1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1
5.0 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................25
6.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................26
Malaysian government has adopted the industrialized building system (IBS) since the sixties
and underwent great efforts in this field. IBS can be defined in which all building such as wall,
slab, beam, column and staircase are mass produced either in factory or at site factory under
strict quality control and minimal wet site activities. IBS is also known as Pre-fabricated/Pre-fab
Construction, Modern Method of Construction (MMC) and Off-site Construction. CIDB Malaysia,
through CIDB IBS SDN BHD is promoting the usage of IBS to increase productivity and quality
at construction sites through various promotion programs, training and incentives.
Even though IBS was implemented since 1960s, however, the application of IBS was at
infancy and not fully adopted. In late 1960s and early 1970s, some of the international IBS
systems were introduced but these systems were found to be incompatible with the climatic
condition in Malaysia hence resulted in the closure the precast concrete factories and
conventional method had still to be applied. In some cases, the budget was exceeded, targeted
completion dates were not achieved, and the quality was not always up to expectation. Apart
from encouraging the use of IBS in Malaysia, it is the government’s objective to dwindle the
dependency on foreign labor and save country’s loss in foreign exchange in the Malaysian
construction industry.
In 1999, due to lack of local skilled workers and overflow of unskilled foreign workers,
the country recognized that use of IBS is the only solution to overcome these issues. The first
IBS strategic plan was announced followed by two IBS “Roadmaps,” for example, 2003-2010
and 2011-2015. Since then, it is mandatory for government projects to comprise of at least 70%
of IBS components. However, IBS is still not widely implemented in private sector. Therefore,
the issues are still unsolved despite the initiatives by the government using IBS system.
It is found that the implementation of IBS in construction industry in Malaysia is less due
to the unwillingness of the stakeholders because they are not convinced with the IBS system.
The government aims to make it compulsory for the contractors to implement IBS by the year
2020. Hereby, IBS is no doubt, it is suitable for building functions that require mass production
such as housing. The off-site construction has fast time frames, so this may be applied to the
projects which have typical floors, which need more standardized and uniform design solutions.
For this assignment, a bungalow that used Industrialised Building System (IBS) has been
chosen as a case study. The case study is CADANGAN MEMBINA RUMAH BANGLO 2
This bungalow has been constructed in Jalan Bahagia, Kapar and the client is Puan
Asiah. The bungalow is constructed on Puan Asiah’s land which the design also has being
decided by her. It was constructed in 2017. Every home that is constructed by Masjaya Eco
Construction come with a 12-month structure warranty.
Masjaya Eco Construction Sdn. Bhd. has been given the obligation to handle this
bungalow’s construction. Masjaya Eco Construction is a company with specialty in renovating
and constructs building using IBS which is recognized by CIDB and SIRIM.
The proposed project is located at Kampung Bukit Kapar, 42200 Kapar, Selangor.
It is located around 20.9KM from the capital state of Selangor which is Shah Alam.
This site located near to modern infrastructure and facilities such as restaurants,
mosque, and school.
More, this site is located near many restaurants and cafe such as 24Fit Bakery and
Food, Aralyn’s Café, Umang Umang BBQ Steamboat and so on.
The location is quite strategic as it is near to many facilities as being mention before.
The bungalow was constructed with 2 stories and comes with 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Below
are the further details:
Space provided:
This project uses precast concrete for foundations. The precast concrete foundations are pre-
engineered systems manufactured in a controlled environment. This precast foundation is also
stronger and lighter than most competing materials. This precast foundation is built off site,
lowest site impact (0.5-1.0 days), Negligible impact by weather, penalized by joints for
expansion and contraction and low permeability.
Figure: Footings installed on undisturbed soil
This project use reinforced concrete framing for floor construction. It can have a variety of
architectural finishes. For the finishes of floor is different according to the location of space.
Ceramic tiles finishes are use at bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room and kitchen. For
terrace and car porch it uses homogenous anti slip tiles as floor finishes.
Figure: Installing the slab panels
For this project, conventional method is used to construct pitch roof. This type of roof is chosen
due to many advantages. Firstly, it gives aesthetic appearance to the house followed by its
durability in withstanding weather conditions especially in Malaysia where we always face
monsoon season. Economically, pitch roof is more effective than any other type because its
lifespan can go for years.
Installation On-site.
1. Make sure that the roof rafter or trusses is clean from any splinters or old nails that may
ruin the membrane or under-tiles felt.
2. Roll out socking starting from the bottom.
3. Secure the edges with nails ensuring the socking to not be damaged but not too tight.
4. Prepare 2 roof tiles and 2 roofing buttons to be placed onto the roof without nailing them.
5. Make sure the tiles are overlapping and the tile logs are seated properly hooked on the
top of the buttons.
