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Sleep Quality and Paranoia: The role of

alexithymia, negative emotions and perceptual

Aliyah Rehman, Andrew Gumley, Stephany Biello

PII: S0165-1781(16)30555-8
Reference: PSY10877
To appear in: Psychiatry Research
Received date: 4 April 2016
Revised date: 19 September 2017
Accepted date: 25 September 2017
Cite this article as: Aliyah Rehman, Andrew Gumley and Stephany Biello, Sleep
Quality and Paranoia: The role of alexithymia, negative emotions and perceptual
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Sleep Quality and Paranoia: the role of alexithymia, negative emotions
and perceptual anomalies.

Aliyah Rehmana*, Andrew Gumleyb, Stephany Bielloa

School of Psychology, University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Scotland.


Recent evidence suggests that sleep problems are associated with psychotic like

experiences including paranoia. However, the mechanisms underpinning this

association are not well understood and thus studies modelling hypothesised mediating

factors are required. Alexithymia, the inability to recognise and describe emotions

within the self may be an important candidate. In two separate studies we sought to

investigate factors mediating the relationship between sleep quality and paranoia using a

cross-sectional design. Healthy volunteers without a mental health diagnosis were

recruited (study 1, N= 401, study 2, N= 402). Participants completed a series of

measures assessing paranoia, negative emotions, alexithymia and perceptual anomalies

in an online survey. In study 1, regression and mediation analyses showed that the

relationship between sleep quality and paranoia was partially mediated by alexithymia,

perceptual anomalies and negative affect. In contrast, study 2 found that the relationship

Corresponding author at: School of Psychology, University of Glasgow, 58 Hillhead Street,

Glasgow. Email address: Phone number: 0141 330 5085

between sleep quality and paranoia was fully mediated by negative affect, alexithymia

and perceptual anomalies. The link between sleep quality and paranoia is unclear and

reasons for discrepant results are discussed. Novel findings in this study include the link

between alexithymia and paranoia.

Keywords: Paranoia, Sleep, Alexithymia, Perceptual Anomalies, Mood, Affect

1. Introduction

Paranoia, defined as the unfounded fear that others intend to cause you harm, is

a common and distressing experience reported by many individuals with psychosis

(Freeman & Garety, 2000). Paranoid thinking is not confined to psychosis, and is

reported by up to 30% of the general population (Freeman et al., 2005, 2007). However,

studying symptoms like paranoia at a sub-clinical level can further inform our

knowledge about symptoms at a clinical level in line with psychosis continuum models,

as well as identify candidate variables for future clinical research (van Os et al., 2009).

Recent research has identified a robust link between sleep disturbances and

paranoia. At the non-clinical level, sleep loss in healthy individuals leads to an increase

in paranoid thoughts (Kahn-Greene et al., 2007, Reeve et al., 2017). Another study

administered the Oxford Sleep Survey which includes questions on sleep and psychotic

like experiences (PLE’s) to over 1000 students. Results found links between a number

of sleep disorder symptoms such as insomnia, nightmare frequency and nightmare

distress and PLE’s including paranoia (Sheaves et al., 2016). In a large –scale general

population study conducted of 8,580 people, there were strong relationships between

insomnia and paranoia. Insomnia was associated with an approximately two to threefold

increase in paranoid thinking (Freeman et al., 2010). Prospectively, insomnia was also a

significant predictor of new incidence of paranoid thoughts, suggestive of insomnia

having a causal role (Freeman et al., 2012).

Furthermore, treating sleep disturbance with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for

Insomnia (CBT-i) leads to improvements in sleep, paranoia, perceptual anomalies and

emotional variables, in both clinical and non-clinical samples (Myers et al., 2010,

Freeman et al., 2015, Freeman et al., 2017).

With the link between sleep and paranoia being established, the next step turns

to identifying how sleep and paranoia are related (Reeve, et al., 2015). This question

can be addressed by mediation analysis. Mediation is a regression based statistical

approach that allows us to identify factors that significantly explain the variance

between our independent (sleep) and dependent variable (paranoia) (Hayes, 2013).

These factors are termed mediators and can be useful in helping us identify targets for

treatments, as well as helping refine models of paranoid thinking.

Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression are linked to both sleep and

paranoia (Baglioni et al., 2011, Freeman et al., 2012) and have been identified as

potential mediators. Indeed, research has shown that negative emotions account largely

for the relationship between sleep and paranoia (Freeman et al., 2009, Freeman et al.,

2010, Mulligan et al., 2016, Reeve et al., 2017). Along with negative emotions, another

emotion related mediator that has been studied recently is emotion regulation.

