Thesis 2232
Thesis 2232
Thesis 2232
A thesis submitted to
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 28
Table of Contents
3.2.1 Experimental procedures for measuring current and voltage in machining ...................67
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................86
4.3.1 Determining the dominant factors for energy demand of machine tool axis ............94
4.3.2 Modelling of the power demand of the feed axes .....................................................95
4.3.3 Implementation and validation of the power demand model of the feed axes
during a milling process ..........................................................................................103
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................113
5.3.1 Impact of machine tool vice and toolpath orientations on electrical energy
demand of a milling process ...................................................................................119
5.3.2 Surface roughness for different machine tool vice and toolpath angles..................121
5.3.3 Influence of toolpath strategies on the electrical energy demand ...........................122
5.3.4 Influence of toolpath strategies on surface quality of machined material ...............124
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................127
Table of Contents
6.2 Modified electrical energy modelling through the analytical methods ........133
6.3.1 Design and development of the NC-code based energy demand prediction
software ...................................................................................................................143
6.3.2 Implementation of the NC-code based energy demand prediction software and
graphical user interface (GUI) ................................................................................147
6.5.1 Analytical estimation of total electrical energy demand based on NC codes .........151
6.5.2 Validation of the analytical estimation and NC-code based energy demand
prediction software..................................................................................................157
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................160
7.1.1 Brief description of the production sequence of hot rolled flat bars of AISI 1018
steel .........................................................................................................................161
7.1.2 Machinability of AISI 1018 steels ..........................................................................163
Table of Contents
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………182
List of Figures
List of Figures
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 6.7 Flow chart for development of NC-code based energy demand software...146
Figure 6.8 Graphical user interface (GUI) for uploading NC program and energy
demand .........................................................................................................147
Figure 6.9 Diagram of the workpiece with machined toolpath .....................................148
Figure 6.10 Spindle power demand for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine at
zero load ......................................................................................................151
Figure 6.11 Experimental power demand of NC codes .................................................152
Figure 6.12 Predicted (theoretical) electrical energy demand distribution for
slot milling from NC program .....................................................................156
Figure 6.13 Measured power consumption profile for half bottle slot milling of
AISI 1018 steel on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine .......................157
Figure 7.1 Production sequence of hot rolled flat bars of AISI 1018 steel as adapted
from Kalpakjian and Schmid [44] ...............................................................161
Figure 7.2a Schematic diagram of the hot-rolling process showing the deformation
and recrystallization of the metal being rolled [142] ..................................162
Figure 7.2b Schematic diagram of the cold-rolling process showing the deformed
and elongated grains in the direction of working [142]..……..……...…...163
Figure 7.3 AISI 1018 steel workpiece ..........................................................................166
Figure 7.4 Image of an 8 mm 4 flute carbide end mill cutter .......................................167
Figure 7.5 Workpiece showing the sides considered for hardness test .........................167
Figure 7.6 Workpiece with zag toolpath strategy in the x-axis direction of the
x-y plane ......................................................................................................168
Figure 7.7 Hardness test for the as-received AISI 1018 steel .......................................170
Figure 7.8 Energy demand for face milling of AISI 1018 steel when workpiece
is oriented at 0 (x-axis) and 90 degrees (y-axis) .........................................171
Figure 7.9 Variation of surface roughness measured perpendicular to the feed
direction and workpiece orientations ..........................................................172
Figure 7.10 Microstructure of as-received AISI 1018 steel, etched in 2% Nital
solution for 15 s..........................................................................................173
Figure 7.11a, b Microstructure of the top machined surface for AISI 1018 steel when
orienting workpiece at 0 and 90 degrees respectively ..............................173
Figure 7.12a Sub-surface microstructure of the as-received surface (viewed from the
side) ............................................................................................................174
Figure 7.12b Sub-surface microstructure of the machined surface for AISI 1018
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Breakdown of 2011 UK greenhouse gas emission by sector (MtCO2e) [39] ..41
Table 3.1 ISO 14955-1:2014 - Machine tools - Environmental evaluation of machine
tools - Part 1: Design methodology for energy efficient machine tools [15] ...68
Table 3.2 Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine parameters ..............................................71
Table 3.3 Technical specification for Fluke 434 power quality analyser ........................74
Table 3.4 Details of AISI 1018 steel ................................................................................78
Table 3.5 Technical specifications of 8 mm short carbide end mill cutter ......................79
Table 3.6 Technical specification for Vickers pyramid hardness testing machine ..........81
Table 3.7 Technical specifications for Surtronic 25 surface roughness checker .............82
Table 4.1 Machine tool parameters for machining strategy .............................................91
Table 4.2 Experimental plan for determining the effect of known weights on
the electrical energy demand of feed axes .......................................................92
Table 4.3 Experimental design and responses for Taguchi L4 orthogonal array.............94
Table 4.4 Response table for signal to noise ratios ..........................................................95
Table 4.5 Gradients from the linear variation of axis power with feedrates
for the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the x-axis .........................100
Table 4.6 Gradients from the linear variation of axis power with feedrate
for the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the y-axis .........................100
Table 4.7 Predicted and measured energy demand of the feed axes ..............................110
Table 6.1 Summary of energy consumption models for toolpaths based on CNC
codes ...............................................................................................................130
Table 6.2 Energy demand models and their relationships to NC codes ........................133
Table 6.3 NC codes for absolute and incremental programming ..................................137
Table 6.4 Additional inputs to be provided for the graphical user interface (GUI) .......144
Table 6.5 Workpiece parameters....................................................................................149
Table 6.6 Cutting parameters .........................................................................................149
Table 6.7 NC code sequences for half bottle toolpath generated with hyper
mill software...................................................................................................150
Table 6.8 Power demand values of NC codes determined experimentally....................152
Table 6.9 Theoretical electrical energy demand and processing time for slot milling
List of Tables
AC Alternating current
AISI 1018 steel American Iron and Steel Institute grade 1018
AISI H13 steel American Iron and Steel Institute Chromium hot-work tool steels
grade H steels
AJM Abrasive jet machining
Al2O3 Aluminium oxide
APT Automatically programmed tools
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AWJM Abrasive water-jet machining
BAP Best available practice
Btu British thermal units
CAM Computer aided manufacturing
CCD Charge-coupled device
CECIMO The European Association of Machine Tool Industries
CEP Complex event processing
CES Carbon emission signature
CH4 Methane
CM Chemical machining
CNC Computer numerical control
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2PE! The cooperative effort on process emissions in manufacturing
CRT Cathode ray tube
CVD Chemical vapour deposition
DC Direct current
DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change
DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs
DIN German Institute for Standardisation
DUKES Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics
ECG Electrochemical grinding
ECM Electrochemical machining
𝐴1 , 𝐴2 , 𝐴3 , B, C, D, a, b Constants
𝛼 Rake angle
𝑎𝑝 Axial depth of cut
𝑎𝑒 Radial width of cut
𝑎𝑖 Motion (distance) travelled by the tool or axis in specified
axis direction
𝐴𝑟𝑚𝑠 Amps root mean square
𝛽 clearance angle
𝐶0𝑓 Gradient of the power model of the feed drive
𝐶1𝑓 Constant
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜑 Power factor
E Energy demand of a machining process
𝐸𝑓𝑖 Feed axes energy demand in the specified axis direction
𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐 Specific cutting energy
𝐹 Cutting force
𝐹𝑓 Feed force
𝐹𝑡 Tangential force
g Acceleration due to gravity
h Instantaneous or varying undeformed chip thickness
ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 Maximum undeformed chip thickness
𝐼 Current
𝐼𝑁𝑇 Integer
k Specific cutting resistance of the material
K Specific cutting resistance
kHz kilo hertz
kS/s Kilo-samples per second
kV kilo volt
kW kilowatt
kVA kilo volt-ampere
L Distance travelled by tool or feed axis
List of Publications
I. Edem, I. F., and Mativenga, P. T., Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand
in mechanical machining processes, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016) 137: 230 -
II. Edem, I. F., and Mativenga, P. T., Energy demand reduction in milling based on
component and toolpath orientations, in Procedia Manufacturing 7 (2016) 253-261,
International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing,
SMPM 2017, 23-25 January 2017, Kruger National Park.
III. Edem, I. F., and Mativenga, P. T., Modelling of energy demand from computer
numerical control (CNC) toolpaths sent to Journal of Cleaner Production, (Submitted
on xx/xx/2016).
The University of Manchester
Isuamfon Friday Edem
PhD Mechanical Engineering
Energy Modelling for Machine Tool Axis and Toolpaths (2016)
The manufacturing sector is one of the significant consumers of electricity, with about 42.3% (8249
TWh) of the global electricity consumption attributable to this sector. This electricity is generated
from fossil fuels at the power stations, resulting in increased CO2 emission and subsequently global
warming. Thus, energy efficiency could play a vital role in reducing electrical energy demand and
environmental impacts in the manufacturing sector.
Mechanical machining is one of the widely used techniques in manufacturing. Machine tools
consist of auxiliary units, spindle, feed axes including the x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, and the tool change
system which are the main electrical energy consumers. The feed axes control the relative motion
between the workpiece and cutter, and also determine the workpiece geometry. In literature, a
number of studies focused on the machining process as a whole, while the energy demand for axis
and toolpaths was relatively unexplored.
This PhD research was aimed at assessing the electrical energy demand in mechanical machining,
focusing on feed motions and toolpaths in order to identify energy saving strategies of the machine
tool. To achieve this, a current measurement device was used to acquire the current and voltage,
from which the power and electrical energy requirements were evaluated. This study included (i)
energy consumption analyses of the machine tool in different feed axes directions, (ii) cutting of
components in different axes orientations (iii) and electrical energy demand studies of different
toolpath strategies.
From the study, a new method and model for predicting the electrical energy demand of feed axes
was developed. This model encompasses the weights of feed axes, machine tool vice, and
workpiece placed on the machine table. Moreover, the newly developed feed axes energy demand
model was integrated into other energy consumption models to predict the energy demand for
toolpaths. CNC toolpaths are generated manually or by computer aided manufacturing (CAM).
Enabling an energy rating of CNC toolpaths is vital to be able to quantify energy demand, compare
toolpaths, and develop energy demand reduction strategies.
The results show that machining along the x-axis which carries minimal weights significantly
reduced the energy demand of the feed drive, which in turn reduces the non-cutting energy demand
of the machine tool.
Thus, this Thesis contributes to the improvement of energy efficiency in machining through the
development of a new and novel model and method for predicting the feed axes energy demand;
determining the most efficient axes and component orientation; as well as the most efficient
toolpath strategy for minimal energy demand in machining. This PhD Thesis has laid the
foundation model and information source for a post processor to estimate energy demand from
CNC toolpaths. Such a capability was not available in CAM software or on CNC machines.
I hereby declare that no portion of the work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in
support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university
or other institute of learning.
Copyright Statement
I. The author of this thesis (including any appendices and/or schedules to this thesis)
owns certain copyright or related rights in it (the “Copyright”) and he has given
The University of Manchester certain rights to use such Copyright, including for
administrative purposes.
II. Copies of this thesis, either in full or in extracts and whether in hard or electronic
copy, may be made only in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988 (as amended) and regulations issued under it or, where appropriate, in
accordance with licensing agreements which the University has from time to time.
This page must form part of any such copies made.
III. The ownership of certain Copyright, patents, designs, trademarks and other
intellectual property (the “Intellectual Property”) and any reproductions of
copyright works in the thesis, for example graphs and tables (“Reproductions”),
which may be described in this thesis, may not be owned by the author and may be
owned by third parties. Such Intellectual Property and Reproductions cannot and
must not be made available for use without written permission of the owner(s) of
the relevant Intellectual Property and/or Reproductions.
IV. Further information on the conditions under which disclosure, publication and
commercialisation of this thesis, the Copyright and any Intellectual Property and/or
Reproductions described in it may take place is available in the University IP
Policy (see
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University Library, The University Library’s regulations (see and in The University’s
Policy on presentation of Theses.
I hereby express my profound gratitude to the Almighty God for providing me with the
enabling grace to pursue this research
I remain highly indebted to my Supervisor Prof. Paul T. Mativenga for his valuable support
and guidance in the timely and successful completion of the report. His constructive
criticism and encouragement has been of immense benefit to me.
I also want to thank the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Tertiary Education
Trust Fund (TETFund) programme for their financial support to study in the UK.
Furthermore, I would like to thank my employers, Akwa Ibom State University for giving
me the opportunity to pursue a PhD in The University of Manchester, UK.
I will not fail to also thank the technicians in the Royce Laboratory of The University of
Manchester, UK whose support and patience has enabled me perform my research work
Finally, my special thanks go to my lovely and caring parents and siblings for giving me
the necessary mental support throughout my difficult moments in the course of this
This work is dedicated to my dear father who gave me the inspiration and courage to
undertake this PhD research, my mother, and my siblings.
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) reported that in
2015, the global population reached 7.3 billion, with 60% of the global population living in
Asia [1]. The United Nations projected the global population to reach 9.6 billion by 2050.
The increase in the world population leads to increase in the demand for natural resources
and especially electricity demands. Natural resources such as fossil fuels (natural gas,
crude oil, and coal) are used for electricity generation at the power stations. According to
the International Energy Outlook, 2013 (IEO2013), the global energy consumption has
been predicted to significantly increase by 56% between 2010 and 2040 (i.e. increase from
524 quadrillion Btu in 2010 to 820 quadrillion Btu in 2040) [2].
Figure 1.1 presents the world total energy consumption projection between 1990 and
2040. From Figure 1.1, it is observed that between 2010 and 2020, global energy demand
increases from 524 quadrillion Btu to 630 quadrillion Btu in 2020, and further increases to
820 quadrillion Btu in 2040. Most of the global energy increase is expected to come from
Non-OECD countries (i.e. Developing or Non-Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development countries including China, India, The Central African Republic, Chad, Chile,
Colombia, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey, and Mexico) due to long term economic growth in these
countries. The energy consumption in Non-OECD countries, according to the projection
would increase by 90%, while that of the OECD countries (i.e. countries including the
United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands, etc.) would increases at
17% till 2040. Even though the demand for renewable energy sources increases yearly at
2.5%, it was projected that energy supply from fossil fuels would continue to lead in the
global energy supply till 2040. The reason behind this is that the continued use of coal and
natural gas is expected to increase by 1.7% yearly due to China’s dependence on coal for
electricity generation [2].
Moreover, energy related CO2 emissions produced through the combustion of liquid
fuels, natural gas, and coal is projected to increase from 31.2 billion metric tons in 2010 to
45.5 billion metric tons in 2040 [2].
In 2011, the total global energy demand from fuels by sectors was 8917.53 million
tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) (103710.87 TWh), of which about 28.67% was attributable
to the industrial sector as shown in Figure 1.2 [3].
Figure 1.2 World energy consumption from fuels by sectors for 2011 [3]
*Other includes Solar, geothermal, wind, electricity and heat, etc.
It was also reported that 42% of global CO2 emissions in 2011 was from electricity and
heat generation [4]. In 2004, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that about
33% of the final global industrial energy use was attributable to the food, tobacco and
machinery industries, together with some non-specified industrial uses [5]. In the UK, in
2011, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reported that the total
energy consumed from fuel by sectors was 203.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe),
of which 44.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) was attributed to the industrial
sector, being 22% of the total UK energy consumption [6].
Additionally, the UK net emissions of carbon dioxide were reported to be 457.5 million
tonnes (Mt) of CO2 equivalent, of which 182.3 million tonnes (Mt) (including power
stations and other sources of energy supply) and 10.1 million tonnes (Mt) were attributed
to the energy supply and industrial process sectors respectively. Figure 1.3 shows UK
carbon dioxide emission by sectors.
Figure 1.3 UK CO2 emission by sectors for 2011 (in million tonnes of CO2 equivalent) [6]
the environment, and are economically sound and safe for consumers, employees and
communities [7].
It has been reported that machine tools impact negatively on the environment through
energy consumption during their use phase [8]. Dahmus and Gutowski [9] noted that the
electricity consumed by machine tools increase the environmental impacts through CO2
emissions. Furthermore, Zulaika et al. [10] conducted life cycle analysis (LCA) on the use
phase of machine tools during a 10 year life span. They reported that 95% of
environmental impacts of machine tools mainly from energy consumption occur during
their use phase. Diaz et al. [11] conducted life cycle energy consumption analysis of two
milling machines in their use phase. Reports show that 60% – 90% of CO2 equivalent
emissions result from the use phase of milling machines in their total life cycle. Santos et
al. [12] performed a full life cycle analysis of an all-hydraulic system and found that the
machine tool structure contributed about 40% to the global life-cycle environmental impact
of machine, while about 46% was attributable to its electricity consumption during its use
The European Union’s Eco-design Directive 2009/125/E classified machine tools as one
of the energy consuming equipment [13]. Thus, in a bid to improve energy efficiency, the
European Association of Machine Tool Industries (CECIMO) Self-Regulatory Initiative
(SRI) has intensified efforts towards ecological improvements and energy saving of
machine tools by producing machine tools that are energy efficient, as well as cost
effective [8]. Additionally, the Cooperative effort on process emissions in manufacturing
(CO2PE!) [14], ISO 14955-1 [15] all prioritise energy demand reduction for machine tools.
To minimise environmental impacts of machine tools, as well as improve energy
efficiency, efforts have been made to achieve this through the modelling of energy
consumption and identifying strategies for saving energy in machining processes [16].
Dahmus and Gutowski [9] studied the energy consumption of machine tools in a Toyota
automobile company and reported that the auxiliary units of machine tools dominated the
total energy demand by 85.2%, while the energy required for the actual material removal
process was 14.8%.
Few researchers have made efforts and given suggestions on how to reduce the non-
cutting energy demand of machine tools. Li et al. [17] suggested that redesigning of
machine tool components can bring about a reduction in power consumption. Mori et al.
[18] synchronized the spindle acceleration/deceleration with rapid feed movements in
order to reduce energy consumption and therefore increase the energy efficiency of
machine tools. Diaz et al. [19] proposed a method of recovering energy from the spindle
deceleration by applying a kinetic energy recovery system (KERS). Kroll et al. [20]
maintained that reducing the weight of machine components, which produce gravity and
inertia forces results in the minimisation of the acceleration time which in turn reduces the
processing time, and the overall energy. Duflou et al. [21] suggested a number of energy
demand reduction strategies applicable to machine tools including the use of efficient
machine tool components such as drives, pumps and spindles; technology leaps; and
recovery of waste streams such as heat losses within a machine.
The main input data for computer numerical control (CNC) machining are the toolpath
data [22]. Toolpaths are the paths guiding the cutter through the machined region. The
choice of the best toolpath strategy is necessary for better utilisation of the milling process
[23]. Efficient toolpaths may improve energy efficiency. Few researchers studied the
energy efficient toolpath orientations in milling. For example, Rangarajan and Dornfeld
[23] investigated the impacts of toolpath orientations with respect to the feed axes. Results
show that minimal cycle time was achieved when machining at 36.9° leading to 2 – 4% of
energy savings in cycle time. Monreal and Rodriguez [24] performed pocket milling using
the zigzag toolpath relative to the x-axis at different angles of orientation including 0°, 30°,
60°, and 90°. Results show that machining at 90 degrees was the most inefficient angle of
orientation in terms of cycle time. Kong et al. [22] investigated the movement of machine
tool axes along different orientations (between 0° and 90°). From results, it was shown that
maximum feedrate in the x-y plane of the machine axes occurs at 45°. Nevertheless, the
effects of machine tool vice and toolpath orientations on the electrical energy demand of a
milling process, as well as the surface finish of the machined part were not explicitly
Computer numerical control (CNC) machining is critical to mass manufacturing due to
its capability to accept computer commands for motion control, as well as facilitating high
accuracy and precision of manufactured products. Wang et al. [25] maintained that
computer numerical controlled (CNC) codes can interpret a whole machining process and
the performance process of the associated auxiliary equipment, as well as model and
predict an entire energy profile. Few researchers modelled the energy demand of machine
tools in machining by relating energy consuming components with NC codes [26], and also
developed energy demand prediction software by relating the energy consuming
components of a machine tool to NC codes [27]. Nonetheless, the proposed electrical
energy models utilised for implementing the energy demand software failed to incorporate
a feed axes energy model which takes into account the weights of feed axes, workpiece,
and the machine tool vice into their energy estimation approaches.
Modelling of power and energy required in machining processes is regarded as the basis
for manufacturing processes optimisation and energy demand reduction [28]. In view of
this, informed decisions in selecting the most energy efficient option could be made by
utilising an accurate energy consumption model to improve the prediction of energy
required in machining processes [29]. Therefore, one of the motivations of this research
was to assess the electrical energy demand in milling in order to develop an energy
consumption model for evaluating the electrical energy demand of machine tool, as well as
to identify strategies for reducing electrical energy demand in mechanical machining.
The aim of this research was to model and analyse the total electrical energy demand in
milling operations, and to develop the framework for energy demand reduction strategy in
machining toolpaths. This is to support energy centric and sustainable product and process
planning. The objectives are as follows:
1. To model energy demand for machine tool feed axes and define strategies for
energy demand reduction.
3. To develop a scientific base for evaluating the electrical energy consumption for
CNC programs
This thesis is structured into eight chapters, and is presented in the alternative format
where the core context is in the form suitable for submission to research journal and peer-
reviewed conference papers. In this format, research papers are appended to a literature
review and conclusions are then developed from all the papers. Further explanations on the
chapters are provided in the next paragraphs. The thesis’ content and chapters are
illustrated in Figure 1.4.
Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the background of the study for this research. The content of the
research work was presented from the global perspective and structured in such a way to
defining the aim and objectives of the investigation.
Chapter 2
This chapter provides a critical review of past, present and on-going research work on
electrical energy demand and estimation methodology in machining processes.
Chapter 3
This chapter outlines the research methods and equipment, as well as details of the cutting
tests and evaluation.
Chapter 4
This chapter focuses on the development of a new mathematical model and logic for
predicting the direct electrical energy requirements of machine tool feed axes. This chapter
was published and this is the full reference.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 assesses the influence of machine tool vice and toolpath orientations on the
electrical energy demand and surface roughness of the machined part. In this study, the
electrical energy demand when orienting the machine tool vice at different angles in the x-
y plane of the machine tool was assessed; surface roughness of the machined pockets were
checked; the impacts of toolpath strategies on the electrical energy demand and the
corresponding surface finish were investigated.
