NACE Final MICRoundTableMPJanuary2014Feature PDF
NACE Final MICRoundTableMPJanuary2014Feature PDF
NACE Final MICRoundTableMPJanuary2014Feature PDF
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A Closer Look at
Materials Performance Roundtable Q & A
Kathy Riggs Larsen, Associate Editor
Microbiologically influenced corrosion mitigating MIC. Panelists are Richard
(MIC) refers to corrosion caused by the Eckert and Torben Lund Skovhus with Det
presence and activities of microorgan- Norske Veritas (DNV GL); Gary Jenneman
isms—microalgae, bacteria, and fungi. with ConocoPhillips; Sylvie Le Borgne
While microorganisms do not produce with the Metropolitan Autonomous
unique types of corrosion, they can University at Mexico City; and Jason S.
accelerate corrosion reactions or shift Lee and Brenda J. Little, FNACE, with
corrosion mechanisms. Microbial action the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. (See
has been identified as a contributor to their biographies in the sidebar, “Meet the
rapid corrosion of metals and alloys Panelists.”)
exposed to soils; seawater, distilled water,
and freshwater; crude oil, hydrocarbon MP: How does MIC impact structures,
fuels, and process chemicals; and sewage. vessels, and pipelines?
Many industries and infrastructure are Le Borgne: The first reports of MIC are
affected by MIC, including oil production, from the nineteenth century. Most of the
power generation, transportation, and studies have been in relation to metallic
water and waste water.1 materials. However, other materials such
To better understand MIC and the as concrete, plastics, and new materials
corrosion threats it poses to pipelines, or coatings increasingly used nowadays
vessels, and structures, Materials should be included. MIC affects a variety
Performance asked several NACE of structures, vessels, and pipelines by
International members and others from directly or indirectly influencing the
industry, government, and academia overall corrosion process, and is usually
to comment on the impact of MIC and estimated to account for 20% of the total
challenges faced when identifying and cost of corrosion. Due to the complexity
MIC of pilings in the Duluth Superior Harbor in Duluth, Minnesota. Photo courtesy of Gene Clark, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute.
of systems involving microorganisms, it is MIC has often been underestimated, as subject to interpretation, the places where
generally difficult to precisely quantify the has been corrosion in general. we suspect MIC to occur experience
influence of MIC to the overall corrosion Eckert and Skovhus: MIC typically rapid pitting, usually at interfaces where
process. Microbial ecology studies have manifests itself as localized (i.e., pitting) solids such as scale, wax, and or other
clearly demonstrated that microbes can corrosion—with wide variation in rate, solids can settle out or precipitate. Areas
survive and be active in a wide variety of including rapid metal loss rates—both downstream of welds, where cleaning
environments including many man-made internally and externally on pipelines, pigs have difficulty removing deposits, as
structures and environments. Systems vessels, tanks, and other fluid handling well as dead legs, low-velocity areas, and
where MIC is especially important include equipment. Despite advances in the tank bottoms where solids and bacteria/
hydrocarbon and fuel (gas and liquid) understanding of MIC, it remains diffi- biofilms can accumulate, are particularly
transmission and storage systems, as well cult to accurately predict where MIC will susceptible to attack. Often this pitting is
as hazardous materials transport and occur and estimate the rate of degrada- very isolated, with one hole surrounded by
storage structures. These systems provide tion. MIC can occur as an independent a number of shallower pits. Pitting rates
adequate environmental conditions and corrosion mechanism or in conjunction range from a few mpy to >250 mpy.
substrates for microbial development, and with other corrosion mechanisms. These Lee: MIC in itself is not a unique
the participation of microorganisms in characteristics present challenges to corrosion mechanism; rather it produces
corrosion has been clearly demonstrated implementing effective corrosion manage- conditions that increase the susceptibility
and MIC failures documented. Utilities ment of engineered systems in which MIC of materials to corrosion processes such as
such as drinking water and sewer systems is an applicable threat. pitting, embrittlement, and underdeposit
also provide adequate conditions for MIC Jenneman: Although the techniques corrosion (UDC). MIC can result in orders
development. However in such systems, to identify MIC are nonstandard and of magnitude increases in corrosion rates.