Grezellschak et al.,( 2016) found that the effect of insomnia on paranoid ideation was

mediated by a frequent use of ineffective strategies such as expressive suppression and

an infrequent use of effective strategies such as reappraisal. This suggests there may be

a number of emotional processes linking sleep to paranoia.

Along with emotional processes, non-emotional factors such as perceptual

anomalies may also mediate the link between sleep and paranoia (Freeman et al., 2010).

Sleep deprivation has been known to induce perceptual anomalies such as hallucinations

(West, 1962). More recently, Sheaves et al., (2016) showed that insomnia was

associated with perceptual anomalies (hallucinations), even after controlling for

negative emotions. Furthermore, perceptual distortions are considered central to

paranoia (Freeman et al., 2002). No direct test of this exists although cannabis use

which can induce anomalous experiences partially mediates the relationship between

insomnia and paranoia (Freeman et al., 2010).

We sought to replicate and build on some of these findings. The main aim of our

paper is to investigate the role of alexithymia as a potential mediator. Alexithymia is an

aspect of emotion that is concerned with an individual’s ability to recognise, and

verbalise their emotions (Bagby et al., 1994). Individuals with high alexithymia

experience difficulties in identifying their emotions, describing their feelings, and

exhibit an externally orientated style of thinking which can be accompanied with

arousal (Bagby et al., 1994). Alexithymia is a relevant candidate as it linked to both

sleep and paranoia. One study reported that that those with low levels of emotional

awareness (high alexithymia) reported higher suspiciousness (Boden & Berenbaum,

2007). Higher levels of alexithymia in people with psychosis have also been reported in

comparison to controls (Van- Wout et al., 2007, Kimhy et al., 2012). Furthermore,

alexithymia is linked to a range of sleep disturbances including insomnia, daytime

sleepiness and nightmares (Bauermann et al., 2008). It has also been shown that under

conditions of sleep deprivation there is a decrease in emotional intelligence- a trait

similar to alexithymia (Killgore et al., 2008). More specifically, this study reported a

decrease in the intrapersonal functioning component of emotional intelligence which is

concerned with knowing and understanding our feelings (Killgore et al., 2008).

Therefore, we predicted that alexithymia mediates the relationship between

sleep quality and paranoia, in addition to negative emotional states such as anxiety and


A secondary aim of our study was to test whether perceptual anomalies mediates

the relationship between sleep and paranoia. To do so, we included a comprehensive

measure of perceptual anomalies- the Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (Bell et al.,


In study 1 we hypothesised that; 1) sleep quality, negative emotions, alexithymia

and perceptual anomalies predict paranoid thoughts and 2) that the relationship between

sleep quality and paranoia will be mediated by negative emotions, alexithymia and

perceptual anomalies. Study 2 was conducted to try and replicate the mediation model

we developed in study .

2. Study 1: Methods

2.1. Participants and Procedures

In order to recruit a large sample, and provide a safe, environment for volunteers

to disclose paranoid thoughts, an anonymous online survey was set up using Qualtrics

(Provo, UT). The sample was recruited using the University of Glasgow’s School of

Psychology’s online subject pool. Participants were excluded from the study if they

reported a diagnosed psychiatric/physical condition, traumatic brain injury, recreational

drug use and were aged under 16. The online survey was available online from 2012 to

2013. The study was approved by the University of Glasgow, School of Psychology

Ethics committee.

2.2. Measures

2.2.1. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson et al.,1988,

The PANAS has two ten -item subscales of positive (PA) and negative (NA)

affect. The questionnaire has been psychometrically evaluated in non-clinical groups

(Watson et al., 1988). The range of scores for each sub-scale ranges from 10-50, with

higher scores meaning higher negative or positive affect. The PANAS can be used to

assess affect on various time scales by altering the instructions. For the present study

‘current moment’ assessment was used. Internal consistency in the study was (α = .84).

2.2.2. Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (Zigmond & Snaith 1983,


The HADS is a self-report rating scale designed to measure both anxiety and

depression over the past week. It consists of two subscales, each containing seven items

on a 4-point Likert scale (ranging from 0-3). It is scored by summing the ratings for the

7 items of each subscale to yield separate scores for anxiety and depression. Internal

consistency in the study was (α = .82). The questionnaire has been psychometrically

evaluated in non-clinical groups (Crawford et al., 2001)

2.2.3. Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby et al., 1994, TAS-20).

The TAS -20 has a 3-factor structure. Factor 1 assesses difficulty in identifying

feelings. Factor 2 assesses difficulty in describing feelings. Factor 3 assesses externally

oriented thinking. Scores range from 20-100 with higher scores reflect higher

alexithymia. There is no timescale for alexithymia as it is measured as a trait factor.