Chapter 6
This chapter provides new and scientific base methods for analytically modelling the total
electrical energy demand of a machining process based on CNC toolpaths and NC-codes,
as well as the implementation of the model in developing NC-code based energy demand
prediction software for estimating the energy in time series.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 presents a sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of
energy in machining. In this study, the as-received workpiece material was analysed with
regards to electrical energy demand and surface integrity in a milling process. This was
achieved by measuring the hardness of the as-received workpiece material; analysing the
microstructure of the as-received workpiece and subsurface of the machined part; assessing
the electrical energy demand when orienting the workpiece in the x-axis (0 degrees) and y-
axis (90 degrees) directions while cutting was maintained in one direction; and checking
the surface finish of each machined surface based on their orientations.
Chapter 8
This chapter summarizes the major findings and conclusions deduced from this research
work and suggests areas for future research.
2.1 Sustainability
The projected scarcity of natural resources for posterity has resulted in the implementation
of sustainability in the manufacturing sector due to resources consumption. This also
includes strict legislations and increased environmental awareness of the people with the
aim of promoting sustainability [31].
Literature review
Figure 2.2 Sustainability in the context of CNC machining and machine tools as adapted
from Fang et al. [34]
Literature review
CNC machines are critical for promoting modern advanced manufacturing. Thus,
sustainable machine tools manufacturing could be achieved by continuously improving the
sustainable design and performance of machine tools (determined during the design stages
of the machine tool).
The environmental impacts of CNC machines are mainly based on their energy demand
and CO2 emissions [35]. This therefore means that machine tools would continually
consume energy and pollute the environment (lubricant oil) throughout its entire use phase
[34]. Sustainable manufacturing in the environmental aspect may be achieved through the
limited use of non-renewable resources for electricity generation at power stations and
reduction in the use of lubricant oil, as well as utilising dry cutting [32].
The economic impacts of CNC machining may include parameters such as machining
time and tool life, as they affect production cost and energy consumption [36]. Thus, the
economic impact of machine tools could be improved by reducing the machining time
which therefore results in minimal energy demand, lower production cost and improved
tool life [37].
The occupation safety and health of machine tool operators are critical for the social
aspect of sustainable CNC machining as they focus on the degree of injury, type of injury,
and the probability of the injury [34]. For example, considerable noise is generated during
the metal cutting process in the quest for improved productivity through increased speeds
and feedrates. This high cutting noise could cause hearing loss to machine tool operators,
and therefore affect productivity. In view of this, noise levels during the machining process
should be controlled [37].
The technical aspects of sustainable CNC machines include their accuracy and process
capability, which are of critical importance to customers and markets [34].
In the UK, in 2011, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reported that
a total of 146.87 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) of energy was consumed.
Literature review
From Figure 2.3, it is shown that 24.34 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) was
attributed to the industrial sector, being 16% of the total UK energy consumption [6]. The
metal products, machinery and equipment subsection of the industrial sector consumed
12.5% of the total industrial energy consumption [38].
Also in the UK, in 2011, it was reported that 368 TWh of electricity was generated from
various energy sources. Gas (40%) overtook coal (30%) to become the main source of
electricity generation with 147 TWh of electricity generated [38] as shown in Figure 2.4.
Literature review
Therefore, high carbon energy sources accounted for the highest electricity generation
source for the UK in 2011 resulting in high carbon dioxide emission through electricity
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reported that the total greenhouse
gas (Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) emission for UK in 2011 was 566.2
million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt𝐶𝑂2 𝑒). The total UK net carbon dioxide
emission was reported to be 457.5 million tonnes (Mt). The energy supply sector’s carbon
dioxide emission was estimated to be 182.3 million tonnes (Mt) [39]. The breakdown of
UK greenhouse gas emission by gas and end-sector is depicted in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Breakdown of 2011 UK greenhouse gas emission by sector (MtCO2e) [39]
Energy supply 182.3
from power stations 144.1
other Energy supply 38.3
Business 73.4
Transport 117.5
Public 9.3
Residential 64.9
Agriculture 5.4
Industrial process 10.1
Waste Management 0.3
Total 𝐶𝑂2 457.5
Other greenhouse gases 108.7
Total greenhouse gases 566.2
* LULUCF is Land use, Land-Use Change and Forestry
It should be noted that in 2011, the Land use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
sector did not contribute to the greenhouse gas emission. This is because plants and trees
absorbed most of the CO2 emissions as well as an efficient soil management through the
conversion of land to cropland and forest land. As a result, this sector was referred to as the
greenhouse gas sink.
Literature review
The global industrial energy demand was projected to increase between 2010 and 2040
from 200 quadrillion Btu (0.06 quadrillion kWh) to 307 quadrillion Btu (0.09 quadrillion
kWh), which indicates an average increase of 1.4 % per annum [2]. In 2011, the U.S.
Energy Information Agency (EIA) reported that the industrial sector consumed 266
quadrillion Btu (0.08 quadrillion kWh) which is 51% of the total global energy demand
[40]. For example, in the UK, in 2011, the Department of Energy and Climate Change
(DECC) reported that the industrial energy consumption was 24 million tonnes of oil
equivalent (Mtoe), accounting for 16% of the total energy use in the UK [6]. This further
affirms the contributions of the manufacturing sector to energy consumption and pollution.
These conditions could be exacerbated by high demand of manufactured consumer goods,
Therefore, the use of sustainable technologies and best available practices could provide
significant energy saving and CO2 reduction strategies in the manufacturing sector [41].
Literature review
materials such as tungsten carbide; electrical-discharge machining (EDM) used for cutting
intricate components of hard materials; wire EDM used for contour cutting of curved
surfaces; laser-beam machining (LBM) used for machining and drilling of holes on thin
materials; water jet machining (WJM) used for machining all types of non-metallic
materials to greater thickness; abrasive water-jet machining (AWJM); and abrasive jet
machining (AJM) used for cleaning and cutting of metallic and non-metallic materials
Machining is widely used in the manufacturing sector due to the following reasons:
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Milling is defined as the process in which a rotating, multi-tooth cutter removes material
in the form of chips in one revolution while travelling along various axes with respect to
the workpiece [46]. This cutting process is intermittent, in that the cutter periodically
engages the workpiece.
There are two basic modes of milling which include up milling and climb or down
milling. In up milling, the cut thickness at the tool exit (i.e. end of cut) is at the maximum,
while the cut thickness is at the minimum at the end of cut in the case of down milling
process. The cutting velocity 𝑉𝑐 and the table transverse velocity 𝑣𝑓 of the workpiece and
the cutter have the opposite sense during conventional milling (up milling), and are the
same for climb milling as depicted in Figures 2.6 a, b for Up milling and Figures 2.7 a, b
for Down milling process respectively.
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Figure 2.6a shows the swept angle ɸ𝑠 of the cutting tool and the radial width of cut (𝑎𝑒 )
during the up milling operation while Figure 2.6b shows the tangential force acting in the
direction of the cutter, the cutting angle ɸ and the radial force acting perpendicular to the
tangential force during up milling. Moreover, Figure 2.7a shows the swept angle ɸ𝑠 of the
cutting tool and the radial width of cut during down milling while Figure 2.7b shows the
tangential force acting in the direction of the cutter, the cutting angle ɸ and the radial force
acting perpendicular to the tangential force during down milling.
Figure 2.8 shows the cutting geometry in milling with varying cut thickness and the angle
of cut.
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where h is the varying undeformed chip thickness, ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum undeformed chip
thickness, ɸ is the angle of cut or swept angle in degree, ɸ𝑠 is the swept angle or angle of
cut in radian. From Figure 2.8, the undeformed chip thickness may be estimated as shown
in Equations (2.1) and (2.2) [47]
h = 𝑓𝑧 𝑠𝑖𝑛ɸ (2.1)
ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑓𝑧 sin ɸ𝑠 (2.2)
Thus, the tangential force 𝐹𝑣 (𝐹𝑡 ) which acts on the tool at any location on the cutting edge
to the chip thickness during milling process and proposed by Koenigsberger and
Sabberwal [48] is expressed as shown in Equation 2.3.
𝐹𝑣 = k∙ ℎ ∙ 𝑎𝑝 (2.3)
where k- specific cutting resistance of the material in 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 , h - instantaneous chip
thickness in mm, 𝑎𝑝 - axial depth of cut in mm
𝐹𝑣 𝑉𝑐
𝑃𝑣 = (2.4)
where 𝐹𝑣 is as described above and 𝑉𝑐 is the cutting velocity in m/min.
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Material removal processes such as turning, milling, drilling etc. are essential machining
strategies in the determination of finished products characteristics. Machine tools produce
waste resource in terms of scrap and chips. However, increase in the number of machine
tools could result to high conversion of large amounts of metals into low grade scraps. This
scraps, coupled with the used lubricants and coolants increase the environmental impacts
of machining processes [42].
For the total life cycle of a typical milling machine, it was reported that 60% – 90% of
CO2 equivalent emissions [49] was attributable to its electricity consumption during its use
phase [12].
The European Union’s Eco-design Directive 2009/125/E regarded machine tools as one
of the categories for inclusion in their directive due to their increased environmental
impacts through energy consumption [13]. Also, the Kyoto protocol set some targets to cut
down the emission of greenhouse gases [50]. Thus, more energy demand reduction
strategies are necessary for energy efficiency optimisation. In light of this, one of the
objectives of this research is to analyse the electrical energy demand of machine tool axes
and develop strategies for energy demand reduction.
Efficiency is also defined as the use of minimal resources to achieve a given output [21].
Dietmar and Verl [53] suggested that machine efficiency may be referred to as the ratio of
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the absolute minimum of energy that is required theoretically for a task and the actual
energy turnover of the real machine. Hence, energy efficiency may be defined through the
machine efficiency by relating the instantaneous power demand of the process to the real
instantaneous power demand/consumption of the machine. This was recently used by Zhou
et al. [54] when they presented energy efficiency of the machine tool based on the specific
energy consumption (SEC), being the energy required to remove a unit volume of material
as shown in Equations 2.6 to 2.8. The following Equations show the use of SEC in
evaluating machine tool energy efficiency.
𝑆𝐸𝐶 = 𝑉 (2.6)
𝑆𝐸𝐶 = 𝑀𝑅𝑅 (2.7)
𝑆𝐸𝐶 = 𝑎 (2.8)
𝑒 ∙ℎ
where Vmaterial represents the total volume of removed material, t is the processing time, the
material removal rate (MRR) refers to quantity of removed material per unit time, F is the
cutting force, ae is the cutting width, h is the thickness of the chip, and 𝑃𝑐 is the cutting
It is important to note that the Equation in (2.6) indicates the energy efficiency of the
whole machining process, while the Equations in (2.7) and (2.8) indicate the energy
efficiency of the machine tool during the material removal process.
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The spindle and servo-motor drives constitute the main sources of electrical energy
demand of a machine tool. Other sources of energy consumption are: hydraulic unit,
coolant pumps, cooling devices, and peripheral units (i.e. controller unit) [64].
The power and energy consumption of machine tools can be characterised based on the
machining states. Kordonowy [65] categorised the energy demand of machine tools into
constant energy (i.e. constant start up and constant run-time energy) and variable energy.
The constant energy is the energy required at machine tool start-up and the auxiliary units
(i.e. computer and display, fans, lighting, coolant pumps, hydraulic pumps, and servo
motors etc.), while the variable energy is consumed during the actual material removal
processes and is dependent on the material removal rate. Dahmus and Gutowski [9]
characterised energy demand of machine tools into constant start-up operations, constant
run time operations and machining operations. The constant start-up operation is the power
required by the auxiliary units including the computer and display, fans, servos, and
unloaded motors. This power is constant and is independent of the machining state, and is
consumed for the entire time the machine tool is in use. The constant run-time operation
power is required for work table and cutting tool positioning, and is consumed by the
spindle, feed axes, feed motors, spindle motors, tool change and axes jogging. The
machining power or variable power is required for the actual cutting process, and is
dependent on the material removal rate or on the load applied to the machine. Figure 2.9
shows the power consumption of a Cincinatti Milacron Automated Milling machine.
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Gutowski et al. [16] classified the energy requirements of a manufacturing process into
fixed energy demand, operational energy and tip energy demand. Balogun and Mativenga
[66] proposed a new machining state called the ‘ready state’ in their work. The ready state
is the state in which the drives and spindle movement bring the tool and workpiece to the
correct, about to cut position. The ready state power consuming operations include tool
change, rapid positioning and spindle rotation at defined speeds etc. Recently, in 2016, Lv
et al. [67] characterised the energy required by generation motions into energy demand of
air cutting motions and energy required for removing a material. These air cutting motions
include spindle rotation without cutting, zero load feed axes movements, automatic tool
change motion and cutting fluid spraying (i.e. ancillary motions are also part of the
generation motions). Jia et al. [68] characterised energy demand into steady state and
transient states.
It has been reported in literature [9, 16], that the power required for the actual material
removal process is lower when compared to the total power available for the machining
process. For example, the energy use breakdown of a large Toyota production machining
centre shows that 14.8% of the total energy required in manufacturing was used for the
Literature review
actual cutting process while 85.2% was consumed during machine idle state. Devolder et
al. [56] evaluated the energy consumption of a 5-axis milling machine and the press brake.
From their results, the power consumed during the idle mode of the machine tool was 1.7
kW which is substantial and therefore has a potential for energy saving. In the case of the
press brake, 65% of the total energy consumed by the machine tool was attributable to the
non-productive energy consumption, while 35% was used for productive purposes. Santos
et al. [12] assessed the baseline power of three press-brake (bending) machines. It was
reported that the baseline power for each of the machine tools were 43%, 27%, and 83% of
the total energy demand. Behrendt et al. [55] evaluated the baseline power for nine
different CNC machine tools. They observed that the baseline power differs for different
machines with power demand ranging between 340 W and 4040 W. Reports also showed
that machine tools with high ancillary components including hydraulic systems and
cooling systems for increased automation had high baseline power. Li et al. [17]
investigated the baseline power requirements of two CNC grinding machines, a CNC lathe
with milling capability, a CNC lathe, a vertical milling machining centre and a 5-axis
machining centre in order to determine and recommend energy saving strategies. It was
reported that power requirements of these machine tools ranged from 1020 W to 5450 W.
The results obtained also showed that the amount of baseline power consumed depends on
the machine tool type and the number of ancillary components installed.
Balogun and Mativenga [66] reported that the electrical energy consumption in the basic
machine state for the MHP CNC Lathe, MAC-V3 Takisawa Milling Machine, and Mikron
HSM 400 High Speed Milling machining centre was 53%, 72% and 63% respectively. On
the other hand, the ready state energy for each of the machines was 47%, 28% and 37%
respectively. Assuming that the tip power is on average 25% of total direct electrical
energy demand, the basic state and ready state power demands (constant power) makes up
75% of the total direct electrical energy required by the machine tool [69] as shown in
Figure 2.10.
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Figure 2.10 Power breakdown for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine [66]
Moreover, the ready state power demand varies and may increase due to the loads on the
spindle as well as weights of workpieces on the feed drives. As a result, these could add up
to the constant power demand of the machine tool as depicted in Figure 2.11.
Figure 2.11 Power breakdown of the Takisawa milling machine showing the various
machining states as adapted from Balogun and Mativenga [66]
Literature review
Few researchers have proposed different measures for reducing the constant energy
consumption of machine tools. Li and Kara [17] reported that it is possible to consider
energy reduction at the design stages of machine tool components. Other energy reduction
strategy proposed includes 1) switching off the machine during long idle periods, 2)
through constant time breaks and 3) the provision of the Human Machine Interface (HMI)
device to trigger manual operations on the machines. Mori et al. [18] developed a new
acceleration and deceleration control method for machine tool energy reduction. Duflou et
al. [21] proposed the use of more energy efficient machine tool components such as drives,
pumps and spindles. Kroll et al. [20] reported that weight reduction of machine
components tends to decrease the acceleration time and hence reduces the processing time.
This is because lower gravitational and inertia force is created and the overall energy for
moving masses is reduced. In light of this, Eberspacher and Verl [70] proposed a graph-
based energy optimization approach to cut the energy demand during the intended and
unintended idle periods, taking into account the important optimisation limitations.
Broadly in literature, energy models in machining can be grouped and classified thus:
The specific cutting energy values for various materials, otherwise referred to as the
minimum energy required to remove a volume of material from a workpiece may be used
to determine the tool tip energy or the cutting energy [9, 71]. The specific cutting energy
can be evaluated by normalising the total cutting energy in machining (E) by the volume of
Literature review
material removed (V). This minimum energy can be influenced by the workpiece material,
cutting tool material, cutting fluid, and cutting conditions etc. [72].
This principle for estimating the specific energy demand in machining was adopted by few
researchers. For example, Gutowski et al. [16] presented a direct electrical energy demand
model for estimating the specific energy demand at machine tool level as stated in
Equation 2.9.
𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐 = +𝑘 (2.9)
where P0 is the constant power demand of the machine tool, and Q is the material removal
rate (MRR) in mm3/s; k is the specific cutting energy in J/mm3 and it is related to the
workpiece hardness characteristics and cutting mechanics.
Draganescu et al. [73] developed a statistical model using the response surface method
(RSM) to determine the efficiency of machine tool and specific consumed energy in
machining. The model presented energy consumption of machine tools as the function of
material removal rate (MRR), cutting power and machine tool efficiency. This model
focused only on the tool tip energy demand while other high energy consuming units (i.e.
auxiliary and peripheral units of the machine tool) were ignored. This means that the
proposed model is not generic and is not suitable for determining the total energy demand.
Shao et al. [74] proposed a cutting power model which incorporates the cutting
conditions and average tool wear. This model could be deployed when monitoring and
measuring tool wear in a face milling process. Kara and Li [72] developed an empirical
model for predicting the energy required to remove a unit volume of a material. This
model was validated by undertaking cutting tests on a number of turning (Colchester
Tornado A50, Mori Seiki NL2000MC/500, IKEGAI AX 20, Mori Seiki SL-15, Nakamura
TMC-15) and milling (Fadal VMC 4020, Mori Seiki Dura Vertical 5100, DMU 60P)
machine tools, with a 90% accuracy prediction of specific energy consumption of the
processes. However, this model only considers the energy demand at tool tip and ignored
the constant and variable energy demand of the machine tool.
Also, Schlosser et al. [75] proposed a model to evaluate the specific cutting energy of a
drilling process. Li et al. [29] presented an energy consumption model from a function of
material removal rate and spindle speed in order to evaluate the relationship between
Literature review
process parameters and energy demand in machining based on empirical modelling and
thermal equilibrium. Yan and Li [76] utilised the grey relational analysis and the response
surface methodology to determine the optimal cutting parameters (including feedrate,
spindle speed, depth of cut, and width of cut) that would enhance the identification of the
most efficient cutting parameter to achieve minimal cutting energy demand, improved
surface finish, and increased material removal rate in a milling process. It was reported that
machining at low spindle speeds results in minimal energy demand. Uluer et al. [77]
proposed a theoretical model for estimating the tip energy required for producing a
rotational part, as well as the corresponding CO2 emission with regards to the volume
removed for each Standard for Exchange of Product Model specifically in Application
Protocol 224 (STEP AP224) feature and the specific cutting energy for the given material.
Balogun and Mativenga [78] investigated the specific electrical energy consumption of a
machine tool with respect to the thickness of material removed. They reported that
machining at feedrates greater than the tool edge radius could result in the reduction of the
specific cutting energy consumption of the roughing process. Velchev et al. [79] developed
an empirical model based on the relationship between the specific energy consumption and
material removal rate when turning steel. This is critical for cutting parameters
optimisation for minimum energy demand.
In 2016, Liu et al. [80] investigated the specific energy required for dry milling of AISI
H13 at the process level, machine tool level, and the spindle level, as well as taking into
consideration the influence of tool wear and process parameters on the specific energy
demand at these levels. From their results, it was observed that tool wear is directly
proportional to the total specific energy demand at the process level. Jia et al. [81]
proposed a procedure for modelling the electrical energy demand of a variable material
removal process (MRR). The model takes into consideration the varying power changes
and the effects of cutting conditions on the specific cutting energy required for machining
a workpiece. Sealy et al. [82] developed a power model for estimating the specific energy
demand which includes depth of cut, width of cut, cutting speed and the chip load. Liu et
al. [83] utilised the force model to analytically model the cutting power required at the tool
Further models were developed empirically based on the relationship between the total
power demand and cutting power at the tool tip in order to determine the effects of specific
cutting parameters on power demand. Of all these models based on the specific energy
evaluation, none has been able to comprehensively determine the total energy demand
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during the machining operation. Hence, the need to further determine this hypothesis
further in such a way as to proffer better, robust and generic energy model for machining
The machine tool components include auxiliary units, peripheral units, coolant pumps,
spindle, feed axes, tool change system, axes chiller, chip conveyer etc.; and these were
defined to influence the energy requirement in machining.
Mativenga and Rajemi [84] further modified Gutowski et al.’s [16] model by integrating
the spindle power demand characteristics. It was reported that the spindle power increased
linearly with spindle speed at zero cutting load. Mori et al. [18] proposed a mathematical
model for evaluating the power consumption of a machine tool while in normal operation.
This model takes into consideration the positioning and acceleration of the spindle
immediately before or after the tool change operations, cutting process, and after the
machining operation. Nevertheless, the power consumption model focused mainly on the
machine tool spindle thereby masking the process variable and the feed axes power
Avram and Xirouchakis [85] studied the mechanical energy requirements of the spindle
and feed axes. The model included the energy required for acceleration and deceleration of
the spindle and feed axes, cutter positioning, speed values extracted from the APT file,
cutting forces, as well as the energy required at constant speeds of the spindle and feed
axes. They reported that low speed machining increases the energy consumption by
32.12%. Balogun and Mativenga [66] proposed a direct electrical energy consumption
model for milling machine tools. This model proposed the electrical energy consumption
of the machine tool components including the auxiliary and peripheral units. However, the
power demand of the feed axes was not explicitly modelled. Calvanese et al. [86] proposed
an analytical model to evaluate the total energy consumption in a milling process and
accurately model the machine tool energy consuming components. Moreover, the effect of
weights on the power demand of machine tool axes was not considered.
Jia et al. [87] proposed a model for estimating the total energy demand of a machining
process on the CK6153i lathe. This model relates the different machining states with the
Literature review
energy requirements of basic motions of the CNC machine tools. Results show that the
highest energy consumer was Therblig-SR (Therblig for spindle rotation) which consumes
about half of the total energy demand. However, the study ignored the contribution of the
weights of feed axes, workpiece, and machine tool vice on the therblig feed axes energy.