6. Set the bottom tiles overhang in 50mm so the rainwater would not go down through the
7. Fix the battens by using nails that penetrate through the button and into the rafters
underneath in 40mm.
8. Measure the length of the top of the roof to the last batten to identify the number of rows
needed for the tiles.
9. Lastly, install the tiles and nail it into the roofing button but not out of the other side.
Installation Offsite.
1. Trusses are placed on an even ground to ensure the accuracy and uniformity of the
2. Hang the trusses upside down across the span of the bungalow and then turn over to be
fixed with temporary bracing.
3. Next, trusses are mounted and levelled.
4. Secure the bottom of trusses with anchor rods and permanent bracing.
5. Roofing belt should be placed in between the concrete and the tie beam to prevent
dampness from rising.
6. Wall plates is constructed to achieve an even roof and adjusted with wedges if not even.
7. Fixed the wall plates to the wall by straps or anchorage devices.
8. Purlins must be placed parallelly with the wall plate and ridge beam which then be tied
9. After that, rafters are joined to the wall plate, purlin and ridge beam with nails.
10. Make sure all the items are measured and cut properly.
Figure 1:Pitched roof
This project is using precast concrete system for its wall making the construction period to be
shorter. The benefits of using this system is that it reduces the wastage and provide a cleaner
and neater surrounding on the site. The wall panels are made from concrete which ensure a
great resistance against moisture and temperature. Thus, sound damping can be prevented.
Next, the finishes for this project are plaster and paint and ceramic tiles.
Installation On-site
1. The precast factory manufactures the mold of the wall to build reinforcing cages and
2. The reinforced cage is positioned partly and assembled by molding section.
3. A machine controlled by a computer will slowly pour the concrete into the mold.
4. Concrete is then compacted using high frequency external vibrations as to ensure the
density and strength is achieved.
5. Once done, precast walls are now moved to the storage area and delivered to the site.
6. The components are then erected and arranged in sequence to be erected on site.
Figure 1: Panel walls are installed Figure 2: Concrete is compacted onto the
The advantage of using of Industry Building System (IBS), firstly it will reduce construction
wastage and increases cost saving which is reducing on site workers significantly reducing labor
costs for contractors. It also will minimize the transferring waste material due to quality control
and reducing waste material. Then, the material and equipment cost will be reducing because of
all the material need to be used in the construction already pre-fabricated at the factory. The
numbers of equipment on site can be reduce because mostly work will be controlling in factory
that in-situ on site. Therefore, it will save a lot of money.
Secondly, Industry Building System (IBS) has a shorter construction period. It also will
save valuable time and helps to reduce the risk of the project delay and possible monetary
losses. Besides, IBS construction permits a faster completion of the project because production
is unaffected by weather conditions due to the controlled environment of the casting area. Also,
the usage of large precast panels will reduce the time taken to complete the structural works.
Lastly, Industry Building System (IBS) construction usually provide higher quality and
better finishes due to production occurs under a sheltered environment and produced in the
factory. IBS products are manufactured in a casting area where critical factors including
temperature, mix design and stripping time can be closely checked and controlled and this will
ensure that the quality of the products are better than cast-in situ concrete. A huge sum of
money will be saved by not having to do rectification works Then, it is better quality reduces the
maintenance expenses because prefabricated components require less repair and preventive
Lastly, the quality quite good but the rate of finishes would be affected by the weather
condition. Besides, the low quality and poor also due to workmanship on site during the
construction. In that case, it would be required higher maintenance expenses because of low
quality. A lot of maintenance will be done in a short period after the construction was completed.
The design consideration which is related to this project is the design of the house. This is
because in a lot of IBS buildings, the fastest tend to be rectangular shaped building. As this
project, the design of is rectangular which is economical and easy to be constructed using the
IBS. If the buildings of circular design such as an arch, it would be harder as joint designs would
have to be different to be more stable. A drastically or heavily designed building cannot use
Industry Building System (IBS)’s advantage of the routine construction and would have to be
more careful in installation.
Besides, the cost of the project should be considered in designing a project that uses
Industry Building System (IBS). The cost of this project will be lesser compared to using
conventional method because of the design of the project is simple. So, it can reduce the cost of
materials, equipment and labors. Furthermore, all the component of the constructions will be
pre-fabricated from the factory and it just need to be install on site. Therefore, the completion of
the building will be on time and the budget of the project is within the client budget.
Besides, the cost of the project also one of the design consideration in using the
conventional construction method. The cost of the construction of this project will be higher
compared to Industry Building System (IBS) because of the design of the project is quite
complicated. So, it can increase the cost of materials, equipment and labors. Furthermore, this
is because it should many labors to be hired to construct the building as the conventional
construction method will be pre-fabricated on site. Therefore, in completing the construction
might have extension of time and also over the client budget.