Internal consistency for the TAS-20 is high α = .81 (Bagby et al., 1994). The

questionnaire has been psychometrically evaluated in non-clinical groups (Bagby et al.,


2.2.4. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (Buysse et al., 1989, PSQI).

The PSQI provides a reliable, valid, and standardized measure of sleep quality.

Scores range from 0-21 with higher scores representing poorer sleep. A PSQI global

score > 5 indicates that a subject is having severe difficulty in at least two areas, or

moderate difficulty in more than three areas of sleep quality in the past month. Internal

consistency of the PSQI is high α = .83 (Buysse et al., 1989). The questionnaire has

been psychometrically evaluated in non-clinical groups (Mollayevaa et al., 2016).

2.2.5. Green Paranoid Thoughts Scale Part B (Green et al., 2008, GPTS).
The G-PTS is a 16-item measure of paranoia, assessing ideas of persecution over

the past month. Scores range from 16-80 with higher scores indicating greater levels of

paranoid thinking. The questionnaire includes subscales for conviction, preoccupation,

and distress. The questionnaire has been psychometrically evaluated in clinical and non-

clinical populations. Internal consistency in the study was (α = .92).

2.2.6. Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (Bell et al., 2006, CAPS).

The CAPS is a 32-item questionnaire, developed in both non-clinical and

psychosis groups, and assesses perceptual anomalies such as changes in levels of

sensory intensity, distortion of the external world, sensory flooding and hallucinations.

Scores range from 0-32, higher scores mean higher endorsement of perceptual

anomalies. For the present study the time scale was changed to the ‘past month’ in order

to provide a more current assessment of perceptual anomalies. Internal consistency in

the study was (α = .88). The questionnaire has been psychometrically evaluated in non-

clinical groups (Bell et al, 2006).

2.3. Data Analysis and Preparation

The GPTS showed high levels of skewness, which was expected as paranoia is

thought to lie on a quasi- continuum, whereby ‘many endorse few paranoid thoughts

and few endorse many paranoid thoughts’ (Verdoux & van Os & 2002, Freeman et al.,

2005). To address this we dichotomised the variable. Subjects with paranoia scores at

the 75th percentile or above were classed as the ‘high paranoid’ group and those below

the 75th percentile as the ‘low-paranoid’ group (methodology adopted from Stopa &

Clark, 2001). The high paranoid group in our sample included a range of scores from

20-73, with some of the scores reaching levels that are reported in clinical groups

(Green et al, 2008). However, it is normal for non-clinical samples to have some

overlap with clinical samples (Green et al., 2008).

Next, linear regression models were run to test which variables significantly

predicted paranoid group membership. Our dependent variable was paranoid group (0=

low paranoia, 1= high paranoia). Forced entry and backward stepwise models were run

to ensure reliability of results.

Mediation analysis was conducted using the SPSS macro PROCESS (model 4)

which uses a bootstrapping approach to mediation (Hayes, 2013). Bootstrapping

involves creating a repeated series of representations of the population by resampling

from the current sample to replicate the original sampling procedure (Hayes, 2013). For

the current study, we chose to set the number of bootstrapping samples to 10,000. In

turn, these 10,000 bootstrapping samples were used to generate a 95% confidence

interval for the mediation effect. The mediation effect is statistically significant if the

confidence interval does not contain the value of zero (Hayes, 2013). For ease of

interpretation, standardised values are presented unless otherwise stated.

3. Study 1: Results

3.1.Descriptive Statistics and Correlations

Table 1 presents the samples demographics. A total of 401 individuals (n= 93

males, 308 females) completed the survey with a mean age of 24 (SD= 8.1, range 16-

70). The correlations between all the variables are shown in table 2. Age was correlated

with several of our predictors including sleep quality, alexithymia and perceptual

anomalies, therefore we included it as a co-variate in further analysis. A series of Mann-

Whitney U tests revealed gender was not related to any of our variables except anxiety

and depression. Anxiety scores were significantly higher in females (Mdn=8) than

males (Mdn=7), U=11985.5, p = 0.01 and depression scores were significantly higher in

males (Mdn = 5) than females (Mdn= 4), U= 12340.5, p = 0.04. As these differences are

small, we chose not to include gender as a co-variate in further analysis.

[Insert Table 1 and 2]

3.2. Logistic Regression

Hypothesis 1: Sleep quality, negative emotions, alexithymia and perceptual

anomalies predict paranoia

Descriptive statistics of the low and high paranoid group are presented in table

3. Mann- Whitney U tests were used to test the validity of our grouping. Validity of our

grouping was confirmed as the high paranoid group reported higher levels of negative

affect, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, perceptual anomalies and paranoia. There were

no differences in positive affect or gender.