Building on Jia et al. [87]’s work on Therbligs, Lv et al. [88] proposed an improved
methodology for estimating energy demand of machine tools. This model has some
limitations in that the therblig feed axes was not explicitly modelled to include the weights
of the feed axes, workpiece, and machine tool vice. Li et al. [89] assessed the energy
demand of machine tools in order to model their energy consumption in spatial and
temporal dimensions for quantifying the energy flow. In this work, the energy demand for
producing three different parts (performing three tasks) on two vertical machining centres
including HAAS VF5.50 and PL700, a manual lathe CD6140A, one CNC lathe
C26136HK and one air compressor in a machine tool workshop was assessed.
Nevertheless, the power of the feed axes was not explicitly modelled to incorporate the
weight of the axes, weight of the vice, and workpiece. Campatelli et al. [90] reported that
energy reduction strategies can be achieved if machining on the milling machine tool is
conducted on the x-axis. This is because the y-axis required more power than the x-axis as
a result of the attached masses. Yoon et al. [91] disintegrated the energy demand of a
milling machine into individual energy consuming elements, and Lv et al. [67] reported
that the power required for milling and the non-cutting motions of the machine tool were
significantly influenced by the machine tool, while the power consumption of turning is
almost independent from the machine tools.
In 2016, Albertelli et al. [92] proposed a new analytical model for predicting the energy
required by the machine tool to produce prismatic workpiece components. The model was
developed by relating the power demand of each machine tool component including the
auxiliary systems, feed axes, axes chiller, tool change system, chip conveyor and the
spindle system to the cutting parameters. In addition, optimisation of the energy demand
based on feedrate, cutting speed and radial depth of cut was undertaken. They showed that
machining at maximum radial depth of cut and minimum feedrate could result in minimal
energy demand. Lee et al. [93] proposed a generic model for estimating the energy demand
of various machine tools by disintegrating the cutting energy from the energy demand of
the machine tool components. They proposed a power profile simulator that evaluates the
power profile before and after machining operations. Recently, Altintas et al. [94]
proposed an analytical model for predicting the energy demand in milling prismatic
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components based on the Standard for the Exchange of Product (STEP) Application
Protocol 24 for the material properties of the prismatic part and volumetric information.
This study is limited due to the fact that NC codes were not used to estimate the total
energy demand in the milling process.
In all these studies, it can be deduced that the presented energy models are generic and
cannot be adopted to evaluate the total energy demand of machining operations. This is
because the models ignored the contributions of the machine tool feed axes, weights of the
feed axes, workpiece and machine vice to the power demand. Also, the NC codes (linear
and circular interpolations) were not related to energy consuming components for
estimating the total electrical energy demand in machining. Hence the need for a more
comprehensive energy model that would incorporate the feed axes and NC code
characteristics. These should also include the attributed weights on the machine tool axes.
A complete energy profile could be evaluated and modelled based on a set of computer
numerical controlled (CNC) codes. CNC codes determine the operational modes and
positional movement of machine tool axes and can interpret machining process and the
dynamic processes of the associated auxiliary equipment. Few researchers evaluated the
energy demand of machine tools based on CNC codes. For example, Narita et al. [95]
proposed an NC code based software for predicting the environmental impacts of a
machining process. The outputs of the software related the environmental impacts, cycle
time and the set up time to the total energy requirements. Also, Avram and Xirouchakis
[85] evaluated the energy requirements of the feed axes, spindle, and load/unload cycles
of the machine tool based on toolpaths generated from NC programs. He et al. [26]
proposed a model through an analytical approach of modelling the electrical energy
demand of a CNC machine tool by relating the energy consuming components to NC
codes. Although the model can be used to estimate the total energy consumption of the
machine tool including the feed axes and spindle, it neglected the influence of weights on
the power/energy demand of machine tool axes. The model also defined the constant
power of the machine tool via the power of the fan motor and servo motor. Therefore,
adopting this utility undermine the inclusion of other auxiliary components such as
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lighting, coolant pump motor, hydraulic pump motor, computer and display panel etc. in
the energy model.
Kong et al. [22] proposed a web-based energy consumption model with regards to
toolpaths strategy in order to estimate the energy requirements of a CNC machining
operation, and to assess the corresponding environmental impact of the machining process.
It can be deduced from their work that different toolpath strategies affect the energy and
time required in machining the same component. However, this study did not include the
weights of the machine tool feed axes, workpiece and machine tool vice in the feed axes
power model. Aramcharoen and Mativenga [96] presented a methodology for predicting
the energy consumption of mechanical machining processes by focusing on toolpaths and
energy states. In addition, their model also included energy consumption for cutting fluid
and the influence of tool wear. Significant energy savings can be achieved by accurately
selecting toolpath orientations due to its influence on cycle time. It should be noted that the
inclusion of the feed axes and weight on the proposed model could enhance its generic
In 2015, Guo et al. [97] incorporated the simulation of machining processes (i.e. turning
and drilling) for energy demand prediction. The model was validated by performing face
turning, external turning and grooving operations. Pavanaskar and McMains [27] utilised
the geometric characteristics of toolpaths in estimating the energy consumption of CNC
machine tools. From the proposed model, web-based software for predicting energy
demand based on NC codes was developed. Even though this study provided insight into
the development of NC–code based energy consumption software, the weights of the feed
axes, machine tool vice and workpiece were not incorporated in explicitly modelling the
feed axes power. Recently, Balogun et al. [98] utilised NC codes and CNC toolpaths as the
basis for developing an e-smart software which was implemented using their previously
proposed energy consumption model. The machine tool block was disintegrated into
energy consuming units followed by the NC code analysis for the total electrical energy
demand computation. Yingjie [64] maintained that energy saving opportunities in machine
tools can be obtained by utilising optimal machining strategies (toolpath strategies or
optimum axes orientations) and optimal cutting parameters. In view of this, Rangarajan
and Dornfeld [23] proposed a method of feedrate losses reduction due to abrupt toolpath
changes and to determine the best feedrate for machining a segment. They reported that
energy savings of 2 – 4% in cycle time may be achieved.
Literature review
From the reviewed work above, CNC code based energy estimation is another important
basis for energy evaluation; however it is also important to incorporate weights of the feed
axes, machine tool vice, and workpiece in the feed axes energy consumption model. This is
important in order to relate the machine tool energy consuming components to their
corresponding NC codes. With this in mind, it could be possible to compare machining
energy based on the theoretical, experimental and simulation results.
Simulation could be a suitable option for modelling the power required by machine tools
to perform a machining task due to the complexity of some production systems which
might be difficult to estimate the direct electrical energy demand through measurements.
However, this could be solved by utilising the simulation models and approaches for
determining energy efficiency of the machine tool [99]. In view of this, few researchers
developed simulation models for predicting the electrical energy demand in a machining
process. Dietmar and Verl [53] proposed a lean, scalable modelling procedure which
enhances the prediction of machine tool energy efficiency with regards to the operation
and design of the machine tool. This model was based on discrete states and transitions of
the machine tool. They presented an improved modelling technique for assessing the
energy efficiency of machine tools based on operating states. A usage profile (which takes
note of the points of time when the machine changes its operational state) was established
offline using numerical control program simulation. They found that power consumption
of the machine tool varies with the operating states. Nevertheless, the model did not take
into account the dynamic behaviour of the machine tool.
Shao et al. [100] proposed a virtual numerical control (NC) machining model for
evaluating the environmental impact of machine tools (analysing the sustainability impacts
of machining and determine various ways to improve the sustainability performance of
machining processes in a virtual environment) based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Rahimifard et al. [101] proposed a detailed simulation model for the estimation of the total
energy demand of manufacturing a product, with 20-50% reduction in energy requirements
due to enhanced production and product design. Additionally, Seow and Rahimifard [102]
proposed a new strategy for the energy demand model that is based on data obtained at
Literature review
plant and process level for manufacture of a product. Malagi and Rajesh [103] developed a
software to estimate the cutting forces. The model incorporates the depth of cut and
feedrate. Thiede et al. [104] developed a method for monitoring energy efficiency at the
factory level. It was reported that energy savings of about 6% was realised from the
simulation model. Eberspächer et al. [105] presented a detailed power simulation model
for monitoring energy demand through controlled signal and information systems. Also,
Herrmann et al. [106] proposed an energy-based simulation model for the design of
manufacturing systems. Two instances were considered for the model validation. Firstly,
the electricity consumption of a highly automated aluminium die casting process chain and
secondly, the direct electricity demand, the compressed air and steam of weaving mill with
over 40 weaving machines were investigated. The validation results for both instances
depicted a value of model consistency greater than 95%.
Furthermore, few number of researchers have also analysed energy efficiency at the
manufacturing systems or factory level based on discrete event simulation. For example,
Fysikopoulos et al. [107] proposed a simulation model to investigate the energy
consumption of an automotive assembly line with respect to various scenarios and demand
profile. Nils et al. [108] presented an energy block methodology for energy demand
forecast. In their model, each of the operating state of the production equipment is
characterised as part of the specific energy demand for the respective operating states. In
addition, Larek et al. [109] presented a discrete event simulation method for modelling
machining operations, as well as generating power demand profiles and energy footprints.
The work in Larek et al. [109] was further expanded by Rentsch and Heinzel [110]. In
their work, a model which estimates the resources demand and process operations based on
the NC codes, as well as estimating the processing cycle time was developed based on
discrete events of process parameters for a milling process. In addition, the energy
requirement, tool wear, coolant, volume of material removed and the operating time were
considered for the consumption optimisation of the machine tool. Abele et al. [111]
proposed a simulation approach to develop a generic model for estimating the energy
demand of machine tools. This involved the disintegration of machine tool into a number
of components. This approach was further utilised by connecting the hardware of the
machine control system to utilise the NC- code information for predicting the energy
required to perform a specific production task. Braun and Heisel [112] proposed a model
for estimating and predicting the electrical energy demand in turning process by using
virtual CNC-Module that generates toolpath data from given (simple DIN) G-Code sets.
Literature review
Frigerio et al. [113] utilised discrete event simulations approach to model the energy
demand of complex machine tools based on the activation (ON) and deactivation (OFF) of
functional components at different operation states of the machine tool. The energy
demand of these functional components is modelled using automata theory with regards to
the operation states and discrete events.
In another development, Pervaiz et al. [114] proposed a methodology for estimating the
energy demand and environmental impact of the machining process. This is achieved by
utilising the finite element methods (FEM). The FEM simulation adopted was the
DEFORM-3D software package. It was reported that geographical location of the machine
tool during its use phase significantly influences its CO2 emission. This is because the
carbon emission signature CES varies at different geographical locations.
From the reviewed literature, it can be deduced that although simulation based models
can be one of the methods through which energy consumption in machining can be
estimated, the methods reviewed ignored the linear and circular interpolations (NC codes)
and the impact of weights of the feed axes were not included in the energy consumption
software. Hence, the need for new and compressive energy estimation model to be
Literature review
2. Few researchers have studied the effects of toolpath strategies on energy demand.
However, the impact of toolpath orientation and strategies on the electrical energy
demand and surface finish of the machined part was not explicitly studied.
3. The influence of interpolation modes (i.e. rapid move, linear and circular
interpolation) on the electrical energy demand of CNC toolpaths was relatively
unexplored. Thus, this knowledge will enable comparison of alternative machining
strategies in order to reduce energy consumption.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
3.1 Introduction
Machine tools require electrical energy to perform various complex tasks. Thus, the
electrical energy required by the machine tool is influenced by the power consumed and
the cycle time duration based on the actual machining states. The challenge in modelling
energy demand is that the machine tool executes different activities during the cutting
process. In view of this, controlled experimental conditions were adopted in the course of
this research.
Figure 3.1 presents the experimental setup for current and voltage measurement, as well
as for the surface roughness of the machined component. This work was performed by
designing the experimental plan, varying the cutting parameters (i.e. feedrates, spindle
speeds), as well as selecting the appropriate workpiece material (AISI 1018 steel). Based
on the event streaming and current monitoring technique, the current and voltage drawn by
the CNC machine were directly measured over a period of time using the 3-phase FLUKE
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
434 Power Quality Analyser which enabled the calculation of power requirements during
the operation of the machine, and hence the energy demand. Also, the surface roughness of
the machined components was checked using the Surtronic 25 surface roughness checker
in the direction perpendicular to the lay.
Figure 3.1 Experimental setup for energy measurement and surface roughness check of the
machined part
Detailed Experimental procedures for measuring current consumption during the cutting
tests, checking the surface roughness of machined surfaces, and microstructure analyses of
the as-received workpiece surface and subsurface are further explained below.
For all set of machining trials conducted, standardized research methods as shown in
Figure 3.2 were carefully considered as follows:
The current measurement point was identified at the back of the machine tool
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Details of the cutting conditions, the results obtained from analyses based on this study are
presented in the relevant chapter within the thesis. Also, other experimental procedures
(i.e. hardness testing of the as-received workpiece, microstructure analyses of the as-
received workpiece surface and subsurface, and tool wear) reported in the relevant chapters
of this thesis.
The technical details of the equipment used in this research are highlighted in subsequent
sections of this Thesis chapter.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The milling tests were conducted on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. This
machine was adopted in order to analyse its electrical energy demand during machining.
The Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine is a CNC vertical machining centre with FANUC
control system. This milling machine’s spindle designated A060-0652-B can hold up to 80
mm cutter diameters with spindle speeds up to 10,000 rev/min controlled by a DC servo
motor model 20M. The spindle motor has a rated power of 7.5 kW. The machine tool has
feedrates up to 12000 mm/min on the X- and Y- axis, and up to 10,000 mm/min on the Z-
axis. The machine is actuated by a 3-phase 415V ± 10 AC 20 k VA power which is
supplied from the electricity grid. The worktable dimension and work envelope is 600 ×
400 mm with a permissible load of 200 kg. Figure 3.3 shows a picture of the Takisawa
Mac-V3 milling machine, while Table 3.2 provides its technical specification.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The feed axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine considered in this study consist
of the x-axis, y-axis, and the z-axis (spindle). The electrical energy demand of these axes
was investigated in order to develop an energy consumption model, as well as identify
energy saving measures so as to reduce the non-cutting energy demand of machine tools.
As shown in Figure 3.4, the machine tool axes configuration has the machine table and x
axis mounted directly on the y axis. Thus, the weights moved by the y axis are more than
the x axis. The z-axis moves up and down in the vertical direction. The axes drives are
powered by the AC servo motors connected directly to the ball screw drive. The masses for
the x and y axes were modelled on Solid works software and was roughly 315 kg and 750
kg respectively. Some technical specifications of the feed axes were previously presented
in Table 3.2.
Figure 3.4 Machine tool axes configuration showing the x-axis and y-axis
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The Fluke 434 power quality analyser is single hand-held equipment with inbuilt
functions for measuring 3-phase root mean square (rms) and peak currents, 3-phase rms
and peak voltages plus their respective neutrals, power, energy, frequency, mains
signalling as well as data logging. The power analyser has measurement ranges of 1 – 1000
Vrms and 0 – 40/400 Arms for both the voltage and current respectively. The wye and
delta connection configurations may be used depending on the type of machine tool load.
The Fluke 434 power quality analyser works on the Hall effect principle which enables the
measurement of current and voltage without breaking or interrupting the circuit. Figure 3.5
shows Fluke 434 power quality analyser, while Table 3.3 provides its technical
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Table 3.3 Technical specification for Fluke 434 power quality analyser
Voltage inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral) dc-coupled
Maximum input 1000 Vrms
Nominal voltage 50 V to 500 V, Selectable from 1V to 1000 V
Maximum peak 6 kV
measurement voltage
Input impedance 4 MΩ//5 pF
Bandwidth > 10 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient display
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1 and variable
Current inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral) dc-coupled
Type Clamp on current transformer with mV output
Range 1 Arms to 400 Arms with included clamps (i400s/Fluke 434)
30 A to 3000 Arms with included clamps (i430-flex/Fluke
1 Arms to 3000 Arms with optional clamps
Input impedance 50 kΩ
Bandwidth > 10 kHz
Scaling 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mV/A, variable, i5s and i430-flex
Nominal frequency 40 Hz to 70 Hz
Sampling system
Resolution 16 bit analog to digital converter on 8 channels
Maximum sampling 200 kS/s on each channel simultaneously
RMS sampling 5000 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-30
PLL synchronisation 4096 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-7
The Fluke 434 power quality analyser has a sampling rate of 200 kS/s for recording the
current and voltage. Three i400s clamps and alligator clips for both the current and voltage
inputs are connected to the three live wires supplying current to the machine tool.
The FLUKE 434 power quality analyser was clamped by an electrical technician to the
three live wires supplying current to the machine tool from the power grid as shown in
Figure 3.6.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Figure 3.6 Fluke 434 power quality analyser clamped on three live wires at the back of
the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
The Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine uses three phase motor with the delta
configuration type of connection. A typical power connection diagram (Delta
configuration) is shown in Figure 3.7.
This connection is made up of three single phase sources of power connected in series with
the load [115], and the voltage phases are connected in parallel with the load. Hence, in
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
order to measure the power per phase, the setup consisted of three wires [116]. This
configuration type was selected because the machine tool does not support the neutral
phase connection that is usually common with single phase electric motors.
Data from the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine was acquired with the Fluke 434
power quality analyser. In order to acquire data from the power meter, the optical interface
cable model OC4USB was connected to the computer via the USB port. The measured
current and voltage data from the machine tool were then downloaded from the power
clamp meter with the power log software. The power log software is the visual and
analyses software that enables the data acquired from the equipment to be visualised with
the aid of a computer system. The data were analysed and evaluated in Microsoft excel to
give the average power drawn by the machine tools in the machining processes.
In this study, current and voltage measurements were performed with the FLUKE 434
power quality analyser. This power meter measures three phase currents and voltages. Due
to varying current and voltage values in the three phases, peripheral milling tests of AISI
1018 steel were conducted. Figures 3.8 a, b, c show three phase current and voltage for
peripheral cutting test runs of a material at 500 mm/min feed rate.
Current - Run 1
Current (A)
Red phase
8 L1
6 Yellow
phase L2
2 phase L3
0 10 20 30 40
Time (s)
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Voltage - run 1
423 Red
Voltage (V)
phase L1
421 phase L2
420 Blue
phase L3
0 10 20 30 40
Time (s)
Figure 3.8a shows that L1 current (red phase) for test run 1 is 35% higher than L3 (blue
phase) which has the lowest current requirement. In Figure 3.8b, the voltage L2 (yellow
phase) is 1% more than L3 which has the lowest voltage requirement. Each voltage phase
differ from each other by 0.4%. As shown in Figure 3.8c, the power consumption for each
phase was evaluated by multiplying the line currents (L1, L2, L3) with their corresponding
line voltages (L1, L2, L3). It is observed that L1 (red phase power) is 22% higher than L3
(blue phase power). Similar trend was obtained for the other two runs.
Power - Run 1
8000 Red
phase L1
Power (W)
6000 Yellow
phase L2
4000 Blue
phase L3
0 10 20 30 40
Time (s)
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Subsequently, the power consumption for this experiment was evaluated using the L1
current and voltage. Hence, the electricity consumed by the machine tool provides power
which may be distinguished into voltage and current. Therefore, the power drawn by the
machine tool may be estimated using the formula in Equation (3.1) as presented in [117].
P = 𝑰 × 𝑽 × √𝟑 × 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝝋 (3.1)
where V represents the voltage in V, I is the current in A, √3 is a constant that indicates the
phase to phase voltage, 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜑 is the power factor.
AISI 1018 steel was selected as the workpiece material for the cutting tests throughout
this work. This workpiece material was considered due to the fact that it is suitable for
numerous applications, and used for the manufacture of industrial products such as bolts,
axles, shafts, machinery parts, gears, worms, pins, ratchets, parts requiring bending,
swaging, cold forming, or crimping, sheet, plate, tubes, as well as for manufacturing
machine parts that require low strength. The as-received material was cast into ingot on an
electric arc furnace in order to produce billets for manufacturing hot rolled bars of mild
steel. Cutting tests were conducted in order to determine the influence of toolpath
strategies on the electrical energy demand, effects of machine tool axes configurations on
the electrical energy demand, impacts of toolpath orientations etc. The AISI 1018
workpiece material was cut to the required sizes for each of the specified milling
operations. Table 3.4 shows the details of AISI 1018 steel.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The 8 mm diameter short carbide end mill cutter from Swiss Tech was used for all the
machining tests in this research. This end mill cutter was considered in this research due to
its general use in milling processes, and its coating characteristics which enables the
cutting tool to dissipate and resist heat, reduce surface friction at the chip-tool cutting
interphase. Figure 3.9 is a pictorial view of the 8 mm diameter short carbide end mill,
while Table 3.5 presents the technical specifications.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Vickers hardness testing machine is normally used to measure the hardness of workpiece
materials. The diamond tool creates an impression of depth that is proportional to the
hardness of the surface to be measured. The indentation is then sized with the calibrated
square optical mirror. The readings obtained can be translated via a table.
For this research, the Vickers pyramid hardness testing machine from UK Calibrations
Limited with and attached load of 200 N was used in order to determine the variations in
hardness properties of the as-received AISI 1018 steel workpiece. The two diagonals of the
indentation from the diamond indenter left on the surface of the as-received workpiece
material after the removal of the load were measured using a microscope and the average
calculated. The Vickers hardness value was obtained from the hardness conversion chart.
Image of the Vickers pyramid hardness testing machine is presented in Figure 3.10 while
Table 3.6 presents the technical specifications for the Vickers pyramid hardness testing
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Table 3.6 Technical specification for Vickers pyramid hardness testing machine
The Surtronic 25 portable surface roughness checker is a portable stylus type instrument
with the stylus travelling over the machined surface as shown in Figure 3.11. Surface
roughness was measured with the stylus running perpendicular to the lay of the machined
surface. The surface roughness checker was calibrated using an Electro-formed surface
roughness comparison standard as shown in Figure 3.12 before the commencement of each
surface roughness check. Three different points on the machined surface were measured to
determine the average surface roughness. The cut-off lengths are 0.25 mm, 0.8 mm, and
2.5 mm. Table 3.7 presents technical specifications for the surface roughness checker.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
Criteria Description
Gauge range 300 𝜇𝑚 (0.012 in)
Accuracy 2% of reading + least significant digit (LSD) 𝜇𝑚
Traverse length 0.25 - 25 mm
Roughness parameters 𝑅𝑎 , 𝑅𝑧 , 𝑅𝑡 , 𝑅𝑧1 𝑚𝑎𝑥 , 𝑅𝑝
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The OmegaPol grinding machine is ideal for manual metallurgical grinding and
polishing for analysing the microstructure of materials. The microstructure of the as-
received AISI 1018 steel was analysed by grinding the top surface of the material with
electro-coated Silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper while water was simultaneously
applied. The grit sizes of the abrasive paper ranged from 80, 120, 320, 600, 800, and 1200.