The most devastating issue regarding MIC growth of specific microorganisms known samples must be transported and stored
is its general lack of predictability—both to participate in MIC in specific environ- under special conditions to avoid degrada-
spatially and temporally. ments, such as sulfate-reducing bacteria tion of the nucleic acids. Following total
Little: In almost all cases MIC produces (SRB), acid-producing bacteria, nitrate- DNA extraction from the samples, the
localized attack that reduces strength and/ reducing bacteria, or iron-reducing total content and identity of virtually all
or results in loss of containment. bacteria. These kits are relatively easy to the microorganisms present can be deter-
use although they need some basic labora- mined by different methods, from genetic
MP: What are the current techniques tory expertise; the samples are inoculated fingerprints to pyrosequencing. When
used to identify MIC? directly in the field immediately after the DNA is the starting material for these
Le Borgne: Current techniques to sample has been collected. These kits analyses, all the microorganisms, whether
identify MIC after it has occurred or when also have the advantage of detecting only dead or alive, are detected. It cannot be
it is suspected are based on detecting active bacteria, even in very low numbers. determined which microorganisms were
and identifying the (causative/present) However, these kits can be rather unspe- metabolically active when the sample was
microorganisms, examining the damaged cific and allow the growth of other types of taken. RNA extraction from environmental
material (pit morphologies), and analyz- microorganisms. Some years ago, genetic samples is very challenging and is not a
ing the corrosion products in search of techniques had been proposed to allow routine technique.
biogenic structures. Concerning the detec- a better detection and identification of Lee: Advancements in molecular
tion and identification of microorganisms, microorganisms in MIC. These techniques microbiology provide numerous methods
the traditionally used tests generally need special expertise. Careful sampling is to determine which ones are there, how
involve culture techniques with already needed to avoid contaminations as these many there are, and what they are doing.
prepared media tests kits to detect the techniques are extremely sensitive and the Metallurgical sectioning and micro-
scopy provide information about material introduction of oxygen, and upward als are extracted from the sample, assays
composition, corrosion morphology, and trending of bacteria. All of these avail- are specific and render a more accurate
spatial relationships between micro- able lines of evidence and facts are then quantification of various types of micro-
organisms and sites of corrosion. Multiple weighed to determine if MIC is the root organisms than culture tests. Molecular
techniques are used to determine the cause or a contributing factor. techniques that are finding increased use
electrochemical properties of materi- Eckert and Skovhus: MIC is identi- include quantitative polymerase chain
als exposed to biologically active media. fied by evaluating the physical conditions, reaction (qPCR), denaturing gradient gel
Surface science and crystallography chemical composition, microbiology, and electrophoresis (DGGE), and fluorescent
provide the chemical and structural metallurgy of the susceptible component in situ hybridization (FISH).
identity of corrosion products. or system. The integration of this data is Little: Despite the limitations of
Jenneman: It is recommended when what ultimately determines the extent liquid/solid culture techniques, it is my
trying to justify MIC as a contributing or to which MIC may be contributing to opinion that most industries use some
root cause of corrosion that the following the observed corrosion. Therefore, the form of culture to establish a most proba-
lines of evidence be examined: techniques used to identify MIC are varied ble number (MPN) of viable organisms.
1. Biological: In this case we will chemi- and cross-disciplinary and require exper- Relating MPN to the likelihood of MIC is
cally characterize the water for tise in materials, corrosion, microbiology, a questionable practice that can only be
essential microbiological nutrients chemical treatment, and asset operations. reliable in limited applications. NACE
(e.g., organics, nitrogen, phosphorus) Although microbiological conditions TM0212-2012 describes microscopic
and perform microbiological testing, if are only one piece of the MIC puzzle, the analyses, chemical assays, and molecular
possible, to determine if the environ- counting of viable bacteria has histori- methods for evaluating MIC. Most of
ment can support growth and activity. cally received the most emphasis. Serial the research in MIC testing is related to
We will use culture-based and molecu- dilution using liquid culture media, molecular techniques that identify and
lar methods to determine the types/ despite its limitations, has been the quantify microorganisms. It is not clear
numbers of microorganism present predominant method used to identify that molecular techniques have provided
if good samples are available. Other viable bacteria. The type (formulation) a more accurate tool for predicting the
physical properties (temperature, pH, of the culture medium and incubation likelihood of MIC. These techniques may
ionic strength) of the environment will temperature determine the numbers and provide a tool for assessing mitigation
also be checked and evaluated. types of microorganisms that will grow. strategies. Microorganisms do produce
2. Chemical: In this case we work with Since no culture medium can approximate mineralogical fingerprints that can be
corrosion engineers who will look at the complexity of a natural environment, used to identify MIC. In many cases, MIC
water chemistry, gas analyses, corro- liquid culture provides favorable growth is assumed when there is no obvious cause
sion models, etc. to determine if abiotic conditions for only about 1 to 10% of the of corrosion.
