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Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago

Waukesha 16V275GL
Ariel JGD/6-1
Reciprocating Compressor Package
Unit #: E002453-01/02/03
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Table of Contents
1 Alarm and Shutdown Conditions ................................................................ 4
Alarms ..................................................................................................................... 4
Shutdowns .............................................................................................................. 4
Transmitter Failure and Controller Fail Position ........................................................ 5
Shutdown Bypass..................................................................................................... 5
2 Unit Startup and Shutdown Sequences ...................................................... 6
Start Sequence......................................................................................................... 6
Common Shutdown Sequence ............................................................................... 13
Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Sequence ................................................................... 13
3 Analog Equipment Control (PID) .............................................................. 14
Controller Modes ................................................................................................... 14
Compressor Capacity Control ................................................................................. 14
4 Discrete Equipment Control ..................................................................... 17
Automatic Blowdown Valves Control Modes .......................................................... 17
Suction scrubber drain ESD valve solenoids SDY-2016A (A/B) ................................. 17
Discharge ESD valve solenoids SDY-2014A (A/B) ..................................................... 17
Inlet fuel ESD valve solenoids SDY-2015A (A/B) ...................................................... 17
Startup bypass valve solenoids SDY-2020A (A/B) .................................................... 17
Compressor pre/post-lube oil pump solenoid UY-5104A......................................... 18
Process cooler fan motors (EM-2101A/2102A/2201A/2202A) ................................. 18
5 Signals to Plant ........................................................................................ 18
Compressor run status ........................................................................................... 18
Compressor common shutdown alarm ................................................................... 18
Compressor common trouble alarm ....................................................................... 18
6 PID Tuning ............................................................................................... 19
Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 2 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
List of Tables
Table 1: Shutdown Action Classes .................................................................................................................................4
Table 2: Permissives Required to Move to Step 1 – Ready to Start ..............................................................................6
Table 3: Controller States While Evaluating Active Shutdowns ....................................................................................6
Table 4: Discrete Output States while Evaluating Active Shutdowns ............................................................................6
Table 5: Permissives required to move to Step 2 – Skid Pressure Adjustment .............................................................7
Table 6: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Ready to Start step ...................................................................7
Table 7: Permissives Required to Move to Step 3 – Pre-Lube .......................................................................................8
Table 8: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 2 – Skid Pressure Adjustment ..........................................8
Table 9: Permissives Required to Move to Step 4 – Start Driver ...................................................................................9
Table 10: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 3 – Pre-lube ....................................................................9
Table 11: Permissives Required to Move to Step 5 – Warm-up ....................................................................................9
Table 12: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 4 – Start Driver ...............................................................9
Table 13: Permissives Required to Move to Step 6 – Online .......................................................................................10
Table 14: Discrete Output States while in Step 5 – Warm-up .....................................................................................10
Table 15: Events which will cause the package to go offline .......................................................................................10
Table 16: Controllers Enabled/Disabled in Step 6 – Compressor Online .....................................................................10
Table 17: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 6 – Compressor Online .................................................11
Table 18: Events Which Will Initiate a Cool Down .......................................................................................................11
Table 19: Permissives Required to Move to Post-Lube Step .......................................................................................11
Table 20: Controllers Enabled/Disabled in Step 7 – Cool Down ..................................................................................11
Table 21: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 7 – Post Lube ................................................................12
Table 22: Events Which Will Initiate a Post Lube ........................................................................................................12
Table 23: Permissives Required to Complete Post-Lube Step .....................................................................................12
Table 24: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 8 – Post Lube ................................................................12
Table 25: Capacity Control - Suction / Discharge Pressure PID Controllers.................................................................16
Table 26: Auto Blowdown Valve - Fail States ..............................................................................................................17
Table 25: Auto Blow Down Valves Control Modes ......................................................................................................17

List of Figures
Figure 1: Compressor Capacity Control .......................................................................................................................15

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 3 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
1 Alarm and Shutdown Conditions
A key function of the control system is to protect the compressor, engine, and other equipment by stopping them
if conditions are outside safe operating limits. Discrete switches, analog values from transmitters, or analog values
calculated in the PLC can initiate an alarm or shutdown.