Figure 3.13 is an image of the OmegaPol grinding machine. Technical specifications of the
OmegaPol grinding machine are presented in the appendix section of this thesis.
After the grinding process was completed, the LaboPol-35 polishing machine from
Struers UK was used to polish the ground surface of the as-received material. This was
achieved by using three 200 mm diameter 62105 MAIA polishing cloths on a magnetic
bag which were placed on the rotating disc of the polishing machine. Gemini Diamond
monocrystalline slurry with 6 micron, 3 micron, and 1 micron were sprayed on the
polishing cloth in order to moisten it and allow for easier polishing operations. Figure 3.14
shows the LaboPol-35 polishing machine. Technical details of the LaboPol polishing
machine are presented in the appendix section of this thesis.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The Leica DM2500M microscope shown in Figure 3.15 was used for material
examinations. It has magnifications of 1X, 1.5X and 2X respectively depending on the
magnification desired to give a clearer image of the specimen. This microscope is suitable
for the analysis of materials’ microstructure. After the etching process was completed, the
optical microscope (LEICA DM2500) was used to acquire images of the etched sample.
Details of the microscope are presented in the appendix section of this thesis.
Development of the experimental approach and its implementation
The Keyence VHX-500F digital microscope is a high resolution charged couple device
(CCD) camera based system with a high intensity halogen lamp and image processing
capabilities that integrates observation, recording, and measurement functions. This
microscope is equipped with a liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor for observing acquired
In this study, the Keyence VHX-500F digital microscope was considered in order to
observe tool wear conditions for each tool used in the cutting process. An image of the
digital microscope is presented in Figure 3.16. Technical details of the Keyence VHX-
500F digital microscope are presented in the appendix section of this thesis.
3.11 Conclusion
This chapter provided detailed report on the machine tool used in monitoring and
measuring the power demand during the cutting tests. This was in addition to details on the
power measuring device, experimental setups and procedures undertaken in this research.
The next chapters of this thesis present the studies conducted and their corresponding
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Keywords: Energy efficiency, electrical energy demand, feed axes, machining, modelling,
CNC toolpaths
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
4.1 Introduction
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
screws to position the machine tool spindle and the work table. Angular motion to the
workpiece or cutting tool is provided by the spindle drives which rotate over a wide range
of speeds. The feed drive mechanism converts the angular motion of the motors to linear
motion of the guide ways and work table [120].
Feed drives are either powered by linear motors directly, or by rotary motors via ball
screw and nut assembly [120]. Few researchers have modelled the feed drives. For
example, Avram and Xirouchakis [85] modelled the power of the feed axes based on the
torque supplied by the servomotor of each axis. Unfortunately, weights of the axes,
workpiece, and machine vice were not considered in the model. He et al. [26] considered
the importance of feedrates in their feed axes power demand model while the weights of
the axes, workpiece, and machine vice were not considered. Calvanese et al. [86] modelled
the feed axes by considering the mechanical power and the dissipated power. However,
their model did not consider the feed axes, workpiece, and machine vice weights. Xie et al.
[119] utilised an object-oriented simulation approach to model the feed drives. However,
energy demand of the feed drives was not considered. Lv et al. [88] modelled the power
requirements of the feed motor 𝑃𝑓 using Equation 4.1.
𝑃𝑓 = 𝐴1 𝑣𝑓 + 𝐵𝑣𝑓2 (4.1)
where 𝑣𝑓 is the feedrate in mm/min, 𝐴1 and B are constants related to loading and friction
respectively. The feed drive of the considered CNC lathes in their work was powered by an
AC servo motor connected to the ball screw. Other researchers, Li et al. [29], assumed that
the operational power for feed motor follows an approximate linear relationship with the
feedrate and modelled it as shown in Equation 4.2.
𝑃𝑓 = 𝐴2 𝑣𝑓 + 𝐶 (4.2)
where 𝑣𝑓 retains its usual meaning, 𝐴2 and C are constants. The feed drive of the CNC
machine tool considered in their work was driven by rotary motors via ball screw and nut
assembly. Campatelli et al. [90] presented an analytical model of the energy demand for
feed axis, taking into account the effect of masses and friction. The analytical approach is
interesting in that it proposes a basis for the key parameter constants within the energy
demand model. This is shown in Equation 4.3.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
𝑃 = ∫0 ((𝑀𝑥 𝑎𝑥 + 𝜇𝑥 𝑀𝑥 𝑔) + (𝑀𝑦 𝑎𝑦 + 𝜇𝑦 𝑀𝑦 𝑔)) 𝑑𝑠 (4.3)
where 𝑀𝑥 and 𝑀𝑦 are the equivalent masses of the axes in kg, 𝑎𝑥 and 𝑎𝑦 the instantaneous
accelerations in m/s2, 𝜇𝑥 and 𝜇𝑦 are the equivalent friction coefficients for the x and y axes
for the length of the toolpath. The parameter 𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
and s is the distance along the toolpath length in mm. In their work, the feed drive of the
considered 5-axis CNC machining centre was powered by rotary motors for the x- and y-
axes, and by direct drives motor for the B and C axes.
From Equation 4.3, it was assumed by Campatelli et al. [90] that the energy demanded
by the table motions was independent of feedrate. In 2015, Guo et al. [97] used air cutting
experiments to develop a power demand model for the feed drives. This is shown in
Equation 4.4.
where 𝑃𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 is the power demand for the specified axis in W, 𝐴3 and D are constants while
𝑣𝑓 retains its usual meaning.
Recently, Lee et al. [93] proposed a model for estimating the power demand of feed axes.
This is shown in Equation 4.5.
where 𝑃𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is the feed drive power consumption in W, 𝐶0𝑓 is the gradient of the power
model of the feed drive, 𝑣𝑓 is the specified feedrate in mm/min, 𝐶1𝑓 is a constant.
Equations 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, and 4.5 by Lv et al. [88], Li et al. [29], Guo et al. [97], and Lee et
al. [93] respectively model the importance of feedrate, but do not capture the impact of
weights on the energy demanded by the machine table feed axis.
From the literature, it is clear that there is no general agreement on the dominant factors
that control energy demand for machine tool table feed axis. In light of this, the importance
of moved weights by the feed drive (i.e. weights of feed axes, workpiece, and machine tool
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
vice), feedrate, and direction of axis travel on power demand are considered in this study in
order to improve the prediction capability of feed axes power demand models. Therefore,
developing this knowledge is important for evaluating the energy demand in toolpaths and
in developing strategies for energy demand reduction.
The motivation of this study was to contribute towards and better the understanding of
the power required and hence energy demanded by machine tool axes. The ultimate motive
is to enable the generation of guidelines for industry in support of energy smart machining,
thus reducing the energy and carbon intensity of machined products, as well as energy
This work is aimed at assessing the electrical energy demand of machine tool feed axes in
order to develop recommendations for modelling and energy consumption management.
This study will contribute towards the development of a robust model for estimating the
electrical energy demand of feed axes, taking into consideration the weights of the feed
axes and materials placed on the machine table, as well as the feed force acting on the
machine table. Thus, the knowledge acquired in this study shall aid in contributing towards
better understanding of factors influencing the energy demand of feed axes, as well as
providing suggestions for minimum energy consumption.
The research methodology was based on energy evaluation in milling, focussing on the
net power and energy demanded by table feed axes. The evaluations were done when (i)
executing table feed without any workpiece on the table and with no spindle rotation, (ii)
when the machine is carrying different weights (surrogate for workpiece weight) and with
no spindle rotation, and (iii) when machining components. To elucidate the impact of
individual axis, the motions of the feed table were made in the x, y and z axes directions.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The current and voltage drawn by the CNC machine were directly measured using the 3-
phase FLUKE 434 Power Quality Analyser which enabled the calculation of power
requirements during the operation of the machine. The energy demand was modelled by
relating the activity and state of the machine to the net 3-phase current and voltage
measurement, and hence evaluating the power and ultimately the energy based on the cycle
time. Further validating of the trends observed was done by machining test workpieces.
The energy reduction hypothesis developed was explored and validated by machining
components in defined orientations on the machine table.
The milling tests were conducted on a 3-axis CNC Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
(conventional milling machine). This machine has a DC servo motor model 20M with
spindle model A06B-0652-B, and a FANUC controller. Other machine parameters are as
stated in Table 4.1. The x, y and z axes accelerate at 10 ms-2 with rated power requirements
of 0.85 kW for the x- and y- axes, and 1.2 kW for the z- axis. The spindle motor had a
rated power of 7.5 kW. The axes drives were powered by the AC servo motors connected
directly to the ball screw drive. Zero load motion tests were first conducted on the CNC
milling machine. The experimental plan for this study is as shown in Table 4.1.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The zero load motion test was performed at six different feedrate values i.e. 500, 1000,
2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 mm/min for x- and y-axes and 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
mm/min for the z-axis. The feedrates were varied on the positive feed direction along the
x- and y- axes as well as in positive and negative feed directions for the z axis. The table
traverse distance was 150 mm. The electrical current consumed along the x– and y- axes
and z (+) and z (-) axes toolpath were recorded simultaneously. The test runs were repeated
three times for data consistency and repeatability.
Further studies to determine the influence of known weights on the electrical energy
demand of machine tool axes when executing movements in the x-axis and y-axis
directions were conducted by placing known weights of materials on the worktable of the
CNC machine tool. Table 4.2 presents the experimental plan for this study.
Table 4.2 Experimental plan for determining the effect of known weights on the electrical
energy demand of feed axes
TAKISAWA Mac-V3 milling
Type of machine tool machine with DC servo motor
model 20M
Spindle model A06B-0652-B
Machine tool controller FANUC
Feedrate, mm/min (m/s)
X- axis ; Y– axis 500 – 5000 (0.0083-0.083)
Tool travel along the X- and Y-
axes in (mm) 150
Known weights (N) 250; 350; 450; 550; 650; 750
Weight of machine tool vice (N) 570
The known weights of the workpiece material were varied for each test as shown in
Table 4.2. The feedrates were also varied for each of the zero load motion tests in the x-
axis and y-axis directions. The travel distance of the table was kept at 150 mm as before.
The electrical current consumed when the feed axis executes movement in the x– and y-
axes directions, with the specified weight of workpiece material placed on the machine
tool table was recorded simultaneously. An illustration of the experimental setup for
current/voltage measurement and data acquisition on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling
machine is presented in Figure 4.1.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram showing Fluke 434 power quality analyser setup and
data acquisition
As shown in Figure 4.1, the current measurement point was first located at the back of the
machine tool. The 3-phase current and voltage cables were clamped on the live wires
supplying current to the machine tool from the power grid. Then, the input current and
voltage cables were connected to the Fluke 434 power quality analyser for acquiring the
current and voltage data during the machining process. The measured current and voltage
data from the machine tool were then downloaded from the power clamp meter to a
computer for analysis using the Power log software. The test runs were repeated three
times for data consistency and repeatability. The newly proposed model was validated by
conducting milling tests on a square workpiece of AISI 1018 steel material.
The next section presents the use of Taguchi design of experiments to determine the
dominant parameter influencing the electrical energy demand of feed axes considering
feedrates, weights and feed axes direction. It also includes results on the modelling of the
feed axes power demand, as well as validation of the model.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
4.3.1 Determining the dominant factors for energy demand of machine tool axis
In order to understand the dominant factors that influences power demand of feed axes,
three factors were selected namely feedrate, weights of materials added to the table, and
direction of axis feed. An L4 Taguchi orthogonal array Design of Experiments was used.
The Minitab 16 software was used to analyse the results. The response of the tests is as
shown in Table 4.3. The tests responses as analysed with Minitab 16 software is as shown
in Figure 4.2.
Table 4.3 Experimental design and responses for Taguchi L4 orthogonal array
Feedrate Weights X- and Y- Repeat Repeat Repeat Average
(mm/min) (N) axes 0, 1, 2, Power Power
direction of Power Power (W) (W)
feed (W) (W)
1000 250 X 142 140 150 144
1000 750 Y 192 182 192 189
3000 250 Y 169 158 158 162
3000 750 X 212 194 216 207
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Considering Figure 4.2, the objective is to reduce power requirements. This is realised
when the signal to noise ratio is at its highest point for each factor. Thus operating the
machine at the lower feedrate, with the least weights would reduce power requirements.
This has to be balanced against using higher feedrates to reduce cycle time and energy
From Figure 4.2 and Table 4.4, it is shown that compared to feedrate and direction of
travel, weights placed on the machine table are the most dominant factors that influence
the power demand of the feed axes. From the Figure 4.2, the high gradient of the signal to
noise ratio also shows that feedrate and weight are significant factors for power demand.
The axis of interpolation is not as dominant as the feedrate or weights. Therefore it is
important to model power demand of machine feed axis as a function of feedrate and
weight of component placed on the Table.
In order to model the electrical energy demand of the feed axes and to estimate the
influence of known weights of workpiece material on machine tool axes, machine axis
power was studied by placing known weights of materials on the worktable of the
Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. The machine table and axis movement were then
executed without cutting and with no spindle rotation. The added weights were 250, 350,
450, 550, 650 and 750 N. The table travel distance was 150 mm. The weights for each axis
were 3150 N for the x-axis (including the weight of the table), 7500 N for the y-axis, and
6900 N for the z-axis. This experiment was performed with a transverse along the x-and y-
axes when the predetermined weights were placed on the worktable.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The plot in Figure 4.3 shows the variation of x and y feed axes net power for different
feedrates when traversing with zero load on the table and with no spindle rotation. In
Figure 4.3, while the norm in machining is to express table feedrate in mm/min, in this
paper, for utility reasons, a unit of m/s has been used since the focus is on evaluating
energy which is in Watt seconds (Ws). From Figure 4.3, a strong positive correlation exists
between power required by the table axes and the feedrate the machine is executing when
not cutting. An increasing trend of power demand of the feed axes is obtained as the
feedrate increases, which is in line with the research reported in Guo et al. [97].
Additionally, the net y-axis feed power requirement is on average 2% more than that of
the x-axis. The reason for this is because the x-axis on this particular machine is mounted
on the y-axis and hence the y-axis carries more weights than the x-axis. This difference in
power can be greater for larger machines with bigger table weights.
Figure 4.3 Power required for x- and y- axis of Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine when
not cutting traversing with no workpiece and with the spindle off
Similarly the power demand of the z-axis was evaluated when the axis was descending
and ascending for 150 mm. The results are shown in Figure 4.4. In this case the spindle
was OFF so as not to measure the power requirement of the spindle. Again the power
requirement increases with feedrate. The axis power demand when the spindle is going up
was 2% higher compared to the spindle going down. This is expected due to the weight of
the spindle column and hence, the effect of moving weights is evident from the power
requirement for the vertical spindle axis.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Figure 4.4 Power demand for the z-axis when the spindle was going up and down for
Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
The second part of the study investigated the effect of known weights of materials on the
power required by the machine axis when traversing over 150 mm linear length along the
x- and y- axes. The results are shown in Figures 4.5 and 4.6. All tests were repeated three
times for each of the weights.
Figure 4.5 Variation of power with feedrates when specified weights are placed on the
table of Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the x-axis
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Placing 750 N of weight on the net x-axis increases the power requirement by 3%
compared to the machine axis with zero load. In addition, placing 750 N of weight on the
net y- axis increases power requirement by 4% compared to the machine axis with zero
load. It is also clear comparing Figure 4.5 to Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.6 to Figure 4.3 that
the workpiece weight can have a larger impact on power requirements compared to the
variation in feedrates. This further supports the analysis of the variance in results reported
in Figure 4.2. The dominance of weights suggests that machining from a net shape or
reducing the weight of machine tables has a significant impact on decreasing the power
requirements and hence energy demanded by machine tool axis.
Figure 4.6 Variation of power with feedrates when specified weights are placed on the
table of Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the y-axis
Further tests were done along the x- and y- axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
at different feedrates while varying the weights added on the table. Examples of such data
are plotted in Figures 4.7 and 4.8.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Figure 4.7 Variation of x-axis power with weights at feedrate of 0.083 m/s (5000 mm/min)
for zero cutting operation
Figure 4.8 Variation of y-axis power with weights at feedrate of 0.0083 m/s (500 mm/min)
for zero cutting operation
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Considering Figures 4.7 and 4.8, it is seen that for selected table feedrates the power
required by the machine when air cutting increases fairly linearly with the weights on the
table. The study was done for feedrates of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mm/min
and the gradients of the resulting trends are shown in Tables 4.5 and 4.6 along the x- and
y- axes respectively.
Table 4.5 Gradients from the linear variation of axis power with feedrates
for the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the x-axis
Table 4.6 Gradients from the linear variation of axis power with feedrate
for the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine along the y-axis
The data obtained from the effects of feedrates and weights were analysed to normalise the
power demand per unit weight placed on the table for different table feedrates. The
gradients in Tables 4.5 and 4.6, i.e. Watt per Newton (W/N) of workpiece weight, were
used to derive a relation between power, weight and feedrate as shown in Figures 4.9 and
4.10 along the x- and y- axes of the CNC machine. Interestingly a linear relationship is
obtained in both graphs.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Figure 4.9 Variation of specific power per weight with feedrates for Takisawa Mac-V3
milling machine while not cutting along the x-axis
Figure 4.10 Variation of specific power per weight with feedrates for Takisawa Mac-V3
milling machine while not cutting along the y-axis
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The trends in Figures 4.9 and 4.10 are linear graphs with R2 = 0.90 and 0.92 respectively.
These graphs can be used to derive a mathematical relationship between power, weight and
feedrate. On this basis a relationship between power requirement and weight (Weights of
workpiece, machine vice and feed axis), and table feedrate is obtained for the x-axis and
the y-axis as shown in Equations 4.6 and 4.7. The baseline power (𝑃0 ) is incorporated into
the equation since it is the power required at idle mode or ready state.
It should be noted that the parameter W = (weight of axis + weight of vice + weight of
where 𝑃𝑓𝑥 , 𝑃𝑓𝑦 are the power demand of the feed axes along the x- and y- direction, 𝑣𝑓
retains its usual meaning, 𝑃0 is the baseline power, W is the weight of the axis, workpiece,
and machine vice. Equations 4.6 and 4.7 can be generalised into Equation 4.8.
where a and b are constants and 𝑣𝑓 and W, retain their usual meanings of table feedrate and
workpiece, machine vice plus axis weight respectively.
The power demanded at the tip when cutting is well modelled in the past. The feed power
can be calculated from the feed force and table linear feed velocity. Therefore, in dry
cutting the power demand by the axis can be modelled as shown in Equation 4.9.
If the energy demand for machining is required then the power variation in Equation 4.9
and the cycle time can be considered to evaluate the energy. This can be modelled with
Equation 4.10. To implement Equation 4.10, the effective feedrate of the machine table
either from the CAM software at the planning stage or from the CNC toolpath needs to be
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
where 𝐸𝑓 is the energy demand for a table feed axis in dry cutting and tcy and tc is the total
cycle time and the actual cutting time in seconds respectively.
In this paper cycle time is preferred, instead of distance travelled as in Campatelli et al.
[90] because this enables analysis in relation to tool life and hence economics. In a milling
process the feed force depends on the number of cutting edges engaged, the chip thickness
and depth of cut as well as the specific cutting resistance. The feed force can be modelled
as shown in Equation 4.11.
where X is the ratio of the feed force to the cutting force in milling, K is the specific cutting
resistance in N/mm2, 𝑎𝑝 is the depth of cut, 𝑓𝑧 is the feed per tooth, 𝜑 is the swept angle in
machining and 𝑥 is a constant. Thus Equation 4.11 enables fusion of cutting conditions
into energy analysis for an individual machine table axis, presenting a good link to
optimisation at the process planning stage. It should be noted that the proposed equation is
axis dependent and does not account for the power demanded by the spindle and coolant.
This can be modelled separately and is adequately addressed in literature.
The limitations of the model are that, the dynamic characteristics of the feed drive were not
considered in the model equation. In the machining considered, the relatively high
acceleration meant that the machine was only accelerating for far less than 1 mm of travel
and less than 1% of the toolpath. In this case these dynamic aspects can be safely ignored
in estimating energy demand. However, the model may not be valid for micro or nano
machining processes where the length of cut is less than 1 mm.
4.3.3 Implementation and validation of the power demand model of the feed axes
during a milling process
In order to validate the newly proposed power model in Equation 4.9, air cutting runs
were performed on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. A blank of billet stock of AISI
1018 steel was cut into size with dimensions of 100 mm long, 100 mm wide, and 20 mm in
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
height. These involved air cutting of linear tool paths along the x- and y- axes (i.e. at 0°
and 90°), as well as at an angle of 30° to each axis. The sample workpiece is shown in
Figure 4.11.
The length of the toolpath was 70 mm. The spindle speed was kept constant at 4000
rev/min. The depth of cut was maintained at 0.5 mm, while feedrates of 500 mm/min and
3000 mm/min were considered for the validation. An 8 mm diameter uncoated carbide
short end mill with 4 flutes was used in this study.
The power demands during air cutting of the slots were measured using the Fluke 434
power quality analyzer. In order to obtain the experimental power of the feed axes required
for slot milling during air cutting, the tool executed specified linear tool paths at the
feedrate of 500 mm/min and 3000 mm/min while the power consumed was simultaneously
measured. Also, the spindle power characteristics at 4000 rev/min was measured to be
3113 W. Hence, subtracting the power required for spindle run from the air cutting power
is equivalent to the power demand of the feed axis for executing a linear toolpath. The next
step explains the manual estimation of the power demand of the feed axis based on a
simple Numerical Control (NC) program.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
In order to estimate the power demand for milling a linear toolpath at an angle of 30°, an
NC code was generated for moving the tool from the start position to the end position at an
angle of 30° (Figure 4.11). An example of the NC code is given below:
In the above NC code, the tool moves rapidly to the start point, and then performs a linear
interpolation to the end point at the specified angle.
The actual travel motion along each axis can be estimated by comparing the values of the
NC codes at the start and end points of the program. Hence, the actual feed rate along each
axis can be estimated as in Smid [121]. This is shown in Equation 4.12.
𝒗𝒇 𝒊 = ∙ 𝒗𝒇 (4.12)
where 𝒗𝒇𝒊 is the actual feedrate moved by the specified axis, 𝒂𝒊 is the motion (distance)
travelled by the tool or axis in specified axis direction, L is the compound motion
(distance) travelled by the toolpath in mm, while 𝑣𝑓 is the given feedrate.
