial and final times, ẏ(t0 ) = ẏ0 and
ẏ(t f ) = ẏ f . This special equation is known as Mathieu’s DE [9,10]. For this case, the constraints
in terms of the new variable are y00 = ẏ0 /c and y0f = ẏ f /c, while the constrained equation:
x x 0 x x 0
y( x ) = g( x ) + 1− (y0 − g00 ) + 1+ (y f − g0f )
2 2 2 2
can be used. Substituting this into Equation (5), we obtain:
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
(5) The fifth constraints are the first derivative at the initial time, ẏ(t0 ) = ẏ0 , and the second
derivative at the final time, ÿ(t f ) = ÿ f . For this case, the constraints in terms of the new variable
are y00 = ẏ0 /c and y00f = ÿ f /c2 , while the constrained equation:
y( x ) = g( x ) + x (y00 − g00 ) + x + 1 (y00f − g00f )
can be used. Substituting this into Equation (5), we obtain:
h x i
c2 f 2 ( g00 − g00f ) + c f 1 [ g0 − g00 − g00f ( x + 1)] + f 0 g − g00 x − g00f +1 x =
h x 2 i
= f − c2 y00f f 2 − c f 1 [y00 + y00f ( x + 1)] − f 0 x y00 + + 1 x y00f
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
(6) The sixth constraints are the second derivative at the initial time, ÿ(t0 ) = ÿ0 , and the function
at the final time, y(t f ) = y f . For this case, the first constraint in terms of the new variable is
y000 = ÿ0 /c2 , while the constrained equation:
y( x ) = g( x ) + x (y f − g f ) + ( x − 1)(y000 − g000 )
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 14 of 18
2x − 1 x2 − x
c2 f2 ( g00
− g000 ) + c f 1 g0
− gf − g000
+ f 0 g − g f x − g0 00
2 2
2x − 1
x 2 − x
= f − c2 y000 f 2 − c f 1 y f + y000 − f 0 y f + y000
2 2
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
(7) The seventh constraints are the second derivative at the initial time, ÿ(t0 ) = ÿ0 , and the first
derivative at the final time, ẏ(t f ) = ẏ f . For this case, the constraints in terms of the new variable
are y000 = ÿ0 /c2 and y0f = ẏ f /c, while the constrained equation:
y( x ) = g( x ) + x (y0f − g0f ) + ( x − 2)(y000 − g000 )
can be used. Substituting this into Equation (5), we obtain:
c2 ( g00
f2 − g000 ) + c f 1 [ g0
− − g0f g000 ( x − 1)] + f 0
g− x− g0f
−x = g000
2 2
h i x
= f − c2 y000 f 2 − c f 1 y0f + y000 ( x − 1) − f 0 y0f x + y000 −x
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
(8) The final (eighth) constraints are the second derivative at the initial and final times, ÿ(t0 ) = ÿ0
and ÿ(t f ) = ÿ f . For this case, the constraints in terms of the new variable are y000 = ÿ0 /c2 and
y00f = ÿ f /c2 , while the constrained equation:
x2 x2
y( x ) = g( x ) + (3 − x )(y000 − g000 ) + (3 + x )(y00f − g00f )
12 12
can be used. Substituting this into Equation (5), we obtain:
and the least-squares solution can be obtained using the procedure described by Equations (12)–(15).
4. MVP Example
Finally, to show the potential of the proposed least-squares approach, we consider solving the
following third order DE:
y + sin t ÿ + (1 − t) ẏ + t y = f (t) (20)
f (t) = (t − 1) sin2 t + (2 + 2t − t2 − 2 cos t) sin t + t(t − 1) cos t
subject to:
y( x1 ) = 0, y0 ( x2 ) = −1/c = −2, and y ( x3 ) = 0 (22)
y ( x ) = g ( x ) + η1 h 1 ( x ) + η2 h 2 ( x ) + η3 h 3 ( x ) (23)
where h1 ( x ) = 1, h2 ( x ) = x, and h3 ( x ) = x2 have been selected as the first three monomials. The three
coefficients, η1 , η2 , and η3 , can be derived from the DE constraints:
0 − g ( x1 )
1 x1 x12 η1
−2 − g 0 ( x2 ) = 0 1 2x2 η2
0 − g( x ) x32 η3
1 x3
y0 ( x ) = ξ T h0 ( x ) + v2 + 2v3 x − (m21 + 2m31 x )hT1 ξ − (m22 + 2m32 x )h20 ξ − (m23 + 2m33 x )hT3 ξ
y000 ( x ) = ξ T h000 ( x )
These expressions are then substituted back into Equation (21), and the linear equation provided
by the least-squares approach is obtained. The numerical results of this procedure are given in Figure 6.