mechanisms such as carbon dioxide natural microbiological population under
(CO2) corrosion can explain the corro- ideal circumstances. Further, some micro- MP: What are the challenges faced when
sion. organisms are incapable of growth in establishing MIC as the probable cause
3. Metallurgical: In this case both micro- typical liquid media (e.g., some Archaea). of corrosion?
biologists and corrosion engineers will While these factors bias culture-based Eckert and Skovhus: Since micro-
examine corrosion products (using results, serial dilution results are still organisms are ubiquitous, and some are
x-ray fluorescence [XRF] and x-ray useful for monitoring general trends of capable of life in even the most extreme
diffraction [XRD]) and pit locations/ growth in some systems. Molecular micro- environments, the greatest challenge is
morphology, as well as determine biological methods (MMM), long used in determining the degree to which MIC
maximum pit depth using surface health care and forensics, have gained contributes to corrosion in conjunction
profilometry to determine if param- popularity in the analysis of microbio- with other relevant corrosion mecha-
eters are consistent with MIC and/or logical corrosion and are now included nisms. For example, biofilms that increase
other mechanisms in a number of NACE standards and MIC susceptibility in pipelines often occur
4. Operational: Many operational condi- publications, including TM0194-2004, 2 where the fluid velocity is continuously
tions and changes can influence the 3T199,3 TM0212-2012,4 and the forth- low enough to promote water accumula-
likelihood for MIC, e.g., low-velocity/ coming revision of TM0106-2006.5 MMM tion and solid particle deposition. Deposit
stagnant conditions, pigging frequency, require only a small amount of sample or sediment buildup may also allow
types of pigs, biocide usage, rapid (liquid, biofilm, solid) with or without live UDC mechanisms, such as concentra-
failures, changes in temperature, microorganisms. After genetic materi- tion cells, to occur. Distinguishing the
relative contributions of the biofilm and ized methodologies that can be applied products in order to clearly establish MIC
concentration cells, for example, may be to directly implicate MIC as the probable as a corrosion mechanism, which may
difficult depending on the information cause. It is often determined through contribute from 0 to 100% in a corrosion
available to the investigator. The second a process of deduction of the facts process.
challenge is effectively collecting and and elimination of other mechanisms.
integrating corrosion, microbiological, Therefore, a challenge is to develop MP: Are current identification technol-
chemical, operational, design, mitigation, standardized tests and approaches that ogies adequate or is additional research
and metallurgical data to determine the can be widely accepted by the industry. necessary to develop more effective
predominant corrosion mechanisms that However, MIC is a complex problem methods to identify MIC?
are present. Corrosion threat assessment involving various aspects of materials Little: The identification tools that can
for MIC should be conducted in view of all science, electrochemistry, and microbiol- be used to determine that MIC has taken
other applicable corrosion mechanisms ogy that necessitates the involvement place appear to be adequate. There are
for the asset. Identifying the predomi- of scientists and engineers from various recent refinements in sample preparation
nant corrosion mechanisms supports the disciplines to take on this challenge. Also, and fixation for more accurate molecular
establishment of mitigation measures the potentially large number of microbial analyses. However, there are few tools/
that are likely to have the greatest benefit. types and activities involved challenges us technologies for predicting MIC before it
Finally, establishing MIC as the probable to develop better mechanistic understand- occurs.
cause of corrosion in a failed component ings of how these microorganisms and Eckert and Skovhus: Current technol-
may be particularly difficult since the activities influence corrosion processes. ogies, when used in combination with each
failure event itself is likely to have altered Little: MIC does not produce a unique other, can usually provide adequate infor-
the conditions that caused the corrosion corrosion morphology, making it impos- mation to assess and characterize MIC.
