Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents: Sports Medicine February 2001

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Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents

Article  in  Sports Medicine · February 2001

DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200131060-00004 · Source: PubMed


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John R Sirard Russell R Pate

University of Massachusetts Amherst University of South Carolina


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REVIEW ARTICLE Sports Med 2001; 31 (6): 439-454

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Physical Activity Assessment in

Children and Adolescents
John R. Sirard and Russell R. Pate
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
1. Criterion Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
1.1 Direct Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
1.2 Doubly Labelled Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1.3 Indirect Calorimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
2. Objective Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
2.1 Heart Rate Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
2.2 Motion Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2.2.1 Pedometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2.2.2 Accelerometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
3. Subjective Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
3.1 Self-Report Questionnaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
3.2 Interviewer-Administered Questionnaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
3.3 Proxy-Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
3.4 Diaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
4. Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Abstract Chronic disease risk factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, may be present
even in young children, suggesting that early prevention programmes may be
critical to reducing the rates of chronic disease. Accurate assessment of physical
activity in children is necessary to identify current levels of activity and to assess
the effectiveness of intervention programmes designed to increase physical ac-
tivity. This article summarises the strengths and limitations of the methods used
to evaluate physical activity in children and adolescents. MEDLINE searches and
journal article citations were used to locate 59 articles that validated physical
activity measurement methods in children and adolescents. Only those methods
that were validated against a more stringent measure were included in the review.
Based on the definition of physical activity as any bodily movement resulting
in energy expenditure (EE), direct observation of the individual’s movement should
be used as the gold standard for physical activity research. The doubly labelled
water technique and indirect calorimetry can also be considered criterion meas-
ures for physical activity research, because they measure EE, a physiologic con-
sequence closely associated with physical activity. Devices such as heart rate
monitors, pedometers and accelerometers have become increasingly popular as
measurement tools for physical activity. These devices reduce the subjectivity
440 Sirard & Pate

inherent in survey methods and can be used with large groups of individuals.
Heart rate monitoring is sufficiently valid to use in creating broad physical activ-
ity categories (e.g. highly active, somewhat active, sedentary) but lacks the spec-
ificity needed to estimate physical activity in individuals. Laboratory and field
validations of pedometers and accelerometers yield relatively high correlations
using oxygen consumption (r = 0.62 to 0.93) or direct observation (r = 0.80 to
0.97) as criterion measures, although, they may not be able to capture all physical
Physical activity has traditionally been measured with surveys and recall in-
struments. These techniques must be used cautiously in a paediatric population
that has difficulty recalling such information. Still, some studies have reported
73.4% to 86.3% agreement between these instruments and direct observation.
Future investigations of physical activity instruments should validate the novel
instrument against a higher standard. Additional studies are needed to investigate
the possibility of improving the accuracy of measurement by combining 2 or more
techniques. The accurate measurement of physical activity is critical for deter-
mining current levels of physical activity, monitoring compliance with physical
activity guidelines, understanding the dose-response relationship between phys-
ical activity and health and determining the effectiveness of intervention pro-
grammes designed to improve physical activity.

Physical activity is defined as ‘any bodily move- adolescent and energy expenditure (EE). Other
ment produced by skeletal muscle that results in en- sources were identified by journal article citations.
ergy expenditure’.[1] It is now well established that Only studies that reported the validity of the instru-
an inverse relationship exists between physical activ- ment were included in the review. Reliability of the
ity and risk for developing several chronic diseases, instrument is also presented if that information was
including obesity, coronary heart disease (CHD), provided along with the validation data.
diabetes and colon cancer.[2-4] Since obesity and the
risk factors for CHD and diabetes can be present 1. Criterion Standards
even in young children,[5-7] it is important that pri- This review considered 3 types of measures of
mary prevention programmes involving physical ac- physical activity in children and adolescents: pri-
tivity begin early in life. To assess levels of physical mary measures, secondary measures and subjec-
activity and determine the effectiveness of physical tive measures. Figure 1 represents the 3 levels of
activity intervention programmes, accurate meas- physical activity measures used for this review. For
ures of physical activity are required.[8,9] Measure- the purpose of this review, direct observation, dou-
ment techniques used for research and programme bly labelled water (DLW) and indirect calorimetry
evaluation purposes must be valid, reliable, practi- are considered the primary standards for assess-
cal and nonreactive.[8,10] ment of physical activity in children and adolescents.
This article will review the strengths, limita- DLW is well recognised as a criterion measure for
tions and validity of the subjective and objective field evaluations of EE. This technique assesses to-
techniques that have been developed to assess phys- tal caloric expenditure by estimating carbon diox-
ical activity in children and adolescents. MEDLINE ide production using isotope dilution during a min-
searches were used to identify studies of physical imum of 3 days. EE is a physiologic consequence
activity measurement in children and adolescents; of physical activity and is directly linked to health
keywords included physical activity, children, youth, and disease prevention. Thus, DLW and indirect

