Workshop Manual
Workshop Manual
Workshop Manual
Technical Data
Workshop Manual
Technical Data
Industrial Diesel Engines
Safety precautions ................................................... 2 TD730ME/VE, TWD730ME/VE, TWD731ME/VE,
General information ................................................. 5 General ..................................................................... 20
Engine ....................................................................... 21
Repair instructions .................................................. 6 Valve mechanism .................................................... 22
Camshaft .................................................................. 23
Location of identification plates ............................ 9 Timing gears ............................................................. 24
Crank mechanism .................................................... 25
TD630ME/VE, TWD630ME/VE, TD640VE Flywheel ................................................................... 27
General ..................................................................... 10 Lubricating system ................................................... 28
Engine ....................................................................... 11 Fuel system ............................................................. 30
Valve mechanism .................................................... 12 Intake and exhaust system, turbo .......................... 31
Camshaft .................................................................. 13 Cooling system ........................................................ 31
Timing gears ............................................................. 13 Wear tolerances ....................................................... 32
Crank mechanism .................................................... 14 Tightening torques .................................................... 32
Flywheel ................................................................... 15
Lubricating system ................................................... 16
Fuel system ............................................................. 17 TD1030ME/VE, TWD1030ME/VE, TWD1031VE
Intake and exhaust system, turbo .......................... 18 General ..................................................................... 33
Cooling system ........................................................ 18 Engine ....................................................................... 34
Wear tolerances ....................................................... 19 Valve mechanism .................................................... 35
Tightening torques .................................................... 19 Camshaft .................................................................. 36
Timing gears ............................................................. 36
Crank mechanism .................................................... 37
Flywheel ................................................................... 38
Lubricating system ................................................... 39
Fuel system ............................................................. 40
Intake and exhaust system, turbo .......................... 41
Cooling system ........................................................ 42
Wear tolerances ....................................................... 43
Tightening torques .................................................... 43
Safety Precautions
This Workshop Manual contains technical specifica-
engine which is operating, careless movements
tions, descriptions and instructions for the repair of
or a dropped tool can result in personal injury.
the specified Volvo Penta products or product types.
Check that you have the correct Workshop Manual for
your engine. Take care to avoid contact with hot surfaces
(exhaust pipes, Turbocharger (TC), air intake
Before starting work on the engine read the “Safe- pipe, starter element etc.) and hot liquids in
ty Precautions”, “General Information” and “Rep- lines and hoses on an engine which is running or
air Instructions” sections of this Workshop Manual which has just been stopped. Reinstall all pro-
carefully. tective parts removed during service operations
before starting the engine.
Safety Precautions
Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid getting hot oil on WARNING! The delivery pipes must under no
the skin. Ensure that the lubrication system is circumstances be bent. Damaged pipes should
not under pressure before carrying out any work. be replaced.
Never start or operate the engine with the oil
filler cap removed, otherwise oil could be eject-
ed. All fuels and many chemical substances are
flammable. Do not allow naked flame or sparks
in the vicinity. Fuel, certain thinner products
Stop the engine before carrying out operations and hydrogen from batteries can be extremely
on the engine cooling system. flammable and explosive when mixed with air.
Smoking is not to be permitted in the vicinity!
Ensure that the work area is well ventilated and
take the necessary safety precautions before
Always use protective glasses or goggles when starting welding or grinding work. Always en-
carrying out work where there is a risk of splin- sure that there are fire extinguishers at hand
ters, grinding sparks, acid splashes or where when work is being carried out.
other chemicals are used. The eyes are ex-
tremely sensitive, an injury could result in blind-
ness! Ensure that rags soaked in oil or fuel and used
fuel or oil filters are stored safely. Rags soaked
in oil can spontaneously ignite under certain
circumstances. Used fuel and oil filters are en-
Avoid getting oil on the skin! Repeated expo- vironmentally dangerous waste and must be
sure to oil or exposure over a long period can deposited at an approved site for destruction
result in the skin becoming dry. Irritation, dry- together with used lubricating oil, contaminated
ness and eczema and other skin problems can fuel, paint remnants, solvent, degreasing
then occur. Used oil is more dangerous than agents and waste from washing parts.