In the case of tool movement from point to point either at 0° or 90° (i.e. machining a
toolpath either along the x- or y- axis direction), the total distance travelled, L is equivalent
to the distance travelled. The feedrate remains constant.
Power demand models for each feed axis have been developed in this study (refer to
Equation 4.9). Hence, these equations shall be adapted to estimate the predicted power
demand for air milling of a slot at 0° (x-axis), 90° (y-axis), and at 30° (x- and y- axes).
These model equations can be modified to include the actual feedrates along each axis as
shown in Equations 4.13 and 4.14.
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
where 𝑃𝑓𝑥 , 𝑃𝑓𝑦 are the power demand along the x- and y- axes respectively in Watt, 𝑣𝑓 is
the feed rate in m/s, a and b are constants, 𝑃0 is the baseline power in Watt, W is the
workpiece, machine vice and axis weights in N, 𝐹𝑓 is the feed force in N, 𝑣𝑓𝑥 , 𝑣𝑓𝑦 are the
corresponding feed rates along the x- and y- axes in m/s.
It should be noted that during air cutting, the feed force is equivalent to zero. Therefore,
the total power demand in machining a toolpath while undergoing linear interpolation from
the start point to the end point at a specified angle can be estimated by Equation (4.15).
where 𝑃𝑓 is the total power demand of machining a tool path involving two feed axes.
Therefore, based on Equations (4.13), (4.14), and (4.15), the predicted power for air
cutting along the x, y, and at an angle of 30° can be estimated.
Figures 4.12 a, b, and c illustrate power profiles for air cutting, as well as the predicted
(model) and measured power demand for the feed axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling
machine at 500 mm/min.
Figure 4.12a Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting of a
slot at zero degrees with feedrate of 500 mm/min
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Fig. 4.12b Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting
of a slot at 30 degrees with feedrate of 500 mm/min
Fig. 4.12c Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting of
slot at 90 degrees with feedrate of 500 mm/min
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The Fluke 434 power clamp quality meter was used to measure the power demand during
air cutting, therefore the area under the graphs of the measured power and cycle time was
used to obtain the measured energy demand.
The predicted power values for linear interpolation at 0°, 30° and 90° were estimated to
be 3146 W, 3342 Wand 3227 W respectively.
The measured power of the feed axes from the Fluke 434 power quality analyser gave
3180 W, 3385 W, and 3237 W for the aforementioned angles respectively. Thus, the
deviation between the model and the measured power demand of the feed axes for the
specified angles were between 1% and 2%.
Also presented in Figures 4.13 a, b, and c are power profiles for air cutting, as well as the
predicted (model) and measured power demand for the feed axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3
milling machine at 3000 mm/min.
Figure 4.13a Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting of
slot at 0 degrees with feedrate of 3000 mm/min
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Fig. 4.13b Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting of slot
at 30 degrees with feedrate of 3000 mm/min
Fig. 4.13c Power profile for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine during air cutting
of slot at 90 degrees with feedrate of 3000 mm/min
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
Predicted power requirements for feed axes at 3000 mm/min when tool is executing
linear interpolation at 0°, 30° and 90° were estimated to be 3189 W, 3486 W, and 3537 W
respectively. The measured power of the feed axes from the Fluke 434 power quality
analyser gave 3510 W, 3702 W, and 3723 W for the aforementioned angles respectively.
Thus, the deviation between the model and the measured power demand of the feed axes
for the specified angles were between 5 % and 9%. The wide difference in the deviation
may be due to the fact that the model does not capture the dynamic characteristics of the
machine tool. More acceleration forces are required to actuate the feed drive at higher
feedrates which result in feed axes power requirement increase.
Additionally, the energy required by the feed axes to execute a linear toolpath during air
cutting can be estimated using Equation 4.10. Consequently, the results of some of the
predicted and measured energy demand of the feed axes during air cutting are presented in
Table 4.7.
Table 4.7 Predicted and measured energy demand of the feed axes
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
The results in Table 4.7 show that all energy demand values of the feed axes are less than
the measured power and energy demand. These may be as a result of the acceleration and
deceleration of the feed drive or machine tool which are not estimated in the proposed
model. Considering Table 4.7, at 500 mm/min, the difference between the measured and
the predicted power is small due to the fact that at lower feedrates, minimal acceleration
forces are required to actuate the feed axes. However, at 3000 mm/min, the differences are
between 5% and 9% due to the fact that at higher feedrates, more acceleration forces are
required to actuate the feed drives which results in rise in power and energy demand. Most
conventional machining processes operate at feedrates less than 2000 mm/min and hence,
this model will be highly accurate for such applications.
Nevertheless, it is important to mention that these values obtained further strengthened the
fact that the power and energy models as stated in Equations (4.9) and (4.10) can be used
for the generic estimate of the power requirement and energy demand of the feed axes,
taking into account the weights of the axes, workpiece and vice. Detailed modelling of
other elements of the machining process are covered in an earlier study [66].
4.4 Conclusions
In manufacturing by machine tools, the feed axes position the entire movable parts
of the machining system. Therefore, understanding energy demand by this motion
system is essential in developing strategies for energy labelling and reduction for
This chapter sets out to evaluate the effects of table feeds and weights on power
requirements and hence net energy demand of the axis, and it was found that the
weight being moved by the machine dominates the power requirement compared to
the feedrate. This was also evident in the high energy consumed when machining
was performed in the direction of axis carrying more weights when compared with
the lighter axes.
Additionally, in this chapter, a new model for estimating the total electrical energy
demand of machine tool feed axes was presented which captures the impact of table
feedrates, weights of machine table and materials placed on it. This means that the
proposed empirical model in this study for estimating the energy demand of
Impact of feed axis on electrical energy demand in mechanical machining processes
machine tools can be used for conventional machining using ball screw feed drives
for conventional sized components. This newly developed feed axes energy
demand model was validated on a milling toolpath.
This study suggests that machine tool manufacturers should readily provide
information on machine tool table weights with a primary or secondary axis label
since this information is critical for process planners and developers of CAM
software’s post processors in order to enable them to make informed decisions
about optimum orientation of the machine tool axis for minimum energy
consumption in machining. This information is not currently displayed on machine
tools or included in CAM software.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Machine tool axis motions are the key movements when milling components and hence it
is vital to understand how they influence energy demand in manufacturing. In this
research, a systematic study of component and toolpath orientations was undertaken for
milling operations. The current and voltage demand was monitored and this allowed
evaluation of electrical energy demand. The machine tool was run while executing
toolpaths in air (air cutting) and then in actual pocket milling of AISI 1018 steel and the
component was rotated in the x-y plane of the machine. It was shown that when machining
toolpaths were aligned to the lighter axis, this reduced the feed electrical energy demand
by 29%, minimised the drive dynamics, and reduced surface roughness by up to 50%.
Different toolpaths were tested in machining a pocket. The most energy efficient toolpath
strategy had the best surface finish. Thus there are synergies in setting and programming
toolpaths allowing simultaneous reduction of energy demand and component surface
roughness. The knowledge obtained in this study is vital guidance for process planners.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
5.1 Introduction
In recent years, the competition for energy resources has increased. Major concerns are
high energy bills and exhaustion of most of the world’s non-renewable resources [3]. In
2013, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that the global electricity
consumption was 19500 terawatt hour (TWh), of which about 42.3% (8249 TWh) was
attributable to the industrial sector [122]. For example in the same year 2013, 98 TWh
(26%) of electrical energy consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) was attributable to
the industrial sector, of which about 7 TWh (7.2%) of electricity was consumed by the
mechanical engineering sub-sector of the industry [123]. This electricity is generated from
fossil fuels at the power stations which results in increased CO2 emission [124]. This has
led to the introduction of global carbon tax [125, 126] that is levied per tonne of CO2
emitted. Thus, it is important to minimise the electrical energy requirement of fabricated
goods in order to reduce production costs and carbon footprint while maximising profits.
The electrical power demand of machine tools fluctuates and is attributable to operating
states of the machine tool. For example, Figure 5.1 presents a power-time profile for the
power consumed when undertaking peripheral milling of AISI 1018 steel on a 3-axis
Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. The power-time profile shows the ON state of the
different power consumption levels including machine start up, system booting, hydraulic
pumps starting, axes jogging, tool change, idle state, machining state with spindle start and
spindle stop.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Figure 5.1 Power consumption profile for peripheral milling of AISI 1018 steel on the
Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
The energy consumed by the machine tool is the area under the power-time graph which
can be estimated as shown in Equation 5.1.
E Pt (5.1)
where E is the total energy consumed in J, P is the total power demand in W, and t is the
total processing time in s.
The constant start-up power is required by the auxiliary units including the computer and
display, fans, servos, and unloaded motors. This power is constant and is independent of
the machining state. It is consumed for the entire time the machine tool is in use. The
constant run-time power is required for the positioning of the table with workpiece and the
cutter. It is consumed by the spindle, feed axes, feed motors, spindle motors, tool change
and axes jogging. The tip cutting or machining power is required for the actual cutting
process. It is dependent on the material removal rate (MRR) or on the load applied on the
machine which influences the power consumed at production mode.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Toolpaths are the paths guiding the cutter through the machined region. The selection of
the most efficient toolpath strategy is necessary for better utilisation of the milling process
[23]. Few researchers studied energy efficient toolpath orientations in milling. For
example, Rangarajan and Dornfeld [23] investigated the impacts of toolpath orientations
with respect to the feed axes. Two angles of orientation (0° and 36.9°) were considered in
the study. Minimal cycle time was achieved when machining at 36.9° representing about 2
– 4% of energy savings in cycle time. Kong et al. [22] investigated the movement of
machine tool axes along different orientations (between 0° and 90°). It was shown that
maximum feedrate in the x-y plane of the machine axes occurs at 45°. Additionally,
machining of toolpaths in the x-axis direction resulted in minimum energy being consumed
by the feed axis. Oda et al. [127] studied tool angles and cutting speeds to determine an
optimal angle for reduced energy demand while using a ball end mill to machine a
workpiece mounted at varying inclined angles between 0° and 60°. Results show that
lower power demand was obtained between 0° and 20°, with increased power demand
noticed between 45° and 60°. Thus, machining at inclined angles ranging between 0° and
20° resulted in about 79% reduction in power demand. Aramcharoen and Mativenga [96]
assessed the electrical energy demand for various machining toolpaths. They showed that
contour and spiral toolpath strategies reduced energy demand by up to 5 times when
compared with the zigzag toolpath.
Campatelli et al. [90] presented strategies for reducing the energy demand and
environmental impact of milling processes by determining the most efficient position and
direction in machining workpieces. It was shown that machining along the y-axis requires
more power than machining along the x-axis as a result of the masses carried. Vila et al.
[128] studied various toolpath strategies including zigzag in (x) direction, one way in (x)
direction, one way in (y) direction, zigzag in (y) direction, contour toolpaths and their
impacts on the specific energy demand. Results showed that minimal specific energy
demand and environmental impact in terms of CO2 generation was obtained when
machining in one way (x) direction. Recently, Kuram and Ozcelik [129] studied the effects
of toolpath strategies on surface roughness, tool wear and cutting forces in micro milling of
Ti6Al4V titanium material. The zag and zigzag toolpaths were considered. Results show
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
that the zigzag toolpath when machining at lower feedrate and higher spindle speed
produced better surface finish than the zag toolpath strategy.
From reviewed studies, insights into the effects of toolpaths on energy demand have been
provided. However, the effects of machine tool vice and toolpath orientations on the
electrical energy demand of a milling process and surface finish of the machined part were
not explicitly documented. This motivated this work.
The aim of this research was to simultaneously analyse the influence of machine tool
vice and toolpath orientations on the electrical energy demand and surface roughness of the
machined part. To achieve this, it is important to: i) assess the electrical energy demand
when orienting the machine tool vice and component at different angles in the x-y plane of
the machine tool table; ii) determine the surface roughness of the machined part in order to
develop recommendations for minimum energy demand in mechanical machining with
regards to the machine tool axes configuration; iii) determine the impacts of toolpath
strategies on the electrical energy demand and surface finish characterisation of a milling
process. The knowledge obtained in this study would aid in providing recommendations
for improving electrical energy efficiency and sustainable manufacture of components.
The research method is based on assessing the electrical energy requirement of the
machine tool and surface roughness of the machined part at different machine tool vice and
component orientations. Air cutting and pocket milling were undertaken while the machine
tool vice and component was mounted at different angles in the x-y plane of the machine
table. The pocket and toolpath were machined parallel to each angle of orientation. The
current and voltage drawn were directly measured using FLUKE 434 Power Quality
Analyser. Surface roughness of the machined pockets at different machine tool vice and
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
component orientations was checked after the material removal process was completed.
Further machining tests were performed to determine the influence of toolpath strategies
on the feed axes electrical energy demand and surface roughness.
Milling tests were conducted on a 3-axis Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. The
machine tool is capable of spindle speeds of up to 10,000 rev/min. The axes drives were
powered by the AC servo motors connected directly to the ball screw drive. The machine
construction has the machine table and x-axis directly mounted on the y-axis. The masses
for the x- and y- axes, modelled from SolidWorks software are approximately 315 kg and
750 kg respectively.
Five pieces of AISI 1018 steel workpiece material with dimensions of 75 mm x 50 mm x
12 mm and average weights of 343 g each were cut for the milling tests. The density and
average hardness of the workpiece are 7.85 g/cm3 and 233 HV respectively. The spindle
speed, the depth of cut, and step over were kept constant at 4000 rev/min, 0.5 mm, and
0.75D respectively. The pocket length was 58 mm while the width was 28 mm. A new tool
was used each time pocket milling was undertaken in a different machine tool vice
orientation, and at feedrates of 500, 1000, and 2000 mm/min. The cutter was 8mm
diameter short carbide, 4 flute end mill.
A swivel vice was used for this study in order to enable the accurate rotation of the
machine tool vice to the desired angle. The weight of the vice was 76 kg. The swivel vice
was rotated to five angles including 0° (with movement of the feed drive in the x-axis
direction), 30°, 45°, 75° (with movement of the feed drive in x- and y- axes directions) and
90° (with feed drive moving in the y-axis direction). Figures 5.2a and 5.2b show the
machine tool vice and component orientation, as well as the direction of the feed drive for
air cutting and pocket milling at 0° and 45°. These same patterns were also followed for
the other machine tool vice and component orientations.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Figure 5.2 (a) Machine tool vice and component oriented at 0 degrees showing direction of
feed drive and toolpath (feed drive moves in the x-axis direction)
(b) Machine tool vice and component oriented at 45 degrees showing feed drive
and toolpath directions (feed drive moves in the x- and y-axes direction)
The cutting tests were carried out under a dry cutting environment. Each of the cutting test
runs were repeated three times.
5.3.1 Impact of machine tool vice and toolpath orientations on electrical energy
demand of a milling process
The electrical energy demand was estimated from the acquired power and cycle time of
the material removal process. Figures 5.3 a, and b show the relationships between the
electrical energy demand and machine tool vice and component orientations in the x-y
plane with feed drive movement along the specified vice orientation for air cutting and
total cutting electrical energy demand respectively.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Figure 5.3 a,b Energy demand when executing air cutting and cutting with machine tool
vice and toolpath oriented at different angles respectively
In Figure 5.3a, it is observed that executing air cutting with the vice oriented at 0°
(movement of the feed drive in the x-axis direction) resulted in minimal electrical energy
consumption. The machine tool consumed about 15% more electrical energy with machine
tool vice oriented at 75° compared to 0° with feedrates of 500 and 1000 mm/min; and 22%
more electrical energy at 2000 mm/min. At 90°, 2%, 2%, and 10% more electrical energy
demand was consumed than at 0° for the aforementioned feedrates. In Figure 5.3b,
orienting the machine tool vice at 75° resulted in 29%, 24%, 27% more energy demand at
feedrates of 500, 1000, 2000 mm/min respectively than at 0°, while orienting the machine
tool vice at 90° resulted in 15% to 18% more electrical energy demand than at 0°.
Figures 5.3a and 5.3b show minimal electrical energy demand for machine tool vice
orientations at 0° and 90° due to the actuation of only one axis when tool movements are
aligned at these angles, while the electrical energy demand for machine tool vice
orientations between 15° and 75° was higher when compared to that obtained at 0° and 90°
due to the movement of the combined weights of the x- and y- axis. Thus, cutting with
machine tool vice oriented at 0° may save up to 29% in electrical energy irrespective of the
feedrates considered. This enables reduction in the variable energy demand of the machine
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
5.3.2 Surface roughness for different machine tool vice and toolpaths angles
Surface roughness check of the machined pockets with regards to machine tool vice
orientations was performed with the Surtronic 25 surface roughness checker. Three
different points on the machined pocket surface were measured and the average surface
roughness recorded based on the specified feedrates. Figure 5.4 shows variation of average
surface roughness, Ra in (μm) with machine tool vice orientations and at varying feedrates.
It should be noted that the surface roughness are high because this was a semi roughing
process studied. These values can be improved in finishing operations.
Figure 5.4 Surface roughness measured perpendicular to the cutting direction when
rotating the machine tool vice at varying orientations and varying feedrates
Dornfeld and Lee [130] maintained that the quality of the machined part may be affected
by weight forces. Thus, error due to deformation may be as a result of the interplay
occurring between the deviating machine weight in the material removal process and the
machine tool foundation. For example, the deformation of a machine table moving in the
y-axis direction in the x-y plane may result in changing orientation and movement of the
tool with respect to the workpiece. This is due to the heavier weight of the part on the
machine table coupled with movement in the positive and negative directions of the y-axis.
Thus, deformation between the workpiece and the tool varies as a result of the changing
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
cutting forces in the machining process. These errors are simultaneously reflected on the
surface of the machined part.
Figure 5.4 shows minimal surface roughness values when machining with the machine
tool vice oriented at 0° and feed drive motion in same direction irrespective of the feedrate.
This may be due to the fact that the feed drive and tool movement at this angle is aligned in
the x-axis direction which carries minimum weights. Nevertheless, high surface roughness
values of 2.46, 3.15, and 3.62 µm for feedrates of 500, 1000, and 2000 mm/min
respectively were obtained when the machine tool vice was oriented at 75° which is
aligned in the x- and y- axes direction. Figure 5.4 also showed that surface roughness fairly
increased (i.e. ranging from 1.16 - 2.46 µm for 500 mm/min; 2.09 – 3.15 µm for 1000
mm/min; 2.88 – 3.62 µm for 2000 mm/min) as the machine tool vice orientations increased
from 0° to 75°, with a slight decrease in surface roughness values as the vice was oriented
at 90°. Machining at 500 mm/min with machine tool vice orientation at 75° increases the
surface roughness values by 48% than the surface finish values obtained at 0°. Also, the
average surface roughness values when orienting the machine tool vice at 90° is 40% more
than at 0°. Therefore, it can be inferred that machining along the axis carrying minimum
weights results in improved surface finish by up to 50% when compared to the roughness
values obtained when the machine tool vice is oriented at angles along the x- and y- axes
Additionally, the results in Figures 5.3 and 5.4 show that there may be a correlation
between energy demand and surface finish in that component orientation and movement of
the feed drive in the direction of axis carrying minimum weights could result in reduced
energy demand and improved surface finish.
Further studies were undertaken to determine the effects of toolpath strategies on the
feed axes electrical energy demand. Pockets on AISI 1018 steel with dimensions of 150 x
100 x 20 mm where machined along the x- and y- axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling
machine with the zag, zigzag, and rectangular contour offset. The toolpaths were generated
using the Hyper mill CAM software. The pocket length was 122 mm while the width was
54 mm. An 8 mm diameter, 4 flutes carbide short end mill was used. The weight of the
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
workpiece was 3 kg. The weight of the vice was 57 kg. The cutting speed was 100 m/min.
Spindle speed was maintained at 4000 rev/min. The depth of cut was kept at 0.5 mm. The
feedrate was maintained at 500 mm/min to prevent the dominance of feedrates on the feed
axes power. The ratio of width of cut to tool diameter was set at 0.75D. Flood cutting was
used. The tests were repeated three times for repeatability and accuracy of results while the
power requirement of the CNC machine during the pocket milling process was measured.
The sample pockets with toolpaths are presented in Figure 5.5.
The feed axes power was obtained by subtracting the spindle power and the baseline
power from the total cutting power. The feed axes power value and the processing time
were then used to estimate the feed axes electrical energy required for each toolpath
strategy. Figure 5.6 shows the feed axes electrical energy demand during pocket milling of
the test materials with different toolpath strategies and axes movements.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Figure 5.6 Feed axes energy demand for different toolpath strategies during pocket
milling of AISI 1018 steel along the x- and y- axes of Takisawa Mac-V3
milling machine
From Figure 5.6, it is observed that the y-axis consumes 15%, 14%, and 15% more feed
axes electrical energy than the x-axis of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine for zag,
zigzag, and rectangular contour toolpaths due to the weights carried. This result agrees
with the work presented in Edem and Mativenga [131]. It can be deduced that energy
efficiency of toolpaths can be improved by machining along the axis with minimal moving
weights. It is also observed in Figure 5.6 that the rectangular contour toolpath is the most
efficient toolpath strategy in terms of energy demand and processing time due to zero tool
retracts and longer cutting length aligned to the pocket geometry.
The surface roughness of the pockets was checked at the end of the machining operation
with Surtronic 25 surface roughness checker. Figure 5.7 shows variation of surface
roughness with toolpaths along the x- and y- axes of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Figure 5.7 Surface roughness of toolpaths along the x- and y- axes of Takisawa Mac-V3
milling machine
It is observed that machining along the y-axis of the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
resulted in 40%, 2%, and 3% more surface roughness values for the zag, zigzag, and the
rectangular contour toolpath strategies than the x-axis respectively. Even though the
surface roughness values for the zigzag and rectangular contour toolpaths were minimal,
the rectangular contour toolpath had the best surface finish with about 30% of improved
surface finish, while the zag toolpath had the worst surface finish.
5.4 Conclusions
In this study, impacts of machine vice orientations and toolpath strategies on the feed
axes electrical energy demand and surface finish were investigated in order to identify
measures for obtaining minimum energy consumption. The following conclusions were
obtained in this study:
Minimum electrical energy demand for feed axis during air cutting and pocket
milling was obtained with machine vice and component oriented at the angle
aligned in the direction of axis carrying less weight, resulting in electrical energy
savings of up to 29%.
Energy demand reduction in milling based on component and toolpath orientations
Pocket milling with the machine tool vice and component orientation at 0 degrees
resulted in better surface finish. Thus, machining with the vice aligned in the
direction of the axis carrying minimum weights (0 degrees) resulted in improved
surface finish by up to 50% when compared with the roughness values obtained
when the machine tool vice was aligned in other axis directions.