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 441

calorimetry can be used as criterion measures for Criterion standards

physical activity assessment. However, it should 1. Direct observation
be noted that EE and physical activity are distinct 2. Doubly labelled water
3. Indirect calorimetry
constructs, which may limit attempts to validate
physical activity measures against EE. Cardiore-
spiratory fitness measured by indirect calorimetry Secondary measures
1. Heart rate
during progressive exercise tests has been used to 2. Pedometers
indirectly validate physical activity surveys. This 3. Accelerometers
association, however, is weak or unclear in chil-
dren and adolescents.[11,12] Therefore, studies us- Subjective measures
ing this indirect validation were not included in 1. Self-report
this review. 2. Interview
3. Proxy-report
Direct observation is a more practical and com- 4. Diary
prehensive criterion measure for physical activity
research. Based on the above definition of physical Fig. 1. Validation Schema. Arrows indicate acceptable criterion
activity, direct observation of movement seems to standards for the validation of tertiary and secondary level meth-
be the most appropriate standard for physical ac-
tivity assessment. Subsequent sections will explore
the strengths and limitations of these techniques in tion classes,[16,18,19] the others can be used in a va-
more detail. riety of settings.[13-15,17,20] Evidence supporting the
Heart rate monitors, pedometers and accelerom- use of these instruments is available from studies
eters will be considered secondary measures be- comparing direct observation scores with heart rate
cause they provide an objective assessment of phys- or oxygen consumption. Correlations range from r
ical activity. Validating one of these measures against
= 0.61 to 0.91[15,16,20] and heart rate or oxygen con-
another secondary measure provides little insight
sumption were significantly different among the
to the instruments’ true validity. For this reason
only the results from studies that validated a sec- observed physical activity intensity levels.[13,14,18]
ondary method against a primary measure are in- All 7 observational techniques attained satisfactory
cluded in this review. These secondary measures inter-observer agreement (84% to 99%) among si-
may be used, however, as criterion standards to multaneous observations of the same child.[13-17,19,20]
validate subjective measures of physical activity The total observation time required to attain ac-
behaviour (see fig. 1). ceptable day-to-day stability is not clear for most
Surveys and other subjective techniques used as observational instruments. Drawbacks of direct
criterion measures carry the least compelling vali- observation include the relatively high experi-
dation results and should not be used in this capac- menter burden and the potential reactivity of the
ity. Therefore, only those subjective measures that study participant. Puhl et al.[13] found that only
were validated against a more stringent standard 16.6% of the 5- to 6-year-olds observed in their
are included in this review. study reacted to the observers. The ability of ob-
servational techniques to capture short term pat-
1.1 Direct Observation
terns and sudden changes in physical activity is
Direct observation is the most practical and ap- crucial for the study of young children. McKen-
propriate criterion measure of physical activity and zie[21] suggests using a previously tested instrument
patterns of activity. Seven observational systems rather than creating new techniques so that results
are reviewed in table I. While 2 of these systems from future studies will be comparable to earlier
are specific for observation during physical educa- research.

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Table I. Validation of direct observation techniques used to assess young people’s physical activity

Instrument Technique Participants Reliability Criterion Validity Reference


. .
Children’s activity rating 1 minute partial time sampling with 12 boys, 84 ± 10% agreement between V O2, HR V O2 and HR differed between treadmill speeds 13
scale (CARS) 5 categories during various 13 girls; observers; designed to represent the 5 categories of
conditions 5-6y n = 192, 3-4y exercise intensity (p < 0.05)
Modified fargo activity 3 second continuous time sampling 2 boys, 91% agreement between V O2 Categories separated by intensity as measured 14
timesampling survey with 30 categories during free- 2 girls; observers; by V O2
(FATS) livinga conditions 7-10y n = 15, 6-10y

Activity patterns and energy 15 second momentary time 19 girls; 86-99% agreement between HR r = 0.72-0.91 15
expenditure sampling with 5 categories during 5-8y observers
(APEE) freeplay

Children’s physical activity 1 minute partial time sampling with 18 boys, 96-98% agreement between HR r = 0.61-0.72 16
form 4 categories during PE 18 girls; observers
(CPAF) 8-10y

Behaviours of eating and 1 minute momentary time sampling 19; 94-99% agreement among HR HR increased for each of the 5 categories 17
activity for children’s health with 5 categories during various 4-9y observers; Kappa = 0.71-1.0;
evaluation system conditions n = 17 boys, 25 girls; 4-8y

System for observing 10 second momentary time 173; N/A HR HR increased for each of the 5 categories 18
fitness instruction time sampling with 5 categories during Grades 1-8 except lying versus sitting categories
(SOFIT) PE class

System for observing fit- 10 second momentary time 88; 88.3% agreement among lesson r = -0.65 w/ standing; 19
ness instruction time sampling with 5 categories during Grades 3-5 observers context r = 0.49 w/ walking;
(SOFIT) PE class (fitness) r = 0.36 w/ very active;
r = 0.69 w/ MVPA

Fargo activity timesampling 10 second momentary time 7 boys, 7 91-98% agreement among LSI® r = 0.78-0.90 20
survey sampling with 8 categories during girls; observers
(FATS) various conditions 2-4y
Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)

Sirard & Pate

a normal daily life.
HR = heart rate; LSI® = large scale integrated physical activity monitor; MVPA = moderate to vigorous physical activity; n = sample size; PE = physical education; r = Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficient; VO2 = oxygen consumption; y = age of participants (years).
Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 443