When a shutdown or alarm occurs, the cause of the condition is displayed on the HMI. Any active alarms or
shutdowns are displayed on the active alarms annunciation display. The alarm or shutdown will disappear if the
condition is cleared and the reset button on the local HMI is pushed. An alarm history page is also provided; it lists
all alarms and shutdowns that have occurred.

Alarms are events that are not severe enough to cause a shutdown; however, the information may be of interest
to an operator so the triggered alarm is displayed on the HMI. Input values are compared against engineering
limits to determine if an alarm condition is present.

Shutdown conditions are determined by monitoring analog and discrete input values to determine if a shutdown
condition is present. Some or all the equipment will be disabled on the package depending on the severity of
the shutdown condition.

The control panel is equipped with an emergency shutdown (ESD) push button. When pressed, the ESD button
will disable all equipment on the package and force the equipment to its fail-safe state. All digital outputs will be
de-energized via a hardwired disconnect of power to the digital output module. All analogs outputs will be
forced to 4 mA via the controller logic to reach their fail state.

The cause and effect relationship for each shutdown is listed in the control system Shutdown Key

Shutdowns are classified into three classes as follows:

Table 1: Shutdown Action Classes

Class Description
Shutdown must be clear prior to startup of the unit. There is no start-up bypass time delay associated with
Class A
this shutdown.
Shutdown will be bypassed for x seconds following start-up. The compressor can start without the B
shutdown clear or healthy. The compressor will shut down if any B shutdown is active after the time delay.
Class This allows time for operating conditions to stabilize before arming the shutdown.
Note: Individual equipment failure to run shutdowns are considered to be class B shutdowns; however, the
time delay is generally 10 seconds from the start command for the affected equipment.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 4 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Transmitter Failure and Controller Fail Position
All transmitter errors such as loss of wire or out of range are to be treated with the highest-level action
associated with the device as follows:

 Shutdown transmitter - The above error would cause a trip and drive the input into a shutdown state
 Control or alarm transmitter - An alarm would be indicated. In general, a PID loop controller will hold
the last output value upon transmitter or PV signal failure.

Shutdown Bypass
The control system is equipped with screens, which allow the operator to put analog and digital input devices
into bypass mode. This allows for maintenance or testing on devices without triggering related shut downs in
the package. Only one bypass at a time is allowed at a time. Critical items like ESD, valve and motor status
failures, oil circuit protection cannot be bypassed. Once a device is put in bypass mode a timer (default 5
minutes) will begin counting down. An alarm will flag as soon as a bypass is enabled to notify and record that a
bypass was used. When there is one-minute left on the bypass timer a warning will appear, which indicates that
the bypass is about to expire. Once the timer expires all bypasses will be reset. If necessary to extend the timer
a reset button can be pressed which will restart the bypass timer. Login credentials are required to use the
shutdown bypass feature. The unit cannot be started while bypasses are active.

Note: All tags in this document are based on E002453-01 unit.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 5 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
2 Unit Startup and Shutdown Sequences
Start Sequence
The compressor control system has been designed to provide an auto start sequence that must be initiated by
the operator once all pre-start checks and startup permissives have been validated. The “Startup” screen in the
HMI indicates the current start sequence step dynamically.

At any point in time during the start sequence, the operator can set the auto loading of the compressor to “on”
or “off”. If auto loading is turned on the capacity control output limit will be gradually ramped to 100% and
automated PID loops will be enabled. If auto loading is turned off, the capacity control output limit will be
ramped to 0% and the automated PID control loops will be disabled.
Note: The compressor will not begin to load until warm-up step is complete.