fresh oil from a health aspect. Use protective
gloves and avoid oil soaked clothes and shop
rags. Wash regularly, especially before eating. Never expose a battery to naked flame or elec-
There are special skin creams which counter- trical sparks. Never smoke in proximity to the
act drying out of the skin and make it easier to batteries. The batteries give off hydrogen gas
clean off dirt after work is completed. during charging which when mixed with air can
form an explosive gas – oxyhydrogen. This gas
is easily ignited and highly volatile. Incorrect
Many chemicals used on the product (for ex- connection of the battery can cause a single
ample engine and transmission oils, glycol, spark which is sufficient to cause an explosion
gasoline and diesel oil), or chemicals used in with resulting damage. Do not shift the connec-
the workshop (for example degreasing agents, tions when attempting to start the engine
paint and solvents) are dangerous to health. (spark risk) and do not lean over any of the bat-
Read the instructions on the product packaging teries.
carefully! Always follow the safety precautions
for the product (for example use of protective
mask, glasses, gloves etc.). Make sure that Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-
other personnel are not exposed to hazardous nus (negative) battery leads are correctly in-
chemicals, for example in the air. Ensure good stalled on the corresponding terminal posts on
ventilation in the work place. Follow the instruc- the batteries. Incorrect installation can result in
tions provided when disposing of used or lefto- serious damage to the electrical equipment.
ver chemicals. Refer to the wiring diagrams.
Safety Precautions
Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the Never work alone when removing heavy engine
main switch(es) before carrying out work on the components, even when using lifting devices
electrical system. such as locking tackle lifts. When using a lifting
device two people are usually required to do the
work, one to take care of the lifting device and
another to ensure that components are lifted
Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the clear and not damaged during the lifting opera-
engine stopped. tions. Check before starting work if there is
enough room to carry out removal work without
risking personal injury or damage to the engine
or parts.
Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine when
lifting the drive unit. Always check that the lift-
ing equipment used is in good condition and has
the load capacity to lift the engine (engine WARNING! The components in the electrical
weight including gearbox, if fitted, and any extra system and in the fuel system on Volvo Penta
equipment installed). products are designed and manufactured to min-
imize the risk of fire and explosion. The engine
Use an adjustable lifting beam or lifting beam must not be run in areas where there are
specifically for the engine to raise the engine to explosive materials.
ensure safe handling and to avoid damaging en-
gine parts installed on the top of the engine. All
chains and cables should run parallel to each
other and as perpendicular as possible in rela- Always use the fuels recommended by Volvo
tion to the top of the engine. Penta. Refer to the Instruction Book. Use of fu-
els that are of a lower quality can damage the
If extra equipment is installed on the engine engine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can
which alters its center of gravity a special lifting cause the control rod to seize and the engine to
device is required to obtain the correct balance overrev with resulting risk of damage to the en-
for safe handling. gine and personal injury. Poor fuel quality can
also lead to higher maintenance costs.
Never carry out work on an engine suspended
on a hoist without other supporting equipment
Observe the following rules when cleaning with
high-pressure water jets. Never direct the water
jet at seals, rubber hoses or electrical compo-
nents. Never use a high pressure jet when
washing the engine.
General Information
Repair Instructions
Repair Instructions
The working methods described in the Workshop Ma- Our joint responsibility
nual apply to work carried out in a workshop. The engi- Every engine consists of many systems and compo-
ne has been removed and is installed in an engine fix- nents that work together. If one component deviates
ture. Unless otherwise stated reconditioning work from the technical specifications this can have drama-
which can be carried out with the engine in place fol- tic consequences on the environmental impact of the
lows the same working method. engine even if it is otherwise in good running order. It
Warning symbols used in the Workshop Manual (for is therefore critical that the stated wear tolerances are
full explanation of the symbols refer to the section; observed, that systems which can be adjusted are
“Safety Precautions”) correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta Original
Parts are used on the engine. The stated service inter-
WARNING! vals in the Maintenance Schedule must be followed.