1.2 Doubly Labelled Water 1.3 Indirect Calorimetry

With this method, a dose of a radio-labelled iso- Open-circuit indirect calorimetry measures EE
tope (2H218O) is administered orally and the oxy- from O2 consumption and CO2 production. Indi-
gen atoms in expired CO2 equilibrate with the ox- rect calorimetry during rest and exercise is used
ygen atoms in the body water. Over the next 5 to 14 extensively and considered an accurate and valid
days, 2H is eliminated as water, while 18O will be measure of short term EE.
However, using indirect calorimetry to measure
eliminated as water and CO2. The difference between
physical activity is difficult because of the non-
the elimination rates is proportional to CO2 produc-
portable gas analysis equipment required. There-
tion (i.e. EE).[22] The DLW method has been vali-
fore, this method is impractical for validating a sur-
dated against whole room calorimetry in adults[22-24]
vey that measures ‘usual’or weekly physical activity.
and with periodic respiratory gas exchange in in- Indirect calorimetry has been used, however, to val-
fants.[25] Similar research with children was not idate heart rate monitors, pedometers and acceler-
found, probably because of the difficulty in obtain- ometers in laboratory settings.[27-32] Manufacturers
ing consent from children and their parents for mul- are now introducing portable, lightweight metabo-
tiple days of calorimeter confinement. One study lic systems that should improve the estimates of EE
was identified that associated the DLW technique during physical activities under more natural set-
with several biological markers in thirty 4- to 6- tings. Despite this advance, the equipment is still
year-old children.[26] Total energy expenditure (TEE) too cumbersome to use under long term free-living
was positively associated with fat-free mass (r = conditions, especially in young children.
0.86), body mass (r = 0.83), body surface area (r =
0.82), height (r = 0.74) and fat mass (r = 0.65). 2. Objective Techniques
Activity energy expenditure (AEE) [AEE = total –
Several objective techniques, such as heart rate
resting EE] was significantly correlated with the monitors, pedometers and accelerometers, are now
same variables (r = 0.56 to 0.74).[26] widely available for the measurement of physical
The DLW technique has several advantages for activity.[33] This review includes only the results
evaluating EE. It can be easily used easily in free- from these secondary measures which have been
living (normal daily life) participants, has low re- validated against a primary standard. The strengths
activity and is accurate to within 3 to 4% of calo- and limitations of each technique are also consid-
rimeter values in adults.[24] Unfortunately, DLW ered.
also has several major limitations.[24] First, the iso-
topes are difficult to obtain, very expensive and not 2.1 Heart Rate Monitors
suitable for large studies. Second, accurate dietary
Heart rate monitoring as a means of estimating
records must be obtained during the measurement
EE or physical activity has been used in both young
period for EE calculations. Lastly, measurements
people and adults and relies on the linear relation-
must be taken over at least a 3-day period[23] and ship between heart rate and oxygen consumption
only TEE can be obtained. Therefore, daily or hourly .
(VO2). But this relationship is not as robust at the
patterns of EE cannot be investigated. While TEE low end of the physical activity spectrum. During
is critical, it may be equally important to evaluate sedentary or light intensity activities, an individu-
other parameters associated with physical activity al’s heart rate can be affected by factors other than
such as the duration, intensity and frequency of body movement.[34] Psychological and environmen-
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), tal stress, as well as caffeine and some medications
vigorous physical activity (VPA), or sedentary be- can significantly affect heart rate.[28] The FLEX
haviour. HR method has been employed to limit these ef-

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
444 Sirard & Pate

Table II. Validation of heart rate monitoring used to assess young people’s physical activity
Instrument Variables Participants Criterion measure Validity Reference
Heart rate monitor 1 day TEE 9 boys, 10 girls; TEE from 1-day TEEHR 10.4% 28
mean age = 8.5y whole-room > TEEcalorimeter;
calorimeter; TEEHR 12.3% > TEEDLW
2-week TEEDLW
Sport tester PE3000 2-3 day TEE 23 boys, 21 girls; 2-week TEEDLW 95% CI for bias, –0.56-0.01 Mj/d 34
heart rate monitor® 7, 9, 12 and 15y
Polar sport tester  ® 2-3 day TEE obese: 4 boys, 2 girls; 1-week TEEDLW 95% CI for bias; 35
nonobese: 3 boys, 4 obese: 0.04-0.92 Mj/d;
girls; mean age = 9y nonobese: –0.59-0.63 Mj/d
Sport tester heart rate 2-3 day TEE 5 boys, 4 girls; 8-13ya 2-week TEEDLW Spearman r = 0.88; 36
monitor® relative bias = –0.07 Mj/d;
estimate of error = 1.09 Mj/d
Heart rate monitor 24 hour TEE 10 boys, 9 girls; 24-hour whole 95% CI for bias, –0.15-1.21 Mj/d; 27
mean age = 10.5y room calorimetry TEEHR > TEEcalorimeter;
7.6 ± 20.6%
a TEE was assessed in children who had reduced physical activity i.e. spastic cerebral palsy.
CI = confidence interval; DLW = doubly labelled water; HR = heart rate; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient; TEE = total
energy expenditure.