Below is the sequence of events for the startup of the compressor and engine:

Step 0 – Evaluate Active Shutdowns

The start sequence will remain in Step 0 until all active shutdowns are cleared.
Table 2: Permissives Required to Move to Step 1 – Ready to Start
 All active shutdowns must be cleared. For this to occur all analog instruments must be within
operating setpoints, all digital shutdowns must be satisfied, and reset button must be pressed.
 Compressor oil temperature must be above 0 °C before proceeding
 All shutdown bypasses must be clear

Table 3: Controller States While Evaluating Active Shutdowns

Controller Enabled / Notes
PIC-2002A Disabled Set to Software Manual with 0% output
Master Suction Pressure Control
PIC-1301A Disabled Set to Software Manual with 0% output
Master Discharge Pressure
Control PID

Table 4: Discrete Output States while Evaluating Active Shutdowns

Output Energized / Notes
BDY-2017A Energized Refer to Section Automatic Blowdown Valves
Blowdown Valve Solenoids (Typically) Control Modes for full description of blowdown
SDY-2016A Energized These solenoids are de-activated only during ESD.
Suction Scrubber Drain ESD (Typically) See section 4.
Valve Solenoids
SDY-2014A De-Energized N/A
Discharge ESD Valve Solenoids

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 6 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
SDY-2015A Energized These solenoids are de-activated only during ESD.
Inlet Fuel ESD Valve Solenoids (Typically) See section 4.
SDY-2020A De-Energized N/A
Startup Bypass Valve Solenoids
UY-5104A De-Energized N/A
Compressor Pre/Post-Lube
Pump Solenoid
YS-2101A De-Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2101A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2102A De-Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2102A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2201A De-Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2201A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2202A De-Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2202A
Run/Stop Signal
ESM-RUN De-Energized N/A
Engine Driven Equipment Ready
ESM-STR De-Energized N/A
Engine Start Signal
COM-ALM See Note Energized if no ESD and no alarms present.
Compressor Common Trouble
Alarm Signal to Plant PLC
COM-SD De-Energized N/A
Compressor Common Shutdown
Alarm Signal to Plant PLC
YX-2101A De-Energized N/A
Compressor Run Status Signal to
Plant PLC

Step 1 – Ready to Start

The start sequence will remain in Step 1 until a start command is issued by the operator. If a process
shutdown comes in while ready to start the sequence will return to step 0. When the start command is
pressed all controllers and HOA will be set to auto.
Table 5: Permissives required to move to Step 2 – Skid Pressure Adjustment

 Start button is pressed on HMI

Table 6: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Ready to Start step

Output Energized / Notes
BDY-2017A Energized
Blowdown Valve Solenoids

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 7 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
SDY-2016A Energized
Suction Scrubber Drain ESD
Valve Solenoids
SDY-2015A Energized
Inlet Fuel ESD Valve Solenoids
COM-SD Energized
Compressor Common Shutdown
Alarm Signal to Plant PLC

Step 2 – Skid Pressure Adjustment

In order for the compressor to start properly, the suction pressure of the package must be within the
minimum and maximum start-up setpoints (adjustable from HMI). If the suction pressure is above the
maximum start-up pressure, then the compressor will blowdown until it reaches the maximum start-up
pressure setpoint. If the suction pressure is below the minimum start-up pressure, the operator must
check/adjust upstream inlet valve to ensure the minimum start-up pressure setpoint is reached.
Table 7: Permissives Required to Move to Step 3 – Pre-Lube
 Gas inlet pressure PIT-2002A is greater than minimum start-up pressure setpoint.
 Gas inlet pressure PIT-2002A is less than maximum start-up pressure setpoint.
 Note: If the above permissives are not met within the allocated maximum pressure adjustment time,
the start sequence will be aborted.

Table 8: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 2 – Skid Pressure Adjustment

Output Energized / Notes
BDY-2017A Energized If depressurization is required, then solenoids are
Blowdown Valve Solenoids See Notes de-energized
SDY-2020A Energized N/A
Startup Bypass Valve Solenoids

Step 3 – Pre-lube

Prior to running the unit, it is important that the compressor has adequate lubrication. The compressor
pre-lube pump is controlled via solenoid UY-5104A. The sequence will stay in the pre-lube step until the
compressor oil pressure reaches the minimum oil pressure permissive setpoint, and maintains this
pressure for a minimum of 120 seconds. Once the minimum timer has expired, the sequence will move to
the “Start Driver” step. If the compressor pre-lube pump runs for a maximum amount of time (adjustable
from HMI) without reaching the permissive, the start sequence will be aborted. Engine pre-lube is
controlled by ESM.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 8 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Table 9: Permissives Required to Move to Step 4 – Start Driver
 Compressor Oil Pressure meets the required minimum permissive setpoint
 Compressor Oil Pressure maintains required minimum permissive setpoint for the set minimum pre-
lube time. (Ariel compressors require a minimum of 120 seconds of maintained pre-lube pressure)
 Note: If the above permissives are not met within the allocated maximum pre-lube time, the start
sequence will be aborted.