Next, we ran logistic regressions with the predictors entered being age, negative

affect, sleep quality, anxiety, depression, perceptual anomalies and alexithymia. The

result of both logistic regressions is shown in table 4. A test of the full model against a

constant only model (no predictors) was statistically significant, indicating that the

predictors reliably distinguished between the paranoid and non-paranoid groups (2=

69.078, p <.0.001). The Wald test was used to determine what predictors are significant.

Significant predictors of paranoid group membership included negative affect, sleep

quality, alexithymia and perceptual anomalies. Age, anxiety and depression did not

significantly predict paranoid group membership. The log odds (Exp B) column in table

4 is an indicator of the log odds of being in the paranoid group due to a one point

increase in the predictor variable. For example, a one unit increase in negative affect

increases the odds of being in the paranoid group by 1.05, 95%CI [1.00-1.09].

Nagelkerke’s R2 of .231 indicated that 23% of the variance was explained by the

significant predictors. Similar results were obtained in the stepwise logistic regression

which also found that negative affect, sleep quality, alexithymia and perceptual

anomalies predicted paranoid group membership and this model explained 22% of the

variance (Nagelkerke’s R2 of .222). In sum, two separate regression models showed that

negative affect, alexithymia, perceptual anomalies and sleep quality predicted

membership of the paranoid group.

[Insert table 3 & 4]

3.3. Main analysis: Mediation
We next tested hypothesis 2 that the relationship between sleep quality and

paranoid thinking is mediated by negative emotion, by alexithymia and by levels of

perceptual anomalies. As, anxiety and depression were not significant predictors of

paranoia in the logistic regressions, we did not include these variables in mediation

analysis. Paranoid group (high and low) was entered as the dependent variable, sleep

quality as the predictor variable, age as a co-variate and alexithymia, negative mood and

perceptual anomalies were entered as mediators. This model was significant as revealed

by the bootstrapped confidence intervals all being above 0.

The indirect (mediation) pathway from PSQI to paranoia via negative affect was

significant b= 0.06, 95% CI [0.009, 0.143], the indirect (mediation) pathway from sleep

quality to paranoia via alexithymia was significant b= 0.11, 95% CI [0.033, 0.216], the

indirect (mediation) pathway from sleep quality to paranoia via perceptual anomalies

was significant, b= 0.13, 95% CI [0.03, 0.21]. Finally, the direct pathway from sleep

quality to paranoia was significant, b= 0.26, 95% CI [0.009, 0.527]. Together the results

support our hypothesis and suggest that the relationship between sleep quality and

paranoia is partially mediated by levels of negative affect, alexithymia and perceptual

anomalies. As a precaution, we re-ran analysis including gender as a co-variate. This

did not alter the results and the effects remained the same size.

4. Study 2

In study 2 we aimed to replicate the mediation model in a second, independently

collected data set. We hypothesised that the relationship between sleep quality and

paranoia would be partially mediated by levels of negative affect, perceptual anomalies

and alexithymia.

4.1.Participants Procedure and Measures

The recruitment procedures, questionnaires and data analytical techniques used

were identical to study 1. A separate Qualtrics survey was available online 2013-2015.

Cronbach alphas were conducted for the following questionnaires: TAS-20 (α 0.85),

GPTS (α 0.95), PANAS (α 0.84), CAPS (α 0.86), HADS D (α 0.74) and HADS A (α


5. Results

5.1. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations

Table 5 presents the samples demographics. A total of 402 (n=114 males, 288 females)

individuals completed the survey with a mean age of 24 (SD = 10.8, range 16-77).

Overall, the sample from study 2 was similar to the sample in study 1. This was

confirmed by a series of Mann-Whitney U tests, which revealed no significant

differences between the samples in study 1 and 2 on anxiety, depression, positive affect,

negative affect, sleep quality, alexithymia or perceptual anomalies (p>0.05). However,

sample 2 (Mdn=18) reported slightly higher levels of paranoia compared to sample 1

(Mdn=17), U=62283, p = <0.001 and sample 2 were slightly younger (Mdn=20) than

sample 1 (Mdn=22), U=70386, p=0.002. The correlations between all the variables are

shown in table 6. Age was correlated with several our predictors including sleep quality,

alexithymia and perceptual anomalies; therefore, we included it as a co-variate in

further analysis. A series of Mann-Whitney U tests revealed that gender was not

associated with any of the variables in this study, all p>0.05.