Some systems, such as the components in the fuel
system, require special expertise and special testing
equipment for service and maintenance. Some com-
ponents are factory sealed for environmental and pro-
are not in any way comprehensive since it is impos- duct specific reasons. Under no circumstances at-
sible to predict every circumstance under which servi- tempt to service or repair a sealed component unless
ce work or repairs may be carried out. AB Volvo Penta the service technician carrying out the work is authori-
can only indicate the risks considered likely to occur zed to do so.
as a result of incorrect working methods in a well- Bear in mind that most chemical products, incorrectly
equipped workshop using working methods and tools used, are hazardous to the environment. Volvo Penta
tested by AB Volvo Penta. recommends the use of bio-degradable degreasing
All operations described in the Workshop Manual for agents for all cleaning of engine components unless
which there are Volvo Penta Special Tools available otherwise stated in the Workshop Manual. Pay special
assume that these tools are used by the service tech- attention to make sure that oils and washing residue
nician or person carrying out the repair. Volvo Penta are handled correctly for destruction, and do not unin-
Special Tools have been specifically developed to en- tentionally end up in the nature.
sure as safe and rational working methods as pos-
sible. It is therefore the responsibility of the person or
persons using other than Volvo Penta Special Tools or
approved Volvo Penta working methods (as described Tightening torques
in a Workshop Manual or Service Bulletin), to acquaint
The correct tightening torques for critical joints which
themselves of the risk of personal injury or actual
must be tightened using a torque wrench are listed un-
mechanical damage or malfunction that can result
der “Technical Data – Tightening Torques” and stated in
from failing to use the prescribed tools or working met-
the method descriptions in the Workshop Manual. All
tightening torques apply to cleaned threads, bolt
In some cases special safety precautions and user in- heads and mating surfaces. Tigthening torques stated
structions may be required in order to use the tools are for lightly oiled or dry threads. Where grease, lock-
and chemicals mentioned in the Workshop Manual. Al- ing or sealing agents are required for screwed joints
ways follow these precautions as there are no specific this is stated in both the operation description and in
instructions given in the Workshop Manual. “Tightening Torques”. Where no tightening torque is
stated for a joint use the general tightening torques
By following these basic recommendations and using
according to the table on the next page. The tightening
common sense it is possible to avoid most of the
torques stated are a guide and the joint does not have
risks involved in the work. A clean work place and a
to be tightened using a torque wrench.
clean engine will eliminate many risks of personal inju-
ry and engine malfunction. Dimension Tightening torque
Above all when working on the fuel system, engine Nm lbf.ft.
lubrication system, air intake system, Turbocharger M5 ..................................................... 6 4.4
unit, bearing seals and seals it is extremely important M6 ..................................................... 10 7.4
to observe the highest standards of cleanliness and M8 ..................................................... 25 18.4
avoid dirt or foreign objects entering the parts or sys- M10 ................................................... 50 36.9
tems, since this can result in reduced service life or M12 ................................................... 80 59.0
malfunctions. M14 ................................................... 140 103.3
Repair Instructions
Repair Instructions
WARNING! Be very careful when working on en- The following seals are probably made from fluorocar-
gines which have been exposed to high temper- bon rubber:
atures, e.g. overheating during a seizure or fire. • Seal rings for the crankshaft, camshaft, in-
Seals must never be cut with an oxy-acetylene termediate shafts.
torch, or be burned up afterwards in an uncon- • O-rings irrespective of where they are instal-
trolled manner. led. O-rings for cylinder liner sealing are al-
most always made from fluorocarbon rubber.
Location of Identification Plates
Each engine is supplied with two identical identifica-
tion plates, of which one is mounted on the cylinder
block, see fig.
The other identification plate should be mounted in a
suitable location adjacent to the engine.
