United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: Nagashima
United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: Nagashima
United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: Nagashima
(54) SURFACE CONFIGURATION OF A SIDE FIG. 2 is a rear perspective vieW of the ?rst embodiment of
MIRROR FOR A VEHICLE the surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle
according to my novel design;
(75) Inventor: Joji Nagashima, Munich (DE) FIG. 3 is a front vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the surface
con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according to my
(73) Assignee: Bayerische Motoren Werke novel design;
Aktiengesellschaft, Munich (DE) FIG. 4 is a rear vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the surface
(**) Term: 14 Years con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according to my
novel design;
FIG. 5 is a top vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the surface
(21) Appl. No.: 29/217,897 con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according to my
(22) Filed: Nov. 24, 2004 novel design;
FIG. 6 is a bottom vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
May 27, 2004 (DE) ..................................... .. 4 04 03 323 to my novel design;
FIG. 7 is a side vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the surface
con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according to my
(51) US.
(8) ....................................................
Cl. .. D12/187
novel design;
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...... .. D12/187—189; FIG. 8 is a front perspective vieW of a second embodiment
359/838—851, 855—868, 871—881 of the surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle
See application ?le for complete search history. according to my novel design;
FIG. 9 is a rear perspective vieW of the second embodiment
(56) References Cited of the surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle
according to my novel design;
FIG. 10 is a front vieW of the second embodiment of the
D307,57O S * 5/1990 Swanson ................. .. D12/187 surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
to my novel design;
(Continued) FIG. 11 is a rear vieW of the second embodiment of the
Primary Examiner—Melody N. BroWn surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—CroWell & Moring LLP to my novel design;
FIG. 12 is a top vieW of the second embodiment of the
(57) CLAIM surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
The ornamental design for a surface con?guration of a side to my novel design;
mirror for a vehicle, as shoWn and described. FIG. 13 is a bottom vieW of the second embodiment of the
surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
DESCRIPTION to my novel design; and,
FIG. 14 is a side vieW of the second embodiment of the
This application is related to co-pending Application Ser. surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle according
No. 29/217,910, of the inventor, ?led on even date hereWith to my novel design.
and entitled “Surface Con?guration of a Vehicle, Toy and/or
The broken lines are for illustrative purposes only and form
Other Replicas”.
no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 1 is a front perspective vieW of a ?rst embodiment of
a surface con?guration of a side mirror for a vehicle accord
ing to my novel design; 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets
US D516,480 S
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