5.2. Mediation Analysis Replication
Paranoid group was entered as the dependent variable, sleep quality as the

predictor variable, age as a co-variate and alexithymia, negative mood and perceptual

anomalies were entered as mediators. This model was significant as revealed by the

bootstrapped confidence intervals all being above 0. The indirect (mediation) pathway

to paranoia via negative affect was significant b= 0.06, 95% CI [0.012, 0.1450], the

indirect (mediation) pathway from sleep quality to paranoia via alexithymia was

significant b=0.08, 95% CI [0.012, 0.200], the indirect (mediation) pathway from sleep

quality to paranoia via perceptual anomalies was significant, b= 0.08, 95% CI [0.012,

0.200]. However, the direct pathway from sleep quality to paranoia was non-

significant, b=0.10, 95% CI [-0.1630, 0.3813]. In sum, the relationship between sleep

quality and paranoia was fully mediated by levels of negative affect, alexithymia and

perceptual anomalies. This contrasts with study 1 which found partial mediation.

5.3. Post Hoc- Analysis

As the mediation models were different in study 1 and 2, we sought to explore

the data in study 2 further by running post-hoc regression analyses to see whether we

could replicate the regression results found in study 1.

The predictors entered were age, negative affect, anxiety, depression, perceptual

anomalies, sleep quality and alexithymia. A test of the full model against a constant

only model (no predictors) was statistically significant, indicating that the predictors

reliably distinguished between the paranoid and non-paranoid groups (2 = 94.331, p

<.0.001). The Wald test was used to determine what predictors are significant.

Significant predictors of paranoid group membership included anxiety, alexithymia and

perceptual anomalies. Sleep quality, age, negative affect and depression did not

significantly predict paranoid group membership. The log odds (Exp B) is an indicator

of the log odds of being in the paranoid group due to a one point increase in the

predictor variable. For example, a one unit increase in anxiety increases the odds of

being in the paranoid group by 1.09, 95%CI [1.00, 1.19]. Nagelkerke’s R2 of .314

indicated that 31% of the variance was explained by the significant predictors. Similar

results were obtained in the stepwise logistic regression which also found that anxiety,

alexithymia and perceptual anomalies predicted paranoid group membership and this

model explained 30% of the variance (Nagelkerke’s R2 of .30). In sum, two separate

regression models showed that anxiety, alexithymia and perceptual anomalies predicted

membership of the paranoid group. Similar to the mediation results, we found sleep

quality did not predict paranoia. However, we also found that anxiety predicted

paranoia rather than negative affect, as in study 1.

6. Discussion
Previous research has found that sleep is related to paranoia and that this

relationship is mostly mediated by negative emotions (Freeman et al., 2009, Freeman et

al., 2010, Reeve et al., 2017). Non-emotional factors such as perceptual anomalies have

also been proposed as potential mediators (Freeman et al., 2010). We sought to add to

this previous work by testing whether alexithymia is related to paranoia and whether it

mediates the relationship between sleep quality and paranoia. We also sought to test the

role of perceptual anomalies as a mediating factor.

6.1. Sleep Quality and Paranoia

Our hypothesised mediation model proposed that the relationship between sleep quality

and paranoia is mediated by alexithymia, negative emotions and perceptual anomalies.

While this mediation model was found in both studies, we found discrepant results such

that there was partial mediation in study 1 and full mediation in study 2. The

discrepancy can be ruled out due to sample differences between study 1 and 2 as they

did not significantly differ in levels of sleep quality. Indeed, our post-hoc regression

analysis further confirmed that sleep quality was not a significant predictor of paranoia.

This is surprising as several studies have reported links between a range of sleep

disturbances and paranoia (Kahn-Greene et al., 2007, Sheaves et al., 2016, Reeve et al.,


The discrepancy could be due to our chosen measure of sleep. Sleep quality is a

broad term and the PSQI measures a wide range of sleep disturbances rather than focus

on a specific disturbance (Buysse et al., 1989). Research suggests that the relationship

between sleep and paranoia is strongest for insomnia. Insomnia has been found to

predict paranoia in cross-sectional studies (Grezellschak et al., 2016) but also predict

the development of paranoid thoughts in a longitudinal study (Freeman et al., 2012). We

propose that while sleep quality scores did not differ between study 1 and 2, the nature

of the sleep disturbance may have. The participants in sample 1 may have experienced

more insomnia in comparison to sample 2. This may have resulted in significant results

in study 1 but not in study 2. Future research would benefit from focusing on specific

sleep disturbances.

6.2. Alexithymia and Paranoia

A novel finding in our study is the link between alexithymia and paranoia.

Across both studies regression analyses showed that alexithymia predicted paranoia,

independently of negative emotions, perceptual anomalies and sleep. Furthermore, we

found some preliminary evidence that alexithymia may mediate the relationship

between sleep quality and paranoia. This suggests that along with negative emotions,

alexithymia is an additional emotional facet to consider when studying paranoia. Our

emotions provide us with information on how we are feeling at a given moment. These

emotions then help guide and direct us to make sense of the world, to make judgements

about others behaviours, intentions and emotions (Boden & Berenbaum 2010, Clore &

Huntsinger, 2001). In alexithymia, this ability is diminished and this may make such

individuals prone to faulty judgements and beliefs about others (including paranoid

beliefs). This fits with a study reporting that low levels of emotional awareness (high

alexithymia) was linked to higher levels of suspiciousness (Boden & Berenbaum, 2007).

