SIxon ABPS1 (PSC111 Fundamentals of Political Science)
SIxon ABPS1 (PSC111 Fundamentals of Political Science)
SIxon ABPS1 (PSC111 Fundamentals of Political Science)
PSC 111
Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon
PSC 111
Prepared by:
Divided into four (4) parts, the module represents the complex
nature of politics. Part one deals on the Introduction to politics; Part two
Government; Part three Political Dynamics; Part four International Politics.
This module provides the foundation for further study of politics and
international relations, as well as philosophy, methodological debates and
skills as key to critical reading and social science policy and research.
`The Module in Pol Sci 311 Fundamental of Political Science for Bachelor
of Arts in Political Science was developed by Romblon State University-
College of Arts and Science Faculty to provide the Political Science
students with an additional instructional manual that will serve as
references to deepen the political science concepts being studied.
Contents Page
Title Page I
Vision, Mission Goals and Objectives ii
Introduction iii
Rationale, Target Population, Course Information iv
Table of Contents v
Pre-test Vi
Name: Score:
11. What territory where no state can claim its jurisdiction because it is
reserved for research. (a. Africa b. Asia c. Europe d. Antarctica).
12. What agency through which the will of the state is formulated,
expressed, & carried out? (a. media b. government c.
executive d. legislative).
13. A type of monarchy wherein the ruler is the chief executive, legislator,
and judge at the same time. (a. absolute b. constitutional c.
hereditary d. elected).
18. A type of democracy in which the will of the state is formulated and
expressed through a relatively small and selected body of officials chosen
by the people to act as their representatives. (a. titular b. absolute
c. pure d. representative).
19. A form of government which has a single supreme will from which
radiates all political power. (a. federal. b. Parliamentary
c. Presidential d. Centralized).
20. A form of government in which the executive and the legislative are
fused, because the members of the cabinet are also members of the
legislature and the party in power. (a. federal. b. Centralized
c. Presidential d. Parliamentary).
22. A form of government which controls all aspects of the peoples’ life.
(a. authoritarian b. capitalist c. Totalitarian d. Socialist ).
25. The power of president to stop a bill passed by the legislature (a. veto
power b. police power c. power to tax d. executive power).
29. A person who enjoys a special legal status, which may be acquired at
birth including all the obligations and benefits in relation to a sovereign
state (a. alien b. citizen c. immigrant d. subject).
30. Who is that person who are either temporary visitors in the territory
of another state? (a. alien b. citizen c. immigrant d. subject).
31. What is the principle of citizenship which adheres that the nationality
of the child at birth follows that of the parents, or of one of them? (a.
jus soli b. repatriation c. jus sanguines d. expatriation).
32. What principle of feudal origin, based on the idea that individuals are
attached to the land where they are born? (a. repatriation
b. expatriation c. jus sanguines d. jus soli ).
33. Citizens, who banished themselves from their native countries and
acquired a foreign citizenship, may regain their citizenship through
(a. jus soli b. repatriation c. jus sanguines d. expatriation ).
34. A jus sanguines citizen may lose his citizenship if he fails to indicate
his choice upon reaching the age of (a. childhood b. adulthood c.
majority d. minority )
36. The exchange of favors among legislators, and it goes this way you vote
for my bill and I’II vote for yours. (a. pork barrel b. featherbedding
c. gerry-mandering d. horse-trading ).
38. The division of the population or districts in order to create more votes
for certain political parties. (a. horse-trading b. featherbedding
c. gerry-mandering d. pork barrel ).
40. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and how
many Associate Justices? (a.10 b. 12 c.14 d.16).
42. Who appoints the members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower
courts? (a. President b. Vice President c. Senate President
d. Speaker of the House).
43. The study of the nature and effects of the government´s use of fiscal
instruments such as taxing and spending, borrowing and lending, and
economic planning. (a. administration b. Budget c. Public Finance
d. Taxes ).
49. The chief executive in the Philippine bureaucracy is the (a. President
b. Vice President c. Senate President d. Speaker of the House).