T – Turbocharged
A – Air-to-air charge air cooler
W – Water-to-air charge air cooler
D – Diesel engine
7 – Displacement, liters
3 – Generation
0 – Version
P – Stationary engine (Power Pac)
G – Gen Set engine
V – Engine for stationary and mobile operation
M – Engine for mobile operation
E – Low emission engine
Technical Data
Type designation ........................................ TD630ME/VE TWD630ME/VE TD640VE
Number of cylinders ................................... 6 6 6
Bore ............................................................ 98.425 mm (3.875") 98.425 mm (3.875") 98.425 mm (3.875")
Stroke ......................................................... 120 mm (4.72") 120 mm (4.72") 120 mm (4.72")
Displacement ............................................. 5.48 dm³ (334.39 in3) 5.48 dm³ (334.39 in3) 5.48 dm³ (334.39 in3)
Compression ratio ...................................... 18.3:1 18.3:1 19.0:1
Firing sequence .......................................... 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4
Rotation direction, viewed from the front .. Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise
Low idle ....................................................... 700 ± 25 rpm 725 ± 25 rpm 700 ± 10 rpm
High idle ...................................................... 2550 ± 25 rpm 2620 ± 25 rpm 2730 ± 25 rpm
Max. full load speed ................................... 2400 rpm 2500 rpm 2400 rpm
Weight, engine (dry) ................................... 655 kg (1444 lbs) 665 kg (1466 lbs) 655 kg (1444 lbs)
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Engine Pistons
Height, total ............................... 124.0 mm (4.88")
Cylinder heads Height above block face ........... max. 0.55 mm
Type ........................................... 3-cylinders/head
Number of ring grooves ............ 3
Length ........................................ 389 mm (15.32")
Front marking ............................ Arrow point forwards
Width ........................................ 213 mm (8.39")
Combustion chamber,
Diameter .................................... 53.0 mm (2.09")
Cylinder head bolts
Number/cylinder head ............... 20
Thread size ................................ M11
Length ........................................ 142 mm (5.59")
Cylinder block
Length ........................................ 796 mm (31.34") Depth ......................................... 20.4 mm (0.80")
Height, upper block face –
crankshaft centre (A), min. ....... 369 mm (14.53")
Piston rings
Height, lower block face – Compression rings
crankshaft centre (B), min. ....... 90 mm (3.54") Number ...................................... 2
Upper compression ring, height
TD630/TWD630 ....................... 3.1 mm (0.1220")
TD640 ...................................... 3.5 mm (0.1378")
Lower compression ring, height 2.5 mm (0.0984")
Piston ring gap measured in
ring opening ............................... 0.30 mm (0.0118")
Cylinder liners
Type ........................................... Wet, replaceable
Height, total ............................... 237.4 mm (9.35")
Height, cylinder liner above
block face .................................. 0,38–0,43 mm ring opening ............................... 0.25 mm (0.0098")
(0.0150–0.0169") Gudgeon pins
Max. difference in height
between cylinder liners 1, 2 and Clearance, gudgeon pin –
3 or 4, 5 and 6 ........................... 0.02 mm (0.0008") connecting rod bushing ............. 0.02 mm (0.0008")
Gudgeon pin diameter,
standard ..................................... 40.0 mm (1.575")
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Inlet Exhaust
TD630, TWD630, TD640
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Crank mechanism
Length ........................................ 950 mm (37.40") Oversize,
Crankshaft axial clearance ........ 0.07–0.27 mm 0.2 mm (0.0079")
(0.0028–0.0106") (axial bear. 0.1 (0.0039") ........ 44.200 ± 0.025 mm
Main bearing, radial clearance .. 0.063–0.121 mm (1.7402 ± 0.0010")
(0.0025–0.0048") 0.4 mm (0.0157")
(axial bear. 0.2 (0.0079") ........ 44.400 ± 0.025 mm
The crankshaft is nitro-carburized.
(1.7480 ± 0.0010")
Note! A nitro-carburized crankshaft may be ground down 0.6 mm (0.0.236")
to max. 2nd undersize. If ground more, it must be (axial bear. 0.3 (0.0118") ........ 44.600 ± 0.025 mm
re-nitrocarburized. (1.7559 ± 0.0010")
Fillet radius (R) .......................... 4.300 ± 0.025 mm
(0.1693 ± 0.0010")
TD630, TWD630, TD640
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Lubricating system
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Fuel system
EN 590 (with environmental and sub-zero temperature Between 1560 rpm and
specifications according to national requirements) 2260 rpm pump setting
should alter ................................ 6° ± 1°
ASTM D 975 No 1-D and 2-D
JIS KK 2204
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Coolant pump
Type ........................................... Gear-driven
Type ........................................... Sleeve thermostat
Number ...................................... 1