damage. Careful sample preservation sible to identify MIC without specific Since MIC must typically be diagnosed
and field sample collection from repre- testing. using a combination of data (chemical,
sentative undamaged areas can aid in Le Borgne: Challenges include the microbiological, metallurgical, opera-
forensic corrosion investigations. The nature of the collected samples and tional, etc.), no single technology or tool
identification of MIC as a damage mecha- whether they are from biofilms or bulk can reliably identify MIC in all cases. Many
nism should not be based solely on the water. Only microorganisms in biofilms operators have used extended coupon
presence, number, or type of microorgan- influence the corrosion process, although analysis to collect chemical, microbiologi-
isms on a corroded component. these microorganisms proceed from cal, and corrosion data from one sample
Lee: MIC is a very subtle study. Rarely the surrounding bulk liquid phase. The point with much success. The integration
can a case of suspected MIC be confirmed number of corrosive or potentially corro- of results from MMM with other corrosion
without evidence from multiple analysis sive microorganisms detected in the information is one area where additional
techniques and sciences. The presence bulk water is not related to the intensity research is needed to take advantage of
of microbes alone does not prove the of the attack. Live microorganisms may the vast amount of information provided
existence of MIC. Microorganisms exist not be detected in the samples, but dead by genetic technologies.
throughout the environment. The greatest organisms that participated in the attack Researchers and asset owners are both
challenge is proving that microorganisms or influenced the corrosion process are continuing to find new insights resulting
actually influenced the electrochemi- present on the surface of the material and from collaboration between corrosion/
cal properties of the system. In addition, in the corrosion products. The microor- materials professionals and microbiolo-
higher numbers of microorganisms do ganisms may act as consortia and not as gists. Distinguishing the effect of MIC in
not necessarily mean increased likeli- isolated organisms, which may complicate combination with other abiotic exter-
hood of MIC. Molecular techniques are the diagnosis and interpretation of the nal corrosion mechanisms on buried
required to detect the individual activities data. metallic structures and the influence
of each microbe species. A system baseline Different techniques are available of cathodic protection (CP) potentials
of normal operating conditions, where for studying and diagnosing MIC. These more negative than –850 mV are other
predictable corrosion occurs (e.g., uniform analyses are generally performed in paral- areas that deserve further attention and
corrosion of carbon steel [CS] in fresh- lel and a multidisciplinary approach is additional research—the pipeline industry
water), is required for comparison with necessary and might not always be easy to would benefit from additional engineering
suspected MIC cases. manage. There must be a link between the guidance in this area.
Jenneman: There are really no microbiological studies, the pit morpholo- Lee: Additional research is needed in
definitive tests or accepted standard- gies, and the composition of the corrosion development of a link between biologi-
cal activity and corrosion rate. Real-time tial pitfalls of sampling, preservation, measuring microbial numbers, types, or
monitoring of corrosion rate and procedural nuances, and interpretation activity, which can be helpful in optimiz-
microbiology currently is not available. of results. There are currently industry- ing mitigation but is not a replacement for
Lab-on-chip devices being developed sponsored programs aimed at applying corrosion monitoring.
are promising for use in microbiologi- genomic technologies to better under- Little: Accelerated low water corro-
cal monitoring programs, but academic stand and identify MIC. sion (ALWC) of CS in saline waters is a
disagreements still exist on which form of MIC most often attributed to
microbial markers are most important. MP: When MIC is established as the microorganisms in the sulfur cycle (i.e.,
Corrosion sensors have also become more corrosion mechanism, what are the SRB and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria). Both
sophisticated, but still lack the ability to mitigation and monitoring strategies CP and coatings have been effective in
be used in prediction of long-term corro- typically used? Are these strategies preventing ALWC.
sion susceptibility. effective? Jenneman: Biocides are still the
Le Borgne: Many identification Eckert and Skovhus: Common strate- chemicals of choice when mitigating
technologies are available to provide a gies for internal MIC mitigation in oil and MIC; however, biocides usually need to be
complete description of systems where gas pipelines include maintenance pigging combined with a mechanical or chemi-
MIC might have occurred. Some of these and chemical treatment. Depending upon cal cleaning program to enhance their
techniques require specific expertise the pigging frequency and pig design, effectiveness, especially if the biofilms and
and do not give an immediate response. maintenance pigging can be effective in corrosion are already firmly established.
However, more research is required in removing deposits/biofilm that promote Biocides are comprised of both oxidizing
order to develop portable devices or MIC. A further benefit of removing and non-oxidizing chemicals. Both can be
online/remote sensors to detect MIC. The deposits is increasing the effectiveness of effective, but the environment and metal-
development of international standards chemical treatment by allowing the chemi- lurgy will often dictate the choice.