The feed axes energy result shows that rectangular contour toolpath is the most
efficient in terms of feed axes energy and processing time. This may be due to
longer cutting length of the toolpath before linking the next cutting pass. In case of
the zag toolpath, the number of tool retracts resulted in higher feed energy and
processing time when compared with that of the rectangular contour. Thus, utilising
toolpaths with less tool retractions results in lower processing time and energy
The rectangular contour toolpath had the best surface finish with about 30% of
improved surface finish obtained, while the zag toolpath strategy had the worst
surface finish. The result obtained in the surface finish analysis correlates with the
energy consumption, in that the most efficient toolpath strategy has the best surface
finish with minimal electrical energy requirement.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
6.1 Introduction
The electrical energy consumed by machine tools throughout the use phase dominates
their life cycle environmental impacts [12]. The first step to energy demand reduction in
machine tools is to have a better understanding of energy consumption. To achieve this, it
is important to model the energy required in a machining process. Jia et al. [87] presented
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
an analytical model which integrates the different machining states with the energy
requirements of basic motions of the CNC machine tools. In their study, the power demand
of the feed axes was assumed constant and was not explicitly modelled. Building on Jia et
al. [87]’s work on Therbligs, Lv et al. [88] proposed an improved methodology for
estimating energy demand of machine tools. Therblig is defined as a group of motions
necessary for machine tool operations such as standby operations, lighting, spindle
rotation, tool selection/tool changing, cutting, x-, y-, z-axes feeds and cutting fluid
spraying. This study, though an addition to machining science, did not explicitly model the
Therblig feed axes energy demand to include weights of the feed axes and materials placed
on machine table.
Other approaches of modelling the electrical energy demand of toolpaths could be by
disintegrating the direct electrical energy consumed by the machine tool into energy
consuming units including spindle, feed axes, coolant pump, tool change system, as well as
components that consume constant energy. The sum of each component’s energy
consumption is used to evaluate the total energy demand. This approach is found in studies
presented in [26, 86, 96], and is in line with the model proposed in this study. This
approach was preferred in this study in order to effectively relate NC codes to the energy
consuming units of the machine tool. This way, the influence of interpolations on energy
intensity of machine tool would be effectively characterised.
Diaz et al. [19] proposed a web-based energy consumption model for estimating the
energy requirements of machine tools based on the correlation between the energy demand
and the processing time. Hu et al. [63] utilised an online energy efficiency monitoring
approach to model the energy consumption of a machining process by developing an
architecture for the online energy monitoring system (OEEM system).
Few researchers have modelled the electrical energy demand of the variable energy
consumers (spindle and feed drives), as well as targeting their energy consumption
reduction. For example, Campatelli et al. [90] presented an analytical model of the energy
demand for feed axis which takes into account the effect of masses and friction. Recently,
Edem and Mativenga [131] proposed a new model for estimating the electrical energy
demand of machine tool feed axes which incorporates the weights of feed axes and weights
of the materials placed on the machine table, the feed force, and the table feedrate. The
newly proposed model was validated on milling CNC toolpaths.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Table 6.1 Summary of energy consumption models for toolpaths based on CNC codes
Authors Energy Model Remarks/Limitations
He et al. [26] 𝐸 = 𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 + 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 + 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑙 + 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 + 𝐸𝑓𝑖𝑥 (6.1) Provides insight into
modelling of energy demand
where 𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 is the energy required during the based on NC codes; Circular
in J of the feed axes, 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑙 is the energy in J required by the feed drive were not
for tool change, 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 is the energy consumption
in J of the coolant, 𝐸𝑓𝑖𝑥 is the energy consumption in
J of the servo motor and the fan system
Aramcharoen 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐸𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐 + 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑙 + 𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 + 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 + Analytically modelled the
and Mativenga 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 + 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔−𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑 (6.2) electrical energy demand
[96] based on NC codes.
where 𝐸𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐 is the energy required by auxiliary and However, feed axes energy
peripheral units in J, 𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 is the energy required was not modelled to include
weights of the feed axes,
by the spindle in J, 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑙 is the energy consumed at
workpiece and machine
tool change in J, 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 is the cutting energy for
vice; circular interpolation
material removal in J, 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is the energy consumed
and total time were not
by the feed drives in J, 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔−𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑 is the energy
considered; energy intensity
required by the cutting fluid pump motor in J.
of toolpath interpolations
were not considered; Energy
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
where 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒 is the energy consumed by a CNC model and energy demand
movements, spindle rotation; 𝑃𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑒 is the constant move feed power was not
considered in the feed axes
power of the machine (W); 𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 is the
coolant pump power (W); 𝑃𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔_𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 is the power
required for spindle, table, axes movements and
spindle rotation (W); 𝑃𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔_𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 is the power for
removing material (W), t is the processing time in s
Balogun et al. 𝑡 Developed an e-smart
𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝑃𝑏 (𝑡𝑏 + 𝑡𝑟 + 𝑡𝑐 ) + 𝑃𝑟 𝑡𝑟 + 𝑃𝑡𝑐 𝑡𝑡𝑐 [𝐼𝑁𝑇 ( 𝐶) +
[98] software based on NC codes;
1] + 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟 + (𝑚𝑁 + 𝐶 + 𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙 + 𝑘𝑣)𝑡𝑐 (6.5)
feed axis energy demand
was not explicitly modelled
where 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡 is the total energy demand (J), 𝑃𝑏 and 𝑃𝑟 to include weights of feed
are the basic and ready-state power required by the axes, workpiece and
machine tool (W). 𝑃𝑡𝑐 , 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟 and 𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙 are power machine vice; Circular
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
demand for tool change, air cutting, and coolant interpolation was not
respectively (W). 𝑡𝑏 , 𝑡𝑟 , 𝑡𝑡𝑐 , 𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟 and T represent considered; the importance
setup time, ready time, tool change time, air cutting of weights was not
time, and tool life (s) respectively, and 𝑚𝑁 + 𝐶 is the highlighted in the e-smart
spindle-speed characteristic model in W. software; energy intensity of
toolpath interpolations were
not considered
Narita et al. [95] proposed an NC code based software for predicting the environmental
impacts of a machining process. The software outputs the environmental impacts,
processing time and the number of workpiece set up time. Vijayaraghavan and Dornfeld
[58] proposed a software-based approach for the automation of energy demand prediction
at all levels in order to investigate the energy consumption of machine tools and their
effect on the overall life cycle and power demand of the machine tool. The software
utilises ‘Complex Event Processing (CEP)’ which handle data reasoning and information
processing. Manufacturing Technology Connect (MT Connect) interface was used to link
data from the machine tool and/or other manufacturing equipment to the ‘Event Cloud’ for
information processing and strategic decision making. However, energy consuming
components were not related to NC codes.
From reviewed work, it is shown that few researchers proposed energy consumption
models and developed software for predicting the electrical energy demand of a machining
process based on NC codes. However, the reviewed studies have some limitations. For
example, the weights moved by the feed drive (i.e. weights of the feed axes, machine vice,
and workpiece) were not incorporated in the energy consumption models and in any of the
proposed energy demand software. Also, most of these studies failed to model the
influence of toolpath interpolations (G00, G01 G02, G03) on energy consumption of
machine tools. In addition, most of their work focused on linear toolpaths while circular
interpolation was relatively unexplored. Therefore, incorporating the weights of materials
moved in the proposed energy consumption model and energy software would further
improve the accuracy of predicting energy demand in machining.
It is also critical to investigate the energy demand of NC codes based on the type of
interpolations in order to select the most efficient machining strategy in terms of reduced
energy intensity.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The aim of this study is to develop the scientific base and logic for calculating the
energy consumption of a CNC toolpath taking the NC code as input. To achieve this, a
previously developed feed axes energy demand model which takes into account the
weights of feed axes, machine vice, and workpiece placed on the feed drive by the authors
was incorporated into other energy consumption models. A new rationale for mapping the
equations to CNC codes was developed and validated on components. This knowledge was
used to develop NC code based software for energy demand prediction.
Table 6.2 presents some of the models required to analytically estimate the total electrical
energy demand of each energy consuming component and their relation to NC codes such
as G-codes, M-codes, T-codes, S-code, and F-codes.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The next sub-sections present details in estimating the feed axes energy demand and their
relations to the G00, G01, G02, and G03 NC codes, as well as the time required to run an
NC block.
The feed energy, 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is required by the activated x-, and/or y-, and/or z-axis feed
motors for positioning the machine tool table or cutting tool in the x-, y-, z-axis directions
at the specified feedrate (𝑣𝑓 ). The feed axes motors are controlled by NC codes including
(G00) at rapid feedrates, and (G01, G02, G03) at specified feedrates. The feed energy is
deactivated by the M30 NC code. The feed energy (𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 ) can be estimated as shown in
Equation 6.11.
where 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is the feed drive energy demand in J, 𝑃𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is the power in W required by the
feed drives, 𝑡𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is the time in seconds required for running the feed drive.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The rapid feed energy is activated by the G00 NC code. The power demand for the rapid
feed moves in each axis direction could be obtained experimentally by directly measuring
the power required (i.e. 𝑃𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑥 , 𝑃𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦 , 𝑃𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑧 ).
The rapid feed time for the x-, y-, z- axes could be estimated as in Equation 6.12 below:
𝑥𝑒 −𝑥𝑠
𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑥 = 𝑣 ; (6.12a)
𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑥
𝑦𝑒 −𝑦𝑠
𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦 = ; (6.12b)
𝑣𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑦
𝑧𝑒 −𝑧𝑠
𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑧 = 𝑣 ; (6.12c)
𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑧
where (𝑥𝑠 , 𝑦𝑠 , 𝑧𝑠 ) are the start and (𝑥𝑒 , 𝑦𝑒 , 𝑧𝑒 ) are the end points of the toolpath in mm;
𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑥 , 𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦 , 𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑧 are the time in s for rapid moves in x-, y-, z-axes
directions; 𝑣𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑥 , 𝑣𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑦 , 𝑣𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑧 are the rapid feed speeds for the x-, y-, and z-
axes directions in mm/min. The rapid feed energy is estimated using Equation (6.13).
where 𝑃𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 is power required for the specified axis movement at rapid feedrate,
𝑡𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 is the time for rapid move of the specified axis, 𝐸𝐺00−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 is the energy
required by the specified axis during rapid move.
Linear interpolation involves linear movement of the tool from the start point 𝑃𝑠 (𝑥𝑠 , 𝑦𝑠 )
of the linear segment to the end point 𝑃𝑒 (𝑥𝑒 , 𝑦𝑒 ) of the linear segment. Linear interpolation
is the shortest distance a cutting toolpath can take. The energy required by the feed axes at
specified feeds for linear interpolations is activated by the G01 NC-code. Figure 6.1
presents linear interpolation involving two axes (i.e. x- and y- axes).
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
For absolute part programming, the start and end points are provided in the NC programs
with the G-code (G01), thereby providing adequate information for determining the
direction of movement of the feed drive as well as the feedrate value. In incremental
programing the relative vectors in each axis are specified instead. Linear motions may be
in single axis (i.e. movement may be parallel either to the x- or y- axis direction) or along
two axes simultaneously as in Figure 6.1. The velocities of the x- and y- axes are
controlled to keep the tool on a straight path.
In absolute programming (G90) as shown in Figure 6.2a, all dimensions in a CNC
program are measured from the common point (origin), while in incremental programming
(G91) all dimensions in a CNC program are measured from the current tool position [121]
as shown in Figure 6.2b.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The start point P1 (10, 15) and end point P2 (45, 30) coordinates of the milling cutter are
given in the x-y plane. Thus, the linear interpolation mode (G01) is used to maintain the
end mill’s motion in a straight line at the specified feedrate [120]. Samples of NC codes for
the linear interpolation (P1, P2) written in the G90 and G91 modes are shown in Table 6.3.
Detailed estimation of linear interpolation based on the length of travel (L), and the actual
feedrates moved by each axis from the command feedrate is provided in Edem and
Mativenga [131]. The actual feedrates moved by each axis are then incorporated into the
power demand models proposed by Edem and Mativenga [131] to estimate the power
demand of feed axes. This model takes into account the weight of the axes, workpiece and
machine tool vice. This is shown in Equation 6.14.
where 𝑃𝐺01−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 is the linear feed power at specified axis direction, 𝑃0 is the baseline
power, 𝑊𝑖 is the weight of the axis, workpiece, and machine vice in the specified axis
direction, 𝑎𝑖 and 𝑏𝑖 are constants in specified axis direction, 𝑣𝑓𝑖 is the actual feedrate
moved in a specified axis direction, 𝑣𝑓 is the table feedrate, and 𝐹𝑓 is the feed force.
The power demand in Equation 6.14 and the processing time required to run an NC block
from its start point to the end point are used to estimate the electrical energy demand of
feed axes in specified axis direction (𝐸𝐺01−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 ). This is shown in Equation (6.15).
where 𝐸𝐺01−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖 is the feed energy demand for linear toolpaths at specified axis direction
in J, tcy and tc is the total cycle time and the actual cutting time in seconds respectively, 𝑃0 ,
𝑎𝑖 , 𝑏𝑖 , 𝑣𝑓𝑖 , 𝑣𝑓 , 𝑊𝑖 , and 𝐹𝑓 still retain their usual meanings.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Circular interpolation is used for the programming of complete circles or arcs which are
found in circular pockets, corner breaks, spherical or conical shapes, outside and inside
radii, and helical cutting. In circular interpolation, the tool follows the given arc at the
specified feedrate by varying the velocities of two axes on a plane of motion.
Movement of the cutting tool during circular interpolation may be in two directions –
clockwise (CW) actuated by the G02 NC code with tool movement from P2 to P1, or
counterclockwise (CCW) actuated by the G03 NC code with tool movement from point P1
to P2.
Most CNC systems require the radius of the arc rc and the coordinates of its endpoint P2
(in the case of G03) or its start point P1 (in the case of G02), and could be programmed in
absolute coordinates as:
In the case where a CNC system requires the coordinates of the arc centre point C (x c, yc)
and arc’s end point P2 (when tool movement is executed with G03) or its start point P1
(when tool movement is executed with G02), the NC program in absolute mode is:
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
where F is the program feedrate, ic and jc are used to define the centre of the arc with
respect to the starting point.
The arc centre coordinates can be evaluated by the algorithm given below:
ic = xc -x1; jc = yc - y1 for G03 Or
ic = xc -x2; jc = yc - y2 for G02
Information about the radius of the arc rc, the centre of the arc C (𝑥𝑐 ,𝑦𝑐 ), and the direction
of the vector tangent to the starting point of the circular toolpath could be obtained from
the NC program.
Figure 6.4 Circular interpolation with centre at the origin of CNC coordinates [120]
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The coordinates of the point 𝑃𝑠 (absolute programming G90) on the arc in Figure 6.4 can
be obtained by the parametric equation of a circle at a point, and is given by:
Most centres of the circular paths are not obtained at the origin of the CNC coordinates.
Figure 6.5 shows circular toolpath whose centre is not at the origin of the CNC
Figure 6.5 Circular path with centre not at origin of the CNC coordinates [135]
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The point 𝑃𝑛 is assumed to be reached by a tool when moving along the circular path
between points 𝑃𝑠 and 𝑃𝑒 . Thus, the coordinates of the point 𝑃𝑛 on the arc (based on
absolute programming method), can be obtained by the parametric equation of a circle at a
point, and is given by:
The actual feedrate for each axis when the tool executes circular interpolation can be
estimated based on the position of the current point on the arc 𝑃𝑛+1 (𝑥𝑛+1 , 𝑦𝑛+1) and the
previous point on the arc 𝑃𝑛 (𝑥𝑛 , 𝑦𝑛 ) as shown in Figure 6.5. In addition, the length of the
interpolation segment, L can also be calculated with Equations presented in Avram [135]:
(𝑥𝑃𝑛+1 −𝑥𝑃𝑛 )
𝑣𝑓𝑥(𝑃𝑛+1) = ∙ 𝑣𝑓 (6.24)
(𝑦𝑃𝑛+1 −𝑦𝑃𝑛 )
𝑣𝑓𝑦(𝑃𝑛+1 ) = ∙ 𝑣𝑓 (6.25)
where L is the total distance moved, 𝑣𝑓 is the program feedrate, 𝑣𝑓𝑥 , 𝑣𝑓𝑦 are the actual
feedrates moved by the x- and y- axes, 𝑥𝑃𝑛 , 𝑦𝑃𝑛 are the x and y axis coordinates of a point
on the arc.
The actual feedrates moved by each axes while executing circular interpolation are then
incorporated in the power demand models proposed by Edem and Mativenga [131] as
presented in Equations 6.14 and 6.15 respectively, by substituting the G01 code with either
G02 or G03 based on the type of circular interpolation and the specified axis direction.
The feed axes are driven by the mechanical components of the servo drive which often
experience inertia. Subsequently, it normally requires some time to reach the required
feedrate [22]. The machine toolpath cutting length and direction influence the material
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
removal cycle time. The time required to accelerate and decelerate the feed drives depends
on the maximum feedrate and axis acceleration to be attained by the drive and the
controller parameters. Also, Tounsi et al. [136] reported that the cycle time and direction of
the cutting tool relative to the workpiece can be evaluated by taking into account the
acceleration and deceleration time of the feed axes movement.
There are two types of feed profiles used for the feed axes movement. These include the
trapezoidal feed profile and the triangular feed profile presented in Figures 6.6a and 6.6b.
Figure 6.6a,b Acceleration and deceleration phase of the feed drive as it undergoes
trapezoidal and triangular axes movements respectively
Considering the trapezoidal feed profile in Figure 6.6a, it therefore means that the
distance travelled by the feed axes or cutter is long enough to accelerate, stabilise and
decelerate, thereby making it possible for the required feedrate to be reached.
In the case of the triangular axis movement in Figure 6.6b, the specified feed rate cannot
be reached due to the fact that the axis travel distance is shorter than the time required for
the drive to accelerate, stabilise and decelerate [22].
In this study, time required to run an NC block was estimated based on either Equation
(6.26) for trapezoidal feed profile or Equation (6.27) for triangular feed profile depending
on the length of the toolpath segment.
𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 = 2𝑡𝑎 + (𝑑 ≥ 2𝑑𝑎 ) (6.26)
2𝑡𝑎 𝑑
𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 = √ (𝑑 < 2𝑑𝑎 ) (6.27)
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
where 𝑡𝑎 is the acceleration time in m/s, d is the total travel distance in mm, 𝑑𝑎 is the
distance moved by the tool or axis at the acceleration time 𝑡𝑎 , and 𝑣𝑓 is the feedrate in
The sum of energy demand for each NC code line gives the total energy demand of the
machining process. Therefore, the total electrical energy demand model adopted for this
study is as shown in Equations 6.28.
𝑬𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 = 𝑬𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 + 𝑬𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 + 𝑬𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒏 + 𝑬𝒄𝒖𝒕 + 𝑬𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒙𝒆𝒔 + 𝑬𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 (6.28)
where 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 is total electrical energy demand in machining in J; 𝐸𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 , 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 ,
𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛 , 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡 , 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 , 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 are the energy required by constant energy
consumers, energy required by the tool change motor, energy required to run the spindle at
specified speeds, energy required for removing a material, energy requirements of the feed
axes, energy required for the coolant pump in J respectively.
The proposed model for estimating the total electrical energy required to run an NC
program in Equation (6.28) was used to implement the NC-code based energy demand
prediction software.
6.3.1 Design and development of the NC-code based energy demand prediction
Figure 6.7 presents the algorithm for developing the NC-code based energy demand
prediction software. It is assumed that the user provides the NC codes files. Table 6.4
presents additional input parameters required to predict the total energy of the cutting
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Table 6.4 Additional inputs to be provided for the graphical user interface (GUI)
Machine tool type Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
Machine tool characteristics:
Baseline power 2763.17 W
Coolant pump power 400 W
Tool change power 270 W
weight of x-axis 3150 N
weight of y-axis 7500 N
weight of machine vice 570 N
Cutting tool parameters:
diameter 8 mm
number of flutes 4
Cutting parameters: Width of cut Slot machining – Diameter of the tool
Pockets - 0.75× Diameter of tool in mm
Workpiece parameters (AISI 1018 steel):
weight 30 N
specific cutting energy 4.5 J/mm3 [46]
specific cutting pressure 1666.7 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
Alternatively, these input parameters could be stored in a supplementary database for use
when needed.
The execution loop of the software then initialises by reading through each line of the NC
block one at a time to evaluate the energy demand and the processing time based on the
Equations proposed in section 6.2 of this study.
For example, the rapid feed G00 power values for rapid moves in x-, y-, or z- axis
direction were experimentally acquired. The time for rapid moves in each axis direction
could be estimated as in Equation 6.12, and depends on the rapid feed speed in specified
axis direction, and the start and end point coordinates. The energy demand for rapid feed is
then evaluated from the power and processing time as in Equation 6.13.
The linear interpolation (G01) power, and the power for circular interpolation (G02,
G03) are all estimated based on the procedures presented in Edem and Mativenga [131]
and section 6.2 of this work. Thus, the total energy for feed drive 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is obtained by
summing the 𝐸𝐺𝑂𝑂−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 , 𝐸𝐺01−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 , and 𝐸𝐺02/𝐺03−𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑
The energy required by the M06 code (tool change motor) is estimated from the
experimental power value acquired from the graphical user interface (GUI) and the time
for tool change.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
In the absence of the M06 NC code in an NC block, the next block is analysed by the
execution loop. This procedure is repeated for M03, M04, or M05 codes (spindle on or
off). The spindle run power is required for spindle rotation at specified spindle speed
without cutting and is estimated as in Equation 6.7. The tool tip power is estimated based
on the specific cutting energy (k) and the MRR (Q) as in Equation 6.8. The time for the
spindle run and cutting process is obtained from the total time required to run the NC
program which is therefore used to estimate the 𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛 and 𝐸𝑐𝑢𝑡 . The software
constantly updates 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 and 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 .
For M07, M08, or M09 codes (coolant on or off), the power demand value is obtained
from the GUI, while the time for coolant is from the duration of the coolant use, from
which the coolant energy is estimated. The execution loop reads each line of NC block for
the available NC code related to any energy consuming component, estimates the energy
and time for each block, updates 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 and 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 until all the lines of the NC program
have been read through, before the end of the NC program or M30 is reached.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Figure 6.7 Flow chart for development of NC-code based energy demand software
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
6.3.2 Implementation of the NC-code based energy demand prediction software and
graphical user interface (GUI)
The graphical user interface (GUI) for the energy demand prediction software was
developed in MATLAB environment for estimating the total energy demand and total
time. This is presented in Figure 6.8. The NC program is uploaded in an ASCII text file
format by clicking the Upload NC file button on the GUI. The feedrate (𝑣𝑓 ) is obtained
from the programmed feedrate value (i.e. F500) which is modal and provided in the NC
program. Also, the depth of cut (𝑎𝑒 ) is acquired from the (z-) value which signifies the
depth for removing material from the workpiece surface as provided in the NC program.