Unit 1
Learning Outcomes
Political science may be defined as the study of state and government. The word
“political” comes the Greek word polis, which means a “city-state” the only form of
government known to the ancient Greeks. The word “ciencia” meanwhile, means
knowledge or study. From the word polis comes other derivatives, such as polites
(citizen) and politikos (government and politics.
In the early religious stage, in this stage the leaders of government with its laws
was believed to be divinely-inspired. For example during the pre-Spanish, the
Philippines adhere that their power came from Bathala that is why the ancient
datu ruled as chief executive, legislator and judge.
In Metaphysical stage, the state was considered as human institution and it was
almost worshipped as perfect institution. Aristotle and Plato thought that the
state was the highest potential of the individual. Aristotle defined that man is by
nature a political animal and that state was established for the graters number of
In modern stage, the state was still considered as human institution but it was
deemed capable of being improved by rulers and subjects according to principle
and laws. This was ushered in by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), a Renaissance
writer of The Prince, a handbook for rulers in the government. Thus Machiavelli is
often credited as the “Father of Modern Politics”
First, ours is the age of politics, in which government has become the business of
everybody. Whether we like it or not, we are part of the government from the
moment we are born to the day we die. Our birth, marriage and death must be
registered with the state.
Second, the study of political science enable us to know more about the rights
and duties as citizens, the structure and functions of different branches of
government and our relations with other countries.
Finally, political science provides the needed background for those who intend to
enter the profession of law, Foreign Service, public administration, business,
education, and journalism. The activities of these professions are intimately
linked with the affairs of government.
Name: Score:
Essay: Write comprehensively and present evidences in every questions that
follows. Refer to the rubrics that follows for the point system in each item.
3. In your own opinion, what is the importance of studying political science?
Teacher’s Feedback:
Scoring Rubrics
CRITERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate
Paper is logically Paper has a clear There is some level of There is no apparent
Organization organized organizational organization through organization in the
structure with some digressions, ambiguities, paper.
Flow of thought Easily followed
digressions, irrelevances are too many
Difficult to follow
Transitions Effective, smooth, and ambiguities or
Difficult to follow
logical transitions irrelevances No or poor transitions
Ineffective transitions
Professional format Easily followed No format
Rambling format
Basic transitions
Structured format
Manipulates complex Uses complex sentences Uses compound sentences Uses simple sentences
sentence structure sentences for effect/impact
Few punctuation Too many punctuation
punctuation/mechanics No punctuation or or mechanical and/or mechanical
mechanical errors errors errors
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is varied, Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is
Vocabulary; use sophisticated and correct specific and properly though unsophisticated, not
of vocabulary as are sentences which appropriate sentences may be simple used properly in very
vary in structure and simple sentences.
Tone Frequently uses Infrequently uses
subject-specific subject-specific Uses subject-specific
Uses and manipulates vocabulary correctly vocabulary correctly vocabulary too
subject-specific sparingly
Writer’s tone emerges Writer’s tone exhibits
vocabulary for effect
and is generally some level of audience
Writer’s tone is clear, appropriate to the sensitivity
consistent and appropriate audience
for the intended audience
The central idea is well Central idea and clarity The central idea is Central idea and clarity
Clarity of purpose developed and clarity of of purpose are generally expressed though it may of purpose are absent
purpose is exhibited evident throughout the be vague or too broad; or incompletely
Critical and
throughout the paper essay Some sense of purpose is expressed and
original thought
maintained throughout maintained
The abundance of evidence Evidence of critical,
Use of examples the essay
of critical, careful thought careful thought and Little or no evidence of
and analysis and/or insight analysis and/or Some evidence of critical, critical, careful thought
insight careful thought and or analysis and/or
Evidence and examples
analysis and/or insight insight
are vivid and specific, There are good,
while the focus remains relevant supporting There are some examples There are too few, no
tight examples and evidence and evidence, though examples and evidence
general or they are mostly
Learning Outcomes:
After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:
a. Explain on what you best considered as the most essential element of the
b. Defend your position on what particular theory best explain the state origin.
c. Differentiate the three (3) inherent powers of the state.
d. Compose an essay on what particular or most important duty should a state
may give to its people.