and actualized protocols and programs cal to reach the exposed metal surface. Other strategies are possible, including
that take the peculiarities of each system Chemical treatment is typically the injection of biostats or inhibitors. We
into account and allow the determination performed using corrosion inhibitors have found that some low-toxicity film-
of risk factors is also needed to prevent (some with the added benefit of a biocidal forming corrosion inhibitors can inhibit
MIC before it occurs in different facilities. tendency), biocides, and combinations of MIC development in model laboratory
Jenneman: Better methods are these chemicals. External MIC on buried flow cells. Other tactics include develop-
definitely required to identify MIC. The structures and pipelines is more challeng- ing new chemicals and surfaces (e.g.,
traditional culture testing is very slow and ing to diagnose and mitigate properly, nanomaterials) that will not allow bacteria
does not give a very complete picture of since nearly all soils are naturally rich with to attach and form biofilms, or destroy
the microbial communities involved in the microbiological activity. Furthermore, CP microorganisms on contact. In addition,
corrosion. The newer molecular methods and an external coating are essentially the application of natural chemicals can inter-
(e.g., DGGE, qPCR, and metagenomic only mitigation options for external corro- fere with the quorum sensing capacity that
sequencing) are gaining more widespread sion (including MIC) on direct buried pipe. microbial communities rely on to form
use and may eventually replace culture Pipeline industry guidelines often call for mature biofilms, potentially rendering
testing as costs decrease and availability applied potentials more negative than them less corrosive.
of these technologies to oilfield end users –850 mV when MIC is suspected; however, Unfortunately, much of the testing to
increases. They do have the advantage additional research is needed in this evaluate these techniques is targeted at
of providing a faster and more complete area to validate the effectiveness of more controlling the microbes themselves and
picture of the microbial communities, negative potentials in consideration of not the corrosion. Testing that simply
but they currently require highly skilled other parameters that influence external addresses the reduction of microbial
professionals to perform the testing and corrosion of buried structures. populations without addressing the
interpret the results. There are currently Regardless of the type of system, changes in corrosiveness is insufficient.
no accepted standards by which these monitoring the effectiveness of MIC To determine the effectiveness of these
tests are performed and no accepted mitigation measures must include strategies, it is necessary to have effec-
models to help the end user interpret the corrosion monitoring in addition to tive monitoring and inspection strategies.
results. any microbiological monitoring that is Monitoring can be used to examine the
These tests are typically outsourced performed, since ultimately the goal of effectiveness of the mitigation strategy to
to specialized laboratories and require mitigation is to control corrosion. Often deliver the chemicals, control microbio-
the end user to understand the poten- MIC mitigation programs are focused on logical growth, and reduce corrosiveness
of the environment; however, monitoring methods are also needed to test for MIC of a system to MIC, widely accepted models
is only as good as the locations selected materials under laboratory conditions and for reliable prediction of MIC corrosion
and samples collected, as well as the norms must be established. rates have yet to be developed, and in fact
analyses performed. Jenneman: Yes. In some cases, partic- may remain elusive due to the vast range
Le Borgne: The main problem associ- ularly where the risks (e.g., dead legs and of conditions under which MIC can occur.
ated with the use of chemicals is the low-velocity sections) and consequences
adaptation capacity of microorganisms are high (e.g., oil and gas lines), we have MP: Recent research has demonstrated
that allow them to develop resistance changed from CS to corrosion resistant new MIC-based corrosion mechanisms.
mechanisms and, in some cases, the ability alloys (typically duplex stainless steels Has this new information changed the
to biodegrade these products. Constant [SS]) as a means to mitigate the impact approach to managing MIC?
injection of chemical products is neces- of MIC. I cannot say this will be effec- Lee: The traditional understanding of
sary. Recently, the injection of nitrate in tive in all cases, but we have seen good MIC involves the formation of a biofilm
oilfields has been described as an effective results in some instances thus far. Also, that provides a niche for corrosive micro-
technique to control MIC by SRB; however, the application of fusion-bonded epoxies organisms to proliferate. Recent research
the long-term effects of this manipula- to tank bottoms and the use of non-metals has demonstrated that metal surfaces
tion of the environment have not been (e.g., glass-reinforced epoxy [GRE] or alone can produce redox, oxygen, and
evaluated. Strategies based on the use of high-density polyethylene [HDPE]) for nutrient gradients without an established
bacteriophage to control specific bacte- low-pressure water lines can be effective biofilm. Many mitigation and monitoring
rial populations have also been proposed. strategies to combat MIC. More research is strategies operate under the assumption
These strategies, as well as their long-term needed on the effect of MIC in non-austen- of a substantial biofilm presence and treat
effects, have to be tested. itic, high-alloyed SS and non-metallic accordingly.