Plant and machineries play an important role in every construction. It is a resource that play a
role in order to complete each construction process. Client or contractor can either buy or hire
plan and machineries for their project. It is depending on the project duration and the ability of
the company. If a company decide to buy plant and machineries, they need to take to account
cost for the maintenance and storage.
As for IBS machinery use for construction IBS is large machineries like crane, lorry for
delivery the element to site and etc. Some contractor thought that using IBS might require them
to rent machineries that hardly found inside the country. Especially for the huge project that
have so many storeys. However, based on the research of Improving Utilization of Industrialized
Building System (IBS) In Low Cost Housing Projects conducted by Narimah Kasim, the least
challenge in enhancing IBS usage in low cost housing are specialized skills require onsite for
assembly and erection of IBS components, the high usage of plant and machinery for
assembling of IBS components and changes in government policies in implementation of IBS.
So, it can be concluded here that plant and machineries is not the main problem in using IBS for
In conventional construction, plant and machineries that usually use is the small
machineries like concrete mixer, paver, compactor and etc. Cost for these machineries is lower
if compare to the machineries use for IBS. However, in conventional construction there are
several numbers of machineries that need to be used for each element. For example, for
construction of staircase, plant and machineries need to be use for this construction is concrete
mixer, compacter, paver, scaffolding and etc. Even cost for these machineries is low but when
total up all the cost for machineries for this element it does not much different from the cost to
rent a crane. Beside that by using this plant and machineries will be time consuming especially
for the huge project because the labor needs to settle element by element because the number
of machineries is limited and need to move the machineries around the site.
Conventional construction had widely used in construction industry for the past decade. It can
be said that almost all labour had been expertise in using conventional construction in
construction. Knowledge of labour is important for every construction because they are the one
who will make the construction become realization. Even architect is the one that design the
project, engineer the one that design for structural of the project but the project would not come
into reality if the labour does not know how to construct the project. Because of this labour plays
the most role in the process of construction.
Construction process for IBS is not really hard because once the IBS element arrive at
the site the only thing that the labour needs to do is join the element with the main building. For
example, construction of staircase will 100% done off site which is at the IBS factory, once it
arrives at the site, the labour only needs to attach it to the slab of floor. It requires labour that
had a specialist that know how to attach the join. Lack of knowledge for the construction
process of IBS make it hardly to be implemented in Malaysia.
Every labour will be so familiar with construction process for conventional construction.
Because it had been used widely in the countries. For example, for construction of wall, they
know firstly, they need to erect the formwork if the wall use reinforced in situ concrete wall then
put reinforcement inside the formwork and pour concrete inside the formwork. As all the labour
already getting used for this construction method, they found it really unnecessary to learn
about construction process by using IBS. Even though, government had conducted several
classes to help them gain more knowledge about constructing IBS process but the response
receive is not really favorable.
Wastage is defined by Ekanayake and Ofori is any material apart from earth material which
needs to be transported elsewhere to the construction sites or used within the construction site
itself for the purpose of land filling, incineration, recycling, reusing, or composting rather than the
intended specific purpose of the project due to material change excess or non-use of the
construction process. Wastage in construction had been widely discussed for this past year.
CIDB estimated that wastage of construction makes up 30% of our rubbish.
However, wastage can be reduced by using IBS. As the element will be produced in the
factory, the use of formwork or strutting are unnecessary. The element will arrive at the site
complete with all of the component and just ready to get attach with the main building by using
crane. There will be no other waste like concrete, sand or etc. It is safe to say that IBS really
help in reducing wastage in construction. It also helps in making construction site be more dry
and clean compare to conventional construction.
When using conventional construction most of the wastage come from formwork.
Because the only function of formwork is to give shape of the element. Besides that, strutting
also one of the elements that contribute to increase the percentage of wastage. Because it only
functioning to give support in constructing an element. For example, in constructing, upper floor
it will require formwork and strutting and after construction done the formwork and strutting will
be remove and it will be a wastage.
To sum up,the observation for this case study the bungalow was built by using IBS because it is
economical to do so. It could be concluded that the uses of IBS system is important for a large
project that will need a mass-production.
The construction that uses IBS has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. One of the
advantages is low amount of construction wastage as it is a dry construction. Besides, the time
span for construction project could be controlled thus reducing the risks of delay in construction.
Other than that, a safe working place could be provided to the labors on site. Since most of the
element are made off-site, the risk of accidents happening on site will be decreased.
It is better to use IBS construction since it has a lot of advantages. Eventhough IBS system
could be leaning to the pricier side the quality of the product could be maintained. Most of the
construction project in Malaysia still uses convetional method instead of IBS but the government
has taken initiative so that IBS could be used more in construction projects.