Start: Miss A Turn
Start: Miss A Turn
Start: Miss A Turn
6 7 8 9 10
Which is your In which Say the days Say 2 sports
favorite MISS A season does of the week. you can do in
season? TURN it rain a lot in winter.
Why? your country?
11 12
Say three How many
things you can seasons are
do on a hot there in a
summer day. year?
15 17 18 19
What is typical It’s snowing. What is Go and pick
for spring in Build a typical for some tulips.
your country? snowman. winter in your
21 23
GO It is hot. Go
FORWARD 2 for a swim.
25 27 28 29
What is your What is What’s the
favorite day? typical for weather like GO BACK 3
Why? summer in today? SQUARES
your country?
30 31 32 33 34
It is a nice fall When is your In what What is
day. Go and birthday? MISS A month is it hot typical for fall
fly a kite. TURN in your in your
country? country?
36 38 40
Do you When are Do you prefer
celebrate your hot or cold
Mother’s holidays? weather?
day? When?
41 42 43 44 45
GO BACK 3 Do you prefer Which In which What do you
SQUARES winter or season don’t season is do when it’s FINISH
summer? you like? Easter? very cold
Why? Why? outside?
1 3 4
I have There are Christmas is
STAR English on... twelve month. in December.
6 7 8 9 Monday, 10
I prefer In my country Tuesday, I can ski.
summer MISS A it rains a lot in Wednesday, I can go ice
because it’s TURN January and Friday, Saturday skating.
warm. February. Sunday
11 12
I can swim, There are
surf, and dive. four seasons.
15 17 18 19
The trees are It’s snowing. It is cold. It Go and pick
blooming. Build a snows. some tulips.
21 23
GO It is hot. Go
FORWARD 2 for a swim.
25 27 28 29
It’s Sunday. I It is very hot. It is cloudy.
can stay in GO BACK 3
30 31 32 33 34
It is a nice fall It’s in October In December. The leaves
day. Go and MISS A change color.
fly a kite. TURN
36 38 40
Yes, we do. In My holidays I prefer hot
May. are in July. weather.
41 42 43 44 45
GO BACK 3 Summer I don’t like It’s in spring. I stay at
SQUARES because I can
go swimming.
winter. It’s
home and
watch TV.
Instructions for the teacher.
Print the board games on tick paper or a cardboard; laminate them if you want to use them
many times.
Find tokens for each student.
Provide dice.
Divide the class into groups of 3 – 4 students each.
Give each group a board game and a die.
Give each student a token (or bean, coin, button, etc.).
The game
The players put their tokens on the first square.
The first student throws the die and moves his token ahead the corresponding number of
The student answers the question with a whole sentence or follows the instructions. If he
arrives on a picture, he says what it is.
Example: It’s spring.
I have English lesson on Monday. If the student is more advanced, he could add more
sentences . It is spring. There are lots of flowers, the weather is nice.
If the answer is correct, the student stays, if the answer is incorrect, he has to go back
where he came from.
If the student comes to a square with the symbol , he rolls the die again.
The first student who takes a number that places his token on “FINISH” or surpasses it is
the winner.