The people in a state must be sufficient in number and capable of maintaining
it’s existence. While there is no fixed number required the people as an element
requires the presence of both sexes for purposes of pro creation , it must be
sufficient for self-governance and capable of defending itself in order to maintain
its permanent existence under the principle of state continuity.
No specific area is required but the territory must be enough to provide for its
maintenance, development and growth.
A stable government with great number of inhabitants is rendering continuous
It is the right to exercise the functions of the state to the exclusion of another
This theory maintained that god created the state. God chooses rulers through
prophets, and that paved way for the formation of government. All are bound to
obey the laws promulgated by the rulers.
Questioning the authority of the rulers is similar to questioning the authority of
god. There is already disobedience on two authorities, god and the rulers.
This means that the government is not the ruler, but the servant of agent of the
citizens; it means that the government as such has no rights delegated to it by
the citizens for a specific purpose.
Force Theory
This theory claimed that state is created out of the imposition of will by the strong
to the weak. The strong asserted their power through force and compelled the
people to obey their laws.
Economic Theory
This theory asserts that state is formed out of economic dependence of man to his
fellow being. Man needs his fellow being to satisfy his needs through exchange of
goods and services, which led to the formation of society and state.
Patriarchal Theory
This theory held that state is a product of evolution from the smallest unit of
society – the Family. Gradually, the family grows into a clan and later on was
developed into tribe, the tribe into nation, and the nation into the state.
Every sovereign state has inherent rights called as inherent powers. These powers
are necessary and indispensable because state cannot be effective without them.
These powers enable the government to interfere or limit the rights of the
inhabitants subject to certain conditions prescribed by law.
Inherent powers are limited by bill of rights. These powers are: police power,
power of eminent domain and power of taxation.
Police Power
It is the power of the state to restrain liberty and regulate property and enact
laws that will protect the people and promote their welfare.
It is the most pervasive and least limitable powers of the state. The power
emanates from Latin maxim “salus populi est suprema lex” which means, “the
welfare of the people is the highest law.”
Power of Eminent Domain
It is the power of the state to take private property for the public use after giving
appropriate monetary compensation to the owner. Usually, the property that is
taken is land. This power is also called power of expropriation.
Power of Taxation
It is the power of the state to imposed burdens and charges upon persons,
property and property rights to enable the government operate and perform its
appropriate functions. Congress and local government units generally exercise
power of taxation. It can be delegated to the President and other administrative
Scoring Rubrics
CRITERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate
Paper is logically Paper has a clear There is some level of There is no apparent
Organization organized organizational organization through organization in the
structure with some digressions, ambiguities, paper.
Flow of thought Easily followed
digressions, irrelevances are too many
Difficult to follow
Transitions Effective, smooth, and ambiguities or
Difficult to follow
logical transitions irrelevances No or poor transitions
Ineffective transitions
Professional format Easily followed No format
Rambling format
Basic transitions
Structured format
Manipulates complex Uses complex sentences Uses compound sentences Uses simple sentences
sentence structure sentences for effect/impact
Few punctuation Too many punctuation
punctuation/mechanics No punctuation or or mechanical and/or mechanical
mechanical errors errors errors
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is varied, Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is
Vocabulary; use sophisticated and correct specific and properly though unsophisticated, not
of vocabulary as are sentences which appropriate sentences may be simple used properly in very
vary in structure and simple sentences.