Additionally, the operator has to provide other parameters as inputs such as the width of
cut (step over); machine tool parameters (i.e. machine tool type, baseline power, weights of
the x-axis and y-axis, and the weight of the machine tool vice); workpiece parameters (i.e.
workpiece material, workpiece weight, specific cutting pressure of the material (K), and
the specific cutting energy (k) of the material); and the tool parameters (i.e. tool diameter,
number of flutes) as in Table 6.4. These parameters could also be stored in a separate pre-
prepared input file for use when needed. The software then outputs the total energy
demand and total processing time when the Run button is clicked on the GUI.
Figure 6.8 Graphical user interface (GUI) for uploading NC program and energy demand
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
In order to validate the proposed analytical model and NC-code based energy prediction
software for estimating the total electrical energy demand in mechanical machining, slot
milling of AISI 1018 steel was undertaken on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine. This
machine has a DC servo motor model 20M with spindle model A06B-0652-B, and
FANUC controller. The vertical machining centre is capable of spindle speeds of up to
10,000 rev 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1. The acceleration for the x, y, and z axes is 10 𝑚𝑠 −2, with rated power
of 0.85 kW for x and y axes, and 1.2 kW for the z axis. The spindle motor had a rated
power of 7.5 kW. The axes drives were powered by the AC servo motors connected
directly to the ball screw drive. The machine tool configuration has the machine table and
x-axis mounted directly on the y-axis. The table mass was modelled in SolidWorks 2012
software, and the values for the x- and y- axes were obtained from the mass properties and
section properties of the aforementioned software to be approximately 315 kg and 750 kg
AISI 1018 steel material was cut into a size of 150 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm in dimension
with the longer workpiece length mounted parallel to the x-axis of the machine tool table.
Figure 6.9 presents a sample of the workpiece.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The toolpaths in Figure 6.9 were slots milled in the x-axis, y-axis, and x- and y-axes
directions as in the reference workpiece parts presented in the Japanese Standards
Association (JSA) [137] and Behrendt et al. [55] for studying energy consumption of
machine tools. The toolpath was a 2D half-bottle profile consisting of linear segments and
circular arcs adopted from a 0.5 litre Evian natural mineral water bottle. The toolpath starts
from the left hand side of the workpiece block moving in the clock wise (CW) direction.
The weight of the workpiece was 30 N. The cutter used was an 8 mm diameter, 4 flutes
coated carbide short end mill. Tables 6.5 and 6.6 present the workpiece and cutting
parameters used in this study.
The spindle speed was maintained at 4000 rev/min. The depth of cut was also kept
constant at 0.5 mm in order to minimise vibrations that could result from the cutting forces
during machining. Dry cutting environment was utilised in this study in order to enhance
sustainable machining. The current drawn in the machining process was measured with
Fluke 434 power quality analyser. This current was used to derive the power required by
the machine tool to perform slot milling of the half bottle toolpath. The cutting tests were
repeated three times. Hyper-mill CAM software was used to generate NC codes for the slot
milling process. A detailed NC code showing the toolpath sequences is presented in Table
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Table 6.7 NC code sequences for half bottle toolpath generated with hyper mill software
Block Numerical control (NC) Characteristics Position
No. codes
N01 G90 G21 G40 G80 H00 G59
N02 ∙
N03 ∙
N04 ∙
N05 T07 H07 E02 M03 S4000 Tool number 7 is selected, Tool
height offset selection, Spindle turn
N06 G00 X14.395 Y50 Move in XY (+) direction, rapid
traversing of the tool.
N07 Z55 Move in Z (-) direction (rapid tool
movement from home position)
N08 G00 Z3.5 Move in Z (-) direction
(Tool approach)
N09 G01 Z-0.5 F50 Move in Z (-) direction
(Modal tool engagement)
N10 G42 Cutter radius compensation (right) -
1 N11 G01 X10 F500 Move in the X(-) direction 0' → 1
2 N12 G01 Y67.50 Move in the Y(+) direction 1→2
3 N13 G02 X12.38 Y70.43 I3 J0 Move in arc in CW direction 2→3
4 N14 G01 X19.22 Y71.89 Move in XY(+) direction 3→4
5 N15 G02 X20.26 Y72 I1.04 J- Move in arc in CW direction 4→5
6 N16 G01 X32.26 Move in X (+) direction 5→6
7 N17 G02 X33.27 Y71.91 I0 J-6 Move in arc in CW direction 6→7
8 N18 G01 X44.09 Y70.07 Move in XY (+) direction 7→8
9 N19 G03 X44.93 Y70. I0.84 Move in arc in CCW direction 8→9
10 N20 G01 X79.93 Move in X (+) direction 9 → 10
11 N21 G03 X81.12 Y70.14 I0 J5 Move in arc in CCW direction 10 → 11
12 N22 G01 X88.25 Y71.89 Move in XY (+) direction 11 → 12
13 N23 G02 X89.20 Y72 I0.95 J- Move in arc in CW direction 12 → 13
14 N24 G01 X114.20 Move in X (+) direction 13 → 14
15 N25 G02 X116.86 Y70.90 I0. J- Move in arc in CW direction 14 → 15
16 N26 G01 X128.88 Y58.88 Move in XY(+) direction 15 → 16
17 N27 G03 X131 Y58. I2.12 J2.12 Move in arc in CCW direction 16 → 17
18 N28 G01 X140. Move in X(+) direction 17 → 18
19 N29 G01 Y50 Move in Y (-) direction 18 → 19
N30 G40 Cutter radius compensation cancel
20 N31 G01 X135.6 Move in X (-) direction 19 → 20
21 N32 G00 Z55 Move in Z (+) direction, rapid move Tool
of the tool retract
22 N33 M30 End of program
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
The model in Equation 6.28 was used to analytically estimate the total energy required to
run the NC program in Table 6.7. The first NC block (N01) consists of codes for work
coordinate, absolute programming etc. The baseline energy was estimated with Equation
6.6 since constant energy is consumed by the machine tool at this point. The next NC
block (N04) contains the T-code for tool change. The tool change power was
experimentally measured, while the time for tool change was 30 seconds. Nevertheless, in
this study, tool change was not performed since the tool was already in the spindle. Thus,
the tool energy demand is zero (0). The N05 block has M03 and S4000 signifying spindle
rotation and spindle speed. In this study, the power demand for spindle run was modelled
when the spindle was running at specified speeds without cutting. Figure 6.10 presents the
plot of power demand with spindle speeds. It is observed that the spindle power increases
linearly with spindle speed, and is also a function of spindle rotation speed. From the
model obtained in Figure 6.10, the spindle run power demand was estimated and adopted
as Equation 6.7, and was found to be 3109 W (i.e. 346 W without 𝑃0 ) at spindle speed of
4000 rev/min. The time required for spindle run was estimated from the duration of spindle
rotation start to end of NC program, from which the energy demand was estimated.
Power (W)
P = 0.05N + 2909
R² = 0.89
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Spindle speed (rev/min)
Figure 6.10 Spindle power demand for Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine at zero load
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Air cutting energy was not estimated since the actual removal of material was performed.
The specific cutting energy value of 4.5 J/mm3 for mild steel was obtained from [46] in
order to estimate the tip energy as in Equation 6.8.
The rapid move codes (G00) are observed in N06 to N08, and in N32 blocks of the NC
program. The power for rapid move was experimentally determined when the G-code
(G00) in the x-, y-, and z-axes directions was activated, and the values (obtained by
subtracting the baseline power from the total power) are presented in Table 6.8. Figure
6.11 shows the experimental power demand of NC codes.
Power (W)
Baseline G00 (x- G00 (y- G00 (z- M06 (Tool M07
power axis) axis) axis) change) (Coolant)
NC codes
Figure 6.11 Experimental power demand of NC codes
The time for the rapid moves was estimated from the coordinates of the start and end
points. The energy demand for rapid move was estimated with Equation 6.13.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Linear interpolation code (G01) and F-code with 50 mm/min is first observed in N09 block
of the NC program which shows that the tool engages the workpiece at a depth of 0.5 mm.
The tool descends to point 0′ at a feedrate of 50 mm/min as shown in Figure 6.9. The
energy demand for this NC block was estimated with the z-axis power Equation in Edem
and Mativenga [131], while the time was estimated based on the start and end points of the
toolpath length and feedrate of 50 mm/min.
The power demand of other G01 codes with feedrate of 500 mm/min found in the NC
program were estimated by determining the actual feedrate moved by each axis, which
were then integrated into Equation 6.14. The total time required for each block with linear
toolpath was estimated based on Equations 6.26 and 6.27 depending on the length of
In the case of G02 and G03 circular interpolation codes present in any block of the NC
program, power demand was calculated by determining the coordinates of the centre of the
arc, radius of the arc, as well as dividing the arc into linear segments to the allowable chord
error. The actual feedrates moved by each linear segment was estimated with Equations
6.24 and 6.25, and were incorporated into Equation 6.14 (i.e. substituting G01 with either
G02 or G03) to calculate the power consumed. The time was estimated based on the
coordinate of the arc and the length of arc with either Equation 6.26 or 6.27 depending on
the length of circular arc. Thus, the energy demand for NC blocks with circular
interpolation was estimated with Equation 6.15. Therefore, the total electrical energy
demand and total time for running the NC program was achieved by summing the energy
demand and the time required by each NC block.
It is important to note that CAM software provide information about the processing time
and travel distance while information on the energy required to run an NC program is not
provided. It is therefore recommended for CAM software developers to include energy
prediction in their software to enable process planners to predict energy required for a
machining process before the actual material removal process is performed. For this to
happen, machine tool developers need to provide the basic energy states of some NC codes
as in Table 6.8; and machine tool parameters as in Table 6.4 so that it can be added to the
postprocessor file.
Table 6.9 shows results of the energy demand and processing time predicted analytically
for slot milling of AISI 1018 steel based on the machining states/components.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Table 6.9 Theoretical electrical energy demand and processing time for slot milling of
AISI 1018 steel
Block Numerical Characteristics Position Length Volume Power Time Energy Specific
of removed demand demand cutting
No. Control energy
(NC) codes toolpath by block
(mm) (𝐦𝐦𝟑 ) (W)
(s) (J) (J/𝒎𝒎𝟑 )
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
9 N19 G03 X44.93 Move in arc in 8→9 0.86 3.44 388 0.10 38.80 11.28
Y70. I0.84 CCW direction
10 N20 G01 X79.93 Move in X (+) 9 → 10 35.00 140.00 387.82 4.22 1636.60 11.69
11 N21 G03 X81.12 Move in arc in 10 → 11 1.20 4.80 545.8 0.15 81.87 17.06
Y70.14 I0 CCW direction
12 N22 G01 X88.25 Move in XY 11 → 12 7.34 29.36 574.53 0.90 517.08 17.61
Y71.89 (+) direction
13 N23 G02 X89.20 Move in arc in 12 → 13 0.96 3.84 387.75 0.12 46.53 12.12
Y72 I0.95 J- CW direction
14 N24 G01 Move in X (+) 13 → 14 25.00 100 387.82 3.01 1167.34 11.67
X114.20 direction
15 N25 G02 Move in arc in 14 → 15 2.87 11.48 1221.06 0.33 402.95 35.10
X116.86 CW direction
Y70.90 I0.
16 N26 G01 Move in XY(+) 15 → 16 16.99 67.96 594.63 2.05 1218.99 17.94
X128.88 direction
17 N27 G03 X131 Move in arc in 16 → 17 2.64 10.56 456.64 0.36 164.39 15.57
Y58. I2.12 CCW direction
18 N28 G01 X140. Move in X(+) 17 → 18 9.00 36.00 386.10 1.09 420.85 11.69
19 N29 G01 Y50 Move in Y (-) 18 → 19 8.00 32.00 471.42 0.96 452.56 14.14
N30 G40 Cutter radius
20 N31 G01 X135.6 Move in X (-) 19 → 20 4.40 17.60 387.83 0.53 205.55 11.68
N32 G00 Z55 Move in Z (+) Tool 152.52 0.33 50.33
direction, rapid retract
move of the
N33 M30 End of - -
Baseline 2763.17 28.67 79220.1
Energy (with 0
no spindle
rotation, no
Total Total
proces energy
sing demand
time = =
28.67 104386.
It is observed from Table 6.9 that shorter linear path lengths (i.e. G01) and circular path
segments (i.e. G02 and G03 codes) were highly energy intensive. This is because for
shorter path segments, the maximum feedrate may not be reached due to constraints
imposed by acceleration and deceleration; the weights carried take a higher share of the
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
load, and therefore increase the inertia effects on the drive. Therefore, energy intensity in
machining could be significantly reduced by selecting toolpaths with longer linear path
The analytical energy demand for slot milling of AISI 1018 steel on the milling machine
was estimated based on Equations (6.6) – (6.28). From Table 6.9, the total theoretical
energy demand estimated based on the NC codes was 104386 J while the total processing
time was 28.67 sec. Figure 6.12 shows the energy demand distribution of Takisawa Mac-
V3 milling machine for the slot milling toolpath as estimated with the proposed model
Spindle run
Figure 6.12 Predicted (theoretical) electrical energy demand distribution for slot milling
from NC program
As shown in Figure 6.12, the baseline energy dominated the total energy consumption with
76% attributed to it. The choice of a machine tool with the lowest baseline power is ideal
for reducing energy demand in machining. The feed axes motions including the linear and
circular interpolations consumed 10.4% of the total energy, 9.5% was attributed to the
spindle, while 4.1% was used for removing material from the workpiece.
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
6.5.2 Validation of the analytical estimation and NC-code based energy demand
prediction software
In order to validate the analytical energy demand model proposed in Equation 6.28 and
the newly developed NC code based energy demand prediction software, the NC program
used in analytically predicting the total energy demand in Table 6.7, was provided as input
to the newly developed energy demand prediction software. This NC program was later
fed to the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine to perform the cutting test. Fluke 434 power
quality analyser was used to measure the current drawn by the machine tool. This current
was then used to derive the power consumed by the machine tool. The area under the
power-time graph gives the measured electrical energy demand for running the NC
program. Figure 6.13 shows the power profile of a half bottle slot milling process
conducted on a 3-axis Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine.
Power (W)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)
Figure 6.13 Measured power consumption profile for half bottle slot milling of AISI 1018
steel on the Takisawa Mac-V3 milling machine
The predicted and measured processing time required to run the NC program are presented
in Table 6.10
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
Table 6.10 Comparison between total predicted energy demand and time from model and
software, and total measured electrical energy and time required for running an
NC program
Criteria Theoretical Software Experimental
Baseline energy (J) 79220.10 79781.00 -
Spindle run energy (J) 9919.80 9990.13 -
Rapid move energy (J) 245.00 -
Linear interpolation energy (J) 10163.40 12638.42 -
Circular interpolation energy (J) 1474.10 -
Tool change energy (J)* 0.00 0.00 -
Coolant energy (J) 0.00 0.00 -
Tip energy (J) 4300.50 4330.98 -
Total energy demand (J) 104386.00 106741.12 106604.00
Total processing time in seconds 28.67 28.87 30
% Difference between predicted -2 0
and measured electrical energy
% Difference between predicted -4 -4
and measured total time
* Tool change energy is zero because tool was already in the spindle
The total energy demand from the cutting test was measured to be 106604 J, while the total
time for cutting was 30 sec. The total analytical energy demand estimated based on the NC
codes and from software were 104386 J and 106741 J, while the total processing time was
28.67 seconds and 28.87 seconds respectively. The slight deviation between the analytical
prediction and software results for energy demand may be due to slight over-estimation of
the total processing time, resulting in higher energy demand when compared with the
analytical method. Also, the deviation between the analytical and experimental electrical
energy demand is (-) 2% while the deviation in total processing time is (-) 4%. The
deviation between the software and measured energy is (+) 0% while the processing time
deviated by (-) 4%. Consequently, the values obtained in this study show good agreement
between the analytical, software, and experimental energy estimations.
6.6 Conclusions
Modelling of energy demand from computer numerical control (CNC) toolpaths
develop and implement NC code based energy demand prediction software. The model
was developed to improve the prediction capability of electrical energy models of machine
tools by incorporating the weights of axes, workpiece, and machine tool vice, and
additional consideration of linear and circular interpolations in the feed axes energy
The NC-code based analytical model and energy prediction software were validated by
undertaking slot milling of a half bottle toolpath profile on AISI 1018 steel workpiece
using a 3-axis milling machine, and results show that the analytical model and NC code
based energy demand prediction software agree well with the experimental result. The
proposed model and software would enable process planners to estimate the energy
demand for running an NC program before the actual machining of a part is conducted in
order to select the best energy efficient strategy.
The G02 and G03 codes (for clockwise (CW) and anti-clockwise (ACW) circular
interpolations), in addition to linear toolpaths with shorter path segments were found to be
highly energy intensive, due to the fact that the programmed feedrate could not be reached
as a result of the shorter distance moved by the feed drive. On the other hand, the G00
(rapid feed) codes and longer linear path segments (i.e. G01) were found to be less energy
intensive. Therefore, energy intensity in machining could be significantly reduced by
selecting toolpaths with longer linear path segments, as well as selecting of machine tools
with smaller baseline energy.
To enable energy modelling of CNC toolpaths, data files for the following should be
Type of data Provider
Weight of x-axis table Machine tool builder
Weight of y-axis table Machine tool builder
Baseline power for each axis in G00 Machine tool builder
Baseline power for tool change Machine tool builder
Baseline power for coolant Machine tool builder
Baseline power of spindle power at zero load Machine tool builder
for different spindle speeds etc.
The data above will enable step change awareness in energy demand and support post
processors in evaluating energy consumption from toolpaths.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The aim of this study is to analyse the as-received workpiece material with regards to
electrical energy demand and surface integrity in a milling process. To achieve this,
hardness test for the as-received material was undertaken on the top and bottom surfaces of
the workpiece, followed by analysis of the microstructure for the as-received workpiece
and subsurface of the machined part in 2% Nital etching. Air cutting and face milling of
the workpiece with zag toolpath were performed when the workpiece was mounted on the
vice in the x-axis (0 degrees) direction, with subsequent rotation and mounting of
component in the y-axis direction (90 degrees) while cutting was maintained in one
direction for both workpiece orientations in a dry cutting environment. Surface finish of
machined parts was checked. The idea was to evaluate microstructure direction bias.
Results from the hardness test show slight variations in hardness values of the as-received
material, and these variations had minimal influence on the electrical energy demand.
Thus, the direction that a workpiece material is cut did not influence energy demand. This
can be expected for cast materials if there is no grain growth bias.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Brief description of the production sequence of hot rolled flat bars of AISI
1018 steel
Mild steels are a class of carbon steels with less than 0.30% carbon content in their
composition (e.g. AISI 1018 and AISI 1020 steels). AISI 1018 steels are commonly used
for the manufacture of industrial products including bolts, axles, shafts, machinery parts,
gears, worms, pins, and ratchets, in addition to parts requiring bending, swaging, cold
forming, or crimping, sheet, plate, and tubes. They are also used for manufacturing
machine parts that require low strength [138]. Its wide use in the manufacturing sector may
be due to the following properties including its high machinability rating when compared
with other low carbon steels; good weldability due to its high toughness and minimal heat
affected zone, and low cost [139]. It is critical to have good knowledge of the properties
required in terms of component manufacture and environment (corrosion, high
temperature) in order to select a material for a specified part [140]. Figure 7.1 shows the
production sequence required for the manufacture of hot rolled flat bars of AISI 1018 steel
(mild steels) as adapted from Kalpakjian and Schmid [44].
Figure 7.1 Production sequence of hot rolled flat bars of AISI 1018 steel as adapted from
Kalpakjian and Schmid [44]
Iron ore, limestone, and coke are the three basic materials used in iron and steel making.
These three raw materials are deposited into the blast furnace. After the reduction of the
iron ore into iron, the molten metal accumulates at the bottom of the blast furnace while
the impurities float at the top of the metal [138]. Then, the molten metal or (Pig iron) from
the blast furnace is transported to the electric arc furnace to be cast into solid form (ingot)
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
or by continuous casting for the production of billets, blooms and slabs; and are ready to
undergo working processes (such as hot rolling) [141].
Metal working processes include rolling (which is used to manufacture products such as
bars, rods, sheet and strip); forging (which is used for producing parts with fairly simple
shape and better mechanical properties); extrusion (used for producing solid and hollow
sections like tubes of both ferrous and non-ferrous materials; and drawing (used for
producing bars, tube, wire) etc. [142].
Rolling processes could be distinguished into hot rolling and cold rolling. In these
processes, metals are fed into the gaps between the rolls rotating in opposite directions,
causing the metals to deform and increase in length from the compressive forces exerted
by the rolls [142].
Hot rolling (Hot working) is referred to as a shaping process performed at temperatures
higher than the recrystallization temperature of the material being worked. At this
temperature, deformation and recrystallization simultaneously occur with no distortion of
grains or work hardening taking place [142]. Hot rolling processes are considered when
there is no need for precise shapes and tolerances.
Cold rolling (Cold working) processes are carried out at room temperature which
deforms and elongates the grains in the direction of rolling. This causes permanent
distortions of the crystalline structure of the metal and brings about an increase in
mechanical resistance, hardness values and high yield stress [142]. Nonetheless, steels with
close dimensional accuracy and improved surface finish are produced with this process.
Figures 7.2a and 7.2b show schematic diagrams of hot and cold rolling processes.
Figure 7.2a Schematic diagram of the hot-rolling process showing the deformation and
recrystallization of the metal being rolled [142]
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Figure 7.2b Schematic diagram of the cold-rolling process showing the deformed and
elongated grains in the direction of rolling [142]
Cold drawing is a process in which the cross-section of a metal is reduced while its
length is increased by pulling it through a die at room temperature in order to obtain bright
bars, rods, tubes and wires. The material for cold drawing may be hot-rolled stock
(Ferrous) or extruded material (Non-ferrous), and are normally 1-2 mm oversize which
therefore makes the amount to be reduced smaller.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
machined part may vary due to the non-uniformity of the grain structure during the
manufacturing processes. As a result, differences in cutting forces may be noted as well as
induced vibrations during the cutting process [146]. These abnormalities are unavoidable
irrespective of the machine tool design or cutting parameters optimisation.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
parameters on factors affecting machining costs such as surface roughness, tool wear and
tool tip temperature. It was reported that spindle speed has significant effect on the surface
roughness and temperature. However, they did not consider the effect of the material’s
working processes on the energy demand, surface roughness and tool wear.