fects in young people[27,28,34-36] and adults.[37,38] Several studies have used absolute heart rate val-
Livingstone et al.[34] describe the FLEX HR as an ues to distinguish between activity intensities.[39-43]
individually-determined heart rate, measured in con- This method is based on using a percentage of the
junction with VO2, that can be used to distinguish maximum heart rate[44] and the recommendation by
between resting and AEE. Resting metabolic rate Simons-Morton et al.[45] that an intensity of ≥140
is substituted for periods when the heart rate falls beats per minute approximates MVPA. This may
be a useful method for large epidemiological stud-
below the FLEX HR. .
The FLEX HR technique was validated in the ies when individual heart rate/VO2 curves are not
studies summarised in table II using the DLW tech- available. Allor and Pivarnik[46] recently tested this
nique or whole room calorimetry as the criterion method using 6th grade girls. Their findings indi-
measure. While the FLEX HR method assessed TEE cate that heart rates of 140 and 160 beats per minute
were attained at approximately 46±8% and 63±9%
at the group level even in children with cerebral .
of VO2max, which would correspond to approximate-
palsy,[36] this was not the case for calculating indi-
ly 5.7 and 7.7 metabolic equivalents (MET; a mea-
vidual TEE. Bitar et al.[27] note that improvements
sure of energy expenditure equivalent to 1.5 kcal
in estimating individual TEE may be obtained by
/kg/h in adults. Resting energy expenditure is con-
not only increasing the number of replicate heart
. sidered 1 MET). Because of the limited age range
rate and VO2 calibration measures but by also in- of the individuals in this study and the imprecise
cluding typical activities performed by children dur- nature of this method, it should only be used to
ing these procedures. Also, Maffeis et al.[35] found classify groups of individuals rather than to esti-
that TEEFLEX HR was equivalent to TEEDLW for non- mate individual EE or physical activity levels.
obese children but significantly overestimated TEE Using heart rate monitors for the assessment of
in obese children. These differences may be due to physical activity and EE allows for the assessment
higher resting and submaximal heart rates and also of patterns of activity as well as TEE. It is unobtru-
prolonged post-exercise heart rate elevations of the sive, requires minimal participant and experimenter
obese children in this study. The small sample size, burden and is cost effective for use in small to mod-
however, limits the interpretation of these results. erate size studies. Drawbacks of the FLEX HR

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 445

method include the need to calibrate individual heart observation system.[13] Correlations between pe-
. .
rate/VO2 relationships to avoid contamination from dometer step counts and VO2 during treadmill lo-
psychological and environmental stressors. Although comotion ranged from r = 0.62 to 0.93.[29,30]
there are several limitations to heart rate monitor- These findings indicate that several newer pe-
ing, the results indicate that this method is a valid dometers may be suited for population-based as-
means of estimating EE and physical activity pat- sessments of physical activity. They are relatively
terns in groups of free-living, nonobese young peo- inexpensive, re-useable, objective and nonreactive.
ple. Pedometers detect only total counts or steps over
the observational period and cannot assess the in-
2.2 Motion Sensors tensity or pattern of activities performed. Partici-
pants could be instructed to record the number dis-
Consistent with the definition that physical ac- played on the pedometer at regular intervals to better
tivity is bodily movement producing EE, motion capture patterns of activity, but this practice would
sensors detect that body movement and provide an decrease objectivity by relying on accurate tran-
estimate of physical activity. Advancements in tech- scription.
nology have increased the sophistication and accu-
racy of these instruments. Results validating these
2.2.2 Accelerometers
motion sensors are presented separately for pedome-
Accelerometers are more sophisticated elec-
ters, the Caltrac® accelerometer (Hemokinetics, Inc.,
tronic devices that measure accelerations produced
Madison, WI) and other accelerometers in the fol-
by body movement. In contrast to the spring mech-
lowing sections.
anisms of pedometers, accelerometers use piezo-
2.2.1 Pedometers electric transducers and microprocessors that con-
Pedometers are relatively simple electronic de- vert recorded accelerations to a quantifiable digital
vices used to estimate mileage walked or the num- signal referred to as ‘counts’. Westerterp[52] recently
ber of steps taken over a period of time. Studies reviewed laboratory validations of various accel-
using adult participants wearing recent pedometer erometers using indirect calorimetry in adult par-
models have shown favourable validity and reli- ticipants; pearson correlations ranged from r = 0.25
ability.[47-49] Four pedometer validation studies were to 0.91. This large variability is due to the use of
identified that used children[29,30,50,51] and the re- different monitors, their placement (e.g. hip, low
sults are summarised in table III. Kilanowski et al.[51] back, or ankle) and the specific activities performed
observed a strong association (r = 0.80 to 0.97) during the measurement protocols.
between a Digiwalker DW-200 pedometer and the The Caltrac® monitor was one of the first com-
Children’s Activity Rating Scale (CARS) direct mercially available accelerometers and has been

Table III. Validation of pedometers used to assess young people’s physical activity
Pedometer Variables Participants Criterion measure Validity Reference
Yamax Digiwalker Mean counts.min-1 10, 7-10y CARS DO[13] r = 0.80-0.97 51
DW-200® TriTrac® r = 0.50-0.99
Yamax Digiwalker Total counts from hip 15 boys, 15 girls; 8-11y HR, VO2 r = 0.62-0.92 29
DW-200® Total counts from ankle r = 0.59-0.91
Total counts from wrist r = 0.17-0.87
Yamax Digiwalker Total counts from hip 21 Chinese boys; 8-10y VO2 r = 0.77-0.93 30
DW-200® Total counts from ankle r = 0.68-0.92
Total counts from wrist r = –0.45-0.82
Pedometer Number of steps 11, 4-6y DO (unspecified) r = 0.93 50
CARS = Children’s activity rating scale; DO = direct observation; HR = heart rate; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient;
Tritrac® = tri-axial accelerometer; VO2 = oxygen consumption; y = age of participants (years).