Marking ...................................... Blue
Beginns to open at .................... 75°C (167°F)
Fully open at .............................. 88°C (190°F)
TD630, TWD630, TD640
Max. permitted out-of-round
(with new bearings) .................... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Bearings, permitted wear .......... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Lift height, min.,
Inlet/Exhaust .......................... 7.8 mm (0.3071")
Valve tappets, max. permitted
tightening) .................................. 60°
Angle tightening Tightening diagram
Oil sump tightening diagram
Technical Data
Designation ...................... TD730ME/VE TWD730ME/VE TWD731ME/VE TWE740VE
Number of cylinders ........ 6 6 6 6
Bore ................................. 104.77 mm (4.124") 104.77 mm (4.124") 104.77 mm (4.124") 107.00 mm (4.213")
Stroke .............................. 130 mm (5.12") 130 mm (5.12") 130 mm (5.12") 135 mm (5.31")
Displacement .................. 6.73 dm³ (410.7 in3) 6.73 dm³ (410.7 in3) 6.73 dm³ (410.7 in3) 7,28 dm³ (444.3 in³)
Compression ratio ........... 17.7:1 17.7:1 17.7:1 17.5:1
Firing sequence ............... 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4
Rotation direction,
viewed from front ............. Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise
Low idle ............................ 650 ± 25 rpm 675 ± 25 rpm 650 ± 25 rpm 600 ± 25 rpm
High idle ........................... 2570 ± 20 rpm 2620 ± 20 rpm 2570 ± 20 rpm 2520 ± 20 rpm
Max. full load speed ........ 2400 rpm 2400 rpm 2400 rpm 2400 rpm
Weight, engine (dry) ........ 745 kg (1641 lbs) 775 kg (1707 lbs) 770 kg (1696 lbs) 795 kg (1751 lbs)
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Engine Pistons
Cylinder heads Height, total ............................... 132.45 mm (5.21")
Centre gudgeon pin – piston
Type ........................................... 3-cylinders/head
upper edge ................................. 88.40–88.50 mm
Length ........................................ 421 mm (16.57")
Width .......................................... 233 mm (9.17")
Number of ring grooves ............. 3
Front marking ............................ Arrow pointing
Cylinder head bolts Combustion chamber,
Number/cylinder head ............... 20 diameter, TD730/TWD730/
Thread size ................................ M11 TWD731 ..................................... 61.00 mm (2.4016")
Length ........................................ 150 mm (5.91") diameter, TWD740 ..................... 66.00 mm (2.5984")
depth, TD730/TWD730/TWD731 20.1 mm (0.7913")
depth, TWD740 .......................... 20.2 mm (0.7953")
Cylinder block piston height above block
Length ........................................ 859 mm (33.82") face ............................................ 0.70 mm (0.0276")
Height, upper block face –
crankshaft centre (A), min. ....... 403 mm (15.87")
Height, lower block face –
crankshaft centre (B), min. ....... 90 mm (3.54")
Piston rings
Compression rings
Number ...................................... 2
Upper compression ring, height
TD730/TWD730/TWD731 ....... 3.0 mm (0.1181")
TWD740 .................................. 3.5 mm (0.1378")
Piston ring gap measured in
upper ring opening ..................... 0.3 mm (0.0118")
Lower compression ring, height 2.5 mm (0.0984")
Piston ring gap measured in
lower ring opening
TD730/TWD730/TWD731 ....... 0.3 mm (0.0118")
TWD740 .................................. 0.6 mm (0.0236")
Gudgeon pins
Clearance, gudgeon pin –
connecting rod bushing ............. 0.020 mm (0.0008")
Gudgeon pin diameter,
standard, TD730/TWD730/
TWD731 .................................. 45.00 mm (1.7717")
standard, TWD740 ................. 47.00 mm (1.8504")
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Inlet Exhaust
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Drive ........................................... Gear
Number of bearings ................... 7
Diameter, bearing journals,
TD730/TWD730/TWD731, min.
1st bearing journal .................. 68.985–69.015 mm
2nd bearing journal ................. 66.610–66.640 mm
3rd bearing journal .................. 64.222–64.252 mm
4th bearing journal .................. 63.435–63.465 mm
5th bearing journal .................. 61.047–61.077 mm
6th bearing journal .................. 60.260–60.290 mm
7th bearing journal .................. 56.285–56.315 mm
Axial clearance .......................... 0.05–0.13 mm
Radial clearance ........................ 0.035–0.080 mm
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Crank mechanism
Length, TD730/TWD730/TWD731 950 mm (37.40") (3.5141–3.5150")
Length, TWD740 ........................ 1013 mm (39.88") Main bearing journal,
Crankshaft axial clearance ........ 0.068–0.268 mm out-of-round, max. .................. 0.08 mm (0.0031")
(0.0027–0.0106") taper, max. ............................. 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Main bearing, radial clearance .. 0.065–0.119 mm
Width, axial bearing journal (A),
standard ..................................... 45.975–46.025 mm
The crankshaft is nitro-carburized.