Tone Frequently uses Infrequently uses
subject-specific subject-specific Uses subject-specific
Uses and manipulates vocabulary correctly vocabulary correctly vocabulary too
subject-specific sparingly
Writer’s tone emerges Writer’s tone exhibits
vocabulary for effect
and is generally some level of audience
Writer’s tone is clear, appropriate to the sensitivity
consistent and appropriate audience
for the intended audience
The central idea is well Central idea and clarity The central idea is Central idea and clarity
Clarity of purpose developed and clarity of of purpose are generally expressed though it may of purpose are absent
purpose is exhibited evident throughout the be vague or too broad; or incompletely
Critical and
throughout the paper essay Some sense of purpose is expressed and
original thought
maintained throughout maintained
The abundance of evidence Evidence of critical,
Use of examples the essay
of critical, careful thought careful thought and Little or no evidence of
and analysis and/or insight analysis and/or Some evidence of critical, critical, careful thought
insight careful thought and or analysis and/or
Evidence and examples
analysis and/or insight insight
are vivid and specific, There are good,
while the focus remains relevant supporting There are some examples There are too few, no
tight examples and evidence and evidence, though examples and evidence
general or they are mostly
Name: Score:
Essay: Write comprehensively and present evidences in every questions that
follows. Refer to the rubrics at the previous page for the point system in each
1. Explain on what you best considered as the most essential element of the
2. Defend your position on what particular theory best explain the state origin.
3. Compare and contrast the inherent power of the state.
Teacher’s feedback:
Law and Jurisprudence
Learning Outcomes:
Concepts of Law
The term “law” is ordinarily given a variety of meaning. Originally derived from an
old teutonic word lag (meaning something which lies evenly or fixed). It is used to
denote that which is “uniform”. Usually, writers speak of law in a non-legal
manner, such as (1) Divine Law meaning the rules which regulate the operation
of the universe in accordance to the will of God. (2.) Natural Law, meaning the
sum total of all rules of life established by divine inspiration and respected by all
nations. (3.) Moral law, meaning a set of rules pertaining to human concepts of
bad and good (4.)Physical Law, the laws of physical science concerning sequence
of cause and effects and (5.) Social law, the rules existing in a limited section of a
community and enforced by that section within itself.
Meaning of Law
Law is a set of rules promulgated by the governing authority and enforced by the
courts. According to Austin Ranney, “Law is the body of rules emanating from
government agencies and applied by the courts.
William Brickstone define law as a rule of action presented by some superior, and
which the inferior is bound to obey.
Jurisprudence simply means the science of law.
or totalitarian regimes operate according to the latter system. In a democracy, the
executive is limited to the power to implement the law.
Judicial decisions. The decisions of judges constitute one of the main sources of
law. These decisions usually have the binding force of law thus, they are
commonly called judge-made laws. The legal principles laid down by the courts
became precedent which may be applied to future cases of a similar nature.
Legal commentaries. Legal commentaries of great jurists and other modern
writers on law are considered to be veritable wellsprings of legal truth. These
commentaries lay down guiding principles for possible cases consequently
providing the basis for new law.
Kinds of Law
1. According to the extent of their application
2. According to the character of the person concerned.
According to form
Municipal Law does not in this case mean the local ordinances of the municipality
or municipio. Instead, in the general definition, Municipal law means national law
or the collection of national and local laws issued and enforced by the state to
regulate the relation of its citizens. International Law on the other hand means
the set of treaties, customs, or rules which govern the conduct of state in their
relations with one another. Meanwhile, municipal law may be divided into the
General Law. The aggregate of all national laws passed by the law making body to
govern all persons and conditions within the state.
Local ordinances. The laws enacted by competent authority in a political
subdivision of the state.
Conventional law. The rules and regulations which certain person by common
agreement bind themselves to with respect to certain specific transaction.
Autonomic Law. The rule and regulations prescribed by an association of persons
for their organization.
Martial law. The rules and regulations for the discipline of the Armed Forces of a
country. Martial law may also mean the declaration of a national situation
whereby the military shall rule the state replacing the civilian authorities
Law and Ethics
In their origin, law and ethics were identical for both arose as the result of habit
and experience in the primitive social life when moral and political ideas were not
separated. Notwithstanding the close connection of law and ethics there exist
grounds of difference between them.
First, they differ in their subject matter. Law is concerned only with the outward
acts of man as they affect his relation with other men in the state while ethics
pertains to both outward an inward acts of man including his thoughts, motives
and conduct.