Table 10: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 3 – Pre-lube

Output Energized / Notes
UY-5104A Energized N/A
Compressor Pre/Post-Lube
Pump Solenoid

Step 4 – Start Driver

Once in the “Start Driver” step, the control system will send a signal to the ESM to initiate the engine
start. All fuel and ignition sequencing is done internally in the ESM. The “Start Driver” step is considered
complete once minimum speed permissive of the engine is complete. If this speed is not reached in a
maximum amount of time (Max Crank Time setpoint adjustable from HMI) the “Start Driver” step will
retry to start and a crank attempt will be recorded. There will be a pause in between crank attempts
(adjustable from HMI). If the maximum number of crank attempts is exceeded the start sequence will be

Table 11: Permissives Required to Move to Step 5 – Warm-up

 Minimum engine speed setpoint is reached.
 Note: If the maximum number of crank attempts is exceeded then the start sequence will be

Table 12: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 4 – Start Driver

Output Energized / Notes
UY-5104A De-Energized  De-energized as soon as the engine starts to
Compressor Pre/Post-Lube crank
Pump Solenoid
ESM-RUN Energized
Engine Driven Equipment Ready
ESM-STR Energized  The ESM Engine start relay is pulsed for 20
Engine Start Signal seconds as per ESM requirement

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 9 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Step 5 –Compressor Warm Up and Minimum Load

While in the Warm-up step, the engine will run at idle speed. It will continue to do so until the engine
jacket water and compressor oil temperatures meet their set permissives (adjustable from HMI). In
addition to these permissives, there is a minimum warm-up timer that must expire prior to going online.
This ensures that the oil and jacket water have a chance to circulate and ensure that there is not an
inaccurate reading on the temperatures. Once the temperature permissives have been met and the
minimum start time has completed, the engine will ramp up to minimum load speed. It will remain
running at minimum load speed until the operator pushes the “Auto Load” button located on the HMI in
case it is disabled. At this point, the package will be considered online and all PID loops will become
Table 13: Permissives Required to Move to Step 6 – Online
 Compressor oil temperature meets minimum permissive setpoint (adjustable from HMI)
 Engine Jacket Water temperature meets minimum permissive setpoint (adjustable from HMI)
 Minimum Warm-up timer expires
 “Auto Load” is set to on.
 Engine speed reaches minimum load speed (an optional dead-band can be added if the min load
speed cannot be reached)

Table 14: Discrete Output States while in Step 5 – Warm-up

Output Energized / Notes
YX-2101A Energized N/A
Compressor Run Status Signal to
Plant PLC

Step 6 – Compressor Online

When online all PID loops are enabled, the compressor will operate to maintain the set operating
conditions. It will continue to run in this manner until either an operator stop request is initiated, a
process shutdown, or an ESD occurs. If at any time when the compressor is online and the “Auto Load” is
set to off, the package will ramp to a fully unloaded state (compressor motor at minimum speed and
bypass valve is fully open). It will remain this way until “Auto Load” is turned back on.
Table 15: Events which will cause the package to go offline
 Local or Remote Stop is initiated
 Process Shutdown Occurs
 Emergency Shutdown Occurs

Table 16: Controllers Enabled/Disabled in Step 6 – Compressor Online

Controller Enabled / Notes
PIC-2002A Enabled
Master Suction Pressure
Control PID

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 10 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
PIC-1301A Enabled
Master Discharge Pressure
Control PID

Table 17: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 6 – Compressor Online

Output Energized / Notes
SDY-2014A Energized N/A
Discharge ESD Valve Solenoids
SDY-2020A De-Energized N/A
Startup Bypass Valve Solenoids
YS-2101A Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2101A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2102A Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2102A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2201A Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2201A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2202A Energized N/A
Process Cooler Motor EM-2202A
Run/Stop Signal