Another line of evidence for our claim comes from research looking at alexithymia and

social dysfunction. One study found that individuals with difficulties identifying and

describing feelings had significantly lower levels of social contacts, fewer

acquaintances, and were more often unmarried (Kauhanen et al., 1993).

The relationship between alexithymia and paranoia may have clinical

implications. Individuals with psychosis who also experience alexithymia may be at risk

of experiencing greater paranoia but struggle to convey their concerns to others. They

may also experience lower levels of trust towards their clinicians. As such, their

responses to treatment may be poorer (Gumley, 2011). Assessing alexithymia may be

useful in clinical practice to identify individuals who may require support to understand

and regulate emotions. This could be achieved in clinical practice by including an

assessment of alexithymia by using questionnaires such as the Toronto Alexithymia

Scale. When individuals with alexithymia are identified, a focus on their emotional

experiences could be incorporated into their CBT approach to sleep.

6.3 Negative Emotions and Paranoia

Across both studies we found that negative emotions predicted paranoia and

mediated the relationship between sleep quality and paranoia. Negative emotions have

been linked to paranoia in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies (Freeman et al.,

2010, Freeman et al., 2012). In particular, anxiety has a strong association with

paranoia as they share many features such as the anticipation of threat and a worry

reasoning style (Freeman et al., 2007).

However, we found discrepant results in regards to what negative emotion was

significant, with study 1 finding that negative affect predicted paranoia whilst in study 2

it was anxiety. Depression did not predict paranoia in either study. One of the reasons

for this may be because the samples in our studies had low levels of depression overall.

The HADS provides scoring criteria, with scores of 0-7 being normal, 8-10,

being borderline and more than 11 being clinically significant levels (Zigmond &

Snaith, 1983). In both samples, the mean depression scores in the low and high paranoid

groups fell in the normal range. This may be why depression was not a significant

predictor in our regression analyses. In contrast, our measure of negative affect was

measured with the PANAS, which was developed to measure a range of affective states

(Watson, 1988). The negative affect component covers a range of states such as jittery,

guilt and ashamed and is a measure of overall distress rather than a specific type of

negative emotion (Watson, 1988). These differences between measures may have

contributed to the discrepant results. It is also worth noting that the timeframe of the

questionnaires differed and may be another reason behind the different results. The

HADS timeframe is the past two weeks, whereas the PANAS was measured at the

“current” level. The current timeframe captures momentary states which would

experience more fluctuation than fortnightly levels.

6.4. Perceptual Anomalies and Paranoia

A consistent finding across both studies was that perceptual anomalies predicted

paranoia and mediated the relationship between sleep quality and paranoia. It has been
long proposed that delusions serve as explanations for odd or strange internal

experience (Maher, 1974). Furthermore, perceptual anomalies are incorporated within a

cognitive model of paranoid delusions, where paranoid beliefs arise from an attempt to

explain anomalous and odd internal experiences (Freeman et al., 2002). Indeed, research

has shown that perceptual anomalies increase the risk for the development of delusional

ideas (Krabbendam et al., 2004) and anomalies of experience caused by illegal drug use

have also been linked to delusional ideation (D’Souza et al., 2004). Our mediation

model suggests that one route that people with sleep problems may experience paranoia

is via perceptual anomalies.

6.5. Summary of Findings

Taking all the mediation and regression results together, we can conclude that

alexithymia, perceptual anomalies and negative emotions predict paranoid thoughts.

The role of sleep quality is not clear, and our mediation model requires replication. In

regards to effect size, our results were significant but small. For example, our regression

models explained between 22-31% of the variance and many of the mediation effects

could be considered small as they lie between 0.10-0.20 (Cohen, 1992).Although small,

we feel they are clinically significant. A recent trial has found that improving sleep

disturbance with CBT-I in a student sample was associated with medium to large,

sustained improvements in paranoia (Freeman et al., 2017). Furthermore, another study

has found that the relationship between sleep loss (as found in insomnia) is associated

with moderate to large effect size increases in paranoia and negative emotions. This

study also found that negative affect accounted for 90% of the increase in paranoia after

sleep loss (Reeve et al., 2017). This highlights the usefulness of studying sleep and

paranoia in non-clinical samples, and that effects can be detected in non-clinical

samples. This is complemented by work in clinical samples where CBT-I is associated

with large effect size reductions in sleep disturbance (Freeman et al., 2015) and in

paranoia, perceptual anomalies and mood variables (Myers et al., 2010). One potential

reason for our small effect sizes in comparison to these papers is that they focused on

insomnia, whereas we looked at sleep quality. It may also be the case that the effects we

found in our mediation analysis would be larger and more exaggerated in a clinical

sample who experience more severe sleep and mood disturbance.