Note! A nitro-carburized crankshaft may be ground down
to max. 2nd undersize. If ground more, it must be re-ni- Oversize,
tro- 0.2 mm (0.0079"),
carburized. (axial bear. 0.1 (0.0039") ........ 46.175–46.225 mm
Main bearing journals Diameter for machining, 0.4 mm (0.0157"),
TD730/TWD730/TWD731 (-SN 20711097292) (axial bear. 0.2 (0.0079") ........ 46.375–46.425 mm
standard ..................................... 82.535–82.550 mm (1.8258–1.8278")
(3.2494–3.2500") 0.6 mm (0.0236"),
Undersize, (axial bear. 0.3 (0.0118") ........ 46.575–46.625 mm
0.25 mm (0.010") .................... 82.281–82.296 mm (1.8337–1.8356")
(3.2394–3.2400") Fillet radius (R) .......................... 3.75–4.00 mm
0.50 mm (0.020") .................... 82.027–82.042 mm (0.1476–0.1575")
0.75 mm (0.030") .................... 81.773–81.788 mm Thrust washers (axial bearing)
(3.2194–3.2200") Width (B), standard ................... 2.312–2.362 mm
1.00 mm (0.040") .................... 81.519–81.534 mm (0.0910–0.0930")
(3.2094–3.2100") Oversize,
1.25 mm (0.050") .................... 81.265–81.280 mm 0.1 mm (0.0039") .................... 2.412–2.462 mm
(3.2002–3.2000") (0.0950–0.0969")
0.2 mm (0.0079") .................... 2.512–2.562 mm
TWD 731 (SN 20711098793-), TWD 740 (0.0989–0.1009")
standard ..................................... 90.528–90.550 mm 0.3 mm (0.0118") .................... 2.612–2.662 mm
Undersize, (3.5640–3.5650") (0.1028–0.1048")
0.25 mm (0.010") .................... 90.274–90.296 mm Main bearing shells
(3.5541–3.5550") Thickness (D), standard ............ 2.931 mm (0.1154")
0.50 mm (0.020") .................... 90.020–90.042 mm Oversize,
(3.5441–3.5450") 0.25 mm (0.0098") .................. 3.058 mm (0.1204")
0.75 mm (0.030") .................... 89.766–89.788 mm 0.50 mm (0.0197") .................. 3.185 mm (0.1254")
(3.5341–3.5350") 0.75 mm (0.0295") .................. 3.312 mm (0.1304")
1.00 mm (0.040") .................... 89.512–89.534 mm 1.00 mm (0.0394") .................. 3.439 mm (0.1354")
(3.5241–3.5250") 1.25 mm (0.0492") .................. 3.566 mm (0.1404")
1.25 mm (0.050") .................... 89.258–89.280 mm
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Connecting rod resp. cap .......... 1 to 6
“FRONT” on rod turned ............. Forwards
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Lubricating system
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
C. Reduction valve
Marking ...................................... Blue C. Reduction valve
Marking ...................................... Yellow
D. Reduction valve
Marking ...................................... Braun
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Fuel system
TD730, TWD730, TWD731 TWD740
EN 590 (with environmental and sub-zero temperature Between 1400 rpm and1800 rpm
specifications according to national requirements) pump setting should alter .......... 6° ± 1°
ASTM D 975 No 1-D and 2-D
JIS KK 2204 Feed pump
Designation, TD730/TWD730 .... 5–291
Sulphur content: According to current legislation, in the
TWD731/TWD740 FP/KG24P200
respective country.