Step 7 – Cool Down

If a “Soft Stop” of the package is initiated, then the start sequence will move to the cool down step. In
this step, the engine is ramped to idle speed and the bypass valve is ramped fully open. The package will
run in this state until the cool down at idle timer expires. If for any reason the engine is unable to ramp to
idle speed, then the cool down will complete when a maximum cool down timer expires. Upon
completion of this step, the start sequence will move to the post lube step.
Table 18: Events Which Will Initiate a Cool Down
 “Stop” pushbutton is pressed on the local HMI
 “Remote Stop” is initiated from the plant PLC

Table 19: Permissives Required to Move to Post-Lube Step

 Engine at idle speed and cool down at idle timer expires
 Maximum cool down timer expires
 Process shutdown occurs during Cool Down Step

Table 20: Controllers Enabled/Disabled in Step 7 – Cool Down

Controller Enabled / Notes
PIC-2002A Disabled  Ramped to 0%
Master Suction Pressure Control

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 11 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
PIC-1301A Disabled  Ramped to 0%
Master Discharge Pressure
Control PID

Table 21: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 7 – Post Lube

Output Energized / Notes
SDY-2020A Energized
Startup Bypass Valve Solenoids

Step 8 – Post Lube

Upon completion of the cool down, or after any process shutdown the Post Lube step will be initiated. At
this time, the compressor and engine post lube pumps will be turned on in order to prevent damage to
the equipment that can occur from hard stops. The most important aspect of this step is to provide oil to
the engine turbo chargers while they spin to a stop. The post lube will continue until the minimum post
lube timer has expired, at which point the start sequence will be reset. If there are no shutdowns
present, the sequence will be ready to restart. If there are process shutdowns active, they would have to
be cleared prior to restarting the package.
Table 22: Events Which Will Initiate a Post Lube
 Cool Down step is complete
 Process Shutdown occurs

Table 23: Permissives Required to Complete Post-Lube Step

 Post Lube timer expires
 Note: If process shutdowns are present move to “Step 0 – Evaluate Active Shutdowns”
 Note: If no process shutdowns are present move to “Step 1 – Ready to Start”

Table 24: Discrete Outputs Energized/De-Energized in Step 8 – Post Lube

Output Energized / Notes
UY-5104A Energized
Compressor Pre/Post-Lube
Pump Solenoid
ESM-RUN De-Energized
Engine Driven Equipment Ready
YS-2101A De-Energized
Process Cooler Motor EM-2101A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2102A De-Energized
Process Cooler Motor EM-2102A
Run/Stop Signal
YS-2201A De-Energized
Process Cooler Motor EM-2201A
Run/Stop Signal
Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 12 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
YS-2202A De-Energized
Process Cooler Motor EM-2202A
Run/Stop Signal
YX-2101A De-Energized
Compressor Run Status Signal to
Plant PLC

Common Shutdown Sequence

A common shutdown will occur when the unit control panel determines that a protection limit has been reached
per the shutdown key documentation. The following will occur when a common shutdown has been initiated:

 The engine is stopped

 Engine post lube does occur
 PID loops are disabled

Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Sequence

If an emergency shutdown has been triggered by the local ESD pushbutton on the unit control panel, the
building ESD pushbuttons, or the remote ESD signal, then the following events occur:

 The engine is stopped via ESM ESD contacts

 Engine and compressor post lube does not occur
 All PID loops are disabled
 All auxiliary equipment and control valves are shut down to their fail-safe states
 The auto blowdown valves will open immediately and vent the unit piping to the common vent header

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 13 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
3 Analog Equipment Control (PID)
The reciprocating compressor package incorporates several control features to allow the unit to safely operate in
an automated fashion. The control system monitors the process variables and adjusts itself to maintain the
predetermined operating conditions. The following sections describe the control loops that have been
programmed into the PLC.

Controller Modes
Each control loop in the system is programmed to operate in either “Auto” or “Manual” mode. In “Auto” mode,
the PID output is controlled according the automated control scheme. “Manual” mode allows the operator to
set the control output manually to any value within the valid range of 0-100%.