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
446 Sirard & Pate

Table IV. Validation of the Caltrac® accelerometer used to assess young people’s physical activity
Variables Participants Reliability Criterion measure Validity Reference
Total counts.h free-play–1 18 boys, 12 girls; N/A FATS DO[20] r = 0.39 53
Total counts.h–1, 17 boys, 13 girls; N/A FATS DO[20] Spearman r = 0.54 54
total–1 2-4y
kcal.h–1 11 boys, 9 girls; N/A FATS DO[20] Total: r = 0.25-0.62; indoor: 55
29 to 40 mo r = 0.47-0.56; outdoor;
r = 0.16-0.48
Total counts.h free-play–1 29 boys, 22 girls; N/A CARS DO[13] r = 0.86 56
24-h; counts, TEE, SEE, 40 girls; 10-16y N/A 24h; TEE, SEE r = 0.80 w/ TEE; 57
WEE and WEE via r = 0.84 w/ SEE;
whole room r = 0.85 w/ WEE; Caltrac®
calorimeter underestimates EE by 6.8%
to 30.4%
3-day counts, 22 boys, 14 girls; N/A 14-day AEEDLW r = –0.09 w/ counts; 59
calculated AEE[58] mean age = 8.3y calculated AEE > AEEDLW
(p < 0.01)
Calculated EE 10 boys, 10 girls; N/A EEvideo EEvideo<EECaltrac; (p < 0.05); 60
mean age = 15.2y r = 0.95 w/ video
Counts at 3 treadmill 9 boys, 6 girls; Left hip vs right hip; VO2 r = 0.82 31
speeds 8-13y r = 0.89
Mean 16 boys, 15 girls; 7-13 day test-retest; VO2 r = 0.66 w/ cycling; 32
counts.min–1.activity–1 10-16y cycling: R = 0.73-0.74; r = 0.93 w/ treadmill
(using normal and treadmill: R = 0.76-0.80
‘cycling’ modes)
AEE = activity energy expenditure; Caltrac® = uniaxial accelerometer; CARS = Children’s activity rating scale; DLW = doubly labelled water;
DO = direct observation; EE = energy expenditure; FATS = Fargo activity timesampling survey; r = Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient; R = intraclass correlation coefficient; SEE = sedentary energy expenditure; TEE = total energy expenditure; VO2 = oxygen
consumption; WEE = waking energy expenditure.

the most frequently studied. It is a single (vertical) a single plane accelerometer, it is limited in its abil-
plane accelerometer that either provides ‘count’ val- ity to detect the wide variety of movements en-
ues or can estimate EE if biodata (height, body- gaged in by these young participants. Lower corre-
weight, age, gender) are supplied. The Caltrac® lations were also observed when the activity took
monitor is small and unobtrusive (14 × 8 × 4cm, place outdoors compared with controlled labora-
400g) making it an attractive method for collecting tory conditions. Johnson et al.[59] used a previously
physical activity data. Nine studies that met the inclu- developed regression equation[31] to calculate 3-day
sion criteria were identified and are summarised in AEE from Caltrac® counts. Based on low correla-
table IV.[31,32,53-57,59,60] These studies are presented in tions with 14-day AEEDLW, they concluded that the
order of the strength of the criterion measure. Re- Caltrac® accelerometer was not a useful predictor
search has found positive but variable associations of AEE. This equation, however, was developed in
between the Caltrac® accelerometer and direct ob- a laboratory setting and applied to a free-living sit-
servation methods (r = 0.16 to 0.86)[53-56] or whole uation in this study. It may be more appropriate to
room calorimetry (r = 0.80 to 0.85).[57] The wide use just the accelerometer counts rather than at-
variation in correlations against direct observation tempt to convert counts to units of EE.
are most likely because of the young age of the Validation studies with newer accelerometers
participants in several studies (2-6 years) and the primarily involve the CSA® (Computer Science
type of activity monitored. Because the Caltrac® is and Applications, Inc., Shalimar, FL) or the Tritrac-

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2001; 31 (6)
Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 447

R3D® (Professional Products, Reining International, age error; -2.9 to 5.1%, kJ/d) for both groups and
Madison, WI) accelerometers. While the CSA® is individual children.
a single plane accelerometer, the Tritrac-R3D® is 3- Accelerometers provide an objective, nonreac-
dimensional and may provide a more accurate as- tive and re-useable tool for assessing physical ac-
sessment of physical activity. Eight studies that used tivity. Nevertheless, they have a limited ability to
these and other accelerometers with childen and assess cycling, locomotion on a gradient or other
adolescents are presented in table V.[29,30,32,53,61-64] activities with limited torso movement. Also, con-
The studies are listed by the type of accelerometer verting accelerometer counts to units of EE may
and the strength of the criterion measure. Fairweather provide inaccurate estimates because of the addi-
et al.[61] reported a relatively high correlation be- tional measurement error. The Caltrac® device is a
tween direct observation[16] and the CSA® acceler- first generation accelerometer and is limited by
ometer during a preschool exercise class (r = 0.87). possible participant tampering because of the easy
Welk et al.[63] also reported promising results (r = accessibility to its controls, and by its inability to
0.70 to 0.77) for the TriTrac-R3D® accelerometer detect daily or hourly patterns of activity without
validated against the CARS direct observation sys- participant involvement. The CSA®, Tritrac-R3D®
tem.[13] Using whole room calorimetry as a crite- and other accelerometers are promising devices that
rion measure of EE, Treuth et al.[64] assessed the detect both the patterns of physical activity and
validity of simultaneously measuring heart rate and total activity, using internal memory with no exte-
leg accelerometry to estimate EE. Combining the rior controls. The benefit of the 2 extra dimensions
methods resulted in valid estimates of EE (percent- of measurement in the Tritrac-R3D® compared