Second, they differ in their sanctions. Law is enforced by the power of the state
while ethics or moral precept is enforced by individual conscience or public
Third, they differ in purpose for which they exist. It is preferable however, that a
close connection exist between ethics and law. Politics to be good should be based
on Godly principles. An immoral people would obviously make a bad state and a
bad state necessarily mean bad laws.
Scoring Rubrics
CRITERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate
Paper is logically Paper has a clear There is some level of There is no apparent
Organization organized organizational organization through organization in the
structure with some digressions, ambiguities, paper.
Flow of thought Easily followed
digressions, irrelevances are too many
Difficult to follow
Transitions Effective, smooth, and ambiguities or
Difficult to follow
logical transitions irrelevances No or poor transitions
Ineffective transitions
Professional format Easily followed No format
Rambling format
Basic transitions
Structured format
Manipulates complex Uses complex sentences Uses compound sentences Uses simple sentences
sentence structure sentences for effect/impact
Few punctuation Too many punctuation
punctuation/mechanics No punctuation or or mechanical and/or mechanical
mechanical errors errors errors
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is varied, Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is
Vocabulary; use sophisticated and correct specific and properly though unsophisticated, not
of vocabulary as are sentences which appropriate sentences may be simple used properly in very
vary in structure and simple sentences.
Tone Frequently uses Infrequently uses
subject-specific subject-specific Uses subject-specific
Uses and manipulates vocabulary correctly vocabulary correctly vocabulary too
subject-specific sparingly
Writer’s tone emerges Writer’s tone exhibits
vocabulary for effect
and is generally some level of audience
Writer’s tone is clear, appropriate to the sensitivity
consistent and appropriate audience
for the intended audience
The central idea is well Central idea and clarity The central idea is Central idea and clarity
Clarity of purpose developed and clarity of of purpose are generally expressed though it may of purpose are absent
purpose is exhibited evident throughout the be vague or too broad; or incompletely
Critical and
throughout the paper essay Some sense of purpose is expressed and
original thought
maintained throughout maintained
The abundance of evidence Evidence of critical,
Use of examples the essay
of critical, careful thought careful thought and Little or no evidence of
and analysis and/or insight analysis and/or Some evidence of critical, critical, careful thought
insight careful thought and or analysis and/or
Evidence and examples
analysis and/or insight insight
are vivid and specific, There are good,
while the focus remains relevant supporting There are some examples There are too few, no
tight examples and evidence and evidence, though examples and evidence
general or they are mostly
Name: Score:
Essay: Write comprehensively and present evidences in every questions that
follows. Refer to the rubrics at the previous page for the point system in each
4 .Do you think Filipinos are law abiding? Explain your answer.
5. In a 1/8 sheet of illustration board, make a collage/pictures on how you will
abide laws of the state. (Write a caption below the pictures.
Teacher’s Feedback:
The Constitution
Learning Outcomes:
Meaning of Constitution
Conventional or enacted
enacted by a constituent assembly or enacted by monarch.
Cumulative or evolved
is a product of the development originating in customs, traditions, and judicial
decisions, rather than from a deliberate and formal enactment.
As to their form.
As to manner of amending them.
Rigid or inelastic
Regarded as a document of special sanctity which cannot be amended or altered
except by some special machinery more cumbrous than the ordinary legislative
Flexible or elastic
Possesses no higher legal authority than ordinary laws and which may be altered
in the same way as other laws.
It is flexible and elastic, which is reflective at all times to the correct expression of
the progressive and changing necessities of the state.
A good written constitution must be broad in its scope, brief in its content, and
definite in its principles.
A constitution must be brief because it is not the place in which the details of
organization should be set forth.
Constitution is legislation direct from the people, where statute is legislation from
the people’s representative.
Constitution is intended not merely to meet existing condition but to govern the
future, while statute is intended primary to meet existing condition only
Constitution is merely states the general framework of the law and the
government, while statute provides the details of the subject of which is treats.
Constitution is the supreme fundamental law of land while statutes must
1. By Constituent
2. By Constitutional Convention
3. By People through Initiative