The top-left plot of Figure 6 shows the analytic true solution (black line) with the three constraints:
two for the function (black markers) and one for the first derivative (red line). We note that the range of
integration, t ∈ [0, 4], goes beyond the constraints’ coordinate range, [1, π ]. This is purposefully done
to show that for the proposed least-squares approach, the range of integration, t ∈ [0, 4], is independent
from the constraint range, [1, π ].
The bottom-left plot shows that as the number of basis functions considered increases,
the condition number to solve the least-squares problem has values that guarantee the numerical
stability of the least-squares solution. The number of basis functions continues to increase until the L2
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 16 of 18
norm of (Aξ − b) decreases, as shown in the top-right plot. The minimum is reached when m = 21.
However, the true number of basis functions adopted to describe g( x ) is 18 and not 21. The reason
is that, to build the constrained expression appearing in Equation (23), the functions for h1 ( x ), h2 ( x ),
and h3 ( x ) are constant, linear, and quadratic, respectively. These three functions cannot be included to
express g( x ), which is consequently expressed as:
g( x ) = ∑ ξ k hk ( x )
k =3
The bottom-right plot of Figure 6 shows the absolute error obtained when m = 21 basis functions
are used to express y( x ), while the number of Legendre polynomials used for g( x ) is m = 18. This plot
clearly shows that, using 18 basis functions for g( x ), the least-squares approach provides a machine
error solution.
5. Conclusions
This study presents a new approach to provide least-squares solutions of linear nonhomogeneous
DEs of any order with nonconstant coefficients, both continuous and nonsingular in the integration
range. Without loss of generality and for the sake of brevity, the implementation of the proposed
method has been applied to second-order DEs. This least-squares approach can be adopted to solve
IVPs, BVPs, and MVPs with constraints given in terms of the function and/or derivatives.
The proposed method is based on imposing that the solution has a specific expression, called a
constrained expression, which is a function with the DE constraints embedded. This expression is
given in terms of a new unknown function, g(t). The original DE is rewritten in terms of g(t), thus
obtaining a new DE for which the constraints are embedded in the DE itself. Then, the g(t) function
is expressed as a linear combination of basis functions, h(t). The coefficients of this linear expansion
are then computed by least-squares by specializing the new DE for a set of N different values of the
Mathematics 2017, 5, 48 17 of 18
independent variable. In this study, the Chebyshev and Legendre orthogonal polynomials have been
selected as basis functions.
Numerical tests have been performed for IVPs with known and unknown solutions. A direct
comparison has been made with the solution provided by the MATLAB function ode45, implementing
a Runge–Kutta variable-step integrator [1]. In this test, the least-squares approach shows about 9
orders of magnitude of accuracy gain. Numerical tests have been performed for BVPs for the four
cases of known, unknown, no, and infinite solutions. In particular, the condition number value and
the L2 norm of the residual can be used to discriminate between whether or not a BVP has a single
Finally, a numerical test has been performed for a third-order MVP with constraints (two on
functions and one on the first derivative) defined inside the integration range. In all our tests,
the machine error precision has been reached with a limited number of basis functions and the
discretization number. All the computations were performed on a laptop using MATLAB software.
The elapsed times (in seconds) required to obtain all the solutions are specified in the figures for all the
test cases considered.
The proposed method is not iterative, is easy to implement, and, as opposed to numerical
approaches, is based on truncated Taylor series (such as Runge–Kutta methods); the solution error
distribution does not increase along the integration, but it is approximately uniformly distributed in
the integration range. In addition, the proposed technique unifies the way to solve IVPs, BVPs, and
MVPs. The method can also be used to solve higher-order linear DEs, as long as the DE constraints are
This study is not complete, as many investigations should be performed before setting this
approach as a standard method to integrate linear DEs. In addition, many research areas are still open
and under question. A few of these open research areas are the following:
Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank Rose Sauser for checking and improving the use of English
in the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
DE Differential equation
IVP Initial value problem
BVP Boundary value problem
MVP Multi-point value problem
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