Compressor Capacity Control

Compressor capacity is controlled by two master PID loops. The two master controllers are suction and
discharge pressure. The lower controller output becomes the capacity control setpoint. The higher controller
output tracks the lower controller by 2% above. The capacity control setpoint is split between speed control and
bypass valve. The lower portion of the capacity setpoint controls the bypass valve and the upper portion controls
the engine speed. The split is adjustable, so that speed and bypass valve control can overlap to allow the engine
to start to speed up before the bypass valve is fully closed. The user enters the limits (‘Load Min’ and ‘Load Max’)
from the HMI. Capacity control is active when the unit run state is “Online” and “Auto-LOAD” is ON.

Both the engine speed and the bypass control valve position can be controlled automatically or manually by the
operator depending on the position of the “Auto” / “Manual” soft selector hand switch located in the HMI.

“Auto” Mode

 The bypass valve position and engine speed are determined via capacity control PID controllers
(as shown in Figure 1: Compressor Capacity Control).
 The output of the low signal select is then split as follows:

0% - A% Load Output to the bypass control valve, which

(A = typically 50%) controls the valve 0-100% closed

Output to the engine speed, which

B% - 100% Load manipulates the speed set point between
(B = typically 50%) the minimum and maximum speed set

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 14 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
“Manual” Mode

 This mode can be activated via the HMI

 In this mode, the operator can enter a desired output percentage for the bypass valve position or
a desired engine speed in RPM. This mode is primarily for maintenance purposes.

The following Figure 1: Compressor Capacity Control depicts the compressor capacity control configuration:

Figure 1: Compressor Capacity Control

PIC-2002A PIC-1301A
Master suction Master discharge
pressure control pressure control

Low Select


Split Range

[Recycle Min %] to [Recycle Max %] [Driver Min %] to [Driver Max %]


PY-2018A SY-2018A
Recycle Valve Driver Speed

Manual Manual
Setpoint Setpoint

Se Se

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 15 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
The following Table 25 provides a brief description of the suction pressure and discharge pressure PID
controllers used in the capacity control configuration:

Table 25: Capacity Control - Suction / Discharge Pressure PID Controllers

Controller Details
Master Suction PID Type: Direct Acting
Controller PIC-2002A Feedback Input: Gas Inlet Pressure (PIT-2002A)
Output: 0-100% (Scaled)
Parameters:  Control Set Point
 PID tuning parameters (Gain, Reset, Rate)
 Manual Control (Operator may set the controller output)
Enabled: Enabled in Step 6 when compressor is online
Notes:  The controller output will decrease in low suction pressure
conditions and increase during high suction pressure conditions.
Master Discharge PID Type: Reverse Acting
Controller PIC-1301A Feedback Input: Final Discharge Pressure (PT-1301A)
Output: 0-100% (Scaled)
Parameters:  Control Set Point
 PID tuning parameters (Gain, Reset, Rate)
 Manual Control (Operator may set the controller output)
Enabled: Enabled in Step 6 when compressor is online
Notes: The controller output will increase in low discharge pressure
conditions and decrease during high discharge pressure conditions.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 16 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
4 Discrete Equipment Control
Automatic Blowdown Valves Control Modes
The automatic blow down valve is used to relieve pressure within the compressor package during different shut
down situations, apart from an Emergency Shutdown (Local or Plant initiated). The package will only blowdown
to the maximum allowable startup pressure (based on the suction pressure). The blowdown valves on this
package are listed below.
Table 26: Auto Blowdown Valve - Fail States
Device Control Tag Fail State
Blowdown Valve BDV-2017A Open

There are 3 situations which will trigger a blowdown sequence, these are described below in table below:

Table 27: Auto Blow Down Valves Control Modes

Trigger Trigger Description Blowdown Operation

Emergency A unit or plant emergency Upon this shutdown, the blowdown valve will immediately open
Shutdown shutdown or loss of power to and remain open until the Emergency Shutdown is cleared and
the control panel immediately reset.
stops the driver and does not Note: During an emergency shutdown all equipment will be in its
execute any post-lube. fail state.
Start If in Step 2 (Skid Pressure The blowdown valve will open and remain open until the relevant
Sequence Adjustment) and suction suction pressure is below its maximum startup setpoint. Once
Initiated pressure is above the startup this occurs, the blowdown valve will close and the start sequence
setpoint. will proceed.
Manual The manual blowdown At any time when the package is stopped and the start sequence
Blowdown pushbutton on the local HMI is has not been initiated, the operator can manually open the
pressed. automatic blowdown valve using the local HMI.