Table V. Validation of other accelerometers used to assess young people’s physical activity
Monitors Variables Participants Reliability Criterion measure Validity Reference
LSI® Counts.h 18 boys, 12 girls; N/A FATS DO[20] r = 0.38 53
free-play–1 2-6y
CSA® Counts.period–1 11, Left hip vs right hip CPAF DO[16] r = 0.87 61
mean age = 4.0y counts different
(p < 0.05)
CSA® Mean counts.min–1 19 boys, 11 girls; Left hip vs right hip; VO2 r = 0.77-0.87 62
10-14y R = 0.87
CSA® Tritrac® Mean counts.min–1 15 boys, 15 girls; N/A VO2 CSA®: r = 0.69-0.85; 29
8-10y Tritrac®: r = 0.74-0.93
CSA® Tritrac® Mean counts.min–1 21 Chinese boys; N/A VO2 CSA®: r = 0.81-0.88; 30
8-10y Tritrac®: r = 0.93-0.94
Tritrac® Counts.period–1; 32, 10-12y N/A CARS DO[13] Classroom: r = 0.70; 63
(classroom and PE: r = 0.77
Mini-logger® Mean 16 boys, 15 girls; 7-13 day test-retest; VO2 Cycling: r = 0.06-0.15; 32
counts.min–1; 10-16y cycling: R = 0.05-0.75; treadmill: r = 0.37-0.67
(ankle and hip treadmill: R = 0.61-0.84
Mini-mitter Mean counts.min–1 10 boys, 10 girls; N/A 24-hour whole –2.9 ± 5.1% 64
2000® 8-12y room calorimetry;
CARS = Children’s activity rating scale; CPAF = children’s physical activity form; CSA® = uni-axial accelerometer; DO = direct observation;
FATS = Fargo activity timesampling survey; LSI® = large scale integrated physical activity monitor; Mini-logger® = uni-axial accelerometer;
Mini-mitter® = uni-axial accelerometer; PE = physical education; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient; R = intraclass correlation
coefficient; Tritrac® = tri-axial accelerometer; VO2 = oxygen consumption.

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448 Sirard & Pate

with the CSA® accelerometer has not been well recall to estimate physical activity in preadolescent
established. children.
Weston et al.[73] obtained the highest correla-
3. Subjective Techniques tions with the Previous Day Physical Activity Re-
call (PDPAR). The PDPAR was positively associ-
Survey methods of estimating physical activity ated with both a pedometer (r = 0.77) and Caltrac®
levels in children are considered subjective because accelerometer (r = 0.88) in 8th-11th grade students.
they rely on responses from the child. The sporadic In contrast, Trost et al.[70] found associations be-
nature of children’s physical activity[14] makes these tween the PDPAR and the CSA® accelerometer
activities difficult to recall, quantify and categorise. ranging from r = 0.19 to 0.39 in 5th grade children.
Also, the lower cognitive functioning of children The lower correlations observed in the Trost et al.
compared with adults reduces their ability to accu- study[70] may be because of the much smaller sam-
rately recall intensity, frequency and especially du- ple size and the younger age of the children.
ration of activities.[65,66] Survey techniques should be Relatively inexpensive self-report measures of-
validated against more stringent measures of phys- fer researchers a means of estimating physical ac-
ical activity (primary- or secondary-level methods) tivity levels in large numbers of individuals while
before extensive use. The techniques in this cate- maintaining low investigator and respondent bur-
gory are classified into 4 groups: self-report ques- den. The greatest limitation with these types of meas-
tionnaires, interviewer-administered questionnaires, ures is the subjectivity inherent when individuals
proxy-report questionnaires and diaries. are asked to respond to questions about their behavi-
our. The issues of recall errors, deliberate misrep-
3.1 Self-Report Questionnaires resentations, social desirability and other biases are
particularly important when dealing with children.
Table VI summarises information about ques- Although the PDPAR and several others appear to
tionnaires listed by the strength of the criterion mea- be promising tools, more research using primary
sure.[58,65,68-75] The ‘Time Frame’ column in tables standards as criterion measures is needed to clarify
VI–VIII indicates the time frame for which physi- their full potential. Also, the number of administra-
cal activity was assessed. There is a wide range (r tions needed to estimate ‘usual’ physical activity is
= –0.10 to 0.88) of correlation coefficients between not clear for most of the 1-day questionnaires.
these self-report measures and direct observation,
heart rate, or motion detection. Such wide variabil- 3.2 Interviewer-Administered Questionnaires
ity is indicative of the many different instruments
and criterion measures used. Studies from the Fam- The results from studies evaluating 7 interviewer-
ily Health Project[65,67] are the only studies that val- administered surveys are presented in table
idated surveys against direct observation and found VII.[31,58,77-79] Although providing a trained ad-
agreement ranging from 73.4% in 24 participants[65] ministrator may improve a child’s cognition and
to 86.3% in 812 participants.[67] Craig et al.[68] ob- accuracy, there is still a wide range of correlations
served a correlation of r = 0.47 between a 1-year for these techniques. Wallace and McKenzie[77] used
MVPA recall and 2-weeks of EE measured by DLW. 1 week of direct observation as a criterion measure
The inclusion of younger children in the Janz et al. and found 75% agreement between this and a 7-day
study[71] may have lowered the correlations be- physical activity recall. Sallis et al.[78] obtained rel-
cause of their limited ability to accurately recall their atively high correlations using the Godin-Shephard
intensity and duration of physical activity. Also, Survey and a simple activity rating compared with
compared with adults, young children have lower heart rate recordings (r = 0.81 and 0.89, respec-
sweat rates given the same environmental stress.[76] tively). These authors[78] also observed lower cor-
Therefore, it may be inappropriate to use a sweat relations with a 7-day recall, which may indicate