6.6 Limitations
Several limitations of our study should also be noted when considering the

results. Our study was cross-sectional and it is highly likely that the mediation model

pathways proposed are interacting and bi-directional over time. Furthermore, the

timeframe of our questionnaires also differed. The PANAS was measured at the

moment level, whilst sleep quality and paranoia at the monthly level. Therefore,

hypothesised causal links between variables should be interpreted with caution. To tease

out causal effects experimental and randomised control trials are called for. Another

way to look at causal effects could be to conduct experience sampling studies (Myin

Germey’s et al., 2009). This approach allows temporal mapping of relationships and

questions of directionality can be addressed. A recent study using this methodology

found that the relationship between a range of sleep parameters and paranoia was

mediated by negative affect (Mulligan et al., 2016).

The sample population was predominantly university students that may not be

representative of the general population. However, students are one population that may

experience higher levels of psychotic like experiences such as paranoia (Lincoln &

Keller, 2008) suggesting that this is a useful population to study psychotic experiences

in. The gender ratio of the sample was skewed with the majority of the sample being

females. This is a finding that has been noted in other online survey studies of paranoia

(Freeman et al., 2005). However, as there is some research to suggest that males may

experience more alexithymia (Levant et al., 2009), future studies should aim for more

gender-balanced studies. All our variables were skewed which could have reduced

power and the ability to detect certain relationships (Wilcox, 2001). However, we dealt

with the skewed data in a number of ways including bootstrapping making our results

more reliable and robust. Another limitation is that all our measures were self-report

and required the individual to accurately report their responses. The questionnaire

assessment of paranoia has the additional limitation that it may capture paranoid

thoughts that are justified suspicions to real threats. Nonetheless, laboratory based

virtual reality experiments where unfounded paranoia can be tested have reached the

same conclusions as questionnaire studies of paranoid thinking in non-clinical

populations (Freeman et al., 2003).

We used the same recruitment method in sample 1 and 2 and have no way to

know whether some participants completed the survey in both study 1 and 2. However,

given that there is no incentive to complete the survey and that the survey is long and

extensive, we feel it is unlikely that someone would complete the survey twice.

Finally, a concern may be whether the findings in non-clinical samples are

generalizable to a clinical sample. However, it is now widely accepted that psychotic

symptoms lie on a continuum with normal experience, that non-clinical and clinical

symptoms share the same risk factors and the presence of non-clinical experiences

increase the risk of clinical disorder (van Os et al., 2009, Johns et al., 2004).

6.7. Conclusions
In conclusion, we found inconclusive evidence for a link between sleep quality

and paranoia. The current research also emphasises that alexithymia and paranoia are

related. Alexithymia can easily be assessed and should be considered in studies of

paranoid thinking and emotion.


The research was supported by East Renfrewshire Education trust and ESRC

grant (ES/J500136/1) that funded A.R. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr

Andrew Hayes for help with the mediation analysis. We also wish to thank the

reviewers for their very helpful comments which have significantly improved our



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Table 1: Sample Demographics for study 1 (N=401)

Mean SD Median Range

Age 24.08 8.15 22.00 16-70

PSQI 6.56 3.27 6.00 0-21
PA 24.73 8.15 24.00 11-50
NA 15.87 6.44 14.00 10-40
HADS-A 8.15 3.91 8.00 0-20
HADS-D 4.59 3.28 4.00 0-19
TAS-20 48.08 11.55 48.00 23-79
GPTS 20.03 8.43 17.00 16-70
CAPS 3.73 4.73 2.00 0-28
Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative Affect,
HADS-A and D Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 – 20-item Toronto
Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia subscale of the Green Paranoid Thoughts Scale, CAPS- Cardiff
Anomalous Perceptions Scale.

Table 2. Spearman rho correlations for study 1.

Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Age
2. PA 0.13*
3. NA -0.12* -0.02
4. HADS- A 0.00 -0.11* 0.47*
5. HADS-D 0.01 -0.29* 0.42* 0.46*
6. PSQI -0.13* -0.23* 0.24* 0.36* 0.35*
7. TAS -0.18* -0.28* 0.27* 0.43* 0.41* 0.33*
8. GPTS -0.13* 0.09 0.28* 0.24* 0.20* 0.19* 0.30*
9. CAPS -0.18* -0.05 0.21* 0.29* 0.25* 0.23* -0.29 0.39*
Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative Affect, HADS-A and D Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 – 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia subscale of the Green Paranoid Thoughts
Scale, CAPS- Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale.
*p <0.05

Table 3: Descriptive information of the high and low paranoid
groups for study 1.
Low Paranoia High Paranoia Test Statistic P Value
(n=295) (n=106) (DF)
Mean (SD) Mean(SD)
Gender (men: women) 69:226 24:82 χ2 (1)=0.02 0.49
Age 24.59(8.66) 22.67(6.37) U= 13569 0.04
PSQI 6.11(3.04) 7.81(3.57) U=11073 <.001
PA 24.84(8.08) 24.42(8.39) U=15039 0.56
NA 14.86(5.72) 18.67(7.46) U=10768 <. 001
HADS-A 7.65(3.81) 9.55(3.87) U=11334 <. 001
HADS-D 4.30(3.16) 5.38(3.50) U=12642 <. 001
TAS-20 46.23(11.56) 53.25(9.85) U=10092 <. 001
GPTS 16.60(0.95) 29.60(11.95) U=000 <. 001
CAPS 2.77(3.53) 6.40(6.37) U=9121 <. 001
Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative Affect, HADS-A and D Hospital
Anxiety and Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 – 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia subscale of the Green
Paranoid Thoughts Scale, CAPS- Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale.

Table 4. Logistic Regression of variables that predict Membership of being in the
Paranoid Group in study 1

Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative Affect, HADS-A and D
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 – 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia
subscale of the Green Paranoid Thoughts Scale, CAPS- Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale. 2

Model B(SE) Wald Sig Exp(B) 95% CI

Lower Upper

Forced Entry model

Constant -3.85(0.82) 21.81 0.00 n/a
Age -0.22(0.01) 1.34 0.24 0.97 0.94 1.01
NA 0.04(0.02) 4.91 0.02 1.05 1.00 1.09
HADS-A 0.01(0.04) 0.10 0.74 1.01 0.93 1.09
HADS-D -0.05(0.04) 0.72 0.27 0.95 0.86 1.04
PSQI 0.08(0.04) 4.39 0.03 1.09 1.00 1.18
TAS-20 0.03(0.01) 6.24 0.01 1.03 1.00 1.05
CAPS 0.10(0.02) 14.00 0.00 1.11 1.05 1.17
Stepwise model (Backward)
Constant -4.31(0.64) 44.90 0.00 n/a
NA 0.04(0.01) 5.30 0.02 1.04 1.00 1.08
PSQI 0.07(0.04) 3.86 0.04 1.08 1.00 1.17
TAS-20 0.03(0.01) 6.96 0.00 1.03 1 .00 1.05
CAPS 0.10(0.02) 14.36 0.00 1.11 1.05 1.17

Table 5. Sample Demographics for study 2 (N=402)

Mean SD Median Range

Age 24.75 10.64 20.00 17-77

PSQI 6.24 3.01 6.00 0-16
PA 25.43 7.80 25.00 10-49
NA 15.09 5.87 13.00 10-42
HADS-A 7.96 3.83 8.00 0-20
HADS-D 4.19 3.04 4.00 0-17
TAS-20 48.20 11.70 48.00 22-81
GPTS 23.29 11.70 18.00 16-80
CAPS 3.56 4.50 2.00 0-24
Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative
Affect, HADS-A and D Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 –

Please note- only significant predictors of paranoia are present in the stepwise model.

20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia subscale of the Green Paranoid
Thoughts Scale, CAPS- Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale.

Table 6. Spearman rho correlations for study 2.

Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Age
2. PA 0.17*
3. NA -0.13* -0.09
4. HADS- A -0.10* -0.17* 0.48*
5. HADS-D 0.00 -0.33* 0.29* 0.47*
6. PSQI -0.07 -0.16* 0.24* 0.38* 0.33*
7. TAS -0.17* -0.22* 0.25* 0.45* 0.51* 0.29*
8. GPTS -0.17* 0.04 0.31* 0.39* 0.26* 0.17* 0.41*
9. CAPS -0.19* -0.02 0.18* 0.29* 0.27* 0.13* -0.26* 0.45*
Abbreviations: PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PA and NA- Positive and Negative Affect, HADS-A and D Hospital
Anxiety and Depression Scale respectively, TAS-20 – 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, GPTS- paranoia subscale of the
Green Paranoid Thoughts Scale, CAPS- Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale.

*p <0.05


 Emotional factors meditate the relationship between sleep quality and paranoia
 Alexithymia is potentially an important emotion mediator between sleep and
 Perceptual anomalies also mediate the relationship between sleep and paranoia
 Results apply to non-clinical samples and require replication in a clinical sample


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