Suction scrubber drain ESD valve solenoids SDY-2016A (A/B)

This drain ESD valve is closed only during Emergency Shutdown. Otherwise, it is always open.

Discharge ESD valve solenoids SDY-2014A (A/B)

This discharge ESD valve is open once the warmup is complete and the compressor is online. This valve will close
during ESD or once the post-lube is complete.

Inlet fuel ESD valve solenoids SDY-2015A (A/B)

This inlet fuel ESD valve is closed only during Emergency Shutdown. Otherwise, it is always open.

Startup bypass valve solenoids SDY-2020A (A/B)

This startup bypass valve is open once the unit is started and closes once warm up is complete.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 17 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Compressor pre/post-lube oil pump solenoid UY-5104A
Compressor pre-lube is enabled in step 3 Pre-lube and remains on until engine begins to crank. Also, this pump is
enabled in post-lube step 8.

Process cooler fan motors (EM-2101A/2102A/2201A/2202A)

These are MCC controlled motors to cool down discharge gas from compressor discharge. The motors are
started as part of the start sequence.

5 Signals to Plant

Compressor run status

Compressor run status is enabled when the unit starts running in Warm-up step and stays on until the unit stops
for shutdown (stays on while the compressor is rotating).

Compressor common shutdown alarm

Compressor common fault is disabled if there are any shutdowns present.

Compressor common trouble alarm

Compressor common trouble alarm is disabled if there are any alarms present.

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 18 of 19
Enerflex Document #: G01-E002453-01-001

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy

National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
6 PID Tuning
The proportional/integral/derivative (PID) equation is a popular method to control a process with varying external
conditions. The compressor application uses PID control to maintain process conditions at desirable levels. The PID
terms and abbreviations are as follows:

 Set Point (SP): The desired pressure or temperature or level or flow or speed
 Process Variable (PV): The actual pressure or temperature or level or flow or speed being measured
 Error (E): The difference between the set point and the process variable
 Control Variable (CV): The output of the PID equation, which is used to manipulate a valve to affect the
process conditions

The calculation is performed every 100 ms (dt). The CV is calculated using three constants in the PID equation:

 Proportional (KC): A value directly proportional to the error in the system. KC is the controller gain and
its value affects all three terms. This is the dependent form of the equation (ISA Standard).
 Integral (TI): The integral time in minutes and works to reduce the error in the system. The longer the
error exists in the system and the greater the error, the greater the effect of the integral term.
 Derivative (TD): The derivative time in minutes and it looks at how quickly process conditions are
changing. The faster the conditions change, the greater the effect on the derivative term.

The three factors KC, TI, and TD are adjusted to vary the respective effect of the proportional, integral and
derivative terms and are therefore used to tune the PID equation.

Tuning Tips

When changing the tuning parameters make small changes (such as 0.1 for gain and integral) and monitor the
effect on the process. Simulate changes to the process by changing the set point by a realistic amount and make
changes to the following three parameters as follows:

 Proportional (KC): When the gain is increased, the controller will react more quickly when an error is
introduced to the system. If the gain is too high, however, the controller will oscillate and it will not be
able to maintain the process at the desired set point. If the gain is gradually increased until the controller
begins to oscillate, reduce the gain by ½ before continuing with tuning. Note: A change to the gain affects
all three terms.
 Integral (TI): The integral time should be set close to the natural period of the system. This is the time
between peaks when the controller is oscillating. Increase the integral time constant to reduce the speed
at which the controller works away at the system error.
 Derivative (TD): The derivative time can be set at 0 and increased by small increments (0.01) if necessary

Project #: E002453-01/02/03
Customer / Description: National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, JGD/6-1, Reciprocating Compressor
Created by: Yelena Snider
Date: August 24, 2017
Revision #: A Page 19 of 19

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