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Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 449

Table VI. Validation of self-reports used to assess young people’s physical activity
Instruments Time Participants Reliability Criterion Validity Reference
frame measure
6 different formsa 1 day 24, 3rd-6th grade N/A DO 73.4% agreement across all 65
MVPA recall 1 day 422 boys, 390 girls; N/A DO 86.3% agreement between 67
3rd and 4th grades reported and observed number
of MVPA bouts > 10 minutes
1-year physical activity 1 year 49 girls; 2-week test-retest; AEEDLW r = 0.47 68
recall for MVPA mean age = 10y r = 0.70
Modifiable activity 1 week 48 boys, 53 girls; N/A AEEDLW Nonsignificant correlations with 69
questionnaire mean age = 5.3y AEEDLW
Previous day physical 1 day 18 boys, 20 girls; N/A CSA® r = 0.19-0.39 70
activity recall (PDPAR) 5th grade
Activity rating Normative 15 boys, 15 girls; 1-month test-retest CSA® r = –0.04-0.17 71
scale 7-15y R = 0.85
3-day aerobic recall 3 day R = 0.54 r = 0.46-0.51
3-day sweat recall 3 day R = 0.30 r = 0.05-0.39

Computerised activity 5, 1 day 20 boys, 25 girls; 1-2 week test-retest; 1 day r = 0.51 w/ TEE; 72
recall (CAR) recalls 6th-8th grade R = 0.95 for TEE; Tritrac® r = 0.20 w/ AEE
R = 0.82 for AEE
Previous day physical 1 day 119; 8th-11th grade 1-hour test-retest; pedometer r = 0.77 73
activity recall (PDPAR) R = 0.98
Caltrac® r = 0.88
HR r = 0.37-0.63
Self-administered 1 day 55 boys, 70 girls; N/A Caltrac® r = 0.28-0.60; 58
physical activity 5th grade HR r = 0.02-0.32
checklist (SAPAC)

Yesterday activity 1 day 34 boys, 35 girls; 3-day test-retest 1 day r = –0.22-0.33 74

checklist 4th grade R = 0.60 Caltrac®
Weekly activity sum 1 week R = 0.51 3 day r = –0.15-0.40
Weekly activity 1 week R = 0.74 3 day r = –0.26-0.34
checklist Caltrac®
7-day activity tally 1 week R = 0.68 3 day r = –0.10-0.11
Physical activity 7 day 38 boys, 51 girls; N/A Caltrac® r = 0.39 75
questionnaire for older 4th-8th grade
children (PAQ-C)
a 6 different forms: daily self-monitoring, daily, daily segmented, daily exact, daily dichotomous and daily trichotomous.
AEE = activity energy expenditure; Caltrac® = uniaxial accelerometer; CSA® = uni-axial accelerometer; DLW = doubly labelled water; DO =
direct observation; HR = heart rate; MVPA = moderate to vigorous physical activity; normative scale = self-assessment compared with others
of same age and gender; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient; R = intraclass correlation coefficient; TEE = total energy
expenditure; Tritrac® = tri-axial accelerometer.

the increased difficulty of remembering more than study[79] indicates that older children may be better
the previous day’s activities. As a whole, these studies able to complete these types of instruments. Fur-
indicate that 1-day or simpler measures of ‘usual’ ther evidence supporting the use of these and other
physical activity provided greater correlations. The surveys should be obtained by using direct obser-
greater correlations for the 5th graders compared vation or an accelerometer as the criterion mea-
with 3rd graders in the Simons-Morton et al. sure.

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450 Sirard & Pate

Table VII. Validation of interviewer-administered self-report measures used to assess young people’s physical activity
Instrument Time frame Participants Reliability Criterion Validity Reference
7-day physical activity recall 7 days 11 boys; 11-13y N/A DO 75% agreement for 77
Same day recall Previous 10 20 boys, 15 girls; 8-13y 1-day test-retest; Caltrac® Day 1: r = 0.49; 31
hours r = 0.06 day 2: r = 0.39
HR Day 1: r = 0.25;
day 2: r = 0.52
Physical activity checklist 7 days 55 boys, 70 girls; 5th N/A Caltrac® r = 0.22-0.54 58
interview (PACI) grade HR r = 0.10-0.38
7-day recall interview (PAR) 7 days 36 5th grade, 36 8th R = 0.54-0.77 HR r = 0.44-0.53 78
grade, 30 11th grade
Godin-Shepard survey (GS) 7 days 2-week test-retest r = 0.81
R = 0.81
Simple activity rating Normative R = 0.89 r = 0.89
Physical activity interview 1 day 34 3rd grade N/A HR r = 0.50-0.57 79
(PAI) 30 5th grade r = 0.72
Caltrac® = uniaxial accelerometer; DO = direct observation; HR = heart rate; normative scale = self-assessment compared with others of
same age and gender; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient; R = intraclass correlation coefficient.