From the previewed works, it is shown that efforts in reducing energy demand when
machining AISI 1018 steel by optimising cutting parameters have been made.
Nevertheless, sensitivity analysis of the as-received material working processes on the
electrical energy consumption was not considered. In view of this, it is important to
investigate this gap in order to determine if the working processes for producing AISI 1018
steel material bars could affect the acquired energy consumption data and surface integrity
when machining in different component orientations.
The aim of this study is to analyse the as-received workpiece material with regards to the
influence of working processes on the electrical energy consumption measurement in a
milling process. To achieve this, it is important to: i) measure the hardness of the as-
received workpiece material on the top and bottom surfaces ii) analyse the microstructure
of the as-received workpiece and subsurface of the machined part for grain orientation; iii)
assess the electrical energy demand when machining the workpiece in the x-axis (0
degrees) and y-axis (90 degrees) directions while still maintaining cutting in one direction;
iv) check the surface finish of each machined surface based on their orientations.
A cast and hot rolled AISI 1018 steel flat bar of 080A15 specification with dimension of
50 mm in width, 10 mm thickness and 150 mm in length was received from the
manufacturers. This workpiece material is also referred to as low carbon steel which is a
general purpose carbon steel that is easily machined and welded. The sample workpiece
material is shown in Figure 7.3.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The steel bar was cut into two equal sizes with dimensions of 50 × 50 × 10 mm for the
material removal process. The mechanical properties and the chemical composition of the
workpiece material are presented in Table 7.1.
Two 8 mm diameter short carbide 4 flute end mill cutters from Swiss Tech were used in
this study. A sample of one of the cutters is shown in Figure 7.4.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Hardness tests for the as-received material were undertaken on the Vickers Hardness
machine using a load of 200 N. This analysis was necessary in order to determine the
variations in hardness of the as-received workpiece material. The top and bottom surfaces
of the workpiece material were considered for hardness test as shown in Figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5 Workpiece showing the sides considered for hardness test
Furthermore, the electrical energy demand of AISI 1018 steel when performing face
milling at different workpiece orientations was assessed. This involved air cutting and face
milling operations with the zag toolpath strategy. A 3-axis Takisawa Mac-V3 milling
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
machine with a DC servo motor model 20M with spindle model A06B-0652-B, and
FANUC controller was considered. The vertical machining centre is capable of spindle
speeds of up to 10,000 rev𝑚𝑖𝑛−1. The acceleration for the x, y, and z axes is 10 𝑚𝑠 −2,
with rated power of 0.85 kW for x and y axes, and 1.2 kW for the z axis. The rated power
of the spindle motor is 7.5 kW. The axes drives were powered by the AC servo motors
connected directly to the ball screw drive.
The weight of the vice was 570 N. Air cutting and face milling of the workpiece were first
undertaken in the x- axis direction (0 degrees) of the x-y plane. Then, the workpiece was
rotated and mounted in the y-axis direction (90 degrees) while cutting was maintained in
one direction. Figure 7.6 presents the sample workpiece with the machining toolpaths in
the x-y plane.
Figure 7.6 Workpiece with zag toolpath strategy in the x-axis direction of the x-y plane
The length of cut was 70 mm; the depth of cut was 0.5 mm, the cutting speed was 100
m/min, while the feedrate was 500 mm/min. Eight (8) passes with constant step over of
0.75D were utilised for machining the total workpiece width. Face milling of the material
was undertaken in a dry cutting environment. The current and voltage drawn by the
machine tool when performing air cutting and face milling were measured using the Fluke
434 power quality analyser.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Surface roughness check for the workpiece materials was undertaken after cutting was
maintained in one direction with the workpiece mounted or rotated in the specified axis
direction. A Surtronic 25 portable surface roughness checker device was used.
Measurements were performed perpendicular to the direction of the lay at three points on
the machined surface. Readings at each point were performed three times.
Metallographic studies were undertaken in order to analyse the microstructure of the as-
received workpiece material in order to check for grain deformation or distortion due to the
working processes used for producing the as-received workpiece material, as well as the
machining influence on the microstructure. Initially, the as-received workpiece was cut to
size with dimension of 50 × 30 × 10 𝑚𝑚, and its top surface was ground with an electro-
coated Silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper with grit sizes of 80, 120, 320, 600, 800,
and 1200 on the OmegaPol grinding machine with rotating disc. After the grinding
operations were completed, polishing of the ground surface was undertaken. Three 200
mm diameter 62105 MAIA polishing cloths were used on the rotating disc of the polishing
machine. Gemini Diamond monocrystalline slurry with 6 micron, 3 micron, and 1 micron
were sprayed on the polishing cloth just to moisten it. The LaboPol-35 machine was used
for the polishing process. After the grinding and polishing processes, etching was
performed in 2% Nital solution comprising of 2 ml of Nitric Acid and 98 ml of Ethanol
was used as the etchant, being the recommended etchant for mild steels. The etching
duration was approximately 15 s. After the etching process, the optical microscope
(LEICA DM2500) was used to acquire images of the etched sample.
After the etching of the as-received workpiece material, some materials were removed
from its top surface. The same procedures for grinding, polishing, and etching were
repeated on the side of the machined workpiece.
Hardness test of the as-received AISI 1018 steel material were undertaken in order to
analyse and note possible variations in its hardness. Figure 7.7 shows the plot of hardness
values with the positions measured on the workpiece surface.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Figure 7.7 Hardness test for the as-received AISI 1018 steel
From Figure 7.7, it is observed that the hardness values on the specified workpiece
surfaces were slightly varied. No side had consistently higher or lower hardness. This
suggested that the workpiece may not have a strong property bias.
7.4.2 Electrical energy demand for face milling of AISI 1018 steel
Power demand studies were undertaken when the workpiece was first mounted and
machined in the x-axis direction (0 degrees) with the zag toolpath strategy, and then
rotated and mounted in the y-axis direction (90 degrees) while cutting was maintained
along the x-axis direction. The power demand for face milling was estimated from the
current and voltage drawn by the machine tool. The tool tip (cutting) power was estimated
by subtracting the air cutting power from the total power. The acquired power values and
processing time (which was 142 seconds) were used to estimate the electrical energy
demand for the material removal process as shown in Figure 7.8.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Figure 7.8 Energy demand for face milling of AISI 1018 steel when workpiece
is oriented at 0 (x-axis) and 90 degrees (y-axis)
Figure 7.8 shows variation of electrical energy demand with workpiece orientations for
cutting and tool tip. Figure 7.8 show that the as-received AISI 1018 steel workpiece had
little influence on the electrical energy demand in machining for orthogonal directions of
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The results show an overlap in surface roughness values. The variations in surface
roughness values when machining at different workpiece orientations may be due to slight
differences in hardness of the workpiece material which further confirms the fact that the
hardness properties of a workpiece are not quite uniform on its surfaces. Thus, cutting in
orthogonal directions does not lead to a consistent reduction or increase in surface
roughness. Microstructure
Microstructure analysis was initially undertaken in order to check for the grains
orientation of the as-received material as a result of the material working processes.
Figure 7.10 shows a typical microstructure of the as-received AISI 1018 steel material
after etching for 15 seconds in 2% Nital solution.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The microstructure of the as-received AISI 1018 steel is a two phase system consisting of
two sets of grains which are randomly oriented as a result of the hot rolled process utilised
in the workpiece manufacture as earlier shown in Figure 7.1. The micrograph of the as-
received AISI 1018 steel (top surface) shows ferrite grains (white etching constituent) and
pearlite grains (dark etching constituent) which are a combination of cementite and ferrite.
The grain boundaries are also visibly seen in the micrograph. As observed in Figure 7.10,
the working processes (i.e. hot rolling) do not have any effect on the grain structure of the
as-received AISI 1018 steel.
Additional analysis was conducted to determine the effect of material removal process on
the microstructure of the machined surface.
Figure 7.11a, b Microstructure of the top machined surface for AISI 1018 steel when
orienting at 0 and 90 degrees respectively
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The acquired micrograph of the machined surfaces for both samples with workpiece
orientations at 0 degrees and 90 degrees after the grinding, polishing, and etching
procedures are presented in Figures 7.11a and 7.11b. It is observed that in both orientations
of the workpiece (i.e. at 0 degrees and 90 degrees), the grains were deformed and
elongated, orienting in the cutting direction as a result of plastic deformations and high
temperatures ranging approximately between 500°C and 696°C [150, 151] experienced in
the cutting process.
Furthermore, sides of the as-received workpiece material and machined samples for
workpiece orientations at 0 degrees and 90 degrees were ground, polished and later etched
in 2% Nital for 15 seconds in order to show the orientation of grains near the surface of the
as-received workpiece material and machined surfaces. These images are presented in
Figures 7.12a, 7.12b and 7.12c.
Figure 7.12a Sub-surface microstructure of the as-received surface (viewed from the side)
As shown in Figure 7.12a, the grains of the as-received workpiece material near the top
surface are randomly oriented due to the fact that no machining process has been carried
out on its top surface. Further images on Figures 7.12b and 7.12c show the sub-surface
microstructure of the machined surface at different workpiece orientations.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
Figure 7.12b Sub-surface microstructure of the machined surface for AISI 1018 steel when
orienting at 0 degrees
Figure 7.12c Subsurface microstructure of the machined surface for AISI 1018 steel
when orienting at 90 degrees
From Figures 7.12b and 7.12c, it can be seen that the grains near the machined surface
are oriented in the cutting direction. Comparing the microscopy images in Figure 7.12a
with those of Figures 7.12b and 7.12c, it is observed that the grains in Figures 7.12b and
7.12c are oriented in the cutting direction. This is as a result of plastic deformation and
high temperature on the machined surface which affects the grain orientation.
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
The issue of tool wear is of wide interest to manufacturers due to the fact that it increases
difficulty in machining and affects the quality of the machined component [152]. Tool
wear is defined as the progressive loss or removal of material from a surface [138]. Cutting
tool wear is the result of load, friction, and high temperature between the cutting edge and
the workpiece [152]. Selection of the appropriate cutting tools is considered as one of the
most important considerations in material removal processes. This is because in
machining, cutting tools are normally subjected to rubbing (friction) on the workpiece
surface, high temperatures, high contact stresses and chip movement on the rake face. In
view of this, cutting tools must possess the following characteristics including hardness to
maintain the strength and hardness of the tool; toughness to prevent cutting forces from
fracturing the tool; wear resistance to prolong tool life, and chemical stability [44].
Mild steels are normally machined with carbide tools such as tungsten carbide (WC),
titanium carbide (TiC) and plain carbide (uncoated carbide) tools due to their high
hardness over a wide range of temperatures, low thermal expansion, high elastic modulus
and thermal conductivity [44]. Recently, coated tools have been widely used to machine
mild steels at high cutting speeds to minimise costs. Coating of these tools with various
materials is necessary in order to improve tool life [153]. These materials may include
titanium nitride (TiN) for high hardness, good adhesion to the substrate, low coefficient of
friction; titanium carbide on tungsten carbide inserts (TiC) for high resistance to flank
wear; titanium carbonitride (TiCN) deposited on carbide and high speed tools for cutting
stainless steels; ceramic coatings (Al2O3) for high temperature performance, resistance to
flank and crater wear, chemical inertness; diamond coatings (PVD-physical vapour
deposition and CVD-chemical vapour deposition) for increase in tool life; and titanium
aluminium nitride (TiAlN) for machining aerospace alloys [44].
In milling, tool wear may occur at the cutting edge (nose radius wear), rake face (crater
wear), or on the flank face (flank wear) [154]. Thus, tool wear can affect the quality of the
machined surfaces and the production cost.
In this study, the two carbide tools with 4 flutes and 8 mm in diameter used for the face
milling operation with workpiece orientation at 0 and 90 degrees while cutting was
maintained along the x-axis direction were observed on the VHX-500F digital microscope
for tool wear conditions. Each tool was used 3 times to complete the eight (8) passes with
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
constant step over of 0.75D. The images acquired for both tools are presented in Figures
7.13 and 7.14 for the 0 and 90 degree workpiece orientations respectively.
Figure 7.13a Cutting tool showing four cutting edges when machining in 0 degrees
Figure 7.13b Cutting Figure 7.13c Cutting Figure 7.13d Cutting Figure 7.13e Cutting
edge 1 edge 2 edge 3 edge 4
Figure 7.14a Cutting tool showing four cutting edges when machining in 90 degrees
Figure 7.14b Cutting Figure 7.14c Cutting Figure 7.14d Cutting Figure 7.14e Cutting
edge 1 edge 2 edge 3 edge 4
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the workpiece on the variability of energy in machining
From Figures 7.13 and 7.14, it can be seen that the tool wear pattern for both tools were
similar in terms of the deterioration of the cutting edges after machining for a period of 7.1
minutes each.
7.5 Conclusions
This chapter focuses on the analyses of the as-received workpiece material with regards to
the influence of casting direction on the electrical energy consumption measurement in a
milling process. The following conclusions were obtained from this study:
Hardness test of the as-received material was measured on the specified surfaces of
the worpkiece. Results show slight variations in the hardness values based on the
workpiece sides considered.
The influence of variations in hardness of the as-received workpiece material on
the electrical energy demand data obtained when machining at different workpiece
orientations was insignificant. Thus, it could be deduced that variations in hardness
properties of the as-received AISI 1018 steel workpiece had little influence on the
electrical energy demand in machining
The surface roughness values obtained when machining the workpiece in different
orientations with constant cutting direction showed overlapped results.
Consequently, no conclusions were drawn in the surface roughness study.
Microstructure of the as-received workpiece material showed no visible changes on
the grains that have resulted from the working processes. However, orientation of
the grains in the cutting direction when analysing the top machined surface and the
side subsurface of the machined workpiece surface was noticed.
For the workpiece considered in this PhD, the direction of workpiece cutting can be
assumed insignificant in terms of its impact on energy demand or surface
roughness of the machined part.
Conclusions and Future research
This PhD research focused on modelling of energy demand for machine tool feed axis and
CNC codes in milling in order to support energy centric and sustainable product and
process planning. Some of the key findings in this study are as follows:
A new model for estimating the electrical energy demand of feed axes was
presented in this study as: 𝑬𝒇 = 𝑷𝟎 𝒕𝒄𝒚 + (𝒂𝑾𝒗𝒇 + 𝒃𝑾)𝒕𝒄𝒚 + 𝑭𝒇 𝒗𝒄 𝒕𝒄 . It captures
the impact of table feedrates, weights of machine table and materials placed on it
and the feed force acting in the axial direction of the feed drive. This new model
can be used to determine the feed axes energy demand for conventional machining
using ball screw feed drives for conventional sized components.
This study has shown that the axis carrying more weight resulted in high energy
demand of the feed axes while executing the same toolpath. It is therefore
recommended that high mass components and long components should have the
long length aligned to the top table axis (i.e. the axis that is lighter and demands
less energy) in order to reduce the non-cutting power.
Minimum electrical energy demand for feed axis during air cutting and pocket
milling was obtained with machine vice and component oriented at the angle
aligned in the direction of axis carrying less weight, resulting in electrical energy
savings of up to 29%, and improved surface finish by up to 50% when compared
with the roughness values obtained when the machine tool vice was aligned in
other axis directions.
In considering the various toolpath strategies adopted for machining a rectangular
pocket, results from this study showed that minimal energy demand and processing
time could be achieved by selecting toolpaths with minimum tool retractions and
longer cutting lengths and with large toolpath links to the next path segment. It was
Conclusions and Future research
also found that surface roughness values for toolpath strategies without tool retracts
were lower when compared with surface roughness values for toolpath strategies
with tool retracts. This further shows that improved surface finish of the machined
part could be achieved by selecting toolpaths with minimum tool retractions.
The high energy intensity of the G02 codes, G03 codes, and linear toolpaths with
shorter path length segments are due to the fact that the maximum programmed
feedrate could not be reached and that mass and friction become more dominant as
a result of the shorter distance moved by the feed drive. Therefore, energy intensity
in machining could be significantly reduced by selecting toolpaths with longer
linear path segments.
The NC-code based energy demand prediction model and software could predict
the total electrical energy required by a machine tool to run an NC program, and
would enable process planners to estimate the energy demand for running an NC
program before the actual machining of a part is conducted in order to select the
best energy efficient strategy. This is achieved by relating appropriate energy
demand models to NC codes which actuate the main energy consuming
components of the machine tool. It is therefore recommended that machine tool
developers provide the basic energy states of some NC codes (i.e. G00, M06,
M07), and information on some machine tool parameters (i.e. weight of x-axis,
weight of y-axis) so that it can be added to the postprocessor of CAM software for
energy demand prediction.
Although there were slight variations in hardness properties of the as-received AISI
1018 steel workpiece, the electrical energy demand data obtained in the cutting
tests were not significantly affected. Thus, the direction in which a material is cut is
not a significant factor to change energy demand.
Development of a new and novel feed axes energy demand model which takes into
account the weights of feed axes, machine tool vice, and the workpiece. This model
was validated on a milling toolpath.
Conclusions and Future research
Clarifying the impacts of weights placed on the machine table on the energy
demand of feed axes, and the overall non-cutting energy demand of the machine
tool. It was found that machining of components along the axes carrying minimal
weights resulted in low energy consumption
The development of a method to identify the most efficient toolpath strategy in
terms of energy requirements and processing time based on the newly developed
feed axes energy demand model.
This research has presented NC-code based analytical model and software for
predicting the total electrical energy and total time required to run an NC program.
This model and procedure highlights the importance of including the weights of
materials moved by the feed axes to improve the prediction capability of energy
consumption models of machine tools.
This PhD work has opened up further opportunities for improving energy efficiency in
mechanical machining processes. The following areas are proposed for further studies:
More work is needed in modelling the friction aspects of machine tool drives, in
particular for micro and nano-components and features where acceleration and
deceleration are significant for the tool paths
The dynamic characteristic of the feed axes has to be measured to experimentally
ascertain the power and time required to accelerate and decelerate the feed drive at
different table feedrates.
Further work in the study is to model the influence of tool wear to apply the model
to tool paths where the cycle time is long and tool wear increases the tip energy
To acquire and use MT connect language for real-time energy management of
multiple machine resources.
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Specifications for experimental equipment
Criteria Description
Diameter of polishing wheel 250 mm
Variable speed 50 – 600 rev/min
Dual direction of rotation -
Water cooled grinding -
Voltage 220 volt
Criteria Description
Motor 1/3 × 200-240 V/ 50-60 Hz
1× 100 V/ 50-60 Hz
Output 1000 W
Speed 50 - 500 rev/min
Grinding/polishing disc:
Diameter 300 mm
No. of discs 1
No. of water taps 1
Splash rings 1
Width 515 mm
Depth 720 mm
Height 315 mm
Weight 490 N
Model VHX-500F
Camera Image capture device 1/1.8-inch, 2.11 million-pixel CCD image
Total pixels: 1688 (H) x 1248 (V)
Effective pixels: 1628 (H) x 1236 (V)
Virtual pixels: 1600 (H) x 1200 (V)
Scan method Progressive
Frame rate 15 frames/sec. and 28 frames/sec. selectable
Resolution 2 million pixels 1600 (H) x 1200 (V) Approx 1000 TV lines
6 million pixels
8 million pixels
18 million pixels
54 million pixels
High Dynamic Range
Electronic shutter AUTO, MANU, OFF, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60,
1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/5000
Supercharge shutter 0.2 sec. to 17 sec. Can be set in increments
of 0.1 sec.
White balance Auto, Manual, One-push set, Preset
(2700K, 3200K, 5600K, 9000K)
Back-focus adjustment Not required
LCD monitor Size Color LCD (TFT) 15"
Panel size 304.5 (H) x 228.4 (V) mm 11.99" (H) x
8.99" (V)
Pixel pitch 0.1905 (H) x 0.1905 (V) mm 0.008" (H) x
0.008" (V)
Number of pixels 1600 (H) x 1200 (V) (UXGA)
Display color Approx. 16,770,000 colors
Brightness 200 cd/m2 (typical)
Contrast ratio 500 : 1 (typ)
Viewing angle ±85° (typical, horizontal), ±85° (typical,
CD-R/CD- Unit CD-R/CD-RW drive unit
drive unit
CD-R/CD- Speed 24x Write, 10x Re-write, 24x Read
drive unit
CD-R/CD- Used disk CD-R/CD-RW
RW/DVD 700 MB, Approx 3500 images (When a 2
drive unit million-pixel image is compressed) to
Approx 117 images (When a 2 million-
Storage capacity pixel image is not compressed)
Hard disk drive 80 GB, Approx 400,000 images (When a 2
unit million-pixel image is compressed) to
Approx 13,334 images (When a 2 million-
pixel image is not compressed)
Image format JPEG (With compression), TIFF (No
Observable image size 1600 (H) x 1200 (V) pixels
Light source Lamp 12 V, 100 W, Halogen lamp
Lamp life 1000 hours (average)
Color temperature 3100 K (at maximum light intensity)
Video output Analog RGB (1600 x 1200 pixels)
Video output Scanning frequency: 75 kHz (H), 60 Hz (V)
Special LCD monitor
External monitor
Input Mouse input MINI-DIN 6-pin connector (DOS/V-
compatible PS/2 mouse)
Keyboard input MINI-DIN 6-pin connector (DOS/V PS/2)
External remote input Pause/ Recording, Non-voltage input
Interface LAN RJ-45 (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX /
USB 2.0 Series A 4 types: Special printer port x 1, External
storage connection port x 3
Video recording software Functions for recording/reproducing
moving images
High quality depth composition software Functions for composing a single image
from a plurality of images obtained by
focusing on and capturing an image of each
portion of the target that is of a different
Real-time depth composition software Displays full-focused images in real-time at
the turn of the focus adjustment dial.
Image improvement software Image processing functions for correcting
images to make observation easier
Comment input software Function for inputting and displaying
comments such as letters, marks, or the like
in an observation image
Area measurement software Measures areas of 2D images.
Screen splitting software Function for splitting an image vertically,
horizontally, or into four parts, and
displaying the image
Dimensions 382 x 425 x 162 mm 15.04" x 16.73" x
Rating Power voltage 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 310 VA
Environmental Operating temperature range 5 to 40°C 41 to 104°F
resistance Operating ambient humidity 35 to 80%, No condensation
Weight Controller Approx. 125 N
Camera unit Approx. 8.8 N
Console Approx 2.5 N