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May 30. 2019

BSE Limited.
Corporate Relations Department,
P. ]. Towers. Dalal Street, Mumbai -


Scrip Code: 526899

Symbol: HFIL

Dear Madam / Sir,

Sub: Outcome ofBoard lileeting date held on 30111 May 2019

We bring to your kind notice that the Board Meetinghas been held on

Thursday. 303‘ May 2019 at 4 PM to discuss 8; approve the following Agenda:

1. Audited Financial Results 8; Audit

quarter and year ended
Report for the
31$March, 2019. The Board noted the results and
expressed the urgent need to
turnaround the operations. The Board discussed details of the
steps taken on cost
cutting and revamped management team. Board also directed to issue fresh targets
that were discussed keeping view ofthe current financial
position. Board advised to
monitor the progress on all proposed steps 8: cash generated every month.

2. The progress ofone time settlement of debt with the Banks. Board was informed of
the progress on OTS approval by Banks. it was informed of
deposit of 5% as token
amount for OTS. Board informed that the
proposal slowed down by banks in last
2/3 months due to watch on
general elections and the likelihood

of approval by
banks in next few weeks.

3. Board also approved the liquidation of overdues of some operational creditors by

way of issue and allot up to maximum 500,000
fully paid up Equity Shares on
preferential basis pursuant to Section 42 and Section 62 of Companies Act 2013 and
SEBI (Issue ofCapital and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations 2009, subject to the
approval ofthe members. '

4. Pursuant to Section 42 and Section 62

of Companies Act 2013 and 8831 (Issue of
Capital and Disclosure Requirements] Regulations 2009, subject to the approval of
members it is decided to issue and allot up to maximum 62, 25,000 convertible
Warrants issued to the
promoter/ promoter group, employees and to the public on
preferential issue basis.

Himalaya Food International

: -

Formerly known as Himalya lntemational Ltd.


Contact@HimalayaFoodCompany.com www.HimalayaFoodComiJallll-com
Registered Office : .

Pl an l s


118. 1st Floor 12 A

Gagandeep Buildin g Shubhkhe P s h

b, Vadnagar. Me h 53.“
Rajendra Place New Delhi-110008
:adzgglan: ('325

Tel.: +91-11-45108609
Himachal Gujarat 384 355

Tel.: Te'elax- :+ 9 1-2761-305030

+91-1704-223494. Fax:22517a

Postal Ballot and advise

5. Board approved the fresh equity / warrants allotment by
circulation ofthe notice along with explanatory Statements.

account in scheduled bank to

opening of a separate bank
6. Board also directed for
receive money for issue of fresh equity and warrants from the applicants.

7. Board also approved appointment of Scrutinizerfor Postal Ballot process under

section 110 ofthe Companies Act, 2013.,
8. Board discussed & advised Ramp up of Mushroom operations by using new
substantial Savings in
Technology to replace expensive steel structure leading

capex / replacement cost.

of order of Fried/ Frozen

9. Board expressed satisfaction at fructification & conclusion
and discussed
Toast Products by one of the largest Retail Chains in North America
the way forward to fulfil the aspirations of the most prestigious

This is for your information and record please.

Thanking you,
. Yours truly,

& ompliance Officer
Company Secretary


Himalaya Food Ltd.

CIN : L701020L1992PLCO47399 Formerly known as Himalya lniemational Ltd,

Contact@HimalayaFoodCompany.com www.HimalayaFoodCompany.com

Registered Office: Plants

11%;.1st Floor, 12 Gagandeep Building Shubhkhera, Paonta Sahib, vadnagar_ Mehs'ana

Rajendra Place New Delhi-110008 Himachal Pradesh -

173 025 Gujarat 384 355


Telefax: +91-2761-305030
Tel.: +91-11-45108609 Tel; +91—17o4-223494. Fax225178

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