Maximo PM Guide

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Delete PM Use to delete the current record from the MAXIMO


Add to Bookmarks Use to add the current record to your personal

bookmark list.

Using Preventive Maintenance

PM records are templates that contain job plan and scheduling
information for your work assets. You copy this information to other PM
records or to work orders you generate from the PM records.
You can use PM records to plan the labor, materials, and tools needed for
any preventive maintenance, periodic maintenance, or periodic
inspections or certifications. PM records can also be generated on a
seasonal basis, for equipment that is not used year round.
Master PM records are templates for other PM records, called associated
PM records. A master PM does not generate work orders. You use non-
master and associated PM records to generate work orders. You can also
organize non-master PM records into PM hierarchies, from which you
generate corresponding work order hierarchies.
You can use PMs to track non-preventive maintenance that you still need
to figure into your maintenance schedule, for example periodic
CREATING A PM A PM specifies the job plan that defines the work to be performed, and
the frequency criteria according to which it is to be performed.
Creating a PM NOTE: You can set up a PM record for either a piece of equipment or a
Record Location, but not both.
1. Open the PM Application.

2. Click the New PM button in the Toolbar.

3. Enter a unique identifier in the PM field and a description.

Click the Long Description button if you need more space.

4. Fill in the other required fields.

NOTE: Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).

5. Click Save.
CAUTION: You must set a frequency for a PM before MAXIMO can
generate work orders from it.
SETTING PM Frequency is the number of days or meter units that should elapse
FREQUENCY between the generation of preventive maintenance work orders from a
master PM. You can create a PM schedule to generate work orders based
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on elapsed time between work orders or changes to equipment meter
readings over time, or both.
Usually, a PM schedule for a Location measures only elapsed time
between work orders. A typical PM schedule for equipment measures
both elapsed time between work orders and changes to meter readings. If
frequency is based on meter units, MAXIMO checks service hours and
miles on the Meters tab of the Equipment record.
1. Create a PM

2. Click the Frequency tab.

3. Fill in the required fields and any optional fields.

CAUTION: The First Start Date field must be filled in to

activate the PM.

4. Click Save.
MASTER PMS Master PM records are templates for other PM records, called associated
PM records. You can create associated PM records from master PM
records, or make associations between existing PM records and a master
PM. You can use the scheduling information on a master PM record to
update its associated PM records
A Master PM does not generate work orders like a regular PM. Instead,
it controls certain aspects of its associated PMs
CREATING A To create a master PM, follow the procedure described in Creating a
MASTER PM PM and check the Master PM? box next to the description field. Once
you have created a master PM, you can create associated PM records
CREATING Associate PM records are records for individual pieces of equipment or
ASSOCIATED PMS Locations covered by the job plan of a master PM. For example, you
create a master PM for regular oil changes for a certain model truck.
Using that master PM, you would then create one associate PM for each
of the trucks of that model in your fleet
Associate PMs can be created in two ways:
Create associate PMs from a master PM using the Create
Associated PMs action.

Associate existing PMs with a master PM by entering an

identifier in the record s Master PM field.
Once associated with a master PM, updated scheduling information can
be passed from the master PM to the associate PMs using the Update
Associated PMs action.
GENERATING A PM A master PM record specifies work to be performed regularly based on
WORK ORDER elapsed time or on meter readings that can indicate service hours or
mileage. A master PM does not generate work orders

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You use non-master and associated PM records to generate work orders.
Once generated, a PM work order is processed in Work Order Tracking
and Quick Reporting
NOTE: Frequency of a PM must be set before a PM work order can be
generated from the PM
To generate work orders from one or more PM records from the Results
sub tab of the Search tab:

1. Select one or more records by either:

Clicking a single PM record to open it.
Selecting multiple PMs by checking the box next to the
row. If you select a PM in error, click it again to clear the
check box.

2. Choose Generate Work Order from the Actions menu.

3. Enter a number in the Generate WOs Due Today Plus Next

field. For example, to generate work orders for the next week,
enter " 7."

4. Click OK.
MAXIMO displays a message with the work order numbers of
the work orders that have been generated.

5. Click OK
PM HIERARCHIES A PM hierarchy is a group of PMs arranged in parent-child relationships,
much like a work order hierarchy. You use PM hierarchies to generate
hierarchies of scheduled work orders. At the highest level of a PM
hierarchy, there is one PM that is the parent. This top-level PM can have
one or more child PMs. Each child PM can have one or more children,
and so on. A child PM can only have one parent PM
You use PM hierarchies to generate work order hierarchies. Because you
cannot generate work orders from a master PM, master PM records are
never part of a PM hierarchy. You can add a sequence number to each
PM in a PM hierarchy; the sequence number is copied to work orders you
generate from the PM
You cannot delete a PM record that is part of a hierarchy. PM records
that have a parent or child PMs must be removed from their hierarchies
before you can delete them
SEASONAL PMS A seasonal PM is a master PM record that is shut down for a period of
time to accommodate changing equipment or Location needs. After the
work is completed for the season, you can reset the master to be dormant
until the season returns
You might use seasonal PMs related to seasonal work such as air
conditioning maintenance, or servicing snow removal equipment

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To reset a master PM for seasonal work, change the First Start Date
field to the date you want to begin generating work orders again. The
system resets the Counter field to 0 when you enter the current date or a
future date in the First Start Date field

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