Feed pressure ............................ 100–150 kPa
Note! Fuels with extremely low sulfur contents (“Urban (14.50–21.75 psi)
diesel" in Sweden and “City diesel" in Finland) can Overflow valve
cause a drop in power output of 5 % and an increase in
fuel consumption of 2–3 %. Designation, TD730/TWD730 .... 090310 – 0210
TWD731/TWD740 2 417 413 077
Injection pump Design. Nozzle holder,
Pump designation, TD730/TWD730 ...................... 093100 – 5150
TD730 ..................................... PE6P120A320RS TWD731/TWD740 .................. KBEL98P74
3359 Nozzle, TD730/TWD730 ........... DLLA–148 P99
TWD730 .................................. NDPE6NB120C320 TWD731 ....................... DLLA–148 P586
TWD731 .................................. PE6P120A320RS TWD740 ....................... DLLA–145 P961
3355 Number marking (complete
TWD740 .................................. PES6P120B320RS injector), TD730/TWD730 .......... 093500 – 5150
3415 TWD731 ..................... 600
Pump setting,TD730 ................. 8° ± 0.5° B.T.D.C. TWD740 ..................... 3826446
TWD730 .............. 10° ± 0.5° B.T.D.C. Opening pressure,
TWD731/TWD740 12° ± 0.5° B.T.D.C. TD730/TWD730 ...................... 25.5 MPa (3698 psi)
Preelift, TD730 ........................... 3.35 ± 0.05 mm TWD731 .................................. 25.0 MPa (3626 psi)
(0.1319 ± 0.0020") TWD740 .................................. 29.0 Mpa (4206 psi)
TWD730 ........................ 2,85 ± 0.05 mm Adjustment press. (new spring) 26.0 (± 0.8) MPa
(0.1122 ± 0.0020") (3770 (± 116) psi)
TWD731 ........................ 3,45 ± 0.05 mm TWD740 .................................. 29.0 (± 0.8) Mpa
(0.1358 ± 0.0020") (4206 (± 116) psi)
TWD740 ........................ 3,55 ± 0.05 mm Bore, TD730/TWD730 ............... 7 x 0.235 mm
(0.1400 ± 0.0020") (0.0093")
Governor, TD730 ....................... RSV325–1200 TWD731 ........................... 7 x 0,258 mm
P1A615 (0.0102")
TWD730 ................... R901 TWD740 ........................... 6 x 0,256 mm
TWD731 ................... RSV325–1200 (0.0101")
TWD740 ................... EDC RE30
Injection pump, direction of
rotation viewed from front .......... Clockwise Fuel filters
Firing sequence ......................... 1–5–3–6–2–4 Number ...................................... 2
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Anti-corrosion additive
Used ........................................... When there is no
chance of freezing
Mixed with .................................. Water (1:30)
Volvo Penta part No. ................. 1141526-2
Starting heater
Starting heater ........................... 24V Note! The anti-corrosion agent must not be mixed with
anti-freeze, coolant or any other type of anti-corrosion
fluid, as this could result in negative consequences.
Coolant pump
Type ........................................... Gear-driven
Type ........................................... Sleeve thermostat
Number ...................................... 1
Marking ...................................... Blue
Beginns to open at .................... 75°C (167°F)
Fully open at .............................. 88°C (190°F)
TD730, TWD730, TWD731, TWD740
Max. permitted out-of-round
(with new bearings) .................... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Bearings, max. permitted
wear ........................................... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Lift height, min.,
Inlet/Exhaust .......................... 8.33 mm (0.328")
Valve tappets, max. permitted
radial clearance ......................... 0.08 mm (0.0031")
Tightening torques
Tightening torques Nm (lbf.ft)
Main bearings ............................ 150 ± 10 (110.7 ±7.4)
As from engine No. xxxx/097293:
step 1 ...................................... 150 ±15 (111 lbf.ft)
step 2, angle tightening ......... 90° ±5°
Connecting rod bearings
Technical Data
TD1030ME/VE, TWD1030ME/VE, TWD1031VE
Type designation ........................................................ TD1030ME TWD1030ME/VE TWD1031VE
Number of cylinders ................................................... 6 6 6
Bore ............................................................................ 120.65 mm (4.75") 120.65 mm (4.75") 120.65 mm (4.75")
Stroke ......................................................................... 140 mm (5.51") 140 mm (5.51") 140 mm (5.51")
Displacement ............................................................. 9.6 dm³ (585.8 in3) 9.6 dm³ (585.8 in3) 9.6 dm³ (585.8 in3)
Compression ratio ...................................................... 18.0:1 18.0:1 18.0:1
Compression pressure at 220 rpm ............................ 2600 kPa (377 psi) 2600 kPa (377 psi) 2600 kPa (377 psi)
Firing sequence .......................................................... 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4 1–5–3–6–2–4
Rotation direction, viewed from the front .................. Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise
Low idle ....................................................................... 600 ± 25 rpm 675 ± 25 rpm 675 ± 25 rpm
High idle ...................................................................... 2390 ± 20 rpm 2420 ± 20 rpm 2250 ± 20 rpm
Engine cut-off speed commences at ......................... 2200 rpm 2200 rpm 2100 rpm