Interviewer-administered surveys possess many jective behaviours (e.g. physical activity) rather than
of the same strengths and limitations as self-report objective facts (e.g. eye colour) may produce lower
measures. An interview format may slightly im- agreement between the criterion measure and the
prove results but the presence of the interviewer proxy respondent.[82] Also, the characteristics and
may introduce additional bias. Any potential bene- perceptions of the proxy respondent may introduce
fits of this method must be weighed against the additional sources of bias.[83,84] By using the parent
increased cost and burden to the researcher, as well or teacher as a proxy respondent for young chil-
as the potential for response bias. dren, however, researchers can avoid recall errors
caused by children’s cognitive limitations. Proxy
3.3 Proxy-Reports reports appear promising and would be suitable for
large study populations if a valid and reliable in-
Validation studies of proxy-reports of children’s strument can be developed.
physical activity are presented in table VIII.[56,80,81]
Noland et al.[56] observed little or no correlation 3.4 Diaries
between direct observation and either a teacher’s
or a parent’s rating of the child’s activity. Two other Because of the relatively high participant bur-
studies, however, observed significant associations den, few studies have used the diary method for
using either a teacher report[80] or a parent report.[81] estimating young people’s physical activity. Bou-
Overall, there is limited information for this type chard et al.[85] reported associations between a 3-
of physical activity measure in children and ado- day activity log and several physiological meas-
lescents. ures in 150 children (mean age = 14.6 ± 2.9 years)
Although it is tempting to think that parents would and 150 adults. For the entire sample (n = 300),
provide an accurate assessment of their child’s ac- correlations between EE from the diary (TEEdiary)
tivity, this does not always seem to be the case.[56] and the Physical Work Capacity 170 cycle ergom-
Part of the problem with proxy-reports is the type eter test ranged from 0.23 to 0.70. The TEEdiary was
of information sought. Questions that assess sub- weakly correlated with the sum of 6 skinfolds (r =

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Physical Activity Assessment in Children and Adolescents 451

-0.08) and percent body fat (r = -0.13). Seliger et population and provide a basis for funding of ac-
al.[86] used a 24-hour diary in 12-year-old boys and tivity-related programmes and research. These in-
found increasing heart rates for each of the 7 inten- struments, however, may lack acceptable validity
sity categories the boys used to evaluate their ac- when they are compared with a more stringent cri-
tivity. Bratteby et al.[87] found a mean difference of terion. Such surveys may produce erroneous val-
1.2% between TEEdiary and TEEDLW in 15-year- ues. Therefore, further work is needed to identify
olds. Garcia et al.[88] reported high test-retest reli- valid and reliable items that are appropriate for in-
ability (R = 0.94) using the Child/Adolescent Ac- clusion into a national survey format. In addition,
tivity Log (CAAT). These investigators state that there is a lack of valid proxy-report instruments
the CAAT was validated against the Caltrac® ac- available for measuring physical activity in chil-
celerometer, but these data were not presented. dren. Since this method would be an efficient means
The activity diary is considered one of the most of obtaining physical activity information for young
accurate subjective techniques for adults. Based on children, new proxy-report instruments need to be
the participant burden required to maintain an ac- developed and validated appropriately. The Digi-
tivity diary, however, this technique has limited uses walker DW-200 pedometer correlates well with short
in a paediatric population. While adolescents may term direct observation and laboratory measures of
be able to complete the diary, the accuracy of their oxygen consumption and heart rate. Further work
reports should be viewed with caution. It has been is needed to validate these pedometers in more re-
noted that survey methods in children under the alistic settings. Accelerometers are an attractive tech-
age of 10 years are not advisable[66] and the same nique for physical activity assessment because of
limitation should be applied to the use of activity their objectivity and high validity. More research
diaries. is needed on the validity of accelerometers in free-
living children and the possibility of improving their
4. Future Research accuracy by combining accelerometry with either
heart rate or survey techniques.
Survey methods of assessing young people’s
physical activity are very cost effective but lack
5. Conclusion
objectivity. Many have not been validated against
direct observation or measured EE (DLW or VO2), To understand why some young people are more
although most have been validated against some active than others and how to encourage them to
objective measure. Validation of these methods and be more active, we need to measure physical activ-
other new instruments against direct observation ity accurately and reliably. Valid methods of esti-
would truly assess their validity. National surveys mating physical activity in children and adolescents
are used to assess the physical activity of the entire are critical to understanding the dose-response re-

Table VIII. Validation of proxy reports used to assess young people’s physical activity
Instrument Time frame Participants Reliability Criterion Validity Reference
6-item parent survey 1-day 11 boys, 10 girls; 3-5y N/A 20-min video r = -0.19-0.06 56
6-item teacher survey 6-h DO r = -0.13-0.04
Teacher ratings of 1-day 33 boys, 25 girls; N/A activity recorder r = 0.41-0.66 80
activity mean age = 2.5y
Teacher report 5-day 17 boys, 22 girls; 6y 2-week test-retest HR Spearman 81
Spearman r = 0.84 r = 0.07-0.59
Parent report 3-day Spearman r = 0.27-0.53 Spearman
r = 0.72-0.82
DO = direct observation; HR = hear; r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.

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452 Sirard & Pate

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havior: a validation of a seven day exercise recall for boys 11 versity of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA.
to 13 years old. Res Q Exerc Sport 1985; 56 (2): 161-5 E-mail:

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