coatings to qualify them for use in various Little: The list of microorganisms
MP: When selecting materials for new MIC environments. Unfortunately, to my that can influence corrosion and the
construction and/or predicting material knowledge, there are currently no reliable causative mechanisms is constantly
lifetime, is MIC a consideration? mechanistic MIC models that can be used growing. Recent research has, in general,
Lee: In my experience, often times MIC to predict material lifetimes in CS or SS. demonstrated the metabolic flexibility of
is not a consideration in materials selec- Little: Certainly, reports of ALWC as a causative organisms. Most recently it has
tion. Certain materials have been shown global problem in saline waters has forced been demonstrated that some bacteria
to not be susceptible to MIC (e.g., titanium design engineers and insurers to question can accept electrons for iron (iron is the
and high Ni-Cr alloys), but these alloys are the probability of MIC in specific locations electron donor). However, it is not clear
often cost prohibitive. In the last 20 years, and to plan accordingly. that increased understanding has trans-
MIC has gained traction in industrial, Eckert and Skovhus: The threat of lated into increased predictability.
commercial, and military sectors. The MIC needs to be considered in the design Eckert and Skovhus: Research contin-
result of unexpected failures due to MIC of new projects to enable monitoring and ues to confirm that MIC does not occur
has increased the attention of MIC and its mitigation for managing MIC during the by any single, exclusive mechanism, and
consideration in material selection. While operational stage of the asset. More impor- that various microbial consortia in differ-
many sectors are hiring corrosion scien- tantly, designing to reduce the potential ent environments have established novel
tists and engineers to deal with increased for conditions that would promote MIC ways to use the energy sources available to
failure concerns, MIC still lags behind in (e.g., dead legs, low velocity) should be them. The increased knowledge of micro-
consideration in the field of corrosion. part of the development process. Materials organisms in industrial systems brought
Le Borgne: To my knowledge, it is selection should be based upon the antici- about by application of genetic methods
rarely considered, at least in the systems I pated operating conditions through the has resulted in new understanding, and at
have been involved in. MIC is not usually life of the asset and the intended design the same time raised new questions about
taken into account until it occurs and life. how the activities of specific microorgan-
few reports deal with prevention and Few metallic materials commonly used isms contribute to corrosion. Increased
the assessment of risk factors associated for engineered structures exhibit complete knowledge of the ways in which microor-
with MIC. If such information could be resistance to MIC, therefore material ganisms influence corrosion through both
systematized and proper documentation selection is usually based primarily on biotic and abiotic processes will ultimately
of MIC failures cases organized, then MIC other engineering requirements for the lead to improved mitigation and monitor-
could be taken into account in materials project. While a number of models have ing strategies and technologies. However,
selection. Standardized protocols and test been proposed to rank the susceptibility of even with improved understanding of MIC
mechanisms, development and implemen- Le Borgne: To my knowledge it has 4 NACE Standard TM0212-2012, “Detection,
tation of innovative MIC management not changed the approach yet, at least in Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically
technologies will take time. the systems I have been involved in. It will Influenced Corrosion on Internal Surfaces of
Jenneman: The recent revelations probably take some time until this new Pipelines” (Houston, TX: NACE, 2012).
of the ability of certain SRB and metha- knowledge is incorporated and taken into
5 NACE Standard TM0106-2006, “Detection,
nogens to directly use electrons from account in the field.
Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically
metallic iron prior to the formation of
Influenced Corrosion (MIC) on External
molecular hydrogen is indeed opening References
Surfaces of Buried Pipelines” (Houston, TX:
our eyes to the different ways in which 1 B.J. Little, J.S. Lee, Microbiologically NACE, 2006).
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and to the need to expand our approaches Wiley & Sons, 2007). Bibliography
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2 NACE Standard TM0194-2004, “Field A Practical Evaluation of 21st Century
causative agents of MIC. We need to better
Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Microbiological Techniques for the
understand how these microorganisms
Systems” (Houston, TX: NACE International, Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, 1st Edition
accomplish this and how to detect their (London, U.K.: Energy Institute, 2012).
presence and control their activity. Their
H.A. Videla, Manual of Biocorrosion
presence and potential activity can also 3 NACE Publication 3T199, “Techniques
(Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1996).
impact how we currently manage and for Monitoring Corrosion and Related
formulate the risks to our pipelines and Parameters in Field Applications” (Houston, S.W. Borenstein, Microbiologically Influenced
facilities. TX: NACE, 2013). Corrosion Handbook (Cambridge, U.K.:
Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 1994).