Weight, engine (dry) ................................................... 945 kg (2084 lbs) 975 kg (2150 lbs) 975 kg (2150 lbs)
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Engine Pistons
Cylinder heads Height above block face ........... max. 0.6 mm
Type ........................................... One cylinder head per
Number of ring grooves ............. 3
Front marking ............................ Arrow pointing
Length ........................................ 157 mm (6.18")
Width .......................................... 240 mm (9.45")
Height ......................................... 114.65 mm (4.51")
Piston rings
Compression rings
Cylinder head bolts
Number per cylinder head ......... 4 Number ...................................... 2
Thread size ................................ 3/4"–10 UNC Upper compression ring, height 3.5 mm (0.1378")
Length ........................................ 200 mm (7.87") Lower compression ring, height 3.1 mm (0.1220")
Piston ring gap measured in
ring opening,
upper ring ................................ 0.5 mm (0.0197")
lower ring ................................ 0.4 mm (0.0157")
Cylinder block
Length ........................................ 990 mm (39.01") Oil scraper ring
Height, upper block face –
crankshaft centre (A), min. ....... 438.8 mm (17.28") Number ...................................... 1
Height, lower block face – Height ..................................... 4.7 mm (0.1850")
crankshaft centre (B), min. ....... 120 mm (4.72") Piston ring gap measured in
ring opening,
TD1030, TWD1030 ................. 0.5 mm (0.0197")
TWD1031 ................................ 0.4 mm (0.0157")
Gudgeon pins
Cylinder liners
Type ........................................... Wet, replaceable
Height, total ............................... 287 mm (11.30")
Stepped edge height above
block face .................................. 0.15–0.20 mm
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Inlet Exhaust
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Camshaft bearings
Diameter for machining,
1st bearing .............................. 69.050–69.075 mm
2nd bearing ............................. 66.675–66.700 mm
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Crank mechanism
Crankshaft Oversize,
Length ........................................ 1154 mm (45.43") 0.2 mm (0.008"),
Crankshaft axial clearance ........ 0.06–0.27 mm (axial bear. 0.1 (0.004") .......... 46.175–46.225 mm
(0.0024–0.0106") (1.8179–1.8199")
Main bearings, radial 0.4 mm (0.016"),
clearance ................................... 0.07–0.14 mm (axial bear. 0.2 (0.008") .......... 46.375–46.425 mm
(0.0028–0.0055") (1.8258–1.8278")
0.6 mm (0.024"),
The crankshaft is nitro-carburized.
(axial bear. 0.3 (0.012") .......... 46.575–46.625 mm
Note! A nitro-carburized crankshaft may be ground down (1.8336–1.8356")
to max. 2nd undersize. If ground more, it must be Fillet radius (R) .......................... 3.75–4.00 mm
re-nitro-carburized. (0.1476–0.1575")
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Lubricating system
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Fuel system
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Cooling system
Antifreeze (Glycol) Thermostat
Type ........................................... Sleeve thermostat
Type ........................................... C
Number ...................................... 1
Consists of ................................ Glycol and anti-
Marking (TWD1031) ................... Blue
corrosion additives
(TD1030/TWD1030) ................... Green
Colour ......................................... Blue-green
Volvo Penta part Nos.,
Beginns to open at (TWD1031) . 75°C (167°F)
5 litres (1.32 US gals) ............ 1141646-8
(TD1030/TWD1030) ................... 86°C (187°F)
210 litres (55.48 US gals) ...... 1141647-6
Fully open at (TWD1031) .......... 88°C (190°F)
(TD1030/TWD1030) ................... 96°C (205°F)
Anti-corrosion agent
Used ........................................... When there is no
chance of freezing
Mixed with .................................. Water (1:30)
Volvo Penta part No. ................. 1141526-2
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Max. permitted out-of-round
(with new bearings) .................... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Bearings, max. permitted
Cylinder head tightening diagram
wear ........................................... 0.05 mm (0.0020")
Lift height, min., *
Inlet ......................................... 8.4 mm (0.3307")
Exhaust .................................. 9.0 mm (0.3543")
Valve tappet, max. permitted
radial clearance ......................... 0.08 mm (0.0032")
TD1030, TWD1030, TWD1031
Report form
Do you have any complaints or other comments about this manual. Please
make a copy of this page, write your comments down and send them to us. The
address is at the bottom. We would prefer you to write in English or Swedish.
From: ............................................................................
Proposal/motivation: ..............................................................................................................................................
Date: ................................................................
Signed: .............................................................
AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Göteborg
7738348 English 07–2005